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W& (Ire lou VoAl 5or (l?eap (Sas? "VOL. 2. JSTO. 476. WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1S95 EIGHT PAGES. ONE CENT. Bay's Excursion For Everybody. WD Take You into other lands; among- interesting- "home things" you haven't noticed before; in sight of the latest fads; into other people's thoughts. twin Cost You the Three Cents charged for the Sunday Times. tVhy Then Not Take This Excursion To-morrow ? YOU'LL LIKE TO READ ABOUT: Me Sam's Cash Sox, what it contains, and how it's guarded. A Statue fluffs Ridiculed. It's the colossal one of Wash ington. The story of it. Were Washington Flirted. Something- about the old CarTysle House. Tiie Parisian Loan Bureau. Particularly appropriate when Washington is hoping to have one. did Clothes Hearty Immortal. How thej' are twisted, turned, made over and sold. The Separate Colored Picture will again be a feature to-morrow. But there's to be other pic tures, too. All the "fads and fancies articles" will be illus trated as usual. The usual Sun day paper space prominence and excellence will be given to Society, Sports, Organizations, Fiction. The 'SUndau Times. HELD M A LIVE WIRE Thomas Alward Burned and Other wise Hurt at Chevy Chase. Flvo Hundred Volts or the Elcctrlo Cnrront Pushed Through Him. Consequences Not Serious. Thomas Alward. an engineer and elec trician omployed at tbo Chevy Chase rail way power bouse, was badly shocked and burned about 1 o'clock yesterday after noon while working among several heavily charged wires In the engine room. Alward was walking about under the wires repairing a derectlve steam pipe when his cap came in contact with a wire. He raised his head and thoughtlessly threw his bands up as If to push aside tbo conductor. The right band came In contact with the wire and like a thunderbolt COO volts of electricity passed through him, while the muscles of bis band contracted, causing him to grasp the live wire. For a moment he was stunned and bung by one arm from the wire, the other hand grasping the Iron pipe, wblcb acted as a negative conductor as deadly as the over head wire. In a moment the short circuit caused by the passage of tbo subtle riuid through the man's body began to beat tbo wire near tbe engineer's hand, and finally melted it, allowing tbo limp body to fall to tbo floor. When found a few minutes later by another employe Alward was in a semi conscious condition. Near bim lay tbo broken wire, epltting sparks. -As quickly as po&siblo Alward was brought to the city and taken to tbe Emergency Hospital, where Dr. Dessez examined him. Both hands, It was found, wore horribly burned, the flesh on tho palms being literally cooked and tho nails of the Uiumbs scorched off. The passage of tbo current through his body, which offered n resistance, had also increased nis temperature to such an extent that bis condition resembled somewhat that caused by sunstroke, and the biceps of both arms wore strained badly by tbo abnormal contraction. After being treated atjbe hospital the unfortunate man wa6 taken to his home, No. 1C18 Caroline street northwest. HJs con dition was reported as not being serious at the time of his dismissal from the hospital. Heretofore a current of electricity up to 000 volte has not been considered danger ous by some electricians, but its intensity may be understood when It Js known that it would require such a current to burn twelve arc lamps. Irvine's Trial Begun. Lexington, Ta., July 5. The case of the Commonwealth vs. C. W. IrvineTTndicted on several counts as being a party to tho rotmtng or the bank ofLexington of $54,000 by overdrafts through connivance with his business partner, Charles II. FIggat, tho defaulting cashierof the bank and now a fugitive from justice, came up in the county court to-day and developed general in terest. Theapparentweaknessoftbcprose cutor's case is a matter of surprise and com ment. Second Hotel Fire Victim Hecovered. Lynn, Mass., July B. Tho body of a second victim of the Sagamore Hotel block tiro was recovered to-day and was Identi fied as that of James H. Winslow. Tho other victim was identified as Harley F Hicka. , mm rapid career Countess d'Ursini's Costly Hus band Is Suing His Sister. MOTHER LEFT MUCH MONEY Claims That Her Estate Was Worth 5208,000, But Ho Has Only Ho oelved 0,000 as His Share Adven tures of n Talented Man Who Has Thro vn His Life A way. 3ST. Walterman P. Bagaley. who has had a somewhat meteoric career, nsked yesterday In court that hiB sister bo called upon to account for the settlement of hie mother's estate. He says she left about 208,000 and be has received loss thnn 50,000 with notice recently that nothing more is coming to him. lie wants to know why. Mr. Bagaley Is about firty years old and In spite of much dissipation tbows that he had been an exceedingly hand sumo man when younger Ho Is defend ant in a suit for divorco now pending and ban been previously divorced TIip complainant in the present, case is Mrs. Oiga Bagaley, slaughter of the Count Urslnl, of Genoa. Italy. She Is living with Mrs. Williams, at No 905 M ttrteet north west who Is a relative of her hus-band, but sympathizes with the wife. His si.jer, who is called upon to answer by the petition riled by Mrs Uagaley yes terday, is a writer and urtlht, now living at Floreuco. Italy LEARNED HIS CHARACTER. Mr. Bagaley married Miss llamie Living ston, of this city. It was not long, however, before she learned that his home life made him frequently the complete antithesis of what hhe had known him. Two children were born to them, but this did not. stay tbe ravages of dissipation that were destined to destroy their home Flnallv he ivent abroad to his parents In Italy. At Genoa he met the beautiful young Countess Olgn d'UisIni. The countess becatuo infatuated with him. It was ex plHlned that he was already married In Aiuuricu She agreed to wait till ho could becurc u divorce. Proceedings were begun here, and the Washington wife, only too glad to be free, made no opposition. A decree was granted about fifteen years ago. Mrs Bagaley soon afterward married Dr An-I dcrson and took her children to her new ' home, where ishe fctlll lives, happy and re spected. Mr Bagaley and the Countess d'Urslnl were married, and the young Italian wife soon discovered the same woes that had broken up the American home Neverthe less, so much was she attached to her hus band, and to brilliant was ho when free from liquor and opium, that she strove 1 to reform him SPENT SG0.000 ON HIM. She spent money freely in the effon. In the total about $50,000 About a year ago, with tho hope that he might do betU'r In his own landrshe consented to come to America. They lauded in Philadelphia. Three children had come to brighten their home With these they came over last fall from Philadelphia to live In Washington Hero Mr Bagaley met again on the street his former wife. His vagrant fancy returned to his old love, and he Insisted on calling and In spending money on his children in her care Mrs Anderson was much annoyed, and appealed to her husband Mrs Bagaley, finally broken down by this last cruelty, entered suit for divorce, and on December 10 Inst, with Campbell Carrington as nU lorney, she charged the many Instances of maltreatmeut in Italj and here. Her two servants brought from Italy were among tho principal witnesses. Mr Bagaley, in the midst of wild dissipa tion, was put In St Elizabeth's There ho partially recovered and employed J. J. Johnson to defend bis divorce suit. His answerwnstbatbehad not a divorce Indue form from his Washington wire and that, his pres.ent-.vlfe had taken money due him from his motner's estate and had him put in the asylum PREVIOUS DIVORCE REGULAR The testimony in the cac is all In and it is said shows that his previous divoreo Is entirely regular nnd that he authorized his wife to takcthc money fromhlsmolher'a est at o The paper filed yesterday says his sister Minnie and Richard McAllister were to settle the estate of his mother, who died In 1SS3 She left! he claims, stocks, bonds aud Missouri land worth S20S.O0O Richard McAllister Is dead and Miss Minnie Is io sole charge of the property Mr Bagaley says ho has received Io all ST..493. ab follows: In 1893 at different times $3,801. In 1894 $2,820. and on April 10 last SC72 With the last payment, which came from C, C. Lancaster ae his 6lster's attorney, he says he has Just learned he was given notice that nothing more was due. Be asks that his sister bo culled upon to file full accounts. ATJCUSTIN BALT SUED. Harry Mlnerharces H-lai "With False Representation. Now York, July 0. Henry C. Miner has brought suit In the superior court against Augustln Daly to recover SO.000 damages for alleged false and fraudulent represen tation. Mr. Minor alleges that he entered Into an agreement with Daly on February 5, 1889, by wbich Daly 60ld him tho exclu sive rights to produce tho play of "Roger La Honto" in the "United States and Can ada for one year, be paying $5,000. Minor also alleges that Instead of "Roger La Honto" being an original production, It was a dramatization of a published book, and Daly did not possess exclusive right to produce it. Daly'6 counsel applied for an order com pelling Miner to furnish a bill of particu lars. Judge McAdani denied tbe appli cation to-day. Daly will not have to plead to tbe complaint. CONVENTION OF THE ELKS. Ten Thousand Members of the Order Expected to Attend. Atlantlo City, N. J., July 5. Atlantlo City has already assumed galaattlrefor the meeting or the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, to be held here next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Many delegates have already arrived, and Grand Exalted Ruler E. B. Hay and the other grand officers will take up their headquarters ut the United States Hotel tomorrow. The indications point to the largest meet ing of the order ever held and a low esti mate places the number of members ex pected at 10,000. McAdoo Admires Little Bhody's Boys. Newport, R. I., July 5. Assistant Sec retary of the Navy, McAdoo, arrived hereon board tbe dispatch boat Dolphin from New London and inspected the .Rhode Island naval reserves iu command of Lieut. H.L. Willoughby. Mr. McAdoo pronounced them to be the best drilled force yet visited by blm and gave orders that the boat Cushlog bo placed at their disposal for practice. Mr. Mc Adoo will leave for Boston Sunday. But There Are Thousands of Citizens Who Will Not Stand Idly By and See This Done. TROOPS FORCED TO FIGHT Cuban Insurgents Worsted in a Quarrel With Spanish Soldiers. Trains Fired On, Wires Cut and Houses Burned by Revolutionists "Under Pedro, Garcia and Llso. Havana, July 5. A railroad passenger train filled with men. women, and children bound for this city, was fired upon by a band of insurgents to day. Only one of the passengers was wounded. The plantation of Esperanzn, near Santo Domingo, In tho Sagua la Grande district of the province of Santa Clara, has been at tacked by fifty insurgents, who veized all the arms and afterward plundered a store at Muela Qulcta. They cut the telegraph and telephone wires communicating with Santo Domingo for a distance of one league, Interrupting communication between that town and the country In which they aro operating. The Insurgents were commanded by Pedro, Garcia, and Llso. A detachment of troops has been sent In pursuit of them. The Insurgents have also burned several houses at Tiarraba,"iiot far from the city of Santiago de Cuba, their intention being to cause the garrison to leave the fort and start In pursuit or them. Just us the troops did leave tho fort, the Insurgents opened fire on it and kept up firing for two hours. At the expiration of that time the Insurgents were compelled to retire, leaviog mauy dead and wounded on the field Information has been received herefrom Caracas. Venezuela, to tho effect that many revolutionists aro tbero preparing to attempt a landing on the coast of Cuba uod that others have already left Caracas for these shores. The soldiers who have been -operating against the Insurgents commanded by An tonio Maceo. noticed many negroes with rings In their noses. They aro supposed to be Haytlans. A battalion of volunteers is being formed at Porto Rico and as soon as it is up to the required strength it will be sent here to assist the volunteers in co-oporatlou with the government, the captain general of Porto Rico, having previously given his permissloa. GREAT LUMBER COMBINE. Million and a Quarter Incorporated in Southern Pine Traffic. Savannah, Oa., June 5. Articles of in corporation'for tbo Southern Pine Company of New York City; William Hogencamp.ot New Jersey, John Flannery, Samuel P. Hamilton and B. A. Denmark, of Savannah. Charles S. Faircbild and James Stillmore, The capital stock alread paid in full is of Georgia wore applied for here to-day. The petitioners aro Henry P. Talrnadge, $1,250,000, with prlvilcgo or increasing to $5,000,000. Under the charter there will bo a combination of tho big lumber plants or Stillwlll. Millen & Co.. J. J. McDonough Co., J.K Clark LumborCompany.andother largo Georgia concerns, valued at several million dollars. Liberty Bell For Atlanta. Philadelphia, July 5. Tho Sons of tho Revolution held a meeting this afternoon to formulate plans for tho prevention of the proposed trip of tho old Liberty Bell to the Atlanta Exposition. A committee was appointed to wait on Mayor Warwick, which they did later in the day, in an erfort to induco him to join in tho opposition to tbo bell's removal. The executive, however, was of the opinion that ir the bell was taken to Georgia, it would prove an invaluablo lession In patriotism and knit tbe north and the south in a closer union. Minors Burled Tjy Falling Rock. Hnzleton, Pa., July 5. While leaving Jeansvllle, No. 1 slope, to-night, Jacob Buresky, Michael McClosky and John Suresky were buried by a fall of rock. McClosky and John Suresky were rescued alive, but they are probably fatally In jured. Several hours later Jacob Suresky's body was recovered. He had been dead for some time. Peary Hellef to- Advance. St. Johns, N. F., July 5. The crankshaft of thestenmer Kite, which conveys thePeary relief expedition arrives to-morrow, and It Is' expected that she will bo ready to sail northward on Tuesday or Wednesday. PERILS OF A GAS FIGHT- fe p IRISH MOST STAND ALONE Massachusetts Nationalists Refuse Aid to Brethren Home. They Accuse Them of Putting Blind Trubt in English Promises That Go By Unfulfilled. Boston, July 5..--Thc leaders of the Irish Nationalists of this city, after consultation with representatives of Nationalists In all sections of the State, have adoptedasa motto "No money to help the factions fight each other," and have drawn up the following address to Irishmen of Massachusetts: "In thepresent deplorableconditlou ofthe home rule movement in Ireland, it behooves the Irishmen of the United States to make no false step. Their action may cither add to the present strife and turmoil or restore union aud vitality iu the old land. "Rival appeals have been sent to the Irish people in America for funds to aid the factious to fight each other at the polls. Every dollar contributed for such purpose might as well be flung intoa sewer or sent to the English secret service fund. No man of common sense can imagine that he Is serving Ireland by helping to keep Irishmen divided. t "The home rule cause has gone back steadily for the past three years through the blind trust in English promises. The Liberal government bnsnot fulfilled asiugle one or the pledges it madeat the opening of the session. "Worse than all, It Insulted Ireland by proposing to commemorate the wholesale plunderandextorminationoftbelrishpeople and the cold-blooded butcheries of Drogheda and Wexford by erecting a statue out of the public funds, to Oliver Cromwell. "Why should you give your money to disaster? Irelandneeds no money to settle the question of policy and of union. If she emerges from the electoral struggle united In favor of the old policy of Parnell, then she will need all the financial aid her exiled sons can give her, and she will get it without stint." ," LENZ'S FATE UNDOUBTED. Further Confirmation of tho Report That Ho Was Killed by Kurds. Pittsburg, July 5. Another letter con firming the death in Armenia or Frank Lenz, the Pittsburg wheelman, who was making a tour around the world, has been received here by T. P.iLanghans'from a missionary in ARia Minoy. The name of the missionary is not given, because his life would bo endangered if the Turkish government shduid learn that he was working on the casd. The mfssionary, however, is working wIUi Sachtleben, the St. Louis man who was sent out iu search of Lenz. The letter states that they have discovered thatLenz was murderedby Turkish cavalry officers high in. the" service of the Sultan and for that reason the.wprklsattended with great danger. t The bell of Lenz's bidycle was found at Teharouk. His mirror1, mail box, and another box which he -is- known to have carried, were found In 'the river between Shamia nnd Musersta, while the tires of his wheel were discovered at Tchclkhi, where a Kurd was using them for asaddle girth. The letter stated f urthlcr that Sachtleben could find the remains of Lenz if it weresafe to undertakethe work, butb wing to the high standing of his murderers the task is too dangerous and all further investigations will have to be abandoned unless the govern ment of the United States interferes and gives protection. Stricken "With Epilepsy. William J. Kingsberry, a painter, resid ingatNo. 812 Gstreetsoutheast.wasstricken with epileptic fits on a. Seventh street car about 3 o'clodk yesterday afternoon and fell to the street.. He was removed in tho police ambulance to the Emergency Hos pital. Mashed Under a lTimJcr Pile. Ernest Coleman, seven years of age, of No. -1232 Second street southeast, had his hand badly mashed under a pile of lumber near his home last evening. The injuries were dressed by Dr. Dessez. Russo-Cbinese Loan Signed To-day. St. Petersburg, July G The Russo-China loan will be signed to-morrow and will be a first charge on the maritime customs. 7-- life FOUND I TRAIL OF BLOOD Omaha's Trunk Mystery Cleared Up at Last. Detectives Discover Seljan's Lacer ated Bod3-.ln tho River Police Expect a Confession. Omaha, Neb., July 5. The trunk murder mystery, which has disturbed all Omaha since Tuesday, was cleared up to-night, when the frightfully mutilated body of the victim, John E Seljan, was round in the river and the prisoners first arrested Matollikanand wife, AntonBeckovith, John Urban and John Drubnltz were formally charged with murder. The prisoners still reruse to talk, but the police expect a confession before morn ing. The police struck a trail of blood, suf ficient to be detected and followed It below the city, where the body had been cast into the river. It was found in an eddy a short distance below the scene. The throat was cut from ear to ear; the head was mashed as with an axe and other parts of the body were rrightrully lacerated. It is now believedthenian was surrounded by the murderers and, resisting, was slowly hacked to pieces. The first tangible clue to tho disposition of Seljau's body was obtained this ufter noon. A Bohemian lad who is employed as a porter at a down-town hotel and who occasionally acted as interpreter for the police, claims to have discovered evidence that the body was carried toward the river. He camo to the police station at noon with the Information that he had discovered blood stains on the sidewalk at Thirteenth and Pierco streets, and also that on going to a vacant lot In the vicinity or the Creighton College he had seen blood. Be had chipped several pieces or blood stained planks off which he brought with him as evidence of his discovery. Detectives wore despatched and sev eral hours later the body was found. Chief White's detectives have worked day and night on the case ever since the rirst report was received. None or them have slept more than Tour or rive hours a day. EVIDENCE FAVORS BROWN. Autopsy in Boston Riot Case Tends to Acquit Ono Prisoner. Boston, July 5. narold G. Brown aod John Ross, charged with tho killing of John W. Willis, during the riot attending the "Little Red School Bouse" parade In the cast Boston district, were to-day ar raigned in the district municipal court. Judge Emmons continued tho caso until July 12. The defendants were not ad mitted to bail. The autopsy on the body of Willis showed that the bullet which caused his death was from a thirty-two calibre revolver. Thl3 evidence, it Is believed, will clear narold G. Brown of the shooting, as the revolver In his possession wheu he was arrested was a 3S calibre, John Ross, the other pris oner, had a 32 calibre revolver with ono of the chambers empty, when locked up. Havana's Governmentr-Reorganlzed. Tampa, Fla., July 5. Late news from navana is that Campos has reorganized tho city government, appointing on the council eleven Conservatives, three Re formists, and ,four Anatomists. The mayoralty, It is said, was tendered a prominent Cuban, but refused. Baxter Shemwell on Trial. Winston, N. C, July C Baxter Shemwell, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Daviden county, is now on trial in this county for the murder last February of Dr.B. D.Payne, a popular citizen of the county. The taking of testimony began to-day. BlS Price for Oil Wells. Wheeling, W. Va., July 5. The Digby Oil Company has sold tho Freedom well and 1,400 acres of leases on the Ohio side of the river near Sistersville to the Eastern Oil Company, of New York, for Sl-15,000. Hev. Dr. O'Connell's Successor.. London, July G. Tho Chronicle's Rome correspondent says that a committee of tho archbishops of Baltimore, Boston, Now York and Philadelphia have been requested by tho Pope to propose "three candidates for tho vacant post of rector of tho North American College at Rome. STRIKERS BURNING HOUSES. West Virginia Miners Engaged in the Destruction of Property. Wheeling, W. Va., July G. A special Just received Is to the effect that the miners throughout the Elkhorn region aro rioting, having burned houses and committed other depredations. Pittsburg, Pa., July 3. A special to the Dispatch from Charleston, W. Va., an aauoimces that Governor MacCorkle has ordered the Second regiment under arms in readiness to proceed to the Pocahontas coal fields. The miners with' Winchesters, forced 50 of the foreign laborers to quit work and leave the field. Last night a band ot armed strikers met tho Norfolk & Western trains at Eckman and refused to allow any one to leave tho coaches. United States Marshal Garden was noti fied and'he has ordered all the deputy mar shals to mass at Huntington to-morrow in order to protect the trams. Another special from Huntington to night says: The situation in Elkhorn coal regiouis veryserioiis to-nightand Capt. Adjutant Lyons of the Second regiment has ordered all companies to assomble and be ready to move th Elkhorn at a mo ment's notice. RACING MEN WILL PROTEST Mass Meeting in Eichmond in Op position to Alexander Island. Powerful Effort to BeMadely Lovers of Honest Racing Gov. O'Ferrall .Till Aid the Cause. (Special to the Times.) Richmond, va., July 5. It has leaked out here that a powerful effort avIII be made In this city early In the Tall to break up the low order of races at Alexander Island in future. For quite a loDg while there have been any number ot complaints from 6portlug men all over the State, pro testing against the abuses and general nuisances at Alexander Island. It is claimed that the last season at that place has done a great deal toward bringing racing in Virginia into disre pute, and many efforts have been made to remedy-the trouble. Gov. O'Ferrall is believed to be a staunch opponent "of the gambling and other lawlessness going on at Jackson City and thereabouts, and he will also use Ins influence to break up the sporting abuses at Alexander Island. Ho has frequently expressed himself on this subject, being of tho opinion that legitimate sporting in this State Is being greatly degraded by reason ot the Influ ence exerted by tbe racing people at Alexander IMand. He has already signi fied his willingness to Co-operate with tho Washington Board of Trade in abol ishing the operations in the locality named. The plans by which the concerted effort will ba operated have not yet been definitely decided upon, but it is pretty well settled that a big mass meeting will be held in the Richmond Theater here, and all the leading turfmen in the State will be invited to take part in this meeting. Speeches will be made setting forth the views of the speakers and or the advocates oT legitimate racing in regard to the matter, and the meeting will be called upon toconsidersome or tho recent abuses at Alexander Island. An organization will be eKected for the purpose of settling the details before the legislature meet3 this fall and inducing that body to amend or modify the laws in such a way as to break up the abuses at Alexander Island, and protect the Interests of legitimate aud honest racing in the State. It is believed that such a pressure will be brought to bear upon the legislature as to induce that body to set matters right, and establish conditions or racing through out the State which will preclude the unde sirable measures recently practiced. Great Interest is manirested In the rortbcomlng meeting, and nearly every horseman in the city is enthusiastically in favor of the move ment. CHOYNSKl'S CHALLENGE. Parson Dnvies Will Match Him Against Steve OTJonnell. AsburyPark.N. J , July 5. Thefollowlng lottor was today sent to Mr. Al Smith at the Gilsey House, New York, by "Parson" Davios: "I enclose certified check for $1,000 In support of the following challenge: I will match Joa Choynski for 2,500 a side against Steve O'Donnell before the club offering the largest purse, to bengreed upon either in a limited round contest or to a finish, under Queensberry rules. The con test to take place in not less than two or more than four months from the date of signing articles. SLIPrE'UY BEDFELLOW. Moccasin Snake Ran Over the Man's Face and Bit the Wire. Roanoko, Va., July 5 Thursday night while T. W. B'roomrield, or Cloverdale, was sleeping he was awakened by what he thought was a mouse running over his face. Tho next morning as his wife was making the beds she was bitten in the hand by a spread-head moccasin. Almost instantly she slipped her hand in a bucket of water and then bound common soda upon it. With the exception of a slight swelling she ha3 experienced no further trouble from itr DROWNED 'WHILE BATHLNG. Ink Manufacturer Carter Succunibed to an Attack of Heart Disease. Harwich, Mass., July 5. John W. Carter, the well-known Ink manufacturer of Boston, was drowned while bathing at the beach here this afternoon. It is eupposed that he was seized with an attack or heart dis ease, of which he had often complained. Mr. Carter was about fifty-five years of age and was a member of the firm of Carter, Dinsmore & Co., ink and mucilage manufacturers of Boston. He leaves u widow, two sons, and two daughters. TORE HIS MONEY AND DIED. Mystery of Mutilated Bills Found on tho Luke Shore Solved. Chicago, July 5. The police believe now that the mystery surrounding the S3.000 worth of torn money found on the Lake Shore betweon Twenty-second and Twenty sixth streets a week ago is solved. They believe that tho money was torn up by John Chambers, of Coviugton, Ky., and that his body Is now uuder the waves ot Lake Michigan. Argentine Buys Cruisers. Buenos Ayres, July 5. The Argentine government has purchased the Italian cruiser Garibaldi and is negotiating lor anothor. Saratoga Gamullng Dens Closed. Saratoga, N. Y., July 5. As the result of Jrcsident Sturge's ultimatum recently issued to the police commissioners, all of tho gambling houses are closed. KliiS HIS Fill! Madman Asphyxiates Wife, Four Children and Himself. DEED OAEEFULLT PLAJMED Every Door and Window In the Honao Tightly Burred and Fastened Ia dlcatlons Showing That tlio Two OldeMt Boys Fought Hard for Xdfa, One of Them Apparently Strangled. Chicago, .July 5. Frederick Helhnanti a well-to-do mason contractor, murdered his wife and four children last night and then-killed himself. It was at first supposed that Hellmann and his wife and children met death, by accident, but it developed at the coroner3 inquest this afternoon that the- whole sale murder was calmly planned, and that; the man iutended to kill himself and end the existence of the members of his family. The dead man and his victims are : Fred erick Hellmaan, aged 37; Mrs. Ida Hell mann. aged 32; Fred Hellmann, jr., aged 11; Ida Hellmann, aged 10; William Hell mann, aged 7; Hedwig Hellmann, a 3 year old daughter. The tragedy took place in a little brick: cottage at the corner of Cornells and Wood streets. The motive Tor the crime may never be Known, but it as supposed the act was that of a mad-man, as Hellmann, ten years ago, had a sunstroke from which, he never recovered completely. HOUSE TIGHTLY CLOSED. Suspicion was first aroused this morn ing by the fact that the house in which, the Hellmanns lived was tightly closed long after the usual hour for the family to be astir. The mother and married sister of Hellmann, who lived next door, at tempted to break into the house, but were unable to do so. They finally managed to force an eatrance through a window that had been left unfastened and made their way to one of the bed rooms where the dead bodies of all the family were found. The house was so full of gas that the two women were nearly overcome and It was only after it had been opened up that it was found possible to turn oft the gas which was streaming from an open Jet. The relatives and all the neigh bors at once concluded that the deaths had been the result of an accident, and the police, when they came, adhered to the same opinion. ACCIDENT THEORY EXPLODED. The open gas jet was Just above the bed in which the mot her and one of t be children lay and it was supposed that one of them bad, during the night, accidentally hit the stop cock and knocked it open. At tbe inquest this afternoon, however, an entirely different complexion was given the affair by Charles, a brother of Hell mann, who produced a letter written by the murderer and suicide late on the previous evening in which he clearly stated hla purpose of killing himself, although he gave no intimation ofthe fact that he was medi tating the deaths of the members ot his family. Hespoke of the window throughwhlch the women had crawled as the only way in which his brother could gain admission to the bouse and said that he had left it oivn for that purpose. The brother had not received the letter until afternoon, and came directly to the inquest. BOYS FOUGHT DESPERATELY. Other circumstances also went to show the deliberate intentions of the man. The gas pipes were only placed Jn the house two weeks ago. It is now the belief that they were put there for the purpose of carrying out the deed so successfully accomplished. The position of the bodies at the time they were found indicated that the two boys and the older girl fought desperately to leave the room after the father had turned on the gas. The mother and baby were lying on the inside or the bed-rus ir in peaceful slumber, but the two boys and the older girl were in different attitudes, and the expressions of their face; were those of persons who had struggled hard. The father's hand was firmly placed across the mouth of the older boy. and there is an abrasion of the throat of the other lad, as though he had been strangled. Charles Hellmann said that he could see no reason for his brother's action save in sanity. He was devoted to his family, and his business was In a flourishing con dition, he not owing a dollar. A verdice of murder and suicide was rendered by the Jury. HIFLES WILL BE IN IT. They Will Drill in the Maiden In fantry Contest. St. Louis, Mo., July 5. Three zouave companies drilled to-day. Following the zouave drills thero were exhibitions by different companies in the mauual of arms and foot movements. The fearless charges of the regular army cavalry were a revela tion to most of the spectators present. To-morrow is governor's day at the en campment. The attraction will be the maiden inrantry contest for three prizes aggregating 2,250. Fourconipaniesare ontered for this event, as follows: Bullene Guards, Kansas City, Mo.; National Rifles,. Washington, D. C;Pb.oenix Light Infantry, Dayton, O.; Company F, First Infantry, N.G M., St. Louis. Governor Stone, of Missouri, and staff and the visiting governors and starrs will review the troops In camp and. following the dress parade, there will be a thrilling: night attack and skirmish. It is announced at the last moment that Secretary of War Lamont. who is on a tour of Inspection on the PaciOc coast, will nofc be here to-morrow, as was expected. Georgia Free Silver Men. Atlanta, Ga., July 5. About rifty people assembled in the county courthouse here to-night in response to a call issued by silver leaders to select delegates to the free silver convention ta be held at Griffin on the 18th lastant. Thirty- two delegates to the Griffin gathering wer selected. THE WEATHER TO-DAY". District of Columbia and Maryland Partly cloudy; warmer; southerly winds. Virginia Fair; warmer; southerly winds. White House Concert. Tbe Marine Band will play at the White Houso this afternoon at 6 o'clock. Tho programme isr March, "The Belle ot Washington'.. Callan Overture. "Martha" Flotow Waltz, "Espaua Waldteufel Nocturne, "Monastery Bells" LafahnreWely Grand selection, "Hugucuots'r..Meyerbeer Chinese march, medley, "A Night in o hemia" Fanciulli Containing old and new songs and conclud ing with "Tho Man That Wrote Ta-ra-ra Boomdeay" and how he wrote It. Characteristic, "The Mill in the Forest" Eilenberg Patriotic hymn, "Hall Columbia".. ..Fylea