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5r, ''-3!S:"l1??V.?&C SWfT -JrfS:-.-,."-, Part 2. THE WASHINGTON TIMESfwUM WASHINGTON, D.C., SOTDAT MORNING, SEPTEBBEB 29, 1895. -" Tf-A" -C? jsys. T'R-' "- SF "m MIL oOflS a uO. . I The best in America I s' s the price. How We Propose to Meet the Advance in Leather! Two facts have presented themselves to us for serious consideration. One is that the price of leather has ad vancedthe other Is that the wages of the worklngrmen have not. We have determined upon a policy In shoe selllnst which shall reconcile these confllctlne conditions and from this moment we shall sell shoes at HALF PROFITS! In other words, we shall reduce the prices of our Shoes and rely upon an Increased patronage to make amends for this sharing of profits. Here are two examples of our "half-profit sale." "OUR GEM" S3 SHOES FOR LADIES. Commonlr called the Xeir Woman's Shoe These shoes hare pointed toes neat patent leather tips and between the Inner and outer soles la a layer of cork which keeps the feet warm and dry. and gives an elastic step They are vide acrosi the bill of the foot, thus 1 muring comfort In walkiuc. Worth 00 "OUR GEM" S3 SHOES FOR MEN. These shoes also hare the risible or In Tlslble cork solos latest stylus o! too and trlpls extonded soles Tnej bare tbo "Comfort" width across the ball of tbo foot, and may bo bad In black leather or tan storm calf. Ths7 haTo the comfort, style and durability of a 4. CM shoe. 50c Quality Black Wool Kersey Overgaiters for Men and Women, 250-.'" 930 and 932 7th St. 1914 and 1916 Pa. Ave. 233 Pa. Ave. S. E. 8th and Market Space. , Our First Anniversary r and Grand Opening. In the 30 different departments of our establishment. Special An niversary prices on each and every article in our store. Boundless array of style, elegance and coloring- combined. Every department complete, All our goods new, Every item a bargain. Increased facilities in every direction. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Sept, 30, Oct. I and 2. MILLINERY. . In announcing the opening of this department '-would be more appropriate to call it a vision from fairyland. Resembling a but terfly arising from its chrysalis state. It represents the most mag nificent assortment of Fall Hats and Bonnets which foreign mar kets and American marts could supply. --Paris and London head wear in endless array. Domestic goods in the most delightful shapes and effects. Hats trimmed and hats untrimmed. Trim mings for hats and ribbons for bonnets; new ideas everywhere. TZIGANE. This most entrancing Black Hat is large in shape and gracefully trimmed with long, curling ostrich plumes set off Ty Aigrettes and Chiffon roses. A ban deau covered with a hand some wreath of shaded roses,, completes a piece of head gear concerning which beautj is but a faint term. if i . B 1895 Great Opening -OF Fall Clothing We have opened up all our Fall Stock, and have now a superb selection of Men's, Boys', and Children's Cloth ing on our tables. We invite your inspection, and will be gratified to show you round our store. A thorough ex amination will convince you that we. beat all our com petitors in qualities and prices. If you have any respect for your pocketbook should not fail to look through our stock before you your fall suit. Men's Overcoats. 'Boys' Overcoats. Men's Sack Suits. Boys' School Suits. 1 Men's Dress Suits. . Boys' Fine Suits. Men's Frock Suits. Children's Suits. Men's Pants. Etc., etc. ' ,' " New York Clothing House, 311 Seventh St. N. W. SA0 you buy John Rudden's We furnish many houses And we hear no complaints. Goods purchased from us give perfect satisfaction. That is how we have built up our business. Our customers have faith in us, and we do not betray their confidence. Our prices are low, and our credit system is extremely fair. Parlor Suites, Carpets, Bedroom Suites, Fugs, Bedsteads, Mailing, Escritoires, Rockers, etc , JOHN RUDDEN, Your House Outfitter. 613 Seventh Street N. W. A pleasant friend in health, a useful one in sickness Pure Berkeley Rye; IB. TJIAHP, Imp. Wines and liquors, 612 F Street Northwest. A FEW OF THE LEADERS. WJNES,AND LIQUORS- Thompson Pure Bye fS-OOftl. -Arlington Club 4 00 ' Electric Clab &00 ' California, and Virginia Olarets. (2.23 dz. Old CaL Kelsllng 3.B0 da. flKNBY MUHRAT, 1518 BoyenthStrettN. W. OLD GLORY'S HEW GUARD Cruiser Brooklyn Soon to Take Her Place on the Ship List. BEADY TO BE LAUNCHED BONNY LASS. A fancy soft crown, covered with gold and blue velvet, care lessly caught down with a briU liant buckle of rhinestones, pon pons of coque feathers, a black chenille rim, and a bandeau of black and yellow roses, comprise the "Bonn- Lass," a hat which for grace and dash stands fore most in '95 styles. 9 VR3B558x K sJr r2 d:iM&'ak 1-.a7 .-ra-W fsrrSa&carM r SK BBfBBSXKP THE RUSSEL. A most dainty creation of Mil linery is a large black hat made with a velvet rim and gold em broidered crown. It is trimmed with sweeping Black Ostrich Feather Plumes, large rose-col- ,ored bows of pink taffeta ribbon and with shaded roses falling on the hair. ; The very epitome of grace combined with style and beauty describes this bonnet. It is a small shape with rim of cut jet, handsome trold embroidered crown, trimmed with moss-green velvet, asrainst which back ground black aigrettes and a cluster of roses, which shade from pink to magenta, caught with cut jet buckles ate con trasted. Long satin ribbon strings complete this beauty. ;a wk LA PERICOLE wVr is a fancy hat of small .shape, with a rim. of blue fluted che nille and a green chenille crown. It is finished with black aig rettes, most delicately trimmed with handsome Persian rib bon, rhinestone clusters and bundle's of roses at the base. REJANE is a directly imported Parisian Hat. It is very popular in France, which fact has been aug mented by the famous actress for whom it is named wearing- it in her plays. It is a medium size hat, with rim turned slighly to one side, and is made of apple green velvet, with fancy jet band around crown. The trimmings consist of Black Ostrich Plumes, Chiffon Rosettes, caught with jet buckle and black roses on bandeau. J S. Kai, Soe.& Co., SUo lis nn Armored VcsmcI of the First Cliixs Cruiser Typo and Sister Ship to the 'ow York Her Great Speed and Powerful Ilattery Flue Sped uienof Naval Arciiltecturor- Tlie last addition to the new Navy now rapidly approaching completion 13 the ar mored cruiser BrooUy, which will on Tuesday nest be launched at Uie Cramps' shipyard. Philadelphia. The Brooklyn Is being built under an act of Congress authorizing the constructlonof an additional armored cruiser of the gen eral type nnd dimensions of Uie New Tort, at a cost of $3,500,000, exclush c of arma ment. The contract calls for a speed of at least twenty knots an Sour at a displace ment of 8,100 tons, with four triple expan sion engines. She is 4G0 feet C inches long, and has a moulded depth of 41 feet 3 inches. The new cruiser will hae a mean, nor mal draught of twenty-four feet, 10,000 In dicated horse-power and a total.coal capa cl ot 1,75a tons. HER ENGINE TOWER. This vessel will have twin screws. Tbe engines to be of the ertical, triple ex pansion type, four in number, two on each shaft, and In four compartments. The forward engines to be readily uncoupled from the after engines for cruising at low speed. The boilers are placed In three com partments and are secn in numlier, five of them being double-ednded and twosingle ended. The hull Is to be of steel, not sheathed, with double bottom, and close water tight subdii lslon to about twelve feet above the water-line. The arrangements of decks above water to provide ample freeboard and berthing accommodations. It is contemplated to fit two military masts with fighting tops, to carry no sail. The boats will be stowed clear of Uie Wast of the guns,but two lifeboats must bo so carried that they may be readily lowered under all conditions of water. 1'rotecllon of the hull is to be afforded by means otn.sU.el proteclhedecfc worked from stem to stern and supported by heavy beams. Tbo bottom edges of this deck, amidohlp. are to be 5 feet C Inches below the 2 Lfoot water Hue, the top of the deck rising to this water lino at the center of the vessel. On the (Japes of the deck, over machinery and boilers, the armor Is to be 0 Inches thick, on the hi rizontal portions the armor is to be 3 Inches thick; forward and abaft the machinery and boilers, to stem and to htcrn, the defc is to be at the thinnest part at least 2 1-2 inches in thickness. Below this deck are to be placed tbe propelling machinery, kteerlng gear, maga zines, shell rooms and all that Is ordinarily styled "Iho vitals of a warship." now sun is armored. Protection of the hull from injury to the water line region is to be afforded by means of an armor belt 3 inches In thick ness extending the length of the machinery and boiler trace, and in depth from 4 feet above the 24-foot water Hue to 4 feet 3 inches blow that line. Within this armor belt and skin plating nnd above the armor of this belt, a band 3 1-2 feet wide, of cellulose, is to extend the whole length of the vessel. In depth from thenrmordeck to tbe berth deck. It is intended to carry coal above the armor deck for a length corresponding to the inner bottom. This space between the armor deck and the deck above Utobe sub-divided by water-tight bulkheads Into 33 coal bunkers, exclusive of cofferdam and passages. The space forward and abaft these bunkers to be well sub divided by water-tight bjlkbeads forstores. . A conning tower eight inches In thick ness, to be carried in a suitable command ing position, having a tube to tlieprutcctlrc detk five Inches In thickness for the pro tection of speaking tubes, bell wires, etc. The battery of the vessel is to consist of eight 8-Inch B. L. R. of 35 calibers; twelve 0-inch B. L. R. R. F. guns; twelve 6-pouuder Tapid Tire guns; four" 1-pounder rapid-fire guns; four tnaihinc-guns. The S-Inch guns will be mounted in four barbette turrets, placed one forward and one aft on center line of vessel; and one on cither side of the vessel amidships. The guns In the turrets on the tenter line of the ship are to have a train of 310 degrees; those in the side turrets to fire rroru right ahead to right nitcrn, or to train through an are of 180 degrees each. The center of side turrets to be distant from the center line of the vessel about twcnnty-lhree feet. The armor forming the barbettes, which will protect the car riages, platforms and turret mathinery, to be eight inches iu thickness for a por tion, at least, equivalent to the train of the guns of the respective turrets, the re maining portions may be reduced to four inches in thickness. Under the turrets there will be placed 3-incU armor support ing tubes, which will also protect the ammunition hoist. FINE TORrEDO OUTFIT. The armor of the turrets to be 5 1-2 inches In thickness and the guns so mounted that they can be supplied with ammuni tion nnd loaded In any position of train. The 'G-incb guns are to be protected by fixed segmental shields 5 inches in thick ness. Tbe crews of these guns are to be further protected from explosive shells by splinter bulkheads 1 1-2 Inches in thick ness. Protection to be afforded the smaller guns by shields and extra side plating. The torpedo outfit to consist of five tor pedo tubes, one in the bow and two ou each side; six torpedoes and a suitable allowance of gun cotton for mines and miscellaneous purposes. Distilling apparatus and evaporators will be fitted for fresh water supply, the allowance of water to be carried to be sufficient for fifteen days, bes'des water for sanitary purposes. There will be an electric UghUng plant, consisting of two divisions, each division dynamo having a rated output of 400 am peres at 80 volt3. The ship will have a radius of action at fall speed of 1,758 knots, and a radius of action at 10. knots of G.088 knots. Complement of officers and men will be 5G1 persons. 8th and Market Space. Suit to Annul a Conveyance. Edward F. Droop, and others, trading as E. F. Droop & Sons, yesterday sued Albert M. Eidenour, nnd seven others, asking the court to annul Uie conveyance of part of lot 20, square 218, from Albert M. to Alice "E. Rldenour, on Uie ground that the transfer of Uie property was irregular and asking for a sale and distribution of the proceeds of tho land among the parties to the suit. ill RATIONAL SHOES FOR SENSIBLE WOMEN Few ladies care to wear the Common Sense Shoes on account of their ug liness. There is no such drawback with the JENNESS MIIXER SHOES, Although they are pre"-eminently common sense being made on lasts specially designed by the cele brated woman's dress reform advocate, Mrs. Jenness Miller a pret tier shoe it wpuld be hard to find. They fit so perfectly that they make the feet look smaller than they really are. They are wonderfully comfort able to wear and are only made of the best selected stock. They are really $6.00 Shoes, but our price is S5.00. SOME UNSCRUPULOUS dealers are selling an'imitation of this shoe we want it most clearly understood that we have the sole right for it they arc manufac tured especially for us and every genuine shoe has the name "Jenness Miller''' stamped on the sole and in the lining. Men's Patent Leathers. An excellent shoe of very stylish shape, the latest toes genuine French calf. A shoe that we can safely recommend. The regular price is $5.00. On Monday we will offer iffor sale at 3 .90. Men's Winter Tan Slices. We have a line of Hathaway, Soule & Harring ton's Pigskin Shoes calf lined waterproof ex tremely stylish easy on the feet and perfect fitting. A thoroughly reliable, long wearing shoe. The regular price has always been $5.00. We are the first to ever offer it for $3.90. 1 CROCKER'S, Cooled bt Electric Fju.s, 939 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. T!Te1ttri,i "raiif t mt M HKIbk'.fcr-l'?itiK3MEa A Grocery Surprise. Special Prices for Mon day and Tuesday. We've made every preparation to give you agro eery surprise. All the prices are low, the few we give exceptionally so. Granulated Sugar 4TAc Cream Cheese 12c Carolina Head Rice 5c 301b. Bucket Jelly- 75c Pure Cod Fish 5c Sardines in Oil, doz 50c 4 lbs. Lard for 25c Mocha and Java Coffee, per lb 20c 1 0 Cakes Laundry Soap 25c Macaroni 7c Ginger Snaps, per lb 5c Irish Potatoes, per bushel 55c Best Butterine 15c , Whiskies and Wines. Delivered to any part of the city. T. H. PICKFORD, (SUCCESSOR TO J. S. REDMAN.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Family Groceries, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 924 Louisiana Avenue. ffytrffl?Fgffa,airar RECORD OP THR COURTS. Circuit Courtv No. 1 Justice Bradley Webb and otbera vs. Porter and others; motion for leave to amend -vrrlt and declaration grauted and defendants al lowed ten days to plead. Callaghau vs. CnllagUan; Judgment against plaintiff for costs. Equity Court, No. 1 Justice Bradley Bowdler vs. Gonzenbach; T. A. Gonzcn bach appointed guardian ad litem. H1U vs. Colrgrove; rulo on defendant return able October 3 granted. Prall vs. Hutch inson; restraining" order rcturnabls Octo ber 10 granted. - - . Probate Court Proceedings In estates have been recorded as follows: John B. WUtbergen petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed and win partially proved. Robert D. McCIurc; as sent of nett of kin filed. Susan V. Clarl; executors bonded and qualified. O. C. Green; pelUJon of executors to pay certain; notes and fjrder granting prayer. ncnl Estate Transfers. -' Deeds in fee have been recorded as fol lows: Louis Gundlns to Emma C. AX. Tripp. 'lota 1G3 and 164. square CTo, $10. Ct-arlos E Lancing to Emllle SI. Dnr-v npijtfr. lot 60. square 359. $10. John S. rtlch to David U. Gottwald.lotseO ami 60. Pleasant Plains, $10. Henry G. Lewis to Daniel H. Ballaor, lot 90r blocs 2. Trln Icad, $10. D.-C. to William II. lUdfn, roblot 3, square 10t0, $3 61. Charles E. Lancing; to Cbarles-J. Malord, part of lot 10, square SSI, $10. Thomas CrUomlllt-i to Fctrr J. Nee, part of lot 2S0, Gcurgw town, 13. and H. addition, $10, m -a j - -J' r .T . . - J --S5, m. a g.gaSaffl3av. is1-. Zertf .-l3i fi-i, .as-. SB a-gb-5&- As ;