OCR Interpretation

The morning times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1897, September 29, 1895, Part 2, Image 19

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024442/1895-09-29/ed-1/seq-19/

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- t t
20, 189S.
One Gent
One Cent
One Cent
One Dent
One Gent
One Cenf
r advertisement less than I Oa.
No advertisement less than 1 0.
Ko advertisement leas than 10.
No advertise
at less than 10.
Ho adrertlsement less than 10s.
No advertisement less than 10c.
2fo advertisement ! than lOt.
WAKTED-T"0 first-class salesmen
ior new subdivision; ex-government
clerk prtferred. JACKSON & WEEDON,
Booms 36-7 llcO 111 building, 010 Et. M.
WANTED-''(1 man for port it; must
hate si0 rcrs; call before 10 o'clock
Momla v morning. MERTZ'S DRUG STORE,
lllli mill F sta. It
WANTED-lay who understands past
ille wall paper thoroughly."" IIOKAUE
J. LONG & CO. It
WAKTED-T plumbers; alto a tin
ner that understands furnace, latrobe
and stove work. ALBINSON A C1IA8K.
1722 1 1th st. Be29 -2;
WANTBD-'l good boy to learn the
mi mil Move trade. J. T. DOYLE,
610 (ith st. nw. It
WANTED-Uvt, energetic men to
mire on commission. Call for Inter
view, Monday, 10 a. m. A. il. GREEN S
Co.. AnucostU. se2S-2t
WANTED-Hood butcher wanted as
partner tn one of the best Mauds in clty-
to take charge; small capital. A. I). C,
this offiC". Bc29-2t
WAKTED-Solicitors for lire insur
ance; ucii plans; low rates; sells quick
ly; big voimnisbions; large list of jiollcy
holrters In Washington inquire Itoom 15,
Washington Enan and Trust lllilg. It
WANTED-Canvassers, you can make
.peni.t). CallOuai-sMiw. sc2S-2t
WANTED-A man ona fruit and truck
ing piatv; German with a family pre-
ferred. M. M-. thisofflj5: se28-3t
WANTED-A man to sell an article to
dealers uud the public; reference re
quired. Address W. J. J1hlspffli-e.sc28-gt
A BOY wnnted to work In bakery: Ger
man nrcferreil. Call at oni-catNo. 1051
Pntoniat'&t., G.orjclowu.D.C. sc27 3t
WANTED By n wlm'.esuleefcrar house
in this illy, a man having some expert
ence as a drummer. None but one willing
to work need apply. C. M., this orfice.
se27 3t
WANTED-l'aii tq.drlvea paper wag
on; mu-,1 have experience In the busi
ness CalIjitM28 8lh st. nw. se27-3t
W ANTED- Reliable salesmen for a.
quick belling oifice specialty; good
cotnml-d'on. Call between 10 and 11,
1307 r st nw. Bc27-4t
"WANTED A good ralesinan ou salary
tor cn ir.ule: one with counectlou in
tobacco trade preferred. Address K. this
office re27 31
WANTED-Camarsers, first-ciassman
makes joo a month: call at once and see
MR. WEISb, 43b Oth et.nw..rora 8 to 10.
WANTED-Young lady
good salary. 212 K st. lie.
WANTED-Three lady canvassers to
take orders for article or dally con
sumption. Address SOLICIT, this office. It
WANTED A respectable white wo
man ot kind disposition without chil
dren to take the care- ot a lively, 5 months'
old Inbv hoy; will payTflo a month and sup
ply milk; bust refs. required. Answer, with
lull pnrllcalars, Mrs. B., this office.
WANTED-Catcress tn take fur. front
alums-room and kitchen, with all con
venience to Pension and Printing Orfkes.
Cnllafler 1 p. m.. r,24 lstst-nw. sc29-2t
WANTED-Good colored woman to
coo. ua.sh. and lrou; wages 58 jht
month. 812 Bth st. ne. It
"WANTED A good. Intelligent girf,
ao'iat li, in need ot a good home and
kind treatment, with small wages, and Is
able and willing to assist In light house
work In a small family, can address Airs.
JAMES 8., this office. sc28-3t
WANTED Acolored servant to do
general housework. Ills Cth St. aw.
WANTED-Ironers on shlru and la
499 C st. nw. se28-3t
WANTED-A girl on candies; to choc
olate and dip bonbons. Address DON
BONS. this office sc27-3t
WANTED-While woman wanted to
isii and Iron; 4 In family. Ad-
dress 3141
. N st. nw. fe27-3t
WANTED-A German girl Tor gcixral
housework. Apply 1333 141b Bt. nw.
WaHTED-Hmi' Protective Agency
has places for help every day wlm
good references. All capadUes. 610 lllli
t. ii. w. se4-lnio
WANTED-20 white cooks, $18 to
-io; help of all kinds for families,
holds, etc 'Call 014 13th st. nw. se28-2t
WANTED Smith Piemler Type
writer operators and stenographers
flijected to positions. Operators de
filing to familiarize themselves with new
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter call
CO.. No 1416 r st. nw. Jy31-tf
CUTTER Also first-class tailor; 23
years 01 ace; out of town preferred.
Adons 3 T. E.. this office. It
WANTED By a competent, lndus
trmas, sober young man with ex
tcusise and varied experleni-e, a place as
iherk. assistant lKtokkceper, or In any other
capacity; good rers. Address C. C, this
office. It
A STUDENT wantB situation to work
ec and morn. Call or address 1010
lllli st. nw. it
WANTED Printer desires to take
cnargeo! office; folly capable; 22 years'
experience; can estimate on nil classes of
work; open for immediate engagement.
Address STItHE!'. this office. sc29-lt
WANm ED Place as engineer or por-
itr in siure; can roast conee also, m
dri"is 023 N. Y. ave. nw. sc29-3
WANTED-Uy experienced grocery
clerk and good meat cutter, position
In good. Tillable store: good refs from last
employer. Hox 33. this office. It
WAHTED-lly a respectable mulatto
boy, a situation as porter In store, driv
ing w.igoa. run elevator, do housework:
will make himself useful: good refs. Call
or ;nldrj-ss E. R. 8., 404 P st. nw. it
WA HTED-situation wanted by a
well recommended leacher ot French
and seamstnss, willing to take charge oC
grown children. Call or address MLLE
care Madame Sauteille, 1217 G st. nw.
- sc27-3t
WANTED-Br married man. place to
work on a farm or garden, or to have
charge of a gcntlisnan's country residence;
good references. Address FARMER. Alcx
andrla. Va. 6C27-3 1
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman
wants pusitiou: good references as to
ability, etc. Address U.. this office
YOUNG man wants position as clerk
in a grocery store: can rut ment. nnri
come w ell recommended. Address Ilox 22,
Bllirn. Mil fe25-5t
WANTED-Bf a settled white woman
a I'J.a.,',V.u0,:; " washing; call for 8
days. 2407 II st. nw. it
W ANTED-riaoe as first-class cook.
, ihuci ui icsiaurunt. Aaaress 128
" " "" SCZ-3t
"WANTED Place as flrst-clnss cook
in small lamily. Address 227 O st.
2: sc2P-2t
RESPECTABLE colored woman,
cook m small family, or -washing to
lake home; no objection to slay nights
2113 Champlaln ave.; best ref. it
COMPANION ror Invalid lady or
otherwise: traveling or home; governess
for young children. W.. this office. It
WANTED- settled white woman
ho is a good cook and diwlres a good
home wishes a situation for light house
work. E. F.. this office. se28 2t
WANTED-Uj lady or cxpenence,
HONPs??.va?K,sS,er: best ref- Address
1IU.M-.ST1. this office. se27-3t
w ANTED Washing by a first-class
laundress to take home. J. A. B, this
"ffp" . se2S-3t
A"lruey-t-Law, Webster Law
ug, uuo xi st. nw.. Washington, n. c
Kesiacnce. No. 3, Mount Ternon Flats,
cor N y ave and fith t. n w. sein-ltno
FOR RENT-Flat of 6 rooms; newly
itiia,E,cI;S,: nri7-" "'!: kitchen fit up
with gas range, sink nnd water; English
basement; wlih large dining room. 208
st. nw se29-3t
wanted noAitnnns..
WANTED'-Gcntlenien to room and
board lor $10 per month each In ad-
vancy. 204 D st. sn. It
WANTED-Omttil couple to take
board ami unfurnished parlor; terms
reasonable. 524Uthst.8w. sc28-3t
WANTED-2 rur. rooms; light housa
seepin;r;UapltolUlll. Addresst'AFITOL
HILL, ihfi office. It
WANTED-W quiet tanilly of 3, 2 or
J untur. i coins, with heat and pas, for
light housekeeping or with board; good
tenant Jf titnoia reasonable. Address l'EIl
MANENT, tills onice. It
WANTED-1).' a young married couplo
4 iinliir locnir, between Cth and 15th,
F nrd Lts., lor light housekeeping. Ad
dress n. L. H.. this office. It
WANTED-Boanl and room in prl-hii-
laiuuy bj- young man. Address
'L. this -of nee-. It
WANTED-3 unfurnlshetl rooms on
scuinu uoof. If i-ossible with gas and
ba,th, for light housekeeping; two adults;
state price. J. B. 1).. this office. It
WANTED room and board In German
lamily lor a gentleman; must be be
tween Bth and 12th, II nnd M sts. nw;
mention terms. Address 8. M. H.. this
-office. , , It
WANTED-Unfurnished room for gen
, Urmau; siutcprl.-e: rers. exchanged; ne.
preferred. Address Box -1G8, City P. O.
. se2S -3t
WE "re still selling out regardless ot
cost, to make room for new rail goods.
Our $1 hard oil stains. YOU.VO CO.,
1804 7th srr-nw.
WANTED A Smith premier type
r. rner 111 gctd ccndillon; III 1 ay cash.
Addn-sa H42 K st uw. tc20-3t
"WANTED A business manager, liith
capital, lor mnnufaeturlng puriKises.
Addn-ss INDEPENDENT, this oillce.
A. DOCTOR WANTED torent 124
lllli st. se: no out tor ieur; 3 story, 9
room brick, heater in cellar, deep lot, 20-ft.
alley; throughly rennovated: $2.".. It
TV ANTED i0 or IB-wagons or carts!
C111LD9 OUICKYAUDS, 12th st. ex-
lemien ne.
JOB PRESS We want to Uly a toed
fccoi d-iiund Job printing press; write,
staiii.g iie, price, etc.- Address II. .V M.,
mm i-iinr le-JL
WANTED U. b. and lore-gn stamps
asd tiroot sets, at highest prices. A
largo and choice assortment ror sale. C
F. ROT1IFUCHS, 359 1-2 Pa. ae.
J si28-7t
WANTED-A child to boa rd in a bright
sunny home, -Kherc It will have every
care and attention. Address C. P.. this
orriee. ie27-4t
WANTED-A goodofricenusiness: will
pay lair price. G. T. P., tills office.
WANTED-rivc thousand good live
BIRD .STORE, 712 12th St., and 1221
ra. ave. 11 w. K'6-et
WANTED-Olrla to be telftupportlug;
married ladies to lessen dressmaking
WII3 by learning to cut by Merchant Tailor
Square: particulars at school. 71S 12th
st. sel4-tf
WantedTry Rubber Roof Paint.
AndchsrceonlyforpRlnllni: wortrusraatssl
FOR RENT 413 2d st.se.. nkely fur
riroius jui board; a. m. 1.; opposite
park: near cars: ery desirable. se28 2t
FOR RENT 1 fur. room on 1st floor
luck: geiiiieaieu only wanted; new
bouse: convenient to Oept's. 628 I st- nw.
se28 2t
FOR RENT'-A large, front bay wln
uow room; ulicly furnished; In private
family; excellent lward; nw. section; ref
erences exchanged; terms for two. $52.
Address DEislRAULE. this office. se29 2t
FOR RENT Three large nnfnrnithcd
rooms, second Door; modern Improve
ments; Ecklngton and Belt line pass the
door. Call alter 5 p. tn., 529 New Jersey
ave. nw. it
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
on second lloor; suitable for gentlemen
or gentleman and wife; rent $7 to S10
permnnlb. 1240 8th st. nw. It
FOR RENT Threeuumralshed rooms,
ou Jci noor; for housekeeping; heat,
gas and Imth on same floor; family of two
rni ni-MiTt- 523N. J. ave. nw. It
FOR RENT-rur. rooms ior gentle-
,"'". s-o io ci" jier monin;as, bath
and beat. 1014 10th st. nw. se2ll-7t
FOR KENT-Rooms. with or without
tioard: heal, cas and hath. Vn. ifA
14th st. li w.. MRS. C ,F. LITTLE. SC23-31
FOR RENT A large front room;cheer
ful; lurmched, cheap. 4J.8 10th st. nw.
se22 St
FOR RENT 2-or 3 rooms, unfur., for
light housekeeping; water and sink
on same iksir; 2 large closets in each
room; newly papered: private ball; heat
andgns:glb. 12u7 0sunw. se28-2t
FOR RENT Two communicating
rooms, unrur. or partly fur. 1410 6th
at. nw. sert28-3t
226 A8t.sefur.rooms,ensuiteor.single.
on 2d or 3d floor; good table board.
FOR RENT line front room in new
house, with board for two gentlemen,
or gentleman and wife. $40. Call 109
Cth st. sc. c23 3t
FOR RENT 1634 15lh st.. nicely fur
nislHst iront room reasonable; good
home table. it
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms;
new hoaset 1st. 2d nnd rtil rln.ir. SK
SS. S12 aud S15?
m. 1.;
board if de-
sired. 020 I st. nw
RENT Nicely furnished parlor,
liable for physician, 12 per mo.;
nlen rttlior ituiinc vl.lt lui.tvl 4; ...... ...ui.
427 O bt nw., hcxt door Tj iographical
i t-mpie. EC2SKI t
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; heat,
gas and bam; to gent or man and wife;
refs. exchanged. 042 N. Y. ate. nw.
FOHRENT Capitol IIn$20forro.im
and board for a gentleman, or $35
for two; convenient to cable and E. Cap.
sUcars. 212 -misuse. it
FOR RENT Large, sunny,
front room. 314 A ne.
FORKENT 7236thst.nwiurnished.
-s- inea-nm, second story front room, small
room, and back parlor; new bouse: nil con-
veniences. ' " se29-3t
FOR RENT At 2003 11th sL nw.. 3
fur, rooms $15. It
FOR RENT Large, desirable rooms
on first und second floors; south and
west front; bay -window; with elegant
table board; beautlf ul location; terms moder
ate. 1015 Lst, nw. sc29-3t
FOR RENT-rLower halt of 10 -room
house, very cheap. 531 19th st. It
FOR RENT Nicelv furnished room,
with table board, beat, and gas. 110 a
st. nw. it
FOR RENT Fur. 2d floor rooms, sep
arate or UKvther; very pleasant and de
sirable; rent fair; also, nice front room
on 3d floor, $5; ref. exchanged; private
family; cars pass. 824 1st at. nw.
TEMPLAR HOUSE. 207 Pa. ave.
nw. pleasant rooms; excellent board
from 54 to $0 per week. se29-7t
FOR BENT-1104 12tht. nw., large
and small front rooms, single or en
spite; newly papered, painted and fur.;
first-class table board; rooms suitable for
tWO- se2 3 t.
FOR RENT For light housekeeping,
two ntrelv fitrntihttl y.... n..
Government Printing Office. 223 H
st. ne.
FOB RENT-911 O st- nw., three fur.
or unfur. rooms on 2d floor; heat and
gas. also two large rooms on 4th floor
'Mr8 meD at $B per montn cah-
J5AT.E or Exchange ThreeloUlnsauaro
914. ne,; Noa.-40.-il. 12, F st- ne.- each
,?i.?.,1!:!,DS,,,890 B('' rt- Address OWNER
INE. Uils office. se25-St
FOR SALE There will be no belter
lime to get a bargain In real ectnta
'?4af!x''- JJ, P ffi"1 ewteSj
24.6x131.. well located ne., on Icrms to
suit purchasers, at S300 per lot; near cable
cars. -Pecure a home site. Call for nlai
nnd full Information. JNO P. WAnfiA.
MAN. 700 14th sL. room 4.' ae21.14.
FORt RENT Fine large hall. 7Bxz5
at halt price C25La.ave. rc25-10t
FOR RENT Stable rear of 112218th
st.uw.; 8 per month. W. R. COflEY
FOB BENT 1012 V. at. nr two
mono on fourth floor and four rooms
SR.STS"1 noor: unfurnished. Address
.1012 F'st. nw. Se25-7t
FOR RENT Onenlcely furnished front
room: suitable Tor 1 or 2 centletnen, con
venient to all car lines. Apply G37Letnw
FOR RENT C03 I st. nw.,two second
story rooms: nawly papered, hand
somely fur well heated; everything dean
and isimrortabla; rent reasonable; no light
housekeeping. se27-3t
FOR RENT One. second-floor front
itlcntii rjom, fur.; one second-floor
baik room. fur. or untur.; with or without
board: reasonable to desirable parties;
heat. gas. electric bells, and use of bath.
117 r.th st. ne. se27-3t
FOR RENT 726 6lh-at. nw.. sei-ond-sinry
I rout room; small room and back
parlor: ouvcnlent to. Pension. Post, and
Patent Orfiis;3. ate27-3t
FOR RENT At 911 1st st. uw.. en
tire setnud iloor of 3 desirable commu
nicating unfur. rooms: water on same
floor: terms low to suitable person. sefc7-3t
FOR RENT 512 E St., near (ith. de
sirable lur. parlors, alcove, single or
en suite; also rront rooms 2d nnd 3d floors;
very central. se28-7t
FOR RJSNT-Tno rooms, lurulslied or
unuiruiKiieu. one suitable for one or
two gentlemen: near cars and herdics.
430 10th st. ne. Ee28'i.
FOR RENT ISargalu In rooms lor
housekeeping; also stable. Inquire
dmsMurc.2:lS 14th st.uwr. se28-it '
FOR KENT 34U 1 st. sw.. nice Uoiit
room ior two. &1.25 each per mik:
heat, gas. Iiatli: smaller room $1. se28-2t
FOR RENT One nltflv furnished front
room, convenient to all car lines: suit
able for gentlemen. 44 C st. nw. ee28 2t
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
front rooms and one back room, with
board. In convenient location. Apply 721
12th st- nw. te2ij-lt
UNFURNISHED Near Capitol and
for light housekeeping. OWNER, 510 3d
ne. fce28-3t
FOR RE NT Two neat, cheerf nl rocms:
Inuiinns four wlndows.ind two closets;
rent, $9; back room, $7; good size and
ploa3aut: no other rocmers; near cars and
hcMIc. 813 3d st. nw. se28-2t
FOR RENT No. G10 3d St. nw.. one
nicely lur. 2d-story front bny-wlndow
room. se28-3t
LARGE 2d story front alinve room;
ihvly lur.; with board; suitable for 2
gentlemen or man and wil". 038 E. Cap. st.
s-28 2t
FOR RENT 1 elegant fur. room,
2axlb; 2d Door; $20; the snmesireoi
3d Door, $20; hall room, 57. 924 14L
St. 11 w. sc28-3t
WANTED-BJ October 1st, 2 wcll
nir rooms and board for 3 adults. In
nw.; within 5 orC blocks of Interior; elate
particulars. Address MARSHALL, this
office It
FOR RENT rront parlor room, rec-
ond floor. 706 7th SL nw. MORGAN.
YILLETT & CO. re27-St
SOfS K sL nw. Hall room; large closet;
with board. ?20. se27-3t
FOR RENTEnrar., two large, hnght
rooms: heat, gas and bath. 036 3d ne.
FOR RENT In new house, 313 ET
apitoi si., wen rur. rooms im 1st
and 2d floors.
with first-class table trard.
by owner.
FOR RENT Fur. room for gentlemen;
1014 mih st. nw. te27-7t
FOR RENT S 271 st.nw..ba -window
front room, third story; gentlemen only;
$10 per month. tc27-4t
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms
on second floor, suitable for light
housekeeping. No. 2100 G st. nw. se28-0
FOR RENT Two unfurnished commu
nicating rooms, with closits. second
story, south front: near Slate. War and
Navv departments: adults oniy; refs. ex
changed. 1731 F st. se28-3t
FOR RENT $8 and $10 per month,
newly luruishcd rooms: gas, bath; prl
vate family. 806 II St. nw. te28-3t
FOR RENT Newly furnished third
story front room, wlta large alcove,
$5 per month. 910 R. I. ave. se28-2t
FOR RENT Three or four rooms;
furulsUeU or unrunilehed: suitable
for housekeeping. 430 New York ave.
A REFINED home; runny rooms and
good beard, cor. of Corcoran and 15th
sis Address K. B. P- this office. It
THREE unfur. rooms, with gas and
tiaih, suitable for housekeeping; rent
cheap. 221 F St. nw. ic29-2t
FOR RENT Attraclivuly-rur. 2d-story
front room; also 2d-story back room,
unfur.; gas, beat, and uie of bath: email
family; no children. 239 14th St. sw. It
FOR RENT Nicely fur., 2d-6lory front
room; soutb and east exposure; all
mod. imps : i.ent nnd clean; home comrorrar
ref ; rent $10. 35 M st- nw. te29-3t
ONE-HALF of office or desk room.
Inquire room 15, Washington Loan and
Trust Bldg. Ee29-2t
FOR RENT 7-rooni frame with bath
and stable; $12 per month. 321 I st.
se. WELLER A REPETTI, 400 Pa. ave.
FOR RENT 2 unfur. suites of rooms,
large and bright; ce. cor. Conn. ave. and
M st; specially adapted for legations or
small club. it
FUR. or unfur. rooms, with board, at
6(13 E. Cap. st; also stable for rent.
FOR RENT Cool nnd wood yard with
all the appliances for doing business;
located on a public thoroughfare. B. LEON-
ARD, 580 4 1-8 at. sw. Ec29-7
FOR RENT-At No. 19 Grant place!
well furnished rooms; pleasant parlor,
with or without board; with kind, cdu'
cated country people. it
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms:
ail modern improvements; good table
board-convenient to four lines of cars.
1232 10th st. nw. it
for be;
tENT-In small family; large,
hetf 2d atory front room, wltli
iuriuuea xa atory front room, wltli
board for two, $40; -without, $9; middle
v. . iuuuj Tjm uoura ior two, 535:
without, $fl; alto imall haft room for
gentleman; cheap. 984 Md. are. ne.
heroics pass dodr. ft
FOR. RENT Large, handsomely fur.
nlshud orunturnlshcdcom. bay window
parlors, separate or together; roldlng bed.
heat, gas and bath; suitable for dentin:
J?0?.8.'". Tlcinltr: other rooms: rurnlshed
hall bed room. $4 per month. c29-tit
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms: Sd
floor: bath, hot and enirt nm., n..
ch.ri ,.rf .. -.r.-i j.".-i.?"a
, wooq.
NO. 1
P st. nw.
FOR HENT-1521 I st.; very com
tortabie. 2d floor, two rooms; folding
doors; suitable for one or two gentlemen
bright, sunny; opposite Arlington Hotel:
also two cheap rooms on 4th floor; fronL
PROF. CLAY. Washington's oldest e
tauTishedTalid reliable clairvoyant and
medium, wbo'teds you all things and howta
avoid all trr.able; also how to retain husband
or lover. Ifln, search of truthful advice
consult him m an arfnira. Ho will not de
reive or mislead you and guarantees satis
faction to alii .who seek his advice. Fee
50 cents. Hours, 10 a, m. to D p. m.; open
Dunuays. 4o 13. si., oet. a- anu uta
sts. sw.
HATE removed my grocery and provl
siou store, the Virginia Market, from
-312 4 1-2 St. to 470 O at. aw. TII03.
KUFPERT. se28-3t
THE Wonderful Remedy. Cancers cured
without knife, pain or pay until cured;
also carbuncles, piles, dropsy, by PROF.
MARTIN RILEY. 4U7 Pa. av. m, dt-ocS
nw.. carpet lining, felts, fire brick and
clay, asbestos, paints, brushes, lime, cement,
twoand throe-ply roofing material. apr21-tf
BANK jwir dnst with us and you'll
be "in it?' ju6t please comprehend
that we are selling elegant custom-mado
suits, the least bit worn, at Justh'sllg-un-s.
TOADIES needing confidential treat
ment. A safe and sure relief In all
female trouble constipation, Irregularl
ties, tumor, cancer, opium habit, fistula,
etc. fieparale rooru for patients before
and durlug conthiement, and rind homes
for lur.iuts If required Btrltlly confiden
tial. SlltS. DR. RlINNElt. 10 Fourth sL
ne.. near L Capitol, fet Washington. D. U.
PIANO lessons L. 8. McElbinney. No.
42a 4:li St. nw.; experienced teacher;
reduced rates. u'18-lmo
iiniI3. ESTELLE telisnllthiPevents
ot life In German and English: hours,
9 n. m. to 10 p. m : 26 and 50 cents;
cures all cases of running or dry sores.
913 mill ttsw. u0-lm
THIS Is no "foris- put," Just an every
day occurrence. We ore selling elegant
stilts, "custom made," the least bit worn.
M prices that'll surprise you. Drop In on
us. Jt'STH'tf OLD tiTAND. 619 D st. nw.
se23 7t
DR. TAYLOR. 00G F r.t.nw., makes
full seu of teeth for $5; satisfaction
guaranteed; teeth extracted without pain:
gold filling. SI: amalgam. 60c- te4-tf
lentiin gien tooitasesnf thecariUs
charges Irom and ringing In the ear perdia
nently curiil: heariig n stored: ccnsulia
tlon Jri-. DR. GRACY. 1407 N. 1". ave.
Oirjce430ura. 9 to 1LV50 a. 111,, 1 to 5 and
7to 8 p. m. fe28-l't
lir. .Marj" Gordou, tells you all tliii'gs
and gives a proper remedy foryoartrr.uble.
Alwaysathomu. lluilUst.nw. sc-22-lm
Sworn Circulation of The
Washington Times.
-ta- -
1 , Actually Sold
Monday, September pL6 3 1 ,6 I 1
Tuesday, " 17 31,433
Wednesday, " 18 31,765
Thursday, " 19 31,560
Friday, " 20 31,623
Saturday, " 21 32,223 "
Sunday, ' 22 22,950
Total for week. . . ' 2 1 3, 1 65
Greatest Circulation in Washington.
Tnis reiueuy cures In 3 daS or no
charge. Consultation tree. DR. McKEE
IIAN.71G 12th st-nw. se29-lt
THIS coupon and 75 centa entitles the
noiucr to six of our finest cabinet
photographs. Present this at the time
of sitting. W. H. ROSS, rnotogmph
Gallery. 405 lstst-se. "It
SlOO reward for a case of Indigestion
or nysp'psia that cannot be cured with
Crump a Tonic ot Fruit and Spices.
CRUMP M'F-G. CO.. 003 F St. nw. Send
for circular. se29-7t
TWO tickets Lafayette Square Opera
House, opening night, for sale; or
chestra chairs: first-class location. Ap
ply to L. JOHNbON, 1333 F st. second
floor. it
from rooms, lurnisbed complete: cook
ing utensils, dishes, gas, heat, bath; re
frigerator, so Ing machine and organ: $14
per month. No. 301 10th st. sw., rear
Smithsonian. it
WANTED-A few more ladles to learn
urcss euiuug nt half price: can make a.
dress wulle learning; last week of reduced
prii-e. Call at 1107 G st. nw. It
A SEVENTH daughter of a seventh
son can bay a machine from us Just
the same as ordinary every-day people. All
makes, from $20 to S60; second-hand ma
chines. $5 to $25. All kinds repaired from
MACHINE CO.. 334 Pa. are. se. Send
postaL it
IMPUTE. BROOKE tehs all the events
of lire; all business confidential: ladies
and gentlemen. SO cents each; hours, 0 a.
m. to 'J p. m. 605 NeW York avenue north
west. near Sixth streeL sc24-14t
3VTTVTE. PERRIN Scientific palm
istry; truest destiny reader of the age;
events of past and future revealed with
wonderful accuracy; hours 10 to 9. 515
19th st. nw.. bet. E and F.
WANTED-ABor broom modern flat;
convenient to 14th st. car line. Ad-
dreiw MO DERN'FLAT. this office. irolO-tf
ROOAIS and board very reasonable for
. gentlemen, flr man and wife. 1724
14th st. nw. Jn" Be28-3t
BOARDING Bay window front
room; opposite park, with
or without
$4 each" per week.
ouz a st.
705 C st tw.: nice rooms. tel9-10i
FOR SALE Press brick b.w- 8 rooms,
m. l.. No. 832 lltti ne., halt squari
from cars; prloe "$3,000; about $200 cash
bal. $8 or SlOiper mo. Apply after 6 p.
TO. P. E. aL 1981 3d St. nw. se29-2l
FOR SAI-.R'-SSOO cash. $25 ner mo.
Jso. lOLOstat. nw.; new bay window;
press brick: D rooms and lntn: electrio
bells and lighter; cabinet mantels; latest
Improvements; sanitary plumbing party
wall worth 5160: lot 18x100 to allev:
Plies, $4,500. ' JAMES G. JESTER, 630
st. uw.
-House on C it. sw., neat
ley; price only $3,000. C.'BOYER A dON,
21i 7th st. sw. se28-3t
FOR SALE At a bargain, 9 rooms
and bath, hot water heating; cabinet
mantel;' cellar; will bear Inspection; coma
andseclt. No.lflOSTst.nw. , se28-2t
FOR SALE Large and small bouses,
north ana southwest: brick nnd frames;
cheap;ownr leaving city. OWNER, 920
Whitney ave.. Mt. Pleasent. se27-3t
house, at a sacrifice; offer wanted.
Address SACRIFICE, tills offloe.
FOR SALE-A small house with lof
running back to the next street. In the
sorthcasl; house rents for $P.C0 and will
be 'sold at a sacrifice on account of the
financial embarraatmant or ton ownar
The purchaser rauitb willing to accept
tax title. Address MSB. T. SL B. this
office. eSt-lOt
FOR SAXjE Good tbaiicefortberlgfat
man, cigar and tobacco store at 13D0
Water st. sw. Apply at 006 N st. sw.: for
sale cheap. - sc27-3t
FOR SALE-Parties leavingclty by 1st
or del. will sell part of household furni
ture at 151S 12 til st. nw. sc28-2t
FOR SALE-A good sound pair ot
mules, farm wagon and ilopboller;
oheap. Call. 300 G nw. te28-3t-
FOR SALE-Cheap, Colt hammer gun;
good as new; can be seen at SCOTT'S
CIGAR STORE, 4 1-2 and Pa.ave.nw.
FOR SAXjE A corner store und dwell
ing, brick, southeast, former price
$3,500, now S2.G0U; terms 5500 cash,
balance monthly. C. IlOYElt A. SON. 214
7th st. sw. se28-3t
FOR SALE-Grocery in northcst,do
iug good business. Inquire 491 O St.
sw (e28-3t
DAYTON, mare, and bamecs, all in
excellent condition: must be sold at
once. Apply 727 3d St. ne. Ie28-3t
FOR SALE Lady's 24-lb. high grade
wheel at n sairllice at PALMER'S,
Mas3.ave.andUtl1st.nw. reL8-2t
ONE carload or horses rrom Slienandoali
Valley: guaranteed Virginia horses or
no sale: workers and drivers: moderate
st- nw. se26-7t
CHEAPEST place in Washington to
buy lancy pigeons. 715 10th st. ne.;
call ntter 4 p. in. sept27-7t
FOR SALE Fine mare. 7 tirs;Just
riom cnuiuo; souuu anu gentle: suit
able for grocery wogun: weighs 1.100
pounds: also side bar.Luggy and plueton.
1106 11th st nw. fc2T-3t
FOR SALE-Bargains In wagons, car
riages, trap-f, harness and buggies, both
new and second liaud; also 2 horses. 927
D St. nw. be!4-lm
FOR SALE Cheap, horse. Duyum
vagon and harnts. 727 3d St. ne.
FORSALE- Cnpliulpneunialiebkycie;
fcso-vasn; a bargain. Apply 1209 1st.
so. te27-3t
ONE new grocery wagon, one second
hand 3-1 scat top buggy, almost new; for
Balecheap. G. JALOlIb, 513 Kst. inv.
FOR SALE Pine male fox terrierpup,
jiertcct markings. 1213 feth St. nw. 1 1
RAILROAD Watches oniy $s: Wnl.
Ihnin and Elgin stem winders. FECII-
NER. 231 Pa. ave. se25-5t
FORSALE Fine homingpigtons,
pair. 14a 8Ui st. nw.
FOR SALE Gortlon setter puppy,
iikilc. 6 mouths old; two gyiis. half
Newfoundland, ery fierce, good watch
dogs; must bo sold tiefore. Monday p. in.
Address I. X this office. It
FOR SALE-Cigar store at 003 10th
st. nw., cheap, stock will inventory
price; laundry agency willpayrent. sc29-3t
A FINE dark bay horse, cheap: or
will excuauge lor furniture or feed.
II. MeS.. IhU oifice. It
FOR SALE bmall steam launch;
iiereuuti' boiler and engine; can bo
seen at Rittcr's boat house; cheap. It
FOR SALE pretty 14-foot tail
lug canoe, 30; ery rast and ktanch;
3 sails; oars, etc.; a bargain. Apply
RITTKR'S BOAT HOUSE, foot of 6tb
st. sw. se29-2t
FOR SALE-Folding
Aid. ae- sw.
bed. 10 IS
fe29 2t
FOR SALE-Bakery and confection
ery: ujum sell before October 1. at
any price. 2223 I4tb st.nw. se29-3t
FOR SALE Complete file of the Na
tional Republican; bound and In good
condition. Address A. J. C, this office.
FOR SALE Fine horse, eight years
old, sixteen nands high, sound: buggy
and harness, cheap. E. A. BRAUNER, 907
II st. nw. sc29-3t
FOR SALE-Entire furniture of 10
rooms, an new; for sale by October 1;
no reasonable ofrer refused."- Address
2Q7 C st nw. sp26-7t
C. O. SLOAN & CO.. Auctioneers, 1407
v Q Street
By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated
theRIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1890, and
duly recorded In Liber 1452, Folio 205,
et seq.. one of the Land Records of the
District of Columbia . and at the request of
the party fecured thereby, we will sell at
puhlle auction in front of the premises,
on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1895. ai
4 o'clock p. m.. tho following described
land and premises, being lot lettered
"C," in RolhweU's subdivision la square
numbered 452. together with all the Im
provements. Jtc.
Terms: One-third cash; balance In one and
two years from day of sale, bearing Inter
est at 6 per cent, per annum, and secured
by deed ot trust on the property sold, or
all cash. A deposit of $100 required at
tlmo of sale. All conveyancing and re
cording at cost of purchaser. Terms to
be compiled with In 15 days from day of
sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right
to resell at cost ot defaulting purchaser
after due notice published in some Wash
ington nciiEpanrr.
d&ds.xB Trustee.
0. G. SLOAN A CO., Auctioneers. 1407
G street.
By virtue ot a deed of trust dated Septem
ber 5, 1891, and duly recorded In liber 1616
folio 283 et seq., of the Land Records of the
District of Columbia, and at the request of
the party secured thereby, we will offer for
7 ale at publlo anotlpn In front of the prem
ies on THURSDAY, OOTOBER8. 1896 at
4:30 p. m., the following described land and
S remises, being lot 11. In Susan A. and
oseph S. Eosi subdivision of lot "d," of
Palmer Briscoe t al subdivision of original
lot 1 In square 688. at said first named sub
division Is recorded In the office of the sur
veyor nt theDlstrlotof Columbia, In Book 10,
page 31. Terms cash. A deposit nt $500
will be required attlmenf sale. Allcnnvey
ancint, etc, at cost of purchaser. Terms
to be complied with In ten days from day of
sale or the property wlU be resold at risk
and cost of defaulting purchaser after three
days notice thereof In some newspaper pub
lished in Washington, D. a
sw2B-dA-ds Trustees.
WILL trade city real estate, equity
$4,000, for business worth $2,600
and $1 ,500 cash. BOX 315. City P. 5. It
ELEGANT home, nw., $8,000, for
ST.OOO; or will exchange for suburban
home or land near cars. BOX 815, City
p- - It
WANT to be Independent Learn the
easy, profitable branch ot art I teach.
Takes vury few lessons; costs very lltti.
ART TECHKR, 806 11th it. nw.
4-'OHvKlCiX- a 4 i n
liii MasslaroinrJ-H
m L ISr. 1101 ot
S0313th si sw. Sr..nO 00
Cor. 3 and E its nw
S19 C suavjmDUr. W 19
unfile rooms.
i.u3i.stnw,mi.i;r 50 S3
1761 P st nw, ml.
wu st nir, in 1,
ur... 07 so
lir M 00:1:20 9th t nw. ml.
SO,815thstnw,ml, 12r...:. W 80
iur. a 00 Mil K st nw.ml.izr V) DO
5C0Kl.are.nw.iu -
ll-SSMstnw. mL
lOr. 85 50
1109 3th st nw. ra
-159 Fla are nw, m
i,7r. 23 50
tsisdnw. mL"r-,2S zs
120 C st ne. m L Or a 00
1. lOr ii 50
411 N. Y. are. nw,
ml. Dr.. (7 50
SB N.Y. eve nw.
Jtsusinnw, ml.7r 2! so
455 1st se, m I, 7r. 21 CO
ml.Sr 5 i3
lu-iou no,n7r. SU -
ISM Columbia st
tosEstniT, 2nd f,
nw.ml.br la SO
St) Oli tZA 11 nw. -m 1 Nf 2"1 0
14W,tk . . ,1 .O ,M.'.w. ,n.. (
i.-UQUlH,ilA. 13 IVUI 1UIJ1 II av, mi,
umdWeaw,!!! 1 ir....-...-
ur.. IS SU
ilxllne. in I.
21 00
20 30
13 00
18 00
16 00
15 20
115.1 rjth st nir.
I JJ T nw, ra I, or.
6r ...:.. u 40
i:B5thstnw. 6r
CUj ututner are n
103 tin stce.Sr..
w(stable)6r,...15 00
Cor. 8th and Grant
UKH 7th st nw, Cr..
arnw.tr.. ?.i. 15 01
Kcott ave n w,
UlntJri. 6r.... 15 DO
S5-H 7th st nw, 5r.. 14 M
Kli ltth ... A. V,1,
v., .u.u on, u... .. ii w
Sl 11th nw, 6 r... ! 00
Oakstnir. m I,
1WS -N J are nw.Gr 11 00
1JI1 Dst ar..3r... IS so
7r. i i. niO
711 Grant an nir. ;
lOIlthst.tfe. 5r.. 13 50
5r. .... 13 so'
iu3L.stsa.5r. 12 W
KSLse.Sr 14 50 23JS 6th st nw. 5r.
,ii dnendnu st nw
issnnst de,or... lloo
:3i9KrJstoe Court
nw. 5r.". 10 30
(stable). Sr.. .. 12 On
uucoiaen st sw.
5r. 10 5.11
Rear 4K B st sw,5r 10 00
lKlustth st'nw.Sr 10 00
1731 Usyes' Court
er 2.V 11th -st
sw. 5r. 10 3a
431 franklin st
nw.sr tow
nw, 5r. 10 CO
910 9th st nw.store iN 1 e h o 1 e Bead.
and dwlg. 5r.' . . J 5CI blacksmith shop to 00
iwMHiBisw, store .
anddwle, 5r 20 OC
103 Drapers' alley IRearSlSCst nw. 110 00
sw .-jiaooi " "'
. b. CA in OOD, B33 9th SL nw.
FOR RENT--N0S. 32 and 34 L, St.
nw.; o rooms, gas and water, only
$in r.o.
1633 3d str nw., 5 rooms and -water,
$13 30.
724 13th ne.; 8 rooms; all mod. Imp.;
only $15 to.
2.11 nud 2:'3 Elm r. Le Droit Park;
7 rooms each, only $20. By
se29 3t ltOU7tbnw.
FOR, RENT 062 4th' st ne.; 6-rooni
brick; in good order; flue location;
water In kilcLeir: key next door. BARNES
A WEAVER. 029 V st uw. It
FOR RENT $25. cheapest rent In
my; itiree-story brick, nine rooms,
heater in cellar. 30-foot alley; newly reno
vated: berdics and cars. 124,11th st. se.
FOR RENT No. 92C N. C. ave. se., 8
rooais and stable; newly papered and
painted, $35 per mo. No. 014, store
corner of lain und Tenn. ave. ne., with 7
room dwelling, $10.50 per mo. N'o.35
rooms and cellar. $15 50 per mo. Nos. 35
:itni:;7 8st nw9rooms,-op$ermo. F.J.
niEL'OONNE, Ohio Nat. Bank Bldg. It
FOR RENT 823 ulh St. ne., a beauti
ful lirown?tone front house, 7 large
rooms, bath, concreted cellar; front and rear
yard, low to right party. OWNER. No.
1001 E St. nw. sc28-3t
FOR RENT-68 D St. ne., $22 a
month: 0 rooms and bath: concrete
cellar. se28-3t
FOR RENT 331 11th st-se.. $13.50,
six-room frame:
w. and g.
'Call 70d
E St. se.
FOR RENT 122 S"6tn st. nw., 6 rooms;
n i-o store fixtures for sale. se27-3t
FOR RENT Dwelling house a nd store,
lieuiesda, Montgomery Co., Md4 easy
terms Address A. COUNSELUANN, this
office. se27-7t
FOR RENT House. H st. nw., 8r. $28
4 rriouis. H St., flats , .. 15
House. Fst.sw.. bet. 9th and lOtb.Or.. 10
House, 8r.. Mount Pleasant 10
House. 3r., Mount Pleasant Q
Inquire 920 Whitney ave.. Mount Pleasant.
FOR RENT HI 7th st. ne.; pressed
brick front; 7 rooms, bath, cellar: $25
per month. ALLEN C. CLARK. 005 F st
ow. - se27-3t
FOR RENT 812 D st. he.; new six
room bouse: all the latest imps, np to
date; cars pass door; yard and cellar: back
entrance; 25 30 per month. Apply to
OWNER. 801 Md ave. ne. se27-3t
FOR RENT 221 Est.ne.;6rtiomsand
bath: all mod. Imps.; large yard- cellar:
$16. Apply 801 Ma. ave. se27-3t
FOR RENT Bargain In rooms. In
quire -au8 14th SL, drug store, before
2 p. m. se27-5t
FOR RENT Reduced ta $18 month,
new b-nnim bricks, Nos. 18 and 18
Florida ave. no.; bath: Hi i. Apply 38
Florida ave. Fe25-5t
FOR RENT 1240 Duncan st- ne.. 7
rooms; ail modern Improvements; near
ly new; SI 5.30. JOHN W- MORRIS. 614
Est se24-7t
Si-2.KO-120 E St-
nw.: 14r.; a. m. L
CT T. YODER. 615 E SU nw.
S3S.OO 1420 9th st. nw.; 8 r., b.;m-L
C.T. YODER. C15E st-nw.
S32.50-1133 9th St. nw., 9 rooms and
uato; ro. 1. C. T. TODEB.
FOR RENT Furnished A six-room
house, wlta large yard and stable,
$30 per month. Inquire at 1016 Fla.
ave lie. se292t
LACE Curtains laundered byhand by
an expert, 30 cents and upward. 15
F St. nw. w29-2t
DIVORCE-Do y6a want a divorce
from that old machine of yours? Well,
try us. Wo have the Standard, Domestic,
Singer, New Home, American, Wheeler A
Wilson, Household, and many others, from
$20 to $60. cash or installments. First
class second-hand machines ot all makes
from $5 to $a0; cash or Installments. Ma
chines repaired from 60 cents up. Drop
us a postal. THE ENTERPRISE S. U. CO.,
334 Pa. ave. se. It
J. B. SMOOT. carpet layer and up
holsterer, lormerly of 311 7th st. bo.
Drop a postal to me, 659 F st. ne. It
GRAND Patriotic" Lecture will be
neutered on Sunday evening, Septem
ber 29. at 8 o'clock p. in., at Jr. O. U.
A. M. Hall, corner 4 1-2 and G sts. sw.:
converted French Jesuit, Rev. K. J. Dug
las, will lecture on bis experience In the
West India Islands. All natriotio friends
Invited: free to all It
LACE CURTAINS laundered by
experienced banas, 40c per pair; orders
mcea nan as
promptly attonded to.
no. 2D st.
. nw.
"WANTED AH should know Dr. Mary
Gordon' tells truthfulness of friends,
business deal, or matrimonial venture.
Tells all your bnslness affairs with utmost
truth; lost or stolen property; every hid
den mystery revealed; makes speedy and
happy marriages with the one you lova
by proper advice. Don't buy, sell, or
go on a journey until .you consult this
Sifted lady In person or by letter. She
lagnoscs your case by- Spiritual insight
aided by a staff of competent physicians.
Ladles may consult in-confidence on all
diseases peculiar to their sex. Office
and residence. 1109 G at. nw: se29-lru
J. D. MEBBITT, Photographer, re
moved to 439 and 461 Pa. ave. nw.;
all work strictly first-class. se28-lrn
S2.BO for lounges; cook stoves, $5.00;
$1.00 per waelc ior bedroom and par
lor suits; cash or credit. 719 7th st- nw..
REDMOND'S. Re26 6t
will laundry your lace curtains for
aa cts. a pair, and guarantee good work.
U. WALLACH, 603 E st- nw.
WE don't care to do "cheap" "slop
printing, and most everybody knows
Jt and they know we don't care who knows
K. Prices right M. W. MOOBE, Gen.
Mac.. Law Reporter Company, 618 5th
st. nw. - an23
FREE consultation. Do you suffer
from any of. these: Constipation, dys
pepsia. Jaundice, palpitation, sick bead-
acne, vertigo.
swelling oi toe
Positive relief
1322 14th St. nw. 9:80 to 5:30.
JUST RECEIVED Fine lot young Cu
ban parrots, guaranteed to talk; also
monkeys, canaries, mocking birds, gold
fish. doss, and fac.-y pigeons. SCHMID'S.
712 12th st. nw.. branch 1221 Pa. ave.
FOR EXCHANGE Excellent ne.
Improved property, a. m. J., for good
farm 'within thirty miles of Washington.
R.J.MARSHALL, 611 lltb.st.uw.
,, .. ee24-st
3 3
With W. H. ORANiTON, J
17 Pa. era cor. 15th sL
Formerly with Jsa. W. Bell, 5th are. N. X.'
of Butchers' Ai
sembrT To.
of L., at law
o'clock. 609 F st. nir. All butchers are
Invited to attend.
THIS is to give notice that the partner
ship heretofore existing between John
G. Klnslnger and M. H. Klnslnger, tradings
under the firm name ot John u. Klnslnger
& Bro., at No. 622 K st. nw.. Is hereby
dissolved, said John O. Klnslnger havlns
this day purchased the Interest of said AT.
II. Klnslnger in, and assumed all the obli
gations of, said business. h
REPUBLICANS and Democrats,
send your wives to the Enterprise Sew
log Machine Co., 334 Pa. ave. aa. Re
pairs from 60c. up. New machines from
$20 to $00; second-hand ones, $5 to $25, .
cash or installments. Bend a postal. It
ATTENTION Socialists! There will
be a mass-meeting of socialists at tba
Typographical Temple, on Saturday nlghs
at 7:30. The speakers ot tba evening will
be Daniel de Leon, of New York; C. a.
Uelmerdirger, 'Ernest Bohm, general sec
retary of the executive board of the United
Central Labor Federation of New York. ,
te27-2t '
STRAYED Irom 1927 15th st. nw.,
old female pug, nearly blind, lame;
had on collar and tag when lost; when
last seen bad so collar on; any one who
will bring ber to above number will receive
large reward. It
LOST Thursday; painted stick-pin;
1 mwiril at 142 A st ne. It
STATEMENT or the finaucial condition
ASSOCIATION, June 30, 1865.
Authorized capital ,..$1,000,000.00
Capital paid up 1,000.00,
Cash on hand .. .. 807.93
Notes and other asset 12,367.53
Capital stock .... $1,000.00
Other liabilities 4.842.48
Sworn and subscribed to this 27th day
of September. 1895.
M. J VALIQUET, Cashier.
Personally appeared before me, M. J.
Y aliquot, was sworn and subscribed to tha
above, this 28th day of September. 1895.
Notary Public. D. C.
Quick and cromnt loans made oa rood aa
curity Interest only b per cent on sums to
suit; oven less on larre amount We Itaa la
Real Estate and Busiress Xxcbange.
607 G sc rrwe.
WE hare the following amounts to loan
on approved real estate in the District:
$3,000. $5,000. $6,000, $10,000. atlowesS
rates ot interest; no delay. HEBRON oi
NIXON. 1304 F st. nw.
. TC FULTON'S man Office.
Pa. ave. nw. Established In 1870.
xjiiaousnea in
Money loaned on watches, diamonds, Jew.
elry. silverware, etc. Special bargains 1b
watchea. Jewelry, and silverware. au20-6fa
MONEY to loan on bonds, stocks, trusts,
loan association certificates, and old
line life insurance policlrs; no delay. .
40 lo 46 Metzerott Bldg
MONEY TO LOAN-ln large sums.
or a low- as 1.000. at 5 and 6 per
cent on D. C. real estate: also $2C0, $500
$750. eto , at 6 per cent W1I. H. SAUN
DERS A CO.. 1407 F st. nw tf
MONEY TO LOA.N All classes ot
real estate loans made with nromptnesa
at enrent rates THE McLACHLEN REAL
ner 10th and O streets nw. mS-tf
WANTED The loan of $8,000 onfirst
cJasa inside property; no agents. 703
19th St. ael2-tf
MONEY to loan at 5 and 6 per cent.
on District of Columbia realty: no delay
if security is satisfactory.
WALTER H. ACKER. 704 14th nw. '.
ly31-tf. ,i
MONEY to loan on real estate In the
District, at lowest rates of Interest.
No delay. HEREON A NIXON. 1304 F sfc
"- se4-lmo '
In Effect Semr.9 .1805.
IxD. PuUinan Sleeping. Dining. Bmok.
ing. and Observation Cars Harrisburr to
Chicago. Cincinnati. Indianapolis. St.
Louis. Cleveland, and Toledo. Buffet
Parlor Car to Harrisburg.
lO 30 A. M. FAST LINE. Pullman
Buffet ParlorCar to Harrlsburg. Parloi
and Dining Cars. Harisburg to Pitts
EXPRESS. Fdllman Burr el Parlor
Car to Harrlsburg. Sleeping and Dining
Cars. Harisburg to St. Louis. Cincinnati.
Louisville, and Chicago.
Pullman Sleeping Car to Chicago, and
Harrlsburg to Cleveland Dining Car to
PRESS. PuTlman Sleeping nnd Dlnlnjr'
Cars to St- Louis. andTsieepmx CarT.
Harrlsburg to Cincinnati- ,
Pnllman Bleeping car to Pittsburg
T.fSO A. M. for Kane, Canandalgua, '
Rochester, and Niagara Falls dally, ex-,
cept Sunday
1 0.30 A. M. forEtmlra and Ttcnovo,
daily, except Sunday. Por WllUams
port daily. 3.40 p. m.
T.IOP, M. for Wmiamsport, Roches
ter. Baffalo7 and Niagara Falls dally,
except Saturday, wlih sleeping car Wash
ington to Suspension Bridge via Buffalo
1 0.40 P. ar. for Erie. Canandalgua,
Rochester. Buffalo, and Niagara Fallal
dally, sleeping car Washington to Ehnira
For Philadelphia. JN'ew York and tba
ITED' All Parlor Cars, with Dlnlnir
Car from Baltimore, for New York
dally, for Philadelphia week-davs. Kegu
lar at 7.05 (Dining Car), 7.20, 9.00.
10.00. (Dining Cart, and 11 00 (Dining
Car) a,m ,12l5. 3.15,4.20. 6.40, lo.oo!
ana n.ao p. m. un uunday, 7.05
Fast Express 7 50 a. m. -week-days.
press .ui auu.D.au v. m. aauy.
For Boston, without change, 7.50 a. m
week-days, and 3.15 p. m. daily.
For Baltimore. G.25, 7.06,7.20. 7.60. 9.00
10.00, 10.30, 11.00 and 11.50 a. ml
12.18. 2.01, 3.15, 3t40 (4.00 Limited)
4.20. 4.30, 6.40. 6.06. 6.40, 7.10. 10.00
10.40. 11.16 and 11.36 p. m. On SurA
day. 7.05, 7.20, 9.00, 9 05, 10.30, 11.00
a.m.. 12.15. 1.15,2.01,3.15. 3.40(4.00
Limited). 4.20, 6.40. 6.05. 6.40. 7.10.
10.00, 10.40 and 11.35 D. m.
For Pope's Creek Line. 7.20 a. m. and 4.38
p. m. dally, except Sunday.
For Annapolis. 7.20. 9.00 a. m.. 12.15 and
4.20 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Sun
days. 9.00 a. m. and 4.20 p. m.
Atlantlo Coast Line. Express for Rich-.
-uining t-ar, ..iu. a.uu, ii oo (Dining
Carl a. m ., 4.20, 6.40, 10.0(f
and 11 35 n. m For PhiLaiUnMa ..,o
mono, Jacksonville and Tampa, 4 30
a. m.. 3.30 p. m. dally. Richmond, and
Atlanta, 8.40 p. m. dally. Rlchmond.
only. 10.57 a. m. week-days.
Accommodation for Quantlco, 7:45 a. to.
daily, and 4:25 p. m. week days.
Tor Alexandria. 4.30, 6.35, 7.45. 8 40
9.45. io.r.7. 11.60 a. m.; 12.50. l'lo"
3.20. 4.25, 5.00. 6.37, 0.15. 8.02.'
10 10, and 11.39 p. at. On Sunday al
4.30. 7.45. 9 45 a. ni.: 2.45. eflo
8.02. nnd 10.10 p. ni. '
"TS Alexandria- for Washington. 6 0
6.43.-7.05. 8X0. 9.10. 10.15 10.28!
a. m.; 1.00, 2.15, 3.00. 3.23, 5.00
6.30 6.13. 7.00. 7.20. 9.10. 10.52
S'U,1-080-111- On8undayat6.43,9.1o!
10.28 a. m.; 2.10, 0.30. 7.00. 7.20.
9.10, and 10.52 p. m. '
Tlikct'offices. northeast comer of Thl
leeuth street and Pennsylvania avenue.
and at the station. Sixth and B streets
where orders can lie left for tht iheckln
of baggage to destination from hotels anil
--M--'l'-iJtga4ira.gE .r-

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