Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER TO - Condition-. Uncertain. Probabl)- Fair.. East Winds. VOL. 2. KO. o9S. FIELD IS DEAD The Poet and Journalist Passes Away in Chicago. WAS ILL BUT A FEW D .YS Uutll ii Few Hours Jlcfore Ills Death He Wilis Busy Planning h Trip South Fussed Away In tlio Sight, wliU So One at Ills Bedside. Chicago, Nov. 4. Eugene Field, poet, Journalist, and story writer, diid at bis liome, at Bucna Park, early this morn ing as the result of heart failure. For some da Mr. Field has been ailing, butit was supposed he wassulfering from bis usual sliimaih troubles and no terious turn was anticipated. Dr. Frank IloMtv tvhi, .vns sHinmiiiitil this morninc I pronounced the death to have been caused by the lormatiiin of a clot of blood In the ln-art. Although yesterday Mr. Field wan feel ing bo ill that he telegraphed to Kansas City, cancelling an engagement which he had there for to-night, he tat up until a late hour chatting Mr. Yenowine, of the Milwaukee Illustrated News. Mr. Yeno wine was to bave accompanied Mr. Field to Kansas City and had come from Milwaukee for that purpose. HE DIED PEACEFULLY. Mr. Tleld was cheerful and the two sat np until a late bour, discussing future plans. Shortly belore midnight Mr. Field Had a telegram bent to Kansas City, saying that be w ould be able to come later in week. Upon going to bed Mr. Fiel.l did not com plain, but during the night Fred Field, the rourteen-j ear-old son of the deceased, heard bis father groaning in his sleep. The lad thought nothing of this until near morning when the sleeping man groaned more heavily than before and then became perfectly still and quiet. Roused by an Intuitive dread that something was amiss Fred, or "Dais" as the family call bim, crept out or I ed and awakened his mother and aunts. He then went to the room of Mr. Yenowine, who was sleeping in the house and aroused him. -. NO ONE WITH HIST Whin the family reached the bedside they lound that Eugene rield w as no more. His body was lying in an easy, natural position. The heat of life had not yet diedtjut and a tranquil, peaceful expres sion on his lare gave him the appearance of having dropped into a gentle (.lumber. All efforts to arouse him fniltd and Dr. Hedges, w ho was inunediatel summoned, attributed death to heart failure. Mr. Field first took to bis bed last Thursday. Up to yesterday he bad ex pected to keep his engagement at Kansas Citj tills evening, but last night he told his brother, Roswell M. Field, to tele graph his Inability to make the trip, and that he would be unable to gn e the prom toed reading in the Kansas City auditorium. Mr. Field leaves five children, two daughters and three sons. The eldest child is Miss Mary .French Field, 19 rears ui uge, aim me youngest is scarcely twelve months old. The funeral win take place Wednesday ndtheinteremntwlllbeat Graceland. CAREER OF THE POET. Eugene Field was the son or Roswcll Martin and trances (Reed) Field, and was born in bt. Louis, September, 1650. Artcr finwhing his education in the State University or Missouri, in 1871 he adopted the profession or newspaper writer, begin ning with the St. Louis Journal in 1871'. His next connection was with the St Joseph, Mo., Gazette, in 1875, after which he returned to St. Louis to take an editorial position on the Times Journal. In 1880 hewason thestaff of theKansas City Times, butleft that paperiiilSSl to been nieinanag log editor or the Denver Tribune. He came to Chicago August 13, 1883, to accept an position on the editorial staff of the Chicago Morning News (now the Record) and his connection with that pa per continued without Interruption to the day of his death. In addition to his newspaper work, Mr. Field found time to perform much extra labor in the literary field, and established a reputation as a graceful and clever writer oi sioncs and verse. He was especially happy in his poemsand stories of Juvenile life. Mr. Field married, October 16. 1873,Mlss Julia Conislock, of St. Joseph, Mo., and had seven children. In June, 1803, Knox College conferred upon Mr. Field the honorary degree of Mas ter of Arts. SOCIALISTS COXCENTHATIXG. They Expect to Elect an Assembly man lu the Twelfth. New York, Nov. 4 The Socialists have been casting about 8,000 votes in this city for tev eral jearsback. in vvhatisnow the Twelfth assembly district they cast nearly 1,000 voles in 1893. Their vole was doubled last year, and this year Deputy County Clerk P. J. Scully, the Tammany Hall leader in the district, reported to the executive com mittee that for a year past the Socialists have been moving into the district. He said that they are endeavoring to concentrate their voles in one assembly district, with the idea of electing at least one member of the legislature. Mr. Scully did not hesitate to say that Tummany Hall has more to fear from the Socialists In the Twelfth district than from Johnny Simpson's Republicans. The Socialists have put forward as their candidate for assembly in Hie Twelfth district Alexan der Junes, editor of the Socialist organ, the Yolks Zeitung. TWO FLYEHS' TLUSGE. Crn-hed Together at Hlght Angle, hut Sot Much Harm Done. Dallas, Tex., Nov. 4. The "Katy" flyer, northbound, for St. Louis, and the Santa Fe limited, southbound, from St. Louis, the two fastest trains in Texas, plunged Into right angle collision at the crossing of the two roads Just inside the southern limits of the city about 7 o'clock this morning. The trainmen Jumped from their engines and were not hurt. Several cars and the tnglnes were badly wrecked, and several passengers were slightly Injured. In vestigation has failed to locate the blame. Etrlke at the .Tin Plato AVorks. El wood, Ind., Nov. 4. A strike which threatens to close down the entire plant of the American Tin Plate Company was in augurated to-day when the employes of the cold roll department walked our. They were not satisfied with the number of boxes credited to them last month, claiming a shortage. Preparing for War. It Is utterly impossible to Imagine our efforts without seeing them. Just received a consignment of merchant tailor made suits and overcoats at one-half their origi nal measured price. Merchant Tailors' Misfit Clothing Parlors, 407 Seventh street northwest. StoH's great sale of shoes Ladles' Men's Children's, at less than wholesale cost. Don't buy shoes until you have TUttod this eale, SBXTEEM PAGES OF MEWS EVERY 112 -.----Kfj. .rwM..j:H".fMt DAY.. LIKE A MANIAC'S RAVINGS Rev. Frank Hyatt Smith Tried for Sending Vile Postal Cords. Some of Them no Indecent That Tliey "Were Sot Head In Court Libelled llli Parishioners. Boston, Not-.1 4, A vigorous, but un availing effort'nvas inaae in the United States ulsirict court before Judge Nelson today,, to have quashed the Indictment against Rev. Frank lljatt bmltli, pastor ol Hie North Avenue Coi.jregalionalCliurcb, Cambridge. Mr. Smith was present and lis tened attentively, to the arguments of his counsel. Col. Hopkins, of Worcester, as did the large nuniucr of Irlends and sup jwrters of the accused preacher. Not the least interested In the proceedings, how ever, were the men who were opposing him in the church, and are accused by his menus or neing in a conspiracy agamst him. Many women were present, and it was probably oul of consideration lor their feelings that certain of the postal cards quoted in the indictment as having been sent by Mr. Smith to members of his con gregation and others, were not read, but lucre!) referred to by counsel In making bis argument on the demurrer. Counsel fot defendant proposed to file a general demurrer to the indictment, which the court overruled, after which the defendant pleaded "not guilty." Col. Hopkins then usked for a continuance which was opposed b) the district attorney, and the court reserved bis decision until to morrow. The indictment Includes the names of persons to whom the cards were addressed and the alleged libellous ipithets. Some of the letters arc blasphemous and unfit for publication, but tin majority are so senseless and incoherent as to appear to be the ravings of a maniac. One gentle man, not a member of Mr. Smith's church, and in no way interested in its dissensions, is called a "Judas who betrayed bis leader." "I'll Ehoot you on sight" is the threat with which It concludes. Other cp'thcts used In the cards, aro "low bred quarrel breeder,""church wreck er," "peace disturber." "hypocrite deacon," 'religious fake,' "pious fraud." "mounte bank," "whining liar," "dissembling Iago," "vote buyer." "veneered deacon," "peanut politician," "prudential thief," "rtpalrfund emliezzlirr," "fire and smoke," "St. John fool," "cringing hypocrite." and "lying toad)." The epithets In most cases are not con nected by other words, are underscored, bristle with exclamation marks and dashes and nre accompanied by such exclamations as "Ha, ha." FITZ DIIIS'T WAST TO TIGHT. Corbet! Show a Letter to Make Good Tills 'Assertion. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 4. James Corbelt and Ills party arrived at Memphis this morn ing. Corbett will give an exhibition here to-night and go hence to New York. "I will pay no more attention to Fltz slmmons," snid Corbett, "I feel convinced now that he never intended to meet me. I would have fought lilm for nothing." In proof of what be stated relative to Fltzsimmous not wanting tov fight, Corbett exhibited a copy of a letter from Superin tendent Rose, of the Iron Mountain Rail road, to the general passenger agent, H. C. Townsend, in which Mr. Rose states that he could have gotten Fitzsimmons through to Hot Springs without trouble, but for Fitz himself. Fitzsimmons acted ns if he did not want to fight," . was a sentence In the letter. Corbett 6ald further: "I am thinking seriously of quilting the ring. I will make up my mind fully on my arrival in New York. There Is nothing in the business any more and in nearly all of tho States it Is a felony, and I do not want to be classed as a common criminal. Still, I believe that non-interference with prize fighting would make men trust to nature's weapons and would eventually do away with shooting and cutting." GOIIBLED UP ANOTIIEK. Only One Company Lcrt Beside the' Frlck. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 4. The H. C. Frick Coke Company has purchased the entire plants, property, and f ranchlscsof the W.J F.aiDcy Coke' Company, the third largest producersof coke in the Connellsville region. Themoncy consideration wasabout$ "30 -000 ' This pnrcliase, together with the gigantic transactlonof Saturday, by.whlch the H.C. Frlck Coke Company, In consideration of about $3,983,000, came Into possession of the Mc-CIure Coke Company property, leaves but one company of any size In the Conni'Ilsville region over which the Frick Company has no control, that of Brown & Cochran. HAYAI1D STILL WAITING. Lord Salisbury's Iteply HPKardlng Vencznelii Sot Yet Heady. London, Nov, 4. Ambassador Bayard still awaits a more definite reply to the memorandum of Secretary OIney defining the United States' interpretation or the Monroe doctrine as applicable to the Vene zuelan situation. In acknowledging the receipt of the document. Lord Salisbury Informed Mr. Bayard that he desired to consult leading International lawyers on the points ad vanced. Those international Jurists, it is stated, bave not )et made their report to Lord Salisbury. CAMPOS GOES TO THE FHONT. Und a Conference with Consul Genernl Wlllliinim Before Starting. (Special to The Times.) (Copyrightediby 'James Gordon Bennett) Havana, Cuba, Nov. 4. Martinez Campos returned to Santa Clara last night to re assume personal direction In active opera tions In the province. The Captain General had a long confer ence with Mr. Williams, the American consul general, before starting. One Vote Lexx To-dny. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 4. William D. Morange, an old and well-known Albany politician, fell down the elevator shaft of the Argus Building to-day and sustained injuries from which he died half nn hour later. Ho opened the door leading to the frclgbfelevator, which Is in close proximity to a door leading to the stairway, nnd Is frequently mistaken for it, and stepped oft before anyone could stop bim. Mexican Exposition Postponed. City of Mexico, Nov. 4. Exhibitors who have contracted for space In the Mexican International Exposition have Just been apprised of a change in date. In order to, get the grounds and buildings completed It' was found necessary to postpone the open ing till six months later than the original date, April 2, 1B06. Searing theXrlals. ' The James Monro doctrine cannot be enforced, and we have a few more of those $20 and $25 merchant tailor made over coats at $10. Theyare" going like hot cakes at a baker's shop. Hare one? Mer chant Tailors' Misfit Clothing' Parlors, 407 Seventh street northwest- ...S.. j; "s,-,-.r "--j! Jr " 5SSe(' - S;C' - s WASHIXGTOSr, D. C, TUESDAY MOnHTNG1, NOVEMBER 5, 1895. EIGHT Oil THE EV OFTHE FIGHT Estimates from Several States About the Elections. CLAIMS OF BOTH PARTIES Probable That Maryland Will Get a Kepiihllcnn Governor Democrats Suru of Sew York City , but Silent as to tlu Statu Talk In Ohio, Kentucky aiid Sow Jersey. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 4. The electors of Ohio will to morrow choose a Governor, treasurer, auditor, Judge, and clerk of tho supreme court, lieutenant governor, attorney general, member of the State board uf public works, and a full general assembly. The election of the latter Is of special Importance, as It will elect a successor to Senator Calvin S. Brlce. The campaign has been a hot one and fojght with unusual vigor-un both sides. The Republican State committee states that 8G0 speeches were made under its direction, and fully that many wenj made on the Democratic side. Ex-Go v. Campbell himself made 55 speei hes. PARTY RECRIMINATION. On the Democratic side State Issues have been adhered to, and the Republicans have been vigorously assailed on the ground of corruption In the Legislature and ex travagance In Gov. MtKlnlej's adminis tration. Besides defending themselves from these charges, the Republicans bavo at tacked the Democrats upon national grounds, claiming that the question of the return of Senator Brlce raises a national issue. Gov. McKlnley has freely embraced this opportunity to urge In his speeches the necessity of Increasing the tarirf rates. In 16U2 the Republicans carried the State by 1,072. In 1893 Gov. McKlnley's plural ity was 80,905. Last year the Republicans plurality rose to the unprecedented!)- high figure of 137,(569. This, however, was ELECTION ON A MAMMOTH SCREEN Western Union Postal Telegraph United Press All have instru ments ready for taking Bulletins at The Times Office. Everybody u .r upon a total vote of 770,819. In 1892 the total vote was 601,025. A full vote is ex pected to-morrow and probably 830,000 ballots will be cast. CLAIMS OF BOTH SIDES. The Republicans concede that their plural ity will drop back this year to the normal figure from 15,000 to30,000. TbeDcmo crats claim that It will be wiped oat, and that ex-Oov. Campbell will be elected by 10,000. Thecommltteechairmenwillmake no estimates, however. The Democrats base their hope of success upon opposition within his own party to ex-Gov. Forakcr, whose faction secured control of the convention at Zanesville, and dictated the nomination of Gen. Bush nell. They expect that the same element of the Republican party that accomplished the defeat of Gov. Foraker six years ago, will vote against his faction now. This hope Is strengthened by the fact that the Democrats of Cincinnati seem to be harmonious and enthusiastic, and tliat there is geueral'apathy In the Western re- j serve, the Uibraitar or the Republicans. Both parties aro claiming the legisla. ture. There seems to be little ground upon which to base an Intelligent pre diction as to tills. "HOW IT LOOKS IX KENTUCKY. .Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4. Harrodsburg, the home town of Gen. P. Wat Hardin, gave him an ovation to-day. The proces sion was swelled by enthusiastic citizens of all counties adjoining Mercer, who came here to listen to Gen. Hardin's closing campaign speech this afternoon. At Har din's headquarters all is serene, and the utmost confidence prevails that Kentucky will roll up a handsome majority for the entire Democratic ticket On the other hand, prominent Republi cans claim that Bradley will carry the State by 5,000 to 10,000. The Prohibi tion and Populist State tickets will cut no material figure in Uie contest. The presents Governor, John Young Brown, carried the State by over 28,000 and the present canvass has been so thoroughly and vigorously prosecuted that It is agreed by, all parties that the largest vote ever polled In the State will be given to-mor-ow. .ARYLAND, MY MARYLAND. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 4. The hottest campaign In the history of Maryland poli tics closed to-night, when the party man agers shut up their respettlveheadquartcrs, preparatory to the battle of ballots on the morrow. A Governor, comptroller, and State's attorney, house of delegates, and fourteen senators will be selected. In Baltimore city a full municipal ticket will be chosen. There are four tickets in the field, but it is conceded that the fight will be between the Democrat and Republican candidates. Many leading Democrats of the State have endorsed the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Hon. Lloyd Lowndes, of Alle gany county, and have stumped the State In opposition to Millionaire Merchant John E. Hurst, of Baltimore, who, they claim, was foisted upon the Democratic conven tion by Senator Gorman. "Down with nosslsm," has been theslogan throughout the canvass, and the nntl Gor-mau-Rasln Democrats have worked hard for the overthrow of the "ring. It Is claimed that the Cleveland Democracy of city and State will vote for Lowndes to a man, and many of them will cast the entire Republican ticket. The legislature that la chosen to-morrow will select the successor to United Btates Senator Gibson, and thir teen of the senators will participate In the election of a successor to Senator Gorman two years hence. The Democratic managers are tonight Continued on Second Page. - ,?i' V3S"KfST:';lK. HELD UP THE WRONG MAN Highway Robber Wycnxff Fatally Shot by the Man HejAttaoked. Bullet Was Fired In the Dark, but lilt the .mug i iioucii into tho Wateri Wllkesbarrc, Pa., Nov. 4: The mystery surrounding the dealh of the man Wein hart, or Reinhart, who died at the city hospital on Saturday wlthii bullet wound In his body was solved to-day. E. H. Gar rls, a merchant, doing business In Luz crnesborough appeared before a Justice of the iieace lo-dny and ruade a sworn state ment that he believed he had 6hot Reinhart. Garris in his statement says he was re turning to Ills home f rem Kiudston en Wed nesday last shortly after midnight on his bicycle and that he was "hekl-up" by Rein hart while crossing a bridge near his home. After exchanging words with the hlghwa)man, and refusing to give up his money, he started on his Journey home. He had gone but a few yards when Itciubarl shot at hlra twice, the lirst bullet passing through his hat, and the second one grazing his hand. Garris became vcry inucu Jrighlened and fell from his wheel. ,He got on his feet quickly, drew his re volver, and fired nt the would-be assassin, who stood on the bridge. He heard the man give a shriek, at the same time falling off the bridge Into the water". He feared to venture near the man, so he remounted his wheel and returned to his home. It has since been learned that Rci nhart g.ive an assumed ndme Just before he died, and that his real name is John Wyckorf, and that he has relatives re siding in Williamsport. It has also been discovered that alter Reinhart was shot he made Ills way to the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad depot, near by, vyucre he boarded a train and returned to Stroudsburg, afterward returning to this city. , , County Detective Eckert arrested Gar ris to-night. He was taken before Judge Dncti and gave ball for o further hear ing. RETURNS COME TO Tlin J1MES BUILDING T9rN IGHT. Is Aelconfie. -.J DIUXK MADE HIM DO MUllDEH. A lloy'n Find of a Bottle of Whisky and tlie ltesult. New Orleans, Nov. 4. A, remarkable oc currence Is riported from Gretna, In Jef- I lerson rarisu, just ucnws cne river irum the southern part of this city. A fourteen-year-ald boy, named Joseph Illnvup, found a quart bottle of whisky. He drank a quantity of the stuff, and became much intoxicated. He went home, got his father's gun and went on the street. He met his brother, who Is nineteen years old, and told him he Intended to shoot a boy named John Wallers, whose parents resided In the next block. Young Hlnyup's brother paid no attention to this and went away. Shortly afterward the intoxicated boy loaded the gun and went about the town looking for Walters, whom he fouDd after a short hunt. Uinyup told Walters he was going to shout him, when Walters nttempledto run away. Young Uinyup fired upon bim, inflicting a wound from which Walters died In a rew minutes. The young murderer was Jailed. FATAL MISE EXPLOSIOS. One Mail Killed und Another Seri ously Injured. Wllkesbarrc, Pa., Nov. 4. A serious explosion of gas occurred this morning in the Ulllman vein mine, which caused the death of one man and the fatal injuring of another. Samuel Stoeck, a miner, and his laborer, John Bennis, were working In their cham ber when they encountered a pocket of gas, and In an instant they were enveloped in a sheet of flame. Stoeck was horribly burned and was takerl to the hospital, where he died this afternoon. Bennis was also removed to the hospital, and Is to night reported to be in a serious condition. Quiirryiiien Quit, Quarries Closed. MIddlelown, Conn., Nov. 4. This morn ing the employes at all three quarries In Fortland were ordered on the schedule of seven hours a day at four cents an hour. They refused the terms and demanded the old rate of wages. The quarries were closed. Both sides are determined and a long lockout Is feared. The quarrymen are applying to the railroad for work. Samuel SI. Inman's Xibernllty. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4. Samuel M. Inman, chairman of the exposition, finance com mittee, goes dovvnln.bls pocket for $50,000 toward taking up the company's floating debts. When he announced his subscrip tion to bis associates there, there was applause. The other directors have put up and the floating debt will be safely financed this week. Col. Von IlanneklnV Mission. Berlin, Nov. 4. The Vosslscbe Zeitung savs that Col. Von Hnnnekin, the German officer who took a prominent part on the side of China in the Chinese-Japanese war, has arrived lu this city on a special mlsson. He is, the paper says, empowered to ar range for the reorganization of the Chinese army on the Russian, French, or German rnouei. Will Be Here Soon. The cold weather will soon be with us. aud with It thesdeniancf for an overcoat which will keep, you, warm. Why pay your,tallor from $25,to $60 for an over coat, when you can purchase a made-lo-order garment, macjelby leading merchant tailors .throughout, the. United States, at one-ball it.-valued ""It oosts you nothing to go and see theiflrMcrclhant Tailors' Mis fit nothing' rrloijf7 40f7 Seventh street northwest. " t Z Mfj-f '& SiJ'.ir ?i3r?M. Ime$ HU TOLD BY SLEUTH BiLDWtN Text of the Famous Detective's Report on the Raid. OTERRALL MUCH PLEASED Virginia Authorities Believe. That Sat urday Sight's Work "Wus the Death Blovv to the Dens of Alexandria 'County Sheriff Hilly Palmer Is Dis gruntled Over Things. Special to The Times.) Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. Gov. O'Fer rall to-day received a detailed statement rrom Detective W. G. Baldwin, giving an account of the manner in which he raided Heath's gambling establishment in RosI)u. Iu his letter Air. Baldwin says: "Vcnl, vidi, vicl, nnd to-night I am as happy as any man In Wjsumgtou. I left home on Thursday wltfi part or my force, and on Friday night sent one of my bcrt men to Rosljn to Heath's. Ho made me a diagram or the house, showing each room and every table in them. Just before dark I went to Carlln Spriugs to see Major King, and found he bad gone to Ohio, so the only thing I could do was to huut up another Justice. I scat my men, seven In number, to Heath's, one or two at a time. I found Justice Birch and made him sign the warrants- Had a horse and buggy ready and I drove us fast, as I could to George town, caught Heath's boat at 9:30 and ar rived at Heath's at 9:45. HOW IT WAS PLANNED. "My men had been Instructed to be at certain points of the oulldii.g, and I cried out 'keiio' as a signal, to hold up the crowd. I gave the signal at 10 p. in., and we caught about three hundred. We picked oul the principal men and held forty of them. I could not get a stage until after 12 o'clock. We started with twenty-three, all we could hold. Our stage broke down and I turned all loose but ten. I left four of my men at Heath's to take charge of the ttufr. We put the ten men in Jail at Alexandria about 3:30 this morning. "We returned to Heath's place this mornli.g and destroyed 53,000 worth of tables, checks, etc Thepapers gave Palmer the credit, but The Times and Post sent reporters to sec me, and I gave them the facts. We got $155 In cash. "As we were leaving Heath's last night three men .hot nt os several times. Oi.e of my men nnd myself returned the fire and ran them Into Ibcbrusli. We hit one of the men and he fejj. ' Wo then ran after the other two, and in the darkness could not find the one we hit. "I think this work has given gambling a black eye, and It will be a long time before there is any more of It at Rislyn. "I will not be able to leave here before Tuesday, as Mr; MarLury wantsus ut Alex andria to-morrow." LIBT OF THE SPOILS. ' -In a postscript Mr. Baldwin gives the tUllJ . 111. IIOL Ul HI UV1V. UWlUtdlLU 41UU thelrvaluc. One roulette table, J3C0; one crap and pool table. $580 ; one table ( name unknown), $25; one hazard table, $150; one kenobank and tablet, $150; one card table, $50; one faro table, $40; two card tables, $G5; three crap tables. $75;twoindicators, $50; two sets hazard and roulette. $100; four chip racks, $10; two keno Indicators, $20; one card table, $23; one faro box, $100; one faro box, $123; one poker table, $20; six dice cups (large). ?23; one pegging board, $25; two ktno Jugs, $30; firteen hundred dozen buttons, $75; ten long tables for keno, $25; five thousand poker chips, $200; two thousand poker chips (ivory), $1B0, one rnro table, $160; lot of cover boards, etc., $200. Total $2,783. "All of this Is new, and I had it valued by several parties who know the value," adds Mr. Baldwin "We cut up nil the tables and only took part of the top for evidence." O'FEURALL IS FLEASED. It appears now that none knew of the expected raid except Judge Chichester, of Alexandria county, nnd Commonwealth's AttorneyMarbury.ofAlexandriacity.vvhoni the governor summoned to Richmond last week for a conference. The work of Baldwlu and his men was so effective that the backbone of the lawless ness at Jackson City and Rosslyn is broken. Jt Is understood that all the parties indicted at the last term of the Alexandria court will surrender themselves and give bond for their appearance when wanted. Thesherlf f of A lexandrla county expresses himself as being badly slighted by the governor. A telegram from Alexandria says that it Is believed Baldwin Is not done, bat acting under the governor's orders will strike again, but where and whom Is not known. The governor is greatly satisfied with the result, and has received many congratulations. O'FEURALL GIVES WAHNLVG. War On Alexandria County Vlco Is" Only Begun. Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. Governor O'Fer rall said to-night in refering to the raid Saturday night on Hie gamblers at Roslyn, that he hoped this raid would put an end to gambling In Alexander county. "If It does not, I shall put my foot down on It In n still more effective manner. 1 do not propose to tolerate gambling in Virginia and every man who breaks the gambling laws of this State will have to suffer for It. "If 'any other house open up In Alex andria County, I will have them raided promptly, and will continue my crusade against the nefarious trade until It Is blotted out of existence. I desire the gamblers to take warning and to keep away from Virginia, and I desire them also to know that under no circumstances will I extend them clemency." KENO BALL 30. Chief Detective Baldwin Presents It to Desk Sergeant Lamb. Detective Baldwin, of Virginia, who con ducted the" successful raid on Jack Heath's gambling place abdvc Rosslyn, called on Desk Sergeant of the Day Lamb, at station No. 1, yesterday, and presented him with keno ball 30 as a souvenir of the raid. Messrs. Baldwin and Lamb arc old and fast friends. Chinese Murderers Executed. London. Nov. 4. A dispatch received In this city from Shanghai says that five of the leaders in the massacre of Christians at Ku-Cheng were executed nt Foo Chow to-day. It Is calculated that a hundred men who were Implicated In the massacre escaped scot free. Mementos of u Wreck. London, Nov. 4. Two pieces of wreck age, undoubtedly parts of ships' boats, have been washed ashore on Gun Island, One of the pieces bears the word "Lon don," and Ihe other the. word "Elbe." Stoll'a great sale of shoes Ladles' Men's Children's, at less than wholesale cost. .Don't buy shoes until you have visited this sale. The highest grade oysters. Lunch and 5 o'clock dinner, note! Johnson Cafes. s--i'vii.,,-.-rl.X.s, J .asii. ""rr w--Scr ?. 1 PAGES. fl 23 CTS, A DAY MONEY TO TURN DOWN QUAY Report of a ''Hog Combine". Dinner at Which Something Dropped. Asserted That S200.000 Was Pledged to Prevent Senator Quuy from Con trolling Sutlonul Delegation. New York, Nov. 4. The friends of Gen. Harrison In New York and Pennsylvania are active. Gen. L. T. Michencr, of Indianapolis and Washington; Senator Stephen D. Elkins, of Elkins, W. Va., and and the Hon. Richard C. Kerens, the Re publican national committeeman for Mis souri, do not propose to let Thouras C. Tlatt, of New York , Matthew Stanley Quay, of Pennsylvania, Sam Fessenden.of Connecticut; Gen. James S. Clarkson, of Iowa, and other anti-llarrtsonltes defeat their man in the next Republican national convention without resistance. The friends of Gen. Harrison propose to strike the first blow ugulnst benalor Quay In Pennsylvania. Mr. Qua) delcjtcu the Harrison folks In his fight for control or the Republican State committee two months ago. The anti-Quay folks then nearly fell on the beaver staiesiuan's neck In their hysterics of harmony. -" '""r "" ' "" "", "-" "" urc Pre" That "llinnony" was or the thinnest Pa,erlcan,l,alSn- . . , character. It did not deceive Senator n?J?"attt,pi "a laK part of 8 Quay. His defeated factional adveisa- ' "Z ,."?. 1" ? ? I,reTnt, J?e ? rles returned to their homes and stalled a I " ''' m '. ',, .e. S ,U'C h0''' new movement to overthrow him and to !?, ' Ti n f, ' P' f """ al V'e same advance Harrison's chances in the Keystone V . i.P t,C . ? ,njPr,l:8slou " "" st lte rer trying hard from broad, patriotic "The' anti-Quay and pro-Harrison move- ! ""J" ,hllp "trlca,,e, tDe. Gover?,- mentstartlheothernightinl'hlladerphlalm,irra.1"'e..,in,naPl'J' financial condi- at a private dinner, which was attended by 1 ."y,w"1 n,ore ,Vu ,tu'"'lr most of the members of the new famous f J?00?? "frtion, ," talU- "Hog Combine," which wus arrayed " MmJ 'J1 ,he fltmo- agalilUQu.iylnutelastrislitortwouionto ago It Is not really expected that they will do At this dinner were the Wanainakers, the n' " imrease the Federal revenues Elkinscs, and the Dave Martins, and all of ; " 1?sn,he fn ,do ", restoring the the big members of the "Hog Combine," I ?nu,JL f y"Ol and raising the tarirr waU with the exception of Governor Hastings. LaJ"'s M"-". wnereas tnc ad The story goes, on the best autlmrlty. ! ' i,,,t,Ion,,T1U, n"Z a"W that, t0 that at this dinner $200,000 was pledged ."""f' '" w ,u j"'51 lbfl whatever increase to be used next year In PennsylvauLi in -.,.-., .... .. . ... .. L selecting ueicgmes iu me j.cpuuiiiau ua- convention who will oppose from the iiuutu i.uuii.uiii'11 oil" niiii'piivi; iiuni t uv .low .,-.. ,h.i .... r..,ts vuiH....nh Quay may fuvor. " All of Hie Republicans at that dinner were friends of Gen. Harrison. They pro pose. Willi the aid of the Hon. Chris Magee. of Plttsbu sburg. and with the incidental suji- : the $200,000, to try ti. secure the Port of majority of the delegates from the Key stone State. Senatur Quay Is aware of what Is go- 4,,. .... ,..! ihic nniiiinnF ic one of the cliief reasons why he believes Hie next national Republican convention should be held in Pittsburg (the very cen ter of the Magee following In that State), with the Idea of winning for Quay the eternal gratitude of the townsmen. Many Republicans outside of Pennsyl vania do not like the Idea of going to Pitts burg, Insisting that the hotel accommoda tions are inadequate. Mr. Piatt seems to ....... .s ...s.Uu.s. -... . ..... .W...J .- . . 0rc ,,. cuaatvi uy cuer uty-iourtu Con- believe, though, that Mr Quay will have ' gress, nt leas not until after the Presiden his way concerning rittsbarg. tial election next fall. Something may be No matter what the result of the olec- done in that line during the short session tion In New York State to-morrow may . but even that is problematleaL " be, the anti-PIatt Republicansof New- i The foregoing properly describes with York Slate, and especially of New lOrk county, will continue tl eirefftirttn secure ns many anil Piatt delegates as uosslble to the national convention. Senator John Sherman and Gov. WHUam McKlnley, of Ohio, are the constant adv-Uers of Mayor Strong, Gen. Anson O. McCook. Gen. Pam Thomas nnd other members of the Ohio Society. All of .this outfit Just at present favor the nomination of Gov. MrKfnley, with Gen. Harrison second. SILVEn LVGOTS HECOVEHED. Thirteen of Thlrtytiue Stolen Ones Found in u Wagon. London, Nov. 4. The police of Mile End this evcuing seized a van laden with carpets and cushions, among which were thirteen complete ingots of silver and parts of two others, being a portion of the thirty-one Ingots, valued at 4,900, the property of the Midland Railway Company, that were stolen from a van In OssuUton street, St. Pancras, on Septem ber 25th last. The occupants of the van seized to-day, two men named Barrett and Gray, were arrested. The latter is apparently of good social position. The driver of the van was allowed to escape. It is presumed that he was In league with the police In their efforts to recover the silver. Only seven of the Ingots are now missing. BIG STH1KK IX PROSPECT. Slay Come On One of J. SI. Hill's iloads. West Superior, Wis.. Nov. 4. From tho outlook in this city among the members of the A. R. U. the prospects of a strike on the Eastern Minnesota road, which Is the Lake Superior outlet of the Great Northern, Is very good. The uufon held a meeting yesterday afternoon at which speeches were mado showing the sentiment of the men ill favor of standing by the conference com mittce, which was refused an audience with President Hill, and to stand by tho A. R. U. In any trouble which may arise. The Great Northern has moro employes nt Superior than at any other point on the road except Sltnneapolis and St. Paul. A strike would tie up all the ele vator systems here and probably all the flour mills. CHEAT BRITAIN GIVES WAY, Acknovv bilges Brazil's Title to the Island of Trinidad. (Special to The Times.) (Copyrighted by James Gordon Bennett.) Buenos Ayrcs, Argentina, via Galveston, Texas, Nov. 4. Tho Herald's correspondent in Rto Janeiro, Urazll, sends. word that the British naval commanderin Brazilian waters has lieen Informed that the English govern ment acknowledges Brazil's rights in the Island of Trinidad. The British fleet left Rio Janeiro for Montevideo, Uruguay, yesterday. , Jack Dempscy's Funeral. Portland, Ore., Nov. 4. The funeral ser vlcesoverthcremainsof Jack Dempsey were held this morning at tlieresldencennd wcro followed by public services at St. Francis Church, where requiem mass was sung. Fully 2,000 people attended the services. The interment took place'at Cavalry Cem etery. Union Job Printers Strike. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 4. The union Job printers of Minneapolis, 200 in number, strnck to-dny for 30 cents an hour and a nine-hour day. Shot While Courting. New Orleans, Nov. 4. A Jackson. Sliss.. speiial aays Hugh Cook, a young man of Brookhaven. Miss., was shot and killed ut Hazlehurst last night by Hal Johnson for being in company with Johnson's prettv daughter. Both families are prominent and there Is great excitement over tho affair. Stoll'a great sale of shoes Ladles' Men's Children's, at less than wholesale cost. Don't buy shoes until you have visited this sale. Quick election returns wrote up at the Hotel Johnson large smoking room. MORNING, FBESH HEWS SDHDAY, M EYEBY 12 HOURS EYEKHG 1 - SOCAHOHTH OXE CElsT. Loeor iiisjts puns Bfg Chances for Big Boodle U the Fifty-fourili Congress, RAILROADS AND BEER MEN ItciulJuHtment of Union und Central Pacific Hull way Compmiy Dehta, Pooling of Freights, -Palace Car Ib-Kiilntlun, and Several Other Pro jects Offer Opportunity for Itulds. The Fifty-fourth Congress may possibly go llilo history as the greatest "jobbing" legislative body that nas assembled In Washington since the Credit Mobilierdays. Ouuide or the currency question there win oc a dearth of really large public Issues, and as the session will lie prolonged to give uie statesmeu full oppottuuity to play their game of jioUtics for elfect on tue Novc-muer vote, plenty of time will be afforded for "fine work." In full appreciation of the graud'field ' .,'" '",. H.. ,,,,,,,, , , e ,. , IlewJ , H ,' " VP.U. "P A0 tte d,U' of ,-' .,"''. "";, """" "'"" "" w i domestic nruduition. domestic production. Between -these two conflicting Interests I .. , tHcre Is a magnificent nrosnect of nothing I WhllilTO rutlll ilnn .. t1a . t - ws, eminent inrume. Tnls will, it is thought, be not entirely displeasing to the admin istration, as Air. Cleveland nntl SmrPtiirv i J-arhsIe fully believe that If a little time " 5 e1 anjnIe revenue will be produced "wu iuc e&isung law. On the other hand, the conclusion Indi cated, that Of nun action. Will. It Is thnmrh! " satisfactory to the Reoubl leans, aa ' Jbe-V '10nc " bc ab'e 1" show to the voters ., ,c i,uriuujc-ui is occupying a very undignified position in struggling along from haudju mouth to meet current ex penses after having imreased the public debt nearly $300,000,000. TREASURY RELIEF. As for remedial currency legislation, very few well Informed men In public life expect iu serr n euaciea oy tne-Firty-fourtli Con- l COlll lmnartillilv thmri-nprnl ntlln..n ,!. situation In a- brodd way. and. as will oe seen, the play along thellnes suggested will give ample freedom for the maneuvering or the "black flag" souadrons. The lobby gangs in and out of Congress are licking their chops in anticipation of the reast next winter. Several "jobs", with "big money" in them are being pro jected, acd an infinite variety of smaller nnd less ambitious schemes are In the In cubator. Some of the big "shakedowns'" will be for the promotion of legislation, and others for the obstruction of legliation. There is no politics in jobbery any mors than there is in commerce of the more le gitimate sort, and It may be said, also that there is neither religion nor senti ment in It. Probably the biggest thing in a money sense that will be before Congress for private benefit will be the "readjust ment" of the Union and Central Paclflo debts. Theso two corporations now owe the Government 5142,000,000, less $1 -000,000. which Is to the credit of the sinking fund, or $131,000,000 net. A small part of this colossal Indebted ness has matured and the rest will be come due stragglingly during the next three or four years. It was the original sinister purpose of the holders of the first mortgage bonds of these roads, who. by the way, are also holders of the majority or the capital stock, to "freeze out" the Government by seizing the properties under foreclosure, leaving Uncle Sam out the entire amount Invested, which Investment is represented by second mortgage and interest paid out as ln dorser. Indeed, this precious game has not yet been entirely abandoned, and foreclosure suits are now pending In one or moro States In pursuance of the plan, but the conspirators are not entirely satis fied Uiat they can get away with Ufa steal, and so they have determined to make a great play next winter for a cash "scale" settlement, with the alternative of an extension of their obligations for fifty or. a hundred years at two per cent, or a still lower rate. TLANS COMPLETED. A plan of legislative action has been fully matured during the past season in New York and Boston. The plotting has been carried on with the utmost secrecy and very few outside or those directly interested have any Idea of the magultud of the campaign mapped out. It is whispered that the big moneyed Interests concerned are prepared to give up $2,000,000 to carry their deal through, and that they have every assurance of success, having laid their wires with con summate adroitness and gained assur ances of rriendly co-operation In most influential quarters. A fundlrg bill would have gone through. Cougress last winter but for the fact that the Union Pacific and Central Pacific were at loggerheads and could not agree upon a plan. After the failure of the Reilly bill tho Huntington crowd charged the Union Pa cific people with having betrayed them. The accusation was well founded. Th Continued on Fourth Page. Auction Sabs, To-day. C. G SLOAN A CO.. 1407 G street north west. Twenty fifth -street northwest. No. 1150, Ihree-stroy brick dwelling, lot 53, square 14; by order of GeorgeM. Emmerich and Douglass S. M.ickall, trustees. Sale Tuesday, Nov. 5.4:30 p. m. THOh. BOWLING & CO., G12 E street northwest X street southeast. No. 1213, three-story brick dwelling, part of lot 3, square 280. Sale Thursday, October 31. 4 p.m. Postponed untlITuesday,Novimber5, 4 p. m. Sixth street northwest. No. 919. three story brick dwelling, part of lot 1. squars 4S4. SaleThursdiy, October 31. 4:30 p.m. Postponed until Tuesday, November 0, 4:30 p. m. DUNCAXSO.V EROS., Ninth and D streets northwest. Delaware avenue northeast, Nos. 727 to 731. lots 1 to 4, 12, and part of lot 13, square 719; by order of L. E. Bur ket and Siahlon Ashford, trustees. Sal Tuesday, November 5, 3:30 p.m. . Mr. Michael Dyrcnforth, of M. Dyrcnforth & Company, left last night for Newark, N. J., where their factory Is located. Mr. Dyrenforlh will be engaged at Newark for about a week, looking after the manufac ture of their whiter stock.