Newspaper Page Text
JJ-C5,J-r' tjA rrfzj- s-i SSSSR- 5VV'1 ."'' t" .idQLdjgtiM-riqMFVti 4"' 5W.'5rir--!v-a,, - 10 THE MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY; SEPTEMBER 29, 1895. j---r?"Kri3!y' --?--ir r mm i HALF May sound like rather a bold assertion for usto make, but anyone, no matter how skeptical after "afr inspection of our stock and prices will be forced to acknowledge, al though half price , , ,. IS A BIG WORD, 5m That we do as we advertise, in selling1 actual Merchant p3 Tailor-made garments for just one-half their original gjy measured price. For variety, cither inilgsign or cut, it Sj. would be simply impossible for'you to finda better assort Sgl ment. If you want a Suit or pair of Trousers, no matter hm how hard you are to please, come to us. If you will R BUT V2)l ennip. to us. we think we cannot onlv nlo.ise vnnr pv znt vim 7 . pociiciuooK, uijiusu give three experienced tailors constantly in our employ to make n an nccessaryauerations to W WE DO jT.-- 1! -tTl.-. -1 .. r1.0 lUt.-.. ,.. n-lfn n ... 4-4 ,. .. ........... Sljfl tiU L.V.1J tU klV. V- ?..) uuuitiui us iu icpiLii . eii Sv the appended price list ior to Gy S20 Custom-made Suits for , S8.00 W S25 Custom-madejSeii.t.sfpr....... SIO.OO $30 Custom-made Suits" for .T.r"..T. S12.50 $35 Custom-made Sultstfor .......... ..SI5.00 $40 Custom-made Suits for S18.00 Pants from S2.BO to S6 originally made for S6 to S12. Merchant Tailors -Misfit g Clothing Parlors, 3EI 407 SEVENTH STREET NORTHWEST. f5 SJSlM im.rr-i H WHEN WASHIHGTOH DIED Contemporary Account of Official Mourning in an Old Paper. ACTION OF THE CONGKESS Jlfrtolutlons Submitted to the IIou.e ot Blircs,entiitlves by MurHlml and Adopted by Tlint IJodj Addreos to the President and Ills Iteplies. Account of tlio Funeral. An old paper, mellowed by the touch of time. Is the Ulster County Gazette, pub lished at Kingston, and dated January, 1600. It measures but twelve by twenty Inches, has but four pages, each contain ing four columns of printed matter. On the first page is an account of tbc visit from the Speaker of the House to the President to him their address in answer to his Bpeech at the opening of Congress. John Adams was then President, and.hls , reply is clothed in the quaint, ceremonious phraseology of the gentlemen of the old' school. "This very respectful address from the representatives of the people of the United States, at their first assembly of the fresh election, under the strong impression of the public opinion and national sense at this interesting and singular crisis of our public affairs, has excited my sensibility end receives my sincere and grateful acknowledgments." The address goes on to state that under the smiles ot Dh lno Providence, we shall effectually promote and extend our na tional interests and happiness. Then he thanks the Senate and House of Repre sentatives for the applause bestowed upon the volunteers and militia. There follows an account of .the visit paid by tho Senate In a body for the tamo purpose, to which the President's reply is worded in a Eimilar manner. LATEST TOBEIGN NEWS. This paper, published In January, con tains the latest news from London, dated October 18, and gives an account of a battle near Winkle between the Hutch, under Gen. Dacndals, and the British, under Prince William of Gloucester, in which the British, though greatly Inferior In numbers, successfully routed their enemy. A wnr dispatch from Lieut. Col. Ram say to Lord Greenville, dated, "Headquar ters, Shaffbausen, September 30," gives an account ot an attack on the allied army, the result being favorable to the enemy. This relates to the campaign In Switzer land. But the Inner pages are of vital Interest to Americans. The pages are heavily bor dered with black, and the lines dividing the columns are also of deep mourning bands. The proceedings of Congress are reported and dated Thursday, December 29, and are as follows: "Jlr. Marshal, with deep sorrow on bis Your Fall If you have not already purchased one, it is no use delaying. Perhaps you are hesitating, because you don't know where you can get the best suit for the least money. Well, it doesn't cost you anything to come in and see our stock, and make all the inquiries you like the more critically you examine our goods' the better we like it they bear thorough examination. Do you want a good Overcoat one that you can depend upon but one that won't cost you much? "- " We keep that kind. .....- - -- HERMAN Ak $-j.w4mm35Bzzzs:- iara RBJ.GE J ' J yuu ii periect in, as we nave improve iit.- . w .....A imuu lA& UUlllluu cuaiju iui unc jcai. icau - morrow, -Monday: countenance and In a low, pathetic tone of rolcerroae and addressed the House as fgllows: " 'The melancholy event which was yes terday announced without doubt has becu rendered but too certain. Our Washing ton Is no more! The hero, the sage and tho patriot of America the man on whom in times of danger i-very eye was turned and an "hopes were plated Iles now only In hlStOwn great actions and in the bearta of his afflicted people. " 'If, sir. It had not been usual openly to testify respect for the memory of those whom beaten has selected as Its Instru ments fordispensiag good to man, jet such has been the uncommon worth, and 6uch the extraordinary incidents which have marked the life ot him whose loss we all deplore, that the whole American nation. Impelled by tbc same feelings, would call with one olce for a public manifestation of that sorrow which Is so deep and uni versal. FOUNDED TnE EAiriRE. " '.More than any other Individual, and as much as to one individual was possible, has be contributed to found this our wldcspreadlng empire and to give to the western world Its Independence and free dom. Having effected tbe great object for which be was placed at the head of our armies, we have seen him convert tbe sword Into tbe plowshare and voluntarily sink tbe soldier Into the citizen. "When tho debility of our Federal system had become manifest and the bonds which connected the parts of the vast continent were dissolving we have seen him, the chief of those patriots 'who formed for us a Con stitution, -which by preserving the Union wilt, I trust, substantiate aud perpetuute those blessings our revolution had promised to bestow. In obedience to the general voice of his country calling on him to pre side over a great people we have seen him once more quit the retirement he loved, and in a season more stormy and tempestuous than -war Itself, with calm aud wise deter mination, pursue the true Interests of the nation and contribute more than any other could contribute to the establishment of that system of policy -which -will, I trust, yet preserve our peace, our honor aud our inde pendence. "naving been twice unanimously chosen the Chief Magistrate of a free people, we see him at a time when his re-election with the universal suffrage could not have been doubted, affording tbe world a rare In stance of moderation by -withdrawing from his high station to the peaceful walks of private life. "However public confidence may change, and tbe public affections fluctuate with re spect to others, yet with respect to him they have, in war and In peace, in public and in private life, been as steady as his own firm mind and as constant as bis own exalted virtues. EVIDENCES OF JIOUItNING. " 'Let us then, iir. Speaker, pay the last tribute of respect and affection to our departed friend. Let the grand council of the nation display those sentiments which tbe nation feels. " 'For. this purpose I hold In my band some resolutions which I -will take ths liberty to offer to the house. " 'Ecsolved, That the House will wait on tbe President of the United Stales, In condolenco of this mournful event. " '.Resolved, That the Speaker's chair be shrouded with black, and that the mem- ..-? Suit. 738 7th N. W. hers ai.d officers of the nouse wear black during- this session. " 'Resolved, That a committee, in con junction with one from the Benate? be appoiutcd to consider on the most suitable manner of paying honor to tbc manfirst in war, first in peace, and first in tbe hearts 6f his countrymen. " 'Resolved, That this House when It adjouru, do adjourn until Monday.' " These resolutions were unanimously agreed to, sixteen n.nbcrs were appointed on the third resolution r Generals Marsball and Smith were ap pointed to wait on the President and ascer tain the time when it would be convenient for lilm to receive tbe House. The time being appointed, tbe House accordingly waited uu him and the Speaker addressed him as follows "The House of Representatives, pene trated with a sense of ttielrreparablejoss sustained by tbe nation by the death of that great and good man. the illustrious nnd beloved Washington, wait on yousir, to express their condolence on this melan choly and distressing event." The President made answer: "Gentlemen of tbe House of Uiprcschta tlves: I receive with great rrspcefc-and affection the condolence of tbe House of Representatives on tbe melancholy and af flicting event in tbe death of the inosUllus trfous and beloved personage which this country ever produced. I Bjinpathl7cwlth you, with the nation and with the'igood men through the world in the Irrtparable losvMisUilnedtiy us aU." , " MESSAOE OF THE SENATE-,, The messageof the Senate then follows: "Tbe Senate of tbe United States re spectfully take leave, sir, to express to-you their deep regret for the loss, their country has sustained In the death ot Gen. George' Washington. This event, so distressing to all our fcllow-cltlzens, must be pecu liarly heavy to you, who have loug"becn associated with him in deeds of patriotism. Permit us, sir, to mingle our tears with yours. On tbis occasion it is 'manly to weep. To lose such a man at such a crisis Is no common calamlt) to the world. Our country mourns her father. The Almighty Disposer of Human Events has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with reverence to Him, who "maketh darkness His pa vilion.' "With patriotic pride we review the life of our Washington and compare Vim with those of othercountrles who have been pre eminent in fame, Ancunt and modern fames are diminished licfore him Great ness and guilt hac too often been allied. but his fame is whiter than It is brilliant. The destroyers of nations stood abashed, at the majesty of his virtue It reproved the temperance of their ambition and darkened the splendor of victory. "The scenes closed, nnd we are no longer anxious lest misfortune should sully bis glory. He has traveled o" o the end of his Journey, and carried with him an increas ing weight of honor, nc has deposited it safely where misfortune cannot tarnish it, where malice cannot blast It. Favored of heaven, he departed without exhibit ing the weakness of humanity; magnani mous Jn death, tbe darkness of the grave could not obscure bis brlgbtness. "Such was the man we deplore. Thanks to God, bis glory 1b consummated. Wash ington yet lives upon earth in his epotless example; bis spirit Is in heaven. Let his countrymen consecrate tbe memory of the heroic general, the patriotic statesman, and tbc virtuous sage. Let them teach their children never to forget that tbc fruits of bis labors and his example are their Inheritance." The President's reply was in keeping with this tribute eulogizing tbe dead, of whom he spoke as if of a dead brother. FKESIUENT ADAMS' REPLY. "The life ot our 'Washington," he said, "cannot suffer by comparison with those of other countries, who have lieen cele brated and exalted by fame. The attri butes und decorations of royalty could only have served to eclipse tbe majesty of those virtues, which made him from being a mod est citizen, a more resplendent luminary. Misfortune, had be lived, could hereafter have sullied bis glory only with those su perficial minds, who, believing that char acter and actions are. marked by success alone, rarely deserve to enjoy it. Malice could ne er blast bis honor, and envy made him a singular exception to ber nnhersal rule. "For himself, be had lived long enough to life and glory. For his fcllow-cltlzcna, if their prayers could have been answered, be would have been Immortal. Forme, his departure is a most unfortunate moment. Trusting, however. In the wise and right eous dominions of Providence over pas sions of men, and the result of their coun cils and actions, as well as over tbclr lives, nothing remains for me but bumble resignation. "His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magis trates, citizens and men, not only In the present age, but In future generations, as long as our history shall be read. It a Trojan fonnd a Pliny, a Marcus Anrellus can never want biographers, eulogists or historians. JOHN ADAMS." United States, December 22, 1709. Then follows a description of the fu neral, and how the multitude from miles around assembled at Mount Vernon, to take a last look at the calm, serene face of tbe dead. On tho ornament at the head of tbe coffin was inscribed, "Surge ad Judlcum," about the middle of the coffin, "Gloria Deo," and on tbe silver plate GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, Departed this life on the 14th December, 1799. Act. 68. "Between 3 and 4 o'clock the sound of artillery from a vessel In the river, firing minute guns, awoke afresh our solemn sor row. Tbe corpse was removed, a band of music with mournful melody melted the soul into all the tenderness of woe. The procession was formed, and moved In the following order: Cavalry, infantry, guards, with anus re versed. Musio. Clergy. The General's horse, with saddle, holsters and pistols. Pall-bearers Cols. Sims Ramsay, Payne, Gllpen, MnesteUer, Llttla- Corpse. Mourners Masonlo brethren. Citizens. "When the procession bad arrived at the bottom of the elevated lawn on tbe bank of the Potomac, where the family vault is placed, tbe cavalry halted, the Infantry marcbed towards tbe mount and formed their lines. The clergy, ths Masonlo brothers and the citizens descended to tbe vault and tbe funeral services of tbe church was performed. Tbe firing was repeated from the vessels in tbe river, and tbe sound echoed from tbe woods and bills around. "Three general discharges by the Infantry, the cavalry and eleven pieces of artillery, which lined tbe banks of the Potomac back to tbe vault, paid tbe last tribute to tbe entombed commander-in-chief of tbe armies of the United States and to tbe departed hero. "The sun was now setting. Alas tho Son of Glory was set forever. No tbe name of Washington, tbe American President and general will triumph over death. The unclouded brlgbtness ot bis glory wttl Illuminate future ages." Such is the modest recording of tbe death and burial ot the greatest ot America's sons George Washington. Good Mornlusn Ot course, yon read Tbe Kvenlug Times. STORIES OF EARLY DAYS I c T U When Williams' Slave Pen Was I on "the Island." J- 0 0VEE,.flJ OLD GEOEGETOWN 'r t. ,'' LnmijM JVero Abandoned and forTears Streets Woro Dark Parrot's Hope Contract Abduction of Slaen by AbollhcinUtK Invasion by Ants. President Adams' Spade. Old residents of Georgetown tell some cutIous stories of early days there. Tbc plnce was a metropolis for this part of .Maryland -when Washington was founded. Ii was laid out in 17C1 and was in sight of its seral-centennlal when "Washington Tor a long time after tho National Capi tal had been laid out it continued to be the business center. It grew steadily till 1830 and, tlieu in tbe next decade fill off greatly in business and declined a few hundreds in population. Aliout that time there began to be great complaint that tbe farmers and travelers and everybody, attracted by the govern ment Interests beyond Hock Creek, were getting In, the habit of passing through Georgetown without stopping at all. Even thi; farmers of Montgomery county would no longer stop to traffic in butter and eggs and barter for ribbon and molasses. One ot the sights of the town in those days was tbe gangs of negroes brought in for sale. The farms of Montgomery County had then been greatly imiioerishcd by bad farming and sblftlessncns. It is to tbc great credltofthclnhabltantsthat they have since seen the mistake ot careless treatment ot their land -and have made tbe county one' ot the best farming sections on the Atlantic coast, Jtut then tbc negrocsu-constituted the most valuable crop. Frequently an old farmer would sell a whole family, and often buygrs for the Georgia cotton plantations would have a gang of twenty or thirty to bring in at one time. They were wont to come marching through the streets at evening on tbc way to Williams' slave pen, "on the Island," as South Washington was then known. The "bucks" were ranged alongside a log chain thirty feet long, handcuffed in a double row. A DOLErUL SPECTACLE. They were followed by -wagons bringing the women and children. It was usually jx doleful spectacle. Sometimes, however, tbe sorrow, of leaving home and kindred would have passed away and themeu would be singiug plantation melodies while the families were laughing and talking to gether as pleasantly as an emigrant train moylng to the far West. One autumn, eighty-five years ago, the town authorities were seized with a desire for improvements. They wanted a bridge across the Potomac and lights for tbe streets. The latter they sccurred by a vote, and oil lamps were put up at the corner of every .street. The streets bad recently been renamed. Tbe lamps were especially needed, it was stated, to enable citizens to get home from church Sunday nJght. These lamps continued In use until 1848. Tbe posts had gradually decayed, andas on disappeared it was not displaced. Finally, there were only four. These were about the market place. A runaway wagon one day tore away one of these nnd for nearly a j ear three furnished the street lighting. On September 20, 1810, tbc same year tbe lights were put up, a contract was awarded to Richard Tarrot to make a rope long enough to reach across the Potomac at low tide, Tbe rope was completed at the appointed time, and the whole population turned uut to see It Etrctcbed across tbe stream. STRETCHING THE CAULE. First a dozen men took their stations on each side of the river and attempted to lift the cable from Its position on boats in the river. They were unable, of course, to stir It. Then about fifty on a side made tbe attempt, and finally every able-bodied man In tbe town was called on, but they only succeeded in pulling the ropu Into the water and getting it wet, after which there was no hope of ever stretching It tight so as to get the width or the stream. Tbe'cffort was never repeated. In January, 1825, a novel experiment was tried. It was the use of a steel triangle instcjd of a bell. It was hung on the tower of the town hall and was sounded at various times to give signals oLmeetings and fires. It's chief use, however, was to ring at 10 o'clock at night to give the negroes warning to clear tho streets. It was very effective- for tins purpese, but finally one night the cord which held It wore through and the instrument came crashing through the roof of the watch tower. It was never replaced, but the old system of blowing a warning with tin horns was resumed. One of the most exciting episodes was the carrying away ot a numberof slaves by ab ollUoulsts in 1848. On Saturday, April 15, that year, the schooner Pearl came into port. She was commanded by Capt. Sayres. During the day she discharged a cargo of wood. Next morning the Pearl -was gone, and a score of Washington and Georgetown families had to get Sunday breakfast for themselves. In all, soventy tliree slaves were missing. MANNED FOR ACTION. "Volunteers offered and tbe steamer Salem was manned with a heavily armed force tnd a swivel gun placed aboard. Chase was begun down the bay. In tbe meantime word was sent to Baltimore to intercept the runaways there. But the Salem overbanled tbe Pearl at Cornfield Landing, near tbe moutb ot the Potomac. .No resistance was offered and the two boats reached Georgetown about the middle of the same week. The negroes were restored to their masters and somo of them, doubtFess?soundly whipped. Tbewbltemetion the FearLAtpt. Sayres, Daniel Drayton, and Chester English, were held for trial tirider $73,000 bond for eacb. About the jQmo'tbo negroes were brought back a mob attacked the office of tbe National 'Eta, kn abolitionist paper, pub Isbed by J. TV, Bailey. Tbo building was Just opposite he Patent Office and a nighty throng dissembled. John H . GOddard, a peace officer, of pow erful physl5fce,"stcppcd in the doorway of the office Tand1 faced the crowd. Plao lng one hand or? eacb doorpost be shoutcdS "The man wh'bgoes la bere to-night must pass aver my dead body." A man named Hunnaker, a printer. Jumped on a barrel and began to harangue tie crowd." " BENSIBLB ADVICE. "While he was talking," recently said Judge W. C. Harper, who was present, "an old gentleman came along and remarked that the bystanders -were encouraging tbe riot and If they would go home order would be restored. I was much impressed -with the wisdom ot this and left atonco." Quiet was finally restored and upon in quiry It was found that Mr. Bailey bad nothing whatever to do Tilth the runaways. At the preliminary trial Joshua Gld dings offered to appear for the accused men, but was not allowed to do so. Con gressman Palfrey, a sympathizer wltb abolition, was present, but took no active part. When the trial was held tbe men were given a fair bearing. Sayres and Dayton MAGICAL clothing prices: We are always offering good vaIue'o our customers, but we never had such astonishing bargains as these before. Of course, we are constantly on the lookout for advantageous purchases, but it is not often we can do so well for our customers as this. Tho story of these wonder ful prices, told In a nutsholl. Is this: Ws obtained the of feror a blsr stock of clothing In Now York at very advan tageous terms If we took the whole lot. It 'was an un usually big stock, or else we could not have bought It so cheap. We knew we should have no trouble In selling; them at such prices so we closed the deal. GARNER & OUTFITTERS, Northeast Corner 7th and H YQqgigHO iBlipf PARK, PrO PtSfif V bi Vp J r ; - were convicted. Dayton was sentenced to pay seventy-three times $10 and Sayres $7,300 fine. In default, they were com mitted to prison. They were pardoned by President Fillmore la 18S2. An iueldcnt that led to much annoyance was the lauding of a large number of Wost Indian ants. They lame in the bal last on some schooners belonging to Land & Son. then great tobacco dealers. They were landed on thewharves. at tbe foot of Frederlek street. It was warm weather, and they spread rapidly east as far as rotoaiac. street. I.VVADED BY ANTS. The boys of thetown were accustomed to go along the rock walls that faced some ot the grounds where the street has been cut down, and to strike the wall with a stone. Thcauts wouldcomerunnlugout In immense numtiers. The boys frequently tl raped them up by the quart. When thebusIuessandJnflueneeof George town began to -none, a plan early thought of to restore trade was the construction of the Ches apeake & Ohio canal. It was in the days when Andrew Jackson was coming forward as a popular hero, and had already conic to be known as "Old Iliekory." The Chesapeake & Ohio (anal was chnrtere. and in due course nil was ready to break ground A day waSCet. proper tcremoiiies were arranged for, and the outlook was very promising.. On the appointed day the weather was fair, nnd a great concourse bad gathered upon the hills about the point selected for tbe first earth to be turned. Presi dent John Qulncy Adams had graciously consented to throw up tbe Initial spade full of turf, lie was down for an address preceding, and made It brief and easy to understand. He concluded with a refer ence to the Biblical injunction to Adam to subdue the earth. He said on that occasion they were as sembled -with that purpose, and as a rep resentative ot tbe wbolo people be would first exemplify tbe common duty. With that he gave tbe spade a downward thrust; but It stopped short an Inch below the sur face. A. more vigorous stab showed that ithad struck a root. Some waginthecrowd sang out in a pretended undertone, "Hickory Root" At this the President colored slightly, tnen threw off his coat and vast, and with a half dozen -well-directed, powerful strokes, out the root and upturned the desired spadeful of earth. His movements were greeted with rounds ot applause, and his final suc cess was tbe signal for cheering that lasted a quarter of an hour. Time for Befleotlon. Kitty Jack says lie will stop drinking if I marry bun. Janet "Well, be careful, my dear. It's easier for him to begin again than It Is tar you to get unmarried. Detroit Free Press. i Times "vVant Ada. Rent TIoukch. We Launder Lace Curtains as well as Una and Underwear. Lace Curtains require careful handling and few laundries care to attempt them they are afraid to. We are not afraid of the fin est kind of work we are able te to do It, and do it well Oar prices are right, toe. Capital LAUNDRY "Phone 1613. 512 8th St. N.W. For . Children's Salts eplehdl'l suits, too an excellent selection for mothers to chooae from. AU kinds from 4U0O up. 75c, Sounds absurd for a palr of lien's Cloth Pants, but no harp them. Wo hare an eno-mous variety good material and work maoship from 75c up. i lien's finest, all-wool Iilac Cheviot bulls rouadcuCtlouble-breast- ed aad cutawar worth easily H3 00 Good look ring and well made ex cellent material w - $1.00 &A-DQLLAR SiW3 Tho Doctor's Ilcnr. Dr. J. A-GeUcndorfe-r, of Arlington, re cently made an excursion Into the moun tains for health and recreation aijd ex pected to have a rattling good time. He "wts accompanied by a friend, and for sev eral days both enjoyed themselves In fish ing for the speckled mountain trout. The Doctor likes to fish, but he Is fonder of kbooting at big game, so hesugseMeiXtohis friend that they go forth to destniy bear and other wild animals. One bright morning, well heeled, they started out- After rambling through woods and over high mountains, they were about to return to camp utterly disgusted and tired out with their fruitless search. Sud denly, however, they discovered a goodly sized brown bear. He was sitting on bis haunches under a huckleberry bu-b. gorg ing blmvelt withtho luscious fruit. Both hunters fired, the bear gave an ugly growl, and disappeared. The hunters fallowed, determined -nvm securing the prize, but were unable to overhaul tbe animal. After following his trail fornbout a calf mile they suddenly came to a farm house. Tl.o bear was slttug on the f ronlt porch with s??gsg5ggs5g?.grv? 6-D This week we arc going- to open the Fall trade by .a.Spjcial Six-day Sale, at prices that will astonish everyone. We give you below a few Shoe Prices that are samples of what we are doing this week. We have determined to make a reputation for ourselves of being the cheapest shoe house in Washington. lien's Calf Shoes stylish hand sewsd best selected stock pointed and wide (TO flfl Men's Calf Shoes well known makes excellent quality Cf) nfl perfect nttiiig Z.UU Ladles' French Doogola Siloes Lace and Button six pretty styles never sold bo- CO flfl fore at less than tiW 4Z,UU Ladles' very fine Donfnl Shoes, well made, perfect CM Ffl finish pretty lasts 4a3U Misses' School Shoes good, Bentlble shoes In all styles well made easy on the feet Cf I QC Tory durable 3,.Q ECONOMY SHOE HOUSE 706 7th St. N. W. Besides these snaps In clothing, we are showing a full line of Cent's Furnish ings. We keep standard makes In shirts, collars, un derclothing, etc., and at low prices. Our fall neckwear Is worth looking at. There are many new designs this season some extremely fasolnatlng ones. Do not miss this grand clothing sale. Prices suoh as these are not often to be met with. rt CO., Sts. N.W. KROW&zl CAH one ot bis forelegs in a sling. The doctor and his friend were surprised, or course, lut were more so when they discovered a man coming towards them with a gun. They turned and ran, the man after them, but theysoon got outof harm's way. They afterward learned that the bear was a household pet, which had been trained to play -with tbe children.- They say they aro through with bear bunting. Portland Oregonian. Dangerously Bright. Sunday-school Teacher -What are we to nnderstand by this passage: Te ask and receive not because ye ask amiss?" Precocious Boy Ought to ask a widow. St. Louis Republic IVrsomilly Conducted Tours to TVat l.lis Glen mul Nlagiira Fill Is vlu l'fiiiwylianLi Hullrcmd. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company wit' operate a perronaliy conducted tour to Watklns Glen and Niagara Falls Tues-. day. October a. Rate-. 10. Ticket good ten days, allowing stoiv-ovcr priv-. ileges at Watkin and Rochester in either direction, and at Buffalo, returning. Bpe-v cial train l-sve Washington 7a.m. Later! tour October 15 5y3.SS3sSS2Si5 R ay Sale 1-3 r? Boys solid leather School bboes ones that will wear like Iron good serviceable shoes that will stand Jumping Cf I 0,C round In...... $1,ZU Ladies' Hand-sewed Button and Lace Sboes all styles, shapes, and toes shoes that yon cannot get elsewhere for CQ flfl less than H00, only. 0,UU Ladles' OTergaltere, made et 1Cn testCloth ZOC With every purchase we give a nice present for Children free. D 4 .- i --i r-Tt"Y vV Tr'g!SbSS''VJ " "'-J