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Iliipl?ill5iwpps f&msitet!-'isipi-fil ?g8i&8&sg& W5?m fmmm THE MOKNTNGr TIMES, "WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 18, 1893". mmmmmBX '3eMm FAXL OVERCOATS? Of course we have them, a bigger and better variety than j'ou'll see anywhere else in town. All grades, qualities, colors, sizes and prices. Two specially good values at TEIN DOLLARS One a Rough Black Cheviot, cut medium long, all wool and fast color. The other a Covert Coat of Tan Colored Melton, both well made and perfect fitting. The prettiest specimens of the cobbler's art ever seen in Washington are in OUR Shoe Department a radi- cal change from the stereotyped shoe styles and as desirable in quality and as comfortable in fit as they are new in fashion. See them. Robinson, Chery & Co, I2TH AND F STS. FURNITURE, I HE. Ill II Up CREDIT. The JULIUS rEirn LANSBURGH lUI 11 New York Ave., bet. 13th and 14th Sts. f gency for the celebrated Columbia Filter. 0 iFEIIHElMER B 514 Ninth St. N.W. Wednesday's Great Values at Money Savers. 89c I lie I2ic I2ic 29c 19c 41c 3c 25c Elegant Cloth Tea Gowns In dark md dressy designs, Yrith belts, worth $2,S0 only 89a yard Now Golf Suitings. Just the pro per weight for early fall, fully worth 2Jc yard only lljic. yard Xew Scotch Plaids, in tho Tery latest deblgus, and usually aold atSOc only lijc yard. for C3-Inch wldo EleacLed Shoetlng, worth 25c yard. 4 Itendy-raade Gingham Aprons,worth 15c each 4 for SSc Infants Night Gowns, worth 83c each only 19a yard new pattornsln Best Bark Prints, worth 8c yard. Yard, new patterns in Dark Challlca, worth IStfic yard. Yard, best quality 54-Inch Irish Linen Table Covering, worth 63c only t5c yard. 49c Closing out of all of our 'Whit Eng lish Duck; Skins, worth $1.60 each, oat at 43c $1.29 SI. 69 HandsomdAU-wool Tea Govns, TOl Tet colore, worth $3 only S1.21 Our Elegant Black Flenred Mohair Skirt, linoa all through, worth etBD Closing only ?1 69. Hundreds of Great Values. Other 514 Ninth St. N. W. NO FEE UNTIL CURED. DR. CZARRA, 602 P st. nw., Washington, D. O. Treats all chronic, nervous and blood dll rages, alcoholism and opium habit. SPE CIALTY Ktdnoy and Bladder Trouble, Piles. Fistula, Strloture. 4c. PKITATH Diseases positively and permanently cured. Lost Manhood restored. Consultation fre Office hours 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to C.SO p la. 6:80 to & d m., Sunday, to 7 p. m. un Clothes. Furnishings, Hats, Shoos. WE are showing one of the largest, newest and most attractive lines in Parlor," Chamber, Dining-room, Library and Other Furniture In the city. OUR stock of Carpets is unsurpassed in variety, quality or beauty. THE LARGEST STOCK. THE LOWEST PRICES. THE EASIEST TERMS. Goods sold to reliable parties on CREDIT at CASH PRICES. r Your Fall Suit Can be bought on credit just as cheaply as the ex clusive clothing- people sell for cash. Of course you have heard of our two new departments. Your Wife's Cape can also be selected on your own terms. We have an excellent selec tion at all ' prices newest and most fashionable goods. MAYER & PETTIT, 8 Reliable Outfitters, 415 Seventh St. N. "W. CA H nOLT, TV RIG IIT 1'ItESIDED. Association of Labor Statistician Be-aln-! Itf Eleventh Convention'. Jlinneupolis, Minn., Sept. 17. The Na tional Association of Labor Statisticians began its cleenth annual convenUon at the Commercial Club rooms to-day with President Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of Labor, In the chair. Labor commissioners of a score of States were present. Welcoming addresses were made by Gov. D. M. Clough, Mayor Eobert Pratt and J. r. Calderwood.presldentof the Commercial Club. To these President Wright responded, saying that the work of the members of the association was to show that capital and labor aro allied and not antagonistic forces. Thirt three Stales hae followed the lead of Massachusetts since 1800 in ap pointing commissioners and pushing this work. ReportB of committees were then called lor and the association then settled down to business. Eeports were heard as follows: Carroll D. Wright, on the national bureau's In vcstlgaUon of female labor as a factor and the changes wrought by machinery; H. G. Wadlln, of Massachusetts, on the wages of working women and the effects of alcoholism on Industry and crime; James M. Clark, of Pennsylvania, on the build lug trades and the condition of women in clerical ocupations; Charles H. Summer man, of New Jersey, on Industrial de pression, co operative societies and cotton and woolen Industries; Charles H. Morse, of Michigan, on the status of street rail way employes, and B. R. Lacy, of North Carolina, on the condition ot labor in that state. TWO COUPLES SUNDERED. Botb Wives "Won tbo Suits and Deser tion TVns tlie Cause. Judge Cos yesterday signed orders In two cases, granting divorces to the petitioners. Jennie Gordon brought suit for divorce against William Gordon November 14, 1S04, on the ground of desertion and in fidelity. The two were married Octo ber 17, 1887. Annie Waters was granted a divorce from William Waters, to whom she was married April 30, 1890, by Eev. Mr. Bich ardson, in Anacostla. She accused her husband of cruelty and said he dcsertedAer "May 29, 1893. IgllSo Cm ycSipci ulJ WINDOWS MUST BE OPEN Excise Board Notifies Barkeepers of Evasions of Law. VIEW OF INTERIOR REQUIRED Dixon Crematory Company Huh a Hearing Tloforo the Commlsslonere. Attorney "Waters' Fino Will Not llo Refunded Suit Threatened .Against Brown Crematory Company. The excise board has notified saloon keepers, by circular letter, that barrooms must be left with the Interiors exposed to view from the street during the hours In which it is unlawful to sell liquor. Blinds and curtains In show wlndowsandall openings must be wide open between the hours of 12 midnight and 4 a. r It Is not stated that all proprietors have been dlsobelng the requirement, but Investiga tion has proved that many do disregard It, hence the notice. Tho Dixon crematory representatives were given a hearingbythe Commissioners yesterday. In order that they might present an argument for the Introduction of Uielr system in Washington. The company of ficial present were Gen. S. S. Yoder and Mr. E. J. Tottcn, and the spokesman was Attorney Andrew Wilson. Mr. Wilson presented a lengthy ar gument, setting f ortli the claims of the com pany, and Gen. Toiler and Mr. Tottcn each made a statement. Briefly stated, the position of the Dixon representatives is that their crematory will doascomplcteworkupou as economical a basis as any other; that their company will assume all the risk of giving satisfaction, and that the process will dispose of all refuse without creatingainiisance. NOW MR. WATERS MAY SUE. Attorney Joseph J. Waters, of No. 1335 Thirty first street, whose protest against payment of a fine imposed by the police .court for a violation fit the garbage regu lations, and his subsequent request for remission of the penalty, was noted in The Times at the time, was notified yesterday that the Commissioners fall to see any reason for favorable consideration of the request. At the lime ot his arrest Mr. Waters announced that in case the board dc cllned to order the refundment he would institute suit for the recotery of the money, for the reason, as he alleged, that the officers did not proceed according to law, either in the matter of his arrest or trial. Gomer Jones has employed Attorney Edwin WHIets to liiFiitutc a suit against the Brown Crematory Company for al leged Infringement of his patent for a gas generator and burner, and the attorney yesterday addressed a letter to the Com missioners protesting against the use of the device iu the destruction of garbage Mr. Willets was informed in response that while a Brown crematory may be cm' ployed by the garbage contractor. Uic Commissioners hao uot yet ordered nor accepted such system. The Commissioners y'eslcrday addressed a letter to National Commander Tanner, of the Dnlon Veteran Legion, extending a cordial Invitation to the national or ganization of tlieorder to hold Its ses sion of 180C in this city. The Utter con-, eludes' with: ; "The people of the National Capital wojld deem It a special honor to have their city chosen as the place of that meeting, and would spare no pains to render their visit a pleasant occasion to those who may attend." Changes in the engineer department were made yesterday as follows: "- W. T. Boyd, rodmanln tho sewer depart ment, transferred to computer and drafts man in samo. department, with compensa tion at the rate of $3 per day. A. 8. Fernald, chalnman, transferred to rodman, at $2.50 par day. J. A. Neville, now foreman in the fewer department. ' transferred to Inspector in same department, with compensation atthe rate of $4 per day when employed. J. J. Condon, appointed foreman, Tlce Neville, with compensation at therateof $1 per day when employed. George M. Harris' pay as chalnman was increased from $1.30 to $2.25 per day. OFFICIAL ORDERS ISSUED. Orders were Issued yesterday as follows: That water main assessments be can celed as follows, on account of tho decision In the Burgdorf case: Against part of lots 38 and 39, square 500, and part of lot 4, square 499; the cast 25.11 feet of lot 4, square 10G5; part of lot 3, square 832, part plat 5, fronUng GO feet on Wisconsin avenue; lots 12 and 13, square 104, Georgetown; last installment of water main assessment against lot 6, block 1G, Brookland; remaining install ments against lot 83 and sublot 121, plat 9, Wright and Dole's subdivision; remaining installments against lot 11, block llf and lot 32, block 12, Meridian Hill. That a sewer bo coniiructed In the ssjth side of L street iiorthircst between Twenty first and Twenty-second streets, under the permit system. That the 15 inch cement 6ewer in the east side of Nineteenth street northwest between E and F streets be replaced. That Fred A. Walters be registered and licer&ed as a master plumber and gasfltter,. afler filing proper bond. That an allotment of $200 from the appro priation for main inlcrsecting sewer for use in the current quarter of the fiscal year be approved. That 320 feet of 6 Inch water pipe bo laid in Ninth street southeast between I and K streets. That 461 jfeet of G Inch cast iron water pipe be laid in the Smithsonian grounds and four fire hydrants be erected, the work to be done by the water department at the expense of the Smithsonian Institution and United States National Museum. MINOR DISTRICT NOTES. That M. L. Roberts be licensed as a first class steam engineer. The Commissioners have appointed Chap man J. Gilbert and Jesse Given asuddltional privates on thepolice force. Tbe resignation of J. A. Lewis, of the fire department, was yesterday ordered to be accepted, and William F. Lanaban was appointed to succeed him, the appointment being upon the usual probationary condi tion. Tbe Commissioners are still of the opinion that the revenuesoftheBIstrlct for 1896 -'97 will stand an appropriation of $G50,000 for street paving, but until the report of tbe committee appointed to astlmate is re ceived nothing will be done as apreliminary to action by tbe board. Commissioner Powell said yesterday that the matter had not yet been taken up for consideration. Tbe second of the series of cut rate Fall excursions was given last Saturday night to Norfolk on the steamer City of Richmond. Tho weather Just at this tlmo Is ideal for this trip, and the person who once goes will most assuredly go again. The boat arrived in Washington Monday morning at 6:45. The third ex cursion will be made on Saturday, Sep tember 21, and the steamer will leave toot of Sixth street at 6 o'clock p. m- Magnets TO Draw You to ourstore are these prices. Surely such bar gains in Housefurnishings must appeal to the econom ical sense ofKevery house keeper. Large covered Block Tin Broad llaisers,3 2c. Regular price, 75c. 6-q.uart Grasue Iron Saucepans, 31c. Regular price, 69c. 2-quart Granito Iron Oatmeal Boilers, 36c. Regular price, 68c. Nickel Alarm Clocte, 58c. Regular price, 11.19. 8-lb. Japanned Kucnr or Flour Boxes, hinged top, 16c. Kegular price, 89c, 4-lb. Japanned Sugar or Flour boxes, hinged top, 1 2 c. Regular prlco, 23c. All sizes Square Coal Sieves, 8c. Itegular price, 12c, 15c, and 20a Large size Round Wash Boilers, 21c. Regular price, 49a Large size Japanned Dustpans, 5o. Itegular price, 10a Mason's Quart Truit Jars, 5 c. each. Fruit Jar F.llers, 5 c. Regular price, 15a Universal Housefurnishing Ston J 512 9th St. N.W. School Suits and suits for any other occasion we make a specialty of Boys' and Children's Clothing. We sell so man', that we are en abled to buy them cheapen than, most clothiers and can af ford to give j'otf bet ter quality for the same price. You will do well to price our suits before you purchase, we can save you quite a bit of monej'. New York Clothing-House, of the world is par ticular about his cloth ing he knows how much people judge from appearances they do not notice the value of the material so much as the fit and style. That is what we are very particular about. The "Dvrenforth Cut" has become well known as a criterion or tne prevailing fashion. Our new stock of Light-weight Fall Over coats is worthy of your inspection. DYRENFORTH'S 621 Penn. Ave. Under .Metropolitan. VSI5355 FATHER GILLESriE'S BIHTDDA-V. Made tUo Occasion of Festivities at Gonztiga College. It was a gala day at Gonzaga College yesterday. Eey. Cornelius Gillespie cele brated his birthday and gave the Btudents a holiday to commemorate this happy erent. Father Gillespie was pleasantly surprised by receiving ylslts from the presidents and averal of the faculties ot Georgetown University and Loyola- College, Baltimore. An elaborate dinner was given In tho college, and Eev. Father Barnum, tho noted missionary from Alaska, made a pleasant congratulatory adflresi. Among the guests were Eev. J. Havens Elchards.Georgeto wn ; Eev. Thomas Morgan, of Loyola; Fathers .McGinney, Colgan, Conway, of Washington; Daugherty arid Elchley, ot Georgetown. A largo number ot Father Gillesplo's par ishioners called in the evenlng-to pay their respects. City of Rlchraondf or Fortress Monroe and Norfolk Saturday night at 6 p. m. Bee ad. Would yon. Times Want sell anything? "Ad." Try a 311 7tH St. N. W. W H-THll 1" M IjAMani REDUCED. CHOOSER'S. For Small Kickers. Until school ODens we are kItIdc a 'discount of JO percent off all Misses' and Children's Spring Ileol fchos. That Is, on our already loir prices. Qood Misses' ' jil: 25 S2.O0 50 32.50 75 S3.0G Shoes. Strong; Children's (SI. 25 S1.90 S2.50 S2.QO Jenness Miller Footwear, made on hygienic Iastsw!de toe or dreas boots .OO. CROCKER'S, Cool'od by electric fan?, 939 Pennsylvania Ave. Sept. 23 School opens 1 a?e you gotten your boys read'? We are the only Arm In Wash ington who manufacture our own Boys' and Children's Clothing Our factory is at M White btreot, New fork. PRICES THAT TALK. .Mon'a Suits, nicely made... .53.00 -Men's hulls 4.8S Men's Extra rino Double breasted Suits 5.00 Decant Clay Worsted Suits for ecnin: dress 0.05 Fine Satin Lined Suits 8.00 Boys' Snits, S3.12; worth S0.0O. Bojs Suits, S3.00; worth S5.50. Bos' Suits, S4.25; worth $7.00. Otcr 5.000 Children's Suits, fifty stiles, nt 00c. 300 Children's Suits, S1.25,worth S3.S0. 5O0 Children's Suits. S1.02.worth 54-00. 20 0 Children's Combination Sults.cxtrn pautsand capto match. Si. 00, worth S5.00. 200 Children's .suits, extra fine quality, S2.4'): real a I tic, 55.30. Dics.i Punts, 90 cents. All-wool I'.nils. 51.25. Ncat'Mrlpes In Blue, Gray and lilack, SI. 65. 500 1'alrs of .Men's Corduroy I'onls. test grade, SI. 85. H.FRIEDLANDER&BRO,, Ninth & ESts. N. W. I Gut prices and all the Credit you want thAi'ii the condition of af faire now. Whatever Is needed to furnish a house is here and it a all got to ue aold before we move We're not printing a tncanlnsless lot of prices, tut we haTe Heed off great b'e chunks ot the regular cost, and what's Io!t Is all you're got to pay. Llttlo enongn. House & Herrmann, j 015 010, 021, 023 7th St. 030 .Mass. Aye. Best Granulated Sugar, Ic. ( Premium cards now be ing given out. Hundred piece Decorated Dinner Sets, Eight-day Catrie drai Clocks. Large Ban quet Lamps, Fine Home Sofas, 56-piece Tea Sets, Easy Rocking Chairs, Large, Attractive Albums given out on the new cards. Ask at the desk for them. Best Mixed Cakes -8c pound Cream Crackers 4c pound Oyster Crackers 4c pound Ginger Snaps 4c pound Always bringyour cards with you to be punched. JOHNSTON'S, 729 7th St. The Produce Exchange Commission Co. Provisions. Grain. Stocks. Bonds and Cotton bought and sold for cash or on mareln. Direct wires Now York and Chicago. Telephone No. SIS. No. 216 NINTH STREET N. W.v Opp. Center Market. p? 11 M. SUCKERS' BATH HOUSE Supt. Stevens' Suggestions Re specting Its Future. NEW SITE EECOMMENDED More Tban Twenty-nine Thousand Bathers Itej;li.tered Increase- In Number ot Lady Patrons Nuis ances Pointed Out Policemen Needed. All the Year. Superintendent Stevens, of the bathing beach, has snbmltted his annual report to the Commissioners, In which, among other things, he says: "The beach was opened toi the"pbbllc June 8, and will close September 22. In the three months already past, 29,1 00 bath ers bavert'gisteredontnebeachbooks. "One death hasTiccurred at the beach this year, that or Carlton Snell, who died of heart disease while swimming. So far in the history of the bathing beach there has never beenbutone drowning ofa registered bather, thut of young Kellb, three years ago." Alter a reference to the tournament if August 21, and the award of medals, the superintendent says: LAr BATHERS PLCASED. "A gratifying fact to state Is that the number of lady bathers is continually In creasing. All who come once come again and often. "It becomes my painful duty to report a source of annoyance to ladles. George Tasker asked my permission to rent boats near tbebeach. Knowing that, If properly conducted, this would accommodate a por tion of the public, I consented for him to make a trial, but it soun proved to be very objectionable. "He rented boats at a very low price, and boys would hire them and go into the water naked within sight but beyond Jurisdiction of the beach. His -wharf float Is directly beside the ladies premises, and crowd3 of low ybaraelers often gather there and make objectionable remarks. IMPUD-ENT" AS A SQUATTER. "I have repeatedly notified Tasker to move away, and such notice hasbcen served on him by government officials, but? with the impudence characteristic ot squatters, he defies all authority." The superintendent Is of the opinion that the three policemen granted for the beach by Congress nearly three years ago, at Major Moore's solicitation, should be kept In charge of the beach and its neighborhood all the year. '1 The superintendent renews his recom mendation ot a pool syttem, as the only means of securing reasonaoie sareiy a broad bathing area and water always at one depth and although all things are not yet ready for occupancy of the Inner basin, certain plans are maturing -which render Immediate action necessary, if the ideal spot is to be secured. SUl'ERIXTENDEXT'SbUGGESTIONS. The superintendent makes the following recommendations: That rules be made to preserve order, not only at the beach but la the eurroundlngneighborhood;that a police boat bo located on the line of Seventeenth street nnd .the shore fronting on the Poto mac and extending from B street north to D street south; that no person eball be per mitted to Tent boats or other water ap pliances within one hundred yards of the bathing- beach without the written conEent of the superintendent; that a telephone, connecting with the city system, be located at the beach; that whatever shall be deemed Indecent exposure In daytime- shall be adjudged as such If comraltteed at any time upon the bathing beach or within fifty feet of any public highway or resort. Also that tke Commissioners shall strong ly recommend to the proper authorities the Immediate burial of the Seventeenth street sewer; that the "little basin" re ferred to In his report be preserved- that Congress be asked to exchange the grant of the present bathing beach for a grant of the llttlo basin and sufficient grounds around It for driveways, and that an appropriation of $10,000 be asked for the expense of re moval to the new premises and to fit up the latter In permanent shape. FOll THE rOI'E'S FltEEDOJI. Mass of Penance to lie Sung Friday" Morning. A unique service will be held In all tho Catholic churches ot this city on Friday morning. It will be a mass of penance and expiation, and will be said In accord ance with the following letter, which has been reccIveU by every parish priest in the city: Cardinal's Residence, Baltimore, lid., Sept. 10, 1S05. Dear Rev. Father: On September 20 the Italian government will celebrate the twenty-fifth celebration ot the annexation of the Roman provinces to the kingdom of Italy. While public demonstrations arc thus being carried on In memory of this occupation of what had for centuries been papal dominions, the Holy See desires that the faithtul children it the church throughout the world should unite in praying for the freedom and Inde pendence -of the Tope. Tou are therefore requested to publicly recite on that day in your church, at tlie mass, which Is most fully attended, the litany ot the saints, praying, according to the intentions of tbe sovereign pontiff, that Providence may soon vouchsafe to grant to tho church and her vi-lble head the liberty so necessary for the exercise of their divine mission. Faithfully yours, J. CARDINAL GIBBONS. At St. Aloysius Church the services will bo very solemn, the vestments being purple and tbo litany will bo chanted by the full vested choir. At' St. Matthew's, being the diplomatic church of the city, it will be a more quiet affair. The Italian am bassador, Baron Fava, and his family attend St. Matthew's, also all the members ot the legation who arc Catholics. A solem nity ot any note would not bo very cour teous to those sojourners on our shores who are necessarily in sympathy with King Humbert's celebration. LA3IOXT THEIU PAYMASTER. Officers and Soldiers Get TUelr Pay for Jnne From Him. Owing to a deficiency in the appropriation for the pay of tho Army for tbe fiscal year ending Juno 30 last, certain off icers and a number of enlisted men did not receive their pay for the month of Juno, tbe last in tbe year. Secretary Lamont interested himself In the matter. Be has now directed the paymaster gen eral to transfer certain unexpended bal ancles and to pay tho enlisted men. Of ficers will receive their pay on properly certified checks on the National Bank of New York city. The later payments, it Is thought, will probably be met by advances from the Secretary's private account, to be refunded s soon as a deficiency bill, making good a year's shortage, can be passed by Congress. City of Richmond forFortressMonroeand Norfolk ararday night at G p. m. See ad. WEfeEIX " Hellablo Shoes On- Ir." lbs best In America at tho prlca "The Defender" $1.25 School Shoes For Boys and Girls are way ahead of any other Shoes at the Price for Durability and Shapeliness. "FR E E Useful School Sourenlrs for the Children this week. WM.HRHN2G08 Reliable Shoe Housoa. 030 and 032 7th St. N. W., miinna luioi-a. avcs-iy. And 233 Pa. Ave S. E. We Are i ? Gratified to know that the pub lic are appreciating our efforts In endeavoring to obtain and sell to them a class of goods which they never were able to get before our advent here. The Mechanics, Worklnsmen, and those who could not afford the exorbitant prices demanded for a Rood Suit, Overcoat, or Pants by a merchant tailor, had to wear the common, factory-made clothing. We represent our selves as your benefactor and ; t t t t ; i Friend and shall always strive to please and satisfy our patrons. We will continue for this week to sell actual Merchant Tailor Made Garments at the follow ing prices: fcuits mate to order for t-&00 We sell 1 or J& 01 Suits made to order for $5 00 WesellforJiacO. Suits made to order for S3U0O We sell lor $12.60. Salts made to order for f 00 We sell for 115.00. Suits mado ti order ror 510.00 WeBolliorJlS.00. Pantaloons from iZUl to (6 to Made for S3.00 to 13.01 Ail goods sold by us kept In repair one year free of charge. Merchant Tailors' Misfit Clothing Parlors, 407 7th St. N. W. & gBao-. S. KM, SONS M - 8th and Market Space. Handsome .. Chenille Table Covers, the very newest fall colorings, with deep fringe. Our Price g KANH, SONS & CD. 8th and Marnit Space, fin butterine. WiLKINS Si COMPANY, Square Marble and Class Staads,Ccater Markt, Tho Key to our Success. m Children IBS! 1 STOLL'S I "810" 7th St. N. W. & no 500 ib TgBagaii gfcfeiS&feaK - .y-'t;-.u -.-.-Mi-jy-igfr'gjlgiife.-'iiyS s-M&s jfesfc .?r,-jr-' saaasfrfefts