OCR Interpretation

The morning times. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1897, December 27, 1896, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024442/1896-12-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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-"- S-- - ''-'sx-'s'r' fgr wflp .'"'"
Lansburgh & Dro.
Men's Goods.
Warm Underwear. 3
Aftermath of the Holidays 3
Now that your Holiday pur
chases are over, you
must 5
needs give your personal wants 3
some attention. 3
Nothing; more important to
.your comfort than good, serv
iceable and warm underwear.
We show the largest line of
Men's Underwear in this city,
and at the lowest prices
50c Qualities.
White, Merino. Heavy 3
Weight Grey Woo! Mixed, 3
Heavy Weight Natural Grey "j
and Unbleached Ribbed Tailor- 3
made Canton Flannel Draw- 3
ers. 3
75c Qualities.
Natural Color Wool, Me
dium Heavy, Heavy White
Wool Fleece.
$1.00 Qualities.
Heavy White Fleece nearly
all wool. Red Medicated all 3,
wool, Heavy Natural Grey 3
Wool, Blue Mottled Heavy 3
Wool, Natural Wool -double ""j
back and front, Heavy Weight 3
all cotton. Ribbed Heavy
Weight -all wool, Ribbed j
H ca vy Weigh t Ca m e Vs H ai r. 3
$1.50 Qualities.
Heavy AII-woo! White, Full
Regular Made All-wool Grej
Full Regular Made Cotton
Ribbed, iicst fiedicated Scar
let, Medium Weight Sanitary
Wool, All-wool Flesce Lined.
Higher grades in Wool and
Cashmere-all weights and all
Drawers to match all gar- 3
mentsat same price as Shirts. 3
We also carry the Ail-wool 3
Abdominal Bands, double fold, and
full regular made.
420, 422, 424, 426 7th it.
Eiiiimuiimiu uiiuimmiummuiiiiiuis
Let us suppl' 3Tou with
your Wines and Liquors.
We can do it and do it well.
is. v . coi ner 9th st. anil L avc
(Notice litis today. This ad. may not ap
pear ncain.)
"Who can form the greatest number of
words tram the letters in EM)EAVOIts?
You can make twenty or more words, wo
feci sure, and if you do, you will receive
a good reward. Use no letter unless found
111 tile word. Use 110 language except Eng
lish. Use any dictionarv Pronouns, nouns,
verbs, adverbs, prefixes, suffixes, ad
jectives, proper nouns, plurals allowed.
A nulling that is a legtimate word. Work
it out in this manner Endeavors, en, end,
ends, near, nod. nods, dear, deer, ear,
cars, and, or, ore, oar, oars, etc. Use these
wards in your list. The publisher of
Woman's Worldand Jenness Miller Monthly
will pav 20.00 in gold to the person able
to make the largest list of words from the
letters in the word ENDEAVORS; 910.00
for the second, 5-5.00 for the third. $5.00
:ar the loiirth, and U-.00 each for the
tlnrtv next largest lists. The above re
wards are given Tree and without eonsid
(ration lor the purpose of attracting at
tention to our handsome woman's maga
zine, thirty-six pages, one hundred and
forty-four long columns, finelv illnstrated,
and all original matter, long and short
stories by the best authors, price, $1.00
per yeai. It is necessary for jou, ta enter
the contest, to senil 1- two-cent stamps
for a three months' trial subscription with
your list uf words, and every person bend
ing t he 1M cents and a list ol twont words
or more is guaranteed an extra 'present
by return mail (in addition to Mic maga
zine), or a 170-page book, "Bevond Re
caUVIij Adeline hergeant a powerful love
loiitaiice. Satisfaction guaranteed in everv
case or money refunded. Lists should
lie !iit at once, and not later than March
ir. The names and addresses of succes
Tul contestants will be printed in April
issue, published in March, our publica
tion has been established nine Tears. We
refer you to any im-rcautile agcricv for our
standing. Make your list now. "Address
Court Building, Dept- M (" , N Y Citr It
wir.Li.A.ai iek.
332 ra. A-e. TJ, W:
Firot-cla. wervloo. 'Phono. l.tKa.
Penna. nve. and 2d fit. oe.
Terms reasonable. Chapel Tor funerals
Telephono 764-3. nc2-3m.em
LUCAS George W Lucas, at Jus resi
dence. ilXl'i M St. n w or pneumonia, in
the rifly-first year or his age
Funeral Monday, December 28, at "
p. in. Interment at Arlington cemetery
Friends and relatives respect rullv invited
to attend without further notice. it
PRENDEB On Saturdav, DtornlKT G. 1 Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. Leitcr, Dr. and
Prendcra!'f:'''d?ri'ht'''I'n,n N UVM ra Ml' n'im,on(1' :Mr- trailer. Gen. ruller-
rnneCrar'"piivaCto, from "the residence or ton'aml Surgeon Gen. Tyron. Thedecoia
herpaients. KJU Caiull ttieet southeast, '"ns were in pink with bridesmaid rotes
Aionaay at p. m it
TAGAOn December ZG. lbhfj. Susan i
i.iHKiuciu j-aiuii, i;iu tn- oiiiy-uiroo J eari
Funeral from her late lesidence. lOr.l
Jefferson avenue. West Washington, on
December 28 at 2 o'cJoek. Relatives and
friends invited. at
on July 3, lti!0, by Rev Joseph liarrv or
St Jo-eph's Churcli in Baltimore, William
11. I'aownlow of Washington, D C, and
Gertrude Lollta. third daughter of Mr.s.
John 11. Mattlngly of Washington, D C.
Holiday Kcurloii Hates to .I'oliitN
Sou til.
TThc Pennsylvania Railroad will sell, De
cember 22. 23, 24, 25. 30. 31. and Janu
aryl. good to return until January 4,
1897, holiday excursion tickets to Fred
eiicksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Wel
dea. and other points South. delO.21,22,
23.26,23,29 ev & 20 ,22 23 2-t ?7 ?St
r 1 Ue
(.'ay World Waiting for the Signal
From the White House.
Xew YpnrV Reception Will 7lisjln
n Serieh nf Brilliant Function.
Note. antl Pergonal'.
Yesterday was distinctly the (lay alter
and a -welcome rest to joung and old
society people, who are preparing for n
particular! gaj "week to open the season.
The dance by Mr. and Mrs John Hay
tomorrow evening, at Rauscher's, prom
ises to be very delightful, and will be
attended by very nearly the same guests
that gathered at Mrs. Boardtnau's, on
Christmas, night.
Tho iv edding or Miss Helen Craig and
Lieut. Stout, U S A will take place to
morrow evening, at Tort Mjcr. The
ceremony will be wileinnUed in the pres
ence of the immediate friends at the
residence of the bride's parents. Cant, and
Mrs. Louis A. Craig, of Fort Myer. A ',
brilliant reception will follow, that will
be attended by the officers and families
stationed at the fort., and a Jitmiber of
friends from this city.
Mrsi f-amuel Polkmhorn and daughters
have cards out for an early evening re
ception, from 0 to ft, tomoirow evening.
The principal event of Tuesday will be
thcinuriiage of Miss Bonaparte and Count
de Moltke-lluitreldt, at St. Paul's Church,
at noon. Cardinal GiMions will officiate,
assisted by a number or cleigymen lrom
this cit and Baltimore.
Mrs Draper will give a lai ge luncheon to
Mine P.akhniatoiff at her residence on K
street Mrs Claude M Jol.tibon will give a
handsome card parti at the Portland on
Tncsdav evening, and Mrs John S. Waid
will give a hall at her home on Connecticut
avenue coinplimonLu i to her granddaugh
ter. Mis- Unmet Ward, and the othei debu
tantes of the season
On Wednesday Mi-- Martha Ilichboin
will giv- a luncheon c uuipllinc utnry to Miss
Bakei Mi. and Mrs. Wilkinson of No 152G
K street will give an evening reception to
introduce Miss Wilkinson Mrs. E Kurtz
Johnson a tea at her residence. No IGOo
Massachu-elts avenue The Austnan Min
ister and Mine Hengelmuller a dinner.
Mr and Mrs. A O Wilkinson an evening
reception to present Miss Wilkinson.
The hunt ball at the Chevy Chase Club
On Thursday Dr and Mrs.Mackajo-Smlth i
give a dinner Mr. and Mrs. Loiter will
give a i erv hand-ome cotillion on Thursday
night. Mrs. Cornelius Belt will give a tea
from -1 to G o'clock
The leceptionof the President and Mr
Cleveland on New Year's morning, the
diplomatic breakfast at the residence of
the Secretary of State, and the Cabinet re
ceptions af the afternoon will be the prin
cipal events of Friday Thedinnet to more
than one hundred guests by Sen.itor and
Mrs Brice on Friday evening will be the
one grand evening event of New Year's
Day. A cotillion will follow the dinner ami
the favors will be especially handsome.
The Japanese minister and Mine. Hoshi
gave a very handsome dinner nt their
legation, 1310 N street, last evening, in
honor of the ratification of the new treaty
between Japan and Peru, at which the
guest of honor was Consul General Berg
man, acting plenipotentiary for Peru
Coveis were laid for sixteen, and the
floral decorations were particularly hand-
some -V pleateau of American beauty roses
formed the centerpiece, and the many wax
lights burned in .silver candelabra under
red shades.
The guests invited to meet Mr Berg
man were The Mexican Minister and
Mine Romero, the Uranium Minister and
Mine Mcndonca, tiic Chilian Minister and
Mine Gana, the Argentine Minister and
Mme Garcia Meron, the Gutemulian Minis
ter and Mme Lazo Arriaga, Miss Gaua,
daughter of the Chilian minister; Mr
Matsui, secretary of Japanese legation, and
Coin Nanta
A very prettj wedding was celebrated
yestcrdai morning at Epiphany Church, in
the presence of the immediate friends of
the contracting panics, who were Miss
Irene von Colin, daughter or the late Philip
von Colin, of New Orleans, and Mr. Andrew
J Grecu, of-thls city There were no at
tendants, and the bride and groom entered
the church together. Rev. Randolph Mc
Klm. I) D , rectoi pf the church. performed
the marriage ceremony. The bride wore a
handsome and becoming gown of green
cloth, with largj hat to match, and carried
a large bouquet of bride roses
Mr. and Mrs. Green diove to the railroad
station directly after the ceremony and
started for a trip to Npvv York, after
which they will go to their future home,
In Elizabeth City. N. C.
Mrs. Audenried entertained at a very
handsome dinner lnu evening, hor guests
licmgSenator and Mr.-. Elkin-, Mr and .Mrs.
for the centerpiece.
Mrs. Clugett gave the second of a series
of dinuers for young people at her resi
dence, 10UG Sixteenth street, last even
ing. Several official handsome dinners were
given through the' week. The French
ambassador, the Spanish mid Brazilian
ministers all entertaining distinguished
The Spanish dinner was ch-efly diplo
matic, the guests being the French Am
bassador and Mme. Tatcnotre, the Chilean
Minister and "Mine. Gana, the Argentine
Minister and Mme. Garcia, the Charge
d'Af fairs of Colombia and Mme. Rengifo,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hay, Mr. and Mrs.
Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, Miss
Paunoefoto, daughter of the British am-
bassador, and Mi-s Gana, daughter of the
Chilean nlnister, Senor du Boso and Senor
Bciiitz, scctetanes of the Spanish legu-tioa.
The guests at the French embassy were
the British Ambassador and Lady Faunce
fot, the Spanish Minister and Mine. Dupuy
do Lome, the Argentine Minister and Mine.
Garcia, the Belgian minister, Mr. and
Mm. Loiter, Miss Puuiieefoto, Mine. Bakh
tnetieff. Miss Patten, Miss Wallueh, Mr.
Tower of the Bntish embassy, and Senor
de la Casa of the Spanish legation.
Mine. Mendonca's guests were the Secre
tary of State and Mrs. Olneyandthe other
members of the. Cabinet, ami Senor Ollvcira
Lima and Mine. Lima of the Brazilian
There was but one debutante added to
the social tanks last week, that being
Mh Katie Roach, the only daughter of
Senator Roacli of North Dakota. This
young lady Is the only Senatonnl bud of
the sua son thus far, though Mis Bessie
Fox, granddaughter of Senator and Mrs.
Stewart, is to make iier debut at a ball
on January 5.
Mis Roach made her bow to society at
a charming tea given by her aunts, the
Misses Uoach, of this city, who are a
part of the old District society which
makes the resident circle in Washington so
delightful. The ch butante is tall ami lair
and very graceful She has been educated
111 the best private schools in Washington,
but goes each summer to her far away
home in the land of the Dakotas. Senator
Roach bring a widower his uaughtor will
be ehup'Toncd 111 societv by her aunts,
and promises to lie a great social success
Mrs Audenried gave a handsome luiirh
eor. on Tuesday complimentary to -Mrs.
Mahlon Pitnev, wife of Representative
Pitne.v of the fourth New Jersej distiiet,
the other guests being Mrs Lincoln. Mrs.
Wickham Hoffman, Mrs Henderson, Mrs.
Clover, Mrs Hom-ln and Mrs Mulligin.
Mr. and Mrs i'ttney ate living at the
Nonnanihe and are a distinct acquisition
to the Congressional circle
The ringing out the old and In the new
bus a double significance this season, in
asmuch as the entire bodv of tffiual
society will change with the passing of
the present administration
It is not onlv the President, Vbe Presi
dent, and members of the. Cabinet tli.iL will
go their separate wavs, hut all th .issistnnt
secretaries, many of them great acquisition-,
to society, and well on to a score
of Senators and their families will scatter
I to thirtv two points of the compass.
When Mrs Cleveland stands to receive
the homage of the multitude net Friday
morning, it will be for the last tune, and
everyone will appreciate that rjet from
the dean of the diplomatic corps to the
least representative of the untitled ai d
unclassified public who will pass withiu
the White Ilouao gates.
The lack of physical strength which
will render it imjs-iblc for Mrs. McKm
lc ever to take the place of the present
beautiful and gracious mi-tress of the
White Iloiise is a matter of much legret
to the public as well as to society. While
the official functions are bound to go ou,
it is always a disappointment when the
wife of the President canuot grace them
in per-on and enter into the ol-,e a: d
delightful acquaintance with the world
of society that 1 as marked the reign of
Mrs. Cleveland. a well as that of the late
Mrs. narnson
Mrs Steven-on will assist at the recep
tion next Friday for the first tune in
t,vo years Her place will be to the right
of Mrs Cleveland, thaothera in the receiving
line bing Mrs Olney. Mr.s Carlisle, Mrs
Lamour, Mrs Harmon, Mrs Francis. Mrs
Wilson. Miss Herbert, daughter of the
Secretary of the Navy, and Miss Morton,
sister of the Secietary of Agriculture.
The President stands at the head of the
line and shakes hands with each visitor, as
does Mrs Cleveland and eacli of the Cabinet
ladles The New Year leception. ab well
as the four evening receptions throughout
the season are by the President and Mrs,
Cleveland, assisted by the ladles of the
Cabinet The Vice President and members
of the Cabinet attend as guests, and the
Vice President is expected to be the first
visitor to greet the President promptly at
11a in on New Year's Day.
The members of the Cabinet follow,
after which the diplomatic corps appears
This is the" most btilliant part of the im
mense body, as the members or the corps
appear In unlfoim
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Couit
and Associate Justices, after which Sena
tors and Representatives in Congress,
ex-members of the Cabinet, and ex-United
States ministers are received. The of
ficers cf the Army and Navy arc next in
oidcr, followed by certain District officers,
assistant secretaries, and headH of de
partment. The reception of citizens be
gins at 12:36 and stops at 2 p. m.
The ladies of the Cabinet all hold after
noon lcceptionsattheirhomes and the wife
of the Secretary of State gives a breakfast
to the members of the diplomatic corps at
It is considered tnc correct thing for
women to attend the White House recep
tion on New Year's Day, but not those of
the Cabinet houses.
In addition to the wives of the Cabinet
officers Mrs Cleveland will have nearly
100 prominent; society women to assist
at herieception on New Year's Day. The
majority or these chosen ones will be
wive.-, or daughters of prominent officials
and of officers of the Armj and Navy, but
inani will be selected Horn the resident
families of the District.
There have been comparatively few
imjioitant changes in the diplomatic eoips
since last New Year's Day. The tour
ambassadors. Sir Julian Pnuncefotc, M.
Patenotre, Barou Fava, and Baron von
Thielmann, are all with us, though since
the death of their son last spring. Baron
and Baroness Fava have spent most of the
time in New York, arid the baroness will
take no pare in the festivities -if the
coming season.
The late Charge d'Afi'aires of Argentina
and Mme. Pominguez, although well
toward the end of the list in the ofnclai
calendar, were very prominent, socially
and entertained the smart est people royally.
They have -gone to Paris wheie Mi.
Domlnguez is secretary of legation, and
Argentina is represented here by Senor
and Senora Garcia Meroa, the former
You know
I it all
! But perhaps 3-011 don't
! realize the benefit of it.
3 You know how we heard
J that a big- New York cloak
I manufacturing- firm was R
a dissolving- fartnership K
B" how they wanted to clear x
the stock howweboug-ht P
I it at half price and how ?
I we're now selling- B
Cloaks at Half Price
The finest make, the jjj
latest style and the best '
materials can be bought -g
at one of '"these three p
prices . ft
King's Palace,
812-81 1 7lb Street.
Itr.inch, 715 Mrtidtot jhicp.
having been appointed minister to the
United States in June.
The Austrian minister and his beautiful
wife arc among the leading lights in
diplomatic, circles, and. as already stated,
have recently established a new and very
handsome legation, on Connecticut avenue,
directly opposite the German embassy.
The wile of the Austrian minister is one
of the handsomest women in the diplomatic
corps as well as one of the most c'lariumg
and accomplished.
The Spanish legation is probably the
most conspicuous diplomatic home at pres
ent and is also located in the most exclu
sive part of Connecticut avenue. This
propci ty has not been purchased by the
gover'unent, but has recently liccn leased
bj Minister Dupuy do Lome. The salaries
of all sciietaries andattaches of the lega
tion have recently been, reducod, but not
dcticasittd in numhur.s, and Spain is sup
porting the largest legation in the United
States with the exception of China.
Mine. Dupuy de Lome is a most distin
guished looking woman. Having lived at
court most or her life and being a wouuiu
of strong character and great fascination,
she is a great social power and lias used
her influence to a most appreciable extent
in order to win sjmpathy and help for
her country.
The first handsome dinner of the season
was given by the Minister and Mme. Dupuy
de Lome in honor of the Secretary of State
and Mrs. Olney Just tiuroro the opening of
Congress. Every week since then a dis
'iuguishod tompaio has been entertained,
including the entire Cabinet, most of the
representatives of the foreign governments,
piomiuent members of the Senate and
several of the millionaire private citizens
of Washington.
The do Louies spent the summerat Lenox,
where Madame wus a social queen In the
notably distinguished colony that always
summers there.
Mine Patenotre, the hnudsomo Amer
ican wife of the Frcncli ambassador, has
been living very quietly since her return
to the embassy from her country place
just bevond Georgetown, but will bo tie
hostess .at a uuuibor tif handsome nter
tammeiit.s later in the season.
M1110. Romero-, also .Philadtlphlart and
the wife of tho- Mevicnii minister, is al
ways a popular ..gucstf and a charming
hostess, and must lw5plla,c'edT0ry near the
top of the socialicdlutun irrespective of
the official place of the countiy she rep
resents. "'
Among the younger 'wives of the diplo-'
matte homes must 'be mentioned Mine.
L.10 Amiga, wife of'tlie Guatemalan
minister, and Mine de "Rengifo, wife cf
the chaige d'affaires of Colombia, each of
whom is a notably cha'niiiiig and beautiful
Mme Lao Arriaga is 'a Cuban by birth
but was educated elderly" in Paris, where
she mairied at the ago of nineteen She
K a charming hostess and the devoted
mother of five little children
Miss Annie Gudger, of North Carolina,
daughter of Judge J-C. L. Gudger, Treas
ury Department, is in the city for the
holldavs and is stopping with Mrs. D. Jl.
Graves, 825 Fifth street northwest.
Miss Ethel Camp, of 2118 L street, gave
a musicalc last night in honor of .Miss
Marion Canfieldf of New York, who is a
graduate of WelleMey College. The par
lors were decorated with lose- and, potted
plants. Miss Cauflcld was attired in a
handsome cerise gown of deinaseo silk.
.Miss Camp wore roil silk with black
passementerie; Miss Jecko.bluesilk, trimmed
with white lace, and Miss Huber a black
satin gown. Among the gentlemen pres
ent were- Mr. Freer, Mi Seilioli, Mr.
liarrv Pierce, Mr. Harry ICetner, Mr Os
wald Camp, and Mr. Dwiglit Smith.
Miss Giace F.illniau.'who has been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Beacher Sterns of the
Westminster, lias returned to Hartford,
Conn. "
Mr. D. P. McCartney, U. S. N: and Mrs
McCartney, of 1 204 Nineteenth street, have
returned and willbeatjiomeiotheirfriends
Saturdays in January.
Sneaker Reed has gone to New England
to spend the Christmas recess, stonnimr
.most of the time in Boston.-- Mrs- Reed
and daughter remained at the Siiureham
where they have deliglitfulapartinontsand"
where, Mrs, Reed will leccuve. on.Wednes-
days throughout the season.
Representative Simnkinshas also gone
to Boston for a week and on his return
will be accompanied 'by his sisters, the
Misses Simpklns, who will spend the
season with him in his handsome residence,
1717 K street.
Mr. Hariy Upson Sims, a student of the
Ilarvaid Law School, is.peudmg the noli,
day season with his parents, Assistant
Secretary of the Interiorand Mrs. Sims, at
their delightful home on K, street.
Mr. Sims, like the sons of Secretary
Francis, is a valuable addition to the some
what limited number of agreeable young
men in Washington for tho holidays." He
Is the only cltlld'of ox-Goernor and MrB.
Sims, and particularly, popular with the
Southern contingent ii Washington."
Owing to the continued indisposition of
Mrs. Davidson, the eldest' daughter of tilt'
family, Mrs. Quay and daughters did not
return to Washingtoii'Xor Christmas, pre
ferring to haw Mrs. Davidson and family
with, them at their (Bea.vor home. It is
exported that they wiUbediere for January
1 and will be at home 1612 K street, on
Thursdays through the'seaspn.
Miss VIrgie Bates, of 'lol4 K street, lea
jesterday for Denver to spend the winter.
Hon. James D. Youmans of the Inter
state . Commerce Commission, and Mrs.
Youmans are spending tho week inUuffalo,
but will return for..the 'White House re-
$3.98. $5.98. $8.98.
ception on Friday. Mrs. Youmans will
be at home at the Portland on Wednesday
afternoons throughout the season and will
have for her guu-t through January Miss
Iloyt, a popular belle of Buffalo.
Mr. and Mr. Newbold Edgar or New
York and Commander and Mr.s. Webster
Edgar have arrived in this city to ho
piescnt at the marriage of their sister,
Miss Louise Bonaparte, on Tuesday, and
are guests at the Bonaparte residence, on
K street. Miss Parish of. Piludelpliia will
be the only additional house guest. .
The wedding will lie celebrated as
quietly as' possibleowlng to the deep mourn
ing of the groom elect. The ushers will be
the same as those originally selected. But
the brother of the groom, having been
called to Paris by the death of his father,
the Danish minister, M. Brun, will servo
as best man.
Senator and Mrs. Burrows are enter
taining their nieces, the Missed Peck,. of
Minneapolis. Mrs. Burrows will bo at
home, 1 -10 1 Massachusetts avenue, Thurs
days after January l.
Mrs. Sessions, who has been spending
some time in Washington, sailed from New
York yesterday on La Gascogne for a pro
tracted sojourn on the other side. She
will join her sister, Mrs. Eugene Griffin
of New York, whois wintering in Paris and
proposes to 'devote her time entirely to
Hie ntudy of art.
Justice and Mrs. Shlras are entertaining
a charming trio of school girl nieces at
their residence on Massachusetts avenue,
Misses Call, Kane, and Alice Revnolds,
nil of Michigan. They will remain through
out the holiday season and are being very
of Mrs. Shiras.
Mrs. Gray and the Misses Gray will join
tho Senator from Delaware December 31,
at their Washington residence. The joung
ladies of this family are among the most
popular of the Senatorial belles and will
assist at the White House leception Friday
morning, and also at one of the Cabinet
houes in the afternoon.
The Misses Tod, of this city, have taken
a cottage for the winter at Aiken, S. C.
Mr.s. E. Maynlcke Stillinan is enjojing
the holidays with her rriend, Countess
Marie von Klingsoehr, at Rutherford, N. J.
The fourdauglitersof the British ambassa
dor are all charming and unnffcr ted young
women, who are immensely popular in so
ciety and take a wholesome and active
interest m .all the popular chanties .ss
well as In purely fashionable events. The
Misses Mcndonca, daughters of the Bra
zilian minister; Mis Andrade, daughter
of the Veiie.uelan minister, and the beau
tiful debutante daughter of the Chilian
Minister and Mme Gana constitute the
young ladles in sociotj from thediplom itlc
corps, which maj have a fuither addition
in the person of MKs Mertwago, daughter
of tuo military attache or ltu ta, who ia
not yet been formally presented to o
clety. In the Senatorial circle Miss Brice mkI
Miss Kate Brice are quite the most promi
nent social figures Miss Brice Is r,ai- of
the mo-t attractive belles of Washington.
Now York. and Newport, who has been ex
travagently admired for the past four
Miss Letitin Stevenson, the only rt-m.iln
ing daugl ter in the Vice Presidential
household. Is one" of tho handsomest giil
in the Cabinet, which is nth in attrac
tive young women this season Mias Her
bert ,daughter of the Secretai y of the Navy.
Is the mistress of her father's Uuu-e. and
takes her place with the wives of 'he
other Cabinet orficer.-, and Miss Morton,
the sister or the Secretary of Agriculture.
- Miss Harmon, daughter of the Attorney
General, is an acknowledged belle of 'he
smart resident set, as well as fn offici il
society, and is one of tho most thoroughly
atti active and clever girls ever in Wash
ington society
The pretty goldeivhaired daughter of the
Postmaster General is one of the recent
debutantes and a-jgreat acquisition to tho
younger people in the Cabinet. Mrs. Fran
clshnsaciiarmingdebutantonioce with her.
Miss Boyd of St- Louis, who must also bo
called a Cabinet girl, and who promises to
be one of the recognized belle- of the ad
ministration. Mr- Francis promises to be a very happy
addition to society, and with her six hand
some and manly sons, is one of the notably
mothers as well as notable hostesses it the
Tho'eldest son is still in college ami the
youngest mthenur.sery, and for convenience
they may be divided like the Lears in the
fairy tale and described as ''two large boys,
twosmallboys.and two middle-sized boys "
Miss Jane Fuller, the daughter of the
Chief Justice, and the Misses Condit-Smith,
nieces of Justice Field, are gre.it favorites,
a- is Mrs Aubrey, whois also a daguhter
of Chief Justice Fuller and one of the most
atti active young women in the Supreme
Court circle.
For New Year's Receptions
Order Freund's choice ice Cream and Ices
None finer in America. Also finest Fruit
Cakes and fancy cakes of all kinds. Price
aie m keeping with the times. Freund's,
SIS Tenth street. It
Enjoyable Impromptu Concert nt
the Ilotel Christinas, ijiht.
The guests of Willard's Hotel and a large
iiumocr of their friends were entertained
with, an impromptu concert, in the grand
saloon, immediately preceding dinner on
Christmas evening.
Besides several selections by a string
orchestra, Mrs. N. I). Lewis favored the
.company with two vocal numbers, 4-A
Christmas Carol" and "O. Holy Night;"
Ir. Eugene Coffin, a saxophone sob.
"Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep,"
and Mr.s. Coffin, "Shubert.'s Serenade. '
"Wnshlimtoninns in New York.
Sjxcial to the Times.
New York, Dec. 26. Manhattan, G. O.
True-deli and wife; Metropole, C. Baker,
J. 11. Buckenstcln; Mailboro, N. Weill;
Grand. F. B. Gessncr.K. L. O'Brien; Union
Square, Dr. M. A. Glbston; Astor, G.
Macdonald; Park Avenue, Mis.-, E. Kinney;
Albert, L. D. Landoa; Windsor, Mrs. I.
Sessions, Mrs. 13. 11. Frost; Imperial, J.
A. Penny; St. Cloud, F. J. O'Neil. J. H.
Rice, U. S. A.; Barrett, A. Kurtsch, A.
Elliott. Army arrivals, R. F. Lopez, C.
E. Strong.
MoKlnley Ilobart Club Concert.
The McKiuley and Hobart Uniformed
Club headquarters at No. 902 Pennsylvania
avenue northwest is making preparations
for a grand concert and entertainment to
be given at Masonic Temple on Tuesday,
December 29. Hon. John W. Douglas, fK
Coinmissioner of the District, will pre
side Invitations have been extended to
all 'the reprosontativo citiens of the Dis
trict, and over a thousand tickets have
lM.en sold. Among the prominent talent
which has volunteered its services are
the following well-known artists: Wil
liam II. Conley, James H. Calhell, A. M.
Maltland 'Wright, Prof. Euul L. Scharff's
juvenile orchestra, Mr. Rebstock, Prof.
Waldcckcr, Prof. Arnold W. Meyer-Teeg.
William H. Schol., Fritz Isemann, Ed
Finckel, Alvln Quintcr, Miss Ella B.
Gleeson, Miss Lyons,-Miss Nelloulse Ste-
vens and Miss Bessie-Emery. ,
The New Year
HE festive time will
Drenarinp- for it for
commenced your preparations and discovered this
G Street corner is ready for you.
For the Men.
Gentlemen, a men's store is here, fu ly
equipped with evening wear requisites the
best for the least.
r t for Men's Full Drew Shirts that the
-PI cloihiers call woitlt SI.-jO.
1R Instead nf 'So for Full Dress Bows
U " And $2 for Full Dres Side da.
for good Evctiing Kid Gloves. Sl.fiO for
lr. Both guaranteed- Fitted at our
For the Ladies.
Tho clito of Washington havo patronized
tho Palais Royal for Evening Gloves during
sixteen vear anil why?
The 1897 Stock.
T Plfk forg-ltitt(in Hueile Mousquetaires
"-' in tho correct evening tints for
the coming season.
T1 fif-"" Aspecid price White Suedo
43 1-VJ.J Mousrpietaire Gloves In I2-bat-ton
length, guaranteed equal to
any lieretomrc sdd atS .2.
Tf ff for IG-button and $3.50 for 10
"PJ'vv button bltede Mousqurtaires,
guaranteoil the bedt possible to
produce. hiti black and all
the leauiug tints are here.
Evening Silks.
SI. S'.'.'j. S1.50, i and S-.'.lOa yard for Satin
Diichessc. in pink, nilo, lavender, iellow.
white and creaiu.
vTI yard for particularly good quality of
pl Moire Velour. and not a fashionable
tint is misjiu?.
T 1 Si.So. S2. &M and $3 will purchase S itin
4Jlj UrocaJes that are the best values ever
our good fortuue to secure.
7Cr SI and S1.25 yard for the new even
'Jvi ing ofTcct m Taffeta Mtks. Tho
electric lighted ""dark room" vvtll
bhuwjuu their beauty by nizht.
oven if you make selections -while
the sun la shining brihtly.
Zi Q a yard foi :&g quality Japanese Silks
J27W because of :v lucky purchase. Koto
that all evening colors are here, and
th.it they ara lull 'IT inches wide.
Rare Perfumes.
-He instead or 50c oun-c tomorrow for
'While IIouiu VI ct " imported ai.d col
ti oiled by us. Reware of imitation.
ounce for river's io'er. and li'-ie
w low nrices lor Roser & Gallet's
latent pertuiues.
Palais Poyal
Q and Eleventh Streets.
Hot Blaze in a Drng Store Window
Fixed for the Holidays.
rtdestrians and othors in fiont of a
drug store at Xo 311 Seventh street
southwest. aLout 5.30 o'tiocfc last even
ing witnessed a novel sight in the burning
of a show window As soon as it began
to grow dtiskn clerk stepped to the "win
dow to light the gas.
The owner of the store had caught the
Inspiration of the times and fitted the
window up m a pretty manner for Christ
mas. There were glaring lacts in multi
colored paper and bright little flimsy iltc
orat ons of a score uf designs in paper
and cardboard that made the vv niCow one
of the most attractive in the city Per
fumery bottles and soaps were displayed
as advertisements in the bottom of the
Rut sc-arcely had the clrk ignited the
ga. than the. whole pretty design was a
mr-s of flames The jet had prc-aW
agauistsome of the paper lace that caught
in the blaze The whole "window -was in
stantly aglow as though it had been
sprinkled m powder.
The fire depai tment was summoned, .ut
the blaze was extinguished by tin time
it arrived, but not before the pretty win
dow was a mass of ruins
McKiuley and Hobart Club v.'ill Be
In Evidence March 4.
It was ladies' night at the meeting of the
McKmley and Ilobart Uniform Club. lim
ited, last e.vening, and a large number of
the fair friends of the organization hon
ord the occasion with their presence
It was the largest and most enthusiastic
meeting held since the election, and the
audience was entertained by Mrs Isabel
Worrell Ball, who gave an interesting ac
count of her campaign experiences in Kan
sas, and Mrs. Mam, who also gave a brief
and interesting account or her campaign
The John B. Henderson Drum Corps de
lighted the audience with several patriotic
airs, whieb were rendered with much spirit
Arrangements are being made to partici
pate in the Inauguration parade, on which
occasion the chit) expects to be very much
in evidence- The uniform selected con
sists of a silk hat with a bright gold band
and a cape of dark-blue cloth lined with
yellow silk and trimmed with gold braid.
In line of inarch the fronts of the capos will
be thrown back, showing the gold lining.
A large nuniher of ladies were elected
honorary members last evening.
Upon the recommendation of the Board
of Ordnance and Fortifications, the Secre
tary or War details Lieut. Col. Johu I.
Rodgers. Second Artillery, as an additional
member of Me hoard on the Regulations
of Seaeoast Artillery Fire.
Capt. George L. Scott, Sixth Cavalry, is
orderod.'aiter relieving First Liotit.Wllllam
A. Mercer. Eighth Infar-'ry. from the
duties of acting Indian agent at the La
l'ointe agency, Ashland, Wis., to proceed
to his former station. Fort lellowstone.
Wyoming, for the purpose of turning over
the government property and funds for
which he is accountable. w
First Lieut James L. Wilson, Fourth Ar
tillery, is ordered by the Secretary of War
to take charge of the ep.iir aud tonsuue
tion of public buildings at Fort Delaware.
Del., and Finns Point, N J.
The poles of Jupiter are flattened aimct
exactly like those of the earth. The phe
nomenon can be plainly seen with 'be tele
scope. Exchange.
Palais Royal
soon ba here we have been
months nnst Tt'c tim mn
The lc-iiich-wide Chiffons and Ganze-are in
eluded and never wero tints and effects so
Ssl RO to JS IS yard for the Embroidered
431. wJU Chiffons, looking as if sprirulei
with natural flowers.
7P? and SI yard for the Plain AlVutfc
kJC Chiffons and better qua ity thaa
ever before for tho price.
Ss"? QQ for the new-style Reveres of
P-" iJO Real Iloniton Apptltied on
Moiwseline do Soie. 'lhey .an,,
positive y worth S0JS Imported
to retail at that price.
CM 9c to 523 yard for R-at Duchcss'e.
4M..t. pomr and Bruge Laces and II
per ceit less than usual Drlce.s
.ire promised you.
!i to 523 for Ral Duchesso and Point Lace
P Handkerchiefs every one a bargain,
notwithstanding the prices are not little.
Full Dtesi Underwear Silk Vts aud
Hose of all shadt-s. greatest variety, bpsc
qualities and least prices. io;intl. like brag
gadocio, but we ask you to test every claim.
Tor our "leader" Ribbed &ilk Ves's.
in evening shades with silk lacu
boiom. 31 would bo a little price,
to zS are the priee extremes of our
SIIIc Vo-tr-for choice of the greatest
vjrietyiix Washington.
T1 Q for our leader our Pure Silk
plri7 Ho'je. in h!ac!r. alt the evening
shades. Plain and Ribbed. Sl.'JJ
is not too much for aucb quality.
"7pr to 33 tho price extremes ofonrSHk
1 Jv Hose. Prices gradually rise from,
lowest to highest, and a perfect va
riety is here at every price.
Perfectly legitimate to wear imitation pre
cious stones the owners of priceless gems
do so on occasions.
QQr for imitations of Diamonds, Sap
i3 0t pnire, KmerIds and other jewols,
set as hair ornaments, breastpins.
stickpins, etc See thein-
Opera Cloaks.
Imported garments at less than Europe m
prices the usual fate of these sample gar
ments offered in Washington.
C 1 Q "7C for Sii Opera Wraps, in niio
plO. J green, he intrope and white
with swaosdowa and Thibet
C T K for the 533 Fancy Fur Collarettes, la
P-"J seal, moutQon a id Persian Iamb,
Why 'New York .Indue Refused Char,
ter to Hebrew Organization.
New Tork, Dec. 26. Judge Pryur in
the supreme court today dental the appli
cation of the Agudalh Hakehiloth, a He
brew organization of New York, for a
certificate of incorporation. In refusing
the certificate Justice Pry or says:
"In the certificate submitted to me I
observe that the annual meeting i.t the
proposed corporation is appointed to be
field on each and every second Sunday
of January of each and every year It is
not a religious corporation, and us annual
meetings are for the performance of pre
cisely such secul.tr business as is trans
acted by other civil corporations.
"The question is not whether such meet
ings are illegal, but whether they should
be approved. The act intended is an ag
gression upon the Christian Sabbath, and
the law which scrupulously protects them
m tlielr otiservances of their creed gives
them no license to affront the religious
susceptibilities, of others.'
Col. Fellows Power of Retention a
Marked Characteristic.
The jiower of endurance, both physicaland
mental, was one of the marked character
istics of John R. Fellows. The sensation of
weariness, even after hedeveloped themal
ady which finally ended his life, va a sensa
tion practically unknewn to him. as it is
known to the ordinary man. He could
travel for daws and night with little or no
sleep, and retain his bodily vigor without
the slightest apparent diminution.
Colonel Fellow-, pcx-ys.-etl a memory that
can only tie described as phenomenal. In
the most involved and Intricate mass of evi
dence, abounding In citation- from authori
ties ami filletl with profound legal problems,
he tcoknonnr.es. but depended entirely upon
his power of absorption to review the testi
mony seriatim when the time came.andthis
he did with the most marvelous accuracy.
His memory for quotations and theirauthors
was equally wonderful. Scott was hisfavor
iteand there wasscar-elyanythmgin Scott's
poetical works that he could not recite of f
hand.and continue for hours at a time. One
of his favorite subjects, when called upon
for a recitation wn-s the "Lady of the Lake"
and "Marmion." Each of these poems had
been committed to memory on two or three
Auvnlets the Rage.
A mulcts are the rage i n Paris this season,
hat as they take the form of a pretty gem,
it is an open question "whether the fashion
is due to a growing tendency tosuperstition
or toanlnherenulove of jewelry. The value
of the charm lies in the choice of the stone;
and hereustrology comes into play: thocolor
of the eyeK must also be taken into constd
ertaion. The gems which are opposed to
have themost powerful cabalistic properties
are theopal. the amethyst, theturquoiseand
the topaiC Once chosen and adopted, the
charm must never bo laid aside. Certain
Injunctions also entail tin-necessity of weir
ing it so that it will be concealed from
view a rule which isurobably only rarely
carried out. Lonilon Correspondent.
In Boston.
".Wen't you yoing to wear a tnik vetf
and your black glasses?"
"Why, where are we gomg?"
"To seetheRacchante" Cleveland Piaia
CSuard your little ones against tne prc-
vai'lny- epidemic of DIPHTHERIA by
Usinc AmEPTOS. Excellent in sore
throir. bronchitis, etc.
Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy, j
1C07 H Street If. "W. 3
To: l'TKV. No iiranche. j

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