OCR Interpretation

The evening times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, April 24, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1901-04-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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< < be beNLIBFR ltuiu fltintt 3 3NL
The Taft Commission Fails to Form FormCivil FormCivil
Civil Government in Samar SamarSix SainarSI
Six SI IlnnIrel Armed Fililil1o Yet in inthcFic111 influ
thcFic111 flu PeJ1 on That lhntI lnnllisit or ofthe
111 the c Anlericnn < tu CntbRlft C1tbKlo81I 1n Pre lrcCCIIC1
CCIICI1 1 13 a Yinous Attack AttacklIAJrL ttnckMANILA
MANILA April 2tIt tIt is probable probablethat prbab1ethat
that t there yUI iL1 be r dvil government governmentestablished overmnent overmnentestablished
established in the Island of Samar fO for forsome 1
some time to come as the Taft Com Commission Comrssion
mission b3 has s found that at matters thee thereare 1 1are
are fa far from promlS1 promising promisingThe g gThe
The Comn11ssion went to the island islandwith islandwih
with wih t th intentitn of organizing civil civilrule civilrule
rule as it had done elsewhere but left leftsuddenly leftudden1y
suddenly without accomplishing its itspurpose itspurpose
purpose The members learned that thatth thatthere
th there re were fun fully six hundred insu insurgeits insurgeitsall elts eltsall
all of whom are supplied with rifles rifleset riflesyet
yet et out there and that the Filipinos in indicate indicate
dicate nO desire to come in and give up uptheir uptheir
their weapons weaporuThere weaponsThere
There are forty towns in Samar and andonly andonly
only seven of them are garrisoned by byAmerican byAmerican
American troops Seven companies of ofthe I Ithe
the First Infant Infantry and one light battery batteryare I Iare
are performing the military services servicesdemanded I Idemanded
demanded demandedWhen 1 1Yhen
When the members ot the Commis Commission 1 1sion
sion TIre In Samar the they weremet by byrepresentath byrepresentatives
representatives es from the seven yard garrisoned yardsoned
soned towns who asked that military militarydetachments militarydetachments
detachments be sent to the remaining remainingthIrtythree remainingthirtythree
thIrtythree which are practically un unguarded unguarded
guarded guardedThe guardedThe
The Commission promised to ask for foran foran
an increased military force on its re return return
turn to Manila and it is believed that tratthe thatthe
the troops in Samar will be largely in increaselY increased
creased within a short time timeJust timeJust
Just before the arrival of the mem members membern
bern of the Taft Commission at Catba Catbalogan Catbalogan
logan yesterday a large body of insur insurgents insuryenta
gents fired into the place from the hIlls hiIIsand hIllsand
and caused great excitement among among the theInhabitantS theInhabitants
InhabitantS The firing resulted in no nod nodamage
d damage nage and a body pf Jf troops went out outthis outthis
this morning to pursue and capture the theInsurgents theinsurgents
Insurgents InsurgentsDuring insurgentsDuring
During the past few days th the Philip PhiJippine Philippine
pine Commission ba15 has received numer numerous numerous
ous Indications that there are man manFilipInos many manyFilipinos
FilipInos who have not yet been s sub subduedand b bduooand
duooand seem to b have ve no intention of ofghiIig ofgiving
giving np to the Americans Not a lit little littie
tie uneasiness has been caused by the tbeilis theliscevery
ilis liscevery ove of the condition of affairs in inSamar inSamar
Samar and it lt1s is understood that the theCommission theCommission
Commission will recommend an imme immediate Immediate
diate and active eampaign in that Tel island Teland
and for the purpose of suppressing the theJa thelarge
Ja large e number of riflemen now in con contro1 control
tro1 of the situation outside of the theplaces theplaces
places garrisoned by the American Americantroops Americantroops
troops troopsSuRRENDERED troopsSDRBDBBED
InKurent Officers and Dol flO1nien men Lay LnyDonn LayDown
Down Their Arnni ArnniIArLA rnul rnulYAILA
YAILA April 24Qne hundred and and1iteen andilfteen
1iteen insurgent o officers icers and 137 bolo bolorne bob bobTeen
rne Teen surrendered to the Americans at atNarbacan atarbaean
Narbacan arbaean onAnrlI on April 22 22The 22They
The They also presented rolls of member membershJp membership
ship which showed that the the seret secret organ organizton organlzation
izton lzation knw known a as the Ktpna Katipunan Soet Soeteiste Society Societyexisted
eiste existed in an bro broAGAST barrios barriosAA1NST
A 1loenent oTcnlent In EnJlnnil England to EeJude EeJudeThen EcudThcrn
Then FroI From tle the Turf TurfL01ON TurfLONDON
L01ON LONDON Aprl AprIl 2Te 2tThe movement movementaginst movementagainst
aginst against the Amern American jkcs jockeys ridin riding here hereIs lcre lcreIs
Is gewi growing g stronger robt r ever every day an and the thepublc thepublic
publc public ower owners a and Englsh English jkeys Jockeys have bavejoined havejoined
joined togethr togetbar In an at attmpt mpt to do down te the theYankees
Yankees YankeesTe Yankees YankeesThe
Te The feelng feeling is much more biter bitter than thanlas thanlast
las last yer year and It seems ems ver very prbabTe probabTe that thatsome thatsome
some actn action wi will be te taken Sn soon whih which may mayrd mayrid
rd rid the E English lsh tur turf of the Americans Americanswho eran eranwho
who b by their clever leyer hremaniP horsemanship out outcas outclass
cas class the native jkeys jkeysohnn Jockeys JockeysJohnnyReifrs
JohnnyReifrs ohnn Relfs win of the Gret Great Metro Metropobitan Ietro IetropoHtn
poHtn pobitan Stke Stakes of 10 lOOO svereig sovereigns at the theEpsm theEpcom
Epsm Epcom srirg spring metng meeting yeterday yesterday on H H J JXngs JXlrig
Xngs Xlrig s Evaslt ba has gven given the antAmeri antAmerican antiAmerj antiAmerjcan
can crowd quite a shk Shock Te The bd bad be beglning
gllning glning of te the AercD Americans durng duringthe te pt ptfew past pastfew
few wee weeks cue caused lod loud re rejklng ilng and andmy andmany
my delrtons declarations tht that theJ they woul would nt not be beble bebIe
ble to win a single Imorant imsortant rce race raceWhile
Whie While Easlt I is a ro good hI horse the bt bttng bet bettiny
tng tiny went agIns agaInst her on accnt account 0C the theasset theassertion
asset assertion that Rif Reiff woul would b be unabe unabe to togl toguide
gl guide < e her over sch such a long core course The Thevctor Thevictory
vctor victory umpM umpMATTACK umpheATTACKS augr augurs weI well for American Amercn tri triumpM tn tnumphe
Relelsrnth Belcburatbt Dce clegatea nte Angry n With WithArchduke
Archduke Franz FerlUnnnd
VXXA VIENXA Apl April 2Te 24The chmpommlp championship oC oCtbe ofthe
the Cte Catholic cs cause by Archuke Archduke Frz FrzFer Franz FranzFerdinand
Fer Ferdinand nan her heir prumptve presumptive to the tbrne tbrnewa thrrnewas
wa was aga again the sbjt subject of uprorus uproarious dI die diecusslon
cUon cusslon In the Rebrth Reicharath yeterday yeterdayTe yesterday yesterdayThe
Te The iiouae o ws was n not in gentl gentIe mo moodS moodShaving
bavng having just st b been enge engaged in an aJercon aJerconun altercaijon altercaijonS
S un anthr another topc topic in whch which sch such epihet epithets as asdlrt
dr dlrt 1a liar an and prflos perfidious scunrel scunrelh8 scoundrel scoundrelbad
h8 bad been bi bandied an and the attck attacks on the thenchuke thearchduke
nchuke archduke an and cclm clenicahism wen genaly genalyme generally generallymade
me made In te the 1t most v1lt vboleat tems temsPoUtcl terms termsPolitical
PoUtcl Political oener observers blfeve believe that th the end endIs
Is Uke hikehir to b be more srs serious than the be beginning
gnnB ginning The nwspr newspapers sy say tt that the Em Empror Emparer
pror parer haj has dkvlwe disavowed hl5 hI nephews acU6n acU6nand
a and that that he h has cmmane commanded him to e sver sverIs sever severhis
his ff60 Is et eonnectlon wth with the Cthi Catholic Asia AsiateD Asaoei Asaoeiff60
teD teDA
A THATRE THEATRE FA PAILS TO PAY PAYAerlmoniousDlcnlllon PA PAAcrimonious
AerlmoniousDlcnlllon Acrimonious Discussion of tIle Ln Lndon Lon Lona
a don Lyceum Slnreholcerl SlnreholcerlLNDOX ShlurelioJbers ShlurelioJbersLONDON
LNDOX LONDON Aprl April 2At the themeeting mtng or ort orthe
t the fhar shareholders oJer of te the Lyceum Teate TeateSir Theatre TheatreSir
Sir Her Henry Tnlns Trrlnga toay today th the fact tat tatno that thatno
no dividend eoul4 be declared bed to
dhdnd cW b re le an anucmonlO anacnimonloosa
ucmonlO acnimonloosa dso diseusafon Severa Several of the thetkhs theatoekbohders
atoekbohders tkhs a said tey they were not In a p po popities
pities li t 4 p PSY far < cultvaing cultivating the hlghr hlghrfo higher highertotrn
fo totrn of drm drama aa and sggeste suggested that lighter UgMerri lighterworks
works ri b be sbttute substituted One sharehlder sharehldersugee shareholder shareholdersuggested
sugee suggested tht that It wOld would be a go good scheme schemeto heme hemeto
to tur turn th the hs house fntoa into a vaiet variety thetre thetreThe
Te The caran thalrman of the metng meeting expressed expressedthe
the h hope that Sir Henr Henry Irvlngs tour of oftheVn ofthe
theVn the jJM4ed Stte States wol would b be prouctve productive ot otrel ofresults
rel results tt that woul would ater alter the sate state of affairs affairsI
I 1n ini9L ini9LA 1 1A
Thc Wilson 1101 Liner Ontario Return Returning Return1n
ing 1n to QueenJtown QueenJtownQUBENSO Queenstown QueenstownQUEENSTOWN
QUBENSO QUEENSTOWN Aprl April 24Te 24The Wis WIlson WIlsonline
lne line stemship steamship Ontro Ontari from Hun for forFoso forIoston
Foso Ioston t is of off the Old Hed Head ot Kinle Kinleith Kinsale Kinsalewith
with ith liar ergo eargo afre afreShe afire afirehe
She he 1s retQ1ltg retriiitig to to this prL prL1Ortoll porL porLOrtoilr
1Ortoll Ortoilr lVnshingion VaIJunton Sf SteAniior iibor Co CoDeJt Voflehtgbt4til
DeJt flehtgbt4til t trips dD dsfly at t 6 6eo p m fro fot fot1th feet
1th r st to O Old Pet Point Cmfo Cothiotr Se Xewport r Ne Ner Neronlhic
Xotl onlhic ad and t the St South Po For sbult schedule ese pge page 7 7Remeluber 7s
Remember you have n Lumber Lumberam Lumber3arch
3arch am ntu neAr at t lnd hnd for sl nnell onkr orders t 6l 6th sad sadK
R K Y ave Vt
German TrOOI Troops Iene itenchi the Pn PnLendin Pusa PusaLending
Lendin Lending to tIle Province ProincePERIN ProvincePERIN
PERIN Apri April 24The Gerans Germans have hacalredy havealready
alredy already rached reached the DSS miss into the Prv Prvince PreY PreYince
ince of Shansi but have not m met t any anyChinee anyChinese
Chinee Chinese trps troops The natyc natives here are aremuch aremuch
much stre stirred up over this movement movement a ath as asthey
th they fear a furher further advace advance or the Ger German Germans
man mans and French an and a renwal renewal of boa host boatilities
t tilities tilitiesThree I tc
Thre Three ofcials officials who are asitng assisting Li LiHung LiHung
Hung Chang in the negotaton negotiations conered coneredwith conferred conferredwith
with the I t itsh lUsh Gean German French and amIJaJn andJapanese
JaJn Japanese e Minister Ministers wh who toI told them that tl1atthe thatthe
the amount of the inemniy indemnity caims claims would wouldi wouldreach
i rech reach J6 65OOOO O by the end of Jane U Umater Ifmatters
mater matters were not settled etle by that tme tmetey time timethey
tey they would wouldinenease Increse at the rate of noo nooper 100000 100000per
per mont month on account of the exne expense of ofmaintaining ofmaintainlng
maintaining the mitr military force forces It is still stilluncertain
uncertain hoW how China ChIna i Is to rise raise the mon moneJ moncy
I eJ cy
cyCboufu Coufu Cboufu Provincial Tresurer Treasurer of Pan Paotngfu Pantingfu
tngfu tingfu who is helping Li Hung Cang CangI Chang Changwas
I wa was apointe appointed d to confer with the misiO misiOI mLssiOh mLssiOharies
are aries for a separte separate settement settlement of their theircaiTs theirclaims
I caiTs claims for Tosses in CiI Chihi Province Bish Bishop Bishop
op IaYier Fader represente represented the French Ctho1c Ctho1cmiions Catholic Catholicmissions
miions missions Rev Mr Owen wen the Britsh BritshProtctant British BritishProtestant
Protctant Protestant missions an and the Rc Rev Dr Drevksbur DrTewksbury
Tewksbury evksbur te the Aeicn American Board Te Temeetng The Themeeting
meetng meeting was a an infora informal one one Te The pints pintsetab1shel points pointsestablished
etab1shel established were three threeI threeFirst
Firt First Cinas Chinas wIingess willingness to Indemnify Indemnifynatve Indemnifynative
I natve native conver converts for any losses they may mayI mayhave
I have sustained if arngements arrangements to that thatend thatend
end have not alrdy already been made made madeSecond
Second that an atempt attempt would ould be ma made madeto e eto
to meet al all losses sstined sustained by the mis missions missions
sions outside Pekm PekmTird PekmThird
Tird Third that it would be impossible for forthe forthe
the lol local authorite authorities to meet the losse lossesustaIned losses lossessustained
sustaIned by missionarie rnissinades and conver converts In InPekin InPekin
Pekin itelf itself Such an arngement arrangement is iser Isvery
very er stisfactor satisfactory thou though h it will i aford afordthe afford affordthe
the ofcals officials a chace chance for eacting exacting com commisions cornmissions
misions misionsIn missions missionsIn
In makIng an etmate estimate of their losse losses the theRe theRev
Re Rev Dr Tewkbur Tewksbury preented presented a lst list of ofartcle ofarticles
artcle articles which had been cnfseted confiscated since sincethe sincethe
the siege and the price at which they had hadben hadbeen
ben been sold Tig This amount wi will be deducted deductedfrom deductedfrom
from the clim claims of the Amerc American Berd BerdSimiar Board BoardSimilar
Simiar Similar acton action wa was taken by Bisho Bishop Fa Favier Fatier
tier some months ao ago through a deputy deputyHONORS deputyEONOBS
Women onlen Missionaries In China Re Recehc Recelve
cehc tle the Royal Red Cro CroLOXDO Cross CrossLONDON
LONDON Apri April IA desptc despatch from fromPekin fromPekin
Pekin sa says s that Sir Ernet Ernest Satow the theBrtsh theBritish
Brtsh British Minister nIster has betowe bestowed the Royal RoyalRe RoyalRed
Re Red Cross on Miss Mis Svie Saville and Miss Iss Cha Chapin Chapin
pin American missonre missionaries fo for copIcu copIcuous coeispicu coeispicuone
one sen1ce services rendere rendered by them during te tesiege the thesiege
siege of the lestoI lestoIAXOCKOUT legations legationsA
Bi fliTTy y Snlth Smith tlu the Inericnn PngliMt PngliMtDicK Pugihist PugihistDIes
DicK in London LondonLONDON LondonLONDON
LONDON Aprn 24Billy 4Biy Smit Smith the theNew theNew
New York puglst pugilist who wa was kke knocked out outbv outby
bv Jack ack Robr Roberts in a fght fight at the Xatonal XatonalsPring National NationalSporting
sPring Sporting Club on Monday Ioday an and who was wastken wastaken
tken taken to a h05itl hositaI in an unconscius unconsciusconiton unconscious unconsciouscondition
coniton condition die died at Dn noon toay today He never neverregincd neverregained
regincd regained conscoues consciousness after h he was wasknocked
kke knocked out out outHis
His oPInent opponent Robrs Roberts Mr ll An Angle le the themanaer themanager
manager of the club and the referee and andseconds
manaer a
scons seconds have surenere surrendered to te the plce plceREC police policeBECEIVED
TIle Colonial Secret1r Secretary > AdcrecH AdcrecHVC7t Addresses AddressesVest
VC7t Vest Ildinn Indian 5ngnr Sugar Growers GrowersLONDON GrowersLONDON
LONDON April pril 2tColonial olonlal Secretary SecretaryChamberlain
Cham1rlain Chamberlain recehe received a committee of ofVest ofWest
Vest Indan Indian sugr sugar gowers growers yesterday af afern aft afternoon
ernoon ernoonHe
He told the membr members of the deputatin deputatinthat deputation deputationthat
that hwahopful he was hopeful tht that on the ross reasseblhig rosssembli
seblhig sembli g of the the Brsss Brussels sgr sugar conference conferenceit
it would be aoed agreed to esblih establish counter counteralng countervaIIinF
vaIIinF alng dute duties on buntfed bountyfed ssr ssrA sugar sugarA
John Drowns Apartment Opened OlJenedAfter OpenedAfter
After EiSltecn Eightecn Ycnn YcnnJ Years YearsLONDON
J LONDON Apri April 24I 24It was a pasion pasionof passion passionof
of the late Quen Queen Victor1a Victoria to shut up upte upthe
te the roms rooms of dead relatves relatives an and friends friendsThE friendsThe
ThE The apnrment apartment occupie occupied by John Brown Brownthe Brownthe
the Qtens Queens famous Sctch Scotch gle gllhie at atWndsor atWindsor
Wndsor Windsor Cnste Castle line ms been kept rigorously rigorouslycloed rigorouslyclosed
cloed closed for eighten eighteen years rear J brs6 brsso plate platerecording
recording the date of his deth death lament lamenting lamenting
ing his loss and commcmorUn commemorating his vir virtues virtues
tues wa was place placed upn upon the wal wall Now Nowhowever Nowhowever
however the rQm room has ben been reopne reopened reopenedcleared
ceMo cleared out and recorted redecorated and wl will willprobably
prbbly probably be converted Into a s second < nd bi bIl bIlhardroom
larrom larromLOOTED hardroom hardroomLOOTED
IorMc8 horses Stolen From n Camp or tIle tIleCnlle theCape
Cape Polee PoleeCAPE Police PoliceCAPIE
CAPE TOWN Aprl April 2Fifeen 24FIfteen Boer Boerunder Doers Doersunder
under comman command oC a lol local Cap Cape Colony Colonyinurgent Cohonyinsurgent
inurgent insurgent have loote looted the camp of the theCpe theCape
Cpe Cape plce police at AHemans Poor Poort near nearDordrechL
DordrechL T They J succeee succeeded In st stealing stealingseveral Ing Ingseverl
severl several hores horeshe horses horsesThe
The he crculaton circulation of Mr r Hieg Hhllegas bok bokVith book bookWith
With the Boer Force Forces bas hen been pr pro prohibited
hibfed hibited in the Worcester disict district
Serious Aspect or tie the Conulercinl ConulercinlSlnnton Commercial CommercialS
Slnnton SlnntonCOLOGNE S I nat ion ionCOLOGNE
COLOGNE Aprl April 24T 2tTh uBrelau uBrelauGenerl Breslau BreslauGeneral
Generl General Anzeger Anzeiger Sys says the commercial commercialcrisis
crisis crisis In Russia is uming more serl serlous
ous proporio proportions The young and arif artifi artifidaily
caly daily create crdated IBdut isdustiles e threten threaten to cob collapse coblapse
lapse entirely entirelyFor entirelyFour
For Four hunre hundred facte factories e have coe closed ad adte and andthe
te the outok outlook is of the thblaekest oIaeket charcte charcteA character characterAi
The Disturbance SIJht Slight nn1 lo No DnII DnIIn Dnm Dnmage
n age c Ie1M Ie1MROME Results ResultsROME
ROME Aprl April 2There 24There was a s1ght s1ghtshok slight slightshock
shok shock of earthquake at 2 220 ocok ocbock this thisafern thisafternoon
afern afernNo afternoon afternoonNo
No damge damage reuled reuledNATA resulted resultedNATURAL
IndIentons Indications Tlat That the Wells VcIK in Indl Indlnnn mdiann
RICHMOND Tn lad Aprl April 24 24G C CLeach C CIeach
Leach the the Stte State Ga Gas Inpector Inspector stes stesthat states statesthat
that the rpid rapid decrese decrease In presre pressure that thaths thathas
hs has ben been note noted on aU pipe Jne lines the pat pat1nter past pastwinter
winter Is a cerain certain Inicton Indication that the thedas thedays
das oC naturl natural ga gas are numbered Scores Scoresof Scoresof
of wels wells dri drilled d the pst past winter in the thebelt thebelt
belt which which at fr first showed strong prP prPsres pros prossores
sres sores wer were prctcly practIcally usles useless withIn withInninety withinninety
ninety das days Mr fr Lec Leach sys says his only onhwork onlywork
work now I Is direte directed towartl keeping keepingdow keepingdown
dow down the waste oC fuel In orer order that the theSttes theStates
Sttes States reources resources in this respect may be beprisrve bepresereed
prisrve presereed as long as psible possible Many Ianr fac factories factories
tories wJ will be able to use giS gs for some sometme sometime
tme time but there are other others tht that alredy alredyare already alreadyare
are experimentng experImenting wih with fuel gs gas and e cx cxcellent
cellent elent rs resufts t have ben been oblne obIneL Mr MrLeach Ir IrLech
Lech Leach does C not think the manufcturing manufcturingJ manufacturing manufacturingInterests
J Interests terets of the StIe State wJ will b be affected f ced cedrousl se seriously
rousl riously 31e athe change Is cming coming grdu grdualy gradu gradually
aly ally
The Cle Chess CIIUIJI Clllllhli n Arrives ArrITeNEV ArrivesNEW
NEW YORK YORK April prJ 24Dr Emauel EmauelLker Emanuel EmanuelLasker
Lker Lasker the che chess campion champion of te the world worldarved worldarrived
arved arrived today on the semship steamship Teutonic TeutonicDr
Dr Lker Lasker wi will mae make a tor tour In te the Uni United United
ted State States and Canada Canada
57 per 1000 000 for Bent Shingles Shinglesizc bln e eme
me izc f xl0 al all pufed to too bl Libbek Libbey Co
Insular Commissioners to See the thePrcsitcnt thePreshlciit
Prcsitcnt Preshlciit This Afternoon AfternoonSenor ftcrloon ftcrloonSenor
Senor Crpote Capote Expects Good ne Results ResultsFront u1 u1ron
Front ron the Jntervieoernor InterviewGovernorGeneral
General Wood 001 Jns has n LOl Long Con Conference Conferenee
ference With ih Secretary Root RootThe i
The Commission from the Cuban CubanConstitutional I
CnSttutlonal Constitutional Conyenton Convention compc compcsed ed of ofDomingo
Domin Domingo < o l Mentlez endez Capte Capote president presidentrael presidentRnfael I
Rnfael Poruoilo Die Diego o Tcmayo Pe Pcdro
rael poruolo < I
dro Gonzles Gonzales Llorente Pedro E Betan Betancourt Betancourt
court court and Pedro 2L l Ente Entenza z arived arivedin arrived arrivedin
in Washington this morning Th la hast hastnamed t tnaed
naed named ic is the intereter interpreter for for the thehnl thehnlmission t i imision
mision mission The party als also incudes includes M MM MMCoronado M MCoronado
Coronado edior editor and proprietor of La LaDiscusion
ira iraDiscusion
Discusion and Senor Starlng Starling of hEl hElundo El ElMundo
Mundo undo They were met at the deot dgpot dgpotby I
by D J Hi Hill Assistant Secretary of ofStat ofState
Stat State V C Sanscr Sanger Assistant Secre Secretaryof
I tryof taryof War Tar and Captains Oeron Overton and andSawtelle
Sawtele Sawtelle of the a1Y army who ecorted ecortedtem escorted escortedthem I
tem them t to the Shorehaw ShorehawLenar ShoreharnLeonard
Lenar Leonard Woo Wood Goveror Governor Generl General o of ofCuba
Cuba alSi also arrived tis this moring morning a acompanied acompanied
companied b by his secretary Mr Gr Grzles Ga Gasales
zles sales The Commission came from Ha Hayana Ravana
yana b by way of Tampa and GenJal GenJalYood GenalWood
Wood b by New York York General Woxt Woxtcalled YJJd YJJdcned
cned called at the War Department at an anearly anearly
early hour and was coseted closeted for our ourhour ourhours
hour hours wih with Recretr Secretary Root Root Senator SenatorPlatt SenatorPlatt
Platt of Connectcut Connecticut author of the thePlat thePlatt
Plat Platt Cuban amendment ad and Rer Rear Ad AdI Admlral
I I mlral Brord Bralford who ha has ch ge of the theI theuipment theequipment
equipment uipment or naval statons stations The att atti attitude
tude of the Consttutonal Constitutional Convention Conventiontoward Conventiontoward
toward the Platt amendment wa was di die diecussed
csed cussed at nt length The queston question of sItes stesfor sItesfor
for Caling oahing stations was also alzo discussed discussedand discussedand
and a fnal final decisi decisiuiijwihl ivi b b reached be before before
fore Genera General Wood returs returns to Cuba Cuba CubaGeneral
Geer General Wood declIned to o discuss the theresuy theresu3t
resu3t of the conferece conference but but intimated intimatedthat l ltat
resuy tat that he would give out a sttement sttementlater statement statementlater
later laterThe laterThe
The members of the Commis Commision on re remaned remained
maned mained at the Shoreham durIng te temorning the themorning
morning A number ofener of callers were reI reIcived re received
cived ceived and arngement arrangements were made madefor madefor
for a yisi visit to the White V ie House at 4 4ocok 4oclock
ocok oclock this afernoon afternoon Tey They wi will be re receiyed received
ceiyed by the Preident President at tat that hour hourth hourthe
th the Cubans being introducediy Introducedby Gener General GeneralWood
Wood 0 The They wii will be ent entertained rtane at a aStte aState
Stte State dinner at the Exectve Executive Mansion Mansiontomorw Mansiontomorrow
tomorw tomorrow night nighLrr nightMr
Mr rr Coronado whose paper wa was sup supprtseby suppressed
prtseby pressed by Geel General Woed TOtJ and whewas whewasplaced whtr wafi wafiplaced
placed under arret arrest tlked talked freely this thismoring thismorning
moring morning of Cuban condions conditions He de declares dedares
clares dares tat that Generl General Woo Wooi is persona eronanon eronanongrata nun nungrata
grata to many of the members of th thConsttutonal the theConstitutional
Consttutonal Constitutional Conventon Convention and charg charges chargesthat s sthat
that he has cused caused the trouble in con conneton eonnection
neton nection with the Plat Platt amendmnt amendment amendmentGeneral
Generl General Portuondo and Senor Llorente Llorenteare Lborenteare
are ao alio biter bitter in their deJuncIaton denunciation of ofGenerl ofGeneral
Generl General Wod Wood President Capote and andDr andDr
Dr TOJYo Tomayo are re the conervate conservative mem members members
bers of the Commission and tey they sy sytY say sayUwy
tY Uwy expet expect much good wi will relt result from fromthe fromthe
the conference conferencewith with the Presdent PresIdent PresIdentSenor
Senor Gonzaies Gonzales disussIng discussing cndiions cndiionsin conditions conditionsin
in Cuba Sid said tat that commercial commercial reldHons reldHonswere relations relationswere
were of far more importnce importance than pl poll pollties
ties ties and that that the Cubans loke looked for forward forward
ward hopfuly hopefully to free trde trade wih with te teUnited the theUnited
United Sttes States ro the sugr sugar planters plantershe
he sid said this was as a condion condition abslute absolutely absolutelyessential y yeential
eential essential to prosperity and scely scarcely less lessso lessso
so to te the tobacco gowers gowershThe growers growersThe
hThe The plitcal political situaton situation sid said he is iser isvery
very er much mL mised cd But the ultmate ultimate out outcome outcome
come wi will be the formaton formation of prte prtealong portion portionalong
along thelles the lines of the Republcan Republican and andDemocrtc andDemocratic
Democrtc Democratic organiztons organizations in the United UnitejStte UnitedStates
Stte States New Newspapers papers lke like L DIscs DIscsion Discusion
ion and L La Patra Patria are peronal personal or orgn orgnus
gn gnus r representing preentng the vIews or individ individual individnals
ual nals together with their ambions ambionsThis ambitions ambitionsThis
This Is undertood understood b by Cub Cubans s end 2ndtheIr endtheir
theIr eression expressions have accordingly lt ltte lit litthe
te the weight with the people The The Cubans Cubnswant Cubanswant
want a poltical political leader Generl General Gomez Gomezis
is not and will riot ot be a cndidate candidate for fortI forthe
tI the Preid Presidency ney of the Republc Republlc which whichthe whichthe
the Cubans hope to form The general generalis enerl enerlis
is old and his healh health is faing failing His Hispure Hispurse
pure purse is depleted by the scrtkes sacrifices he hebs hehas
bs has made for te the Cu Cuban an c cause < I It had hadben hadbeen
ben been his intention to come to Wash Washington Wah Wahington
ington but he was seized with a s severe severeattack vere vereattck
attck attack of atma asthma He wH wIll come comeJater comeJaterwhen latcr latcrwben
when the Presidct returs returns from hi his hisWestern
Western Vester trip tripGen tripGeneral
Gen General < ral WOOl roo11 is s beloved bJ by a major majori majority
ty of te the Cubans and this is proven by bythe bythe
the fact that the rountr ountry people are arecomin arecominginto
comin cominginto into Havana to offer their theirthank theirthanks
thank thanks to the general for his goo good a aministration ad administration
ministration ministrationCAD ministrationCALLED
San an Franciscans Assure Hinl of f a aHearty
nenrt Hearty Welcome WelcomeJudge Velcme VelcmeJudge
Judge James G Maguire Iagire who forerly forerlyreprete formerly formerlyrepresented
reprete represented the San Frnclse Francisco Ditrct Ditrctin District Districtin
in Congs Congress and 5inc since the teth loath of Ilenny IlennyGeorge
Geore George has been the ncotIlzc recognized leader of ofthe f fthe
the single ta tax movement cle called at the theWllie theVhite
Wllie Vhite House today to pay his repects respects to tothe tothe
the President and to assure him oC the thewelcome thewelcome
welcome which await awaits him In CHforia CHforiaJudge California CaliforniaJudge
Judge Maguirc Iagire was accompanied on his hisvisit hisvIsit
visit to the White hite House b by Carl K E Lind Lindsey Lindsoy
soy of San Jose and Editor Holman of ofthe ofthe
the San Jose ose Mercury Mercur Judge lagire lagireis laguire laguireis
is in Washington Yahingon on busine business bfore before te teUnite the theUnited
Unite United Stte Staten Supreme Cour Court CourtSpoaldag
Spekng Spoaldag of the poltcl political prospe ts or
Mayor Iayor TOla1 L Johnson of proset Cleveland ClevelandJUdge ClevelandJudge
JUdge Maguire laglre said tat that they were very
bright bright ad and that he hope hoped to see Mayor
Johnsons followers oHower in the lead before the thenext
next Natonal National Conventon ConventonNext Convention ConventionNext te tenext
Next to Judge udge lraglre lagcire llayor Mayor Johnsn Johnson
I Is regrde regarded as the leading advote advocate of tiie
lnd land tax Thtsc These gentemen gentlemen bave have long beii beiion beiii beiiion tIe
on ver very intmate Intimate tens tensA terme termeA
The Terl Terni Defuel Defined b by thc JIIltalt JIIltaltSeeretnr Assisinjif AssisinjifSecretary
Seeretnr Secretary of the Treasury TrcnsuryTe TreasuryThe
Te The Assistnt Assistant Secrtary Secretary of the Trr Treasury Treasuryin
In a decsion decision given out today held that a amoel amodel
moel model of Inventon Invention or improvement in f the thears thearts
ars arts or pater pattern for machiner machinery wa was < con constred construed
stred strued bJ by the Deparment Department to men mean an ob object obJect
ject plan or desig design from which workIng workIngmachin workingnlacbins
machin nlacbins s devices or strctures structures are re to tob tobe
b be mae maeThis made madeThis
This d decision cslon was In answer tQ an cn cnquiI enqulry
quiI qulry from the CoIector Collector of Customs at atPorland atPortland
Porland Portland Me regrding regarding the applc appl1catIi appl1catIiof
oC David Tornce Torrance Co for the free freeentr freeentry
entr entry as a model of Inventon invenUon of a amlniatur amlniaturC
mlniatur mlniaturC copy of the steamship Com Comronw Cornmonwealth
ronw monwealth monwealthMr h hIr
Mr Ir Spaulding In refusing free entry to toth tothe
th the arce article said that the miniature In Inqueston Inquestion
queston question was but ut the the representaton representation oC the theeteror theexterior
eteror exterior of the vessel Intended to b be used usedas
as an attractive adverisment advcrtlsment and that thatI thatthe
te the detUs details of COrltrCtQ constructlqn were not ex exlbled exhibited
I lbled hibited by It It as would be th the ce case wIth wItha
a tre true model modelI modelReaclytouc
I Renltoue Mill 111 Workall Vorknl kln1 kinls kinlsDoers
Dor Doers to too 1 by Lbbe LAbe1 Co 6t 6th h Y aT aTc are
Tile Innol lbhlnols Cel CentraPs trnlf Conl Confcrence ConfcrenceCommittee Tence TenceCOllmltee
COllmltee Committee CODllete CnIlietes Jb Work WorkCHICAGO VorkCHICAGO
CHICAGO Apri April 2The conference conferencecommite conferencecommittee
commite committee of machiniss machinists epleyed employed by bythe bythe
the Ilnois Illinois Centrl Central RHcOd Railroad afer after a asession asession
session t hick lasted unt until early eanl this thismorning thismorning
morning completed it it W wrd of formu formulating formulating
lating demands of the union and they theywi theywill
wi will be presented to th the copany eompany this thisafernoon thIsafternoon
afernoon afernoonlhough afternoon afternoonAlthough
Although lhough the ofcals officials or1 othennion nnion de decined dodIned
cined dIned to make the deml demanctsknnwn known uu uuU until
U til afer afterthey tfy find been pre presented nte to tf thu thumanagement
maml5 management ment of the road on itw itwas learn learned learned
ed that the minimum wage scale ele aked akedfor asked askedfor
for wi will be 30 cent cents all ho hoer r At tle tleprienl the thepresent
prienl present tme time the men re netienn < it ln aver average
age of 27 cent cents an hour alhough athough sVert the tbescle thescale
scle scale vares varies accordin according to diferent lifferent di diisions divisions
visions an n which men ar4 employed employedThe employedThe
The S Southern uther dclegte delegates ae ne e said to tostand
stand fn firm for 30cent n ia4iimum t imum a al although I
though a compromise ma may emade made fot fota for fora
a sigbty slightly lower scle scale on th thnortbern thnortberndivision nortber
division of the rond road roadThe 1 1The
The rcogiton recognition of the uipn union wi will als also alsobe
be demanded sO that should future die disputes dieputes
putes ars arise a setem settlem nt t maybe effect effectoil fect fecte
e oil through conciation conciliation an and arbitrtion arbitration arbitrationA
l A proper casifcaton classiflcaUon of the workeihI work workbe I
eihI be asked asked for soihtt so that an under understanding understanding
standing ca can be had of w1tt whitt c cdnstitutes cdnstitutesmachinists nsttutes nsttutesmachinist
machinist machinists work and wh what tc can nbe be done doneby donebyhandy
by byhandy handy men and hel helpers r Appren Apprentces Apprentices
tces tices wi will be reuired required to sqrve e the ru rular regu regubar
bar term of apprentce apprenticeship hlp and the thenumber thenumber
number wi will be rstrcte restricted to one for ev ever cvcry
er cry fve five journeymen Journeymen Time Time and nd one onehaIr onehalf
haIr is asked tor for ovetm overtlm n and ddouble ddoubletme double doubletime
tme time far r Sundays and blday1 lliday The Thewor The Theworking
wor working inb day wl will be nine 1bur ilburs over te teentre the theentire
entre entire sst systeni systeniIt m mI
I It is unIk unliklIy iy that the rd rdatl wil will grnt grntthese grant grantthese
these concesions concesionsT concebons concebonsas
Work ck of Securing ecndn Jnror JnrorA Expected Expectedto
to Dc COmlJleted Today TodayNEW utn utnW >
NEW W lA HAVEN VN Conn Aprl April 2Te 2Tetak 24The 24Thetask
tak task oC securing a fuI full jUQ jur to tr try the theRthbun theRathbun
Rthbun Rathbun murder csbegn casewas begun this thismoring thismorning
moring morning Only eight juror jurors were seeed seeedI selected selectedyesterday
I yest yesterday rday although thef the full n van panel l o of ff fftynme fif fiftynine
tynme was ehausted exhausted call U wan made madelast
I last ceng erening for twenttvJpore twentyfive ore jurrs Jurors Jurorsto
to apver appear in C court r tis this J lnOriing rln From Fromthis Fromthishist
this thishist ls it i is belleed that tE the remninG remaining remainingfour
tour jurrs jurors can be cl1oscntwn chosen tpdny Te The s so solection
lectIon of the four is expeced expected to take taketm taketill
tm thi1 this aferbon afternbon It is h hopdll howeer howeerthat however howeverthat
that one or two wltm wItnees ss s can i be place placed placedon
on te the stnd stand le toy toyIrs today todayMrs
Mrs Irs RtbbUn RathbUa who is accuse accused or mur murdering murdering
dering her hubnd husband sees seems to be ltle little a aCected at atfected
Cected by the tring trying ordel ordeal ofbnS of being dbiig dbiiged lg lge
e ed to sit In a crowde crowded curroom courtroom and andwatch andwatch
watch th the disutes disputes of the lawyers aver ov over overthe r rthe
the challenging or the jur 3uror or by the thepresence thepresence
presence of her chidren children wh who nve have ben benummonel been beensummoned
summoned ummonel t avea in theCe the case a as wit witaEK witnessem
Knm Kaitsas n PreJ Presents ntJ Tno Two Cand1dntes CandIdates for fortlie forthe
the Icnsiop Icnaion ConnuINlunerhip ConnuINlunerhipAlthoush Cornmlssloneralzip CornmlssloneralzipAlthough
Although the Present President h has never InI InIcted fad fadrated
cted rated tht that h he cnteltes contemplates a a change In Inthe Inthe
the ote othce of Comnisl Commissioner ne at of Pension Pensionvarous Pensions Pensionsvarious
varous various cnidat candidates s tosu to sucreed e Commi Commls Commlssioner
sipner Eva Evans hle haye ben been remmendeto remmendetohIm recommended to tohim
hIm The latEtcndld3t latest candidates are Ricnr Ricnadl RicnadlBlue
Blue ue an exRepr exRepresentathe enlth lnCongress lnCongressfrom neongs neongsfrm
frm from KanS Kansas and S l H Pe e rs > c of th thsame
sme same Sttf SttfBOUl Stat1 Stat1Both
Both have been unaimjsf unanimopsry edore endorOd endorOdby
by te the Kns Kansas dc dciegatlon e aton tn nCongress nCongressand Conbe Conbeand
and Reprntte Representative Curtis oiKn3 Oi Kansas who whocUe eho ehocalled
cUe called on the Psldint President teay ted Si said tht thtthe that thatthe
the apintment appointment of eitheI eItherandidate ndidate wl wlb will willbe
b be accep acceptalleto 91e o the delegatien delegatienTRAIN ele n nTRA
An Atempt Attempt to Derail n XortJlern Pa PacHic PachIc
cHic Lhuled Lijuited LijuitedHELENA f
HLE HELENA A Mont lont 4pr Aiiiil 2 21 I It Is IsIened 5 5Jerned
Jerned that an atempt attempt w ws made to towreck towreck
wreck the Northen Northern Paifs Pacifip n nOrth th cost costImle coast coastlimited
Imle limited train at Store Storey sidi4 near ear Don BOzman Donman
man last Sundty SundSy night night sldi A U UOwae W3S e eto ehal ± tod todto
to the ris raIls I It ws was dls discovered overa by anoter anotertrin another anothertrain
trin train cr crOw w receiving order orders to stop at the thesiding thesidIng
siding Te The Uried limited passe passes ltat t pInt point at atthe atthe
the rte rate o of a a mie mile a minute minuteThe minuteThe
The cmpany company has ofere offered lOOO 0 rewal rewalfor reward rewardfor
for the weckers weckersA wreckers wreckersARAES
I Iel
PweFvc el e of Pheiii heli With Uli CnmeJ Ar Arnec 1 1rhe
rhe nec on tll the Steamer Po poenlioutas poenlioutasNEW llU tns tnsNEW
NEW YORK YORK April 24he steer steerPoahonta steamer steamerPocahoatas
Poahonta Pocahoatas whih which arive arrived < Qay Today frm frmledierrane from fromMediterranean
Mediterranean ledierrane ports brnght brsught tql tqlArbs twolO twolOArabs
Arbs Arabs and twelve cmels camels f ftftm m Tunis unis and andtwo
two sheep sheepThs sheepThIs
ThIs pry party is bond bound tO forBufalo Bufal to toexibit toexhibit
exhibit at tlo PanAmen1c Exposition Expositionin
exibit t PanAmeJc Expto
in the BtpQfu Beaptiful Orient < Thes These people peoplewill > eop I Iwm
wm reIre relresenl nl bIle If in the desert desertSHOT r rSHOT
A Steulners CnrJenterT Carpenter flurderetl rdere1 In InVeHt InWest
West VeHt Yir Yirgiiilnf YirgiiilnfWhEELING iufn iufn1VlEELXG
1VlEELXG WhEELING W Va pri pril 24The 24Thesteamer Te Testeamer
steamer Ke Keystone tone Stte State wasred upon at atParkcrshurg atParkersburg
wsired upn
Parkersburg this morning morningfd c f Thorton ThortonTfI Thornton ThorntonTerry
TfI Terry the crenter carpenter ot WlIeehlng lec1ng was vnSshot wasshot
shot through the her heart heartThe
Thc shot was was ffd fired by a st flood Rut sufferer suffererwhose rer rerhose
whose hose propr property had been d dimaged ed by the thesteamers thesteamers
steamers steamers waves wavesPALS waresPALIttERS
Atn AttnIijucnt luent Sni Suits lIeli Filed by Several SevernlIndlnnn SeveralIndinun
Indlnnn CredU Creditors CreditorsBLOOMINGTON rs rsDLOOMINGTO
BLOOMINGTON lad April 24SIx Six at attchment attachrnent
tchment tachrnent SI suits t have been fcd filed in the Cir Circuit Clrcult
cult Cour Court of this count county 3 against anst Edmund EdmundPalmers EdmundPaInters
Palmers defunct bank at Elettsvie TEllettsvllle b bsme by bysome
sme some or te the largest deior depositors and by bysome bySome
some who had note notes colectt collected by the bank bankthe bankthe
the moneJ money on whih which was Dt not ture turned over overto overto
to them themThe themThe
The propery property owned by Palmer at EI EIlettvlE Elletteville
lettvlE letteville has been ordere ordered sold to pay paythese paythese
these ceitor creditors and it Is thouglt thought that thuenough thatenough
enough mone money wi will b be reiztd reaized from the thesale thesale
sale to met meet judgents Judgments The propery properyconsists property propertyconsists
consists of the bank buidii buildisg an old ho ho hotel
tel and interest in the oJra opera house houseMS house houseNRS
Tie The Xntonnl Vutionni Su Suffrage rlge Association to toLOHe toLose
Lose Another Leader LulerCHICAGO LeaderCHICAGO
CHICAGO Aprl April 24MN 24Mrs Rchel Rachel Fos Foster Foster
ter Avery for twenty year corepond corepondIng correspond correspondhag
Ing hag secretr aecretary of the National Sutrge SutrgeAsocaton Suffrage SuffrageAssociation
Asocaton Association bas announCfj announcea that she wi will willnot
not be a a cndidate candidate for re reelection lecUon at the thecomenton theconvention
comenton convention to be held in Iinneapohis hmcpols the thefirit theflrt
flrt week weekip Jip JipMi55
Ip ge geMiss
Miss Anthons retreIn retiremsnt from tle tleof the theI
I leadersllp of the assciatO assoeIatljn qt yerrand yerrandI r nd ndthe
I the retirement of Mr Mrs Aer Avery as core corepnding comes comesI
I pnding ponding aecretary ecretry this Ye year r leOe remove from fromthe fromthe
the natonal national board th the two wo who have been beenlongest beenlongest
longest In actve active serice service I it is said in increasing Increasing
creasing dge ge and falng failing h health th caused causedMr causedMrs
Mr Mrs Avers Averys acton actonFJnl action actionFlynns
FJnl Flynns Dualnel Business COUec CoIhegeSth th and K KBusines
Busie Busines Sord Shiorthsnd T Typewniting2I e a y yFI99ln year yearFlooring =
Flooring Lumber ouIJr lLl per
10051 5 f one oncwldth widt to too at C Ch asi N NY Y ave are
TIl The Prcidcu6 Prcsidents Selections fO for forPlaces
Places in the Regular Army ArmyIi
A Ii List t of lenrI Nearly FIve lunllred lunllredXnlne Hundred Hundrednaiacs
Xnlne naiacs Announced by tie lie War nr De Depnrtmcni Dcpartrnent
pnrtmcni To De Exnmincd for forAjapolntinent or orAIpolntncnt
AIpolntncnt Ajapolntinent ns Lieutenants LieutcnantsThe LieutenantsThe
The Presient President through the War Dear Depart Department
m ment nt trJay today announced a lst list of 190 men menwho menwho
who are selecte selected for eaminaton examination for ap appintment appointmellt
pintment pointmellt as Jeutlnnts hieutinznts in the regular regularar regulararmy
ar army This is in aoordance accordance wih with the pro proision provisions
visions ision of the Ani Arin Rergnizton Reorganization bi bill billAlabamaFElc
AlabamaF AlabamaFoW AlabamaFElc oW W Gover Gbover Jame Jamed E EShely BShehly
Shely Shehly Frnk Frank W Lynch Thomas Harde Hardeman Hardeman
man Rcb Richard t J B Going Wilam William P PScrws PScrews
Scrws Screws wmt WltIin SWels S Wells Maron Marion B BMabon BMabson
Mabon Mabson and Jnes imesC C Hion HionArlcnssEhnan Hixon HixonArlcansasTjhnan
ArlcansasTjhnan ArlcnssEhnan Cmpbl Campbell Solomon SolomonL SolomonL
L L Jefer Jeffers Ro Robert rW W Reyno Reynolds s J M MEciso L LKelso
Kelso jr J L Jng ng John ohn W V Ward Wardand Yar
3d and Walter Valer C Hti HUdsen HUdsenColoradoBen sn snColordoBen
ColordoBen ColoradoBen Ler Lear jr ad and Kyle Kyleucer KyleBucker
Bucker BuckerConnecticutJames ucer ucerConnectcutames
Connectcutames ConnecticutJames Toten Totten Henr Henry S STerel STerrell
Terel Terrell Hars Harris Penleton Pendleton T H Breeton Breetonnd Brereton Breretonand
and nd Tomas Thomas H Jennings Jennings JenningsDelawareGeorge
DelawareGese DelawareGeorge B Rodney RodneyClfornia RodneyCalIfornIaGeorge
Clfornia CalIfornIaGeorge erge Baldwin Lyle H HPelar HPedlam
Pelar Pedlam Rowlad Rowland B EJsFrnk EllIs Frank T TTorton TThornton
Torton TortonDistrctf Thornton ThorntonDistrict
f fiths fithsFloridaAugustus ths Distrctf District of CoumbiaJoseph ColumbiaJoseph l H Grf Grff GrIt GrItfiths
Lovel Lovell LovellGeorgiaCleveland FloridnAugtu FloridaAugustus C C H Hart rt Geore George E ELovel BLovell
Georgialeveland VHcoxon Blanton BlantonVinhit BlantonWlnnhip
Wlnnhip Vinhit Troop Whitehead Whitehed Clvin Calvin F FHolme PHolnies
Holme Holnies 1 L W V Cafey Caufey Walter P Corbett Corbet CorbetBoiss
Boiss Reee Reese John ohn J Miller iler S S G Or 0mm 0mmHunter
iHunter Hunter Hams Charle Charles 3 L Pendleton and andC
C W V Fake Fakei Flake FlakeIdahoGeorge
i IdahoGerge IdahoGeorge St Steunenberg SteunenberglllinoisBichard unenbeq
I IlnoisRichard lllinoisBichard H Sutherland Charles CharlesCook < hares haresi
i Cook KiIin Kirwin Taylor Smih Smith Edward EdwardMiller Y YMier
Mier Miller Ison Hanson S Kerc Kemniek W v L Lea Cpps CppsJame Capps CappsJames
Jame James A A Buggies Frnk Frank B Wood Frn Frnics Fran Francia
ics cia p MacbIer achler William Wilam R B Courney Courtney D DE DE
E lIoreand Moreland Albert lber F Geber Gebert Sebning SebningC
C Mcgill Megl A C Vors Voris Een Eben Swit Swift Jo Joseph o oi
i seph R It McAndmews cAn reW Hugh Krkman Kirkman Wil Wil11am Wi
Ham E V MacKinlay lcKnlay IUosh I B Hi Rib Ribyard
i yard ard G George ore P TYMr Tyif r Geore George A F Fi FTrumbo
i Trmbo Trumbo Eugene E Baron Barton Andrw Atldrew W Wackman WJackman
ackman Fnk Frank W V Barber BarberIn BarberIndianaChiaiqes
In IndianaChiaiqes lanaarles S Tarlon Tarlton John JohnJohnston S SJo
Jo Johnston son Gerge George W Biegler Quincy E EIcoweH BMcDowell
McDowell Cale Charles P Wood Charles B BD
IcoweH oo Cares
Dority D mlty Geore George E Gorch Goodrich Frcd Fred Aex Aexander Alex Alexander
ander and Vater Walter O Bowan Bowman BowmanIowaFrancis
IoFrancs IowaFrancis H Llncln Lincoln Fre Fred Shir Shims ShimsEdwardA
EdwadA EdwardA Kger Kreger Joseph ltson Matson Frnk FrnkS Frank FrankS
S Lng Long Guy B Go 41 Hana Hanna W H IL Point PointVlnamE Pointwuliarn
wuliarn VlnamE E Pari ParrIat Ewar Edward W Yo Clark ClarkWison ClarkWilson
Wison Wilson G Heato Heaton Robr Robert T Crwfor Crawford Crawfordand
and Gerb Goore DeDIore DeDIoreKnssYH Denscnore DenscnoreKansasW
KnssYH KansasW IL Bishop Colin H Ban Banjohn BallJohn
john John M f Shok Shooh Edgr Edgar A Fr Fry Arhur Arthur B BSchaefCer BSchaeffer
Schaeffer Dnil Daniel FCrlg F Craig Chare Charles W WYun WVan
Van Way V Arur Arthur 32 I Fersn Ferguson Burton BurtonMitchell J JMitchel
Mitchel Mitchell MitchellKentuckyHenry
KetuckyHeRr KentuckyHenry Wat Watsn n Lindsey LindseyRober LindseyRobed
Rober Robed E B Grjnted Gminstead Arthur Arhur G Sharley Sharpley SharpleyMarion
i Marion laron B B Wilhoit Wiholt Paul C GaIeher GaIeherWmia Galleher GalleherWiliiarn
Wmia Wiliiarn A Haycraft Ilaycraft Wifor Wilford Twymara TwymaraRobert wma wmaiRober
iRober Robert 3J 1 Serer Shearer ROr Robert C C Payne Cr CrI Car Carroll
I IoIPower roll Power Jae James X N WatlJn Watkins Sa Samuel SamuelCreed el elI
I Cred Creed erdwelL erdwelLi CardwelLLouisianaThomas
i lsacaTmas LouisianaThomas I L 5her1u Sherburn Steph StephI Stephen
I ER en O FIu Fuqea Telcre Theoairre M Underoo Underwood UnderwoodRobert 1 1Rob
Rob Robert M LKtan Noland John o E B Mori Morris Rich Richand i iard
and P Crdm CordiltAlbert Albr E B P4HiS Phifibs PhifibsMainCharles 1
I MainCharles u Cha s E B Jefeo Jeffery Geor George O 0Jlubard i
gu Jlubard Har Harry E Potter apd HenI Henry G GCsekett
Csekett CsekettMarylandKaolin et I
MarylandKaolin randKao L L Wblton I n Sau Samuel SamuelRigs LI
Ri Rigs Carle Charhes I EL 11 IV 1rJo JdUIrI4ti DWitt DWittC Dewitt DewittC
C C Ly Lylee jOhn C C constable sable Matthew Iathew T TE TE
E Ward H C C 3 L Seppke SeppkeMassaehusettsHerbert pe
MassaehusettsHerbert IssehuSttHebrt H Waren WarenFe Warren WarrenFred
Fe Fred W Stepfo Stepford Tms Ibomas Tlbt Talbot CIr CIrenC Clam Clamonce
enC once B B Rose W F H G idson son E Edward Edwardp cwrd cwrdD
D p Powers Lwnne Iawrence P Butlr Butler John H HDunn HDunn
Dunn Alean4r Alexander Greg Greig jr Sidney H HIlopson
Ilopson oon HO HoniOr r B Grrt Grant Arhur Arthur E EParke BParke
Parke Wii Wlflinl H H Plmer Plurnmer I Eurry T Ti TGray
Gray GrayMichiganWilliam
i MichiganWilliam HchiglWilmI B Walace Wallace Wilam William Williamn
Il n Dowey Downey Frnk Frank D Bu Buskfugham kfngham Wil Wil11am 1
11am am F Pac Pack Fr Fred Fur Fury Ro Roy I Taylor Taylorr TaylorAlbtrt
r Albrt Albtrt KIcCab B McCabe Rober Robert J Bate Bates BatesGeorge
i Gecrge George H White Whi William Vilam G Fleisch FleischI Fleischhansom
bauer hansom Robrt Robert S Welsh Frk Frank H H Bur Burton Burton
I ton and n Arur Arthur W v Oron OronI Omton OmtonMinnesotaJames
I 1UoneetlsG MinnesotaJames G T l bor r Ralph Em EmI Ememsen
I eran emsen Herng Herring Fre Fred H Pk Parlth Geore George I
I Becker Alre Alfred S Morgn Morgan Walter Vaier H HJohnson
Johnson John obn N Loye a and A W Bjor Biomn Biomnstead
I sted stedMISiipplWHlam stead steadMississippiWIllIam
MISiipplWHlam MississippiWIllIam E Uterbck UterbckJames Uttemback UttembackJames
James Buter Butler Ed Edgar r X Coey Coffey Rober Robort F FTteBenjamln FTate
TteBenjamln Tate Benjamln Kosma Kossrnan a and Culen Cuilea C Cfcnel CMitchell
Mitchell MitchellMissounlGeonye fcnel
MissounlGeonye IisourFGere p witet Wbitsett Clark 31 31Carr L LCrr
Crr Carr Albr Albert B Son Sloan Benjamin R It Wade WadeMack YadeMack
Mack Richarsn Richardson Willam Vlam H Clopton jr jrLe1is JrLewis
Le1is Lewis W Cans Arhie Archie Mier 31111cr Lnier LnierCrven Lacier LacierCravens
Crven Cravens Tbeoore Theodore Schult Iichultz Lnard Leonard H HCk HCook
Cook Benjamin H Kerfoot James H HFurie
Ck nnjin Kerfot l
Pune EwIng E B Botb Booth James mes J 3layes 3layesWilliam Ia e ellam
William llam 31 f Tr True Frelerk Frederick C Huma Human HumanMontanaErnest
MontnaErest MontanaErnest VAn DIurphy DIurphyXebrsklHen B Murphy MurphyNebraskaHenry
XebrsklHen NebraskaHenry M Morrow orow Clarence ClarenceCCuher ClarenceC
CCuher C Culver Wallace Yalace C C TaYlor Orie Orville B BPerry
Pr Perry Lewis S Ran Charles C Pls Plsand Pulls Pullsand
and William Yiiam G Don Deane DeaneNevadaF
XevadaF E 3iguoux 3iguouxNew i oux ouxXew
New HampbinS liampshireSOlomon mon B Vest and andDanie andDaniel
Danie Daniel H Gelnty GelntyNew GelntyNew
New Jere JerseyHenry HenI L L Jenkinson JenkinsonClaude enkinon enkinonClaude
Claude S Fres Fries Ptter Peter Vreenburgh Vredenburgh Ba Ban Baall
all n X Ritenhouse flittenheuse William Tilam B Renzic RenzichauseR Renzlchausen
hauseR Charles W V Brber Barber Ternce Terrence B BMurphy
Murphy l rlIY A Lre Lame Christe Christie and Anton H HSchroter HSchroeter
Schroter SchroterNew Schroeter SchroeterNew
New Yorkaes YorkJames R It Gale Goodalci Henr Henry 31 31Paiss L LFaie
Faie Paiss Duncn Duncan Elitt Elliot1 E Edgar g S Jenning Jennings JenningsArthur
I Arthur Poillon Augustus B WarIleld WarIleldArthur
Arhur Poion Augsu Varteld VarteldArur
Arur Arthur BInt Bryant ChIt Christie Edwar Edward T Dan DQnneU Dannelly
neU nelly Philp Philip S Godena Gobderman Alfre Alfred Has Hasbroucc Hasbrouck
broucc brouck WillIam Viiam N N Connell Edward S S1lartshorn
Harshorn 1lartshorn Washington Vabingon L L Goldsborough GoldsboroughDexter GoldsboroughDexter
Dexter Sture Sturges Theore Theodore B B Taylor TaylorFrncs TaylorFrancis
Frncs Francis H Lmax Lomax Garsn Garrison Bal Ball W11 W11Ham Wilham
Ham Vallace alace Overon Overton Frnk Frank R Curis CurisCharles Curtis CurtisCharles
Charles F Andrews Wlam William G Grcie Grciemam Grade GradeWIlliam
WIlliam mam F Judson Tudsn Eare Earnest E B Green Greenou6 Greenough
ou6 ough Goron Gordon Jonston Johnston Frnk Frank E Ed Edwars Edwards
wars wards Wiiam William P Kit KiLts Timothy l 31 31Coughlxtn
Cou Coughlxtn hhm Alre Alfred James Booth Stephen
11 31 Mould ould Grnvie Gmanvilie R H Forecue Fontescue Solo Solomon
I mon Avery jr ic V S Quackenbush John JohnI JohnMcEvan
McEan p Pra Fnk Fra1d C RCnolds Reynolds Al Albert Albert
I bert W v Li Liiea pt1l hel ad and HU Hugh h J B B Mc McEgin 31cEgln
Egin EginI Egln EglnNorth
North C Caron n John ohn W Guliek Ed Edwrd Edward
I wrd ward Hi Hill Rabt Rabert O Paterson Patterson Wiiam WiiamD William WilliamD
D Prichard Pritchard William R Beyers Beavers Waler WalerfcIntosh Walter WalterMcIntosh
McIntosh Dickson A Everett John A AWager AWagner
Wager Wagner Bradley J Voelten John ohn S E EYoung EYoung
Young YoungNorth YoungNorth
North Dakota DakotaW P Moffatt MoffattOhioWalter Motatt
OhloY1er OhioWalter Hare Harvey GeJrge Genge Brnde BrndeFreerick Bmandle BmandleFrederick
Freerick Frederick Coe Rchard Richard T Els Ellis William Viim
1 1 Heringhaw Hemningehaw Hen Henry C Whie White jr 1YI wit wit11am
Ham 32 L Goodle Goodale Fn Fred J Heran Herman Wil Wil11am YI
Ham A A Caste Castle Lrenzo Lorenzo D Gaser Gamer Phip PhipYost Philip PhilipYost
Yost Charles G Blckh Blckham
m J F Bishop BishopDavId BishopDavid
DavId A Sn Snyder der Crl Carl K K Mower AnseH AnseHDeitch Anewell AnewellDeltsch
Deitch Deltsch Harr Ilarry D 1ltchl Mitchell Percy H HHawkins HHawkins
Hawkins GuyE Guy E Manning anning Edward P PBrber PBarber
Brber Barber Arhur Arthur T Balentne Balentine William Yila E EGimore EGilmore
Gimore Gilmore and David 31 t Dodge DodgeOregonEugeIe DodgeOregonEugene
OregonEugeIe OregonEugene Paul Cr Crewne wne and El Elf Elmare
mare O Womnlck WomnlckI Yorck YorckPenns
f I Penns PennsylvanlaIewis haniaLewis 1I 31 Clark J V VCunnlngh6m VCunningham
Cunningham G Rodmai Rodma Jones Fnk Frank S SLisen1ng SLeiseuning
Lisen1ng Leiseuning Ralph M MicheI Mitchell Frnk Frank T TlcNaro TMcNarnoy
lcNaro McNarnoy Frerick Frederick Broke Brooke Neiln NeilnSmuel Neilson NeilsonSamuel
Smuel Samuel A Prie Price Joseph oph C Righter jr jrFncisV jrFrancis
FncisV Francis W Ralson Ralston jr 1loses Moses R B Ross RossLster RossLester
Lster Lester H Simons Joph Joseph C Wilson VUsn Ham HarDeNt HamBest
DeNt Lumber Grnllel Grades always nt nt6th at6th
6th an and N Y ave are Lib Libbey Co
r iT A Porer Porter Frnkln Franklin R B Kenney JamOs JamOsA ames amesA
A Higns Higgins AIpha Alpha T Eston Etston George B BSteele
Steele Lois Louis H Kbur Kilbumn Henr Henry P PFetcher PFletcher
Fetcher Fletcher Edgr Edgar S StaJe Stayer Moris Morris 11 11Keck 31 31Keck
Keck Rusel Russell Bel Beau Sauel Samuel G Shre ShreCaudIus Shartie ShartieClaudlus
Claudlus H Dent DentClyde
CaudIus Seman Seaman Joseph H Dent
Clyde D Crsn Cmusan ad and Dougla Douglas H Jacobs JacobsRhode acbs acbsRhoe
Rhoe Rhode Islanderge IslandGeorge RD McGregor McGregorWalter lcGreor lcGreorWaIe
Walter WaIe G Gatchel GatchelSouth Gatcheil GatcheilSouth
South CaroiaThadeus CarollnaThaeldeus B Selg1e Selg1eLwrence SeigleLawrence
Lwrence Lawrence S Crn Carson Clarence s S Nette Nettles NettlesJoscih
Joseph S Hardn Hardin Edmond R Tompldn Tompkins TompkinsWilliam
William YiHam P Crawford CrawfordSouth CrawfordSouth
South DakotArthur DakotaArthur L L Fuller Hr Harry HarryA
A A Hegeman Hegeman HegemanTennoSam
TenneeSam TennoSam Van Leer A A C C Gie Glilern GlilernSamuel
Samuel D McAllister cIster W A Covngon CovngonRichar Covlngton CovlngtonRIchard
Richar RIchard V Walker H R B Richmond RichmondEsma RlchrneridEastman
Esma Eastman G Curey Currey Ahnr Arthur N PIcke Pickel PickelFrank
Frall Frank 1 L C Case Har Hart Heaves Grnt Grant T T1ent 2Trent
1ent Trent TrentTexasJames
Teaames TexasJames 31 1 Burroughs Chales Charles L LWillard
Wiar Willard Bverly Beverly Read E A A Stuar Stuart W WC WC
C FItptrick Fitzpatrick JW 3 W Moore E B G Ab Abbot Abbott
bot bott Frnk Frank D TompkIns wnUn William L LLowe
Lwe Lowe Marion arion C RJ Raysor sor Frerck Frederick S SYoung SYoung
Young John ohn J Ryan Hir Hiram C Bker Bkerand Baker Bakerand
and Warren Varen 1Vlndham 1VlndhamUthGoron WlndhamUtahGordon
UthGoron UtahGordon N Kimball KimbaUVerontCorelu9 KimballVermontCornelius
VerontCorelu9 VermontCornelius M 31 BroweI Brownell San Sanford Sanford
ford E Worthington WorthingtonVirginiaFrancis orhlngton
VirniaFrcs VirginiaFrancis W Grfn Griffin Rbrt Robert K KSpiller
Spier Spiller Jame James D Faunteoy Fauntleroy Ce Cleveland lana c cLnng CLansing
Lnng Lansing Henr Henry H Sheen AdaI Adam C Cr Crson Cam Camson
son N 31 L Crtmen Cartmell jr L L St St Cair Clair Men Munford Menford
ford ford Rober Robert S Knox Felding Fielding L IL Poin Poindexter Poindexter
dexter John ohn O Steger StegerYashlngonohn StegerWashingtonJohn
WashingtonJohn Yashlngonohn BHevbur B Heyburn John P PHaon PHasson
Haon HaonWet Hasson HassonWest
Wet West VirginiaD TirnlD T E B CtelVUUa CtelVUUaH CasteelWi1lIai CasteelWi1lIaiH
Stndford Standiford StandifordWisconsinJohn H H Monroe Zm F Colett Collett WflIlirn Vn B BStandiford
WisconsinJohn VIconsinohn B Shuman Frn FIank I IFrnch L LFrench
Frnch French Har Harry Wo W Newton ewton John ohn H B Ba Baher
her Reuben D Blanchard Edw Edward K KMassee
Masee Massee Joh John C Ohnstd Ohnstzd Frederick P PCook PCook
Cook Robr Robert F Woods Yods John ohn H Vwi 1wls 1wlsWyomingLeonard
WJomingLeonr WyomingLeonard 1 L Deirc Deitrfck DeitrfckIndian
Indin Indian TertoIRicard TernitomyMiehard C Day DayOklahomAbe DayOklahomaAlbert
OklahomAbe OklahomaAlbert Sidney Sidney Johnston JohnstonNew ohnson
New MexIcoA IeIco MenneL MenneLAt MennetAtLargeA
At AtLargeA MeD Brooka Alexander AlexanderH er erH
LreA c BrokAeXnd
H Davidson Frdk Prank LGrh L Graham 1 31 31Petty L LPety
Pety Petty Wfia William Ray Harson Hamniso John 31 31Buff L LRufGeIe
RufGeIe Buff George Go G Shaw Conant Conant Buttrlck ButtrlckJames
Jam James LongreetJosenV Longstreet Joseph V Kuznl Kuznlk KuznlkEdward
Edwr Edward Da Davis I John ohn F lI McCarthy McCarthyC < Crhy Crhycb
cb C C Jone Jones F W EckersF Eckers F W v Bugbee Bugbee BugbeeCharles
Chare Charles H Morrow Oow Frerc Frederic G Koliand KoliandEdward
Edwar Edward W Ter Terry E S Broussrd BroussrdTom Broussarti BroussartiThomas
Tom Thomas W Brown Joseph os ph W Lcour LcourCharle Lacour LacourCharles
Charle Charles L L Lnham Lanham James ames E B Abbott AbbottVictor AbbottVictor
Victor G Lewi Lewis Crl Carl 1 L Stone A D DCoxe DCoxe
Coxe Otto W Rthort Ratborst Augtu Augustus Danne Dannemiller
mier miller Wila William S Mape Mapes M H HBat HBarry
Bat Barry Alln Allan LIndsy Lindsay Brgg Bnigga Adel Adelbr Adelhert
br hert W Cogel Cogewehi Fre Fred E SmIth SmIthWiHam SmithWilliam
WiHam William A A Ausin Austin Gore George H WoOd Her Herber Herbent
ber bent L L EVAns Earl W Taylor Austn AustIn F FPrsctt FPrescott
Prsctt Prescott John ohn G Livington Livingston Evan B BYoung
Young Caies Charles W Wadsworth A A K KBasketts
BAkett Basketts J C Paten Fatten Frnk Frank Maone Maloney MaloneyAlfred
Alfred fre M Mason rason Conselo Consuelo AScoe A Scoaine ScoaineFrederick
Fncc Frederick H H Plummer William YUim L L Luhn LuhnOliver
Oher Oliver P 31 Hazzrd Hazzard Rusel Russell T Ha Hazzard HazzardBrady
Jrady Brady G Rutencuter Rutencutter Thoma Thomas 1iar 1iarSher Millar MillarShCrXtrd
Sher ShCrXtrd CoeiaI Coleman Toma Thomas M 31 Knox KnoxRowland
Rowlad Rowland S Pke Pike Albert lber Cton Clifton Top Topsor Thomp Thompson
son jr Rbert Robert Sterrett SterrettT Sterrett SterrettTHE
Rising Waters Six Feet Beyond the theDnnger theDanger
Danger Line LineCTCTT LineCINCHtNATt
CTCTT CINCHtNATt Apri April 2Te 24The Ohio River Riverfio4I
I f fio4I hd had reu reached he ffjsix fiftysix feet ten incbei incbeiI IncheS IncheSand
I and wa was rllS rising abut about an Inch nch and ahr ajmlf ajmlfper
per hour at 10 ocok oclock thi this moring momniag Te Teage The Thestage
stage age is sx eb feet beyond the danger lne line lineor
or the p point intf from ro m W which Ih conSider considerable considerabledamage bIe bIedaage
daage damage is ce certaii with ever every inc Inch of ad addtonal additional
dtonal ditional rise af te the wtr watiirs watiirsTM
TM r Ber Baesler the ll Goermetf Got emnment for forecast forecastor
er sid said at Woclo 10 oclock t that tt te the news news tom tomthe front frontthe
the uppr upper Ohio W was encouragng encouraging as t the thewaters
Wter waters were re generly generally falng faIling He sid sidllowever said saidhowever
however that he was cerain certain that the thefnal thefinal
fnal final stage here would gOa go a few Inche Inches Inchesbeyond
beyond ff fiftyeight eght fec4 fec4Yeterday feet feetYesterday
Yeterday Yesterday he fel felt reaonably reasonably cerin cerinthat certain certainthat
that ffteight fiftyeight fet feet would be the Imt Imtbut limit limitbut
but tl the volume Qf wter water coming this thiswa thisway
wa way be finds somewhat geater greater thn thnealer than thanearlier
ealer earlier repor reports frm from aboe above Indicted indicated He Hesys Hesays
sys says thE the foo flood under present conditons conditonswl conditions conditionswill
wl will reach its cre crest t tomorrow morow and the theremain then thenremain
remain at a stndsti standstill probaly pmobably for sev sever ccvera
er era days By Gocock 6 oclock tonIght he s says saysthe
the st stage e wl will b be tfjseven fiftyseven feet ten teninclles teninches
inclles inches F Fair r and cer clear wether weather fa 5 the therule therule
rule tod today todayMr Y Yr
Mr r Bsslr Bassler has ben been otdut off dUty but a fe few fewhours
hours alogeter altogether sinceSaturdayand since Saturday and dut dutIng duting
Ing ing all 1 day he ha has answered telephone e equirie en enquiries
quirie quiries as to te the foo flood at an averge average Df Dfone ofone
one ever every minute minuteany minute minuteMany
Many any faes families have ac vctedthe vacated the lowet lowetrive lowest lowestriver
rive river front re regions ions and the buUding buildings of ofthat ofthat
that viciniy vicinity are submered submerged to the seond seondflor second secondfloor
flor floor in many caes cases Severl Several factore factorenear factories factoriesnear
near Main ain and Water Street Streeth have have their theirstea theirsteam
stea steam plants lote located on the gound ground for forlevel floor floorlevel
level with th the stet street and the machiner machinery machinerywas
wa was kept at fun sped speed whie while the wter wterwent water waterwent
went within an inch of the foor floors At the thelast thelast
last moment the fres fires were rake raked out and andthe andthe
the en enginerooms ineoms tured turned over to the foo flood floodThe
Te The end or a brber barber pole protd protruded d from Cromthe fromthe
the water in front of one place above the theflo the
flo 11001 In the the fourth stor story of the ding dingy ten tenement tenement
ement at Brodwy Broadway and Water Street lay laythe ay ayte
te the bdy body of a mn man who had ded died ot con consumpton eonsumpllon
sumpton sumptonThe sumpllon sumpllonThe
The t truck Ck gardeners of the 31111 II Crek CrekValey Creek CreekValley
Valey Valley hye have lost their early crops crops T The TheraIlroads
riroads raIlroads eceptng excepting the Pennsylvaia Pennsylvaiahae Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniahave
hae have ben been forcEd forced to occupy temJorr temporary temporaryquarters
quarer quarters at pints points more or less reote reotefrom remote remotefrom
from the hear heart orthe ofthe ct city Wate Water is b be beginning
ginning nnin to show in te the Leage League base1aI baseball baseballpark
park but the mnaement management sates states that the theCineinnatiChic theCincinnatiChicago
CineinnatiChic CincinnatiChicago o gme game wi will be played playedtoday
toda today The N Newport wr rce race trc track Is crt cniti cnitically
cly cally ner near being invade invaded by the foo flood The Thegetct Thegreatest
getct greatest sufering suffering from the hgh high waters watersto
to cItzens citizens generly generally Is at t Newpr Newport Thee Theedone
dor done Starr rar overseer of the PQ poor r sd said that thatas thatas
as Jet yet there had been ver very ltte little suter suterirg suffer sufferlag
irg lag as a r result ul oC the flood floodAON floodBARON
The Italian Aaalasalor JlI llor Preparing Prepnrinto Preparingto
to Leave c Cnllnl CnllnlBaron Capital CapitalBaron
Baron Fava the Ialan Italian Ambasador Ambasadorwho Anibassador Anibassadorwho
who has bn been rele recalled to Rome caned canedupon calledupon
upon the Preid Presidpnt nt to pa pay his respects be befor before
for fore leaving Washington ashingon Barn Baron Fava Favasaid
said he was unable to st te when be bewould hewould
would take hi his devarurc devarurcWT departure departureWHITE
31M 3IIss = trace Stephens and Mrs E B D DSteens BStevens
Stevens Meet the Pre7hlent Pre7hlentThe President PresidentThe
The Re Rev Frnk Frank M Brisol Bristol pator pastor of ofthe ofthe
the lIetropltan Metropolitan Methodist fetho ist Episcopal EpiscopalChurch
Church cle called at thC the White Yhie House thi this thismorning
morning to sy sa goodby to Mr McKInley McKInleyand
and to introduce Miss GrceSteph Grace Stephens s and andMrs andMrs
Mrs E B Stevens of Baltimore both bothmembers bothmembers
members of te the 1Vomens Foreig Foreign Mls Mlssionao Misclonary
sionao Socety Society ot the Methodist Ithodit Episco Episcopal
pal Church 1iss Miss Stephens is superIn superIntendent superlntendent
tendent of the Methodist Church missIon missIonIn
In Iedros India India She is in this countr country countryon
on a a visit visitM visit visitLa
Short Term Four Ier Cents Sold by byXe byNew
Xe New York IolderR IolderRThe holders holdersThe
The SecretaJ Secretary of the Tresur Treasury this mor morn morning
ing puchased purchased from New York holders holdersi125000
i125000 50 worth of shortten shortterm 4 per cent centballds centbonds
bonds The prce price paid was m35 m35Tlood S1ILIIB S1ILIIBBlood
Tlood Blood BloodULbMa Tel1
UAl ULbMa pufe purifies tht th 110 blood gives yo you appetite appetiteand p me meaDd
aDd vigor or At all dog r store storeDl7counhi stores storesDiscounts
Dl7counhi Discounts too on Iulnler ch chsle cashsales
sle sales of larc large amounts by LIb Lilabey ey Co
Mr 31 Loomis Discusse Discusses the t1i Siuaton Siuatonin Situation Situationin
c cNot1rp
in Venczuela ycjieie1aothlng
Not1rp othlng Lkel LIkely to De Be Done b ly This ThisGovernment ls lsGoern
Goern Government ent ne Itegaraling nrdin the he Matter Matteruntil tt ttUnti
Unti until Ilac lc American irericnn JlnIlter 3llnistcr Re Returns lIeturns
turns From His JoHdn Holiday in Europe EuropeFran EuropeFrancis
Fran Francis is B Lmis Loomis Unie United Sa SalInister Staes StaesMInister
lInister MInister t to Veneuela Venezuela went 1 to the theState theState
State Deprtment Department toay today and had a long longconference longconference
conference with 1th Secretar Secretary Hay I It Is Isundertoo isunderstood
undertoo understood that the sItaton situation in Vene Venezela Venezuela
zela zuela was as thoroughly reviewed and te teI the therelations
I relations between th1t that Goverment Government a and andthe d dte
te the Unied United Sttes States discsed discussed Although AlthoughMr Altough AltoughI
I Mr r Imis declined t to tak talk regrdng regrdngtbe regarding regardingthe
the conference wIth lIr Mr Hay it was wassaid wassaid
said afer after the InterIew Interview that there therebeen ad adbeen
been no change in te the attit attitde de or te teTnied the theUnited
Tnied United Sttes States toward Veneuela Venezuela as a a aresult C
result ot the exchange or vIews vIewsl viewsIt
l It was leared learned fom from a prominenti prominenLpffl prominenLpfflcial
cal cial of te the Stte State Department that It Itnot it itisnot
isnot not lkely likely tha that anything Wi will be dor done doneto
t to brng bring mat matters rs to a head d so far as asthe s stbe
the rlatons relatlons of the two two countries are areconcerned
countis nr nrcncered
cncered concerned unti until Mr Ir Lomis Loomis reurs reursI returns returnsfrom
I from hi his holday holiday in Europe EuropeThe EuropeThe
The undertdIng understanding Is that that mat matters matterswill
will i be left in in abeyance unt until that tme tmend time timemnd
mnd nd te the sauaton situation cefuIy carefully watchc watched for forany or orany
any dcvelopment developments developmentsIt
I It is said that the Administrton Administrtonbopes Administration Administrationhopes
hopes that afaIr affairs wi will rearnge rearrange them themselves themselves
selves in the coure course of tme time ad that thatno h t tno
no rdical radical meares measures wi will b become come neces necesir neces necessary
ir sary saryIt
I It wa was ago also stted stated that nO no new new In In Instructbor
strctons structbor ha have e b beeen en sent to M Mr Run Russe Runsell
se sell J te the UnlerStte United States Ch Charge red dAf dAfmires M Malre
mires alre at Carcs Caracas adtbat and that no steps stepsw stepswill
w will btn be taken by this Goverment Government forc forcsmete for forsome
smete some thne tocome to come ulesrevrs ulesrevrsfurter unless reports of offurther
furter further interr interference c with the rghtot rghtotAmercns rights of ofAmericans
Amercns Americans in Venezuela Venezuela Jutfes JutfesH justifies it itE
E H Plumach r Unied United Ste States Con Consl Concul
sl cul at Mracibo Maracalbo Venezuela caIed called at atthe atthe
the Wie White Houe Housetlijs tbls morng morning He de declaes dedares
claes dares that te the rlaions relations between the tbePresident thePresident
President of Venezela Venesuela ad and Miste Minister MinisterLoomis
Lomis Loomis have always bee been mat cordaL cordaLr cordiaL cordiaLI
r kovpronaly know personally sid said Mr Pin Plumher Pinmacher
mher that Mr r LQrsIs Loomis Is gaty greatly greatlybeloved
beloved by Preident President Catx Castro and that thatthe thatthe
the reprt report of any brech breach btween between tem temis them themis
is entrely en timely wlthoutfom without foundation foundationMr ton tonlro
lro Mr Plumacher as also speks speaks in ters tersof terms termsof
of high prse praise othe of the Veneelan Venezuelan Exec Exee ExeeUtive
ttve Utive and beleve believes tat that plent pleasant rela rela
tons tions wi will contnue continue to ti et exIst between this thisconnt thisconntry
connt conntry and Veezuela Venezuela Mr Plumaher Piumacher
h has s been Consl Consul at at Macibo Maracaibo for twen
ttee tythree years ear havngbe having been appoint appointed d
by President Hayes BayesTHE
JnlormnI Informal Exercises nt atibie the XC New Pub Puble Pnblie
le lie Librar Library DundIng BuildIng BuildIngThe
Te The corerstone cornerstone of of the new Publc Public lT lTbrr LI LIbmm
brr bmm Bulding Building w 1d laid at 33 330 oclock oclockti
ti thiz aferoon afternoon Te The evelt event wouldla wouldlaben would hate hatebeen
ben been postpne postponed until nt a more suitbIe suitable dy day
but for or the fat fact tt that it woulddelyte woulddelyteW9rk would delay the thework
W9rk work on the buldll building buildingThe
Th The stone is a masve massive piece of gi granite graniteweighing
weighig weighing about ut a a ton ton tonDistrict
D District rct CommisIoner Commissioner R flols is as s Treri Trerident l ldcnt
dcnt dent of the LirrComion Library Commission Wede wielded wieldedthe
I te the twel trowel ad and Sred spread te the mortt morttholds mortar that thatholds
holds te the cap of the the stone In place place placeAmong
Aong Among tose those present rent were were the Dict DictCommissIone District DistrictComrnfcslonere
CommissIone Comrnfcslonere Col Tedore Theodore Blngham BlnghamSuperintendent
Superntendent Superintendent ot Publc Public BuldIng Buildings Bing and andGround andGrounds
Ground Grounds Bera Bernard R B Gre Green Superntend Superntendent Superintend Superintendcat
ent cat of the Librr Library Buiding Building Weton WetonPint Weston WestonFlint
Pint Flint the lbrra librarian ad and te the bar board of oftrsees oftrustees
trsees trustees whch which is composed of tefoUo tefoUoing the follow following
ing gentemen gentemenTheodore gentlemen
Theodore V v Noyes S W Woowar Woodward WoodwardB
B H H Warner Varer J B Lmer Lamer A 1 H Sp Spot Spotlord
Lor lord J T DuBoi DuBols R B I H Per Perry CJ CJBel C J JBell
Bel Bell R B H Thayer ThayerTe TliayerThe
The anicle articles deposited in the stone wer were wereCopy
Te depsited te sone
Copy of invitton invitation sent thise those prent present presentList
tee tees teesList LIst or membr members of te the bd board ot t trus trustees
List of lbrar library employes employesPIau empboyesPlaai
PIau of buidng building in pph pamphlet t form formAll 01
An publcton publications Iued issued and for forms use used usedIn
II In the lbrr library libraryBylaws
Blaws Bylaws ot te the wa board of tstees tsteesDecrption trustees trusteesDescription
Decrption Description of buidng building now ocpie occupied o by
te the Ibmr IbmrBuiding library libraryBuilding
Buiding Building chronolog chronology chronologyReports
Report Reports or te the brd bard of tr trustees tee and andl andlibrarian
l librarian rnan 1S lids 1299 1 1200 1200Bianle
Blan Bianle used in the lbrr library 10 11101 11101aslamgtonillustrutlons
Washingoniusrtons aslamgtonillustrutlons of the cit city cityand
1St and buldmg buildings Isued Issued by Board of Trde Trade Trade1St
191 1St1iistoric
HistorIc mea medal commeortng commemorating the one onelundret onohundredth
lundret hundredth anniverr anniversary of th ebUsh ebUshment establish establishmeat
meat of the seat otGermcnt of Government in the theDirct theDistrict
Dirct District of Columbia Columbia Dec December mber 2 19 lie lieAddress
Atdres Address of l1 Mr H Ii B F lacfalanat lacfalanatthe Macfltninnd at atthe
the Executve Executive Mansion Wednesday Ven = da De Dc Dccember
cember 12 19 use being the commemoration commemorationof
1 commemorton commemortonof
of te the ore one hundreth hundredth anniv anniversary rr of of me meestblshment theestablishment
estblshment establishment of te the seat of Gverent Government GovernmentIn
In te the Distct District ot Columbi Columbia ColumbiaOfficial
Ofcal Official medal of the Inugrtn Inauguration Com Commitee cornmittee
mitee mittee March 4 lL lLSiyer 190L 190LSilver
Siyer Silver and minor coins of the Unied UniedSttes United UnitedStates
5 Sttes States cents 19 19411 1 cent cent centCopy i 5 so cnt cents 2 25 cets cents Ie cent cents
Copy of the orgnal original contct contract for or the theerecton theerectioa
erecton erectioa oC the Librr Library BuUdinS Building BuildingReports
Repors Reports of th the CommItC Committee on Public blc Li Librr Library
brr brary of the Btar Beard of Trde Trade 1 15931900 15931900Washington 91
Washington Vhingon Time Times April prl 2 24 11 L ° L LWashington
Washington Vahingon Posn Post Aprl April 2 24 19 IhtL IhtLWashIngton
WashIngton Yahingon Star April 2 23 19 ii iiCopies
I Copie Copies of the act acts of Congs Congress eablsh eablshin establish establishlng
in lng te the Librr LibrrI Library LibraryA
Mr Rosewater Pays n a FrIendlyC Friendly Call Callat n nnt
nt thee State Dcpntnent DcpntnentEdwar Department DepartmentEdward
Edwar Edward Rosewater editor of th the Om Omba Oma Omaha
ba ha Be Bee who was a cnddate candidate for Unie United UnitedStates
Stte States Senator in thercent the recent prlonged prlongedcontest prolonged prolongedcontest
contest In Nebrka Nebraska cle called on Secret Secretary SecretaryHay
Hay at the Stte State Dparment Department today todayr todayMr
Mr r Rosewater stted stated that br 1119 visit WSmerly WS wasmerely
merly merely a fredl friendly call and had no poUtc political politicalsignificance
si significance significanceTHE ifcnce ifcnceT
A CaIlcnI Calalegrani Annotncing Announcing HI Its Arri Arrivnlat rr rrTnJ
TnJ vnlat nt CnTlte CnTlteThe CavtgcThe
The NaY Nav Deptmet Department h has reeved received no notc no notico
tc tico tat that the mosquio mosquito feet fleet consi consIstIng Uns of ofthe ofthe
the ltte little gnbts gunboats Annapls Annapolis FroUe Frolic FrolicWompatuek
Womptuek Wompatuek and Pstqua Piscataqua hs has arived arivedat arrived arrivedat
at eite eiteTee Cavite CaviteThese
Tee These diminutve diminutive vessels essls left lampt9n lampt9nRoads Iamptn IamptnRoads
Roads two monts months ago and the NavYDe Navy De Departnient
partnient is highly plc pleased over the fat fatthat fact factthat
prtnJent that the trp trip haI half way rund round the world worldwS worldwas
was made niadein in gafet gafetORIA7S safety safetyLORIDAS
Grent Prenre preanureBrought DrougJlt on Go Cover Covernor r rnor
nor JenninJM JennIngs to o Veto eto It ItTALLSE ItTALLAhASSEE
TALLSE TALLAhASSEE Fa Pbs Apri April StGreat StGreatpressure Iat Iatp1Stre
p1Stre pressure Is being brught brought to bar bear on 08 08eror Gov Governor
eror ernor Jennng Jennings to veto veto the Incurble incurable In Insniy Insanity
sniy sanity divorce mere measure jut just I passed by bythe Y Ythe
the Le Legislature islaturc REport Reports frm from alover aloverthe all over overthe
the State Indicte Indicate that the people ar are ae aeluging de debuying
buying legislator legislators wih with leters letters and nd tele ide idegrams
grms grams urging them to see the Gyeror Gyerorand Governor Governorand
and have him veto the bl bill billThe
The Governor Is graty greatly wor worrJs1 over overthe vr vrte
the situation as the infuence influence from th9e th9einterete those thoseInterested
te Interested In the bi bill Is eql1y UI3 as U urgent urgentthat r t tthat
interete that he 2Tgfl it It The Tia mte mattOr is IC Uk likely lJ to tobecome t tbeome
beome become pltcl political g a anti le be a big factor In Inthe Inthe
the the cunty county eleton elections thIs yer yerlere year yearVlierc
Vlierc lere It Toueb Touches ex It IenJJu IenJJuZemC heals healsZernaCaes
ZemC ZernaCaes ptivly positively cre cures e cezuna sod d di dis dissees
aJ sees of f the din skin At U all 11 dr drug stoe stoenl atones atoneslIii
nl lIii Lnnl1ter ntownand et JOT JOTot loweat
ot prce prices to too Fkeng FOtn 12 125 by Lbbey Libbey l h C Ce

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