Newspaper Page Text
z, -" u "v , rgj lcj- TOE MOKNI2STQ- TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, is&w. 3 - ik -T I'.nkcr, ltnilccl & C . Clotliu-rs, 315 Till M. Better select 3Tour Full Dress Suit before the sizes are broken. $20 buys a good one as good a one as the tailors can make you for $30. PARKER, BRIDGET & CO., Cloih.ers, 315 7th St. SSSDG3eSSSSG)GGSXi3GQ3GX3 STOP I wnU-N yom haul - cir-eel inoncv 5" '" Coke the cheap S c-t. most, economical cleinest. w .mil 1 est lucl known ThoucitKti sc d hou-ikcc'icis in W.i-'iugt(m g toliy aio using Coke thin b s? V?" l educing then luel hi ! i u-.hiril " g of wha- it uou'd bo were tlx g burning o htr fuels g 40 Bu. uncrushed Coke, for $2.90 40 Bu. crushed Coke, for $3.70 Sj Washington Gaslight Co., 41.5 TI.MII STKCI.1 N. "it. K Oi Win J Zeh JJ20 20th tot. Phone i') W 6X3SSX3Si QSSSGXEXDSOSXS 3X36)33 SSSI5GSSSSGEGXDSS3S3)GCDGXZ Store, Saloons and S Cafes Lighted by ft Electricity g aie u ore inviting tlian tho-A S 8 hchtt I by g-is Old hive to 8 S look at the most successful 5 onig to piovc tin- tliej arc all nn lighted bi se0 us q 8 .diotit -upplving the euricnt for our place of liu-bus- 8 g U. S. Electric Lighting Go. g -13 1-tth St. N W. 'Phone . e mri a mcelision at pokkr. Queei stakes ANuueicd in n Game Be tween Medlenl students. litifalu Efjua-s. Tin sporty lio tor told tin sion and tin t-jK.rtj Ho toi fan till storhs, ffanybodi thould li.ippen to.isl. you He was sitting Inhisprivutenffict waiting lorlustmp.and the conve rsat on shifted aiound lo poktr games, e SniPv Ihc.uim lltt be okcaM hi tilt urrKv,us(ii toran d witha loi.orchipsand m.( i.U i a ks ol taids "Thi (ik c icstgamoe f i oke i I tMr saw," snldil'". 1 o tor,"wasone 1 1 Lit (1 ill In ii I was a stu li nt One night lemr of us win in ilic disMt tuir loom We 2n drii.u-hcdixpe rimentmg with tliecadav t rt, c had on li.iiid and win vaiting for dinner On of t'u loh suj-gi -nd that we plav ji'tki r " t pi iM-d it "It w.tMi't It nr !x fon "ohk ff tli Ixtjs rainHitof i!)mo 1In nas.t stifiuin., jiimI the mil ti . un s m ithii jnitlnifr up pt r hmialino.iirti 1 liei h tthtlr nai In sand lwiincs-L i, .ind fnnlh .o doiinto tluirdis k-cjmik liivtnimi i ts . iid hjn ( im, n- one of the lx s in partu ul. ii w in laid luck He J'1 .oid'is, hut li id I i n toppt-d with a icrulaiit that nude liim si k at lieart. In half an liom 1 1 1 .id al outi o tiniin he ) ,( s (1 nt tin ainc. and uas 1ioir around for othei x.ll.tKial soon hpotn hi-rfull ifwasthrte ntis.niil.1 p.iirof ('in en iri : iiiiinlM r ex r reitli 1 i.inI. ttmf;aj-ainstiinii,.iiidl had rotiilntletras 1 lut S2ai dtiesai nuwiUi hOtlpul and vni ni two bitter with a naiiiici .iiiia i in mi- lwu ui Lll'i Willi l i lH-Mitirull ili Uid mm ihm n of. i fiiearm 1 raihiHl him right baik.andlhenhewasiiia quails in lit claimed hisi.ird o r v tnt Unoii-'li .ill 1 1 p wkts, askfd imploriugU IfIwouIdt.iki.ini oU wliuh 1 woiildn t, and then sat and thought for a minute isiuldi ul x hi ii iik nibi i d mjiih thing for be told me toAvait a miutiti'.iud tan out of ife loom He fame bn k ith a keliton "w iwefi it had taken him -i months tnaitn n 1st" andthre.v Hon thetabbb l r.u-c vou 1100 told bonis, lie viitl calm' " The .sport. IKm tor-tojiji. d I In n thM in "Vb hi r'udied Anatomv - w-11: "Weir theSport Dixtoripa rn dbaiV jt him Wliat happened?" "'Oh, the skih ton w.i. s'i three nb. to haj iiothinuf.ilot ofl.d-i lei ttiand tiiebit (11(1111 -,0 .u it, faee alue NflVl.l. stlKUKl. I !'. I JXU. Tedium J hi hi Out Mtli a Still, the Hunter Had a sin pi i-c. I'Utlmbljihia 'lati't, It ii'quiii s Mmiodhfroiii tl e.lcrsi shoie 10 limit in an origin d inannor, and the fl loi.Jiig tab portrivs a new aid dicide-dl tnufmicmo.hod 01 killingscpiinels Widne d.13 arte 1 noon Udl J-mith am I.ild Hill, iv.6 ivdl known hunters (r Jts,. siiie .7ctiin, shiHildered tin ii -.tins and -t.u ted tt in quest or j-quiruism shuit .Mount siln, n laimms rrsoit Toi Mr Uusln Tail Jind his kin m ihat mtiinof IMeunmg ciwtnt ar a vquirul eould thei fit d for home time but fui'dK Mmt.i .m a bi. -Tut, lilne k fe How 1 uiinm. along the in-mind, Jitid Hlu 11 he blazed awa at it tin agile jodent siipjKii like rii-h into a hollow tiee Uunk Iving on the ground and v hen the hunters tiled to git at it from one end it s'ijijied out the othi r end and made tor a -.(xtd-sied tiet vhnl it healed a dhtafi e ol fifte en rtt aid plumped into a hole Tlieii hometlim iii'iipie ei-uired The men at the bottom if tie tiee lie.ud the (lattenng or man -rjuiiieIs which appeared to be in (i.n-ultaU n foi fmallv oae 1 ig r-i.n s puiril )pped I' lie id out of 'he hole and peered if t! 1 hunter-, with 11 in ind tlnn di-iippi ired The luintei', sin game Hill alJHiidoncil his uii aiHl aiming hnusi if viUi a Miik Allah he stuil in Jus bolt fonimene 1 d to ihmb the tie l'eaih' lng the hole, he tlimtmed -n i Inane h Then ipoking a stick in the hile hi be gan to saic tlic hquiirils out and out the did come, eveiv out or diem big, lt. juicy and gia felIo n to the Tiiiml)ei of lirtien PmiUi on the ground follow had gieat poit knocking them cm r s thc tued to H.iclt the next tree, and Succeeded in bagyng ier one ortnem Hut soinctbiug else was to Tollow. The banging of .smith's gun made a tcnible iKw-e and awakened to a sni-e of danger honiething more than c oiunioii ordiuar hqti'irelp. for just as Hill was about to descend lie became eonscioas of a pair of savage blight eves glaring at him from i he hole and iius appiinun v,s supple mented bv h Iwdv coveieel with bustling hair. It emitted a savage snail and the bight wasn't a pleasant oim to -witness at such quit tors lldiV hair became sud denlv ei,,t and he hid that mkmg toil jug. for wild with fe.ii lie filed out "Mv God. it's a catamount!" and with a 'lump he laiulcd on teira firma ami started to run. He was halted b a report from .Smith's gun. and iiiuinmg to the scene of his Inght saw an obteci come tumbling out or the tree t. tin ground wink smith, convulsed with lnuglitei managed to ar tloulite, "Div, Hav.v, it's on! an opos- AVcll Imitated. l)oes gold grow?" 'Hie proposition w.ii, a new one to liim It has onl been advanced bv scie utihts ier recentl. -ivrhaps it does." he saiel tlioughtfullv. '.indtliPii,agaiii,perhipsit doesn't Tint's the beautv or these latest Micntiric proim wtioiih Ton can pli tlicm'pitlier wn -willioui running the risk or.inMhmg more than a split." He iet it roll around in his Ih.kI i few ininiit longer and then said ( onridcntiallv to himself "Well, ir it doesn't grow, some people have Hie lac tilt x or making it give a won derful unit ulon or grow ih "-riiu-ago i:en lng Post Iluial Rppaitee. 'A horse is no good .111 more," diclared jjip bjeyclp dealer, rl !e lain an hour and he's tired. "Yes, but one of cr darned machines Is I alius ttrcd before jou Mart to ilde It," replied the fanner, who was Jubt looking around. -Detroit Free Tress. RIDERS AWA1TTHE 5IGML Great Race Starts This After noon at Convention Hall. TRACK HAS BEEN COMPLETED It Is "Ittt'he X.uns to the Mile nml One of the Finest Emu Elected In 'Llils Country Hale "Will Not "Kilter Hitf ltaco Will Give Inhibitions Daily. Tl ' re was hainnierinK and sailing ai-d jiouulln-i In ConenUon Hail from nnJ n'-rnt sfttiirdij until niidniglil Sundnj, wKn the track for the I daj hiejclc race, iliat at J o'clock this after iimiii, w.'s rtMnplited Iwo hour-, later haw all the scraps and tools runOMil I'lid t'i course is now in r adinc-s In itstir tin. tiack is a wondir, ho far does it edip-e the usu il turr courses lor horsis and hiccks a lie bUepnes of these has cia-id to he remarked upon Hut when an alibriuutid track aiound which twilo revolutions must be made j to compute a mile, and which is ton- sfucttd entirilj of wood, is been, a niw iinprtssjon i- inatid upon the onsen, er. C. WllA -hinder, one of the contebt-ints, superinti nihil the construction of the if fair. He. had under him for the tw'ntj four hours a company of fiftj carpinurs. 1 1 1 worl ed like bees in order to Kt, the conisc in readines-, for the inlukij woik skating this morning, and tliej were buru s&f ul. Hullt of 1'ine. I he triiture Is made entirelj of pine. It required 2d,0(Mi feet of luuiher to huild it. It is iiiodtlid aftir tile stjle of 'he l'arimn traiks, and is said to he the fmct eir i' ited in tins country. The truk at Madison Square Garden, whire the rieint si dij race was run, "ini hut little lonpir, tin laps to the mile, and not near! eo iffn tent. Wheelmen Chti mate U expcrmit nt that three miles lo the hour can hi Kahud on thib one oier tlic melropohtan eourbe. The traek is fotirtieii feet wide, and ex tei ds to the outer edge of the ice surface m the jinat hall. At eitlur end of the h ill, win re the short turns are to be mule, it re iiltes an anjdt of nlinost 47 denres. Th it is, the ouur edge of the course is cle.u d to a hi ighl of h Teit and o inches, whMe the liim t edtrc ilescends to t!i floor IcmI. I'rom tl.isi m, inn s the slant uradu ill desei nils tow ird tin middlt of eitli r sale i.r the hall until tin oiiUriloaMou ri.i lies a liiTiit if '1 lut, luetic s, with the Miner c djre still 11.11111.1111111 its h Ml with the floor. 1 he surface of t'ie tnrk is clotaicd vpon a framework of timbers i inclies In du ensioiis The are nothing more or less than scaffolding hae a distance of alx ul tliree feet apart along the bides while at the mils, w In re the turiib are made, thei approach within two feet of each ot'iei The rioonug aboe ib covered with loin to prevent the siijiping of the tires Viol Iding: for Sliateis. AH aiound the innr hide of the course is p'actd a platform two feet in width, and , , . resung immediatel upon the ice Beond tins and foimlug an inner railing for the ndeis.are chairs Tor the aicoinm jdation of skatirs, for it is intended that the skating in the pttl.tie shall be interfered with in no manner A railing twelve inch.s 111 In gin stiToiinds the outer and upper edge of the track. J he large platform at the south end of the hall has been raised its entire ltngth to an additional height of eight reet It is intended that this shall affonl room for the Judges, the scorers and members of the press At thi opposite end of the rink and im mediatilv In front or the emr.uiee to th hall a hridtre has In 11 raiid high atove the track with doubli rows ol btairs Hiding up to eithtrind It w ill be the me ins of ingress and tgross for bkatcrs onthenuk Withallttu m w eous-auptioti or spice a surface of 16,000 square feet of ice et rein im5 As his alreadv bun anuouucid, tlier will be tvvuve st irtirs in the contest The beginning will be made Ironi the center oi the 1 ist iele of tin track uidtiu spin will follow to the lift Arr lngementb have dri'.id , bt c nmade forthc picparalion of ic-od fir the ridei tint will be taken en route, and thi ill be hinded to them as thev bowl along the side 1 paiises where tlie course appro ichPs in a rest a level Hidem All Hoi o. Tlie ridi rs will be as gavl dressed aa the jockiis in a horse nice 11 ich man wears some garment illustrative of his 11 ition ditv, and larce numbers, the kcS to which will be round in the program, will -ervi , as in other race s, to lecp the ob -ervr lostid upon the illative positions or the mm It is sud tint Mm IaMton wears tlie Wdsh coat of irms on his hri iht and thi crest or the Prince 01 Wales on his hack The backers of inch man will have wheels in readii.iss neai the track so that the least possible time m.i be lo-t in c.ise of accident There will be a fmrei for (.ich rider It will be his dim to tallv mrj lap madebv hischampinu.aud a hook hashun espeenllv prep 11 ed bv Manager Tower-, lor this pin osc The books are arranged vvilh a maximum limit of 1,100 miles, several hundred 111 excess of the present world's iec ord for similar races All of the wheelmen saM Henr John son, or Cedni House, L I , had reached the cif latr night "Teddj" Hale and Cddie Hald were among the last to arrive Almost all orthec ontistantb an quattered at Cobb's Hotel Hale, the vvmiiir of the Mnditon Square Garden 1 ace, emu in from Niw Toikati o'clock estirda artcrnoon and was present during the complttion or the prepaiatioiisatConvi.ition Hall last night He ib looking in the best oT health and saj s hCnev er felt better. Hale "Will Xot Race. Hale is Englibh in appearance, action ai'd acdiit. He hinokes a pipe almobt m cess.mtl when not engaged in work and h is an eiastic tread tliat readil disclos's his uimbleuess or action He is slight m build and not above the medium height It iv 111 be a biirpnse to almost ever one, however, to learn that he will not tase part in tlie race. He had ueeu entered b his trainer, Plummei, but after his in the cit vesterdiv the Welhhman an nounced th it he was not able to make the fight after the recent 01 deal of the Madison Square Garden race. He will be been at least twice each dav, though, in vuneof the practice work that lie Ins been doing at two or the New York theaters siiK.e the close of the race in that citv. When seen at tlie rink last night he said "I have careful! examined the track and I want to sa that it is an excellent one 1 think it far superior in man wajb to the one we had in New York I also like the plan of eight-houi racing and think that none toolong Toran experience d man to lemain on a wheel Of cour-e I, like the lest, was prctt sore after tlie last big race, but I am all right now." Bald came in from Buffalo ypsterd.i and last night he, too, vvaS SlOODa to look at tlie track. He aid that he was in j excellent condition also. Commencing Suffered Long Now He Is Well, For He Saw Dr. Young. v cr rcw- men are 1 ettor known or more lilghl lesjiectcd than Mr Jolin HcKcnna, the contractoi, whose place of business ib lll'J Uhht foiutli btreet northwest Mr McKinn.i be came a lesidentof Wash ington in 1851, and has resided here ever since He hab this to s.i of i)i. Young's tieiitmeiit "When I placed mself under the care of I)r Young 1 slort time ago I wan but .1 shadow of 111 former biir Mv health had hi en failing Toi eurs I coughed iuccbbautlv and was becoming moic and more emaciated evei da M ncivous h.vstem was eompletil 11111 down There was a continual dropping of mucus into mv throat and mv nose was alwab stopped up M ppitttc was poor, everv attempt at eating nauseating me I was steadil losing flesh, and was unable to attend to 111 business I dcspiircd of ever being well again Tod n J can truthfull sav. Ihat Hr Young has made a well man or me M cough and all nt aches and pains have vanished I can not mi ak too lnghl of Dr. Young's pio rcssional abilities ' DR. YOUNG, Cor. 12th and F Sts. Ofllco IIouik IJulli IO 10 a; every I burs el.t o-enlii, 7 to , Sumluy, IO lo 12. Charges Low, Especially to the Toor. All Medicines Furnished Free. CONSULTATION 1N Vl?-1?tn ltx FREE with tonight Bald will begin his attempts to break his own and other records Individual Ilaclng;. The races will ilose at 10 o'clock each evening and the hour between that and the closing or the hull will be devoted to nding b individuals Bald will tonight try to break his hair mile indoor record He will be paced b a tandem ridden b James Warburton and Sam Linton Tom Linton will also ride tonight at the close of the regular feature. He holds the middle distance championship of the world, that is, tlie championship in distances between eight and rift miles He will this evening run a five-mile course in an attempt to beat his own record of 12 minutes, 3G 3 5 seconds at Madison Squire Garden One of the most remarkable features to be Kten during the week will be the running or tlie quad Tour riders will mount it, seated in the following order from the rront James Warburton, Sam Linton, Tom Johnson and Tom Linton The machine will be paced around the track several times this morning, while todav and on tlic succeeding mornings of this week tiic riders will visit the traek for dill practice M wager Towers has given up his ovn orfici at the palace for a dre-sing-roon for the wheelmen Heh.isiiioved'iUpffiee into one of the ladies' parlors for the weik Hotting; on the Huce. Alreadv ever manner of betting las begun on the race. It Is said that "Waller, one of the racers, has woj,eied goc d monij that he will be able o main tain an hourl average or twent one mile's Tor the whole six davs Such a pace would bring the aggregate number or miles covered np to 1,008 Ashinger, the present holder or the championship record in similar races, made but 73J miles in Boston in 1SSJ '1 here is gi neral hi In r, how ev er, th it the winner in the coming lace will mark close to 1.000 miles in the finish, and it is not dlfricultto find iuoiip speaking that w.i In ndelition to wagering on tlie outcome of the main race betters have found an almost limitless field in the scores of events that will come along with it. The late trains last night brought in sporting men from other cities who ary interested in the outcome or thr pnsiut cv ent.nnd it is belb v ed th it t ie ntti ndanee from the beginning of the race will be ery large WASHINGTON GOLF CLUH. Animal Touiiiaineiit for the Presi dent's Cnp HeKliis lodnj. The links of the Washington Oolf Club, near Rossi mi, will be the place of gathering toda of the members of the club for I tie beginning of the annual tournament in the handicap match pla for the valuable President's cup Tlie tournc. which be gun, todav, will continue through tomor row , Wednesda and Thursdav Members who wish to enter will report at th clubhouse at 10 o'clock thib morn ing, as the final drawings will be made there at that time, and pla will begin as soon thci carter as practicable On the last da of the meeting tin re win be a "medal pla," also a handicap four some" in itch for silver cups The en trance fee Tor the latter match will be $1 for each plaer One of tlie rules of the club is tint all scores must he witnessed b at least one number and delivered to tie steward on the d i of the pli These annual ev ents, for the President's cup cspiciallv, bring out a large field or entries, and the t ournament this ear prom ises to be of unusual interest, on accojnt of the large number or excellent plavera now contained in the club membership S"NOHD P.VrLRlS IO MlT. fceiies of Contests Arranged for New Yefii '& Afternoon. Tlie interest taken in the recent contests or swordsmanship is evidenced by the rait th it another series ormietingsof the same nature has been arranged to take place New Year's afternoon, at 2 30 o'click, at the Brightwood Driving P uk Lieut W C Barber, late of Her Majest's Horse Guards, will meet Farrier Davie in a match of sword versus baonct Mr. DaMS -will be mounted and anni d with a s iber, tv hile Lieut Barber will be equipped with a gunnndbaonet and fight on root Capt Duncan C Ross will meet Corporal Nelson B High on l.orscbick, both men to be armed with sabers Another bout with swords has been arranged ror Sergt Mer with some foreign contestant et to chosen All combats will be iollowed to a Imisli Prizes in the aggregate sum of $S00 w ill be distributed among the winners Window -Glass Woi Iters Elect. Anderson, Ind .Dec 27 --Vdvices from Iheplpptinn committee of the Wbidow G!as, Workers national election committee states that James Perkins, ot this cit, is elected Western w age committce.n in Tor tw o c ars CliarIesBrant, who holdsrhiMiriice another ear, is also a resident or Anderson Paul St Peter, of Jeanttte, Pa . Is elected national secretary. Deafness."" relieved instanti o using the WILSON COMMON SKN'BK EAR DRUMS The in vcntor(Mr Geo II. Wilson) w ill be in Wash ington at the Will ird Hotel, Dec 60 audSl, rrotn 0 a. m to 5 p. m , and 7 p m. to ') p in , ror the purpose or showing and explaining the merit ol the drums to my one dcsin.if. to haTe ClTeif 6tv if oflhcir friends' hearing restored The arc abso lutel invisible, safe and conifortablc, and have no wire or stiing nttnenrnenfe Ask .Or CHI 141-page book on dearmss. Con s.ltation free. WILSON UAH DRUM CO., ll'J2 Broadway, New lork, Louisville, Ky. tSc(J(S)J)5$g(&&(33S(J)SiJc&2''5 A Big Difference Between some ready-jnatle clothing stocks and ours. With us the cloth, fit and ? finish are as sure as with a j & tailor. There's a big dif- fereijce in the price, too We sell a GOOD Chinchilla J Storm Coat worth $ 12.00 3 and over for'7.20. I LOEB & HIRSII, I 910 912 F St. I s5S)3sS)SScSsj$ts31(25sss)3s BIG TRUSTS JSRE AT WAR Sugar Combine Makes a Move Agaiust the ArbucKles. 1 1 Said to Ilirve Offoied to Huj the HiKest RoaHtliifr Plant iu the West. Chicago, Dec. 27. The war between the sug ir trust and tin Arbuckles has invaded Chicago tirritor. Tlie trust, it is said, has approached the officers of one of the large coffee roasting plunts of the Wcbt with a proposition for the purchase of tlie same, and the war between the two big concerns appears destined to spread in definite!. Tlie first intimation received in Chicago outside or the immediate parties to the negotiation!- for a Chicago plant, came estcrda 111 a circular ibsued b n New York sugar house, which is considered of tlie highest authorit in sugur circles, and w hich stands close to the sugar trust. Coming from such a source the state ment is considered reliable, and as un doubtedl emanating from within Trust circles 'iho btatcment was as follow s "'Ihere is ver considerable talk about tlie American Sugar Refinery Company having bought the controlling Interest iu tlie Aoobon Spice Conipan of Toledo, the second largest coffee roasting plant in tho United Slates, and there are rumors of negotia tions ror the purchas" of the plant or W I" McLaughlin & Co , at Chlcogo, the third largest plant in tlie United States 'I hee pure liases, it mndci are no doubt mused b the iclion or Arbucklc Bros, who are leported to be pushing Teirw ird plans and contracts tor tlie erection of a 2,000 barrel capacit sugar refiner in Brooklii " The statement was shov n "W 1' Mc Laughlin Cbterda He would not dmv that such negotiations had bem broached b tl e sugar trust people , but stated that he was not in a j option to talk about it He said, however, that his plant was i ot for sale, as he considered that he could make as much moni out or it as an one could He concluded the Interview with the bigniNcant statement that, of course, rigures altered i.ihs and that while his plant was not lor sale hi eould iir!igine circumstances under which oinc color might be lent to such a Mute mint as ap pea red in the rnqular "bniie New Yoik bugar authoiitJ , Wholesale grorirs ot tbis.citv are ab solutcl in thc-tkirk nlatlve to Hie iiiom nients ot the opposing rorcis In this right, as the have no direct dealings with those pnmanlv concerned However, the traele here Is wondering which' side will prove the stronger, as the rig'it incldintall un settles the entire eotidi'ion of the sugar trade. Sundaj tonceitnt Kei nun's. A concert was inv en at Kernan'sLce nn Theater last night b I sham's Octoroons. A rair audience evinced gnat appreri tti jn of the singing b enthusiastic encores. 'J he first part embraced famill ir melodies and centime ntal billads ' OldKcntuck Home," b Madah Her, was excclleutlv rendired, and the chorus b the co'mpanv was virv crrcctivc 'I he Mallorv Brothers pleased with a musical specialt. Fred J Tiper, the baritone, gave a selection in artistic stIe. Madam Scott sang ' Nearer, My God, to Thee." Irving Jones, the come dian, made a few funii remarks and a grand chorus concluded the evening. lurliish Refoi ins Agreed "Upon. Bcilin, Dee 27 Ri liable advcies from Constantinople sa that the agreement of the powers for the enforcement or re forms in Turkiv is complete with the exception of the matteis of the methods to be pursued, and the time of putting t'ie measures of coercion agreed upon into operation Junioi UasUetball Games. The foin th game of b isketball in the series to be placd bv the Junior teams or Carroll Institute and Washington Athletic Club will bo placed at the gvmnasiuin of the latter, and not at Carroll Institute is announced Tlic el ite finall rixcd upon Is Januar 7. RLSCXLD MY '1IIK SALVATIONISTS Noonday Incident While State Stieet Crowds nuirieel to lamcheoii. Cmcago Chtontcle. An cxtraorditur incident happened on State street at noon .vesterda The thor oughfare was crowded with bhcppci s, and as it was the noondav hour thousands of clerks w ere hui r.vingout of shop sand stores to different lunch rooms Neai the corner of Jackson btreet a branch of the Salvation Armv has engaged the second floor or a acant building and there the dail hold a series of meetings To liven things up a band of tvventv pieces, called the Colum bian Band, plaS livel airs from lime to time The band was plaving efiterda and a oungman in a red sweater was distnbut ing cards to the hun vmg pe destnans and urging their presence at the meeting A middle aged man w as standing near b He was muttering incoherentl to li'mseir and few wercpainganv attention to him, When suddenh he uttered an enrpieicing scream Then railing on his knees and as sinning a praerful attitude he el!ed at the top of his voice "Take him awav He shan't h ive me. I fooled him, ves, I fooled him, the thief " In an instant the street was in .in uproar People rushed from all directions to where the man still knelt, pleading, cursing and praUngalternatelv, and formed in a circle about him Tho policeman at the corner pushed through the crowd, and seizing the poor wretch was about to drag him to the patrol box, when one of the Salvation Ami bes interfered "He belongs to us," said the. Salvationist "The poor man issimplv crazed bv drink Leavehim toourcare We'll be responsible for him We mav redeem him, save him " The policeman hesitated "Come with me," said the soldier of God to the rum crazed wretch And gentl, but finnlv, this modern good Samaritan led his new found brother into the meeting room abov e. Two minutes later even the policeman had forgotten the incident, and the crowd had vanished Tender ITenrted. Landlad You look at that coffee as if ou'd like to thro.v it out or the window " Boarder 0, no,I never abuse Ihe'v tali Detroit Fiee Press. Junker Families Gradually Mon opolizing German Ollices. SERVE AS SECRET POLICE All Army Officers Aro of Noble. Miith and No Public Place Is Too Menial for Wiecke elAribto ciats Coming; Kluctioiis Aious ing; Gieat Interest. Copjrl.-.lit, 1870, by the United Associated Pres-jts Berlin, Dec 27 The pretensions of tlie German aristocrat, especiall the arm officer, recruited as he ulwajs is from the cr families, to be treated as of a divinelv constituted caste, are undergoing the severest exposure and criticism from the progrisslst and hide pendant press Tlie question Is being discussed whether the arm Is national, except in tlie seiiae that the people contribute the rank and file, pa the inonej to support it, and allow the aristocrats to monopolize ever postabovethatornon commissioned officer. The notion that a career or advancement is opcD to ail man of abllit applies least or all to tlie Prussian re iiiients Progressist papers anal zing tlie condi tion of the arm show that in fort six Prussian regitnenu there are onl officers draw Dfiom the nobilit ,tharintliecavalr, with 17d orficers, onl one can be re garded as taken from the bourgeoisie, and that in the artillcr there is also a single isolated and probab! most imcotnrortabl situated orfici r, wl o doc s not belong lo what is called n "noble fatnil " Extends Hey ond the Armj . This grasp or caste upon office extends leond the arm Into the lower regions of administration, where It might be sup posed the Junker would not seek etnplo inenr. Since the Tauseh process opened to the public view some of the secrets of the secret lwllce service, it has been ascer tained that the grciter number or the political police orficers are like TaiiKh and Luctzow, scions of aristocratic fami lies. The same preference extends throughout all branches or the administration The dead beat aristocrat, the ruined spend thrift, and other w reckage of the upper cl iss, find refuge in some government post The Kaiser Wilhclm I emtenar fetes begin on March 22, which dav will be officiallv declared and everv where ob served as a national lolida. The Coining riectiems. The coming general elections Tor the Austrian Reichsrath are most seriousl interesting all parties in Germanv The dissolution appears likely to take place without the prime minister fount Badeni having decided upon issuing a i rogram, upon which the elections can he contested He is practical! sitting on the fence and watching whether Clnicals, ami be mit -, (.ci man Libera s ippv gain strength ough to be worth cultivating a mtn en isternl supporters Pketgid when he Pntered office to op pose the ami Semites and to give at least a liberal tendenc to the ministerial pulicv, Count Badeni now awaits upon the result of the elections and franklv causes It to be known that the govern ment will build its program on the charac ter of the new Reichsrath He will shape his policy according to the majoiit, and as ever informed Tore cast blows the coining Reichsrath to be Clerica" and anti Semite, the next Badeni ' pohc must be reaetioiiar. The new progresslstGi rman partv , w hos platfonr can be summarized m.t few word as German soiltaritv, libera!, economic, and social reforms, is conducting an active proiiaganda.. which bids fair to create i political group so formldabl as to make it an important Tactor in the i ew hou-e llffeet of McKinlej's Election. Der Conrektionaer assirts that 300 Ger man factories have resumed work suite McKinle was elected President of the United States, and that about 300 r.ictones ha.e increased their hands, 'ihe ractories resuming include twent eight woolen goocS mills, fifteen cotton goods works, twenty throe gentlemin's outfitting works, and eighteen carpet r.ictonea All of these had been closed for several cars Prince Bismarck gathered around liim at rriedrichsrulie on Christmas Da his entire famil , consisting of Ins son, Count Heibert Bismnrek, Ins wire and child his son, Count "William Bismarck, his wire and ctildren. his daughter, the Countess, vou Rantzau, and her husbind, Count vou futAiu.and hisphsiciau and ponridential friend, Dr Schweninger, who arrived .it rriedrichsrulie on Tucsdav The ex chancellor is in exctlle nt liealth considering his advanced age, and takes walks in the park sui rounding his castle dailv Christmas presents directed to the old chancellor arrived at Fnednchsrulie on Cnnsimas D.i rrom all parts or the world Empress Frederick, who is now visiting hoi son. Prince Henr or Prussia and his wife, Princess Irene, at Kilel. will arrive in Berlin on New Year's Lvc and remain six weels Hei ma jest las promises to attend the principal court Tetes during the season, and will heiseir entertain lavishlv Empress at Merlin. Among her guests in Berl.n w ill lie Prince and Princess Henr of PrussU, t'ie Prince and Princess of Saxe Meinmgon.and Prince and Princess Frederick Charles of Hesse Xaspl Throughout the present session the court of Empress Frederick will be the scene of the most brllllint receptions, that hive been held there smce tlie death of her husband, Emperor Fnderlck III, on June 15, 18S8 Prince Hohcnlohe, thehnperialch mcellor, will celebrate his golden wedding on Fe bru ar.v 2G Tlie accouche ment of the c-nnnn (for merlv Princess Alixof Hesse isexpectedto be about the end of Januar It has been arranged to have the event occur at Tsarskoe Sdo John Gregorj Smith, of Vermont, is among the Americans Msiting Berlin Miss Leonora Jack-on, tlie American violinlste, recentl performed at a con cert in Krolls Theater and was especially honored b the presence of the empress NON-UNIONISTS 2,1 AY" STRIKE. New Phase on the DocR Tionbles nt Hamburg. Berlin, Dec 27 The strike of the Hamburg dock laborers is likely to as sume an entirel different phase. The non union laborers, w ho li iv p taken the places of the strikers are Themselves threatenmi' to strike rnlcss the are paij 7 marks a da for da wcr and 11 marks for night work. The liav e already made demands upon the eniploers for the pament of these rates, and have been inrorined that they nia expect the same resistance to their exactions that was given to the old hands A meeting of the strikers was held on fcaturda, which was addressed b a num ber of speakers, who advised the men to continue to hold outagainst theemploprs In the meantime agents oJ theemploers have sounded the local agents of tlie strikers in regard to arranging terms of settlement of the disputes upon which the btrike was made. Pries psr ca;e 24 pints, $1.00. vQmj Washington Brewery Co.'s ; Famous JFOTTttTJHl .A-jSriD IF STS. 2sT. IEL A Any Overcoating in our house zue shall make to III Cat your measure built slyl-. Of f P X isJl ' o perfectly for VllvX They're worth 1S, 'Z S23 ami S30. HERTZ & MERTZ, $Jf5.0f 906 F. Hi: l,n,l IN PIII'AIRN 1 he Island's Ii evident Makes a Visit to This Count! y. OaLlaiid iorropomltiil hatt Francisco hjcitMuxr. The captain and crew of tin inissioiiarj brig Piteaim were received at tin Seventh l).i Adv enlist coIom in JakIanl l.istiught anil were given an mrm-ii-al reioption. This afternoon the niis-ionurli s, atte nded babbatl. serines and during the evening expernmis on the trip v i re related. the Pitiaint hid Jus returned rrotn her firth annual c ruisi among the islands in the South Sea. Capt .1 K Graham and his Lrew sailed out or Oakland liar nor on Ma In. He has made the rounds of the mission stations and has exploited new- fields. The brig lias gone into w in ter quarters. n interisMiig offuial came upon the Piti.t'ru, in tlie person or Hon. J R McCo, pre-ideni of Pitcairn I-Iand. He is the rulir of that little colon awav dov u I'resultnt soutli, and his vvor.l is la'v. Mc' has i.U) subjeel- under him who are ruled bv a parli line nt or seven men. T liese mc n are elected everv .larand they select the president. The parliament make tlie law , which are then aunrovid b the president Mr iMcCO i- eliicr of tie department of jus tire and pas-cs on east -5 where there -a controver-v All nis subjects are i . nti.r I i i nthiii ' mi th. Lsl.i.lll II- earned on bv ihe Joo..,rat,ve P" 1 Ihe president wa- lorn on the i-lanel and ; has been chosen ruler Tor several eurs j "When the missioiiarv briglandedat Pitcairn, President McCo, who is engaged in tnis- I sionar.. work, left affairs of state in charire 'of the vice pre-idi nt and made the tour 1 of the island- with Capt Graham It ns in inreiirioii to land at the -New IIcbnUtN or .anla tril MmuV taWMl a ln,sb on there among th and i- tlie nativis I and then vcrk his v.av bac.. to hi old 'home. It was learned, 1 ow ever, that i the wild men of the south i-nM. still eon ' slder white people an excellent article or diet, so President McCo postponed hi ' stav one ve r. j i'residui Mdov found that the knur still reigns on Pabnertson island and all J liiosiibjec'sar memtier-sortheroiairamilv In explaiinni; his disco. en on this island, j Mr McCov tells an interesting ston The island is a long distame rrom an roup and is ven lonelv The Pitciiini dropjied anchor and a pari, was sent ashore to explore the island the had been on land but a short time when President McCoy met tlie kmsr, who announced that he was tlie ruler of the isl mil lie w.isarull Weeded white man ai d what was more astonishing to the explorers, thev foil-id thai even bode, on the island could speik the I n-.-lish lang uage riie kin w is round to be a hale and Iieartv. jollv good fellow, and his subject- were all prnspt roils Kiev tdltd tlie sod and area seir sustaining people There were rort-rivc men, women and cluldrn on the roll as subjects of the king, and tins included everv bodv em the i-Iand strange to sa, everv s ibjectis related to the ruler Ihestorv or how tli sold fellow lame to rule o i this island i s a r,m e r one ," said President MiCov tolav I have the storv riom his own lips v ears ago he left his In mi in 1-iigla.ul and kro ked about tl e v orld as a s,. '()r F.nallv he desertid In- ship ard tc ok re ruge on om or the islands where theic were a Tew natives He learned the linguage and became a gnat r.iveinte with tin people One eli lie Mice ted two native women tor Ins wive with th in he lexattd on Palmer-to i Is md lliev wne tliej first inhabit nits f the i-lanel so far as j I know The old sailor wmt to raising J eocotnuts His ns grew up and the wanted vives Their rutin r fitted up a sin ill -ves-el and awav thise sons went to the mart st i-lanel ..nil gor themselv, wives Tin population or thi i-land om menccd to increase vei rnpidlv, until now of the fortv five inhatutauts iviry one is relate d to the sailor king "Dov. n m Pitcairn, w here I pri-iile as president md chief of tlie dipartnunt f justice, everything goes ilotig smoothlv. It is the ideal wav for ptople to It re, tor it is a case of everv bocH for his neighbor. Our parliament or seven makes tlie laws and elects a president Thi re is no s,n.i ned office on the island In f.ut. vje do not deal m morrc and there is no tireii lntmg medium on the island One man does all the trading and thin a division is made. No one on the island is allowed to get ahead of his neighbor. "While we fl tlie English flag, still we receive no instructions of .inv kind from the government. I started out to take a missionary trip and went to Tahiti Island, Ruratomra. Palmerston, Samoa, Tonga, I iji. New Hebrides, Banks and Santa Cm 1-laniN I intended to establish a mi's on at New Hebridis or "jnta Cru, but I found the people too w ild. "There are on! two white nun on the whole group of Santa Cni7 islands A Mr Forest started a mission, but lie has given it up and has gone into biisme-s. He has an assistant and both of them have had any narrow escapts from being killed bv the natives I shall visit in Oakland until our M&sel h aves again, and then I will return to mi old heme and resume duties on the island " CBAKGi:r) AVI I U AIAGNK1 1"M. Hoy Who Excites Wonder of the Community by His Povmm s. nnin Herald and Adcertiser. Tlie good people residing hi tlie vicnuty of Roscoe, Ga , ire much excited over the remarkable manifestation of a strange power or a thirteen- ear old boy rut mil William Thomas, who with las gran'l mother about three mile east of Roscie, on the ro.ailleadingto Palmetto On V, edneea da night of last week the little fellow sought his couch at the us'tal hour of re tiring, but Just as he was dropping off to sleep he was aroused b a violcntshaktng of the bed Thoroughl startled b the strange sensation, he sat up and endeav ored to ascertain the caase of the commo tion That the disturbance w is not due to human agency was apparent, and calling to the other members of the family he ex- cltcdly told them what had occurred They or a Dark Brew. A Tonic for These Chilly Days. Nourishes the Bcdy Warms the Blood. Delivered to families in unlettered wagons. vver incredulous at Tir-t and induced him tej ret irn to bed In a sti.,rt titn- th.- singu lar m iiiirestatiotis were repeal el, and with more violence than berrp In,- household was In a st te of p mlc and alarm Itbe came evident that some unseen force was at work, the umaiiny demonstrations v.ens mg only when the- little fellow- would ;et up and leave the bed Tlie next night the bedstead rolled and pill heel riom one side of the room to the other, the combined e rrort-s .r tUt ej or roiir stout men being unable to holel It in plate On Friday night the e asters Were taken orr andsev eral chairs propped against it to make it steady, but thf moment the ,0 wtth-cl hirnseir o.t on the mattr.-ss ie b'-dateaU legan quaking and swaying aneir'nall overturn!! th chairs .tn-i sw-nt out into the middle of the room Each night for more than a week Una strange performance-haslu-e-i. repeate d, and the msten is vet HiiM-Ired Dr. HcmmI of Roscoe has beiu called ib .nd i- n.akinpra j carif,d studv of the ,.'st. Hi has visited me- o) iwice- upon eaih examination te fiHiiel traces of fever and evuie&ee-' of nervou- exhaustion Whether these coatll lions are dm to the ixpt rienefc- thr.nigd w Inch thelittlefe How has jmed or whether the have some intimate oniit-itMin with ihe- remarkable manife-t.tiiis described above he - iiii.tblt to i. ten. ne la the meantim e excitement Im not abated n the least 'he t range jitienorrenon forming; lhe T"' J""'1' j orho. The bov see,,,- ra in the rather an- noved than pleased at tlie citneKv w me-h i lie ha- aroustd and e-vinci - httie Ischna- ' tion to talk concerning hi- j. cuiiar pow er Mere inagm ti-m alone dies n t explain , such ociurnncis as these To aM him a ii ignetic boV'and leave ite uiauer thete is to ka-e it in Re- hind the phv-ical n.amf. statu n is aa m- i telhge nt operative cause worHBg wrtha peirpose and having an .jttt in view-. S.PAHHOU MIICII GOP 1 II'ST. Drank Toe xiueli hanipuLTiie and Had to He cared for by His Mate-i. PhthuM pit ia Tiw I chaiiced to -ee a queer little episuda (-terdiv in which a party of Enghsl -parrows were the deters At the hack door of a little saloon dun n on street a bottle or e hHiupairne had be. a br-itteii. mt -I'isiiu -iuii running or .rl w lcetmg in puddle-, on the brok. ii -lone p.ive ment Ju-t about the turn-1 i h-iiH.ed along a iibiquitous voung sparrow , per'uipb ih,S ex..eil on plea-ure btnt. boppe-l doivn rrom the sidewalk and stu k hi- mv. sfrsat mg beak imo one of these wine puddles ov deponent eloe- not sav that -pn-ows In general ire tippl r ,,,. ij, voang fellow vva-, no doubt, taking his fis-st'iiriH;. ror the stuff flew to his head in,uiay andpreuv -oon he was dune up ..lm-dei-i. I v.. itched lum for a few m.m-at5 riopjHB and lopping abiHit on the sulevv ,dk wonder ing wo t -otini ikippeu next, when il.wn lii'te (I two . ther little sparrows who (ri dentlv came to -ee what was up The-y lost no tune m takrig is the sit iiaticn, either, Tor betweeH tiiai;rmg and chirping at their tip-v friend anil -nwll-mg the champagne puddle they aiipeartd to comprehend matters The two held a caucus ior a few minute- after thir in-vesti-nt-on- ce a-ed an' then w im a migbtv ritifenng or wings and peeking of beaks they diove the tips b-rt t the raaeittft md dumped him over in the gutter. At lir-t I thought thev would mwrdei shejor tit I pit httle re! low, but ir. (u be-eRIIWtf evident that thev were lakm-r the only means In their pow ei to r.sii-t lintebtm. rf,r prc'stniiy came up a-otu ('nutria - k trn .inT vriwh i r ti. -,.. . v u. j j,,j on the whole nrettv ste.idvo-ihs - Uniikiiit; ci rvin iu v-,.eV i we r. u dow n to tl e I-rt nihinarke t. tt ended to my busbies., and came tack, havipg teenahuns ivv Hours golic.llul s.,!to..etVfeJe three little spomw -t.imbug , the pav meiit just where I leitthem Wcm!,-r-uig wiiae ii..oinio i.. i't and was pri's. iiI , warded bv - etug attntlr sparrow nv down and j in the., ther- Then ii- i IUH..I? v ( iHrt rug n I jhPh..v; .ttlie lurd that had liin drank, .md smeHitts t the w me puddle, and bird Ne. ! Hew jw,;. IU and bv still allot tu rone came, the sm pri e 4 img rem nieel for hmi, anti by Hun Pine I was coiivnited th it the 1 x-h three iiadt.icen rp the irsta;ion bv the d-rrs liquor te warn others a;un-t foiwa im9 temptation. ir all the tippler- wi re is human as tfeis one t In re w ould he . di ai It ss etrnnrceMni- und sorrow in tlie world sIIOl-s. WhliKN'l JIAIlt.. Dai k t Icisft and Not I'llUIIlpugu tlie Cnu-e. A prominent attorney came downtown Tuesday morning ven much at peace with himcir and all mankind H. h.e enjoved a good breaker, he was irrepmacliablv dresacd and his digestion was in admirable trim. He hadn't bun m ids oriue but a few mtnutes when a caller eiroppc d in. Greet ings were exchanged and the caller sat down. He had been sitting pi rhups thirty -tc-onds when a loot of astoiusliiwML rutted anos- lii rue. say,'' he abruptly remarked, "wherr were you last evening? "At the cIiib."answereUhe.tit?ter. "fet.i lute.'" ' Xot particularly. '.Vhj . "Ch impgne gargle." "No, there was no gurgHnj; al-ut it. A hat's the matttr with vou?" People on the ear sum mtere-ted f your appearance tin- morning? "No; why should tl ev In'' "But you know thev were? "I don t know anything of the Rind. What in blues arc you dnvln at:-" "Look at your shoe-H." The attorne y looked and a horrified ex pression cum over Ids counti-Huuest. "Thundcr-pnd guns'" he groaned, -(Mil 1 come downl.iwn in tliosj. things?' On 'ils nu.t foot was a bright and slim ing sj.oe of p ittnt leather. On In. left tn ancient timl stub-tend foot covering- of yellow tan. "It's all the fault of that onroitnib el dark closet," he how ltd. "Butliovv ever got out or the house wiih.Hit It being no ticed is more than I can understand.'' And he Tell to scrambling under hi-j (lout Tor an old pnirof shoes Mint w t re I nreiuun for emergencies only. Heal Pessimism. -" "You're a lucky dog, Harmon " "Mebbe. but I don't se it.' "Why, I heard that eiu and vour three brothers h id mhentidhalf a million dollar-.. Isn't it true?" "WXy, yis- havin' all tlei but whit was the use of cm brothers:"-Chieago Jour- sal.