r ± t i EN KEV EVENING NG TIMfe riM T1MiASNON E VASliN TON WEDNESDAY 1VEDN DA MAY MAY2I 2L 2 J902 9Q THE EVENING TIMES TIMESFRANK TIMESF TIMESFRANK FRANK F RAN K A MUNSEY MUNSEYPUBLICATION M MUNSEYPUBLICATION U N S E Y YPUBLICATION PUBLICATION OFFICE Tenth and D Streets StreetsidJSCKIPXIOJf StreetstllSCIUPlIOS StreetsiscnIPTIo idJSCKIPXIOJf iscnIPTIo RATES TO OUT OF O TOWN POIXT3 POSTAGE 1KKPAID KORKING 1OR I G EDITION rrno one ynar So six sixrcnntliF Ix Ixirnatls rcnntliF n n nUts S25O S250tllree three months mo nth S123 S Morn llornjngand Mornugnd Morning ¬ ing jngand on il Sunday Sundayono onoycnr year JS7 7 7sIx Six bc month monthL35O tn inouththreo > ntlu ntlutsliO I L35O three months S1T3 S1 = > Sunday Sundayedt Sundayedtt < < di dit 11 11on t on only one onoyear year S5 s six 1x months SI SIilirce 51t1ir 81bree ilirce t1ir e months 50 > 0 cents cen 1 F71HE rHE iIEdeath death of Sir Archibald MHman MHmanJJ i1man i1manlaevttably fl JJ 1 iaevltably revives tie stories cur earnest ¬ 2 1 nest a afew few months outhsago ago of the ap apparition apJarJtio1 apT ¬ T parition JarJtio1 of Lady LadYMnman Milraan when she sheierself she1iers shehers1f ierself 1iers l was aileged eged to have met death in ina incertat Ina a certain corrider oorrid r in the thcipartment apartment occu occupied occup4I cu cuJiM ¬ pied JiM by her in Speakers Court of the Pal Palace Pa1 Pa1ace Palace ¬ ace of Westminster We tmmter says ys the London LondonChronfele Lndonchroutcie LondonChrontcle Chronfele The rie origin of these the e stories storieswrites storieswrUes storieswrReg writes a correspondent I Lad from Sir SirArchibald SirArc1lIMW SIrArchta1d Archibald himself during the last few days daysof daysof day dayo of o his life uie Opening onto the corridor in inqoestkm inqUestio htquestloR qoestkm there were two doors One of ofthem orthemws ofthews them themws was made partly of glass and with withthe wi witl withthe tl the e rest of the dark corridor behind it itit ititnat1lniJlY Itft it itnat1lniJlY naturally ted hdmuch much of the same effect effectas etreetas effecta as a irairror Any Anyone one coming out of the theotber theoUter theotber otber deer was reflected in this glass g1as door doorwWeh doorW doorweh wWeh W eh wag w placed in such a relation to toU tot tothe U t the > e staircase that i atany any one ascending the thestairs tbestain theetMrawould etMrawould stairs wouM see the reflection before he hesaw besaw heJ J saw the person ers n reflected On two or three threeoccasions threeooeaelens threeoccaMens occasions Lady Lad Milm Milman Ti was going out of ofher ofher ofher her own w1 boudoir bou otr when someone someone going goingop go go1JtIthe goingthe 1JtIthe op the staircase saw her reflection reDectionand and a amoment a1JtOBlent amoment moment or two later saw Lady Hllman HllmanJEWS MilmanJEWS MflmanJvs JEWS AS FARMERS FARMERSM M L A Kovleki appointed some years yearsage yearsage yearsage age l by y the Russian Rns ian government to super superJatesd superinte supertead Jatesd inte tead the he Jewish colonies In the province provincefl provineeBkatdD0 of fl BfcaieriBOfiiav BkatdD0 ¼ atrInoeeIav 6lav reports that it la 3 only oalytry on1yneee onlyneeery neee neeery Mry try to have passed some time la lathese IaTheie these 131 e8 Villages in order to convince ones onesself one oneneif self Bel of f the zeal and cleanliness 3 of the Id 1 I 00 008 Jewish Towi k peasants of Ekaterlnoslav EkaterlnoslavEvory Thterlnoelavvory EkaterlnoslavEvery Every vory Jewish Tewi h village gives the impres impressio impression Imprczs4o sio sion of a model farm The streets are aremarked aremark areBarked marked mark by their cleanliness s and the thehouses theare thehoses houses are surrounded by gardens where wbereUte wherethe whereti ti Ute Jewish peasant women grow their theirvegetables theirvegetales theiregetabIes vegetables etc No village possesses poese ses o an anfan anio anlea fan io or place for the sale of spirits The Thepeople Thepeople Th Thpeople people have a healthy and flourishing ap appearance appearance appeerance ¬ pearance and the Jewish J ish recruits of these theseMilages these11lag86 thesevillages villages are taken for the artillery The Thevery Tneery Theery very ery common opinion be concludes concludesthat concludestbat concludesthat tbat that the Jews are unfit for agriculture agriculturereceives agriculturereceive agriculturereceives receives there a very striking contradic contradiction contradJcUenI contradicfan ¬ UenI fan I myself have for a long time par partaken partaken part4ken ¬ taken t4ken of this opinion I nave have now alto altogether altog altogother ¬ gether g ther given it up and am persuaded persuadeduSt persuadedr persuadedtt r uSt t under certain certt n conditions an excellent excellentpeasant excellentpeasant excellentpeasant peasant could be b made of every Jew JewDuty 1 Duty Dut Fulfilled FulfilledAlbany FulfilledA FulfilledAlbany A Albany bany Evening Journal JournplIn In short the theUnited the1Jnltei theIi1ted United States has completely fitted and andeauipped andeQuipped andequipped equipped eQuipped Cuba for selfreoyernnicnt What Whatmore Whatmore Whatmore more can this Government in Justice be beexpected bempectodor beexpected expected mpectodor or asked to do for the Cubans CubansEvery CubansEvery CubansEvery Every actual and andmoral moral duty that this thisnation thisnation thisnation nation owed them thtmhas has been discharged in infullest Intu Inruliest fullest tu l sf measure nieamirc EVENING TXG EDITION one year S3 3 sIn filxmonths tbmonlhs sInmonths months SlCO three months 73 5 cents centsEvcninp centsETenln centsEvening Evening ETenln and Sunday unday one year S3 8 six sixmonths six1nonfh sixmonths months months S25O S2 o thrcomonths three monthS 8123 81 3Iorn 3Iorniog rorn toruhig iog 112 Eveniiip and Sunday one year S10 S1OUx S10ixmoDlhs S10sIxmontls < Ux ixmoDlhs months S3 8 > three thrC6U10Dths months S250 52 O Any person who cannot buy the Morning Afternoon or Sunday SundayEdition SundayEd SundayEdition Edition Ed tionof of The Times on any news stand in Washington in suburban suburbantowns suburbantowns suburbantowns towns on railroad trains or elsewhere will confer a favor by notifying notifyingthe notifyingthe notifyingthe the Publisher of The Times corner Tenth and nd D Sts Washington Washin n D C CJUSTICE CJUSTIC CJUSTICE JUSTICE BRADLEYS SUCCESSOR SUcCE SOR TTothing lliiI g is is nipre 1I more pr natural Jlta than that thatthe tbatthe thatthe the greatest po possible sible interest inter t should shouldbe shouldbefclt shouldbe be befclt felt both both bothby by the th District bar oar ar and andpeople andpeople andpeople people g generally nerallj in the eventual se selection felection solection ¬ lection to be e made by J the th President President5n Presi ent entin 5n n filling the vacancy on the District Districtbench Districtbench istrict istrictbench bench caused c uscd by the death of the late latelamented lateInmente latelamented lamented < < l Justice Bradley Already Alreadythe AlreadytIle Alreadythe the names of a number of able and andworthy andWorthy andworthy worthy gentlemen have 1ave been men mentioned mentioned mentione41 ¬ tioned as IS actual or prospective pro ectie can candidates candidates candidates ¬ didates Among them are noticed noticedsome noticed noticedsome noticedsome some who are not residents of the theDistrict th thDistrict theDistrict District and who have not been iden identified iilenti itlentified ¬ tified ti ied in any way with its interests interestsIt inter tS tSIt It would seem that this is a most mostpropitious mostprOPitiO mogtpropitious propitious prOPitiO us occasion occaSion for the applica application applicati ¬ tion li n of ofthe the tl principle of home rule ruleThere ruleThere ruleThere 1 There is every eve iy reason r reason as < n why ili the incum Jjent bent of this this important office should shouldbe s1puldbe shouldbe be chosen from among the members membersof of the local bar and nd not from the thelegal thelegal thelegal legal fraternity of some State more moreor moreor moreor or less remote It is true that non nonresidents nonresidents nonresidents ¬ residents have heretofore been chosen chosenby chosenby chosenby by the appointing power for places on onthe onthe onthe the Supreme Bench Dencli of the District Districtbut Districtbut DIstrictbut but it will strike the disinterested ob observer obserTer ohserver ¬ server that this practice is more morehonored morehonored morehonored honored in the breach than in the ob observance 01 01se ohservance > ¬ servance servanceIf servanceIf se nce nceIf If the President were called upon uponto uponto uponto to make an appointment of United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States jidge for some district < o 2 New NewYork NewYork ew ewYork York he would hardly go to Ohio for forhis forhisn forhismnn his hisn hismnn man in Why Vhithensb then thenshould should uld not a aBle aDistrict aBletrict Dis District ¬ trict man be selected to 1 fill 1ll 1l the local localaeancy localvacancy vacancy t I GOVERNMENT bVERNMgNT WORK WORI IN INGOVERNMENT INS INGOVERNMENT 1 GOVERNMENT SHOPS SHOPSV SHOPST S rr V HE clause e1au fn In the ie naval appropriation bill justpassed iust passed by the House of ofj ofRepresentatives ofI j T I Representatives which directs that three otthe new war vessels au aui authorized 1 i thorized by b it are to be built in eay navy avy yards is a step in the rightf righ di direction direCt1on direticn ¬ rection While the policy of giving g ving employment to private shipyards Is IscpmmentlribJe Isco Iscommenihble cpmmentlribJe co commenihble cndrh e In that it fosters the thenative native shipbuilding industry and andla in a meas measure measure measure ¬ ure con I1Pnsatoo nsosatas the owners for the extraordinary expense they had had to incur incurIn incurin Incurin In in senirifcg seCt = f1g a plant for the work workS It is no less important that the immense immenseamooat immenseoun Immensearnemi amooat arnemi oun oimoney spent by the Gevernment Governmpnt In tie the installation of machinery in inits inits InIts its own yards should yield other restifts rest results than thmthc the mere repairing repairingC of vessels aresselsThe vesselsThe ssels sselsThe The contention that vessels constructed co trp t In navy yards cost more orc than thanthese thanthse thanthese these built by contract on account of the higher wages agcs paid by the Govern Governjmeat I meat may perhaps be well founded but on the Other hand the fact that the theGoveianient theGovexnment I Goveianient velnntent is in a position to build its own o 1l ships will protect prot t it against a Inst a ai aPossible atiossible I i Possible > ossible combination on the part of the shipbuilders > s and a resulting extortion extortionof of unreasonable prices There Is also als > the additional advantage that the Gov Goveminent Government Coyernm eminent ernm nt will always have at its disposal a large IargeweI1trained welltrained force force of me meofeaaics meDMDics meohancs ofeaaics in all the various departments of the theshipbuilding shipbuilding art a consideration considerationwhich considerationhie considerationwhich which hie h cannot caIt t be estimated too highly A collateral COllate l benefit arising from fro ni the thenew theew thenew new ew policy > 1i y is the distribution of the money mon y appropriated for the new ships shipsovers ships9yern overs oyer 9yern larger If1r e territory than If 1 they were built exclusively excllisivrfl tI sivly in private yards yardsIMPROVEMENT yardstT yardsJ J tT IMPROVEMENT THAJ THAT WOULD WOULDDEVELOP WOULDIa Ia 0 DEVELOP IMMENSE IiVM NS COAL COAL FIELDS FIELDSBy 4 By Hon J B WHITE WHIT Representative from Kentucky T AM greatly interested Interestedin In the improve improvemeat 1 I meat me4t of the Big Saady River which whichJL whichtrat whichi JL i penetrates trat s the immense coal Coal fields of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Blue Grass State and together togetherwith togGt togetherith er erththe with ith ththe the other members of the lower lowerhouse lowerh lowerhus house h hus u5e of Congress ongress from Kentucky I am ammaking 2mmaking ammaking making every effort to have retained the theSpaate theSmate theSp2nte Spaate amendment to the river and har harDor harbOr barb bOr Dor b r Trill HI appropriating 506996 for the theimprovement theImprovement thelnprovexaent improvement of this river riverI I consider that no section of the country countrywith countrYith countryIth with ith Ith a like expenditure for the improve ¬ r ment of its rivers or harbors would make makethe makeI makethe I the same return of greater development developmentas as It will add greatly to the tonnage of ofceal orceel ofcoal I coal received from the fields of o theOhio theOhioValley the Ohio OhioVaHey OhioValley Valley by establishing a system of locks locksand locksI locksand I and dams on this river riverWe riverWe We have individually and collectively conectl vely as asthe asthe asthe I the representatives from Kentucky every everyassurance everyI everyassurance I assurance that the Senate amendment will willbe wllII wIllbe I be enacted with the original river and aadhafborttli andhathdr lndharbor6hiis hafborttli harbor6hiis hathdr bIll as passed passed by the House of ofRepresentatives orReprcscntatlves ofRepresentatIves Representatives AN ANEXPLA EXPLANATION A TION OF THE THEAPPARITIONS THEAPPARITIONS I APPARITIONS IN WESTMINSTER herself herself and thd d her approach to the glass glassdoor glassdoor glassdoor door naturally suggested the two figures figuresapproaching figuresajproach figuresapproaching approaching ajproach ng each ch other in a somewhat un uncaany uncaDny uncanny canny manner mannerThe mannerThe mannerThe The second seeondghost ghost story was to the effect effectthat effectthat effectthat that Lady Milmans wraith was w s seen en entering entering enteringthe ¬ tering teringthe the room the drawing room while whileLady whileLady whileLaI3r Lady Milman was out Equally remark remarkable remark1ble remarkpble ¬ able Is the explanation of o this fact Lady Milman is a very tall woman and her herdaughters herdaughters herdaughters daughters are equally tall On one occas occasion occasIon ¬ ion a friend entered the house just as she shedrove shedrove shedrove I drove up to the door in a t carriage As Ashe Ashe Asbe he ascended a nded the staircase staIrca leading to the thedrawing thedrawlBg thedrawing drawing room he looked up and saw sawa sawa sawa a very tall woman go quietly three or orfour orfour orfour four steps down the corridor corrido and enter the thedrawing thedrawing thedrawing drawing room Looking from below the thetall thetaU thetall tall figure suggested very ery closely that of ofLady ofLady ofLady Lady Milman who herself entered the thedrawing thedrawing thedrawing drawing room room shortly after the visitor fsitor It is out of these two facts and these two twofacts twofacts twofacts facts alone that the House of Common Commonand CommoDB CommoDBand Commonsand and Indeed the whole country was as aswired asfire assered wired fire that there were ghosts in West Westminster Wost WostM WostROW Westininster ¬ minster M HOW AN M 3L P RETIRES RETIRESThe RETIRESThe RETIRESThe The CirfUems are a l range of chalk emi eminences eminences cmiflumes ¬ nences dividing the counties of Hertford Hertfordand Hertfordand Hertfordand and Bedford and extending to Henley In Informer Informer Informer former days these hills were invested with withrobbers withrobbers withrobbers robbers and the Government was obliged obligedw j to a take steps to suppress these rogues roguesThe roguesThe The task was carried out under an officer officerappointed officerappointed ofllcerappointed I appointed by the crown and known as asthe asthe asthe the Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds HundredsThe HundredsTbe HundreisThe The duties of this office have Ions JOft been beenobsolete bevnobsolete beenobso3ete obsolete but the office omcebas has been kept in infrce inorce InZ frce Z orce and a nominal salary Is attached attachedto to the post It Is a position of con convenience convenience convenIence venience for members memb < rs of Parliament An AnM AnM j M P cannot resipn rssIn his seat so when he heI heWiSD hewlsh I wishes WiSD S to retire he must obtain a pest pestunder pestunder postunder under the crowrt cro crowa a post with a salary Any member accepting a such an office va vacates vacates vaestee ¬ cates hlseeat his eeat and has to be reelected JIhe3r The he M P applies a plles for the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds and receives the appointment without trouble His seat is now vacant and he does not seek re ¬ election and after a few days he resigns his h s appointment That Is the roundabout way way In which an JL oL P retires from Par ¬ liament liamentPearsons liamentPearsonsA Pearsons Weekly WeeklyA WeeklyA A Great Diplomat DiplomatBrooklyn DiplomatBrooklyn DiplomatBrooklyn Brooklyn Eagle EnleLord Lord Pauncefote has hasmat hasne linemet mat ne every ry expectation of his superiors In Ina Ina ina a manner m ner that establishes estahlishes him as the theablest theablest theablest ablest representative ever sent hither by bythe bythe bythe the court of St James and Jn meeting meetingthose mc mctlngthose ing ingthose those expectations he bas retained the theesteem theesteem theesteem esteem of the American authorities with witbwhom withwhom wIthwhom whom he has had to deal His record here herewill herevlll boreivUl will be the criterion criterionlJy by which other otheram otheramibassador am ambassadors antIbasasdorew1lI ¬ ibassador Ibasasdorew1lI bassadors rwfl1 will long be measured SUCCESSTHE HARDEST m RDEST TASKMASTER TASKMASTER1The T ASKMASTER ASKMASTERf f 1 1 1 k I II I The only onlyuccess success that amounts to toanything I < J There is is such a1 a thing as success successthat S1ccessI I anything is is the result of personal personaleffort By ByHoiC that is is burdensome The successful successfulman successfulI successfuleffort effort Success sings a song of hope hopeand HoiC lI DVILLIAM WILLIAM 7 ILEISCHMATT ILEISCHMATTo ILEISCHMATT5Iayor man has to live up to his reputation reputationWhen reputationand reputationand I and tramples us to death while the thestrains o < When Whenthe the taskmaster t skmaster drives d ves him hard hardit hardI 5Iayor r of Cincinnati I strains ring in our ears 70r it is not an easy thing to do UCCESS is the taskmaster all man mankind mankind mankind ¬ SUCCESS S kind longs to serve In the begin beginning beginning beginning ¬ ning our eyes see only a mist in a asunlit asunlit asunlit sunlit distance It It is the glory of ofthe orthe ofthe the sunlight we long for the mist we lit littie tittIe littie tie heed As we draw near the cloud cloudtakes cloudtakes cloudtakes takes shape hape and beckons us with out outstretched outstretched outstretched ¬ stretched hands handsNo handsNo handsNo No matter how close the thorn thickets thicketsnor thIcketsnor thicketsnor nor how huge the boulders to be cast castaside castaside castaside aside the smile irradiating the shape s and andthe nd ndthe ndbe the be enticing beckoning hands draw us on onAt oQ oQAt onAt At last in one final finalsatisfying satisfying moment momentwe momentwe momentwe we hold tho wondrous indefinable shape shapein shapein shapeIn in a close embrace And lo It is not one onenut onebut onebut but many shapes We Vc are not one but butthousands butthousands butthousands thousands For the space of a butterflys butterflysbreath butterflysbreath butterflysbreath breath the shape gazes into our eyes on oneven oneven oneven even terms That is the only joy suc success success saccess ¬ cess ever allows us With lith a strength strengthno no poor human being beln can understand he hetears hctears hetears I tears himself from our detaining hands handsIn handsIn handsIn In a welltraveled road we stand help helpless helpless helpless ¬ less A whiplash cuts the air about us usA usA usA A voice that sets our nerves tingling tinglingshouts tingUngShouts tinglingshouts shouts out Go GoAround GOrCound GoAround Around rCound on every side are the others otherseach otherseach otherseach each with his taskmaster behind him himThen himThen himThen Then begins the race that ends only onlywhen onlyWhen onlywhen when feet of flesh shake off their worn worncut worncut worncut cut earth 3hoes shoesSuccess 3hoesSuccess 3hoesSuccess Success cracks his whip Its lash lashstings lashstings lashstings stings deep into our flesh esh or sings a mer merry merry merry ¬ ry song in our ears as the day is shad shadHINDOO shndHINDOO shadHINDOO HINDOO EDITORS EDITORSIn In ainusine candor and ingenuity of ex excuses excuses excones ¬ cuses the average editor might learn learnsomething learnsomething learnsomething something from his Hindoo brother who whowhen whowhen whowhen when anything goes wrong with the pa paper paper paper ¬ per for which whiehhe he is responsible is s as fer fertile fertile fertile ¬ tile in excuses as asa a Chinaman ChinamanWhen ChInamanWhen ChinamanWhen When the first copy of a new 1i w Hindoo Hindoonewspaper HindoonewsJaper Hindoonewspaper newspaper made its appearance recently recentlyits its subscribers were amazed to see that thatnearly thatnearly thatnearly nearly half of it consisted of empty col colvjnn col1W1no column vjnn 1W1no The following editorial note how however however howevor ¬ ever explained this vagary r We regret regretthat regretthat regretthat that this our maiden number should lack lackcompleteness lackcompleteness lackcompleteness completeness due to miscalculation We Wethought Wethousht Wethought thought we had sufficient material and andconsequently andcomequenUy andconsequently consequently did not trouble to collect collectmore colledmore collectmore more We Ve can assure our Indulgent readr readrers read readers readem ers that this will not occur o uagaion again and andwe andwe andwe we trust the quality of the contents will willmake willmake willmake make up 11 for the lack of quantity quantityAnother QuantltyAnether quantityAnother Another Hindoo editor found It neces necessary necessary necesnary ¬ sary to suspend the publication of his hispaper hisJHlper hispaper paper for a l fortnight without a warning warningWhen warningWhen warningWhen When the paper again made Its appear appearance apJ appearanee > iar iarI ¬ anee it t contained contai led this amusing notice noticeWe noticee noticeWe I We e regret that owing to misunder misunderstanding misunderstanding misunderstanding ¬ standing with a rival editor in which we wefailed weI wefailed I failed to get all the best of the th argu argument argument argumeat ¬ ment It was necessary necessarr for us to retire retireunexpectedly retirunexpectedly retireunexpectedly unexpectedly from the conduct of this pa paper pi piper paper ¬ per for the space sPace of two weeks during duringWhich dtninSwhich duringwhich Which w WA w have hAvehad had opportunity oPPoltcDIt71t pf deVlST deVlSTing devlg devlgIng dev1sing ing certain improvements which whi h we pro propose proose propose pose ose to tl introduce 1I1trodu e into fntolt it The The rival rival edi editor editor cdifor ¬ tor we regret to report is still stillcon stillconftnt con confined conned ¬ fined ftnt ned > d to his home homeWhen bomeWhin borneWhen When the Hindoo editor wishes to rest restfor restfor restfor for a time from his labors be calmly and andconfidently ando andoconfidCIltIy andconfidently confidently announces the fact In these theseor theseor theseor or similar slmllarword5 words HAs As we are beginning beginningto to feel the physical and andmenbl mental effects of ofa ora ofa a years unremitting devotion dev < Uon to the In Interests Interests Interests ¬ terests of our o rrcad readers rs we we feel It due to tothem tothem tothem them that thatweshould we weshould should take the rest which whichour whichour whichour our labors in their behalf demand dema d and anddeserve anddeserve anddeserve deserve and as a natural consequence consequencebeg consequencebeg consequencebeg beg to notify that this paper will cease ceaseto ceaseto ceaseto to appear lor fothe to the spaca sp1C of four weeks weeksA A short time ago an Indian newspaper newspaperappeared newspaperappcared newspaperappeared appeared with two very ery conspicuous c blank blankcolumns blmkeolumIS blankcolumns columns on thefront page The Theedltor editor ex explained explaine cxplained ¬ plained this eccentricity thus We had hadreserved hadreser badreserved reserved reser d this space for an exceptionally exceptionallypowerful exceptlonaltypowerful exceptionallypowerful powerful article on a subject of universal universalinterest universalinterest universalinterest interest to our readers but at attbe the last lastmoment lastDloment lastmoment moment we find that the article cannot cannotbe cannotbe cannotbe be compressed within the two columns columnsreserved columnsreserved columnsreserved reserved for It It will make its appear appearance appearance appearasice ance next week weekLOti Los Angeles Herald HeraldWANTS UerlldWANTS HeraldWANTS WANTS SILENT BANQUETS BANQUETSThe The other morning says the Kansas KansasCity KansasCity KansasCity City Journal Eugene Ware Vare found the thefollowing thefollowing thefollowing following from fr < Jm which dates and names namesare namesare namesare are omitted in his mail mailMy mailly mail31y My ly Dear Ware I note that you have Lavepositively haveFositively havepositively positively refused to say a word for pub publication publication publication ¬ lication or make a speech since your ap appointment appoIntment appointatent ¬ pointment as Pension Commissioner I Ibelieve Ibelieve Ibelieve believe you are the man to rioneer ioneer a agreat ngroot agreat great reform by taking takin the thllead lead in incor cor corganizing or organizing organizing ¬ ganizing a society which might mightbe be called calledthe cal1edthe calledthe the Sphinxes Sphi s Its ItS membership me ib nhip should shouldembrace sbouldembrace shouldembrace embrace all officers ofilcersof of the army my and and navy navyaad navyIW navyaa aa aad IW all appointive app intive officers offiws in the service serviceof servIceof striceof of the Government It should be required requiredon requiredon on the condition of extreme utremc penalties that thatno thatno thatno no member shell make a speech or give givebut giveout givoout but out an Interview Once oI c a year there thereshould thereshould thereshould should be a banquet b nQuet at Washington after afterthe afterthe afterthe the fashion of other her social organisations organisationsAt cgan rganizationsAt tions tionsAt At this tbise banquet lluet every ot guest should l re relaain remain reisain main absolutely absolutely silent sUentha silentbaving having ing no toastsno toasts toastsno toastsno no speeches spcechc2oOO ne conversation on topics t pics of ofa ofl ofa a l public naturerdisturbing the atmos atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere ¬ phere with only 1 > nl1 such sounds s un as the clat clatter clatter dattei ¬ ter of knives knivesm and t forks and a < the gurgle of ofhigh ofhIgh ofhigh high balls THE THEIRISH IRISH IRrS CURATE CUXATEIndeed CU1lA CURATEIndeed E EIndeed Indeed the Irish curate in himself has hasundergone basnd hasundergone undergone nd rgone of late a notable nota lc transorma transfofmatioB transormatlon transormation tioB He is a more cultural < man than his hispredecessors hIspredeceqors hispredecessors predecessors of fifty or ev even n twenty years yearsago yoarsago yearsago ago but then hi his o mental qualities quatiU s and ac acquirement acquirement asquirement ¬ quirement are more on a plane Those ThoseIrregular Th03Cirregular Thoseirregular Irregular sallies of originality those sud sudden Buden sudden ¬ den en strokes of raw wit and talent that thatonce thatonce thatonce once quickened the wit of the clergy are arafar arefar arefar far more rare now than they formerly formerlywere formerlywere formerlywere were Native talent among the clergy clergydees clergydoes clergydoes does not seem to have grown with the thegrowth thegrowth thegrowth growth of literary culture cuiiure says a writer writerIn writerIn writerlxi In flD Dflnahues nahucs Magazrae There are aremany arenthny arerunny many writers of f high order among the theIrish theIrish theIrish Irish clergy of if today but fewer licensed licensedlevelers ticenslldlevelers licensedlevelers levelers in the field of politics p liU s and pole polemics polemics polemica ¬ mics The Irish curate has taken to learn learned lcarnessays learned ed essays and refined eclectics He is an anexpert anexpert anexpert expert and a dilettante diletta te in the matter of ofcriticism orcriticism ofcrIticism criticism Biblical and liturgical His is isa is isa isa a wellknown name In highclass maga magazines magane magasines ¬ zines ne For be is I no longer an enthusiast enthusiasta enthusiasta a a a humorist or what used u to be h called c1ed In Incollege Incolegc Incollege college colegc cant a genius geniu Neither Nfither Is he hewhat hewhat hewhat what students student of yore yor used ued to dub a cer certain certain ocrthin ¬ tain loudmouthed and ad lazy la class of their theircollegemates theircolegtes theircollegernntes collegemates colegtes a general gener man man Nor In Indeed ineed Indeed ¬ deed eed docs dot he covet clet that t at doubtful doubtul oomph compliment cmpU cmpUment oomphmont ¬ ment He adopts ad Pt specialties spela tes and he ex excels excels cxcole ¬ cels In them In air aItbisheis allthlshe this he is swise wise and andsuits andsit andsuits suits sit himself himsel to his times tme The Tedays days of ofthe ofte ofthe the te theological tbeologiclbludgeon bludgeon and of the theo theological theo10gic11pler theological ¬ logical 10gic11pler rapier KkewTse lJeIs 1lkenIsir 2re Vr VFr1i vera5d done donewith donewit donewith with wit < owed or oro fain fa There Tere is no stopping no notaming nobrning notaming taming brning back bck Therein Tcrc nles lies the horror of ofit ofit ofit it it Each Eacec Eachpersca person has his place plce That Thatplace Tt Ttplace Thatplace place he must keep A moments turning turningaside turningside turningaside aside side a a pause pause to rest rest beneath b eath the te clus clustering clustering clustering ¬ tering masses msse of ogeen ofgrcen l green that line lne the high highway hl hltbway h hway ¬ way or a Jaunt jaut Jauntacross Icrss across the tb < open to t pluck pluckthe plu pluckthe k ktbe the blooms Divinity DVIiY50t sots down and ad the thaplace theplace theplace place us is goue g g6u the t oters otters have hae outstripped outstrippedus outtipped outtippedus usOn On the te Western plains over thr th end endless endless endless ¬ less levels lees Into the the graybrown g brow distances distancesday distance distantasday day ay after dny d y a a band niorctte of ofcattle cattle grazes gzesUs gzesUslcis its itsleisurely itsleisurely leisurely lcis roly way w y Sunlight unIght unhlght starlight starlght moon moonlight moontght moonlight ¬ light tght it mattera materlt matters1ltte Iittie io the lazy laz bovines bovinesso so long as aste the 5unch bunM uad1i grass gss Is sweet and andthe andthesprini andthespring the thesprini spring alill UI flowing flowl O lg g Under the stars starsthey s4rs s4rsthey starsthey they He le at ease hewing away on their theirrespective theirrespective theirrespective respective cudsrflulet uds ulet savo now and an then thenan thenan thenan an occasional moo m o1 as s some careful creul cow cowmother cowmother cowmother mother finds fnds the others crowding her off offspring offspring f ¬ spring too closely or a longhorned longhoed steer steerrises steerrise steerrises rises rise and bawls bawllh with sheer heer happiness happinessInto happinessInto happinessInto Into the peace Iece peaceof of the the he herd asleep steals stealsthe stealsthe stealsthe the sense sen of f a danger anger coming coming Through Throughthe Throughth Throughthe the th prairies black vatness vastness leaps Icapsa a line lineof tne tneof lineof of flame fame The bunch bynchgss grass which but an anhour anhour anliour hour ago was food 1 odr is now the hand of ofDeath orDeath ofDeath Death Death With bellows belows and dusty pawings pawingsand pavlng pawingsand and hoarse hoarse hoarse halfhuman htlhuman screeches sceeces tho thocattle thocatte thecattle cattle catte leap to their t1eIr feet and an run rn mad maddened maildenetawy maddened ¬ dened denetawy away from om the swiftly s UUy approaching approachingfire approachinsfre approachingfire fire fre line lineEach lineEach lre lreEch Each Ech one onthas has his his lace place That Tat place he must keep The Tle flames fame drive drve him oiu oiuThere OI on onThere There Is no stopping sopping no turning turnin back backOne bac backOne One ialls fals in in front frnt and the th others othor tram tramrple tm tmPIe tramDie PIe him to nothing as they rush rsh on onWhen onWhen onThen When the flames fame creep cree > around around1Im him they theyburn thsy thsyburn theyburn burn only onJ a shapeless mass mas of o something somethingwhich somethIngwhich somethingwhich which once had been life lifeThis lfe lfeThi lifeThis This Thi too is success succcssa successa a mad stampede stampedeof stmpedc stmpedcof of all alumaniy humanity fleeing feeini from thoy know knownot knownot knownot not what what toward a something sometng no man un tinderstands j jderstanda iderstands derstands derstandaSuccess derstandsSucces derstandsSuccess Success Succes Is not ot only a taskmaster skaster after afterthat afterthat ftr ftrthat that first frst supreme gupez pteeJoyorattlnmenl ejoyorattaInment joy or attainment Jt is isa Isa Isa a master mater complete cruel crel driving drivngurg drivngurging urg urging urglag ¬ ing ccaxing cajoling cajolng but never for one onemoment onemoment onemoment moment stopping stoppingThe stoppingThe 0 The The only oly success Scces which amounts munt to toanything t tanyhlng toanything anything anyhlng iff IS that that which which Is is the result reul of ofpersonal ofpernal ofpersonal personal pernal effort efort Success sings sing a song ODg of ofhope ofhoper ofhoper hoper hope and tramples tramplesus us to death detth while whie the thestrains thestrains thestrains strains ring in our ears ear Success Succes which whichflings whichfngs whichflings flings fngs a bag bg of yellow yelow metal mei1 into our ourarms or orars ourarms arms ars Is not the best sort sr1 In arace arce gold goldis goldis goldisa is isa a dead dcd weight wight weightto to carry carryThere carryTere carryThere There Tere Is such a n thing as aga a success su ce that thatis tht thtis thatis is burdensome The Te successful sucesful man mn has hasto hl busto to live up to his reputation reputatonWhen When the thetaskmaster thetaskasterdrves thetaskmaster taskmaster taskasterdrves drives him hard hrd it is not an aneasy aneasy aneasy easy thing to do doIt doI doIt It I is 15 the desire of all al men to walk alk hand handin handin bandIn in hand with success succes They Tcynec never boast boastof boaGtof boastor of what they have done when the te reallza reallzation r9l roalization tion comes that tht they are not their own owninasters owniuasters I Iasters inasters asters Success Succe s first frst beckons and then thendrives thendrives I Idr drives dr side e It It never walks walk calmly by our ourside ourside i iI I I THE THE TYRANNY OF THINGS THINGSHE THIN S ST C C > 5HE HE H Tyranny yranyof of Things hJDg is it 1 the title tt of < an article by Mar Margaret et Deland Detd In Ini Inone I T i one of the te current magazines magaine and in Int it arc some most sensible and andhelpful andhelpful andhelpful helpful ideas idea which It Is to be hoped that American Amercn womankind wmankind will willadopt wIlladOpt adopt adoptSe She takes tk s as a a a test t teitthe t the severe severem materialistic n tera1stc terahistic morality moralty of Miss MissEdgewprth MissEdgck iss issE I Edgewprth E Edgck geworth rth which w1Ich took ro no account of f mere ner < esthetic cthetc desires as a compared with witnreally withr withreally really r aUy useful work wrk and aId she suggests sggt that th t in In our ourrebo rebound nd toward estheticlsm cthclcism we wehave wehave wehae have gone too far fr in the other direction direcUonnd and that t tJhe the Edgeworth Ed WOrh parlor paror with withits withit withits its it strict subordination subordinaton of ornament orment to use e may after ter all al be more beautiful beautifulthan butul butulthan beautifulthan than the modern moder parlor with ih its is multitudinous multudinou ornaments oramet which whch are not not orna ornamental or ornameataL ¬ mental meta1 meataLThis t tThis This Tlsi is a agood good suggestion Bge t on and In the chaotic cotc present pr sent state stle of American Americantastelt ADercn ADercntastef Americantaste tastelt taste It offers ofers ouiersa a a simple and acceptable standard ndard > Nobody can go far wrong in inmatters inmater inmatters matters mater tktte of taste whe considers considers use first frst and ad beauty bCuty afterward areran Somehow SomeoW or orother orother orother other tSertbirig i thlrgwich which Is perfectly peecty adapted aap d to the the use to t which it iti itis is to be put putis put putis is apt ttf beplcturesque pict ure Squ e if not pretty pre tty and an dtha that t Is WhYOldfShiOnedtu why oldfashioned furniture furniturewhich furniturewhich rnltre rnltrewhich j which T7S5 constructed c nstrcte with wIt a view vIeW to t Its It convenience tnvnisnce Is j often ofen so much prettier prettierthan pretter pretterthan prettierthan than themMern th Mo articles atces in I whose making maing comfort was left ler auU Du1 The Te lines of ofperfect o ofperfect perfect jerec convenience cvenlence and those of perfect taste tte are very apt to t coincide cincide The Thething Te TethIg Thething thing thIg which wJi has no noreon reason for for being bing where here it is generally floes de nottook not look welL w rL A AmllkSngstooi Amikfngsfoo AiiiilkIngtooi mllkSngstooi mikfngsfoo is i picturesque pictureque in a a cowstable cowstble where It belongs belong but not rotI In a aparlor a apalor aparlor parlor palor JTh6re JTuire Tbdre is a certain beauty in i a gridiron in perfect perect condition conditon and ndready ndreadyI ready readyfor readyfor for fo use as iJ it It f hangs ban g by the t stove tove but when n hen It is is gilded gnde tied ted with with blue ribbons ribbonsand ribbon ribbonand ribbonsand I and used use for fOJ a paperrack pprxc paper rack it Is neither neiter p prety ilretty retty nor nO1cl no useful The troubled toubled Ameri American ksiertcan er ¬ can c boufgeqise bourg81e bourgeolse will wl be wisest wJtl if she shonake makes her hcrlbIDgrom Hying rooms thoroughly thorught com comfortable cornfortabiertvltbout I Ifortabl 1 fortable fortabiertvltbout without ihout thinking thinklg much 1uch about ab 1t style They Te will wi thenhave then have a charm car of oftheir ofI I l I their ownwhereas owwheras own wiiereas a a bad bd imitation imItton Is 1 not charming c1rmirg from any point of view Tew 1 1d 0 d j li Jte 5fc fiJ f fGoimort I Goimort jKr by y the le A Almanac AlmanacThe imiac imiacThe m mTJ1 The TJ1 present presentarm presenirwarm ivarm wave wve is likfiy likfiyto m libyto p1y p1yto to bring happiness happines to a gOod g o many manyhundreda man manh snanyhundreds hundreds h n eds of shivering flatdwellers flatdwellersin flat lwellers lwellersin hiverng fatwelers fatwelersin in New York York Chicago and other otherNorthern otherNorther otherNorthern Norther Northern cities cties where the te jo jm jmtor 3aix 3aixtOre id idtors tOre tor let the fre fires go g out on May ay 1 1regardless 1rCgrdle Iregardleds regardless rCgrdle 5 of f the state stte of the theweather the thewether theweather weather wether The Te cool spring sprng days dayswhich dayswhich dayswhich which have have been ouen so great reat ret 3 a delight delightto delght to Washington Vnhingbn have been ueen full iul of ofchills ofchispneuonin ofchills chills chispneuonin pneumonia and catarrh catrh for forthese fortese forthese these tese unfortunate beings beingsThat being beingsThat That Tat is is one on of the prices prces which whichmust whichmust must mut be bepaid paid for the privilege prYlege of ofdwelling ofdwelling I I dwelling dweUng in an mi apartment house houseand hous housand houseand and evading em ing the cares cres of a a separ separate separate ¬ ate atemanIonln mansion In ones own 0 house houseone hou houone houzione one can cnregulnte regulate the stoves the thefireplace th thfreplace thefireplaee fireplace freplace or the furnace furace by the tle de demands de dema domands ¬ mands ma s of o comfort eoIfortand and the capacity capacityof apaeityof of the individual indivdual pocketbook If Ifthere I Ifthere there is isstn Isstihl still frost rost in the air ai on the theiirst theirst thefirst first irst of Mayit Ma it is perfectly perfecty possible possibleto pssible pssiblet to t buy bu avlittle 3ltte more coal and keep keepthe litcp litcpthe keeptile the fires fres running or indulge in a aslight aslght aslight slight slght blaze bi blazin Ze in the he fireplace freplace night niglrtand niglt nightand and morning moring or adopt dopt the cape expedient cpe cpedicnt capedient ¬ I dient of the gas stove stove But the theflatdweller tl1CI theIfiatdweIldr I IfiatdweIldr flatdweller is i g at aFthe tthe the mercy merc of the thejanitor theI thejanitornd fatdwcllr I janitor janio janitornd and nd t the landlord and andthough andthoughle andthoughle though thoughle thoughle fie be Q halt balf frozen froen on the thesecond te tesecond thesecond second second of of May rr his 11Lssteumpipes steampipes re remain rC remain ¬ main mai cold and andunrcponshc andunresponsive unresponsive It I is isthe isthe isthe the saine sa same e way in early autumn autumnSeptember autumnSeptmbr autumnSeptember September Septmbr 15 15may may be befrosty frosty and andOctober andOctober andOctober October 1 a us as warm war as aa a summer summerday summerd summerday day d y tut out the th tbttlfirOS fires frc are rc kindled kindled on onthe ontu ontli the tu tli first iirstof i t of October Octob r not notbeorc before or ornft orf orftrarid nft f ftrarid nand in d they they arV areot atinot not allowed al owed to togo togo togo go out o t until unti untilMiiy May lT 1 though it is issometimes issometm issometimes sometimes sometm s jnatter mater ttt i1 for conjecture conjecturewhere conje conjecturewhqre urc urch where h ren1 aliUhc alltbc t cheat heat goes goesPerhaps goe goe goePerhaps Perhaps r some day we shall sh l solve solvethe solethe solvethe rJ p the profJlem prome of individual comfort comfortin comfor in collective coi 4ive housekeeping 11usejccping It I is isthe isthe isthe the great great reat problem of modern moder civ civilization cv cvmzon civllizatIon1There ¬ ilization mzon llizatIon1There There ere are many things thingsin Utingin in wliiclTicV6peration wltici4d liicr < perton peration will wi lessen lesseni lesseneense lesseneapcnse i x expense eense aiKliherease nii U2flcr ineicasc ase comfort comfor cot fort but butAye bute butwe Aye e cannofi can an b sacrifice cifhc our individ individuality inli inliinItyfo intlividtialityforaqndst inItyfo tialityforaqndst uality f ortamess esofpottagc of ofpottage pottage When Whena a way ihajjbecn ias lall been en discovered discOcrcd byi byiMAY b bwl by bywhich wl which ch t a hav have both t1c tle pot pottuge I tge tuge and 1 lndiv iridividua1ity idualty the mi muS muSI muSlennium lennium I have COme comei comeMAY J t I i MAY Y MR3IAGE IIRGE SUPERSTITIONS SUPERSTITIONSIs SUPERSTITINS SUPERSTITINSim im Is the superstition suprtton sUtion as to May ray mar marriages marriages marriages ¬ riages responsible resonslbl for < or the meeting meetng of the theannual tbeannual theannual annual parliaments parliments of the religious relgious world worldIn worl worldin In this ti month Certainly at this tis season seasonthe season seasonthe seasonthe the clergy clerg are so s so free from matrimonial matrimonialengagements mtrimonial mtrimonialenggei matrimonialengagements engagements enggei nt that n they theyc can m arrange for a aweek nweek aweek week in town tw on onlhe the strength strengh of the fees feesfor fee feesfor for the many marriages marriage they are called calledupon caled caledupon calledupon upon to perform in April Apri Whatever Wntever the theorigin theorigl theorigin origin origl the popular opular aversion to being mar married married marrind ¬ ried In May Is pronounced and the more moreremarkable morcremarkable moreremarkable remarkable since this 0 Is 1 tho merry merrymonth merrymo merrymonth month mo th and the lovers month In the theRoman theRoma theRoman Roman Roma Catholic Church the thcbeIer belief is con connected connected connected ¬ nected with wih the worship of the Virgin Virginto to whom May Is sacred scred Ever since the themarriage te temarrage themarriage marriage marrage of Mary Queen of Scots Scot to Both Bothwell BothweIL Bothwell well weIL on May 15 1 1567 the month mont has been beenregarded ben benregarded beenregarded regarded matrimonially matimonialy unlucky unluck In Scot Scotland Scotlan Scotland ¬ land lan But the superstition spersttion is prehistoric prehistoricfor prehIstorIcforpganRQme for forpganRQme pagan Rome cherished the same preju prejudice prejudice prejudice ¬ dice Chronicle Chronicle against againt May My marriages marragcsLndon marragcsLndonChronicle znarrlagesLondon znarrlagesLondonChronicle London LondonChronicle J 1UILIER 1UILIERQF BUERSOF o QF THeA1E THeA1EAtrte TH3ATE TH3ATEAVtlieani AVtlieani Air Atrte the annual anull hl meeting eUng of o the Society Societyof SocIetyoLCqlonia SocietyOtGolonlal of oLCqlonia OtGolonlal GoIonlal Wars of New Jersey ersey Richard RichardWatson Richrd RichrdWatson RichardWatson Watson Gilder Gider read the te following COlowing original originalpoem originalpoem poem poemWho poemWho Who Wo poemWo builds buids the State Not he whose whosepower whoe whoeower whosepower power powerHooted powerBooted ower owerI I Hooted Rote In wrong xongin in gold go intrenched intrenchedMakes fatrenched3lakes nt enche Makes him the t c regent of the hour hourThe hOurThe bourThe The eternal light lght can cn Jot ot be quenched quenchedThis quenchedThis > JThissbn This Thissbn shall outlive his little lte span spanShine spanin spanShine Shine in fierce ferc upon each cch tainted scheme schemeShall see seeSl schemeShall Shall Sl show where shame shae blots all al the theplan te tevian theplan plan planThe vian vianTe planThe The Te treachery trechery in the dazzling dalng dream dreamHe dreamHe dreamHo He builds buids the State who builds buid on ii truth truthNot triithiNot Not bewho crushing crshing toward twar his aim aimStrikes ai aimStrikes I Strikes Stres conscience conscence from m the throne thronennd thronenndrth and andruth andruth ruth ruthTo ruthTo rth To win a dark unpkeous unpieu fame fameNot fme fmeNot fameNot i i Not Not he though master among men menEmpire menEmpfr menEmpIre Empire and ages ge all his hi thought thoughtThough thoughtThough 1 Though Tough like 1k an lnegle eagle be his ken kenDown kenDown I Down to the te ground gun d shall shal all be brought broughtFor broughLo broughtFor o f fI For this I hold and shall sbaI for aye ayeTill ay ayTi ayeTill I Till Ti Heaven sends death deththt deaththat that they who whoS01 whoI whosoI S01 S01Hate 50 50I soIHate I Hate Hateand and the theblood blood of O brothers brother they theyShall the theyShall I Shall Sh U harvest harvet hate and ad want and woe woeThe woeThe woeThe The curse of Earths Eths dread drad agonies ageniesWhereto agnie agoniesWhereto Whereto they added in their hour hourAnd hDurAd hourAnd And Ad all al the unheeded unheeed tears and cries criesThey crie criesThey They caused cued in lust lut of lawless lawle lawlearpow power powerHe p er erHe r rHe i He builds bUids buuIdstbState thj State tatc who to tothat that task taskBrings tk tkBring taskBrings Brings Bring strong clean cJen hands blnds and purpose purposepure Furpoe Furpoepure purposepure pure pureWho pureWho 1 Who wears wer not ot virtue vIrue as a mask maskHe mak makHe maskHa He He builds bul s the State State that shall shI endure endureThe endur endurI endureI endurewherein I The Te Stale Sttl wherein each loyal son sonHolds sonolds sonholds I Holds olds as a birthright from true tre sires siresTreasures siresTreascres siresTreasures Treasures of othonor honor nobly won wonAnd wonAnd wonAnd And freedoms neverdying fires firesTHE firesTH firesTHE THE TH ENGLISH EIGLSH CLIMATE CLIMATEOf CLITE CLITEOf Of all al known nown climates clmates the English Eng1sh Is Issays issays issays says John ohn Corbin In the thl Atlantic tnntc at atonce atonce atonce once the worst and the best From ro years yearsend yers yersend yearsendS end to years end the whole island Islad and andthe andthe andthe the heavens heavensaboye above are steeped steepeJn steepedin in the thesof thesoft thesoftdamp soft softdamp damp of the four surrounding srouding seas sea A Along Along Along long and drenching rain Is almost un unknown 1n 1nkor unknown ¬ known kor if i a man can cn forego the vanity vanityof vanit vanityof of being quite dry and is uot above an anoccasional anoccasional anoccasional occasional retreat into a cab cb an umbrella umbrellaor umbrela or a rain coat is scarcely scrcely necessary necosary Yet Yethe Yettbe Yetthe j the he sky is never crystalclear as a it so sooften s sofe sooften often ofe is with wih us lS the sun seldom dazzles dazzlesthe dazzlesthe dazzlesthe the stars never flicker feker and blaze blaze Month Monthin lIonth lIonthin Monthin in and month out the landscape landscpe is blurred blurre blurredIa i iIn In allpervading alperading dampthin damptbir almost im imperceptible Imperceptbl Imperceptible ¬ perceptible perceptbl in summer yet ye changing c the theverdure theverdure i iverdure verdure to an olive olve green azure and ad opal opalescent opl oplscent opelCacent ¬ scent in spring purple in autumn autumn golden goldengray goldengray goldengray gray or lurid dun color in winter And Andfrost Andfrost Andfrost frost and snow lire as n rare as the heat het of ofpure ofpure ofpure pure sunlight sunlght The be defects eects of this climate climatedrive clmate climateare arc are at one wih with the virtues In that tey teydrve they theydrive drive drve men into the te open indeed It I would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot not be easy eay to o say what vhatare are defects defect and andwhat andwhat andwhat what virtues The To temperance of the sum summer summer summer ¬ mer heat maKes out ut of doors oors a paradise paradiseIn parade paradeI paradiseWIn WIn In I the wiater witcr one is chilled chied to the bone bonein bonein bonein in English Enih houses husesnot not only American Americn rca residents re rcaIdents ¬ idents but the natives natves themselves themselve if they theystay the theystay stay long Indoors Idoor The coal consumed consumedseems consumedseems I cnme seems seem enough to beat the entire enUr Island Islandto IsJa IsJato islandto to Incandescence Incandeene yst et such is the efficiency efficiencyof emcency emcencyor of the open fireplace freplnce of the country count that thatthe tht thttbe thatthe the man who crouches ouohes before befor it goes blue bluein bluein bluein in the lips lps and white whie to the roots root of his hisnose hisnoe hisnose nose noe while whu the tbeprUcles particles of halfconsumed ofhalfconsumedcarbon halfconsumedcarbon carbon crbn gather gthermIDute minute globules of mist mistabove mistabve mistabove above abve the chimneys shroud the city cit In a ablack ablack ablack black natural fog f gndtbo gnnd and the citizens c1lzensln Ina fog fogof fogof fogof of the spirit spirt I SANITATION 8 NIrATION IN MARTINIQUE I V IT some quarters a n discussion discuion Las LasI Easaris linsI IN I I arisen aris as to ihf h sanitary sanitry phase phac of ofthe ofthe 1 the Martinique ft que disaster Methods Methodsof Metlods Metlodsof of preventing prevetngcontagon contagion because beuse of ofI ofthe ofthe I the great number of unburied dead deadare deadI deadare get ofunburcd I are considered consdered So far fara as indicated indicatedthe indicatedthe indicatedthe the students sudent who have taken into intoconsideration intoconder intoconsideration consideration conder tion the matter m ter seem s em to be believe beliee beiieve ¬ lieve that thrt only onl through thrugb the inocula inoculation inoculatonof inoculatiorrof ¬ tion tonof tiorrof of the living in the distressedisl distressedislanc diredsI diredsIi distressedisihntl i hntl anc < can cn disease tseebe liSCZi5ebe Vbe transmitted to toother toother toother other portions portons of the Western Weter Hem Hemisphere HemiShe 11cmisphere isphere isphereIt iShe e eIt It I suggests st ct itself itef as a reasonable reasonablehowever resonable resonablehwever reasonablehowever however hwever that contagion moy maybe be carri carriricd care carenod nod rcd from one OJC locality 10 lt to another anUlr by byair byalr byair air currents cnrenLc and nnl that It might be be wise wiseto wiseto wiseto to take tke more mor tringent trng nt precautions precautionsagainst precaution precautionnginst preenutionaagainst against nginst the transmission trsrssi n of cofitaroi cofitaroinating coltml coltml7afing cotitamirinting 7afing nating germs as a aawe1l wel well as to o furnish fursh IS 1 THERE THERBA EE A TYPICAL AMERICAN AMERICAN 6IRL 6IRLByREGIRALD IRL IRLBy r rSyRGIADBBC J ByREGIRALD SyRGIADBBC By REGrNAID B BIRCH of New York York 0 TseemstOma Temsot T seems to me C that t the e typical tyIcal Ameri American AmerIg AmenI I I can girl g Is nottrexistent non nobexistentthat exlstenttht that is tosy to tosay toI I say sy in an enormous enorous country cunt like likeoars lke lkeOUn likeours oars with a population so varied variedpersistently variedpersistently OUn ih jopulatfo re repersistnty persistently persistnty added ded to by almost alrostever alrosteverciv1zed every everycivilized everycivilized civilized civ1zed people pnder under the sun many manyyears mny mnyyears manyyears years must Iust elapse elpse before the development developmentof aevelopmentoCa of oCa a distinct distnct racial type tye such as a is un unmistakably 1n 1nmltbJyhow unmiInlcablyxhoan ¬ mistakably mltbJyhow miInlcablyxhoan shown in In the te English Egish French FrenchGerman Fech PreachGerman German Gern Italian It1 n and ad other nations nationsEven natons natonsEven nationsEven Even yhere herethe the earlier earler American Amecn types typesare tyes tyesnre typesarc are least let affected atecte by b the the admixture admiue of offoreign otforeign offoreigia foreign blood bloo they the still sti are re different The Thejgirl Theil Thegirl girl il of the the East Et is quite quie distinctive distinctve from fromher fromber 1 1ber ber Western sister it while whi the Southern Southerngirl s Southerngirl e uth ern erngr girl gr differs difers again ain from the Northerner Northernerand Norheer Norheerd Northernerand and d comparisons comparion could be carried cred still stillfurther sUI stillfurther further were we to include Include other sections sectionssuch seton setonsuch sectionssuch such as a the Middle Mi Mid hIe le West WeaL 4 etc etci ctc ctcIt etcft i It is i naturally 1turaly flattering fteIng to pur ou our vanity vanityi vanitywhen niy niywhen i when In the drawings dawin of Mr Gibson Gibsn we wennd welnd wefind find lnd a tall tl willowy wjQW creature cetue pi f goddess goddesslike godes goddesslIke like I k proportions proporton and queenly queely carriage carriagewhom crige crigewhom carriagewhom whom we confidently confidenty point out to the be benighted benighted benighted ¬ nighted foreigner foreiger as as the theflTypicl Typical Ameri American Amer Amen Amencait ¬ can c Girl Grl GlrlI I fear r at t the th expense e e of the thetruth thetth thetruth truth truthHad tth truthHad Had Hadal all of us u Mr Gbsons Gibsons genius genIu we wemight wemght wemight might mght see e the American Aedca girL gr as she ap appears appea nppears ¬ pears pea to his eyes ec and this Us no doubt doubtwould doubtould doubtwould would ould be a boon to t his bgsUny small army of ofimitators orimittors ofimitators imitators imittors But ut evea evenadmUtig evanndni1tting admitting the te ex existence e cxistence ¬ istence of such a girl gir the te fact that tt she is istabulated istabulated istabulated tabulated the uoiet society girl gir at once makes makesher maks maksher makesher her typical yiclf of only ol ouhya a very vryUmit limited portion portionof porton I i iof of the womankind wO n of C this tIs country cqtt J relief e1e to o the ihcsrhor survivors of oftne the popula population popp1a4ion population ¬ tion ion w1ch which has been ben practically prcticly de destroyed de dostroycd ¬ stroyed stoyed by the outburst outbust of volcanic volcanicPelee volcnc volcncTece volcanicPelee Tece Tecelithe Pelee PeleeIf PeleeIf If lithe the truth trth were lov known it is i prob probable rro rroable probable ¬ able that tat many of the epidemics epidemicswhich epi epit1emicwhich emic which whicl have swept various portions of ofthe ofthe ofthe the globe were caused cused by decaying decayingflesh decng decngfesh decayingflesh flesh fesh and ad putrid putrd matter mttcr in districts districtsquite distrct districtsquite quite quIt remote Perhaps Perfp on Omny many cues occasions occ cuesesons ¬ sions when outbreaks outbreak of disease dfcae seem seemed se seed seemed ¬ ed to be wholly wholy mysterious myterous they theycould theycomd theycould could have been traced tced to such dis distant distant dietant ¬ tant origin otgn The Tenir air currents curent that thatsweep tlmt thatsweep sweep seep across lcqthe aerosathe the globe glob ar hre r only fairly fairlyunderstood fairy fairyundertood fairlyunderstoode undertood understood What Wat they the may carry cr inthe in inthe inthe the shape of germs nns of of disease di will willbear wl willbear bear scientific scientifc investigation invetigton and a d such suchinquiries sc suchinquiries inquiries inquirie might prove of inestimable inestimablevalue ictInble ictInblevalue thestiniablevalue value to mankind I believe beltee that tt before borctb the tb wa 1 war > rlJeev there was wasa wasa a distinctly distncty American type typeo of girl gIfla a fra fragile tr trgIe rn rngile ¬ gile gIe dainty woman woan with wih extraordinarily extraordinarilytiny ex1 extraorilinanllytiny oidinarlY oidinarlYtIIY tiny tIIY hands han and nd feet fet feetand and and an a Intense Intenec re repugnance rt rtPugance repugnance ¬ pugnance Pugance to t any a kInd 1td of o physical hsicl exer exertion exerton exertion ¬ tion ton In fact fact It J has been my myprfyiege in privilege to tomeet tomeet meet m t some of these thee dear ladies ladJ in their theirold theirold old age still sti delicately delctely beautiful beautKI with withthe withthe withthe the same se enchantingly enctnlysal small hands hnds and andfeet andfeet andfeet feet and ad a most lively and scornful con contempt Ion IonmIt contempt ¬ tempt mIt for the th athletic teUc Jlrclvtles proclivities of the thegirl thegirl thegirl girl of today todayI toay I think thik one of the things fng things that makes make 0 us usassume 1 usussume assume IC the t American Aeci girl gt as as type fct to tohave tohave have hve already a1rdyarlvefs arrived arrivetIis Is the fact lhtse that she sheis sheis is generally geneI1 so s easily ei picked picke out from Cromay Cromaycodecauy any anycrowd anycrowdezpeclally crowd codecauy crowdezpeclally especially abroad But Bat this th to tomymind t touuymind mymind 1rmind is I not so somuch much due lo ton any ay y char characteristics c charactenistics ¬ acteristics acteritc of form or features eture as It f Is s to toher t toherexquisite her hecquiit herexquisite exquisite taste tte In dress dres and ad the way way in lawhich inwhIch InwhIch which she wears wes it itA itA ItA A Frenchman Fenchn once sad sd to me One Oeof Oeofth of ofthe ofthe the th most most refreshing refreshng things tng about your yourwoman yourwoman yourwoinaa woman Is that tht she absolutely ab lufly refuses reneto to towear towear wear we anything ayhng unbecoming unbeoming to her even eventhough ee eventhough though touS it may be b the height heigt of fashion fashionand fhlonr fhlonrand fashionand and consequently conseuenty she has b an an individuality individualitywhich idlviduaUy idlviduaUywhich Individualitywhich which is charming charmingTo chrmig chrmigTo To my idea ide notwithstanding notwihtding the te rapid rapidity rapIdity rapidity ¬ ity with wih which we do most things we wemust W Wtft wemust must tft wait for some years yers to come cm until untilall unti untilall all al the various viou and complete elements element of ofour ofQur ofour our heterogenous heterogeus population popu1aton have settled settleddown stted stteddon setueddoWn down and ad then then and only then shall shal we wedevelop wedevelop develop a racial type tye the finest n t the tl world worldlias worl worldhas has 2 ever seen embodying cboyiIg as a It I must mut all allthat aIlthat U Uthat that is best bet of every racer r racemorally morally men mentally mently mentally ¬ tally tly and nd physically pbYicIy A MONUMENT TO LA SALLE EER FEER two to centuries el iurics 70 and ad more mre the thename te thename AETER A name ate aha a nhdfamiit afam fame of f Cavalier Cva1er de La LaSalle LaSalI Salle Slc SalI Is i to t ie be be honored Jonor by b the theerection te teerection theerection erection of a monument mOlment bearing a asuitable asuitable suitable suitble tablet tblet on the t site sie wher where in May May1i9 la lal 1679 l he built buit tho first t boat bt known kow to t have havesailed hve hveslte havesaIId sailed slte the great gat upper upp lakes llkC > This T 0 0nl Beat Beatwas bot botwas boatwas was named the th Griffon GriffonIt Grfon Griffonit It was on nl NoyemborVlS Sovembor r lbg 13 1678 ig that La LaMdtte LaMotto I Motto M i te Henpepin n t I and n d C fourteen Iou cc others othersstarted 0 otheustarted t e started strted from Fort Frcntenac Frcntenc in a 16ton 16tonbrigatine 1fton 1ftonbrtgatne 10tonbrigathie brigatine brtgatne for Niagara Niagra and on December JDember DeCemberI 1 6 I they rcnde rounded the point pit now known Iown as asFort asFor asFort Fort For Niagara Iagra and t their eir craft crept cept into intothe Intothe intOthe the mouth mout of of the N Niagara r river They Theyanchored Tey Teyachored Theyanchored anchored achored there theca therens as tlw th Treorde > recorded it it in inthe i inthe the te beautiful beutful River Niagra Niagara which hich no nobark nQbk nobark bark bk had ever eTeryet yet entered nt rc On n December Decete 11 1 111378 157S 11 Hennepin said gat the te first ft mass mcn mcnthi masscn masscnthis en enthis this thi point pInt poinot of oJ land lao 2 anc1jthis and itjhas jt gone down downin downin downin in history histo as a being beIng the first firt mass ms ever eversaifi eversid eversaid said sid in inthi this territory t 1itorL la Salle had left leftFort lertFor leftFort Fort For Frontenac Fronta some some time tme after La LaMbttes LaMcttes I Ioretes Mbttes oretes departure dcparu < intending 1nttndlng to o go to the thesite thesUe thesite site of the fort ort he heprt prelected ecte at the mouth mouthof mouthot mouthof of ot the th Niagara Nlagra However he narrowly narrowlyescaped Darrwly Darrwlyescpd narrowlyescaped escaped escpd being bin shipwrecked shpwecld and landed laded at atthe it itthe atthe the mouth of the Gcoesee G < Gesee River He Hevisited Hevilete Hevisited visited vilete the chief Seneca Sneca village viag met the thechiefs thechl thechiefs chiefs chl f and a obtained obtine t1e their consent tth tthbiding to the thebuilding thebuilding building biding of a vessel vesel above bve the Niagara Niagaracataract 1iaga Niagaracataract cataract catrac and the eblshing establishing of a forti fortified fort fortifled ¬ fled fe warehouse wrehoue at the te jnputh mout of the theriver theriver theriver river riverHe riverHe riverHe He immediately Imediately set to t work to t build buildthe buid buidthe buildthe the vessel essl All Alte the tools rope ropeete etc were wer 0 carried crrIe across acros the neck of land between betweenLowlston betee betweenLewiston Lewiston Lwston on the lower river rver and bd d the thepoint f thepoint point pint selected sefce by La L Salle above abo abovethe te the falls fallsThis fl tel telThis This Tis spot has ba been well weI located loated on the thoTacon theJackson theJackson Jackson Tacon Aagevine Agevine rar farm and ad there the thamonument te temonument themonument monument to his h memory memor and deeSJa de is ito itob isto istobe to tobe be b erected ereced La LSU Salle remained with wth the themen themen themen men until utl he saw sw the keel kMJ laid ld and ad then theahe thenhe thenhe he led other men to the te mouth mct of the therjverto therverlto theriverto rjverto rverlto take tkadntg advantage of otth the > permit 1ril of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Indians Indian to erect reca a fortified forife ware warehouse wIJ wIJhouse warehouse ¬ house Two To Tl blockhouses blocoue were were built bui and andwere ad adwere andwere were later late destroyed detoyed by b fire fre while whle La L Salic Salicwas Sale Salews Sallewas was absent at Pert Fer Frontenac FrontenacLa Fontenc FrontenacLa La L Salle Sale arrived ave at Niagara Xiagr again agin in inAugust inAgt inAugust August Agt 1679 only to find fd that tt his credit creditors cedt cedtor3 creditera ¬ ors and and enemies eemie had hd wellnigh weInighrine ruined him himHowever him himHowever However Hctever his hi boat boatr the Griffon Griton was > rady radyto ready readyto readyto to sail sai sal and In the proceeds of a a trading tradingvoyage truUng truUngvoyage tradingvoyage voyage he sought financial fcIal aid In I order ordernot orderno ordernc4 not no nc4 to delay this tis enterprise eterise he abandoned abandonedeverything abcne abandonedeverything everything eve1thing else ese and ad it was w under ud these theseconditions te tecondton theseconditions conditions condton this tis inspiration inpirton of his previous previousreverses prevou prevoureverc previousreverses reverses reverc that tht La Salie Sale set sail sai up the theNiagara theXi3gr theNiagara Niagara Xi3gr to t Lake Lke Erie hi I the Griffon GriffonFrom Grfen GnlffcnFrom From that tt time tle the te commerce of the thegreat thegreat thegreat great chain cIn of lakes lke nas been ever eer on the theincrease thoincrese theincrease increase increse until nt today it has hs attained attaine a amagnitude amgiude amagnitude magnitude mgiude of vast > t commercial importance importanceWhen imporance importanceWhen When the people p oplc of the various rous cities cie en enthe cnthe onthe the lakes Iae view ew the commerce comerc of their theirports theirpot theirports ports pot It t may my be Interesting interestng for them to toknow t toknow know kow that tt on the te afternoon aftrnoon of May Iay 24 2the 2themonument the themonument themonument monument to La L Salle will wil be b unveiled unveiledin unvene in the he quiet qt country cuntr suburb of La Salle Sallefire Sale Salefive Sallefive five miles mlee eastward twd from I the te Cataract Ctct of ofNiagara Q QNiagr ofNiagaraDetroit Niagara Niagr NiagaraDetroit Detroit Detroi Free Fee Press Pess WHERE MANUAL LABOR IS ISTAUGHT ISTAUGHT ISTAUOHT TAUGHT POOR WHITE = GHMRE GHMREBy HltDREW c cy By y HEEEN HLN GRAY GRY in i in Leslies L1es Weakly ky < FEW weeks week ago ag it itwmprivieg itwmpriviegt itwadmy was my prlvilega prlvilegaL AFBW A L to t visit vi itone one of the te most oslsplendid oslsplendidindustril splendid splendidV splendidindustrial V industrial industril institutions in tuton In the theSouthern theSouther theSotithern Southern Souther States ftatesthe l3tatesthe the Stiller ier Man Manual Manul Mansal ¬ sal ul Labor Lbor School chol for Poor Por White Whie Chil Children Cbi Cliiidrealocated ¬ dren drenlocMe drealocated located on onn a sour of the Ragged RaggedMountains Rged RgedMounfain RaggedMountains Mountains Mounfain of Albemarle county count in the thebeautiful th thbeuUrul thebeautiful beautiful beuUrul and adhealtul healthful Piedmont Pledont region regionof regionof regionof of V1ia Virginia The people who ho inhabit inhbit the thehollows thehlows thehollows hollows hlows of of these thee mountains moltin5 are typical tyiclof tyiclofother typicalof typicalofother of ofother other mountaineer folk possessing pss sng all al the thevirtues thevirtues j virtues irues and weaknesses wekee generally generaly at attributed attrbuted attnibuted ¬ tributed trbuted to them Many Man are descendants descendantsof decandtt I Ite of the te redemptioner reempUoner classes ces of of early earlyColonial erly earlyColonIal i Colonial Colonia days but t the larger larg r portion poron are areof areof i of Hessian Hesian descent d s r i claiming claiin for or their theirforebears theirforebears forebears ferebearthose those Hessians Hcsimswho who who at the theclose thecoe theclose f close coe of the Revolutionary Revolutonar War were wereturned Wereture were wereturned turned ture locsc Joc from imprisonment imprsonment at Char Charlottcsville Chr Chrlotevie Charlottcsvihle lottcsville lotevie Va Va and sought homes home among amongthe aong aongthe amongthe the Ragged Ragge Mountains near netr by They are arefor arefo arefor for fo the most mot part par a abard hard working WOrdIg people peoplehonest peDPlebone peoplehonest honest bone anti at entirely entrely without love for the thoalmi thealmighty almighty almi hty dollar dolar but their great get love of ofliberty ofliberty i iUbrbreds liberty Ubrbreds breeds in them tbcmn a a contempt contept for foreducational foreducatonl foreducational educational educatonl advantages advantags or steady employ employment epla eplamnt employuncut ¬ uncut mnt of any kind kindSeeing kind kindSeing kindSeeing Seeing Seing them at church churc on a Sunday Sundaymorning Sundaymorning Sundaymorning morning pleasant pleaant lookingand rapt in intheir Intheir intheir their devotions devotons it becomes becmes difficult dimc 1 to be believe beleve behieve ¬ lieve leve that they can cn be b content < nt nt to return ratarnto retur returto returnto to the wretched hovels which many of ofthem ofthem orthem them are satisfied satsfed to call their homes Of Ofthe orthe Ofthe the stock in these th se mountains that pre preceded proceded ¬ t tceed ceded ceed the to coming comin1 of the Hessians Hessian came cameSamuel cre creSamul cameSamuel Samuel Samul Miller the founder feunder of of the Miller MillerManual MillerManual lier lierManue Manual Manue Labor Lbor School of Albemarle lbemare county countywhich couty coutywhich countywhich which with wih its isfe fine buildings bUlding and en endowment e edOent en endowment ¬ dowment fund of nearly nearlYl liCOGOO OOis is the thegrandest thegndest thegrandest grandest gndest and most mot fruitful fritul charitable cbaritablein cbaritableinstuton In Institution institution ¬ stitution stuton in the the Southern States It I l was wasno wa wasno I no blueblood blueblood Virginian Ylrinian reared reard In luxury luxurythat luury luurythat luxurythat that was wa inspired to remember the poor poorchildren P poorchuidren or f children cidren of his native Datve county but bu the thesen thesn theson son sn of a poor por mountaineer m uItainec woman wom born bornin bor bornIn I in Ina a log cabin cbIn in abject poverty povery and anddegradation anddegadaton anddegradation degradation degadaton From the the tower of the ma machine machIn machIne ¬ chine chIn shops the finest fnest built buit in n the South Southfor Soathfor Southfor for industrial ind trial education e cation is pointed 1inted out outthe out outthe the cabin cbin In wii whih 1 ih Samuel Miller ier ierbo was wasOn wasborn bo born bornOn On the grounds gounds now graced gacd by his mu munificent munfct muniticent ¬ nificent nfct gift he earned eartedhis his 1rstmoney first money by bygathering bythering byathcnlng gathering thering wool which wblchstry stray sheep had d left on the bushes and d some som bt r the thebricks ti thebricksin bricks brck bricksin in the tower he aided aide in ininaking ininakingat making makingat akJ f at the small smI remuneration remuneraton of 10 cents cent centsa centsaday a aday day dy It I was as from early youth the treas treasured trs trsured treasured ¬ ured home of Samuel Miller nler and lnd nd his h broth brother brother brothor ¬ er John to acquire acqIre a fortune fortue largo lrge encugh encughto encug to establish estblsh in their er native county < unty a free freeeducational fe feeducatonal freeeducational educational educatonal institution insttuton for poor por children childrenAfter cl childrenAfter dre After fter receiving an ordinary education euction at atBatesvIIleVa atBntesvleV atBatesvihle BntesvleV BatesvIIleVa Batesvihle Samuel entered enter into iIto buf bufncswit business busi business ¬ ness ncswit with his b brother brhe who had h d become b come a asuccessful Rsuccessful asuccessful successful tobacco tobcco merchant in innch innchburg Lynch JUynchburg Lynchburg merpant burg < The death of o John in iS4U 1t 1841 made madehim Ie Iehim midehim him heir to tolQl60 180800 with wih which sum s su and andhis andhis andhis his shrewd business buine ability abity he accumu accumulated accm nccumnlated ¬ lated a vast at fortune dying dyng in 1S63 1 the thapossessor th thposessoroof thepossessorof possessor posessoroof possessorof of an estate etate valued at U23fi 1 2 150 15092 02 92 the bulk blk of which whIc was slaf left for forte fortebulding the thebuilding thebuilding building bulding of a a manual mnualabor labor school fori for or POOr POOrwhite > obr obrwhite r rwhie white whie children chidreu jn In Albemarle Albemare AlbemarleASSAMS county countyHASSAMS co nt ntSSAS HASSAMS SSAS PROVERB PROVERBKing PROVRB PROVRBKing PROVERBKing King Hassam Hassam well w l beloved was waswont wont to tosay t tcay tosay say sayWhen cayWe sayWhen We When aught went wrong wng or any labr labrfaic labor laborfailed laborfailed failed failedTomorrow faic faicTomorow failedTomorrow Tomorrow Tomorow friends friend will wi be b another anolcr day dayAnd dayAnd dayAnd And in il that faith faih he slept slept and ad 0 0Long so pre prevailed p pTaie pvcvailed ¬ vailed vailedLong Taie vailedLong Long live this proverb While Wie the world worldshall rorldshall orI shall sh roll rollTomorrow rol1omorbw rollTomorrow < Tomorrow omorbw fresh freh shall s1al rise rse from Qult out the thenight th thnight e enight night nightAnd nightAd nightAnd And Ad new baptize baptze the indomitable indomitabiesoul indomitabiesoulWith soul soulWith soule souleWIcourage WIcourage With courage for its never ending en ng fight fightNo fht fightNo I No one I Isy Isay say Is conquered cOInered till ti tillhe he yields yieldsAnd yieldsAnd yieldsAnd And yield he need rot ot while whie like mist mistfrom misttrom mIstfront from trom glass glassGod gls glassGod God wipes the testinof stain of lifes old olbate olbatefieids battle battlefields battlefields fields fieldsFrom fieidsFrom fieldsFrom From every ever morning mornig that he hebrings brings bringt bringtpag to topass toilaus < pass passNow pag pagKcw ilaus ilausNow J J Now day new hope hGI new courage c u ge L lt ltthi Lst Lstthisbe t tthis this thi thisbe be beO beo O soul sou soilL thy cheerful chec ful cieed c1ceVatsyes c1ceVatsyesterd ci cod Whats yes yesterday yesterday ¬ terday terdayWith terd terdayWith With Wit all its Is itsshards shards shrds and wrack wrackand ack and d grief griefto gref grefto griefto to thee theeForget theeForget theeForget Forget it then thenhere here lies the victors victorsway vIctor vlctorsway s swy if thetere11es way wayJames wy wyTame wayJames James Tame Buckham Duckhm in I Primary PIma Education Educton