S. .f 'r 'ensg S5pPf?-S-l?53y - t -;-3-- -JOf ,-e !i--V-',-?-'7-01-'S5i.'- "- '- "??rSkS-'?S?F Jsr'i-5WV-B.TB. V CJ5S-'-- THE 3IOBKIKG TLMES, AIQyPAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1895. Fall Overcoats. You'll feel better, look better, take fewer chances of having' to pay the doctor, if you'll wear a LIGHT OVERCOAT. It need not cost a fortune to own one. We'll sell you a good one as low as $ 1 0 equal to those you'd pay a tailor $18 or $20 for, and FIT as well, too. Finer ones at $ 1 2, $ 1 5, and all prices up to $35. No doubt about suiting and fitting: you in any grade you want Fall Suits all styles, all prices. Specially strong lines at $ 1 2 and $ 1 5. The equal of everybody else's $15 and $20 ones. You'll say so when you see them. New Derbys arc only $3 here, instead of- the ageuoies' $5.00, but then our name in the crown is not charged for. An- block you want. We have them all. Robinson, Chery & Co. J I2TH AND F STS. CLOTHES, FURNISHINGS. HATS. SHOES. WWoWP 1895 Great Openin; OF Fall Clothing. We have opened up all our Fall Stock, and have now a superb selection of Men's, Boys', and Children's Cloth ing on our tables. We invite your inspection, and will be gratified to show 3-ou round our store. A thorough ex amination will convince you that we beat all our com petitors in qualities and prices. If you have any respect for your pocketbook you should not fail to look through our stock before you buy 3'our fall suit. Mais Overcoats. Mai's Sack Suits. Mai's Dress Suits. Mai's Frock Suits. Mai's Pants. Boys' Overcoats. Boys' School Suits. Boys' Fine Suits. Childrais Suits. Etc., etc I New York Clothing House, 311 Seventh St. N. W. DWvo nwnuHi RUMOR UHDER INQUIRY Union Pacific to Be Shut Out of Pacific Business. PREAT OF THE SOUTHERN Officiate of tlio Department of JuHtlco and Interstate Commerce Coin in 1k hIoii Are Looking Into the. Matter. All Government nights Will Bo Fully Protected by tho Courts. Law officers of ttie coverncnint are In terested In a rumor which was printed last week to the effect that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company had notified tho Union 1'aclfic Itallroad Company that after NoTemt)cr it would refuse to run trains from Ogden to the Paclf lecoast In connection w ltli the Union Pacific trains, thus practically shutting out the latter road from Pacific coast business. No official intimation to this effect has reached either the. Department of Justice or the Interstate Commerce Commission, but the matter Is under inquiry by the of ficials of both divisions of the Kovcrnmejit. No expression of opinion regarding the possibilities of the case will be made at either department, In view of the fact that it may come before them for action; all that they in ill say Is, in tho. language of Attorney General Harmon "That all tho rights of the government, whatever they are, will l;e fully protected " A Judicial decision has recently been made, respecting the obligations rest ing upon a railroad company to establish and maintain "running connections" with an other, and it is of interest In this connection. A CASE IN" POIKT. The Oregon Sliort Line and Utah North ern Railway Company brought suit against the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to Sense and Shoe Beauty combined are la tho make-up of the famous JN NEiS Mil IXR bhoe our ex elusive mate and so per fectly that they make the feet look sinallor than they reallr are. They are won derfully comfortable to wear and are only laade of the best selected stock Titty are realln tSOO Shotl, but our price it 55.00. Men's Patent Leathers. An excellent shoe of Tery stylish ehape, the latest toes genuine French calf. A shoe that wo can safely recommend. Tho regular price Is ii CO. On .Monday we will of fer It for sale at $3 SKI. Men's W nter Tan Shoes. Wo hare a lino of Hathaway, Nule A Harrington's Pigskin bhoes calf lined waterproof extremely styl ish easy on the feet and perfect fit ting. A thoroughly reliable, long wearing shoe. 1 ho regular price has always been $3.00. We aro the first to ever offer it for $3.00. Crocker's, Cooled by Electric Fans. 939 Pennsylvania Ave. MEN'S 'BOOTS! Ours is the! only com plete line jin the city. Kip Boots , at $2 and Z.S0. Double or triple sole Calf Boots, $2.50. Fine sewed Calf Boots, $3. Hand-sewed Mo- t rocco-top Boots, $4. Our finest equal, to custom-made Boots, $5.00. 50e quality Block Wool Kersey Overgalters for OCn lien and Women ZuU Wm. Halm & Go8 Reliable Shoe Houses, 830 and 033 Seventh St. n. w. It'll and l'JIC fa, are. q. xr. 233 1'u. are. s. e. compel it to accept at Portland from the Short Line in the tatter's cars, freight destined for Pugct Sound points, advance to the delivering company the amount of freight charges due It, und collect the whole transportation iharges from the consignee at destination. The order was asked by the Short Line Company on the ground that it was a "run ning connection," sanctioned by custom among railroads and was required not ouly by the terms of thecharter of theNorth eru Pacific Company, but by the Inter state commerce act as well. Judge Field, of the Supreme Court of the United States, on circuit, refused to Is sue the order. Judge Deady, of the district court, dissenting. On appeal to the cir cuit court of apiieals the altloh of Judge Field was sustained In an opinion ren dered by Judge McKcnna. Adopting, the definition passed by Judge Field, the court of nppcals said: "The running connection which must be icrmltted by the defendant Is not a running over its lines, but only in connec tion with It, n provision Intended to secure the transportation nnd cxclungoof freight between connecting Unci,, and not the use of each other's roads by the cars of such companies. We aro of opin ion that a running connection of one road with another, within the meaning of the defendant's charter, only Includes such arrangements as the time of arrival and departure of trains, nnd as to stations, platforms, and other facilities as will en able companies desiring to connect to do so without detriment or serious Incon venience." NO POWER TO COMPEL. The Interstate Commerce Commission early In its existence, according to the statement of Secretary Mosely, came to the conclusion, over the dissent of Commis sioner Morrison, that, under the law, it had no power to compel the establishment and maintenance of through routes by the co-operation of certain railroads. There is, however, a provision In the act granting n charter of the Union Pacific Railroad Company which, it 13 believed, can be invoked toi prevent the Southern Pacific Company from carrying out its reported intention of breaking off connec tion with the Union Pacific at Ogden, rcdutliig it to a purely local line, and de priving it of the. power to meet its obli gations to the government, ns regards Its bonded debt. Section 12 reads in part- "The track upon the entire line of rail road and branches shall be nC uniform width (the gauge was afterward fixed 5 Special Drives Amongst all the attrac tive bargains in our store we have picked these out as be ing world beaters: J This Men's Ha- gnnt Clay Worsted ult made of beat material perfect In (stylo and finish a most artistic cat Men's Doublo brcastod Sack Salts la All-wool Cheviots nndCas Blmerea boat workmanship and finish - $7.50 $6.40 Men's Pants elesant stripes and patterns perfect mtine tho latest ff I Qfl cut good cloth.... 4) 1 ,3U V This Boy's Suit Is the wonder of the 19th cen tury. It Is inado right In onr own factory of tho very best material careful workmanship and rery complete In all linings and trim, ff I PC mlnga. Only 4I.UJ k Men's Derby Hats in this fall a sty tea, Dualap, You man, Miller and Young's blocfcs $1.40 H. FRIEDLANDER & BRO., Ninth & ESts. N. W. by act of Congress), so that when com pleted cars can be run from the Missouri Ulver to the Pacific coast; the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and government are concerned as'one con nected, continuous line." Tho assent of the various corporations named in the act. Including the Central Pacific of California (now leased and operated by the Central Pacific), to Its provisions are on file In the Department of the Interior. ArreMed for HoiiKCbrcuMiiir. George Smith, colored, was arrested Sat urday night by Patrolman James Tuyman, of the First precinct, and locked up on suspicion of having broken into the house of Mr. Sarah Carter, on Thirteenth street near I), and later Patrolmen Kilmarjn nnd Flather identified him as the would be burglar. He was charged with house breaking and will be tried in the police court this mornlrg. WONDERFUL HOUSEFURNISHING BARGAINS: Market Basket, doz. Cups and Saucers, Jdz Plates, i Platter, i Vegetable Dish, i Pitcher 88G Regular price, tL50. Large willow Clothes Baskets 33C Itegular price, G9c. Japanned Bread Boxes 9fj Hezular price, 29c. Decorated Dinner Sets, 112 pieces, 2 colors..$R 64 Itegular price, ja. fw.w-r Large Decorated China Water Pitchers, with gold lines 5c Regular price, S9c Fire-proof Japanese Teapots JQq Itejular price, 19c. Decorated Chamber Sets,with Jar; gold lines; six decorations; greatest value ever offered....J3 07 Regular price, 00. ",ul 8-lb. Japanned Flour or Sugar Boxes IRn Iiesularpilce, 33c- 48c Granite Iron Teapots 22C Decorated Austrian China Dinner Sets, very fine; 102 pieces $13.65 Regular price, tM.Ol - v.w.ww 6 each Silver-plated Tea Spoons, Table Spoons and Forks to match 7c Regular prlje, JLM. Decorated China Jardinieres, seven styles 37C Regular price, '.be Extra large fire-proof Earthen Cooking Crocks Sn Regular price, ISc Whisk Brooms rw..... 5C Best Quality Razors - OJiG Regular price, 86c. 14-quart Water Buckets Qg I Universal Housefurnisiiing Store, $ 5 512 Ninth St. N. W. - COMMHItS AND S.VLAMAXDKItS. Concluding Festivity of the Gerniun Amerlcun Technical Meetliiir. There were lively and Jolly times at the grand "Commers" Saturday evening-, which concluded tbeelcvcnthanmjal session of the German-American Technical Society. The large banquet hall of the Bueua Vista club house was appropriately and elaborately decorated for the occasion. President Hermann Rossbach, the presi dent, performed the duties of toast master and toasts wereres ponded toby thedclcgates from the different cities. Mr. Simon Wolf, of the hical section, re sponded admirably to the sentiment, Ger man Song." An original poem entitled ''The Ideal Administration," a humorous criticism nt the technical society, evoked much ap plause. On a motion made by Mr. E, Collins, of Philadelphia, thetisitingdelcgationspassed a vote of thanks to tho Washington sec tion for Its kindnesses and hosptlallty. German student songs were the order of the evening, "nnd maucber salamander ward gerieben." Smiill Army of Illcyollst Visitors. Fifty-three bicyclists came Into a down town hotel yesterday morning and remained during the day. They registered as tho Chester, Pa., and Wilmington. Del., Bicycle Club, though each- name was registered separately as from Chester. They started Saturday afternoon nnd made the trip In comparatively easy stages. The day was spent In looking about the city and after a hearty meal tbey took the homeward road late In the afternoon. IlreiikH In a Wutcr JMiiln. A squad of workmen were eugaged in repairing teveral breaks In the water main 011 Florida avenue and Thirteenth, street northwest until yesterday morning. Tho breaks. It is thought, were due to the change in the tenjierature. the sudden lowering causing the pipe to contract and break. The streets about the breaks are pools and lakes, and the operations of tho worlr. men were rendered difficult. &$V'3yVV SV&'3,&&'VvV'V' r-'i 1 nnfAi nrirr- nrrAnrP nriiio Ar-r-ix ull Dncnr rniOL':nLuunuo mio vvqclfv The cooler weather is here. The getting ready for winter comfort has begun. The necessity for new furniture is urgent. We propose to make that necessary furniture buying as little financial inconvenience to you as it possibly can be made. Our new credit system hints at the "How" of it. Our cash prices, with credit payments, complete the explanation. But let us talk it over when you are ready. W -d S&x fcSSplSU? AaJa AiAtrt 4 L Large Sldeboanl.beautl- Secure an altogether Kitchen Table, most &k "Ji jgg&3-ea M&til&AziXSlr aBAVLVVVLg jmiy earred, plate complete table ever made. Wi't VI W f S2p?H5 J2? glnsJ, lined drawer, ff t O ! ' F'-O M sll'l s b $18 $5.00 to $8.00. m& 1 --, . mm ijrv & ...,.., . p j,t .. 1 r- V ' -U This nicely finished 6-foot Extension Table. fffi vSpbP'y W' K This set of six large pieces of Glassware, entire set only 58 cents. 0i.?..?.1..a!!!,: $6.50 $3.50. ' M2&01 w Gcnts'Snlts, itylish and durable, 7.BO ' A S'ffSfes-eL S "-!S. A " m ilfft Gents' Fine Business Suits S1Q.OO Jfe gSSgglffi&Tjgaisy l&Sxlb V -Tm2SsS- Ak - Gents' Fine IJress Salts. S15.00 ? M3w5(ygE3itfm BVIIV HBGeESMflKHBEaKSSiPIr Eojs'Loas Pants Suits. S6.00 up mB & Wlr M !!if nEajgffjjfflM HPP1MPP?9KB Children's Suits. S2.50 up w W Ma m B ' m mRIot vsM&mi 0 awl loll I K-i:MMf& t iirislS 1 W e&jstt THIS BEAUTIFUL SILK DAMASK PARLOR SUITE, CHERRY FRAME, $42.00 HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMENT. -Complete line of the Best Ranges and Cook Stoves, Oil Heaters, etc., from the cheapest to the best. Carpet and Upholstery Department. Good Ingrain Carpets, 37c. Fine large size Japanese Rug, 26xS4, only 69c ; I ICT;-sWA Hll siwas&a? ?5C3-y R In Svfes'a'jr?fc-4:fcWk V. rarre gai' Ladles' Nest Cloth Jackets, alkshades S3. BO Ladles' handsome, stylish. Cloth Jacket 6.50 Ladles Cloth and Astrachan Capes 8.50 up Hisses' Stylish Jackets 2.75 Hisses' Fine Cloth Jackets 5.50 Credit oh Everything. Payments Adjusted to Suit Your Convenience. ' MA VT?!? J TTh,TTT'T reliable outfitters, J.T1-A- A -E1V. Ol X Hi X J-1 L , 415 Seventh Street Northwest. ' 'l s VitMiM'V wv. WVWWWVWV-VWW-W-' x "5" - , , Ji -