Newspaper Page Text
NSF8ss8 THE MORNrFGh TIMES, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTJEVrBER 18, 1895. 0 55S!5iT?5F5Ss5 Wash. It Williams Dally Bargains. We are Convinced that you cannot buy furni ture or carpets more advan tageously than from us. We sell everything- at bar gain prices, and our goods are thoroughly reliable and well made we do not handle trash. - "We have all the latest nov elties in furniture and the newest designs in carpets. "We keep every kind of car pet Axminstcrs, Tapestry, Moquette, Velvets, Brussels atry kind you wish, and all at the lowest possible price. Wash. B.Williams, 7th and D Sts. Wm. Swinburn, Constable and Collector. T imwM ei5. BLtimuastaBi UROADWAY AXD rORTY-TIRST ST., NE1V YOKK CITY. A JIo Jem rirc-Proof Hotel contalnins 3 00 rooms, 200 with bath and toilet attached EUKOPEAN" PLAN. Good rooms, SI. 5 0; Large Rooms, 52. and with private bath, $2.50 and upward per da). RESTAURANT. CUISINE AXD SERVICE UXECFLLI.D. In close proximity to the principal theaters and the shopping district. Tltc minutes from Grand Central and West Shore Depots. LOUIS L. TODD, J. II. FIFE, Owner, .Manager. r ICE nYGiENic-nEALTnruii THE HARDESTTHE BEST. MADEOKPUHESP1UNO WATER, 1 cliphonall OQjco lta Kimif KPffORTII LEACUEBS. tilth Animal District Convention to lie Held In Xoveraber. The fifth annual convention of the Dis trict Epworth League of the Baltimore conference i ill be-lArld November 1,2, and 3 About 200 delegates -will be in attend ance. Delegates from the country chapters will bo entertained free by the LeaguerB of the city. Rev. Edwin A. Schell, D. D., of Chicago, general secretary of the League, will be pres ent. The District officers aro preparing n programme which will be interesting und instructive. District President W. B. Matthews Is arranging a unique programme for the Octo ber meeting. The first rally of the Leaguers for the winter season, to which the public Is in vited, will be held -Friday evening, Sep tember 20, at 8 o'clock, at Hamline SI. E. Church. Mr. R. R. Dohcrty, Vb. D., of New York city, third vice presldcntg of the General League, will deliver an addreEb on the ' Literary possibilities of tbcLeague.' Dr. Doherty has a wide reputation as a" speaker, and being an enthusiastic worker In literary work, w ill receive a hearty wel come from the Washington Leaguers. Mr. Harry O. Iline, chairman of the liter ary work in the District League, will pre side at this meeting, it being under the auspices of his department. SCATTKHED 1'IES AND CAKES. Runaway Horne und a JlitkerV Wngon Knmun Ninth Street. A horse attached to a baker's wagon belonging to Samu(-J German, of the Center Market, became frightened and ran away on Ninth street, near F, yesterday morn ing, and caused considerable excitement along that crowded thoroughfare. Tho wagou was loaded with pastry and cakes, and during the flight of the horse these delicacies were scattered over tho street. After colliding with Fcvcral vehicles and tmashlug the buggy of Lawyer John A. Uartiicl, the animal was finally slopped In front of Jarvls restaurant, on Ninth street. St. John Ilenwolent Society. ArUclcs of Incorporation were filed yesterday afternoon by St. John's Benevo lent Bociety, of the District of Columbia, an organizaUon formed- for twenty years wiUi mutual Improvement of the members and benevolence as its objects. Two trustees and seven directors shall consUtutethcgoverningboardofthesoclcty. The number of incorporators 18 six. They aro: Charles Bchafer, John llauf, William Zaruier, John A. Thomas, John Ferbcr and Ebcrhard Trushcim. KnnxIUe, Tenn., nnd Iteturn $10.50, Clmttnnowrii nnd Heturn 512.70, lu Southern Itatlwny. On account of Sons of Ycterans Encamp ment at K nox villc, Tenn., the Southern Kail wav will sell round trip tickets from "Washington. Scptcmlwr 13 to 1G, inclusive, good to return until October 10, at $10.50: nnd to Chattanooga, Tenn., on account of the dedication of the Chlckamauga JMtlonal Park, will sell tickets from Washington to Chattanooga nrd return September 1G to 19, inclusive, good to return until Octo ber 13, at S12.70. Through Pullman sleeper Washington to JCnnxvllle and Chattanooga, via AsheviUe, JJ. C. Beecliam's pills for consti pation io and 25. Get the book at your druggist's and go by it. Agonal s&Iei mors than &00&030 box y TRIG TO GET TOGETHER Conference of President Phillips and His Employes. HEAKING THEIE GRIEVANCE Ilemovrtl of Stipt. Elliott, of Tho Ninth Street Llne.Tlielr Object Menllopo f ill of Fm orable Consideration Dis pute AVlth tho l'roteetio Street Hull vi ay Union Still Unsettled. . Tlic settlement of the differences be tween President Fliilllps and the Pro tective Street Railway Unlou is still a distant coutlngency. He was engaged yesterday morning and afternoon In bearing the complaint of employes of the Ninth street line, who had petitioned blm for the removal of Supt. Elliott from that office and Ills return to a car. This investigation, while it was an extremely tmportaut matter to the Ninth street men, does not touch the matter in which Mr. Phillips lias become involved with the executive committee of the rroteclive Street Hallway Union, which is composed of Messrs. Thomas J. Lawrence, president of the union, and Messrs. -Trainer and Casey. This committee was not present at the hearing yesterday. It -was a case In volving only the Ninth street line. These employes object to Mr. Elllolt. A committee waited on Mr. Fhllllps, who told them that if they could get the signatures of a majority of the men on the Ninth street line to sign a petition he would take their gnevauce under con sideration, and be dictated a request for a hearing. GOT SIGNATURES ENOUGH. The men got the signatures of sixty-one menoutof scvcnty-se en, thirteen of whom were non-unUm men. They could have had a larger number of signatures, but they did not have time. The testimony jeslerrtay was taken by a stenographer, but during the progress of the evidence' Mr. Fhllllps suddenly said that he had heard enough, and the evi dence was closed. During the taking of testimony Mr. Clark, who Is In charge of the road for the electric company, said that It was his experience that promotions from the ranks did not secure the best officers. Against tills statement the men urged cases in Washington where promotions from the ranks had given their companies good officers, such as Hurt, of the Washington and Georgetown; Supt. Lowery, of the F Street Line; Dencile, of the Ninth Street Line, and Moffatt, of the F Street Line. The investigation adjourned about 2 o'clock, and late yesterday afternoon Mr. Phillips was still Immersed in the evi dence. Themenareoftheoplnlonthatthecaselias been decided in their favor, inasmuch as President Phillips Intended to convey that ho don't want cumulative testimony on a point that had been proved. UNSETTLED QUESTIONS. All the other matters of complaint af fecting the F street line and the others, in cluding the hours of work are still un settled. The union has invited Mr. Phillips and ills secretary to the meeting of Uie union which will bo held to morrow from 7 a. m. nntil midnight and after if necessary. Tho idea in this appears to be to bring Mr. Phillips face to face with the men to make his promises and redress grievances. The complaints will be presented to him In full meeting and he will have an oppor tunity to defend and explain himself. The proceedings of yesterday do not materially affect the Intense strain which has arisen and which will likely continue until all things shall have been adjusted tothe satisfaction of the executive com mittee, which has been Invested ith su preme authority to order a strike, and there is little doubt that It will be general. Tho Anacostia men have grievances in the shape of unfair treatment of three of their men. Pre5ident Lawrence had anln terveiw with Fresident Grlswold on these cases yesterday, but without satisfactory results. The storm appears to be gather ing on all sides, and perhaps a general tie up Is not the remotest of contingencies. FItOF. ItlLEY'S OBSEQUIES. Hev. Dr. Kent and Frof. Otis Maon Mndo Addree-. The funeral services of the late Frof. C. T. Riley, who died on Saturday, -were held yesterday afternoon from his residence. No. 213S Wyoming avenue. The services were attended by a large concourse of the immediate friends and ac quaintances of the family, his late assn; elates and assistants of the Departmnet of Agriculture, and many of the members of thesclentlficsocieties of thecity. Tuecere mony was conducted by thellev. Alexander Kent, pastor of the People's Church, who spoke very feelingly of the Christian char acter and many excellent qualities of the deceased. At the conclusion of the religious cere mony, at the request of Rev. Dr. Kent, Frof. O. T. Mason spoke of Ihe eminent position the deceased had won for him self in Ihe scientific world and the high tribute accorded bis merits both at home and abroad. After the ceremony the remains wete taken to Glcnwood Cemetery for inter ment. Thepallbearcrswere: Honorary District Commissioner Truesdell. Gen. A. W. Grcely, Frof. Oils T. Mason, CommlssloncrotEdu catlon V.. T. Harris, Fror. Cleveland Abbe, Prof. Theodore Gill and Dr. H. W. Wiley. Active Profs. L. O. Howard, C. L. Mar latt, E. A. Schwarz, W. H. Ashraead, D W. Coqulllett, F. H. Chittenden, R. S. Clifton and II. G. Hubbard. At a special meeting of the Entomologi cal Society, held previous to the cere mony, resolutions of respect and sympathy were passed. The scientific workers of the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum have deferred action on the death of Prof. Riley on account of the absence from the city ot.Prof. S. Brown Goode and the beads of many of the divisions. ANACOSTIA XEWvS. Anacostia Tent of Ttccbabltcs met in naincs" Hall last night. Mr. George W. bhoemaker presided. Three newcandidates applied for membership. Mrs. Norman Cole, of Jcrferson street, has gone to "Virginia for two Tveeks The funeral of Mr.. Mollie Johnson, of Sheridan avenue, took place yesterday. Mrs. Sadie Poates, who was Injured in a runaway accident, is fjported much bettej Mr. Butler, who was hurt by Jumping from a train. Is also improved. Mr. Julius Owen, of Minnesota avenue, is very ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Sarah Kiggins, or Washington, is the guest of Mrs. M. E. Allen, of No. 55 Jeffer son street. m "Where Such Utile Boys Go. The Tarson, meeting" Johnny, who la Just TOturoing from a bathe Johnny , can you tell where little boys who bathe on Sundays go to? Johnny Aye. You come along o' me, an' I'll show jcr. Judy. QUEER 1W lU why you men will -EH P pay Three Dol- pj H lars for a Hat M H that's no better Mi m than ours m $2-4H AT Never Better than Ours OFTEN NOT AS GOOD! I HENRY FRANC & SON, gj ALEXANDRIA HAPPENINGS. Mr. Joseph Millen, a carpenter, employed on the big Hill bakery builumg,iiadanarrow escape from death yesterday evening. He, with several other workmen, was engaged in putting In the heavy roof timbers, when a joist on which he was stunding gavo way and lie fell to the Iloor, about 11 distance of almost firieen feet. There were no planks on tho floor, but lie succeeded in clinging to tlie Joists. When his fellow.worktnen reached him he was in a si ini-com clous condition from the fall. He was taken to his home. No. GIG Sooth Fairfax street, where Dr. Jones attended him. He was also badly shaken up and bruised, but no bones were broken. The volunteer members of the Columbia FireCompanyliave become tired of working fins for nothing and are now organizing to have tho city council make the entire rire (Upartment a paid one. As. It is now only the engineers and dmm arc paid and a paper is being circulated among the mem bors of the Columbia Company to get them to sign a pledge not to run to any more fires If tho city council should refuse to create the paid department. Mr. Brook 1). Xoung, the deputy clerk of the Alexandria county court, heard a noise In the fire place of the clerk's office at the old court liouseesterdayevenlngaml taking outthcflro board he found a joung carrier pigeon, which had fallen down the ilrimney. On the bird's leg was a sliver ring, but the inscription could not be deciphered. After feeding the bird nnd letting it rest for an houror two it wasrcleased and immediately flew In a northerly direction toward Wash ington, where it is supposed to belong. on November 15 last James Quarlcs, a young white boy, was run oer by anelec trie railway car on South Royal street and one of Ills tect so badly crushed that it hud to bo amputated, i'esterday Mr. Samuel G. Brent, his attorney, entered suit In the corpora tion court, ilalmlngM 0,000 for theacculent. The engagement is announced of Miss Sara C. Daiugerfleld, (laughter of Mr. Itaerdy Dalngerfield, to Mr. Charles H. Carter, a joung society man of Baltimore. Miss Dalngerfield is considered one of the handsomest girls in Virginia. No dato for tho wedding lias been fixed. Hiram Sutton, thirteen yiars of age, was run ocr by a farm wagon on Klug street yesterday and painfully bruised. Albert Arnold, the drner of the wn.on, who was at fault, was arrested nnd locked up. Later ho was released on collateral for his appearance for trial. lMirfax county has elected the following delegates to the Senatorial convention in tills city on Thursday next: .1. C). Ferry, J. E. Wlllard. R. V. Wlllard, R. W.Moa-e, II. G. Smith, H. I). Rice. M. D. Hall. George W. Trinlett, R. V. Galllard. E. G. Uarnctt, Z. II. Barnes, R. E. Lee, Thomas Territt, George F. Harrison, 1". F.Thomas, ami J. M. Love. The delegates are unlnstructed, but will vote for Mushbach. CAKLIX'S SPRINGS NOTES. For several years efforts havo been made to hae a public school established at this place, but without success, as the condition of the treasury has not been such as to admit of it. A levy was pro posed for school funds, and the citUens of Carlin's to a man voted for it, but about this time the colored public school at Nauck's was burned, so Instead or using the money as was Intended it was appropriated for the rebuilding of Nauck's school. The county school board have ot last agreed to appropriate the insignificant amount of $25 .1 month to pay for a teacher and suitable accommodations, which. In the absence of anything belter, will serve as a start. There was a largely attended meeting of the citizens Monday eening at tho resilience of Capt. Pcunywllt for the pur-PC-.C of forming au organization with a view of obtaining better transportation facilities. The principal topic of tho evening was the absolute necessity of a station building. Suggestions were made. lilcli met with hearty approval from all present, ns to orfering inducements to the Washington, Alexandria ai.d 'Mount Vernon electric road to run a branch line to Carlln's and Falls Church, and it is probable that some steps will be taken toward this end. The chair was occupied by Mr. M. C. Mitchell, wllh Dr. Bacchus as secretary. Among those present, were Gen. S. 8. Burdett. Capt. Fennywitt. Major King, Messrs. Young, Stocking, Schaarf, Town and Sfmms. TAK0MA PARK NOTES. Mrs. D. J. Furman, of North Takoma, has returned home after a mouth's absence at Ocean Grove nnd New York city. Mr. W. B. Kibble, ot Washington, is a new resident of the Park, having recently moved Into the house lately occupied by Mr. Johti Beall. The home of Dr. and Mrs. Camp, on Maple avenue, has been gladdened by the ad ent of a little son. Mr. F. E. Skinner Is at home after an ab sence of two months spent with relatives In Wisconsin. Miss Bessie Page left Saturday for Fitch burg. Maps., to Join her mother and sister at that place, where the latter still con tinues very ill. . The store recently occupied by Messrs. Lay & Veltenheimer has been purchased by twoyoungmen, Watersbyname, who will fhortly assume control. A new store and blacksmith shop are also being built at Takoma Heights. 11 Ns Llla Coleman, of Washington, spent Sunday wllh Mi-s Nettle Whitruer. Mr. and Mrs. Blxlcy, of Newark, N. J arc visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. U. Clark, of Holly avenue. Miss Anna Bltzer left yesterday for a two-weeks' "visit wllh relatives in Fred crick, Md. Mr. E. E. Blodgett and Mr. James Wilson will leave to-day for a short slay at Clifton Beach. Frof. J. n. Vermllya and wife, of Wash ington, called on a few of their friends In the Park on Sunday. The Misses Hamlin, ot Maple avenue, are spending a few weeks at Atlantic City. Dr. II. M. Bennett returned on Saturday from the'Q. A. E. encampment at Louis Tllle. BR00KLAND ITEMS. Dr. J. nenry Brooks nnd Mr. Eaton Brooks left this morning for New York, to meet the Misses Brooks, who will arrive to-day from Europe on tbo Bed Star steamer Weslcruland. Miss Mary Burr, who has been spending the past two "weeks in Upper Marlbor ough, Md., returned home this morning. Miss Sarah Wlllard Howe has Issued Imitations to a dancing dob to meet at her bouse on Philadelphia street. The paper on which The Wash ington Times is printed is made by The Jay Paper Mfg. Co., CS. FAULKNER. Solo Agent. Times Building-, New York City. GLANCE Through This List Cured Patients. of THEY ARE A FEW Of Dr. Walker's Patients Who Were Chronic Invalid?. Mr. H. E. Thomas,ot Engine House No. 0, Massachusetts avqnue' northwest, was mred of nervous andgeneral debility of five years' standing., sjr. E. Cleveland, police station No. 2, cured or calurrh and neurasthenia. Mr. S.,H. Ford, of 200G F street northwest, cuifcd of catarrh of tho head, stomach and gall' duct. Mr. John Ball, of 1G29 Kramer 'street northeast, cured of a chronic ulcer and blood disease. And so the list might be extended in definitely, but these nay suffice to con vince the most skeptlcal..that Dr. Walker cures. In his specialty of nervous, brain, spinal and chronic diseases, to which he has de voted the past twenty four years of his Ife, he" has made a record unexcelled, as is testified by the hundreds of autograph Vstimonials he has on-file from patients be has cured. Xoung or middle-aged men suffering from the results of their' own follies, vices, or excesses, or those about to mar ry, who are conscious of any Impedi ments or disqualifications to a happy mar riage, should consult Dr. Walker. To reach and reclaim such unfortunates has been one of his alms, and he has been the means of restoring hundreds to health and happiness. . Br. Walker may be consulted free of charge at his wei;.nown sanitarium, 1411 Pennsylvania avenue, adjoining Willard's Hotel. Office hours, 10t. m. to 5 p. m.; Wednesday and Saturday evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Letters promptly answered. Charges for treatment very low. All Interviews and correspondence sacredly confldcutlal. No cases made public without consent of pa tients. KEC0RD OP THE COURTS. Criminal Court, No. li Justice Bradley Fannie Clark: adultery; recognizance $256 taken to appear October 1, 1895, Charles Clark, surety. Circuit Court, No. 1, Jpstjce Cox Walker vs. Elliott; judgment for plaintiff on de fendant's plea of confession. Edwanls vs. Graj:do byconfesslnn. Mohlervs Hewett; do. on motion. Freeman and others, vs'. Llppman: do. by default. Lyon vs. Wood; fiat on sci fa. Statt v. Bradshaw; defend ant's bill of exceptions signed. Probate Court Proceedings In estates hae been recorded as follows: Mary A. Stocking; proof of publication filed. Ara bella Upton; report of executor filed. Geo. S. Parker; proof of service of notice filed. Henrietta Bichards; will filed and partially proved. Chrletopher N. Thom; will proed by eecoud subscribing witness. William H. Bailey; Inventory of personal estate, 591, 000, filed. Ellen O'Neil, -guardian; gave bond. Jacob Cnrricgton; renunciation of John II Dunlop aB executor filed. John T. ClemenU, guardian; Oorder allowing wards S16 ier month. John G. Bright, guardian; petition for appointment, filed. Sucan "V. Clark; will appointing Jonn H. "VoofncSs executor filed- J,tj; -; Equity Court, No. 1 Justice Bradley Jackson &. Slprp Co. vs. Metzerott; leave to amend bill granted.4whfto.vs. same; do. Cornwell vs. Gilson; trustee allowed to sell underdeed of trust-.t gjiew vs. same; do. Hirst vs. Hirst; testimony before examiner ordered taken. Hendersou vs. Braxton; time to take testimony limited to twenty days. Emmcrt vs. Heine; V. Baldwin John son appointed guardian ad litem. Court lander s. Courtlander; appearance of ab sent defendant ordered. Hartley vs. Ed monston; restralulD'order returnable September 23 granted. In matter of Theresa Jefferson, William B. Page, and Kale Olmstcad; writs dc lunatlco in qulrendo ordered to1 Issue. Carter vs Carter; testimony before examiner ordered taken. Elcctro-llbration Company vs. Sanche; time to take testimony limited to 120 days. Schwartz vs. Costello; motion for receiver overruled. Scott vs. Scott; ap pearance ot absent defendant ordered. Waters vs. Waters;dlvorceubsolutegran led. Gordon vs. Gordon; do . Marriage Licenses. Licenses to marry have been issued e follows: Frank C. Cox and Christina A. Meyers. William F. Anderson and Fannie M. Llt tlcford, both of Anacostia. JohnH. Anderrron and LauraTibbs. George Holly and Janle Carter. John H. Lacoppldan and Nettie Morri son. George Donald, ot Manchester, To., and Maggie L .Nicholas, of Richmond, Va. John A. Williams and Addle Chase. Louis T. Branch and Florence Tinsley, both of Richmond, Va. Lewis F. Schooler and Maggie F. Luns ford, both of Stnffoed county, Va. William M. Edwards and Mary S. Hutchi son. Harry F. Boyer, of Hagcrstowu, Md., and Sarah M. Tcrkcs. Sam Clark and Winnie Janes. John Brown, ot Montgomery county, Md., and Llllie Branch. Warren J. Goldsborough and Sarah M. Graves. Gerardus n. May and Ella M. Troth. Robert T. Flatt and Josephine Q. Eat cllffe. James D. Connor and Mary n. Lane. JohnT. Kenncy and Katie M. Murphy. Itenl Estate Transfers. Beeds in fee bae been recorded as fol lows: Helenllartong to George W.Murray, lot 1, square D35, $1,000. KalberinePine to Maria E. Harris, lot 8, block 10, East Deanewood, S125. Same to Timothy C. Buckner, lot 7, block 10, East Deanewood, $125. Horace E. Gaskill to Edwin C. Clark, lots 1, 2, J, 8, 10, 11 and 12, block B, Whitchavcni $50. Jos. F. Batch elder and A. M.McLachlen to Judson B.and M. Clarence Hurd, loot 10, block 40, Brook land, $350. Elizabeth Thomas to Wm. E. DeWItt, county property In Woodward's lot. described" by metes and bounds, $10. Wm. E. DeWilt to Rebecca H. Mattingly, same property, $10. Chas. W. Handy and Jacob H. Happ to John Gaegler, lot 80, square east of square BOO, $1,700. Abby C. Feckham to Wm. L. F. King, part of lot 1, Peter's Mill seat, $10. A hundred tlioiisand pairs of eyes will ieo your Want "Ad" If it's In The Times. $100 REWARD For any case of Chills or Malaria that Bailey's Chill Pills will not core. For sale at JIERTZ'S MODERN PHARMACY, 11th andF streets, And Druggist, generally. f BRING YOUR t CHILDREN To us. wo can fit thom out for school CHEAPLY AMD WELL. Our stock of clothing Is Immense, and wo keep all kinds of UNDERWEAR and FURNISHINGS. J Garner & Co., kju 1 r 1 1 1 crco, NE. Cor. 7th and H Sts. N W. FINANCIAL AXD COMSIKItCIAL. New York Stock Mnrker. Oo lllio ly. 215. American Sncar lura 10?4 10j lu7 American Sugar pfd.,... IO0S4 iooy :uu 100 America, 'looxx-o UGi n,i VoU Ki American Cotton OIL.... -1 S3 2.! S! Ati-Llson.loti., S. y.... lOJj; 104 19 WfJ Canada Southern 64 &!Cj$ 54 Mig Chesaceakn Ohio 19) l'J4 ll'Si l'J$l C. UUibt. L 41 45 451j 41 C . li. & Qulncr 85 bSYi S4J$ 851$ Chicago aLd Northwest.. VriH ia 102 i 112)6 CfclcaroUu 6.126 Rju; c) a tt M. anl bt. Paul 731, 7Va TSK '!$ ChL, lt.l 'amlPaclnc... 18 78 73$ 77H Delaware and Hudson... 131 131?; 131 133 Den. and K Grande pfd.. 5!5s &4 53V.J 5 Hi Distiller 4S Cattle Feed... IS I8I4" 17 ISJ4 General Electric 37 33 it 38 I ikeShore 149 119 149 149 Erl &A 7K H IK LouUtUIs ana Nash?ille 63 63 (2i MU lxnj Trae-tlou SO 20 20 Metropolitan Tiactlon.... 10K 1C0 long ViOH Manhattan Flsvsted..... 1U9 110;, 109 lU.'x Missouri I'aciuc 3IW 3G 3tj 34 Natloual Lead 23V1 3414 33U CSV. National Lead pfd. M) UJ 90 90 i.eatnr ia;s it4 ii;a ita Jersey C'estral SM 111 luS IIOJ4 New York Central 10J 102 101 1(K N. Y. & N. Eneland Cf.. 68 58 SS Si Northern Pacinc 514. B',4 M4 Hi Northern Pacific Did 19 mi 185a VP& North American 5l : 5e, w; Ontario and Western .... llVi 17 1"U 17 Paclfic.Mall SJCJ 33H 317$ 33 Phlla. an t Itiadlne 1914 1U4 lb!i 19C 1'uumauraL. ear Co 24 1,3 1,3 1,3 Southern Hallway pfr.... SSH 58?$ i8l B8M l'hlla Traction 83U 83-Jf SiU 8 Texasl'aclflc 11?4 12 11J4 12 Tennessee Coal & Iron. .. 4.114 -" 4'9 4-W Ulnun I'aciuc lb 15)? 15?g 1&,H Wabash. - 9 3i U UaBasn prefeired tl H'A 21Jl U Wheelingand L 15 J94 UK 1C?1 Western Union S3tf S3J4 S3 ml Chicago Board of TraJe. Op'n. HI10. Low. Clou. ukat: December..... May Cukx: December..... Slay OlTS. December..... May l'oitl: January....... Lako: January.. .... 57H SSJi 18li wjs 932 5.75 69t 2914 IS. . 9.10 575 S6J4" MU 28 23J 1 20-Ji ssa 29 1SA 2111 9.40 2IMKK lUBi- I January.. 4.77 4.S' Cotton. Open, nigh Low. Clona. October- 790 791 7.S5 7.93 November 7.f8 801 7.91 8.00 December aos SOT 7.99 8.09 January. 8.11 8.16 6.03 8.14 Washington Mock Exchange. NOTICE The Board will adjourn orer Satnr day during September. tuixs TO-DiV. Wash. Gas: 2 at 49,. C0VEUM1ENT S0S31 US. 4a It,.... U.S. 4' C... U.S.4's ISO... C. b. 5's 1901.., DISTRICT Of COLUMBU EONDS. b't ltM '-io-year Fondlne". ........ 6s l'XH "30-year Fundini" coM.. 7"s 1SU1 ater btoct currency.. rslV03 "Water Mock" currency.. 3.65't 1921 "landlnc" currency.... Bid. Art'd ltlU 112 ...1UU . ...121 ...Iljej . ...104 ...112U ...115 ...117 121tj .111 :l's:eT. 2-1 OX 1SW-19U! 10J f SJISCEU.ANEOU3 BONDS. - . "V iOHKeonr. fc'slst, "SO-TO... 1V4CK It Cour. 6 s 2d, 19JS- 43. , MetltHConr be, 1901 .Belt It it 5 1521 , EcklnitonltKC's, 1696-1911 Columbia l: ItCs. 1914 160 leo 112 to 112 113 114 . 125 127 10U 10J 'llO 113 lltt 1 Wash Gas Co, Ser A, 6 3, l02-'27, o asn cas c;o, ?er it,ii, ivoi-m . Wash Gas Colour 5 s, 1VU1 U. b. i.ltw Light Com 5's. 1901 ... ChesA Pot'lel5's,189i-191I .... Amer bee 'trust 5's. M05. Asa Market Co 1st tTs. 1S72.1911. $1,000 retired annually IN ash Mark Co Imp 6 s, 1W2-V7 .... aeh Mark Co Ext n t s, lJ:!-""-T.. Masouis Hall Ass'n 5's, C, 190a..... Wash Ltlutautry 1st 6 a. 1904 Wash Lt lntantrj2d 7's, 13V3 MIIOML BASK STOCKS. Bank of Washington Bank of Kepublic Metropolitan........................ Central Farmers and Mechanics' beeond. : Citizens Columbia. .......................... Capital West rnd. Traders. Lincoln Ohio .21 J 270 2:0 ISO , 137 . 130 lZt . lit, , 1U7 KHH . 94 82 150 "lii" "iLV io; lui saf Dctosit x vd trust co a Kat. bale Deposit and Trust Satilncton lan and Trust.... . 13) lit American frecuntr ana trust isj i aghtngton fralo Deposit 65 KULKOAD STOCki Wasblncton and Georgetown Z'O iletronolttaa ................... ?5t; Columbia.......... ........ ....... .... Belt hcklngtoiu...... .... Georgetown and Tenallytown... .. .... au im sua uauTSTocc Washington (ias. OH Georgetown Gas U. b. tlectrio Light 133H l.SSCRlSCS STOCKS. Firemen's. .... Franklin. Hetronolitau TO Corcoran.... ................ ........ .... Potomac CSyi Arlington.. ............... ........... .... German America. .... National Union .... Columbia 23 wggs m People'! SM Lincoln ..... ? Commercial!. .... 60 TITLE IXSCKiXCE STOCKS. Real Lstate Title Columbia Title. Mashiuctcnlltle ' District Tltlo. 10 TELEPHONE STOCKS. Pennsylvania ST CbesapeaLo and Potomac... ...... 55 American Grapbopbone 3 Pneumatic Gun Carriage. 23 MISCEIT.tSEOUs STOCKS. Washington Market 14 . Great falls Jce Bull Kun Panorama Nor. Wasb. bteamboat Wash. Brick Co : iTjCitjr Brlcfc. Lincoln Hall InteMJceanBulldlng .... llergantbaler Linotype.... 1S3 Lx. Dividend. .3 Morning Times, (Eight Pages.) Evening Times, Eight Pages.) Sunday Times, (Twenty Pages.) J fl'4.JlfE.:tm'""-' I Aro You Already a Subscriber to the Morning Times? Addison Heights Near Historic Arlington Heights; ALL WHO CAN SHOULD 0'vVN A LOT HERE. W ASHINGTON'S NEAREST subdivision. Beautiful lots.grand villa sites, all commandingrnagnificent view of whole city and Potomac River. Reached now by "Washington & Alexandria R. R. at Waterloo Station in 15 minutes from Sixth Street Depot. 30 daily trains 15 each way. In 90 days will be reached by cars of 'Mount Vernon Electric R. R. at all hours, in 10 minutes from U. S. Treas ury, at street-car fare. Trains leave Sixth Street Depot daily for Addison Heights at 6:35, 7:45, 9:45, 11:50 a. m.; 12:50. 1:40, 3:20, 4:25, 5:00, 5:37, 6:15, 8:02, 10:10, 11:39 p. m. Sundays 9:45 a. m.; 2:45 p. m. Property expensively improved with perfectly fjraded avenues and durable board walk. High and healthful location. Beautiful trees of natural growth and plent- of purest and sweetest water. Has a $5,000 schoolhouse. All nuisances restricted. Far removed and secluded from every objectionable feature. Here are lovely home sites for persons of modest means, offered by original owner. You pay no profit to a middle man, or speculative purchaser of land, but get from frst h a nds the best property ever offered at the. price, with perfect title, on terms so easy that any one can buy and o a home. Lots from $37.50 to $300. 25 to 50 feet front by 120 to 200 feet deep. $1.00 to $2.00 cash down, $1.00 to $2.00 weekly payments. No interest. No taxes till title is passed. Special and most liberal terms to parties ready to build at once. Beautiful homes for home-seekers and certain profits for invest ors. Now is the time to buy., The completion of electric road, the approach of good times, and the coming of next spring will advance prices 20 per cent at least. For full information and prospectus apply to JAMES E. CLEMENTS AND A. T. HOLTZMAN, 1321 F Street Northwest. Or to C T. IIE.N UV, n to will be at the oOce on the subdivision daily from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. KLNANCIAli. PROTEGTION -ABSOLUTE GHEHP CONVENIENT This can be obtained for eilrenrare. Jewelry, Ta'uablQ papczs, etcln the Safe Deposit De partmrnt of this Company. Vaults protected by doable sets rf time sad combination locks. igllant watchmen, electrical connections and most approTeJ modern derices. Boxes from $3 per year upwards. The Washington Loan and Trust Company. Cor. 9th and F Sts. N. "W. l)altltii(ir3Iurket. Baltimore-, 11(1 , Sept. IT. Flour steady, unchanged receipts, 23,031 barrels; nlp ments, 2,227 barrels; rales, 1,200 barrels Wheat etrons nt and montn, 60 C-Sa GO 3-1; October. Gl 3-laGl 7-S; December, 03 l-4nG3 3-8;ttenmerNo 2 red, 07 5-Sa S7 3-4 receipts, 24,204 ImstifL; stock, G77.2S0 bushels: salo, 43,000 bushels; Southern ivluat by inmple, 61a62; d on srado, 08 1-SaGl 1 2 Corn steady spot, 39a39 1-S; month, 38 3 4 bid; October, 38 l-2a39; year, 34 lia3l 1-2; January, 34a31 1-4 receipts, 3,285 bushels; stock". 81,890 bushels; sales, 2.000 bushels; Southern white corn, 39a40; do. yellow, 40a41. Oats firm No. 2 -white Western, Do You Want Cheaper Gas? If so, write your name and address in this coupon and send it to THE TIMES. NAME....:....,..., -..: a ADDRESS., You can help to save Washington a half million dollars each year by writing your name and address in the above coupon and sending it to THE TIMES, to be used in preparing a petition to Congress asking for cheaper gas. CEITS A Scni in Ybut SnUssriptiOBS at tie Cunlriiatlu. Hate 3.003 ,.............. .. j42) RESS.y.t.UffflXH MW1H.NIMIHIMI3 . .4U9i new, most beautiful and FES-AXCIAIi. Workingmen and otners wnoe occupations prevert them from making deposits during regular banking hours will tied lt co venient to isit the Union Savings Bank. 1222 F St. N.W. which is open EVEXtV SATUKUA7 NIOUT between tbe Hour sot C andd. (Fonr per cent. Interest oa savicgt account. American fcccurity & Trust Company. LOANS. No dlffcnlty In obtaining all the money yoa want ot thl company Ix tne security Is suSCdect. Lowest rates of Interest. Individuals owning unincumbered real estate can obtain money to build a home. See us about HI J C. BELL, President. Bant, 1405 G St S. V. ttorace, 1110 13th St X. W. t ? t t 26 l-2a27; Xo 2 raised, 24 l-2a24 3-t receipts, 14,300 bushels; stock, 90,095 bushels Rye inactive and steady No. 2, 41. nearby; No. 2 Western. 48 receipts, 1,337 bushels; stock, 03,204 bushels. Hay firm choice timothy. $14 OOaSlO.00. Grain freights very cpilet, unchanged. Sucar, butter, efrgs, and cheese, firm, un changed. Willlnm II. IlalHy'H rertwinnl Estate. Mr. James Wllilson, as executor ol tha estate ot the late William II. Bailey, yes terday tiled an Inventory of the personal property of the deceased estimated at $91,000. Dr. Shade, lung and throat specialist, 1232 Fourteenth street, has returned to the elty and will be ready to receive patients on tbe ICtli instant. Miinday. Consulta tion and examination free. MOITL Delivered to any $art of the city. Colens lor SO CQti M0HMMWHlMttMtMHtM-MMMHMMHtl L. t m i - -gjfe-