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10 THJBMOBNDfGIIMJBSSUJf DATJTJirEF2irtlS. ' I - I - I te I M1WteHi 0KT II V"V 1A II !L "IT hi sT I u v A W?v nil iiii u ci-J i u w. .ws 'yzuFwm. Hit ' s III iN IKBHR & llll. ' .S uni HIT " "rt- i- mf"fcE-5 111 . SI n777i,wM UiQl "'tyKie UHMi TU3 " Hirst, aihi i,sr-jriiMit v. u- if mim I im W ? f W I JP UlP'Wi .- HI ill l W Mll09KliLi 1 X. - I i4Mnr vpBMIKw ?ei '' vsr :e&- eSX"X-Xe'X"Cx I CRAWFORD WHEEL Rejoices me Hearts ot w A11 wll nde i because When tli.ey want to be . . pirst and foremost .... Of ?H others, Ihey can always Rely upon THE CRAWFORD Doing double duty even- The CRAWFORD Medium and its riders stand by THE CRAWFORD. Grades $40. $50, S60, Crawford Cycle Agency, Over 9th St Wing Center. IVJarket. S3330C333GGSSDS3O2 EEE2E22S2: It requires very little arguroentto conviiiccranytensibleinauorwoiuin that JlOfi is tr.o much to pay for a tncjUc thcrelsno wbcelworlb li no matter how accommodating the terms A few would-be monopolists arc trjlng their best to Veep up 11 o prices, tjut it is no tte. raise prices on wheels have cot to (cmc tlown. and we Wcprrcession ly Lelnir llr-t to offer a lilcli grade wl eel at Mirrclhlng near its true value. We a re not overstocked, we .ircr.ot offering an Inferior wheel we are simply ccnient Io do business ror a smaller pront thnn those liig Runs who want the earth. Ifasasingof $25 to HO en a wheel is any ob ject to jou come and sec ns and be convince! that we li.ive tLe test. Meyclesat the lowest prices ever or fcrej in IhU city. Our leader is a high grade, full sized, ball-ticaring, up-to-date w heel guaranteed forone jcor. Price $4S. Wcalxi rent new whceKand rent only Irora the wheels we carry in stock ixod endcite we are not alraid to put them out. 610 F St. N. W. 3 1 22322; Z&22 A reliable Hig-h Grade Wheel 22 in., 24 in. and' 26 in. frame big tubing' beautifully finished . vim tires detachable spoc!:ct dust proof bear ings. This wheel is sold under its own name plate," and is guaranteed by the makers, the Oucen Citv.. Cycle Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The regular price is $75. We are pre pared to sell them at , Tills wheel will, we iro aisnrrd, s'.ve nmjilfl proof ol Its" tnulno hleli j;rado qunllty under any and all conditions ol una. .Hadger coTve. 0 -NOT CHEAP, 8 g BUT GOOD." g 0 What better motto when llvod M tt up to than that of V ! THE HUMBER? 1 Tho nVMBEU has not to bo rele gated to tlio "Job-lot counter" nor" needtbo HUMBER shontont "Dost on Earth," "Iho Only Vorfect," and a dozen other stoi(Otypil claims, inula by the multiplicity of wheels now upon the market. VOLUNTARY TRIBUTES from thousands of cyclists for the past YEARS S re lieant bearing tUo BEST PliAC- S TICALTEbflMOXY of tho value and S g north of g THE .UltHBErUl 1; BEALL& FISHER, g (lumber Cycles, 0 8 1402 14th St N. W. S UNITED Vt'UEELM.KS'. Organization nt Last Completed nnd tlio Future Urtglit. The United Wheelmen of tbe District Is now an established fact. The organization was completed at a meeting held last Wednesday night For some time the boys have been trying to get together, but there has been n great deal of hard work connected with It. It Is no easy matter tor 200 or 300 joungtncu to meet and agree on all the particulars necessary to the formation of an organlza Uon of this kind. But the greater diffi culties have been sunnouiited", and' the road stretches dear and level abend of them. iclmen Is a purely Jocal The United Wheelmen Is e. purely local T?vya?5ZYir?T2r.rt. rft 'riir-j r5 B The Erie Bicycle. $45 BICYCLE cjS) "Light BURNS KEROSENE' KEEPS. ilGHTED.1 Locomotive Reflector .Greatest Light on Wheels EXTRA RED FRONT GLASS & A GOSSIMER HOOD WITH EACH LAMP nickel HP- "Bronze Hi0 ALUMINUM 50g HIGHEST GRADE . ft" imJ C? .00 Liberal Terms lime. . . . N. to purchasers on time. stands upon its merit. Instruct on f cc io fttichasos. crcanizatlon. It proposes to do for Its numbers in the District what the league done In the country. It in no wjy affta'RDsiizes thclJKr.e. hut the two bodies wlir work teedher In harmony. .The duein Hie new otBanization arc ptaced. jt,t50ccnlB. It will employ an attorney, and will Kuarantee to its inein- f bers-ftfiwl nlicc anil protection. The asso ciation will look after .ill matters irr which lis numbers .arelnvolved. Hereafter the wJiceynyi will not tamely submit to all. ine contumely neaped upon teem. Tney will r.glit-for their rights. Just now If a hic ruisaway throucli tlioVarclefsncss of a driver his excuse is Jljata "" frlRhtenrel the animal. It does net trnle a r"UclP of dufereinv LwlicJIier a wind has been within a mile or ko. the driver makes the cliarce and f-Hwre Is i o ere to disprove It. The bread statenicnt was made at n rrcetlns the TjthcriifRlitthat the read law wasio!ted a hundred times a day. on the Avenue, fi r MnsfSitcc. rlcht under the nofes of pollrenieii. uJiljeJiUIesand not an arrest was nude. It is these matters mat tre united wiicvimen .wiUJry to have straightened cut. The llrst move In the direction of such pa-movement was caused by the attempted Ihejtor a wlieel. A tjumber f rlder wore VTsTtrnt Mr. W. II. He nshaw a t his place of I. business on Eleventh street n rthwest. pwheh'a gentleman called In the Uoiue cr.e was steallrg a 'weel. There wis a rush of ciclera tit tnce. and a man was t-feoiulavith the wheel in hlsptsscssion. He claimed that the thief had dropped It and FtflafMte picked it up to return it. Much lneMTonlng ar'.used the sufplcicn thdt tlsc ruan ;tunscii Tvas me imei. A-wwratil wassecured for hlsarrestand witnesses found who could testify to his ltrlefrrty. But the matter was quashed by tne court (Ulciais. The young men have rOTtfrtpped the matter jet. and another efQ&J'lHie made to have him punished. The efforts tn secure the conviction of this .fellow Jed -tKthe decision to rgotiize for self-protection. and hence the United Wheel men. A number omectings were held before the bojs coutd agree on a constitution. The gathering, 'Wednesday night was an enthusiastic one. So enUmsIastic was It that it woutd require Czar Jteed with a set of Fifty first Congress rules to preside. Uut"tfic chairman managed to pull the tulngtbrougtiundthc worstpartof the entire affair is oer now. None of the committee were chosen and many of the officers were not elected. It was thought best, to lean:Uiis intil the next meeting-. In the meantime all who have announced an Intention tn Join will be notified and a corklugmcettagisexpected next Wednesday evening. Mr. II II. 'Warner was elected president of the ncwiorganlzation by acclamation and a comijitfee of three wa3 appointed to notify" his election. The other officers cfiosan "were: First vice president. Sir. W. L.Offiej; second vice pre 'dent. Sir. W.H. Henshrrw: secretary. Mr. F. E. Pratt, and trcasurprJ''Mr. William Gettlngcr. Tl.c United. Wheelmen were a unit, on the matter of :i i-arade. They felerted Mr. W. H. Ilcrshan as tl e!r delegate to work with the. League committee. They cotilil not havi made a better choice. He is a bicjclc hustler from away back. The new organization stands out with the roo't flattering prospects. At least 200 cyclistsTiave signified their Inten tions of brcjjrning members of the new body. They will make thlpgs hum in the future. TJiey-Juive only had one run jet. and opinions on that arc divided. Uutany onc can stakelils pile on the fact tliat If any wheelmen come to Washington on the invitation tiftbe United Wheelmen, they will be fed. qUEElt WUEELJIES. Arransenrents Perfected for Their Annuo,! Race Meet July 4. The rirst-nonual race meet of the Queer Wheel mcn"0t this city will be held on Uie newSlcyclc track at International Athletic Turk, July 4, at 2.30 p. m. Arrangements Tor the affair have been completed jjjwj.dnlcss all signs fall it will be entirely 'successful. Tempting cash prizes havBreen'Wrered. They will un doubtedly beoRnipeted for by a large number of the members. Tbe program Lia aa folio wr-w - First race One mile novioe; two prizes. ' Second race One-third mile open; ama teur; three prizes. .- Third race One-half mile handicap, ama teur; tour prizes. xuunu race unc nuie open, amateur three prizes. Ijltll race One mlh hnnrtlrrm .nmntni,. tour prizes. "Hixtu race Two mile tandem; three prizes, ffrvenlh rare Two mile handicap, pro fessional, S50, ?25,-10, and $5 prizes. "Mr. W". K. Larrlmore, vice counsel or the ,lcaiue,and one of the Tnost popular wheel man lu the city, will be married Wednesday Avonlngy'junc 24, to' Miss Bessie Blaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 'Blaney, 1711 La, Fayette avenue, West Hal tin-ore; Md. The ceremony, which Vm be very quiet, only the Immediate (rJojids. of the family attending, will be performed at tho residence of the bride's parents;'nt 7 o'clock. A reception will, lie heldrom 8 .until 10 o'clock. Mr. and .Mrs. Larrlmore will spend a 'week at AJlWvUcCRy, arter which tliey will re-" turn to, this city, where they will in the future- reside. Mr. E. A-. lltken of the Queer Wheelmen htfs'iiriv"M to Baltimore, and will In the rui.u"S.lHH.kc only fly-UK visits to this city. IIS has, entered the Fourth of July races aqoTiVrui. uc on naud wnen incke evjats come .off. An KnconraginS Symptom. -He Is your father getting over his icarnes5T" - """" Blie I tlilnk so. He-held his hand over hisTarsj:hllI wasplayInKtheBtanJ-s. night. - Texatter, J his-ears -while I was playing the ntanA last mguu Aexaavuer, AMONG IICAL- f MRS District Dirision of the Awake . jW UNITED WHEELMEN .ORGANIZE Two Strong Organizations Will Jftow Look After the Interests of the Rider Fight to Be Hade Against the New Regulations Adopted by the Commissioners Washington, Rotfd Club Is Hav ing a Boom Queer Wheelmen 'Complete Ar rangements for Their Great Fourth of July Meet. .iii i n V J Secretaries and Captains of clubs are requested to send their club runs and all club kossId and oorsonals to the -Bicycle Editor, Times. The great bicycle parade propesed by The Times, and which the District division of the League cf American Wheelmen has taken In thargc lu.s called attention to tl-" organization Itfdf. In tills the Initial page ilevoted to local biccle interests which The Times will publish hereafter each Sunday morning it is inly proper that the objects and alms of the league should be explained. The District nhislon cf the league was at one time one or tl c largest dl Isions in the league. Washington is the Paradise cf wheel men, and this Is only what could be expected In this gieat city. In the height of llspepularlly the membership or tie Dis trict (ill Won was abcut fiOO. &cmler-,hi,-i In this bo ly in no way Interfered with rccm IjcrMiIn In the various clutH In the Df-trlcr." and It is let Intended to. Then it was,.-,, proud beast of tl.c Al,eelnicn of Wabhlnn-' ton that they were '"leaguers." The da j 1 rot far di-tant when tLe same beast will be otill more pcpular. BUILDING UP. During the past two ir three jcirs, though, the league has net Leeu as success ful In the District as it might have beety From cue taue or nrother Interest Mack- cred and meinbcr-.hlp dwindled. Wheelmen watched nils' retrogression with painful interest, but ro cue teemed ready to step in and try to fave the i rganlzation. Lot year nt the meeting of the Asso ciation the District division had dwindled in membership to such a imall llgurc that the seeretary at Ecstcn had to conduct the election f r District officers. The choice of tho secretary for the office of chief consul and secretary was Mr. It.F. Larcomlic. but this gentleman was unable toaccept theoffices. Thematterlaterhad . to be taken in hand by President Wlllison of the Leasee, a native of Marjland. At the solicitation of Secretary Uassett Presi dent WHIison requested Mr. W. F.ltoberttoa to accept the ihlef consulship for the-pur-Iiosc of building up the n.euibersr.lp in the District. After due consideration Mr. Robertson agreed to take coarse At tl ot time there were only seventy-two meinbe'is In the eity. Now tre ii!embenhii has dou bled and Is Increneing weekly. Ten (appli cations were acted on this week and ruan-, more are In prospect. Mr. Robertson, in his work, lias been aided by as enthusiastic a set of assistants as any one could desire. A road book Is now under way.and while It some lime fceforeltjsccmplcted, it wlllbconcthac willbe worth the member ship reo many times over. It Viirrepre scti't the work or .to best local talent, and will be somclliing that any oue can be proud ot. LOCAL OFFICERS ON WORK". Theorflcersand committeemen wl o have so succt-!sfi.llj seconded Mr. Robertson In his endeavors to build up tt.e League In the District are: Vic consul, W. K. Larrlmore; secretary and treasurer. Charles E. Wood; handl capper, William Jose; official referee, E. E. Simpson. Local consuls Ana cos I la, T. J. Putnam; Georgetown, r. J. Wisncr; northwest, A. W. LeeSe; northeat, J. A.; southwest, C. D. Church; southeast, G. A. Mansficld.and east, A. Glrouard. Committee on Rlgats ami Privileges E. ;. Fisher, chairman; C. L. Petze and C. N. Moore. Committee on Road Book J. A. Dtggs, chairman; E. . Fisher and F. J. WIsner. Committee on Racirg-Charles II. Fisher, chairman; E. E. !"lmpson, W. J. Prince, 11. M. Pruden nnil William Jose- Co'iimittceo-iRctruillng-F. B.W-heaion, chairman: Miss A. I". PmithJ.,F. Murrell. A. N. Leeke nndG. The chief work in winch the District division at present is Interested Is the new police regalatlon spx-HCd by the Commis sioners. At a meeting orj,tho division held last Monday nig'"' tlits-pattcr was taken up and dbcusjed attdftngUi. Many of these prtiTislon? areobnqV-lo3s fo the v. heel men and they will try to have them changed. The wheelmen are not opposed to regulations bat they-think they should have a fair show with .all vehicles which use the streets. This la all they nsk fair play. - The committee on rignts anil privileges was Instructed to correspond with the wheelmen or New York in regard to tho regulations in force there, Upon the re ceipt of a copy of these regulations action, will be taken and the wheelmen will go before the District Commissioners to ask Uiat certain rules be changed. They hope hat thev will bo able to accomplish a -reat deal. This, with the grpat parade. Is the chief work of the District eUvisioa Just at present. OBJECTS OF THE XEAQUE. The League of American Wheelmen Itself tsan orientation to promotcthe gencralln tcrests of cycling: to ascertain, defend and protect -the rights of wheelmen; to facilitate touring, to regulate the'govern ment of-all amateur sports connected with Uie use of the wheel, and to sec6re im provement in tbe condition of the public roads and higbwajs by promoting in the public mind the utility, general economy and desirability of high-class roads, and an active scntlnHcnt In their favor. The L. A. W as a national organization, includes all State divisions, which bear relations to the national government, very similar to those between State and nation In the political world. The States not -yet possessed of sufficientjnemhcrsliip (twenty, five) to organize a separate division, are governed directly from headquarters. If Is a matter ot experience that ideal ef ficiency Is only reached when a rider be longs to a dub. the club to a Well-organized State division, and the State dirision to a national body that is well equipped for the transaction of business and the spreading of InMrroatlon: Every member receives, a membership ticket, which is a sufficient Introduction to any local officer (consul),of the L. A. W.. and "oucher for the right to reduced rates In the many hotels with which the T.Mpnn linn a contract. AID AUU0A"T. A member of the League, now resident in Mexico, writes as follows: "'Tire member ship ticket of the L. A. W.proved uf great value to me last year. Banks and business men all through the NorUjiind Westhonored itasa guarantee to ray signature; and as an Introduction to all wheeimeti, from whom I received jnany favors.'-' Every member acquires tliejlght to lege, protection by his State division; or. es pecially it involving a national Issue, by the main organization. This right Is by no means an empty one, for the history of the League attests the activity of Interests verse to oar recreation, and the danger of- touring without this offered backing. touring withontthisortercd backing. " xnetj ssWioet 1 lTen "cTcrr tKUUr Every armoer u jlven evcrj acllitr American League Wide Again. jJj: is o!. svT irt it for obtaining Information concerning roads. .hotels, and distances. A iiuuiLer of the divisions, notably New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mary laud, Rhode Island, Kev Jersey, California, Michigan, Indiana, and Missouri, have Usued road books, which ore given to incmLtrs free of expense or cost. The League liaa upon its roll of member ship 52,000 wheelmen, and the fraternal benefit In extremely valuable. TLe nu lijual meet and the. various Btate meets draw the members together In friendly In tercourse), and arc U.e source of much pleasure and enjoyment. It has a uni form and lis color Is theroral purple. The League exercises" a Ixrultliy sttper vision of racing on the wheel, and pro yldes a code of rules fur the Lest goi em inent of this Lrandi jf thesport. Through the Influence of the Ceague, amateur cycle racing has been kept above the level of the contests held In kindred sports. TLe Lcagu? invite elery-oinutcur cycler 'la America to Join its ranks. To Juln the League all that Is necessary Is to secure combination blank and send It, together with $2, to Chief Consul of the District of Columbia Di islou of the League William T. Robertson , 420 Tenth street nortlmcst. SOME OF THERUKS. The rain lias sadly Interfered with the League runs lately. Those knocked out were; May 28, Cabin John. June 14, Marshuil Hall. Fifteen members made the run to Silver 'Springs Juno II and bad tte JolL'est kind of a time. A good number of Leaguers attended the United- Wheelmen excursion to lialtiicorc Jane 7. The runs scheduled Tor this week are?- June 25, to HatiUville; leaves corner Thirteenth and KUtreets at 7 30 p. lii. The run is under the chargeof Local Consul Mansricld. Junu 28, to Dickey's, opposite Great Falls, on the Virginia side. Tl run leaves at !) a. m. from the comer of Thirteenth and K streets. WAMIINGTOX ROAD CT.TJU. IIoldH Its Flrr.t.Mevtlnu In.TlielrXow ChibliDUse. A meeting of tbe Washington Road Club was held Wediiysday, Jufle 17, at the clubs' new quarters In', the Hotel Aruo. The invitation 'of ' Uie' Coconino Cycling Club of Flagstuff, Arix., to attend their third annual. run on August 10, was ac cepted. Messrs., Leek aticLHodges were chosen delegateD'to represent the club In the arrangements for the proposed mam moth bloyele parade. At the next 'meeting of the club an election will be'Leld to fill the offices of1 president, vice "president, ecretnr'- and second lieutenatitj Tic following nomi nations for these' positions liae teen made: For president, W.'Jose. C. U. FIsLcr, W. W. Hodges ahO "A". W. Leeki for lce president, A. C. 'Getc!er. W. J. Prince and A. H.Wall;for secretary, T. P. Carter. C. 11. Cook amnCi L. Petze; for second i A tiVllllllllft iK1111111111111Al11111111111iB HHHIIIIIh HHHllllB iHllllllS HHHllllllllH HHHIIIIIIIIIh HHlllllllllllllA H BrjIBV MB HllsB cB siiiiiiiiiiiH issiBiiH asiiiiiiiiiH BiiiiiliiB asiiiiiiiiiiiiisH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV H iiiiiiiiiBLsW--1iiiV JHTm wXmmr mmWm. -mWrnWrn I111111111111111H liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHrl "-'mm WK I M M. ;.,; $&&3stik J Jul I I ) k ""' " . vwx7 4rJy ipTJi llButiHl t iHnl IllllJllur JflQ6- jw J KillWtOm VVV. s I . ff J W'Vwi -mMfP m? tp,PwftwSy nip iff -ixip -fiiii Well Bred i A pedigree, of 19 annual epochs' of progressive improve mentby birth and training the Standard of 'the World 1 'I t ! there're econ'omic' dollars and surety 'sense in ..Columbia bicycle buying. , , Peps M'g Co., J. HartBrittafo, Local Mgr. S2 renna. Avenue. m WW lieutenant, A. W. Leek, J. F. Murrell, W.J. Tubman and G. J. Baur. A smoker will be held lu tlio near future to open tho new club house. Thematter is now In tbe hands of the bouquet com mittee, which Is composed of the follow ing gentlemen: R. Jose, C. I. I'.cu&aville and V. J. Tubman. At the next meeting of the club, twenty new members will be elected, and it is predicted that many more will follow. NOTES OF RIDERS. .The Harlem Wheelmen, Capt. S. E. I'hll Iplll, will leave their club house In Balti more this morning for a run to this city. They will be met at Ashtou by the Six Club, Capt. A., W. Leek. The visitors will be the guests of tLe latter club and will be taken u Great Falls, wLere dinner will be served at 12:30 o'clock. A run will be made Io Alexandria nt S o'clock, and from tl.cre out on the Washington and Alexandria Pike. The wheelmen will then return to Washington ami later in tbe evening will go to Soldiers' Home and Brlghtwevid. They will leave for Baltimore on the 11 o'clock train tonight. The Washington Hoad Club will leave their club house this rncrulng at 0 o'clock for a run toBroolnille. A party of a hundred or more local cyclers left jesterday for a century run to Richmond. Tiicy will return today. A namlicr of young ladies hi Capitol Hill arc organizing a bicycle club under tbe name of the Twentieth Century Girls. The Capitol Bl and Arlington clubs have scheduled their runs a month in advance. This is a good Idea and should be adopted by other organizations. Mr. B. II. Warner has accepted the presi dency of the United Wheelmen. The few remaining dinner tickets of the United Wheelmen excursion to Baltlrrarc will lie cashed by Mr. W.K. Larrlmon.No. 315 Seventh street. "Blllic" nenshaw Is to be the umpire of the field day contests of Company C, Wash ington Light Infantry Corps. "Larry" Is awfully sore over that Balti more dinner. Capt. Leek U not proud of the reputation he Is gaining as a scorcher The State bicycle meet of theXcague of American Wheelmen will be held at Cambridge July 3 and 4. The cjcling corps of the Columbia Ath letic Club will give a run to Forest Glen this morning. About sixty days ago the corps reduced the dues to $2 and euice then over 300 riders have Joined. Money to Loan In any sum- tjeaircfl at lowest ritcs of Inter (-st, on real estate security, Tte Time Ileal Estate Ilureau. Experience .(g&igj "acyv6v &$& 'mt WORLD CYCLES HAVE WINNING WAYS. Wj? ss European Mile Record broken by JToIin A. JohiiftOD, Iroxn 1;j3 2-5 to 1:15, on 5-lap iraefc. Bay McDonlacl won the MIlo In- tern ail -n al at Brussels; also Milo Open, at Bordeaux. They Are Kay Sellers. lS0 ? The ENVOY and FLEETWINQ, the America. JONES & BURR, 513 Ninth Street N. W. UChew Kola Gum, the Cyclists' Frien. Trade supplied. Wl -c&r -. HADE UPON HONOR. SOLD UPON MERIT. KTRICTLT HIGH GRADE. 100.OO MODEL A SWO.0O StOO.OO MODEL R S.1L0O 018 Olht-W. Kankakee and HUNTINGDON WHEELS. Riding School Ticket. !l.0. I'concleiicv gcarai.tccil. Berry & Pastorfield, CO E Street I. W. CBLOnsi is an expert at watch D pairing. KJG Pa. arc. Colombia Bicycle Academy, 12.0CU Feet Floor Space, 22d and P Streets. ?'5eI?W'L?;' riBBBBBBBBBB m S Georgs Rupert won the Mile Col lesiite rbauipionsh!p; also lower- . cd the Two Mile Collegiate Record at Harvard. Jay Eaton won It firsts, 2 seconds and 3 thirds at Chicago ludoor Meet; he a'so lowered the Mile acd Half .Mile World's Record, lor lu door Track. We Can Deliver Quiet. p. Best $75 Wheels in If sBstsSBIilSa BORROWED HONORS Osr cricintl phrase "HIGH AST : CYCLES" h2s beta corrupted into ' HIGH GRADE WHEELS" by a hun dred other makes. But... The Hatloaal Cycle Sho-w of EMPHASIZES aad PTDOKSED . The Wolf - American ...High Art Cycles. As finest Ilfhtesf fleetest best In the world. We'll he pleated to explain a few ; points to yon. F.W.Bolgiano, I I 133? J Fourteenth 9 St. H. W. 5S3 wzmmmmmm ' 4 "' A' " imsmk&rS:&.. -: " -i .s safeBsfthS95aa .r zi'j. !eJ -& " S JT?' : sSfi jft-flityii-.1r?MBhfl &Z&S2S&&&cud&. V. '