R Rain t tonight i t clearing Sun lIn jj jjday < 3 p 11 MORNING TIMES TIMESr
day shifting r Increasing to northwesterly northeasterly northeasterlyshifting t winds 7 j arb it tUtu I u ttUt J JNumber BEST The SPORTING News of PAGE AH IN the WASHINGTON WASHINGTONNumber World WorldBEST I
Number 22CO WASHINGTON SATURDAY AUGUST 1G 161902 1902 II Price One Cent
Report of Its Capture by byRevolutionists byRevolutionists byRevolutionists
Revolutionists Un Unfounded Unfounded Unfounded ¬
founded foundedTtiflnn foundedWORD foundedVIORB
Ttiflnn WORD FROM FRO prim n GulIAfllM uuiimjMi uinypic KICKbLi KICKbLiU NICKE1u
U S S Topeka Sails for forCuracao forCuracao forCutacao
Curacao to Secure SecureCoal SecureC SecureCdal
Coal C al Supply SupplyA S pply t tA
Inference of Perfect Harmony Between Betweentie Betweenthe Betweenthe
the Two Governments Regarding Af Affairs Affairs Mfairs ¬
fairs of Disrupted Republic RepublicMinister RepublicMinisterBowen RepublicMinisterBowen Minister MinisterBowen
Bowen Bowen Reports Effective Effective Blockade at atCiufiad atCiu atCiudad
Ciufiad Ciu ad Bolivar BolivarThe BolivarThe BolivarThe
The revolutionists in Venezuela Venezuelarot arc arcI
4 rot I ot in possession rf Puerto Cabellb A Ac Aispatchrom AC
c C ispatch ispatchrom Jrom Coiumander COTaman El Nickels Ni J < < oL of ofhe 6f11e ofJie
Jie he Topefcs To Tope replying to t an anfnqtti17tram anfnqtti17tramthe inquiry from fromihe fromthe
the Navy Xar avy Department DE rtment as a to a l report foportthat roportJat reportc
that Jat at the city is held by the revolution revolntionitV revolutionI2t eYolnlioni
itV i 1 cabled > s follows followsNo follossevcrrthng
No everything is quet uel at t Puerto Ca Catf CatLo CaLcLo
tf tLo Lo Will sa s saI = tl l for Curacso Curac o for ioal oal and andSTIJrles andsrprIas
STprHes tonight toli 1t Gerrrsn G I1in raanofw mallofwzlr manofwszins i ir
r < iins ins h hr < sr < during mv m mrbsene mrbseneplain ibseswrc ibseswrcplain e ic icplain
plain iu ifcripnce er Jf ace to be e drawn from the therVcve thefe ther
rVcve r fe ve distich dls itclt is that therj t r is a perfect perfectunderstanding perfecttmdErstacding perfecttnerstcdng
understanding between the Germans and andAmericans andT1Jcrleans andAmcrlcans
Americans as s to t VeBc Ve Vener4clc Td uclc and that thateach thateach thateach
each is < 3 Marling the interests laerests of the theother theother theother
other otherA S SA
A morning morning d dpatch l patch dated date at atUrUn atUrUnould lierHn
w ould Indicate almost the opposite oppos oppot at atleast atrazt it iteast
least east that that Germany ferm 1y did HDC It3 at appreeiaie appreeftethe appreeiaethe
the liberal policy of r this Go GIJ7 Gozernme GozernmeThis ernraer ernraerThis < rnme rnmeThismornmg
This Thismornmg morning the arrival rrh31 of the Topeka Topekaat
at Curacao Cura ao and of the Cincinnati at La LaGuaira LaGuaira LaGualra
Guaira is reported to tfcs 19 Navy Depart Department Department e > art artment ¬
ment mentUnited S SUnItd
United nlte States StsteMlniiilr Minister Bowen at Ca Caracas CaIatJiS Caiaas ¬
racas has cabled 11100 th the State 5tat D Do Dcartateat Dcartateatthat 3artaint 3artaintthat > a tn 1Jt 1Jtthat
that he has ha reliable information that thaiihers thatthere thatthere
there is 110 o blockade of < < if th < j ports oorf > ol olCarapapi 0 0Carapap oCarapaz
Carapapi Can ean9 Colorado and Guaira At AiCiudad Atnudar1 AtCiudad
Ciudad BolVHr oltv > i however howev r the btockaJe btockaJeii
ii i effecOvi effecOviMr effecUvr effeetireMr
Mr r Bowea BoW il reports tfcct the Govern GovernKent GovernDtcnt
Kent troeps have shown shovngreat great courtesy courtesyto eoui1eFYto ouitesyto
to noncombatants no1 c t ts ia ih the Orinoco Orl oregion oregionand region regionand regioiiand
and that tWBe the rcvolntiouiSts nolutimI 1tave have been beenequally beeneqURllr beenequally
equally roMRnannnoas IIlArrnlntB US at t CfadiWl hI dnd 1 Boll Bolivar B Bollvar U Uvar ¬
var where ftM rCd > d supplies are plenty plentyAGUINALDO plentyAGUINALDO plentyAGWNALDO
War Department Asked If He WouldBe WouldBe Would WouldBe
Be Allowed to toVisit Visit United States StatesAguinaldo StatesAguinaldo StatesAguinaldo
Aguinaldo may come to the th United UnitedStates UlritedStates DaRedstates
States on a lecture tour Since his re release reItas reltasC ¬
lease Itas by the Americans at the time of ofthe o othe
4 the promulgation pr mulgatlon of the t e amnesty proc proclamation pro prozmatWn procaati < ¬
lamation aati Se e has been living caietly ia iaCavite iaC inCavite
Cavite C lte province and has been studying studyingihe 5tudyinglhe studyingthe
the English language to prepare him himself hlcsc1t himself ¬
self for a visit to the United States StatesA Statesletter
A letter was received at the War De Department Df DfJartment D Drartment > ¬
partment today from a wellkaown anti antiimperialist antiimpedaltst antimperIaliat
imperialist inquiring if Aguinaldo will willbe willbe m mbe
be permitted to ceine to this tJtj country oa oaB ona
B lecture Icture tour The officials of the War WarPepartotent WarIJ WarI7rpartrnent
Pepartotent IJ partmeRt are of the osiaion oD ion that thatrhould thathGuld thatliould
rhould they desire to todo do so they cannot cannotlrecnt esanotjrevcnt cannotjrevcnt
jrevcnt Aguinaldo from visiting tile Uni United Uxtted Datted ¬
ted States as he was included in the theerms tooferms the4erins
ferms erms of the amnesty proclamation and andhas ardhas andha5
has enjoyed absolute freedom since ills illsI hl hlrardon hisrardon
I rardon ardon July 4 4Without 4Without 4Without
Without discussing the subject the tbeWar theWar theWar
War Department has replied by inclos inclosES inclosDg melonag
ES a copy of < tf f the amnesty proclamation proclamationto
to the writer to explain Aguinaldos Aguinaldospresent Agulnaldosrreg Aguinald s srresent
present rreg nt status statusTHREE statUtITHREE statusTHREE
narrow 1iarrowE EscapeFrom capeFrom Death in New KewYork NewYork ew ewYork
York Fire FireNEW FireNEW FireNEW
NEW YORK Aug IS 1SThrtte Three people peoplewere peoplowere peoplecere
were more marn6r or less les seriously burned in a afire atire allre
fire in the sixstory tenement house oouseat at
240 Cherry Street shortly before noon noontoday noontoday noontoday
today The lire re started in the second seeoadCoor seeondEoor secondfoor
Coor The injured IBjuredSabina injuredSablna
Sabina Boararium nineteen years old oldturned oldturned oldLamed
turned about the body bodyRachel bodyRcbel budyRachel
Rachel Bonrarium nine months burn burneJ burned burned
ed about the head headJulius headJulius headJulius
Julius Bonrarium burned about body
The cause of the flre is unknown The Theproperty Tbeproperty ThepropertIdamage
property propertIdamage damage was small smallTransport smaIlTrin smallTraimpert
Transport Trin rt Relief in From From Manila ManilaThe ManilaThe ManilaThe
The War Department D Department panment is advised of the thearrival thearrlvalor thearrival
arrival arrlvalor of the transport Relief at San SanFrancisco SanFrancisco SanFrancisco
Francisco from Manila Philippine Isl Islands Islands Telands ¬
ands with tbe following military pas passengers pansengers
sengers Colonel Hall Adjutant Gener Generals GeueraIs Generals ¬
als Department Major McCorab Artil Artillery ArtUry Artillery ¬
lery ry Corps Captain Brown Dro Quartermas Quartermasters Quartenna8ters Quarterinastcrs ¬
ters Department Captains Swaine and andJackson andJacksoD andJarkson
Jackson First Infantry Houle and Mil Miller Miller 3111icr ¬
ler Twentysixth Infantry InfantrY MeCallzn MeCallznEdmondeon McCaIimE1mondson lcCaUmE
Edmondeon E mond60n Davies and Branch and andLieteasnt andL andLetenant
Lieteasnt L etemmt VOIle r050 Medical Department DepartmentCotton DepartmentCatton DepartmentCotton
Cotton Artillery Corps Harris Harris5 Second SecondInfantry SeeoDd1nrantry SecondInfantry
Infantry Neff Ne Philippine Scouts Con Contract Contract Contract ¬
tract Surgeons Seager Lindsay McEvoy McEvoyMany 3teEvoyMany cEoy cEoyMany
Many Jackson Stoney Sears Sievers SieversPorter SieversPorter SieversPorter
Porter Hogue McSwain Wyche Chase ChaseGraham ChaseGraham ChaseGraham
Graham illntzer and Weiaenberg Wel enbefg and andioirteea andiouteea nd ndhnrtEen
ioirteea casuals casualsVisiting casualsV casualsViaitiig
Visiting V Hng at It Harpers Ferry FerryMiss F FerryMiss rry rry1i8S
Miss 1i8S Elizabeth ElIza th TViteoti Wfl OtI chief clerk clerkthe in inthe
the he office o olfle lee of the tl United S S4aten < ates es Attorney Attorneyfor Attorneyfor
for or the tJWjrh DJWrio leffcHbecUy leftthe city yesterday ye te flY
for Harpers Harpf > ls Ftrry F rry to visit friends She Shefor Shefor Shefor
for the District D stfict left the city esterday esterdaywill ester esterdaynih ay ayWilI
will nih return next week
Charles Shreves Mangled lt angled Body Found Foundat Foundat Foundat
at Railroad Crossing CrossingSARATOGA CrossingSARATOGA CrossingSARATOGA
SARATOGA N Y Aug IS ISCharies ISChariesEhren TSCharlesShreve Charles CharlesShreve
Shreve of Washington D C Co met with witha
a horrible death about three wiles south southof southof southof
of here at an In early hour this morning morningHis morningHis morningHi
His Hi mangled remains re Nins were found foon at atDelaware atDelaware atDelaware
Delaware and Hudson Railroad frost frosting rrosing ros rosing ¬
ing known knownas as s the Dry Bridge Crossing CrossingHis CrosJngHis CrondngHis
His identity was wa prove pro provel l fy > y kllens 1 Hen on his hisFtrscn hisrUs hisprncn
Ftrscn rUs m fcnd the names on his fashion fashionable fashionable fashionable ¬
able wearing apparel ap arel A watcb watc but no nomoney non1onef nononey
money wa wan found on the tht remains remainsCoroner remaln3Coroner remainaCoroner
Coroner McCarthy has hot instituted an anIvestigation
investigation Shrove SIIcves s believed beJie < to have havefallen bdVetIIen havefallen
fallen tIIen from or was atrack bj b one or orthe o oI atthe
I the midnight trains trainsADTOMOBILIST traiesAUTOMOBILIST trainsAllTOT1OBITIT
A Prominent Promin nt Official Called CalledHimself CalledHimself Calledk
k Himself John Brown BrownScorched Brovvn77 Brovvn77Scorcnea BrownScorched
Scorched l Down owu Sixteenth Street and andOver andOvcr andOver
Over Curb Into Lafayette Square SquareGuilty SquareGuilty SquareGuilty
Guilty of Trespass TrespassJohn TrespassJohn TrespassJohn
John Brown was the name on the back backof backof backof
of an infonnslSoa inf rmRUon filed in the Police PoliceCcart PoliceCcurt PoliceCcurt
Ccurt today charging tresspass tresspassThe tresspassThe tresspassThe
The alleged John Brown forfeited 5 5It 5It SIt
It is said s id that if he had appeared in incourt incourt incourt
court he would have beeR recognized as asa aspominent asa
a prominent official of the District of ofColunia orColumbia ofColumbia
Columbia and that his hi5Bme name was not notJohn notJohn notJohn
John Brown BrownThe BrownThe BrowirThe
The facts surrouadiagtbe arrest and andforfeiture andr sndforfeiture
j forfeiture r rl itUte were ascertained after ranch ranchprodding mnckprodding muchprodding
prodding The gentleman is an enthusi enthusiastic enthusiastic enthusiantic ¬
astic automobilist Last night he came camedown camedown camedown
down Sixteenth Street at so merry a aclip aclip aclip
clip that he could not make the turn turainto turnInto turnInto
into H and dfshed over the curb and andsidewalk aDdsidewalk andsidewalk
sidewalk into Lafayette Laf ette Park plowing plowingup p1 wing wingup
up flowers lIowersshrubb shrubbery ry and crass sra55 and andbarely andbarely nd ndbarely
barely missing collision with several severalpersons severalpersons severalpersons
persons seated there for an airing airingLuckily airingLuckUy airingLuckily
Luckily neither the machine nor its itsoccupants itscccnpants itsoccupants
occupants were damaged though the theaccident theaccident theaccident
accident created quite a stir among amongresidents amongresldents amongresidents
residents of ofthe the neighborhood
Dismayed by Delay in Nam Naming Narning ¬
ing Commissioner CommissionerANXIOUS CommissionerANXIOUS
No Credence Placed in Mention of Sec Secretary Se Seq Seqretary ¬
retary Cortelyous Name as Taking TakingSides TakingSides
Sides or Seeking information Il OrIlZ tion Secret Secretly SecretIyMarylanderrMay ¬
ly lyIrarylander IyMarylanderrMay Marylanders May Iay Take a Hand HandInterest HandInterest Handinterest
Interest in the filling of the vacant vacantDistrict vacantDistrict
District Coaimissionershiii continues continu in inan inan inan
an unabated though somewhat fretful fretfulmanner fretfulmanner
manner as the friends of the cKinlidatcs cKinlidatcsj rantlidatesanxiously
j I anxiously auxloudaIt await the decision decisipn which ali alicongdcntly altconthiently
confidently expect will bring success sucess to tothe ti tithe tothe
I the man they thc favor favorThe favorThe favorThe
The uncertainty attending attendlf the irfccle1 irfccle1situation l1ole Tholesituation l1olesituation
situation has occasioned unrest among amongall anionsall
all those concerned con < erned as they realize the ilifeprobable theprobable
probable futility of rurtlier 1rtlJer efforts at atthis atthis
this late day da It is s safe ate to predict redict that thatthe t thatthe at atthe
the end of the th contest no ne n matter who is ischosen ischosen
chosen will ill be greeted vith a l ronald considerable ronalderable ocslderable ¬
erable feeling of satisfaction satisfa iCll that tbatUle tbatUleincident the theincident theincident
incident is ISflcsed lslcsed lslcsedTaking jlcsed jlcsedTaking
Taking Taki lg lo Part in Contest ContestThe ContestThe ContestThe
The mention of o Secretary Cortelyous Cortelyousname Cortolyousname
name as one who Is participating in the thestruggle tb tbstruggle thestruggle
struggle between the rival candidates candidatesis C tndidalesis
is thoroughly discredited by those thos ac acquainted acquainted acquaintod ¬
quainted with his record rce rd as the tbePresi tbePresid Presi Presidents Presidents ¬
dents d BtS right band man m n His position on onevery onevery
every matter of official business businesswhether businessJbether businesswhether
whether Jbether of slight or great importance Is Isknown Isknown
known to be a strictly impartial one oneand ode orieand odeand
and the present instance is no exception exceptionMr
Mr Cortelyous presence in Washing Washington Washington Washington ¬
ton at the present presentUme time i8 in a private privatecapacity prinltcapacity privatecapacity
I capacity and entirely in connection with withthe withthe Uft Uftthe
the arrangements for the Presidents Presidentscoming Presidentscomiag Presidentscoming
coming trips to New England and later laterto laterI laterto
to the Northwest Mr Loeb at Oyster OysterBay OysterBay OysterBay
Bay is acting secretary and Is in incharge inCharg incharge
I charge e of all official business buSITlessnow now before beforethe btCorethe beforethe
the President Those in a poaUIon to toknow toknow toknow
know feel assured that Mr Cortelyou Cortelyouis
is not only taking no part in the le con contest conteet contest ¬
test personally but that he has not been beeadeputed betfldeputed beendeputed
deputed by the President to make any anyinquiry anyinquiry anyinquiry
inquiry whatever concerning any candi candidates canddates candIdates ¬
The Maryland Rumor RumorA
A rumor has gained circulation to the thseffect that1fect theeffect
effect that the Maryland Republicans Republicanshave RepublicAnsbaV Republicanshave
have baV taken a s hand in the contest and andCoothntcd andI nndCootinned
I Coothntcd on Second S Page
I New Office Building Roof Roofi Roofed Roofed
ed and Inside Tak Taking T Taking ak aking
ing Shape ShapeOLD ShapeOLD ShapeOLD
Imposing Stone Steps From Main Floor Floorto Floorto Floorto
to Basement Transform the Interior InteriorFoundations InteriorFound2tions InteriorFoundations
Foundations cf a New Terrace Laid Laidon Laidon aid aidon
on the East Front FrontWerk FrontWerk FrontWork
Werk on the White House HouseronoadoD HouseronoadoDand renovation renovationand renovationand
and the erection of the office e1Mo11dJng e1Mo11dJngfor bwiWlns bwiWlnsfor butMingfor
for the use of the President at the tb west westead weRtead westend
ead of o the Executive Exec tiTe Mansion is prog progressing progrest pro proreseing ¬
ressing rest > lng rapidly The iater structure structurels structurelsnow Js Jsnow Isnow
now under roof and the tinners are at atwork atwor atwOrt
work wor wOrt > Next 1eXt week the interior fiiahing fiiahingtwill fi niahingwill Ihjn Ihjnwf11
twill be begun begunIn begunIn begunIn
In the raaasion proper the plasterers plasterershave plasterershave plasterershave
have finished a large portion oj o i their theiriwork thekwork theirwork
work on the bent fll t floor room At tIlt thtwest tIltwest thewest
west Hd iM of tU tn > building A new canopy canopywiJig canopyctuILg an p prt
wiJig rt > dLg has been completed it it he > to private privateJUHs JH1 privatehuiig tc tcutig
JUHs utig room f led cd the celling cellln of the en enlarged enlarged enhargod ¬
larged state dining room adjoining to tbe tbesouth tbeSOUl thesouth
south SOUl has been z rIven iveu th tho whiting whitl g coat coatTlw coa coatThe
The 7 former ur r Red Corridor Corrl is also a io vn vngagin n ngagin ngagin
gagin the attention at ntion of the plasters and anddsir aoorJ anddesitners
dsir rJ desitners oi ners ers and a constderablt portion if ifthe t tthe rthe
the ceiling has been molded IIi the thegreat thegreat thegreat
great East Room the plasterer have fin finished Jinil5hcd n nlehod ¬
ished the first or rough coat of the cell ceilBOY cenBOY cellBOY
North Carolina Lad Uses His Gun With WithGood WithGood WithGood
WILMINGTON N C Aug Au IiG C W WBuaday WDuaday WBunday
Buaday while unmercifully beating aUng Mrs MrsE MrsE MrsE
E A Spires His tIs boardinghouse bo8rdiulhfHl > > e keeper keeperin keeorin
in this city was snot by her tenyear tenyearoW tenyeuold tenyearold
old son sonThe SODThe sonThe
The wound is notrserioue the ball hav having having baylag ¬
j ing struck hits head and passed pasfte around aroundtbe aroundthe aroundthe
the skull instead of o fracturing it itSunday UDuDday itBunday
Sunday was drinking and assaulted assaultedthe a assaultedthewoman lI1ted lI1tedthe
the thewoman woman with a hatchet badly wound woundiag woundtag WoundIIg
tag IIg her about the bead face and shoul shoulders shoulders shodders ¬
ders dersIt dersIt dersIt
It was while he was bcithig bclt g her the thelad thelad thelad
lad shot him Sunday BU 4lay was bom bound < I over fo fothe fothe fothe
the superior court Mr Mrs Spires was wasstnt wasnt wasaent
stnt nt to the hoaoital Her inluries are arcvery arevery arevery
very serious seriousThe seriousTbe seriousThe
The brave boy who probably saved his hismothers hi himotbers hismOthers
mothers life by firing the pistol when whenhe whenbe whenhe
he did was commended for his gallan gallantry gaIJantry galisatry ¬
try by b the court and dismissed dismissedPlot dismissedPlot dismissedS
Plot to Assassinate Kaiser KaiserBERLIN KaiserDERLIX aicer aicerBERLIN
BERLIN Aug 16 IGThe The police are aregreatly ar arcreaUy aregreatly
greatly excited over some some unsigned let letters letterswhich lettern ¬
tern terswhich which have been found on a crimi criminal crimlBel criminel ¬
nal In court at Frankfort The letters letterscontain letterscontain letterscontain
contain contain information concerning a plot plotito plotto plotto
ito to assassinate the Kaiser during his stay sta staat stayat
I at Hamburc
inp 1t aad ad are bus bu > ed elctwhero elctwheroIs elf he whiJa t this thisIs s
Is drying
Old Ol Staircase Sbircasc Gone GoneIn GoneIn
In the hallway haUwaywlee where wiere the stairs for formerly formerly ¬
merly led up p to the Cabinet room and andPresklenls andPresidents
Presidents office on the second floor lIoO floorthe
the old wooden wuod staircase has been en entirely entirely
tirely removed In their t eir places plac s have b ve
been installed < an imposing flight Gf ofstone
stone stope steps running from the main floor floorto floorto floorto
to the basement with niches on either eitherside
side for statuary From the end of the themain themain
main long corridor a balconylike open opening openIng openlag ¬
ing will overlook the staircase The Thebrilliance Thebrilliance
brilliance of the scene at the winter re receptions reeeptions yeceptions ¬
ceptions can be imagined as one will willstand willstand willstand
stand at this point of vantage and see seethrongs seethrong seethrong
throng of notable guests passing up upand upami upand
and down the steps stepsThis stepsThis stepsThis
This large hallway readily transforms transformstbe transformsthe transformsthe
the Executive Mansion into a residence residenceof
of o the English basement type leaving leavingthe lealngthe hearingthe
the entire main man floor free from danger dangerous dangerous
ous draughts in cold weather weath While Whilethe Whil Whilthe Whilthe
the limitations of the old building pre prevented preventerl prevented ¬
vented the erection of an imposing imposingbalustrade imposingbalustrade imposingbalustrade
balustrade the new staircase will be behandsome behandsome behandsome
handsome in its massiveness massivenessOut massivenessOut massivenessOut
Out of doors laborers and concrete concreteworkers concreteworkdrs concreteworkdrs
workdrs have been digging and filling in infor iufor infor
for the foundations of the new terrace terracewhich terracewhich terraccwhich
which will be the counterpart of theoriginal the theoriginal theoriginal
original structure at the west end of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the mansion on which the greenhouses greenhousesformerly greenbousesformerly greenhousesformerly
formerly stood The frame frnmeand and glass glasswork glasswork glasswork
work of those structures has been torn tornaway tornaway tornaway
away completely and an the terrace there therewill tberewHl therewill
will be restored to what it was orig originally orlginally on oninally ¬
inally intended to be beThe bcThe tf tfThe
The new terrace atjthe atothe the east end will willbe willbe willbe
be finished off at its I itsextremity k extremity by a aportecochere aportecochere aportecochere
portecochere at the edge edgeof of the cir circular circular cm cmcular ¬
cular driveway now completed in the therough therough therough
rough from Executive Avenue AvenueTO AvenueTO AvenueTO
Syndicate of ofNew New York and Boston BostonBuying BostonBuying BostonBuying
Buying Properties PropertiesMANCHESTER ProprtiesMANCHESTER rop rties rtiesXANCHESTER
MANCHESTER N H Aug 16 I6Wal I6Wallace 16Wallace Wal Wallace ¬
lace D Lovell representing a syndi syndicate symlieite syndieste ¬
cate of New York and Boston street streetrailway streetraiJway streetrailway
railway promoters who now control controlmany controlmany controlmany
many lines in southeastern New Hamp Hampshire Hampsbie Hampshire ¬
shire stated this morning that he had hadsecured hadsecured hadsecured
secured a number of valuable water waterpowers watcrpoers waterpowers
powers in northern New Hampshire HampshireIt
It is s his purpose to develop these wa water water wnten ¬
ter privileges to generate electricity for forlighting rorlighting forlighting
lighting and heating mountain hotels hotelsand 1Iote1sand hotelsand
and to tl connect them with the trolley trolleylines trolleylines trolleylines
lines He said these railways would be beoperated beGperated beepenated
operated six months In the year yearThe yearTh yearThe
The Th Castellanes Coming ComingPARIS ComingPARIS ComingPARIS
PARIS Aug 16 IGCount Count and Countess CountessBoni CountessBonl CountessBoni
Boni de Castellane will go to America Americaou Americaon fnerlcaoa
ou August 30 the Du Luynes accom accompanyiing ac accompanyilng om ompanyling
panyiing them as their guests Count CountBoni CountBonl CountBoni
Boni will wil return to Paris In the th < < autumn autumnin autumnIn autumnin
in time for Parliament but the Countess Countesswill Countcssill Countesswili
will ill remain in n America until next Jan January JnnI Jannary ¬
nary 1
I naryKossuth Kossuth Dangerously Ill 111VIENNA IllUEX IlliJ
VIENNA UEX iJ ENNA A Aug A1 > g 16 ISFrancls Francis Kcssuth Kcssuththesleader KOSSUlhlheleader Kossuththe
thesleader the leader of the extreme left in the theHungarian tbeHungarian theHungarian
Hungarian Chamber of Deputies is dan dangerously dangerously dangerously ¬
gerously ill Kossuth is the son of ofLouis ofLouis ofLouis
Louis Kossuth the famous exgovernor exgovernorof exgot rnor rnorof
of Hungary Hunga Hungar
EOffiMILMLIlS EOffiMILMLIlSInterstate FORTY RAILWAY LINES LINESInterstate LffillInterstate
Interstate Commerce Com Commission ComI Cornmission ¬
I Wilmington Paying More for Freight FreightThan FreightI FreightThan
I Than NQrfolk and Richmond RichmondNearly RichmondNearlyI RichmondNearlyEvery Nearly NearlyEvery
Every Company in the th South and andMississippi andMissis andMississippi
I Mississippi Missis ippi ValleyDefendant ValleyDefendantThe
I The Interstate Commerce Commission Commissiontoday COI11nisslont Coninlssiontoday
today t ay filed its suits in the theUnl United d states statesCourt StateRI StatesCourt
Court at Wilmington N C against for forty forty forty ¬
I ty railroads to compel them to respect respectthe r respectthe pecl peclthe
the order of the Commission preventing preventingdiscrimination prcentingdiscrimination preventingdiscrimination
discrimination against a iDSt Wilmington in infavor Infavor infavor
favor of Norfolk and Richmond RichmondTh3 RichmondTIl RichmondTha
Th3 TIl suit grows out of proceedings proceedingsbrought proeeedingsbrought proceedingsbrought
brought by the Wilmington Tariff Asso Association Association Annaelation ¬
ciation before the Commission to pre prevent nrevent orevent ¬
vent such uch discrimination 1 Rates from fromSt frontSt fromSt
St Louis Chicago East St SLLouis Louis and andother andotlJei andother
other Western points were much IiJuc lower lowerto lowerto lowero
to o Norfolk and Richmond than to Wil Wilmington Wilmingtcn l lmingt ¬
mington mingt < in The Commission > sat in Wil Wilmington WiJminJlon Wilmington ¬
mington and took a great gteat gr at deal of evi evidence evidence cvidence ¬
dence in the case It found that the therates therates therates
rates from Cincinnati and Louisville to toNorfolk toNorfolk toNorfolk
Norfolk were much mccblower lower than those thosefrom tho thofrom thoecfrom
from St SL Louis and Chicago to Norfolk NorfolkThe NorfolkThe orfolk orfolkThe
The rates from from Cincinnati and Louis Louisville Louisl1Ie Louisvilie ¬
ville l1Ie to Wilmington appeared to be just justIt j justIt t tIt
It was decided that the basis 5of of rate ratefrom rateI rat ratfrom
from Cincinnati St Louis Chicago and andLouisville andLGul andLcuicville
Louisville LGul oine to Norfolk orolk and the rates from fromCincinnati tramI fromCincinnati
Cincinnati and Louisville to Wilmington Wilmingtonwould Wilmingtonwould Wilmingtonwould
I would be a fair basis asison on which to com compute eOnrute coalrute ¬
rute just rates from rom Chicago and St StLouie StLouie StLouis
Louie to Wilmington The conclusion conclusionof
of the Commission was as follows followsFindings followsFindings onowsFindings
Findings of the Commission CommissionIt
It is 1 our ur conclusion clusion that the defend defendant derenlt defendznt ¬
ant t carriers rhculd cease and desist desistfrom desistfrom desistfrom
from maintaining and enforcing the thepresent theprCtKDt thepresent
present relations of class rates to Wil Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington ¬
mington and Norfolk 8rfolk from Su Sl Louis aau aauEast aa aaast antI antIEast
East ast St Louis and Chicago and from fromcharging fromcharging fromcharging
charging and demanding deman lng more than reIn relitvlely rel relIviely reIntvlely
tvlely reasonable and just charges to toWilmington toWf1mhgton toWilmington
Wilmington from seth uh points of ship shipment shJ shJment shipmeat ¬
ment which are herein found and de determined determined deletmined ¬
termined to be 135 13 per cent of the rates ratescontemporaneously rate ratecontemJYraneausly ratescontemporaneously
contemporaneously In force from E Eest EestSt EsatSt st stSt
St Louis to Norfolk and which will Till re result rdl1uft resuit ¬
suit from rem applying relations of rates ratessubstantially rltessub ratessubstantially
substantially sub tantiaUy similar to those in effect effectfrom effectrom effectfrom
from rom Cincinnati or Louisville to Wil Wilmington Wilmington lviimington ¬
mington and Norfolk NorfolkThe NorfolkThe NorfolkThe
The same rating applies to com comEipdfty commpdity cointapdlty
Eipdfty rates which 1IVhicharegrea are greater e than thanL th thae tbnauMbe
auMbe ae toun oll letauck a pesnaggbgy pesnaggbgyss E Esls
sls ss aDd gi wDI sp1j Plttj 3 as a L limitation upon uponall UPODl up upall
all l commodity rates Placing the rates ratesupon ra ratesupon < 8 8upon
upon such percentage basis apparently apparentlyj apparentlyabvfates apparentlyobviates
j obviates a specifice requirement that the theproportional thepropcnlonal theproportional
proportional rate to Norfolk or Rich Richmond RichmoDd Richmond
mond from St Louis or Chicago on Wil Wilmington W1imington ¬
mington traffic should not exceed the thej th thlocal thelocal
I j local or stntigb rate under the official officialI officialc1asslAeation officialciasstoeation
I classification from fro frozp St SL Louis or or Chicago Chicagoto
to Norfolk N rfolk or Richmond bt b t if In any
I instance JJI tDC this thi may not be the case the toouris thethriCs
tzriCs should contain a definite notation notationto notatlento
to 5at it t effect effecte elIec elIecni
e railroads ni r a s which include the theSoutlNrn theSouthern
Southern Railway the Seaboard Sea oard Air AirLine AI AILine AirLine
Line and the Atlantic Coast Line and andpractically
I practically every other road of any im
I portance in the Mississippi Valley and andthe andI andthe
the Southern States ignored the order orderAs orderAs orderAs
I As the Commission has no legal ma machinery machinery teachinery ¬
chinery to enforce its orders the he matter matterwas matterwas matterwas
was taken t iken Into the Federal courts Din District ¬
I trict Attorney Harry Skinner of Ra Raleigh Raleigh Haleigh ¬
leigh N C filed a bill in inequity equity today todayin todayin todayin
in the United States Court at Wilming Wilmington Wilmington
ton tonDUKE tonnUKE tonDUKE
l Saya His Visit to the United U ted States Is IsPurely Isi IsPurely
Purely One of Pleasure PleasureCHICAGO PleasureCHICAGO PleasureCHICAGO
CHICAGO Aug 16 I6Hls His royal high highcess highIess highness
cess Duke Boris Vladiialowitch of Rus Russia Rusfia Runcia ¬
cia arrived in Chicago from Omaha Omahaeight Omahaeight Omahaeight
eight hours late The royal party con consists consists consits ¬
sists of six Russians five of whom rep represent represent represent ¬
resent departments of the monarchy monarchyConditions monarchyConditions monarchyConditions
Conditions of his government the dulie duliedeclined d duLedeclined le ledeclined
declined to discuss or refer to be beyond beyond beyond ¬
yond saying that everything was waskeeping Waskeeping waskeeping
keeping pace with v vmodern modern prog progress progress progrem ¬
ress and that his country was keeping keepingabreast keepingabreast keepingabresst
abreast of the times He declares that thathis thathis thathis
his visit to the theUnited United State was purely purelyone prelyne purelyone
one ne of pleasure pleasureThe pleasureThe pleasureThe
The party leaves l ves here Sunday after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬
noon for Niagara Nia a Falls after which it itIs itis Itis
Is intoaded to pay President Roosevelt Roosevelta
a visi at Oyster Bay BayFIVE BayFIVE BayFIVE
Session Just Ended Endeft Declared to Have HaveBeen HaveBeen HaveBeen
Been Most Successful SuccessfulThe SuccessfulThe SuccessfulThe
The session of the GreenJeaf Public Publiclocation PublicVacnUon PublicVacation
location School School Just closed l06Cd was a moat mostsuccessful moatsuccessful moatsuccessful
successful one according to a
report reportsubmitted reportsubmitted reportsubmitted
submitted to Gen George H Harries of ofthe atthe > f fthe
the School Board by Mr r Raymond RaymondRiordan RaymonlRiord3n RaymondRiordan
Riordan superintendent superinten ent of the school schoolThe schoolThe schoolThe
The attendarce was most satisfactory satisfactoryand
and the work of the pupils of the high highest highest highest
est order orderTh t j
Th report shw hat the term begabfl egab ognj ogn ognThe ognThe
The report shows that the term began beganJune beganJune begunJune
June 19 aDd ceased July 20 The sea sessions seasions ¬
sions were from f fi I to 12 I a ro enroll enrollment enrollmeat ¬ i iment
ment at the opening was 520 2O and at the theclose thel thelclose I Idose
close 405 The total cost of the school schoolwas schoolwas I Iwag
was 6029G 6O29 and the receipts J27937 27937
leaving a balance of 32359 to be paid paidNathan paidNathan I INathan
Nathan Cohen a Voluntary Bankrupt BankruptMr I
Mr fr Nathan Na han Cohen formerly a mer merchant mc mcchant merchant ¬
chant at 3027 302 M Street treet northwest today TorIn TorInfiled
filed a petition in volnmar
bankruptcy bankruptcyHe ankruptt > y yHI
He HI lists his I lialulnips at SSSSM and his hisassets ills hIsassets
assets at 117196 Th The termer orme consists consistso1 consistsultStelIelclaims I
o1 o < > UMs ultStelIelclaims Cjre < f claims and an th thl latter Itbts
due on oii accounts amounting amH thiS to to771tH
Fil 771tH household 10U lhOld goods gooCs 200 OO and prop property property I
erty exempt 200 20 Wolf Rosenberg Rosenbergare
are named as counsel for the petitioner
Will Hold Religious Re1igi us Service Serviceat
at Battlefield BattlefieldQUARTERS BattlefieldQUARTERS BattlefieldQUARTERS
I i 1 1Soldicrs
Problem of Accommodation for poo Pcorj PcorjSoldiers Poor PoorSoldiers
Soldiers a Serious One OneThe The Govern Government Governanent ¬
ment Printing Office OfficeCommissioner OfficeCommissionerWare OfficeCommissionerWare Commissioner CommissionerWare
Ware Planning a Reception ReceptionGen
Gen Ell Torrance commanderin commanderinebk commanderinebkof etriei etrieiof
of the Grand Army of o the Republic lf lfthe left Itrtthe leftthe
the city this afternoon a accompanied mpauiEdbY mpauiEdbYius by byins byills
ins staff They go direct Irect to Gettysburg Gettysburgwhere GttysINrcwhere Gettysburgwherethey
where wherethey they will hold Bokla a religious service servicetomorrow servi servitomorrow servicetomorrow
tomorrow on the famous battlefi balUeftdt balUeftdtAhey battIee1dThey W WThey
They will return return to Washington WtJhin n early earlyMonday earlyMonday 111111Monday
Monday morning mernin to concude conc udetbeir their ar arrangements arrangements anrangements ¬
rangements with the t1J local committee committeeThis committeeThis committeeThis
This morning the entire staff staffpanied acNUQ acNUQpanled aceompanied <
panied Quartermaster General Charles ChaVieBurrows CbarlesBurrows CharlesBurrows
Burrows to the tia new building of 1 the Got Goternment Gool Goolernment Government
ernment Printing Office where so many manyof manyof manyof
of the veterans will 6evmartenil be quartered Iua1 rd Only Onlythe Olll Olllthe Onlythe
the three upper floors o rs of thai tat hailding haildingwill bziIdingwill lJriing lJriingWIII
will be ready in time for tin It encamp encampment eDCampment encampmeat ¬
ment but a thousand men can be Quar Quartered quartered quartered ¬
tered on each of these floors QOIS The entire entireparty p entireparty lre lreparty
party were ere delighted with the building buildingGeneral buildIngGeneral buildIngGeneral
General Burrows sai saul alii i that he e was for formerly rormerly formerly ¬
merly In the paliabias JtUbIl ingbt1slnElS business but botsuch buttha butthat
tha that he bad never SiP seen OJ dre1metl 6f 6fsuch ofsuch
such a printing office officeLodging officeLodging offIceLodging
Lodging the th Veterans TeteransGeneral VeteransGeneral VeteransGeneral
General Burrows farther stated that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the lodging of the veteran was a most mostserious mostserious montserious
serious proposition Already < l dy 4663 4IO have haveapplied haveJppli haveapplied
applied Jppli < d for free quarter and by the lh lt lti l 1tof t tof
i of September the time im < > when all apj ap4i ap4irations pi > li lications HCltions
rations must be in it it is believed MI vct that thatthey thatthey thatthey
they will 111 be called Ki tlt upon on R tc provide pr flde for forat forat forat
at least 16866 men It I fe It l desired pot potto notto JoOt JoOtto
to resort to tents tents if iCDossible possible hs tb tbattendant tbattendant the theattendant
attendant exposure expo re wmM seriously rlcmslY af affect a aCtcct atfeet ¬
feet the tb old cIdHarri men menHarrison mebS
S Harrison Harri cm DlHsman DIRgJII n for fOC1 a department 4e4trtroetcommander de departmentcommander > trtmeet trtmeetcommander
commander of tie th Deniitj L Leuegeust JatiJjtJJ Hjt of lh lhPotomac the thePa thePotomac
Potomac Pa omae has has b n 1 appointed aProI ttda a aaide yyrl yyrlaide Ma Maaide
aide in charge of oCtl othe ths a housing ll IIlng of Ute vet veterans retcrane ¬
crane He H will jpeit pen eJt h ht ha4ertcrs 4 t rtEr8 t rs at atCostinaed atCCTltiJJued atContinued
Continued on Second Page rage
< 5 >
Dressed as ah Afciiral AfciiralHis A AdniraI1us rmiFal rmiFalHIs
His Majesty Witness Witnesses ¬
es the th Display DisplayTHOUSANDS DisplayTHOUSANDS DisplayTHOUSANDS
Cloudless Cloudle Day and ndM3neuvers Maneuvers of Fleet FleetLast FleetLast FleetLast
Last Two Hours Amid the Booming Boomingof
of o Cannon and Shouts of a Delighted DelightedLOXDOX DelightedThrung i ihron
Thrung ThrungLONDON hron
I 1I
LONDON Aug 16 16TheKing 16The The King of En England England ¬ i igland
gland aboard the royal ro al yacht Victoria Victoriaand Victoriaand I Iand
and Albert reviewed rev reviewed Ved Englands fleet of ofwarships ofwarships i iwarships
warships assembled assembled at Portsmouth this thisafternoon thisafternoon I Iafternoon
afternoon Up one line of vessels and anddown anddown
down another an ther four times passed his hismajestys hismajestys hismajestys
majestys yacht while in its wake fo fol followed fulowed j jlowed
lowed the Irene the Osborne Obor the Al Alberta Alberta Alberta ¬
berta and the Enchantress bearing bearingthe bearingtbe bearingthe
the members of Parliament government governmentofficers governmentcrocers governmentcificers
officers representatives of Europes E1Iropesreigning Europesreigning j jreigning
reigning families members of the Lon London London Loudoa ¬
don embassies and other favored favoredguests favoredguests favoredguests
No Haze Interrupts View ViewThe ViewThe ViewThe
The weather for the review was of ofthe orihe ofthe
the finest The morning dawned clear clearwith clearwith cIearwith
with a cloudless sky and with not a avestige avestige avestige
vestige of haze to interrupt the view viewfrom viewfrom viewfrom
from the shore where the thousands thousandsGEN thou58ndsGEN thousandsGEN
Most Eminent Grand Master of Grand GrandEncampment GrandEncampment
Encampment Knights Templar of ofUnited ofUnited ofUnited
United States StatesGen StatesGen StatesCeo
Gen Henry Bates Stoddard of Bryan BryanTex BryanTea
Tex most e egrand eminent grand master cf the thtgrand thegrand >
grand encampment Knights Templar o othe 0the ot otthe
the United States is in Washington rot foia rota fora
a few days and officially visited isitcd Colum Columbia C9111mbra Columbia ¬
bia Commandery ICo No2 2 yesteniay even evening evening evenIn ¬
ing In There were present on that th t occa occasion eceaZion 3 3zion ¬
zion in addition to a 1 large attendance attendanceof atte1HlRncof
of the members of that commandery commander Sir SirKnights SirKnights SirKnights
Knights George E Corson grand com commander commander cornmacden ¬
mander of this jurisdiction Alexander AlexanderMcKenzie AletJ1 lexanderMcKenzie er erMcKEnzie
McKenzie deputy grand grime commander commanderBennett cOD1Im1BderBennett commanderBennett
Bennett A Allen grand captaingeneral captaingeneralHarrison captalnbeneralHarrison captaingeneralHarrison
Harrison Dingman past grand comman commander cODimnnder conamantier ¬
der and representatives from Washing Wasblngton Washingtad Washington ¬
ton ton and Potomac commanflerJes commanflerJesSir
Sir Knight Stoddard s the guest of 0 0Judge oJudge
Judge Frank H Thomas of Cleveland tlevelandPark levelaUtlPark
Park who is isthe the grand snI Junior warden of 6fthe ofthe
the grand encampment encampmentFuncral encampmentFuneral
Funeral of Spiritualist Spi tunIist Marsh MarshNEW MarsltNEV I IEW
NEW EW YORK Aug 16 6It It has been de decided Cecided ¬
cided ci ed that the fneral of Luther R RMarsh RMars IL ILMarsh
Marsh Mars the spiritualist and onetime onetimeprominent onetimepromment onetimeprominent
prominent lawyer who died in Middle Middletown I Itown
town N KY Y I yesterday afternoon will m mheld be beheld b bheld J
held on Monday afternoon at 2 oclock oclockThe I IThe IThe
The body bod will be buried in Greenwood GreenwoodCemetery GrcenwoodCeme
Ceme Cemetery ery iiarsh died after an illness illaessof ma illnessof
of three thr e weeks at the home of his for former 16 16mer former ¬ I
mer spiritualistic medium m diumthe the late Mrs MrsClarissa MrsClanissa YrsClarissa
Clarissa J J Huyler where he had lived livedsince hivedsince I j
since he gave up his residence in this thiscity tbtscity thiscity
city He was eightynine years old
After Repairs She May MayBe Be Sent to Cen Central Central Central ¬
tral America Americai AmericaOrders Ame AmericaOrders ca caOrders
Orders will ie issued at the Navy avy De Department Department Dopartment ¬
partment within a few days detaching detachingthe dettchingthe detachingthe
the San Francisco from the European Europeanstation EUrope8nstation Europeanstation
station and sending her to the Norfolk Norfolkyard Noriolkyard Norfolkyard
yard for forqulek quick repairs She Is s acv at atHavre atHavre atHavre
Havre France FranceIt FranceIt FranceIt
It is the intention 0 the department departmentto
to use the San Francisco in the fall fallmaneuvers faUmaneuvers fallmaneuvers
maneuvers She may relieve some aom ship shipof 51ilpof shipof
of the North No th Atlantic squadron needed neededbadly neededbadly neededbadly
badly in the Caribbean during the th con continuation continuation continuatlon ¬
tinuation of revolutionary troubles troublesPLEASED troublesPLEASED
Friends of Enlisted Enlist d Men MenComment MenComment MenComment
Comment Favorably FavorablyPresidents FavorablyPresidents FavorablyPresidents
Presidents Presidents Plan Does Do s Away With WithUn WithUnjuSt WithThijust Un Unjust
just Discrimination Disc mination Against Pri Privates Privates Pityates ¬
vates It Is IsSaid IsSaidPreside4t IsSaidS IsSaidPresident Said SaidPresides
Presides Roosevelts Roos velts action in rees reestablishing reestabUsblng reestablishing ¬
tablishing the system of o cable reports reportsof
of the death of enlisted men is the sub subject subt subjeet ¬
ject t of much favorable comment here heretedsy hereteday heretoday
today particularly among the friends friendsof friendsot friendsof
of the armys rank and file fileIt fileIt fileIt
It was the custom up to to the disband disbanding digbandIng disbandlug ¬
ing of the volunteer army to report reportdeaths reporteaths reportdeaths
deaths of all ranks in the Philippines Philippinesby
by cable Afterward only death of of officers 0 0Aces ofIleers ¬
Aces came by wire while friends and andtbe andthe andthe
the families of the enlisted men waited waitedin waitedjn waitedIn
in In anxiety for at least a month and andmore andmore andmore
more often two twoThie twoThi twoThic
Thie Thi was felt to be an unjust dis discrimination c1iserirmnaUon diseriminatioa ¬
crimination against the private not notcnly notcnly notcnly
cnly in the matter of o rank but against againsthim againsthim againsthim
him as a regular opposed to a volun volunteer volunteen olun olunteer ¬
teer The plea for the change was waseconomy was6cenomy waseconomy
economy It is doubtful however howeverwhether howeverY1t howeverwhether
whether Y1t ther the cost of the th extra labor laborheaped laborhiapcd laborbea
heaped bea upon the War Department by bysoldiers byoldlHS bysoldiers
soldiers relatives who have been for formonths form or orJl
months Jl Dths without news from the front frontdid fron frondid frontthld
did not more than offset the cable tolls
ra i 1 18WOd
ztoooV 8WOd At AtS S oclock clocJr til this thimomniig inornfsg mornDf a t sig signal S signal S ¬
nal was floated tkJet from rom the th Sagsaip futgstlip Royal RoyalSovereign Royal Royaloeretgn Royalfiovereign
Sovereign to aress dress ships and within withinhalf witblnbaU withinbait
half an hour the boats in the th harbor harborwere harborere harborwere
were ere bedecked from stem to stern sternwith sternwith sternwith
with bunting buntingKing buntingKing buntingKing
King in Admirals Admira s Uniform UniformShortly UniformShortly UniformShortly
Shortly after 2 oclock the King Kingdressed Kingdressed Kingdressed
dressed in full admirals < g uniform uniformstanding uniformstandiag unIformstanding
standing on the bridge of the Victoria Victoriaasd Victoriaaad Victoriaand
and Albert gave ae the order and the theroyal theroyal theroyal
royal yacht started started from its i anchorage anchorageI
off 9f Cowes C wes ari9 n nl1 1 steamed slowly to the theoutlying theouUyin theoutlying
outlying warships As the yacht sailed sailedalong s sailedalong iled iledacn
acn along the guns in a deafening roar fired Sreda fire firesalute
a salute It took the royal royl yacht half balfan bal balan halfan
an hour to reach the fleet Two hours hourswere hourswere hourswere
were allotted to the review 1evi w so that it itwas itwas itwas
was 43 430 oclock before the Victoria VIctoniaand VIctoniaandAlbert and andAlbert andAlbert
Albert came to rest opposite opposte the flagship flagshipRoyal flagshiP1 flagshipRoyal
Royal Sovereign and on the left of the thecruiser thecruiser i ieruiser
cruiser Aeamo A amo belonging to Japan Eng Englands Englands ¬
lands new n new w ally allyShores allyShores
Shores Black With SpectatorsThe Spectators SpectatorsThe SpectatorsThe I
The warships extended out in a long longline longIIne longline
line in the Solent which formed the theleft theleft theleft
left fork of the letter Y made by itself itselfby itselfbr Itselfby
by Portsmouth harbor which formed formedthe formedthe formedthe
the right fork and the channel which whichmade whichm whIchmAde
made m mAde de the stem between the the forks forksTo forksTo forksTo
To the right of the fleet wereGosport wereGosportand wereCosportnd
and nd Clayball Portsmouth facing the theharbor theharoor theharbor
harbor and the channel and the Isle Isleof IsleofWight of ofWight o oWight
Wight looking looking on the Solent All these thesemade t thesemde ese esemllde
made good vantage points from which whlchtto whlchttoview whichto whichtoview to toview
view the maneuvers and the shores shoreswere shoreewere shoreswere
were black with th spectators spectatorsUNIQUE spectatorsUNI spectatorsUNiQUE
Chicagos Workingmen to Shower Coins Coinsin CoinsinXmnsparent COinsinransparent
in inXmnsparent Ir nsparent Coffers on onLabor onLabor onLabor
CHICAGO Aug 15 I5Thc The showering of ofcoins o ocoins
coins coin < < Into large transparent coffers for forthe forthe
the striking coal miners of the anthra anthracite anthracite anthracite ¬
cite coal regions regionswlll will be a unique tea feature teature teatune ¬
ture of the lisbon Day parade paradePlaced p paradePlaced rade radePlaced
Placed Placed In different divisions of the long longcolumn longcolumn longcolumn
column of workers
and mounted on onwagons onwagons onwagons
wagons will m be six glass receptacles receptacleseach receJtac1each receptacleach
each six feet in length three feet wide wideand wkfeand wideand
and two feet deep Up from the center centerof centerof centerof
of each vessel will be stretched along
its entire length a high canva canvaa wall all
bearing on either side the appeal Help Hcl Hclthe >
the starving miners minersWith minersWlIh minersWith
With this arrangement coins may be bethrown bethrown bethrown
thrown from any distance so as to strike strikethe strikethe strikethe
the canvas and drop In heaps hea Through Throughthe Throughthe Throughthe
the glass sides may be seen the piles of ofmoney ofmoney ofmoney
money as they rise layer lay r upon layer To Toprevent Toprevent Toprevent
prevent coins olne from being scattered along alongthe
the streets sidepieces sldepleceshoppershnped sldepleceshoppershnpedwill hoppershaped hoppershapedwill
will extend out from rom the edges to catch catchthe catchthe catchthe
the money that glances from the canvas canvasand canvasand canvasand
and direct it Into the central piles pilesWhen PIle pileaWhen < i
When the procession has reached a point pointopposite pointpposite pointOpposite
opposite the reviewing r viewlng stand on the theAuditorium theAuditorium theAuditorium
Auditorium Hotc balcony the shining shinln shinlndepositoies
depositories will be lined up so that the themare themarchers
marchers mare ers may toe their contributions in inas Inas
as they tramp b bMajor bMajor
Major Strong and May Yohe in Paris ParisPARIS PamPARIS ParisPARIS
PARIS Aug 16 l6Major Major Putnam Brad Bradlee Bradlee
lee Strong and May fay Yohe arrived at the theHotel theHetelfeurfce theHotel
Hotel Hetelfeurfce Meurlce here this morning orning and andtook andtook andtook
took a suite of private apartments apartmentsThey apartmentsThey apartmentsThey
They refused to see any reporters
Is Says s They ArePurposeJy ArePurposeJyTrying Are Purposely PurposelyTrying PurposelyTrying
Trying to Create CreateTrouble Createrrouble CreateTrouble
Trouble TroubleTOME TroubleAPdK rroubleWARNKE
Foreign Element Found Dif Difficult Difficult Difficult ¬
ficult ficult to Keep in in Line Lineof Lineof Lineof
of Peace PeaceA PeaceACRISIS
The President Presid t of Mine Mi Workers Worke Union UnionCharges UnionCharges UnionCharges
Charges That Same Tactics Tactics WereUsed WereUsed Were WereUsed
Used in the Dabs D b3 Strike StrikePl StkePlads Pleads ads for forPeace forPeace forPeace
Peace Among AIn n6 the Strikers Strikers as Means Heartsof Meansof 3 3of
WIIiKESBiVRRE W1LI SB RRE Pa Aug Iff lrJ6hn lrJ6hn1lifchcll lJoha lJohaiifcholl John JohnMitchell
Mitchell president p effd nt of thi th United Mine MineTgorkers MineiOrkera MinelorLcra
Tgorkers today openly chsrst Cbi tl I the open operators oeratoTs openatom ¬
ators atom with wIth an intention hitenUun ol creai creating rootg roo roable ropble rooble
ble at some point in this region by open openleg openIng openlug
leg a washary or colliery with a view of ofbringing otbringIng ofbringIng
bringing out the troops troopsand and then un under under enden ¬
der their protection of starting Starting up gen generally g geraIly gcnerafly ¬
erally the larger lar er collieries c Uieries This move movehowever movehoweve movehowever
however will m be met m t by the miners or organization organization organization ¬
ganization which will concentrate its itspower Itspower itspower
power power Co 0 prevent trouble troubleOperators troubleOperators
Operators Seek Trouble TroublePresident TroublePresident TroublePresident
President Mitchell spoke of the new newplan newplan newplan
plan of the operators without withoutreserva withoutreservaticn reserva reservation reservatIcn ¬
ticn and declared that the plan of In iacitatioa Incitation incitation
citation to trouble trltlb e will signally sfg atiy fail Ha Hasaid Uosaid Ifusaid
said saidThe
The operators are trying to t 0 cause aus a adisturbance adIsturbu1ce adtatnrbance
disturbance of such magnitude g1ttude is s t tbring tl tlI to tobrIng >
bring out troops I have no do dlb fa about aboutthe aoouttile abouttIe
I the tile matter The plan is not a J1 now < v one oneThe oneTbe oneThe
The same thing was done don in the Des Desstrike nebsI 1ehastrike
I strike in in Chicago when the men were werftemployed wereemployed er eremployed
employed by the railroad compass com > s P fa fabnnrcars 10I toburncars
I bnnrcars burn cars I shall sID 1 meet this v1n lm of the theoperators ther theoperators
operators r at ers Strictest SU iciest peace will wit be bl b the thewatchword thew the1wtehwordofaitr
1wtehwordofaitr watchword w tchw9td of owr oermoo men who wh will see to toit toit
it that th atth there theremust er em mest cst be BO violations ViO uos ot otthe atthe ofthe
the law l lawS w
Will Open the theIlie TVIirtsa TVIirtsaJEhe MinasThe
JEhe The determination ot Frederick FrederickWar i FrederickWarnk rederlckW
War W Warnk lk4t k i fiiemvn the wsnejr of G Duryea washery washerythe wesheythrest
be threat threattfu1 threstenlngtlhf
tfu1 enlngtlhf lt iI t11 and lce lcethesounty e etheaomityand
the theaomityand thesounty ounty and State authorities authorities to pro protect Pto Ptoteet protoot ¬
toot him will it is believed by the au authorities authorll anthonities ¬
thorities thorll es here result in the bringing of oltroops oftroops oftroops
troops to tothfs this regioij before the end ot otnext atnext ofnext
next week weekMr week1Ir weekMr
Mr Warnke was this morning mornle hurry hurrying hUrTng h urry urryJag
Jag ng along alongrepaiiS repairs upon his wasiwrT wasiw and aniexpects an anexpects andexpects
expects to have it ready for running nlIUl ng oa oaTuesday caTUe5d enTuesday
Tuesday TUe5d Y morning He says he has the themen themen themen
men to work it and the fifteen to twenty twentyguards twentyguards twentyguards
guards necessary to patrol it Ca a r that thathe thathe thathe
he expects the sheriff to prevent any anyattack anyattack anyattack
attack of the mob If tbe starirr slltr rf can cannot
not then he states he will demand the thsState theState
State troops troopsHi trg trppsiNoSettiement lSl lSllfo
Hi lfo NoSettiement Settlement in Sight SightPresident SightPresident SightPreid
President Preid nt Mitchell leaves Jcav S this after afternoon aUeroon afternoon ¬
noon oon He says ays his hi departure is without withoutspecial withoutspecial withoutepeclal
special significance sign ficmceand and that he is go going goingmily goIrig ¬
ing ingmily only to visit isit his h family in Spring SpringValley SpringValley SpringValley
Valley The fact that he had a hasty hastyconference hastyccnicrence hastycenference
conference yesterday with the three dis district district district ¬
trict presidents and refused to give out outthe outthe outthe
the cause of the conference confer c and his un unexpected unexpooted nflexpected ¬
expected departure dep rttre today arouses again againamong againamong againamong
among the strikers tae t e hope that a set settlement settlement settlement ¬
tlement is close at hand The operators operatorscontinue operatorscontJI operatorscontinue
continue contJI le to say they know of no indi indication indication imitcation ¬
cation of a settlement unless the mine mineSheriffs mln9workers mineworkers
workers are ready to return to wo work workSheriffs k kSheriffs
Sheriffs Guard Property PropertyDURYEA PropertyDURYEA PropertyDURTEA
DURYEA Pa Aug It lNo No attempt attemptwas attemltwas attemptwas
was made this morning morning to resume op operations operations operatlons ¬
erations at the Warnke arnke washer where whereT wherefonr wherefour
T four onr men were wounded in v fight Thurs Thursday Themday ¬
day and conservative opinion tends to tothe tothe tothe
the belief that there tber will be no re resumption resumption resumption ¬
sumption until the middle of next week weekThe weekThe weekThe
The washery was practically deserted desertedthis d desertedthis serted sertedthis
this morning but for five deputy sher sheriffs sherHIs shotills ¬
HIs who were erc guarding the property propertyand prolHfrtyand propertyand
and a few strikers who hung around aroundwithin aroundwithin aroundwithin
within observing distance in order to tonote tonot tonote
note not any attempt attem tat at beginning work workAll workAll WorkAU
All Trains Watched WatcfcedAll WatchedS
S All 11 trains are being watched here ere an4 an4in anc ancin an anin
in Pittstonas Pittston as it is said that more men menwill menill menwill
will ill soon be brought here to aelp opan opanup opmup opanup
up the Warnke Fred Warnkes senor assertion asse assetion senortion ¬
tion that he intends to start up his hiswashery hiswashery hiawashery
washery again despite d spite the failure o oThursdays ot otThursdays ofThursdays
Thursdays attempt gives rise to the thebelief thebclieC thebelief
belief here that Duryea is to be tho thofocus thofocus thefocus
focus point in the endeavor of the op operators 9Perators operators ¬
erators to begin operations Alon Along this thisline tbisline thIsline
line of belief and it has not yet been beencoptradicted beencojitradicted
coptradicted it is said that the opera operators operators operatons ¬
tors knowing l owlng the violent disposition of ofthe ofthe
the Lithuanians and Slavs here hope to tobring tobring tobring
bring on sufficient trouble to render th thcalling the thecaUin thecalling
calling caUin out of the troops here necessary necessaryTroops necessaryTroops necessaryTroOps
Troops Not N at Necessary NecessaryUnder NecessaryUn NecessaryUnder
Under Un er the protection of the National NationalGifard NationalGtIhrd
Gifard G GtIhrd 1rd the Dperators would ould then be beable beable beable
able to open all the large collieries ia iathe i1neighborhood inthe
the neighborhood neighborhood without fear fesr of mo molestation molestation molestation ¬
lestation lestationOfficers lestationOfficers
Officers of 0 the miners organization are aregoing areolng aregoing
going olng among their fellows today counsel counseling counsell1g counsellag ¬
lag peace Sheriff Jacobs says that tha he hehas hehas ne nehas
has the situation well in band and thathe that thathe thathe
he does not think it will be necessary to tocall tocan tocall
call the troops unless the foreign ele element do domeet ¬
becomes too violent violentBig violentBig
Big Money Involved InvolvedTRENTON InvolvedTRE InvolvedTRENTON
TRENTON TRE ON N J J Aug IS lGOrder lGOrderconfirming 16Ordersconfirming Orders Ordersconfirming
confirming masters report In In the mort mortgage mortgage montgage ¬
gage foreclosure suit of the Central CentralTrust CcutraIirust CentralTrust
Trust Company Com aBY against United States StatesFlour StatesFlour StatesFlour
Flour Milling Company was filed In Inchancery Incba inchancery
chancery cba t ery today Eight million dollars dollarswere doliuwere dollarswere
were involved the trust t t company ompaJli gets getsaboat gt gtabolltt200iHO gateshoOt
shoOt abolltt200iHO 2008986 from the sale 18 of the thairoperty l1elroperty theproperty
property State Senator Crons as coon conngest COtUlslI coonsri
sri gets a fee of 17 l7OW tine otthe big biggest bigt
gest t in the history historyoftheState of the State