Newspaper Page Text
orszr & THE ."MORNING TIMES. THUBSDAT, OCTOBER 81, 1895. TEN, -w "v-i. - TWELVE, FIFTEEN, TWENTY,, any priceup to FORTY FIVE DOLLARS buys tbe best suit-orovercoatHERE that the same amount can command any where "in America? We've proved it to the satisfaction of hundred:Tj5f Washington's best-dressed men, and can prove it to you in ifverj-few moments. The bigg-est variety in town, neuyand exclusive designs, superior fabrics, -trimming's andjijoTjimanship. Styles to suit every one. Suits, double 'and siuyle-breasted sacks, cutaway frocks, English walking coats, Prince Albert frocks, full-dress and Tuxedo. Overcoats, Coverts, knee lengths,, ankle. .lengths, Paddocks, Cape Coats, Inverness, Military Coats, Storm Coats and Ulsters. The most complete Haberdashery stock, the finest stock of Shoes, the best line of Hats are HERE under one roof. Stop in to-day and see how easily we can suit and fit you. ROBINSON. CHERY & CO. I2TH AND' F STS. CLOTHES. FURNISHING?, HATS. SHOES. "True as Steel." The "CO LUMBIA" Cycle. Ev ery part ab- . cnliitflr rtr. 2.5-""'"v rw feet. It's a wheel to be relied on under all circumstances. A "Co lumbia'' never gives out. Ttao rldliiE t. in em at Columbia Fie hi is the "corro2t" stylo of managing a wheel. Guarantee tickets, J. District Cycle Co,, $ 452 Pa. Ave. 3. Hart Brlttaln, Manacrr. we Want Your Iae curtains to launder. Wo know tent If you are sat sued with the war wo launder them you will tend us your linen as welL Wo can satisfy you. Capital Steam Laundry, ii. 1618. 5128th St. N.W. ICE rn aiExic-iiEALTiirrti THK UAKUEbT 1MB IlLST. MADEOFI'UKE SP1UNQ WATEK. IsltphoasM. OfOcelta t'lto, A E7 I f C By Steam Driller. ii L-L.L.J5 Work dona quick- Drilled IV. cleanlv nnrl cheaply. W. E. DoWITT. cOSTenth St. nw iIureIou fcalo of clotlilnc beelns i'';J,," llt w York Clntlilnif nou, Jll Seventh ktroot northwest. AT A. B. A O. CKOSSIXG. PaMNi'iiKcr Truln No. 57 Killed ft Horae unil t lie Drl prXarro Ij-Coon peil. Baltimore und Ohio passenger train No. Ti7 ami the uncuariled (trade crossing" al EcUnxtou came ntnr uUcllnir another fa talilyto their Ion-Jll jestinlay rooming. QcoiEe ilumbcrKcr, a drher for the Boston A'arlely biore, uc.ooiniianittl by Jesse Anderson, another employe of the More, drove flown It fclrecl lu Kiklng ton, toward the Uiltlniort'iind Ohio tractc. The crosiliir is beside Alt Hill's lime nud ceuient house, mid U tolally unprotected by gate or 'vatclimau. i'leiRht cpr st.tnu in lung lines on three or four traces from the crossing along past the warehouse utmost without break to the Utile station at Florida ateuue. Wlii'ii jmmbetjtir urow- up u liliKUt car proJetUit beyouo Hie end ul the WHrOtous so as to obstruct the lew or the track completely till within a Tew feet of the crossing- 'liicie wns no "whistle, no sign whatever of an approaching train. 'W uen the horse was on tne tratk Alunit.'tri;cr saw a. ins senccr train n J ins toward hlin and triid to turn his horse.. Before he could Ret the animal clear of'thr tmck the train rushed by, sticepitis the horse uutl slufts away nud iimviiir him ttitti the broken lilies in liia hands. lu tx at hN side had Jumped a mo ment before and was safe. S4TER METERS POPUL&R Order Requiring Them Being Generally Complied With. TIME EXPIRES T0-M0ER0W HxpeiMO AksokmmI for TruuHferlnc IV liter Malim to Accommodato Met ropolitan Conduit I'rottist AtfaliiRt ClmiiKi' In tlio Dahlcron Circle Site. Orders for Jljdrantx. Elected the Countable. Constable William 8wioburn swore oul a wurratit'yeslerii.iy ror William ll.lirtuys, the saloon keeper, cuarcititr him with SS sault. The constable nlltees that he went to broil n'& puce to berve a Iepral paper, when the latter uted considerable rorce In decline lilm'from the premises. Brown lelt $10 collateral for his ap pearance In the police court. Drunk and Disorderly. Thomas Sutton, lltty jenrs of age, filled up Willi TVUisfcy In northeast Wastoinctoti, Iastntcht,nndcreatelHsceneordisturb.tnce In that quiet and orderly section of the city, lie wns arrested by Policeman Mc Cormlck and will be required to face a charge of drunk and disorderly lu the . police court tula morning. Died From NiUurn Cnuxes. Deputy Coroner Glazebrook made an autopsy yesterday afternoon on the re mains of William Brown, a colored rag man, fiftj-flve years of age, who died suddenly witliout medical attention at his residence in Najlor's alley. He found Uiat death resulted front nattirai causes. Bjivid Stewart, an aged negro, who had been locked up at No. - station on sus picion of. baring caused Brown's demise, was thereupon released front custody. MurM'IouK miIo of clotliinu bejln toilny at Xew York Clutlilnir lluus), 311 M until xtrect uortliet. The time given by the. District Commis sioners for the Introduction of water meters in all establishments using large quantities of the Potomac supply wlll'cx-" plre to-morrow, but It Is not probable that the order will require any action for com pulsory obedience. Those who are affected by the regula tion seem to be generally satisfied with the system upon Investigation, and the Commissioners say they are having them placed in their establishments as a nutter of economy. More titan 100 meters have "been put in recently, 80 being ordered Inside of 30 days. The District officials nay Hint the principal objection to the adoption of the. meter seems to be the first expense, but that in many cases this Is offset by the saving that follows the Introduction. The Metropolitan Railroad Company has been asked to deposit the sum of $14, 264.60 with the collector or taxes, the estimated amount thutwillbe chargeable to the company for the work of changing the 8 stem of water mains to accommodate tlie underground conduit. The amount chargeable to the water department Is SO, 574. GO. AGAINST KKMOVINO THK CIBCLE. A delegation of Brookland suUlblsion rcsldeuts vUItcd he Commissioners yester day and entered a protest against a pro jected change In thu location of llahlgren Circle, as laid off in the street extension plans. The proposed change was suggested at n former conference by Attorney Fulton and II. B. Goodfcllow, but the delegation that called jesterday said the proposition in olved a waste of money and was mtlrely unnecessary. A petition with one hundred and thirty signatures backed up the asser tion. Messrs. V. P. Lelghton, R. Y. Walker. It. E. Nnteman. George Redhead, S. II. Lenoir, James HciUiead. W- O. Denntson. John II- Sch weir and Reuben Cox composed the committee. The Investigation by the health office of tbe typhoid fever causes and extent of typhoid fever in the District has already Included nearly four hundred cases, and will embrace fle hundred cases before the inspivlion Is ended. Upon completing tbe compilation. Dr. Woodward will be able to give the conclusions, and It Is ex pected the report will show important re sults. OFFICIAL ORDERS. Orders issued yeslerdayf That fire lidrants be erected at the northwest corner of Thirteenth street and Wallach place and at the northeast cor ner of Fourteenth street and Wallach place. That a new. Improved hydrant be erected at the northwest corner or New Jersey avenue and U street northwest. That water main assessments be can celed, on account of decision in Uurgdorf case, agnlnt lot 14, block 14, Brookland; lot 1. block 11, Brookland; lot 6, block 1, University Heights, lot 3. block 14. Brook land: lots 460. 401, SU, 83 and 84. Kcat Ing's suodMsion; south 50 feet of lot i, block 14. ttmokland: stiblot 19, block 8, Brookland. ami remaining lnstalhtiMits against lots 22 to 128, square 127. 5 EGG DAY! To-day wewill give one dozen freshest and best eggs free to purchasers of one dollar's worth or over of groceries from this price list. " . EVERY ARTICLE A BARGAIN. - Askfor the Eggs when you have completed your purchases. 1 Barley, per lb Pickles, in battles Potted ham, mall Loose Lard, lib Animal Crackers Nlc-Nacs, per pound.. .. .. .. Bottled Jamaica. UlDccr Ladles' KoyalShoe Polish Large Euaniellne lllreh's Powdered Lye ,. Whole Cloves, 1-4 pound Ground Cloves. 1 4 pound Ground Allspice, 1-4 pound Paltpeter. 1-4 pound Cream Tartar. 1-4 pound Celery Seed, 1-4 pound Groiiml Dinner, 1-4 pound Caraway tieed. 1-4 pouua Wholo Allspice, 1-4 pound Hominy Orlti - .. Coarse liouilnj Fly Paper. doutile.Shcets Small Durham Mustard, boxes., .. Coffee Essence, per box Toilet hoap. Miller's Cake Blxby's Kmall Blacking Mucilage , Boneless Codfish i Eu.imoiiue store Polish Largo Lump Stanb Iromhinestovii polish Star Soap, cake lkitax hoap, cake .. - . Blown f-ojp, loug burs hoaplue, luikuge I'p.irllne. package English Pearl Soap; it floats.... .. Brooks' Crystal Soap 1776 Powder Bon Ami Ginger Snaps, per pound Soda Craikers, per pound Cream Crackers, per pound Johnston's 6-oz. YeastPowder .. .. Rice, large grain, lb.. Dried Beans, lb J. B. BaklugPowder, 1-4-puundtlus. Small Lemon Extracts Small Vanilla Small Glasscx Mustard "BeatsAir'StovePollsh.cake .. .. . Chloride of Lime, email boxM .. .. . Toilet Suap. fancy cuke Patent Laundry Wax .. .. Rising sun Stoc Polish ttruaU Oil Saidlues. can Tapioca, loo-u, lb Large WhoieNutmegs, 0 for LurgePlulBottifUlue lull Blue, in boxes, each Picnic Size Baked Beans Hunter'sMustard Dressing, large .. , Water Lily Soap, large-slro Pint Bottles Catsup Celery Salt, bottle , Alabaster Starch, package Itoot Beer, per bottle .. . .. . . 7e 70 7c 7c 8c 8o 100 ,.10c .10c .10c 8c 8c 8c 8c 8c 8c 8c 8c So . ac . c . 2; .. fie 3c . 4c . Be .. 5C . Be' . Be . Gc . 8C . 4C . 4C . 4C . 4C . -4C .. BC . Be . 4C . Bo . r.e . Bo . Bo .10c .. 6o . Be Be . Be . Co . Be . 6C . So . Bo . Be . Bo . BC . 7o . Be , Bo .. 7e 60 . s . Be .10u . Be , Bo . Be Home made Egg Noodles, largs.. .. 10c Kapollo. large 10c Olives, m glass Jars 10c Candles. No. 6. per set 10c Hemp Clothes Line. 100 rest 10c American Gelatine 10c Rumford's6-oz Yeast Powder tOo Large 3 lb. Can Baked It-ana.. 10c Canned Oysters, per can 10j Maryland Peaches, perenn 10c Ell Peitljoan's Food, package 10c Chloride or I.lnio. large 10c Baking Powder. 1-4 lb. cans lOo Rericctor. the best brnss and silver pollsterkuown, package lOo RalMns. California : 10o galslus. Sultanas lOo aby Brand Condensed Milk. can.. .. lOo Salmon, tall can.? 12c Imported Sardines, small, key 12o Steak Salmon. large flat cans ICo FlalcunsMackerel.bert 16c Baltimore Sugar-cured llams. lb.. .. 12c Bacon Strips... 12c h'Kicty Wafers 12u Vanilla Cakes lk'u Sugar Jumbles.. . .. .. .. 12c Urtuklast llaiou, Iti lZc Iloney Jumbles 12o MHiil Rifle Nuts So Saltln: Wafers lo Sugar-cured Shoulders, lb l-2c Graham Wafers, per pound 12o Vanilla Wafers. icr pound 12c Kgg Biitilts.T5CT-.pound Ifie Winter Green Tandy lzo Canned Corn Boer, sliced 12c Rib Roast of Beefsteak 12c Round Steak 12e Sack Cnrumial (Squirrel brand) - 150 Plymouth Rock Iboth co'ors) gela tine 12o OlUe Oil 12c Campbell's Beefsteak Catsup, pt.. .. lfio Cal I'llled Evaporated Plums, lb.. .. 12c Lantern JarsMustard lBo Imported Spaghetti, perpackage.. .. lBo French Pcns.percaa lBo Best Fresh Eggs, dozen 20c QuivuA Anderson Jams lBo latge lxc Bags Ball. Z for Bo i-o-ip Powder .. .. So Crllerlou Brand Cal.CannedAprlcou ICc rat Smoked Bloater, eacl 3c hcolcb Snuff, per box Bo Ammonia, largo buttles Be New Bales So Large Can Tomatoes, first quality. .. 8e Canned Corn, per can Sc canned Peas, per car Sc string Beans, per can 8c Lima Beans, per can be Canned Succotash, per can 8c Macaroni, perpackage 7c Potted Tongue, small 7c 2-lb patkagp Be-a Oats .. 7s Large, fat n,!.kerel, per pound.. .. lOo Com Starcn, package o A r buckle Coffee ,....... - .. 22o Olive Oil (Imported! 25o nest Malt Vinegar, gallon 2Tc H.-t White wine Vinegar. gallon.. .. 3 lb. Pails Cottolenei.-. 30e r string Brooms 28c 1-10 bbl. Electric Liglit Floor 30c 3 lb palls Lard tbest) 30e 1-16 bbl. Royal FnmllyTlour 30o Golden Drip Sjron 4rie B lb. Palls Cottolenei. j.. i...f.0c Ubl 5;4.00 1-1 bbl. Electric Light Flour $1.15 Qua-t size Lea & Perrlns' Bauce, per bottle 76c (ItltjEdseSoap (.V. size), each 30 Babbitt's Soap , Be FrultCrackers (Sultanas), per pound 12c Ground Pepper. 1-4 pound .. .. 8c Yellow Mustard Seed. 1-4 pound.. .. gc Ground Mustard. 1-4 pound.. . gc Ground Cinnamon. 14 pound 8c Ground Mace. 1-8 round so Whole Mace. 1-8 pound fc Ground Cayenne Pepper, 1-4 pound Pc Wholo Pepper, 1-1 pound 8c Fruit Puddlnc, all fluvors 8c Hirst IPs Sunco So J . B. Baking PnwiW, 1-2 pound tins Pc Large Lcruou Extracts 10c Largo Vanilki lOe Bottles Catsup 8j Good Steak 8 and 10c Rico Flour, pr package So Ellin Star Ccixlened Milk. can.. .. So Blxby's Large Blacking bc Olives, per bottle 8c Large Mustard Sardines he t-ago, per package.. .. 8c FatBac,Xor seaonlng 0 l-2e Western Mioalder i l-2c Mixed Candy, per lb...... 10c ivory iLlennant Iltcd) Starch., Diamond Starcn meeds no blae) , Tapioca, per package , Farina, pound package.. Olno Oil. small Early June Peas. ....,, ., ,. Stick Candy, all flavors , Red Seal Lye. can. Largo French Prunes New York Cream Biftcutt Lemon lake. 8a 80 8o 8o Sc ..10c .So 10c 10c 10c, 1UC UllkLunch Biscuits lOo Mixed .Nuts. bet 15c California Evaporated Peaches,. .. 120 California Evaporated Tears.. ' .. 12c California Evaporated Apples.. ., 12c New Prunells , 12c Chalmers Gelatine 10c Large Siher Prunes j .'. .. .. 12c California Evaporated Apricots.. .. 12c Chicory, lb " 10c Best Cream Cheeoe. lb.. 12c LanternJars Sirup, pints 1-c Large Bottles Catsup IBe Graveley'sllest Tobacco I Do Raisins, seedlrss 100 Bozot SOgoodoIgara fl" .. tn 17o lEo lBo 17o 20 140 1BO ISO 18o 160 16o lBo 150 16o White Wine Vinegar, gallon., Calir ornla Peachis Evaporated Cream. can.. .. .. .. .. Best Buttcrine. lb J.B. Baking Powder. 1-lb. Una; BluclIeuMalcbcs.dozeD Ground Coffee, perib .. .. .. Smoked Herring, box ImporlcdSardlnes .large, wlthkey .. Pret7elettes. lb. (Tom Thumb) .. ; Sirloin Steak Witch Hazel, pint bottle 1-32 bbl RoyalFamlly Flour l-32bbi Electric LtgntFlour Imported Sardines In tomato sauce, uer can EaglcBraudCoudcnscdMIlk Lobster, tall cans Webb's Cocoa, per tin .. ...... Cider Vinegar, gallon Wilbur's CLiK-olate, caks Porterhouse Steak Fruit Baking I'oWilir, 1-2 lb. cons. LeaA l'errin sWorreslershireSauce.. Columbia Soups Julienne. Cocsom me. Mulligatawny, Chicken. To matolarge cans, each Durkee' Dressing. Lottie.. .. Best Elgin Butter, lb Dunliar's Barataria. Shrimps, large.. Potat.iChips, per pound Java Flavored coffee.. Ohio Maple Syrnp. per can ColbnmV Ccrrr Powder, bottle.. .. Royal iias'ing Pawner, lib.. - Cleveland BaklngPowaT.lR) Mustard, tier inillon.. 1 S bbl. Lily Best Patent Flour. Extra Choice oo'ongTea.. .. .. , Extra Choice Gunpowder Tea.. . Roval Family Flour bbl 1 -4 Mil. Family Flour 1-8 bbl. Royal Family Jiy Best Patent Hour, bbl 1 a bill. I.ilv Best Patent Flour. El-eric Lsht Best Family Flour, Holland Jaa ana Alocna. coiree.. .. Richardson Jt Bobbins' Potted Tur key - Java and Mocha Coffee .... .. .. 1-16 bbl. Lily lidt Patent Flour.. . French Baking Powder, 1-lb cans. Tine Gnnpnwder Tea Spring Leaf Tea Old Government Java Coffee Brat Mocha. Coffee .. .. New Orleans Making .uomsses no Fine Oolong Tea 3Bo Iloisesboc Chewing Tobacco, lb.. .. oOc 51b palls Lnnl (best) BOc Fanry Mixed Ten SGc Grave1 J ply Chewing Tobacco.. .. tSOc ihoice Ool ong '1 ea 60o Choice Gunnowder Tea 80o 1-b bbl. Ei.-ctrlc Llcht Flour too California Pears lBo Wilbur's Cocoa, Der tin 20s IBe 160 170 170 17o 18o 18o 180 2So 250 250 30c 250 250 .. 26o .. S50 .. 2Bc .. 4Bo .. 450 .. 4SO .. eso .. 80o .. 80c .S4.00 . S1.00 .. eoo ..14.20 .$1.23 30c 30C 30c 35a 35o S6o a 6o 350 350 JOHNSTONS, 729-731 7th St irrsnassssEsosucs EBsV .i-J2SUfs CT- s.M S ffi." oVpo ,,1pstTfTir ss can he faBtt-Mrrm. Bushels of Bargains If you've got a house to furnish or a room or an office now is the time for you to do it. Our REMOVAL SALE offers the greatest, opportunity that has ever fallen to your good fortune. If we are to walk into our new building, when completed, empty-handed every bit of the stock in our present stores and warehouses must be sold. It's no time for us to chase the butterfly of profit no time to figure on costs. Ever' price has been cut to the very marrow. There's nothing in stock that'll cost j'ou anywhere near what it's worth. Seasonable or unseasonable it is bargained There isn't -a housefurnishing house in Washington whose variety and values are superior to ours. But worth is for gotten in the courageous task of turning loose a fortune in FURNITURE CARPETS MATTINGS DRAPERIES STOVES, BRIC-A-BRAC FANCY LAMPS CROCKERY WARE PICTURES BEDDING OFFICE FURNITURE EVERYTHING. Our old reliable Equitable.. CrB.dit System Pennies will pay for dollars' worth in our REMOVAL SALE. Don't let your buying stop with your present needs but look ahead supply the future's wants while circumstances are holding the prices down to thebottoni notch. Such a chance as this has never known precedent. It's not in the realm of probability that its parallel will ever occur again. It's the one golden opportunity that comes to everybody. Embrace it. All the Furniture is reducedl All the Carpets are reduced! All the Draperies are reduced! All the Stoves' are reduced! AH the Crockeryware is reduced! All the Fancy Lamps are reducedl All the Bric-a-brac is reduced! AH the Bedding is reducedl AH the Office Furniture is reduced! Don't wait there are hundreds of eager hands stretched out to catch these bargains that-are dropping and if you want the variety to choose from you must come quick! stands ready to help you. Don't hesitate to ask for our Costless Credit, We'll give it to you cheerfully. 1 HERRMANN 1-923 Seventh St UOUSE & HERRMANPJ 1 1 636 Massachusetts Ave. I 917-919-921 KSfcUl t iife i-S' .j5 fcvC$s?V -Of .. tfilaSLJi -i- w 2 n tft-if BElflllsL & Llililr i2 mm UUU lo- Jti mmmmmmmmmwmmmmwwm