tU&gfe -MiiftfiSfi? i&ftK&sJ i!!Ziji"i ---v,-"-?"-;:"i. '''"v-2--Kpj; ? - -t ,"- -.',. 1i-r7.zr.ftf.tj3i" ""5?r" v " rtt ixy - Rjj .- t vaPH3CMOBNiyG:lTIMB8SyjrBIDAY, TUiqSf39;f 189 -.'- r ' -- ' - t - .t - -i rTr.---- -.-'ei- -ST -- JS"' V"w2r irt 'V 1t-.hZ: ..fTJ-3!,.,:. - . , " -. - i. I : - -jT-'.t. vr S' Don't Let THIS Don't Let THIS Pass Your Notlcer Over $24,000 worth ot Rem nants and Odds and Ends will take a fall. The clean sweep Is near every Remnant doom ed to an exit. Be sure to come, .It will be of great benefit to you. Have you ever heard of suck reductions ? 1,000 yds. Dressmakers' t Cambric, ' For 2Zic yd j. 2,300 jrds. black, plaid, j figured and striped Or- g-andie remnants. Worth 12cyd., For 3c yd 2,000 yds. Challie, Ba- tiste, Birdeye and Im- ported Cheviots. Worth from 12c to 20c yd., ( For 4c yd 00 yds. cream-colored : dotted and figured Ma ( tras Drapery. Worth 15c For 4C yd A lot of Percale, Batiste , and Lawn remnants, i Worth 12jcyd.. i" . For 4c yd i A lot of fine Lawn3. Worth 12c yd., 1 For 5c yd i i 600 yds. fine gray and i black summer Skirtings. 1 Worth 12c yd., For 5c yd 430 yds. Lancaster Bor dered Apron Gingham, 1 yd. wide. Worth 9c i For sjic yd 800 yds. 4-4 bleached Wamsutta Cotton rem nants. Worth 10c yd., For 6c yd 525 yds 9-8 Wamsutta Pillow Casing Remnants. Worth 12J-$c yd., For 8c yd. 1,600 yds Fine English Seersucker. Worth 12c yd. For 8c yd. 750 yds 4-4 White Berke ley Cambric. Worth 12c yd., For 8c yd. 450 yds White Corded , Pique." Worth 12jc yd., ( For8jcyd. i 500 Extra Heavy Turk- J ish Towels 1 yds long. Worth 25c, I For I3j4c each. I A lot of Boy's White j and Striped Washable Duck Knee Pants. For i8c each. I Thers are many other items, equally a3 cheap. Gall early and you will find the largest collection of Washable Rem nants in the District 20, 422, 424. 426 7th St. f S.Kann, Soils & Co. 8th and Market Space. Touch this price and we'll weaken with our Bargains. ,500 Dozens Hen's Laundered Fancy ' Outing Shirts, Entirely new patterns, In Percale and Cheviot, well finished, in all sizes, worth three-quarters of one dollar, 39c. S.Kann,Sons&Co. PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS:. 150 Beautitnl 7 1-3 Octave Upright Piano, in perfect order. Only... S1SO S175 Handsome 7 1-S Octave Upright Piano. All modern improve ments S173 ISO Splendid Sqolre Piano, stand- ard make, in fine condition. Only 91SO 123 Modern Square Piano, good, reliable instrument, warranted in perfect order. Only, .9123 850' Perfect little gem of an Up right Piano, small slzc,for hiloTs use. Only..... .. S50 A good stool and cover with each tnitru meat. Other reliable instrument! it bargain prices. John F. Ellis & Co., &37 Penn. Ave., near loth St. .; Sr-.V Vm. v WET THE WEDDII& WAS POSTPOIED Gotham Is Agog With theories as to Vandarbilt- Wilson fiuptials. Attaok of Rheumattnm Tlionght to Uuve Ilt-eu buiiplclonHly Inoinwr- tone Gosulp of Sjoclety. Gotham Is agog with theories as to why the wedding was postponed. There are as many reasons as there are tongues to voice them, each of which-ls believed, more or less, except the one officially given. So ciety shrugs its shoulders at the rheumatic rcs.i; and reads the Doctor's bulletin -with a grin. Every scrap of detail concerning the ier soaal doings of the WiUon-Vnnderbllt folks has been discussed uo, Jabbered over-on the streetsjn the clubs and every other habitable siiot. fiom Uyjiloirj to bar rooms, until cow that lLo h.tch has really come the natives are apparently satisfied, and mighty is tbelr slogan: 'JilsmUlah I told you sol'' llovrever, the affair Is a tremendous verification or the maxim that poiton Tor one is rnmit for another, for the flowers that adorned tbe Wilson house weredouated by (be bride-elect to the city hospitals to delight the sufferers who are not only HI but poor. It was a kindly act, to forget her own trouble long enough to think oftbe troubles of others, bat society can't find time at itus immeiuate moment to credit Miss Wilson for anything, except, of course, her age. It Is said now that young Vanderbllt is "doing very well." He is subject to rheumatism; that was one reason his rather, who dearly loves blm, opposed his mar riage. The dampness of the climate at Newport induced the first attack of the disease in Its inflammatory form last September. The Vanderbllt family were then at the "Breakers," their spleDdH honse at Newport. So solicitous was Cornelius Tanderbilt for bis son, o intense was his anxiety, that a couch wasplacedintbeyoungman's room, and there the father slept nntil the object of his care was on the way to re covery. Death had taken Cornelius Tan dertiilt's eldest son, William H. He would not lose another. Another story is that Cornelius Vandei titlt and R. T. Wilson, the parties, met Wednesday; that Cornelius Tanderbilt soiemuly assured K. T. Wilson that tbe moment his son married he would cnt him off; that he would not give him one single rjennv: thnf. therefore. CrtmAlinm Vniulan. I bilt. Jr., would be practically a beggar. Then came the acute attack ot rheuma tism. St. Patrick's Church was brilliantly Illu minated and artistically decorated last evening In honor of the marriage of Miss Elinore Blandfcrd and Br. Charles Kneller Koones. Promptly at 8 o'clock a procession ot acolytes entered the sanctuary, followed by Dr. Stafford, tbe celebrant; Rev. Father Gloyd, paster of 8t Patrick's, and Bev. Father McGee. Mr. John .Porter Lawrence, the organist of the occasion, changed his theme to the march from "Lohengrin," and the wedding party entered tbe church. It was beaded by tbe six ushers, who were Br. Marbory, Mr. Stepben B. Carain, Mr. George Uaslan, Mr. William B. Bland ford, Mr. Joseph Casain and Mr. P. J. Kel eber. Preceding the bride came the maid of honor. Miss Blandme'B. BlJndford, a sister of the bnde. She was charmingly gowned In lemon yellow chiffon over taffeta or tbe samcsbJdc. Baiuty trillings of Valenciennes lace and a bolero Jacket of yellow brcche silk, with red rosebuds In Dresden efrect added to thecharmof a toiletwbose crowning touch wasabuncbof Iongstemmed American Beauties. Tbe bride, who entered the church leaning upon the arm of bet'father, Mr. Bweet T. Blandford, is a graceful blonde of modest, winning manner. She was most becomingly gowned in white taffeta, en train, with soft frills ot 'white chiffon, forming Vandyke points upon the sleeves and shoulders. Tbe bigb neck was finished with a stock collar of shirred chiffon, on which butterfly bows of tbe chiffon were daintily placed, and a shower bouquet of white sweet peas andV green orchids added to the pure effect of a gown exquisite in its shimmering whiteness. The tulle veil was. caught to tbe hair with, a diamond pin. The groom and bis best rnan,Mr. Samuel S. Koones, awaited the "bride at the altar, where she was given away by ber father. After the services Dr. and Mrs. Koones left for a wedding trip to tbe seashore and they will probably begin housekeeping In the fan. The bride was the recipient ot many elegant gifts that included enough silver, cut glass, china, and bric-a-brac to equip' the daintiest of homes. Mrs. H. M. Kelly, who has been so 111, Is now much better. Mr. John Thornton Wood, of East Capitol street, who has been quite ill for tbe past three weeks", Is rapidly improving. Mrs. Clara Taylor Ware, of Georgetown, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Effte Ware, are visiting relatives in. Bockville, Md. Miss Sarah A. Lipscomb is going to ' Plains," Fauquier County, Va. 'The Mrs. Butcher will give a mnsicale for her pupils this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Universalis! Church, corner of Fourteenth and L streets. Mrs. Anna M. Thomas will spend tbe summer at Chevy Chase. An enjoyable dance was given at the Potomac Club House last evening by tbe -.P-4 - " Pure and Sure' (feveland 5 Baking Ppwdek Every ingredient used in making ClevdancTs bak ing powder is plainly printed on the label, information ' not given by makers of other powders. Redpebck&i'-SeadbHgandAbes8. OeidandBatiagPMderCoV.T. IB- ft ft- " v wl young ladies under, the chnperonage of Mrs. Talk, complimentary to their men friend. Anions those present were toe Jf"8.?- tne Miwa Evans, Miss Bstl. Miss Dalrymple, Him Smith. 'Wm Mc- uowan, muss ciiue, Miss Pecaock, and Mils Griffith, Messrs. Ball, Baldwin, King, Btcxldard; johnsoa. Tan Hoke. Talk. Wheas ley, Brttt, Holt-rook; Cason and 8tede. At tlie reception givei to tbe Epworth i-eague on vvcanosaay evening by Mr. Pate' at the parsonage of Kortfi Cipitol- j. u. -iirai, me nostess was assisted In receiving her guests by tbe members of ner ouuaay aciuol class. Ml S3 Heba Flslier. Miss Bnsle Lain. Miss Nellie Buerwood, Miss Nora Ererliart and Misi Olive Greene. After a program of music bad been ren dered and refreshments served, tbe large number of guests present necessitated an adjournment from the parsonage parlor to ui- icuuie room or tne churcn where the remainoer nt a most en.'orsble evening was spent in social conversation. Emmanuel P. E. Church, Anacostla. was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tncsday 'venhig. the ctmtractlnc couple being MIm Minnie L. Jackson and Mr. Genrim V. Baxter. Bev. W. G. Davcnnort nerfnrme1 the ceremony, and the wedding marches were played by Mrs. R. A. Pyles. Tbe church was tastefully decorated and the wedding was witnessed by a large number of friends. Wednesday arternonn at 3 o'clock a quiet marriage ceremony was performed at Trinity Parish Hall by the pastor of Trinity P. E. Church ot this city. Rev. A. M. Rich, tbe contracting parties being Mr. Harry J. Builtn of Allegheny City, Pa., and Miss Opal Louise norton of this tlty. Among those present were Miss Fendwlck. Miss Carrie Krownley, Miss Eountz and :r. C. B. Bailey. Miss Florence Edith Bowman and Tror. II. M. Johnson were married Wednesday noon at the residence of tbe bride's parents In Anacostla. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. George Bowman, father of the bride. nisted tiv Rit. II. T. Steven son and Rev. Richanl B. Cook. Miss Ilettle Diver played the inarch from "Lohengrin" as Ihe bride entered the room on the arm of her mother, who giro her away. After an extended tour North Pror. and Mrs. Johnson will return to Ana costla, their future home- Miss Stella Morrison and ber cousin, Mi Kate V. Brown, of O street, will leave this evening to spend tbelr vacation in the mountains of Virginia. MADE l'LANS FOR TBE THIP. Epwortti Leuiroera "Who TTiH Co to tbe IIurrlxbarK Convention. A meeting held recently at Foundry Church, of the delegates and visitors to the fltth annual convention ot tbe fourth General Conference District Epwortb League, perfected the details ot tbe trip to Ilarrisburg, and the plans for the special train. The train wiU leave tills city at 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, June 28. HarrlJ burg will be reached about 6 o'clock. On tbe return trip the train will leav- ilarrlsburgat 7.30 Monday mornlng.reach lng Gettysburg at B:30. A stop of six and one-half boors will be made, as recently stated in The Times.toenable tbe delegates to visit the famous battlefield. Leaving Gettysburg at 4 o'clock, Baltimore will be readied at 6:30 and Washington at 8 o'clock. An elaborate badge has been prepared for the use ot the delegates from the National Capital. At previous conventions the badges worn by the representatives from this city have been the most conspicuous, on account of their beauty and design. The one for this year will not be inferior to previous ones, although it is stated the design will not be made panic until the day the party leaves for the convention. The list of delegates Includes President F. E. Taster, of tbe District League, and Mrs. Tasker: Secretary F. T. Israel. Vice President Mrs. M. M. Mitchell. Vice-President Mrs. II. U- -Moolton. Hun. H. B. Moul ton. Bev. If. B. Leech, superintendent Junior work for the Fourth General Con ference District: Eev. B. M. Moore. O. E Armstrong. E. S. LaFetra, B. L. Middle ton. Eev. Charles L. Pate, Pror. C. If. Laoey Sites. .T. U. Stahl. A. A. Hancock. Miss Byrde Bohb. Bev. W. G. Cassard, H. O. Hiuc. Miss B. . Walter, George King, Charles Linger. J. B. Haas, Miss Amy L. May. Mrs. E. J. Harper, Miss Ida Gilbert. Miss Emma Wenner. Miss H.M.8raitb,F.B. Llltcll. Miss Anna Crandall. Mrs. A. V.J Allen. W. H. Kerr, Miss Ella Stlnemetz; Rev. W. II. Richardson. O. Z. Coiison, Miss EstcIIc Crump. District superintendent Junior League: Mrs. D. C. Smitlicon. Miss Ida O'Ncil. Miss Hattie Qointer, E. W. Williams.-Rev. W. R. Stridden, Miss Grace Dowling. Mrs. J. O. Shuckcn, Mr. S. A. Terry, and a number of others, including the delegates from the Washington Con ference in this city. Marriage. Licenses. Licenses to marry have been i ned as follows: j John Warder. 21: Lillie Adams. 18: both of Prince George's county. Md. William Miles, 24; Sadie Tebbs, 21; col ored. Samuel R. Hhipman. 37; Alice 3telly. 24. William S vices, 28, of Baltimore; Mary A. Barrett, 31. Charles K. Koones, 30; Eteanora Rand ford, 28. Hiram H.Van Meter. 21; Ella E. Thorn, 22; both of Ravens wood, W. Va. George H. Turner, 42; Sarah Gross, 45; colored. Wanhlngtonlano In Jfew Tork. (Special to The Times.) New York, June 18, 1896.- Grand Union, H. Alvord: Grand, C. J.Jewell. S. M. Ryan; Everett. C. E. Foster. A. B. Smith; Astor, A. S. Dunham, F. L. Frshblock, W. D. Hidge; Marlborough, E. W. Ayres; Union Square, C. J. Bryan: Albert, T. B. and E. Browng: Gllsey..G. W. Lenvery: Imperial, W. C. Lewis; Nelberland, H. M. Johnson. m Redaction In Hate to Bay nidge. Tbe rate to Bay Ridge, tbe beautiful excursion resort on the Chesapeake Bay. lias been reduced this season to SO cents for adults, except for evening train a rate ot 75 cents will be charged, with rebate of 25 cents after coupon is Ktumped by ticket agent at Bay Bidge. Half rate for children between the ages of S and 12. years. Trains leave B. & O. depot, week" da va 0:15 a. m. and 4:28 p. m. Sundays. 9:35 a. in.. 1:30 and 3:16 p. to. JelG- w,r,s-tr m It you desire an immediate tenant for your house that has been vacant for months place it with The Times Real Estate Bureau. HnmaMnnnmM hit s? mwawjAtacr. Two ii u . . e June 1 r'l 9"e - r r - JUS ''Frccze-0uts." I Milliseijf Freeze-Out. - T. clots ot ou"mtire -'stock of, ladies'. Missoe' - - and Children's Hsu, an - - tbs.httesf shsps. al col- - - on were K, 11.75. Ji.W sod - - II your choice, . fit ' a i , si. . a at a u a a a a m a a a a a a a a a a a IOC. Skirt Freeze-Out jlLBOWhitsBuekSklrbv M.50 Linen Duek Skirts. ILoO Linen Stripe Skirts, At, 85c. King's Palace, 81 2-81 4 7th St- a a a a a a a b 715 Market Space- 9 a a -a KBBBaBEgSEEEEEEeSBCKBEEECM FAbSUQfG OF NIAGAHA FALLS. CIilcdKo Channel the- UltlnnitoOatlot of tbe Greut Laken. Popular Science iloiilhiv. rears ago the terrestrial movements raited the Johnson ba rricr to tbe Erie basin so high that the' waters of that lake reached not merely tbe level ot Lake Michigan, but the'point of turning all tbe water oftbe upper lakes into the Mississippi drainage by way of Chicago. But the falls were then cutting through tbe ridge, and when this was accomplished, before the change: or drainage was com pleted, the surface of Lake Erie was low ered by many feet, and thus tbe falls were rr-establisbcd for some time longer. Slowly, year by year, one sees the cataract wearing back and tajrjrestlnc the time when the river will Le turned into a series of rapids, but unotber silent cause Is I U gp T7 jnimiiiniininiiittitiiiimniMiinnmuiinininummmiiiiu 0KBf ' y Li 55ait;gr7gtgg W iiM'inu?HmiiHitiiiiiuiiiimiiiliiuiHimimmiiiiiuHuiiuiiiiitiiHiiiiiiiliinuir; at work, and one not easily seen namely, tbe cfrects of tbe changing of the level of the earth's crnst. From computations Is was found that for the first 24,000 years ot the life ot the river only tbe Eric waters flowed by way of the Niagara River, and for only 8,000 years ha vu all the waters of the opper lakes been feeding the falls. If the terrestrial movements continue as at present, and there appears no reason to doubt it, for tbe continent was .formerly '"! uiKuvnininnow.Uieninaooutb.utiO years the rim of the Eric basin promises to ie raised so high that all the waters of the upper lakes will flow-out by way or the Chicago canaL Thus, the duration of Niagara, Falls will have continued about 37,000 years. m m m How to Become a Chef. The making of a.man coo In France is a lengthy and tedlous'process. Accordingtoa celebrated French chef, a young man, when hedectdestOnursn(n?Mllin.irvf-nrAr soiw. his nominal instructor, to whom be pays a sumequlvulent to if sovereign. Tbe aspirant fcVflrift assigned to the veg etable cook, who I ea'ches h un ho w to prepa re the raw material's. When he has mastered tbislie is inUiatecfintb tbe mystery ot cook- me virm. inis thoroughly learned, be stuAies the meth'ods of cutting up raw meats, or preparing fish , and henr to stuff, dress, 'and lard game' and poultry. When he has mastered "It all be is placed before the range, whereV'he receives instruction la the various processes of broiling, frying roauing and bakfa On graduating 'from this department he passes under th3 -control of tbe second cook, who reveals' td' him the mysteries ot sauces and soups." " The Interest of this functionary, in but pupil It is necessary-to accelerate with liberal and requenttips. The student Is tben'pnrln charge of tho pastry cook, to whpm he serves n long- ap prenticeship in all that pertalosto the con coction of sweets! pastries, ices, and the like. This completes his culinary educa tion, and he Is prepared to assume the role of a competent cbeC Pittsburg Dis patch. Slie Dad Been There. Mrs. Nosvo Reesb She called me a barmaid, and I new at her and milled ber hair. mmi VaC Toptofty-Ohnow; drfeadfull Still even that didn't Justify yon la fighting ' Mrs. Koaro Reesb Tea, but It yoo bad ever been a barmsld von would nfKfemxnd tow mad Htdene.-rCifps. GettnlM me eavstry to Hw'dtnsr taa sBamerr- Crinsty-tlte Ust oC country placroseW,Tl(e-Tler'steai'Eatt WWmTWWWWTMIIIIIIIIrlllllHWHHIlllllll ObAHML'a 3 $4 Sill Waists. Ladies' Silk, Waists- 1 just loreljr with fall front, aaT large biskop slee ves lined, and whaleboned. Worth $4.00, $1:98. i 4 I CLARK'S, I 734-738 7th St. N.W. mUMtiyHimyuuuMliyMMMUMUMUM amos cmaccrns tomatoes. Created a Paolo on Board a St. Jotin'a Blver Steamboat. "Congressman Amos J. Cummlngs prob ably was a very brave soldier daring; tbe war," said a Florida man yesterday, "bat I saw him badly frightened down la oar State several year ago. Perhaps I may add that all tbe other members ot the party were frightened also. Wo were making a trip up the St. John's Blver in an old side-wheeler that bad seen much service, and as wc sat on deck one of the members of the party told stories of tbe life on a Mississippi boat in the days when tbey raced for all they were worth and nut infrequently blew up. " 'This doesn't look like a very safe cxatu' he added, 'and I'm glad we are going slow.' 'Suddenly there was a smothered explo sion between decks and Jhen a series of the wildest negro yells that I ever beard. Every man Jumped for the companion way. We were met by the negro cook, who had lost no time in getting up; on deck. He was a sight to terrify anyone. His head seemed to be covered with blood and he yelled at the top ot bis voice: " 'Jump! for he lub of Uawd, Jump! I'm killed -ami de boiler's busted!' Someone grabbed thecookbeforehs could Jumpover hoard and another directed attention to tbe fact that the engines were rurmlngnll right. Then theexpianution ottbeexokMioncarae out In Installments. It was simple. Cum mlngs had brought do wnsome canned toma toes and thecoozdldn't kno whaw tohandle them. Without opening the can he had placed it on the range. When the tomatoes began to boil the can burst and the contents Dew over the cook's bead. Perhaps Cum mlngs has forgotten tbelnddcnt, hut I know that be was frightened, and so was tbe eoolc." She Had Hlai There). - Pctie Pusualong Sfou know tne proverb. ma'am. "She that givetb to the pour an onfortunlt Icndeth to the Lord." Mrs. 8harpley Sou are a lover of proverbs. I see-- Petic Yes, ma'am. I wuz brought op on 'em. Mrs. Sharplcy Then, perhaps, you are familiar witb the old saw? Pctle What old saw. ma'am? Mrs.SharpIcy Tbe one behind tbe wood bouse dour. But he was gone. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Well Authenticated. Elsie The report you beard about Edith's engagement must be true. I heard It rrom a number ot persons. Rath From wbom7 Elsie Well, Miss Brown, Miss Jopcs and Miss Robinson. Kuth-Oh! I told them. Brooklyn Life. m 1 Slow- to Learn. nden Tbe count does not understand ungusa very weiu Fanny Apparently not. I have bad tossy "no" to hlra three times. I'uck. . Doer Park and Berkeley Special. Commencing Monday. June 15, the B. A. O. B. R. will place in service a special fast express train for the accommudaUca of those desiring to visit the Summer Re sorts along the main line uf the road. The. train nil! be eouh-iped'wltb first-class coaches and Buffet Parlor Car. and will run on the following schedule-. Leave Baltimore 11:40 a. m., Washington 1235 p. ro.; arrive MarUnsburg 30 p. m- Han cock 3:0T p. m.. Berkley Springs 3:35, Cumberland 430 pm.. Keyser5:l2 p.m.. Piedmont 5:25 p. m Deer Park B:1C p. m Mountain Lake Park G:18 p. m., Oakland 622 p.m.. Grafton 8:00 p. m. TTTTTT 1 Painless deatiistry eifocted under the Fra OTrAasesthsUaw really painless. Extraction always bee when plate is mads by mr. The meat skillful work at ""Mwim chirr-. Kzamlaatioa fresv Z. P. FKAZEByD. D. 8 IMF Street IT. W.. TROLLEY POLES FELL IKIfH Accident on the South Fairfax. Street Lisa at' Alexandria. lawreBco TTasblnffton Appointed Stamp Depaty Ca'e Dlnpoaed. of by tbe Corporation Court. Traffic on the electric line on South Fairfax street was suspended last nignt on account pr an accident to the line, which occurred shortly before 6 o'clock jesterday evening. The trolley pole of a car became en- tagied with tbe wire near the corner of Fairfax and Prince streets, which resulted in the entire line for more tbaa a square being torn down, carrying witb it three of tbe large gay poles. Fortunately tbe poles fell In the carriage- wuy, and no vehicles were passing at the time. . One or the poles struck an electde cor, damaging It somewhat. These poles arc about twenty-me feet falgb,and twelve Inches in diameter. An examination by a Times reporter revealed the fact that the three poles pulled down have rotted at the base. Mr. Calvin McDaniel, an old and well known citizen, died at bis home on Upper King street, yesterday morning. The de ceased was a printer by- trade," and was, when a young. msD. employed oo the Southern Churchman, and subsequently pa the "Virginia Sentinel. He served through the Mexican war, and was sixty-seven years of age at tbe time ot bis death. He leaves a widow, formerly Miss-Bailie xates. principal or Lee school. George Williams and John Carter, both colored, arrested for trespassing on the cars of tbe Southern Railway Company, were sent- to the gang for ninety days, by Mayor Thompson yesterday, and David Brown, for drunk and disorderly conduct, was fined $5. The remains of tbe late George Washing ton were yesterday buried in Christ Church Cemetery. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Father McCarty. of St. Mary's Catholic Church. The pallbearers were Messrs. G. K. Pickett. B. F. Knox. S. L. Monroe, W. H. Smith, J. E- Johnston and W. P. Vincent. The property at the northwest corner of King and Lee streets, offered for sale yesterday, was bought iu by the trustees for $3,800. Mr. Lawrence Washington was yesterday appointed to the position of stamp deputy for this city, by Cant. w. il.Kowic. united Suites internal revenue collector for this district, to fill tbe vacancy caused by the death of the late George Washington. Mr. Lawrence Washington is a son of the late Cd. John Augustine Washington, who formerly owned the Mount Vernon estate and who was killed in battle at Cheat Mountain. In the corporation court yesterday the Jury in the case or Larry Bright, charged with housebreaking, brought In a verdict of guilty and fixed the term of Imprison ment at three months in jail. The motion for a new trial In the case or Cornelius Smith, convicted of malicious cutting, was withdrawn. The case of John Nelson, indicted for breaking into the old courthouse, and stealing a lot of gambling paraphernalia, which had been captured from his place and stored there, was continued until Monday. Mr John H. Green, one or the counsel In the case, stated that Mr. Edmund Burke, who was asxociate-1 with him, was detained at-his home in Washington on account of sickness. Commonwealth's Attorney Marbiry recalled the fact that this case bad several times been postponed at the request of counsel for defense, and insisted that the trial be prnceedeiwiUi, whereupon Mr. Green with drew from the case, which was then con tinued. The pupils of St. Mary's colored school wilt give an operetta -at Lyceum Hall to night. A -valuable watch and a tox of cigs were stolen frrm tbe store of Mr. C. R. Davis, corner Duke and Henry streets. Wednesday nlgbt. The services at tbe Union Mission tent on forth Washington, street last night were conducted by Ber. A. O. Harrison, assisted by a company cf prominent mission workers from the Union ITlmion or Washington. There was a large attendance. Mr.S.C.Eoushisseriouslylllat his borne on Duke .street. A marriage license has teen issued by Mr. John B. Beach, clerk, ot the corpora Una court, to Ices Tuuber of Russia and Dora Tlnkelstein ot Turkey. Tbe parties reside in Washington. The ceremony wilLbe.per formed in the Jewish synagogue in this city on 8onday next by Rabbi Stem. m MONET IX CAMPAIGN NOVELTIES Button and Other Political Insignia Are Mock In Demand. Troy Times. Tbe coming of Presidential year may have a depressing effect on some branches ot business, bat Is a great blessing to raanu facturersanddeuler3 In novelties. Tbemano facture and sale of campaign buttons has become a great industry and bas been built ap In recent years. Campaign badges have been in use for years, but It was a comparatively short time ago that the neat little button to be attached to the lapel of tbe coat was produced. A button such as is today sold at a profit for ten -cents would have cost double that to produce ten years ago. But improved facilities have reduced the cost of manufacture so that tbe business Is really profitable. E rendurinBlheprcliraiuary ski rniUh thou sands of buttons have been sold, and as soou as tbe conventions are held and the recnlarcamDaicnopens the sales wlllercatlr increa"". But tuc manufacturers are con stantly looking for something that will be a novelty. Fortunes were made from tbe bandanna and flag handkerchiefs or eight years ago, and it some lucky man can succeed in producing something that will strike tbe popular taste with equal force this year he will be able to retire on bis fortune by election day. Among tbe latest novelties exhibited for sale Js a rcrar-ln-hand necktie which, when tbe wearer pulls a string, opensand reveals the portrait ot bis favorite candidate. Tub "IUJ "-UIVU WU9 UUllll JIUIMU1C iuui,auuic I thing more popular will be brought out be- I iuic lutr luiupaigu uet-urnes jjuc Spring Datle. Max Delia, I swear to heaven that you are tbe first woman I ever kissed. Delia (with a sigh) That's the trouble with this miserable season ot year. One ha.i to break in so much new material, and for some other summer girrs benefit, likely as not. Truth. H333JiI3a33a133a3333g3333a3l FOR FIFTY YEARS! MRS' W1NSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP has been ne I by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething for over fifty yrsrik. It sooth's the child, softens the gums, allay-t ail rain, cures wind col e. sod is the bat remedr for chi diarrtKE-c TwcntyBv- cents a bottle. EgCKgSEKgEEEECSSKSEEEgSEKB WMINS & COMPANY, m9asLir.nr., Wholesale Agents for FAIRBANKS C01T0LENE. ft',fci',' - y - - fc - 's - ,k - sv - aj - - a - - L We make a specialty of Cooked Prepared i t Meats, etc. t Emrich Beef Company's 12 Reliable Markets. 4 AT TUB ' BON MARCHE. Atbi S ur Fountain. A breezy, cool, rest ing place . . . Jce Qream Soda, most delicious, all flavors for one day, todaj only 5"' Also 25c Chocolate, today only for I4C Summer Suits and Skirts. Largest -line of Summer Suit? and Skirts in the city. TODAY We Will Sell Tow Linen, Linen Duck and Pique Skirts, well worth $2, for . $1.48 Bon Marche, 314-316 Seventh Street. B. E. Yoang. Wonderful Values. 63c Gents Unlauodered Shirts. 3Bc. iSc Gents' Itezli-ree Shirts. 45c. 49c Gents' Oattag Shirts, 23c S9e Oeuts' Litis Half Hose. 13 o. S. E. -5TOTJ3STC3-, 803-B04 7th, bat. II and L I Here's a Bargain. A o cases 01 Scotch Lawns, nei d- signs. Warranted fist colors. 4 808 7th St.. Bat. H and I. 1924-1926 Ponn. Ava. t 3'-V.'-V-'-sV 3 . A LADY SAID, YESTERDAY, That "really when you stop to think about it the best way to buy Furniture is on credit You. can select any-thing-you need at Grogan's and pay lor it as you can spare the money." That's the whole thing in a nutshell! Your credit is good no notes no interest. Our credit prices are the cash prices elsewhere. Matting tacked down free. Carpet made and laid free. I J f f f t GROGAN'S, 8 1 9-82 1 -823 7th St N. W. J sxnrxx-c n sxai sn. acBBoecoooso IE 3-3C t 5,. shirting Priats. 34 C f fc UaKeaehed Cottoo. t for Se Bleached Cotton. Wz C for 6e Fancy L-iwbs. 4 A C for 8c Grass Linen. 5C f0r 8c jojij, rjngn. 5C fOT Sc Whits Goods Open Work. OC-for ioc fine Black Lawn. "C toe 12c fins Black Sstteen. I OCfor 23c Grenadine. Sample Shirt Waists half price. at less than -S 804-906 Seventh St. 1 ML 5aoQS3103SaSf5MOSSaS535SSSa CQLOOM Is an expert at watch D pairing. -K8Pa. av-e. Flowers. trices. Choice ard reliable plants and Cnt Floirers at popular Stnder's, 936 F St. N.W. UNDERTAKE RS. J. WILLIAM LEE. UJJDEItTAKEIt. jm Trt. Ave. S TV. Flrnt-oIasJi service. 'PUouo 1383. Ja4-6m DIED. THOiIAS James Thomas, beloved hu hand of Helen Thomas, departed thii life Thursday. June 18. 1600, in the firty ninth year of hfs age. Funeral will Uke place from the Nine teenth Street Baptist Church. Sundjy. Jum 21, at 3 p. m. (New Bedford paper .please copv.l It-cm DTEK On "Wednesday. June 17, 160G, at 7:30 p. m.. EIUaL-etb A., widow of th late Elijah IJycr. Funeral rrom tho residence of her son-in-law. AVIlh.'im A. DIx. 3403 Jf -itreel northwest. Friday, June 19. at 2.30 p. in. Relatives and friends invited. , " It-em 4 - - , - L - - - aJ - - k - - a a S 32C. a yard. S ass''sss'ssE'siM ' i REMNANTS -?i I i 3? 'e 1 JIIJ-JE--,- fc- "te. 'rfS- - -TrM"r vn -y7-av'f -ii1f'j--&-