Fair Fairwarmert warmer tonight ightFri Frkiay ikir j G11 rr r W A Washington aShingtQf Paper PaperFor aper aperfreohsoutherlywmds
freohsoutherlywmds fresh southerly winds windsNumber llJ JJ y UU JJJ j For forWashington Washington People Peopier PeoplePrice
r r rNumber
Number Number2126 2 2126 126 YJS11INGTON THUnSDA1 l1iY 22 J > 02 Price PriceOneC One Cent nt
American Capital Extends ExtendsWelcome ExtendsVelconle ExtendsWelcome
Welcome to Distin Distinguished Distinguished Distinguished ¬
guished Visitors VisitorsBECEPHON VisitorsRECEP1ION VisitorsRECEPtJO
President Exchanges Saluta Salutations Salutations Sa1utations ¬
tions in Their Own OwnLanguage OvnLanguage OwnLanguage
Language LanguageAT
Rochambeau Party to Visit Mount Ver Vernoa Vernon Verno
non no This Afternoon AfternoonDinne Dinner by Mr MrRoosevelt MrRooseelt MrRoosevelt
Roosevelt Tonight TOIightIncidents Incidents ia l Con Connection Connection Connection ¬
nection With the Arrival of Mission MissionThe MissionThe MissionThe
The distinguished Frenchmen who whoform whoform whoform
form part of the mission which is to torepresent torepresent
represent their country at the unveiling unveilingof
of the Rocbambeau statue on Saturday Saturdayarrived Saturdayarrived Saturdayarrived
arrived in n Washington over the Penn Pennsylvania iennsylnnla feunsylvania ¬
sylvania Road at 10 oclock this morn morning mornJng mornIng ¬
ing from Annapolis When ben they alighted alightedfrom alightedfrom allghtedfrom
from their special car they were met by byrepresentatives byrepresentatives byrepresentattves
representatives of the United States StatesArray StatesArmy StatesArray
Array and Navy and the State Stat Depart Department Department
ment and by representatives of o the theFrench theFrench theFronch
French embassy embassyComnfander embassyCommander embaasyCoxnmbnder
Commander Raymond P Rodgers US U US US
S N and Mr Herbert H D Peirce PeirceThird PeirceThIrd PeirceThird
Third Assistant Secretary of o State who whowent woowent whocent
went to Annapolis yesterday to receive receivethe ree receivethe ive ivethe
the visitors upon their arrival there on onthe OBthe oathe
the French Frenih battleship Gaulols and ac accompany accompany accompany ¬
company them to Washington were the thefirst thefirst thefirst
first to alight from the train trainFollowing trainFollowing trainFollowing
Following Commander Rodgers was wasGeneral wasGeneral wagGeneral
General Brugere the general command commanding commandJng coinreandlng ¬
ing the French army and when the tbewhole thewhole thewhole
whole group of brilliantly uniformed uniformedand uniforme4and uniformedand
and decorated officers were gathered OB OBthe OBthe oathe
the platform pl eorm the presentations followed followedThe followedThe followedThe
The party proceeded at once to the tbeWhite theWhite theWhite
White House Hou where the distinguished distinguishedvisitors dl5tlnrutshedIsitors distinguishedvisitors
visitors were received by President sad aadMrs aBdMrs sadMrs
Mrs Roosevelt RooseveltImmediately RooseveltImmediate RooseveltImxediateIy
Immediately Immediate y upon their arrival at the thestation thestation thestaUon
station the guests were escorted t tcarriages to tocaniages tocartiages
carriages which lcll were In Inwal waiting tDg for lorthem forthem forthen
them at the tlJ east side of the Pennsyl Pennsylvania peBnsylvania Penaylvanla ¬
vania Station while Troop G ef the theSecond tbeSecontlCvaJt theSecond
Second SecontlCvaJt Cavalry from Feri Fri FcsdJ4 Myer er r drawn dratrnup dr1mup drawnIp
up Ip facing the station presented pres nted arms ariasProcession armsPocession armsProcession
Procession to WhiterHtrase WhiterHtraseThe Whi WhiteH lI usc uscThe se 1 1The
The streets streets had been been cleared of peo people peop1e peeiC ¬
ple iC by a force of fifty police > Once officers be before beforc before ¬
fore the arrival of the train When the theFrenchmen theFcncbJilen theFcnchmea
Frenchmen and the representatives of ofthe ofh ofth
the th h United States had been seated in incarriages inriages inZ
carriages Z riages the bugle sounded and the th es esct esct
4 < ct took Its position at the bead of the tbeiine thei theLe
iine i IlC of equipages A detail of of mount mounted mounted mounted ¬
ed policemen fell in behind and the eel celumi column i iumn
umi umn moved slowly up Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaAvenue PennsylvaniajA PennsylvaniaAvenue
Avenue A enue toward the White hite House be between between betwcen ¬
tween long lines of spectators There Thereas Therevas I Ivas
vas as no particular demonstration when whenhe whenthe j
the he guests arrived arrlv d due doubtless to the thefact thefact thefact
fact that the crowd did not know much muchof muchor muchof
of the high official rank of the gorgeous gorgeouslycaparisoned gorgeoushcaparlsoned gorgeouslcaparisoned ¬
lycaparisoned visitors The party ar arrived arrhed arrived ¬
rived at the White House at 1020 1020Sleabers 10eMcnbers lOOMenibers
Sleabers of the Party PartyThe PartyThe PartyThe
The members of the mission who w o ar arrived arrived arrived ¬
rived in Washington this morning were wereGeneral wereGeDeral wereGeneral
General Brugere Vice Admiral Adm ral Fournier FoamierGeneral FournierGenera FournierGeneral
General Caalendar C uleBdar Captain Captainde de Surgy SurgyLieut SUIgyLieut SurgyLeut
Lieut Col Meaux SaintMarc Major MajorEcrthelot XajorBertbelot MajorBerthelot
Ecrthelot Ueut Andre SauvaireJour SauvaireJourdan
dan Lieut Gustave le Jay Lieut le leBaron IeEoron leBaron
Baron Maximilian de Reinach de Werth Werthrapt WerthCapt WorthCapt
Capt Pouilloue de SaintMarc Cap Capt CaptEtienne CaptEuenne I IEtienne
Etienne Filleneau and Captain Lasson LassonThe LassonThe LassonThe
The party which came from Annapolis Annapoliswith Annapolisth Annapoliswith
with th the Frenchmen were Commander CommanderRaymond CommanderRaymond CommanderRaymond
Raymond P Rodgers U S X Herbert HerbertH
H D Peirce Third Assistant Secretary Secretarycf
cf State Capt P Vlgnal military at attache attaebe attcbe ¬
tache French Embassy Lieut Com Comrander Comr
r rander mder Faramond naval attache attacheFrench attacheFrench attacheFrench
French Embassy Messrs Louis Hermite Herraiteand Hermiteand Hermiteand
and Pierre de Margerie of the French Frenchembassy FreRChembassy Frenchembassy
Delegation of Americans AmericansThe AmericansThe AmericansThe
The delegation dcle tjon of Americans Ameri ns appointed appointedto
to meet the visitors at the depot con consisted consisted eonssted ¬
sisted of Major ajor Scriven of the Signal SignalCorps SignalCcrps SignalCcrps
Ccrps representing the army Com Comman Commancr man manirTcr
irTcr cr Davenport U S N representing the thenavy theI2Y thenay
navy and Mr r Edwin Morgan represent representing repreentI representlig ¬
ing I > g the State Department DepartmentM
1L M Croieet M La Grave M Collie Guilleroiri Gul1lemin Colliey
y min nr M de Billy and the Viscount Vi count de dethambmn dehambrun debambrnn
thambmn of the party who arrived in inthe inthe Inthe
the city Tuesday evening accompanied accompaniedty
ty y M Boeufve of the French embassy embaseyalso embassyso embassyiSO
also iSO so greeted their countrymen upon upontheir upontheir upontheir
their arrival arrl > aL The Count and Countess CounteMts9 CountessRochambean
ts9 d Rochambeau and the Count de La Lafayette Lafayette Lalayette
fayette did not go to the station butj butjrepaired but butrepaired nit nitreplired
repaired directl from rom m the Arlington Ho Hotel Hote1 Hotel ¬
tel ta the White House for the tb reception receptionby receptionby receptionty
by the President PresidentFrom PresidentFrom PresidentFrom
From the time of the arrival of the thespecial thespecial thespecial
special train until the party had reached reachedthe reachedthe reachedthe
the White hite House no vehicles were al allowed alloed alloed ¬
loed on Pennsylvania Avenue A venue The Thestreet Thestreet Thestreet
street cars suspended suspendedCordial susel1dedCordial suspandedCordial
Cordial Welcome by President PresidentThe PresidentThe PresidentThe
The reception at the White Home in inpoint inpoint Inpoint
point of brilliancy rivaled that ot otPrince ofPrince t tPrlDce
Prince Henry three months ago The Thestately TteJrtately Thestately
stately old East Room for half an hour hourwas hourwas hourwas
was thronged tht ed with tbe l 1 ect t of Wash Washingtons Was WasIngtou WashIngtons ¬
ingtons Ingtou official life Ire exchanging greet greeting greetJngs greetlags ¬
ing lags with the distinguished Frenchman FrenchmanThe Frene FreneThe FreuchssenThe
The international good feeling evident evidentwhen evidentwen evidentwhen
when wen Kaiser Wllhelms Ilbelms brother visited visitedthis visitedthis visitedthis
this country vas as duplicated with added addedwarmth addedwarmth addedwarmth
warmth born of the recollection of tbe tbesubstantial tbesubstantial thesubstantial
substantial frieBJblp Liei ien ship demonstrated demo strate by byFrance byFranee byFrance
France in the V 1lvlutiOB 1lvlutiOBCouct FvedutlonCount volutioa volutioaCount
Count and Countess Rochambeau RochambeauThe RecbambeauThe RochambeanThe
The Count Rocasrabeaa Roca mbeau and the mem members members momhers ¬
bers of the Frepch embassy who ar arrived arrived arrived ¬
rived in Washington on Tuesday drove drovefrom drovefrom drovefrom
from the Arlington and arrived at the theWhite thehlte theWbIZe
White hlte House shortly after a er 3 a oclock oclockThey ocIocklhe OclockThey
They lhe were accompanied ace mpanled by M IL Jules JulesCambon Julesanibon I
Cambon < the French ambassador and andtime aade andme I
time me e Cambon and other attaches of the theCootmue theContinuol I ICoctiauetl
Coctiauetl on Second Page I
I Program of o the theVisitors theVlS1ors ilieVisiors
Visitors for Today TodayArrival Toda TodaArlhal TodayArrival
Arrival at Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaStation PennsylymiaStation PeniisvlraniaStation
Station at It 10 II a t m mEscorted mEgort InEseortc1
Escorted Egort < > d by Reception Com Committee COlllmittee Coinlflitfee ¬
mittee to White House HouseReceived HouseReelved I IRcejYNl
Received by the President Presidentat Presi ent enttt
at tt 1030 10 O a in inCalled 1J1I IllCalled
Called Cal led upon Secretaries of ofState ofState ofState
I State War Ym and nd Navy Nayy ltYy and andother andother mdother
other dignitaries di 11italie 11 to 1130 1130a
a inArrival in I IllinlI I Irriva1
f Arrival llinlI at Arlington A1lin toll Hotel Hotelheadquarters Hotellieadquirtrs
headquarters rs of the visitors visitorsL2ln
1215 D 1 ru ruTrip mTrip inTrip
Trip TO Mount iiOflnt Vernon Vernonwhere VernonwhI ernon ernonW1iie
where whI > the Oonite Rodiambeau Rodiambeauwill Rochamljeaijvi11
I will visit the tll > Tomb of Wash Ynslm ¬
ington ingtonDinner m ingtonDInner on onI
I Dinner by lV the t tilt lIe President at attlK attlw atthe
the > White Yllitt House HouseDisclaim HonsEXTREME < >
1 I
Disclaim Individual Credit Creditfor Creditfor Creditfor
i for War Monument MonumentROUNDROBiM IylonumentROUNDROBIN MonumentROUNDROBIN
Mrs Harrison Gives the Praise to Mrs MrsLyster MrsLyste MrsLyste
Lyste Who Says It Was Mrs MrsTownsend lrIrsTownsend MrsTownsend
Townsend Who Desires Dee res a ManHelped ManHelped Man ManHelped
Helped Much MuchThe MuchThe MuchThe
The principal pr IMipal business bu lness transacted b bthe by bythe bythe
the Colonial Dames of America now now ia iabiennial iabiennial inbiennial
biennial session at the th Willard Hotel Hotelconstated HotelCOD5isteG Hotelconsisted
consisted today ia in the reading of the therealise therouUBe theroutine
routine reports of the arms commit committees committees committees ¬
tees teesMrs
Mrs Lyster of Detroit the chairman chairmanof
of the committee on the SpanishAmeri SpanishAmerican ¬
can war memorial monument monument which was wasunveiled wasunv wasunveiled
unveiled unv ned at Arlington A r1i Ut on yesterday after afterion afternoon
noon ion read j 4t a complete report By Bya la laerrect Ineerreet
errect impression it seems to have ob obtaised ObBed ohbloed
taised Bed fa fnmany many quarters that the Society Societyof
of 0 Colonial Dames donated only the tab tablet tablet tablet ¬
let which is set t in the shaft of the themonument tMmonument thdmonument
monument In reality everything about aboutthe aoout aooutthe aboutthe
the memorial except eX ept the ground upon uponwhich upenwhleh uponwhich
which it is bant was the gift ef r the so society 80c society ¬
ciety cietyMrs c cietyMrs ty tyMrs
Mrs Charles Custis Harrison made e a astatement astatement astatement
statement this morning mornin in which she shegave alaegave shegave
gave the credit for the monument pro project project proJect ¬
ject from the time of its inceotion un until U8m unill ¬
ill the final bugle sound of taps at yes yesterdays yesterdays yesterdays ¬
terdays unveiling to tors Mrs Lyster Mrs MrsLyster MrsLyst MrsLyster
Lyster Lyst r replied giving to Mrs MrsT Tows Tbwasend Towssend nnt nntsend
send president of the society ociet a full fullshare runshare fullshare
share of the glory gloryMrs gloryfr gloryMrs
Mrs fr Townsend T WDEeOO was given a vr vrthanks vote oC oCthanks ofthanks
thanks She made an address i iply in re reply reply
ply expressing her obligations to Mr MrRichard MrRicnard MrRichard
Richard Watson Gilder the h editor And aad1oet Androet andToet
1oet for his aid in the th matter and for forthe forthe forthe
the inscription of the tablet tabletA tabletA
A new n w office was created this morning morningwhen morniagwben morningwhen
when Mrs Townsend appointed Miss MissVirginia MisVirginia MissVirginia
Virginia Miller iUer of this city the cur curator curator curator ¬
ator of the colonial war relics now DO ia iathe lathe Inthe
the Xaticnal Museum MuseumThese MuseumThese MuseuMThese
These relics were loaned to the gen general gnuera < D Deral ¬
eral era Government by the Dames two twoyears twoears twoyears
years ears ago ago go A full run list of them th m was lead leadthis 1 icadthis cad cadtbis
this morning morningITIfflAEY morningITINERARY morningITINERARY
The Pennsylvania Company CompanyCompletes CompanyCompletes CompanyCompletes
Completes Details DetailsThe
The passenger seDger department of the thePennsylvania thePenMYhania thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania Railroad Company has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen
been directed by the Government to as assume asAIDe asname ¬
AIDe full charge of the special tour tourof tourof tourof
of the distinguished French visitors who whosave whohave ho hoDave
Dave save come to this country for the ua uavefliag U1yelUag Unveiling
veiling of the Rocbambeau statue statueThe statueTIle statueThe
The success with which the Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennaylvania ¬
vania Road has engineered similar similartours similartours similartours
tours in the past notably the one made madeby madeby madeby
by Prince Prn e Henry of Prussia runla won Oil much muchfavor muchI muckfavor
favor from high oSicials and all the im important Important 1wportant ¬
portant touring expeditions by the GOY Government GOYi Goyerament ¬
i ernment or guests gue ts of the United States Statesare Statesare Statesare
are entrusted to lhecare the he care of the Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania The outline of the trip of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the French visitors was submitted to tothe tothe tothe
the officials of o the read and all the de details deana details ¬
tails left to their discretion discretionTbe discretionThe lreUonThe
The tran won which the nations nationsguests nationsguests nationsguestS
guests will travel will be of the latest latestand latestaM latestand
and best service aervce of the company It Itwill Itin ItwilL
will in comprise a Pennsylvania Railroad Railroadstandard Railr3Rdataoord Railraadstandard
standard engine Pullman composite compositebaggage compositebaggage compositebaggage
baggage parlor and smoking car Pull Pullman Pullman Pullman ¬
man dining car r four Pullman compart compartment compartment compartwent ¬
ment cars and a Pullman PuIJ an observation observationcar
car Trolley Troliey trips tatf all ass < arrisge rri Re drives driveswill driveswill driveswill
will be 1H counted among details of the thetrt thet1f thetrh
trt t1f
The tour will afford the visitors a fine fineopportunity fineopportunity lineopportunity
opportunity to tote the comforts aDd aadconveniences aDdconveniences andconveniences
conveniences possible in traveling travelingthrough travelingthrourh travdiingthrough
through America AmericaThe AmericTbe AmericaThe
The Rocbambeau special will tra traverse traene tm tmverse ¬
verse ene the line of the Pennsylvania Rail Railroad Railroad Railroad ¬
road between Washington and Buffalo Buffaloand BuSlatoaDd Bua1oand
and between Buffalo and New York the theNew theew theNew
New ew York Central and Hudson River RiverRailroad RiverRailroad RiverRailroad
Railroad between Buffalo and Niagara NiagaraFalls NIagaraFaUs NiagaraFalls
Falls the West Shore Railroad Ranr d between betweenJersey betweenJersey tweell tweellJer8ey
Jersey City and West Point and the theNew theNew theNew
New York New Haven and Hartford HartfordRailroad HartfordRailroa HartfordRailroad
Railroad between New York mAd New Newport Nowport
port and Boston BostonThe BoInonThe BostonThe
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company Companyand ColhpaJYhag Coiipanyhas
hag arran arranged ed fer lie entire movement moveDlentand movementand
and will have ha c general charge of the thetrain thetrain thetrain
train over the whole whol route
Diocesan Consultors Con uItors and Ir Irrevocable ITrevocable irrevocable ¬
revocable Rectors Meet MeetWILL i MeetWILL eet eetWILL
They T1 y Will in Tarn Bo Submitted to toI toBishops toBishops
I Bishops Archbishops ATc1 Dishops and Pope of ofEsaae ofR9iBe ofRemneiot
Esaae Remneiot Hot iot Obligatory to Appoint AppointI AppointAny ApcintAny
I Any Candidate Can idate 2f Nominated NomiatedNEW NominatedNEWYORKMay2A suated suatedNEW
NEW NEWYORKMay2A YORK YORKd May arA 22 A special meet meeting meeting meetlog ¬
ing of the dioceason eonsultors and ir irrevocaWe irreyocabIe irreocab3e
revocaWe recltrs recf < 0 ef the Archdiocese Arch iocese of ofNew ofXew ofNew
New York wrl be held lodrjr at the thearchiepiseopal tIleachiepiseopaI theacbiepiseopaI
archiepiseopal residence i e sidence hmce to select the thethree tbethree thethree
three candidates for successor succ sar to the thelate thelate thelate
late Archbishop rcl1Lisoo Corrigen rrlgn Bishop Far Farley Farley Farley ¬
ley the ranking ecclesiastic in this thisprovince t11isproTiRceissued thisprovince
province proTiRceissued issued an order for todays todaysmeeting toc1aygmeeting todaysmeeting
meeting as soon f1S s he arrived in this thiscountry thisc thiscountry
country c untry from abroad abroadBishop abroadBishop abroadBishop
Bishop McQuRid of Rochester will be bethe hetbe bethe
the presiding oScer He arrived in this thiscity thiscitY thiscity
city yesterday afternoon and went at atonce atonce atonce
once to the See House The bishop will willexplain wilexplain wiflexplain
explain formally the object of the meet meeting meeting t ting ¬
ing and the way it is to b be conducted conductedaccording eonftuctedaccordlngto conductedaccording
according accordlngto to the hierarchy The Tb assem assembled assembled assembled ¬
bled prelates and aid attendants will be en enjoined enjoined enjoined ¬
joined to secrecy secr y and the balloting be begun begun begun ¬
gun Three ballots will be cast C1I8ton C1I8tonfor castendfor onS onSfor
for the most worthy candidate Dignis Dignissimus 1gnissimes Dignisimus
simus one on for the more worthy Dig Dlgnicr D Dignicr g gnie
nicr nie and one for the worthy Dignus DignusThree Dig1usThree DignusThree
Three Harass Selected SelectedThis SelectedTIlis SelectedThis
This will be but the first step in the theselection these1eetion theselection
selection of a candidate Ddhate The three threeselected threeta1De5 threenames
names selected will wit be submitted Ubmttt to the thebishops toobishoPS thebishops
bishops of the province who pass upon uponthem uponthem uponthem
them and if they choose c oose add ad three threemore th threemore ee eemoce
more of their own selecting These Thesenames Tl Thesenames 1Ie 1IewilI
names names will then be turned over to the theconclave thecooeJaTe theconclave
conclave of archbishops of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States who wb will pass upon the names nasJfesand namesand nanmeand
and if they choose submit three more moreAll montAU moreAll
All will then be sent to JR JRIt Pome PomeIt rtomeIt
It will aH be obligatory upon the Pope Popeto Popeto Popeto
to same a man mentioned by the Ameri American AmeriCaA Amencaa ¬
CaA prelates It is highly Ighly probable probablehowever jHob3blebowe probablehowever
however bowe er that t atbe he will since that woHltf woultibe woHltfbe 1Ila 1Ilabe
be consistent with wl l his hi honerule JJomeruJepo1iey JJomeruJepo1ieyIt policy policyIt poiieyIt
j It is und understood OQd that because ot mod modg modS modvote
g > > S p F r Ywin wiltact t vote His Hisname H HDame Hisiie
name iie is almost almc t sure to be selected Dig Digj Dig1I188lrnus Digniss1nius
j nissicins He H ceems to be the Haani Haanitzactn unanimenieIeton nanl nanlmfmiM
tzactn mfmiM menieIeton selectfoa t n 6 it f this tbis diocese dioceseJ diocesemm diCM diCMPARAllEENDS diocesePARAB J
Display of Decorated Floats Floatsin Floa FloatsIn J Jin
in In Havana StreetsPes Streets StreetsPresident StreetsPresident
President Pes 1e1t Palma Kept Busy listening listeningto
to OfSceseeksrs Office OfficeseekersGgvernmnent ek ISG9Vemment Gerernraent De Departments Departments Dcpartments ¬
partments Opened OpenedHAVANA Ope1edRAY OpenedHAVANA
HAVANA RAY ANA May 22 2The The festivities fest ities at attendant attendant attendant ¬
tendant on the inauguration of the theCuban t tCuban theCuban
Cuban government governm a in the island will end endtoday endto endtoday
today to ay This afternoon a grand civic civicparade civicparade civicparade
parade of decorated floats will m be held heldPresident heldPresident heldPresident
President Palma is kept very busy busywith busywttlt busyWith
with ofaceseekers oC cetleekers who ho are assailing assailinghim assailinghim assailinghim
him from all a sides sidesThe sidesThe sidesThe
The government departments were wereopened wereopened wereopened
opened this morning under their new newheads newheads newheads
Reported That Helen the Daughter of ofGrand ofGraId ofGrand
Grand Duke Vladimir V1a imir of Russia RussiaMay RussiaMay RussiaHay
May Be His Bride BridePARIS BridePAtUS BridePARIS
PARIS May 22 The Madrid corres correspondent correspo correspondeat ¬
pondent po de1t of Patrie today wires that an anengagement anen anengagement
engagement en agemeBt between King Alfonso and andthe cadthe mdthe
the Grand Duchess Helen daughter ot otGrand orGraoo otGrand
Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia is being beingconsidered beingconsidered beingconsidered
considered consideredThe consideredThe consideredThe
The Grand Duchess Helen is I Grand GrandDuke GrandDuke GrandDuke
Duke Vladimirs youngest child She Shewas Shewas Shewas
was hem January 17th 18S2 18S2ISLE 18S 18SISLE 1852ISLE
Wholesale Wb esale Exodus Authorized if Situa Situation Situatioo Sitnation ¬
tion Warrants Action ActionPARIS ActionPARIS ActionPARIS
PARIS May 22 2Di8patchcs Dispatches to the thecolonial thecoouial thecolonial
colonial office confirm the reports of ofpanic orpanic ofpanic
panic at Fort do France and an < < other parts partsof patsof partsof
of Martinique MartiniqueM
M J Decrais the minister for the col colonies colonies colontes ¬
onies has sent Dt a dispatch to toLHuerre M MLHu MLHuerre
LHu LHuerre rre the acting governor to pre prepare prepare prepare ¬
pare for an evacuation of tb the island on ona ona ona
a large scale if the situation warrants warrantssuch warrantssuch arrantssuch
such action actionAN actionAN actionAN
Persons Selling the Colored Product ProductMust ProductMust ProductMust
Must Pay Higher Tax TaxMr Taxlorr TaxMr
Mr J W V Yerkes Commissioner of ofInternal orInternal ofinternal
Internal Revenue held today todaytbat that where wherea whera
a person after July 1 1902 190 pays paYS special specialtax specialta specialtax
tax ta as a dealer in uncolored u oleomar oleomargarine 01eomargarlne oleomarganine ¬
garine and thereafter desires to sell sellalso sellalso en enalso
also colored oleomargarine the only onlycourse onlycourse 1ly 1lycoure
course for him to oursne is f fe2tir tqpay 4fa the thes thespecial
s special ial tax at the bl h1her el JO fJ for the l1eentl1 theentlr
e2tir < j period ectad to the th ° ci ciWK close elos of the year yeard yearand
WK and d take out the requisite special tax taxlower taxstamp taxstamp
stamp and then s snnd nd in for redemption redemptionth
th the splcll ta stairr > taken out at the t thcloner
lower rate
Tp To 10 Da P Y7JV way Y With vVit OneMan OneManLeadership OneanJ OneManLeaciership
< J L Leadership LeadershipALSO LeaciershipIuso dership dershipJLSO
Leaders Go Into IntoSession Session Pledged to Re Revalt Revolt
i volt Against Boss Croker and His HisjEsnaseseeat Hisinag Hisinnacmcsit
jEsnaseseeat inag innacmcsit cf Organization Organiz twn From FromHis Fromins FrontHis
His E Rome me in E EnglandNEW England EnglandXEW an anEY
NEW EY YORK YORKJifay May 23 2The The Tammany TammanyHall TammanyHall TammhnyHall
Hall executive committee e31Rmitt by a vote of of2S of2S
2S to S today tOdQa adopted opted the plan p an to rule raleTammany ruleTammany rue rueTammany
Tammany by y a atriHIJvlrate triumvirate consisting consistingof consjl consjdngo ng ngo
of o Charles Charles1u P Murphy by leader of f the tbeeighteenth theeighteenth
eighteenth or 0 gashouse district districtDaniel districtDaniel
Daniel 1 niel F MeMaMen present chairman of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the finance committee and Louis F FHaffcn FHalrcn FHatfcn
Haffcn president of the borough of the theUreas UleBrc1L theBronn
Ureas Murphy urp r and McMahon McMahonCrcker are areCroker
Croker men KaSen Iia en is independent of ofeither ofeither
either Croker or sntiCroker factions factionsThe factionsThe factionsThe
The committee of three met afterward afterwardand afterwarJ81d afterwariand
and organized by electing Charles Char1 s F FMurphy FMurphy
Murphy chairman eba rmaD and Thomas T1H > DlaS F Smith Smithsecretary Smithcretary Smithsecretary
secretary cretary It also agreed a eed to meet next nextTuesday nextI nextTuesday
Tuesday Tuesda and twice a week afterward afterwardand atterwBMand afterwardand
I and to make reports to tbe executive executivecommittee ecutivecommittee erecutivecommittee
committeeFiname committeeFinance committee committeeFinance
Finance Cenuaittee CGmI littee Gees GeesThe GG GGThe GoesThe
The executive executneeGmmittee committee today further furtherdecided furtherdecided furtherdecided
decided to recommend rec mmeDd to > the genera generacommittee generacommittee generacommittee
committee the abolition of the finance financecommittee financeccmmittee Snaucecommittee
committee ccmmittee3ore committeeMore committeeMore
More than twothirds of the leaders leaderswent leadersWent leaderswent
went into ses s session silcn cm pledged to do away awaywith awaywjtb awaywith
with the finance committee < < ad a d with Itto it itto Itto
to abolish the th cpeinan leadership which whichtoe wblebthe whichthe
the chairmaasa chainnaDSIIIof j cf the finance commit committee eommfttee committee ¬
tee carried wttteit wttteitWith witttWith wit1tltWith
With the th dowBlall doritaJl of the finance fiua 1CC com conimittee committee cornmitten
mittee will go KOCAndre CAndre Andrew Freedman John JohnFcx JobnFcx JohnFcx
Fcx and Edward Edw C CSbeehy Sheehy alleged allegedmembers aUegetmeUl allegedmembers
members meUl rs of vfc Je he kitchen cabinet cabinetwhich uMneLhieh caUnetwhich
which hieh has been bee the connecting Dnectinb lak with withthe wIthlite withthe
the ruler at Waatege WaategeFOOR WantegeFOUR NanttgePOOR
0 OF LABOR SG511E SG511EPromised SCHEWIEPromised CI1EtIEPromised
Promised Employment Not NotGivemThem NotGivemJhem NotGiven
GivemThem GivemThemTlie GivemJhemiJ1 Given Them ThemTime
Time Postraaater PostraaaterThe Gra Issues Yraud YraudOrdem
Ordem OrdemThe
fh iliBti iliBtiThe
The Postmaster General this tbI morning morainiissued morainElesited j jissued
issued fraud 01 01Ceramic orders api against st the Paris ParisCeramic ParisCeramic
Ceramic Dec Decorating railug Company and nd11ss nd11ssSmitbroom Miss MissSmith MISSSmith
Smith Smitbroom room 73 70 7L t 2 Deatcharn Dcadt rn Street StreetaM StreetlJd Streetroom
aM room 5i3 1 103 Randolph Street itre tr et t Chi ChiCT52O Chict Chicto
CT52O CT52OThe ct cto o oThe
The ThepostoffieeInsector iwwtcatee I Gftke inspector detailed to in investigate Invutlgate investigats ¬
vestigate this case reported that loon iaaumeraMe iaRUmeraht loonmerabi
meraMe complaints had been received receiveditem recelTeJrG receivedrcm
item rG rcm pcor cor women and working workl g girls girlswho giriswbo girlswho
who averred that they th y bad been unable unableto uuableto unableto
to perform the work wor to the satisfaction satisfactionof
of the proprietors of the concern ccn ern and andthat aDdthat andthat
that many of them have not only util utilized utilized utilized ¬
ized their entire ntire depot deposits its made with the thefirm thefirm thefirm
firm but have paid for material in ex excess excess cxcess ¬
cess thereof The insnector said saidThe saidThe id idhTbt
hTbt The whcle scheme ach mc aears pr ears to tc be to tosell tosell tosell
sell the material to these poor critures crituresat
at an iscrbitant crbltant profit without the thestfrhtest thesPr1Jtest th thslhtest
stfrhtest intention of giving the a anianent per permanent Permanent ¬
manent employment as promises promi as salt uiti saltis it itis
is i absolutely impossible under the th stood stoodard staadard standard
ard of efficiency demanded for anyone to toderive toderive j jderive
derive a livelihood from her labors the theresult theresult theresult
result being that she gets discouraged discouragedor dist ouraged ouragedor
or reaches the limit of her h r capital and anddiscontinues anddfcontinues anddrcontlnues
discontinues in disgust disgustSED disgustRED disgustRED
WITHDRAW S APPEAL APPEALContributions APPEALContributi APPEALContributions
Contributions Contributi > ns for Volcano VolcanoVictims VolcanoVictims
Victims Suspended SuspendedGeneral SuspendedGeneral SuspendedGeneral
General John M Wils Wilson n Vice President Presidentof
of the American Ameri oSocictYI Society Issues Issuesa 1ssuea
a a Bulletin BulletinThe Bt1mnTheState BullotinThe
The TheState State Department has beard from fromtbeAraerican fromtheAmeiicaft frosttheAmnerkan
tbeAraerican consulates cO nlAtes in Martinique Martiniqueaad Martiniqueand MarUJ ique iqueaoo
and St Vincent that the supplies al already already already ¬
ready furnished for relief of volcano volcanosufferers volcanosufferers 91eano 91eanoaufferers
sufferers are sufficient I lfteimt and that adequate adequatemeasures adequatetleasures adequatemeasures
measures are being taken b i French FrenchEnglish FrenchEnglish FrenchEnglish
English and local authorities to supply supplyneeds supplyneeds
needs of people A iiletin I tltin was there therefore therefore therefore ¬ I
fore issued today u u5 17 General eneral John M MWilson MVilson MWilson
Wilson vice Ice president of the American AmericanRed AmericanRed
Red Cross Society withdrawing appli applications applicatioDs applicationS ¬
cations for aid and suspending 8us ndlng all sub subscriptions subscriptions subscriptions ¬ I
scriptions on behalf of the volcano suf sufferers sufferers sufferers ¬
ferers ferersMR ferersMR ferersMR
CALLED CALLEDINTO INTO A CASE CASECommissioner CASECommissioner CASECommissioner
Commissioner Says Silas Is Known as asa asa asa
a Peaceable Man ManWhen ManWhen ManWhen
When the trial of Henry Silas Silascolored Snascolored Silascolored
colored accused tJf < if the tb murder of ofXettie ofKettle ofNettie
Kettle Carter al also r > colored was r rsumed re resumed resumed
sumed today in CrimJnal Court No No1 No1Commissioner 1 1Commissioner 1Commissioner
Commissioner Macfarfcnd was called as asa asa asa
a witne > s for the defense dele nee to testify as asto 8 8to asto
to the reputation r putllUOft of the defendant Mr MrMacfarland Y YMacCarland MrMacfarland
Macfarland said HP b hc bcd b d known Silas for forsome for forsome forsome
some time and that his reputation for forpeace torJce forpeace
peace and good order < rderis der is good goodOther goodOther goodOther
Other witnesses itDl < Sftt were lh then n called calledTheir caUf caUfTheir calledTheir
Their icstlznoay t Unoay developed nothing new newand nfwand ncwand
and was mere In contradiction co tradlctitD of evi evidence evidence cvidence ¬
dence offered by the Government than in inthe inthe Inthe
the nature cf throwing ner ne light on the thecase tbeCRS thecase
case caseThe CRS caseThe
CRSThe The defense will probably conclude its itsside itsside itsside
side of the case this afternoon
BNfflOPGB BNfflOPGBPresltyterian REVISION HuiflIOIOF OF GREEn GREEnPresbyterian llRflPresbyterian
Presbyterian Delegates Delegat s In Indorse Indorse Indorse
dorse Committees Report ReportrilESIBEBS Rep ReportMEMBERS rt rtMEMBERS
j Gathering 7 < ltheing After Spirited Spi te Discussion DiSCUSS Discussionin Discussioninthe ion in inthe i
the Wal WaldorfAstoriaMayor WaldorfAstoria orfostc a Mayor yor Low LowWill LowWill LowWill
Will Greet G ect Guests of ofCityFoadgn ofCityFoadgnlCssions City CityForcign CityForcignMisions Foreign ForeignMissions
Missions Have a Strong Hold HoldKEW 1i9idNEW HOIdYORK
NEW YORK May lay 22 22The Tl Tbe e report reportor reportort of ofthe ofthe
the t creed revision committee committee was adopt adopted adopted ¬
ed by an almost unanimous vote at the ibePresbyteriaa thePreabterian thePresbyterian
Presbyterian General Assembly Nearly Nearlyall Nearlyall Nearlyall
all the boards of the Presbyterian PresbyterianChurch PresbytertanChurcl1 PresbyterianChurch
Church had been heard h ard from fo and this thismorning thismorning thismorning
morning the great creed debate of the theGeneral theGeneral theGeneral
General Assembly Assembl began Preparations Preparationswere
were made yesterday for the presenta presentation presertI presetCtion ¬
tion of the subject A large company compa compamirauditors it itauditors < f fauditors
auditors was present presentThere presentThere presentThere
There was little disposition to oppose opposetbe opiOiethe oppoethe
the overtures suggested by the commit committee committee committee ¬
tee A remarkable ren arkabledegree degree of unanimity onanimityprevailed unanimitypreaile aanimftyprerailed
prevailed both in the committee and in intfce Inthe intle
the assembly en this point The same samewas sa1newa samewas
was wa true tn in the main regarding theDrfef the theBrief theBrief
Brief Statement No attempt was made madeto mldeto madeto
to send it to the presbyteries for their theiradoption thei theiadoU theiradopUon
adoption adoU n It was approved by the as assembly asaembly asaembly ¬
aembly and will be issued I e by b it itas a as its itsname itSname t tsame
name indicates ind tes as a Brief Statm St8t1meut Stotemestof Stotemestofthe a of ofthe ofthe
the Reformed Faith but not intended int to tobe tobe tobe
be used as a test of orthodoxy for iota Hainisters iotaisters mlnisters
isters elders and anddeacoDS anddeacoDSWill deacons deaconsWill deaconsWill
Will Dine TosigHt TosigHtThis Tooiht TooihtThis ToniihtThis
This evening cntng after af r the t e day of con contending eookndtng eontending ¬
tending for the faith o once e delivered to tothe tothe tothe
the saints too brethren will 1U m meet et like likebrothers likebrothers likebrothers
brothers true and an Jtried r4ed at the Waldorf WaldorfUnion Waldo WaldoAratoria WaldotfAstoria
Astoria as guests of t1IePresJyterl the Preshytenias PreshyteniasUnion D DUnion
Union Preparations Preparat nsh2ve have tteen 1m made madepresident madefor madefor
for 2000 pegole e Neall C Rogers the thep thepresident
president p 3ldent of the iresovtenan Presbyterian UnOft unOT will willpreside winpreside willpreside
preside and welcome welco e the guests ia be behalf behalf behalf ¬
half cf the union Mayor Ia or ieth etb Low will willi willpreSent
i present the greetings in behalf oi t the tbejeity thecity thecijy
jeity city and Dr Van Dyke k the moderator moderaterwill m moderatorwill erato r rm
will m make a response for the guata guataMusic gu gusetsMusic ta tahlfd
Music hlfd will b be supplied by bya a male chorus chorusand eDonmand chorusand
and by the theHungariaK Hungarian Band BaadForeign BaBc1For BandForeign
Foreign For ign Missions Hold HoldForeign HoldForeign HoldForeign
Foreign missions missio s have a hold on the thechurch thechurch e ec
church c Qrch no less strong than that accord accorded accorded accorded ¬
ed to the work of the thedmrch church in this thisland thislaJIi thisland
land laJIi in fact ta the tbemterftJt interest is eater r t r be toeWjtSW beJUMtltM becanse
canse JUMtltM ± U 11 eel pf t the teenflitnS teenflitnSAJiPIic JJ g gifA6p
theatroglrvli theatroglrvlipathie Atr l t tOdc
WjtSW ifA6p AJiPIic app MHUCVmi more vmtif v vpatWc
patWc Odc hearts thai 1baitdOClS does that of pevpl pevplnearer peoplaBearer peupla peuplanearer
nearer at home who can if they will willta wll wllfn willhi
ta most Brost cases aseshvethe have the Gewpd G J ipel pel prlvHeg prlvHegwhich prlyIewhleh priviieged priviiegedwhich
which are denied to t the people cf India Indiaand In4i In4iand Indiaand
and China an and Korea Kore and Japan and andthe aDdthe andthe
the islands of the sea seaA I seaAi1CTIBg el elDENMARK i
Time Extended for Dispos Disposin2 Disposing Disposing
in2 ing of Island lsla d Possessions PossessionsUnited PossessionsUnited PossessionsUnited
United States Can Get West Indies Indi s as asLate asLate asLate
Late as July 24 = 4 1903 I If Pres Present Preset Preneat ¬
eat Treaty Trea Is IsPailliea IsPaillieaCOPE IsPatifiedCOPENHAGEN EatiSed EatiSedCOPENHAGEN
COPENHAGEN COPE HAGEN May 22 22The The Politi uPoUtiken Politikea Politiken
ken says 885 Mr Hay the American Sec Secretary Secretary Seeretry ¬
retary of State has instructed the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States Stat B Minister here to propose proposeto proposeto
to Denmark that the time for the ratifi ratification ratification ratification ¬
cation of the treaty trea in regard to the sale saleof saleof saleof
of the Danish Wv W Wt st t Indies be extended extendeduntil eCteadeduntil extendeduntil
until Jn7 Jn 24 1963 1963Dr 15G3Dr 1953Dr
Dr DcuariCr Deun Deuati the president cf the thecouncil thecouncil thecouncil
council and minister of foreign affairs affairswill affairswill affairswill
will probably lay the suggestion be bercre bercrethe befcrethe fere ferethe
the King today There is little doubt doubtas toubtas doubtto
as to the extension of time being bein grant granted gilted grantThe ¬
ed edThe
The request r quest for an extension of time timefor Hmefor ttmefor
for the ratification of the treaty has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen
been granted grantedTHE grantedTHE grantedTHE
Rev Dr Hilburn May liot iot Be Able to toOfficiate toOfficiateiI toOfficiate
Officiate OfficiateiI in the Senate Again Again1J Againihis
TJiis 1J ihis S Session SessionIt
It was vas announced that Rev William WilliamHenry W1I WtlIamHenry lam lamHenry
Henry Milburn the blind chaplain Of Ofthe Ofthe ofthe
the Senate who was injured v Monday Mondayis MolHlaywhfle Mou4aywhile
while entering his is carriage carrage at the th Sen Senate Senate Seaate ¬
ate steps will be unable to resume Ms Msduties Jabduties hisduties
duties as chaplain of o the Senate again againthis agal1thIs againthis
this session sessionTRYING sessionRYI sessionTRYING
Application for Reprieve Said to Have HaveBeen EaeBeen HaeBeen
Been irad Made at Department of ofJustice ofJustice ofJustice
Justice JusticeAs JusticeAs JusticeAs
As a alast last resort application was as to today today todaynmade ¬
day daynmade made to the Attorney General for fora fora
a 1 reprieve for Elijah Chapman the ne aegro nefro negro
gro fro who Is under sentence to be hanged hangedtomorrow bRngOOtomorrow hangedtomorrow
tomorrow at the District Dstr t Jail JailThe jailThe JailThe
The matter was brought to the utteR attention aUentlcn utteRtion ¬
tion of the Attorney General by Rev RevJulian Re ReJulian RevTuhian
Julian Robert tha spiritual adviser of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the condemned man who ho was accom accompanied accompanied accompanied ¬
panied by one of the > attorneys In the thecase thecase thecase
LONDON May Z2 2 LMias Miss fFS Josephine JosephineKoiman JosephIneHoiman JosephineHoirnan
Koiman formerly fermerl cf Indianapolis isJapoIis Ind Indwho Indwbo In1who
who at one time was engaged cn aed to Signer SignerMarcrnl SItncrManrol SignerMarni
Marcrnl vas married to Eugene Boross Borossof Borosof Borosaof >
of Budapest Hungary today
iNOlcthk Notable Points of SpEEChPrai Speech SpeechPraises SpeechPriiiscg
Praises Prai army mmvbut tulnybllt but dnonnces dnonncesAdministrations d dnounesAdministrations nol1n nol1ndministlati
Administrations dministlati us campaign campaignagainst eampajh11aginst campaign campaignagainst
against Filipinos FilipinosSpain FilipinosStm FilipinosSpain
Spain Stm l would have right ri ht to tointervene toiu toiIitblVefle
intervene iu iIitblVefle Tint > on same grounds grounds as asFiiite3 as1T1111eC 5 5Tn
Fiiite3 Tn leil States tats did in ill Cuba CubaKis CubaSix Cubiix
Six ix hundred millions of dol dollars dQII dolmrs ¬
I lars lu and ten t > n thousand Ameri American AmNjanIins Ainerian ¬
can anIins an lives sacrificed withont withontgain withont withontgain ithont ithontgain
gain On contrary unending unendinghostility unendinghostiHty unendinghoti1itv
hostility hostiHty of natives natives incurred incurredWater incurredJiVater
Water Vat1 cure eUlccould could be prac practiced ptiwticed p < ae aetieid ¬
ticed in America as lawfully lawfullyas lawfuIh lawfuIhas
as in archipelago archipelagoArmy ard1pelagoArmy archqeiagoArriy
Army in l reality a1it forced to tofight tot I
fight for sovereignty not to touplift touplift touplift
uplift people peopleWar peop peopYal lePIVar
War Yal of glory lolr if independ independence ind independcnee pend ¬
ence > 11 > had been promised turn turned turni ¬
ed tl to war W I of shame shameiilOUll shameifRP shame1tH1
Clash Over Questioning of ofBishop ofBishop ofBishop
Bishop Thoburn ThoburnQUERIES ThoburnQUERIES ThoburnQUERIES
No Intention Inteati n of Detracting Det < < 1cti1gFron From Mr MrBeveridges M MBeveridges tL tLBevenidges
Beveridges Brilliancy BriHi ncy Colorado Sen Senator Senator Seaatom ¬
ator Says But Dislikes Lattcrs In Interference IntmeelCe Interfeace ¬
terference in CronsEiamination CronsEiaminationBishop C CronsExarninationBishop ExuninatioIL ExuninatioILi ExuninatioILtBi
tBi Bishop iHJp Theiwra TIJokn of f Kingston Ohio Ohiovo Ohiowhollas Ohiowho
vo whollas who fca baa made several s ral trips to the Phil Philip9feein Philippiaa Philippines
ip9feein ippiaa in the Interest of the M E EChareh ECbureh EChurch
Church gave his h li impressions of the theFilipinos theFilipinos theFilipinos
Filipinos in an examination before the theSenate theSenate theSenate
Senate Ccmaifttse nttee on the Philippines Philippinesthis Phhilpin Phhilpinthis Philippinesthis
this morning He compared them to the theAmerican theAmeiean theAmerican
American Indian in their tbei tribal and andtreacherous nndtrsseherous
treacherous weberouacbaracleristics characteristics but declared declaredthey de declaredthey lR lRltlleT
ltlleT they were HIeJRueh1trl5hter much brighter lIe He thought thoughtBishop thoughteut
eut DCt netvdpsble 1Cble otseI governm governmr govemnmmlr govemnmmlrB
r BiShop B Bishop Theburn rnoburn believed beif ved that tbatGcd God put putthe putthe
r the tJ Americans krnerlcauslnto into the Philippines PhilippinesYou Pbm PhilippinesYou tfnes
You Y CD believe God was with us in InCuba
Cuba asked Mr Ir Patterson 6r I do in indeed
deed d replied reJl d the Bishop BishopBut Bsbovyou BishopBut
But you know the American Gov Goveminent Go GoernliHmt Goreminent
eminent is net there th rp now do ycu not notqwstlcned notqu notqtxnticned
qwstlcned qu > stkned Mr Patterson PattersonI Pattt > rson
I object to any such question questionsharply q qnestionsharply stion stionsharply
sharply protested Mr Bevcridge BevcridgeI
61 I would wo1d like to remark that tb t the theSena theSenator theSenator Sena Senator ¬
tor from Indiana is rot the depostory depostoryof
of all the intelligence in the room re remarked reIrarked memarked ¬
marked Mr Patterson with some acri acrimony acrimony acnlmony ¬
mony and I wish he would permit us usteiligence usto usto
to be credited with some degree oC in inttiligence intelligence
teiligence I say it without any inten intention Intention ¬
to detract from your brilliancy brilliancyThe brilJiailcyTbe brillIancyThe
The Senator from Colorado asked the theBishop theBIshop th thBishop
Bishop whether he believed the hand handor bandof handof
of God was with England in its war warapainst wararaiDst waragainst
against theBoes theBoesAr the Boers Boers5r DoersMr
5r Ar McComas Mr Beveridge and Mr MrLodge MrLodge MrLodge
Lodge emphatically protested and the thequestion thequestiOn thequestiOn
question after a lengthy discussion was waswithdrawn waswithdra1nl waswithdraws
withdrawn withdrawnCIVIL withdra1nlCIVIL withdrawsIYib
No Convention Session Un Until Until Until
til This Evening EveningThe EveningThe
The American Society of Civil Engi Engineers Engls Engimoors ¬
moors s now in convention in this city citydevoted citydevoted citydevoted
devoted rocay today to sightseeing and no m > ses session ¬
sion 9 n of the convention was WiS held heldThe heldThe a Id IdThe
The days outIng ot tfng began with an exhi exhibition eshibit10n exhibitlon ¬
bition of pontoon pontJ < Ul bridge building at the thsWashington theasftiDgton theWashington
Washington Barracks At t 1 1830 30 oclock oclockthe oclockthe oclockthe
the steamer Macalester f1ale t er was taken for forFort forFort
Fort Washington where a stop wasmade wasmade was wasmade
made to witness the use of the disap disapFrom dsappeerIng sap sappeering
peering carriage In the firing of a lar larguR large largegun
gun guRFrom From there the visitors proceeded to toifoBBt toMOUBt toMount
Mount Vernon and after listening listelinto to an anaddress anHdILSS anaddrcss
address by Herbert M I Wilson on the thesubj thesubjt thesubjmbt
subj subjt t of George Washington as a s sum sureyor sumreyor r rveyor
veyor eyor and civil engineer the rest ot otthe Gtthe ofthe
the time was consumed in an inspection inspectionof
of the place A planked shad dinner dinnerwill dinnerwill dinnerwill
will be served at Marshall Halt and the theparty theparty theparty
party expect to return to the t e city cit about aboutd30
530 30 oclock oclockTonight oclo oclockTonight k kTonight
Tonight at S oclock the fifth tth business businesssession businesssessioD businesssession
session of the convention will be held heldat heldat heldat
at the New Willard after which there therewill therewill therewill
will be an informal dance in the be bail bailroom bailroom bailroom
room Tomorrow will be Ix the last day of ofthe orthe ofthe
the convention which will be brought broughtto
to a close with a reception to the visit visitors visitors visit01S ¬
ors at the Corcoran Art Gallery GalleryPRESIDENT GalIeoPRESIDEPJ GalleryPRESIDENT
Cubas Executive Deeply Moved by fcyMessage byMessage byMessage
Message of Congratulation CongratulationThe
The following fon wil1g cablegram was received receivedtoday pceivedtoday j jtoday
today by Secretary Root from Irusident lri FrasldentPalma sldent sldentPalma I IPalma
Palma of Cuba CubaI j
I am deeply moved by your grateful gratefulmessage sratefulmessage gratefulmessage
message of congratulation on the inau inauguration inauguration mangyration ¬
guration of the republic of Cuba to the thebirth thebirth thebirth
birth of which the people and the Gov Government Government Gayemnment ¬
ernment cf the United States have con contributed contrIbuted contribtited ¬
tributed with their blood and ant treasure treasureRest treAsureRest treasureRest
Rest assured that t t the Cuban people people can cannever canneer cannever
never forget the debt of gratitude they theyrwe theyewe theyewe
ewe to the great Republic with which whichwe whIchwe whichwe
we will m always cultivate the closest re relations relations relations ¬
lations of friendship and for tho pros prosperity prosperity prosperity ¬
perity of which we w pray to the Al Almighty Almighty j
mighty 1
Declares Rebellion Re beI ion Will WillNever WillNevei Vill VillNever
Never Be Quelled in inthe inI inthe
I the Philippines Philippinesm Philippines41Y
The Venerable Statesmans StatesmansSpeech StatesmanYsSpeech StatesmansSpeech
Speech the Forensic Ef EfV Effort Effort
V fort of His Hislife HislifeARMYS Life LifeATttlYS LifeARMYS
Officers Would Tell of Cruelties If Not Kofcfor Ifotfor Notfor
for Fear of Ruining Their Careers CareersBetter CareersBe CareersBetter
Better Be er Counsel Will PrcvaiTae Says SaysWitndrawal S1y S1yWithdrawal SaynWithdrawal
Withdrawal Possible PossibleTon PossibleYou PossibleYou
You have wasted vastedslx six hundred mill millions mitIions millTans ¬
ions of treasure tteasurc Yon Y n have h ve sacrificed sacrificednearly sacrlficdpearly sacrificednearly
nearly ten thousand thousand American lives livesth IivestM livesthe
th tM flower t > wer of ofoUr our youth You Yo = have slain slainuncounted slai slaiun slataunruunted
un uncounted ntcd thousands of the people you youi youdesire youdesire
i desire to to benefit Your generals are srecoming arecoming re recominS
coming home from their harvest bring bringing btlnging bringing ¬
ing their t leJr sheaves with them in tha tb2shape thashape thashape
shape of other othe thousands of sick and andwoended andwOlicded andwoended
woended and insane to drag out miser miserable miserable miserable ¬
able lives 1ive wrecked in 1 body and mind mindYou mindYOY mindYou
You make the American Amcrl an flag in the eyes eyesof eyesor eyesof
of a numerous people the erablezi ot otsacrilege oCsacrIlege ofsacrilege
sacrilege in n Christian churches and of ofthe oftlIe ofthe
the burning of human dwellings and ot otthe otUe ofthe
the horror of the water torture I ta talieve 1 1UeveDRY hallevenWy
lieve UeveDRY ny I know l1lOwthat that in general our ourofficers oarotlkcrs ouroilkcrs
officers are r humane Bat In some cases casesthey casestbey asesthey
they have lurve carried on < n your warfare with witha
a mixture of American ingenuity and andCastiKaa andCautiilsu Jd JdCa5tIHan
CastiKaa cruelty crueltyWith crueltyWith crueltyWith
With these words conveying only a asuggestion asuggestian asuggestion
suggestion of the speakers forcefulness forcefulnessSenator forcefulnessSent forcefulnessSentor
Senator Sent Dr George Friable Hoar of Massa Massachusetts Masanchusetts S3 S3chusetts ¬
chusetts this afternoon in what uill uilldoubtless xiiidoubtless IlII IlIIdottIess
doubtless be considered the greatest greatestforensic gI greatestforensic > atest atestforensic
forensic effort of His life certainly one onaof oneof oneof
of the most powerful speeches ever ver de delivered deUered dolivered ¬
livered in int the e United States Senate pro proceeded proeecledin proneeded ¬
needed eecledin Ia his promised denunciation of ofPbHipIne orPllii ofxw
xw = PbHipIne Pllii war and general ar arraignmeat asraiEmuuent r rai
raignmeat ai ent of the th Administrations Admini5 rntions ppl ppliey PQlyJq pQIilil
iey yJq in the ih tI archipelago archipelagoJRff anbl archipelagohPa Jago Jagow
hPa JRff w wos pa pas ta tlit < j venerable le Repub RepubMean Republqan Repubican
Mean ican who w ois is in inJmrmat iarrcony Tharmony w lth hip party partycoHeagoes p partyc rty rtycelIettGte3
coHeagoes c lleagues upon all important matters mattersexcept matterscept mattersexcept
except cept the Philippine question had been beengathering beengath beengathering
gathering gath ing material for this speech S e h As Asthe Asthe Asthe
the day day when be w ws s to talk had previ previously prcYiousy ¬
ously been announced he was greeted greetednot greetednot reeted reetednot
not only by an unusually large repre representation representation representation ¬
sentation on the floor of the Senate but butalsD bataist butalst
alsD ty crowds ia 1 the gallery galleryFilipinos gaIlryFilipino al1eryFilipinon
Filipinos Turned Into Enemies EnemiesYour EnemiesYour EnemiesYour
Your practical statesmanship ho hocontinued hecontinued hocontinued
continued has succeeded in convert converting converting convertfag ¬
ing a people who three years ago were werarcadv wereredy wereready
ready to kiss the hem of f the garment of ofliberator otthe ofthe
the American and to wel ome o me him as a alli aliberator
lli liberator ratorwh who wh thronged after your mea meawhen meni macawhen
i when they landed on those islands with withbenediction Willii withbenediction
i benediction and gratitude gratltudcinto into sullza sullzaand SUn sulinand l land
and irreconcilable enemies possessed possesse < lot loti of ofa ofa
i a hatred a red which centuries c nturies cannot c nnot eradi eradicate eradir eradicae camSrate ¬
rate caer
r The practical statesmanship of the theDeclaration thei theDeclaration
i Declaration of Independence and the thaGolden theGelden theGolden
Golden Rule would have cost nothing nothingbet nothi1Iloot nothingbet
bet a alew few kind words words They would wouldhave wouldi wouldIuae
i have 1oe bought bou t for yen cuthe the undying grati gratitude grLtitude gmatitude ¬
tude of a great and free people peoi > le ad th thundying thuD the theundying
undying uD yin glory which belongs tc the thename thename thename
name of liberal libcratr libcratrWhat liltcratrWhat jr jrWhat
What have your ideals cost eostyou you and andwhat nndI andwhat
I what w at have they bought for you For Forthe Forthe Forthe
the Philippine Islands you have had to torepeal toi torepeal
i repeal the Declaration DecJ r tlon of Independence IndependenceCteBtinw I IMependeucoCsmwd dependencaI
CteBtinw on Second Page PfigeMiss P PMKINLEYS PageIIIKIILEY
INliss Miss Sarah Duncan Engaged Engagedto
i to Herbert WinslowCLEVELAND Winslow MJl YinlowCLEVETAND lov lovI lovCIv
CLEVELAND CIv rIAXD Ohio May ay 22 22MIae 22MIaeSarah Miss MissSarah n39 n39rah
Sarah rah Duncan niece of o the hUe ate Presi President Prcsdent Presdent ¬
dent McKinley will be married > d here OR ORJune OilJ onJune
June J 4 1 to Herbert Winslow Wtnsl w of Pitts Pittsburs Pittsburg Pittuburg
burg bursdevoted burgFor burgFar
For the past year year Miss 1JS8 Duncan has hasotcd baadevoted
devoted > otcd herself to social ill settlement settlementwork settlementWorkn1 settlementworkTh
work Workn1 In thIs city She has proved her herpower hatpoKer herpower
power to make her education of practi practical practiesi practica ¬
cal ca value alu As a teacher she was be beloved Jeloved e eloed ¬
loved by byboth both the children and her as associates associates assedates ¬
sociates Upon her occupation aa aateacher asteacher tI tIteacher
teacher her many man friends were wont to tolook tolook tolook
look with great interest President 2Ic 2IcKinley McKinley r rKinley
Kinley found much m ch amusement in the thayoung theyoun theyoung
young youn wcinans devotion to her idrais idraisthough Idrls1rough iciaisthough
though he heartily 1rUI7 approved 3pprov of the path paihshe p1ihshe pathshe
she pursued pursuedThe pursuedThe pursuedThe
The winters of ISM and anc an4 1901 were werespent wcrcspent werespent
spent with her uncle and aua aunt at the theWhite thoralte theWhite
White Hcaae She had been one of the thaPresidents thePresid thePresideats
Presidents Presid cts party upon many of tbs tbstrips tbstrils thetrips
trips which he bad taken She was with withhe withthe withthe
the he party at Buffalo leaving the Presi President President President ¬
dent but twenty twent minutes before befo e he wa waTO mu muaS wasassassintled
aS assassintled assassintledTO a ltltw ltltwTO
Railroads Pai1roa s to Occupy Streets During 0 0A OA 0A
A R Encampment EncampmentIn Encampn nt ntIn
In the absence cf Chairman Babcock BabcorttRepresentative BabockRepresentathe BabcockRepresentative
Representative Mudd tudd presided reslded over tbe tbemeeting tX6meeting tmemeeting
meeting of the House District Commit Committee Committee Committee ¬
tee this morning A favorable favorable report reportwas lerJtss
was Wa ss ordered on mi n the Senate Joint reso resolution resolution meanlutlon ¬
lution To permit steam railroads in time thoDistrict th thDistrict timeDistrict
District of Calumbia to cccapy addition additional tdditiola ¬
al a parts of streets in order to aiiom aiiommcdate 1iTOmmcdate aouommacdale
mcdate the traveling public attending attendingthe atteldlnfUte
the encampment entamJme t of the Grand Army ol olof o oof ofof
of the Republic