I t THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON W MONDAY MONDAYAUGUST AUGUST 25 1902 j HELP W ANTEDFEMA1E VAMTED FEMALE FEMALEA I IIED IiVIE1A A iVIE1A ANTED IED A white W hitewODMIn women to cook eoo wash wa b ana anairon ai aiiruo iron and safet a St in bouiwork 327 M 7 10th Oth st st se seEl Ktl e El ElWANTED tlW 1 1WATEDTwo WANTED W WATEDTwo lDTwo Two ladys tailors espeneace h help helpas helpczs tp tpcis cis on coats Apply ppI SK PeBusylvaala PenD5JI Bia ave aveVATEDFvt se seC253 I Cc23 C253 C253VAXTEUFivc c23W W VAXTEUFivc waitresses at one ne good 0CMl wages wagesApply mJtCSpl w wAppbr Apply pl MARYLAND YL XD LUNCH OS OS Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaavc avc re nw nwWASTEDA e25S e25Ssist d53WXTEDA WXTEDA Idee white girl Irl for tote and as assist s ssist sist with light housework hou most stay Bights mgntsr Mghtsrne r rne me i other t need app apply BOX 1M this office officeANTED o JceA othceeZ2 eZ2 eZ2w w A ANTED AMtDIitte nD White woman n fOC general bOUGe bOUGerk nowe nowevTk vTk rk rk 715 19th st t t se el elWANTED e1W elv WANTED W v A XTEDA IED A neat reliable bb1e colored woman womanwork for forhousework f housework work Sit I st nw el el1YANTKD el1EDCity Ciw 1YANTKD w 1EDCity City country won w a aRd d girls stay stayBights stayxughts tay tayiIghts Bights and go MRS MR MOORE MOORE 711 4th st nw nwml U Uml ml mlWANTED mlW mlWTZDG1r1 WANTED W WTZDG1r1 lEDGirl Girl to do chamberwork one who whoalso whoalso whoalso also understands Trailing waIt1n on table Apply ApplyPa APPLYPL < i Pa PL are v Ve nw nil nilV mlWTEDCbmpeten V ANTEDCompetent W ohiWs MTSC Brooklyn BrooklynN N c Y good wages uge fare White or colored coloredvook coloredook COIQ COIQchmbermaidwaItre vook ook cbsmcerR h2m1emaidmLltNSS < > aidwaitrcs3 and ad dishwasher d hwasher1Q13 dbhWae1Q13 1Q13 New ew Tori Yor are aveWATEDA1L a1 a1WANTED WANTED W WATEDA1L TEDl All this th week weekeveIY every ee general ho hOUSeworker house houseworker worker waitress and laundress nothing charged chargedin chargedin in advance SHACKLEFORDS SR SCO E st st nw nwtnl n flWml w tnl tnlWANTED tnl tnlW WANTED W TEDS Servant nt = for general housework houseworkmust houseworkmust hOuseOkmust must come well recommended 508 OS 1st st sL ne nem252 DCWATEDA m252 m252WANTED WANTED W WATEDA TEDA A white girl to wait on table tableHOTEL tableHOTELI HOTEL HOT BELVEDERE 3d st 5t and ZThdPa Pa are ml mlWANTED m1L mlWAcrEDGir1 WANTED WAcrEDGir1 L T DGirl Girl for > general housework loi la D Dt DIL DIt IL It t se m1 m1W mlVATEDWh1te ° 1 1WANTED WANTED W VATEDWh1te TEDWhlte White German waitress Apply pply 1S 1S7th 1329 13297th 139th = 7th th st at Tiw ml mlWANTED mlWATEDIn WANTED 1 WATEDIn TED An experienced lady typewriter tYpe niterwho niterwhois who whois ho hois is a thorough grammarian also wanted in infidel infidel infidel ¬ fidel to accumulate statistics f fOr r a book 401 4013d 4013d 401ld 3d ld st st nw llWW m252 m252WANTED in2 in2WANTEDYounG WANTED W WANTEDYounG TEDYoung Young lady as clerk in substation substationpcstoffice robs1ationpcstoffice substatioetpctoce pcstoffice S6 week Call 5 34 4 10th st at Room 6 6mX 6 6m1 6nil mX mXWANTED m1WATEDFirstclass nilWEFitcia WANTED WATEDFirstclass Firstclass and three plain cooks cooksalso cooksaW cookaiso also iso chambermaid 10 O 12 l 1 15 SIS lS 1 Inquire 1211 10th 1 at atANTEDHonest t al mlW WANTEDrHoBest W A EIHon st steady girl gir for fo general generalhousework generalhousework generalLiswork housework Email family at a once Call SOS SOSI0th rosIo 0S 0S10th I0th Io + h st t nw second nd floor 6eorlVk1EDStcdv mi53 mi53WANTEDrrStcady m53W WANTEDrrStcady W lVk1EDStcdv Jk Stcady white girl sir to learn and as assist asI na3t ¬ sist I 3t in mbatk n bath Business g good od wages wsg add home homeAddress homeAdQIesi homelddrtse Address at on 011 BOX 442 1 4 this office nt25S nt25SWANTED nt25SILNTEDYoung S SW WANTED W ILNTEDYoung Young lady la y good rapid penman penmanand penmmnd penmnnni and nd some experience in single entry bookkeep bookkeeping bookkeepne bQOklniCli ¬ ing ne i EASTERN WLL PAPER 1 CO 9th and andi andL i L i sts nw flWI zn242 zn242WANTED m242WrEDFor WrEDFor I WANTED For hotels botels white second cook coo five fivechambermaids e edwnl ecbasnhormnids chambermaids erm4 s also ten cafe waitresses this thisCity thisity thisty City ity ty today todi tOd3 Apply DICKS HOTEL AGENCY AGENCY12th AGENCYltIi GE CY CY12th 12th sad Pa Pa ave m243 m243WANTED m243W ni43VATEDA WANTED W uTEDA A girl or woman oman for general bocse bocseworfc h0usework bousework work 306 3 Monroe st st Anacestia AnaoostiaHELP c233 c233HELP eS3EELP HELP WANTEDMALE WAMTED MALE FEMALE FEMALEWANTEDrMan FEMALEW FEMALEWANTEr3ian WANTEDrMan W TEDIan and wife wife colored for house bousework house1k boosewrk work 1k farm irtnhands 31D hands waiters bus boaI bwy ydslnrnsh ydslnrnsher dishwash dishwashers ¬ ers I RALr5 BALES 008 x G at L t nw ml mlSHOULD m1SaOtf1D mlflOULD SHOULD YOU NEED HELP call or write = to toS1 tosit sit S1 litth st sL nw will tarnish fumishl1e1p help to any part partof putof paild of d city I I X CABAN1SS CAB ISS Agent 1hOne h ne 1171 11 iiaixi Ya m253 m253SITUATIONS m mSITUATIONS nm253SITUATIONS SITUATIONS WASTED WAITEDFELtLE WAITEDFELtLEIt FEMALE FEMALEWANTED FExULEUXfFDEperlencl WANTED It UXfFDEperlencl Experienced dteaograpber Men0gr3pber dssucs per permanent perIrment pern ¬ manent n nnent or temporary employment empl ment Address BOX BOX4h 450 4 4h this lil s office el elWANTED elW ell WANTED W l ANTEDBy EDB By a colored girl place as asgencra1 asgencra1hI5eWorker general generalhouseworker gemmeralaeaorker houseworker aeaorker 445 I at st aw D el elA elTEDWoman elNTEDWoman A ANTED TEDWoman Woman desires res position washing at atiLBie at11ml atL iLBie L te 211 Sd tt st svc Answer by mail el elTV elTEDuy eltNTFD11y TV ANTED TEDuy By a colored woRan place pte > 39 n a cham chamfcermaid chambermaid chaini fcermaid i crxnatI or general housework 1231 l23 1Y M st nw nwWANTED 111 111nl nl nlW WANTED W 1 TEIJ1y fly a a colored eo1oredWOman eoloredoan woman to iri id1VQrk work by bythe bytLe bythe the f dj tf weSk rkb k1dr dr awntiCMRSiaJTJHHAY m nttC nftCIiR 31ns flB2iY Y YlZth 1525 152512th l5l2 12th l2 st nw miteSITUATIONS m2i2 m2i2SITUATIONS mt2SlrUATIONS SITUATIONS SlrUATIONS WASTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEV WA11TEDMALEWANTEDBy MALE MALEWANTED WANTED WANTEDBy V A EDBy By reliable reUa le colored boy situation situationof Idtationfony of fony ± an F v kind 511 5UG G st L se le seWANTEDPlace el elWANTED c1W WANTED W WANTEDPlace EDPlace Place as order cook Address ddress BOK BOK41Q BO 440 4 this thisOffiCe thisOffiCeSITUATIGNSWANTEDMALE office om m24S m24SSITUATIGNST7AI mtSSITUATIGNSWANTEDMALE SITUATIGNST7AI SITUATIGNSWANTEDMALE TED MALE AND ANDFEMALE MIDFEMALE AIDFEMALE FEMALE FEMALEWANTElVCall FEMALEWATElill FEMALEWATEPb11 WANTElVCall or address nddr 613 t3 Acker st t ne nefor Defor usr for r rccocruMaided r dcd help Orders given prompt promptattention promptJlt promptattention attention Jlt i i Jft5 Jft5WANTEDROOMS 252 252WANTED WANTED WANTEDROOMS WANTEDROOMSWN EOOMS EOOMSTVANTED TVANTED WN 1 iNTEDThrcc Three or four woma reqms suitable for forlight to tolibht forLght light housekeeping hO1sekepingJocation location to be between bet een 6Ui 6Uiand 6thend and nth sts ss and Pa Pa ae and F fit s Addresi AddresiBOX I1dreBOX kdresiBOX BOX i25 this office e mS3 mS3WANTED mS3I1DFour in23I WANTED > I ANTiWFour I1DFour Four unfurnished unf rooms oa second secondjor sesondfr nd ndfJVr fJVr jor not exceed 15 between 4th and 10th 10thaad 10tha 10thnni aad a j K st and Pa are ye by September 1 L Ad Address Adrtss 1 1BO ¬ dress rtss BOX BO 128 6 this ofitee ia2S3 ia2S3WANTED rn3WLVFEDTwo 3 3W WANTED W WLVFEDTwo T DlVo Two folly fullyurnhihed furnished and convenienrooms rooms let lOt light fcaosckeeping J eepmg J B VAIL VAIL1l 158 c C st st ae ne nel IS ISW 2s 2sWANTED WANTED W l rEDQuiet Quiet young man desires single ei g e roomSeptember September September15 15 In private family near War De DepsrOBeHfSa DepiiIUD Dcpruet6 psrOBeHfSa piiIUD pruet6 Address tddrcs BOX 412 this office officeWASTED cfil cee ceeWAIiTEDIIORSES e ee22 e22 e22WAN WASTED WAN WAIiTEDIIORSES + D1l0RSES BORSES AND TEHICLEWANTED VEHICLES VEHICLESWANTEDTo WANTED W WANTEDTo To 1ohire hire or buy dirt cart4 canand and har hartiesi harlefi barness ness lefi tfieap Apply 3248 31 St lit OiZ OiZWANTED nitI3WANTEDBICYCLES 3 3W W WANTEDBICYCLESWANTEDBicyce ANTED13ICYCLES ANTED13ICYCLESW WANTED W WANTEDBicyce 1EDjI Bicycle cyclech chalnleas fitted ttsd with coast coaster coa5te coastC er C brake must be in good condition OOLMAN OOLMANBREZ COL3U13REZ BREZ EOO 08 K st fit aw eilS eilSWASTED e3WAITEDMISCELLAIEOUS 3 3WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WASTED WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTEDMISCELLANEOUSWATEDmGHEST WAITEDMISCELLAIEOUSWAZiTE11IIGlUtST MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSWASTED WASTED WATEDmGHEST WAZiTE11IIGlUtST HIGHEST cash price paid for la ladies kdies J Jdies dies and gentlemens eastoS clothing Ad Address Address Addes ¬ dress des postal and I will call B TARSHES TARSHESl30S TAiISUESl0 1303 l0 7th at lit aw nW3IATTEESSiS eS530 eS530MATTRESSES 3G 3GAT1RESS MATTRESSES made dc over on onr premises L50 50 J JFEENEY 1 1FEENEY r FEENEY 48T 4811em1sylnWC PennsylTaaJ PennsylTaaJWANTED An nw C253 C253To dS3ANTEDTo WANTED ANTEDTo To buy a askylight skylight BOX 4K th thtS5c tS5c < ete eteSANTEDFu e53 e53W 253 253WANTED WANTED W SANTEDFu Furniture Fun = itne = e of all kind store and andofflce andotHce andce offlce ce fixtures See us before you sell FlUES FRIESis FlUESk FlUESIIOPWOOD is HOPWOOD 5th th and S ala ts aw raS43 raS43Vie mM3WIEDStaves m4lVANTEDStuycs WIEDStaves We DurCOveL boy scoves We JIIIY JIIIYmoney psyg Vie g money for stoves See as before befo > e you sell sellyour 6el1tove II II7nr your = stove FB1ES L HOPWOOD 8th and Bsts sts Si aw W WtNiLDTypewriting mtt3 mtt3W S43 S43WANTED WANTED W TfDTypewriting Typewriting mae ch cheap ap and aDd la lagood inood higood good ood order OT1C1t for cash Address 5iO l 10th i et s t aw nwm2Ht mewm43 10243WANTED m2HtWoCTED 10243 m43WANTEDA WANTED WANTEDA A eelfpiayteg 1G ausie box Addreia AddreiaBOX AddreieiBOX d dBOX BOX 439 43 his ot office o2iceVANTEDTwo ce B3243 B3243WANTEDTwo mtSWUTED WANTEDTwo WUTED o secondhand bay windows windo f r rstore store not necessary xitceasar to be both alike must be bereasonable bereuo berenorabee reasonable reuo bie Address AdcIr BOX 434 tbfc th oSce oee wll3 wll3WANTED m3WoCrED WANTED 1 ANTED ltesingtOit J toa typewriter and Cohimbta CohimbtagraphopVa ColumbarIp Colnni ColnnigsphQpbcDf rIp graphopVa must t be bargains Address ddeu BOX BO BOth1J BOXl 424 l this tfflce ctlco1VNTEDFurniture afiS3 afiS3WANTED mS3W WANTED W 1VNTEDFurniture rEDFun Furniture ture and carpets baying mess coatents tltenbl messtents tents of houses wus a specialty p highest t spot cash cashprice cukpr cashLCS price pr LCS a P paid < 3 drop postal > to A 0 H H LEVY 1W3 1W3i lr03I 1406k i st s nw prompt attention aiteutfossAIiTEDFtather e207 e207WANTED eO7TE WANTED AIiTEDFtather TE Patther beds high t cash price pricefiid prkepJ pricefor fiid for f old feather fea 1 beds orders promptly at attended attbded atttheed ¬ tended to NATIONAL FEATHER ATIIER COMPANY CO1PAiYSOO C0iIIANYStJj 300 4th st JIt nw aulMOt aulMOtOLD 3uliOtOLD soillOtOLD OLD GOLD EL SaVEB YEIt AND COINS bought 815 815O 8liilit 615C O C st nw G MARTiN MARTiNWAXTEDFurz4ture auirl230t auirl230tWANTED a UJOt UJOtWATEDFumttme WATEDFumttme WANTED FnrpJturc and and carpets ta of every de descripUsn de dea descrepLeon a scripUsn p 01 contents of houses etc highest cash cashprices ca3bp11cel cashguess prices paid eaid Drop postal and will caU at a once onerH O onceh Cr Crto H to h W AUGENSTEIN JIJGE STEL 410 10th st nw lySU lySUWANTED irStlUTEDF jy3UANTEDFemrutture WANTED ANTEDFemrutture UTEDF Furniture = and carpets buying con contents COl1unta contents ¬ tents of houses a specially highest spot cash cashprices euhfTes eaisjres prices paid Drop portal po to F SELINGEK SELINGEK9th = < 2 9th si fot BW prompt attention att tJo m73 m73V m7361NTEDPawn 739 739WANTED WANTED V ATEDp 1NTEDPawn Pawn wn ticketa for diamonds cash cashpaid cubpaId cashpaid paid for old gold silver coins ca1n3 etc AURA ABBAliAMS AURAUAIta BRA BRAll liAMS ll e3 3 Stb st at ara aultt sltf a HELP WANTED W WANTEDMALL WANTEDMALLWANTEDThirtyfive ANTEDMA1 MALE MALEWANTED WANTED WTEDTbirtyJ1ve Thirtyfive ablebodied colored coloredfor men menfo t tOI for fo railroad grading ra at Beverly Yerl W Va V to I Iwork I Iwrk f fwork work for SLEO Lro per day good treatment guaran guaranteed ucan ucanteed ¬ j teed all men who work at 3 that camp Cell at atonce atIke cCofise once 802 Gl 10th st st nw nw for > information infomm or meet meetme meetflee i me at B Ii tl O ODepot Depot Monday IO dy 11 oclock 0 clod p m mml mml iniT ml mlWANTED mlWA iT iTWANTEDA WANTED WA WANTEDA TEDA A bright young MM who under understands tindertfand ¬ stands the liquor bu buaiJle3S busiea Beag must have expert expertce expenWICe esperi esperisome I some ce as sale m8n references required BOX BOXi i 451 this < office otficeIVANTEDStout e22 e22WANTED WANTED WAXTEDStout Stout white boy 1 10 to 15 years yearsold yearold yearsold I old and living Jivi with parents to help on meash wagon wagonash waoaasb ash milk bottteg etc w wages ges S50 W A Apply PIy > ly 511 New Jeisey are between 4 sad 8 octoeK octoeKp p m Tu Tuesday TuesdayWANTEDExperienced day el I IWANTED WANTED WA WANTEDExperienced TEDExperiencetJ Experienced white hite lunchroom wait wait waiter waitcc j I Ier er c single L1TTIE RALEIGH l 114H i E st st nw IIWc IIWW owWANTEDSIX 1 1WANTED WANTED W WANTEDSIX A fEDSlx > Six firstclass union carpenters rpentm Ap Apply Apply p pply ¬ ply GEORGE GE RGE A 0 FULLER k CO Dupoat Cir Cirete Circle CircicandPst ete cicandPst and P Bt sL el elWANTED elWA elWANTEDTwo WANTED WA WANTEDTwo TEDTwo Two firstclass Sratcic coatmakera Apply Apply3S7 pp1y 3S7 Penns P Pennsylvania > 1vania ave se soWANTEDYosizig e5S e5SW 25S 25SWANTED WANTED W WANTEDYosizig YCMJni ioung man to Iear 1eara photograph photographbusiness phot pleotctraphbsssins rapt1 rapt1business < business not over IS years of age and must mustcome mwtcome moatcome come well recommended Address BOX 447 4 this thisoffice thisoffice thisoffice office officelVANTEDYouri c25S c25SWANTED c5SW WANTED W lVANTEDYouri TEDYour Younc white man for grocery grocerywagon grocerywagon I wagon Call 1080 North Capitol st lOt t el ciWANTEDColored i iA A WA WANTEDColored ANTED 1EDColored Colored man cook for day work workgood workgocd workgood 1 good pay short orders 1916 7th tll st st el ciWNTEOA i iWANTED WANTED WNTEOA > A respectable boy about 1 16 years yearsold yearsold yearsold old for cleaning up store and run errands erraadsApply ernndsply errandsA7pII 1 Apply ply at 605 9th st st nw el elWANTED elW ciWANTEDMen I WANTED W WANTEDMen TED Men en to canvass salary sad com COlllmission comemisslom J Jmission mission A AIy ly between S S3 JO and 10 a m mnroom J room SO Central Central Building 9th 9thmd th and Penn Penney Penneyt5D15 yl i ivaaia vaaia t5D15 ave ae nw n eS53 ES3W c25L c25LW1NTEDYoimg I IWANTED I WANTED W W1NTEDYoimg TEDToun Young < man from fr m thetountry t toUDt ry caw cawnuke ca canmake make 12 per week 821 F st 9t aw second secondfloor d door i ifloor floor ml mlWA1TEDGood mlAltTEDGOOd WANTED WA1TEDGood Good waiter 21S 9th th st It aw ml mlWANTED 101W miWANTEDAn WANTED W WANTEDAn EDUl An electrician e1ectriclanApply Apply at once 0Dce S114 S114Itth 2111litk 211414th Itth st st nw n ml mlWANTED m1WUTEDIlotel mlWANTEDHotel WANTED WUTEDIlotel Hotel porter stout man six good poodwaiters goodwaiters ood oodW3iters waiters four dishwashers German farmer three threedrivers threedriVeTS threedrivers drivers two lunch counter men bellboys city cityand cityand citymed and country coont people SHACKLEFORDS SHACKLEFORDSSJ6 306 E Est Est ESt st nw nil nilWANTED mIW mlWANTEDA WANTED W WANTEDA E A man who understands the repair repairing rep reping repairlug ¬ ing of carriages and wagons gons 1210 and 1215 1215Ohio 115Ohio 12kOhio Ohio ave GEYERS ml alWANTED mlWQiTEDTwo mlWANTEDTwo i WANTED WQiTEDTwo Two good cafe waiters 480 00 La Laave Lane Laare ave ml mlWANTED miWA nilWANTEDBoy WANTED WA WANTEDBoy EDBoy Boy to learn horseshoeing one that thatbaa thatb thathas baa b experience preferred Api Ap Pl between G Gand Gand Cand and H 6th and 7th 7tkntsns sts sts nvf n ml ro1W mlWANTEDStrong i iWANTED W WANTEDStrong WANTED TEDStrong Strong willing wmi wiUin boy ooyin in paiat store storerapid storertpid storemph rapid advancement to the right one dnem ne refer reference ref6ence reference ¬ ence required Apply pply at CARTERS PAINT PAINTi PAINTsmIlE PAINTSTORE i STORE smIlE southeast comer 13th and II sts nw nwml nwml uwWANTEDGrocery ml mlWANTED mlW WANTED W WANTEDGrocery TEDGrOCttY Grocery clerk H ID > week eek also ao re reliable reo reoliable reliable ¬ liable young man l2 12 2 weekly 524 MHh st stRoom t tRoom stRooin Room ft 6 ml mlI mlWA1TEDYoungmen mlWANTEDYoung WANTED WA1TEDYoungmen WANTEDYoung Young men who ho have had Dadence expert experience expertenee ¬ I ence In retail wall paper store EASTERN EASTERNWALL EASTERNWALL WALL PAPER CO 9th and G sts nw n m24i m24iWANTED mt 45 45WttTEDYotin WANTED WttTEDYotin TEDY < Young oun man to take charge of re retail reo reota1J retail ¬ tail store must deposit 9it 360 5O cash security securityI seceirityAddress ty tyAddress I Address BOX 441 this office 061ccWANTEDTwo m42 m42I m4 m4W I WANTED W WANTEDTwo T DTwo Two paperhaagers JIIil < ha gers ODe decorator decontorI dec decoratorAftcrG I After Afterf 6 p p ra m CARLISLE BROS IKS 1lV Mi 6thWAICFEDItestauraat ft It ItI j I ne mS4S mS4Si i WANTED WAICFEDItestauraat Th1 > BestauraBt steward steward cpJorcd chef chefj chffnd chefsecond j I second nd cook four f fourSrlttiti Ur valttra bar porter dials d dialswashers dtsliI sb sbI washers and four white lunch bar men for forout forouto forout I out outo of town permanent positions with rooms roomsand 1QOmIand remusand and fares paid Apply pply to DICKS HOTEL HOTELAGENCY MOTELAGENCY AGENCY Cl 12th and Pa Pa ave mi4S m43WANTEDBoy H HW WANTED W WANTEDBoy TEDDoy Boy with some experience ee in bicycle bicycleshop bicyeleshop blcyeleshop shop 101 lOl 10 4 st t 6W w eS32 eS32I e32W e23ZWAhTEDFimrc I WANTED W WAhTEDFimrc TED Flve Five firstclass paper paperngws hangers W W IL ILI IL ILrooX 1LCOON I COON 1309 32d 36i st L LW etWt2TEDYouug e2SS e2SSI WANTED W Wt2TEDYouug TEDYOUDg loung man experienced in in carpenter carpenterwork terwerk carpenterwork I work to o assist putting up metal Stk sc and andMaryland aDdlaOO andMayyIInd Maryland laOO ave ne uswANTEDIle e2SZ e2SZers eS eSW W wANTEDIle rEDJIen to work on brick works w rks to toas to toera ers also feeders and offbcsrers for repress repressApply repron repronApply i Apply JL EBAUGH Potomac Brick CO Add Addison Addsemi dd ddson son Va TaWANTEDROOMS e ef13 ef13I 2 3 3WANTED I WANTED WANTEDROOMS SOOMS AND BOARD BOARDGENTLEMAN BOARDG BOARDGENTLEMAN GENTLEMAN G L AND WIFE WW desire TOO roombosrdin ahd ahdboard iitui iituiboGni board bosrdin in iidn ricinifyoJ fy NaVyYard Navy Yard Xddr1i JHdria r with wjthterms withterms withetc terms etc BOX 4S7 is this oQee zz mI3 mI3W m243WANTEDLare 43 43WANTED WANTED W WANTEDLare A DLa Large e room and board IE iremkl iremkllocation an contest cenUallocation contestlocation location fur invalid lady and white whiteMm1e whiteMm1eAddress Burse BurseAddress usrseAddress Address BOX 422 this thisQffice office mSS3 mSS3BUSINESS 1dJBUSlltESS m3BUSINESS BUSINESS CHANCES CHANCESWANTED CHAliCES1LTEDLady CHANCESWANTEDLady WANTED 1LTEDLady Lady or gentleman with 6G that thatunderstands thatunderstands thatmderstanda understands the oyster business to join me memust mebue me001St must bare good goodret reference a good chance Ad Address d ddress ddress dress dress BOX 449 this omce o lce ci ciFOR l lFOR lFOR FOR aLE SLE13oardi1g Boarding house income teJ 6300 6300monthly 900 900monthly monthly J O thJy cheap NEW YORK Y RK BUSINESS BUSINESSi BSIXESSBROKEnS BCSNESSBROKEBS i BROKERS BROKEnS 811 eu F o st sL atf5S atf5SFOR t5SFOR mn2S3FOR FOR SALE SALESteam Steam bakery ery and confectiooeiy confectiooeiyseJHnff ODee ODeeUng conlecttoneeyes4lthg seJHnff Ung 1500 bread daily NEW EW YORK BUd BUSINESS BUdEdS USI USIBROKEllS ¬ NESS EdS BROKERS 811 F st 9t atFOB mSS mS58FOR mSSFOR FOR SALE SALETwenty Twenty shares tacaT 1 carlOIbpa 3 companys companysstock conspsnflstock s s6tock stock paying p yinz 23 5 per perceat cerxt cent f frSOit ferS rSOe ddter 3OIisrNEW ddterNEW do1larXEW NEW YORK BUSINESS BJSi BROKERS iU 11 F Fat at atni253 atixifS3 ni253 ni253FOR ixifS3FOR 3 3FOR FOR SALE SALEFruit Fruit stand prominent prominentNorthwest corner cornerNorthwest cornerNoribwest < Northwest for for200 5200 NEW YORK BUSINESS BUSINESSBROKERS BUStNESSBROKERS uscESSBROKERS BROKERS 611 F st 5t m25S m25SJ nJi mti2f3FOR 3 3FOR J FOR SALE suEcafe Caf one block from the Boston BostonHouse Bo6toAHouse BostonMoose House a snap Address Adr BOX 443 U Una oflSe oflSeFOR ofHee ofHeem ofHeeFOR odleemn21 m mn21FOIL FOR SALE SALEThreeehair Threechair barber shop in good goodlocality goodlocality locality 1ity 1012 D SL sw swFOIl ia253 ia253FOR m53FOR FOR SALE SALESaloon Saloon buefcess street Baltimore BaUiawrefoOO BaltimoreW foOO 500 W J DUGAN 817 La ave BI3S3 BI3S3I mS3FOR mn23FOR I FOR SALE SALERo Road d house dose Jo o city snap r W J DDGAt 617 La La ave ve m24J m24JFOR m24ZFOR IOR FOR SALE SuESalOOl1 Saloon centrally located ted corner cornerS40a corneroo S40a 400 oo W WJ J 1 DUGAN 817 La La ave arcFOR toiS toiSI a C3FOR I FOR SALE SALEB1acbmithy Blacksaitby doteg payiag less basiess buaiowner lesseae ess owner retiring 3X 300 MONTAGUE O AGtE 8l 8lLa I7 17La I La La ave ra243 ra243FOR m3FOR ni2l3FOR FOR SALE SUEcafe Cafe finely ne1y furnished fl1rI1isbed doing doi first firstclass r6tclas Statclams class business centrally located price 1300 1300MONTAGUE 1 1O 1OOMONTAGUE MONTAGUE O TGUE 617 61 La La ave m mI3 mI3FOR m43iOR 43 43FOR FOR FOR RENT REUl An old established grocery and andmeat andt andmeit meat t store store doing do Al business horses stock stockfixtures toelcfixtures stockSalutes fixtures fixtures harness and wagon for ale have haveadded haveaddtod haveadded added new storeroom 21x40 31 > Brightwood Post Postoffice PostD PostFOIt Poet051cc office DC D C CFOIL m lS lSSALE FOIL SALE SALEGrocery Grocery store and futures 913 913h 9138th 9126th 8th h st tit sw m244 m244FINE m244n in2l4FINE FINE n E OPPORTONITY OPPORTU OPPORTUNITYNear ITl5ear Near school on busi business business bustDma ¬ ness street confectionery cigars sews etc etccheap etccheap c cclteap cheap good reason for selling Adfeess BOX 433 53 this office olBeeFoR 24S 24SFOR lS lSFOR FOR SALE SUECig StLEoi CSgtr r store fin IRe location 1octttioDchsp cheap cheaprent cheaprent rent good business CAPITAL CPITALBUSIXESS BUSINESS EX EXCHANGE EXCHAGE MXCHANGE I CHANGE Atlantic Building m43 m43i m43I is43FOIt I i FOR SALE SALESaJoon Saloon center of city e ty only W Wcsh S4 S4cash e0 e0CHANGE cash required CAPITAL BUSL BUSINESS ESS EX EXI EMCHANGE I CHANGE CHAiGE Atlantic Building BuildingFOR mSlS mSlSFOR mhtI FOR SALE SLELu Lunch TOOK best section of city I fine business CAPITAL BUSINESS BUSI ESS EXCHANGE EXCHANGEAtlantic EXClilNGEtlaDtic EXCHANGEAtlantic Atlantic tlaDtic Building BujldiD BufidingWANTEDt m243 m243WANTED 3 3WTED WANTED WANTEDt A yo YOURh ymen Bg man in the merchant tail tailoring tailorin tailorhig ¬ oring orin business with a small capital as se security se security asentity ¬ curity must be competent com tent salesman not notnecessarily notDeCeJ notnecmarl1y necessarily DeCeJ llarlJy a tailor prefer a AVashirgtoatan AVashirgtoatanCall Wa hir lO < iIm iImCaU Call between etw 7 and S a a m HI and 7 and 8 p pm plB prns m lB rns 402 02 K st tlL nw m233 m3ZW m233WANTEDFarther m233WANTED WANTED W WANTEDFarther A TEDPartnc Partner with t 62Yl 2 h in aa estab establiabed estaba establ1iod liabed fancy grocery rrHt1a and liqoor house Jtee Jteetrade Anetrade trade and a beet location in the city it Addreea AddreeaBOX Addr AddrLOX BOX 422 4 23 this office ot olIleeFOR infifS I J JFOR I IFOR FOR A1 ATEF1IMc1aea r Flrstctes barber shop at half halfprice h1lprice bIfsold price if sold at t once A AWANTED Apply 83 La La awe nw nwd3 nwWANTEDYoung d3 d3rEDYoun WANTED WANTEDYoung rEDYoun Young msn II to take t e half interest interestand int8estutd interestand and ma paying pII poultry p stand ItaIMH is market snail snailcapital easatcapital 11 11tapital capital required Address Jdd immediately BOX BOX4S 48 4S this office 5 5iLL ° mSS m283WILL mSSWILL WILL iLL EXCHANGE E CH OE my 1 residence < rooms JOOIMw JOOIMo recessbath roomsbath bath best = M OeYAi iKn northwest w for forbusiness good paying 1ri business Adores Adorestbfe with pcrtlcuuara BOX o 421 421tba tbfe office 046ccFOR e2S e2SFOR e2SFOR FOR SALEiOOgallon SALE alloo milk mi1kroott route horse bone wagon wagonad sgOll ogoa ogoaamid ad fcll Ml n iwcessaiy ry articles for f r the basiatsa good goodchance goodnee goodthence chance nee for a starter start Address ddresa BOX 420 t this thisocKce ocKce fee eS23 eS23CREDIT 3 3CREDIT CREDIT TO ALL ALLIKaincads ALLmd ALLDiamcnd IKaincads and Watches asall U weekly jaonthly montftlypayment rsontMypaymcn jaonthlypajTHeats payment paymcn lowest prices goods guaranteed de delivered de delivuedps dslirared livered livuedps M p Stat payment business confidential confidentialcall oonfidentialeaU couSdentlalccl call ccl ve ermerie Z1 writ write 4 1 1 RUKKEH > 1401 1Ol corner Pa Paave Paarc j jave ave and 12th Ltbft at upstaira DLate Late with withCutet withCutetberg1I Caste Casteiberga i ibergs bergs au626 au626TROTH au26IRQTII auG26TRUTH TROTH ABOUT ABOt T WATCHES and d znafaaprinRj matmptinJBnOn 60 < v BROWNS BnOn E ICt F at to AW w d1tf 21U FOR REliT RENTFURtUSHED FURNISHED URN1SHE ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSFOR OOMS I IrORRl FOR rORRl RENT RENTNkeh > TSi Nicelv < ely rurnidicd urn ± rhcd front and back backparlors trackparlors I parlors references exchanged o < banged CS < I St st mv mvFOR IIWFOR OWcm52 cm52 cm52FOR I Iable FOR RENT RFNTOne Owe large fcondst secondstory ndstOlY y roomr room suit swttabJe suitable able for one or two t gentlemen geutlet SM > New York Vorfcaye Yorkave ork aye TOT merFOR eS3 eS3FOR e53FOR I FOR RENT Rl RENTHall THan HaH runes JOOIII third tcor front 5per 5 i ipel pw month 4 4 S 3d st tL nw D D4I c25 ci54 7 4I 741 S limt ST N W WXicelv Nicely famished rooms rootHS8ory roomssecondstory secondstory 8ory front has three tim e willd windows ws wsrol in358 in358FOi nctS4POit FOi POit RENT RE RENTLare T4aTe Lare ha JIsomely haisomelyfurnishcd Jsoiroly furnishccl front frontroom f froom freesteons room location central near Pension IJuiWM IJuiWMimc Budd Buddillf Iluikljug jug a ud d B BA A 0 Depot Detprite private famUy 50 50roontbly aidmoothly i imontblv roontbly 513 2e1 d st st BW II owFOR inJS5 j j jFOR F FOR RKNT RENTNich Nicely furnished second floor front frontroom r frontrouse I room reasonable TN 7S7 3d d st It nw in24 II mn24FOR 43 43FOR S SFOR FOR RENT RrTTwo Two three or four large ligbV ligbVrooms 1iM 1iMJJOI1IS 1ihLrooms rooms on second floor iumishH for foring hoosekeep hoosekeeping hoesthstptug ing hot water ater heat 5S4 24 t New York ave ayeFOR m24i t tFOR FOR RENT REcond Second floor hall rooms QttI QttIfront iti itifront front porch 515 lith st eL mew 1 mewFOit ftSlJs ftSlJsFOR mt3FOR = FOR RENT REFVmished Furnished moose rent reasonable reaonableno no children 1828 9th st nw n m248 m243FOR in246FOR I IFOR FOR RENT RE RENTFuneisteed TFumisbed Furnisbed rooms > transients t lI8l nts ac accommodated cccoenmodsied ¬ commodated Address Add l BOX 43S this olHce olHceFOR oItIeemI 46cc 46ccmsii mI mIloOR msii msiiFOR FOR RENT RE RENTThree TTbne Three nicely lIkel furnished rooms two twosuitable twosuitable suitable for light housekeeping hou5e convenient to tocars tElcars hiears cars 2117 ll G at 5t nw M24S 883 NEW W YORK ATE AVENicely Nicely lely furnished fureishedrwIm fureishedrwImInodlrate rooms roomsmoderate reomsinoderate moderate terms termsFOR m24S m24SFOR m243I FOR RENT RE BENTFour Four handsomely handsome furnished bed bedrooms bedI hedrooms ¬ I rooms in new hence tie bath and telephone telephonerent telepbonlI telephoneTent I rent moderate ftJ6 06 lId rt IlL nw m3J3 mi3I niS43FOR m3J3FOR i FOR RENT RElTwo Two ukrfy furnished rooms south southcm southcrn cm and western exposure Call or address southI 501 5014th 14th 161ti 4th ti st sL nw m213 m213FOR mJ3F inStIFOR I FOR F R RENT REROOfasuit BENTRoasts Rooms suitable lbe for gentlemen gcntleiitannewly gentlemennewly I newly papered heat IteBtnd and gas second accosts Moor Moorbath tIoorbeth doorbath bath OB same near G P p Address BOX 432 432this 432this this office 46ccFOR m243 m243FOR m3 m3FOR I FOR RENT RE RENTOne QneJ One Ja liege e eroom furnished front frontjrried frontroom frontroom room on 3d floor suhsb suhsbtwo jrried couple or orroom orto ortwo two gentlemen ScntI also > o oJetscv 01 room room 618 New Newe232 NewJersey ew ewJersey Jetscv Jersey ave ave aw awFOR e232 e232FOR f3 f3FOR FOR RENT RETln Fur tonic roontion week good loss locaincs loeation lossthin tion convenient to iu tth < incs incs9U 914 Sth st ste233 st stn stn n e233 e233FOR J3FOR e233FOR FOR RENT RElTwo Two large cfOShirsf fticirVJ fuiin rooms rooms also alsohall alsolid hall lid 11 room 490 3d st IlL nw eS33 eS33FOR 3 A AFOR a aBOlt FOR RENT RETFur For room bath b th on same floor floorMOO I MOO N Cap st t lIW w e3S e233FOR S33 S33FOR FOR RENT R RFNTTao T TLo o second OO story sto y unfurnished unfurnishedrooms imnfurnisbedrooms > furnished furnishedI I rooms I heat gas and bath 1Jathlight light housekeep housekeept t fee M tt L st st RW W ra283 ra283FOR m23FOR mS33FOR FOR RENT 1lIDTA A neatly furnished fumised a afront second nd storr storrfroDt story storyfront front room snhable for one or r two persons persoHS60S personst personsMaa 60S Mas are aw 11 m233 m233FOR mts3loOR 10323FOR FOR RENT RRTFi RRNTFice Five rooms and bath on third thirdfloor hird hirdIoor third6oor floor for single gentlemen ge demen 719 19 4 If j st cc sw swHJ23S ISWJJt3J serjuflII HJ23S HJ23SFOR JJt3JFOR juflIIFOR FOR RENT RET415 S15 Sd st tt t nw well furnished furnishedrooms furnishedremus I rooms IOOt S aH cambric stationary washstaada washstaadacheap wtMtaadcheap scashetandscheap I cheap r root BC m233 m233FOR m2S3FOR mSS3FOR FOR RENT R RENTPleasant TPleuut Pleasant furnished rooms roo 291S F Fat i ist j st IlL nw liw 3 e22 e22tt e2WZ WZ tt M to gentleman gentlet n furnished ball ha room room also alsolarqe alaelarge alsolarge large front room oin oinFOR e223 e223FOR 3 3oOR FOR RENT IIENTClesice Choice clean cleerfum < furnisaea sfted room for forentleman foreAtIeman forre6aeeLgentteman re6aeeLgentteman entleman well warmed in winter and andnfort andery axedevery every ery smdort nfort ill 1Kb st st nw uwIIJRNISIIE C22S C22SFURNISHED c2SFURlIEr FURNISHED ROOUS 1 per w ftG wek dIg N st stFOR atSW I ftw SWFOR FOR BENT R Furnished Furn lled rooms rooms desirable desirableiseipleborhood i ii i iwith i i ne iseipleborhood hborhood with or without beard 414 14 6th 8thKst 6thst 6thstnw Kst st stnw stnwFOR MW eil7 Cl I IFOR 1 1FOR FOR FOR RENT R RENTNIcely TSlcely Nicely furnished ed rooms steam steambeat steam steamheat I IporceJtin beat fine location porcelain teth lOOi 1 1I 1Od Has MasBARTONS Hasesdineetta esdineetta aye ow uxfli7 uxfli7BARTONS I BARTONS BARTONSBeaoUfulty BARTONStleiutlfuly I I BeaoUfulty leautffaU furnished rooms with th baths at atlummer atsummer t summer prices nises lcllt lclltFOH fillU kuUFOR 1 I IFOR FOR REIIT RETUNPURNISREDROOMS RETUNPURNISREDROOMSFUR RETUNFURMISHED UKPUEHISHED BOOMS 200MSFOR BOOMSFOR FOR RENT RF JCF2CFTwo TTwo Two aaforniihed d rooms on onoo sfro SlIoor i idoor door oo with heat sad gas price Zv 144 144Thooias IHThouss 144Thomas Thomas st t rw e253 e253FOR e253FORRENTIlla i > FOR 10 FORRENTIlla BENT TWS IMS G st Jttl twT > Jifci n iiq large J > roona remm5awiable awiable tab1e for dresHBllker err lnti lne1e m6 dmd dmdFOR prf prfIFOR t tFR IFOR FR HUNT RhTTbree Three communicating communiCl1 iug rooms with withbath withbath ith ithbIIth bath and aDdU gal S22 I sC senlm ne n m253 111253roR nm253BOll F BOll R RENT R ICLNTFor TFor For Kht 111t housekeepicg lao keep Ig three de de desirable decitable sirable secocdMory 2 OOOl Ky rooms opposite Pension PensionBureau Pe1itenBureau IetmdonBureau Bureau 4SS C Gst st m2SS m2SSFOR m5SFOR 1025 1025OP FOR OP RENT R RENTFour Four onfomisbed an rooms second secondfioor se GndI secondBoor Boor trhatet private bath I2 150 I25 e 1 illS 15 Pta la ave ave ne nem24r3 ne neIOR nem2t3 m24r3 m2t3FOR I FOR RENT R RENTThree TThree Three onfcraisbed unf rt reis s third thfedBOOT thirdDoor thirdfloor BOOT Door wEll w tt heated cheap rent 10 10ili Ills St st aLmn243 nc ncm24S Deil m24S m24SFOR mn243FOIl il ilFOR FOR RENT JU RIiNTFurnished T Fur ied and unfurnished rooms roomslight rooms romslight light ligh hscscefring becs eepi elzmg g heat hea and gas SUi gmis porcelain porcelainbath Porcelaintll porcelathbeth bath tll t 12th t at c nw m213 m213S83 nttsfI8S 1n2 ± 3 S83 0 F jrSTX ST N W WTwo Two large eonununicating eonununicatingrootns eommuni eommunimomS conununlcatin conununlcatinooues rootns momS ± d = d floor ooc marble mantels bath newly newlyjmyertd newlypapered newlyFOR papered IS ei3S ei3SFOR 33zQR FOR 1i5rFoarroom RENT BENTFcesrr Foorroom om fiat t 2d floor oor 15 15 per permonth p pJDonth permonth month JDonth oc the residence 6 rooms toones 2S jier jiermonth lelmonth iermouth month to Protestant taDt people poop no boys or ordcGa ordcGarefe orrdereneea dcgs dcgsreference reference refe 912 9ttt 1st st stnw nw two blocks from fromG fromG frostsG G P 0 eS34 eS34FOR e34OR 5234FOR FOR RE R REeT7hree T11Iree T rhree Hai tiflusiith1 r uri ea communicating communicatingzvoaa communicat1 communicat1rvonlS rooms C t after att 430 p IT 11 1610 tab et bt nw nwm2SS nwm2S3 owm5253 m2SS m2SSFOR m2S3I m5253FOR FOR R RUNTSecond BJ SrSeco r Second dour 1kI tf f four osmr ropms and andbath andblthge andbath I bath blthge gw U 61 15 per month iiXS Sth Ethi st nw nwm2l3 nws nwt owm214 m2l3 m214FOR m2l3FOR s FOR RENT R TUIlfurHlslted UBfuTBlslMd rooms any nurasier nurasiervery number numbererr numbervery t very err reasonable 512 5 Sth Bt nw TaiSS TaiSSFOR ms3FOR in233FOR FOR BEST JtR ItlldTTwo Two connecting rooms rooms light Hghthousekeeper lighthouI4k lighthoueckeeplng housekeeper houI4k 1129 Oth 6thIt sC st nw W nt283 nt283FOR y ssFOR m23ZSFOR FOR RENT RDTto > X 34 st fiL nw desirable front frontroom frontroom room uaiunriebed UnfurniahedFOR m233 mZ33FOR m233FOR FOR RENT RErone One or two large 1u e basement TOMB TOMBwell rooni rooniwell roonL roonLwell well lighted suitable for business b ineli cheap 1306 1306H 1 1II 13416II II st nw nwFOR e223 e223I e223roR I FOR REST RETFoor FOOT rooms second floor gas gasI gbath gaSboth I bath and heat 17 1100 1100 9th st aL nw OwROOMS e ± i3 i3ROOMS 3 3ROOMS ROOMS AND BO BOARD BOARDFOR BOARDFOIl Am AmFOR FOR REST RETXicely Nicely furnished front room with withboard 4th 4thber th thbuan1 board ber S45S 134 per week 610 3d fit fit nw e253 e253FOR es3FOP eSS3FOP FOP RENT RETRooms Rooms furnished or unfurnished unfurnishedwHh unfurnishedwith unmurnisbedwith with or without board heat gas bath b tlr with withEOS withowner lth lthoYrnU owner 516 2 I t Btr owto Jk25 Jk25ror EOS to KST N W WTwo WTso Two rooms also hall ballroom ballroomhoses room roomhome roomhome home table m n rn43 rn43FOR 43FOR 43 43FOR FOR RENT RE153 2153 L n at nw rooms good good board boardI boardliUitable boardesitable I suitable for married coupler co I ks SS3 t2 per munth munth2SS munthf monthe233 f e233 e233MARRIED 2SS 2SSMARRIED S SMRRIED MARRIED COUPLE COl > LE can get handsomely fur furnished furDished hsrnisbeel ¬ Dished large second floor front roam rooM at very verylow veryl verylos low l nr rent Apply ppty at once 1503 Q st st nw n Board Boardit it desCend m24S m24SFOR m2t3FOR muSSIFOR FOR RETSlCdy RENT ItENTNlcely Nicely furnished f m lllbed rooms r board rd if ifdesired Ifdesired desired 802 llth st st at aw cS3 c233ROOMS 233 233ROOMS I ROOMS with board near De Capitol moderate moderateprices moderateprices moderateprices prices 2W Je l 1 t it It ae e2S3 e2S3JTIONT e233loRO e263FRONT FRONT loRO T ROOM and board in strictly private privatefamily privatefllD privatefaneile family fllD ly reasonable e very desirable location locationlz locationUP locationSheds lz UP Rhode R Island ave aveILEASANT mSSS mSSSPLEASANT roS3ILE PLEASANT ILE SA T SECOND story front room with withboard with withboard withboard board a hw smaller Uerroom room with board I 4 per perweek peryeek perweek week H2 < 3d 4t st BUT mS33 mS33FRONT mU3FR01T m323iBONT FRONT iBONT HOOK ItOOMflMlid M aislesedid Kiid board two 860 weekothe week weekother weekother other TOOUO rOOlUi single fS 3Ss 25 5 1102 Oth st nw nweC2 nwI nwGRXIS oweSSZ eC2 eC2FURNISHED eSSZ eSSZFFBNIiHED I FURNISHED GRXIS ED ROOMS ROOMSwitb with Board t oard she nicely nicelyfurnished nicelyfurn nicelyfurnished furnished furn t parlor bedroom for couple eoupie table tableboard tableboIird tableboard i board 850 5 a week 2037 II st at nw n e423 e423FOR c32iFOR 3 3FOR FOR KENT RENTFLTS RENTFLTSIOR RENTFLATS4 RENTFLATS4P0k FLATS FLATSFOR FOR RENT RE RENTluG IllG 511 14th at lit five rooms a aDd aDdbath andbath d dbath bath latee laH porch and yard 310 20 W P MET METCALF JIETC MSTCALF CALF C LF 1306 F st t ra233 ra233brarr mJ3joOR m232FOR FOR REXTS VI 4 1OOD1Jflat roouilat foe bou housekeeping housekeepingCapitol keepi keepiCapitol Capitol lull 3 blocks ITom Capitol and U Ubrary Lilary brary brarr il 1 A at t ne neI ettS ettSFOR 225FOIL I FOR RENT RE1TI I have saint very veryrdec cjoe J new newmOd newmOdCTJI met inoai metto i cm to 4rootn root flab nice porches every room pri privaU priwk jet jetrate rate bright br lat and cheer cheery tl tltfse ttli se are most desirable desirableplaces delirabjbefOft dcoirabeplaces places tisSues you Tent elsewhere see ci ihem ihem2SS7 2SS7 6 12th JIL at aw take the llth st st car i 10 10lIud l0and i ia and IX pc J OOd < a S CARR 504 lltlx rnw rnw6OR i nw nwe214 11 11e21t e214 e214FOR e21tFOR FOR RKNT RKTTtliwT Thrcenwrn OIIU flat heat eras as and amibath andbat andbath bath bat M07 W C Jt ne De dOS e05rutt rutt KKit JJ1 szesi S IMh S at t t ne a vay yet desirable desirableflat dea desirableflat b btlat flat 8r hot ve wfe robins s and bath porcelain tub just jurtpap ju jupa justpapered < pap pa papered red rent 18 lUO 0 reduction during drn warm warmweather wump warmweather weather B p F SAL SAUL 7th and L sIx stLn nv jy31tf jy31tfFOR jy31tfFOR jySltfFOR FOR SALE SALEBICYCLES SALEBICYCLESSEC05DIIA SALEBICVCLESSECONDRAND BICYCLES BICYCLESSECONDHAND SECONDHAND SEC05DIIA D wheels bought sold ld and ex exchanged excbzDged cxchanged ¬ changed 113 Pa 11 are Ve nw 13C FOR RENT RENTF RENTFURNISHED FURNISHED SHED OR 7R UN UNFURNISHED UFFURIo1SHED UI UIFURNISED ¬ FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMS1OR ROOMSFOR FOR RENT RENTTwo Two or three rooms partly fur furnished furbj I ur urnihd = nished bj or unfurnished housefcecpintr Dou iKrnnt iKrnnttcd IKrnnt IKrnnttcd Iermitted tcd 41S K st to nw e25S e25SFOR e53FOR 253FOR FOR SALE SALEHOUSES SALEHOUSESlOR HOUSES HOUSES1OR FOR SALE SALlBj By owner O DeT sevenroora house bam baniISiaO bamISX50 bestISiSO ISiaO water in in kitchen fruit everything everythingraIcas feirtcaws raIcas ii near r steam aDd electric lines on onlUti onH onllladceieburt lUti H llladceieburt i6HirK Road in District of Columbia Columbiasmall small < eall 11 caA ca payment balance monthly to suit suitdmts suitAddts A Addts dmts < Mrt BOX tiO OX 427 4 this office in33 in33FOR 1I133FOR instsFOR FOR SALE SALESUBURBAIi SALESUBUfllitISALEloll SUBURBAN SUBURBANF40R F40R FR SALE SALEIOSJ 1C81 Concord < Ord St Brookland Brooklandreams 7 7remus reams and barn water sewer newly papered paperedOWNER pilperedI I i Th0 MIo caSh balance nee 1 16 per znonth znonthINER h hFORRENTHOUSES OWNER INER R 5101 MH OI 4th st s snee Be e23 e23FOR 223FOR > FOR FORRENTHOUSES FORRENTHOUSESFOR RENT RENTHOUSES RENTHOUSESFOR HOUSES HOUSESFOR FOR RENT RE RENTNEW NEW HOUSE HOUSETS4 nOtsES TS4 S Harvard st st nw 6 rooms bath tb cellar iumace iumaceRent iUmfleeRent lurnaceRent Rent only tfHlt W per moniii moniiiKey tnOfItIKey mositiKey Key at7 at 7ft liarvard liarvardml llamrdm1 liarvariiml ml Open Sunday for imjjecaion imjjecaion1eBston i naeeaian naeeaianFOR ion ionFOR FOR REXTDesirab 7roemhouse roem house ep eppvzite ilte > 1eBston OSce em 40ii H 4th st t Key oil 3d st stBEJi5 stt stFOR atmuStI BEJi5 BEJi5FOR muStIPOll t FOR RENT RETiH 714 5th st nw 11 rooms and bath all modem improvements rent t45 45 Key Keyat Keyat Keyat at 450 H st nw no owFOR nC3 nC3OR i 3 3FOR OR < REXTI6room hou5e e excellent nent location locationfor locationfor for oordill boarding I1owJ or o4Kee rooms furniture if Ifwanted wanted ted cheap w a t sft t pure1JaRr lIHlulret Inquire ar 5 Est DW allS allSFOR S SPOR FOR BENT RETResidcnc Residence e 8 rooms 22 per month monthor monthIcoom or 4 Icoom room flat fiat 2d soor floor 15 per month to to1rotant Prolcsunt lro J1t people no boys or dogs references referencesS12 references1st S12 1st st nw two blocks ks from G P O OB234 Oe34 B234 e34EOR FOR SALE SALEMISELLfuiEOUS SALEMISELLfuiEOUSORGAr SALE1zUSCELLANEOUSORGANS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSORGANS ORGANS ORGAr S 3 MONTHLY MONTHLYSecondhand MONTHLYSecondband MONTHLYSecondhand Secondhand organs suitable for > churches churcheschapete mtlMt mtlMtfltapeJs thureitoechapels chapels lodges or homes ttiH it m be sold very verycheap rerj icrycheap cheap and on 3 monthly payments paymentsF 1J113D1fi1tsF F G SMITH SMITHzaa3 1225 225 Pa Ave AveFOR Aveu Ave1Olt Aveif u ifFORStLECheap FOR FORStLECheap SALE 1IeIp < Cheap church benches doors and doorframes windowpanes bashes aSSh blinds and iron lio coiwnas 00iJI1l1j5 Apply at ilAltTiN AIITiX IVlSGANDiS WliiG D1S Pla liauing > 1a i IIS g idll 34111 cor 4 42 st st and Maryland ave aveaw 3Ve 3Vee2 aveow aw e2 c253 c253FOR 253 253FOR 3 3FOR FOR SALE SALEChetp Cheap COO G A AR R souvenirs souven T3 Ad ¬ dress BOX 448 46 this oJScc c253 c253IOR 253FOR 3 3FOR FOR SALE SALEA A Carton furnace No 2S7 in ingood Ingood j good condition with ith ail necessary piping etc I ell 14 I P at nw c 253 253FOR 53 53FOR 3 3FOR FOR SALE SALE SALIi1wo Two fine yoang y frc fresh Jersey Jerseycows Jerseycows cows and calves calv 26 S and SO 30 each must sell sellbesee sellheRce sellhenee I besee the price 14th aDd Frankfort Itml fort sts Brook land D BFOIPSAU < m3 ni3 ni3FORSALK I F FORSALK Fine Finequsrternrunk quartered Ik > ak sideboard sidebocrd25 sidebocrd25coat 23 23cost cost 37 csed d two weeks 315 8lh st 81 nw nwVt nwRdt3 owns43 I Rdt3 Rdt3fA ns43tFANTEDBouashold Vt tFANTEDBouashold fA ANTED Eoifoweb Mous hold ld goods and merchandise merchandiseor i ior or all kinds killds furniture carpets etc big bigJBOO bigmoney I JBOO money y paid Send postal to t D NOTES lidS ftS3TTerida lidSflcrlda I TTerida rkrldaau ave Prompt attention att ti6n m2l3 m2l3THE tollITIlE I IrifE THE GUARANTEE GjR rp SEWING MACHINE CO COBelh COseiM sells nothing nothi but machines all makes guar guaranteed guaranteed r ralttei ¬ II anteed on credit cred it SOc SOewee weekly kIY payments paym slight alight1y ¬ 1y seed machines mine6 rebuilt in our shops sho good as asaew aslew asnew new Been S5 5 up satirfcetiaa or machine ex exche exchanged che changed ged j45 s 4fe 1 st sLc at sw Open until 9 p m m mI inne2SyS i im42 m42 ne2SySFOIl I i iFOR I Iron5LEAt FOR ron5LEAt SALE SALEAt At ooce pawn ticket for diamond diamondring diamondring ring riD Addrcs AcIdr BOX 49tf this oflee eee m2i3 m2i3FOR inSl3FOR t3 t3POR I FOR POR SALE SiLEGet SALEj Get busy Wake un up Buy a 9 9pkce 9piece pkce PIece toilet toil set t with roll edge e basin special i 5143 iB delivered FRIES If 5 HOPWOOD HUl WooD Slit Ui and I K sts eta tat mISS ro243FOR mISSFOR I FOR SALE SA SALE05t cet G t busy b r Wake up Buy an anorgan anr anorgan organ for orJ1 13 cost l 320 Q FRIES 3 HOPWOOD HOPWOODSth HOP HOPWOOD6th D s r i Sth and E ats nw m243 m243FOR ailsIFOR FOR SALE S SAEOet Get et bo dIf r Wake 111 p Buy a tail tailors tallors ¬ ors ors sefee n maebi machiss chi De e St Singer nger perfect perl ct stitchcn stitchcnpric w rdteherprice tcher i pric p price < 42 F FRIllS IE I HUPWOOP IluPWOODSth Sth tad smr K Ks itate j s ate BWi DW m243 m243FOR nmll3FOR i iFOR FOR SiLE SK SSILBGet Get et usy busy pusy Hake up u Buy fmrni fmrnitwre faroiI faroiIture ferititare tare sBghtly need tae < folHug bed 18 cost cost41o I i CO FRIES k HOPWOOD 8th and K sts nw nwm243 ourmuStS i it muStS m243FOR muStSFOlt t I IFO FOR FO FOlt SALE SALEet Get busy Wake up Buy a solid solidMk solidsak i Mk wardrobe 611 14 cost Ii 65 5 JURIES k HOP HOPWOOD 1I0PWOOD hOPWOOD WOOD gth and K KstItuw st ale use m24 m24FOR n12t8 uriSIFOltSALECet 1 1FOR FOR FOltSALECet SALE SAtEGet Get besy Wak Wake up Buy Buya a cash tashregister cashregister i ir register r 35 85 FRIES HOPWOOD hOP OOD Sth and andK andK andK K ate aw mISS ro2l3FOR mISSFOR 243 243FOR FOR SALE SLELadyS Ladys bicycle cheap ch p SOS 10th 10that 10thIt I Iat at at nw uwFolt m213 m213I t3 t3FOR I FOR SALE SALEQne Oil l IIIft ft combination sailing and andpaddling andpaddling paddling canoe complete c mplele cheap if taken im imnxdiateiy immediately ItomedIately mediately Address ddress BOX 435 this office o ce rollS mU3FOR rollSFOR FOR SALE SALETwo Two good are lamps cheap Z Z D DBLACEISTONE DBLCKITO UBLACKISrONE BLACEISTONE E 14th ltthand and H sea nw m242 m242fOR nti2FOR 113242FOR fOR SALE 5LEOn On account of ofescoving moving will sac sacrifice sacri sacrMee ¬ rifice 12 I pedigreed Belgian hares aDd a trio of ofwhite ofwhite ofwhite white Wfaxtotts SlBQrfncy gl Sit t uincy st nw comer conwrBrightwood comerBrlght cornerBrIgktWOOd Brightwood Brlght BrlghtFOR ave m233 m233FOR uriSIFOR u FOR SALE LEThree Three horse power electric motor motorHBfiSt motorfiest rooterfinest finest built baigain HA I1AYW HAWRTli WORTH RTII 512 8th st stI st stnw atow I nw m2S3 m2S3FOR tollIFOR nwJoOR FOR JoOR SALE SLEFresk Fredi Jersey J y cow JOHN KNAPP KNAPPLaccdon KXAPP7 KNAPPIaagdon Laccdon D C m233 m233FOR 111233FOR m3233FOR FOR SALE SAIE SALEtIO000 60000 oro old brick Apply pply at LIT LITTLEFIELD LITALVORD LITTLEFZELD TLEFIELD ALVORD 3CO COS 1227 1 Pa lto ave aveFOR ayeFOR aremallS mallS 5 5FOR FOR SALE SALRXew New upright piano pi furniture furnitue and andcarpets andj andcarpets carpets j very cheap 1025 1 = 14th fit IC233 IC233FINE i323IFINB FINE slightly sllgll IY used 5tiefr Stkff piano used only two twolooaths t twomnosithe 0 0tlts looaths tlts another piano of same make used usedaix usedaixthl six sixmonths alaenontln months thl at greatly reduced prices One second secondhand s secondband nd ndalld hand Upright 3175 175 a a fiDe Mercy organ n 50vana 5OlU1tlmany 5O 50vanasway and andteeny sway other bargains bar IIS Easy monthly montb payments paymentsfcTIEFF paymen paymenTIIFF iaynmcnisImTIEFF fcTIEFF PIANO WAREROOMS J 1 C CommitS Conlimaaacer ConlWtnlBge1 CommitSmanger maaacer 31 1 nth St 11 nw nwFOR c22tf c22tfFOR c22 tf tfFOR FOR SALE SALEGrtphopbone Graphopbooe and complete outfit outfitat outfitzt outfitat at a great bargain if sold id immediately Ad Address AddreiS Address ¬ dress BOX 117 H this office oce e223 e223FOR e22SFOR elISFOR FOR SALE SALEQld Old violin nee fine solo instrument instrumentJaO instrumentj JaO j a bargain SANDERS i STAYMAN ST Y AS CO COm217 COm27 COto217 m217 m217FOR m27FOR to217FOit FOR SALE SALEBrick Brick Brick Hard l1 lIr n brick fire firebrick firebrick firebrick brick cut brown and alue atone rubble stone stoneand stoneand stoneand and concrete material DI JAMES L EARRICE 1336 New Xe York ave ml m191 m191FOU m197jjie 7 7FOtt jjie FOtt SAUS riuE5 5 tot Moms orTIS chairs With hair haucushion haircushion cushion 6 6 for f r hair mattrea in two parts oak oakarm k I arm rockers L4S bedroom and parlor suites cuitesflOO Q suites1co tet I flOO 1co per week ItEDlIOriDS UED10 D3 311313 7th st stnw at itaw nw awFOIt cOtf cOtfFOR dHfFOIt FOIt SALHtGood d quality opaque o que shades 8had fitted fittedto fttedto fittedto to your window windBwl s only 25c the beet t quality qualityci IUlIit1oil wilityoil ci oil opaque sLoiee wrt < SO 0 hung h = 1 free will call with withsaapiea withanpi6 withsamples samples KLEEBLATTS 11th und H its ne nePhone ne nePho1c asPhone Phone East 25D 25DFOR elOtl elOtlFOR 1Otf 1OtfFOR FOR sALEHORSES ALE HORSES AND A1 J VE VEHICLES VEmCLES YEHICLES ¬ HICLES HICLESFOR mCLESlOR HICLESFOR FOR SAEK SALJDayton Dayton wago wagon 4i 4iC2SS 422 11th at 6 6I 6FOR C2SS C2SSFOR 253FOp I FOR SaLE SALFPair Pair horses dirt wagon and bar harness barReII8 baraces ¬ ness cheap ch 7 735 3S Sheridan n nFOR 11 tt mew eSG3 eSG3Fort 3 3FOR FOR SALE SLEDaton Dayton butter butteralld aad delivery wagon wagonbray wagonbsgy I40nbur bray bur and lot wheels cheap GEYER 1210 1210Ohfe 1210Ohio 1210Ohio Ohio ave m253 m253FOR m53FOR FOR SALE 5LFII1K1C Horae aad n bbertire runabout runabouthorse runaboutiioflIe runabouthorse horse smtable Illll tabl for ridin ridlor or r driving gentle and andkind andkifid andkited kind acm Q at aw m2i3 m2i3FOR m2i8FOR mItSFOR FOR SALE SALEA A hotel Jt INK coupe and twoscat twoscatptuetoa two twophaetOll twosentphaetoss ptuetoa and busIness busI wagon wa cheap IIOAD IIOADLEY IIOADLEY I1OADIKY LEY i 5 CO 3d and Pa ave nw D tollS m213FOR m2i3FOR tollSFOR FOR SALE ALEOne One cheap work horse price priceat 35 36at 35at at IVHEATLEYS COAL C L YARD 221 1st st it se sentfl3 se sen4JS ScmitS ntfl3 ntfl3FOR n4JSFOR mitSFOR FOR SALE SLETe Tea work homes and marcs also alsoone atfIQone alsoone one small pony and one rubbertire buggy bugfijand bu buand buggyand and OB one cheap mule Apply pply Rear 470 4 G Pa ave avenw liVenw avenw nw m2l3 m2l3FOR m13JOR inStIFOR FOR SALE SALEA A match tdlt team aisj age e 4 land and S color colorbay colorbay colorbay bay very fast and stylish aba he one work ork horse horsecan OOnlecan horsecan can be Hell en any day S09 WJP F st atJW t sw e233 e233FOR e233FOR elIIFOR FOR SALE S4LETw Two canopy tope surreys on onnuarly onnearly one onenearly nearly new cheap one 26 945 N Y ave avenw aeIIW areow nw rollS m233FOR nr33FOR rollSFOR FOR SALE SALEGood Good strong wagon suitable for forexpress forexpress foreapreas express fe feed d or coal 1 price 60 o DEC DEGEN DEGENDRICKERD EN ENBBIGKERD k kBRIGKERD BBIGKERD 1587 15 7th th at t t nw e223 e223FOR ett3FOR 3 3FOR FOR SALE SLEAUpu SALEAllpurpooe Allpurpose bay horse K 80 804th SO SOth S04th 4th th st tt ne ne e223 e223io io ioCIo CIo I FOREIGN MAILS MAILSI MAILSnlfO MAThSWASlllNflN I WASHINGTON nlfO D O C POSTOPFICK 1OSro 1OSroS1Ioufd NOTK NOTKShould NoYIeEShould Should be read daily as chagea may occur at ati atJlV ataer i say aer JlV time timej timI turnsFOREiGN I j FOREIGN MAILS lLS are dir dirof dispatched t the JIOI1 poitaof J of selling daily and the sc scarran schedule fJl ctoaings is isI isarranged I arran arranged od on the presumption ption of their theirrupted theirI uaialm uaialmcopied rupted overland transit Fr Frbe For or tile tileI weik endfna endfnaAugust I August 30 Jrot 1002 ue last cO Couccetiag cIo wm wmbe willbe be made de from the MAIN 1 OFFICE as follows sTransAtlantic foilcosTransAtlantic followsTransAtlantic I TransAtlantic Mails MailsMONDAY ItailsIOXDAYa MailsMONDtYa MONDAY IOXDAYa a At 715 15 p po m for EUROPE EUROPEper Et7ROeI i I per a s So Kronprine Wfihehn how New X w York YoHtvia Yorkvia TuskI j I I via Plymouth Chcrboarg and andI Bremen BremenTCESDAYa BretnenI I TCESDAYa At 715 < Po D m m for KJROMS KJROMSP EU Jt P II r s s So I hiiaAlphia fetus rr < f3 New S T Tort rk via riasoltbUltptoo ia iaKMitkampton > KMitkampton Hall aII U for IRELAND most b brectciJ be fi Ji Jiteatom rectciJ rett teatom 1 Per s So s 50 Philarldpkia Philarldpkiac c At 1125 p p m mlor for EUROPE per s s sOceanic So Soeanie aOceanic Oceanic < from New ew Y YROPE York v via t Quciiwtown QuciiwtownWEDXESDAYa WED WEDXESDAYa SESDAYs At i15 p In in lot Re ReROPE BCBOPE ROPE per s a s Columbia bl fi fiIljmouth from New York lock via Tiallymouth viaPlymouth Plymouth Cherbourg < IIIDd vA Mambonc Mail for torFRANCE forFRAXCE forFRAML FRANCE must be directed dirt ed P Pbia J ler IL a a ahis QJum QJumbia bia his hisc c At At915p 913 p m tor tOr FRANCE SWITZER SW1TZERLAND SWITZERLAXD SWFTZBRLAND LAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL I > TURKEY TUKKEYEGYPT TCRKEEGYPT TURKEYEGYPT EGYPT GREECE BRmgll INlMA and LO LORENZO 10R I IBEXZ4 ¬ RENZO R LO MARQCfZ IARQCh p P r s x aLa La Ga taatoine eogne from fromNew fromXew freestew New tew YorX t nrit tri via Havre ane Mail JbdIfor toe other thet parts ru of ofKUROPE ofFCROlE ofEUIIOIII KUROPE must bt directed direct f SC < r s So s La Gas Gasoocnc Gascocos oocnc oocncFRIDAY 0 iDeFRIDAYc cocosFRIDAYc FRIDAY FRIDAYc FRIDAYc < c At t 11 1115 5 p k Bi n for NETHER NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS ET ER ERLAXDS ¬ LANDS direct per s So a NoofAi NoofAiYork Noo dam JR tram Sew SewYork NewYork York Slat must be directed Per I Idam a L Moos XoorchIli Moosdam dam damc c At 1125 p m ste n for EUROPE per s s sIucania s sIu aLucanla Iucania Iu IBia < from New York YOk viir Qot Qoesnetowic Qoesnetowice nkown nkownc a ac c At t 1125 p m In for foro1L SCOTLVND D direct y per pers I s s So htbiojde from New X ev YcrV Y cr Hail Ma mu must be bedirected bedirected bedirected directed 1er lc 5 6 a Ethiopia Ethiopiac illlJoula illlJoulae c At 11 uriS 5 p m for BELGIUM direct dired diredIt per pera perL a It s S Zeeland trom N Nw w Ycrfe ail mwt JMMt 6e 6eoirpctcd tiei betiiivstctl oirpctcd i tcd rPer rer s a s s Zedand Zedandc c At st Ili5 ll tor > or UtNMASK U IAJUC > direct direct per s sNorge IIX a aNorgu Norge X from New Yorlc oth Still i n mm meat be directed d dPer direeic direeicPerss Per Perss s So s s N Xore Xorec iorce iorcec re rec c At 1155 lI 25 p m for AZORES ISLANDS ISLANDSper ISLAXDSr IANI IANIrr per r r s 5 s So Pcnin Pe Pessineslar iMUlAr ilar horn rinR N Yew York YorkPRINTED YoritPRI ToeItPRINTED PRINTED PRI TED fATTEn KTC mCII This steamer steamertakes steamertakea mer mertats takes printed Matter tter comtoertial papers and andsamples aDdsamples sadasnpbu samples for GERMANY ony y The mine class s of otmail ofmail ofmail mail matter for to other cU er > D sac of 1 KCROTB will willnot winoot willnot not be sent by this ship antes specially di directed dited direseed ¬ reseed ted by tier tierMails ncrMails cr crMails Mails for South and Central Aneriear AneriearWest America AmericaW AiericaWest West W st Indies IndiesEtc Etc EtcMONDAY EtcMONDAY I IOXI1 MONDAY OXI1 Ya a At t 716 715 p nC m for NORTHERN KORTHERNBRAZIL NORTHERNBRAZIL II BRAZIL per s So B 50 Hilary 111111 bran New tW York Yod via viaPara viaPars j Para and 00 Macaos Macaosc 3szaoe i ic c At 1125 p in for CENTRAL C SiTlLL AMERICA AMERICAexcept ERIC I Iexcept I Iexcept except Costa 1 kfca iea aad SOUTH PACIFIC PACIFICPORTS PAC630PORTS i PORTS per pcrlt s g 5 Sccuraica begurajice 1UejI from New ew York YorkTfa York Ycrkvia i iviaCoIfm via viaCoIfm Colon Mail for Guatemala must be direct directTINE diri iftJ t ted I Ied ed Per s k a Segura SeguraTLEoLJYd Segurnca L TLEoLJYd At 8i8 6 a m in for ARG ARGTINE R i I ITIXF TINE rRl URUGUAY GY and PARAGUAY PARAGUAYCarflda per s sCamlida Carflda Ca ilda from New 5 ew York Yorkd I d d At 12 I a for > JAMAICA p ler > r s So s s Admiral AdmiralDewcy AdmiJalj AdmiculDeiuey Dewcy De ey from Boston Hestonc v i ic c At 915 p m m for NEWFOUNDLAND NEWFOljXDLLXDrtct d drect dL dLrest I I rest rtct per s g s Silvia from New Yore Yorec j ji I i c At 1125 p m mtor t for the BAHAMAS BAILUIt5 per pers perl s s a 8 Antilia Am ia from > New NewYOIe Yonc Yor via Nassau D Mail Mailmust 1 1mU5t must be directed Per s s s sAntiha sAntihac Antilia Jltilia I Ic I Ic I c At 11 1l51 11325 5 p m for TURKS ISLAND and aadDOMINICAN andDOMINICAN t rx2 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PCBUC per s a S Ckertkee CII j i iWEDNESDYc from New York YorkWEDNESDAY YorkWEDNESDAYc WEDNESDAY WEDNESDYc c At 11 115 SS p m 1IL mfl for CAM CAMPECHE CA CAPECHE CAMPECHE PECHE PECHE CHIAPAS TABASCO and YUCATAN YUCATANper YlicT YlicTper YUCATANper per s s s So Havana from New x York Mail a for forother forC forother other parts of MEXICO nineS be directed directeda Pet PCiic Peta a a s Havaaa Havaaac C ic c At 1125 p p m m for the tJJe KUIALS AUAMAS sad the tilePPoVISCE thaPItOVINCE j PROVINCE of ofS SANTIAGO TIAQO CUBA per s sYucatan So > a aYucatan Yucatan Yu atan from New ew York YorkTHURSDAY yortTIICRSDWd YorLThlUBSDAYd THURSDAY TIICRSDWd ThlUBSDAYd d At 12 m foe JAMAICA JAUCA JAUCAII fee feeB pe peL B II s s Admiral Sampson from BcMoa BcMoae BcJ < OII OIIe e At t 11 1125 5 p m for GRENADA GI EXWA and TB1N TB1Nc TRL TRLIDAD THINIlUAU lUAU per s a So a 3 Maceva mval front New York Yorkc Yorkc c At t 1125 p p m for MEXICO per 3 s a Ma CaI itst2nr2s Matanzas tanzas from New sew e York via Tarapfco Mail lajlmust MalImust 1 1must must be directed Per s s s s Matanzaa Matanzaac c At 1125 p p m m for or INAGUA cad HAITI HAITIper aMTIper hAITIper I I per s s s s Paloma PaJo from New York I Ic I IC c > At 11 115 5 p m IIL for > ST THOMAS ST STCROIX srCROIX 5FCROIX I l CROIX LEEWARD LER RD and WINDWARD ISLANDS l ISLANDSBRITISH AXDST BRITISH T DCPCII and n FRENCH GUIANA per pera t 1 Ll I IID Cambee from m New Kl E s s York hail lee GREN GRENADA GRESADA ¬ ADA ID and TRINIDAD TR IDD most be dbw dYcCod ea 4 Per Pers Pers Pera s s s Carinbce CarinbceFRIDAY CarlbbeeFRIDtYe CaribbeeFRIDAYc FRIDAY FRIDtYe c At 1125 11 p m tot BERMUDA BERMUDAper DERXIDAper BERMUDAper per s s Pretoria p torta from New e York Yorkc e At t 11 115 5 p m for PORTO RICO per pers perSo So s 2 iL Coamo from N New w York York via ri San Joan Joanc JuaDc c c At 1126 p p m m for CURACAO and VENE VENEZUELA VEEZUELA VENEZUELA ¬ ZUELA per s So s Maracalbo Yara lb from New York YorkMaQ YCrklaiI YorkMall Mall laiI for EAVANILLA EY ILLand and CARTAGENA CRTAGE A must mustbe muste meetbe be e directed P Per r s So t MaracaibocXXf taracaWoen Maracaibo 4aracajch < h cXXf en RC 1125 y m forVOKTfcNe foiP mT < ISLAND ISLANDJAMAICA ISLANIIJAMAICA SLA 1 1JUUIC JAMAICA SAVANILLA SA S4A A ANILLA LL CARTAGEXA and awtGREYTOWN aMGREiTOWN andGREYTOWN GREYTOWN per s 8 s Allegheny from New jfesrTork XewYork NewTorL York Mail Iailtlor for COSTA RICA RIC moa b bedir be directed directedPer JirecedPer ed edPlr Per s 5 s Alleshany Alleshanyc < c At 11 1l5 5 p m m for BRAZIL RZ1L per s Sos Sosr a s sSyracnsa a aSyr9iic Syr9iic Syracnsa fr frSant from New w York via Persausbuco and andSantos r 1 l lbe = r Sant Santos Mail for NORTHERN BRAZIL BRAZILbe meet meetbe be directed Per s 50 s Syraeuss Syraeussc < c At 1125 11 25 p m m for ARGENTINE A1lGE TDiE URU URUGUAY tRCGUAY URUGrAY ¬ GUAY and PARAGUAY per s So s s Hdfecse Hdfecsefrom HeJIene HeJIenefrof Heilernefrom from Ne = Tor YorMalls i iMalls frof Malls i for r NEWFOUNDLAND fOtXDLD by rail railto to Norti Nort NortSyditcy I ISyd 1 Sydney Syd and thence via steamer tteamert dose here d deity deilyexeept deityexcept Hy except Sundays at 12 IlL ne ilP anti OR Sundays J C 1130 11 30 a It m The connecting cowtectingon mS closes < are made RWIon madeon on Jlondays Wednesdays and Saturdays Saturdli tfr tfrYaUs d dMaSS r rMails < Mails for MIQUELON by rail to Boston anti amithence antithence andthence thence via steamer clo cI close e here re daily except excepti exceptStmdayn i Sunday at 12 I m and en Sundays S at atl1te atl1telB 11 1116 1116asndk 6 6amd J amd asndk asndkCUBA lB d > k kCUBA 1CCB CUBA CCB MAILS close here via Port Tampa TampaFla T TF1a TampaPlc Fla Mondays J1O daJ1l Wednesdays and Saturdays sfti at at3pm 3 3pm p m h hMaps IsMalls f2n t Maps Malls for MEXICO co overland unites 1IRles5addnisscd specially1 specially1addressed eeial1y eeial1yaddishsed I addressed for dispatch d by tfeppera I saHins from fromNew froiIISew from fromNew New York close here 1Kr daily at ft i W 1951 1936 a m sad sad1Opm 10 1Opm p p m m f 0 0b 0bSEnile W WMails It ItllIil Mails llIil for BELIZE PUERTO COR7FZ and aDdGUATEJIAL1 andGUATEJIALA andGUATEMALA GUATEMALA b rail to t New Orleans 011 and andthence andthence acedthence thence via yi steadier ateamlir dose here dally at 1089 1089a a I tn and nd 10 p m m ts th the ecfattetisQ etaees etr for forwhkh fOiwhich forwhich which being on Mondays t f Qi QiMails iIMail b bMalls Mails for COSTA RICA by rail to New Or Orleans 0115M Orleans ¬ leans and thence via v us 8 steamer close here daily dafiyat daHyat dailyat at at 1030 a IB and ares 14 J t m tn tIe connecting connectingcloses connectingclosets ti ticloses I closes for which being on Tuesdays < O 1 00 00TransPacific b bTransPacific B BTransPacific I TransPacific Mails MailsMails MailsY Mailsitalic I Mails Y i1s for CHINA CHJx JAPAN HAWAII and andfirstclass a axedfirstclass d dfirst firstclass first matter f for r the t FHIL1PPLVK p ISL ISLANDS ISLANDS ISLANDS ¬ ANDS via via S Sail h Francisco Fra cisco clna close ha lt hart daily dailyat dait daitat dailya at a 630 p m IP p to o August u 25 inc iae8iII Te f rdL foedlapatch i idfcpatcb dfcpatcb dL < per SJ s Korea Kor Z o oJIaife oSlaBs 1 SlaBs Ia s for 1iIrthe the thePIIIIIPPIliE PHILIPPINE P UIIIPPIN ISLASUSi ISLASUSiSan IStl1St + 4a 4aSAn San Francisco dose here daily at 8 6320 JO j jup p pitim up itim to t August = t 25 inclusive vt for dispatch dect dectu jierj jierjU u S Transport TransportMails e eMails 0Mails Mails for CHINA JAPAN flAWS HA j i riI firstclaw matter for th the PHILIPPIXi lmLIPPl > 3 3ANDS L LANDS r ANDS via San Francisc ncisco close bees dnily ch dali 1j at at6SO 690 p JO up to August t 29 inclusive i llCl1Jll e for die dispatch dis dispatch diepatch ¬ patch per s s s Gaelic o oMaite 0aig oMails Mails aig for AUSTRALIA except ex t those for West WestAustralia WeItAustraJiz WestAustralia Australia which whl h are dispatched via Knripe KnripeNEW JoUnpeEW urJpe urJpeMEW NEW EW ZEALAND FIJI SAMOA OA and HAWAII HAWAIIvia JIAW HAWAIIvia AU AUria via Sin a Francisco close here daily at 530 63 p m mup 111 111up mUI up UI to August UgUst 30 inclusive iDc1I18 for dispatch per pers pes peta s s s l Sonoma Sonomalails < s sMails meStalls Mails lails for CHINA cms and JAPAN vi v if Vancou vaaccmnr Vanceeicr Vancouver ¬ ver and Victoria B BC C dose heR daily at at6SO I 0 6SO 0 p m m up tt Septenber 2 inclusive for fordispatch tordisp3teh toedispatch dispatch t per er > er s s s Ii Eranreea Eml Emprsoe of tTiina Regis RedsI RedsItcrcd Registered j jtcred tcred mail must be specially sp dalb addressed Met Merchandise Metehandise ¬ chandise Chandi e for th the U S Postal Age cy Jtt t Sha Soang Soanghal J1t J1thalo c cbai hal halo China eaanot be forwarded via Canada DaIlllldLWts CanadaMails J JSlaifa I Mails Wts for CHINA IUSA + and JAPAN via Seattle Seattleclose SeIIIttJec Seattleelec close c ise here daily at t 6SO p su up to September Septem1Jcr3inel 3 3inel inclusive 1sWc fordispalch for diptICh per s L s I Tow T Mafa MafaRegistered iiatiRegistered 1 1Reistered Registered mail must be directed Via Seat Seattle Seattic Seattle ¬ tle tic o oMails 0ai11 isSbus Mails ai11 for CHINA CHIlu HlX and JAPAN JP via viacl Themes TScomclose Themesclose close cl here dally at 630 p n hi > up to September 5 inclusive for dispatch d per s a 1L Victoria If Iflai15 toMails o i iMails Mails lai15 for HAWAII IlA W AJI via San Francisco close closehere eow eowi toechere here daily i70r af 6 630 JO p m up to September r S in inlails inelusive i ielusive elusive i for dispatch c per s c AUmeda to toMails o oMails Mails lails for AUSTRALIA except those for forWcst foeVtat i iIVfsi IVfsi Australia which are dispatched d dseatcbee tchell via Ko Korope Furop Rnrope rope rop and NEW ZEALAND ZELA D whVch wheels gow 1048 via San SanFrancisco s sFrancisco I IFrancisco Francisco and FIJI FlJ ISLANDS lSL DS via Vancouver Vancouverand aJHOUver j jand Iand and Victoria B C c clos dOllle clc e lie 11 here e daily at 6 6p 639 639p p m after Ancuet UIrUt SO and up to o September 13 13inclusive 13inclusive 1 1inclusive inclusive for dt dipatch patch p per r s So s 8 Aoranci Aora 0 0ails 0Mails j jMails Mails ails for TAHITI and MARQUESAS YRQU lit 1SLANCS litANIIS ANCS A IS via San Francisco FnUIC 8CO dome d Were Werep daiLy ny at 630 63 p m m up p to September Sept ber i 0 ittcloatre for fortliIl leedhpates fordtepatch dtepatch tliIl ltCJI nor I per > s s a aMarl M Maripoa ripo a o oifail 0ail oS S ifail lails ail for COCHIS 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1UTentot Special l Alexandria Alexan4is Masassts Galveston Clvutoni aaC aaCarrcntoit anx anxSt St arrcntoit arrcntoitburg i InIIIODUf Uf p In rn Week ee1 If Days > Ioel foi HarrIson IUrmcnb HarrIsonburg burg b b and way stations on MaBaasa3fhraneh MaBaasa3fhraneht Jlrsa1ItIIIeh Jlrsa1ItIIIeh3IJ t 439 3IJ p m In Daily Local for fo Warreutoa W and mdChGnoiteSJine amidChartottesrific CborKiUesTiUc ChGnoiteSJineSl5 ChartottesrificI I 8 Sl5 p m m Daily l New ew Y York rk and Atiatta Er Erpress Express hapress i press Flrstclsas coach and sle s1eepEr p r to Atlanta AttanUMondays AdantlIonodaS AtlantaitoneMya Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Sunset SunsetBootc Sunsetitoute unsct unsctRoute Route TOurist sleeper WashingtOB to San Sani iatF1aIIcisco SanFrancisco i Fra Francisco cisco Pullman buffet service serviceIIW IIW 5 p m In Daily Vail New ew York ork and Florida FloridaZxprew 1 FlorIdiExpress 1orl 1orlExp Express Exp liretclas coach and sleeper 9le to Sa SajvaoBah anuala lievanjush jvaoBah nuala Jacksonville Jeeuooville and Port Tampa akepet to Augusta ug and connection CiODnee n Lot I r Alice Dining Diniagcor DininiCllt Diningcar car nrviec nrviect t 1901 p n III in Daily Washington W irrrrO1 end Cnat CnattaDooja CnatLtanooga taDooja Limited via Lyachburg Firstclass z ntclaac XstChSS XstChSScaeh coach c and sleeping car = r to Roanefcc Knoxville KnoxvilleChatta Keceartliechattanooga KuoxviUeChattanooga Chattanooga Chatta and Memphis sleeper to 10Orleans ieK ieKOrleaDl > V Vj j Orleans Dining car service eervice1H45p service10H5 10 1H45p 10H5 5 p m m Daily r Washington and South SoulhTCitern Southwe6tera Stothwestern western Limited All 11 Pullman train trti dub amid aadArxrvxifm a1dob9cr1no amidobecrintiose Arxrvxifm care to Atlanta tlanta and > Macon I sleep sleepsea sJe sJeNew > sea to Nashville Atlanta MIlcon Memphis MemphisNew New Orleans Dining D Jg car service serviceTRAINS serviceTIIAINS TRAINS nuus ON BLCEMONT BLCUO ° BRANCH BRANCHLeave Leave v Uasliington alrin toa week days 619 a a n nIWTf m IWTf 100 ftiiop m m 4 435 5 p m In 4W p pm m aed 6 62 62IX 3 3Snndays IX W DaUer to Leebur OR only Sundays only onlyV4Hi onJ only0tl I V4Hi ami aas M 9SO a u m m and 6d5 6 po p m m lot JerTSrtniglv lerJt lotDinemoat Jt Dinemoat DinemoatThro gL gLI1ritns I < TSrtniglv Thro I1ritns trains from fn the South arrive Wash WasiiIngton 1 Ington SSS 61a = a a m in 6 632 a a in um 740 740a 4 a a m tn 915 913a 915a I a a nu xx 21 J p m m 915 p po m In and 9dO p K Kdally lP todaily > dally Local trains tnm Harrisonfen IImis hla ± risonburg 11 umIs 5 5 a am to aW5 I m m week W5 days and 940 p m m daily ily Froin FroinCharlottesvilie tromJ FreonCliarlotteavhle Charlottesvilie Charl ttesrilJc S 8326 a a a m and 9Vi p p m It daily dailyTickets dailyTICkets dailyTIttImtS Tickets sleeping car rcservatiaas and de detailed de dotailed ¬ tailed information can be e bad st ttiek ticket t otlkfi 706 06 lith St Et 1 SU Pennsylvania Pennay Ave and Penn Pennsylvania leDSesi Pennsylvania ¬ sylvania Station Baggage e cheeked tfarbcgh tfarbcghfrom throcglifrom j from hotels and residences residencesPhone residneecsPhone esi Phone phG IfrSO 11 P It R Cab Service ServiceC J C 0 IL U ACKERT General I MiBajer MiBajerS 1fa tU j S H H HARDVICE General Pasar P 58 r Agent AgentL AgentL L L S BROWN General Areas AreasSEABOARD txentSEABOARD SEABOARD SEAB9 R AIR LINE U JE RAILWAY RAILWAYCapital RAILWAYOCIpital RAILWaYcapita1 Capital City Roptc RoptcLeave RoptcLeave Leave Washington WJSI r ton Peans RR R R Station StatJoaIO4l 1041 a m SEABOARD EBOARD FAST Fk > r StAlL ILULDaily LUL StAlLLsaIly Daily Through Pullman tedb Sleepers to toJacksonrillc toBaml toJacksoxrrille Jacksonrillc toc connecting at atHamlet atHamlet Hamlet Baml t with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta 7 pm p m FLA AND XD METROPOLITAN METROPOLITANOalV ilETEOtOLITANDaily Daily LIMITED Lll11TEDSolid Soli train to St StAugustine Stn StAugustine Augustine n with Pullman Brawita Drawing Room Com Compartmenl 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intermediate points pointsOffice poinsOffice pothutOce Office I42I 421 Penna Ave AveC Avec AveC C B RYAN RYANGeneral IT R H n DOLL DOLLGencral DOLLGtuenl DOLLCeeral General Pass Agent lt General Agent AgentCHESAPEAKE ACEtoCHESAPEAKEBEAGH AgentCHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKEBEAGH BEACH RAILWAY RAILWAYElective RAILWAYElfeetive RAILWAYEeetlve Elective July J DIy 23 1 Jro2 Jro2T 1SO2Trains 02 02Tralms Trains T I Jeave J J ze District Line L Ie Station reached reachedby roscliedby reachedby by ColxnnWa C 1 electric = can sa follows followsTHfibUGII foUowwTlI followsThEhUdlt THfibUGII TlI EXCURSION TRAINS TRAINSWeek TltiLSa TRAiNSWeSk Week dais 1030 l a m 1 100 238 o15 o15J1JO 515and a and 7 p is JDdsyS = s and Holidays H smis 1 iuin J1JO 11 0 a a m m 130 1 230 3D 3JSO S 5320 JO 7 and 833 833ymA 830tnJlt BrimiiStA ymA tnJlt flftf flftfRETBBS1NG nIrRETL U UhETtRNlNG RETBBS1NG RETL iG LEAVE THE BEACH BEACHWeek BEACHWeek BEACHWeek Week days 1 l40 40 iha > 5 7 and 10 p p m fem femdays sundays days 6 and Holidays llo lH 1240 150 3 1 5iM 5 o c5 > j r 910 10 aid 10 1OIOp p in inlRAISS m ml rdIIIA1X lRAISS l FOR tORLOCAL LOCAL POINTS PO TS LEAVE LEAVEWeek LEAVEWeek LEAVEWeek Week days day Ids a a m m 5il3 p p 12 = Sundays Sundays81S > un ys 81S a nu eu 530 p p m mAH in4iI AH 4iI + IIL LEWIS WIS G G P A A 1120 l12ONew New Se York aT aTL am n nSUMMER 1 L SUMMER TOURS TOURSGREAT TOURSGRE1T TOURSGREAT GREAT LAKES VAST Y AST PRAIRIES PR1RlES HOT HOTSPRINGS HUlSPRlSGS MO MOSPRINGS SPRINGS CLOUDCAPPED CLOUDCU > PED MOUN MOUNTAINS IOC5TAl 34ftJfTAINS ¬ TAINS TAl S GREAT GLACIERS GLACIERSAWESOME GL4 GLACIERSAWESOME < 1ER5 1ER5AESO AWESOME AESO E CANONS CANONSCHINA CAOS CAOSCIIL CAMONSCHINA CHINA CIIL A JAPAN AND A D PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ISLANDSHAWAIIAN ISIDSlU ISLANDSHWAILtl HAWAIIAN lU WAll ISLANDS AND A D AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAABOUND AUSTRALIAAROI5MD rSTRALLROLXD ABOUND THE WORLD TOURS TOURSFor TO8SFor TOURSFor For pamphlet descrthSag dCSlrJJi all these trips apply applyCanmJwB 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Car to Harrisburg Buffet Purior Car Marrfabcrp to Pittaterg Pit blJT SdO 3aGP P 21 us1L1 ± AlLV CHICAGO < AND XD ST LOLlS KMitKii 11 LAiitEinacepucg xretng 1U car Hasbtngton dlgon to SU Loots and ad STtetpiix nif and Dining Ca a1l J Jto llan llarreebnr llarreebnrIce Wii to to JJI lfidiiapusas i yoHe at Loss Lwuisir LvWutle le x xcamari Y via Cii Ciicitiflat 11 11aRDafj camari > awl 0104Uo Chicago 713 Uo P iL ii DAILY ST L4XTi3 EXPRESS PclhMan Mcqius Ia Car Barrisr fiarrisrfi BarnSZ4 ta o St Louis 745 5 I M IfcULY WESTsota t TJJLi BifAESrPcU BifAESrPcUaa 1tESPcU 1tESPcUlu + sean aa Si Sleeping epii Car to Pittsirorg Ptttthr and Chicayo < hiC 1i1or JHmce J iamc Car to Chicago < 745 7 5 f 1 M DAILY CuKVELialD eEVELj AND C2NCIS CI CIs NATI EifKKi EtlJtE EAtkEsynt1ras FaUawta Stepiis Car Wasb w ingtos i to ihisurg 1n axes harrisburg fa t40 Cieve land and CuzstHatt Culut Inmag Dims Csr CsrK CuN CxiloSb K N loSb > 4 P iL B DAILY PiCl lAClloC Pa ise C tXPHESj UPREStPuu UPREStPuuMpteg 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wners wnersorders whirsorders orders can be left for the chfflrii checking > g of baggage bsggagvto bs bsderithatitm to destination from hotels and residences residencesTeitphwne TCiiidenasTeephvDe residencesTlepbonc Teitphwne call ll TWO fcr Pennsylvania Pe = Rails RaJlroad Rilcmild Railsroad road mild cab Serrk SerrkJ Service 1 B HUTCHIXSOS ULTC1L oS J 1 R It WOODGener WOOD4 WOOD4General WOOD WOODGeneral General Manager General Passenger P er Ageu AgeuCHESAPEAKE A ACHESAPEAKE AgenaCHESAPEAKE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY RYt RYef RY0Schedule t f lSclt S Schedule < edofe Effectfre AtJgU5t22 tigUst = 2 1S02 1501TraIns 1 1Trains 1Trams Trains Leave Pennsylvania Station StationtOO 5twaUtOO tOO P 1 M 1L Eailv DaUycLiCLXATI CINCINNATI AND LOUIS LOUISVILLE LOtSVJLLE LOUISiILLE > ¬ VILLE ESPKKSS Solid vestibule train tn ll for foeCincinnati forCincinnati Cinct Cincinnati nati Reaches Mountain OW1ujn Resort Stations Stationssame S O Osame same evening CVeflln Cincinnati and Louisville sYiIlelDOrning next nextPuUman nextmorning morning si t LossEs tndCbicao and Chscgo that thatPullman emsning Pullman steepen M to Cincinnati CicilJIJtiand and LouisviUa LouisviUaDaily LouisvillaDilly LesvIlDaily Daily lIming Dm Car Car6riS5 6riS5 6 P 1 M Daiiy 1JW lisiiyW5STINGTON WASHINGTON AND D ST STLOUIS STLOUIS STLSJLIS LOUIS SPECIAL SPECL A new solid vestifcui3 vestifcui3electriclighted vestibukdettCtrtc1i veauhuiedelectriclighted electriclighted ettCtrtc1i ted train arriving uririo Cincinnati CincinnatiII II 1115 tSto 5 a m m Indianapolis 3 325 23 p 11 m m St Louis LouiI Louis04S 04S I p p m m dI Uy Chicago Ch S40 s = tO j > m m weekdays week oreekdays e edays days Pullman Sleepers to Cincisa CiKiuItf ti Indian Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianspoils ¬ apolis sod 00 St 5 L Loeia without mthoutclange change Parlo Parlocar Parle Parlecar ParIercar car Cincinnati CinclmatitoChic1o to Chicago Dining Dinin car 1110 P M Daify DaffyF F F V V LIMITED Solid Solidtrain Solidtrain Solt5train train for CIncln Cincinnati ti Pullman Sleepers t tCincinnati tli tliCiniinnatt toCincinnati Cincinnati LciiEgton on and Louisville Loiavill withoutrin without wiuhotchange crithostchange change Compartment Sleeper to Virginia VirginiaJlot 1 1ncimtUi Yirglezfx3lot Jlot Springs rin daily except Sunday Sleepers SleepersCincinnati Sleeperstnciaiiari Cincinnati < ncimtUi to toChi Chicagixasd Chicago i St St T Loci ifa Dining D DCar Dunn DunnCar Car CarReservations CarheervtUons Carheseriattona Reservations and tickets at Chesapeake Chcsapwew ChcsapwewOflio and an5Ohio andOhio Ohio office 512 Peacsylvania avenue COO Four Fourteenth Fourtesuth ou outeenth teenth street st L near F and at th the station stationTelephone sutianTekpbGne atatmenTelephone Telephone call ezllM J6S 2640 > for Pennsylvania R R B R Cak CakService 0 CukService Service 5 H H W FULLER FULLERTelephone FULLERGenC PULLERGcneril GenC P Pnger c Agemil AgemilTelephone = Telephone Slain loSt 1OS3BALTIMORE IoPAiBALTIil0RE j I IBALTIMURE BALTIMORE AND OHIO R R R RSchedule HSchedule i iSchedule Schedule io effect Hay y IS 1S02 1S02Leave 100 1001ve 3502Leave Leave 1ve Washmglon New Jersey Ave Ve and an C GSt GStCuclgO St StChicago St Stchicago Chicago and Northwest orthwcst 10jO 1 UiO a to m m 843 843Cincinnati 620p s35p p p m mCinclnnAtiStLollis toCincinnati Cincinnati CinclnnAtiStLollis St SL Loilis amid LouisrOle Louinille 1005 ero05atn 1005amn 1005STO STO + 413 15 p ni m In + 110 night nightPittsbcry nightPittsbcr nightPittabur Pittsbcry Pittabur and Oef Glereland eland lfiaO a 1 to toIi = = 8W 8Wp p 11 m m and liOO night nightColtrmbua B nightCohinebut 8 8ColumbuS ColumbuS and Wheeling WhEeliug1Opm WhEeliug1OpmWich 820 p m mp mWincheater Wich Wincheater ter if5q a a 111 litIS1d RInd snd I flS36 flS36pnm O Opm p pm pnmLOrDL m mLuray pmLtray Luray Rivertoa Rive n Front Royal Klktmr EIkton 41 41p 415 415ff73O 1I 1Ipm p pm m mAnnapolis pmD Annapolis D polis fl7 tfi30 0 530 S liSO 0 lll U60 O a a m mo Jjt 1I O OBay 5 5325 P P m mBay iiiBay Bay UHge week days SilO a am sa special specialand s strnd specialand > and 4 t3a 0 p Po m 111 Sundays S = 918 a a m m and lil lilHagetstown Idp Imlip p mu muFrederIck FrederIck erlek nS 9535 geo 900 1II0o a a m mu Il5a 1323 11430 ad IjS 6tu p 111 111Haefstown to tohiaggstotvn Hagetstown tiTQiCa a m m and 15 ItSSO SO 0 p p m mBovd mBoyd inBoyd Boyd and ray points 1I635t 1135 6J5 9KX OO A r a at m 115 115 i1 iitro 0 1530 10O5 tfil30 fU30 p m mGaithefsbcr m mCni muGnithctaborg Gaithefsbcr Cni and an way points jjSS5 900 900m a ato m 1I1 11121 115 11330 UtSO 500 i5 i51IO jSSO jSSOt06 1IO 7 5 7 7O 32O 0 1015 lllSO jn O p 11 m mVashicsteo mW1hiqtcn toWashington Washington Jnctioa and nay points poi1l ijS 8323 8323SDO S S9rjO 9rjO a m m 115 l 11 S i4J9 ySJO 530 p Po ts tsBaltimore 1 1Battlmor muBaltimort Baltimore we week days x300 600 6SS 6SSx705 5329i706 cr crxiG5 x705 7 739 30 s3 4530 835 xS rt3t J slO xlOOO X 1150 1150m a atO m x2 XlfO noari ro noon n il35 xl xSSO 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y 11705 j1000 a a m m 1112 1112noon 1123 1123noon jis jisnoon noon 3KiO S o ii iiHaily m mBasgase m m1Jy 1Jy 11Exset pt Sut a Y Sundiy only ouIrxExprC8 onlyauagrem xExprC8 l lBaggage uns unsDa Baggage Da called for tai an ticeksd eeked from hotel hoteland hoteraid hotelsnel and rcsJdences r by Union TiBaaferGo en o orden ordenleft ordeneft ordersleft left at ticket tickteMee afltoes eeea 51 ms Pennsylvania Avenue Avenuanorthwest Avenuecothwest benucoorU1oVe5t northwest yetr ew Y York rV Avenue and Fifteenth FifteenthSue FittecutStreet P11teCDIStieeLd Sue Street StieeLd tafed Jd at statan statanIVASHINGTON atntinoWASUINGTONSJUTHER on onh onl h IVASHINGTON WASUINGTONSJUTHER WASUINGTONSJUTHERRAILWAY l AS Hlf4G ONS SOUTHERn SOUTHERnRAILWAY UTHERN UTHERNRAILWAY RAILWAY RAILWAYFcr For Richmond Ricl = ond Ya and points South Soath Tic vi viAlexandria Alexandria and Frederictaburg F b Leave siitioa siitioatin sttiotUl attLoClii tin and U strteu 4SJU a a nj m 34S p p K m daily dailydiniug dz Ydin daei7dining dining din car for er Bicfamond Richm d and points ca At Atlantic Atlantic Ulmtic ¬ lantic Coirf Line and Florida Flori 1041 a a IS mu HU 700 00 p m m dally Florida and UetropoLif 1letropoUjIUI MetropoisLimited a aLimited Limited for liicJiuwad and points on Sea Seaboard Sea Seaboard Seaboard ¬ board Air Line and Honda 10n a a a m train traiaconnects tconnecu trainconnects connects at Richmond with C St O Jty y foa foaNewport fCl1iewport fox foxhewpct Newport News e Old Point Comfort Oumort et etc j 10Si 10Sia 1032 1032a a a m m me daily fail < for oe JUcbroond tichmond and points lnti on Sooth Soctbrern SwtJun Soothcr0 ern Railway and andF Florida ori dining n car 740 i a a xa xaweek c ci muwaek week days 443 5 p m daily l expiate for Blab Blabxnmizsd Ieh Iehxaoad or orJl xaoad only i Pslfaian or parlor fo ca ca > i oa all allabove allalso above Jl also Qve v e trains Accommodation Aoeo for Quacxlco QuamIcog 744 744a g a ra Sunday ooly orl1tu 425 p m m week daycf 1SfE 81 UP p w except Saturday E E T 7 D MYERS W D DOSE DUKE5 VT P FPresident 7ATLO 7ATLOPreidect AYLOB President General Generallgr Generallgri Mgr Trafia Mg V Vi i tlclunoad U1chmondYa Ta