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Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING TIMES, WASHINGTON,' TUESDAY, APEH 17, 1900. t91 I it ta,- i- A - g'.l'd1 .i-j'' ' f yY. ' i.l'i i. i..-- ' ' ' ' ''" ' mm I- -9? i V. rtii King of Tonics liMM , rf 1 L'Mii.; PI Avvetizet before meats IS-aM l CI7 at? m TO Ti t a & a ft ? a m f fil s ?ailnl :I;.'1!i' Tonic of Kings'' ' : --;. I l,:i '''if' General Tonic at all times l':Iul. mm .!ii:i Si WW i"-iS:p.i H,4M & $&&. !& i"-'-i- yk ' i'Hii!I K . . .tits..-. d:..i.i::.i. '.''""t'-ri'r . :' , ' lU, " ':'i M -i"Xi' -.". : -''Jii's.SF-..: -: - ...-. ', i ii riV"-'--!'-' -! !'f'l1'''' -" -j,!- '!' j: fLzA ." T.i ' ,'r1'i jjlmif rr-- ' ' ' ' "' ' '-r"j- " Ifi i"-,; '''-"''-""- """ "" i tJjlji.-ii-ii-hi-'ifiiV- : ""'''- , i-L HIS HOLINESS POPE LE HI AWARDS GOLD MEDAL ' 'i- HIS HOLINESS POPE LEO XIII. Alter Portrait by Chartran. tee fff jrw (rocf mfa presented hy His Holiness Pope Leo XIIL to Monsieur Angelo Marian, in recognition of benefits re-., ceived from Vin Marinni, the ' World Famous Tohict . jjf Hv: 1ETTER H 4.-4 -1 sr -j FROM HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL RAMPOLLA, "Rome, Jans2 "It has pleased His Holiness to instruct me to transmit in his august name his thanks to Monsieur Matianl and to testify again in a special manner his gratitude. His Holiness has even deigned to offer Monsieur; Mariani a Gold Medaljbearing his venerable image. "CARDINAL RAMPQLLA:K. jHl FACSIMILE OF GOLD MEDAL. VIN MARIANI fQRTIFinS, NOURISHES AND STIMULATES. IT RESTORES WEALTH, ENERGY and FJTRENGTH. VITALITY. NEVER MAS ANYTHINQ BEEN SO HIGHLY AND SO JUSTLY PRAISED AS' MARIAN! WINE, the WORLD FAMOUS TONITfprBODYiNERyESaoa BRAIN, WHEN ILL, OVERWORKED OR FATIGUED. i VIN MARIANI ! i is pronounced by all wlio i.e it 1 i unequalled m cases of j LA GRIPPE, MALARIA. "d WASTING DISEASE ! MAKES BLOOD j AND-REJUVENATE?.- ' WRITTEN INDORSEMENTS FROM .WOR;THAN 8,000 .LEADING PHYSICIANS. rTo avoid disappointment refuse ail substitutes and insist upon: receiving Vin Mariani ja orig inal bottle TO RECEIVElLLUSfRATED"BOOKCUT OUT THIS COUPON 'coupon j. Upon rciFfoTthis'coupon'Marianr5t'fo..''52 West Fifteenth stT New York. -wni send, free of alt charge, a" beautiful mtle Album containing portraits of "Emperors, Empresj, Princes, Cardinate, Archbishopj and other distinjutshed personages wtio use and recommend this mirvellous wine, together with explicit and interesting deUUs on the subject. This little album is well worth writing ' for; it ts distributed gratuitously, jind will be appreciated by att wnpreceive It MAGIANI & CO.,, -52 West 15th 8. S, i fm tkimiurtit Vin Mariani is sold at all drug stores throughout the world. Is. not sold in bulk. Avoids substitutes ?,r , 'MontrcaIr-37' Stj. James, .Street';.. ; .'Paris 4 J j&oulcvatd Haussmanm, . i &Pniorir;83 Mortimer Street Afc- 1 r ' .-: - s ' i rti -- -. ..ww,' -