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The evening times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, August 24, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1901-08-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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I ttCIJt futttiug imt imtKVMBER
leinuuls of 31 J Consnii5 Granted Graiitfdby Glm tl tlIJ
by IJ the Sultan SnltnnAn Sultann
An tn n Imperinl Irade IlecowrnlnInR ncco ldn Hie HielllKhtu CIt he heIlIJhtN
lllKhtu of tin tll lie Utiayx ttlR Comjmay Comjmayat CUlllpRnut
ut CoiiMtantlnoplr I 1iHcal sHe l After Afteran Afterun fter
an AudioMce With VlIt Itli Abdul Jtl1RI Haiiiid HaiiiidPARIS HRIIIIIIPARIS
PARIS Aug 24 2As As was expected ex let in inconservative Incon n
con cons conservative MtIv Ule quarters q arters the rupture between betweenthe betweentbe
the French Ambassador at Constantino Constantinople Constantinoph ContanUflOp1C ¬
ple and the Sultan of Turkey TurkE > Y has ba been beenhealed beenbeae4
healed by ty the submissio of the latter latterHwrf latternd
z Hwrf nd nt th t wehJ re te no further danger of serious seriouspments erlousPRtellUI er1OUSM4IstL
pments The following semiofficial semiofficialoncernlng semlotllclaloaeerntnc emtothci1oneeritlng
oncernlng the matter was printed printedoday printedOoda pdntedo4s
oday odayeoaeenuence Ooda
eoaeenuence UIIIIIII 4sece of the rteetoratioB rteetoratioBto tk
to the Porte by M Constans the theek theck
ck Ambassador AM lUMador to Turkey Turke acting actingwtrnctions acUUKwtr acUngtruetions
wtrnctions wtr elion8 sent cnt by M Delcassitntster Delcaaeer Delcass LeIcaeatter
itntster atter er of Foreign Fort > 1p Affairs an Im ImI
I imde 4e has been Issued directing directingno directingMt
no obstacle Mt Cc shall hafl be opposed ojpo etl to toTr toree toree
Tr ree exerctoe by the Quays Com ComC COfftor
or C the rights rIht resulting from fro their theirMi tWlrMioA theirA
MioA Mi n A firman roywl decree decreeg dee deeltlto decreeM
g ltlto wi to the settlement et l1IftIt of the oth othtters olht othatters
tters t erll in I dtsfmte iisote Is considered im imt imjalunogB ImaL haat
aL at t
jalunogB oIIeee yesterday sent > et fresh Cr lllk > in inane In0It6 inoae ¬
ane to M CoMtans in regard to the thethat thelMt thethat
that bad caused the diplomatic diplomaticatative diplomAticalaUve diplomaticaiattYe
atative to threaten to withdraw withdrawTonMantinofHe witrawaoetatoopio UhdrawItt
TonMantinofHe Itt M Constans imme immeappenred Immeretl Imineppre4
appenred retl before the Sultan and amiwith A1MIltllUte
with ltllUte lh Use wtmoet M08t energy in favor of ofin orMttIIIc o oS
S MttIIIc itM in tine of o the French claims ebd by the theThe tAeTJMa theThe
The SwttitM Sulta thereupon iMuetl e aetl the theaannliting tRex theM
aannliting M + nx x the complete rights 11 ht8 of ofOeMp ofYe
Ye 8 CompMny OeMp y and ordering < the tR thet Cell cesf Cellt
t aM K obstaeies tad tadee to the exploitation exploitationock expkiittloataNe
ock ockmite rk
mite of the t e matter aU4r wilt be settled settledft etUedI settledtss
> ft tss sntatlve ttIve UYe of Abdul HamW and a ai RMJeeteal aI
i aMted by the Quays Company CompanyJtfvod COMlMtnJ Coapenyleveit
Jtfvod J t1tl here that the matters tters ont ontth OMtUHt oetthe
th the t ay dii dkipute Mite which hleh are in init Inlit Ina
it th tM controversy wntroen will ill be arrang arranglit
1 m a a esntparativeiy e n few hours fciwl fciwldtisfaction 10MaUeCaetlon M Matteaetlon
dtisfaction of all concerned concernedOKXYN colKernedKLYN concersedKLYN
Yearly enrl enrIy > Comiileted for Ilellev IlellevInjj ItclleTluJ IteIlvInr
Injj CoiiKextloii CoiiKextloiiYORK Con CogtIonYORK ctlon ctlonYORK
YORK Aug ug W CThe The plans for forng forJtg forag
ng the t facilities s at the Manhat Manhatnlnal lIanhfttI Manhat1seIIl
nlnal I of the Brooklyn Bridge and andsving andvtg andlag
sving lag m In a measure the crowding crowdingw
w exists there have been almost almostd aimoted t ttile
ed d br the commission of engin enginp en enginoted n ni
i p Olllt4HI tat oted d under U ftr the McCarren cCarren law lawt Ia Iat
t mirp JMllHN rpe a test spring iprng pri < The com comwHl comwtlt cornwt
wHl report within 1tbln a few fe weeks weekseommlooloners weeksma weekaaeneseteelonera
eommlooloners ma loners admit that any anyrh anyWeb any114th
rh Web h they may devtoe cannot do doHtireiy doJItkeb doatirety
Htireiy with crowding < but they theyraMeve the therelieve theyrelieve
relieve the present conditions con coni coaIF
I i ty The plans are said to be prac pracid
id 4 the necessary changes ehanx will w I not nota DOtlar nota
a torse e expenditure A puzzling puzzlingi
i z which Mieh confronts the commission commissionrovtte COIRIltIe8lonrw cornrnrniioaroelile
rovtte rw for the increased Icre tnttnc tnttnclMre traitichierensed llelMreM
lMre hierensed lMreM ts il facilitiee will invite A Aeonnoction AeelMetlon Aesmioction
eonnoction between the new newnwstt newratidt w wt
nwstt t tunnel and the bridge wlH wlHiMared wlHMd willMered
Md iMared red when the present plane are areed areed areed
LIlcRcd Healer Sentenced for forThree lorThree furThree
Three MOuths MoiitliHYORK MOuthsIORK IOlltJaHYORK
YORK Aug M CFraJtel Francte Sehlat Sehlatho Sentatto Sehisthe
ho posed ed a as a divine healer hea r not notng notMtg notg
Mtg > ng g ago aDd succeeded eded in attract attractHB attnactgteAt attractUb
HB u great deal of attention was ar arraigned arraSgaed arisigned ¬
raigned to the Harlem Police Court this thismorning thismornl thisxnornhig
morning mornl g OR a charge of being < drunk and anddisorderly aDddisorderly anddisorderly
disorderly and peI was e sent to Btackwelfs BtackwelfsI BlackwellsIIIaDd BtackwellsIsland
I Island viand for three months by Magistrate MagistrateZeller Xtt8IBtrateZell MagistrateZeIler
Zeller ZellerHe Zell ZeIlerHe r rHe
He was arrested this morning < at One OneHundred OneHundrednd OneHundred
Hundred Hundrednd and Fortyfourth Street and andBrosdhumt andBroadhunat andBroadhurat
Brosdhumt Avenue A enne on complaint of Mrs MrsElizabeth IrsElizabeth MrsElizabeth
Elizabeth Muller uUer Janitress of the houtH houtHin hou houIn houIn
in which Schlatter lived According Accont to totho totho tethe
tho story Mrs n Muller told in court courtSchlatter courtSchlatter courtSehiatter
Schlatter and his wife Ife have been sepa separated arated aeparated ¬
rated for some time U she refusing to live livewith lIyeith livewith
with ith him because W be drank so heavily heavilyE heavilyEo
The Railroad Prexldent a Victim Icthn of ofHeart ofHenrt olhlenr
Heart Trouble TroubleDENVER TroubleDEYER TroubleDENVER
DENVER Col 01 Aug M 4Z E K Clark ClarkVice ClarkVice rk rkVice
Vice President of the Missouri 1acinc 1acincRailroad lacIttePaUroad lacftcPailroad
Railroad to dangerously III In his h private privatecar prtlatecar privatecar
car at Manitou For several days Mr MrClarks MrClark MrClarka
Clarks Clark condition has been getting worse worseundl WOt1lCundl worseuntil
undl It was as reported on the street that thathe thath thatts
he h w wsa s > dead deadThe 4IMdTbe esd esdThe
The attending atteDdID physican Mates 1Mat that the theinvalid themaJId theInvalid
invalid probably will recover and will be betaken belakf beiakec
taken D to lila home bo at St Unite Mr Clarkcamt Clarkcame Clark Clarkcame
came here several weeks ago with his hisprivate Jusflrivatt hisurivate
private urivate secretary He to affected with withhart withb withh
b hart art trouble which aggravated agpavl aggravated ted by by2umber a aa azumber
a umber zumber of other complaints soon grew grewworse N None grewworae
worse one in the ib high altitudeSECURITY altitudeSCUBITY altitude altitudeSECURITY
rue New < Voik k tllter lsern ICe lr VIsIi VIsIiltecorler bit bitltecHralcr
ltecHralcr rder GMff GMffNSW G8ffJiW etr etrKW
NSW JiW YORK Aug Au 2 zcTbe Tbe wife of o Ed Edgar Edar Edgar ¬
gar ar A Whitney rhltny the poolroom tipster tipsterwhose U tlptcrwhose lter lterwm
whose boniession OoDta onteasion lon bas b already led to the theIndictment tbeInd theIndietmeat
Indictment Ind at of Wardman Edward dwn A A Glen Glenno Gle Glenon GlennbC
no non n and itd the t other Tenderloin T D4lerioID precinct of offlrers ofIkfrtl
flrers 11 ers ViSited the Criminal Court Build Building BuIldIng BuildIng ¬
ing today to offer otr r security Meurtt for a 32690 32690bond I Ibond io iobond
bond for the release of her r husband husbandWith ItbaudWlth husbandWith
With her were Mrs M Bertha Isaacs who whowished whowlhEd whowished
wished to qualify as a security aad Ernest ErnestBurgdorf ErDeaftBurgdorf EraratIiurgdort
Burgdorf who to said to be Whitneys Whitneyspartner WbltJteypartDer Whitheyspartner
partner partnerBurgdorf partDerBursdorf partnerBurgdorf
Burgdorf had been released on bond a a9IO al aedays
edays l daII after w iui Whit1M WhItII wre aT aTresteOo r rrest
resteLon rest OIi a charge of aiding q and an abetting abettinga
a criminal act Mr Isaac had badon iuaflfld iuaflfldon < tnattn d don
on bill bond Recorder Gotf Go had ud not ar arrived ar arrived arilved ¬
rived at his Jet chambers when w Mrs M Whitney Whitneyand Whitneynld Whitneyand
and her cowpsnlonx eosion reached the building buildingSTRUCK buUdbtcSTRUCK buildingSTRUCK
A Kind of IrenlouM Metal 1cHI Xear Xearleuk IMkea IMkeaIcalc llke llkeIeal
CRIPPLE CREEK Col ol Aug Z4 fThe fTheCircuit Z4ThcCircuit The TheCircuit
Circuit Leasing lLg Company of which Judge JudgeGibbons JudgeGibbons
Gibbons of Chicago to leading stockhold stockholder ¬
er has cut what to believed
to be the
ex extension txtnaton cxtcnsion ¬
tension of the Pikes Ptk Peak k vein in the thenorth thenfKth thenorth
north block of the t Mountain Beauty mine mineadjoining JaIDelI seinesjOifliflg
adjoining lI jolnl S the earn eaMGus bIoek oC the Lucky
Gus GusAil Ail A I these properties are boan boanmines bonsasa cold coldmlaH goldmines
mines and too valuable to be held for forspeculation forspeculatton foespeculation
speculation The vein was stroek IS feet feetpt f feeteast t tHat
pt of the shaft and to I four feet I wide A Aseams A84a Asearni
seams 84a mas good COd pay A drift to I now be being be beIng b bIng ¬
ing extended txt north on the ore body bod and andore aDdo andore
ore o is being bel bCIfl saved for a trial shipment shipmentOpea etpg etpgIo
9IO 10 Hound Trip tti HulTnlo lIu rtio Ac e 910 910coiiiii gloCOIIJlt l lcuiuut
coiiiii Ulntrlet Day Un via In Pemi 111111Hhrulln leiijtsylv PemiHjIvUHla
sylv HjIvUHla lii Itallrund ItallrundTickeU JtnllrunllTickrla itollrutiulTickets
Tickets will to sold Anxvat SI a 1 Scptontot eptb I ad aa aaalud ad
2 2 valid alud far fuseS until bcptcniirr Nptea beparat r 9 inctosive inctosiveat i iat
at rate rt 01 f tIO 10 r riasd joaid trip Good rm all aUlcu1 tnuM tnuMIkut tttit tttitjuble
Ikut juble > le dilly < toU > Mnriee vha of vctib eltiIMaW eltiIMaWOpee l d train trainresteLon tral tralOpts
eltiIMaWr r
Opts a took lss secoimt srno with Uaion Trmt InIItC k kCc 8lonc =
Co C < 1414 HI P Street Itrftt and aft intcmt on isIloords dqHwiu dqHwiuItoardx depu8taJloarchc
Itoardx l 2lS lJIfi 1 = Ilent Iloardn iI4nruls1tG 1 C 1el 1elft juciu ncr
ft bw SPA Lu LQ
t Collector e Cut Cuutouuus Arrested nt ntThe atuguIes
uguIes JlIlc irlz irlzThe rlz I IThe
The Secretary c r o oC the Treasury TreA UO received receivedInformation receivedInformation receivednformation
Information I thin morning of the arrest at atNogales atO atNogates
Nogales O Rws Aria of F R R Hoey the u Col Collector Colk Colctor ¬
lector k I ctor of Customs Cu tOMll at that place Hoey HOE > Y Is Ischarged isdtll Isharged
charged dtll c with Ith aiding Chinamen to enter enterthis enterthis
this t his country contrary to the immigration immigrationlaws ImmllrAtionlaws Immigrationaws
laws l aws The Treasury Department Dt 1Mrtmtnt had sun suspected sus suspeeted suneetc4l ¬
pected p eetc4l Hoeys 1Ioey oince of complicity in al allowing atowing ¬
lowing l < Chinamen to cross from Mexican Mexicaninto MexIcannto exkan exkaninto
into I nto Pulled States territory and for the thelast thetwo theast
last l ast two or three months bad special oUt officers ottlcer ¬
cers c ern working on the case The result > of oftheir oftMIr ofheir
their t heir labors was as made known to the theTreasury UteTreastu
Treasury Treastu Dt Department 1Artmtnt this morning < in a acommunication acommunication
communication e which bleh stated that Collec Collector Collector Coliecor ¬
tor t or Hoey Hoe in complicity with 1th his whole of office officE offlee ¬
fice > force with itk the exception of two had hadbeen hadbtoen
been aiding Chinamen Chhut t4n to enter United UnitedStates UnitetlState UnitedStates
States territory from Mexico MexicoThis MexicoThis exko exkoThis
This hag been going on It Is alleged allegedfor aUEgtiJfor
for f or the last three months but it is fear feared feared ¬
ed e el the operations may Ma extend buck to aa aaindefinite aRilMleftnltE asndeftnite
indefinite i > period periodThe periodThe > rloo rlooThe
The report of the Treasury special oUt officers oftlcers oUtern ¬
cers c ern on the ground s says ys that Hoey eharg charged ehargNt ehargel ¬
ed e el between J2W YO and pee 3n 306 for every China Chinaman Cblnamlln Chinaman ¬
man aided in entering entE > rin this country and andthat andtMt andhat
that t hat the t t money moM thus derived was divided dividedamong dhtdedaRlOnK dividedamong
among Hoeys office o force which was Im Implicated l lptlattt haplicated ¬
plicated in the transaction with the ex exception excep exception ¬
ception oft of two oittcers o These T two H is issaM Itsai issatil
saM were instrumental in bringing the thematter thematter thematter
matter to the attention of the Treasury TreasuryDepartment Treat TreseuryDepsrtmeut > ur urDePArtment
Department The lJt whole office force has hasbeen hilslw hasbeen
been lw n placed under arrest and It is expect expected expeeted expecteel ¬
ed that more arrests will m follow foUo today toda or ornext ornext ornext
next Monday MondayHoey Monela MonelaHoe MondayHoey
Hoey Hoe was 1U appointed to the office from fromIndiana fromIndla fromndiana
Indiana Indla I a little over two years y ars ago It i iaaU Is IsMid Issaul
Mid that he fas from Muncie and that Per Perry Pt Perry > r rO ¬
ry Heath exFirst Assistant A ant Postmaster PostmasterI Postma PostmasterGeneral ter terGeneral
General endorsed bit appointment tIe Hesucceeded tIesucceed tiesucceeded
I succeeded < 1 Harry H ro H Chenllworth ChenllworthA
Plans llnn for ur nn nlc Rlegnuut nt Structure In InXC Iiiye
New XC York Yorl City CityNEW Clt CltE CityNEW
NEW E YORK Aug W LPians Plans PIa for a ho hotel Mtel hotel ¬
tel to occupy the entire frontage from fromFortyfirst CromFortftnK fromFortydent
Fortyfirst to Fortysecond Street on the thewest thewet thewest
west side of Park Avenue are now no be being beID belog ¬
log < finished ftnl hwl under u r the direction of the theSubway theSubway theSubway
Subway Realty RMIt Company which has pur purchased purchaateo puTchased ¬
chased the ground for some n8iOO8 2eW0 2O IUO and andwhich andwhich nd ndwhkh
which intends to expend E CXP XI ftd a total of over overJ6avO6M overooo overBUtGlati
J6avO6M ooo in making the prospective holt hostelry holttelry hoetelry ¬
telry one of the largest and beatequip beatequipped beMequlppeel bestequippeti ¬
peel in the world worldThe woridTbe worldThe
The building will be leased I to B 1 1Bates 1 1BatH L LBates
Bates who ho is I now proprietor of o the Ev Everett EYerett Byerett ¬
erett House on Union Square SquareAN SquareAN SquareAN
hxlnn 11 Iturnits urn I nnn 0 flwn Itle ltusedios
ilIoH 1110 YnldcMitlno nml HIM Hand HandEL IhlnalEL hinnulEL
EL PASO Tex Aug Z4 24ew5 News ey has hasreached tasreached hasreached
reached here that Jose Remedlos Valdes Valdesplno Vldettplno Valdesplan
plno leader Idft of the band of outlaws that thathas thatha thathas
has ha terrorized the State of Durango for formany formany forninny
many years together tOIf ther with several t fol followers felloers followers ¬
lowers has ha been killed ktl in an n encounter encounterwith encounter encounterwith
with Mexican xlcaft rurAles in the Congon de deVillalbor deVillaibor doVlllaibor
Villalbor near Nombre de Dint DtasVaideiiplnos DtaaVa DintVakiespinos
Vaideiiplnos Va nos career has been one or ofblood orblood
blood and plunder A number um r of times his htemen hisn
men n hare been captured t rM by b the authori authorities autltonthK authorlties ¬
ties and execute ex executet t but replenishing his hisranks hisrank hisranks
ranks he continued hit work Mining Miningprospectors Miningprospectors U1ngproapecton
prospectors ranchmen ranch cattlemen and andtravelers andtravelers JH1 JH1travelertl
travelers were killed by b the band Two Twoweeks 1Wow Twoweeks
weeks w k ago they the raided a a wagon train and andkilled andkilled andkilled
killed several persons pe The authorities authoritiesfound authortUesfoulNl authoritiesfound
found their trail tra and followed the ban bandit baRdlta banditte ¬
dit dlta ten days clay ttnally coming up to them themin themIn themin
in a deep canyon where here the light took tookplace t tookplace k kplace
place placeA
Given Ten Ia Dfls > to Visit bit II III Ills In DyIng DyltiicKittlier Dln Dlnnther DyIngFuithuer
Kittlier KittlierMICHIGAN FuithuerMICHIGAN nther ntherIClnGA
MICHIGAN IClnGA CITY Ind Aug M 4John 4JohnIJmiBII 24JohnFleming John JohnFleming
Fleming a life convict in the penitentiary penitentiaryhas nttentlO1been
has been given a ten days da parole by b Gov Governor Govtrnor Coyornor ¬
ernor DIMMR in order that he may vteit vteithie vl tth vs4this
his h dying father tbtr at t Kokomo K kontO The owcers owcershave oftieenshave oUtcerhave
have full uU confidence that he will 111 return returnat returnat returnat
at the end of ten days daysThis cia ciaThI daysThis
This ThI is said MieltO to be the first < case on record recordwhere recordwher4 recordwhere
where a life ff > convict has been permitted to toleave toleave toheave
leave prison prisonPOISONED prllMftPOISONED prisonPOISONED
Six Children III nt Iount vernon VernoiXeiv vernonNesv ern on one
Xeiv e York YorkMT YurkoMT lurkMT
MT VERNON X Y Aug 24 CThe The five fivechildren fivechildren livechildren
children of John Beger of 15 3 Pearl Street Streetthis Streetthhl Streetthis
this city Jlre are suffering from what the thephysicians thep1tsletan8 thephysicians
physicians say M te arsenic a nle poisoning The Thepoison ThepoIlIOR Thesoa
poison soa it to believed was contained in the thecompotdtion thecompoHlon theconutton
compotdtion used to seal I the canned tar sardines Jlltrdln tardines ¬
dines dln which they the ate for luncheon yes yestwdny YftJt yesteiay
twdny t ay afternoon The Phy physicians lelans say saythat saythat saythat
that this was 81 undoubtedly the origin or ofthe orthe orthepoleon
the thepoleon thepoleonThe poteon poteonThe pohoonThe
The eldest t of the live victims Mamie Mamieaged Xllmiea Mamieaged
aged a etI seventeen vent years ean to in a serious con condition condition ¬
dition bat the other otJten although alt very ill illwill liiwill
will 111 recover The sardine nliReS were purchas purchased purdaaeel purchased ¬
ed in a neighboring grocery and the theyoung theI theyoung
young daughter htr of the grocer rocer who took tookluncheon tookJuDclt tookluncheon
I luncheon Oll with the Begers Bec n was also ai pots poisoned potaoD potsoned ¬
oned d 9h S She to not very ill however and andwill andwill andwill
will be as a well as a usual in a few days daysThe datLTIle daysThe
The physicians ph Ietaaa who are attending < the pa patient pa patlenb padents ¬
tient dents say y that they believe all of them themwill tIK tIKwill thetnwill
will recover recoverCHARGED rteOverCHA1tGED recoverCKARGED
A 1roniliiunt Ma MaNEW Mztui 1 Arrested III Ii Xen XenIIneJl ev evhay
IIneJl IIneJlNEW hay cii ciiNEW
NEW HAVEN lU VEN Coon Aug W 24Clar 24Clareaee Clar Clarence ¬
cane Newton Bushnell a member of ax axold axold axold
old Massachusetts > aclnI8e1 family was arrested arrestedtoday aJfttJtedtoday arrestedtoday
today charged with setting on lire the thelarge theJaqe thelarge
large store house hoa on South Street Street owned ownedby owlleClb ownedby
by b Truman Cowles eoI yesterdaThe yesterday yesterdayThe flItrda flItrdaThe >
The buiMtntr bulldl was wa ISO feet long and was wasworth wasworth wasworth
worth perhaps JWm H Wi Luckily Its it con contents eoaten eontentki ¬
tents ten J were tersely Sety removed before it was wasburned wasburD wasburned
burned d Several other large storehouses storehousesnarrowly lItohou8esnarrowly storotuousesnarrowly
narrowly escaped csca horning Bwshnell I to toabout Ia Isabout
about a t 11ft lirty fty years of age age3A2IES ceJAMBS ageJAMES
To lie Offered the Xorlhwentern Uni University Gnlcrlh Un Unversity ¬
versity crlh Presidency PresidencyCHICAGO Ireilllnc IreilllncCHICAGO PrtldneyChiCAGO
CHICAGO Aug < 34 4Tbe The Tribu TribuMal Tribuneuitats Tribune Tribunestates
states Mal this morning that James JaJlt Whitford WhitfordBsshford WhillordnaDford WdtfordBashotd
Bsshford Pr President dent of the Ohio Wesleyan WesleyanUniversity W WeskyanUniversity Eakyan EakyanlTnlvendty
University has ha been n chosen cho n President r nt of ofthe ofth Ofthe
the th Northwestern University lnlvellllt and he will willbe willbe 11 11bt
be offered the position when he arrives arrivesin arriyttlIn arrivesIn
in Chicago from California CaliforniaIf
If he Is willing willi to accept acce he will be for formally formahly 01 01mally ¬
mally elected at the annual meeting of oftbe ofthe ofthe
the board of trustees In September Close Closefriends CI CICrkode Cloefrlcd i
friends cf Dr Basbford say y that they do donot donot donot
not expect him to refuse r rute UH the offer offerIlenn oIferHenn oflerleeui
Ilenn AVaylandn nlnrlll Condition ConditionNEW COlldltlulirEW CunuhitiunNEW
NEW HAVEN HA VEN Cone Con Aug Au 34 24The 24ThecondItion The Thecondition Thecondition
condition of exLieut exl eut Gov Francis Way Wayland Wayland Wayland
land founder and Dean of the Yale Law LawSchool IawSchool LawSchool
School was wa not quite as favorable avorab today todayHe todayHe todaylie
He to in no immediate danger although althoughhto althoUJlha althoughhis
his recovery ret UV ry I III tar from assured ur4CI Ills Htocondition HilicoDdltlon Illsnonditlon
condition to serious 11m although not critical criticalday criticaLlllaJa criticalicridu
lllaJa lIul Saturday ntllrla day Suaihorc Bx Bxourttloiin lixursIouis x xcur
cur ourttloiin Iou via vI Ia loiiiiMlvauiu loiiiiMlvauiuIlallrond luIIII1 aalll aalllUlIlJrond aniseRailroad
Railroad IlallrondftVtwMB UlIlJrondIkt RailroadJetvsa
ftVtwMB Ikt WMktostoa W and Atlantic City at Ctepe CtepeMay pe
May Sc id Me Cfar City aad OMM City CI X K J JIritJ Jresud ff ffroosd
roosd UTS trip fidMa OB oia nue Je tor all U trata anlal FriMjw FriMjwMM 1riIII 1riIII001I Prlyssiid
MM siid Batanlafa good 001I to retuni r setH tollawuku MIowin IoW 8l I
= Tocaday Utlawar Dela Kiv aiva r HridK ridgs reels to At AtAll A AAU AtIssue
Issue tlty tltyII I
All II one tvldth Itoardn Itoardntifi iili I = Ii s Incite InciteI I
j tifi lij I s l at ctU and itd > cw W Vw ive ave
The Dowager Urges the Abolition Abolitionof
of Certain Abuses AbusesSuKKcnt AhusesSII AIiuscngrsts
SuKKcnt SII S ngrsts et the IlronUlner nrenldn ur f Tradition TraditionIn
In the Selection S lcetlon of I lulIc > iilillc OIHciali OIHcialiCriticism Oll1ehIoaCrltlclm OllIclalsCr11
Criticism Cr11 leisni for the Imperial I Cliin Cliinmeii CI CI1IenIlIe iziuuu iziuuuiuenliue
1IenIlIe meii The Six Controlling HtMirdH HtMirdHII
II 1 G Squiers Secretary of the United UnitedStates UnltooStates Unitedtates
States S tates Legation at Pekin has sent > to the theState theSlate thetate
State S tate Department translations of three threeedicts threeedkts threedicts
edicts e recently signed by the Empress EmpressDowager EmpressDowager EmpressDowager
Dowager touching upon the selection wcUon of ofmen ofIMn ofmen
men for official positions and fld demanding demandingthe tleMaAdi tleMaAdithe
the t he abolition of certain abuses abusesThese abusesThese ee eeTht
These Tht > se edicts have been published In the theofficial theoftIcial thefficial
official o Gazette The Empress Dowager DowagerThe Dowa Dowagerays < er erY8
s ays Y8
The most important principle of ofgovernment orxovernment ofgovernment
government is the selection tion of men
The present time is one of dtmculty dtmcultyand IIltticuttyand dllicnityand
and danger We e should be tbe mote motewilling mOl e ewilling ewilling
willing therefore to break through al altraditions Itltraditions sU sUtraditions
traditions in seeking klng for talent t to be beemployed bfemplooo beemployed
employed in the service of the > Govern Government GJernment Gvernmenl ¬
ment We e ought to respectfully r tfully ob observe 00perv4 ohserve ¬
serve the statute to estabiitdt tttabli < h erumt eruD exindt exindtthins tIt tIttlons H Httons
thins for the selection kcUon of the learned learnedand eacl14dand earnedand
and talented by opening an examina examination exil18lion examioatioti ¬
lion hi political economy which blch should
be put in operation at the forthcoming forthcomingmetropolitan Corthoomingmt forthcomingmetropolitan
metropolitan mt > tropoUtan examination examinationIt
It cannot be possible that in sit H this thisgreat thisgreat thingreat
great Empire there are no talented talentedmen taJenptmtn talentedmen
men If there > be those t of earnest pur purpose purpoto purpose ¬
pose e and pure layalty of broad mold moldand motetand moldand
and ext extensive nsie learning versexi in for foreign foreign fortdgii ¬
eign and domestic affairs let the presi presidents presidents presidents ¬
dents and vice Ice presidents of the theboards theboards thebeards
boards the > Viceroys and Governors Governorsand Go4monrand Governorsand
and provincial directors III tor of education educationprepare educationJHelre eeucatioaprepare
prepare a statement of their qualifica qualifications qualiticatlons quallitcatlon ¬
tions tlon and an recommend them and let the theBoard theBoud theBoard
Board of Rt R Reforma forms devise a system of ofexaminations orexamlnatlo ofexaminations
examinations examlnatlo IJ and submit the same for forthe fortMlmptrlal forthe
the tMlmptrlal Imperial approval approvilThe approvlTfHo approvalThe
The court is eager a r for all sorts of ofsuggestionx oft ofp ofsuggestions
suggestions t to promote the prosperity prosperityof prosperityof
ep ct rtnlr rtnlrone
of the Empire p Mother and son are areone areone
one in th the purpose to correct the mls mlstakesof mi8takesor mistakesof
takesof the past and long to obtain obtaintalent obtaintaleat obtaintalent
talent to assist in the Government Govrnm nt
Your ministers ought to carefully careCullyout seek seekout seekout
out men of such ability and each one oneintroduce oneSntrod1M oneintroduce
introduce those tbo known to himself and andthus andthtltll andthus
thus together tOK ther aid in relieving the pres present present present ¬
ent difficulties Ilh ulUftJ that the t State > may be bestrengthened betreqthened bestrengthened
strengthened and that men of if ability abilitymay abUltymay abilitymay
may rise up from the midst t of the thepeople thepeople thepeople
people and be seen again In the pres present pr prnt presunt ¬
ent nt time U to flourish before your eyes
This is what hat the court prayerfully prayerfullyseeks prayerfullyseeks
seeks seeksLet seeksLet ka kaLet
Let this edict be published abroad abroadfor abroadfor abroadfor
for the information of all altAnother allAnoth4r allAnother
Another edict lct says saysMany saysMany ys ysany
Many any abuses have > gradually grown grownup 81iwnup grownup
up m In all 11 the omces o of the six laurels
in the practice pratI of which whlehcIertuI rapacious rapaciousclerks rapaciouscierks
clerks have Ita ve become very crafty
We have already frequently Issued tosuededicts
edicts to correct these abuses aunt amirecently a1rtCflltl auntrecently
recently rtCflltl on account unt of the loss of ofmany ofmaa oflitany
many maa of the records of the boards boardsand boar boarand boardsand
and consequent co quent upon the military oc occupation ecupatlon oncupation ¬
cupation of Pekln we again ordered a athorough athoroueh athorough
thorough cleaning out and Dd a destruc destruction destruethin ¬
thin of the t whole wholeStilt wholeStill hoIe hoIeStili
Stilt another edict dlet treats of Our Impe Imperial Imperial ImpeHal ¬
rial Clansmen referring to their great greattalents groatalents t ttalent
talents t in the > past and calHwf eaUf calif 1 attention attentionnow attentionno attentionnow
now no to the fact that custom have 1e become becomelight betomel I Iight
light l htDd and trifling The edict commands an anlmpn aaIl asunproveawnr4n
lmpn Il I unproveawnr4n provt > remenr Nn > in their methods and adds addsThose addsT addsThose
Those T clansmen elan who ho go about idle idle not notattoading DOtatt notattending
attending att ln to their th r duties day by day pur pursuing purBUt pursuing ¬
suing BUt worthless aims ails 1 even to the t extent extentof extentor extentof
of becoming bandits and deluded follow follower 1011owers followera ¬
ers er of evil societies ws bent on gratifying gratifyingtheir graUryingtheir gratifyingtheir
their evil desires are certainly a disgrace disgraceto d dto I Ito
to the clan and deserving 8C rf aH contempt contemptFurther contemptPurther contemptIurther
Further let t the Chief of th the Imperial ImperialClan IntpertalClan ImperialClan
Clan Court increase the severity or the therestrictions tlteeMrietton I Irestriction
restrictions and as occasion may require requireadmlnfoter requireAdtnilihoter requireadminister
administer punishment Should any y show showsneh hoWJmeh thousuch
such pl pau pleasure asure in violence and depravity depravityas
as to become bandits and put forth in evil evMteachings eYitt evilteachings
teachings t let them be severely Mven ly punished punishedwithout punt N Nofthout L Lwithout
without leniency n ncy Respect pett this thteWON th thWON thisWON
Sir Ir AVhltiiey hlttN hltneys horse we holstein Suc SucccHKful SucCCiHful Suecerusful
ccHKful nt Nottingham NottinghamLONDON ottlll OttiuughininLONDON hnm hnmIO
LONDON IO DO Aug M 3IThe The race for the theElvaston theElvaaton C CElvanton
Elvaston Castle Plate of MS sovereigns sovereignsat I Iat
at Nottingham today was wa won by W C CWhitneys CWhltneys CWhitneys
Whitneys Holstein HoI ttln at odds of 1W li to toon 7 7on 7on
on E C Claytons Idle Hour was wa sec second BeeODd seenod ¬
ODd and W Gales Gaw Gay Lad La < third thirdThese tblrofTb thirdThese
These Tb three horses ho were the only start starters carter startera ¬
ers er J 1 Keln rode the winner winnerBRIGHAM winnerBRIGHAM Inner InnerBRIGHAM
On Her Way Vziy n > to Salt Lnke In i iCondition n 01111 01111Cundltlon DyiuigCo
Condition ConditionHELENA CundltlonJIELEXA Co ii ii 1 t I 0 fl flHELENA
HELENA Mont Aug 34 4Xrs Mrs Zlna ZlnaYoung 71naYounc L LYoung
Young the flrst wife ICe of the Mormon MormonapoMle XormonapolJtloe I Iapostle
apostle Brigham Young passed through throughthis throught i ithis
this t s city laM night in a dying condition conditionfrom conditionfrom t tfrom
from a stroke tNke of paralysis on n her way wayto wuyto r rto
to Salt Lake City CityIt Clt Cltt Cityit
It t was her inlet request r ueBt befere losing losingconsciousness o lRg lRgeQIUIClouRess f fconsciousness
consciousness that he he be be taken to her herold keroIcI liesold
old home In Salt Lake to die At the thetime theUI thltime
time e the affliction overtook her she was wasat wasat C Cat
at the home bom of her daughter in the theMormon UieMormon S SMormon
Mormon settlement near the bord boor boorwhere border borderwhere r rwhere
where she had gone on a visit t It was wasonly W8only I Ionly
only a short time before her condition conditionbecame conditionbecame I Ibecaine
became more alarming alarmln and In a few fewhours f Zc w whours r rhours
hours she lost 08t consciousness cons < louSDe8L She Sh U Unearly Isnearly Is I Inearly
nearly eighty years year old and has reUUived reUUivedher reUJrwdher I Iliar
her faculties wonderfully wonderfullyREAR wonderfull wonderfullREAR wonderfullyREAR
The CUIIIIlUUCr uf the l irensur irensurSUSIUIIIM renHry renHrySHtnln
SHtnln the Naval lnHI Auditor oucliurRobert AuditorRobert
Robert J 1 Tracewell Comptroller of the theTreasury tileT theTreasury
T Treasury u1 amrmed today tbe action or the tneAuditor tbeAuditor S SAuditor
Auditor for tbe Navy Department lk partmtDt dietS disallowing aItowinc dietSowing ¬
lowing l the t claim of John Lowe Rear Ad Admiral Admiral Admimi ¬
mimi miral U t S N retired for to the differ difference C dlliersane fter ftereo ¬
sane between the pay of a brigadier gen general ceAeral gritcral ¬
eral of the army and that of a rear ad admiral admlraJ adseiral ¬
miral miralAdmiral mlraJMM seiralAdmiral
Admiral MM ral Lowe In snaking his claim eon eontended 001Itended eontended
tended that there Is only one grade of ofrear ofrear ohrear
rear admiral and that the rate of pay payprovided payproYlded payprovided
provided for rear admirals a min of the nine ninelower ntMlower I Ilower
lower numbers does not apply to ken omcerson o I Ion
on the retired HaL The Auditor in ills disallowing d dallowl illsallowing ¬
allowing allowl the claim held that there the were wereconstituted wereCOItIItItutod werecosstttuitd
constituted for pay pa purposes two grades gradesadmiral ntCIes ntCIesoC I Io
oC o pay foe otlktra I In the gracte grad oC rear rearadmiral reasadmiral
admiral and that a staff otncer otncerwith oItIcerwltll oiitceuwith
with the rank of captain on the active activelint acti actiIIItt activelist
lint should be retired under ur Hr safe section sectionupon sectiorupon Ion Ionupon
upon threefourths of the sea pay of a arear ar i irear
rear r admiral embraced in the nine lower lowernumbers lowernutH lowesnumbers
numbers nutH ben or threefourths of the pay of a abrigadier i I Ibrigadier
brigadier b k general generalOn generalOn generalOn
On the authority of this tltl decision the i
Comptroller affirmed the action of the Au
ditor disallowing the cllm cllmMr lt eLJstMr
Mr trKnn 1C Ifuutuis vim Joe to CJ Atlantic Allsiuuti City CityII Cityii
II Clay Evans Commissioner of Pen Pensions Penatott Pensbus ¬
sions left k ft this morning for Atlantic City Citywhere Citywlkre Citywhere
where he expects to remain until next nextweek nexi xt xtweek I Iweek
The Treamn TreamnThe Trezusury SCuteut SCuteutTM StntcuieuutThe
The receipts of the Government today todayaccording todayorttlq todayaccording
according to the Treasury statement statementreached at statntreached nt ntreached
reached the sum of J13M17210 and con constoUd CODBistt4 conMatcd
of J6787t952 anO52 7isS2
stoUd customs Internal reve revenue revenue ravesue ¬
nue J7 7f4mOi 7 05 miscellaneous tn7 In141C53 In141C531be n3usi tS tSThe S SThe
The expenditures amounted to fl 1Ja 1JaJeavtnc i iteavtng 155869 155869leaving
leaving a surplus of receipts r pta over overbursemeuits dis disbursement dlabunem ¬
bursement bunem nt amounting to toieit Ii09172io Ii09172ioJS1O eI7doU6
JS1O To IoulMVllIe and lieturn lieturnVia tG tGVlrl I IVia
Via II 4 O It It HTteketa ItTriftnlial itMeesat >
Meesat Threats ColIC foseIaes Xalpe kalgb kalgbTiUtsis Pe PeTlSeta
Tteketa gotl ood KOUHJ going August Augustvalid n to IS techm iaehMiYeYIII
valid YIII 4 rKnraiaic sad un l September S I bat Bay yt y be I Ieiteuided
eiteuided t to Septumber t 1 14 by dcpmii4ag ticket ticketarad yica yicasnd1ayinrfeeolseeesta
and snd1ayinrfeeolseeesta snd1ayinrfeeolseeestaAlly paID I 1ft of Ie IeAu ettttm
Any Au length hII h IloardN Jt l T5 and one onewuUli OUe1ilh on onedth
wuUli 1ilh b iinLtS u I1i Libbt Ll0lJtl > at Cu
The Closliij CloNIII Yacht ncht Content IrccediiiK IrccediiiKthe lrecclHuJthe lreceuiinurthe
the Iliial Piuils at t > cirport cirportOYSTER eportOYSTER esportOYSTER
OYSTER BAY 1 L I Af ding f 1CConsUtu 1CConsUtuUon isConzttuthin ConstRu ConstRutten
thin and Columbia ColumbiaJlMt jnot here today todayfor todayfor todayfor
for the last rae preeedtajg preedi the regular regulartrial rgulartrial regulartrial
trial races at Newport ypeci to decide which whichyacht whichyacht lIlch lIlchyacht
yacht will have the houor ° ° of defending defendingth deft defendingthc > ndinc ndincth
th thc America s Cup laus Unusual l interest was wasmanifested wasml1nlE wasmanIfested
manifested ml1nlE 8ted > among yachtsmen yac In todays todayscontest tod3sconte todayscontest
conte contest because this was wH like im last unoffi unofficial unodlcial unulticml ¬
cial meeting between the Mg b single stick stickers st stickera ck cktr ¬
ers tr and because e IC CotnmMa C won it itwould Itwould itwould
would leave the yacht acht on even terms for forthe forthe fortheCup
the theCup Cup trials each having won eight eighti eightThere eightraces
ra races racesThere i I IThere
There has been con eoneMerauie M r le disappoint disappointment disappolDtltKat dppothtfluent ¬
fluent in yachting circtas aikmt a out the show showing sho sholax showlog ¬
lax made by the new boat 4 Ipt lest it in I known knownthat knoW1ltnat knownthat
that W B R Duncan jr her M manager n erad eradmany < and andmany andmany
many experts who have A fiowed Itowed ed closely ctosHythe cIo8d cIo8dt closelythe
the t career < r of the G CueeetdtIon not tittion 10 believe believethat believethat believethat
that she has un yet et been i Ihily iHy and ndtbI ndtbIfactoril satis satisfactorily satitfaetorlly ¬
factorily factoril tried out and a to sapable tabie of far farbetter fa farbetter I Ibetter
better work ork The race toes to > was the sec second MeoDd secmid ¬
oDd of a series of two t nrsjinged ItIrtd for the thebig tltehi thebig
big boats by b the Seaw SeawaaR SeawunhilkaCorlotMan SeawunhilkaCorlotManyacht nhak kaCoriftthiaa kaCoriftthiaaYacbt CorratMau CorratMauYacht
Yacht Club ClubThe ClUbThe ChubThe
The preliminary olayal aI whs sounded oII > < l at at123C
1 1230 oclock p p m The he committee COR1R ttee tteeRaW Ma Manaled Mg Mgnaled >
naled the course at atJ fellows ftottowsA
A broad reach northn JtOIlIt northwsst < it half west w eM eMJ4 st
431 4 J4 miles another brawl reach Me east by bynorth DrJtOIth byneitk
north JtOIth 6 miles then a beat to the Mart Marting IItaltIItfP startlug
lug line southsouthwoat 4 41 12 1 miles 1It1 ills distance dtlt dtlttance illstance ¬
tance IS 151t 14 miles to b be snM Sed d over twice twicetotal t1eetNal twicetetal
total distance 9012 35 1 12 miles milesBoth milesBoth II IIB
Both B th boats bore bor down 00 to the the eastward eastwardof ea eastwardof
of the committee tug and the Columbia Columbiawas CoIu CoIuWIU Columbiawan
was the th first to go around and stand back backfor bttekfor beckfat
for the line Captain Barr timed the din distance deatance dintance ¬
tance exactly and coming up with a good goodmove gOOdMOe goodmove
move on he crossed the line about bout ten tenseconds t tenaecotads 1I 1Iaftr
seconds after the starting < signal was giv given given gtven ¬
en The new boat was not tas as quick aunt aJMtfoUOKetl auntfollowed amifollowed
followed Hfte tift Uftees n seconds lotar r Th 11t times ttmtsf l11ROf timesof
Of f tho start tart were wereColumbia wereColuMitla wereColumila
Columbia 123510 135lOCODtltltutlon 123iIeConstitution 123510Constitution
Constitution 15S 15SDoth 1 I23 I23Both 3626 3626Both
Both boats 1J01t aunta ts then headed h for th t the dent ftrstmark tmark dentmark
mark with Ith booms off to atarhoard rtHMtr4l and andlarge andlarse andlarge
large reaching rt > aeblng jib topsails sot At Atthe 12 12the i21i i21ithe
the Columbia wag fL toatting hr a few hun hundred hundeed UR URd ¬
deed d Id y yards yardsIt 11 r rdra rdraIt l lIt
It began n to rain at 12 15I L The Constitu Constitution Ctttu Ctttutln Constitution ¬
tion tln began beg lulling JAng out on O Columbia Cb la the thehope thehp thehope
hope hp of passing D her hr to wfcslward wrd At 1 1oclock 1oek 1oclock
oclock oek the th new DW boat bt tried tre to crawl er1 out ot on onthe onthe onthe
the weather wftlr bow b of o the t Colombia Cb but bt the thelatter
latter Jttr was wa footing fotng very yer fast f and al retained retai retainedher
her br lead led to the th first lr rani t1 which bb she sherounded sherounded
rounded rn at 11 The new nt uwjaebt yacht follow followed fol Infloweel ¬
ed e at t 108 1i Both Dh boats bts jtfedl around aroAct the theturn tMtur theturn
turn tur and aD were er headed far the U second secondmark secondmark
mark Mr on the tl starboard srrd srrdThe tack tackThe tackThe
The yachts acbt told lkthr their eowae dbeiee to 1 the home homemark I homemark
mark mrk on Of the port prt tack tk CMumbta Ob held heldher heldher
her be lead J over the th new n boat bt and I rounded roundedthe ml roundedthe
the th home I mark mrk comnt6ffag C the first firstround Uiatround r
round roM at a 156 lt 1isUt S thf th new 7h ye 1 t rounding ronmHngat rl <
at t l9t 1 Columbia Co Loke LYoe ont w her hr balloon balloonJib bll balloonb
Jib J b and spinnaker snkr the th wind 1 having hY shift shifted B shiftad ¬
ed e to the th southwest Jk aouthw st The T aw new boat t did didthe di didthe
the t same They were WEr raeins r m It a delving driviagrainstorm cyq cyqrainatonn delvingrainstorm
rainstorm rainstormTHE rainatonnTHE rainstormTRE
To Take u Dully Dnll Sail UeKlnniiiK Ue Uctinniui llIlIlnJ on onlonilny ouIondn onEW
lonilny lonilnyXEW Iondn IondnNEW
NEW EW YORK YOR Aug k 24Everything Everything rythlnc was wasquiet wasquiet wasgMat
quiet aboard the Shamrock II today at ath ather ather
h her r anchorage inside Sandy Hook Sir SirThomas SjrIbomas SirThomas
Thomas Upton decided yesterday that be betoday bewould
would not try to get the groan yacht out outtoday outtoday
today on account a nt of the t Soirwanhaka Soirwanhakarace Selrwanbakaraft Seawanhakarace
race raft but that beginning With Monday Mondaymorning Xondaymorning Mondaymorning
morning a salt U would be taken uken en each day dayat dayat
at 1 10 oclock oclockhe oclockrhe v vThe
The rhe he anchorage of the t IJptMt tt yacht Ylldtti1Mllde to totoehte IsInside
Inside the t hook about a a sjfeJhVtfcr r of a mite miteoff mileoff De DeotC
off shore The Porto Rteo The tine challeng challengers cltallencer chaflengCrs ¬
ers er tender r to 1 anchored nearest R shore the theErin theErin theErin
Erin to about 100 yards fnVtber 1Mr one CHIt and andthe andthe andthe
the challenger to a safe fe distance ee from the theErin theEri theEns
Erin Eri tied up to a green busy Her anchor anchorand aJKhorand anchorand
and anchor chains will W kept aboard aboardhowever aboardhowever boanlnowever
however to be ready in I csee e H a squall squallcomes squallCOIIte8 squallcomes
comes up and break her berfnuD from her moor moorIngs JIIOOrJD88 moorlags
lags to the buoy buoyLkrnt buoyLhtlt buoyLiout
Lkrnt Col J J B Burbank Burba 1 commanding commandingoBteer ecNllMaadlogolllcer nosaniandlago5ieer
oBteer of Fort Hancock Ida wife and his htetwo birItwo histwo
two daughters boarded tins team yacht yachtErin yachtErin yachtLiin
Erin this morning and a the guests of ofSir oi oiSIr ofSir
Sir Thomas went up th tM any y in her go going g0 g0lD golog ¬
log to Oyster Bay for or todays tCHJa s races The Thesteam ThesteaM Thesteam
steam yacht Is expected ex te4 back early to tomorrow to toI tomorrow ¬
morrow I morning morningHOPELESS morningHOPELESS
Steel Worker orkerN Will 111 X Not It t Join the theGenera th thern theGeneral
Genera ern Strike SlrifteCHICAGO S1rltleCHICAOO StrikeCHICAGO
CHICAGO Aug 24All All hope of Induc Inducing InchtcIng luduclag ¬
ing the South Chicago Ch o Otoel workers work to tojoin tojoin tojoin
join in the general gen ral Mrikehas Btl1ke hall practically practicallybeen p pruecticsliybeen eticaHy eticaHybeen
been abandoned and the ma mass n meeting meetingwhich Ifteftlpgwhich meetingwhich
which will be held tomorrow tomorrOw tomorr w will ill be prac practically practically practlcahly ¬
tically an indignation gathering gatberinc of trades tradesunionist trade tradeunionis tradesunionists
unionist l to read the Bt MM I workers out outof outof outof
of the labor movement Mr Lr Dvte the thevice theIee thevice
vice Iee president prt t now admits that the Husvill men menwill menwill
will not Jult and for the first tine tl sine sinethe since nncethe sincethe
the strike was declared he talks openly openlyof openlyot openlyof
of what hat he thinks of big former shop shopmates shopmatt shopmates
mates matt who refused to obey the order of ofMr ofr ofMr
Mr r Shaffer ShafferNo Sila ShafferNo ft r re
No e man or number JMlm tr of men can Induce Inducethem inducetb Inducethem
them tb > m to qUit he declares declartll and ad there Is tono Isno Isof
no use of pretending that it to because becausethey boEcausetlKy becausethey
they have ha ye e an n agreement with the UkpaRY com company cornpuny ¬
puny The > fact of the matter to they are areKfraid areIltrald areafraid
afraid of losing 100001n < their Jobs JobeWORSTED jobsWORSTED JobsWORSTED
1 Tiut Jte Aieuerieaeui lu rltRn ConlHII Cunuuany Stnr Starts It ItIHHchnctt Its Itslasieahuuseti
IHHchnctt lasieahuusetiLAWRENCE lhlut lhlutLA
LAWRENCE LA WRrNCE Mass a8Auc Aug 24 4pera 24Operathins 4peralIou Opera Operations ¬
thins have ba e been resumed at the plants of ofthe o ofthe t ttbe
the Prospect and Globe Gl worsted orsted mills millswhich millswhich Uls Ulsbleb
which bleb were orE purchased at auction Thurs Thursof Tltunday Thursday
day for the American W Wubion COIIIIaD COIIIIaDof Companyof
of New York The plants plmt aye bees dos dosed doHyeral do ¬
ed several months and tM ui tle news that they theywere theyWfre theywere
were to start up within wit bin twentyfour hours hoursof Mounof hoursof
of their changing hands came as a great greatsurprise poeatsurpItrM greatsurprise
surprise surpriseBy surpItrMBy surpriseDy
By orders ortk < rs of William Iff r Wood the thetreasurer thetreasurtr thetreasurer
treasurer of New York the mills In were weresupplied weresupplied ere ereIDIpplted
supplied with raw material from the theWashington 1MWaah1ncto theWashington
Washington mill mills of this city and the thewheels tltewhee thewheels
wheels whee were ere started As A Asfar far as possible possiblethe pondblethe ble blethe
the old overseers and other hands wda will be betaken betaken betaken
taken back backMONEY backMONEY backMONEY
ontrihutlHii Made Mnulelii l lao y the theClga hc Ituttoit 1IOitonCI
ClKar CI Clga ClgaBOSTON ar 3IaUerKi 3IaUerKiBOSTON JlnkrI
BOSTON Aug 24At 4 meeting of Ci Cigar CIcar CIgeT ¬
I gar Makers Union No 17 P last evening eveningIIS tvenlBw <
IIS ld was w donated to aid the t stoel ieee strike Krlker strikeThis
r This to said to be the mrgest cgest donation dotlontyer donatIonever
ever wade niad de by a single labor JaINtr lab organisation OCtflIsdOtIn < IIIatIo IIIatIota
in aid of strikers strtktraKilled stl1k strikersltlileul r1L r1LHJllca1
Killed by h a 111ITC Lire MIrc MIrcWILKESBARRE threhxxfl5HARRfl Ire IreWIIKESBARRE
WILKESBARRE Pa J is Aug M CNtU CNtUMcGlOIIrty 34NeilMcGrorty Neil NeilMcGroHrty
McGroHrty an electric light company companylineman companylineman companylineman
lineman was shocked to fea e4sh tta h this th morn mornIng morning mornlag
Ing Ho Ii grasped < a wire UI1 aunt 2 oM volts voltspassed volbtpasMEd voltapanned
passed through him Toe wire was Into insulated 1 1lattd IntolaCed ¬
laCed but a steady t ad rain ralnuu had so soaked the theinsulation tIteinsulation theinsulation
insulation that it was not effective effectivej etf lv +
4 4i 7
j 12n 1 To re IlHltiituir nail ll J1I J1 ItcCu < 11 11turn
turn Cu ra via In I l luti < MIIIM IIIIIHI uisyl > 1 vjialii vii n iii Jtiiilroatl JtiiilroatlTiok HullrundI Ii a I I road roadTickets
Tiok Tickets U on al 1 r Saturday Nahlnl sn mfl sdar Swmia > August
24 and 25 5U01 iu u ol < xi l < > return rrt until uti11a tI Iienia IieniaAU txljf the 361 3611JK5O I iCJLAU
I AU trains except l tuugrenisesj ltp L clhd clhdI Usutedao
I 1JK5O ao O Special Satnrd Satnralfl1 y Trip Irl rlp JtJ 3to 3toTo > O OTo 6I
I To Od Point Xorfolk Y Va Birch wrm rri ken View Viewand Viewt
and Newport Sw kws ala Sorirffc nd Wa Yt tiahintoa tiahintoadessier uwrton uwrtontcnier ctOllI
I tcnier daturUar 6MTpm 6 6afp Po ni ISUIM ifp ifpBtulDCW JpPlynuts fP fPJ11
J11 Plynuts nnl IIHlne hiusluucas CollttJ CnhlageSth SUI HIIII J JB It Ithiuiineu
B BtulDCW Shorthand Short h TyRmriBW TyRmriBWIlrlKht T lIritinr s a year yeuIIrlht yearlirlghit
IlrlKht Uiliidrlerf kllilII cI Board Rd t Ilcr Ilcrlh ecr
lh 1 a1 1 ft s lh U sS l Ij Iu f5 t I c
3Ir SImiFer Asked to Formulate FormulateAnother ForiuttlitteAiiotlicr FOImulateAnot1lcr
Another Proposition PropositionSenator lrOIositionSenntor 1ropsitionSenator
Senator Hannn Heady nnd to Siihmlt IoRIIt It Itto Itto
to Mr Ir Morgan lurRu if It IN I Regarded Itc Hrelcal nN nNJttahouuhleOuteonle usIteauiunableOuteouuut
Keafcouultle JttahouuhleOuteonle Outcome or > f the Con Conference Conference Confercuuce ¬
ference Held at IlttKliurR Today TodayPITTSBURG rolln rollnPITTS rulnPITTSIIURG
PITTSBURG PITTS URG Aug 24 CT T J Shaffer ShafferPresident Sbal SliafferPresident r rPre
President Pre of the Steel Workers trken Associa Association oclatlon Annoctathin ¬
thin has been asked ed to formulate another anotherproposition aaotlttrplCJpO anotherproUon
proposition plCJpO to the trust Mr Xrer XrerpromiMtl Skater to topromised Inpromised
promised that that if it to at all reasonable in inits I IIta inIts
its terms ter a Senator Haana H will convey fc fcto kto
to J Pierpoat Morgan and C X SchwabM Schwaband Schwab Schwaband
and M bring < all 11 MM influence t to bear to tocure M Mcure as ascure
cure Its acceptance acceptanceThic accesKaaceTtq acceptanceThis
This to the object tt was Mated today todayof todaJof todayof
of the conference COItt here Jter to which Prof ProfGeorge ProtOeor ProfGeorge
George W WJeaka Jeaks of Cornell University a amember aI amember
I member of the Industrial I J CfrmmlssUiTi CfrmmlssUiTiJohn CpuuueudsakunJohn llm llmJohn
John Mitchell President Neat of the United UnitedMine UDlt4dMlite UnitedMine
Mine Workers Henry White Secretary Secretaryof
of the United Garment Workers and andRalph aMRalph andRalph
Ralph M Eastey Secretary retary of the Na National National NaUouiai ¬
tional Civic Federation F radGa met Mr Shaffer Shafferand Shafternd Shaffecand
and nd made another efifnrt e = 4It to end dee Strike MrikeMessrs StrikeMeows like likeXMtS
Meows Eastey ly and Whine are t to have haveanother ftaV ftaVanotJMr haveanother
another conference with Mr ShoWer to today to today tOday ¬
day dayed
Prot JeRks M8 gene EaM East It is bailey beIIeYN baileyad
ed to an effort to see Mr r Schwab Prod Presithe PraIMItt Proddent
MItt eC the SMeI T Ttlte Trust nail nips spot spotthe
the tatter IaU the acceptance I 11ft of 1 term t terms Prof ProfJenks ProtJIM Pro ProJunks
JIM proposed these term terma of oCMUtRle settlement settlementThe seWernoatThe t tTtte
Ttte The Amalgamated o metals to t otgn a the thewage thea thewage
wage agreement a for the mUte they con controlled COItt controileil ¬
trolled t teet year yearTh yearJIIt yearThe
Th The mills that have been MeRBIDee organtserf organtserfatnee ernIsedsince
since the Milwaukee Xnwaak convention t to be beoperated beoperated beoperated
operated on a provisional male these that thatnr tlIatare thatare
are nr fully organised asktos aMt for the Meal Amalga AMaIated Mealgaseatad
ga ated mated wage scale and conditions N awl awlganteathm AIMthoM andthose
thoM that dNIre to May y out OC tM 01 01pntattMa organisathet
ganteathm having YIIt the privilege of doing doingso doingno
j so 110
j soIt It to understood ratood that certain certaintJyetJ representa representatives reprenentalives ¬
lives of the various va national labor organ organizations 0ft 0ftlzatlo organizathuns ¬
izations lzatlo wM go to New York and see Mr MrMorgan IllIorpn MrMorgan
Morgan or Mr Schwab and ask them to totreat totletltt totreat
treat with the Amalgamated A teod teodTltey Ansa Assodatien AssodatienThey elation elationThey
They fear that the continuation COIIUa oa or th thstrike the tlMatrtke theStrike
strike will wipe out of existence extllte ee the theAmalgamated UteAt4d theAmalgamated
Amalgamated Association UOIl If tbto U t occurs occursof eoeeurstJteo oceursthey
they IMe that the beginning oC tile sad eadoC sadof
of ail 11 national UoIIaIIaIIor labor organuaiioas win be betne beFor benear
near For hoan today IIr Sllaaer and aIIdtbto andthe
the other tabor pjjjctota rtteensacil tide thtephase tidephue thinphase
phase of the sttostion sttostionThe t oDThe iltilutiosuThe
The Saturday halfhoNdoy was observed observedtoday etTeodtofJday observedtoday
today at Painters Pat ter LtadasyMcCutcheon LtadasyMcCutcheonand
ant the Clark and a Union mills In Ute Law LawrencevUle LawtIIe Lawreneeville
rencevUle tIIe district The police oMciabi took tooktne okt tooklb
tne t lb precaution to send an ft extra detail of ofeight oCI ofchild
I eight f bt men to the Pennsylvania 1vIt and tile tneContinental tileContiJtftMal theConGaelital
Continental tube work where about MW MWemploye LI LIemployee
employee will 1It be paid off daring the day dayThe da daThe dayThe
The patrolmen wh are on duty early had hadnothing a4Inot leadnothing
nothing not htn to do doMcKEESPORT doKEESPOJtT doMCKEEPOBT
McKEESPORT AMCK Ae 2ICRr Rnmore re regarding re rega regarding
garding ga the > ababi bI miiiiliis of the theDemmler theDewuwler tbeDreamier
Dreamier mills nn a > MM prevalent t Some Someperson SonIeJ Somepersons
person J o any that men will be beDeANaIcr bronght t tDemmler to toDemsaler
Demmler tomorrow W n w night They may J uay be beand beand beand
and they may y not no one knows least of ofall DCaU ofall
all the Mtrlkem The t De Dasasalet > emn ler mills were werepickted werePkkoted werepkkted
pickted as usual with a double line 11 of ofma Cud ofmen
ma uid the strike headquarters are open openall openall
all 11 night lli lt It ha baa evidently been decided decidednapping de decidedby
by the strike leaden DOt to be caught caqtnapplt caughtuamg
napping < The T fires 111 in three furnaces in inthe lat inthe
the t mill are re going and the place Is guard guarded guaMed m med ¬
ed by armed watchmen watchmenThe watcuaenThe watchmenThe
The strike leaders have abandoned the tlteproject theproject I Iproject
project of a parade this afternoon Most Mostof t tof
of the organized strikers are on picket picketdnty picketduty picketduty
duty and cannot be taken away ay and the tfcediMaffected tMdfteetetl thedisaffected
disaffected men and the nonunion aonmone work workers workem ¬
ers e em could not be persuaded to march The Theleaden TheIeade Theeuidois
leaden Ieade made a strenuous > effort e ort to get gettbee gettbetJ40 gutthese
these men out but they failed and are aremuch aremuch 1e 1eJltueh
much disgruntled dhlcraa thereat thereatAs t thereatAs reat reatAa
As only 2r 2tt men received ved their pay ye yeteroay y yterdlly yes yesterday I
teroay the remaining reIDtD 11 lOIN remained r t tbe te tebe tobe
be paid today Of these It to claimed e that thatmore thatMore 1Iat 1IatJItOr
more JItOr than 8 8M W are > stating ut to their em emptnyerm eMpMye emplayers
players pMye that they are not strifeera and are arenot Arenot arenot
not In sympathy with the strike > The em employers elftpIoy employcra ¬
ployers pIoy nt promise that they will ill keep the thenames thenallteS thenausea
names of these men on their rolls and andthat aMthat andthat
that when work Is resumed they will be bepermitted beperRllltoo
permitted to take their old places placesCHICAGO lJIacesCmCAGO placesCHICAGO
A l SweepIng injunction I Order Grant Grante Granted Grnuited
ed 10 by JRdte e KohlxHHt KohlxHHtCHICAGO l lohlsaatCHICAGO < ukHHtCHICAGO
CHICAGO Aug < 21 aThe The AlltsChaimers AlltsChaimersCompany AIIIChalnJCoMpanJ AllisChalmersGompany
Company yesterday appealed to the tnecourts tMcourtJI thecourts
courts for relief from tIN > union pickets picketsA
A sweeping injunction restraining Ute thoformer Uteform theformer
former form employe and pickets trout inter interfering Jnterferhac interfaring ¬
faring with the operation o loa of the plant plantwaa plantwaa
waa granted by byJud Judge < e Kobteait who al although a1taQucb atthough ¬
though spending his vacation at Lake LakeGeneva LaXea LakeGeneva
Geneva a with Ills family came caa to Chicago Chicagofor ltllcaaofor Chicagofor
for the purpee of granting the writ and andthen andt1K andthen
then t1K > n returned to bin summer home in the tneeve tlteeVE theeve
eve fling The writ was served on a nuns number nll nllr nunsher ¬
her r of the union men a last night and others oUten oUt oilsera ¬
ers are re expected to be served today TIle Tnewrit TIlertt Thewrit
writ rtt includes both molders and machin machinists IBadIlntate macbinlate ¬
tate at both plants of the company pany the theFracer t tFJaar theFraser
Fraser and Chalmers < Works and the theBates UteGates theGates
Gates Iron Works WorksJ WortsW
W J 1 Calhoun the attorney fat present presenting pNtMnttnc presenttag ¬
tag the motion for tb the restraining re order ordVrset orckrkt orderset
set forth that a stat of war existed exi at atthe attltt atthe
the plants of the company the machin machinists madtlat mackinists ¬
ists the iron molders and patternmakers patternmakersbeing patttrDaaakenbelo patternmakersbeing
being < on n strike and banded together t her to toinjure toInjure toInjure
injure the business of the complainant complainantHe t tHe
He declared that unless an order was to tosued Is Isued Issued
sued at once the company woukl wou suffer sufferserious sulferwrloua suffereeriont
serious low JMrII to its I I business as picketing picketingand picketingand picketingand
and assaulting uklnc nonunion men JlK n were daily dailyoccurrences dailyoecrr daIlyoccurrences
occurrences oecrr aca in the vicinity of the works worksThe worltTM woeksThe
The injunction Inj netion is directed to all 11 the lodges lodgesof Jodcesor lodgesof
of molders JItOI anti t machinists and their pres presidents presJlt peonkients ¬
idents Jlt and a names besides over oyeroae one hun hundred hundrtd uun uundred ¬
dred men It to of a most sweeping < char character character character ¬
acter acterSome acterSome
Some time ago it was reported that the thecompany theCOIftpany thecompany
company had applied for a temporary in injunction injunction Isjunctkn ¬
junction but at that time W J Jdenied Chalmers Chalmersdenied IIaJ IIaJdenied
denied the rumor stating that he would wouldonly wouldonly wouldonly
only seek relief in court c pn as a last resource resourceDuring resourceDuring 2iOUIee 2iOUIeeDurine
During the last three weeks nearly Jtt arly arlynoliunion a anonunion ie ienonunion
nonunion men have be been a imported to totake totake totake
take the places of the men me on strike and andthey lidtky andthey
they are being bel housed and fed within the theenclosure liteenclOllUr theenclosure
enclosure at the works The pickets have havenot havenot havenot
not rtlaxed r axed lazed their vigilance although alt OJ < h they theydeny theJdeny theydeny
deny that any acts of violence hove been beencommitted beacommitted beencommitted
committed by b them The
motion for an anInjunction aaInjuncUo aninjunction
Injunction was presented while Judgv JudgvKohlsaat JucIgeKot JdgKoblsaat
Kohlsaat was w in chambers bam fIJ and on August Aucusthe Augu
28 5 he will wUllM set > t the date clat fur hearing hearingjlO hearin <
jlO 10 10 ItHHTalH Uuffal and send Uulurn vial xo xoVmcruMi lOlelllllaaill IO1enasylvnia
lelllllaaill ItHllr htaiirui htaiiruiPsathutrI ad adPuID
PuID VmcruMi an eunraon eJILWSWa will 01 kwr ksye e W Wihagtos Wihagtosby shinrton shinrtoncial
bl meted > cial l tnia at 8 oclock ckJck a w oa Ai A wt
27 Tick tiCktI icfcrts rood rvturaintt rrtw1Il on say tnia witkiM witkiMular w witljaayes tw twW
W ayes day days nidsdo Iw < date dateepttisbuf t S n u
11 1 and tt4S ni
epttisbuf s rak yss 011 rq rquLtr ruguLar
ular trmto AucvK AucvKxu A J 31 Septonbar 1 aM 2 ac acutlt actutt
xu tutt utlt t lwtrkt l 0 0Ifl tIs35ll3 > jr
Ifl ll3 per 100 fl fur toHrcb the IJClit IJClitlId ieuititu1
lId itu1 d uJ I L C Ll LAJi j 010 Lu
Richard llrophy IJropk Colored Claims II to teHave toJIHe toIlave
Have Ilecn Itolilied ItoliliedRichard UnllbedRfehard 1ioluludRichard
Richard Brophy Jr a colored Jockey JoQeylht JoQeylhtat Ihrins Ihrinsat liVlflffat
at 41 Hanover Street 9t t northwest JIOIthw t was wasbed rob robbed r0bbed ¬
bed this morning of uN In cash and 93050 93050worth ai50worth in50 in50worth
worth of diamonds and Jewelry He Hecharges HeJ liecharges
j charges Kid Farrell alms Diamond Dick Dickrell DIcIta Dicka
j a white Man man with the roW and Far Farren Farrail
rail was arrested in Philadelphia later In Inthe IntM Inthe
the day dayBrophy dayBroplay dayBrophy
Brophy ant met Farrell about six x weeks weeksrace WMbalrG weektago
ago while biko the f former was tiding ea the therace therace
race trades around Cincinnati Farrell FarreUappeared JIanoetIppo Farrellappeared
appeared ppo are4 to have plenty of money and andwhenever axedwhenever ad adWhelMver
whenever Brophy thought that he had a awinning awbu awinning
winning wbu Dlr mount he tipped off the fact factto fa factto t tto
to kin new friend After fttUll returning to Ms Mshome JtisOI hishome
home in thin t city Brophy again found foundFarreU foaadFarnU foundFarrell
Farrell about the Marlboro > and Bright Brightwood Br1cJttwood Brightwood
wood race tracks Farrell bad a room at atNinth atNl atNinth
Ninth Nl tk and P Streets northwest nort we but told toldit tolclBrepily toldBrophy
Brepily that lee was lit hard luck and aadfor andfor
for several nights wall J with wItJt1IIIHp withsleeping
1IIIHp sleeping aftO aeeornsaoeiatioss UII a 1I1tt at the colored eoIondMa coloredmans
Ma mans home homeLa6t homeLast
Last a night ht It In ad Farrell at up upa in ina
a chair aft U night aDd uM early UIIIJ UIIIJIt morainE morainEit
it to charged seeur seeurfrom secured tile key to a treat tnIJIIflOlll treatfront
from Brophy s pocket poek and opening it itcured ItNft4 no nocured
cured PW 4 in cash eaM a apin diamond combination combinationpin cominiustlopin
pin and stud valued at 8 29 a charm ellaraWIth set setwKh setwith
WIth two diamonds and two twoYaJued sapphires sapphiresvalued sapplutrOsvalued
valued at t M a todys lady 8 sotttatre diamond diamondbrooch cItaMoBdbrooch diamondbrooch
brooch valued at IllS 135 a gold heating JNa ease easewatch euewatclt easewatch
watch valued at t US ZM a a sold chain worth worthIK worthM worthu
IK u and a canoe worth 93M 93MBrophy 11 11Ikophy tsBrophy
Brophy missed bto hi companion COtR when be beawoke lieawoke beawoke
awoke about S3 I 6is ocKick this morning and andon aDden ad adon
on looking around discovered V his loss lie lievisited HeTtsItM leeVIsIted
visited Xarreirs room on Ninth XI XIbat Street Streethot Streetbut
hot Karrcll Jo arrefl had left abOut ten tellforflaaltd mtaotes mtaotesbeforehand mIRSIOSbOIOIeknd
beforehand beforehandThe bOIOIekndThe forflaaltd forflaaltdThe
The matter was reported to the Uteaad soT soTand pollee polleeand
and Detective Dtt tlve Reynolds ascertained rtalDe that thatFarrell t atFarrell thatFarrell
Farrell had bought a ticket at the Penn Pennsylvania PenDsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania Depot Dt pot and taken tak > a the ncitidMmnd ncitidMmndoclock MItIbOandoclock acztsboundI
I oclock train tral Shortly aftewrd Bro Brophy BIopb Binpiey ¬
phy pb received Nl a message from FarreU who whoinstructed wbein whoinstruetad
instructed in ruckd the nussfnger Mn r to say that Jtat a acolored aeoI aeuksreil
colored eoI r4d boy bo gave him the memage mi at The Themessage TIlewaI Themamege
message was to the effect that Farrell FarreUhad FalltUhad Farrelllead
had been arrested by two New York de detectives de detfttlvftJ U Utoctives ¬
tectives and was betas taken back to that thatcKy thatcity thatcity
city Telephone T IephoaIe messages were immedi immediately balDedately bamediMely ¬
ately sent to the police of Baltimore BaltimorePhiladelphia BaltteftPJdladdp BaltimorePhiladelphia
Philadelphia PJdladdp and New York and Brophy Brophyaccompanied BropIayacCOlllpallWd Biophyaccompanied
accompanied Detective De Sergeant Flather Flatherto
to Baltimore BaJ IItOre where it itFarrell was tJtou ikougiaFarrell ltFarrell
Farrell might JR ht be found Brophy Brophytended bItIII ba batended Intended
tended going coI to Fred Fredericksburg ricksburg Ya Va to today to toda today ¬
day da to ride in t tbe the race there there but will wtIIuwe willbe
be unable to do so soARRIVALS toARRIVALS soARRIVALS
Senator Depew DellC Ai AiKern lIlctn uiuun5T tJt the Peu Peucr Passengers
Kern cr oil the thtNEW St 101 101NEW IitulNEW
NEW YORK Aug < St olAIB8IIIr A Asensjors t tlII tbe poe poesoegers
sensjors lII who arrived on the thePaul steamer at atPaul StPaul
Paul from from Southampton and Cherbourg Cherbourgthto 1ItatMJuI1rthta Ciserbonegthis
this morning were S Bending Martens BertronHarry BeruoaHartJ Martensharry
Harry Connor Senator Depew Iirlepew Chaoncry ChaoncryM
M Depew Jr h PhiUp Dogrvw W John Klem Kleming IeMing F Flag
ing Gen C H Grosvtnor aor Lady JLayard JLayardI LaaNDr Layaidtie
I Dr > r John J Grant Lyman L J K E Mackey Or OrOronhyatekha DrOroabyatekba lieOronhyatekha
Oronhyatekha Japanese Consul C Ueneral UeneralRepublic Ue8eIaIR teaealRepublic
Republic R ublte of Liberia Llbfrta and Msse Mm Josephine JosephteeP J JPM JosephinePhe
P PM e Poggio Snasa Rnspott RnspottAmong K KAlIIOac ItsapollAmong
Among the ntsmgrra who A arrived nMMOIDIDIr thin ttommorning thinmorning
morning on the be steamer Clky of Wash Washington w wi Washlngtoui ¬
ington i from Mexican ports and Hayaaa HayaaaCOtint Mavauawas Uava Uavawas
was Count Magiwni al de Vttlar Ithaa M Mtoter X3 X3lIIter Msbear
bear to Mexico MexicoMr edcoMr MexIcoMr
Mr Lamoreax La x editor of the JWo JWoNews JtIoX Jim JimNews
News X was a nsMinger on the tcamrr erBu 4eamerBuffesi tcamrrButton
Bu Button a wnkeh arrived test night front Jtfto Jtftode XtDde Misdo
de Janeiro JaneiroThirty Jaar JaarT1drtyeII JanrirsThfrtynosea
Thirty ThirtyLtoe T1drtyeII poeeopsm BlR8W8 oL oLLine ths thsLine
Line steamer r c cHavana City of Wi Wustsg WustsgHavana t tHava
Havana Hava were transferred to flu Jsft Jsftand 181Senator 11and
and andSenator andSenator
Senator Depew Hope stepped 8 off the American AmericanHaer AMericaltaer AIcaaliner
liner St Pan soon after lter the big ship abIpde was wasmade wasmade
made de fast to her pier Tk T New York YorkCentral YorttCentral YorkCentral
Central tog Chawncey C M Depew decor decorated cora decoraCed ¬
aCed a with itJa big and little nags had met the theSt tMSt theSt
St Paul near the Narrows and with wldawhistle its itswhtotle ittwhistle
whistle shrieking rtektag had followed hr to her herberth Iterbertl1 herberth
berth bertl1We
We had a splendid vacation said Dr DrDepew DrIH DrDepew
Depew IH w Have not been anywhere ToIteft bat in faLoadon ItLondon
London and Paris IRK ks oajoyaiae 8M
ing I ng those cities Occasionally I would woaIIIIflterl get getpartraent getsweltering
sweltering flterl r reports porta about ut w PolIce De DeptrttRtftt Dr Drpartnnt
partraent and that they were Weftpartnersbtp pfovtns piovingpartnership pfovtnspartnership
partnership with outsiders ou and corrup corruption COII1Iptlo comipthus ¬
thus tlo of insider I It makes malr tAle tAlean time tIsa seem seemaH seemall
aH the wore opportune for the downfall downfallof
of Tammany Hall HalLQUENTIN HalLQUENT
Thc lee lrelaJentoa Sun Ulldergo Undergoes Undergoesan s sn
an n Operation OlcratlollEW OperationNEW
NEW EW YORK Aug 24QuenUn Roose Roosedent Rooeevtlt Itoonevolt
volt the foatyearold son of Vice Vicedttat Prwsk Prwskdent
dent HooeeveK was as reported at t Moose Roosevelt Moosevelt ¬
velt v lt Hoepital today as getting along nice nicely tdeey nicey ¬
ly l y The little boy underwent an operation operationon
on Thursday Tlturtlda KIN Ills Alice Roosevelt xoeveltststeor his htesister hissister
sister was ateo a patient pat 1It at the tie hospital hospitalShe 1tospttaIt1ItIdErweat hospitaLSb
She Sb underwent an operation test la week for foran feraa foean
an abscess a of the lower r Jaw Jawhospital Jaw1t jawMrs
> Mrs 1t Roosevelt bas apartments ill tile tile1toBpItai theheuspltat
hospital near the childrens c n rooc The Theillness TJtetn theilhumsa
illness tn of the > younger child upset Colonel Colonelte ColonelRooserelts
RocvtJt plans few the pneeDt preeen bat It ItIII itIn
te th ultt uht that he wilt ho able to keep his hisengagements IdseCfDMU binenEgesatstz
engagements after next week l or6eGrIIe Dr > r Oeorge Oeorgewhile
E E Brewer toN the V P1t1lkleat that tIt1wl thatwhile
while le the operation upon u the 1k boy bo was not m mikely
likely IUter l to be followed by serious coKpUca coKpUcaMUST compticafinns
finns It was useessary that it eIaouW eIaouWpetfOnaM be beperformed
performed petfOnaMMUST performedMUST
T1u The Attorney Hornt > General De Deeiele Delil Id n nI a allIlCtle atHlejiu
I llIlCtle tHlejiu HiHHe I J8 < rft tOce iHce Case CaseAttorney CHttt CaseAttorney
Attorney tt y General Knox has Just ran rendered readued ranUtred ¬
dered an opinion by request St of the tlwter Post Postmaster Postmaster ¬
master ter General kot > ral In the case of a clerk c rIt in inthe fathe inlb
the lb registry division C vlstoa of the New York Yorkcity Yorkdty Yorkcity
city po to postomce who It to alleged stole stolefrom stoleirons OIe OIetroAt
from registered n letters k tten 2 tbib N W of which wWdawu whichiJ1
157 was recovered Upon demand of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Government Gove nt for the payment by the thesurety theJlUfty thesurety
surety company cotnpa y which went on 0 the bond bondof bOBcIof bondof
of the clerk of the difference dl < eftttCe between betweettel tt ttand SZM
M and VJSK l the t Postmaster er General Generalsays Generalsay Generalnays
says that the t surety company eota paidIe paidsi paid paidM
Ie si M for each eac of the two letters from which whichmoney wJtiekJllMNttJ wkieitmoney
money had been bte stolen stolenThe etoletlThe stolesThe
The surety company paid this tit son OB OBthe ODthe onthe
the ground that its liability was only to tothe toUte tothe
the amount of the indemnity payable bIe by bythe bythe bythe
the Government to the sender or owner ownerof OWIIHoC ownerof
of the letter under the act of February FebruarylUtZ
27 lUtZ The Postomce P Department DeptrtmeattMt held heldthat heldthat
that the registry clerk was liable to the theGovernment tileGovernattDt theGovernment
Government for the entire amount stolen stolenIn stole stoleIn stoicsIn
In stating his opinion of the case the theAttorney tileAtt theAttorney
Attorney Att y General held that the liability liabilityof
of the surety company was not limited IImlt by bythe bytbe bythe
the amount of the indemnity payable by bythe byt bythe
the t Government to the sender or owner ownerof owneror ownerof
of a registered r5btt r letter lost in the mails mailsThis mallA mailsThIs
This Tbt being my i conclusion = L says i ifary the
Attorney A General tt becomes nnneces nnnecessary nanecensary
sary for lor me to answer your our further question ques luestion 1000tion ¬
tion concerning CODft ing the proper form of bond bondsince bondiiinet bondsince
since the form 1It before me appears to be beauthorized btoalltboried beauthorized
authorized by law and to bind bla the surety
beyond cE the sum tender d te teeel for each of the thestolen thesten
stolen letters lettersthat that is to the ext ezs = nt claim claimed clahaad ¬
ed by the U Government GovernmentSir GovtnmlftltIr Government3lrs
Sir 3lrs Ir HeuUham Out of o lHH JH hanger hangerFRANKFORT cer cerFRANKPORT er erFRANKFORT
FRANKFORT Ky Ang A ML 11Beckham fehims fehimsBeckham Mrs MrsBeckham
Beckham wife of the Governor reste4 restedwell reste4wU reste4well
well last night and physicians now con consider eoGsider eonolder ¬
sider her out of danger danger12K dauegerstl2
stl2 12K 1 to te JlHltlMiwre lltltIHttr and Keturx Retuu Yin YinIt thtIl he heU
It t 0 Saturday SltturdH and < StimlHy StimlHyAvgort StixlttyWCWt Swndysgud
Avgort sgud 24 awl t ± 5 Tickets good to tctan mw mwkdlseia natil natilMlMriiiK
MlMriiiK JIill I Smiy Uood sa a all trains cxtxpt cxtxptKu
Ku Kvyal > al Limited LimitedI
l til HUor11l form thiiUmvs thhl n HordIII Konrd Sl r i ilyy I
jOt H bv I l nualuj l11ht 1uil tv tw Mi tL ll and m < X V a h
Admiral Sefcleys Scklcr s Letter CencorR CencorRing CocerAiug Cuitcriting
ing the Alleged AlIe ed Interview Interviewxnectatlea IHtericwKxectat1 Interviewlfxpectntl
Kxectat1 xnectatlea R That It Would eulal DIotate DIotatethe Dletateth Di tt ttthe
the th 1roper Course C HrJle to lie Talcon by bytfie bTdie byific
die Offlcer IVhoxe nJte Blielbllltr I IQuoMtioRcd IQUot19Real 7QuostjonedMr
QuoMtioRcd QuostjonedMr Mr r II Jlacl l1okettia cUcttn eU9 Revl RevlF Reply Replymirml ReplyF
F V Hadrett Acting sc17 Of tile tileaY theNavy
Navy aY today de mad public die latter IeCWrctreM ad adthmoed
ctreM to him by Rear MItiIaI kJIIey kJIIeyfa chleyr chleyrIt
fa regard to Rear Admiral Bowhas A4 A4fa AdmienS
mienS Achley hi hto tetcet tetcetmakes Met esMesdsa esMesdsaniakes nIHlh nIHlhIt
makes It plain that he dId Bet shaiispo shaiispoHowison amM amMHowteoa dIII r8 r8BowIIMta
Howteoa for ranse easa wk wIIetI s be enMaa enMaaBoston tIN tINarteadeR tie tieattosdon
arteadeR fill die NaY Dspsrtsst b Mlt toe tie tieJteconI Ike3osts
Boston Record interview hot that b bstassjy 1M 1Mdie haolsaply
stassjy wanted the matter x rolsesed Cor d to to1m IeItIIa toH
ItIIa ItIIaHe 1m
He H Intimates that the proortecms or erea8e tt ttcase t tcase
case would then dictate to him tk IkO nronsr JINIIIeoune limpercourse nronsrcourss
course so pursue m the msHir r It IttIeat te owl owldent saldent
dent that Admiral Adad tiohmy th wcf ecposted > d that thatHowteon UI8tH thatH
Howteon H wtsos would ie raqmst to bs i lef rWsesst rWsesstfrom f > nmii nmiifrom JOllel1hoIR
from serving on tk tile Ctmrt H die dieea state assesmeats statements
meats aKtrtbmed to 1 him were aommtaay aommtaayf 1ILII lllly llllyftPOIteII
f ftPOIteII ftPOIteIIXr re pOf tc4 tc4Xr
Xr Hadt Hacketc t to Ms reptyOoes aetll6ltg aetll6ltgtMa nothto nothtothe ustge
e that to fl I t tile NMiIpt ec ectIw ofthe
the tetter tetterAdmiral hatettdmirni
Admiral Scbleys ckieya letter fMtows fMtowsThe feUewsrile follswsFhe
rile rileD The Arlington ArttetftoaSir
Wihagtn D C Aug IIIJ I 24 L
SIr Sir 1 L I have ba ve to acknowledge the tbetion
receipt Ipt OIl tk depsttsstt etuur r r
this date ID reply to say onmmualsa enual
tics of the 19th instant ID
l i While it te true that on lea f fmy tmy
my counsel Captain D Parker to r
to an enquiry made to him At dM dMate gtIfe
ate personal opinion of the liteo several tour touradastrabi
admirate on o the active and r retired t r d
J I isis 0 among i011 whom > was Xoar Ad
mural Howtoon i am assured by him
that he believes the Secretary adens adenseleritood
derstood de tooll him bi T1 T1factory that a awy one eC tile sdi
cern named would be pert perfcuy satin Us
factory to me Captain Parkers cot
veu w was had at a time when
nothing wax known of the alleged alIe In ¬
terview a as published In the RoeonL Boeoe
1 Z la I i imtoal my latter ot the Brie lII tat
I expressly stated say opinion eC the
high perseua character et 1 Rear AI
mistS 1 Howtoon and aadl I avoided o6detIlUIS any ex
presston of opinion as to the track of t
tn the statements made in the tileper newspa ¬
per clipping < which I enclosed
4 It was f with the desire > to asahi avoMec
the ecesait necessity ec Iy of making Mnc a format
challenge that I requested the depart 4 pan rt
meat to lay before Admiral Howleon HowleonportunKy
the statements that be Is alleK alleged to
have mad and U thus give ht tIN tINOrtuntt tie op
portunKy Ortuntt to take tak such action ct as bin 11181I8e
sense 1I8e of the propriety of the tilemtelat nprnnttn olslimight nprnnttnmight
might suggest suggestS uaestI
S 8w I therefore respectfully Iy state smtedtat that
the department has not placed th thproper Ie Ieproper theproper
proper construction upon upoawtea my letter letterwhen kiterwhen
when it i treated It in the nature of a apreliminary aPftlbalury aprelIminary
preliminary challenge eballe for csnuu I Icould Icould Icould
could not challenge daal for cause ea satE tII I
discovered there was a came and the theobject theobject
object of my communication as Is toevident IsDt Isevident
evident Dt upon its face was to ascertain
If Rear Itt ar Admiral Howtoon How had mad madthto made
thIs statement ElDeat Yon Y CMI will orve observe IB
this connection that In Instateatent his oihjinal oihjinalstatement
statement he says YB I have aTepultlle muds ma Jo no nopublic sopubic
public utterance relating relat to this sn ask
Jed I submit t that Ida private utter utterance aukaace seinea ¬
ance aace a would affect his qnalMeatSan q qmar M Mmuch somuch
much mar as his public publ utterances ut utnqaest and my
request was only onl t have this nitopet aMeaa
interview submitted for bill conoMom coseeleralion nL
lion Very respectfully respectfullyW ft fully fullyW
Rear Admiral u S s Nttvy vy
The Secretary of the Nary XaT7A Navy Navythe N NW
Department W Washington on D DsrCWLjtent
srCWLjtent t kintc kintcNavy vw vwNaY
NaY Destaaeat
uwsibinEtot IIIJWIIt I U JIlL lL
r The receipt c your eC ofthe
the 2tot motant ant 1It explanatory 017 of what whatwas A1JIatwaa whatwas
was designed by your former leter < of ofthe oftIe
the tIe link Uda upon the subject krt of the Ikepetency eom eomprtency eINRttDCy
prtency ttDCy of Rear Admiral Howteon hiowl to toqnwy teas
ok as a member oC the Coact eC ofquky
qnwy quIry convened at j jacknowledged your botaaee Is inacknowledged
acknowledged Very VeryF i iF reuctZuIiy reuctZuIiyActing
Acting Secretary
Rear Admiral Wlnneid i S SAItia 5 Ssp
The Arlington Hotel W Washington T 1
Americans IvIIIed aad 1 Wounded ounaJeel in inGeneral inHecnt inItecruet
Hecnt RR Engagements EngagementsGeneral a eRltnt eRltntGeatral
General Chafes has reported to the War WarDepartment Warnprtaent WarDeportment
Department the following foUowtn list of orIn meetS meetSden cammltfes
den m In the Philippines PhiMpplnesEdward PtllIIppbwsIn
In engagement e t at Saleacle s Jane JtIaes
s 34 IM1 sm 1 P p se a Edward E E Downes An tJteoutftlaDt Scatlieutenant > rst rstlieutenant
lieutenant FIrst Infantry klMed to ac action H HOD actins ¬
tins Harry W Wifeon WILOIOG private prhMeH Company CompanyH
H First Infantry killed to action acdo Oust CtoetFrankaa tFrankaa OustFrankat
Frankaa acting hospital Me lItewanlll ward elbow elbowmoderate ewrate elbowmoderate
moderate rate Edward Wilkes private priva Com Company cpany Campany ¬
pany H First Infantry chest dwst1Ie severe la laengagement Jaat haengagement
engagement at at BOar Robot BoboI J Je n 17 17Albert 3NI 3NINineteenth MItAlbert
Albert R B C Krause private Caay I Iilllet INineteenth
illlet Nineteenth eItt infantry killed m action ia ia1IIrE ha haempgst i iengagement
engagement 1IIrE eIMJIt at LJntogo Mtadnnao 111 Just JustIt JwmK
K BM 1M Charles W Fisher sergeant Com Company 0pany Campany ¬
pany D Twentythird Infantry thigh thighslight tWt thiphalight
slight t l ltyseventb Ja engagement at La Lakes x Lease LeaseJoist
I JUDe I JSe1 1301 Goutrit4 Nug uc 11II9 private welt Tee Teetyseveeth
I tyseventb ty eytlltb Coast Artillery body h J aVtejtei aVtejteiI MiJohn
I John I A Browne Brow sergeant Thinytffcct ThinytffcctCoast TIdIv TIdIvCoast ThimyobtikCoast
Coast Artillery chest t severe severeTISCS severeTnrE severeTIME
UeeHI K cenmeecadat tltI lass for r the JkUppiRC JkUppiRCSeryk1 lh IlOppine IlOppineServlvr
Seryk1 tasted n1Ml at Ueo UeoPnf tOterProf
Prof Atkinson the General Generaltendent GeDenaItEndtnt erin erintendent
tendent of Public Instraction llUltJUetloaat llUltJUetloaataos at athas iswt iswthss
has cabled to the Division of Insvnar Af Affairs U Ufain Atfairs ¬
fairs that colleges having vt detecsted deItMthortty 5r 5rthorIt ast asttbortty
tbortty thorIt to select teachers teadtentJteir mnst m mtheir com comtheir
their quotas prior to September J J Jhleb a awhich ad adwhich
which hleb time the autbxnrity ttesa t twill EBiifina EBiifinawill eel eelm
will m terminate terminateNo tenaiDatNo terminateNo
No acceptances a ptaDctI of ofthereafter appointees appofaiteesjthereafter eds edsthereafter
thereafter will UI be considered consideredAPTBR ooaDiere4APTER conolderedAFTER
J II OlJoHHeM OJ HRell t te ti Vltfit licU Mr 31alvln 31alvlnley 10110lc loltInhey
hey lc at Cant CKHttta CKHtttaI11C1ce CantonJadge B BJnd
Jnd I11C1ce e X 1 H H ODonneU O who wttopresIdtDc T Tpresiding hea beet beetpresiding
presiding to the United rl t States aiss branch h oftile ofthe of ofthe
the Police Court during Jndsj I Ication Jade ScotTs ScotTsto sa sacation
cation left the city Ian nigin It be soldto sold MIMto
to visit President Pre WtoDt McKinley at Canine CantsjaJu4 eaceI Caninejudge
I judge Ju4 e fTDonnell It is rumored rumoredof I1IIDOIMof hot hotof
of being appointed a ap iotated etI to the Police crt Conrtbench crtneIL Crtbench
bench benchJodge benchJudge neIL neILJadae
Judge MIlls presided in both botJtof brach hcancheof brachof
of the Police Court today todayAn todayoUIRaIktRII todaytue
An oUIRaIktRII tue Indiaaa Ifwncer Dead DeadVALPARAISO DeaelVALPARAISO Deadviitituso
VALPARAISO Ind i Amp M K hF V C CReynolds cReynolds CReynolds
Reynolds a pioneer resident of ofIndiana sjatta tbeeut tbeeutIndIana in inIndiana
Indiana Is dead at WeMville aged eMy eMyHe W7ODe igM7one
ODe He Heever made thE ant tIaedeIt tIaedeIteyer ea eaever
ever used la this country C aDd soraant of ofhto eCI ofhis
I his valuable Inventions to 1JDec walch wutchmoking wutchmokingmech mnTtoaj mnTtoajmechantom
mechantom JDec mech are in use e14 today todayJACKSONVILLE dayCkK tdayCharged
CkK Charged > rJoed Witk Itk leala Praut1 Praut1lACKSONnLLE iPraudJACKSOSIlLLE
JACKSONVILLE Fte Ph A AaI Asg g St BPee BPeeat FoScr FoScral
al deputy marshals have havebeft under artist artisthere musthere
here Eaton Howell an elderly xhht wIIMecba to tocharged m mcharged
charged cba with pension fraud tra fraudabeen He Beke tow towbeen
been ke sought t for the past year y Hfe 111of j jof M Mof
of opevatteBS opna DDS was s In the Southern SoutJtenHe Status StatusHe 3mi n nHe
He has many serious charges cba against htorn htornK JIIIL18
10 + 18 1 i1h0 14 aisit KetnlH Aceount Aceountraaisucniesn ee8B t
1 raaisucniesn rleHI B1 Bapenhtiun lthtn Via YlaU Viais
K Jt t 8 K R ROn R Rioa ItOn
On twJi tJraakariac listing Vamincton iact 7M it a L Lria ni nipt5 nu auMng auMngKnaUo
ioa KnaUo pt5 via as rUladdplua 1IaiHe and Urn LWIIa LWIIai T Veuiis mr
i icSTt nCItit I It i nu JU Asgad t S9L tse Tick Tickets vH d dtugging M Mturnmr
tugging turnmr > > se s 54S n dajn ban
I Srcm trc I t xi t 2 eeee us r lit lit1a inerds
1a 1aI
erds r < lf < t l25 kU kUJ
J Co

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