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s.w-.tJ-.--rre - t-ft--e."epSsESii??3 kpTf-V"" -J.'"'it:6i'"Ji fcr-5SBr55f?srf THE MOItNTN'er TIMES. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1895 Three ponies and carts to be given awar. Beginning October 1st we propose to give nay three dear littlo pinlei nnit carts 0119 a' tho end of each mouth for tho next three months 1 he conditions nro very slmpln Any little toy or girl under sixteen yenrs or age has a chance to obtain one. Tho ono securing tho largest amount of ales for us during the month of October will pet tho first little tony and cart You hare only to -peak to your friends who n-e about to buy Clotting, and ask them to look through our sto-fc flrxL It thoy find what ttioy want, and buy. ask them to have the amouut credited 10 your name. We will keep account of every customer you send and cieillt the amounts on yourcard and 011 our boots, ion can obtain a card upon appllcatlcn at the stoic. "lhethre littlo ponies are now at Kcloher'a LHory stable on Lighih ttieet near K, wlipro fhey can bescoa at any TLe carts aud harness bad to bo made to crder. and Air. A. IL l.recory of this city, who Is making them, hss primlsod them to us about tLe middle of tho neekj AH three of the ponies will then bo hitched upanddriien around the city. si 1 1 pi hans We don't want any of us that isn't satisfactory. The money awaits 'em. Greatest line of $10 suits ever brought to Washington. Good all-wool overcoats as low as S5.00. Parker, Bridget & Co., Clothiers, 315 Seventh Street. S9C zmm SEEING IS BELIEVING an examination of the SYRACUSE BICYCLE of CRIMSON RIM fame, will prove that the claim for BEST construction, finest lines and most elegant fin ish, Is CORRECT. Elmore, $75. Supples Special, 80. -mii:r BE5- - Has more real, service able improvements in its make-up than any other wheel in the world. This is saj-injr a g-ood deal, but our all-sufficient reason is the bicy cle itself. Its excellence is apparent at a glance. Look the "Liberty" over before you buy. 1024 Conn. Ave. Itepalrinc Instructing, Hiring. -- WON" AS THEY I'LHASED. St. Limit Have an Inhibition That Wan Hi-ally a Farce. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28. To-day'8 work was a rutins cud to the season's work of the Drowns. It was a farcical exhibition or boll playing on their part. The Pirates won as they pleased. Attendance, 2,000. Score. St. Louis, All. R. H. FO.A,E. Dowel, cr 3 10 5 0 0 Cooley, ir 4 0 10 11 Qulnu. 2b 4 1110 0 Connor, lb 2 O O 10 1 1 Miller, 3b 4 0 1 2 "0 0 Shcohan rr 4 0 1 1 1 1 Otteu, c 4 0 0 4 0 0 Samuels, ss 3 0 2 0 4 1 JlcDougall, p 4 0 0 13 0 Totals Pittsburg. Donovan, rf Mack, c Beckley. lb.r Sti-nzef. cr Smith, If.. ... Blerbauer, 2b Cllngman, 3b Moran, p 32 2 C 24 10 5 AB.R.II.FO.A.E. ,5:ipv for K?wo WHEELMEN. -AS 008 X. Y. AVE. fThe Liberty Bicycle W. D, IAD0EB, . 0 4 5 1 0 O .544411 . 0 2 4 13 0 0 .623100 ,..D 2 10 0 0 . T O 1 1 4 0 . 5 2 2 4 B 0 .500 120 .422000 Totals 40 18 22 27 12 1 St. Louis ..20000000 02 Pittsburg ..10601433 x 18 Earned runs PlttsbJrg, 13; St. Louis, 2. Two law hits Made. 2; Stcuzel, Samuel Qutnn. Three-base hits Donovan. Smith, Moran. Home runs Moran. Becklev. Stolen bai-ps Bierhauer, 3; Donovan, 2; Beckley, 2; StenzeL 2; Mack. Samuels. Double plays Connor and Miller; Cross, Bierbauer and Beckley. Struck out By Moran, 3:JlcDougall, 1. Time 2.00. Umpire Battin. Morn, Claim In tho Treasury. Che Department of State Is advised of the receipt at the Sub-Treasury, New York, of the suai of $1,445,142.10 gold coin, which has been placed to the credit of the -Secretary of State, In payment of.the Mora claim. The difference between Oils sum and the $1,449,000 Indicates the cost of the exchange. Look for King's Palace Great Fall Open ing announcement In Monday's Times. Parker. Bridget & Co., SlS'th stow. So far as the stock itself is concerned, we are as read)' foryou as we will ke any time this season. More so, perhaps, for it is usually the handsomest patterns and styles which are closed out first. Coats are shorter this season than last, and it be hooves. 3'ou to be wary and on the lookout for the old style carried over by the other clothiers. We didn't carry an)' over our selves, as we preferred to give them to you at a reduced price last winter. Same old liberal dealings more liberal, per- man to keep anything he buys PENSIONERS' GREAT PLAY They Made Ducks and Drakes of the Georgetown Aggregation.. Hoyce Hough Pitched Splendidly and Wni Admirably Supported Tho .ulIej-eriTrled New Men. "It is always the unexpected that hap pens." How little the Georgetown College rooters thought thattaeir famous ball tossing aggregation would be made to knuckle under and taste ot the bitter cup of defeat by Capt. Jeager'B Pensioners In yesterday's game on the college grounds? Singular as It may seem the red brick people performed this little trick on the boys in blue and gray to the extent of 1 2 to 8. With the big pitcher, KoyceHongh, In .the box, old reliable Kabb at the other end, and a gilt-edged team otherwise, the Pensioners swept up the field with their op IKiuents and allowed nothing to phase them at any stage of the contest. The 'Varsity people thought they would take advantage of the occasion by springing upon the Fmeioners a quonity of new talent, but this proved to be an unw i6e move as the boys were badly In need of practice and were unable to make a good 6howlng. Scanlou, who twirled the ball for the team, was as wild as a March hare, giving a dozen bases on balls and thus being in a large pan responsible for his club's dcrcat. It was an "off day," however, for nearly everybody In a blue and gray uniform. Cape Jeagcr's pets gave a faultless ex hibition both In fielding and with their Etick work. Itoyce Hough pitched very ef fectively. In fact, the beet game In Ills his tory as a twlrler. But three hits were made off his delivery. The remaining portion of the aggregation gave him excellent fup Irt and the college team was ontplayed In every particular. In the Seventh inning It became too dark to continue the contest and the game was called. The score: Pension Office, AIL R. H. PO-A..E. Orcell, 3b 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 O O 3 0 Ileal), 2b 4 0 2 3 10 Cray, lb .- 3 2 18 2 0 3 2 10 0 1 Lcwii, It 2 2 2 10 0 ltaab, c 3 0 0 7 2 0 Thompson, rf 0 10 0 0 0 Totals 23 12 6 21 10 1 Georg. College, AB.R. II. PO.A.E: Harlcy.lf 1 2 0 0 0 1 Dugan, c 3 10 4 4 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 McLaughlin. 3b 2 0 0 2 11 Flcmmiig,2b 4 0 0 2 2 1 Lamb, rt 12 0 10 0 Ken no, of .'...201000 Mclntyre, cf 10 0 0 0 0 Fox, lb 10 0 6 0 1 Council, lb 1 0 0 0 0 0 8canlon,p 2 10 0 0 1 Totals 22 8 3 18 11 7 Peii. Office 1306025-12 lieorg. College 113 0 0 128 Three base hits Keanlon 2, Beall. Stolen bases Gray 3, Pusey 2, Hough, Raab 2, Thompson, Harloy 4, Dugan, lie Laughlfn, 1,1 1 nb 2, Scanlon. Hit by pitched ball Hough, Dugan, Fox. First base by errors Pension uirice. 4. Double plays Uenrdon to Fleninung; Bolway to Beall to Harris. Loft on bases Pension Ofrloe, 7; George town College. 2. Struck out llv Hough, 7; by Scanlon, 2. Bases on tmlls liy Scanlon , 13; by Hough, ti. Passed balls Raab, 5: Dugan, 4. Time 2:00. Umpire Greene. Tlmi-s Want Adn.1'111 Vacant IIoiiKen. SEE THIS BICYCLE? $&. Porhaps yon know a thing or two nbout bi cycles, ancrcan pick out the hich-grule wheel at a glance. Just so. Exports haro examined and tested the new line of bicycles, ot which the aboTe 1 an Illcstrat'on. recently received by C U. JlcCurmlck & Co., 811 O street north west, aud pronounce them tLe best bicycles for the prices ever placed on the market. A high er! de -21-pound Dlcyde, built in one of the I cap uts factories, and In inanyrespectssuperlorto some ot the blgh-priced machines. The prices ore fM and 9(U If yon think of buying, or con template buying in the future loot at th?tcb. fiiiS DID NOT EMC. IT Senators Would Not Give the Beaneaters Another Game. PLAYED VERY FAST BALL j'immii' James Pitched Speedily, Hut Wildly Crooks Took Kvcry Chance and Made Xq Krror Deniont Vly. uri-d In Two Double l"lay Hos toiu Were llrratlo. Games Yesterday , Washington, 8; Posion, 5. Baltimore, 5; New Tory, 2. y Brooklyn, C; Philadelphia, 3. ' Cleveland, 0; LoulLVille, 8 Cincinnati, 5; Chicago, 4. Pittsburg, 18; St. Louis, 2. Games To-day. Chicago at Cincinnati Cleveland at Louisville STANDING Of THE CLUHS. ClutM. W. L. r.ct Balti'ore, 86 43 .667 Gleveland,84-45 .651 Pliila., 77 52 .597 Chicago, 7158.550 F Brooklyn, 71 59.546 3 Boston, 7059.543 Pittsburgh 62 .534 Gincin, . 66 63.512 KewYork, 66 64 .503 Wash, 42 84.333 St. Louis, 39 92 .298 Lonisyille.34 96 .262 After the miserable exhibition of last Friday, there -were few who thought that the Senators would make any kind ot a showing against the Beaneaters yester day, but tho locals showed a great reversal of form and surprised the "fans" byactually winning from the cultured Uubltes by" a score of 8 to 6. Schmelz put his new find, Jlmmic James, Into tho box and the youngster kept tho visitors' lilts well scattered. Jlmmle has lots of speed, and his curves seem to be fairly effective, but there Is ono thing he has yet to learn and that Is ts locate the plate. His bases on balls yesterday were responsible for several of tho visitors" runs, and this might have been the means ot defeating the locals If the Senators had not hit the ball at op portune times. With tills exception, the Virginia League pitcher, pitched a good game. All of tho Senatorial aggregation played a Ins t game, In marked contrast to the contest of tho previous day. Crooks led in the fielding, accepting all of Ins eleven chances without an error. Do Montreville put up an excellent game at hhort aud figured in two double plays. Ho was also In evidence with tho stick and pushed oat a clean two-baggerat a critical stage. OUT OF TIIi:iIt TRANCE. Botli Brown and 8clbach recovered from the trance Into which they collapeed on Friday and put up a gilt-edged game in the field. The work of the Beanca'tera. was errotlo and they made several rnisplnys that proved costly. "Kid" Nichols, who was scheduled to pitch on "Black Friday," took his turn in Ihe box and kept the Senators guessing throughout the entire contest. The hits they made, however, came at the right time and w ere generally productive of runs. Harrington played a fast game at second for the men from the City of Culture, while Duffy's batting "was ode of the features of the game. He made two tbree-baggcrB and a single and easily led his team In stick work. The Beaneaters commenced to run getting In the second Inning w hen two bases on balls and Nichols" three-bagger netted them two tallies. The locals went them two better in the beginning of the next Inning, -when they scored four runs on clean lilts, by DeMontre ville, James and Abbey and a wild pitch by Nichols. In thafitth the Beaneaters made two more runs when Long Blngled to left, scoring Nichols and Bannon, who were on bases at the Umo. HIT FOR A TWO-BAGGER. The visitors scored their last run In the sKth when Long hit for a two-bagger and Duffy brought him In a few minutes later with hlscorklng three-base hit to left center. The Senatorsscoredngaln In the fifth on mi error and passed ball by Ryan. In the seventh they Increased their total one more on an error by Long and a wild pitch. In the eighth they made two more by clean hitting when Abbey and Schdbeck hit for elngles and Old Reliable hit a two-bagger, scoring both runners. The game wob never In. doubt and Schmelz's men had a comparatively easy thing ofit. Thelact games of theseason will be played to-morrow. Boswell and Gllroy are down to pitch and If Jack can succeed In getting Into form, both games ought-to prove Interesting Hnd exciting. The Senators took first whack at tho ball and Brown filed out to Duffy. Schel beck popped up a ny to Long. Abbey filed out to DuWy. No runs. - Bannon hit for a single. He was caught napplrg off first a few minutes later. Long went out at first. DuWy walked. Tenney hit to James and went out at rirst. No runs. McGuire out, Harrington to Tucker. Sel bach out on a fly to Bannon. Cartwright struck out. GOT A TRESENT. Nash out on a fly to Abbey.-Tucker got a present ofa base on balls. Harrington also took a walk. Ryan out on a foul fly to Cartwright. Nichols made a three-bagger, scoring Tucker and Harrington. Nichols was caught off third. Two runs. Nichols gave Crooks his base. Dcmon t revllle hit for two bases and Crooks scored. James made a clean Blngle, advancing De mont to third. Brown went out at first and Demontrevllle scored. Schelbeck filed out to Long. ! Abbey made a hit and James scored. Abbey scored on a wild pitch. McGuire out. Long to Cartwright. Long went out out on a fly 10 Selbach. Duffy made a hit. Tenney walked.. Nash went out on strikes. Tucker bit to Cart wright, and went out at first. Selbach out, Long (o Tuckerl Cartwright struck out Crooks went out at first. Harrington made a lucky single Ryan icSS" You cannot Find Its Equal I Henry Franc &Son, 401 Seventh St., Cor. D. SWIWWo v zskiF?Tl t -Fr-ii---?trtzz . K. Is Your Wheel Insured? The Pennsylvania Mutual Bicycle Insurance Company will insure your wheel against all damage D3 accident and against theft for an annual premium of six dollars. Have you ever reckoned what tire punctures alone cost you a 3'ear? A policy allows you to have your repairs done free of charge at most of the leading bicj'cle firms in the city. $6 a year insures your wheel. 3 Geo. B, Harleston, General Agent Penna. Mutual Bicycle Insurance Co. 1335 F St. N. W. Homo Office-1345 Arch St., Philadelphia. aVVVov,gj hit rast f hort for a Lase Nichols fanned the air three times. Iiannon's hit to Deniont forced Kyan. Banncn etolc i-econd.. Long singled to left, scoring Nichols and Bannon Tenney hit to pcheibeck, who threw to Crooks, forcing Long altecund. Deniont fait the ball to short and beat the ball to first. lie went to second on a IKisfcd ball. James went out on a fly to Bannon and Deniont (cored on Kyan's error. Harrington took care of Brown's fly. Scheibeck fouled out to Hyan. One run. Tenney bit for two bases Nash hit a fly to Crooks, and a double play resulted, Tenney going out on tecond to Deniont. Tucker walked. Harrington mailea bit. Ryan filed out to Brown. No runs. Abbey went out at first. McGuire out to Bannon. Selbach filed out to Duffy. Nichols struck out. Bannon out at first. Long bit for two bases. Duffy bit for three bags, scoring Long. Tenney went out. Crooks to Cartwright. ON A WILD PITCH. Cartwright mado a sttgle past third. He went to third on a wild pluti. Crooks hit to Long, who fumbled the ball and Tiano Legs" scored. Demont flew oat to Duffy. James wentoutonaflytoBannonand a double play resulted. One run. Nash struck out. Tucker got to first on balls. Harrington out on a fly to Crooks. Uyan made a sate Infield hit. Nichols hit to Demont and Ryan was forced at second. No runs. Harrington made a greatcatth ofBrown's fly bock ot second that looked to be a safe single. Schelbeik made a safe single Into Into left field. Abbey hit one Into right aud "Shy" went to second, llc Guire hit for two bases, scoring Sthclbeck and Abliey. Selbach struck out. Cart wright slrack out for the third time in the game. 'Two runs. Bannon went out at first. Long hit a high fly to Cartwright and "Piano Legs" took care of It. Duffy hit for three bases. Tenney struck out. Crooks went out on a fly to Harrington. DeMont made a lilt, and went ont trying to steal second. James was out at first. Crooks took care of Nash's fly to second. Tucker out. Crooks to Cartwright. Hat; rlngton reached first on Dcilout's error. Ryan out. Crooks to Cartwright. No runs. Washington. AB. It. II. PO-l.E Brown, ct 4 0 0 10 0 Jovce. 31 4 11111 Abbey, rf .' .. 4 2 2 1 0 0 .McGuire c 4 0 1 5 3 0 Selbach, ir :. .. 4 0 0 I 0 1 Cartwright. lb 4 1 1 11 0 O Crooks. 2b .'. .. 3 1 0 6 5 0 Demont, ss .'.'.. 4 2 2 1 4 1 Jamcj, p " .. 4 1 10 2 0 Totals Boston. Bannon, rf Long, ss Tenuey. IT , Navtt. 3b.. ... . Tucker, lb Harrington, 2b.. . R'an, c Nichols, p ..35 8 8 27 10 3 AB. It. II.rOA.E. ..411310 ..512442 ..403401 ..4 0 1-000 .. 5 0 0 O 1 1 .. 2 10 7 0 0 ..422440 ..002513 ..401010 Totals.. .37 0 12 27 12 7 "Vi Washington. 0 0401012 0-8 Boston ,. 02020100 0-5 Earned runs Washington. 1; Boston, 2. First luse by crrors-r Washington. 2: Bos ton. 1. Lett on bases Washington, 1; Boston, 10. First bac on balls Off James, 7; off Nichols, 1. Struck out By James. 5; by Nichols, 4. Three liase hits Duffy. 2; Nichols. Two bate hits Long and Deniont. Stolen bases Crooks, Bannon 2. Durfy and Tenney. Double playi Crooks and Demont; Har rington and Long. Wild pitches Nichols 1.' Pussod balls Ryan 2. Umpire Hurst. Time 1:50. FA REWELt, COLONELS. They Show Their Bnlinc Passion St rone In Death. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28. Although the Coloneli presented a crippled team to-day they gave the SpldeTR quite a scare. Second Baseman O'Brien had his finger hurt In practice and was unable to play. In the second Inning Catcher Warner was lilt on the arm by one of Young's swift tnshoota and had to retire. Both Cunningham and Young -were touched up In a lively fashion and had Young finished the game Louisville might have come out on topr Ouppy -went into the bos In the eighth and the Colonels There are hats and hat, but -the" hat for this Fall is our S2.40HAT S! ;&2lM- Repair Depots of P. M. B. I. Co. District Cycle Corapiny, 453 Pa ovo. nw. Georso Younc, 9th and II sU. nir. Washington Cycle Co, SSI 9th at. nir. Chas. E. Miller Jfc Bra, 1103 and 1107 nth st. nw. W D nadeer, 1051 Conn. are. uw. F. a. Cabill A Co., Corner To. Are. and ISth st nw. W. J.JtT. R WeaTca, ISO and 1312 32d st. nw., Georgetown, D. C. Eastern Cycle Company, 93 Fa.aTe. no. E.S. Keya, 105 list. ne. Eobt. M. rrost. 603 1 St. nw. could do nothing with his delivery. Clarke's error on Burkett's single In the eighth gave the Spiders the winning runs. Holmes but ting was a feature. Attendance, 1,800. Score: Louisville. AB. R. n. PO.A.E. Spies, lb. tc 4 1 0 4 O O Holmes, rr 5 3 3 110 Clarke, It 5 13 112 Miunehan.3b 5 0 12 4 0 Hassamer,2b 4 0 0 3 4 1 Warner, o o 0 0 0 1 Burnett, lb 3 119 0 0 lleCormack, sj 3 0 0 0 3 0 Wright, cr 4 0 13 0 1 Cuunlnham.p 4 2 2 12 1 Totals 37 8 11 24 10 6 Cleveland. AB.R. H.PO.A. E. Burkett. ir 0 2 3 3 0 1 McKean, ss 5 3 3 14 1 Chllds, 2b 0 0 4 3 3 1 McAlcer, cr 5 1 2 3 0 0 O Tcbenu. lb o 0 1 11 0 0 McGarr. 3b .400000 G.Tebeau.rf 4 12 10 0 O'Connor, c 3 12 5 10 Young, p 4 110 10 Cuppy, p 0 0 0 0 10 Totals 40 9 18 27 10 3 Louisville ..00303110 08 Cleveland ..32020020 x 0 Earned runs Louisville, 3; Cleveland, 4. First base on errors Louisville, 1. Left on bases Louisville, 5; Cleveland, 7. First base on balLs Off Cunningham. 1. Struck out By Cnnulngbam, l;by Young, 2;by Cuppy, 1. Home run Holmes. Three basehlts Cunningham, Clarke, and Holmes. Two base hits Cunningham, McKean 2, and Chllds. Sacrifice hit McCormacfc. Double plays Hassamcr, and Burnett; Cun ningham and Allnnchan; McCnrmack and Hassamcr. Hit by pitched ball Warneraml Spies. Umpire McDonald. Time 2:15. ilOHE THAN THEY NEED. Oriolen Greedy for Games After the I'fiumut Is Wan. New Tork, Sept. 2S. Although the championship season in this city does not come lo an end until Monday, the desti nation of the pennant of lfc'Jo wasdiclded by the result of tills arternoon's contest .between the New Torks and Baltlmorcs The Orioles won the game and the pennant In the seventh Inning on a combination, of hits and errors. If ever nine ball players, worked hard to keep the question of the pen nant in doubt another day It was the New Yorks. They played at all stages, bat still the Orioles were too fast lor them Jennings really won the game himself, bis pheremcnal catch of Batton's fly In the eighth Inning, when two were on bases. In which he completed a double play unas sisted, nas all that saved the Gin Ms from tielng the score, as the hit went on a straight lire tor center Held The Orioles were loudly cheered as they marched off the field. Darkness put on end to the came Attendance, 8,000. Score: New York AB. R. H.FO.A.E Fuller, s. s . 4 0 0 5 4 1 Tiernan, r. f. 4 0 12 0 0 Vanllaltren, o. f 3 0 0 0 0 0 G. Davis, 2 b 4 12 3 3 0 German. 3 b 0 0 0 111 H. Davis, 1 b 4 0 2 4 2 0 Stafford, 1. f 111110 Farrell. c 2 0 2 8 11 Clark, p 2 0 O 0 0 1 Batton, p 10 0 0 0 0 Totals Baltimore. Glcoson, 2 b Keeler, r. f Jennings, s.s Kelley, 1. f Brodle, c. f Ju.-itz.3b Carey, 1 b Kobiuson, c. ....... Hotter, p 23 2 8 24 12 4 AB.11.H.PO.A.E. 5 1 0 3 2 U 4 0 2 2 0 0 4 115 4 0 4 10 0 0 0 3 2 2 110 4 0 112 0 4 0 2 9 0 0 4 0 0 3 10 3 0 3 0 3 0 Totals...- 35 5112414 0 New York 0 20 0 0 0 0 02 Baltimore 0 00 110305 Earned runs New York, 2: Baltimore, 1. First base by errors Baltimore, 4. lift on bases New York, 0; Baltimore, 0. Struck out By Clark, 7: by Holter, 2. Base on balls Oft Clark. 2; off Hotter. 5 Home run Brodle. Two-base hits Tier nan, Jennings, and Reltz. Double plars Jernings (unassisted); Fuller and H. Davis; Fuller, G. Davis, and rarrclL Btoien base Stafford. Sacrifice hits German and Stafford. Hit by pitched ball Brodle. Umpire Kcefe. Time 2:05. Addison Heights. The proprietors of Addison I' 'ghts, the new sub-division adjoining Arlington, on the line of the AIountTcrnon Electric road, announce tht for the purpotc of stimulat ing building I his fall, they have decided to give away fifteen (15) choice lots to parties who win build at once. Times Wknt Ads. Rent House.. 9I 7 Floors Jammed With New Furniture. The store represents a, regular Furniture oxposlilon. Nerer In the JiUtory of our business have we shown such an extensive and varied stock of Furniture, nor quoted such leasooaMo prices. It ould take a pace to toll half tho Furniture story. Divan Suites, SI4.75. It Is h-irt lo plctc any ono Iailor buite from to Hun dred or mere, as eacU and everr one has a claim to newspaper p lblkliy. Wt about tno boM value for tho money is ths S-pIei-w 1)1 ran Parlor Suite, richly upholstered iu fatla d.ituasfc nud slllc broca telle, which we Btiatl run as a f If spocial "leader" at 4 r, I 0 $3.25 Rockers. 2.60 Nearly 200 dlfferen; kinds of Fancy Itockers, In erory thiagln&ble shape, wood, HuUh and pi Ice. A leader for Monday: 0 IXandftoma Cobbler Seat Parlor l:o?fcerg, new shape. In HOlId oat. Imitation ma hogany and natural birch. Kegular price, $IZX Spe cial price $.2.60 CRAIG & HARDING, Cor 13th and F Sts. TWICE DEFEATED. Brooklyn I'lnyitl All-round Better lfaill Tlmu tho I'lilllie. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 28. Brooklyn twice defeated Philadelphia this after noon hy better all round playing. The local batsmen could do little or nothing Willi tho delivery of any of the visiting pitchers. Attendance, 5,900. Score: Phllndclphia. All. K. I1.PO.A. E. Hamilton, cf 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 1 Cross. 3b 4 0 0 1 10 BJcldev.c. 2 0 0 a 0 0 Urady, c 110 10 0 Sulhvan,rf 4 1 12 0 0 llJdlsou.i.s..''. 3 0 0 3 4 1 Thompion 1 1 1 0 0 0 Hallman.2b 4 0 2 3 5 0 Boyle, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 Onh, p 3 0 2 0 1 1 Totals 31 3 8 24 11 3 Brooklyn. AB. R. II. PO.A.E. 5 110 0 0 Shlndlc.'ib 5 13 0 4 0 3 0 1 2 5 1 Foutz, lb 5 0 3 12 0 0 Anderson, If 4 0 0 2 0 0 Daly, 2b 2 I 15 0 0 Siiudi.rf 4 112 0 0 Gnm. c 4 113 2 0 Abbey, p 4 1 2 1 3 0 Totals 36 6 13 27 14 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 x 6 'Batted In Madison's place in the ninth Inning. Earned runs Brooklyn, 3. Two base hit Thompsou. BacrMce hit Daly. Stolen liasei lUimilton, Daly. Lelt on bases Philadelphia, 5; Brooklyn, 9. Struck out Hamilton, Buckley, Orth. Griffin, Daly. Double plays ilauison.IlaIlmanand Boyle; Boyle alone. First on errors Philadelpnls. 1: Brooklyn, 1. First on halls Off Orth.2. Hit by pitcher Grady. Umpire Murray, Henderson. Time 1:45. SECOND GAME. Philadelphia. AU. R. H.FO.A. E. Hamilton, cf 2 2 110 0 Delebnnty.lf 2 1 19 0 0 Crosi.3b 2 0 0 2 0 0 Grady, c 4 0 0 10 0 Thompson, rr 4 0 2 3 0 0 Madison, ss 4 0 0 13 0;2b: 4 0 2 0 0 0 Boyle, lb 3 0 0 5 0 0 Carsey.p 3 0 10 2 0 Totals .. .. Brooklyn. .. Shindle,3b.. . Corcoran, ss.. Foutz. lb.. .. Anderson, IT.. Daly. 2b.. .. Ssocn, rf., .. Grim, c Daub, p.. .. Kennedy, p.. , 28 3 722 5 0 AB. R. U FO.A. E. .211400 .513200 .502250 .403802 .401 1 0 O .400220 .400100 ..4 2 2 4 10 . 0 0 O 0 1 O .423010 Totals 3G G 1524 10 2 0ne out in Brooklyns eighth when game was called on account of darkness. Philadelphia 2 00010 0 0-3 BrouUyi 0 0 10 2 10 2-6 Earned runs Philadelphia. 1, Brooklyn 5. Two-base hits Hallman. Grim. Three base hit Hamilton. Sacrifice hits Hamil ton. Cross, Urllfin. Stolen bases llele hanty. Cross. Lelt on bases Philadelphia 7. Brooklyn 9. Struck out Grady 2, Car sey. Double play Foutz (alone). First on errors Philadelphia 1. First on balls Olf Daub 2, off Kennedy 2, off Carsey 2. Umpires Murray and Henderson. Time 1:15. COLTS WERE .MULES. Yet, for a Wonder, They Did Not Kick To-duy. Chicago, Sept. 28. The Colts fielded almost perfectly, but their one error was worth two rutte and they were unaule to hit Foreman safely at the right time. Latham's cstih of Anson's terrific liner in the fifth, doubling Large at recond, was the most wonderful play seen here this sea son and undoubtedly saved the game for the Reds. Weather very i hilly. Attendance. 800. Game called at the cud ot theteventh on account ot darkness. Score Chicago AB. IU. H. PO.A. E. Everett, 3b 4 12 0 11 Decker, ir 3 2 2 4 0 0 Lauge. if 3 0 10 0 0 Anson, lb 4 O 0 G 0 0 Dahlen. ss 3 112 5 0 Ryan, rf 2 0 0 10 0 Truby. 2b 3 0 .1 2 2 0 Parker, p 10 0 10 0 Klttndge, c 2 0 0 2 10 Donohue. c 10 0 3 0 0 Terry, p 10 0 0 10 Totals Cincinnati: Barke. If Hoy. cf Mcl'dec. 2b .. Vaughn, lb.. .. Miller, rf Smith, ss Latham, 3b.. .. Gray, c Foreman, p.. .. .27 4 7 21 10 1 II. PO.A.E. ..401101 ..312001 ..421250 ..412810 ..401300 ..412010 ..401321 ..301301 ..302120 Totals 33 C13 2111 4 Chicago 0 110 10 1 1 Cincinnati 2 0 2 1 0 0 05 Earned runs Chicago, 1; Cincinnati, 3. Two-base hits Smith, Burke, Vaughn, and Latham. Hoaierun-Everett- Stolcnbascs Hoy, Vaughiij Lange. Smith, and Burke. Double plays Klltrldge aud Trubv; Truby, DMileu, nnd An-n; Latham and McPhee. Struck out By Parker, 1; by Terry. 1; by Foreman, 1. Bases on balls Off Parker, 1; off Foreman, 4; off Terry, 1. Time 1:40. Umpires Emslie and O'Day. NASHVILLE GOT IT. Took the Sotitliorn Cliniiiidonshlp From the ItlelimoiidsTo-dnyv Kiclimond, Va., Sept. 28. Nashville took to-day's game aud the championship of the South. Tannehlll was wild and was batted hard, while Herman pitched a great game. Third Baseman Myers, who wasarrestcd yesterday lor assaulting the umpire, was fined $10 to-day and released. He was In the gjme and carried off thej batting honors. Scorer Nashville.,.. 0 6 1 3 i 0 2 0 s 13 13 1 Richmond. .0 O 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 45 Crale & Harding, Ulu and FSU. $2.50 Screens, $1.50. Handsome 5-ft. 3-fold Fire Screens richly draped la Mlfcollne iu a rariety of colorings. Regular price, Q Pfl tU) special price 4) ,0U SI. 50 Clothes Poles, 75c.- Ilre is the greatest ralae orer offerol In Clothes Poles. Large, substantial poles, thoroughly made, highly IolbneJ, arm in their legs. In oak, maple, birch and imitation mahogany. Fully "7C worth l.:u Special price. 0 U "Cutler's" Office Desks. There are no Odce Dska equal to the "Catlr" The "Lutler" Desks are the es sence of perfection in cabinet-making. We are sole agents for the District. $18 to $200. 32E&iaS23E EACH out and lead. That's our policy. It costs us a lot of work a lot of money and a lot of attention but we spend it. Results show what we've accom stock of Fall plished a Clothing here that includes everything your fancy can turn to with ,not a garment that would not be desirable to you in the lot. Prices within easy reach. To speak of Fall Hats that'll last you well all win ter and spring there are Derbys $2.50 to $4. Soft Hats $1.50 to $5. Loeb & Hirsh, The Clothiers. Shlrtmakers. Outfitters. 910-912 F St. N.W. Record Breaking "CRESCENTS" Anotaer one added to tha laurels already won. A world's record this time. From Chicago to Xew York U)U rnSes. Mr. Searlo rode a "Crescent" snd cam through witbvut a bre&k or stralo. "Crescent are Hint, fast, str-mf- Look welt Wear well. You ousat to ride one. (40 to $90. Western Wheel Works, Washington Branch, 9th and IL HARRY S. JONES, Jr.. Manacer. Vfc'VWt-'W 7ake Bicycle Lessons on FIELD, 1 7th and C Streets. There's no place In this city to compire with it In size or com tlcteccss of tacilitlcs. Competent instructors conveniences lor la dles. Oen alt day. A $2 "cuarantee" ticket Insures proficiency. llefunded If new wheel Is beught within one year. nieinr Pi-Ma Pn "Columhlss" I I Ul-UliUt UjulG UUi "Uartfords." ,JITMrs,naEln-452 Pa. Ave. TO HECOVEH JCDG-UKNT. Matter ot Juiner, 11. Colejrrove Still in tlii? Conrts. Mr. James B. Colgrovci the mall con tractor. In whose favor Judge Cole Wednes day decided a suit at law. In which it was claimed that the government could not hold him liable for a non-performanco ot contract, has been sued In the equity courts for the recovery of a judgment creditor's bill. The suit was brought yesterday after noon by Henry A. Hill and Harriet A. Balcom. administratrix of Albert A. Bal com, deceased. The petition sets rorth that "James B. Colegrove Is notoriously Insolvent, and not a dollar can be collected by legal process, and the officers executing on the plain tiff's Judgments have returned, 'No ef fects found whereon to levy. " Look for King's Palace Great Fall Open ing announcement in Monday's Times. Wi-atlior Bureau Cbanges. Prof. Moore, Chief of the Weather Bu reau, has not yet finished' the reorganiza tion of the service, which he began almost Immediately upon taking charge. He re turned a few days ago from a tour at inspection, and yesterday Secretary Mor ton.onhisrecommendatlon.raadeanumber of cbanges, among which was Charles If. Chambers, District of Columbia, copyist, reduced from $1,000 to $840. Look for King's Palace Great r'all Ope inj announcement in Monday's Times. SiPinr !?'sF?ta7 k r-.-c.sS &,'. "ti2E? , y. ,i2sJirg-Zi5&C-?:y',-s' - ? - $ - 5 -vv .-ft. .- i-jarJsSsJuA-.-a..