THE mHp EVENING Tfl TIMES TT1 WASHINGTON W ASnl GTON MONDAY AUGUST 26 2 IDOl 5 Lansburgh Bro BroSTOKE STOKE CLOSES LQSS OSI KVKXIXOS nI GS 5 OCLOCK OCLOCKSATURDAYS OCLOCKSTtRD SATURDAYS STtRD YS 9 9WE 9i 1 i WE SELL SE11i6OBS DRY GOODS ONLY ONLYThis ONLYThis oiTJ F This Is Your Oppor Opportunity Opportlmity ¬ tunity to Buy BuyThese BllYBLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETSTheEc TheEc Prices Positively for forOne forOne One Week Only OnlyBlanket OnlyLAr LAr Lrg Mze Mz Grpy F1f FhEf P Blanket heavy heavyImperfections lH vy veIght ehht wt well > 1I Itnl ftitfshd hf d has h 81i8ht fMctor fMctorJmP Retort I Imperfections JmP rfteUon8 worth Jl Jl79c 1 179c 79c 79cLX si LX L j Ileavwelght Fl FI4eee ece e Blanket BhlJlketeo cwwes cwwesIn es es1ft In srey frE and white whlt il Ixmlers crochet erocJwtedge et ettdge edge both twilknl and Hnin liaisfe ttnl k k98Ca 98Ca 98c011I I 111 White Wool Blanket oxtrm txtrmely ly soft soit 1 awl downy dOII you youd a expect the peke to be 2 224 114 Heavyweight White > Wool Blankets Blanketsfinely llianketsnnel finely nnel and closely woven wlt > n silk bound red rednnd rlinnd re3and L nnd blue borders Regular season price price113S 113S 35 269 269Lansburgh 269Lansburgh Lansburgh Bro 420 to 426 Seventh St StEvery Sf SfA SfEvery i A ee S U S S e S S Every EveryParlor I I I I Parlor ParlorSuit i I I Suit Suitin in inStock inStock + Stock at ata 1 1a i a Discount Discountof i iof + e of 25 from fromMarked i I t Marked Prices Pricesand P ices i 4 1 0 and On Credit CreditPayment i ii a I Payment arranged to out yowr conve convenience ¬ 4 nience 1001cc weekly 11 w u r HMNtltUy Wy No o note ocJ ote no nolateret Mi MDnrnN ioBteeet lateret i Bteeet i I k Mammoth MammothCredit oth otha LHII1 DnrnN 11111 C i Credit CreditHouse CreditWlUL1111 a WlUL1111 II U Oft I U House HouseIi7 Uouseli7 housetil Ii7 519 19 821823 521 823 23 7th St N W WBet I S 1 Bet H nnd I Sts StsPerhaps St9Perhaps ± 4 C S S S S CSoS SS S S S S ee Perhaps you would like to laugh laughIt laughtU It to you went perfect teeth You can canbar aDhue bar hue anything anthl In DENTISTRY DE nSTRY at the lowest lowestprints lowestprftfS IoeatS S prints Satisfaction t1fJ1ctlon guaranteed Painless op operation op opfIUon O O4rItlon ¬ eration fIUonElectrial 4rItlonectrtcit erationElectrical Electrical ectrtcit appliance for evening work workConsultation workConsultaLon workCcnzuliton Consultation free freeInrmllds treeUds Inrmllds Uds riiited TWt at their homes bj compe compeat annpftdlt mpe tdlt at dentist 15 years yea experience experienceWeekly experienceWeckJr eapedenceWeckj Weekly or monthly payment paymentH plmentLH H H PARCHER PARCHEROfflc PARCHERom om Offlc and RMldtnce RMldn 1 1USE 1mt u e p r rUSE rt USE USETHE THE THECELEBRATED IE c CELEBRATED CELEBRATEDBUTTER CELEBRATEDi Ir IrKIB KIB I IBUTTER i t1AOCMAflr cc13TL cc13TLSPECIAL BUTTER BUTTERSPECIAL BUTTERSPECIAL I SPECIAL SALE SALEOP SALEm SALESQUARE SALESQUARE OP OPSQUARE m SQUARE PIANOS PIANOSDROOPS PIANOSDROOPS PIANOSDROOPS DROOPS MUSIC HOUSE 925 Pa Ave AveGet AveI MoI > I I aDd en a d keep k your law lawlooking lalrn r I Get a aLawn looking 1ookin dick and neat neatky flea t tlawn tI Lawn LawnTrimmer I i ky b trimming the edges edgesaVxijt edgesaloltg I ILOITIl IS LOITIl fee aVxijt knee and pave pavee peveTrimmer payer S r JeeRt e t every ti tiffle n you youow 701 r Trimmer ttb inmmer ow the tb aw awtime7 craw time7 7Kn rocu rocuS9 I Sf S9 ecil icl Price OC OCJOHN U UJOHN 3 3JOHN JOHN B ESPEYH ESPEYr ESPEY1j OloPaAve OloPaAveFor M Mt dvvaro 2 2uEoArr uEoArr aEsElra t For r or PREMIUM rncuiitn ULUIIUIU STAMPS STAMPSC12814 STAMPSXINGS OTIIRn uuur 1a 1aKINGS L KINGS PALACE PALACEL2B14 C12814 12814 7th St TIB l1 Market Sr S inc > al alG ee eeGREAT e eG nEAT flEA ATLANTIC A AND PACIFIC TEA TEAall T hA GREAT G CO cx Main fn Store StoreEtreeU Stereo comer 7th th and B EtreeU Branches Branchesnd all ai orcr 0c the thePOLICE h dtl c it itand and nd In n all markets muletPOLICE marketsPOLICE POLICE HAH BA > CHINAMEN CHINAMENTen CHINAMENTen CHflAENTen Ten CclvMtlulM Arre Arrextetl tcd for or IMtiylu IMtiyluDomino lII1lnIonllno tir tirIonaIno Domino ou Sunday SnntiuyBALT1MORK SundayBALT14ORE anday andayBALTiMORE BALTiMORE AUK LMueh Mu h amuse amusement multe multemeat mui e emeM ¬ meat was 118 created Cl it at the Western 8tern 1OIIce 1OIIcestaUOR poll > olic olicstHlkm ke keatittlon j stHlkm y ye yesterday Ker Jny when h4ft on OM of ten Chi ChlnamEft Cl lii liinamea namEft arr arroated ed In a raid gave hl8 name nameas fbi no noas as 8 Harry Cummlng8 The Chinaman Chinam an i had b bn en arr arrt rrealed a > t d In a raid nwtd made d on dwelling 217 Park Avenue A vt > nut by b Round Ser StreaDt SI r rgeant ¬ geant eaDt Ho Hose Dt Detective > t tectlve ctive Kelly S Sergear rg rgtl8ntH anU itS JlerAe Tlerney Tl riey and SlnK Singer r and IHtrolnmii Gr G r meratMuaen all or the Western elfttrn district 5 Difficulty wa was fXl cxporfoncod xi f H rt n i by the police poll Ce in effecting an entrance but they tht > y eluded eludM11MII cited ed finally 11MII th the watchful atchCul OleMlal on guard guardMnd gun rd rdROd > and bolted into the house A game ame of r domlnos was in progru JM08 proruaa Tb The advent of T the bIttecoMUs created stwh u U4 h consternation curisternittl on 1 among the China Chinameir htMm mm n thar tha with an abso a abs 10 ¬ lute hick of foresight for ht thy KM gathered thrill up the doHilnoa n and andat put w them In their poc poceta eta Naturally when they wee el elat search eel at th the > station the domln domllVis > t were Wfr found ott and help helper d to mtataln th the charge made ma dc that they bad Wen gtimLtlua on Sunday Sundi cy After the Chinamen had all with Ith the t ire 1 exception of Harry Cummings gtv Klven en their t unpronounceable iwtre they were ws 5re uoi locked Iocl up Between 9 ana 19 O oclock re renhht at night ho hovaver rover fWer Harry Horn Lot a r rlIr r s fineetable and Henteeilooktn genteelloolcsag Chinaman Chinami en tvlio llv lives < n at ill lIr North Paca Street t came ea = Inc to their rescue ue He deposited ftJ Cted tttM 34J0 as col e ¬ lateral fr f r th tM appearanee aplJllra of th tM ten at a the hearing hfoarln today todayA todayA to4ayfleliIcnce A Residence Struck liy byLIghtnIn byLIghtnInFREDERICK Llfclitnlnc LlfclitnlncFRKDRRICK LIJhtnlnrFIUDflRICI FREDERICK < Md id A AuK K at KDuring EKirlng a heavy heA storm tana which prevailed In IVederlck reded Ick county Saturday HahUtlng MI struck > nick the I he 8Hmm 8MDlIJtr r home of Cot D 1 C Wlwbrenner Whiebreno lltt > brenner er at Indian Spring StH1n t teArhtg tearIa arln r out on one corner coz ici of the house and netting ttlng It on lire The i he flre was wa extinguished before much dam da ta age was done ii HEW i VERSION OF THE BIBLE BIBLEAmcricnn American Am crzcau ReVision Issued After AfterFourteen AfterFollrteen A 11cr Fourteen Years Y aIs Work WorkSiiniplpx V ork orkSnmllle Sst Siiniplpx njtIis ot o the th CIiaiiKCM 3In 3lndv 1Ih I < t tCUnr to tohr ° > CUnr hr tp II Olicnrity h cllrlt lit the Text Ixt IxtIh Tlic Ih i ht PxiiliiiM lins Jliivvd UmliT TItlfH TItlfHami Ilth Ilthnd 111 icr ami i tiil nd tire lie Word loliovjili Jhfl h ItcMtorciI ItcMtorciIThroughout lteIOCorelThroughout Throughout T the > country to today < lay l the com completed comIIttfd ¬ pleted jie td American version erstoi of the Bible > went wentInto wentInto Into Int Intthe o circulation through the medium of ofthe Hftht the thefou > iKwkaeiler having been bet n delayed dt > Iaed for forfourteen forfourttt fourteen fou fouera rteen > 1I yean ear through the existence exl ttnce of ofcontract ofco fouc co < contract c exacted by b the KH Ettteliolli 1t Ji revis revisers rpvlsfrM revIsA ¬ ers A long time ago the English reels revision rpvision reelseornpsnics ¬ ion eemitaniea f9ftl11ft nitS dtoband dltlba diebstuded nded d but bu t the Amer Amerjan A Aisrern ntfr ntfrian jan a athi n committee > continue its nfgatifoa nfgatifoation plhUI plhUItlon tion thi n and so RI far as was poeaiWe contin continued conUnteed ¬ teed iei l Its U labor The committee has Romfar XOQfAI Rom far fa r beyond lH yontl the revisers with whom it itwas itwas was wa wasiu a formerly fonner associated And has intro introduced Ifttrodueefl ¬ duced siu siuik ee1 into the text numerous changes changeshitherto chaftg chaftghkherto hitherto ik herto auitpreescHl HIIIK NI for th Ute sake of i JM JMenlftft pee re reCITI enlftft ser > CITI ving K harmonious relations relationsAs relMtioRsAs As A a an instance the word Jehovah te teaubatituted IlIub aubatituted lIub su bstItuted Uhte1 for fo for tonl and uGotI Ge GosI l and andthus andthus thus tit titwe us this personal name with its itswealth iuwealth wealth we were alth of sacred aaaochithme a is i now nowr DO DOrfJttort41 r rfJttort41 re < > Htorc fitorerl > < l to the place In the aacret eret text r to which it has an umue unquestionable tionabie claim ctalmTiie clMlmTIte Tiie Ti re word Sheol has been uniformly uniformlyue ue Ub ubbe ed l for or th the grave the pit and andhell a acItf ubh cItf hell h > ell U Numerous umerous verbal erbtd changes leave leavebeen Have Havebeen been be en made mad to clear up obscure ob place I lace in inthe Inthe the th e text textFollowing textPonowing textFollowing Following are a few examples ef the thechanges tMchanges changes ch anges made madeKntfteh mlideEnglish English version versionThe ersl The sojourning ef the thechildren theclllkiren children ch chIi iLdren of Israel which they Ule sojourned sojournedin in Egypt etc etc1xooUfl KxodiM 12 4 American Americanversion A1IHrlanvtrtlionThe Iive AmerIcanS version vtrtlionThe ve The time that the children of Is Israel 111rael ¬ S rael ra ragr e dwelt in Egypt etc etcEnglish dcEnflish English version verslonA A great altar to see to toJoshua toJOtIhult Joshua 22 It American version vertltonA vertltonAgreat A Agreat great gr eat altar to look upon uponEnglish uportEnglish English version vtrslonThe versionThey They fought from fromheaven fromI L heaven he heI aven the stars in their courses C4M1 f ought fo foaghiainst oughtagainst gbtagai I I against agai ag ainst 8t Sisera SlseraJudfC Judges 5 iIl 39 1 American Americanversion AmericanversionIrom I IrsionFrom version versionIrom ve vefr From heaven fought the stars starsfrom sUlrtIfrom from fr om their courses they the fought against againstSisera agalll8tSl8era Sisera SiseraIt Sl8eraIt S heera It is claimed that careful examination examinationwill examinationwill I will W ill show 800 that the new readings are as asa a aa Rh C a rule more faithful to the original orl < inal text textand textand L and nl more ntOr in accord with the present presentidioms lKe proseftljomsi en enIdIoIJl8 L idioms ki jomsi than heretofore although many manywords malt maltWOI maniords words w ords tl and phrases pftra e are retained that thatmight thatmight wm might m ight have ha been changed to the advant advantage advantaKe ¬ age a ge of the ordinary ordlnKr reader r der for the one onegreat onegreAt S great g reat object < t of any an revision yhould ItOsk oukl be to togala togain tt gala g ain the highest hlgh t degree of accuracy in inphraseology InphralieOlOO Ii Iihraseology I phraseology p that can be understood cnder lood clear clearly desrI ¬ ly I 13 and definitely dellnlte without recourse to a adictionary RfllCtlOfUU i t 13d dictionary fllCtlOfUU d fC > f archaic archa and obsolete words wordsThe wordsThe I Otla OtlaThe I The necessity nf ty for such revision is appar apparent 1 1ent ¬ ent e nt when whe one realizes the constant con lnt change changeIn cMnKeIn C In I n the accepted d or ordinary meaning meanl of ofwords o owords 1 words w ords in Quite common use useThe useTbe The revision that produced what hat is iscOnintOnly I commonly c called the Common Version Veratonwns ft ftnS wns nS the result re of numerous revision oar during HrIn ¬ ing In I ng many centuries and deference defer deferpaid was waspaid wa a Ip paid p aid then as it is now paid to current currentforms CMrrentforma carren it forms f orms of speech but in the course of orPrs 4M 4Myears 41 41ears m years y ears many man words have hay become changed cha Ii l lIn In I n meaning Prevent then mean to go gobefore IIfObefore g 0 Ib gr before b efore meet now it means to hinder hinderLot blAderULet r ULet Lot than aignitted to hinder now it Itmettns means to permit Lust t then U n ax in inGerman InGerman I a It German G erman now meant pure pleasure plea ure de desire de desire th thire t ¬ Gs sire s ire joy jo now it breathes vile Ue passion passionA A clergyman in commenting upon the therevised therevllHd Ui Uievised g revised r book said saidThe saidThe The book is S particularly attractive be because be becaMe bt btL r ¬ cause c of its clean type ty and evenly print printed printed L ¬ ed o r pages The text is paragraphed but butalas la it t talas laI oa alas a or las impertinent figures appear to indl indlcate Indicate I cate r ate the verses fTsetI Longcontinued custom customand CIiMomand casto a and a nd convenient COnYenl f r r rrcft ir o 4 i wwn ftparlson wwnparison parison p arlson require th the retention of these di divisions dlIslons ti I ¬ visions v but why the figures should be al allowed allowed a I ¬ lowed l to spoil the page and divert the themind themind t IC mind so continually is incomprehensible incomprehensiblewhen Incomprehen ibl iblwhen C when theY the might hv h he deed placed to toequal to4tual 1 Lo equal uat advantage in the margins where wherethere wherethere wkei re there t here is ample space Thus Thu separated separatedthey seprat seprathey paratd paratdthey at they t hey would have been useful u without be bein beIn b bne e in I ne r obtrusive obtrusiveThe obtru lve lveThe The chapter figures are prominent prominentthe as asthey t is they the t hey shetttd sh be and upen each e page are arefigures areflgurt a re figures f tf tt S indicating htdlcttU g the scope of that page pagethus Jgethus peg e thus t hus Page 2 begins with chapter I 3C 3CGenesis 3iGenms Genesis and ends with chapter ii 2L 2LUpon LUpon a Upon each page is given a heading in a asingle R5Insh single s ingle line of Mack type to Indicate its itsgeneral Itsgeneral I tie general g eneral contents Thus page 47 Judahs Judahsintercession JooltllsIntercesf Judsh E s intercession Intercesf I on for Benjamin Joseph J h makes makeshimself makeshimself arak as himself known The Psalms only form forman forman for m 1 an exception each Psalm having a title titleThere titleThere titI 0 There Is obvious danger in such a plan planbut planbut pta Ii but In carrying It out the revisers have havesucceeded bav bav8ucce ha iu succeeded 8ucce a ed admirably having scrupulously scrupulouslyadhered scrulHll uMY uMYadhpred ly r adhered to their rule Everything that thatmight thatmlgbt tic at might seem st > em to savor of questionable que UonalJle exe exegesis exegt8l cx cxgenie e ¬ genie gt8l has ba been carefully avoided avoidedThe avoltledp avoltledptIgr avoidedThe The paragraphing has tI been vastly y Im Improved I Iproved ¬ proved p ptIgr The English revisers redeem often r yw went wentto w we t tto to the opposite extreme of unnecessarily unnoresearl ly long l ong paragraphs vara rphs in place of unnoresearlen the old plan planof planor ph en of paragraphing each verse er This gave a aheavy Rheavy heavy and tiresome tlre ome look to certain gavea pages pagesBesides PRgetlBtaldea pag a Besides the paragraphs were sometimes sometimesnot aometimenot sometlmnot not more m mor r accurately accuratel formed than in the theokl theold ti tiold old version by a paragraph sign signherever BiKnherever signt t herever the text rails into a poetical poeticalform pHtlealform poetiC a i form it Is so arranged arranK as in the words of ofIjimech orIamech aof Ijimech Gen 42531 I2S n Noah Gen 9327 9327Isaac 45tlI1Iac lZ lZIsaac rj Isaac Gen 272730 27 f7211 Ksau J5S Gen Genand thnand r73 < 4 4and and Jacob Gen 48227 4i 7 the longer po poems 110ems je ¬ ems as 8 of Mnse 1nses < lEx Ex 13118 Israelites IsraelitesNum IatraehteloOum Israeht IsraehtSum jees es Sum 211718 2730 Balaam llal Am Num Numchaps lliumchaps Nut a aciolpa chaps 2331 Z3 tt Moses Dent eut Chaps cha 3233 3233l 3Z33lJotoorah Z l Deborah > borah Judges chap 6 and numerous numerousothers nunterOuothera numeroi Jh others All of the poetical books book numeroid includ including InclUding icicles d ¬ ing the Lamentations of Jeremiah iciclesin are areasproprlste in inappropriate Inaltproprhlte i appropriate form an arK < i therefore more moreeasily moretfil tao re rere easily tfil ly understood The prophecies proph are areseldom ar ar5eIdQIR a ae4iIont re seldom marked by poetic form formGreat tvrmUrt turinGreat Great care and attention have evident eciden it ¬ ly been n bestowed towed upon the punctuation itft ft This is I always in great degree an arbitra arbitrary krbttrary t try ¬ ry matter tt with English writers but hutcase in incase inca case ca of a translation from an original originalthat OltgtlUlthat origin 1 1thzrt that has no such marks and where the theslightest thealiJhteat ti tte tteslightest s slightest dot about a letter has special specialsignificance sport at atalgnifleance l significance it is unquestionably nttend nttendfd Ittendd ittea itteaid fd d with dimculty There is stilt a re re r ¬ I dundance of 0 commas especially upon a asingle asingle aild i single page examined examin thirtyone would west ild I better have been n absent But the fre frequency rr rrqueney ftquency ¬ quency of the 11 often absurd use of the thecolon thecolon t colon has In large larg part been done away aayor awn for or which hich we have reason to In I he < grateful gratefulA I IA A decided decJd improvement hs blue also been beenmade betnmadt he en enmade i made > In the th use and character of the themarginal thenutrinal 1 1marginal marginal notes which ar much fewer few In Innumwr number citly nly about onesixth of those thosegtven the cglvfft Sc Scgiven given in th the English revision and when whenover whenttvr wire n nover over practicable each Is credited to Ha Hasource Ita3fUr I i isource 1 source 3fUr Great care has also been bestow bestowed 1H beato beatocii ¬ ed upon th 11 the references rerre in preparing pr pariRK the I S SlIst list of which able scholar outside the thecommittee thecommlttte t he hecominittee committee rendered r red valuable aid aki Jd Th T rhaha it itruin aim ruin haw ben hi ± rht tu illustrate and elucidate elucidatethe eJuclWitethe ehickhe ehickhethe the meaning Dlng by referring to other pas passages ptl81M1rt pa pasages ¬ sages which either th r in word or lit thought thoughtbetir thouthtr thougi t thear I hear r rcsembUutce rc mbl 1Ce to the one und umlr ± r con co fl flsideratloil sid MJeraUon sideratloilTh MJeraUonThe ration rationThe The Th word Salnt or its abbreviation In Inonltted St St is omitted entirely in th lJ the running runni f headline he dllM It stands Matthew Iattht > w Mark Mark etc e teng te At it Its > beginning we > rind simply > According Mcord Mcordto ccordtng ng j to Mark the same rule being Ihg applied to toeach toeKch toeach i each book The Acts is shorn > horn or the = fa famlliar famllhlr I Imillier mlliar words of f the Apostles ApoIIItl The head heading headng lies lieslog log ng of Romans hi without the th destination de deatpnatl ttrnaUonof > on of Paul aa the apostle pottt Ie Similarly with withtH WI th ththe i the other Pauline epistles epistles The book of c Hebrew Is h headed ded simply The Epistle Jolll tle to tothe totM ie the Hebrews 11t lHewa > instead of including of r Paul th the = Apo Apostle tl a aa heretofore TJus f bet t Epistle of James Ja no longer carries the theword theword t he hewi e word general in its title tltI The Epistles Epistlesof o Eptati phltleM phltleMoC lea leafl of Peter ltt r alao are shorn > horn of the term gen general genfOral ge geeral fl ¬ eral in their titles as are also al D the epis epistles eplatit ep ¬ tles tit of o John and attn Jude Instead of The TheHtnlaUon 1 1 IC Revelation of St John the LHvine Livlrienow we wenow wenow now have MV the simpler heading of The J me e Revelation of John All the t these may seem seemsmall lMemmalt ace on 1 small malt matters to talk about but a mo momentN moment ii iiment ono o mentN ment ment reflection will 11I show their practical practicalaMf practicalaH practk a aanti 1 anti < educational value valueAnd aauf aaufAnd And now what hat about its general ac acceptance a actltancf C ¬ ceptance and adoption by American rend renders rca ui tI tIera ¬ era 1 believe it will 111 find favor more morerapidly morerapidly m C Crapidly Ce a rapidly than did its predecessor pred eNOr of four fourteen tourttfll fo ¬ teen years ago because bt a way has been beenmade beeneM be en made eM for it It Yet Y et t there are lions in th thpath the thepath i a l path The vested interests of publishers publishersand publlIteTliand puidlshi re and itd the restrictions of Bible puidlshies societies societiesstand IIOCletietltand societ societstand es stand tand ready to challenge it it Prejudice Prejudiceand PreJudtcJalHl Prejudi Prejudiatiel and ignorance and bigotry will oppose opposeand oppotHtancl opp a and ignore it the world has not notreached yet yetreached et etrtMIthed 0 1 reached a general level lev 1 of broadmlnded broadmlndednes broadmindeDeere d dn nes n Deere Popular Popu lit r este e tm m for the King Xi ng f James Ja1 version was w scarcely acarceJ attained in In a 1 j CAS CA S TOR TO RIA RIAS I A hrlfaAtsaad CfjdraL Bcarstho BcarsthoSIgn0afiro Bem tho thoThe = SI S p8 ha Kind You Have Always Bought SIgn0afiro Slgn Signature = 1 r I j halfcentury halCctnhtr hal halof fcentury When htn Jerome the monk monkof monkof monkBethlehem of Bethlehem ethlt > hem produced the Vulgate rilgste it itwas Itwate was wa waIm s declared subversion 8Ubver lon of faith and amiImpious andhnJMotls andpious Impious Im Imana pious with the inspired Word of God Godand Godand Gadl and ana anacr l everything possible was done d to ills discredit dl8credit illsedIt ¬ credit cr edIt it But Jerome was in advance of ofhte orhl8 his hister time He reton retorted Ml in no unmeasured unmeasuredterms unmeMsllretlterm unineaslire unineaslirema terms ter ma to his assailants calling them themfoolw th thfOOffl thetaohe foolw fo foyet ohe stupids twolegged < 1 donkeys donkeysyet donkt > s set Scited y yet et died before his work received due ue roe recognition reeotS roenot ¬ O ognition ognitionSuch otS Such will 1II not be the fate > of the Ameri American American ¬ c can revision Nothing oUling hitherto ha h8 ap approached ItltJMOAC ¬ p proached JMOAC pro proIs ached j it in actual value alue The world worldis worklIs workidemanding is demanding the best t things and will willhave willhaY have haY ha ve them Especially Jo teC tlh the tl American Americanworld Amerkanworltl world wo woles rld is making such demand and It has hasless Mil1tS hass less les lestha s to contend conh with in attaining them themthan themtimn than tha n we find in other countries Ameri Americans Amtl1cans Amarins ¬ cans ca ns think for themselves tlwitsevcS4in41 and when they theycome twycome come co nic to know and understand the > beau beauties bfMutWs ¬ ties tie s and the th intrinsic value of this new newami uwaDtl nei ami an anthe d latest 1att > M effort to present pres > nt the > Bible in inthe Inthe the most perfect form attainable they theywill theywHI will wil l be satisfied with nothing else elseSOCIAL elseSOCIAL SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PERSONALThe The T he Chinese Minister linl ttr was entertained entertainedat d dat at dinner last night by b Mr Edward A AWickes Akes Wickes V lckes kes who is occupying one of the thePinard thePinard Pinard tit ian cottages at Newport awport Earlier > r in inthe Inthe the day he took luncheon with Judg < and andMrs andIrK Mrs Mr s John Clinton Gray GlII Mr Wit 11 has ap apparently al alpanmtly ¬ parently pa rently compared Newport XewJ t with Atlan Atlantic AlIaRtic ¬ tic City and found the former > r wanting wantingFor wantingFor For Fo r instance he wondered why wh there therewere Ultreert were we ert re no outdoor attractions and express expressed exJtreese1 ¬ ed surprise 8l1rprl that there th re were no pointer pointerpriced r rpnecl priced pr ice hotels If there is one 0 thing more morethan morethan than th an another that Newportere wJlOrters dont d nt want wantand wantand and an d wouldnt ouldnt have it is a hotel within the thereach therttIch reach re ach of ordinary humanity humanitythey they dont dontparticularly donttArtkularl particularly tArtkularl pa rticularly like th idea We of the h high hlshpriced h hprlced priced pr iced hostelries now there but put up upwith upwith with wI wImi th them because of the high and andmighty andmighty mighty mi ghty transient who have no cottages cottagesof > S Sor ofwo of their own A popularpriced hotel hotelwould JlOtt1would would wo uld mean me R an infringement on the pres prestige prestige ¬ tige tlg e of the resort and that would simply be the beginning of the end of Its career careeras careeras careerS as 8 an fl ultra fashionable centre Already Alreadyeven AlrtBdyeven S even ev en it Is whispered whl8 red that two or three ex exclusive exclu ¬ clusive clu el usive l4 > landowners are arranging to build buildon buildOft on new territory where tilt profane Irofane foot footof footoC S of the hotel guest Ju t will never tread tr d MAd awloukl should sir oukl somebody follow Mr Ir Wus Vus U8 hint and an d put up say M an Atlantic Jt1ant City Ctt con ¬ ducted du dura eted house the cottagers would ould abut ¬ cate ra te in swarms swarmsMr sarmIr Mr and Mrs Irs George Westinghouse e8tinghou e and alHlGeorge aire I George G eorge Westinghouse jr sailed ned on Sat Saturday Saturda ¬ urday urda ur day from Liverpool on the St St Paul PaulThey PaulThey They T hey w wll l go directly to Lenox on their theirarrival theirarrival arrival ar rival in New ew York Mr Vestmghouc has h wit been abroad for sAmemonth 84nneJR nth perfec perfeeg ing la g the establishment eatAhU hmeot of his English EIICltsheleetrkal t electrical el ectrical plant plantMr plantIr Mr Ir Charles G Bennett the Secretary Secretaryof Soeretsr r of the Senate St > ate is spending 8f > ndiru the summer SoeretsrL at atOak atOak 1 L Oak O ak Lawn Cottage at Oakdale on th t e C Long L ong Island shore shoreTrinity shoreTrinity Trinity Episcopal Epi l Church at Newport Newportintroduced NeportIntrodueed introduced In troduced an innovation yesterday e morn morning1 moratlng ¬ ing1 la g The rector of the day mindful per perhaps perhaps ¬ < haps h ap of the unfortunate fate of his leas leascautious IIAcautio Ice Iceutious a cautious cautio ca utious predecessor of last 1ft summer who whodared whodared wi it dared d ared to preach doctrine to his fashions rashionabIe fashionse ¬ ble isl e congregation made abort work ork of Ms Mssermon hi hinoon a sermon se noon and as a consequence the service serviceas Slrv Slrvas e w as over some e time before the carriage carriagescame carriagecaRM it came c cw ame to take the people home Some Somewalked Sees e ewalked walked w alked but the majority HtAjorlt stayed flt yed to talk talkIn talkIn In referring r errlng to it Newports Court Chron Chronicler Chronteler I ¬ icler k ler says saysIt ArSuJt uJt It was as a gay gA scene > and one new ne to toTrlnit t trinity 0 TrinKy Trlnit T rinity for fo tie well known that the Epis Episcopalians EpiIIcopallans I ¬ copalians pllas like their Catholic brethren brethrtllhold I II hold that the deference deter of sttene le is due duewkhin duewithin Os a within w ithin the sanctuary and only Mly OR th tho am joyous occasion of a wedding weddlnc is this rut rMlrelaxed nile nilerelaxed e relaxedThe relaxed relaxedTTkU r TTkU The rector r04tAT > tAld told fW the k t n Lt to 4 A Athey people day thMt thMtthey the it they t hey had given him only 1 1KM9 I90S oC the Di a KM9 H I t sto he had asked for or for or the theand new w C r5and orgat 1 and a nd that he hoped the reml renwolledr cdr wwuld kllte kllteat be beat a at a t once forthcoming H Hat saM W also a that thatBO thatftO the Lt BO more memorial windows would be beplaced beplaced I e elaced placed p laced as a it had been decided that no nomore nomore ii 10 more n oe new decorations should take the theric therl t 10 rl e s Cool 01 ric D c through old associations a the wish illh hltR be be ¬ ing that the church in which long before bafun the t he Revolution Bishop Berkley of splen spk > n 1 ¬ did d id memory had preached pre cht d and in whose whom C i shadow s he had written his famous JnO1b poem m Westward the Course of Empire Er pirct Taktm Tlik ma Its Way AY Y and other everliving words should s be preserved Ir nro in all its ancient airciet beauty beautyMiss beautyM1 b eauty Miss M1 Eliza Wilkes of ofthis this thl city has been beeRelected bee en enelected 1 elected s to christen the torpedo boat hoe at Wilkes which is to be launched Ja ochfld at New Ne it York on September Septem SeptemThe 38 38The 3 3The The boat is being built by the Morris Morr is Heights h eIghts Gas Engine and Power Com Company Cos it ¬ pany panyMiss panyI p any Miss I Wilkes Uke is a granddaughter r ot t Commodore Wilkes tke after at < whom Hn th the boat be at t is I s named namedT1te The invitations issued by b Mr and Mrs Mr 5 John A A Ellinger for their thel At Heme next ne xt t Wednesday OOne day from 8 to 11 at their home hoar IC CIS I Street are printed on a dainty frfng rrf ed j square of g white whi linen linenMr linenXr Mr and Mrs frs L Ottenberg of 13tt Sev Se C ¬ enth Street northwest ROrthw have Issued invi In 1 ¬ tations tation for or th the marriage of their daugh daug h ¬ ter Jennie to Mr Ir Sol B DeHfMr H r at Car Cs r ¬ roll Institute In Hall Sunday afternoon ii September entbe 1 at 2 oclock The request requestwill roese at c Is made that those receiving fnitattontl invitatlue 55 will kindly rtSflOlHlTHE respond reseondTHE THE MARYLAND FIREMEN FISEMENTAlipolutvCK FIREMENJJlolutee PBE AlipolutvCK JJlolutee tn n CobiuilttvvM nntl to toConvention IcCOflventltni 0 0Cn Convention Cn entJHI Announced AnnouncedFREDERICK AnnouncedFItEDERICK FREDERICK Md Wd Aug John H I 1 Cunningham of Westminster Yeetmin ter President Pr1rid ftt of the Maryland State Firemens Assort a thin haa announced d the appointment of I delegates to various conventions conve > lIlJons and andcommittees andCOfftmltt at tel teln committees COfftmltt mitte to conduct affairs atfal for the en ensuing enaulnc ci n suing year The ottteera of o the aaaocia a a thin members m mberc of committees and dele delegates delePte del C ¬ gates are UK follows followsPresident foUowPre followsPresidentJohn President Pre PresidentJohn ld < JItJohn John II Cunningham senior seniorrice sent > or rice ic president presidentJohn ntJokn John Stuckert secretary seereta William M Crimmins CrlmlRi treasurer trea tresasrerflira ur rlIlram Hiram at R Heck HeckExecutive Executive committee COfBmitteDr Dr Lloyd T Mc Ms C gill Jr chairman Frederick A A R Loiterer Salisbury Jil bury Charles CkarJeaJ J Iler I1 lie r pich Cumberland C M Jones Annapo JJlftapo tsnap 0 II I ts C J Hennick Baltimore BaltimoreAuditing BAltimoreAuditing Auditing committee commlttFraMk Frank Spates Spate 3 chairman Frostburg Pro tburg W R It Straw jr j r Union uio Bridge W P A Bowiand Pocomoke u ke City CityTransportation CityTraJUtpOrlatl Transportation n committee commltteeT T A A Smith Sink li chairman Lonaconlng Oscar D Gilbert Gilbei rt Weatmtost r William Jlllam A Muhl Weat Vei e8t It port William II Salter Pikesvllie Rob Ito it ert S McKinney Taneytown TaDetowftI TaneytowLegislative Legislative I the committee coDlHtltteeDr Dr Edward Nd N eI ii sjn 8 > n chairman Frederick William llIIam Greg ory Baltimore Alfred < I Jeffries Frost P roet burg John E Lease J ealle Manchester anchestr J Oli Olifr ver fr Murray durm Hampatead lIamp tead Tohn M Belt snider Westminster e tmlnstr Stanley Stanle G Beaver Taneytown Frank G Eppley Union Bridge > Ernest Ern t Barrow Cumberland Hon John C Xotter Frederick J W Heck jr Cumberland Edward Stev Steven StfVfn8On StevensonS n son sonS Lonaconlng E E E ii Hopkins Aniuip oils W Irving Mace act Cambri < l < John J un Richie Cumberland D W Wilsri II I Ilk ton Frank rank Jewell Annapolln Sun SanUf tic R fiunroe Munroe unroe Westport e tport J L I Parud < r pir po > moke City Arthur Chenowlth Ilk svUlf 11 George W Brock Aberdeen Franx I IIw W nln Hagerstown Thomas TroxHl beriand twrlapd C J Llman Ill man Salisbury H um U V Hearthway Snow Hill Topic TOf C and statistical commlttff commlttppJ J F F Drennan J renn chairman Cambridge > J A Swingl SWlngly y Aberdeen Alwrdf > tn W V II A Hamilton lIamllt r Hagerstown Charles Cbarl W V Curddry Curddr Sniw Sri iv Hill Augustus Albert Baltlmor Exhibit committee comnltteelIIlam William C uchairman Fhv Fd chairman Elkton Samuel Samu 1 Knight Imt I coning William IUiam McDonnell Baltlm r < Delegates to the Convention of the t lit h Ni tional Firemens Association A8 OciRtion of th Tmu tn itj 1 States Stat Buffalo N Y YI Yltuiwln Edwin hln J Iiwvr lw Liwi r Westminster e unlntf > r August Albert Baltlmorr To the > Convention of the Ih Internatlmal 1 ntrnatioln a Association of Chief Engln Enginrrs Ts rs to b 1w < h hIj 1 J at Indianapolis Ind IIIdPllllam William M cYtm rim mln mlnH Frederick Charles Char V Wantz Van Westminster WestmInsterTo e mlnlltpr mlnlltprTo To the Convention of the Virginia State Firemens Association A latlon Staunton Va V John J Stump Cumberland J Roger It > gr Mr Sherry Frederick FrederickState lo FrederickTo rederhkTo To the Convention ot the PtnnsIJnl < State Firemtns Association Philadelphia John II Cunningham Westminster Vetmlnst Dr Edward Nelson Frederick FrederickI I INDIAN IN BIAIt LANCE IN KANSASCelebrating KANSAS KANSASi KANSASCelebrating i Celebrating Ce lebrating in Honor of the Pot Pottawottomics Pottawottomics tawottomics Sa Sno red ed Drum DrumJinny Drum3JIIII Drummmy Jinny 3JIIII Mu mmy > Visitors Iltor Krom the Iowa I own and nndKieknpoo andJiicknlulo andcleleapoo J Kieknpoo Tribes The Tomtom TomtomCoiiNtniitly TomtolllConNtunCly Tonilotteonstantly CoiiNtniitly C Ounrdcd unrtlctlLonJ LonKT Reper Repertoire UCllerolre iteperaura ¬ toire l olre aura of I i the lie Itedckin Ite kln Musicians MusiciansTOPEKA IuxlcinnllrOIEKA TOPEKA T Aug 36 IIiThe The rottawotto rottawottomleg rottawottomles 1otwOttoca mleg mi ca are < dancing at Nadeau adtftu on the res reservation retllervatlon reaatIon ¬ ervation cre atIon twentyseven miles Jftf west aa of this thiscity thiscit thisy city cit y now no because their nacre sacred drum rUln has hasbeen hasbeen hasn been bee n newly recovered The dance is all allthe alltlte allmore the more mor interesting because many vis visitors visItors viare ¬ itors Ito ItoKl re are ar present Kt ent from the Iowa I R and andKickapoo andKlckapoo ansickapoo Kickapoo Kl ckapoo tribes tribesThe tribesrhe tribeshe The T he approach to the dancing ground to tothrough Ithrough leeough through thr ough a short lane 1aJl lined on both MOses afetoewith MdeswUh MOsesh with wit h low untrimmed trees that sheltered sheltereddoeeng sltettreddoaen shelteredsens doeeng do sens of Indian ponies and made shady shadyspots MNldytor shadyts spots spo ts for the th groups of young bucks and andhalfbreeds IUMIhalfbretd rustlfbreeds halfbreeds ha lfbreeds who preferred to spend their theirtime theirUm theire time tim e gambling with monte or chuckluck chuckluckrather chuckluckrather rather rat her than in praying iwaYtn to the Great O at atSptrlt Spirit SptrltThe Spi rit The T he drum means everything in the In Indian Indian dian dia n religion the relit0O of f r the Indian is isa 18a a part INutoC of their lives When not in use usethe etil usedruni the til drum is kept constantly con tantly guarded at atthe Atthe ate the th e house of th the chief of the tribe Whoa Wheathe WheRthe Whoae the th e top weary out as it will and a jt ew ewone newe w wone one on e is necessary n it is I the moat solemn solemnduty ItOkIRRduty aolemaaty duty du ty to place that buckskin properly and anddraw aJMldraw ateelaw draw dr aw it just tight enough to make ke it emit emitthe eJRMtht emite the th e perfect pf > rfect Indian tone toneThe tODeThe tonehe The T he drum is much the shape of o the thecommon thecomRtOn themmon common co mmon drum were it placed flatly on onthe ontM the ground Th TIre a4d aide s are probably probablyeighteen proJJabJyPighteeH eighteen elg bteea inches high and teas are hung with withmany withmany many beautiful strings > of beads that cov cover cr it completely Four crookshaped crookshapedcanes cookshapedcanes canes ca nes stand up from U It about four feet feetin f feetthe t tIn in the air and are brilliantly colored any ansing hung hu ng with gaudy streamers streamersThe 1treanwrThe streamersThe The drum and everything about a t it is issymbolic jtlJJltboUe Ismteiic symbolic mteiic of the Great Spirit and is al always alwaYIII atys ¬ ways wa ys placed d in the centre of the t ring far farthe Crthe lete the th e religious dances dancesThe tlaRCt8The I The ring is a a circular cireula level I spot fully fullyeighty ruUyeighty fuUyhty eighty eig hty feet f in diameter and ane sunk nk a foot footand footand footd and an d a half below the aerrowndtmc rnMRtlI Ii plane planeAll planeAU planel All Al l around on the heap of earth that thatforms tMttonns thatcme forms a cme the boundary rest many brave bravetfIn braveard bravesd ard an d JHtUIt JHtUItIn squaws squawsre In I re the centre centrepis th the drum surrounded surroundedby urroundedby surroundedten by ten musician who sit t tailor fashion fashionon fhtonon fshtorthe on ° the grass IfI1 matting r Each carefully carefullyholds carerullyboJdK carefthlI carefthlIlds holds ho lds iris hickory betitihg thg stick which te tethree 18three Ii Iiree three th ree feet long and covered at the end endwith endwith endth with wi th buckskin buek klH OwtsW Outside id of the these rests a arow arow s sw row ro w of sixteen women OHt their uetr f feet t straight straightin IItraltithtlA stratahlfront in Snby front of them Th They y assist the singers singersby stngen5by singenmswelling by swelling the chorus At the side of ofeach oretlch 01 01c each ee c person IK both circles Is a sinai smalttin sl slUn sinain tin ti n can canDiagonally CI Diagonally DKoly from fr th the centre efre sit t th th the rela relalives rl lives tve tt ves of o th tl the pen persons I one wh wM have l died di In the thelast t tJ tie a ast last J la st few months mnth Here H re 4 a whitehaired whitehairedsquaw bltehalreduY I squaw sq uY uaw whose who husband hUn had b recently r nU son sonto a to th th the happy hy buntinggrounds lunIAg1nc a poor poorman pr prIn poe r man In ta an who wh had hd lost J h hMnn hU Hi a huge hue buck buckand budI and an an d his h little lte daughter dhtet daughterw4ose w 1 o e mother Iotbu had hadrecently hadreety ha I recently reety r passed va upward upwrf upwari to Co the th bosom b of ofthe oCI u C I the th th e Great Grt Spirit Sirit These Tb with wth bowed bowedhead bwe I head Ms ic bSlS seemed em very ver objects ojt of misery miseryThere mlHryTMr There TMr were two opening oRg in 1f this huge hugering hUKerng hug hugng C ring rng ri ng Every Ever one must mu enter eer from fr roes the west westera wel era en er a gate gte over which whih J0pate Jt sta an American AmericanHag A kn knern a Hag fl ag The exit t mu mut t be made from fr the theeastern ti eastern ea stern ern gate gateThere t JImt There The was a signatias gnlI stroke sroke of the thegreat thexrt tic it great xrt g reat drum given by h the t lie leader idt > r of o the mu musiclHiis muINUas siclHiis INUas si clans Then Tln Ivln ail alert aler his hi followers fulower be begn beKn beI gn Kn ga n to play py The Th beaUron bton the th tomtom tomtomare tCtC teentone I are a re > as al regular as cloth el ticks tik After the thelira tic ticeat e rear lira ttr n eat measure mre or two Ute t tnu Iuil musicians < rician sins sng sin Their TJlr T heir repertoire rrtoire coutalos etl seventytwo seventytwosongs MentytwoDogs 0 songs so ngs that tht have hvt been handed hn down d n from fromfather rr roe ml father fathe fa ther to son 8n for generations generationsAs genertls genertlsAl As Al A the th < song Ig dies d away av an orator otor stands standsout s standn a out out O ut He le is one on of thoar t thee who wh has h be beet beettosen n nohjsen ohjsen fnJn i tosen beforehand bforeh urn an and h b ha J ksi onro hi pu puby pl i a bco by b y a signal P from th the h chief In Pottawot Pottawottojgrte ot othldlan tojgrte co terie ne he speaks to t tho tb assembled assembledThe C The Indian l dtn orator otot In l a marvel mre in his hisway hi a way w ay LIla Hi style stl Is I without wlot show > hw of feeling Clin Clino 15 g or o o r emotion emotcm He speaks sks in quiet quit slow and andslightly andslhty an anightly it slightly slhty sl ightly guttural gutural tones tone gesticulates geiultfs nat naturally nt nturly ¬ urally urly u ralty and an is usually usualy brief bief As he h cloves cloveshis els elsbls close S his h is remarks the chief chlfr musician sounds an another aRoher 1 other oher o ther signal sgal on the th sacred mten drum sons and asC the Di C dancing da n ncing begins n Those ce in the t outside an cir circle elmio ¬ cle r io who feel inclined c rise en their moc moccasined m mocasined casined Cne c steps stepsAbout Jep feet ftt and an fall fal easily ea Uy into the th dance dn dane e eAbout About bt noon n the th peace pce pipes were WEr quietly quietlypassed quit quletl I Iassed passed p p pb assed lAere I acre were ere two pp of these th carried carrie ci ciy by b y appointed apnted braves who wh gave gve each t aeh c nmn nmna In Ina ma machance a at chance for a coveted covete puff pr This finished finishedthe tnied tniedth r the th t he song 8ng accompanied mpnlt d by its it dance and andfollowed an at atollowed an followed f by b a short thrt talk Is repeated over overand overaD ova r and aD a nd over ov r until night settles tttJ repe down over overth ova r rr the th t ire dancing dning and an the te dancingground tRlnggun ditacinggroundBetween Between Iteen times tlml the everthoughtful everthehtul chief eMs f chlf chlfct dispenses ct d dt Ispenae small JIUAI bits bt of chewing cwing tobacco tco to tothe tothe I 0 dr the t he men and squaws auWI in the tbl centre of the thering therin Di 1 ring rin r ing This Thi Is to show sow his gracious gcis and an i iIndly kindly kllly k Indly feeling telnJ telnJthe feelingthe The Indian women never Der dance tlac Kach Kachsquaw Ecb Ecbauaw Eac li lir squaw auaw s f ft18 feels els content that her man mn looks lks af after after a aer r ter t er that tht But all day da she sh will ill alt It IR the thesun th tI Se Seun 1 sun s sle un n and an watch the performance prrorne and an per perhaps perI pe r ¬ haps I le aps hush hu the Indian Inin babies bbe that tht wail in inlittle Inltle I Ittle in rin little ltle li ttle Pottawottomie PottAwottle sobs sobsEarly I sobsEarly Early this summer summe their thir beloved blove chief chic chichanouskec I Shanouskee shnoUe S died dlf He was wa buried bure in an anAmerican anA a i imenicami American A menicami I casket CHe1 but with the Indian IJn eer eeremony er erI cit r rmony I emony e mony The Great Gret Spirit was called cl down downand dow It Itad sfl and s ad received reve his spirit srit Most Mos Indiana htdi are am e eosnan i Roman ROn fl osnan Catholics Cath and will wl gw g twenty tWly mil miles mile Is Iso to t o a service serviceMARYLAND 8rvice 8rviceMAYA servIceLRYLAND MARYLAND MAYA NEWS NOTESPeter NOTES NOTESPeter NOTES1etr Peter 1etr Miller Milr died dk at Woodstock Wook Howard Howardcounty Howar howardounty county cn c ounty aged eightytour years yearsHenry yers yersHenr yearshenry Henry Henr Groesman Gromn aged age six x years e son 1 of ofohn John Jon J ohn Grossman GrOl was as drowned dr1 in the darn Ilamn in I n the th Potomac Potoc River mve at Cumberland CumberlandEdward Cumbrln CumberlandEdward Edward Eward Millers m r stable > W In Hagerstown Hagerstownwas lagenton lagentonwas was burned burne together toglther with wih a horse liar harness kr krnf ¬ ness nf feed fe and al other othl property propertyThere POfHrty POfHrtyTh4re propertyThere There Th4re was wa no contest rttt in the th Carroll Carrollcounty Crrl Crrlcnty Carrotounty county cnty c ounty Republican RtlIIbkft judiciary primaries primariesaturday Saturday SturdlY S and aIt Judge jllry ReifMifder Rerker pr will ol be benominated b beominateel nominated n omitt d in the convention convelltl of the Fifth Fifthcircuit circuit circuitJames eirclt eircltJame c ircuit ircuitJames Fift James Jame G Anderson AnerJ a Philadelphia Phildelphia and andeading Reading Rfadit R Rl eading Railroad Ualrotl flagman dgn was run rn over overit an in 1 l it the th Western Maryland alan Railroad Riroad yards yardsit in l it Hag Ja Jiagenstown < erown rtown Saturday Stury noralng by a ashifting I shifting sUUng freight relht train ard ald died di in the theevening th thevening evening e from frm his lilt injuries injuriesFrancis InJr InjuriesFrasehu Francis Frfl8 Heine 10 and 10 his hi daughter tluhtr Miss MI MIary Mary ary D Heine Itr have hve been I appointed to totake toake take tt t ake charge of the Killcott Illt City apntcd station Itl of ortM the t he Baltimore Bltmore and Ohio Ohi Railroad Rirod the for former former former ¬ mer as aavnt alnt and an the latter late as a agents agentsclerk agentscerk clerk cerk c lerk and telegraph telf > grapil operator operatorDemocratic operatorDmoatc operatorDemocratic Democratic Dmoatc primaries prlmlrlf were ee held in Dor Dorchester Dorcer ¬ chester cer c county fty Saturday Stu and an the nomi nominating ni nintng nomlating ¬ nating n ating convention will T Th ntng nI u meet m Tuesday Th The Thendications indications Inicaton I are that tht th the convention will wille t1 conveti wi b be b e entirely eltlrly harmonious harfnlW There Tre In now nowgreat nowgrt nowreat great g reat rivalry among those th thoe who wh have been beenmentioned bn bnmtfttlon beenmesUoneel mentioned mtfttlon for position Htl OR tin tl the ticket t kt steal there t is I enough enugh good go timber tmbe available aa to tomake tomke tomake make mke a very yer strong ticket ticketJeremiah tie tieketJeremiah Jeremiah Jermiah Ryon died di ai R t Croom Cr Prince Pin George Oer e county cnty August AUlt 3i 3 In the th sixty sxty < XJ lbV l UntICATIOXS 1UDIICIOSHarpers 1UlhIICATioNSIfarpers UntICATIOXSHarpers Harpers for September Is non aonready nonread noweady ready read r eady It I Is a number you cant cantafford cnt cntafford afford a fford to El miss missHARPERS mIssHARPERS missHARPERS HARPERS HARPERSNev Nev Books and the theSeptember ther therSepteInber September S eptember Magazine MagazineThe MagazjneThe The TheSupreme TheSupreme TheSupreme S Supreme SupremeSurrender SupremeSurl4ender Surrender SurrenderBy I By A MAURICE MUIC LOW LOWA A novel fvcl of Washington Vashfnl n society ty cUt cUte Ife Ifetouching ifeouching l touching t in new and nei startling way on one oneof oiiethe of the most interesting e t questions < u8tlons of the theday theythe J day dythe da ythe th marriage mriage problem pDlem The book booki bookves i gives gve gi gicm ves an Inside Inlde view vie of Washington so soI sol Washingon WashingonI I cial cm l and an political pltlel and many mlty of the lead leadM JeMdl aD M l le g t figures Irf will wi be b easily f asIr recognized reize 150 150Tales 15 15Tales Tales of ofThe ofThe ofThe The Cloister CloisterBy By ELIZABETH ELIZABET G JORDAN JORDANIn JORA In In these th tales ta Miss ln Jordan enters ellter Into Intoan IntoAn inton an a n entirely Uny new ntw field J They Ty are stories storiesof > ort of 0 ac t convent Con lt life Hfe of the nuns and an their t1r pu pupila pupU pila pU p Us AH Al are told to with wih wonderful wonrrul charm charmI charman i I and an a ae nd delicacy delicy and an show a thorough thorph know knowPORTRAIT knowee ee e dge or th the lfe life wih with which they del deal PORTRAIT P ORTRAIT IN TINT TI 115 L5 net netHarpers lIetarpers netHarpers Harpers HarpersMagazine arpers arpersMagazjne Magazine MagazineFor For f or September SeptemberFrederic SeptemberFredcri SeptemberFrederIc Frederic Fredcri Harrisons HarrisonsReminiscences HarrisonshReminiscenccs HarrisonsReminiscences Reminiscences of George Eliot EliotPages Elot EliotPages Pages I 2 Short Shortin 9 z 1 in i Colors J O 6 3 Stories StoriesHARPER StoriesHARPER StoriesHARPER HARPER 1ROTHERS 1ROTHERSFranklin BROTHRS BROTHRSFrki BROTHERS BROTHERSFranklin Franklin Frki Square Suare New York Yorkeighth Yarklhth YorkIghth eighth e lhth Ighth year y a of his age a e Intil tnU about abt two years Ytn y ears ago when his hi health llh failed fal he h was engaged e ngr in mercantile mercnUI business bune in Crown Cro Crowne He H e leaves four children as a follows Mlsse M IW isses Edith Etth and Margaret Ryon both of a arare whom wbO w hem re relllde M at Croom and Messrs Xess bh Al ¬ I bert b ert and Owen ow Ryon both of Washington Wa WashingtonSaturday Saturday night the grand officers of the therder Order O rder of Red Men visited JMted Delaware Tribe Tribee in h e Brunswick Frederick county The speakers s were B Frank Kennerly of ofalIsbury Salisbury Salhbur S alIsbury Md great rellt sachem Jr J C Littleton L ittleton of Baltimore aIU great suanap I Kirby I Rinker of Brunswick Brun wiek great guard g uard of wigwam lewaJR R R I limes Z Z T Tnirntner Bmntner Bnt B nirntner r and andJ J R R Ball of Delaware DelawareMrs Tribe TribeMrs Tribers Mrs rs Mary Purnell wh wife > of Major Will YIII ¬ lam l am G Purneil died at her home in Elk ton t oil Saturday morning after tter a lingering illness ill I aged agecllltxtylhe sixtyfive years She left the I following f children Mrs XrsJ Jessie Bowland wife of Deputy Register of Wills Ills Rufus D Bowland William Wlllia Daniel Harry H Charles Charl C hanies and Hiram Purneil of Elkton II and a nd Mrs Martle PrHchard of Newport ewport News ews Va VaMrs Yai VsMrs i Mrs rs Margaret Weems Bowie Bo ie widow of orI ol Dr Richard W Bowie tUed 01cr at her rest ¬ I dence d euce in i tbe lovrci aeccion eo Ott or irtnce irtncebeen rtnee rtneeI George G eoeges county August I In the eight eighty I tltlrd t year of her age e liar health bas been b4 failing for the past four or live years y ears but her death was W I quite unexpect ¬ ed She arose in the morning without any a ny assistance a whatever and prepared for tot her h er r breakfast but about 8 oclock was wai taken t aken with violent pains about the heart and a nd died in a few hours Mrs Bowie DowiervJl Sosuerylika leaves vea rvJl rvJlv five v o Bowle children Mrs x as aR ROOerick follows kv McGreg ieG Mrs r or o r Mm John Wall AII < Mrs Alan Bowie and aDa I Miss Amelia Bowie BowieIN BowtIN RowieIN IN THE OLD DOMINION DOMINIONThe DOMINIONTIle The 3re cornerstone corner cornersto tone of the Broaddus Bap ¬ tist Memorial Church in Richmond was wat laid l aid Saturday SaturdayJames SaturdayJame SaturdayJames James H Scott of the firm rnr of o Cham ¬ berlain rltdn Scott Rfehiaond died of heart t failure Saturday SaturdayCoL Saturda SaturdaCt SaturdayCcl CoL Ccl B O James of Richmond an ¬ flounces that h he is a candidate for Sec retary of the Commonwealth Commonwe Jtk of Virginia YirglniaTb4 VirginiaThe Tn The Richmond Chamber or Commerce is I preparing vr rlng a large manufacturing IRanuCact rlng exhibit for Uon that city at the Charleston Expo ExpectFloyd t tFloyd UonFloyd Floyd Mowery of Frederick county was attacked by epilepsy fell from a 1 4 small sarah boat and was drowned droW ed in Cedar Cads r Creek Thursday ThunHI y last laacMr la laMr lastMr Mr and Mrs I Thomas F Ryan of New Xe ew York have given 156 15 1SIIs for the purpose J e of buikimg a Catholic Church at Lam ¬ berts bert s Point Va Rev D WIlliam llIIam M M IcElwee a well known Presbyterian Pre bJte > rlan minister minister died at his home near the Rockbrtdge Baths Satur ¬ day aged seventylive years yearsFully years1oully yearsFuily Fully 3009 300 persons attended the reunion of o the RicdXen Camp Confederate Vet ¬ erans near New w Market Shenandoah county Saturday last histJense lastat lastJesse Jesse YoweH assistant railroad lr at agent at Somerset Orange orange r county n committed J aukioVt Saturday by shooting himself No cause for the act is known knownThe kllOftTJte knownThe The Rev Dr W M Leftwich twlch a distin ¬ guished clergyman of th the Methodist M thOdIst Epic EpiecopeChurch copaUChurch South died a few days ago o in California He was born m In Bedford county Va in 1839 1839On 183On 1539On On account of the illness of Judge Paul Judge Purneil of North Carolina wilt hold th the term of the InHed States Stat Court for the tir Western Vestcrn ulpnl district of Virginia Virginiawhich which hleh begins 1M 1Ci1l8 at Lynchburg September S embctr W WThe 1 1The 19The The funeral of the late Rev ne Dr A A R R Cocke who ho died d in Chicago Chica o Friday FrttIa fol ¬ lowing a surgical 8U rxiea I operation took place placeyesterday placeyesterday yesterday e in the Presbyterian Church Wayncsboro Va of which he was for formany formany or orman many man years pastor pastorAt pastorAt pastorAt At Norfolk orfolk heavy sentences 8entt Ce8 were im imposed mmItosed ¬ posed in the cases of the gambling g tblinK house houseproprietors hou8eproprletons houseproprietors proprietors arrested on information fur furnished furRIheeI furniches ¬ niches by other professional lKofe io1 gamblers of th the city Thirty days imprisonment < nt and 100 100 fine ft were wt > re the usual sentences ntpnctS The defendants were > bailed pending l tng appeal appealMALARIA appealIILUU appealMLRIt MALARIA IILUU CAUSES BILIOUSNESS BILIOUSNESSGroves BILIOUSNESSCrows I Groves T TutcitM Chill TMMC removal the caa ware I AH over the world Schlitz beer is known and is the standard standardIn j In Vladivostock Pctoria Shanghai Singapore Bombay Cairo Cairoand Cairoand s l and Constantinople it is the beer of civilization civilizationSchlitz civilizationblitz dvilizationSchhlta Schlitz blitz beer has won the worlds markets by its reputation for forpurity frpurity Jr Jrpurity purity maintained for half a century c ntury Wherever white mcn live liveSchlitz 1 liveSchlitz c cSchlitz Schlitz beer is acknowledged fhe hc pure beer Our pledge to you youand youand i iand and our pledge to all nations is that never will a bottle of Schlitz Schlitzbeer SdlIitzbeer 1 beer go out until we nave insured its purity never a bottle bottleinsufficiently bottleinsufficiently i insufficiently aged agedSchlitz agedhlitz agedSchlitz Schlitz hlitz beer wherever you find it is healthful it is isWORLD isWORLDFAMOUS isWORLDssFAMOUS WORLDFAMOUS WORLDFAMOUSand WORLD FAMOUS FAMOUSand and hat ha made Milwaukee famous famoaxS S Phone 18 cI1itz 6lE D Sr S V s + e t a S I I S C S C f IS CC CCA t A Million illion Dollars to the thePerson he hePerson t Person Who Restores RestoresMy RestoresI RestoresMy I My y Sight SightSAID Sight5lD SightsIlD SAID A FAXOTS F AO MERCHANT YRCHT FUWCB FUWCBOF 1It1 1It1OF 53NC I OF XKW Ef w YOUR CITY OTYYour ciTyYour t + Your sight is worth more moreto moreto moreto to you than all the gold goldin in th thfailing the thet thTreasury + t Treasury If your eyes are re refailing t I failing you it would be wie wille willeto w1 w1to X Xtooonsult + tooonsult to oonsuIt immediately with withour withOPTCST t tour our ourI < I ourOPTICIST OPTICIST OPTICISTand i it who is a skilled refractionist refractionistand rofractionietand t + and an export adjuster of ofglasses orglase06 oCglasses + glasses glassesEyes glase06f 4 4Eyes f Eyes Examined Free of ofCharge ofCharge 1 Charge ChargeR ChargeR i i R Harris llarrisCo0 llarrisCo0S Co CoI COet I t Cor 7th and D Sts StsONE Stsog t tOXE S ONE BLOCK FROM ROX TA P AYE NW NWAMUSEMENTS xwC i iA3IUSEIETS 4 C C C C C C C C C C C C S S C C 6 C a C C Cs CsAMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTSAcademy A3IUSEIETSA AMUSEMENTSA Academy A ca d emy e my myPRICES Kig THY FUULY FAVORITE THItTItE THItTItEMia Mia f fPRICES 5h 5hPRICES PRICES ALWAYS EVKRY EYR NIGHT AND ANDKvea AtoJo ANIEve Kvea Jo Eve i 815 81 oclock elock THREE MATS MATS25C XATS25c lIVIS25c 25C 50C The Road RoadIle Roadnt RoadBest Ile nt t Seats to Ruin RujnOKf I Mats 213 15 P 3l M NI of tairaon tnonIiM Tn T tEt THURS sad esesar 1 STtRDAY erow i will 4 425c clams r rI OKf 25c I t r Soc scats scatsvj Pboe vj = tda Main iD iDlIny 5S4 5 5a1Iey ahead foe foelallery lallery lIny always lie lleaf eata Pay wheat wIIcah you youAh yes yesA Ah A h l i oata MU Reserved K N come eomeNext tOIReSut comeNcit Next WeekTHB GREAT KFT WHITK HITX WA WAMOND DlAOXD lilA4OND MOND OXD Seats St now W Special SpecalLaboc Labor IMjr u uday Moa Moadjyl Mo Moay djyl day d ay Matinee Xal in Ordor < rdr ahead aheedKERNANS aheadtrini i trini l TWICE CE DAILY DAILYEvo DAILYEve DAILIRfP1M1 KERNANS RfP1M1 Mat 25 1 Evo EvoTELEPHONE au50c au50cTKLEPfiONE 500 500TELEPHOSE I TELEPHONE MAIN MAINTHE Dtl DtlTHE fliLTHE THE iNNOCENT J NOCENT MAIDS MAIDSand and andTho andTho nd ndThe Tho Carl Dammann Troupo TroupoSIX Troupomax SIX MARVKLOrS EVROFEAX URot tN ACROBATS ACROBATSXKXT tCRORATSNkX1 CIIOBrKXT XKXT KXT WEEK WFEKWISt WINK WOMAN OXS AND OSG OSGfCOLiS < > XC XCCOLISEUM NGs a s e C C C C C S CC CCCOLISIUM fCOLiS COLISEUM COLISIUMI i iMOST I Th Thurs1 Aug 29 I Iit10TOR 815 P M MMOST lt ltTh MOST Excmxi XCiTINI or RACES RACESMOTOR RACESMOTOR C MOTOR RACES RACESFiN J JFirst First Time Tim in Waington WaingtonBrtweea WathingtonBetween h b D ton ton1Ieft < > Between 1Ieft 4 of the Fastest Motor MotorCycles rl1otorCycles MotorCycles < > Cycles in America o 4 GREAT RACES RACESt t tAMATEUR t tt t AMATEUR EVENTS EVENTSWILL EJTS EYENSWILL t tt < t WILL ILL C BRYAN BR s Manager XiIDqflMontgomery f fMontgomery a I IMonfomery Montgomery Counfy FairtOCKYlLLE Fair FairROCKV1LLE FairROCKYILLE ROCKV1LLE MD MDAUGt XDAGGIST MDAUGtsr AUGt AGGIST ST ZT 23 i 3 3Tuerfay 38 38Tvcdar 3Tuesday Tuesday TvcdarR W Wstisj tooaaj Thwwlmy Friday Frida Frida7JO RVCfci EVERY R DAY DAYztlo I 150 7JO EatriM in Poultry Show Grandest GraMeetbdc GraMeetbdcShow Stock StockShow Star k kShow Show Ever See Sees AH BreMic KtprtneMui KtprtneMuiFREK RprulaleLFREtt MepreessiedFREE FREE ACHOBATK SHOWS SHoW EVERY VERY AKTKRXOON AKTKRXOONSfMHial ArTXRNOO ArTXRNOOSpecial Special Train Trai 1215 pm Wed ed Than Krt KrtMOCM IriJflxn Fr FrRO4N1 MOCM > TRIP > Si 1 Ti2 a B H A 5 O R R R IL iMtadiMC iMtadiMCadwtMion is1R is1Ratashoofi adwtMion Round Trip 5 hOc < k > c Tia T via electric can can act actJRiM ad adnaisios50c d JRiM naisios50c naisios50cBASEBALL 1 OD 5 sec secBASEBALL c cBASEBALL BASEBALL BASEBALLTODAY TODAY TODAYCLEVELAND TODAYCLEVELAND TODAYCLEVELAND CLEVELAND vs vs1 WASHINGTON WASHINGTONGAME GAME CA E CALLED LLED AT 43 438 7 1 M MAdmission X XAdmblon MAdmlaIlon Admission Sac Grand Stand COe COePark IiO IiOTake 5Otake Take R sreet Care dnct dic5 t U ABteritsa IeaU IeaUParC Large LargePark Park ParkTeTeland ParCs ParkNgXTCieyeltid s NgXTCieyeltid nce TeTeland 1and A AFree ueust 27 aDd sadFree S SFree Free Vaudeville VaudevilleKTHT every night week tng 2 by 1nI1kDfM1l artist artistEvery tsEnry Every day Io GRAB BAG DANCE DSCK1Iaaiiaa Wrda Wrdsesdar Wrdsesdarliawailait d a aHawaiiaa Hawaiiaa Hare IMacr Fridays ridy ROOSTER ROOSTERDAXdi KVOb KVObDAsa DAXdi DAXdiColumbia DAsaColumbia DtNCiColumbia Columbia Pleasure Park ParkTTfflinH5 ParkTermiJ ParkTernunta TTfflinH5 s Columbia CoI mbia H R R RWines R 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oattttj Intctaac cl in every particular pertictllarTI perticidarTickets Tickets TI keb and full information can be obtained obtai at r C Ie O offices ffi the 009 39 14Ui St and 513 13 Pa ave a aad B Ie P I Station stats lion IL H W v FULLER G P 1 A A Chesapeake Beach BeachTHE THE SALT WATER RESORT RESORTON RESORTON RESORTON ON THE BAY BAYHALEYS BAYHALEYS BAYHALEYS HALEYS FULL CONCERT BAND BANDTraias BANDTraiiS BANDTrains Trains Leave District Line Statfea StatfeaVTeek StatieaWtek StatieWeek Week Days KJO a a a a 111 2J8 23 38 p pm m m S9 p p a m Sundays 8 tJe 0 1OJ9 ad JldO a a u A id 3 3M 505 a a d 745 45 p p pRetundig pReturig m mRettiraiug Rettiraiug Leave tile Beach BeaciWeek Beac BeacWeek BeachWeck Week Days 330 7 and M p m 111 Sunday f 2 3 8 8 and 11 p Po m mOnlv 111 111On arOnly Only On I 50c Round Trip Columbia el electric trie cars bearing red r ttfta ran throuGh to District Line station Idtt itha t tram was ten ttrWay Way train for local atattra tatIm leave Ie District D DIOrk iuiet Line Ll Station week days day 9 1130 JO am a and 538 L3 pia Suidavs 988 am and 515 515pm 515pmChautauqua pw pwChautauqua PILChautauqua Chautauqua Beach BeachFormerly BeachF BeachFormerly Formerly F nn4l1 > Bay Ridge R t Round Trip SOc SOcS4S 5OcC C I S4S > Spt 3 1 Ki Hilt c Labor list Io Excursioa Exioat EacurtloEl B t i 0 Jiioa loa m 43 J30p p m m Sunday Suft VM W 145 Lob for cale sal at Beach BNriI or by tnorge rgc F Gra ¬ ham Room 2 130 > Bond RIde city eW eMti eMtiMARSHALL St StMARSHALL f fMARSHALL MARSHALL HALL S3ALLStr Str Charles CJyt Maeafentor Yaca1e ttt leaves at M a a m 236 38 asd nd 688 p m IL Indaa Head trips every ereninc Sundays excepted it 090 8 p Po m IlL Sundays 11 a a m 2JO 30 and 630 p po poFAKE m mFARE arFARE FARE ROlND TRIP 55 Cent Cettb CettbPAINPSCELEAY Cee6PAINESCELERY PAINPSCELEAY COMPOUND Woodward Woodward2nd W oodward oodwardand S 2nd 2ndNew and andLothrop andLotlirop9 Lothrop LothropNew New York YorkWashingtonParis YorkWashingtonParisDuring Washington VnshingtonParb VnshingtonParbDnring Paris ParisDuring During the summer the store storecloses storeclo storecloses closes clo eg atoeclockjSnttudtuis at t 5 ocloek SIlturdlt SRtwrdnyS xt t 1 1oclock 1o 1oclock oclock oclockOur o oclockOnr clock clockOur Our September S ptem r Booklet BookletTh BookletThStudenCDow BookletTheStudentnow The TheStudent Student StudenCDow HOW In n press will iU be beof beof beof of grent assistance assistan to parents in inpreparing inpreparing inprepring preparing their sons and danjjli danjjliters dmcIJt dani daniters ters t rs for school or college If of ofinterest orinterest ofinterest interest to you ou leave or send sen us usyour usour usyour your our address and we will mail mailyou mailyou l lyou you a copy copyHosiery co copyHosiery y ylIosiery S Hosiery HosierySpecials lIosierySpecials HosierySpecials Specials SpecialsFirst J JFirst First Floor FloorTwo FloorTwo FloorTwo Two lots of Womens omens and andOhn andOhndrens Chil Childrens Cliiidrens ¬ drens Hose representing excep exceptionally exceptionnlly eceptionally ¬ tionally good values are ffered offeredas fferedas fferedfollows as follows followsWomens followsYomen followsWomens Womens Yomen s BInck Bbt k Cotton Hose Hoseplain Hosephtin Hoseplain plain and nd dropstiteh effects ex extra extm cxttit ¬ tra good quality quality12c 12 12c c a Pair PainChildrens PairCki1drens PairChildrens Childrens Black Cotton Hose Hosefine Hosefine flosefine fine ribbed excellent quality qualitysizes qUftUtjsizes qiiali qiialiSizes sizes 5 to 10 1012c 12 12c c a Pair PairSpecial PairFtnIt FtnIt Aoor AoorSpecial moeSpecial Special Value in inWalking inWaIIing inWalking Walking Skirts SkirtsThird Third Floor FloorPractical FloorPractial FloorPractical Practical garments rmeJSts thai shouldhave sftouldJue should sitotiltihave have a place in every womaas womaaswardrobe WOIIUtIl womanswardrobe S Swnrdrobe wardrobe wardrobeThey wnrdrobeTIley wardrobeThey They are not only comfortable cowfortablebut comfortablebut comfortablebut but convenient and cleanly aad aadallow mulallow iulallow allow the free use of both hands handsWe btmdse bandsWe We e offer a lot of Allwool AllwoolRainyday A AllwoolRainyday IIwool IIwoolRain Rainyday Rain daJ Skirts in black and andgrey andcy andgrey grey cy with flounce or flare and andi nndheai1y andheavily i heavily stitched around bottoms bottomsAll bottomsAlllen bottomsAll All Alllen lengths tbs i 5 5 Each EachOther EachOther EachOther Other Walking a1king Skirts fnora fn fionT5O m 750 to 1250 1250i 1250TJdM S SThird i Third floor floorSpecial iIoorSpecial linerSpecial Special Sale of ofTrunks ofTrunks ofTrunks Trunks and andSuit andSuit andSuit Suit Cases CasesEquitable CasesEquitable CasesEquitable Equitable Bldg Basement BasementWe BasementTe Basementj BasementjWe We Te offer another special pur purchase purchase putchase ¬ chase of lowpriced Traveling Trunks for short trips and pack packing packing packing ¬ ing purposes Made fade well and in inthe inthe inthe the most convenient sizes for forhandling forhandling forhandling handling and packing Exception Exceptionally Exceptionall Exceptionally ¬ ally all good values valuesGood valnesGood valuesGood Good Traveling Trunks made madeof madeof madeof of thoroughly seasoned wood woodprotected woodprotected woodprotected protected on outside by fifteen fifteensluts fifteenslats fifteenslats slats heavy bettY steel sto > l corner and slat slatchimps slutIilmPs slatlamps chimps brass bl1tSS lock three strap hinges good lock bolts deep tray traywith trnjYwitl traywith with hat box 2Sinch 2SinchSI95 SI95 195 Each EachLow EacbLov EachLow Low = Priced Suit Cases CasesFor CasesFor For For vacation trips tripsMade tripsJ tripsJrAde trips31d Made 31d rAde of good 0 strong water waterproof waterproof waterproof ¬ proof material brass lock lock and andcatches andcatckes andcatches catches steel frame reenforced reenforcedleather rCoenforcoo rCoenforcool reenforcedleather leather l ftther corners strong handle handlecloth handleeoth handlecloth cloth lining linin iaside straps straps24inch straps24inch straps24inch 24inch Each 5175 5175Trunks S 3175Trunks 175 175TrunKs Trunks and Suit Cases marked markodfree mftrk markedfree d dflee free Strap given witk itk eack tmdk tr trai k White WhiteCanvas WhiteCanvas WhiteCanvas Canvas HatsSecond tlatsII tlatsISNond Hats Hats3Second I Second Floor FloorPractical FlomPIattial FloorPractiesi Practical Hats that are stylish stylishand stylishand stylishand and fashionable and in demandnow demand deltUlndnow deiuandnov now for the tl seashore saslOI mountain mountainand mountainand mountaInand and general g > n IAI otitiag tltin wear ear Trim Trimmed TriMmtd Trimmed ¬ med and untrimmed Seveijalshajies Seveijal EeTeqalslmpes Seyeqalsliitpes shajies are shown StO D DI 1 to 3 Each EachS EachSeeoad EachSecond S Second eond floor floorThe ftoorThe floorThe The Encyclopedia EncyclopediaBritannica EncyclopediaBritannica EncyclopediaBritannica Britannica BritannicaNow Now Xl and revised edition 30 vol volumes yolU volunles ¬ umes U 1PS and guido lIidp to systematic systematicreading sstelluttielpading systematicreading reading ornamental clotk bind binding bin bining binding ¬ ing Special Price PriceS3750 S3750 3750 Set SetBook SetBoot SetBook Book Department Dtpanmealaaeet DtpanmealaaeetWOODWARD lepanmeatBsmaostYOODWARD gateai ent entWOODWARD WOODWARD LOTHROP LOT ROP