V 4 A THE EVENING EYRNl1 G TIMES fI fES WASHINGTON W ASHINGT iN MONDAY IONDA Y AUGUST A unU T 26 1901 Wi iJe Qt1cnln UcUh1 1n 1nlIO 1U1 MONDAY lIO DAY AtGlST AtG1STIHb14c41 M 1001 10011KSNSYlVAMA It01IMblfattmc IMblfattmc IHb14c41 kwi 01 01TIIE fflet TIIE TiI HUTClIIX3 HUrcliI S UUILDIXG UUILDIXGlEigYL IJU ILDJN G 1KSNSYlVAMA lEigYL AiIA AVKSUE AVKSUESnliscrlptlon J1uc J1ucSnhicrl11tlon Snliscrlptlon by hyMaIIfle Mall InltOne One Year YearJJOUMMJ tnr tnrJOItiIU JJOUMMJ EViaslWl EVE1 AN AiDSUSItAY ADUIMY1oR1n SlS AY SGOO SGOOMOIININO ISGOOMolt1I MOIININO Molt1I < G AM ill SUNDAY 4 4EVENINU ano anoFEiIiO 404 404EvlMI ° EVENINU AD SUMIAY SUiU UIA 40O 40OlOO 410FUOOlJ FUOOlJ FuniY Y O 0c1T LY Lot lOOJlonvixo 100IclllthIJ LotIOUt1l IclllthIJ IOUt1l hy Carrier CurrierIOftoIoO Jlonvixo ETKCIMO E E4NO AN if SUM l1S U1AY IIA AY Y Piftv Pif1 ce ctll cests tt ttMniiNiNQ MniiNiNQ AND SOM SUNDAY AY Y TMrtflee TMr1 tle cents centsEVJMJINO cent centEnlso EVJMJINO ANU SD ii SUNDAY 8uo Y TMrtttJtoc TJttrtIt tt cents centsTHE teNtsTHE THE TIMES COMPANY COMPANYCirculation COMPANYW W VQ0uNG AlllISmOS r0 D C CClrculatl C Circulation Clrculatl Statement StatementThe StutelCJltT SttLIeIiefltTht The T HrmlatMMi circulat at n The n Times Th s tor er the theInc wct4 I t ettd ettdIn Inc In AMfHMt 2 24 WO1 110 was aI s as fallows fallowsSunday JoIlewsafj Sunday Sunday AiMnut IS J ISlWt ISlWtMmUv MmUv afj ftda AunwtSaturday Aunwt AugudTui i l lTtrda Tui Wt4pday AN Aur Uet i 21 3U0 Ttrda Thi4y A Aut AutrI4Lr tI 41 41t rI4Lr Awgt Saturday t Attgtwt Avwc M MTotal if ifTobl 4 Total TotjlPady SS6114 SS6114Daily tIi61UJaily Daily average SMnday JS404 exceffied 3H15S 3H15SA 3IaiSA A IlniiKeroutt Jnns rou rouM Vixen VixenIt VIXCUIt VlxenIt It is no exaxgorntkm to say y that the theVixen theVixen theVixen Vixen log exposure has struck terror terrorto terrorto terrorto to the hearts of the navy nRV ring and that thatits thatIts thatIts its members fully full realize that some one oneor oneor oneor or more of them will be in close quar quarters quarters quarters ¬ ters before the end of the Sampson Sampsonscandal Ssmpsonandal Sampsonacandal scandal andal That somebody falsified the thelog thelog thelog log of the Vixen to make It the narra narrative nnrraUvt narratlvt ¬ tive > that CrowninshleW furnished to tothe tothe tothe the Senate as an ofllcia1 document documentappears documentappears documentappears appears certain not only on comparison comparisonof of the forged with the genuine log but buton buton buton on the face of the former Itself Thus Thusas Thusas Thusas as the New York Journal in its edi edition edition etlition ¬ tion of this morning points out the theCrowninshicUl theCrowninshleld theCrow CrowninshicUl Crow ninahield notes attributed to toLieutenant toLieutenant toLieutenant Lieutenant Harlow of the Vixen state statethat statethat statethat that on July S 1S9S at 1115 a m mthe mthebatHe imthebattle the thebattle battle being In progress progrt proresethe Sfthe > the Iowa was wasgaining wasbalning wasgaining gaining on the Massachusetts a1S8chu tts This Thiswas ThIswas ThIswas was a most clumsy and stupid inven invention Invention invenlion ¬ tion for the MasF Massachusetts la chusetts was not in inthe Inthe inthe the fight fi bt at all Assuming that the theforgery theforgery theforgery forgery was imposed Im d upon Crownin CrowninBhield Crownlnrhield Crowninahield Bhield and that he was acting in good goodfaith goodfaith goodfaith faith it is passing strange that such a ablunder ablunder a ablunder blunder should have escaped his atten attention attention attention ¬ tion when he > was as editing the notes notesThe notesThe notesThe The Journal calls attention to anoth another another another ¬ er point of Importance In demonstrat demonstrating demonstratIng denonstratlog ¬ ing the fabrication of the official log logIt losIt logit It says ys Furthermore the position of oftbe ortbe ol tbe New York at lltl as given in the theCrowninshield theCrowninshield th thCrowninshield z Crowninshield report Is a physical Im Impossibility Imposslbilltr Impossibility ¬ possibility both from the reports of the thenavigators thenavigators th thnavigators navigators and the report of the Iowa IowaThe IoaThe IowaThe The true log which will be intro introduced Introduced introduced ¬ duced as evidence before the Court of ofEnquiry orEnquiry ol Enquiry agrees In every detail with withthe withthe wittthe I the facts fa < ts of the bAttle as developed in inIndependent Inindependent iiiIndependent Independent reports of navigating offi officers omct officers ¬ cers ct > rs other eyewitnesses e ewitnes es and the state statements statements stateinents ¬ ments made by Vice Admiral Cervera CerveraCaptain CerveraCaptain CerveraCaptain Captain Eulate and other officers of the tbedefeated thedefeatt4 thtdefeated defeated squadron It is worthy of note notethat notethat not that a great deal of honest testimony testimonywas tesUmony1a5 testimon testimonwas r was given and made available after the theengagement theengagement th t tt engagement before the tone of the theAmerican theAmerican th thAmerican t American press convinced the Samp Sampson Samp50n ¬ son rinc that the history hl tory of Sehleys Sehleysvictory Schleyslctory SchIeyvictory I victory would have to be falsified and andrewritten andrewrltten an I II rewritten to suit their purposes When Whenit WhezIt VhenIt I it was seen that the whole country in indignantly indignantly indignantly ¬ dignantly resented the Matanzas mule mulemans mulemans t tntans mans claim to the honors of a success successful successful successful ¬ ful battle from which ne war auocnt auocntthroughout 6CIlIthroughout I Ithroughout throughout Us progress pIOiTe86although although there thereIs thereis ther e eIs Is reason to believe that he had notice noticethat noUcethat e ethat that the sortie would be effected on the themorning themorning tb C Cxnornlng morning of July 3 when he took him himself himself himself ¬ self off behind the horizon in the New NewYork NewYorkthen Ne NeYorkthen York Yorkthen then began the work of changing changinggeography changingbeography changingeography geography time and circumstance in inorder Inorder ii iiorder order to bring this gobbler of other othermens oth othe r rmens rmens mens glory within ithln hailing distance distancewhen distanceWben e ewhen when the Colon th the last Spanish h ship shipto shipto i ito to strike her colors surrendered surre red to toCommodore toCommodote b bComznod04e Commodore Schtey commanding the theAmerican theAmerfcln th S SAmerican American squadron Lieutenant Har Harlows HarJows lIarows lows ows log shows that at that moment momentSampson momentSaJllp80n momentSampson Sampson and the New York were ere still stilleight stilleIght tIl I Ieight eight miles to the eastward and did not notcome notcome no t tCome come up U until at least thirty minutes minutesafter minutesantr I Iafter after the curtain had fallen upon the thelast thelast Us a alast last act in that bloody blood drama of the sea seaThere 2ea 2eaThen seaThere There will be no nt difficulty in > tab tabllshing tabJlshfng tsblishing llshing the genuineness g nuf of the t true log logAs logAs locAs As to the other oU r its text inexorably con condemns condfOmnfC condenins ¬ demns it as a forgery The only trou trouble trouble trouble ¬ ble perhaps will be to identify ldentlf and andpunish andpunish am I Ipunish punish the forger or forgers force MI Very Veryprobably Veryprobabl Ver 1 1probably probably he or they may go unwhlpped unwhlppedof i iof of justice The aegis of the Depart Department Department Departmeat ¬ ment which like an umbrella has cov covered covere coyere1 ¬ ered ere the Sampeon scandal while it itstewed Itstewed I t ttcwed stewed and protected a lair of con conspirators conZ5pirUors conspir3tors ¬ spirators against a gallant otlicer and andthe andthe am I Ithe the honor and credit of the service servicemay servicemay servicemay may still remain In commission to toshield tohleld t e eshield shield the blundering blund rtng fabricators of the thespurious thespurious th a aSpurious spurious log of the Vixen VixenA VixenA A Jloonevelt Hoout In Kanxnn KanxnnThe liollllnThe IcananaThe The Roosevelt R velt boom is l said to be bespreading beIIPr8dlng hi t tspreading spreading It Is no longer confined to totbe totb ti S Sthe the tb sparsely settled Rocky MounaJn re region region region ¬ gion but Is reported as having extend extended extended extended ¬ ed Into Kansas Ka 88 Some people may be beinclined beInlIned b e eInclined inclined to think that the endorsement endorsementof tndor ement ementor > t tof of the Sunflower State will m settle tUe the theaspirations theSIlrations th e easpirations aspirations of any Presidential PreMden lal candi candidate candidate candidate ¬ date to whom the endorsement is given givenand ghenand givenand and Indeed there is I much in the recent recenthistory reeenthistory recen recenhistory history of Kansas which gives a super superficial upertidal supertidal ¬ tidal support to this view Ie The State Statehas Statehall Stat e elas has been the home of Grangerism Pop Populism PopuUtm Popullem ¬ ulism Mary Leasetom m Mrs NaUonism NaUonismand Natlonlamand I Iand and almost t every other imaginable imaginableIsm e elam Ism 1 m including Republicanism and andthe andthe an d dI the wilder Ikler and more farfetched rarfetch the po political political poutica I ¬ litical chimera the greater has ha been beenthe bee en enthe a athe the enthusiasm over it It The people peoplehave IJeOpiehave peo4 a aitave have gone for it with Ub a rush that noth nothing nothJng sethIng ¬ ing could check until the momentum of ofthe orthe a f fthe the movement was U lost through the thephysical thephylcal th e ephyieal physical and nd mental exhaustion of ofthose ortho a if ifthose those tho engaged engag in it itHowever It ItHoweer itHowever However this Kansas Ka tJ88 boom on onhalt be behalf t tbaif ¬ half of Teddy should not be under underrated underratt underrated ¬ rated or contemptuously belittled be because beCU8e t tcause ¬ cause of any Kn idtosyncracies IdkHsncrRC that tha th have havemarked havemarked hay e emarked marked the course of Kansas Kan thought thoughtIt thoughtIt t tIt It must be remembered that there was wasnever wanetr we 5 5never never anything wrong rong with the States StatesRepublicanism State StateRepublicanhm a aRepublicanism Republicanism True it was at about as asextreme a aextreme 5 5extreme extreme and unreasoning as Xation XationIsm Natlonism I Ilsm Ism but that only made it the more ad admirable admirable I Imirable ¬ mirable with th the leaders of the party partyA partyA part3A A boom there tM for Roosevelt will 11I carry carrya carla crr crra a little weight eI8hl in the rest re t of the coun country countl I Itry ¬ try although it te ii beginning so early earlythat earlythat earl y ythat that it is quite likely IIkel to spend its It force forceand rorceand tore e eand and break prematurely Such things thingsare thingare thln n nare are not uncommon in Kansas KansasWe Ka Kare ICasiasWe We re ar are not informed as to the par particular partleular pazticular ¬ ticular pleas plea that are being ben made on onbehalf onbeha1t o a abehalf behalf of tho th Vice Presidents Presklent candida candidacy candldacy candidacy ¬ cy It may be that the people peop of Kan Kansas Kansas Caii L ¬ sas believe b lIee that the regiment of Hough HoughRiders HoughRiders Ltou h hRiders Riders did substantially all the land landfighting land1hhtln bin d dfighting fighting 1hhtln in the Spanish war perhaps perhapsthe teIhapcthe a athe the splendid civil government of New NewYork NewYork Nei a aYork York under the Joint administration of ofThomas orThomas c t tThomas Thomas C Platt and Governor Roose Roosevelt Rootevelt z zvelt ¬ velt has aroused al < the enthusiasm of ofKansas orKanSAS e t tKansas Kansas Republicans and possibly the theboom theboom Hi 0 0boom boom is in the nature of a revolt against againstthe again t tthe it itthe the perfidy of the party as shown > by byIts byUs b y yIt Its It purposed repudiation of the promise e I made m ade at Philadelphia that Roosevelt Rooseveltshould nooseveltshould should s be the next Presidential Pr klential candl candldate j jdate date d ate Any or all ll of these t consldera conslderaUons conelderaone i itlons tlons H one may be at t the bottom of the boom boomor I Ior or o r there may be nothing at the bottom bottomof bottomor bOttom of o f it The movement may nMt be simply simplyanother shoplanother another a of those spasmodic upheavals upheavalswhich UIhtaalshkhfrom which w aw hkhfrom hich from time to time occur in Kan Kansas l n sas m 8 without any apparent cause causeIn I In matters political Kansas has fre frequently re requentJy I quently q in a way been bef > U far in advance advanceof of o f the tImes On this occasion oC Rsion < though J I I it i t is some distance dlta ee > behind IM blnd Those who whoare ho 1 1are are a re now forming < Roosevelt clubs either J I in h i Kansas or elsewhere I ehere ought to un understand ¬ derstand d that the next Republican RepublicanPresidential ReJublicanPresidential 1 Presidential P nomination has been Ire preempted Ireemlted ¬ empted e by Senator M A Hanna The Thepoints Thepoints points to be urged rged in favor of Roose Roosevelt Roosevelt Rooseolt ¬ velt v olt might have carried carr weight a dec decade deca deedo ¬ ade a do e or two ago but they the have none nonenow noneno now no n ow The punish Pl i8h war is so much in inthe inthe the t he nature of ancient history hi9tor that many manypeople manypeople people p eople are actually unwilling unwmin to con concede concede ¬ cede c ede that Mr Roosevelt was its great greatcentral greatcentral central c figure some are unkind enough enoughto to t o insist that the socalled PlattRoose PlattRoosevelt PlatlHooseeJt velt eJt administration of o New ew York Y rk was wasthe wasthe the t he administration of Matt alone while whilethere whilethere there is among Republicans R publieans a very verygeneral verygeneral general feeling > that Ualch such assurances as asthose astho those tho given to Mr tr Roosevelt at Phila Philadelphia Philadelphia ¬ delphia are never intended to be re remembered remembered ¬ membered after the adjournment of the theconvention theconvention theconvention convention at which they the are given givenIn givenIn In any an event it is obvious that as the theRepublican theRepublican Republican party is now constituted constitutedMr Mr Ir Roosevelts claims pale into noth nothingness nothIngnes ¬ Ingnes when hen compared with Ith those of ofMr orIr Mr Hanna Therefore this Roosevelt Rooseveltboom Uooscveltboom boom in Kansas is to be regretted It Itcannot ItCAnnot cannot result in his nomination of ofcourse orcoune ofcourse course but it shows n deplorable lack lackof lackof of appreciation of the Republican War Warwick Warwick sr srwick ¬ wick and it may make it necessary n l for forhim forhim forhim him to pull a few more strings A man manwith manwith manwith with such claims and such qualifica qualifications qualifications qualifications ¬ tions as a M Ii A Hanna should not be beplaced beplaced beplaced placed under tho th necessity n Cessit of pulling pullingany pullingan pullingany any an strings at all allThe allThe The Ioncx Jolle Narrow Itfro ztrrow Kscnpc KscnpcThe EMcnluThe The civilized world Jrld will be startled startledto to learn of the narrow nArro escape e which whichthe whichthe whichthe the venerable Pope has had from death deathat deathat at the hands of an Anarchist assassin assassinIt It is I fortunate if it be true as our des despatch despath despatch ¬ patch states that the circumstances circumstanceswere circumstanceswere circumstanceswere were such that it was as possible to keep keepthe keepthe keepthe the affair from the tb knowledge of o the theintended theInt theintended intended Int nded victim At his advanced age ageand ageand ageand and In his delicate health the shock of ofrealizing orrealizing ofrealizlng realizing that a wretch retch bent upon his hismurder bl blmurder hismurder murder had only been thwarted by the thequick thequick thequick quick wit it of one of his guards might mighthave mighthave mighthave have had serious if not fatal conse consequences con consequences e equences ¬ quences quencesOf quencesOf quencesof Of all the potentates of earth one onewould onewould onewould would think that this amiable old oh man manmost manmost maninst most truly an exempkfr exempr r of peace on onearth onearth onearth earth and whose life has been marked markedIn markedIn markedIn In the words of the great Lincoln with withcharity wlthcharity hh hhcharIty charity for all and malice toward none nonewould JHmwould nonewould would be the last to excite the bloody bloodyinstincts bloo bloodyInstincts y yInstincts instincts of those enemies of human humansocietys hUlftRnsoclet humansocIety socIety soclet the Anarchists t8 What Va could couldthey couldthe couldthey they the gain by b hastening bastenin the departure of ofa ofa ofa a prince prl whose daysat best can be but buta bUta beta a few more in this world In fact factwhat tactwhd factwhat what do they the gain by b assassinating any anyruler anyruler anyruler ruler or statesman Absolutely noth nothing nothing nothing ¬ ing If by chance they do kill a tyrant tyrantwho tyrantho tyrantwho who ho is the better for it Such acts of ofthemselves orthelnSelvtS otthemselves themselves are the best excuse for des despotism despotism despotism ¬ potism if they the do not sometimes sOmetimes justify justifyit it In countries infested jnfe t 1 by societies of ofassassination ofas ofassassInatIon assassination assassinationToday as inaUonCntro assassInatIonCastro Castro the 1I0J Man ManToday llIn llInToday Today the New eW York Herald in its itsWashington UsIhlngton itsWashington Washington correspondence observes observesand observesand observesand and not without unconscious humor humorthat humorthat humorthat that information received in Wash Washington a8h a8hIngton ¬ ington indicates that President Castro Castrohesitates Catrohe Castrchesitate I hesitates he to phmge pMI e his country into a awar awar a awar war with Colombia O l9tBbla the outcome of ofwhich orwhich olwhich which no one can see seeIn see seeIn seeIn In truth President Pr nt Castro hesitates hesitatesto I Ito to such an extent that there is no un unmanufactured unmanuractured usmanufactured ¬ manufactured evidence to show that he heever heever t tever ever harbored an intention to make war waron waron waron on Colombia Cok mbia The latter with its best bestgeneral lM healgeneral at atgenerRl general and twenty twentytwo two of its regular regulararmy r regulararmy r rarmy army battalions has invaded Venezuela Venezuelawith VeneztKlawllh L Lwith with the object of destroying de troylD < the liberal liberalGovernment liberalGovernment liberalGovernment Government at Caracas and making makingAsphalt makinaAsphalt nakin nakinAsphalt Asphalt Andrade AndrR e dictator of the coun country country country ¬ try The Venezuelan forces have fought foughttwo fou foughitwo < ht htto two battles with the invaders and have havedriven havedriven hav i idriven driven them back over the line utterly utterlyrouted ulterJ ulterJrouted utterlyrouted routed Yet President Castro has 1 re restrained restrained restraIned ¬ strained himself and has not declared declaredwar declaredwar declare declarewar war on Colombia simply because he heknows heknows heknows knows that the people ple of that State Statehave Statehave Statehave have no Iuarrel with ith his people peop or with withhim withhim Uh Uhbim him and he has only to defend det nd himself himselfagsfrst hlmeelCagI1st hlinaehagsIst agsfrst the forces and the machina machinations machination machinaHone ¬ Hone of the th Bogota ota dictator Marroquln Marroqulnand Iarroqulnand Marroqulnand and whoever hoever may be behind that indi individual Indlidual mdivklual ¬ vidual idual and all will iIl come well in the theend theend i iend end for before many weeks it is prob probable probable probaWe ¬ able that the th Colombians themselves themselveswill thenutelvetSwill C Cwill will depose their despot e pot and restore the theold theold theold old constitution and the former for r repub republican republican repulslican ¬ lican form of government governmentEvery governmentEcl governmentEvery Every day in some fresh form there thereis thereis then thenIs is presented to our view I iew w by papers in inafliliation InaUlUatlon ir I Iatliliatlon afliliation with the Asphalt Trust or orthe orthe oz ozthe the Administration or both a pen pic picture picture plcture ¬ ture of General Castro representing representinghim repretKnUnhim repreeentlnhim him as a bloodyminded tyrant bent bentupon bentupon t tupon upon destroying destro lng the institutions and andthe andthe an I Ithe the perple of o his continent The same samejournals samejournals sam samJournals journals regard Marroquin arroquln as a high highminded hl highminded h hminded minded patriot because b u e he hates and andwould andwould aM aMoId would oId overthrow Castro who is i not notliked notliked not notliked liked by the Asphalt Trust and hence henceby henceb henceby by b the Administration AdministrationThe The AliuMi AliuMiThe AllUMIM of C IJIC 1hoarnjb 1hoarnjbThe tJrn JIb JIbThe The old proverb that figures will not notlie DOtHe no t tlie lie has been replaced rt > Ilacfd by another one onewhich onebleh onewhich which bleh avers that the statistical lie is isthe liethe ii a athe the worst falsehood recorded in history historyWhen historyhen historyWhen When hen photography pooto raIhy first became known knownto I Ito to the public there were people who ho be became becalfH became ¬ came eloquent about the truthfulness truthfulnessof S Sof I of the great sun un in heaven but it ap appears appears appears ¬ pears from recent developments that thattho thatUw the t tthe the suns truthfulness like that of ofmathematics ormathemaUcs o C Cmathematics mathematics depends del ndlli considerably considerablyupon consklerabJ consklerabJupon r rupon upon the personality of his manager managerIt It hi reported that some extraordinary extraordinaryfabrications extraordinarytabrlcatlon extraoed3nr V Vfabrications fabrications in the lle of photography photographyhave Ihol rapit rapitIave I Ihave have been perpetrated > d at seaside re resorts reMrUi noaorta ¬ sorts for the profit of the artist and andthe andthe an anthe the gratification of vain aln people The Thelatter ThelAttr Th e elatter latter are usually young men and andwomen Andwomen am tl tlwoman women who want swimming ip Iptlta Iptltatlon z pit pittions > ita itaUons Uons tlon but are re not willing to hunt for forthem torthem fo r rthorn them in the water where such game is isusually Isusually I a ausually usually eaughL Th TIM photographer photographerposes J otocpher otocpherpoeteS r rpe poses a girl on a post about two feet feetabove feelabove fee I Iabove above the water in the attitude of one oneabout oneabout on S Sabout about to dive Then he makes a second secondpicture econdpicture secon > I Ipicture picture of her in the act of divine divineWhen dIvine dlvjntrVMJI dIvineWhen When he comes to develop the picture picturehe plctllrehe a ahe he adds about thirty feet to the height heightof helchtor t tof of the post and possibly several hun hundred hultdred liendred ¬ dred per cent to the young ong ladys swim swimminx swimruing whR whRmht minx < reputation At A t the seaside re resorts resorta reaorta ¬ sorts sorta however such pictures are not notregarded JIOtregar no t tregarded regarded regar ed with Uh any great seriousness seriousnessA A similar milAI hoax WM penetrated lrJ trated tw twvor twvorthre twu or orthree s sthree three thre years yeM ago 0 by photographers Ora who whoposed wh wis wispoed posed riders en horseback hllck on level levelground loveground vel velgroun ground groun and an then tilted tte the picture ptur and andinvented am aminvented invented layente a sky line ln so 1 that thtl it would wouldappear wol weekappear appear appr that the rider rier was w performi performing performingextraordinary rformlR extraordinary extraordinar feats of horsemanship hor mlhlp I Trirly Tr1 T rzrly as the late Mr Ir Barnum Brnum ob observed obrved ¬ served se red rved Americans AmrcAns love to be hum humbugged humbugge ¬ bugged buggedIt bugge b ugged uggedIt It is conceivable however that such suchphotography tuch tuchplotoraphy suchhotography photography plotoraphy p might be b utilized utlze for tile illegal le legal ¬ gal g al purposes and in course cour of time tme it itmay Itmay m may ay be necessary nee r to pass J some fme laws lawsagainst lawsa against a aInt it It It Certain firing frl dealing delng in im improper impropr ¬ proper propr p roper pictures Iicture have already gotten gottenthemselves goten gotentbnlele themselves tbnlele t into trouble by b getting geting hold holdof hd hdof holdf of o f the pitotographs lhotorlhs of reputable reputab young youngwomen women w omen and using ulng these thes faces t in connec connection cnne ¬ tion ton tl Ofl with figures figure in compromising sit situations st stuaUons ¬ uations n and an ar unscrupulous uutrupulous black blackmailer blackm ¬ mailer m lner might make considerable considerable trou trouble treeit ¬ ble bk b it by b similar simiar devices It I is veil en at atany atany any a ny rate rte not to accept acctlt entirely without withoutreservation wihout reservation re8aUon r the thf unsupported evidence evidenceof evld nce nceof of o r the camera cameraEvery cameraEver Every Ever new trust tnllt formed fomf is k larger than thanIts thn thnIs Its Is it s predecessor J reeccJr in the same Mm industry InusI or orbusiness business 01 b usiness n e8 The latest reported reprte is i the In International IaternaUonal ¬ ternational t Salt Sal Company COlpf Just jst Incorpor Incorporated jfrr jfrrated ineorported ¬ ated a ac ted in n New 1ew Jersey erey of course con with wih a acapital acalltl aapital capital calltl c of thirty thlrt million miion dollars coUars This Thfcsmay may ma m ay serve as a reminder of the small smallsized S1al smaltized sized size s ized clash which whlh some months monO ago ac accurred aecurrt1 curred currt1 c between btween the Armour rmour Meat Trust Trustand Trt Trtan and an a nd the National 1aUonal Salt Trust Tret The meat meatcompany 1Ret 1Retcompny meatompany company compny c claimed that It was being over overcharged overI overharged ¬ I charged chargt c for salt slt So it i sent snt to Lisbon LisbonPortugal Li LiPotu8f1 Portugal Potu8f1 P ortugal and an 541 bought some re thousands thf of oftons orton ofons tons ton t ons An officer olcfr of the meat Iet company companywas compny compnyas companyas was w wt as afterward aferward reported relred as saying inK that thatthe thattlC thathe the tlC t he company comlJny paid pk the freight across acro the theAtlantic tho theAtlantIc Atlantic Athlftk the t duty dut at the custom culo house houseand hR hRan and an a nd railway riway charges half hal across acros the con coni contlnt i tinent tlnt t to Omaha and an then thln saved Scfl a hand handsome hall hall2me hamiome some 2me s sum sm on the transaction When h trust trustis trusts is I s pitted plte against aghi8t trust the beauties bAUte of the theI thesrHem theystem I system srHem s are very likely Ikel to come floating floatingto focln foclnto to t o the surface Salt s1 is i a much smaller smalleritem smler smlerIem smallertem item Iem I tem In the average aerge household hosehold than thn is ismeat ismet Ismeat meat met and many man people pepe would wol lie l glad to toknow toknow toknow know how bw much the thO Meat leal Trust Tr Itself iul is isrealizing i 1 1ealizing realizing rcUzing r j sove ove a legitimate lgitmate profit profitThe Irot IrotTh lrOlttThe The Th pop J ilar Jlr isr understanding Inenaoln is i that tht on onMay onMay May Jlay 15 1WS IN Samiwon nlwo then at Cape ca Hat Hatlien Jal JalHen ifatHen Hen with wih his squadron sudrn was notified noUne that thatCtrvera tht thtC thatCervera Ctrvera C rvcra was wa on the point of C leaving let Cu Curacao CuraeO Curaco ¬ pnt racao raeO for for Santiago Sntigo Nothing Nothtg happened happenedIt hpnd hpndI It I II I t is I also a1 understood ullersto that the Navy 1ay ftvY De Department le leINutment Lienrtment ¬ partment I nrtment notified ntUied him that tht Ctrvera C rtr was wasIn wasn a8 a8In In i n Santiago Sltl O Harbor Harbr and nothing hap happened hapIt happetied ¬ pened It for eleven days das Again it I is i saw sawthat saiothat that tht on July ul 2 General Generl Shatter Shfer advised advisedhim advisedim him h im that tht Cervera Cener was getting gettng ready for a asortie asortie sortie Irte on Of the t following fol1ng morning mrning This Thistime Thistme Thistime time tme something somthing did dk happen hpp When W he the themorning themorning morning mornln of o the expected expted sortie srUe dawned dawnecSampson d dawnedSampson Sampson mpn took to his hi flagship tshll and An retired ret be behind behim ¬ hind the i1tzn horizon No 10 wonder woer gallant Illnt Ad Admiral Admirl Adzairal ¬ miral mirl Cervera Cerer says ss that tht he does dl not nt Know Knowand knowan knowitad and an never neVfr saw w Sampson SampsonThe Sapn SapnT SampsonThe The T case caI of o Hoey H the Nogales Xogle collector collectoraccused cletor cletoracufl collectoraccused accused acufl of o smuggling smuKglng Chinese Chins into the theUnited theUnited United lnlte States continues conUnu to attract atrct atten attention aten atenton attenties ¬ ties ton He declares delre his innocence Innen as Neely Neelyand Nel Nel2n Neeiyand and 2n Hath Rthbn Rathbone bone did dk It I la 1 rumored rmed that tht an anofficial anoOil I Iollicial official oOil much muh higher highr up u the bidder 1dtr is im implicated Implte hajeileateel ¬ plicated plte in if the affair talr If I so 8 it I wilt wi be belucky i ilucky lucky luk for that tht person pn if like ike Hoey Ho he hehappens t thappens happens lapJn to claim cim Muncie une lad In as his hi na native n astive ¬ tive tve Heath Heth People Pepf from frm that tht Hoosier Hoer vii village viilags 1 ¬ lags lce appear apl to be b as immune Ilmun from frO punish punishment pni punishmeat ¬ meat nt as a they the are ae apt ap to get Into trouble troubleWe troubleWe We e are reminded remlDd that tht Lord Kitchener Kitcheneris KUeHnr KUeHnrIs is not n the th only man JfUt in I South Sth Africa Afri who whocan I It can cf issue ile proclamations polmti Delarey Dere the theBoer theBeer t Boer Dr leader leer has hM issued i e one on quite as full fullof cit I Iof of 0 ginger gnger as a the British Britsh generals geJe ls latestIn latest In it he warns wan all al burghers Irgher to pay payno py pyno pa pano r no attention attenton to literature Hterture emanat emanating emnt emnthg ensanatfag ¬ fag from the th opposition optlon headquart headquarters hdr ¬ ers er and an to continue cntnu raiding rakng and an sniping snipingas sipng sipnga mipinsas as a usual There Thre is I a report rept to tO the th effect effectthat eKet eKettht L Lthat that tht Commandant Connnant General Generl Botha Dth has hs sent sentorders lnt lntorrs sentorders orders orrs to his hs subordinates sbdnte to hold b as a hoe hostages h hoetages ¬ tages tge all al British Brtl officers oers captured cJure in fu futliro futlr futuna tuna tlr If into to this Ihk mennn en llljtl tbt In II M esse e Lse4 I orri orriKitchener I IKitchener Kitchener Kttchenr should hk curry Crr out ot his h hi threat thret to totreat t ttrt ttreat treat trt the th Boers D8 as bandits bu after afe Sapiens September Sapiensher teJ ¬ her br 15 Botha Dh wilt w have hve Htenl material upon uponwhich upn upnhlch 1 1which which hlch to make Bke reprisals reprisalsThere rerls rerlsTre reprisalsThere There Tre is I pretty prety fair evidence eke that tht the thesteel the i isteel steel 8M strike srke is nearing nrn its i close cl At this thistime I Itime time tR it would ol be b folly foi to Indulge Inule in pre predictions prodictions ¬ dltk dictions as to the th success ss cs or orf ortffirie Yfajfifre of ofthe ot r rth I Ithe the th peace pe envoys who n have hve fUM 8 nse U to > Xe XeYork New NewYork NosYork York to seek > k an interview Inlerlw with Wh the t trust trustmagnates t tmagnates magnates mgt But But in any case cl the move movement movemeat ¬ meat nt shows so signs Iln of weakening wMk ing Stint Shaffers Sl Slters Stintfers ¬ fers action actk in if calling cln out the th Western Westernmen 1 1inca men n who wh were er under unr voluntary volunt contracts contractswith S Swith with h their ther employers tmployers Is disapproved dispprve by byPresident byPrtlnt bi r rPresident President Prtlnt Mitchell lchll of tiK t tiz Mine XI ino Workers Workersand Wor Workersand r and an other obr prominent prinnt lalor 1l authorities authoritiesThe authoritiesThe The Th strike rke is affecting aleUrg ht I laor > or disastrously disastrouslyin dbuII r rmany in many mny trades trde and an JhIAlr r pressure > i < ure is i being beingbrought hetn c cbrought brought bruht to bear br from Cf such puh quarters qurern quartersnot quartersnotby not notably ¬ ably aty by the Garment Garnt Makers Mke Union Unon It I hi hiprobable t a aprobebic probable prb that tht the t strilce e will wU be b called cll off offbefore of r rbefore before bfor it has h a chance chne to do d much Juh more moredamage C Cdinsxe damage d than thn it I has lI already alreadyASKED aredy aredyASKD alreadyASKED ASKED ASKD TO BE A CANDIDATE CANDIDATEancliiiNettH CANDIDAT CANDIDATL CANDIDATEi i L L JCuJln IougiaM tipreenclaed llllrCncJlec 1 by Mzaie Mzaieancheisetis Iu Iunch ancliiiNettH nch IHeU Deiuoci DeiuociBROCKTON Jelnocrnt JelnocrntBROCKTOX iieiiioerate iieiiioerateDROCKTO BROCKTON BROCKTOX Mass Aug AU KWlim KWlimL 5Williai William WilliamL I IL L L Douglas Dqls the tJ millionaire miinire shoe J manu manufacturer Jnu Jnutaetuer inanefacturer ¬ facturer taetuer has hs been bn approached aPh by several severalleading severs et etldin t tleading leading ldin Democrats L mrt and A asked a to t be b a acandidate acnite i icandidate candidate cnite for fo Governor Gverr Mr r Douglas Douglasyesterday Lougiayesterday yesterday yHery signified gJ his hi intention not n to be bea ii a aa a candidate cnkte although aJhuh it is i likely Jkely be h may maytake my mytke ma r rtake take tke an active actve part prt In politics pll this th fall fallMy faiLMy falLMy My choice chf as a candidate cte for Gov Governor 16Verlr iovernor ¬ ernor erlr wcuM wcul be b Jostah Mh Quincy Qin sakt uk Mr MrDouglas MrDouglas r rDK Douglas DK uHe He is an organizer onle a man manthoroughly mn mnth nsai I Ithoroughly th thoroughly hly imbued Jmt ed with wh Democratic DemocraticIdeas C Ideas k s and an would wol appeal apl to the nwMtc p i as asa a I Iprogressive a I progressive pogreve man manWhen mn mnMn manWhen When Mn asked a e what wht his hl views IWI were as 8 to toa ii Li Lia a Democratic DJrat candidate ellkte for President lrRt lrRtrepied he hereplied i e ereplied replied repied I always have been bn and an am al to today t6a today ¬ day a great admirer of o David DV B l Jim and andthink al ass 1 1think think he is 1 a sale sfe man mn to follow lolw Of Ofcourse 0 C Ccourse course CUn Massachusetts Iachults has ha a a favorite favort < son sonin J sea it itIn in Kichard Olney but national ntinl enliven conventions Cvn Cvntln enlivenHone ¬ Hone tln are not H kindly kluly disposed dt D to New NewEngland 1e 1eEnglII Nei I IEngland England EnglII candidates C nika te Olney Ol y would wok make makean mke mkeaf rash e ean an af admirable amirble candidate candidateOfficial cfuwtlate cfuwtlateOrelnl candidateOfliclal Official Orelnl Sandwich MenFneae Men MenFrom From 10 the th AUMacw Ak Globe GlobeIt G GI 01055it It I ia I reported ft from fl ira Waahi Waihiisgtoi atoi tOI that tht i i is a she hort i tiMe u the ti city sail il oatTHTS fri carriers will wi ttr b I gi gives ye N badge UMKo bw bwth badgeWI o WI their th hats ut abusing 8i what kind Ii of < weather ft ftw we wewill a awill will w kav hUt hive tomorrow w This Ti i w i very Y mqMrUM pOttaNt tt to tobr I a awhere K where br r we e are n badly bdy addicted ak to the thepinuc tS C Cpwsw pinuc pM habit bi The n Covennnent I nnft fhtmU al at abo pro provide I Iv ¬ vide v d the mail il carrim cami with bill board p vi U cn wit bi to t wear wearOB we cr crtb r rOs OB their tb backs b trllni ttI telisg what wb dry d goMfa toce Ie Iea M McvtliBg I II IIcvttlag cvtliBg a calico cli that Ut day dy and aa what wht other o More i M MaacriacMK I aincriiekg aacriacMK M hamMcmhirf ht < hi seat at mmhnft a The cow cowiriaet < lm lmerMHKMt v vt erMHKMt kbowki sot go only half way wats t pleat pleaseTie c cThe J JThe The Inecn iicitIeFrost Incentive IncentiveFrom t e eF From F the ti l lta lesia > ori HcnkL HcnkLSpam H lirraidSpais Spam Si has 1 decided ti to t SaILS il aaotfcrr navy as r Mw Aft r the the t Amerkaa A ti way wy aaBMrala who whoMBiilmi aS l a asaaScd MBiilmi her lae old o 14 Seat ka San be 1 hers a treated ik bv by the it a Uaited rat Stain s Stat Gt Gomasat Uow ninrat it ia i a not likely Ily that thatMOtlttT Ut Uta the theaieiher MOtlttT a ANKTiraH R SBVal 1 OBNYT Will wl amine aCSMI aai f to t tifc a Spaniah S ship shipTie hip hipThe ip ipThe a The Single IJLveei JI JtreIte JtreIteFrees t aJIu aJIuFI < Ion IonFrom From FI the t Chicago C New NewMore Ne Net Sews SewsMeet More than pasMac atteatk waa w wa attracted t S the t 55 caw u of the sift m who oW = at is New Orleam Orleamat Oriess Oriessat at a the li age 1 0 ef J C see hundred h sad thkteea tlt beoaiaw beoaiawof b becaij becaijthe of o the t atiMKC t fact f that tht be b was w Not M colored and as C had I jevr bee bees Washington Wai ai aiSt iagtoem bodygweid bodygweidFloat boeyguasdStrange e St Strange StrangeFine rfJJc rfJJcF Float F the t Chicago li Joanat JoasasLThesis JoanatJ S J Thesis Lu Liites > to h has a arrived ta K Xe Xew To < t tos os kit J Ctapliftiac Vli oipcdiUoB Straaa Siea to tothoS aay epU S t thoS ooajh he w i is the I greatest gtd gTeat tea intntaaat ia I I the thewarfci ti ii warfci w iooMe ABiiml AtaI Ma Saatpaoa s wan MX 1 at a fee t n dacfc 4 sck to tow t tn I a aa atii a tii n InethtntCI lnvesligatii Xecdcc Seeleil SeeleilFeces < Feces t the t HaltiMore ltti Work WorkTW WorldThe h TW IwfatiNff tw tw1aths of 4i kpatche > > itrkr relating < 1 to t tft C Spa ha war wax bad t tsseeh < Krh W ba now tt hai he 4 hew M distoesred roverwt f that lt HOB have lne lee ka bet betMoles I h or I total Here K ia another amtbsatl t Butler t tI toe toeSiititiii intBal gating gatingI I Snucn Siititiii Free Ut tAle tAlehiss 0 hiss MotherEthell rRt lies aey tWess it itpid I I tell you it M i ifchhithT ° pid iisw J it I fchhithT fchhithTBthrf k J f fFtM i i wk t J an a aFA551Sut Bthrf FtM FA551Sut Hat Mother IM I otriy sly pMdM real I Sab t C ¬ bath on eisa A titesns d < iim thread tt sad p Ne sedb 4e t Tuuotht Ti1oth StofQns huloiiions Mil J and aD Jjrk JUk in tlu tl Lb jul lullit iuIpit iuIpita < it a GRAIN SOLD TO toGERMANY GERM GERMANY ANY ANYThe 1 1he 1he The T he United lTnlel1 StntcN lenI1 I < niln Rosin nimniiAll RIINIR In InAl InAll All Al tlicCerciilH tlicCerciilHErnest the tIiCeregiIErnest Cercnb CercnbErnest Ernest L L I Hrrl8tth Uarrlstth United Unit d States StatesConsulnr Ste Statesonsular Consulnr Co C IMr Agent gent at t Etlw EItok Eihstock tock Germany Germanywrites Geray Geraywrie Germanyrites writes wrie w rites to the State TVepirtimnt t rtmnt concern concerning cnern cnernIn concernng ¬ In I ing ng the U foodstuff rostuf ImiXK Ime inipored ed by b Germany Germanyin in i n which whih he gives the tht f tlowi fliowiag > llpwiMg figures flfjuresfor figuresor ure for f or the year ers 1SS7 1 ald and ItuO ItuOFrom I From Fr Russia RUs UVT Ul71t l7Rai10y Barley W7J74 4 ton tOM tOMots t 523 l33 e oat ots oats 414 41 ttmie t Ms 8 3LSA 8 12 Indi Indian Indian ¬ an a n corn con 718SS 71s tons I117P34 l Jj TJ rye re W0741 W0741tons 541 541ton tons ton t ons SI3 132273W wheat heat 761 il 71W7 W tons tos JM JMW n 2I W 7 2l2 12 total totl 23XO8 3G tons J5 5ia 5ial J JFrom From l rm Ru RuM Russia 4 K00Bari H itOhBarley rley y 381171 317 tone toneKWJSW tOI toneW3SN KWJSW M W3SN oats ts 3 3i4T1 W1 f tons J6 5 M ImWan ImWancorn JIUan JIUancorn corn c orn t7 7 tons toR SIIM 13361S rye re 834328 834328tons S i343 i343ons tons ton t ons 9M6K Ol4r4whest r4wht rivh iit 2781S md Z8J tons tOf J8 l43 i3 434 4 34 total totl 1X3WS lt I94t tons 47W4 4 4tO444 4 t tFrom From Fro th t the United States Stte 187 1 11t7llaileY 7Dr Barley BarleyJ13SS38 J13SS38 US 1 3ss tons tos 5327 u WS n oat ots oats 9SW tons tonl r R 2 2I1K4H 11K4 t I1K4H l 4t4 Indian Inin com CO DKOM 0 tons tos t 11 11re ILtSLlt Ml Mlrye rye re r ye 14X897 H 1 ton to tons J330I29S S wheat whet 2W241 2W241tons l ltoO tons toO t ons r5 7547218 Total otl 1H129 ln tons tO 11 1 334 3 JOa JOaFrom From Fro the United Unle States Sttes JW 1Darle ijtGr3arley Barley BarleyS723 S723 g 1 7235 tons tO 1SSZM4 IuIU oats ot 54433 5U tons tOR 1 1irn Il 1112 Indian Inin corn con 1124 114E E tons tonl 5347M 47 11i t 18 l id rye re 237K tons tORt dI3t 1C wheat wbet 4K 4W134 4 4tons tons t ons U44 I144322 14432 1 82 Total 17269W 1 tons tOO 42987 49YTThe 42987ttO m mf I ttO ttOThe f The following folwln figures f r show hew how much muchmore muh muhme more me s grain KalR the th United lnlc States exported expore to toI toI I I Germany Gemny during du lng these thc years ers than thn Russia Russiajdtd Ruai Russiadid jdtd i dil did Barley Barle 1W7 181 J62633K 6m 1HO 193 J651IMC J651IMCOats 6MIG 6MIGOats Oats Ots liST li7 7762418 778 19C 1g 7JCS 1 764 7 Indian Indiancorn Indin Indiancorn I corn 1SS7 119 13S513 3UI 2 1909 11 mh RZ3SW 23 < J8 M e Rye R RI RyeUZit I 1897 187 JtWSttS S UZit 1930 190 SI9 Sl9j632U 137 a 280 Wheat heat 1 1 1157 1157bll9t4 97 97l I SIUI l JClaW 1900 1 S57SSM S57SSMj 75Si 75tL64t 75tL64tIt j It I will wi be seen Sen Mr 1lr Harris explains explainsj explalR explalRthat explainsthst j that Russia Ru9a sold Id Germany Germln In 1897 1 7 grain grainto grin grinI grainto I to the value of 27302416 1 more than thanI thandid I did rd the United 1 S States at In 1SW 61 however howeverthe howeverthe W I the th United Unie States had reduced redue this thi excess excessto ee excessto to 494725 In I960 19 the th total totl grain gain Im Im111t8 imports 1 111t8 i ports orts from all al countries cuntrlfs into the th German GermanEmpire GermanEmpre GermanEmpIre Empire amounted amunttd to SIN97 128284972 Germany Germanyon on Empre the th other ttr hand hnd exports exptt small smal quanti quantities quantities IUant ¬ ties tes of grain Krln to countries cunlrle like lke Great Gret Brit Britain Brt Brtain Britsin ¬ ain Holland lolmn Denmark lenQrk Norway Norwl and an Swe Sweden Sweden Sweden ¬ den Th T These je grain grin exports exprt during M Mamounted 1 1amountf 19115 19115amounted amounted to 116650 116650The 16616 16616The amountf The competition S6trnt S6trntThE between Russia RultS and andthe Andthe andthe the United States to supply the nonpro nonproducln nonproduring 1 during ducln grain rln countries > 8 of Europe I urope will be be bei become 1 i come sharper every en r year The building of ofI o onew I new ne railroads and canals in Russia will willenable willenable ill illenable enable that country countr to move her crops to toward to toArd toward ¬ ward Ard the German frontier much more moreeasily JROreeaMI moreeasily easily eaMI than has hitherto hlttw > rt been the case caseWithin caseI caseWithin I Within lUtln ten years Austria expects to have havea havea a nework nc > wOlk of canals finished which will willcompletely willcompktl willcompletely completely revolutionize the grain tratftc tratftcof tnifHcor tralficof of AustriaHungary and the Balkan BalkanStates BalkanStates BalkanStates States It is dtlHcult to realize that thatbarges tiJ8tbargt thatbarges barges of grain rain may I be moved without withouttransfer withouttransrEr withouttransfer transfer from the navigable waters of ofRiver ottM tM Vustula utuln and lnle Przester ter through the theRIver theRiver 1 River Oder er Into the th Upper Elbeto Elba to the thegrain thegratn thegrain grain markets of Prague and Dresden Dresdenthat Drttldenthat Dresdenthat that the same Is I true of great cargoes of ofbarley ofbarley oi barley corn rye and wheat heat from the thecountries thec6untrles theI C countries of the Lower Danube It will willcertainly willrertalnly willcertainly I certainly give these countries an advan advantage aelvanta advntags ¬ ta tags < e In freight rates ratesTh rflte rflteThe ratesonly The Th only onl thing which will enable f the theUnited theUnited theUnited United States in future to compete sue successfully 8UCtuny sueceesfully ¬ cessfully tuny with 1th Russia in the grain mar markets IDRrI marShots ¬ kets of Germany is cheaper ocean freight freightfacilities trethtfAdntkos frelghlL facilities The new line established from fromthe tromthe fronithe L I the Great Lakes to Condon C n on and Hamburg Hamburgis is a step in the rlgHt rigHtdirection direction Ti rture T f t ttUrO i iture ture prosperity of the American farmer farmerdepends farmerdtpends farmerdepends depends upon the > abUftyi II to sell our stir surplus 14Ury stirplus ¬ plus cereals to othen otbsq countries and Ger Germany Germany ¬ ro wn wneJl eJl eJlIF IF IFway many y with her SCmMO people will al always always ¬ ways way be one of the thegrt thegrOdteat greatest test grain mar markets marketll nsarketa ¬ kets ketsDEPKZDATIONScOF ketllDEPREDATIONS ketaDEPREDATIONSzOFTHE DEPKZDATIONScOF DEPREDATIONS DEPREDATIONSzOFTHE OF THE THEAimuitl MAILS MAILSAnnunl MAILSAnnual Annual Report Jh IIOt oftKc oftne Clilef lo Iowtof Iowtoflice otof otofce tof tofflee flee ce Inspector InspectorAccording IIIKllcctorAccordlnc InspectorAccording According to the mtaajal report of the theChief theChief theChief Chief Postoffice Inspector In Inset ctfli the number of ofpofciofflces oCpotto 01postomces pofciofflces potto Jee robbed daring d ditriag l the fiscal year yearended yearended ended June 34 test w was sl 1115 < B5 There were wereWI weref4 I WI f4 43 poetoflices destroyed by ftre postal postalcars postalcars I I cars wrecked and btirnefl1 btiht 71 stages rob robbed ¬ bed 37 three mails mall m zn4aenger 4 ng gr r wagons wagonswere wagonswere ap apI I were w re robbed mail pouches pquc I MItt st tIiC tIiCpo 616pouches W Wpouches I pouches po Jtes cut IntentioiMilf Int ntfI or o by accident accidentor or r stolen n 7431 U1 trerTetter 19t Ottfl boxes and andri aalre5al I re5al ri lhan boxes xes 5jfled 5 1 JIB JIBcitarXebIe I < a f fchafx < I IcliaehI chafx citarXebIe cliaehI abe to accWent aeeWeiiteoaspIalnts ldeft J oompUInU c 11tti 11ttieehIetI r reetwed re reeatsed eetwed of losses ttf f ordinary letters letten letten1M U Uwith 38 with enclosures 4IOEW 18 without en enckNrares ftclo encloeurei ckNrares clo 1125 USe complaints as a to pack packages paeketi psekages ¬ ages eti 47949 4 475 total number of complaints complaintsreceived complaintsreccoled I Irerelved received 160256 t 5 No discovery dt was w made madeIn JIIadeIn i iin In 1CSW 1 E0l cases and th these ee in which no loss lossresulted loare I Iresulted resulted re were IZCTf Losses chargeable to tocarelessness tocare t tcarelessness carelessness care or depredations of postal postalemployes poetalemploYta poetsemployea employes were 3SS 3C 3616t Losses chargeable to topersons topenona t tpersona persons not connected with the postal postalservice poetalservice postalservice service were 465 Cases still tHl AI tinder Inves invNticatlon inventigatlon Investigation ¬ tigation 3SW3 3SW3The 3CaJThe i3 i3The The office of the First Assistant Post Postmaster POIStmast Postmaster ¬ master mast r General n raI refers to the division toll of ofpostofiice orpoetofticf oi r rpostottlee postofiice inspectors 4S0 WO 4119 cases for invert investigation Inv InvttpUon invertThe ¬ tigation The bond division of the > bu bureau bureau bcreau ¬ reau of the Fourth A Assistant fstant Postmaster Poatmalrttrntral General ntral refers re 1IJ cases regarding retPlr tDK the re responsibility reJpttnstbtllty reepensibulity ¬ sponsibility of sureties on postmasters bonds to the number of 30080 30 annually Complaints of charges against a llst postmas postmaster postmaBtel poatmastsr ¬ tel and employee of poscomcca are about Z ZiJO JO each uh year 8r > During the last lastOal Its fiscal Itscat ¬ cal year there tIMor were > only three charges charg Slid r rer against fraw railway mall clerks wh1h I twm trtr Js remarkable in view of the fact t that thatth I Ithere th there < re are in the neighborhood of LIMO w J of 0 r these clerks t1 rk The number of miscella miscellaneous m miserlLsDeous II IIIkOUIC ¬ neous cases ca referred T fer to inspector annu annually annually nnu nnuall ¬ ally all Is about 90600 The number of cases casesof c cof i iof of that kind now awaiting Anal disposi l ¬ thin by the Inspectors l tnrlI forre rr is seen MWO 4100 The Tb Inspectors last year ar made IOW arrests arrestssubjwt arnt18lb arrestssubject subject 8lb t to 1 th the jurisdiction of the United States courts There are on an average 7W 70 N cases pending In the United 1nlt > d States Statescourts Stal4teQurtll Stalercourts courts for oences offences committed against the the United States malls mallsCROP IlisCROP mallsCROP CROP CONDITIONS IN RUSSIA RUSSIASection RUSSIAUtaort RUSSIAReports Reports From Pro All GrnlnGrolns GrnlnGrolnsSection r rSections Section KiicourneliiK KiicourneliiKWriting ilneouragrtigWriting ncollrnsIIIJWriting Writing to the State Department about aboutRussias aboutRuulaIJ abet t tRussias Russias grain crop Thomas E Heenan HeenanOK H Jironanthe nan nanUK OK United States Consul at Odessa says saysReports SA SAR saysReports Reports R > portll from the great grulngowinp districts of the Russian Empire mpire have havebeen haebeen hay e ebeen been extremely favorable during the en entire entin entire ¬ tire season both for winter and spring springsown springwn repnin repninstwn sown wn grain It Is the > Mlle throughout throughoutRussia througltoutRuwriR throughowthat Russia that from winter Inter to summer the thechange thedunKt tb tbchange change ix sudden without Ithout gradual rise riseof riseof rise riseof of the temperature This year ear however howeverthere howevertht howeverthere there tht > r was a long 10 Interval or in otis otlMr otlMrwords + r rwords rwords words a spring Ram ha hart been abun abundant abundant abcsilant ¬ dant and there are reports rt > JoOrts that some somedamage IIOIftedamage C Cdamage damage has resulted therefrom Never Nevertheless Nevtrtlwleosll Nevertisima ¬ theless the harvest this year will be th thlargest tM tMlarxMt C Clargest largest for all cereals rea that this Uti country count I has 1ta had for or many years The hay crop cropalready CTOJalrMdy cro h halready already saved is very large Wheat eat rye ryeoats rye08ta ryeoats oats and barley according to the most mostreliable mostrtliable moe t treliable reliable accounts r recvd reeejve wilt give more morethan mortthan C Cthan than an average a ntse yield ld The average > an annual annUAl anneal ¬ nual output of theso t theseIeeresls > cereals from fr UK to t 1 MOO Inclusive InclUI Vt for th u the > empire mpj including including0UCM a Pound ° the 0UCM aucaaue gr t iibenia Tia and Con CenWheat C n tI tint 1 AM but tXchHltIlK Finland wu Wheatt Viet IlStsSlN5 UItIOOI bU rt ry ryoats 8i2 oat oats 55lJUtjtt4i oootf barlt banley 3Z46O5t 3Z46O5tWheat 4 Oi Wheat is the th cereal real which has mwt ma t interest for the > Inited nlted States as it comes eon K more > in competition with Ith our grain than it any of the others It may not IH be with out ut Interest to show 00 the quantity of wheat wh t raised In the different dlffcrt > nl parts part of Russia European EUfbpt > an Russia J3lMtot tIUIM j bushebi bullht > is Po p l land 2uonoMA 211100 bushels bu Caucasus 48UOu hit lb oo iou e m t bushels bu iwhI Siberia 2 ZCIJtMM 36I < W bushels Contra ContraIa < > ntrMJI Asia 12 1 fIOO busMW bul bush4 Total rota I 419 u9iifU 419550is KM MB MBmuhtls C CIRON muhtls Ia V VIRON i imON IRON AND STBELFOB STBBL FOR CUBA CUBAA CUBAr r 5 A 4 Stntement of the tI ImimrtH for t the theCiileiuler theCnlellcler ii C CCitleizeler Ciileiuler Year lUUO lUUOA 1100comparative 1 < M MA A comparative statement showing the theimports thehnportIJ th e eimports of iron and steel imports and their man manufactures manuradurt8 sianufactures ¬ ufactures into Cuba has been n prepared preparedIn preparoin rtPllrtdIn In the Division of Insular Affairs of o the theWar theWar tb 0 0War War Department Ik The statement shows showsthat Bhowstluat 5 5that that during the calendar year 103 1I0 the theaggregate UteaRIegate tb C Csggregate aggregate value of iron steel t I and their theirmanufactures thdrmanuladun thri r rmanufactures manufactures from all countries was K KK13X 34against 11 K13X as a against 2 84 5 during the cal calendar calendar calendar ¬ endar year 18 li9I8 an increase of i I82 I8IJiliO 550 or orC orper r 6 C per cent The imports of these tIK com commodities comHIOdl cuessiodities ¬ modities HIOdl etl front the U United States in the theyear theyear tb e eyear year I960 amounted ht value to J3685S9 J3685S9as 3 3eg i85 a aas as against SMJSJM t3Sid in MS WIlt an increase of ofor orI a I IlOdIG I lOdIG > or 54 per cent centThe centThe nt ntTM The comparison on by countries tn follows followsrmted followsUnliset ollowsPnitEd rmted States M I BOO U M9 ss ssm 33eg 89 United Kingdom KI 8CkJm 18 lOW MM > 1 mit > W WM I M 73t Germany 18S 1M JI3SS6 135 ISiS 212 2127S6 2 27t6 7S6 96 France 1 1is 657515 7 75 5 1 1iW 15th HJ tlHJMJ tlHJMJS 11H3 11H3SPIt 111511Spain S SPIt Spain Min In MB 1M i JW7H 1 174 1H 11W lt XtSTK 1al Altstrnt Altstrntlat Au Aisttr5ei trilt trilt1M lat 1M i JC s 11110 0 210 2150 Swltseriaml 19 19Kyi 1 1r 1iSn Kyi r Sn 1 1M > 6 nm 228 Mexico Mda n S721 7ss 7ssBgium 1 1I M M2W 2W BMiKlum I IUtn W WOther 11 ttGi lt IMsue IMsueOthtr 504 15911 15911Other Other 1Ulltris uiitrUs 1 liO 19 9 J2K6 S 1t2G G tOO W J3SS To Tot1 TotL t1 tL 1 i9 9 29IJstJ 9eS4Z l ititO U76I THE FINANCES FIN ANGES OF BRAZIL BRAZILIlcportctl BRAZIl BRAZIlUCllOrted BRAZILReported Reported to lie on n More Solid Bo BoHM DR DRIIIM Baslit HM IIIM Titan for Years YcnrtcCharles YearsCharles cnrH cnrHCharres Charles Page Bryan the United Lnat States StatesMinister StatesInt StatesMinister Minister Int ter to Brazil writes rites to the State StateDpartmeit StateD Dpartmeit D Irt ert from Petropolls of the expi expiration xpl xplration ¬ ration of the Brazilian funding loan ar arrangement arrangcmtnt arangement ¬ rangement r He says saysOfficial says0tIic181 Official statements show that the theMnanees theItnanctM thenances Mnanees fi nances of this country are upon a aMild more moresolid solid s olid foundation than for years past pastSptcle pastSptcie Sptcle S pecie payments paY Knts of the foreign gold ob obligations obligatIons oh ohigatlona ¬ ligations l have teen resumed Brazilian Braziliansecurities BrazilianecurlUes securities s have risen from 45 per cent to toi5 75 7 5 per cent of par the volume of paper papermoney paperIWOn money IWOn < has been diminished ftet1 from 7S30W 7S30Weontos S ScontOlO SJS eontos C to SWWO tI eon conies to the sterling < value valueof VAlufot of the mtlrete has risen from id to to1U1 to1l toI1d 1U1 1l 1 I1d 2d 112S 1l cents to 233 3 cents the Import Importduties Importt1utks duties d uties formerly all payable in a depre depreciated depreckltetl ¬ ciated d ated and fluctuating currency are now nowcollected now41I nowollected collected 41I c tett 25 per cent in gold and 75 5 per percent perent r rcent cent c ent In paper JNl r being Ing an actual value valueequivalent valuetfuIYal valuequivalent equivalent tfuIYal e nt to 45 per cent and 56 per cent centrespectively eentresptttlvely respectively r 1060069 have been paid paidtbf en enthe the t he 1H7 emergency emerg ncy loan completely ex extinguishing extinplshlng ¬ tinguishing t that obligation 21603 1fIOO eontos eontos115e c ntos ntos1ICiN 1ICiN 115e 1155500 0i par of treasury Mils bll outstand outstanding out8taftdIng outstandng ¬ ing i ng July 1 UK have been paid off and andtheir antithlr andheir their t Issue ue is now no longer resorted to toJC2JOOMC toJIitMC totflfl JC2JOOMC tflfl of internal goldinterestbearing goldinterestbearingbonds goktlnterestb arlnJ arlnJbonds bonds have been paid off or exchanged exchangedinto exchangedInto exchangednto into i nto currency obligations obllgatio and finally finallyImportant ltuIiymportant ally allyImportant Important i reductions have been made In Incurrent IncurreDt incurrent current administrative expenditures expendituresOn On the other hand the net gold debt debthas debtI debthas I has been increased Incn etI by over J51OO 5609686 and andthe andthe andthe the fixed charges payable in gold for in interest Intrest ¬ terest and railroad guaranties have risen risenfront risenfrom risenfront front J31i86M 3866686 to t23574iW 2367505 3 67600 importations importationshave ImportationsJ8ve have J8ve fallen off 0 < heavily internal taxes taxeshave taxeshave taxeshave have been n increased lnerea ed the rise of the ster sterling sterling starliner ¬ ling value of the t milrete has lowered the thecurrency thecurrency thecurrency currency price of exports and the con eontraction contractl6n contraction traction of the circulation has apparently apparentlyhad apparentlyhAd apparentlyhad had an influence In limiting commercial commercialoperations commeretalop4ratlons commercialoperations operations This period of stringency is isalready HIalready isalready already beginning to moderate and the theprocess theprOCe88 theprocess process of the adjustment of prices and andcredits andcrediUl andcredits credits to sounder currency values is isproceeding isproceedl isproceeding proceeding proceedl g normally normallyAltogether BOrmaUyAItOjltetMr normallyAltogether Altogether the Brazilian raztun Government Governmenthas Govenn Governmenthas eDt eDth has h remitted to London J4 4K4X2 since sinceJuly 8IneeJuly sinceJuly July 1 1S88 1 of this sum JltIWOOIt 1WXM has hasbeen liasbeen harthen been spent In paying payt g off the linT leAn leAncS1At 687516 for Interest on the rustling loan loanbonds Io8n00nda loanbonds bonds 00nda and Jl4IGOCIIJ 1 l566uei OW for pastdue otoltga otoltgations obligations oieftgathins tions payments IMty ents on warships current ex expenses expen cxpenses ¬ penses e and commissloAes on the issuing issuingof Ing Ingot of loans 1oa In addition J1WtQO 7WM0 has been beenadvanced beenadvanced beenadvanced advanced to the Bank of the Republic Republic1ke itepuhflcThe RepublicThe The average of gold accumulations has hastherefore hastherttore harttherefore therefore been JHt KIOU oo a month It hi of officially ochclaU ofhciatl ¬ ficially hclaU estimated that for the ensuing ensuingmonths eJURlingmoat months moat the > gold remittances wilt ill be J 3 5ti M < a month This will absorb ab orb the import taxes payable in gold Interest Interestand IDtereetand Interestanti and railroad guaranties h cantie amount to tomoBthly X335 t 600 Oh monthly but this difference dJff > reJKe to insig ¬ nificant in view lew of the large balance al already already already ¬ ready accumulated accumulatedIt It is therefore th n fon > dear that a continuation continuationof of the policy of the present administra dmlnl trR ¬ Hon Hill m result in Brazils meeting promptly her foreign obligations For interest t on the internal debt the thecontinuation thetontinuati6n thecontinuation continuation of the withdrawal of paper papermoney p papermoney per permoney money and th < administrative expendi ¬ ture torts she must look to her paper revenue The Government estimates imatS for these MIr purposes perposes ¬ poses 8 are well II within the expected ex ted rev revenue revenue revenue ¬ enue and Mow how very very large reduction from fromCAN tM ex expenses nM8 0 past t years yearsCAN ears earsCAN CAN SETTLE IN HAWAII HAWAIITUc HAW HAWAILThe AIL I The Attorney Horne General DecIsion 1 1Invor 1n 1nIaor InPaor Invor of Resident Chinese ChineseThe ChhlceThe ChIneseThe The Attorney General has rendered an anopinion anopinIOn anopinion opinion opinIOn to the Secretary of the Treasury la regard to the right of Chinamen who whoare wholegal ho hoare are legal residents of this country to toleave toJeav toleave leave Jeav the United States and settle in the theTerritory theTenItory theTerritory Territory of Hawaii In the communica communicain com communlcajje unka unkaUII UII from the Secretary oC the Treasury in regard to the matter it wa was stated that thatIt thatIt thatit It was understood that a number of Chi Chine Chin Cliiresidents ¬ ne n residents re of the United States were wereabout wer wereaboet e about boat to 10 x > to 0 the Hawaiian llswsli u Isteads IsteadsSecretary 1MIaRdsSeoeretary IsiasthrSecretary Secretary Gage asked whetner or not notwall there was a 1ft hew to prevent the entrance entranceof 0 the Chln Chinese Into the Territory of Ha walt The Celestials Cf > IHtiais were said to be legal legalresidents legalresidents residents of this thl country holding certifi certificate certltleat certldeaten ¬ eat eaten cate of registration The Attorney Gen General Gntral Geaoral ¬ oral in making his decision deei lon replied that there U re was no 11 > law to restrain these t China Chlnan men n from entering Hawaii HaallAN IlanaiLAN HawaiiAN AN INDIGNATION MEETING MEETINGResolution MEETINGJteolutlonM MEETINGItesolutions Resolution In Reference to the tbeInke theInke theInke Inke Ilnyer IJroiviilinc IJroiviilincHAGERSTOWX DrnnhlJHAGERSTOWX 15rovnlngIIAGERSTOWN HAGERSTOWX Md Aug 2CA 51An An in tadignation indicnation Indlgnation dignation meeting Jne tlng was held In Smithburg Smithbcr SmithbcrSaturday Saturday night in the interest Inte of George GeorgeFranklin GeorgeFranklin Franklin Rimhart charged by a jury of ofinquest 0Inqt 411 411Inquest inquest with being responsible for the thedrowning thedrownlnK i idrowning drowning of Miss XI Xary Finafroek of ofYork ofYork is r rYork York York Pa in Lake Royer Sunday Au August August ¬ gust 1 18 18 by rocking the boat The meet meeting 1IMetI meetlag ¬ lag I K was s presided over by Preston E Vo Vogel V Vagel 0 0K gel K I assistant burgess of the town The Thehall Thehall t thall hall was allied with 1th a representative au audience audience audience ¬ dience dienceResolutions dienceReeoluttl dienceResolutions Resolutions were adopted that certain certainnewspapers certainnewaprapen I Inewspapers newspapers have been D unjust and unfair in their t lr statements stat lIt nls of the case that it itwas ItWJUi II IIwas was wrong < for all concerned co rned to be boat InK on the Sabbath and breaking the holy hot hotllay hoitiny day that the community knows 34r Itine hart so well Yot > 11 It cannot entertain any idea ideaof IdeaoC I Iof of his criminality rimlnallt In connection con tlon with the thecapsizing thecapslzlnK thecapsizing capsizing of the boat that on general generalprinciples genera generaprinciples < tnentl principles it seems that John Burkeheim Burkeheimer er who ho was w in the boat at the time it itwas itwa II t twas was wa upset with Miss Finafroek and Mrs n Louis Worker ktr was equally responsible responsibletection responsibler responsiblewith r with Mr r tR Rhinehart IIO for the care and nd ndLake pro Jor i tection of the ladles The Buena Vista i isti L Lake Company is condemned cdtm for alleged allege I bad management in providing such frail frai boats so easily upset and for not provid ¬ big means for the rescue of people whose ho lives are endangered by the capsIzing er a f the boats boat The untimely unt y death of Miss t sroecI Finafroek roecI is IllUi regretted Ui and a the sympathy aympathf y ytlnehart f rf the community Ill is extended to Mr MrAN tlnehart RinehartAN tlnehartAN AN INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENTIRON IRON MILL MHXThe MILLIhe MILLIIie The Strike Starts itllrt n New Xc Knteriirlne Knteriirlnelit In Ohio OhioCOLUMBUS OhioCOLtJBtS OhioCOLLMBLS COLUMBUS Ohio Aug 3SA compa company COlRptIn compayy ¬ ny n of o Cleveland Columbus and West WestVirginia VesI VesIVirginia est estVIrJinia Virginia capitalists ts has been organized organizedIn In this city to build a large independent independentIron IntlependeJltiron L Liron Iron and plate mill in the vicinity of ofClarksbwrg ofCJnk is r rCherkirbung Clarksbwrg CJnk > burg W VH VHThe YaTht VaThe The company Is incorporated under the thelaws theJaws the a alaws laws of West e Virginia IrKlnla with 1th a capital capitalstock ca ltaI ltaIMock I Istock stock of 366606 1500010 which will be material materially ¬ ly increased Incrf > Ated as a the work ork of constructing constructingthe conatructhwithe the piajit I t proceeds proe ls Contracts ontraet for or S54 S54I 254 4 666 worth of machinery have been award awarded awarded swan swanad ¬ ed and work 6rk on the construction of the theseveral UUteveral the 1 1several several buildings will 11I begin tomorrow tomorrowThe tomorrowTa tomorrowThe The plant will 1 be known as the Jack Jackson Jackson Jackson son Iron Ir und Tin Plate Mills 11I It will 111 con contain contain contam ¬ tain tam fourteen tourt n mills anti will 11I manufacture manufacturesheet JRAJlufactureMet manufacturesheet sheet Met Iron and tin plate > Five hundred hundredmen hundrttlmt hundredmen men mt > n will be employed Seven hundred hundredtons hundredtOIl8 hundretons tons of finished Jlnl htd product tO4IU4t is I to be turned turnedout tunffiout turnedevery out every very twentyfour hours The organ organIra orKdwatlon organIvallon Ira watlon t ion of the company is due to the steel steelstrike Oteelstrike nicestrike strike and It expects vigorous opposition oppositionfrom otJPOetUontrom 1 1from from the trust trustTWO trultTWO trustTWO TWO SISTERS REUNITED REUNITEDIdentified REU1i TED TEDIclcutillecl Identified 11011 I lIeu Knelt I n h Other Otht I t icr r It by > y 31 Mcaiii en us of ofStrawberry ofStrnhclr o f fStrnwberry Strawberry Strnhclr Marks MarksRENNINcIroN Mark MarkBENNIXGTON tnrkDENNI BENNIXGTON DENNI GrON Vt Aug 38 1A A straw strawberry i trawberry strawberry ¬ berry mark reunited reuolt f two sisters in At Atlantic AlIanUe Atlantlc ¬ lantic City Saturday They had not wet Mettor me wetfor t tthirty for thirty years and supposed each other otherdead tkerMad r rdead dead deadMrs deadhire Mad1Ii Mrs 1Ii Frank Howard live lives in SaHsbwrv SaHsbwrvVt SaJte SaisberyVt ury uryt Vt t anti her twin sister Mrs 18 Frank Ma Mayo Mayo Mitin ¬ yo in Boston After they were ere married marriedand RNtrrJet1alttl marrleeand and moved from their girlhood rlhood home each eachheard creelheard I IiWar heard iWar that the other had passed away A Af Atw i ifew f tw < w days ago 0 both went > nt to visit vb it the as assistant 1111tant asslatant ¬ sistant tant z KNtRIaJI1tr > ostmas > er Mr Moore Jtf of At Atlantic ¬ lantic City who ta a relative rtlati At dinner Mrs Howard noticed 1IOtk a mark rk on Mrs Mayos Mayo arm and remarked Jt markftl that both she sheand sheand sb sband and a dead sister I tr had a similar mark It Itwas Itwall I t was soon ascertained that the two were w wet re a Joiuc long separated parat l sisters Mt telS anti a Joyful roes ¬ ion Jo was a the result resultThe resultltuIkIIIc resultltIk5i1Ie I ltuIkIIIc Inlr iPiiI r t11 Jens II leu rriw rriwr The r saly 1 ly iart r curry 1Ui 511 it ii M a c 4 J Jt z j I 0 the t want stats Kale Ie ot the tw Ktxlmlr Kubi k lair frau Monads Monadsaad a C t tb 01 the W 1Mf eisa sad Mociviilr Jt kvil Railway Salle I CsupasyAsepIe CwMfKxijr Ample facilities Qsick QMckDetter ease Sve Sveadvert St C CBetter advert annmt annmtIletter Better for C the Hlood Than hnn SnrNiijm SnrNiijmrlllu Snrnllnrlilat Snrsnincilia rlllu rllluFor rlilatfIr ciliaFor For fIr those liYiRtt liri IB I the Malaria districts d Grovel Grove S TarteJo Tadel Chill Tunic ON MOUNT SIR DONALD DONALDA DON ALD ALDA A Bride the Klr J First lrMt t AVonmn omnn to aiaUc aiaUctbe Iake Iakethe the Ascent AMcentGLACIBR A1Ie AscentGLACHIR nt ntGLACIER GLACIER B C Aug X xTIIe The Matter Matterhorn Xatt Matterions r rhoIR horn l ions of the Selkirk Monet CMIDt Sfr fir r D naN naNhas a M MOnly has h as at last HEn ascended by a WD WDOnly womflOnly Only about a doses men have succeeded succeededin udtd udtdin in i n getting to the highest t point of thW thWpyramid UtL UtLpyramid thhlpyramid pyramid of sto atone < te with its needle J eedle pot potatpiercing tplerdlllt p01stiercing piercing p the sky kyat > at an A elevation of oCCeet M7M M7Mfeet SSeet feet f eet although ah U8h ma RNtR masy y lAve cone from all allparts itSarts n nparts fp parts p arts of the globe to attempt its ascent ascentThyre eeatT ascentTtere Thyre T re are a higher mountains but few f w on onthis ORths Oshis this t his continent so dttHcwH of ascent at and andyet aJMIyet ad adet yet y et a small 11 woman a bride not nottitan more aorethan moreitan than t five feet two iacaes high and weigh WftshIng weighe Ing l ag only nltyIIIx JHAda baa INuJfotl succeed succeedel fotl e < el l where here strong rong sad experienced experiencedtatneers tX ri ritalneen moss tatneers t have failed failedMr t tMr failedMr Mr and Mrs 1 R It Bereft Bfl of Kent K ftt sag Eaxland EagIaDd land l are en a bridal tear around the theworld theorld world orld Mrs Serene learned that thatwoman RO ROWoman itowoman woman had ever cHn cHIRIHtI ed t to the toy toyof opor to toof of Sir Donald She had never ver done doneany tIoftean dearny any an a ny mountain climbing except she heet heetaseeKdt4 had hadascended hadscended ascended a Mount Stephen but osly t ly to the thefossil t theossil e ef fossil f 1 beds betI which hich Is an easy 51 ascent ascentNeither ascentNeither t t1either Neither had she suitable clothing clothingShe CIOUHR CIOUHRShe clothingShe She donned her husbands breeches cut cutso cutso so as to come a little above the knees kneesbut kReaieut kiteesbeat but womanlike stuck to her shirt lrt waist watecThis waistThis t tThis This shining mark enabled the interested interestedspectators iRtere interestedsectatOra t tspectators spectators to watch through the tons tonstelescope Io longtelescope g gteleweope telescope her progress over senses aeraat cre crevasses crevaHel arevassee ¬ vasses and the most difficult kind of ofrock oCrock ofrock rock work workAccompanied workAccompanied workAccompanied Accompanied by her husband ansi two twoexperienced twoexperieJMld twoexperienced experienced Swiss guides stationed here herethe here heretM herehe the t he party part left at 316 in the morning rwt g and andafter andafter and andafter after spending a little more than an hour houron hov1on houron on the extreme summit returned here at 5 JO amid 4l the cheers of the spectators spectatorsMrs opectatorsIrs spectatorsMrs Mrs Irs Berens was as apparently a parently none the theworse thewor he heworse worse wor e for the trip and nd appeared at din dinner dinner dinnor ¬ ner a as usual l u I She was so modest con concerning concerning concernlng ¬ cerning her achievement that she was waswith Aall1th waswith with 1th great difficulty Induced to speak > of ofit ofIt ofit it It She thinks there are at least 360 360peaks 30Mpeak ZtttOpeaks peaks peak and as many glaciers visible from fromthe frolRthe fromthe the top of Sir Donald She had any sum number 1tU1ftber sumher ¬ ber of narrow escapes Once the snow snowcornice nowcornke snowcornice cornice upon which she 8h was walking lklng gave gaveway gaveway gaveway way and precipitated pr lpttatd her luckily upon upona uposa a huge bank of snow many feet belowShe below belowShe b IowShe She climbed perpendicular pvr ndieutar walls satu saturated saturated saterated ¬ rated with the waters from the melting meltingsnows Bleltlngsnows meltingsnows snows and fell into a crevice at one time timefrom tlnte timefrom from which the guides to whom she erolJeCl was wasroped wartrojied roped rescued re cu < d her herAt hert herAt At t another time she slipped upon the thepice theicfo theIce Ice and was as held dangling over a prod prodpica pice and had the guides gukl not held heldwould leer IterWould leerwould would have fallen several thousand t nd feet feetto feetto feetto to the rocks below bolJwShe belowShe 1 She says say she had simply determined e terseined to togo togo togo go to the top and she did but she does doesnot doesnot doesnot not advise any other bride to spend her honeymoon that way nor any other otherman wo woman we weman ¬ man to make the trip tripMR trtpMR tripMR MR LAWSONS SCHEME SCHEMETlie SCHEMEThe SCHEMEThe The IloMtonlan to Build n Miniature MiniatureVenice MiniatureVenice Unlntur Unlnturen1ee Venice en1ee In Maine MaineBOSTON MaineBOSTON nne nneBOSTOX BOSTON Aug 3t KThotIta Thomas W LaW Lawsoityachtsman Lawseayachtsueaa tMl tMlyachtsntaR yachtsman copper king < multimillion multimillionaire sudttasiUioalec 1tf1ltiU1oIt 1tf1ltiU1oItalre ¬ alec horse breeder dog fancier and gas gasagitator gasagitator gasagitator agitator fe e going to build a miniature miniatureVenice r miniatureVenice lDlatureVenke Venice on the rugged rugg coast of Maine MaltteHe MaineHe MaineHe He has bought two island nd off o Ston Stonington StonIngton Sloeington ington on Deer Isle IItIe and has aa option optionon optionon optionon on twelve others which he will HI pay for forwhen ferwhen forwhen when the titles tltI are proved to his satis ¬ faction These islands are ar situated in Isle Isleau Isleau islean au Haut Bay and are about fifteen miles from the mainland His plans contem contemplate contemplate ¬ plate the building of the most remarks ¬ ble summer resort in the United States The islands are all dose together and andmany antlmany andmany many of them can be connected by bridges On Saddleback th the largest t of ofthe oCthe ofthe the group about forty acres ia extent extentMr eneat extentMr Mr Lawson will erect a magnificent pal palace palace palace ¬ ace for himself hlm elt The whole hoIe matter will willbe wtllbe willbe be placed in the hands of a landscape landscapeartist IaDd8capeartIst landscapeartist artist who will furnish h plans which will willtransform wtlitraD8fonn willtransform transform the islands into a Venice In InAmerica InAJIWrlca inAmerica America AmericaThe AJIWrlcaThe AmericaThe The smaller Islands will be cleared clear of ofeverything oCev ofeverything everything ev rythlng unsightly awl those things thingswhich thingswhich which hkh show the t rugged beauty of the thegroup tlteglOUfJ thegroup group will be left tratouehed touehecl O 0 some someof someof I Ior of the larger islands there th hcr r will be con conservatories COII1Yatortes conaervatonies ¬ servatories a anti d vinecovered vestibules velKlbu Miniature parks psrcs will be b ailed with lth deer cterr bears grey squirrel partridge and er erery cvcry r en C 1g 1ga cry game animal that t lives in Maine a The Thewhole f fwhole Tieswhole whole cost of the project will be about aboutTO aboutS1 aboutTO S1 S1TO TO MAKE AN INVESTIGATION INVESTIGATIONThe The Colnml CoInmhnt Columbus n IrcusPoxt Affair to tolie toIIe I Ilie lie Enquired Into IntoINDIANAPOLIS IntoI IntoINDIANAPOLiS INDIANAPOLIS I I APOLIS Ind Aug AugInternational H 3lss JTh JThInternational I IInternational International Typographical Typographicalenter 1J LViiOM wm wmeater eater upon an Investigation lave d tilt ofin C coadyfyan coadyfyanin eoIMI I in the PreasPost office oce at Columbus ColumbusOhio Col ColOhio I Ohio as soon as President Lynch reaches reachesthis readiestlthl reachesthis I this city which will be on Thursday or orFriday rFriday orFriday Friday Secretary BcaM Bcaxnwood ood said pester yesterday 7erday pesterday ¬ day the international officers had received receivedreports receivedreporta L Lreports reports from Columbus and intisaatedthat Intlmat1dthat Intimated Intimatedthat that the peculiar conditions in the Presa PresaPost p pPo PresaPost Post t controversy were ere being < investi investigated InvUKt investigattd ¬ gated Kt but no action has yet been taken takenWe takeDWe takenWe We do not understand ulHkr tand Mr Jones said sahithe saidthe W Wthe the secretary Jle retao The contract with itk the theunion theuaiOft theunion union was made at his suggestion but buthe buthe hathe he has ha persistently violated It ever ver since sinceentering sinceentering Dee Deentl1ng entering into it It He 1 boasted that titatthe his Id was waathe I Ithe the only paper in Ohio that was Union untoafrom Unionfrom alon alontrom from cellar to garret and it was chiefly chleHyon chieflyon on this that he built up his paper O Oar OarulMkr Guiunderstanding r runderstandlnfr understanding ulMkr tandlftt of the situation tuatloR fcs that thatthere ttthere thatthere there is a lockout of union men in the thePressPost thePrtaPo thePressFont PressPost t office and that Jones J himself himselfIs Jdwt8eIIs himseilall Is doing < all the work President Pre ItInt Lynch Lynchwill LyRekUI Lynchwill will UI be here on Thursday and ntI an investi investigation btveedation invtgittion ¬ gation wilt UI be bemreeat made at once onceCURRENT oneeCURRENT onceCURRENT CURRENT HUMOR HTTMORFrom HUMORnoth HUMORSloth Sloth Anxious olIxloUIIF AnxiousFrom From F TMBMs TMBMsI I should JiM 1 W to R go t to jay my mytensest BMtheriafevs BMtheriafevskeeper JM Kilthsl l tIIk Iistti tic MW tk bosh MeIte boshheeper keeper t e the dttI aM sues BBMSo suesSo So t4M asM hi I TCttftfed ye the BraBricfrM all allttanHd he hetented hetamed tented to his flsu apia apiaYe again1e agahiYe Ye Weather enthe ManProm Man ManPf Inn InnP Pf P Prom w IWk IWkThe lkOatMaill lsekThe The Caatafcj hpialueWhy hr Y isi vce i w as ca oa teM 5 5done whea a aftorm a ag done is spitmechag jiii thing g Thore are i wea lo loell a h r yr jesik jesiketa Bh Bhetc etc at wa gfItco suThe The 1 lsssgetI 1 Mpe t cf are Nt t so soat attca attcaA fsea fseaat at sea tbse as land IMttLA landA A Sure Remedy RemedyFroat Relncll Relnclli IternedyFrom From i the CWt C CSIIe Chicago K New NewShe > She rawaBtic atic At U times t BIT my whole n nt life litet > sores soresto I to t W ailed with i umatMled dslree r 8 8He s sMe Me tpeacticnlWdI aractkalW pnrtieal A M why whyProw dst t y try she iIte1tC shewant i 1tC want eeat eeatSctJlChlna esisasiuatsearching searching the Water WaterFresu nter nterFroM Prow the PhiUeljiM Fbiisdel PressMm Pr PrIn Press Fretsltindtorpeial > Mm lfanA Ik ltindtorpeial ti Briif t what tat < ta y yo i iaU suma sumaall 111 111an aU that 4Mt dadatiasee rhaa dewB ia m the IcMcheat IcMcheatHrMget kiklletatJlridgdse khchearid5ctShste HrMget Jlridgdse Shwre it amt Mte Me MMM S5I Ks Ifs UtatKtheL iIaEtIteL I IFthai KtheL KtheLMm FthaiMrs EtIteLIL Mm IL Hn HnBridget 1bMIi IfstsflttiO isa die gaL bosh fNta dte dteeok IS IScoshiag eok coshiag IcltcIeI tuctasif t tBritIKftis Bridget BritIKftis YK maam and ahes 5 sellS settiato IF IFIINy rsa rsalet P to hey aa bile an ess maam maamIf issasIf WIeIf If lie lieFi Oul Only IInd IIndF IladIFrost Fi F Frost at tk Uw Hah Ilsithussee Bor e AmericaTe America tmoicasIve Te 1 < xt a K JIIMCI < i Mt settee tw t is Jit > i tao taoHBHO t teM tints sum sumsiiss HBHO siiss < eM t the Ark mid midWby M Noah NoahWhy X Xy Why y papar r r essitet csn iul Stile Haw JIaMa n na siss I Ia a reecnt t Rt wee MteWell weetdl bitewelt Well tdl Ive YO cat get my i rtupiis ngicioa that thatearrynv tWIRY Sey ate r restryla earrynv IRY estryla more thaw the fcgwhtMn t taaioce tw twIWa two < germ germTbsl aaioce ThaU Tbsl why whyAhra wltrIocnl whyIoczil Iocnl Color ColrF ColorFm F Fm tat hshtismiwe MeIir MeIir1wa tssteieaAlways Ahra Always 1wa > said w the artwle city iy c e4or 4 r to I the theMew liltn e enew Mew reporter alwaj slwa I Ve b sa a the lb Itufcaat tor any anyi an anIwckL y yIt It IwckL eI i heaur list tiIatThat y brI < ap oar cat ea4That catcsing That eTcning the ii ww regatta ttmi tamed ii i 11 i is a aIIOIJ I I Iills s IIOIJ ills ory about a burglary mtKrr m It a hatchers IMtkMrsWdI ° a sbap sbapMr shspwhicli whicli WdI UIllIIUIiM UIllIIUIiMH cassnescedliraii Mr Hiram H AM Cfca C r the weUIiwawB wdI iMNchcr iMNchcrM WtdNrtIMIoe M kwJag ihah laoMly thus tIMIoeo days daysOM tiny tinyFrom o h 11 J hi J JF F From tile 1I JlD Mia MiaOW InStil OM Lady r4IHar Beer ltrt h rl t I doat sut t lhc to I ace aceMtUe seelieu a aJttIJe I MtUe lieu boy stashing martin a cigarette ciaMtteThe k k11w The M MyDclat yl > t f M sarm f Well n il yTI yTIfount 11 11W11 1i om omround p fount thi this way at calm tine t fmomc t Ill Illt try tryf is F FtbsashiueaeraPP f t tbsashiueaeraPP tbsashiueaeraPPtint he ana a eigar r a ftff ftffOut 011 Out t at tU1 VIrxt VIrxtBM hiIrstFists rH t tdie < Fists die ilroshlyui 1 1JleSlillDW lAin lAinIIinI4 JleSlillDW BM Tlmiait sate a haw MMe tan reM to toite todee eM eMLa dee La ittoV LAiI ill hiussil aud lib libIof hi S poor t1u5t Iof ite ia t got it MeShes than the thellnckvllle aMJ 5 5inis C SC J 1 inisA A aerse IIPttI < ate t too asseS iaulatioa disuslatimIfigat iaulatioaJIepI JIepI imct T Tablrt F Fear diner dinerItockwllie ftII ftIIItuckllIe llnckvllle 1uIr izii r 4 01 > jo r Touiorrow TouiorrowThe lUlilorro lUlilorroIW OllLorrn The only rr Nft arrjhic dftY iIIII fmtn hrd hrdt r ct to tothe s S the stain icate ical SI the ItecfcvUle e Fair Gausutin ra > mat are areUWMC at atthere sa a there of the t the WaahtairtoN MM and Nockvitte Kaihm 50wCsunpaiiy Csunpaiiy 0 mp ny 0 Ample mpk ci1it facilitiai J uid ict i rum nIBL4U1lr See St C Ciutrtntistment 4U1lr iutrtntistment t I NOTES OF THE DAY DAYThe DAYer DAYThe The Preach Legion SC f Manor ia tb aMeat elt order orderMC er4 er4la orderf < er o f ituedi it ansubors MC MCw 1004150 < saens saenssesinssdhle la sesinssdhle If1la sp ei iporisr qaghi4e pIIk aI aIIar iisuast = suast pane = and as soiled Iar pG6 peaue arc arcAt arcow = s ow w beter being worked at 9b enIs enIsAt Tia TiaAt At SerIes FUxwarreB a SwMfMt st B rw Mwplaa4 Mwplaa4village zU 4 4village village ftl with a pniiriarlim of o seer er G roG M so sohi aVaia aVaiahas Ilia Iliaa has hi hers Been nxotofrd Jar over a year yearThe 7TIle yearThe The Xotte fknae Chrea in Paris wMok h Itau has hasiertika s sheretofore heretofore Wen Kghltd by ca cesor e I in 1 ItM Ve Veaapatitca besappled aapatitca with au electric bfchu at a e cast t ei eiUte rf 1 00M 00MXoxow 0OL 0OLIfucow Xoxow has UK Utewid la hages kiiBHal Iat fct inwith HasHfc HasHfcwick wick 7CO too bed bash Thus we W ahyaieKuM a and K Kanca Ot OtuM tOOS anca S sad abawt IS uM l 00 patiiBta pstls at rIIeeftIt cased te4 tec tecuiB r rSeeret uiB any anyserts IIeeftIt esaseein II II passed lust A AIiH Am4m Am4mi IiH I i 51rvouc mod ill abund die It 14 w55d M wa wacall alflthtea call w the dedsuus I Jas ei iseor tot iR iRMd8 inects serts s win leash it itSaadajr It ItIII itIs III Jialy Saadajr SIIBtiIJ are at BMttlly Uy preferred l lot JerriAgft r mar marIg r rAc riAgft r Ig whe Ac princifttlit W Wrie have e sev 1r bees aar aarrWe mar marflog rie rWe flog l baSte Wiaa WMw > howt Ssevar r rnyfff ax axmiOm sid sidusius < e miOm rWenyhtl by b Btarrykvjr nyhtl nyhtlwhi o as Saturdays SaturdaysA A xaMwetBhiBff g BMcfchtc ddac fat the Bank of ofMtaex t tXalsd Xalsd I 80 sesfitive v that tltatif an ordinary powloge powlogeatoop atoop if do5 an the lUte scale will inca tile tiletIcIeX theindex Mtaex index OB the dial 1 a dbta eliseaBee e a of ax axPoet ix JnekeA JnekeAForty inekt4Forty Forty Poet thanriiij aie4 m suedsls al U of 1 bronze sad aa4e 10000of iAjUA iAjUAot ot 4 et t have j Jt at bees aM made > hr b a Ceraaaa ftm ftmby Smby by the order of 1 UK German Emperor tar th thMtUfers 1M 1MIWoWien 155taldier MtUfers who have been 55ting ghtte ot hi CkfRa CkfRathe 0IfMA CnaA A Mat cuvying Mx x presses Itu hors Isurejl et etMes as asthe the MoseUe Mes < 1e Vr a M IIRy y k kita 6 ret t twajr lang 1eRgway langway way teas u made against a tamcwhat lad rapid raaMrent rapidrest et rrelit rent awl the traction cw co U have We bees MftIIty tecr tecrby incensed incensedby by aowtsff adding mare e kites IctteoPtanurk kitesIt kitesIt It ill said HI lint tlt there e is a bsaeeest lIt preshlas ia iak Isliemasek Ptanurk k that when a xaaa gets so a drank as asal to toneed I Iseed need mtoteal al attention the doctor doctors s MM aaMt tpaW W WA bspaid paW Itr the prttprid el die lawns white r rIHiIriae IS ISiseheiste IHiIriae nsa 515 515A JIIIt cIrittk cIrittkA A pctrifed farest JerfAt esverteg aa area u a of Jro JroJII 565opera W Ware opera are wiles JII ha hat exbttX ex tar eentarie km Art Afiatrrw Artso riof so Thessssek sad shmaada of petefsd IN1II IN1IIIInw 1satMere Mere the tIteei ciaaiiil aM MB MBof SmotiM shades of 1 Btak k i iplu f rCll nil a K Pftr ejr Blue Bluea and andA A r retest < mt cenRilat ermas of 1 laIn JII4iiaa osafabil osafabila a rcwarkaWe atatemeat MI ia itkrtuet I IriatIIftI itkrtuetamriaices I ysufluint ysufluintmarriages marriages amriaicesgiria There fe are 1 tW tWgiria cosslry LIl LIlgirls giria between bet B Sac e and BBM shea T yeats HB W eiaft 1 age aegcor ISo ISobees bees or are aims Over H4 350itO fJoI O ei f the thoVrjr > at atens wII wII11ar ens ensThe The bsraiag macslain ei 1 Momet I A AP Aou Aouvan van P aimS in Slim inC 5 st stlcasa wWdIa lcasa became a pOise of 1 e eIty slam in inby Ity day sad a pillar piIIaca 1 Ore by slohut in Is Isa a cad I isins whetS has Mea 1NnIiIItt 1NnIiIIttH ise iseyea yea yeaVery Very H little ia iaft te JI Ssas awt awtIt hair fewer aae ISsO ISsOIt It is I a very ttryI ejgcashle omginia0 but a ahad aee aeelaM laM er atIIk ad t each kasniedge at Ie IetIte tha thathe the iufsrsusdss that dacatnl psasons see seei5rlv t tlikm I likm iT to t he attach attacked hr it It H to j4ailU adadesid J tIIa tIIathIa lint Wathave lintthis this di dieaantio tilMl la k the diesesa in r r1Mt renarta renartaami ami heznaimble but lint It ill 5 true tneT trueTorpedo T Torpedo tides 4eel atide at u sma lsrtesd fIl fIle ifMeal e have boi be nlactJ is a bow hosed of ofhe two tween dSs dSserr en at Failensaik 11111I11 JIM we ei 1 iSaac ishm x xJII atjucenas JII jucenas ill d easuea4 int Ie a4d J r IIf IIfdw s sbe he the aavaae moing at atif ill illill waiginan has50st salsor ill 3 eII wiSh Pt li aaft She Shethat th If 1 1tW tW if mtetmhil alaiiiiiiBiB aSm tabe ishes wU rtD he lieaaIIy beersfly BB BBcnOjr cnOjr BM4 std ill is > place of rind IIoMIHeft rf tubas tahoHere tubaslie Here lie are aaave Baa asme ts of Mninc KBTVI girk iBhMk wMIIIIratIIer 9n 9nrather sanratbe rather sirikise nkiBK to aiy a y the lassO They are areIde haw hawaarf bsmOde Ode same and tar the iB nnri ian a of ertk1 seuoeri seuoerianeat muf mufa aneat sod lafr they tk1Ity dSmsee anyihise saukad saukadby Ity the notlifls Then 1IMRIiM is JKat i Data Potch hMII a af aI4aeiMr aichati ichati teacher eI 6 f Bar Marhor Mat Iud Iuda pWtt pWttover Fas Fasa a ma wrsor Maitr o oBaaca over hi Lciifatau Mfca IIIaI MSStain CXMngr CXMngrFor Stain of PhflhV PhflhVHaaajMBBte iilS05 and Ih Ifey brtnpso a aHahe Neor Neore HaaajMBBte e girl w aS I vhitisg lehada Is Ih IhFer Len4ito to For a aunifcrr ser of years y the largest J JBS JBSthe Wp Wptile sidgathe the S S4Kc E Caaal ha line aw9 mud 4 under the ffuaiim ffuaiimBag 0 0AIle il illag Bag lag father Cirmumj ha Sal on B th tIte tIteIarxfl arrmge arrmgelarger t aBa aBaJ larger ships tin Ead J Jar while the dieI ao aoThe sees seesage age I aise ol 1 the G Garosa Is weeds ia iadie in 4111 iwSimed iwSimedtom tom die aenage she eI 1 8ritiIIIa Stit remain 1 1j ineows j eows tom JweM JweMcutIte Twesgy ytais ag atp Ofisusilata iS iSa a mels cutIte psnid the t eami aM a d sen te tente 5 5bar bar has reached 445 445The The sdI Btibjihirt Btibjihirtbtttatvaa Dw7 hbe minte II in dHII dHIII 4e 4emad I mad a adsnce 0 wsgti ia castsgae II no ei eir eiS ICesadlea esadlea liscieg bees r rlsced in erme adale ig igssitty S IaMpL TIw TIwII l dkgati men rasa4b ha habstrstiss btttatvaa a aWHO at NatInghasu It is ia nMcI t Ik Ike sheatwa WHO ate ateextra e Q4itheI 0 coens adea wIHa wIHatet1 ishesafety tet1 ISa sw b a atra aestia extra K is BSC BSCPaitkiB suses beneor wlNiiiir wlNiiiirtAw nasser nasserIS < tAw d01ciesecy 1 IiIdK ec she ed hsy hsyia lJ4 lJ4eJea eJea IIdIIt ia by die Iheminty add tIIIit tIIIitwertdIIIt i imien mien wertdIIIt capIdIy capsckp r ri p i tress ae aeOft ten atsthsd in siam Sat SatFsetbud PaitkiB OK The city has 55 aaaay af ifit tafc Ida Idaf JEW JEWel el f toe a which were eft plaatadl tad wfcea aSp the dieIIJNW city citygeowing wa waKtOTiag KtOTiag IIJNW IIC and wbca ate shade tiws en of 0ftpt any Mber Mberi 05w 05wthey i they except niiBhr spis were acaree The litete aajasiaa aajasiaato IJiu IJiuto to the Lb tn ia ita traMBHaaas trip oa the dwtnr steen < W BX IMe IMea h4ig h4iga a ftwtenwriaK tree sad aracenrf wbca wIMait iamaa iamaaaad usSm usSmSot Sot it peaches fa wI its mats IODUI IODUwal ate ateind I aad water < aad aadUcat tW slender IODUL mathS L pusisii pusisiithe IlL IlLtJM the uet Ucat end IB ill the temrotta Man ivaa ivaaThe in insug 0 0ol sug sa ol deader torts roo6tJM inaide sad sadchoking choking the tJMTIle ewer ewerThe The inserter < over the Sanaa Xtowaa praidas Braaric Braarica inIS inISa a towns that oae ass had water work ajB ajBow as ascsisi tIJIIta ow tcataiBtBjC csisi only y a doaca float people peoplepIp la lavla ISa ISaslam vla pIp a are fcttckw out < at ia in the tMitq btatalo grm aaa > i ieacy sad sadthey they itq art tile pIa plasein 01 pnirie pniriet aPd aPdto t to ruestiag places 0 the prairie usk e eto Thedescy descy eacy to cltaa elm cltaaBar op > the tIwawar detected buldima is 555 555in in Bar away ay aaaay of these fcatare The ftet ftetei C Choaa mutt muttlame lame of what was CarSeU Gu1IeWtile rotMtjr ha > pse pselb i n nBMBjag BMBjag tae lb lesSen of M Mh H Neauss HII lie M Mdie SenISa h the i itini iiaHaas iiaHaashiai which ISd nst it ita m mSin Sin a ceat eMIt e as he hiiBiuiliatoil J Jaft the thetioa ma matim tim after the i eoy J etsst4 i iTIle me IS ISdeset deset desetThe TIle rga ol war lass ben mow dIM ISa a ae 01 far thnoaaaii e = of yeaa Ikejr Ikejrwere INrWC4 Ybeywere were a med e4 m ill B XcnIt y t ia the year Mt B CL Codie C The TheMiBiiBi TheSasusm MiBiiBi the TeatoBC T MIll MIlli4y other B ighdug B aaChMa aaChMaof of 1 aatiaaity i4y aVpeaded ell awehaad as tItaa tItaaJa tha inc incsad sad Mence pws pmpssn M bt the tt IiIIdJe IiIIdJeare sTe Aaca t they theyare th thare are said to have erea worn araaar Uhe th thtaxes tit titJDus ISalazes taxes with the 11 bmiaa bnwda inan to is the seMi of ofthe eiPIIi1 atshe the nUmtmt PIIi1 musdars aa rtia c packs of theaa wa waport wIt wIt118ft wishpast port area frar OB their th hacks carried caniMenctiea aaaaac ismat and oV oVMjwctioa fitetracti Mjwctioa etracti jut WkPB 11 A < rid town or 01Ii caaaa Tae TaeSaBBash SheSu SaBBash Su JfacwotoM sseeerem a sued ed bloodhoBaaa Ii bh45u a ill illtk taaehiB tsssg tsssgshe c cthe the hnliiai Ia in tim lOBBlry aad dags w ama amawise WU WUaiaoe tkwe we it t is tIMed aiaoe Ie of eIits a ateview ric hf ow owBr ma maimluiteFbilipgiaca its imluiteFbilipgiaca imluiteFbilipgiacaSt ill dte dteCelfe Br George F Becker a < the Catt L lsd SB SBCtakgical s sNIIII Sas SasZeats Ctakgical Zeats Sarvey evey says that cipstr 5 5is Lpautela Lpautelasear Ia Iaei is e ei LepaMe Le uia sear Maaat Bats im have haveTW harebees bees sashed 111 tile lm ee baSsO lte ltes tileei s assery ei 1 tile PS5 atchipg atchipgThea auti g gJMa TW harhariHw who ttS He Hee k iecathme a k Mv lMa Ikfeg M Mlaialir is issqsisr sqsisr laialir have e itvtmfiA JBBwitrialhjr to a awP var varia mcg g y wP t aM the t kut d7 tIIII6ok tIIII6okia 0d 0dis ia the eitractioB and suiting hIc of olIWy metal ht tf tftfamiMaary stra tfamiMaary ra They tars t a set t caesar NpperIe r ff er Tfctttee TfcttteekM ItetiksI kM I thaa three tiw a4 a half feet ia iatMf is d10saaee oiii ler and andaa4 andthey they ales sealer marines killda ei haphMmbl haphMmbland i J JaatI and oiBaaicBta out of the mate MetaL mctait4 MetaLSM Sins t4 SM to I JSK they t exported Shy twaatf t Vaw af afV elC8IIPfl itrigger rigger 1M iuimuii and iapU iapUr a aA A V globe which wa waf was coatagaced is the JtK JtK1tft 1tft 4 aM SmheJ ka y Jat JatMea ast < f baa IW soeS soeSbeta VBTatttV VBTatttVlataiit Mea pisead ia tile bsild ei tile Aca4 e eSrieM8 ifF3artcas f SrieM8 t iicts at TaankoeSek SdII Wa 1 rwM raise ill illIHt indews dews last ia disatt4r aM susde eI eItile epor The Theeshede lataiit nsrijMrtii rrpreeMs the earth and aMol the bum hwiaV tk tkgiviBK ISo ISoselettial selettial aen ol the wield Ybate it itpriItIc a ae giviBK e acc a ° es w to the imt interior trier ia the canine f ti si siwhich elwIIidc ofwhich which there fe a rwHU table with withphaBcut widalit or he hetw tw I lit di Ry mama 6 serbS tIoW a aIi phaBcut Ii the xoe oW caa he aaxle to teit utoaHi utoaHiits reasteits its enre w axis 1 1SMM It weighe there tItrftto sad in inand and w pieseated to the tIwJi5 kcaaty 1 Stlmaitbt StlmaitbtIs Ji5 Is bat baa 1Ip to tI t mesa hem ill De DeI assl asslcal nI macam at TwSeio TwSeioI TtSrISiSSeIasat I I sat S the thehi ys el Lif4tirt dI satires c cc ilmumaGenr c t 4IfMl et II ecWiea deplayed hartasfisa hartasfisadallas dallas ei thOatetie and pnctinl irsl tesdes fa fafItco inchesidry chesidry The rt if t aq ia iatIN ia iaIn hi the report W Br F Mate Hi Ill MaJcMtyH Ifigs4ysumal MaJcMtyHCMHai f fcI CMHai umal at StBttcart IB I kriet it HGenoa is isto timSm timSmGerreusy Genoa Gerreusy ilaaat today the Inrtaort tftrftMIIItII Swrms cmajj ia iathe Is1St the worM M II all that tla lllo iadaMriw c cdw j ifru ifruthe s star the dwI a awhtrtwe spgllcstlia it chemical prisrlplca 5 ma maThe I whtrtwe The ntrper dewotiss ev ioB of ofthan 4 a law hes4 hes4mad mad pesda per ama to toI that me melat lat mate than tin haII an 11 siSter w ia I 4 4tcuminit eaneru4 with willaeI she shesssssuic I tcuminit ro aguen Tu i oi a asite aatioB intl has We btea an sssh ssshmisc eh that thatUST site misc of Iw tiuu ti ei 1 1II tSr Osema Osemacissuirsi cissuirsi rias II is UST l jBMBatsi to XX XXthe 1AlJo ZrFor Jo For the year n ttJt o5 Jt it itill awat us IBM IBMewrnl hast bum bumatmeat ewrnl mimaai in ensue of that sa sum MNBache sumAn a ladies er 1 1M 1iaan Sty y ar arfIIIIY la lapany fIIIIY baa dale Iw ih I Iift aS a 55 55maeiv ift maeiv satins inei a esd 1 ala fait lasthebea Me Meck hebea ache huge Bwge emaxh to take ia the tJwt ma at atof us usstdtbad stdtbad t mat sew adat the ma el eldie itbaum die cuy baum of Mr iHratt iHrattThe 1 a X Xenat Y Yat at llrssdaeilh The TheVbMka mauc was thor 1 ln4 ma mano no 11 tiN ItacI of tJw eppr sprv ItWtII ft ftIN puma Is Isus VbMka aaa mast > e JW MU mile > above Coaks cK cKit C bin kdatit binwheur wheur it waa afterward broor leoagh OK OKIt an a fl fle e It Itas was tl tlrie thee thraheacI sh to s tinm tinmrl I rl rie < who had the head BMMBHe mussuind The Thejd su II III ismd md jd to have Onod m I life o KOBM mo wt wessyima y > y lam iHHHfc iHHHfcm s shigh high Iaq larger ISa MY y her ia n na n15II ewinauc wc wctrsti m traas a ou to t XM XMia a A m ia U 15II 0 BOWBOB pos ia is coaaidcrad iiBmaitli k kneap iiBmaitlinin buse buseIS IS neap weight icW beiag ttINt to 1M 1Mol poma nin Th Thoaljr the theaMInis aMInis ol the ap see serum mare only May tortrMALVltLV iIIrttPt serum The weick If e blades II Ip sa4am am 551 poesIS The age of d IIMat inS inSarch arch it a Mat matter ot eetws ft ftwH Pius the p1st p1stsad sad mamiva proosi 6 ISa = head and ndSm ndSmesptiieaced esptiieaced wH IIIIIIIcq plane Ilia SI lip lip1IALRL ham y pu puMtLAltLt MALVltLV MAKKS YOU OV 1VOVK 1VOVKGruves RJ RJGlQVCi lLtlC lLtlCGrtt Gruves Grtt To Y Taaldca telci thill I hilt Tunic 4 make yo yos vtio ItI08l reag