-. "rtrr-' - tZ rr -, THE MORNING- TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1895. tSbiSSKS F Street Corner tloTecth. ttornp Unrrbouse, u:d nar M. Dining Room Furnitur Ck Vag $32.70 worth of Dininjr Room ITuniiture for S23.50 is an oifer that v.-e tlriulc onglit to find lots of appre ciation among economical people. We've made up such a Dining Room Suite of a Sideboard, Extension Table and six Chairs, and offer it at that discount under the usual price. "Ill SMoboird u m did oak jiioco-3 dntvor, 2 driver lined, duu lo ci.p nnrj, brass li.ni mines, borel i.at inirrur. (r I n Tfl for $lU.U MxbolM I'ak CineSeat P flfl Chilniomati-bfor. ... O.UU Ss.'.id at, G Fiot Kx- p nr tonsu-n Table f jr.... O.ZD "f vaitl to be thr Jrtceitr tchf cmtrn ir.to .voiir 6 M ir.frv i Another beauti ful design is a Solid Silver Nail File. The goods are not the usual small ones with only a few penny weights of silver in them. They 'JS.1 H are u n it s ua lly large and heavy, md of excellent zvorkmansh ip. . 5. Dcuuson, JKVF.l.FR. 1105 F Street. A1VAU1K AT ATLANTA. tVHshluitlou Exhibitors IVlio "IVore J-'urttinote in SccnrliiKnold Medals. Atlanta, G.t., Tiov. .1. The awards of medals anil diplomas of irrrlt for exhibits at tl.eep-;:l.i.i have been made. The Jury of award has mada its report and the coii.pftii. ! Uc vn.tr:t tilt" tho-Kiails of ex hibitors at the cxiwsitiou lias lieen settled. The rep rl vr.:. cuiuplcle-d and forwarded to I'rc-.;je:it Collier by Dr. Oilman la Baltitiiori. yesterday. It ri.ji-t.ed the express office iu Atlanta this mori in;. Jut It was not delivered to Vrcsldi"!' Collier until this afternoon. The board f ex.KMtion directors niel at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tl.ey received the report a:..! pat their stamp ot apiroval on It by adopting it as a whole. Among 'he Washington exhibitors who received gi.Id medals were David T. Day of the I'lntiil htates Ui-.ilop'i-al Burvcy; Dr. li E Fernow, of the Department o Agriculture; Dr. V.". O. A1 water, otflec u cxperlnic.it stations, United Mates Depart icentof -VKriealture, and the Southern itail way Company. Dep.irt.nents of the Interior. War, Navy Trcasurv. I'ostotflce, Justice. State, Agri culture. Fish Commission and Smithsonian Institute, for government display; ordi nance b.rcau, railed States Navy, for naval oidin.mce; divMun of entomology. Department of Agriculture, for exhibit of methods in study of noxious inserts, result of labor- or lrof. C. V. Ul'.ey: division of ornithology and nianunnlogy. Department of Agrii-citur"", maps and models; bureau or animal industry, Depirtment "if Agricul ture, researches of infectious diseases of animals; ITn'Hsl Slates Weather B'ireati, methods of phenomena uitd preilii I ions; United States Patent Office, models of inventions; United Mates Geological Sur vey, relief and geological mod?l ot South Atlantic btatc; Signal Sirvlce, United States Ami), advance military signaling. HECEI'TIOZS TO DU1IS. EX'Gos. Wultc of Colorado, Says Ho Will He There. Chicago, Nov. 21. The chairman or the Debs reception committee received a tele gram this morning from ex-Hov. Walte of Colorado, announcing tbnt he would leave Denver and arrive here tomorrow mornini; to participate in the reception. Ue ''ill be one or the speakers at the mass meeting in Battery "D" tomorrow nlRht. President Barter, of the Detroit Trade and I-alwr Council, and H. A. Wcler, ot the Clminnati Central Lalwr Union, are In the city to officially represent the organizations -of their respective uties in tomorrow's doings. The Central Labor Union of Cleveland will be represented by five delegates, who will arrive iu the mornlnj:. LA HO It DISrUTK AKIHTIIATIOX. I1U1 Con-lderod in tlio French Clmmlier of Di'initle-.. Paris, Nov. 21 The Socialists Jn the chamber of deputies made a motion today urging consideration of the bill introduced by M. Jaurcs, Socialist, providing for the arbitration or labor disputes. Prime Minister Bourgeois opposed the motion on the ground that a government measure on the same subject would shortly be Introduced. He added, however, that the ministry would not make the matter a Question of confidence. The motion was carried by a vote of 234 to 231. KTX.L.ED FATHER AND ilOTHEH. Revcjiiijo Wan the JlotUo of the Murder. Brownsville, Ore., Nov. 21. Llojd Mont gomery, eighteen years or age, has been arrested for the murder of his father, John Montgomery, his mother and D. B. Me Kcecber. at Tcmpleton, Homestead, three miles from here. Young Montgomery will be brought to Brownsville and placed In jail under guard. It is leared that lynching may yet be the resaltof the tragedy. Montgomery says he is Innocent. It is stated that he was not on the best terms with his father and that the motive of the murders was revenge. Pound Father nnd TJnclo Dead. Klngwood, TV. Va., Nov. 21. When little Nina Shaffer went to the stone quarry near Oakland yesterday to take her father's dinner she found him and also her uncle, Charles Shaffer, burled beneath tons of limestone. These two men wer wotklng alone at the quarry, and after sctrtnjt off a blast of dynamite, were caught under the shower of falling stone and horribly crushed to death. Both men leave large families. BJIfl CUBAN COMMITTEE AT WORK Hon. Simon Wolf Elected Chairman and Mr. J. L. Steele Secretary. Llternturo Showing CatisOHOf Discon tent nnd itcliellloii to llo Procured una DihAi'iiiiuutcd- Tlie committee of fifty on Cuban inde pendence hcln a n.O'in g at .Veitciolt Hull, Ijsl night. It was tp.olntcd by Chair man Tamil r or il.cCubiiii muss mtctingl.cld Ouiolxr 31. A large number of the mem bers were present. Air. 'Jm.i.tr ia,) the tueeting to order nnd J'r. S r..cn V oil wrsclecud chairman. Mr. Jplin L. .Stiele was chosen secretary. Air. tion rip(,r.eu ilna l.e Lad btcn in coin inuiiita.loo with the Cuban lcat.trs in .New lurk and Imu rttelvid irom ihtm sumples or lucraturo which tl ey are circulating. The secretary was instructed to open coiiiiuunicuiion wtih tl.tse gtutlemen with tlicimeniionoi u curing a iiiihbtr nl these documenis lor UaC amnnr; Congressmen. 'it.e ei.mriii.iii w.s t.,rccitu to ctl oint un executive committee of five, who with die iuo o.Jitcis, would Iruk cltir the in terest ot Cuba curing the conni.g session of Congress. Lc.iuis of ngrd were received from Dr. I)oii: r. Dr. Kaiikin, aiioCen. L.T.tlcheiier. The letter ol Ucn.klcl.tner .s ncdrcssid to lion. S'nuin Woll, um.tr utte of November 21, and says: "I am in ritcipt of your notice of the meeting or th Ci.I.nn committee tonight. I am indi ed glad to be a mi tnber of tl at com mittee, and will take pknsure In cohig whatever I Clin to ncvance the cause of Cuban liberty, I iear that 1 sl.all be obliged to go tu New ierkthlscvinlrg. am ,ii so, will not bo able to atttnd the meeting. "1 take the liberty of sugnitii,g that, in mj Judgment, the thing inoit needed at nils Juncture Is exact information concern ing the tirderlylng cnucs of the present revolution. I know something of the out rageously unjust treatment or the Cuban people- by the crown or Spain, bcc.iuse I have seen something of it, but the great muss of intelligent men and women in llii3 country know but little, if un.tth!ng. about it. Tor the reason that the Cuban patriots Imvb not thought It necessary to disseminate this information. The Ameri can likes to ficl that the cause which he wishes to support is Inherently just. I have found intelligent Amiricans who wanted to support the Cuban patriots, bJl could not rind any rco sons, pave purely sen tlmentul ones, for that action. "My thought lo that it would be well for us to gatlier such information through the Cuban Junta In New Turk, or oilier wise, and have 11 laid before Congressand the people as soon as possible. Sir. aielzerotl offered the use of the hall for any mass-meeting to be held this winter. The commit'ee adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman. susim:cti:1) or a hoi.d-ui'. John O'Diniiifll Acc.ii-.ed of ltobbliiK Cjinnl Cuplnlli Itlclmrds. Jo7m O'Donnell, aged twenty-six. and claiming to lie a laborer, was captured last night by officers from the Third precinct police station and sent to station No. 7, where he is held for highway robbery. Last Tuesday night G. E. Itlchards was held up on Water street. Georgetown, and robbed of SI 25 by two joung white men. Itlchards is a canal boat captain and liad left his Imat to como to the city when he wns accosted on Water street by a boy who said that tie had a horse Just across the bridge which hCwnmed to sell. lUcliarils offered hlni $5 and the boy left lo get the horse. Kichnrds, whlN" wait ing steppc-d in a inionn and when he left it a young man came for ward antl asked him It he tvas not going to buy that horse. Utchards replied tnat the hoy had failed to return and that the trade was off. As hettartcdotr the young man detained him and politely saal that be had picked up a SI bill Just .as the captain had en tered the saloon anJ handed it to 1!. chard;, who disclaimed ownership. The young man insutcil that he count hi; money and make sure. The moment Ulcharilst"--!: out his wallet, winch contained ?12o, anot iter ma n snatched it and both iled, and although closely pur sued lij Capt. Utchards, escaped by dodging up an alley. Oificer Illrfcigt next morning arretted Charles Hoble,- on suspicion. iloble'a case was continued yestcrday morning until the L'llth without hearing. The man O'Donnell Is held for complicity Iu the hold-up anJ is suspected of having had a hand In a number of similar crimes. -MANHATTAN CIlTl! HEI.AYKD. Cut .Journal Gttn-cil n Jlloclindn nt Sixth Street for Stinicj, Hour. The Manhattan Club, en route from New York to Atlanta, to be present at the , position on New York day, laid over .ii Washington from 0.50 lust night til! otter midnight, because of a cut Journal on one of the cars of Its special train. The delay would not have lieen so long bit Tor the're'usal ot the c Libnicn occupj ing the deranged car to vacate it for another, which the railroad ieople offered lo sub stitute. The sjieein! train, consisting of baggage car, rour sleepers, and a dining car, left Jersey City over the Pennsylvania road at 2 o'clock jesterday afternoon. Near Washington it was cuscoviTcd that something was wrong with the front wheel of the forward tru W of tlteslee.;r,"ltlcal." The train slowed down, and come to a Tall stop at the crossing of sixth street and Ma r land avenue. Tialtt hands were called, and the work of cutting out the damaged car was at once begun Thiswould sooubavebeendonebut for the onji-ciious of the people in the car. Tmally they were persuaded to change, and the train rolled South Sixth street was blocked at the crossing nearly two hours. HIS LIQUOR WELL HIDDEN. I.iiKt" CrogunV Grc-cery Rnlded and the Proprietor Held. Bergt. Keefe or the Third precinct, with Officers Lee, Dunohougti and Juck, Inst night raided the place kept by Luke Cro can on the southwest corner of Fifteenth and M streets. Cregan keeps a grocery store on this corner. At 8 o'clock last night the officers visited Crogan's place and found four large demijohns and two small kegs of whisky on the premises. The llnuor was hidden In barrels in the rear or the store and carc rully covered under bags or salt and flour. The arrest was made on a warrant. Crognn was held and lull nruscd. ltir. c. e. " MEETEVU. Preparation'- -4.. r n linmetibe Crowd ut CulMiry Tonight. The Christian Endeax-or mass meeting to beheld at Unitary Baptist Church this evening, under the auspices of the Iei-.il union, promise to be the largest and most enthusiastic ever held iu tins citj . Although the seating capacity if the church has been greatly enlarged, it is feared that it cannot accommodate the great crowd. To avoid the crash at the hour ot opening, the union has issued a limited uumber of tickets to the several societies, which will insure the bolder of admission prior to 7:45 o'clock. The special object of the meeting Is to increase the interest of tLe local Endcav orers in the cause of missions. The features of the meeting will be addresses by Miss Ella 1J. MacLaurin, of the MncriKin Baptist Missionary Union, and Mr. John Willis Uaer, general secre tary ot the United Christian Society of Christian Endeavorcrs of Boston. Hi llurnc.-ts All Stolen. Mr. II. W. Loic. proprietor of the Boston Oyster Uousc. at 173S Fourteenth street northwest, reported at station No. 8 last night that on Tuesday nlghta set of ha rncss. two bridles, three horso blankets, a lap robe, and several other articles were stolen from the btnble, in the rear or the nliove address. A colored employe Is suspected or the theft. Get Here Todny. Buyyoursultor overcontof usti'day. Our jrrcat factory solo Is now in full blast. Suits at "tb-tiO. Overcoats nt S0.00. You can save Just 55 on your purchase. M. DFSnforth & Co., 631 Pennsylvania avf nue. our Over coats by their price and quality combined not one without the other. You can find the same price gar ments everywhere but quality or price taken alone is a poor index to worth. You'll save at least a dollar on the cheap est overcoat in stock and the saving in creases as the prices go higher. We're manufactur ers first hands and every price ticket in the house is proof positive of the wis dom of making our own goods. $7.50 for cheapes t ?35 for best means $8.50 to $45 elsewhere. We'd like you to look at 'em. E--1 A A erl 0 r-t i Q ti a tVtitiSH fills' uuiiiUi! utuuaj our. m inu c sis. w. w. M No Branch Stora in Washingtox 5j SSESsS&S&iXg&r, ALL FOR PROTECTION. DKtlnmilsheil SpenterM nt Home Alnr Ki't Club's Annual Dinner. Boston, Nov. 21. The annual dinner of the Home Market Club was held in Music Unit this eming. The htige-audl-torium was elaborately dicoratcd for the occasion and plates were laid fornbout 500. The officers, sjieakers and guests were eeatcd at tables, which filled the plat form. At the center of the head table sat the newly elected president of the club. Charles A. Slott of Lowell. On his right sal Hon. Warner Miller of New York, Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia, Gen. William F. Draper, Gov. U. A. Wood bury of Vermont, Hon. Elijah A. Morse. ex-Gov. John B. Smith of Now Hampshire, Hon. A. W. Beard. Hon. W. II. Halle, Hon. F. I. Shaw, Hon. George Von L. Meyer and J. P. Hutchinson. At the lert or the pres.dtnt were Hon. nenry Clay Evans of Tenncssc, Jtcv. F. H. Capen. D. I)., Hon. Jn-.eph H . Walker, Hon. T. H. Haskell, Hon. William II . Bent. Hon. William A. Kusell. John Ucpe well. Jr., Frank W. Wood, Hon. John Slmpklns and Hon. John Shaw. The balconies were well sprinkled with !ndle. It wns nearly 8 o'clock, when Pres ident Scott opened the speaking with a brief address. In which he reviewed the objects of the club. Among the speakers of the evening were Hon. Charles Emory Smlth.Hon. U. Clay Evnns of Tennessee and Hon. Warner Mil ler. EillLY LYTTON WILL SUE, Denies the Story of Cultfornlit PnpcrM About l.i"n. Inir Her Husband. Butte. Mout , Nov, 21. Emily Lytlon, the wire or young J K. Emmeti, who, the press dispatches said, deserted lier husband several weeks ago to join a lover in Call rornia. arrhed in Butte today, with the Roie Coghlau Company. Iu an Interview Miss Lj lion declared that she would brit.g damage suit against the San Francisco paper that published thestory about her alleged lover, Kilmutid Hayes. alsoamemberortheCoghlanCoinpany. She admitted Icila her l.usb uid, but says she bad decided on that before he attempted to kill her In San Francisco, Iter determination to Have him resulting In his attempting her life. She refused to prosecute him, because she pitied him, and not because she loved him, and remained with hlscompany only till she could get $700 she had loaucd Ills manager. j i HURIED UNDER A SAND HANK. Six I!oy Played Iltindlts and Two Were Killed. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21. Six school boys were burled by a cave-In or n sand bankat Twiiuy-cighth and Grayson slrccts this af ternoon, two being dead when taken out and two others Milfertd fractured bones. The dead are: Howard fiainage, son of u police officer; Louis Snow, son of a liLorer. The injured are: Wm. Itamage, leg broken; Waller Gamrall, arm Iractured. Otto Brand and Fred Baker were unharmed. The boys, whose ages average about twelve years, had been engaged in thp ex cavation of a care In the sand Kink, there to Imagine themselves bandits. They bad undermined the slope to a considerable ex tent and nil were at work when the sand gave away. An"Med tho Whole Crowd. William Kid well, John Adams, William Brown, Martha Monroe, Annie Chapman, Flora Monroe, nnd Mary SImms, all col ored. Indulged In to much profanity nnd created such disorder at Navy rlace south east, last night, that Officers Laurcnson and Miller, c.f No. u, were attracted to the scene and placed them under arrest. Hiitdcd oh Disorderly. Ofricer Auldrldge, or the Second pre cinct, swooped tlown upon a disorderly house in M.ulison street alley northwest last night and captured the proprietress, Clara Allen, and six others, who gave their names as Ella Parkerson, Alice Lee, Wil liam Webster, James liesprit, Robert Allen and John Richardson. Kept It Up in the Cells. Annie Bracke, Annie Craven, and Sella Nold, colori'd, engaged in a street fight last night In the Division, and were arrested by Officers Ilnlllnberger and Htlan, who lodged them In cells at station No. 1, where they continued to shout defiance at one another until threatened with imprisonment in the dungeon. World's Fair Medal. Director Preston, or the mint, says that the World's Fair medal wl'l be finished In a few days. In view or the fact that the lrjrcatt ot awards has charge of their dis tribution, however, the awardecs will not get them till Tebruary, as President Palmer says that the board will not meet till the dlp'omecs met, aud that will not be till Tcbruary. Nlcarncun, Canal Report. Hiram Hitchcock, president or the Mari time Canal Company, of Nicaragua, has submitted hiKntimtal report to tin-Secretary or the Interior. There are no new features contained in it. except that the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company has been re organized and is now the Nicaragua Com pany. When the Construction Company fall ed In 1 S93, all work was suspended, bu tnow the Nicaragua Company is making active preparations for resuming work under the contract which the Construction Company bad with the Maritime Company. . , To Fight the Engineers' TJulon. London, Nor. 21. Several employers of shipping engineers In Glasgow, Belfast, Newcaslleand Barrow bavedceided t" form an alliance lor the purpose of figtitlngtbe engineers' unions. The larger employers have declined lo join the alliance. .. t. - y 'f''". . fiff mimm 01 the m Bitter Weather and Snow Looked 'far Saturday. is E AGING INOHE NOETHWEST r-J .Mltilltohu GuVo It lllrth and It Ik Sweeping Eastward Like u Whirl wind Warmer Tudiiy, hut Only fur u Few Houris If It 1'iills There. It. Another. The last vertebrao of the long-drawn-out summer has liven subjected to tl compound riacture ami the winter is on us. At least, this Is what the weather men say. It was cold jislerday. cold enough for most persons to shake the moth balls out of rurs anil let the breeze waft camphor smell from last jcar'sovercoatsaud wraps, but that was only a starter. There is a cold wavo aiming, and coming fast. too. It Is not one of those dilly dallying? abstracted, undetermined waves, but a i-riell of weather, the prophc-U say, that will remind Washington of ttie mem orable days of February last. It curried rain, hair, snow, sleet, and all theiUsagreeable things with which grim winter clothes itself along with it. SURE ENOUGH WINTER. In a viord, winter is almost here, and It Is a winter that will a waken the slumbering thoughts of tbu "oldest inhabitants," aud they will arise In their might anil "reiul illse." Out In Montana the thermometer is way down below zero, aud the wave Is sweeping acrow the country straight for the Atlantic const. There is nothing uncertain or dilatory about this wave, either; It stops at no way stations, bat It takes them all in on its route. West or Ihe Mississippi River the peo ple will go around today with reddened jiuEcs ami their hands In their poikes. By Saturday morning the wave will have reached the mountains along the Atlantic coast, and by Satuitlay afternoon, at the latest. Il will eome roaring across the I'd tomae. knocking at lliedonr of the Capital. Capital. WARMER TODAY. BUT Today will probably be warmer than 11 was jesterday. especially in the morn ing, but don't gel fooled. Don't leave jour overcoat nt home. Ihii bring it down town with you. Don't be deceived by that weather fore cast. Il is a "thins of beauty and a Joy forever." and 11 rays "fulr and slightly warmer" for today, but it also sajs "fnl loned by rain orsnow Saturday and colder on SitTiday, with winds shifting to south east." Even should this cold wave not material ize, there is a tecond getllrc ready for business. Up In tlu Northwest, and cold wave signals hare been ordered for west of the Ohio valley nnd the lake riglou. A I). WRITERS' THURSDAY NIGnT. It Wns Enjoyed with Alusle, 311ml ory, lierrliiiuiit uud Midgets. The stag sociable ol the Ad. Writers, which now recurs us regularly on Thursday evening as half past nine on a gold re peater, washeld last nlgntal the li; xlsome quarters of the cub In Tnc Times Building. It has been noted by the committee on In vitations that no invitation to attend these affairs has jet been declined. Why this is so can, only be learned by being of the company gathered there on these fes-'' live literary and musical occasions. In the absence of President Cans, the guests were received and honors done by Vice President Nordllcger. The company filled the room nid heard with esldent satisfaction the whole" programme, which was of the three known dlintiiislons, length, depth, and brcndtli. In accordance with'lherulethe Ad Writers offer their gaesls only specialties. Among these were the well-known mandolin quar tette, the "Madrlds," composed of Messrs. A. E. Galleher, A. V. Holmes, A. E. Yur.dt and B. F. Judson. One of the quartette was absent but it went on just the same. They played several elections, among which Lang's "Flower Song" was finely executed, Mr. Yundt plajlng the nielody on the violin. Carroll Institute's Minstrel Club was rep rcscntisl by Mr. Elmore Jasper, who sang several sentimental songs In his jileaslng style. The dramatic features of the entertain ment were furnished by Mr. A. Sterns, who, in the absunceof Frauds Wilson and DeWolf Hopper, went on with the performance just as If they were present. Mr. Sterns Is aUo a good 6tory teller, one ot which Illustrated the latest scheme for organ izing a country fire department. Tne lilt of the evening was a new topical song by Mr. Tom Wilkinson, entitled, '"Not Dowu on the Lllls; or From an Opera Box to the Tolice Statlou." It was a good song sung in goodstjle, wilhdramatlc trimmings to match. Messrs. Hezclbcck ond Cunslantlnl played severnlgood mandolin duci-s. Theogcnllcr mentiatlslightlyiheadvantageortheiiuanet, as Ihey were entirely present. Last, and least in oneseiise.and the biggest In others, was thcspccl lty. the Midgets, the Bossow Brothers, from Kernan'a Ljceum Theater These iiocket editions of Sandow, John L. Sullivan, and others, were quite sociable. When they hold their Itecr glasses at parade rest, the rims arc at their collars and the bottoms several indies Iwlow the belt. Theygavethisexhlhltlonseversltimes. Ascan beinrerrcdrrom theprogramme, the hosts, and other features only incidentally rirerred to, the occasion may be filed for future pleasitit reference. LEAD ON HER KEEL. More Facts In tho Defender Dispute Cuming: to Light. New York, Nor. 21. The fact that more ledd was put en the Dcfrrder just before she was measured on September C, to make up for the Interior fittings which hac btcn used on her during the rammer wr.s not generally known to yachtsmen, yet this wns done and ro sicret made of it. The fittings that were taken outweighed seven thoufantl rounds. After the jacht had been measured the lead that was to take the place or the littlngs the lead baring been placed on deck before the measurement was irjic'e bad to he tut In, so ns to fit places mai'e for It. ' Florida Silver Democrats' Conference. Jacksonville, Fli., Nov.21. A conference or the free sIlver'Dcinoorals of Florida was held here today, under a call issued by Frank E. llHrris, edltorof theOcala Panner. Theconferen'cewasatlendedbyHon T.'lH:in son Call, Unifd StatesSenatorf romFlotlda. Scuator Cill took n rromiuent part in the proceedings. ' , Gridiron Club In Atldntn. Atlanta, ,Gaw 'Nov. 21. The Gridiron Club, the famous journal 1st lccluti ot Wash ington, arrived lu Atlintu. today. There were forty la the parly.' They were met at the depot by the exposition committee, and were escorted to the leading hotels, where theyjtre, stopping. They are liclng royally entertained on every side. City Editor In Contempt. Huntington, W. Vn., Nov. 21. Quite a sensation was created here this even ing when contempt proceedings were In stituted In the criminal court against City Editor Yowell, and others, of the Evening Times, for publishing articles JWhlch, It Is alleged, reflected strongly' on the court officers- The trial will take place tomorrow. Solib SifoertDcire at phenomenally low prices far lower than you can get any where else. (gseretfs, Jeweler, 1225 F Street N. W. O' c-'.J- g-jtAgUj . t .Wra,. e .f-tSSt W. D. Clark k Co. 811 Market Space. Money! Money! Money! Is an object to us all. Your can bringless here and get more for it than any place in town. Silks. Wo are offering special values In Black Luxors frum SI to S1.7C per yard the perfect dress silk. Fancy StrJjH." Silks, black grounds, with colored stripes were 51, now 75c. Ulaclc Br i ade Id u isand tiros Grains. S7 l-2c, SI, aud $1.35. Dress Goods. B l-lu. Bout leSuitlngs, S2ciuality.no wff 1.00 42-lu. Itoucle Suitings, SI quality, no w..7Cc ili-iu. Motialr and Wool Suitings, 70c. finality, now COc 42-iu. cheviots, silk and wool, $1 qual ity, now 8."ii! 44-iu. Black BouUe, 52 quality, now.Sl.r.O i4-lu.BIackBoucle,Sl.G0qiia.liy,nowS1.3G A superb lino ot Black Novelties at low est prices. Handkerchiefs. Iu magnificent array. We make it our aim id givo our iiatrons the best possible values that experience can select- Lndles' Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs at 12 1-2, ID, 20. and 20c. Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs in Swiss and Pare Linen from 12 l-2c. to $2.50. Wo have secured some of the most beautiful desigus ever shown and Invite your careful inspection. Coats, Jackets, and Capes. Our stock contains all the new and ex clusive styles for winter wear. New and nobby Jackets and Capes In BouUe and other roigh dolhs, at $11, 513. $15, and SIS. We invite your tieclal attention to tho artistic merit, richness, and cxleat or our collection. W, 0. Clark & Co., 8 1 1 Market Space. THE F1SHEL, ADLER & SCHWARTZ COLLECTION OP OIL PAINTINGS 3 IN CONNECTION WITH THE William Bruce and S. Rode Collections, Now on Exhibition AT ODR AKT SALESROOMS, COKNEE 10TU bT. AND PENNA. AVE., WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, Nov. 20, 21 and 22, at 8 o'clock. -Mr. B. Scott, Jr. -will conduct thssl& Walter B. Williams 8: Go., AUCTIONEERS. GAlXEItT OPEN FROM 9 A IL to 10 E. JL EttaMlsheJ JullS. If You Have Ye Any Laoo Cnr'" tains tnnt you priz tlou't aitrmpt to clean tii cm yourlf, nnd don't scud tbem to a Meacberr. Let us cnl! tor tnernwe know Juat hoir to clean them; we use no injurious chemlculd, and wo don't tsar tfcem. TOLMAN STEAM UUNDRY, sixth and c Sts. N.W. CUBANS WIN AXOTHEIt. Tliejr Capture Gen. Munoz and u num ber of tlio Kiiemy'K Illflcx. New York, Nov. 111. Accorrtimr to In formation received at the Cuban revolu tloiiists'headquarters today, another battle wi-s roictit between the rjiianlsh troops and invirecnts on November 14. Abo t l.ta 0 soldiers were In each army, and tho fight occurred in ilanzanillo. in tne western part of the Santiago dlslrict MaJ. Ocn. Gonzales JIjiioz coaimanded the Spanish troops, while Oen. Radl led the revolutionists. It is uot known how many were killed. The Insurgents captured Gen. iluncz. who is himself a Cuban by birth, though be commanded the Spanish troops. The Cubans appear to have been victorious, for they cot tio-"-ssioii of fcbi? rules belonging to tho enemy. WltlT OF MANDAMUS ItKTClJSED. Famous T.unenburtr County Ctiio De cided by VirglnluVSiipreino.Coiirt. Richmond, Va., Nov. 21. The supreme court of appeals today refused tho applica tion of Judge Mann and Mr. Southall. the legal reprcsentati". cs of the county of Lunenburg, for a writ-of mandamus to compel the sergeant of the city of Richmond to deliver the Lunenburg prisoners, al leged Tollard murderers, to the sheriff of Lunenburg, to be taken back to that county. The court Intimates, however, that Judge Wellford, ot the circuit court, erred In granting the writ of habeas corpus In the case. SCAIIED THE GUESTS. Head Walter ut Springfield Hotel Shot by un Ahsltdunt.. Columbus, O., Nov. 1. At the St. James Ilotel lu Springfield, O., this morning, Billy ilcGruder, head waiter, in a quarrel with nu under waiter, Chauuon Prophet, was rata lly shot by thelatter. Trophet escaped ami has not yet beeu captured. The shooting occurcd at the breakfast hour and caused consternation among the guests. Another Ciko for Jutlo Lynch. Augusta, Qa., Nov. 1. A negro giving bis name as Hakim Hancock assaulted a young lady named Shiltou Tuesday near Gibson. Ga. He was captured last night and taken to Gibson today, where be was identified. There is every prospect of a lynching, but the wires are dowu between Augusta and Gibson and partlculirs can not be obtained. DEATHS OF A DAY. London, Nov. 21. Tho Rev. Joseph Ra wsou Lumby, D. D., professor of divinity at Bt. Catherine's College, Catubrldgo University, died tonight at his residence at Grand Chester. Dallas. Tex., Nov. 21. R. R. Robblns. traveling passenger agent of tho Houston and Texas Central Railroad, ono ot the best known railroad men in the United States, died at Houston ut 3 o'clock this morning. ART! W Ml -&S-"'- -, , Jr ..( QUEEN'S SECRETARY DEAD Sir Henry Ponsonby Passes Away at Osborne Cottage. Ho Uud lieen for Mnny Yean Keeper of tlio I'rivy I'iitko and Hor Mujesty'it Friend. London, Nov. 21. Gen. Rt. Don. Sir Hen ry !". I'onsonby, for many years keeper of the privy purse, and secretary to her ma jesty, the Queen, died at Osborne Cottage, Cowes, at 7:4D o'clock this morning. He was 6evemy years or age. He has been ill and Incapacitated from duty for sev eral months past General The Right Honorable Sir Henry Frederick I'onsonby, K. C. B.. P. C, was the sun of Major General The Right Hon orable Sir Henry f. I'onsonby and was born at Corfu iu 1825. After receiving a professional education nt the Royal Aliliiary Acnuemy, Sandhurst, tie was appointed ensign in the Forty-ninth regiment in 1812. After being transferred, to the Oren ndler Guards he was appointed aide-de-camp to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, and In 1840 was made private secretary to the Earl of Clarendon, an office which be held under Lords St. Germans and Carlisle while viceroys of Ireland. la lti i,o o.ijeu iiiM urenadicr Guards in the Crimea and served at tho siege of SebastopoL On the conclusion of the war he was appointed equerry to the prince consort, and nfter bis royal highncss's death proceeded to Cauada, where he com manded a battalion ot the Grenadier Guards. On April 8, 1870, he was appointed pri vate secretary to her majesty the queen, and in October, 1878. keeper of her majesty's nrlvato nurse. He was a mem ber of the privy council, knlfht Grand cross or me uraer or me Bath, knight or tne iniru class or the Order of Medjidleh, receiver general of the duchy or Lancas ter, ami one nt the royal commissioners in the exhibition of 1851. Ho was stricken with paralysis at Os boruo cottase. Isle of Wight, on January 7 Iat, since which time he has been la a more or less critical condition. ClllIIIHFUI. AND CA IIEbESS. Toothful Train Wreeker.s Sny They IVero Fright micd Into Cotifi-xHtnjr. Rome, N. Y.. Nov. 21. The four boys ar rested in connection with the wn-cking of the New York Central ruall train were today interviewed by a United Press repre sentative in the Jail. They all appeared cheerful, and careless of their conaition. Hildrcth said that he was not guilty and that he expected to prove bis innocence. "I know," raid he, "I have ruadp some kind of a confession, but there Is not a word ot truth in it. When I was arrested by the officer lie said he had a great mind to shoot meon thesot and heso frightened' and contused me that I said, "yes' to Every thing that was asked me." Herbert Plato said that be was innocent, and in no way connected with the wrecking of the train, and that he did not know who did IU Tlieodorelllbbard denied thathehadany thlng to do with wrecking the train, saying that be attended a revival meeting at a Methodln church here, and afterwards went totheTeinperanceUotel andplayedcardsln Hlldreth's room with Plato and Bristol. BrKtol corroborated the statements of the others that the night wasspectplaylngcards In Hlldreth's room. The boys contradict themselves, and make a sorry mess ot their explanations. The district attorney says he has ample evidence to com-ict them of murder In the firstdegree. BEIIKI.EY OVAL IN DAi'CEB. Famous Football Ground in tho Wuy of Street Extension. New York, Nov. 21. A scheme to cut through aud ruin the Berkclv Oval, oae of the finest athletic fields In America, wns irusiraieu touay at ine meetlug or ice hoard of street opening In the mayor 'sof flee. October 4 last a resolution was passed by the board of street opening, "at the sugges tion of Commissioner Haffea. of the Twenty third aud Twenty-fourth wards, providing for opening Andrews avenue above Burnsido aveuue. The matter was regarded ni common place until ex-Jn'lge Kmot Hall appeared before the tmanl today nnd pointed out tho result or carrying out this plan. Judge Hall appeared as attornev for the i-sta'e ot Hugh N. Camp. located at rordham. IS NOT YELLOW FEVElt. Six Sailors of the Helen Arc Now III at Gttlifstoii. Galvcstou. Texas. Nov. 21. Dr. Swcar tngin. btate quarantine officer, arrived here today from Austin to investigate the yellow fe".cr nnd other ca-ei of tickneas aboard the British steamer Helen, which arrived here a week ago from l'ura. Brazil, with a couple of sick sailorsacard. Since arriving here lx sailors have lieen stricken, but only one. as yet, has yellow fever, and after an examination todav by Dr. Hwearengln and Dr. Blount, a doubt has a risen In their minds regarding this case. Dr. Blount this evening stated that the others were prcliaWy cases of continued fever and not yellow fever- AH the patients are improvlng- M ESSAGE IN" A BOTTLE. Purports to Be from a Womnn InCaji tllty On a Mississippi lnlnud. Alton, 111., Nov. 21. City Marshal Kuhn Is iu receipt of a letter from G. Herman of No. :I2;! K.-ipp street, St. Louis, which says he was on the river on November 17 ami picked up a bottle cunralning this message: "Please y:ISo gets this notify authorities that t am on llorM" Island, captured by .a oero Hslieraian whilebi.icklit rrvlng.ricase come quick. I live at Alton. III. "BLANCHE MARTIN." The woman Is not knowu here but the matter will be Investigated. rOU.VD HEAD IN THE STREET. One of Richmond'" lie-it Known HuM-ne"-s Men. Richmond. Va., Nov. 21. Capt. John SI. Parker, formerly of the firm of Curtis A Parker, ship brokers, of this city, was found dead in the street tonight. Death refuted from congestion of the lung. He end left home a few hoars before, apparently in bis usual health. Deceased wa known to e-ery ship captain who has vislliil this port during the past thirty years. Padly Hurt Fulling Down Stairs. Ulss Agvcj Shaw, or No. (106 Eighth street nor huest. trinped on the edge of her skirt while walking up a flight of stairs in AIcKrew's dry goods store on Pciiiislvimia avenue jestcrdav afternoon and fell ba: kward to the root of the stairs. She received n sevcro shaking up and painful ir.lur.es about the tic-ad and shoul ders. She was taken to the Emergency Hospital, where her wounds were dressed and she was taken to her home. Dlselplhrary Inquiry Asm lu-t St oecUer. Dresden, Nov. 21. The Nachrlctcn says that Emperor William has ordered a dis ciplinary inquiry against the Rev. Dr. Stoecker, the court chaplain, dlrictlng that in the meantimc'Dr. Stoecker abstain from performing clerical functions. The Inquiry relates to Dr. fctoccker's knowledge of the guilt of Baron von Ilammersteiu, the absconding editor of the ICreoze Zel tung. . Change's of Ihiselmll IMuy ers. Chicago, Nov 21. Somcthlogofasurprise was created bv the announcement made by JohnT Brush this evening, that he had just closed a correrence with Mack rus, or the St.-Louis Club, the result of which is the signing of Pellz and Ehret. St Louis' well known battery, by the Cincinnati Club, and the release or L-itliain, Parrott, Morgan, Murphy, and McFarLiad from Cincinnati to St. Louis. HlK l!laze in Dnnbury. Danbury, Conn., Nov. 21. A fire mil evening gutted the Keeler street block and the Hawiey block on Main street adjoining. At least llfteeo families are rentlered home less and the loss Is estimated at fully 575,000. ne-nvy GnloOff Cupo Itrcton. NorthSyduey,CB.,Nov.21 Theheavlcst galo ot the" season begun at 10 o'clock last night and is now veering to the west. Il Is feared that great damage has beeu done to shipping. White Squirrel A perfectly white squirrel, with pink eyes, was caught by a hunter near South Windham, Conn., a few days ago- rt - -4, v- -... Wh-n tempting sits do you allur Tpenil your CAih gnslowl For sltpshup garment ready made, Will make you look a show! THAT'S one side of the pict ure now look at our side tailorino; exclusively. Take any of those Fine Business Sack Suits, to order, with their expert workmanship dressy, lasting fabrics proper style that we make-to-measure for $10 or those splendid Beaver and Melton Overcoats strapped seams all-wool linings Velvet Collar Silk sleeve linings to order for $15. All bear an ineffaceable stamp of gentility and distinction examples of the eternal "fitness" of things here. ERT and ERT NEW "ERA" TAILORS, 906 F St. N. W. ALGEH'S ItEI'LY TO SUEltMAJ,-. Ohio Senator Blights the Itecord of LI, tug and Dead. Detroit, Alien.. Nov. 21. Gen. R. A. Alger has made reply to the charges mads against him by Senator John Sherman la his si-cond volume of "Senator Sherman's Recollections." The general quotes the references mads tu him on pagei 1029 and 1032 or the book. Gen- Alger says he should not in trude this matter at all upon the public "were It not ror the fact that the Senator has gone out of his way- It seems to me, to insult my friends as well as myself, this lielng. as fa ran I know, the first time he hod put himself on record over bis own name In the matter, and what he writes would be less objectionable were It not that the second word in the fifth paragraph Is written in the present tense, showing the present state of his mind upon the subject." Gen. Alger says In conclusion: "I will only add that If Senator Sherman Is will ing to leave a record made up largely of adverse criticisms of the public men of his day. many of whom have passed from earth, he Is welcome to the task. I am sure he stands alone among out public me0 who would be willing by his own act to blight the honorable record of the living and the dead." IIANNIGAN WAS ACQUITTED. Jnry no'ds Him Not Gullry of Mur dering Ills Slster'w Betrayer. New York, Nov. 21. The trial of DavM F. Uacnlgan, charged with the mnrdei of Solomau H. liana, who, it was alleged, seduced Lorctta Uannigan, sister uf the prisoner, and afterward e-aused ber dealt as the result of a criminal operation, unit to an end tonight, the Jury returning verdict of uot guilty. Thcpleaot the defease was thatHanalgai was Insane through grief over his slster'i disgrace and death when he committed tbt murder. Hannlgan's father died ten minutes be fore the prisoner was acquitted. Deatt was due to nervous prostration, the old man having suffered inteuscly over thi fate of his daughter aud the trial of bli son for murder. IN COUItT ON" A STItHTCHEH. Priest O'Grady, Charged With Mur der, Examined as to Hi Sanity. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 21. Doruinlck O'Grady, the Catholic priest who killed Mary GUmartin over a year ago in a fit of jealous rage, was carried Into Judgi Holllster's wirt today on a stretcher tc be examined for lunacy. For several mouths O'Grady has been con fined la the strong ward of the City Hos pital because he persistently acted as 11 crazy after being locked up In the county Jail. His attorney filed an affidavit fur a continuance, and the case went over tIS Monday next. LESS TOAS ONE-EIGHTH. Que-tlon of Inter-Itace Mnrrlacen Settled In South Carolina. Columbia. S. C, Nov. 21. -At the after noon session the negro blood section was adopted :u reiiorted by the commiUee, reading: "The marriage of a white person with a negro or mulatto, or person who shall have one-eighth or more negro blood, shall be unlawful and void." Many efforts were inado to amend, to have It read. "Any negro blood," bur failed. FATE OF A DltUNKAHD. An Angry Wife Kills Hor AbnslTO and IntoxIcnteMl Hnsband. Gadsden. A!.-.., Nov. 21. W. H. Walker was shot and tailed by his wife near Cen ter last night- Walker wns In the habit of getting drunk and abusing his wife. Last night tie threatened to mi ner and Uie children. She left borne and went to her sister's. Her husband followed, and as be approached her she fired at him wltb a pistol, and he fell dead at her reet. QUESTIONS FOR TAX-rAYERS.' Do yon think that the-DUtriet should be bonded to juiy for a now system of wwornuc and for Htreet excen Kton und Improicniciits? Do you think that, should a bond bill pass, any ot the money reUlzed from the saleuf the-e bonds should, be expended In lm proving; private real estate holdings outside the city proper and remote from tho STCa body of tax-payers? Cos s o no-third e-9, coes farther then ftuy other coko m the zntrket. Ignites quickly, and I noted Tor lis lAsting qnallt.fA. No dost, dirt, smolo or ct inkers. 40 bu. Cuncrushod), $2.90 40 Dtt. (crushed) . S3.70 To nnj rRrt or the city. Suitable for rit;f 1 at robe, furnace, r&ts and cpea fireplace. Orders recelTsd UASUINGTON aAMJCIIT CO.. 413 10th. 2L, or U M J ZEII. 9 6 N St. A. TV. Phone. 476. s Find n latin dry that doos bettsr work than ours, by all means patroutz It; wo dou't &t any farors; wo expect to succeed solely en our merits. We hare ,r the latest Improred ma YOU CAN chinery and do the most careful Trork:, but If any one can do the work bet ter, we don't -wish yoa to send your laundry to us. Capital Steam Laniiury, !512 8th St. N.W. ToIeptonolOlS. C-Gk.-e s r ,