Newspaper Page Text
m&&!5i&3mmmm&i&&i&-- &3-W -"-- srs ;-r;- 't"?-c-. THE MOBlTCtfGr TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. lltsOosO F and Eleventh Streets. Storaco Warehouses 23d St., uenriL Gold Chair, $1.75 The wholesale price aj: the factory i s S24 dozen. That other dealers pay for it, and - w h e n they've paid freight and cost of hand ling they'll probably charge 3'ou $3.00. . Wo have this chair In 4 finishes ALL CftLU, WI1ITK ENAMEL AND GOU), BLUK KNAMEL AND GOLD PINK ENAMEL AND GOLD, lteady to dollicr orders to-day.. I want to bo the Jeweler who comes Into your mind first. in doubt what to give your friend for a birthday or a wed ding gift ? Because, if so, you should come in and look over my stock if you cannot find any thing to suit -our fancy, you need not buy it is' a pleasure to me to shovy goods. I have pretty things to suit all occa sions from the richest and rarest jewels to pretty but inexpensive articles in silver. I want to be the one you come to for advice in a case of this sort, O. H. DAVISON, Jeweler, 1105 F ST. N. W. So many reasons why the electric light is superior to gas light. Safer, more con venient, cleaner and easiest artificial light there is on the eye-sight. Electricity is rapidly side-tracking steam as a motive power. "We furnish the power will turn it on when you'r ready. United States Electric Lighting Co., 213 Hth st, n. w. 'Phone 77. --ttS Gas light is a better I light than electricity if I it's burned through a X Siemens - Lungren Gas I Lamp. -And it sheds a 2 beautiful white light, making it excellent for a a, show windows and store a interiors. Rented for f 25c. a month. z Gas .Appliance Exchange, ItH N.Y.Ave, a 03 -OO-OO 33B-S &BB It's the Little Things that go toward making up a man's appear anceIt Is Just as Important tnat bla E collars and cnHa should bo perfect at tnat his suit should fit bend your llnon to us and wo will sea that It Is perfectly laundered. TOLHAN Steam Laundry, Sixth and C Sts. ixsuraxce statements. STATEMENT of the condition of tlie NA TIONALLIFEINSURANCECOMPANY of Montpclier, Vt,, on the 30tli day of Jnnc. 1893, as required by act of Con gress.approvcd Joly 20, 1892. Ledger assets $10,812,337 86 Totalllabllitles.lneludlngeapl- taljanuaryl,1893 9,614,902 G9 Dividends pa Id f o r six months ending June 30, 1893.. .. 59,416 71 Current expenses for six months ending Juno 30. 189". ..... 398,793 07 ED WA RD DEWEY, Vice President. O. D. CLARK, Assistant Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst day of August, 1893. (Seal.) H. M. CUTTER, Notary Public. SI. II. Goodrich, general agent for Mary land and District of Columbia. Mer chants' National Bank building, Balti more, Md. STATEMENT of the condition of the LION rillE INSURANCE COMPAN Y of London, England, on tho 30tb day of Juno, 1895, aa required by act of Con gress approved July 29, 1892. Capital stock paid up $500,069 00 Gross assets 840,293 94 Total liabilities. Including capital 419.G93 C9 Current expenEesforsixmontbs ending June 30, 1893 .. .. 97,244 19 MARTIN BENNETT, Manager. Subscribed ands worn to beroremethis Cay of August, 1895. (Seal) CLABKSON N. rOWLER, Notary Public. re!8-lt STATEMENT of the condition of the PHOENIX INSUItAN CE COMPANY of nartford. Conn., on the 30lu day of June, 1890, as required by act of Congress, approved July 29, 1892. Capital stock paid up $2,000,000.00 Gross assets 5,403,380.06 Total liabilities, Including capital 4,83G,P22.42 Dividends paid In 1895.... 140,000.00 Current expenses for six months ending June, 31, 1895 .. 099,133.14 D. M. SKELTONYPresldcnt. GEO. H. BURDECK, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this slxteenUi day or Beptembcr, 1895 i (Seal.) EDWARD B. COOK. v Notary Public, a. fe- ", v 1 'ssS '' ii MORTON BOOM STiRTED New York Convention Declares in Favor of His Candidacy. STATE TICKET NOMINATED Platform Adopted at Saratoga De mands Enforcement of the Sunday Laws, IndomcM Ballot, llotonu, and Score?, tliu Administration Finan cial -Questions Skillfully Handled. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 17. The State Republican convention closed Us session to night after following very closely the work mapped out by its leaders. It named this ticket for presentation to the people of the State In November next: For Secretary of State John Palmer, of Albany. For Comptroller James E. Roberts, ot Erie. For State Treasurer A. B. Colvln, of Warren. , For State Engineer C. W. Adams, of O neidaf For Attorney General F. E. Hancock, of Onondaga. Tor Judge of the Court of Appeals Cclora E. Martin, of Broome. The platform demands enforcement of the Sunday liquor law and preservation of the Sabbath. It ccores the Democratic administration for failing to defend the rights of American citizens resident or traveling In foreign countries .and for permitting foreign coun tries to encroach on the Wcsternhcmisphcre. The tariff and the handling ot the de ficiency question by the last Democratic Congress received condemnation. A sound and stable currency, giving the people a dollar's worth for a dollar, is Indorsed. CREDITED TO LAST FALL. The return of prosperity is hailed as re sulting from tlie election of a Republican Congress, giving confidence to the people in the assurance that no further tariff tink ering will be possible. The Ignorance and unwise policy of the Democrats In passing nn unconstitutional income tax Is referred to, and the favorable 'record of tho Republicans in Congress In their opposition to that law. Gov. Morton's wise and patriotic od inlnlstrationlsindorsedandfcCscandldacyfor President formally launched. The dangers to the people of-a return of the Democratic party tc-power in this State are portrayed, asserting that the same men who have been repudiated by the voters arc still In charge of the affairs of the Democratic party in this State, and that their return topower willmcan butarcpetl tlon of the old outrages. BALLOT REFORM ENDORSED. The Raines ballot reform law Is pointed to as the best enactment for ballot reform yet passed in this State. The platform further bets forth that the demands of the people In the city of New York have been granted In reform legisla tion. That it was a close following of the work mapped out was evident from the fact of the security of tho State ticket being made possible by the vote of one man. When the morning sun broke over Sara toga It saw such Iron-bound plans for the convention that It was concedeg'inat there would be no friction, and tbat the plans ot the State committee would be carried out. After the opening session there ap peared on (he horizou a cloud of discon tent that grew so rapidly that at 3 o'clock the fale of the State officers seemed to be sealed against renomlnatlnn. The trou ble arose over, the contest for seats in the first district and hinged on the seating of the contesting delegation, headed by Con gressman Maliany. ALL SNAGS AVERTED. With everything running smoothly the leaders were suddenly confronted with the statement made by Stale Committeeman George Urban and Senator Pearsons that if the Maliany delegation was seated the Erie county delegation would leave the convention, and Mr Roberts' name would be withdrawn from the convention, thus breaking the slate. When the convention met the committee reported against Mr. Mahany. It was learned tbat the vote was 1G against and 15 for, the deciding vole having been east by .Mr Wheeler, of Utica. Thus was the catastrophe averted. The next reareit approach to a break in the plans came when Warner Miller in troduced his resolution for tl.c protection of the American Sabbath and the enrry Ingoutof the excite laws. Thelcadurs who bad proclaimed against any excise action accepted the situation and the result was that' all friction ceased. Action on en largement of the State committee was tabled ard local Sunday option forcounties was also killed. CONDUCTED IK GERMAN. Drewmnsterx Contlno All Proceed ings to That Tongue. Baltimore, Sept. 17. The seventh an nual conventfon of the United States Brew masters' Association was formally opened in Germanio Macnnercbor Hall this morn ing by President Leonhardt Michel, of Brooklyn, N. Y. About 150 delegates answered to the call of the roll. The president read his annual address in German and all the proceedings of the con vention were conducted In that language. The president's address was devoted to the Internal workings of the organization. He discussed the employment of appren tices, and recommended the appointment ot a committee to revUe the constitution and by-laws. He also suggested the propri ety ot annual meetings hercafterand there duction of the membership fee. The re ports of tho secretary and treasurer were, read and adopted. "Where- tUo Division Is. Editor Times: As much has been spoken recently nboat the "Division" and tho in tention of the excise board to refuse licenses in that section to saloon-keepers, I would like to bo permitted space to correct a false impression in the public mind In regard to tho boundary lines ot that nefarious locality. Prudish people, who are too nice to call things by their rigti t names, usually refer to the "Division" as "Eouth of tbo Avenue," and this indefinite manner of expressing the name of tho place gives rise to the opinion that all places south ef tbo Avenue, as well as the south side of the Avenue Itself, arc a part of that Infernal section. This Is very wrong; does an Injustice to the business people and residents of a re spectable, section of the city, and I feel sure that you, Mr. Editor, will correct the error when the facts arc made known to you. The "Division," as known to the old real-, dents of this city, at whtcb your cor respondent claims Uio lienor of being one, extends betwwen Ninth and Fourteenth streets on the cast and west and by C and D on the north. These arc the boundary Uncs of tho "Division," and the south side of tlie Avenue and E street aro Just as frea from the moral turpitude of that vile spot as Iowa Circle or Connecticut avenue. The area of the "Division" Is already too large withoutaccredltlnglt with tbcaddltlen of respectable neighborhoods, thereby de preciating property awned and occupied by good pconle. D. it. PUZZLED WHATTO ANSWER President Griswold Questions the Anacostia Railway Men. THEY FEAR A SEDUCTION Anted to Reply to a .'series ot Inter rogatories Affection; the Manage ment of it Car Lino Tlie Employes Are Fearful That Ho Contemplates a Move Upon Them. There Is good reason for believing that some decislvo action as to the future ot his road will be taken by President ariswold, ot the Anacostia line, before the first of the coming-month. A Times reporter ran across a circular letter ot tho president yesterday, in which he asks some questions which Indicate the proposed change. The more important of these questions, which are addressed to the employes, are as follows:. "First. Which would you consider the best servico to the public, two-horse cars every twelve minutes, or one-horse cars every six minutes? "Second. What do you consider the greatest good to the greatest number, the .-niploymcnt ot bcventy-slx men at low wages, Ihirty-elght men at fair wages, or nineteen at large wages? Third. In reducing the number of cars and the number ot your employes, bow would you accomplish It? By drawing lots; by taking alternate names; by retaining the oldest; by retaining thine who had best served you? "Fourth. Do you believe in open, secret, or no inspection? "Fifth. Do good-looking driven, In uni form, well kept horses and clean cars In duce riding?" The oilier questions relate to the drivers and conductors' opinions as to tho cost ot equipment and the deterioration of stock. WTIAT THC MEN SAY . There is a great deal ot speculation among tho men as to what all this means. Some ot them understand that the questions Indicate a s weeping reduction of the number ot men and that the president Is dcslrlous of having men to be parties to the reduction. "The way some of us look at it is this," said one ot tlie men last night. "We have been given until the 2l6t to make answers to these questions, although we are not told that- wo will be obliged to answer them. "I think tbat tlie second question is a very crafty one, and the most important of all. Mr. Griswold, by those questions, has cer tainly, to my mind, made it plain tbat there will be at some near day a reduction ot the force. He may put It on the ground that the company is making no money; he may put It on any other. "He knows that If he throws a lot of men out of a Job there will be a tick. By this vote of the men, and that Is really whatit Ib.he will feel Justified and willtell tbepublic tbat themen agreed to thechange having had plenty of time to consider It. He knows that no one will vote for seventy six men at low wages because lowwages means no living at all. "There is a chance that there will be a good vote for tbirty-eighttnenat good wages and the wages is (brown out as a bait. And there is something very tcmptla gin the olfcr to run the road with nineteen men at large wages. Hecountsoueach man hoping that he will beone of the nineteen. "Then In the third question It seems to be a fair proposition that he shall retain those who had served him best, but he will be the judgeof that fact. In general wedon't like to answer the questions at alt and I don't suppose that many will send In re plies. We might be helping to get ourselves out of a Job, WHAT HIS OBJECT IS "Another thing is this: If Mr. Gris wold was fair in these questions he would have declared, in the paper, what bis ob ject was. It is plain tons that beisasUng questions to which he already has the an swers, because If anybody knows how to run a road under any of the exudations he proposes, it Is he himself." "What are you piing to do about It? "Nothing; I have an Idea that It will not be signed to any great extent and that will settle the scheme. "If Mr. Griswold should have in his possession ouranswer at the time he wants to make arbitrary changes affecting the men and there should be a protest, he would merely produce this vote of the men and tbey would bo debarred from further protest. Our mouths are closed. Our policy is to ray rothli g and to wait for results, which, I think, will be soon apiiarcnt. "We have made complaint to him within the past week of certain cares, in which we consider that he has dealt unfairly with ourmen, ard be has not shown a disposition to treat the cares promptly or in accord ance with the facts." The trouble was on account of fuspend lng Drivers Lusby, Jones,-and Moore The men were put off from periods of one month to two months,ar.dtheanalrbe;ng reported to the Protective Street Railway Union yesterday, a committee from that body, consisting of President Laurence and Mr. Casey, called on President Gris wold and put the matter before that of ficial, who told President Laurence to put his grievance in writing, which will be done. The men claim the punishment is excessive if not uncalled for. Prisoners Defended Themselves. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 17. A mob of sixty five men stormed the Jail at Lex ington, Tenn., last night to lynch Harri son Fuller and another negro, confined for rape. The negroes defended themselves and shot four or five of the men, driving them off. INSURANCE STATEMENTS. STATEMENT ot tho condition of the U.S. BRANCH otthoNORWICUUNIONLIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY, of Norwich, England, on tho 30th day of June, 1895, as required by act ot Congress, approved Gross assets .. ."' $2,026,330 87 Total liabilities 1,344,315 40 Current expenses for six months ending June 30, 1895 .. 201,879 89 A. J.LOVEY, Branch Secretary. Subscribed and swoin to before me this 27th day of August, 1895. 1.JCIA.. UWUil Jl.UlljL,E,ll, J., Notary Public, New York city and county. STATEMENT -of tho condition of ilin UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ciiii-lunati, on the 30th day of June, 1895, as required by act of Congress, approved July 29, 1892: Capital stock paid up $100,000.00 Gross assets 13,478,855.09 Total liabilities, including capital -.. 11,800,457.48 Dividends paid in 1895 72,271.70 Current expenses for 6lx months ceding June 30, 1895 351.259.75 JOHN M. PATTISON. President. B. R. MARSHALL, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of August, 1895. (Seal) LOUIS BREILING, -It Notary Public. Ask us for an estimate on nny printing you aro particular about. We print everything frith the utmost care and precision. McCILL & WALLACE, Printers, J19T E Strest N. W. 'tfione Mil V0TERS OF BWS We told youast sea son we wanted a larger Children's business. We clfecided we weren't giving the Childrens Department enough room so we re modeled te building gave tljisT; department twice its- former space stocked it -with double the"quantity we former ly carried and now present it for your fav orable cpnsideration. We've got Boys' Hats and Furnishings, too and are special agents for the "Mothers' Friend" Shirt Waists. Don't forget money back or satisfaction. Cor.7thanflESts.H.W. No Hranch Store in Washington. a-ggaSggaafegBSIgs tbo" ute for regrets Balch and Day Brought Here From Baltimore, BOTH LADS AEE PENITENT Collcce-bred Yotitlm 'vriio Slur ted Away From Home on u Drunken Lurk That Will Probably Land Ttiem In the Penitentiary Duy'a Mother l Coming to Aid Her Hoy. narry K. Balch and George W. Day, the tivo yonug New Englanders who passed a bogus check on Air David Currier, of the War Department, for $100, about a month ago, as exclusively stated in The Times, were brought to this city last nifiut from lUItli- re by Detective George-""- Boyd. For the past twenty-one days they havo- been in jail in that cityavraitlng the action of the grand Jury on a charge of beating hotels. They were Indicted there yester day for the of tense, and at unee turned over to the Washington authorities. Ilothof (Le young feliowsareof good New England lamilies.- lilch istrom IIanren New Hampshire, wherehis father is a prom inent railroad contractor, and Day Is irotn Haverhill, ilass. The families ot both are wealthy and iulliicitul. STARTED 'ON THUIR LARK. About the 1st of July the two started from Lowell. Jtess.r on a lark, which ended with tlieirftrrcsTln Baltimore. They drank heavily wherever they went, and by the time they reached this city, early In August, their nieans were exhausted, and they cat alwul for some n.enns of replenUlilng their empty jiockethooks. Working friends nt ihelrrcsimUlve families teemed the fastest way, and they started in accordingly. ISalih was well acquainted with a num ber of Dartmouth students, aiid several members ot the Dartmouth alumni in this thlstily, weretheiirsuictlrus. Auuralier of hotels suffered cKo, and finally, when It became necessary to raise a stake and get out. the boys worked olf the died: on .Mr. Currier, whose wife Is a u u.'lu of Day. Alter getting the hundred they Jumped. When Mr. Currier read an account of the fraudulent transactions of the young men in Tlie Times he proceeded to head quarters, and after notifying the police of his loss, got out a warrant for the arrest of bulb. They had gotten out of the way by that lime, however, but stopped a couple of days In Rjltiniorc on their way to Chi cago. There, by a mistake of Identity, the two young men were arrested, and alter the authorities had them, it was discovered that Ihcy had been beating the hotels in that city, which is a criminal offense. COMMITTED TO JAII-. They wereaccordln;ly givena preliminary hearing on the charge and held to await the action of tho grand Jury and committed to Jail in default of bonds. The Indictment brought against tucra by the grand Jury yesterday finished the case there for the present and they were brought here. At tho Blxtb precinct station-house last night they stated that their present trou bles are the result 6f a drunken freak. .Both Kay they are glad their arrest took place when it did, as they might have gotten 1M6 more serious difficulty bad thdr wild career continued. Day'smotherbaswritten to him from hlshome and ts expected herein n, few days. It is probable that the matter here will be settled up, but the two may Ijave ot serve time for their Baltimore escapades. Both are good looking, well educated young fellows, and have very little of tho criminal In their appearance or actions. They are very penitent lads Just no w, and If (hey get, out of their' present scrape they will swear to tread In straight paths only for the rest of their existence. Would yon sell unythtng7 Try a. Times Want i.'AA." Tho l'rrorjs Acknowledged. Editor Times: In 'your Issue of this Evening Times you cotpmittpd the worst ot blunders, under fieadjng "In The'Publlo Eye," giving- the portrait ot ex-Queen Isabella, who -waidriven out of Spain over twenty-five yearij'ago'j.and is now living in England. Tho present Queen Regent of Spain is a young' woman, named Mario Christlne.youngenouglTtobcgrand-daughter ot Isabella, whosfe plclare you 'reproduce. "- 'Tours, truly, F IVAN CMICHELS. . i U.E A hundred tbiitlsand palrx ot eyes will see your What "A"d" It it's la Tho Time. J J uMMM mm INSURANCE STATEMENTS. GZMMtffiffl) fiUBum-js-DEiixirr-ctQiEBWi oF-rExxsn.rjxu Statement of the Con dition of the Guarantors Liability Indemnity Company, Of Pennsylvania, On the 30th day of June, 1895, as required by act of Con gress approved July 29, 1892. Capital stock SGOO.OOO GO Cnpitalstockpaldup GOO.OOO 00 ASSETS. Cash in b.tuk $ 22.523 93 Real eastate and furniture .102,000 00 IiomlsandniortKage'ilfirstllen on real estate) 119,350 00 Stoeksandbonds(inarket value) 380.C80 00 Bills receivable and collateral loans 171,025 33 Premiums uncollected and in hands ot agents 200,207 11 Interest due and accrued on June 30. 1805 - 5.4I2G2 LIABILITIES. Cash capital $500,000 00 Reserve premium fund .... 305,274 03 Rcerve for unpaid losses and claims 119,000 32 Net surplus llO.eGO 64 Statement of dividends and expenses for six months ending June 30, 1S95: Dividends $ 25.C00 00 Current expenses, including all commissions to agents, salaries, etc IG4,GG7 40 THOS. V. COOKER. Prcsident. WM. n. KNORR, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eleventh day of September, 1895. (Seal.) JOHN M. REED, Notary Public R. J. McLean & Co. Ceneral Agents, 907 G St. St. N.W. U. S. Branch of the PALATINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. Limited, or Man chester. England. E. O. Lang & Co., Resident Agents, Report to July lRt, 1S05 PublisLed In accordance with act of Congress, approved July 20lh, 1892. Gross assets $2,541,412.51 .All liabilities, except eap- tal 1,873,827.91 Tald losses, six months, end Ins June 30. 1893 729.5G5.97 Current expenses 395,442.08 City and County of New Y'orfc.s. s.: W iiliam Wood. Joint Manager o f the Pjl a tine Insurance Cotnpauy.Liniltcd, or M.'in chester, England, solemnly affirms that the loregoinjc stateir--nt H true to the best or his knowledreand belief. WM WOOD, Joint Manager. Signed and nirirmed before me this 24th day of August, 1893. (Seal.) WILLIAM C. PRIME, Notary Public. Wcstcliesier County, cer tificate filed In New l'ork County STATEMENT of the condition ot the .SCOTTISH LNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ot Edinburg, Scotland, on the 30th day of June, 189S, on required by act of Congress, .-introvert July 29. 1S92. Capital stock paid up 51,500,000.00 Uroiosr 3,047,187.20 Total liabilities, Including capital 1,324,075.19 Current expenses for six inomhs eliding June 30, 1895 234.3CG.80 MAUTIN BENNETT, Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day or Auciixt, 1S95. (Seal.) CLAUKS ON N. FOWLER. Notary Public STATEMENT of the condition of tho riRH ASSOCIATION INSURANCE COMPANY, ot Philadelphia, on the 30th day ot June, 1895, as required lir act of Congress, approved July 29, 1892. Capital stock $500,000.00 Capital stock paid up.. .. $500,0b0.00 ASSETS. Cas.Ii in bank $182,045.75 Real estate 190,700.00 Bonis and mortgages (first lien on real estate) 1,8SC,59G.G0 Stocks and bonds (market value) 2,407,999.50 Bills'receivablc and collateral loans 6G.400.00 Premiums uncollected and in hands of agents 529,800.95 Interest due nod accrued on June 30, lbiis 58,200.90 LIABILITIES. Cash capital .. $500,000.00 Reserve premium fund.. .. 3,715, G0S.74 Riservc for unpaid losses and claims 237,873.52 Other claims 197.320.G0 Net surplus G61, 117.84 Statement of dividend and expenses for six months end ing June 30, 1895: Dividends $100,000.00 Current expeuscs 4G6.257.01 E. C. IRVIN, President. BENJ. T. HEUKNESS. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to Iwfore me this 10th day of September. 1895. H. 8. REARDON, Notary Public. TYLKRatnUTHEHFOltD.AsPiitH. 1307 Y St. X. W. STATEMENT of the condition of the UNITED STATES BRANCH COMMER CIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY (Limited) OP LONDON. ENGLAND, on tho 30th day or June, 1805,asrequired by act of Congress approved July 29th, . 1892. Capita! stock $12,500,000.00 Cnnllal stock naicl ur.... A,mOO,UUU.UU ASSETS. Cash in bank Real estate Stocks and bonds (market value) Bills receivable and collat eral loans.. ." Premiums uncollected and In hands of agents.. .. Interest due andaccrued on stocks and bonds, 1895 All other assets Total assets 240,638.98 869,980.85 1,709.895.00 120,325.60 458,481.10 . 25,537.48 17.403.85 $3,442,262.92 L.1A111 L,l 1 li.3 . Reserve premium fund .. $2,046,041.21 Reserve for unpaid losses and claims 229,400.73 Net surplus 1,055,645.32 All other liabilities 111.175.60 Total liabilities $3,442,2G2.92 CHARLES SEWALL, U. S. Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before mo .this 10th day ot September, 1895. (Seal.) " JNO-. A. HILLERY, JJotary Public, N. Y.Co. TYLER &HtrTHERFOBD,Aj;eiit, 1307 V St. N. TV. Jiui INSURANCE STATEMENTS. Fhlladetplila, July 27, 1898 THE UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSUR ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA is a corporation or- ?anlzed under the Act ot Legislature of be State of Pennsylvania, dated the thirteenth day or April, A. D. 1868. The following Is a statement of the as sets and liabilities ot the company at the clone of buolnens June 29th, 1895. FRANCIS HENDERSON, Treasurer. Before me, the subscriber, a notary pub lic for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing In the city ot Philadelphia, per sonally appeared Francis Hendersou. who. being sworn uceonlln;; b law, doth depose and say that he Is the treasurer ot the UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, and that the following statement Is true and correct. FRANCIS nENDERBON. Sworn and subscribed before me this 27th day ot July, A. D. 1895. (SEAL) C. C. VAN RIPER. Notary Public. UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Nos.G03 and 605 Chestnut Street. ASSETS. Mortgage investments (first liens) $2,088,082.51 Real estate invesimentn 288,720.29 Property r,03aurt605Chest nut street, including safe dciKiait vaults and fixtures. 234,833.87 United States government bonds 22,009.00 Philadelphia Bourse 200.00 Plant account 20,000.00 Time and call loans on col lateral C97.7C8.03 Book accounts 13,072.18 Cash balance 162,096.53 $4,027,382.47 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus 32o.0G0.00 Undivided profits 27,793.75 Mortalitj, reserve fund .. .. 74,589.82 Bonds 1,742,498.07 Deposit 732,600.23 Mortgage. Chestnut street property 125.000.00 54,027,382.47 WILLIAMvVERNER, -" ' President. WILLIAM M. COATES. VIce-Preldent. FRANCIS HENDERSON. Secretary ard Treasurer. HENRY LA BARRE JAYNE, CounselandincbargeofTrujstDeiurtment. II. L. GOODMAN, Aaont, (u:i t;itii .st. n vr. STATEMENT of the cordition of tho NOR'lHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY of London, England, on the 30ih day of June, lfcl'0, us recuired by act of Congress approved July 29th. 1892 Capital stock $10,000,000.00 Capital stock paid up 1,500,000.00 Cash In banks and in coni pany'sonices $94,704.67 Real estate 115,000.00 Slocks ai d bonds (mar ket value) 1.2G1.420.40 Premium uncollected aud in hands of agents 220,732.72 Interest due and accrued on June 30, 1895 4,850.00 All other assets, not in cluded hereinbefore 0,204.93 LIABILITIES. Cash capital (none in the United States) Reserve premium fund $1,019,000 45 Reserve Tor unpnid losses aud claims 160,289.48 All otberclalms against the company 5I.C37.I7 Net L-no-s 48S.045 62 Statement of dividends and expenses for six mouths ending 30ih June, 1895. Dividends (none in the United States. ) Current $574,809.86 GEORGE W BABB, JR.. Managerand Attorney. Subscribed and ktoui to before me this eleventh day of September. 1895. (SeaL) J OHNA. HILLERY. fotury i-uohc. TrLEUJtRUTIIEHFOHD.AtfPntM. 13U7 F bt. X. XV. STATEMENT of tlio condition of the AGRI CULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of Walertawn, N. Y-, on the 30th day of June. 1895, as required by act otCnn gro! approved July 29, 1692: Capital stock $500,000 00 Capital stock paid up 500,000 00 ASSETS. Cash In bank $ 56,640 E0 Real estate 315,289 08 Bond and mortgages (first lien on real estate) 1,092,302 90 Stockaaiidbondstmarketvalue) 381,198 00 Bills receivable and collateral loans 138,175 91 Premiums uncollected and in bands ot agents 23G.3S5 15 Interest due and accrued on June 30. 1895 39,869 54 LIABILITIES. Cosh capital $500,000 00 Reserve premium fund 1,333,724 58 Reserve for unpaid loscs and claims 109.270 18 Net surplus 224,798 01 Statement of dividends and expenses for six months ending June 30, 1895: Dividends $ 49,030 00 Current expenses 271,792 39 A. II. SAWYER. Vice-President. TV. II. STEVENS. Asst. Secretary Sworn and subscribed tn before me this 13th day of September. 1895. (SeaL) L.F.PHILLIPS, NotaryPublic. It.J.MeLnAN-.LoCHlMiiruicer. 5)07 G fct. X. W. STATEMENT of the condition of the NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL IN SURANCE COMPANiT, of Milwaukee. Wis., on the 30tb day of June, 1893, as required by act of Congress, approved July 29. Ib92. Capltalstoek paid up $600,000 00 ASSETS. Cash In bank and on hand 111,181 33 Bonds and mortgages (first Lien on rial estate) 754,456 67 Rtockani,boiiil(inarketvaluc) 884,150 00 Premiums uncollected and In hands of agents 107,581 73 Interest accrued on mortgages and bonds 8,629 47 LIABILITIES. Cash apltal $600.000 00 Rcservepremiumfund 712,053 71 Rcerve for unpaid losses and claims 79.041 53 Net surplus 474,90". 99 Statement of dividends and ex penses for six months ending June SO, 1895: Dividends 36,000 00 Current expenses 171,109 46 ALFRED JAMES. President. WILFORD M. PATTON.Asst. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 9th day of September. 189",. JOS. HUEBEL. Notary Public. It. K. -SULLIVAN. Miumirer. 1302 F M. N. W. THE FRANKLIN riRE INSURANCE COM PANY. of Philadelphia, report to July 1.18y3,puh!ishediuaccordanoewit!inct or Cnncrcss approved July 2ith. 1892: Capital stock, full paid $400,000 Gros assets 3,10S,b30.83 All liabilities, excepting cap- Itnl 1,725.191.49 Fire losses paid six months end lug June 30. 1893 143,913.92 Current expenses paid six months ending June 30, 1893 .. 130.691.6G DIvidcndspai lsix montSrsend-1 Ing June30,1895 49.772.50 State or Pennsylvania. City of Philadel phia, s. a.: J W. McAllister, president: and E. T. Cresson, secretary, ol The Franklin Fire In surance Company, or Philadelphia, do sol emnly affirm that the foregoing statement Is true to the best or their knowledge and belief. J. W. MCALLISTER, President. E. T. CRESSON, Secretary. Signed and affirmed to before me this 9th day ot September. 1S93. SAMUEL II. J'l Ri'PATRICFC. (Seal.) Notary Public. JOHN H. WIGHT. Acont. 14 lO U St. X. W. STATEMENT of the condition of the President and Directors of the IN SURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, ot Philadelphia. Pa., on the 30th day ot June. 1895. as r- 3 u I red by act of Congress approved, uly 29. 1892. Capital stock Capital stock paid up 3,0CO,COO.O0 ASSETS Cash in bank 5479.78G.20 Real estate 355,215.99 Bonds and nioitgages (first lien on real estate) 2,522,302.51 Stocks and bonds (market value) 4,096,241.22 Bills receivable and collat eral loans 71,979.68 Premiums uncollected and la bands ot agents 861,249.66 Interest due and accrued on June 30, 1895 33,843.52 LIABILITIES. Cash capital $3.0CO,COO.OO Reserve premium fund.. 3,690,020.64. Reserve for unpaid losses and claims 339,430.00 Net surplus 1.997.448.45 Statement ot dividends and expenses for six months ending Jine 30. 1895: Dividends 180,000.00 Current expenses and tax.. 892,138.50 CHARLES FLATT. -President. GRENILA E- FRYER. Secretary Subscribed nud sworn to before me this - day of Septemlier. 1895. (Seal) BENJAMLN RUSH. Notary public TYX.EH & mrrnERFORD, Agents. 1307 F St. X. IV. LEGAL. NOTICES. IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. J. Maury Dove vs. John L Davenport. No. 17476. A summons In due form bavins been Issued out of this court to a lawful constable of this District for the sold defendant, and the same having been, by said constable re turned "not to be lound," it is hereby ordered that the raid defendant cause his appearance to be entered herein on or be fore the 15th day of October, A. D. 1898, othorwlf e the cause wul he proceeded wltn as In rase of default. Provided, a ropy of tblcordcr be published In The Washington Times three times, the first of which shall be at least twenty days (exclusive of Sun days and legal Holidays) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's appear ance. The object or this suit is to obtain a Judgment agaiast thedefendant in an action or debt for 5188.48 and interest from 20ta day of March. 1S'J5, aud to have Judgment or condemnation of the goods attached by the constable In this case. Given under my hand and seal this 17tl day or September, A. D. 1895. LEWIS I. O'NEAL. IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DI8 TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal, Esq., a Justice ot Uio Peace. Thomas J. Fisher & Co. vs. John L Davcniwrt. No. 16949. A summons in due form having been issued out of this court to a lawful constable of this District for the said defendant, and the same having been by said constable re turned "not lo be found," it is hereby ordered that the did defendant cause his appearance to be entered berrln on or before the 15th day of October, 1895. at 10 o'clock a- m.. otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case or derault. Pro vided, that a copy ot this order be published three times In .The Washington Tunes at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's' appearance. The objector thissultls to obtain judgment against the defendant in action of debt for two bund red and twenty-fiVedollars($225), and to have judgment of condemnation ot the goods attached by the constable In this cause. Given under ray hand and seal this 17th day of September, 1895. (Seal) LEWIS L O'NEAL, J. P. s18-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal, Esq., a Justice ot the Peace. John S. Walker s John L Davenport. No. 17420. A summons in due form having been issued out of this court to a lawful constable of this District for the said defendant, and the eame liaving been by said constable re turned "not to be found," it is hereby ordered that the said defendant cause his appearance to be entered herein on or berore the 15th day of October. 1695. at 10 o'clock a. ra.. otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of derault. Pro- ided, that a copy of this order be published three times In The Washington Times at least twenty days (exclusiie of Sundays and legal houilajs) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's appearance. The object of thissult Is to obtain judgment against the defendant in action of debt for one hundred and fourteen dollars and sixty seven cents ($114.67) and interest, and to Lave judgment of condemnation of. the goods attached by the constable in this cause. Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of September, 1895. (Seal) LEWIS 1. O'NEAL. J. P. sel8-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal, Esq., a Justice of tho Peace. The Washington Gaslight Company vs. John I. Davenport. No. 17462. A summons in due form having been issued out of this court to a lawful constable ot this District for the said defendant, and the same having been by said constable re turned "not to be found," it- Is hereby ordered tbat the sold defendant causa hli appearance to be entered herein on or (Wore the I5th day ot October. 1895. at 10 o'clock a- m.. otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in cose of default. Pro vided, that a copy of this order be published three times in The Washington Times at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's appearance. Tho object of this suit is to obtain Judgment against the defendant in action of debt for Uilrty-two Collars and ten cents ($32.10). and to have Judgment ot condemnation of tho goods attached by the constable in this cause. Given under my hand and seal this 17ta day of September. 1895. (Seal) LEWIS I. O'NEAL. J. P. se!8-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal, Esq.. a Justice of tlte Peace Alexander P. McElroy vs. John I. Davenport. No. 17437 A summons in due form having been issued out ot this court lo a lawful constable ot this District fur the said defendant, and the same having been by said constable re turned "not to be found," it is hereby ordered that the said defendant cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the 15th day of October, 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m- otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Pro vided, thatacopyofthis order ba published three times in The Washington Times at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundays and legal hollJays) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's appearance. The object of this sjlt Is to obtain judgment against tho defendant In action of debt for thirtv-one dollars ami twenty centst $31.20) and Interest, and to have Judgment of condemnation of the goods attached by the contab!o lu this cause. Given under my hand and seal this 17th day of September, 1895. (Seal) .LEWIS I. O'NEAL. J. P. 6el8-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal. Esq., a Justice ot the Peace. William M. Gait k Co. vs John L Davenport. No. 17433. A summons in. due form having been issued out of this court to a lawful constable ot 111 is District lor tho said defendant, and the crime Laving been by said Co rut able re turivd "not to lie found." it Is hereby ordered that the said defendant cause hisipiarance to be entered herein on or before 15th day of October, 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m., otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as iu case of default. Pro- Hied, that a copy of this order be published three times In Tho WaMimgtnn Times at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundays and legal Holidays) berore the day fixed herein for the defendant's appearance. The object of this suit Is to obtain Judgment against the defendant in action of debt for rorty-tltree dollars and sixty-one cents ($43.61) with interest, and to Judg ment of condemnation of tliegoodsattached by the constable in this cause. Given under my I: and and seal tills 17tb dar of September, 1890. (Seal) LEWIS I. O'NEAL. J. P. sel8-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis L O'Neal, Esq., a Justice of the Peace. Thomas J. Pisber & Co. vs. John I. Davcujiort. No. 17396. A summons in due form having been Issued out of this court to a lawral unstable of this District for thc'sald defendant, and tho same Laving been by said constubie re turned "not to be found," it is Uereby ordered that the eaid defendant cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the 15th day of October, 1895at 10 o'clock a. m., otherwise the cause will le proceeded with as in case of default. Pro vided, that a copy of this order be published three times in The Washington Times at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundajs and legal holidays) before the day fixed herein ror" the defendant's appearance. Tho object of this suit is to obtain Judgment against tho defendant in action of debt for two hundred and twcnty-Ilvedollarst 5225), and to have Judgment ot condemnation of. the goods attached by the constable hi this cause. (!lcn under my hand ami seal tbls 17th day of September. 1895. (Seal) LEWIS I. O'NEAL. J. P. sel8-3t IN JUSTICE'S COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. Before Lewis I. O'Neal, Esq., a Justice ot the Peace. Joseph R- Qulnter ve. John I. Davenport. No. 17429. A summons in due Torni having been issued out or this court to a lawful constable or this District for tho said defendant, and the same having been by eaid constable re turned "not to "be found," it is hereby ordered that .the said defendant cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the IStbday ot October, 1693. at 10 o'clock a. m., otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Pro vided, that a copr of thisordcr be published three times in The Washington Times at least twenty days (exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays) before the day fixed herein for the defendant's appearance. The objectof thissult is to obtain Judgment against the defendant In action of debt for ninety dollars Tind ninetyone cents ($90.91)wuh interest, and to have Judg ment of condemnation of the goodsattacbed by the constable in this cause. Given under my hand and real this 17t day ot September. 1895. (Seal) LEWIS. I. O'NEAL. J. P. solS3t - &1 x. .-M;sa -'?:- -ja&g- fejh- yjVEa&5gr .g JS-wc . .., WS.W85&32i sA-s frvsJ: yjw-s