Newspaper Page Text
THE MORNING- TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTBMBR 4, 1895. The Washington Times (MOMilfcfi, EVKWHB, AW SCXBAT.) OWKED AXD ISSUED Br The Waskiaflton Times Cowpaay. tiubs ncivofsa. EOCWHRSiC OORMHK PXWKgr XtMi- ATIOBH! AND JTanw Stress TotofrtmaeBdMattat Noams, lit , Office, SK. TrYr iQnli ar Kvaa Edition. ..Otra Cent. Swtoay MKtoa TtaooCouU. 2'oiiMyirOIar J'omhw aaatmiany. -TMrtr-lv Cent txetib-- TfctajrCaaU. V.tCJBC, J.oaosg .FliTYCOfT.S. bauftv; WASHSBBWIK, JJ. C, SEPIEKBER . 3895. Sl)Herilers to "Tlio Time-" will confer u iavor by promptly i cportlnt: miy li-tniUy ol eoUeolor. or lies-le-et of ty uu tin jwrt ol currlei. Complaint oil her by nuUl or In per son will receive prompt intention. 'J lie Morwiin: Edition ohould bo de llxorod to nil imi t of the elty liy :" oVlouk a. in., including Sunduy- The Leiiuig Emtkn r:ioiild bo In the liuiidH or ub?.erJbirrt not luiorlUiiu G:3(l . in. LAHGKST DAILY CIRCULATION- Tlie Time-. Lend It Cemtempei- r:lt Last Saturday the biar annowieed that ts aggregate weekly circulathui of 379,31)2 was larger than Hie combined circulation of nil the mimr Washington dailies During the sae week The Times publislied and oid to Iwhh Tide purchas-crs 20 l.OSo newj, pajmrh, or 4.fl0 more coiuos than were EoM by the Star Following is a sworn statement -of Tlie Time-,' c-jrculriUon Jor lbt week, and If any person doubts, its ge-iiuiiK-Meo our circulation books are open to imsiHs tion District of CoitimbiH. .;- On (Ik? Until dav ol Septemlicr. in tlie r -a- o'4rL .rdoue ihousaHdeigatlMJiidred and niHCj-fiv b'iore me. Eruest G. "3 Itonipsmi, a notary pub i in mid for hk1 JiMnei. personally appeared C. T. Rich-ntd-on and made oaUi m due fonu of law Jih lowow- CIRCULATION OF THE WASHINGTON TIMES. Capies n -tu-allytid. &eodiy. A as. M V,VH 1ui. " W i,- MedttOBtar, 4 .--. SJI Iii.iwL.- ' "Jt 3t".Tl itur, ." fciturdHf, " SI .......... JW3M Ki.mlsr. Sw.t. 3 i3.tte; 9,7h I'oiierssoM SW.tKS tttk4JhrMl. Total Ka aplos eiisHiUled.. M X'.Vi I ejnly f-wear tlt te aliove i a correct rtu-nHiit of llw daily circMiMioit of The AV-sm;toii Tiiim r Uk we4c eiidiue Seitait)er 1 . lhfcS, ami tbat all it oojHfs w-re actually oM ti iwailert for a Rk.aW ti ndiau.n .ukI iMivitmi to bona Ode tairdiaMTt : al. Oat xnne ol ifcefli vtix returned or remain m iba oliioe U4tdeliver4?d . C T ItlCILAHTWON. ajanaer of Ciiculauoa ButKcrfijed ainl h-orii to liefore me. on tlela5- aiMl v-arlir-l :iereinalove nrwieii JIUNESTG THOMPSON. JCotarj 1'uWic. XTJTHISASONING FANATICISM. Tme ruUgton inclines lib believers to a edarnaMe ; of all people, ami a! prompts a cleswe u keep litem from harm. On he contrary, fanaticism attennrts to override every belief mt in aetrd with 1: , own iwealMir Mens aad prefers violent o;jUti-li U oUter sentiments rattier than Uiey boahl be given voice or freedom. It w as fanaticism of a lHtrrible, repuUtve na ture ttiat ittdaeed a Holme&s camp meeting at Indian jsiMlngs.Georgia, to pray that God should prevent a KmghUj of Pythias txcorsiott front lading its annual incmc end dance at the same place, and because the ewnrsiou train was wrecked and three lpopte kilted it niMst have been something worae loan fanaticism that impelled the nitmsters f-tle meeting to alnide to the accident as a Diviite interference. Tne oilier day m New York, the Rev. Titttuas Dixon in a sermon clanned that ProsBMauUrilM vm a failure, and m tenied to irve hte dmiu by Mating that statis-t- i4wed Uiat eiRliiy ier cent of mem b r f cMrOH -ere women aHd Uiatthere were twemj-Tlve per cent 10s churcli ni-iJen? now in proortkn to tlie popula tion than there were tea years ago. If this lt irne. it is Uie teachers of Protestant ism who are to blame. The religion itelf remains and always will remain unchanged. Low. iHt pasf-jc.n. Is its fundamental prK4ile. It wishes no harm even to the humblest of God's creatures, and when nimifsters and rejresentatives of religious orgatiizauoiis attempt to convert that gen Ueeiuotnia into an instrument of vengeance. ngnt-nditJeyl people turn away fmm tiieu. In tKHYor and disgusL To meet with favor in tills enlightened age religion must not only touch the heart with le gent tones of love, but it must atoo reach Uie reason and llicre find a lodging place. Unreasoning fanaticism can iiB longer be imiiobcd upon the imbue lor a religious belief, and if there has beec a (kutHie in Protestantism it is due more to the ungMled efforts of fanatical teachers than a desire of Uie public to renounce Proiestauttm itself. TUAJCSFEItTIIE FISH COMMISSION Tbe Times has on several occasions iwb listowi gSr realms why the Fish Coni mfctaou should be transferred to Uic Agri oataMral Department, and now Uiat its Jtiustrious chief. Col. McDoiudd, has for ever ceased to look after its affairs the change coaM be made without in any way distHrbmitsolTicial relations. Comparcdto olh-r branches of thegovernment service tlie co:mni&4oM is an insignificant affair hi Uic eys of Cngre. To secure needed ap propriations it has been necessary to bribe certain Senators and Representatives by establisiting hatchcrips and stations in their respective localities, and in this and oilier ways -puMic funds have been mis used and practically squandered. In charge of Uie Agricultural Department the commission would be provided for in Uie same manner Uic Signal Service and other branches are taken care of. There would also be more discipline and less jealeas dissension rumnig certain of its fficiais. awl Uie object for which the oom mferfon was created would be more care fully and economically put in force. In order to serve Uie public faithfully and well Uiere must be more practical good acoomiuuHiad by Uie commission. Raising gold fish, rainbow trout and other fish frills is doubtless a fascinating amusement, but Uioy cannot be U6ed to replenish our lakes and rivers, nor will they rurnish food to Uic masses. The cheapness, availability find general favor in which fish food 1b Iii any case of irregular delivery of The Times please send Postal Card to this office. looked upon by everybody, makes Uic work of tlie commission necessary to keep up tho supply. It bhould therefore be one of the best managed brandies of the bervice, and under the Mipervision eif Secretary Morton would unquestionably become an nibtni nieiii to prepare the way for cheap food for Hie poor. AS TO OXTH CAltTOOX. The bl' swine grunted and poked its nose into the ribs or tlie leaser porkujiine -when Standanl Oil Koel.efeller addressetl a letter to the Ounmishlouers denying the el'arse that Ids company was in any wny ni)ousible Tor tlie'hish price of sas. Jle positively contradicts the beveral state ments mado by Supt. Leech on behalf of the ssis monopoly, and bajs the facts are given without prejudice or favor to Uie J subject of cheaper j;as under consideration by the Commissioners. While Mr. Kockefeller'b denial is in terestins as connected with the methods or the pis company It Jb entirely unnecessary no rar as the public Js coiicerintl. No one seriously entertained the charges blade in Supt. Leech's argument before the Commissioners. The cost or crude oil is too well known to give his statement a moment's credit as being reliable, and unless the gas monopoly can rind other and better reasons for charging t?l "3 per thousand foj its product the public will continue to demand theaper gas. Unless the gas monopoly is willing to make a reasonable concession mid biippiy consumers with a good dollar gas suf ficient influence will be brought on Congress to ishuo another to a company that will be more liberal People -who try to override public opin ion invariably have their rail, and the Washington Gas Light Company will be no exception to this rule. THE EVIL OF HAD HOOKS. "With alarming frequency there is a re currence of diEClosurcB relating to the jiTincious influence of bad literature upon th) young of both rexes. "Within the Inst few days Uie Washington police have ob tained conducive evidence of the existence of a band of jouthful thieves whose minds were inflamed by the Tcadmg of the chap literatuie, detecUve stories mid such lik with which the countrj Is flooded. Th" idea of censorship, literary or other wise, is intensely repugnant to the American mind, yet inn eaeolikethis.irdiscrimlnating 3y exercised, tlie weeding process would be an inestimable blessing. In the absence of the official censor, however, that duty devolves n jon the parents, whoareto blame. In nino cases out or ten, for that the bent of their children is toward flashy literature There aref ew, very few, American jiarcntG who are not qualified to exercise a proper surveillance oven the reading of their chil drn. What tliey lack in literary knowl edge is made up by natural intelligence and good judgment. It is their duty, therefore, as far as possible, to see to Jt that no books having a vicious tendency fall into th"ir children's hands. It i true that parents cannot always know what books their boys may read when away from home, but by precept and ex ample they can do much to make liueliy book6 or periodicals lose attraction for their children. Home uifluence is far-reaching, and in no direction can it Ik; more benefi cially exereiEed than mthntabovelndicnted. Parents can save themselves much sorrow and their children a great deal of trouble by heeding this advice. LESSON OF THE EA ItTHQLTAKE. Tlie seismic disturbance which agitated fpur or fie f the Eastern States early Sunday morning lasted ten seconds. When it is remembered that the 'severe shoeka which laid Charleston in ruins nine years ago were only of abiut thirty seconds' du ration, i twill b'seen what a nairowosrape I'hiladelp'iiaandothercities had froma most tragic experience. From time to time there have been seismic vibrations in all the Atlantic coast States. They have extended from Maine to Texas. Only a year or two ago shocks were felt in tlie northwestern part of Pennr sylvania. Or these disturbances none has fortunately attained the severity of the great Charleston earthquake, but each of them is a reminder of possibilities, that of Sunday morning b?mg themostsignificaut, except the one of IbSG. It is pretty well established that there are no volcanic strata along the Atlantic coast of the United State's, and scientists are nearly agreed that these disturbances are due to the adjustment of strata of rock or enn h. This being conceded, the importance of the phenomena to builders and architects becomes apparent- Had the vibrations m Philadelphia lasted ten seconds longer her tallest b.tildings would have toppled and in calculable loss of lileand property been the reult. NOT A GOOD CANDIDATE. It is frequently urged by friends of President Cleveland that he will be nom inated and reelected a third time on the record the Democratic party will make on the tanfr law. The truth is President Cleveland refused to lgn the tanfr law because it too clearly showed the handi work or Senator Gorman, and in a pub lic message he denounced it as a meas ure fraught with ''perfidy and dishonor." And as the bill became a law without his consent or signature, it is impossible to in any way credit him with the good it may accomplish. Putting aside the prejudice or American j voters against third term Presielential candidates Mr. Cleveland could never be re elected were he to receive the nomination Bis public utterances and his administra tion or public affairs are too much af vari ance to enlist for him the support of the masses. Bis celebrated philippic against trusts and his other turgid platitudes on tlie duUes of public-officials are too fresh in Uie memories of the common people to secure him their votes. Among corporations and with most of the army of ofricwls he has placed in orricc President Cleveland would be a popular candidate. But with working people, who remember Chicago, and among the classes opposed to the issue of gov ernment bonds, bis candidacy would meet with little favor. If the Democratic party desires to reap Uie benefit o an opportu nity to make a campaign on the good re sults of tbe tariff law, it must abandon j the idea of nominating President Cleve land for a third term. The Patent Medicine Trust and tbe Whole sale Druggists' Trust are both in eJsioii at Denver, with a view of combining fer the purpose of regulating tie rale or patent medicines. Among other ininge the trusts propose to demand from Congress a change in the tariff law so as to make free aicobol operative. No other manufacturers can bo well afford to pay a tax on their products as thcFe patent medicine makers, and in stead of giving them free aicobol and ?SZJZ revenue tax on pnt cut medicines. Unlike the insect apis, the Presidential bee carries its filing in the latter end of its career instead or the tail of its body. Now that the Weather Bureau issues heat registers to bhow how hot a person ought to feel, some one could make a fortune by accompanying them with a guarantee of good temper. Notwithstanding Mayor Strong's record as a baseball umpire, he has never yet been able to get a lino on Tammany's curves Tho report that American tourists spent $20,000,000 this year in London alone should go a long wajs toward making itho vulgar Americans bearable in the ejes of our English cousins. It is to bo hoped that the Defender will sail in and beat the Valkyrie. Whilo the Mammoth Cave would be too small to hold the gall of Col. Willie Breck inridge, a very tmall hall will probubly Buffico for the dudlnes that assemble to hear his campaign Breeches Gov. OTerrall has kindly given us his opinion both on Alexandria county law lessness and the money question. We now know that he did not mean wlut he said about the lawlessness, and ure waiting with patience to learn if he will again change his mind on the money question. It is paid that when the letter carriers formed for the parade at Philadelphia there was a large collection of males, which were afterward distributed among admiring lemale acquaintances. MAJ. SYLVESTEIt 1UJ1UED. Members of the Fo-t Stuff Were His l'ullbearers.. Tlio remains of Maj. Kichard II. Syl vester, for many -ears associate editor or the Post were placed yesterday alter noon in a null at Rock Creek Cemetery The services at the house. No. 122 Firth street northwest, were erj impressive. Rev. Dr. Chester, or the Ninth Street Pres byterian Church, conducted the services and made an nddn-ss in which he spoke or th many excellent qualities of the de ceased. The hymn "Abide with Me" was sung at Uie request of Maj. Sylvester by the choir or Dr. Sunderkind's Church. The body was inclosed in a hermetically sealed casket, whidi was encased with cloth. On the top of the casket was a sli ver plate bearing the inscription, "Richard H.Sjleter. Horn April 17th, 1830. Died Sept. 1st, 1895." Tho pallbearers were Beriah "Wilkins,, II. L. Merrick, II. L West, Chas. Slosson, W. C. Hmton, C. rietchcr. Scott Bone, and Chas. Allen, all from the Washington Post. Floral decorations were bent from em ployes of the Washington Po-t and many other friends. - KICK FHOM THE CAVALHY. Troop A Will Challenge Mn.j. Hurries' Sen Girt Team for it Trial. Tho selection by Major Hairies of the District team to go to Sea Girt city has not been fro rrom criticism from some of the militiamen. It was expected by a great many in Troop A, that Carroll, Tajlor and Hanson, would siand a gooel btio w for elelgnation, but they were left out In the cold as was m fact the whole troop, Major Barries taking one of them along, but merely in the capacity of trumpeter. One of Troop A said last night that three men of their comma ndm.idehighornverages than seven of those who were placeil by Major Harries on the contest team. As a result of all this Troop A proposes to challenge Major Barries' team for a proor of their skill mimediatelv on their return from Sea Girt city, whether or not they are victorious. They will fceleit this challenging te'.im on Friday next. A lively contest may be expected. Iiijiiriil by n Hor-,e and Buiigy. "Wliile crossing Pennsylvania avenue near Third street southeast about G 15 o'clock last evening Mrs. Ewuig, residing at Thirel and D streets southeast, was knocked down by a horse attached to a buggy driven by P. W. Swain and badly hurt about the head. She was able, how ever, to "walk to her home. MeGnrey Broke Ills Neck Corrmer Bammelt decided y esterelay after noon that an inquest was unnecessary in the case of Mathew McGarvi'y, who was killed Monday by falling from a girder over the K street bridge, winch spans Rock Creek. Death resulted from a broken neck. The body was turned over to an undertaker. DEADLY" DISEASE OF THE TIMES. The Great lucres s,o in the Number of, of Pares. Is. In connection with the cock-sure rtnte ment of Mr Howells, fnyb the Medical Record that tbe present race was never so healtby and strong as now, it is inter esting to read the following paragraph wnttcnbyDr.T S Clouston.fupenntcndent of the Morningside Asylum, Scotland. He says: "One terrible form of brain dteeaFe.witB mental symptom?, is certainly increasing. That malady may be described as. a breakdown of the great center of mind and motion in the brain; it always goes on from bad to worse until it rendcis its victims utterly helplcrs m mind and boely and kills him a few years. No cure and scarcely any mitigation of this Iatti-day curse has yet been devised. It is a disease of cities, of restless lives, of active binn.s in their primes, sometimes of dissipation and debauchery, of life at lngh pressure commonly " During the past year tbe asylums of Scotland received 1C0 new catef; those of England, 1,400, and those ef Ireland, 52. Tlie asylum etatistcis of this country show an even greater number. In a tiigle asylum or this State, fcr in ample, that of Ogdenburg, tbere were among G."U admissions 31 cases of general paresis. Tins would irake tbe proportion of general pnicsis over 4. percent. Among seven State asylums, to which 1,9-12 patiet.ts were admitted in 1890, there were GG cases of general paresis, or a little over 3 per cent If 4 per cent, be the general ratio lort'iisdiseasein thcStnlu of New York, then tbe total number of pareUcs among the 10,000 insane would be about G40. As a matter of fact, the number is gi cater, because the proportion of this disease in larger in tbe New York and King's county asylums llirn in tbo-e of the State at large. But even if tiere were but 4,000 cares of gereral paresis amoug tbc 100,000 insane people of this country it would be an extraordinary evidence of the development of a discare which in t he last century -nas? certainly not known even if it did exist. PLEASED THE FEDERATION !Dr' Kerfs Arfnouncemout That Ho Will Preach' About Debs. l'nporliaimoris Suecopd in Tntlueliijc Their Employers, to Keiurii to tlio Piecework Scale of "Wuges. The announcement made at themeeting of tho Federation of Labor last evening at Plastorers' Hall, corner Four-and-a-half street and Pennsylvania avenue, that on Sunduy next Rev. J)r. Alexander Kent, j pastor of tho People's Churcli, would deliver a lecture at Typographical Temple, at 11 a. in., on tho "Incarceration of Eugene V. Dobs," the great labor leader, was en thusiastically received. The meeting was conducted by President McHugh, there being present representa tions from thirtj-three local labor organi zations. Credentials were presented by five dele gates from the Pioneer Laundry Union. The credentials were accepted and the dele gates obligated. CredentialsorthedelegatesfromtheSteam Filters' Association were referred to the Plumbers' Association. This course was taken because there is some difference of opinion between Uieso two organiartons as to exactly what kind of work belongs to these trades, and it is hoped in this way the associations will settle their differences on the outside without the intervention of tlie Federation. The Tailors reported Uiat an amicable, settlement will be el In led with the firm of Israel & Grirrm In ihc cuse or W II Yerkes, reported foi violation of contract with the Cornice "Workers' Union, the committee reported that it was unable to adjust the matter satisfactorily, and recommended that Mr Yerkes be placed on the unrair list The report was adopted As no agreement could be reached In the case or Mck-Autli, butcher, the inves tigating committee recommended that the action of District Assembly in placing Mr Aulh on the unfair list be indorsed The report was adopted The representatives from the Mus.cia Assembly reported that that body had unnnimously indorsed the action or tho Federation in placing the Ecking'.on and. Soldiers' Home and Bell Lice nilvays on the unrair list, and will impose i penalty or $2 on the nicnibers for iny violation of the oblgitition The contract committee which called upon Mr. Alhaugh with a view to l.ave union labor employed in the construction of his new theater were informed that he had nothing -whatever to do with the matter, and referred the committee to the architect in 'charge. The matter was referred back to the committee with in structions to take lurthcr action. It ib reported that there is a non union gau fitter at work on the buildiug. The report thai men fiom the Cransfonl Paving Company were employed in the cement work at the power house was re ferred to the contract committee for in vestigation. The members or the Faperhaugers" Pro tective Association assembled in the labor committee rooms in The Times building last night to transact the routine buMue.vj and to take action la regard to tin new price list prepared by the association and accepted yesterday morningbv theUor s. UeretoTor.." the men have ben working by the week for stipulated salaries, thus putting good and poor workmen on thesame footing. Recently, however, the aasuci ationcameto theconcluMn i thntthismethod was unfair to a large number or mechanics who were able to accomplish a great deal more than some of their less expert fellow workers, and it was decided to arrange a price list Tor piece work, to be sumbitted to the stores. The price list was accordingly prepared and accepted by the stores yes terday morning without any hesitation. President W. J. Johnson and Achng Sec retary H. J. Wells were present at lie meet ing Inst night and addressed Uu assem blage. A vote of thanks was iondnl The Times for the use of its hall. President Johnson stated -hit the price list for piecework was accepted wit hour any conflict wnh the stores, and at no time has a stiikc been consuler-el. lie new schedule will have the effect f making all the paperhangers work by .uece in the future, thus-enabling the superur -workmen to stand on their merits and receive adeepiate compensation lor niur labor. The manly appearance and the general bearing or the Uifcus-anJs of panniers on Labor Day is haing a good efrect here, and the result will be several new labor organizations-. The latest m this line was the proposition made last night to organize the dairy lunchroom clerks into an assembly of Knights of Labor or protective union. Steps may be taken in thismatteratonce. PAltOCHIAL SCHOOLS OrE.V. Award of Scholarships Announced at Go ii7ii gu College. All of the Catholic parochial schools in Washington resumed their exercises to-tlny There is but one free parochial school hero, and that is the Immaculate Conception school, taught by the Brothers or Mary This was endowed by the will of the late pastor. Father McCarthy. Rev. Cornelius Gillespie, president of Gonzaga College, made the opening address to the assembled students, and then an nounced thcenames or the successful com petitors in the examinations for scholar ships held last week. They are Peter Paul Meagher, No. G03 No i th Carolina avenue; John J. Fuller, No. 50 B street noihwest. Me-Benry Gallaher, No 6300 G street southwest. St- Matthew's Clmrcli Choir. The choir of' St. Matthew's Church, so renowned for their singing, are in their places again, saftcr their two mouths' rest. Mr. L. E. Gannon, the director of the choir, has been &o foi innate as to secure the services of Mrs. Zaiuee Smith; their former soprano, who lesigned her position in the choir about two years ago in order to return to her home in North Carolina. Mrs. Smith and her litis-" band have returned to Washington for the purpose of educating their daughter in one of tbe convent schools, and the congregation of St. Matthew's are de lighted to hear Mrs. Smhh's magiaficent voice again. Personally Conducted Tours lo Wat klns, ami Niagara Falls.. The Pennsylvania Railroad will oper ate a pcr'-orally-condurte 1 tour to Wulkins Gl"n and Niagara Falls Saturday, Pep tombar 7. Rate, S.10.00. Tickets good for teuelays.allowingstop-nrf privileges at "Wat kins and Rochester m either direction, and at Buffalo returning. Special train to leave Washington at 7 a. m. Latr tour, Octo ber 8. The F:enliig Times gives nil tlio iiowh Tor u cent- Dive in original cost is gone ain't much leftfor you to pay. Willett & Ruoff's Straw Hats 25c. up Willett & Ruoff's Derbys 50c. up Willett & Ruoff's Fedoras S1.00 up Willett & Ruoff's Tall Hats Sl.00 up Willett & Ruoff's Riding Hats 50c. up Willett & KuofT's UapS Willett & Ruoff's Umbrellas. Willett & Ruoff's Canes 25a 8AK8 k COMPANY PENNA. AVE AND SEVENTH ST. B&-5----oe-e,o-oo II ill President Tucker Takes Excep tions to Lieut. Kelly's Report. CROSSINGS WOT GUARDED After 0 ei'Cloelt at Night All Gates Aro Up on the Haltlinorennd Oblo Lino. Inquiry us to Stre-et Cur Fenders Ihwineiit Schoolrooms und llalf Duy Sos-sloiis- President Tucker, or the Northeast "Wash ington Citizens' Association, has taken ex ceptions to the reports made to the Commis sioners by two police lieutenants eone-ern-ing grade crossings The reports were made based upon a recent resolation adopted by the association and addressed to the Commissioners asking Tor nn order to compel the Baltimore and Ohio Company to maintain crossings watchmen and to uae the police enrorce theprder Mr Tucker says. "Fully realizing that the most nenrly perfect ire liable to error, and recognizing the fact that a torce ten times ns large could not be so placed as to see every violation of law, we consider it in the interest of good government for ellUcns to .suggest such new n'gulauons ns will better protect the interests and promote the general weirare "In regard to the report Iroro Lieut. Kelly. I -will say, arter full consideration, that his statement that watchmen are sta tioned all of the time at the crossings of E street, Massachusetts avenue, and G stre-et is not substantiated. It the lieu tenant makes his statement from the testi mony or officers who are on tlie beat.'those officers must certainly neer pass those crossings nfter night, or they must be very unobservant officers GATES NOT USED AFTER 0 P. M. "A casual olsercr would surely notice that the gates or those crossings ore never useel arter 9 o'clock p. m. "Personal invefUgation for three suc cesrive nights developed the fact that the crossings are entirely unprotected freim 9 o'clock p m. until the following mrnmg, watch boxes are cio.ced, and gates are up without lanterns on, showing that it is r.ot intended to use them. Thofe -who use the crosfings at night, do so at their peril. "Relative to the statements of botn the lieutenants that they are not aware of any violations of rection 1G or article 10 of the police regulations, I will ftate that the facts Ftated are verified by many who reside in the locality. "The crossing at Massachusetts avenue' is but one Fqunre from the depot and only a few hundred feet from the freight house, and there is a very large amount or travel over the road at this point 1 have counted as many as eight passings or the engine over the crossing in fifteen minutes. "The G street crossing is at the lower branch of the bicod-stained "Y," the point from which the Metropolitan branch and the Washington branch divprge, and by reason of the fact that trains npproarhm. on the latter branch round a sharp curve at H street, it ie rendered exceedingly dan gerous. OTHER DANGER SPOTS. "The crossing at the intersection of Fourth and I streets is very important, and Seventh streel is very much used bj the inmates of the institution for the deaf mutes All are much urcd by the route wagons in delivering milk and bread in the early morning hours, and aP theday watch men do not enter upon duty until G o'clock a m , these teams are afforded no pro tection. "Protection is just as necessary at the crossings of tho Baltimore and Ohio ns on th Baltimore and Potomac, where watch men are provided, and as the expense of providing a fw extra watchman would be vPry Fmall the citizens would be justified in construing a refusal to comply with the request ns narrow-minded and pernicious." TU District Commissioners were as-ked yesterday what steps if any have been taker-. to comp"l the city railways that are subp ct to th" regulations to equip their cars with, the authorized rentier. CommiFsionnr Powell said that there was nothing to b said in the matter. Tlu polic" court had taken coguizanceof it, and itp action had tin effect to take it outpf the Commissioners' hands for tho time being. H paid the roads had been given ix certain tint" by the court in whih to comply, and that he presumed any failure to meet the ord"r would subject the offender to the charg" of contempt. BASEMENT SCHOOLROOMS. It was stafd yesterday -that the board of pchool trust"es has asked Dr. Woodward, UP health officer, to rpccifically state tho objections Trom a sanitary point or view that may b urged against the use of basc mnnt rooms for the fourth grade pupils in thi northeast section of the city. It is not b"Iieved that the projected arrangement for housifg tho children in the basements will bn carried out, In which caee tlvy will havi but half sessions daily during the coining school yar. Building permits issued yesterday: John to this Willett & Ruoff stock. You need a hat get it. You'll never have another chance like it. You won't have this one for many days at the rate the buyingis being done. It's a big stock but it's a big crowd that's hovering around it all the time and has been since Monday. The money that's beingsaved! it's vonderful. We've clipped whole dollars off of Willett & Ruof fs prices all their profit and a good bit of the 25c up up up 65c. "Saks' OornBP." -ob-o--5-o-0'oS"0--- Huerrnan. for two-story and attic frame dwelling. No 352G Tolsom place, C ecL nd Park, c-o.000, also f '.nm. for one two story and attic frame dwelling. No 3Gu? Newark street, Cleveland Park. ,."00 B A. Sopnr, private staWe. rear of No. 610 r stre-et northeast, 200 The South Washington citizens, whose protest against the location of a tnmatory for garlwge destruction in their section, was not eel in The Times of several days ago, have riled their objections with the Commissioner. Tlie District Commissioners have desig nated Assessor Trimly CoHecto.r Davis, ami Auditor Petty as a board to make an estimate of the revenites of the DMrkt and Ijalances, for use a Immte, for esti mates for appropriation for the year end- I ing June 30, 1S&7. The board will lie ex per ted lo reivort to the Commis&io&ers on or before October 1 next POWERLESS TO ACT. Assessor Trimble decides that without moreevidence Uian mere suspicion he can do ' nothing in response to a snggrstiou from Market Master Burns for adion to pre vent truck dealers from making sale of products purchased and not raised by them selves The Commissioners have appointed a com mittee to receiveand sc-hrdole bids intended for the official aetiwn of the board. The committee consists of CnM Clerk Lakenon, or the Engineer Cotnrotesitmer's office, Superintendent of Property Bofeeau. at.d Property Clerk Btckett. Two of the num ber shall constitute a quorum. Garbage will be collected in Brookland twice a weet hereafter, the Commtasionera having issued mstrccuoos to that effect yesterday. Private J. J. Murphy's resignation from the jxdice force was yesterday ordered to be accepted, to takeeffectatonci-. The res ignations or R. L. Dean and C Y". Thomp son, respectively, as additional private's were also accepted, u take effect immedi ately. Ivy City's needs in the way of improve ments were yesterday detailed before the Commissioners by a dekgation erf the citi zens of that suburb. Among the signers to a lengthy etltion to the same effect were: G. A. Elngood. president of theaMocmtsnn; H. P. Marshall, president of the Ivy City Brick Company. Col. Perry Carson, James Lansburg, of Lansburg & Bm.: Georjee F. Tabeer, H . R. De-lancy and Juan K. Bar rett. FLOODS IN MEXICO. Railroad Bridges. Washed Away and Telegraph AVlre-i Down. St Louts, Sept 3 Specials from Saltillo and other points m Eastern Mexico say that that section of the country has just been visited by the heaviest floods known for many years. The Mexican National Railroad has suf fered heavy losses, ten bridges having been washed aAvay north of Saitilio Telegraph wires are also down in that partof thecoun- j try and great damage has been caused to i crops and projiert J Official reports of the havoc created by the mountain ram last Friday in Northeast ern Mexico prove the situation evui worse than first reported Between Monterey nd Laredo at least ten miles of telegraph wires were washed away, and almost every bridge was car ried away. The Iosj, will probably not be less than $300,000. The Mexican National Railroad and the Gulf Railway are equally crippled toward theeast Tampicoiseutoffand tlie destruo tion or property there is unknown L.VGALLS SCOHKS CONGRESS- He Announced His Senatorial Canell clncy In it Labor Day Sieecli. Topeka, Kans. Sept. 3. Ex-Senator John J. Ingnils spoke here yesterday at the La bor Day celebration. He spose from the same plutrorm with J. R. Burton, who is now looked upon as his principal opponent in the race for the United States Senator ship, and the occasion is regarded a prac tically the opening or the Senatorial cam. paign. TheSenntorsnys openly that he is a candi date ror his old scat in the Senate Alter speaking in a general way on labor top ics. Senator Ingalls turned his attention to tlie last Congress, which he charged with being incompetent, insincere and hostile to the best interests or the country. He advocated the election not only of Senators, but also of the President and Vice President bya direct voteofthepeoine. END OF A SAILOR'S SPREE. - Shot Hims,elt Three Times mid Will I'robnbly Die- Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept. 3. William Ander sen, a Swedish sailor, twenty-one years old, from Chicago, attempted to kill himself at the Albany Hotel last night by .slKwtlng three bullets into his bodv. He "was taken to tl e nteh Hospital, where in reply to questions he said "I shot myself because I have no money and no friends." He Is in a fcerious condi tion. Andersen came yhcrc on the steamer Arabia, and Saturday night went on a spree, spending part of bis mouey and being robbed of the remainder. Tlaiiel Grenade Exploded- Rerlin, Sept. 3. During the illumination atJJreslau, In honor of Sedan Day, yefter- day, a grenade shell eupposed to be empty, exploded with great violence, killing several I persons and injuring fouju AMUSEMENTS. BASEBALL. Washington vs. Cincinnati. Came called at 4-:! 5 p. m. Admission - - 25 and 50c. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, EDWARD H. ALLEN, Maaacar. FIRST AEEK OF REGULAR SEASON. Every nigh, ezcept Saturday oisht ROBERT DOWNING, In first production la English of Sardou's Grea: Flaj-, HELENA. Saturday night by request) THE GLADIATOR Pilcos S1.5J, Jl, 73c reserved. Mkr and 25 (tdmiMlon. ext week THE BLACK CROOK. KERNAN'S LYCEUM THEATER. ALL Tills WEEK. The Repeal Thing, Miaco's City Club Burlesque Co. Sublime beyond all possible duplication. Next Week. Al. Rce-ves Big Show- ACADEU. Prices 83c to 8L This Week, MatlnctsWed. and Sat. KATIER00NEY, THE DERBY MASCOT. Nest Week ANDREW MACK. VIRGINIA Jockey Club, ST. ASAPH, VA. Racing Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until fur ther notice. General Admission. SO Cent SIX RACES each lay. First raco ZZi o. m. Special trains direct to grand stand fram SistU Btreetstatioa at L3U ana 2:W p. m.; other traiua ll.:u and 12.50. E. E. DOWXHAM. ETEVE STTLLWELL. PresWeat Jiecrotary myK-tl EXCTTRSIONS. ww Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co F.vrv rtav in the veav for Fortre-e Mon roe, Norfolk. Portsmouth, and alt yotata South and Southwest by ifce powerful new iroiipalaiestemers."NewportNew.' r folk" and "Washington?- feavms daily on the follow iug schedule Southbound. Northbound. Lv Wash'ton 7 0O pm Lv Portano'h5a0 pin LvAlex'd'ia 7:30 inn Lv.Norfolk 8:10 pm Ar Ft Monr6-30 am Lv Ft Monro 7 20 pm Ar" Norfolk 7 :0 am ArAlexrta Wam Ar Portsm'h i am Ax Wash'gtonft 30 am ' VISITORS TO THE ATLANTA EX POSITION and the resorts at Fortress Monroe. Virginia Bae h and Florida will tind this a very attractive route. s it breaks the monotony ofn aH-ialrMe Tickets on ae at 513. 616. 14 21 Pennsylvania avenue. B & O. tk-Jcet of TU e." corner Fifteenth street and New York avenue, ami on board steamers, where ticie-table, map. etc , can also be had Anv other information deh-ed will be fu rat-heel on appiu at ton to the under signed, at the company's wharf, root or Seven! n street. Washing!. .n. D C. JNO CALLAH VN. G MANAGER. THONE 73a FOR $2.00. FIRST GRAND EXCURSION of the Steamat CITY OF RICHMOND, Leaving Wasalmrton SATURDAY. September? at S p. ra. aad returning Monday at s 96 a. m , civing passengers benefit of trip from Norfolk te the Cape begars staterooms aad UcKeta at boat or at General 03ces, 1-ttl N Y Avwuo. Steamer will stop at Colonial Beach, eotag and returning. RUSSELL COLEGROVE, General Manager. "August Dajs at Overlook Inn." The drive Is psrfectly delightful, to cenery is superb, tho hotel U unaxceUe-i. SIC rery HYeiiiiig Coaches connect hourly, t to G p. m. Iflo'I p. m. half hourly, S to 10 g, m. -with tho ile cars at Sth and Pa. are 9.0 andFst carllaM at Sth ana E. Capitol Round trip, :5e. Coaa leares the Arlington 6:39 p. :a., stopping a: Skoreham and Ch-mberlin"s roanit trip. 30c In three days I guarantee to stop hair falling out in one month I guarantee a growth of new hair from one to one and a half inches Ions;. SEMMES ELECTRIC HAIR RESTORER is perfect as a hair Ionic and perfectly junmiess. Consult me. Consulta.ion freo. Dr. J. SEMMES, 704- Fourteenth Street N. Vt. GERMAN NORLK INJURED. Archduke Lndlsla-s, Sbot Himself While lluntiiis- Riklapes-t. Sept. 3. It is learned Uiat Arehduke Ladislas. who was wouneied by the premature discharge of his gun while out shooting yesterday, is much more seri ously hurt than was at first reported. lie is now said to be very dangerously wounded. The bullet from his gun pene trated hia thigh and at the same time ex ploded a numberof cartridges which he was carrying in his pocket, with the result of lacerating anil burning his loins. Ho was carrid to his scooting box and his wound wero dressed- &&&