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BBSKlWMIfflBHBSS!afflMH!WBiBW 5fOTr3 vW-' -r-r--- " -s-' kA ifc1'- ' " 5 '3 -1 the MOHyG-an8NIMJ'nlB"8ltM896.' c - . n OVEP 30,000 WHEELS PIDDPWSppefOlSI Five Years Ago RATIO OF THE first Six Months of 1896 Has Witnessed a Remarkable Growth of the Fad. Quaint Facts and Figures Which Go to Show that Bicycles Are the Thing of the Period. One thousand; three thousand and five kundred; fle thousand; revcn thousand rive hundred; ten thousand; sixteen thou sand, and sixty-two thousand will be the record or hales of bikes, tcglnning with the year 1890 and ending withthc present year of grace and whirring -wheels. Thirty- one thousand have already been bought from the various dealers from January 1 to date. It Is easy to juggle with these figures and to change the idea of the "fad" or the "craze" Into an indictment of Insanity, but truth Is better than romance. Al together there have been sold 74,000 bi cycles of the newest styles, grades and fashions. This means that people number ing more than one fourth of the wholo population have at some time within the last five and a half years bought wheels, learned to ride and have Joined the multi tudinous caalry host that rides the steel teed. There wasa time soshortatimeago that even children remember It that even a man ona new wheel wasa rare bird. Their first vision, perhaps, was of the man on the old upright wheel, away up in the air, and going In those days at what was a rate of peed far beyond the limit of safety. He was a Colossus of Rhodeson a wheel, if not on wheels, for the little one was regarded as a necessity merely to be tolerated. Ex pert riders even now can do fairly well on a one-wheeled bicycle, which is, never theless, a contradiction in terms. BIRTH OF THE FAD. Then there was the period when the two wheeled bike par excellence sprang Into ex istence. Washington Is not always first In departures, but it was not long after the new wheels were invented until tlieasphalt boulevard was discovered tu be the place designed long ago by Gov.Shephcrdforthe modern horse. Then there was another period. It was acta illy the moot question in the social cir cle as to whether woman should be a bene ficiary and patron of the eighth wonder of the world. This showed that lielva Lock wood had straddled the question long be fore on a velocipede, and had moved every thing before her. Nevertheless It was fully and prajerfnlly discussed and thcnlo! a woman appeared en a wheel and then another and anotherand another, rising above the sccial horizon one at a time, as the stars come out In the purpling skies of a summer eiening. This Is somewhat florid and poetical, but it is in touch with the ideal movement about which It is being written. There would naturally be an Impression that when woman is seized with any kind of social fever it will assume a virulent form. It might be concluded f ran this that women would own probably one-half of the T4.0C0 cycles, but such is not the fact. WOMAN'S PART IX IT. It Is perhaps slightly exaggerated to say that there arc 1G.0C0 wheclwomcn In the city, but even 15.0CO Is an important part of the grand nrmy. It Is the picturesque contingent. It Is to the presale men on wheels what the glittering cuirassiers, or xouaves,tlieliighlanders,arctotl.e monotony of eoler In the French and English armies. It is a little strange to Dote that "the stringency of the times," for there were uch stringencies between '90 and 'DC, If not at present, did not In the slightest de greeeffect the buyingand sellliigor bicycles. Tor the five jcars noted there was n steady Increase. In '91 the sales were 350 per cent more than In 1860, and in '95 6ixtcen hundred per cent greater. This yeir they estimate a sixty-two hundred per cent. Truly the bike is running down the grade without breaks and coasting on to greater things. Figures, while they do not lie, arc yet barren of suggestion when speaking of so interesting a subject; but if any jiroof were wanted of the enormous success of the bicycle boom It can be found by an In spection of the bikes themcehes Id active service. There are socral places in the city nt which tlie bicyclers meet unconsciously In the great afternoon tours which are usually taken to the north Into the lovely suburbs. One or these places Is on Capitol Hill, Second street and Pennsylvania avenue southeast. A writer from The Times toot the pains the other afternoon to watch the stream or bicyclers as they passed that point, some going down the grade toward the notanlcal Gardens, others north toward new Library Building, and all heading for points west and north. He counted the fly ers for forty minutes, and found that the average was nine per minute. This, of course, does not mean all day, but in those, at .present, delightful hours of the after noon, when the Departments are closed and the prospective tourists have dined well. PASSING A POINT. Another famous polut of observation is at Fourteenth streetand Pennsylvania avenue northwest. The average here was six per minute, but nearly all the streets run ning north from Pennsylvania avenue are channels from the streams that flow north, ward to the green fields and country roads f the suburban retreats. At Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue northwest the average was eight per nlnute after 6 o'clock. Another phase of the people In motion on wheels Is to be observed on the street lars. A. few nights ago a passenger on the cable cars counted 1G9 bicycles coming south while tile car was going from M reet to U street northwest- It is a ong, good, and straight .run from M rtreet to the rise of Meridian Hill, and this Itreteh is a favorite with the little barks i9o. j!!l M1jWW t ill iAmMi $ r jHI iwi ilH ill I H trn'mfX mfflffiP&f-i-m)lJLmWFy m 'V m l m liifl - iwll0yM4EHr Tvvwi WTw W'W VWThtm hw x'Mm MffiH Iee vffiy Wrw wvw i WDr xLSJw Vs ' - v XM MW V AW mmtW hF llflllnllr Less Than a Thousand of the Silent Steeds Were Owned in This City. -' INCREASE YEAR BY YEAR that stay, figuratively, near shore or which are not in the mood to make the suburban trips. Nothing Is prettier than a view up or down one of the big boulevards in the dusk, when the Washington gas is constructively shining, than the multi tudinous glitter of the blcjcle lamps, for all the worlJ in the distance like a swarm of fireflies or wlll-o'-tbe-wisps out for the witches' frolic The particularly picturesque lamp Is, of course, that of the wobbler, which stag gers its various and variegated way at short and easy stages. The moonlight night is, of course, the harvest time forbc,northwcat. The streets are fairly alive then with hundreds of riders In all the stages of proficiency. A very common sight Is the group which surrounds the young lady who -is only learning to ride, and who. If fall she must, will be caught In the arms of half a dozen or more cxperlsof theother gender. INCREASE IN SALES. Another measure of the phenomenal In crease of sales is had from tnc records of the dealers. The record of one of these is as follows: In 1892 he sold 12 machines; In 1893, 80; In 1894, 124; In 189D, 200; and 633 so far in the present year. He ex pects to make a record of 1,E00 sold for the whole year 1898. There Is no telling what the results of the general desire to sit astride or the new hnrse will be. At the present ratio of In crease there will probably be nt this time next year in the city at least 150,000 bicycles. It is, of course, the wildest con jecture tn suppose that In the meanwhile an; thing better will have been Invented. The French "eclerette," which, it is claimed, anybody can ride and anybody can make, is such an ungainly thing that it will have no chance with the beautiful, trim and fleet steed of the century. BXUECOATS ON BICYCLES. TUey Are Terror Now to tlie Heck lesss Scorcher. The police bicycle squad is doing good work. Although comprised of but three oWIcers and organized less than one month ago, tlie silent riders have made nearly 1C0 arrests for reckless riding and other orfenses against the bicycle .regulations. Scorching- h'as "now become the exception, where heretofore it was the rule. This city, with' Its 'smoothly-concreted and splendidly shaded streets and avenues. Is a paradise for wheelmen and n standing inducement for speedy riding. There are thousands of bicyclists In Washington, and while marly of them 'are careful and cool headed, there are others who are reckless to a degree bordering on criminality. The iiciiuency-of accidents, serious, and In someJnstancjsijJaJal, convinced ilaj. William G. Moore, chler of rollce, that steps should Je takea to apprehend those who "persisted la violating the police regu lations, which liad Leen adopted forthe pro tection of pedestrians and wheelmen them selves. The foot patrolmen were unable to capture the flying bicyclists, who wbcq spoken tcr woulcTln the parlance or the street, gle the copsthe laugh, and then rush away, leaUng the discomrited policeman standing in the roadway. , PUT ON WUEELS. MaJ. Moore knew mat several of his men were expert wheelmen, nnd the happy thought occurred to him to organize a bicy cle squad. The precincts lieutenants weic consulted by the major, and each submitted the names or the officers in their bailiwicks who rode wheels. The result was tlie selection of Police man Charles C. Estes, of the Sixth pre cinct; John W., Robertson, of tlie Fourth, and James A. Duvall, or the Becnud. The trio are sober, conscientious men, fear less and expert riders. They have done such stalwart work that it is probable after Juue 30, when the fifty new men are sworn in, the bicycle squad will be in creased in numbers and placed in charge of a sergeant. Charles C. Estcs, a member of the "Three of a Kind," as the police have christened the bicycle squad. Is thirty-three years of age, and a man of flue physique. He was born in Burke county, N. C, and attended he Slate schools in Rutherford county. Mr. Estes is proud of his "Tar Heel" Slate aueestry.and the fact that though early left an orphan, lie commenced the battle of life at hard work on u farm in the pic turesque Southland. Mr. Estes married Miss Alice Kingsbury of this city, her father being an official of the Postnrfice Department. He has been on the police force seven years, and ror the past three has devoted his spare time to bicycle riding. Policeman Estes was put to n test the other day. He rode up beside an ath lete who had been scorching. The ath lete did not recogiize Estes In his bicycle costume as an officer of the law. "I want you for fast riding," said Estes. "Who the d 1 are you?" "An orficer." "You are, eh? Well, It you want me you will have to catch me." AN EXCITING CHASE. And away sped tlie athlete like the wind. Estes- bent down to the work be fore him, and after a long chase overhauled the rider and escorted him triumphantly to the station-house. Policeman Estes recognizes the fact that bicycle riders as a xule are gentlemanly, fellows, or "good people." He, therefore, UBes good Judgment in making arrests and, has never locked up a boy between the ages of fourteen and twenty yars until he hehas notifie.i their parentsor guardians of the arrest. If the parents are responsible people the boy is sometimes released with 1892. a i m i a mim i' wJru Mm m II rj I jLn f v ill I MMm?lfem J JSiri in JhtIV lmJ llHlI fw i " iBflrfin vAJ IVr I III 1891. Ol JV 'WW 1 1 fhllMW -Bwf- Alfitlli 1 K fllll lllllillll ' Hfhf ' S tv fl4P"x. lm ii n f fll ll lyi 11 AjuMjl'K? MlJtl ill I ii rnBill 1 t I V ifIll I llllllllllll iT Jl JnT MjHuIllAr n xip", u y x XKfflf V u lllillillll i rsnm m m vvrnmi wiu v ' mwmtvj m ura&sa n ' ui hi out collateral and notiricd to appear In tho police court on the following morning. In one case. he accompanied a youthful rider under arrest to a bicycle establishment, where he left his wheel for $5 an t put that sum up as collateral ut the station house. Mr. Estes does not discriminate between rich and poor, Influential or lowly. Blnce his. connection with the bicycle squad he has made thirty-two arrests. Policeman John W. Rgbcrtson, or the squad, was born In Kansas. ,Ue Is twenty eight years or age, and has been on the police force six years and four months. During that time be served in the First, Second", Fourth and Ninth precincts, being at present in the Fourth or bouth Washing ton precinct. Robertson has resided In Washington ror twenty years, and attended the public schools here. He is married and has one child, a bright little girl. He served six years as a bugler tn the Marine ser vice, and made u long cruise over the South Atlantic. At one time he was also de tailed with the police guard at the While House. Policeman Robertson has had some long races artcr scorchers. One of the longest waB from Third street and Pennsylvania avenue northwest to Tenth streetand New York avenue, after three colored men who had been racing along the Avenue. He suc ceeded in capturing all three, however. Since his connection with the bicycle squad Mr. Robertson has made thirty-nine arrests. A MARYLAND BOY. Policeman J times A. Duvall is a sporty, handsome looking young man In bis natty bicycle costume, including golf stockings and a nobby looking little cap. Heis twenty nine years of age, and was born In Prince George county, Md., near Upper Marlboro. Mr. Duvall has rcsldedin Washington pleven years, but gained his schooling In Prince George. He is married, and has two Inter esting children. He has been on the police force five jeurs. and served in the Second, Third and Eighth precincts. Policeman Duvall has had some exciting experiences as a bicycle copper. Recently a reckless wheelman ran against a boy and knocked him down. The wheelman had a long lead on Duvall, but the gritty ofrlcer got down to work and pursued the fellow along II street to First street northeast. The steam railroad gate there was being lowered as u train was approaching, but the reckless rider darted beneath Hand came near being caught under the locomotive. When Duvall reached the gate it was down nnd the train was passing. The reckless fellow on the other side took ad vantage of this and made his escape. On another Occasion Policeman Duvall had a long chase after an offender, ex tending from Fourteenth and Q streets northwest, down Fourteenth street to M.Tssachusetts avenue, thence to the Na tional Guard armory, ou L street between Fourth and Firth, where he was captured. The bicycles ridden by the police squad are owned by the men tbcrasi-n, and they are also compelled to root the bills for repairs, etc. An effort is being made to have the District authorities buy a supply of bicycles for the men, which seems to be but Just, considering the great amount of "wear and tear" the wheels are subjected to in running down violators of the law. BICYCLE TENUIS. An Exciting; and Popular Game I'luyed on Wheels. Does biej cling bring wrinkles? That was the question hotly discussed by a little knot of wemen. resting on a log by the roadside the other day. Seme of them were plainly alarmed at the sugges tion, others doubtrul as to whethcrit ought to 1 allowed to Interfere with the day's run or not, nnd a feeble mlncrity of one remained openly defiant and skeptical. "Well, for my part, whether It's the solemn truth or wicked flctlcn." said the girl In lively looking gi if stockings, us she pumped awa j earnestly and persistently at her hind tire, "it's too serious a matter to have to chance, and to counteract any pos sible danger or v. tinkles 1 cm going to Join a bicycle tennis team. "It was an eminent face specialist who. frightened me about the wrinkles. She dldn'tknow etcn my name, occupation of special predilections, butdlrectly I lock off my veil In her operating thalr the other morning she calmly asserted that I had been wheelingtoomnch. When IInlstedcnhear Ing how she knew I had been wheeling at all. she Just handed mc a powerful hand glass and began to point out the almost in perccptable Indi cations of fine creases about my forehead, between the ejes and around the mouth and nose. It requires mly three, to six months wheeling, she tcld rhc, to fix those halr-flne creases into long In delible wrinkles. I had Just taken a private heart-breaking vow never to touch the pedalsogaln when she creerfully suggested that I countera ct the effect of the bicycling by alternating or combining It with some other out-dcor sport. " 'Try something,' she said; 'that will lift your eyes off the unconsciously steady and frowntngcootemplationof the road be fore you, that will bring your arms into free play nnd raise up your chin. Mcj cling is routine sport. Give a woman ten miles of pood road and away she will spin, her laU drawn up In a knot, her body In flexible', her lips tightly shut, too inter ested, short of breath and Intent on her road to speak, laugh or even change her ex pression and the result is natural, wrinkles; quick, deepTugly fellows, hard to rub out and rapid in reappearing.' Do you see I have been warned In time and In order to at once keep up my wheeling and main tain my youthful smoothness of brow and chin I've taken to bicycle tennis." THE COURT. Even the skeptical girl undera brown veil demands to know something of this game. "Oh ltsanewthing,"explainedstaeotthe golf stockings. "It originated only this I'M j Awl ffll l fill J I 1 Ihhj. jIIIIIIhh 1893. i'h -rByrw mll Ihun i iKICSt mmTSk fluV H li V if' A V MB HI I lllllillll iIh flHrV -A l Jhw ill 1 I ffl uV A i hThUI wV I fllltiillli -J . seasonatoneoftheEogllsbwaterlngplaccs, nmong a lot of women who thou ght it would serve as a substitute for polo, and now It has got over to this side. Two or three persons have laid out special courts for it up in Westchester couuty InJXtW York, and the loamed women wheelers of Boston are rather enthusiastically adoptjnfilt'at their summer resorts. Of course jou can real ize that no ordinary tennis forts are largo enough for one to pedal about In with com fort. If I remember rigbtlyithe-dimcnsloirs are trebled and In England 'lrft'consldcrcd no drawback if tlie ground slopes a little, but of course the surface roust "Be perfectly smooth. Turf courts are quite out of the question and the best of thcih drehspbaltcd. That is expensive, however, unless there Is a club to meet the costs and In private grounds Just the plain foundation for the goOd American dirt court serves perfectly. "Naturally the net is extendedand broad ened, but as well it Is stretched at least three feet above the ground. In the right position it should reach u high as the shoulders of the ordinary woman when sit ting In her saddle. The reason ot this Is that there Is a -variation on the usual rules of tennis by which drives can be made under as well as over the net and balls can be by a dexterous wrist movement served that way If one is able to do it." "Whatdotheplayerswear? Oh Just what tbey do ordinarily on the wheel with the exception that every woman carries at bcr left hip a bag. This Is usually one end of a soft china silk sash she binds around her waist and by sewing one end. In the form ot an open-mouthed bag, she keeps her rub ber balls there handy for serving with her right she wields her racquet, which is made very light arid with u handle double as long as one uses for tennis afoot. Some women use a featherweight racquet, made a good deal like that for lacrosse, nnd, by a hole in the end of the handle and a stoutsatin riblion, this fine long cat is tied to her wrist. A- THE WAY TO FLAY. "Now as to the game: Two, four or six persons can play on one set of courts. Where there are six women two offi ciate in the courts on either side, while a pair of partners can ask the assistant. of a third party. The third player offi ciates like the others on her wheel, but her sole business Is to recover balls that fly beyond the limits or the course and It she can recover and drive back such balls, before they touch the ground, the point is not lost as In other games of tennis. She must send It back Into hen partners' courts and let them manipu late it on, but it she can direct it straight on over the net into the opponent's courts she wins a point ror her side. When not actively looking out ror these flying lulls her duty Is to regain those hopelessly lost and restore them to their partners' bags and to take precious oare she doesn't Intrude one inch Inside the boun daries of the courts. For Infringing tills law she can lie ruled out ot the g.ime l-y her partners' opponents. , "Meanwhile her partners begin, as they circle round the courts, by serving six balls, according totheusualrulr ot tennis. They wheel around as they sere. In order to preserve their balance, and tic", dex terously maintaining their course by the left hand on the bicycle's handle bars, dart, circle, turn double, half and run in their efforts to keep the ball going. All of the six. balls are plajedupon. That is, If one player can place cvery'orc, or five, or four of br'r" balls correctly on serving an entire game is played out on every ball and uitaulU counted or eicry ball that falls falsely in thc..necwce.J.Witli the privileges of serving and drilling either over or under the net you, can see larger opportunities are given anoVthcn in this game of tennis every poiut-igalned Is a polut earned toward the sum tmUil on the final score. They tried to-. Introduce that ruling very often Jn the palmy days of regular tennis, but the authorities always frowned It down. Now th, bicyclers have made laws of their own taud the good pastime of tennis is like to) return to a larger and more vigorous popularity than ever before. "Women who have tried It pronounce blcifle tennis the most aUWihlrt. amusing and exhilarating sport posybTe.1 TlierVls Just enough dancer of lroubl collisions and exercise lioth ror lungs m.d muscles, with skill and wit, agility nndjdisrretlon required to Inspire enthusiasm awl energy. Itls Impossible oplaybicycletennls"unIess you know all about your wheel. and It is Just as impossible to play it without shout ing orders to your outside playcrrconfusIon to-your opponents and triumph over your good strokes: Just as It is difficult to- get through without some 1I ely tumbles, rapid onslaughts Into the net and high-pitched denunciations of the umpire's rulings: But bruised defeated, breathless, and ex hausted yon will cling to your decision that as an outdoor gnme it is almost without her fresh-pumped wheel, "Ivdo honestly think It Is a cure for the only danger I know in bicycling." .- . MILICENT ARROWPOINT. vm iM wm.wm.ns Mary had a little lamb, I H lH I JSmmmmkW But both bavc long been dead; HJ Wmm H i iHjjgHjBBF'vg If Mary were, alive today, mTM WMM H I lillimMWT H Bhe'd want'a wheel instead. mm IH H .1 liillMpHl "" Somcrvllle Journal. m 1 IH H I I I 18 tSR? T ' 1894. IIS 1 ilmr'nTO ' - I H jV ill lV wmUfmmy h iwA S Jjn'w mLm mhVhhv I W h1 i mill IM ? M mmmm. ym iiihYM 1 W IIIlIIhl 111 " yHruX I Imm 111 KjMWfl i f HTra , IfAVD MUXLEn. 1 Maud Muller, on a summer's day, Mounted her wheel and rode away. uL Beneath her blue cap glowed a wealth Of large red freckles and first-rate health. 'Singing, she rode, and ber merry glco Frightened the sparrow from his tree. But when she was several miles from town, Upon the hill-slope, coasting down, The- sweet song died, and a vague unrest And a sort of terror filled her breast A fear that she hardly dared to own. For what If her wheel should strike a stone! The. Judge scorched swirtly down the read just then she heajd bis tire explode! He carried bis wheel into the shade Of the apple tree, to await the maid. And he asked ber if she would kindly loan Her pump to him, as he'd lost his own. She left ber wheel with a sprightly jump. And in less than a Jiffy produced berpamp. And she blushed assbegavelt, lookingdown At her feet, once bid by a trailing gown. Then said the Jndge, us he pumped away, " 'TIs very fine weather we're having to day." He spoke of grass and flowers and trees; Of twenty-mile runs and centuries. And Maud forgot that no trailing gown 'Was over her bloomers banging down. But the tire was fixed, alack-a-day! , The Judge remounted and rede away. Maud Muller looked 'and sighed, "Ab, me! That I the Judge's bride might be! "My father should have a brand-new wheel Or the costliest make and the finest stecL "And I'd give one to maot tbesame design, So that she'd cease to borrow mine." The Judge looked back, as he climbed the hill. And saw Maud Muller standing still. "A prettier face and a form more fair I've seldom gazed at, I declare! "Would she were mine, and I today Could make ber put those bloomers away 1" But he thought of his sisters, proud nnd cold. And shuddered to think how they would scold It he should, one of these afternoons. Come home with a bride In pantaloons. He married a wife of richest dower. Who never succumbed to the bloomers' power; Yet oft, while watchlngthe smoke wreaths curl. He thought ot that freckled bloomer girl; Ot the way she stood there, pigeon-toed. While be was pumping beside the road. She married a man who clerked in a store, Aud many children piayed round her door; And then her bloomers brought her Joy! She cut them down tor her oldest boy. But still of the Judge she often thought, "v- ,. H3bSk "" ' And sighed o'er the loss that her bloomers , jJ" - jmjM Hb- - i -wrought, H1.9L1 " ' ' '. - vSHLL Or wondered If wearing them was a sin, i laHRfll --a And then confessed, "It might have been." XlEf'rrTTt9,,k Alas for the Judge! Alas for the maid! KW l & H Dreams were their only stock in trade. B I I I III II tk IH For of all wise words of tongue or pen, Sn ' II The wisest are these: "Leave pants tor ! Ill men!" H III I At. VVflllt V7 1 nil lift.... B.ltl v.n.nt-... 1 I 1 For the bloomer girl and the man of brains; III And, in the hereafter, bloomers may I Be not allowed to block the way! I Buffalo Commercial. ' I 'I 1895. .- - mtf cSI IE 9 'I TOE SEVEN AGES OrjJICYCXJJiO. All the world' a-wbeel. And all the cyolers merel j- tlrel - -" 1 They have their enmities as to a choice of bike, r -V,- " - And one man In his time has many falur-v His acts being seven afes. jit' flrs.t.tbe pollywog, "" " ,,. Wiggling and sprawling from his trainer's arms; Then the whining and discouraged tyro, creeping, - Tremulous and fearful, unwilling, from the adamant floor " Back to the wheel; and then, all hopeful,) talkative of when That blissful day shall come; and he -With mistress ride A tandem to the happy coarti'dr Love! Then a blklst, In full measure, seeking the bubble Notoriety As a trick cycler; colliding with ah-Alder-. man, In huge proportions, beer -and capon lined. With eyes severe, our cycler vanishes be hind a prisoner's dock; The sixth age shifts, and into .his lean and plalded pantaloons With fearsome mien and real fainthearted ness. Ills little board, well saved for purposes Known right well by his hike, which, dis arranged. And spokes uncombed, awaits Its master's ball! And his big, manly voice, turning to a child ish treble, pipes , "Ay, guilty Honor!" winds whistling in his sound; Last scene of ail, that ends a wheelman's Chess and Checkered history; " Is cyclomanla, oblivion to else. Save gear, save spoke, save tire? save scorchingl New Orleans Times-Democrat. A BENEDICTION. God bless the wheel! the whirring wheel! That wakens the world's unmeasured zeal. And makes a man ot my torture feel Like praising the same alway. For it's taken the maid next door, who sought To daily pound the piano-forte. To another brand of athletlc'sport That bears her miles away. Boston Courier. Half of 1896 - Hhm II .H I - A X.OVEH'3 WAHV. Lbcjnd ha the cycle fad. And weekly worse It grows; She wants a wheel and wants It itbVl And likewise bloomer chithaSL G ' ir - - . I'd like to please her, but I feel Opposed to cycllog quite; ' To me a woman on a wheel j la not a pretty sight. ' ' I The thought of Itmy temperstlrt; I know I would not like i "To see that stately form ot hers ' .Bent over on a bike. ' -1 do not fancy biking humps, v- And feel my grief 'twould crown ' To see those beauteous legs, like pumps, Go working up and down. t No, wheels are not for such as she. Though they are speedy things, j Far more appropriate 'twould b(j Were the equipped with wloga MY CYCLE. Dear other self, so silent, swift and sure. My dumb companion of delightful days. Might fairy fingers from tby orbit ray Of steel strike music, as the gods ot yore. From reed or shell; what melodies would .pour I On my glad ears; what songs of woodland -ways. Of summer's wealth of corn, or tho sweet lays. Of April's budding green; while evermore We twain, one living thing, flash like the light Jjown the long tracks that stretch from sky tn sky. Thou hastthy -music, too; whattimethenoon Beats sultry on broad roads, when gather ing 'night. We drink the keen-edged air; or, dark' ling fly, 'Twlxt hedgerows blackened by a mystlf moon. Adrlel Yere, In Spectator. MADE IT CUnONIC. Ue was bent on having a wheel, tbey said. And to'-purchase one was straightway led. And now, as his daily feats have shown, He's bent till the same has chronic grown. to June 30th. I 1 l i i I 1 a 1 1,000, 3,500. 5000, 7,000. - 11,250. 16,030. . 30,000. -' TCiLs&JKScrrr. , .. . . ,MS- m?6&SBaSt&S3e2is. jgSf-flgrmSrra