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-WS-SC" -" ."r-V" ue; r '?. - THE MOHOTNO TIMES, TVrEDNESDA"F,' SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. Policemen, Firemen, Con ductors, Gripmen, and all who wear Navy Blue Suits should see this "Water proof" Blue Cloth. Sheds water like rubber, and wears like iron yet looksas dressy as an)r blue cloth made. Suits to order S12, up. Parker, Bridget & Go,, 315 7th St. I The Place J To Learn Cycling. t Fi.lH ,7i"? an.d c iwt streets, a Ttao grounds of the old Van Ness a mansion. Smooth track, plenty Y f of room, privacy and clover In- W etructors make learning to rldo y quite a simplo matter. Dress- Y Ins room for ladies. A S-00 A I "guarantoo" ticket Is all it costs Y to learn thoroughly. This feols y A refunded If a now wheel is A V bouiht from us within a year. ' t J District Cycle Co., J T "Columbia" and "Hartford" Agents, I 452 Penn. Ave. J. n ART nltlTT.UN. Manager. T Ride a "CRESCENT." Over IOO.OOO wheelmen In this country do It. They've found "Crescents" best of all- S40 to S90 buys one. Costs nothing to see them- Come any time. Western Wheel Works, Washington Branch, Cor. Ninth and II Sts. Harry S. Jones, Manager. J YOU have often thought of buying- a bicycle. Have 3'ou seen the SYRACUSE. 4 4 That will decide it. M forV ta WMttLntiN. 90S N. Y. Ave. N. W. "CRIMbON HIMb,"are everywhere. &-4 "49 35: -09 -s9S NO SIDE HACEA. Iwilin, However, Will Glndly Re niU the Cup Series. Philadelphia, Sept. 17. A. J. Drcxcl, of this city, to-day received a letter from C Oliver Iselin, of New York, in response to a proffer made a few days ago by Mr. Drexcl and J. It. Fell of a purse of 310,000 or a cup of that valJe for a race between the Defender and Valkyrie on any .course between Sandy Hook ard Marblehcad and under the rules of the New York Yacht Club Mr Iselin declines to accept the propo sition Mr Drexcl declined to give out for publication the entire text of Mr. isclin's letter, but stated that the following passage sufficiently indicates its tenor: 'Although appreciating your generous offer, our syndicate feel obliged, under existing circumstances, to decline any race with Valkyrie except America's cup races. These they have offered to resail at any place, any lime, and under any con ditions agreeable to Lord Dunraven." ARGUING PRIZE FIGHT LAWS. Judge Hurt Will Decide the Dallas Cum? on Thursday. Dallas, Tex., Sept. 17. Chief Justice Hurt's court was crowded in sardine fash Ion again to-day to hear the arguments of the lawyers in the prize fight habeas corpus case. Judge Hurt yesterday afternoon asked Attorney General Crane to give his views on certain cloudy features of the Texas statutes, ne came in loaded with argu ment this morning and talked from 0 o'clock until the court adjourned at noon. Col. W. L. Crawford speaks this after noon. Judge Hurt may not be able to render his decision before Thursday or Friday. FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN. Duxbury Loners, the TrnnCont 1- iientnl Dleyclo Record. Frovidence, R. I., Sept. 17. Merton Duxbury, who started from the city hall. Providence, April 2, to ridetoSanFranclsco, returned at 2 o'clock this morning, having reduced the trans-continental record from fifty-nine days and eleven hours to forty eiglit days and eighteen hours. Duxbury Is the first wheelman to make the Journey from coast to coast and return and tlio only one to ever cross the great American desert, a feat attempted by Thomas Stevens several years ago. Bow about that printing you want done? No faostlou about the quality of my work and the prices well they aro "astonlshcra. Fact? A trial will convince you. HARRY PARK PRINTER. f m f j 920 F St, FLAT, STALE, AND -LOST Game Between Senators and Brooklyns Most Uninteresting. STEIN FULL Of EEVENGE The Homo Team Were Unable to Get In hie IHk Curei Ilrldejirooms Knocked Anderson Out ot the llor In the Second Inning Gilroy Only Let Them Get Two lilts. dimes Yesterday. Brooklyn, 12; Washington, B. Chicago, 10; Pittsburg, 7. Second game Chicago. 7; Pittsburg, 1. Kiltiiuore, 6; Boston, C. Second game Button, 5; Baltimore, 2. Cleveland. 7; CinUnnati, 0. New York. 8; Philadelphia, 7. Louisville, G; St. Louis, 0. Games To-duy. Philadelphia at New York. Baltimore at Boston. Brooklju at Washington. Chicago at Pittsburg. Cincinnati at Cleveland. St. Louis at Louisville. STANDING OP THE CLTJB9. Clalui. ; L. r.c. Balti'ow. 79 40 .664 Cleveland 45 .637 Phila., 7448.607 Brooklyn, 67 55 .549 Chicago, 6755.549 Boston, 6456.533 Pittsburg, 65 58 .532 NewYork, 64 57 .529 Cinch., 60 57.513 Wash., 38 79.325 St.Loflisr3683.303 LoMle.31 90 .256 Inability to hit Eddie Stein wasthecaus of the Senators' downfall yesterday after noon. Foutz remembered the iHiundlng his dark-haired twirler received on last Fri day, and gave him a chance to redeem him self. Eddie took advantage of the oppor tunity and bad the satisfaction of knowing that he was able to defeat the Senatorial aggregation for once. The game was slow, dull and uninteresting, and very few of the fifteen hundred spectators were sorry when it was over. Varney Anderson started in to pitch for the locals, and the way the Bridegrooms sized up his carves was a revela tlon. Every man who came to the bat seemed to have no difficulty in finding his delivery, and the hits came so fast and furious that Schmelz found-it -necessary to replace him with Gilroy after the second Inning. TIDE WAS STEMMED. Tho Washington twirler succeeded In stemming the tide and the boys from the City ot Churches only succeeded in scor ing three runs after he took his place in the box. Selbach led in the batting for the home team and made two timely triples. The Brooklyns played a fast game in the field. Corcoran e-pecially distinguished himself, will succeed in onco more throwing them down. Brown went out at first. Jojce fouled out. Abbey hit for a single and stolu sec ond. McGulrc bit past second, scoring Ab bey. McGuire took third on a passed ball. Selbach went out at first- One run. Griffin hit for two bases. Shlndle hit, a safe one into left field, scoring, Griffin. Corcoran bit past short. LaCliancc lilt for two bases. Brown took careof Anderson's fly, Corcoran scoring on the play. Daly made a hit, scoring LaChance. Daly went out trying to steal second. Foutz closed the inning by filing oat to Selbach. Four runs. v OUT AT FIRST. Cartwright, the first man up in the sec ond for the Senators, hit to LaChance and went out at first. Crooks bit for a single. Molesworth hit for three bases, scoring Crooks, but went out at the rubber at tempting to stretch his hit for four bases. Anderson went out at first. One run. Grim hit for a single. Stein hit for two bases, and both scored on Griffin's two bagger. Shindle hit past short, scoring Griffin. Corcoran hit to Molesworth, who threw Shindle out at second. LaChance bit for four bases, scoring Corcoran ahead ot him. Daly hit for & single. Foutz lilt to Anderson, and was out at first. Five The Senators meet the Brooklyns again to-day, and it is to be hoped that they runs. Griffin took care of Brown's fly. Joyce went out at first. Abbey took a constitu tional. McGulrc went out on a fly to Griffin. Grim went out on a fly to Albcy. Stein out. Crooks to Cartwright. Griffin bit to Molesworth, and went out at first. Selbach lilt for three bases. Corcoran made a great one-hand stop of Cartwnght's grounder and threw the runner out at first. Crooks flew out to Daly. Moles worth struck out. No runs. Shindle hit for three bases. Anderson went out, Molesworth to Cartwright. La Chance walked. Anderson went out on a fly to Selbach. Daly went out at first. One run. HIT FOR TWO BASES. Gilroy went out, Daly to La Chance. Brown bit for two baEes. Joyce hit a nfe one, scoring Brown. Abbey bit to Corcoran, wbo completed a double play, retiring the side with one run. Foutz vcnt out on a foul to Cartwright. Daly went out at first. Stein out, Crooks to Cartwright. i McGuiro went out at first. Selbach hit for Uiree bases. Cartwright went out at "jrst, 6coring Selbach. Crooks went out at first. One. run. Griffin walked. him a base. Corcoran hit to Crooks, who seemed to be asleep, and the runner took first. LaChance took a walk, scoring Griffin. Anderson went out at first, Shindle scoring on Uie play. Daly wentoutatfirst. Two runs. McGuiro went out on a fly to Griffin. Gilroy struck out. Bro wn went out on a fly to Shindle. No runs. Foutz out, Gilroy to Cartwright. Daly hit for a signle. Stein went out on a fly to short. Griffin closed the Inning by flying out. No runs. Scrappy Bill hit for two bases. Abbey kicked. McGuire went out et first, Joyce $3$3$3$3$3 $3$3$3$3 3$3$3$ 3 For Men Only. For $3.00. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Men's Hand-sewed Shoes, tho product of tho foremost men's shoemakers. We have them In Patent Leather, Calf, Kangaroo and Enamel; In Laco and Congress, with all styles of toe. Our double soled Enamel and Russet Shoos are the "cor rect thing" for Fall and Winter wear. Better set them now. For $1.98. ., - m ., 3 A lot of Men's Hand-sewed 3 Shoes In Lace and Congress, 3 nearly all the sizes and toes, n 5 Shoes that sold for S2.5Q tr "3 S4.QO. 5 3 SHOE SHOPs Take a look at thorn. ? THE 3 434 9th St. N. W. 3 3 Coolest place In town. 3 $3 $3$3 $3$3$3 $3$3$3$3 $3$3 scoring on the play. Selbach went out on a fly to Griffin. Out-run. Washington. AB. R. II. FO.A.E. Brown, et .. ..).... 4 1 1 1 1 1 Joyce, 3b .... 4 1 2 0 0 1 Abbey, rf 3 1110 0 McGuire, c 4 0 1 1 2 0 Selbach. It 4 12 2 0 0 Cartwnclit, lb 3 0 0 0 2 0 Crooki, 2h 3 113 3 1 Demont, ss 3 O 1 3 3 1 Anderson.p 10 0 0 10 Gilroy, p 2 0 0 110 Total .. .. Brooklyn: Griffin, cf .. .. Shindle, 3h .. . Corcoran, 83 .. . LaChanei lb.. Anderson, If .. Daly, 2b .. .. Foutz, rf .. .. Grim, c .. .. Dai ley, c .. .. Stein, p .. .. .31 D 0 21 13 4 ROYAL All. R. II. POA..E. .432410 .332120 .421220 2 2 2 11 II O .400000 .402100 .400000 .211200 .201210 .411020 Total 33 12 12 2113 0 Washington. ...1 10 0 1 10 15 Broaklyn .. ..4 D 0 1 0 2 0 x 12 Earned runs Washington 1, Brooklyn 8. First base by errors Brooklyn 2. Left on bases Washington 3, Brooklyn 4. First base on balls Off Gilroy 3, ort Stein 1. Struck out lly Stein 3. Home run La Chance. Three bjfe hits Selbach 2. De mont, Shindle. Two-base hits Brown, Jojce, Griffin. Stolen base Abbey. Double plays Corcotan and ijChance. Hit by pitcher By Gllrov 1. Wild pitch Stein. Umpire Keefe. Tim. 1:15. CHICAGO TOOK BOTH. Hud Iltinw to Spare In the Game With lMttKburc. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 17. Pituburg lost both games through errors and iMir pitch ing. In both games Hawley wns In the box when five runs nere made. Attend ance, 2,000. Score: FIRST GAME. Pittsburg: AB. R. II. PO.A.E Donovan, rf 5 2 3 10 0 Merritt. c 4 3 12 11 Becklcy, lb C 1 4 8 1 2 Stenzel. cf 0 O 2 C O O 4 0 0 10 0 Corcoran, ss 4 0 0 12 1 Stuart, 2b 4 0 0 4 2 1 Cllnginan, 3b 4 114 11 Foreman, p 2 0 O 0 C 1 Gardner, p 10 10 0 0 Hawley, p 0 0 0 0 2 0 Moran, p 10 0 0 0 0 Total' 39 7 12 27 15 7 Chicago. AB. It. II. PO.A.TJ. Everett, 2b G 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 O 0 O Lange, cf r, 1 2 3 O 1 Anson, lb 2 2 lit 0 0 Daliien. ss 3 0 0 13 1 Ryan, rf 4 0 1 O 0 0 Truby. 2b 3 10 2 4 1 Kittredge, c 4 0 0 4 10 Griffith,!) 4 2 10 10 Totals 3110 7 27 13 4 Pittsburg ..1100102027 Chicago.. ..00100125 110 Earned runs Fittsburg, 4. Trf-o base hits Beckley, Stcnzcl. Three liase hits Becklcy. 2. Sacrifice hits Decker, An son, Rtan. Kittredge. Stolen bats Don ovan, 2; Merritt, Smith, Gardner, Truby. Bases on tails Merritt. Smith. Decker, Anon, 2; Dahlen. Truby. Griffith. Hit bv pitched ball Dahlen, Truby. Stnick out Stcnzcl, 2; Smith. Everett, 2; Kit tredge. Passed balls Merritt, Kittredge. Tune 2.30. Umpire Emslle. SECOND GAME. Fittsburg: - AB. R. IT. PO A.E Donovan, rr 2 1 1 0 0 0 Merritt. c 4 0 O G 3 0 Becklcy, lb 4 0 2 0 0 0 Stcnzel, cf. 4 0 1110 Smith, If 3 0 0 5 0 0 Corcoran, ss 4 0 0 3 3 0 Stuart, 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cross, 2b 10 0 2 0 0 Cllnginan, 3b 3 o O 1 5 1 Moran, p 2 0 0 0 10 Totals 30 1 4 27-14 1 Chicago. AB. R.H. rO.A.E. Everett. 3b 5 2 2 10 0 Decker, If 4 1 1 10 0 Lange, cf 5 2 3 10 0 Anson, lb 3 0 111 0 0 Daliien, ss 4 0 14 2 0 Ryan, rf 2 0 O 1 O 0 Griffith, rf 1 0 1 10 0 Truby, 2b 2 10 3 7 0 Donohue. c 3 114 0 0 Terry, p 3 0 0 0 10 Totals 32 7 10 27 10 0 Pittsburg 0 100000001 Chicago 1001500007 Earned runs Pittsburg, 1; Chicago, C. Two basehils Douovanand Lange. Home run Lange. Sacrifice hits Decker and Terry. Stolen bases Everett. Decker, and Lange. Double play Decker and Anson. Bases on balls Smith, Anson, Ryan, Tmby, and Donohue. Hit by pitched ball Truby. Struck out Corcoran. Everett, Decker, Donohue, and Terry. Wild pitches Moran, 2. Umpire Emslie. Time 2 hours. DIVIDED THE HONOHS. Baltimore and Boston Eneli Took a Garni' In Ileantown. Boston, Sept. 17. 1 lie Boston and Balti more teams battled for nearly four hours this afternoon, dividing honors at the close of the play. The first game was close, and 8,000 people were kept in suspense "until tho last man was out. Both Clarkson and Sullivan were effective, but Boston would have won had it not been for an inexcura blo error by Harrington and other ln ficlders, which let in nins when the side should have been retired. The home team found McMahon with little difficulty, and was able to bunch hits at tho right time. The Fecond game was called at the end ot Baltimore's half of the fifth. At the conclusion of tho first game Manager Han Ion's admirers presented him with a per ambulator and flowers. The scores: Baltimore AB R. H.PO.A.E. Gleason, 2b 3 2 1 2 3 1 Keeler, rf '....512300 Jennings, ss 4 0 2 4 5 0 Kclley, If 3 12 2 0 0 Brodie, cf 5 1 3 1 0 0 Reitz. 3b 5 0 0 110 Carey, lb 4 0 1 10 0 O Clarke, o 4 0 0 4 10 Clarkson, p 4 1 0 0 4 1 Totals 37 6 11 27 14 2 Boston. AB. R. II. PO.A. E. Banuon. rf 4 2 3 4 0 0 Long, ss 3 0 2 4 4 1 Duffy, cf 5 0 2 0 0 0 McCarthy.K 4 0 0 0 0 0 Nash, 3b 3 0 0 2 4 1 Tucker, lb 4 0 1 10 0 0 Harrington, 2b 4 10 5 4 1 Tcnney. c 3 2 12 2 0 SuUivan, p 4 0 0 0 5 1 Totals 34 5 0 27 19 4 Baltimore 3 0 110 10 0 06 Boston 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 05 Earned runs Boston, 3. Two-bne hits Bannon, Tcnney. Brodie. Stolen bases Ihifly, Brodie First base on balls Long 2, McCarthy, Nash 2, Tucker, Ten ner, Gleason 2, Kelley. Btruck out ' Cra! ft-Barding, Cor. 13th and Ffais House -Furnishiislc! n '.This is a far better Up holstery Department than it ever was, or than half of you think ! Curtains of ever' kind; Tapestriea and Furni ture Coverings "Window Shades, &c Just two items to-day: i i 100 pairs Ndttlnstham'tace Curtains, K-yard3 long, GU In. wldo, imitation of real laco patterns, worth. $3 pair, only , S1.50 21-inch Colored Cotlon- Velours for cur tains, covers, Ac , Tarious shades. Only 4..20C YD. CRAIG & HARDING, Cor. I3,th and F Sts. Duffy 2. ClarkFon. Passed ball Tenncy. Time, 2:40. Umpire Murray. BECOND GAME. Boston. AB. It. II. FO.A. E. Bnnnon, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Long, ss 3 110 11 Dufrv. cf 2 l l i on McCarthy.lf 10 0 3 0 0 Nisli,3b 1 2 1 0 O 0 Tucker, lb 1 1 1 4 0 0 Harrington! 2b '10 0 11 '0 Ganzcl, c 2 0 1 5 0 0 Nichols, p '2-0 0 0 0 0 Totals Baltimore Gleason, 2b.. .. Keeler, rf Jennings, ss.. .. Kelley If Brodie. cf Ki.liz.3h Carey, lb Itobljnson, c. .. McMahon, p.. .. . 1G 5 5 15 2 1 AB It. H.PO.A.E. -2002 0 0 -311000 ..210020 .. 3-0 1 1 O 0 ..302 2 O 0 ..313110 ..301500 ..-'-2 0 0 10 0 ..2000 3"T Totals 23 3 812 G 0 Boston 0 2 3 0 x-n Baltimore '1 1' 0 o 13 Earned runs Boston, 1; Baltimore, 1. Two lose hits Tucker and Carey. First base on balls Nash, Tucker, and Glea son. Struck out Nichols, Carey 2, and McMnlion. Time 1:10. Umpire Mur ray? Attendance 8,000. - " ' THE IIHOWNS SHUT OUT. 31cCrenryDldGrtiit Work for Colonels in the Box. Louisville, Sept. 17. McCreary pltthed bis first full game of theseason to-ckiy, and not a Brown Stocking reached third base until the ninth inning, when two bases on balls and an out at first put a man on third. A one-handed catcii of a line hit by O'Brien was the feature. Attendance, 500. Score: , Loulvrllle. , AB. R. H.PO.A.E. O'Brien, 2b '. .. 5 1 2 5 G 0 Holmes, rf 5.0 0 0 0 0 .. 3 1 1 2 0 0 McGann, 3b 4 1 2 O 4 0 Hasamer, lb 4 119 10 Shugart, ss 3- O O 3 6 0 Warner, c 2 0 O 4 2 O Gettinger, cf 4 0 2 3 0 0 McCreary, p.. -. -4' 1112 0 Totals "34. 5 9 27 21 0 St. Louis. 'AB. R. H.PO.A.E: Breitensteiu.ct.. ..f.. 4 0 12 0 0 Cooler, If , 4. O 1 4 0 1 Ouinn. 2b .-"300 14 1 i Connor, lb ...... 3 0 0 13 10 Miller, ss .. ..... ..,.,, 3 1 0 0 Sheehan, rf .?...' 4 0 1 1 0 0 Samuels. 3D a u u o v Otten, c ,, ... 3..0 0 5 1 0 McDougal, p '.'.;.. J2'0 0 13 0 Totals ?9,0 "4 27 is" 2 Louisville 0'2 0 0 1 6 2 0 05 St. Louis O'O 00 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs LouliVlllc. B. First base on errors Louisville, 1. Left on bases Louisville, 7; St. Louis, G. First base on balls Off McCreary. 5;' off McDougal, 3. Struck out By Mct'rearr, -z by McDougal, 1. Two-base hit Clarke, fcacrifico hits Clarke, Warner. Stolen bases Holmes, Clarke. 2; Gettinger, Samuels. Double play Hassamer, Shugart and McCreary. Wild pi tcli McCreary. Umpire, McDonald. Time, 2:3G. HEPEATED THE SHUT OUT. Youna Wns Imlnelble and tho Heds Failed to Score. Cleveland, O., Sept. 17. A'onng proved Invincible to the Reds to-day, anil the shut out of yesterday was repealed by exactly the same score. Attendanec.3,000. Score: Cleveland. AB.K. H.PO.A.E. Burkett.lf 5 12 4 0 0 5 0 12 2 0 Childs,2b 2 10 2 2 0 2 1 1 t 0 0 4 12 5 0 0 McGarr.3b 3 0 0 2 0 0 G.Tebeau.rf 3 10 10 0 Zimmer.c 4 113 0 0 l'oung.p 3 12 0 10 Totals Cincinnati. Burke. If McPhee.2b Miller, rf Smith, ss Latham, 3b .Vaughn, c Foreman, p 31 7 0 27 5 0 AB. R. II.PO.A. E. 4 0 0 0 0 0 .400310 ,400221 3 0 0 10 1 0 3 0 0 110 3 0 0 1 -3-0 .301151 ,201500 3 0 112 1 Totals 29 0 3 24 15 3 Cleveland 00012013 x 7 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 First base by errors Cleveland, 2. Left on bases Cleveland. 7; Cincinnati, 3. First base on balls Olf Foreman, 5. Struck out lly i'oung,2;by Foreman, 4. Three base hit Two base tilts O. Tebeau, Zlmmer. Sacrifice hits McAleer, Vaughn. Stolen bases O. Tebeau. Double plays -Ewlng, Foreman; Hoy, Mcl'hee. Hit by pitcher McAleer. - Passed balls Vaughn. Umpire O'Day. Time 1:50. FAILED TO HUNCH. Quakers Lo-t to the Glunts by One Small Huh. New York, Sept. 17. The Quakers made as many hits as the Giants to-day and fielded belter, but failed to win, became the hits did not come when they were most needed. Rusie sent eight men to bases on Lalls. Nevertheless ho had good control of the ball when the Phillies had men on bases. Score: New York AB. R. H.PO.A.E 4 113 10 Tiermn.rf 5 3 4 10 0 VaiiHaltreu.ct 5 2 2 4 0 0 DavU, 2b 4 0 3 4 6 2 Stafford. If 3 10 10 0 Doyle, lb 4 117 10 German,3b 3 0 1110 Wilson, c 3 0 0 5 2 0 Ruslc, p 4 0 0 10 0 Totals 35 8 12 27 11 2 Philadelphia. AB. R. H.PO.A.E. .".... G 2 2 1 0 0 Delehanty.lf 12 110 0 Cross, 3b 6 0 2 3 0 0 Thompson, rf 3 0 0 2 10 5 2 2 2 2 0 Clemnts.e 5 0 3 2 0 0 Ilallman, 2b 5 10 110 Boyle, lb 3 0 1 12 0 0 Tajlor.p 5-01041 Totals 38 7 12 24 8 1 NewYork.. 0 22 "0 2200 X 8 Ph'ladclplila' 10000212 17 Earned runs New York. G; Philadel- Iilila, 4. Left ou bases New York, ; hiladclphia. 12. Bases on balls Oft Ruslc, 8; off Taylor, 3. 'Struck out By RuMc 8; by Taj lor, 2. Three-base hit Hamilton. Tmi-tiacj hits Cross, Sulli van. Talor, Van Haltren, and Dojle. Stolen base Uallniau. Hit by pitched hall Stafford. Umpire. Hurst. Time, 2.09. Attendance. 1.2C0. Baltimore Firm Aisslcriw. Baltimore, Sept. 17. The Horner Mil ler Manufacturing Company, large pro duccrs ot straw goods, with headquarters at 210 North Liberty, street, made an as signment tlilsafternoon. The assets are estimated at $35,000 and the liabilities about $50,000, HRE WOH WITH USE Mighty Racer Had the First Special From the Start. DOMINO WAS VEfiY WOERIED Waiting; Tnetic-sMndellhiiErraticnnd He Wa Ileuteii at the Sturt Clif ford WroMed l'lucd From Sir Wal ter by a Superb Ef furt at theFinlli. - Time Wn 2:00. Dravetcnd, Sept 17. The fall meeting of the Brooklyn Jockey Club began under most fav urabli: circumstances to day. The air was soft and balmy and it was a typical September day. The track was in perfict Ehape for the battle of the giants of the turf. A large crowd took advantage of the weather to see the brilliant programme run off. There was at least 7,0C0 persons present. The attraction was the first special, an allowance event for all agtd hortes, at a mile and a quarter. It drew together ten of the best horses, including the mighty Henry of Navarre, the flyirg black colt -Domino, and the great but erratic Key el anta Anila. In addition Clifford and Sir Walter were thrown In at weights that gave tbcm more than a fightingcliance. When three events had been disposed of the candidates for the first special ap peared. After several false breaks, for which Clifford was to blame, they finally got away in good order. SIR WALTER A8 TASKMASTER. Sir Walter at once took up the role of taskmaster. Taral pursued different tac tics with Domino to-day. Ho endeavored to make a waiting race of It, and kept him in the rear of Clifford. They passed the grand stand the first time with Sir Walter a length and a half before Rey EI Santa Vnlla, who was lapped to the withers by "Henry of Navarre, who was clear of Clif- 1 ford and Domino. This order was maintained to the far "turn. A general closing up began as they negotiated Uie turn, and all but Clifford moved up to Sir Walter. They swung Into he home strctclf, with Sir Walter a neck lothegoodof ReyElSautaAnltaandllenry of Navarre. Domino, as usual, did cot relish waiting tactics. Jle was beaten before the home stretch was reached, and hegaveup the struggle as Konnas they wereheaded for home. Griffin txik matters very calmly with Henry of Navarre. He gradually wore down Sir Walter's lead, and finally -non with com pa rathe ease by a length. CLIFFORD GOT PLACE. Clifford, who came with a superb rush In the. final furlong, wrested the place from Sir Walter by a neck. Sir Walter tired badly. Rey del Santa Anita was a bad fourth, and Domino was eased up In Ibo last half furlong. The time, 2.09, was not sensational. The other big event na the pnigramme to-day was the race for the Holly Handi cap, of the value of $2,000, and it did not result in a triumph for the talent. It was won easily by Een Brush, who was third in demand in the ring. Margrave, the favorite, finished second and Cres cendo third. The Western contingent were heavy winners by Ben Brush's victory. Entries ut Brighton. First race Five eighths of a mile. Sell ing. Threc-ycar-olds and upward. Fran ciscan, 133; Tom Harding, Craflless, and Marengo, 110 each; Eclipse and Old Do minion, 107 each; Halfling, 101; Richards and Long Dock, 98 each; Will Elliott, Bal linsloe, Ettarre, and Edna May, 93 each; Cuckoo and Austin, 92 each; Whctlock, Fannie B , and Campanl, 0 each, and Fhllomena, 101. Second race Five eighths of a mile. Maiden two-year-olds. King Hero, On sign, Balmaghie, and Sir Arlington, 108 each, and Body Guard, La Petite, Exilona, Moses, Sir Carlctou, Lasalle. Princes Jean, Artine, Predicament, M. D. It., and Glenoli, 105 each. Third race One and ore-sixteenth miles. Selling. Three-year-olds. Jack the Jew, 106, and Tom Moore, Babe Murphy, KIIII rhoe, and Juanita, 100-cacb. ' Fourth race One mile; selling; three 3 ear-olds and upward. Roller, 108; Marshall, Captain T., and Best Brand, 102 each; Pauway and Little Tom, 99 each, and Arapahoe, 105. Fifth race Three-quarters of 'a mile; selling; two-year-olds. Imperial, 108; King T. and Brisk, 107 each; La Yienta, Dulcle, and Tarondie, 105 each; Yankee Doodle, 104; Whlppauy, 103; Article and Montezuma, 101 each; Wlllman, ICO; Sky Blue, 98; Tonioka and Laura Davis, 97 each; Rebea, 9G; Helen H. II, 102, and Prince Lief, 106. Sixth race One mile; three-year-olds and upward. Carry, Long Bridge, and Harry Alouzo, 110 each; nnd Baroness, Clarus, Lady Adams. Florinda, Milan, and Arapa hoe, 107 each. Sportlnjj Notc-j. Yesterday's was Baltimore-) ninth straight win for the year from Boston. McCarthy, of the Boston team, has an nounced that he will play no more ball after this season. Clements and Thompson aresaidtobelhe only old men on the Philadelphia" team who are playing up to the'.-.stasdard. There is talk of having special trains run between this city and Baltimore when the cup games aro played in that city. Collins, on receiving President Young's notice that he belonged to Boston and that he must play no more ball with Louisville, swore he would quit the business. The Baltimore people are afraid that their hall grounds will not be big enough to hold the crowds that will want to see the Temple Cup games plaj ed in that city. Only 3,500 people turned out to see the Cle eland Cincinnati game j esterday. At this stage of the proceedings, with the Spi ders hard on the heels of the top club, this looks like small interest. It is said that there will be a shaking up in tho Philadelphia team next Eeason, and there is every reason to believe that a num ber of o jEgftcrs will supplant some of the veterans now making frantic efforts to hold their end up. Brooklyn claims to have morerace tracks than any other city In the world. W. J. Spiers, who owns the great short distance horse, O'Cocnell, is said to be willing to mach him against any horse in the world at any length, from four to seven furlongs. Guy, the famous pacing horse, that a couple of years ago made it warm for Mascot and all the rest ot the top notchers, is now doing country (airs, in the West, and is getting beaten about as often as be wins. Catcher McGuire, of the Warhington team, goes in day In and day odt and does uniformly good work, cays a Philadelphia paper, ne has so far caught in oer 100 championship games, has to handleall kinds of pitching, and docs It with a willingness and cheerfulness as when, as the receiving end of Cacey and -McGuire, be was such a favorite in Philadelphia. Have you rooms to rent? A Times Want "Ad" will fill tliem promptly. ELDOM you'll see a 'man who can judge qual ity -in a Derby lots of them don't even know just what the styles are. They rely on the dealer. If you're one of these men come here your confidence won't be misplaced. A bettor Derby than our 8l cno Isn't mado and there's no fiW Derby in town like ours. Soft Hats .tl.50 to t-3. For Children's Clothing we lead. Were giving a lot of attention to School clothes now. When j'ou're looking for a school suit for your boj-, see that S2 Black Cheviot Double-breasted suit of ours. Loeb & Hirsh, The Clothiers. Shtrtraakors. Outfitter). 910-912 FSiN.W. THE FATHER OF PUGILISM. Johnllroughton WiixtheOriulnatorof the Manly Art of SelfDefenMj. John Broughton, whostood 5f eet 1 1 inches and who weighed fourteen stone, has been termed the "Father of theTruly English Art of Eelf-Defcnse." He was champion from 1740 to 1750, and he was the first to draw up any definite rules for the regulation of the prize fight. Ills most distinguished patron was the distinguished Duke of Cumberland, ot the blood royal, who is said to ha vegonedlrectfroniBrocghtou's boxing booth to Culloden and to have gone directly to Broughton's on his return from his own great butchering expedition. It is recorded that the duke once took the pugilist to the continent and asked bis opinion of the Grenadier Guards at Ber lin; and that the champion expressed his readiness to fight the whole regiment, one by one. If he were allowed to eat a breakfast before each battle. Broughton teems to have been a man of a good deal of common sense, and to have fought with his brains as well as with his fists. He was unfortu nate, because too sangulncjn an cncoumitcr with one Jack Slack, however, and he lo't his popularity and bis prestige at one" fell swoop between the eyes. The npble. and right royal duke was his financial lacker on this occasion, and be is reported to have Jeered at the fallen champion, whoe defeat cost bis royal highness 10,000 guinea's. At Brougbton's amphitheater for boxing, otherwise called the "Tottenham Court Nursery," the pugilistic encounters took place upon an uncovered platform in a yard open to the public- street. An adver tisement of this establishment given in full In old and New London Is worth quoting here in part: "A lecture on manhood or gymnastic physiology, wherein the whole theory and practice of the art of boxing will be fully explained by various operations on the animal economy and the principles ot cbampionism, illustrated by pniper experi ments ou the solids and fluids of the body, together with the true method of investi gating the nature of the blows, stops, cross buttocks, eta, Incident to combatants. The whole leading to the most successful method of beating a man deaf, dumb, lame and blind." A foot-note states that "the syllabus or compendium, for the use of students In athletics, run lie bad of Professor Broughton in Market lane, where proper instructions in the-art and practice of IxixiLg are delivered, without the loss of eye or limb to the student." Peter Cunningham preserves the folio wing extract from the London Dally Advertiserof December 11, 1745: "At Proughton's amphitheater this day will be a tremendous decison of manhood between the celebrated champions, James and Smallwood. Note, as tliis contest Is likely to be rendered hor rible with blood and bruises, all Frenchmen are desired to come fortified with a proper quantity of harthorn." The price of generaladmissionis not given, butnoblemen and gentlemen were told that they could obtain tickets for five shillings, "which would admit tbcm into a part ot the bouse appropriated for their better accommoda tion." Broughton died In 1789, "eminently re spected," and in his eighty-fifth year. To-lny' Entries at St. Asaph. . First race Three-year-olds and np; ecII- ing; five-eighths of a mile. Ind. Horse. Wt. Ind Horse. Wt. 455 May D 114 542 Sharon 106 tG5DutcbLady.ll4 429 S. Queen .... 99 459 Pope 112 411 D.ofGlouc... 99 458 Criterion ...109 3G9 Stanley M. 93 455 Dorcas L. ...108 Second race Three-year-olds and up; selling; five eighths of a mile. Ind. Horse. Wt- Ind. Hortc, Wt. 511 Mar. II 119 4G3Ncruo. 109 465 Senator 114 404 Courtney 109 338 Tioga. .... 109 4G4 LndyMay... 99 463 LadyLister 109 45S Zamacraw 99 Third race Three-year-olds and up; sell ing; six and one-half furlongs. Ind. nortc. Wt. Ind. norre. Wt. 4G1)M Lovell ..111 (455)Camalile .. 99 461 Tnbute . ...101 470 Flakewood. 90 462 Rena'nce ..100 Tourtb race Three-year olds; selling; fourand one-half furlongs. Ind. norsc. Wt. Ind. norsc. Wt. (B36)Countess ..119 547 JoyeuEC ....119 457 Tanglef't ..119 331 Savant. ..-119 (459)Syde 119 42.r Somage 119 449 Chink 119 537 0'IIcarn....ll9 S61 Cashmere ..119 460 VelvetRose.119 Fifth race All ages; ore half mile. Ind. Horse. Wt. Ind. Horte. Wt. 445 J. Lovell ...112 J.McGT'gIe.112 531 Morrlsrey . 112 534 Eclipse Jr..ll2 457)rrankD....112 468 II. Warren..ll2 Sixth race Three-year-olds and up; tell ing; seven eighths of a mile. Ind. norse. Wt. Ind. norse. Wt. 469 G. Forest...llO 469 Sclab 107 313 L.Bravo 110 467 Red Jim. 107 534 Eonda 110 462 J. James ...107 525 Cheddar. ...107 Refers to Alexander Island scries. Selections. First race Dutch Lady, Dorcas L , and Silver Queen. Second race Marguerite II, Senator, and Tioga. Third race Marie Lovell, Tribute, and Carnalite. Fourth race Joycuse, Sydc, and Velvet Rose. Fifth race Eclipse Jr., Harry Warren, and Jack Lovell. Sixth race Cheddar, Jlmmle James, and Gray Forest. Cleared for This Fort. Charleston, S. C, Sept. 17. Cleared, schooner Edna find Emma, Capt. Richard Eon, for Georgetown. iVr WON fflBlp DRIVE Hazel Made the Only Good Finish at the Island. VERY MUCH AN OFF DAY Too not for the Tulent to Show Much Intere-st In Any of tho Evemv, Jockey KI112 Did Not Know How to Itlde C. O. D. Mid Itoso Wus Do ceptUe. Tcsterday was very much of an off day at the Island track. The attendance was lightas was alsothebettlngandltwassohot that the races were run off In a listless manner. The only good finish of the day was In the second race which waswon by Hazel af ter a hard drive with Lentolia If thelenstn of the stretch. George Taylor had the mount on Lento and rode one of ills old tlm? finishes on him. He brought the horse out of the neck like a Ireak of lightning, and in another Jump would have won the race. ALL WON EASILY. The other events were all won easily with the exception of the doting race, which C. O. D. tcok after a clight fhaklng up at the end. R. Kitg rode Traitor Just about as badly as he could have done. With any other boy on his back the horse would have had no difficulty in winning. King not only got away badly, but be messed the boree all over the track, got shut out on both of the turns, and then rode a weak finish. Jennie T appeared to be the best of the poor field that faced the starter in the opening race, but the certainly was not an even money chance. There was a hot tip on her, however, and the closed at that price The winner turned up in Eddie M , who led from the head of the stretch, and won easily Tedd Gegg made all the running in the second event, and looked a winner all over whea the horses struck the far turn. LASTED LONG ENOUGH. He stopped to-day, however, and tho finish narrowed down between Hazel and Lento, the former lasting long enough to gel the decision. Owing to a report that she could not go the distance. Mid R ose was not very heavily played in the two-yeaj old race. Sheseemed to put class her field, but as good as 7 to 5 could be had against her when she went to the post. She opened up a big gap at the fall of the flag, and they never caught her. Jersey was at first quoted favorit in tlie fourth race, but ir heavy plunge on Forest sent him to the post a 4 to 5 favorite . He was a handy winner at the end from Harry Kiester, with Jersey third. The fifth race was simply a gallop for Foundling, who was a 1 to 3 chance. He drew away and won when he pleased from Prince John . C. O. D. took the closing race in great st)!e. He made one ot ills cyclone finUbes and won by three parts of a length from Traitor. Joyejse made all tile running, but topped badly and finished third. Results at Alexander Island. Weather clear. Track fast. f O First race. Four and one-half fnrlongs. s5"T- Selling. Purse, SIW. Time, 037. led. Horso A IVt St. i Si Fin. J"cVy Br. i:a Edaie JI.IOS .. 2 2 M 1 Carson 3 ;:.'! Dr. I'arkhu'tS 5 0 4 Hi ILIlro'n 2) SH Cla-sic, 101 6 6 6 Si arracz 5 413 Argils 111,101.. 1 3 24 Taylor 10 SOI L'e Ctarlie.lOi 7 7 7 5 King 8 tit haron,S0 3 4 5 6 Andrews 8 Xii JenniaT.lC.',.. 4 1' 3 7 Tarsoss 1 Start good. Wen easily. y Second race. Six and one-half furlongs. JtO selliag. Purse, $iOJ lime, 1:3. Ind. Horse Jt Wt bt. U St Fin. J:k'r Ut. 553 Hazel, 10i 3 3 -H3 In Houlehan 8 551 Lento. vy 7 8 4 SHTaylor 10 Sit Tedd Geg?, 107JS 8 1(13 A. ilooro 3 400 Col mb'3,Jr,.0Ts 1 2 4"3 4 Bnr!h-Idr3 KS Conteot.ICC 4 6 5 5 Cirson 5 57 I"nce Kl'm-h,103 3 7 6 6 Garrlgan JS 6.5 IlayTay, 103 . 5 4 7 7 Alford ffl 419 Fidget, 105 10 5 8 8 Nearr 13-5 "til Tim Flrnn.lO-'.. 8 9 9 9 Baxter SJ 417 Little bravo, 105 S 10 lu 10 Dorsey 60 btartgooJ. Woa driving. ri j Third race. Six and a quarter furlongs. JTtr FcrsoJUW. Time, lSi4. Ind norse & Wt St. U t Fin. J"ck'r Bt (.14) Mid Rose, 105.. 1 IS "IS 1 Andrews 7-5 ! Murray. 103..... 3 5 4 21 Picrco 2 (530 Wistful. 103 ... 5 2h 3 3Ji J.M'rp'y 5-2 (36) Banning. 103. 4 4 5 4 Carson, 2 (1M Vne GriUo, 108 2 3n 2ta 5 BurkhoIderS l.rlIlicDelter.'J3 6 6 6 6 li. Brown 40 btart good. Won easily. " 1 :: Fourih race. Four anJone-half furlongi. OO Soiling, rurse, VOi. Tlroe,0.5jv Ind. Horse Wt St U St Fin. Xck'r Bt 510 Forest. 103... 5 S In H Tarsons 4-5 540 H'J Keister.93 1 4 4 214 King 16-5 S3I Jersey, :02.... 3 2K 3 SS Deleha'y 4 531 Arda, Hi.... 2 In 2r 4 Andrews 8 537 Mohawk. 101.. 4 5 5 5 AlfOtd 20 Start good. Won handily. r 1: Filth race. Uto furlongs, telling. JtO rnrse. tlBJL Time. 1-0214. Ind. Horse Jfc Wt St U St Fin. Tci'T Bt MO loundllnc.91. 3 1 3 13 Gleason 1-3 510 Tr. John, 107.. 6 5 4 2' Parson3 30 616 Gramplan.107. 5 3 11 33 RKing 4 S2S Craftsman, ltil 1 2J 2n 4 arvaez 12 3!9 Anxiety, 101 ... 2 6 6 5 Dorsey ICO 117 l"rosper, 15.... 4 4 5 6 BrewerlOO Mars cood. Won galloping. C)7-Sixth race Six and one-quarter fur-O-r longs. Parse, tioo. Selling, lime, 131. Ind. Horse "Vt St l St Fin. Jck'y Bt 539 c. o. u.iut) 1 -' '-'i njjrarsoa 10 (481) Traitor, 102 5 3i 3, 2 King 4-5 537 Joren9e,93 3 IS IS 35 Gleeson5-2 &C! rickawar.lOi.... 4 5 4 4 DaTfrt 12 l-;i I'rdrn 1IM 2 4 5 5 ItOTlO 13 102 l'ajmaster. lOoii r. 6 6 6 Dorsey 100 start fair. Won driving. Refers to St Asaph series. St. Louis Entries. First race Six furlongs. Kcno, 112; Illbcrnia Queen, Josle D., Satinet, Oakview, Ludlow, Big John, Fair Knight, 109 each; Chicot, 106; Nellie Wagner, 103; Annt Susie, Isabella, 96 each. Sesond race Two-year-olds. Selling. Five furlongs. Fannie Kowena, Mermaid, 106 each; Maxima, 103; Carrie C. Becky Slurp, 101 each; Amelia Fonso, Ardella, 97 each, Helena Belle, 99 each; Bells- Meade, Spinola, Tagliona, 97 each. Third race Fifteen sixteenths of a mile. Wave-land, O'Connell, 115 each; Linda, "Einpcra, 110 each; Captain Pickerel, Lottl? Easton, 99 each. Fourth race Selling. One mile and seventy yards. Booze, 106; Enthusiast, 105; Sullross, 105; Coronet, Freddie L. T., Miss Galop, 112 each; Probasco, 109; Oat Forest, 9S, Sallie Woodford, 9G; Uaroldine, Mis Norma, 91 each. rifth race Two-year olds. Selling. Nine sixteenths of a mile. Albert S., 109; Sir Archer, 106; Big Fellow, 103; Broadside, Cauficld, Southworth, 100 caeh; Harmony, Lucky 13, 97 each. Sixth race Six fnrlongs. Servitor, Soundmore, 112 each; No Remarks, Ean Claire, Ellison, Boro, Robert Latta, 109 each; Sumo, Wells Street, Garza. 106 each; Sundown, Tricky Jim, 00 each. The Advantage. "What an advantage," the sighed, "an education is, to be sure " There was no dandruff on her collar, and she had about her fewluJccdofthosesubller evidences of culture. "Yes." She listened until the college shriek of the Wasscr gir!3 announced that they had reached the bargain counter and scored a touchdown, and then she left the store Detroit Tribune. A hundred thousand pairs of eyes will see your Want "Ad" If lt'u In The Times. "i-.i-C-.'s. -A.,gjg,--aaArfijia23 AJi?!?."& -'A-v'- Ji? i. ,iWli feaaitfaiaie&A-jaaaj-gH-sfeC? jl :ja&3S6B: s.-afefejesi&aaS. sgafc"saSSJNafc5'ij;g