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aSJ3f -jw; v 'St-'v ? vv3 vaf r' ' -rtt-s!T MTr-s -? - THE MOB KISTe TIMES. 1UOSTDA.Y, 'DECEMBER 28, 1896. "if tWSSb S&3" T"'' AMUSEMIINTS. ICE PALACE Convention Hall, Corner Fifth and L Streets N. W. REAL iOE Three Sessions Daily. Mornings, 9:3o to 12:30. Afternoons, 1 to 6. Evenings, 7 to 11. EXTRA! The Great International Six-Day Bicycle Race COMMENCING This Afternoon At 3 P. M. And continuing Sliouis cic'i day until 10 p. in. for the balance of the week, for the CH1P1SH1P Z WORLD AND A PURSE or $3,500 Sanctioned by the L. A W. CONTESTANT1-: HALE, FOSTER, ASBTEGER. CHAPPELE. READING, ALBERT. "WALLER. MADDOX, BAIL. HUHTER. MARKS. JOHNSON. LAWSOB, SCHOCK, Immediately upon co icluslon of ench day's ruu, 10 o'clock, everj evening, EDDIE BALD (Cbanip.oi of America), TOM LINTON (Champion of Ei giand), J. WARETJRTOH (Clininpton of France), And a host or other riders will endeavor to low cr WORLD'S RECORDS D ES B iT EST G5 Adm!s-.ion23c riIvQ Ice Priv degc 1 cents All Senls Reserved 25c and 20c extra. LAFAYETTE - - TONIGHT Special New Year's Matinee. Regular Wednesday and "-aturdaj Matinees Return of the Fuimv Faico Horn the Frcrch, The Gay Parisians (Management Cliarles Frolunani Regular Night Prices. IauiYda MATINEE PRICES Orchestra, 75c. Ba'conj. oJc. Fara. Circle. 1c BARGAIN MA'lINLE WEDNESDAY. SPECIAL PRICES: Orel cstra. 50c 25c RESERVED. NO HIGHER. Parquette, MezzanineBnxes BALCONY, RESERVED. NO HIGHER. NEXT Bret Harte's "SUE The Lafayette SUNDAY EVENING, January 3. and HIS UMUVALED RAND. rilcc6 25c, 50c, T5a SL Box Seats, S1.50. Sale Open Thursday at Cox Oflice. Sollsts : Elizabeth Northrop soprano Martini Johnstone Vioiini&te GRAND OPERA IIOCsK. Kenian & Rife, Managers. Comuieiicius Dt,UbiritfcR 2.0, 4 MVTINEES. "Wednesday, Thursdaj, Iwidaj-and Saturdaj Davis A itiogh's Bis and Glorious Success ON THE MISSISSIPPI Michtjl Massive! Mijestic! 50 PEOPLE 50 PEOPLE ! Appear in this great production JC3Two Carloads ot Costlj Sccuerj and EfTects. jVaintaine'" 15, 25, 50 3.11(1 ( 5C All seat9 couponed. Box oflice open from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. In Oi'i. A Rood seat on first floor for 25 cents Next Attraction Brother Tor Brother ACADEM1- riiccs, 25,50, 75c and SLOO. cd.and Sat. Mat. -:d and 50c, Reserved. THE FLYING JORDANS Vaudevilles. 5 THE TLYING JORDANS 5 Ljdia learning TI tug Powers Bro'lieis, O'Brien A Havel, John G. BuiKc and Grace Foirest, Rosina Venus Thomas Gljnn. SLatorial Trio, Mons. Bure. .Heir Dewcll. Marguentc Feiguson. Next Week "When London Sleeps."' TSJEW NATIONAL TflEATER --' Regular 1 heater Prices Annuil Engagement of the Famous BOSTO MEANS. TONIGHT SPECIAL CAST. -100th 1'erfoiii.auce of ROBIN HOOD. 1 I up.. Wed. Sat. and Mat. Sat. ROBIN IOOD. Thur. and Mat. (I ri.j New Year's RlHEMlAN GIRL; Friday PRINCE AN 1100 Bo ANT AS Next .Vcck Hoj t's "A Milk White Flag." SPORT TIT TO MAKE A ROMAN HOLIDAY. Mounted Sword Combats. Swoid vs. Bav onct. Hor-e Races Brentwood Driviuu Park. New Year's Dav at i':"50. Capt. DUNCAN i. KO-5., Corpl. NELSON B. HIGIL Lieut. W. l BRBEH, FAR RIER DAVIE. Sergr MYEK. all Combats to a Finish. SSOO in Cash Piizes Admission 60c Cam igcs free. Special B cj do Race ono mile, for Handsome Cup Open to all' Tho BrightwooJ Electric Road will run carscverj six minutes, connecting with "tn St. Cabin Cars COLUMBIA THEATER. All V.V cek. J atuitcs Thursday Friday and saturcliv Tho Peeiless Magician. JCELLp NEW MYSTERIES. NEW ILLUSIONS Next Week MR. ARTHUR ROURCHIER &L SOUSA i SWBF'' Invalids aro . made strong and well peo ple kept heal thy if i hey uo pure, whole some wines. Our Sherries and Porta are health jjh ers, and we sell BORDEAUX WINE CO , 1847 14th street Northwest. COLUMBIA ACADEHT. Tno cyclln-j craze. Una of tho 81, EUts cl Wcshlnrton. Cvclinc taught on a 12.033 It. Boor. Competent instructors. Charges tintUL Mtuuo every ercnins. J- aud P streets. ears. J. BartBnnilu. Mgr. Tkko Fi.tro TALMAGE'S XMAS THOUGHT Eloquent Divine on "The Harn and Its Surroundings." THAT NIGHT IN THE MANGER Viviil "Woiel Picture of tlie Humble Tlilims on Which the Infant's Eje- Opened Hlen foi tlie Dumb Hi nti a "Well uts Mankind lit 'I hi is .Joyous Seahon. Dr Talmage preached In the morning jestcrdaj attheFiist PrtMiitenaiM liuiUi, and liib Cliristinas, stiinon was from the text LuVcil IB "Tlicblicplieids Bald ne to ajiotlicr, Let us now o e tn unto Betlilc lieni and tec tbio thins wiiili i comojo jiat. " "The barn and its suirouiuliiiKfa" was Ins suliject, and in p lit lie i-ald One Uiousaud earh of the woild'h e islcnce rolled painfull and weaiilj aloajj, and noCluiht. Two thousand jtaife, and n Christ. Tin ce thousand t'ars, and io Cluihl. Four thousaud Mars, and no Clnist. (iie us a CI nt-t," had ened Ar-svuan and Persian and Cliald'an aiid ljl)tiau ciMlization, but the lips of the earth and tiie lips or the bki made no iiiisn er The world had alit.un been affluent ,f wnius An ons poets had appeared Homer and Tlksjns and AiiMophanes and Sophocles and Euripidesand Alexis A tut h lus et no Cliiist, to lie the most jxulic f.frure of the eeiituru s Anions liistoti ins hid appeared Ileiodotus and Xuiop'nni and Thiicdnles, but no Christ, from whom all bistort was to dale hack aid and for ward B C. and A 1) Among Conquerors Canulius and Manliub ami Kculiisaud Natitippus mid Seipiuaiid Tompej aud Ciesar. jet no Chiist. who was tobeconqtiiror of eaithand lie.nen "World'h Deslro Giunti-il. But the slow ccnturj and tiie slow jer aid the slow moiitb and the slow li"tu ,it last arrived The world had iiad n.atius oi concerts in the morning and e-sptiiior concerts in the evening, l)ut now it is to liac a concert at midnij,lit- Tlic black window slmtteto of a De cember night were throw n open, and some or the best singers- of a world wheie tliej all sing stood there, and, putting Ij.iuk the draperj of cloud, chanted a peace an them, until all the echoes of hill and dll"j applauded and encored the Hallelujah Chorus At last the world has a Christ, and just the Christ it needs Come, let us go into that Christmas scene as though we had neer lefore 'worshipped at the mange'r Here is a Madonna worth loking at I wonder not that the most fiuiuent name in nil lauds and in all Christian (.intunes is Mary Anil there are Marjs m palaces and Marjs in cabins, and though German and French and Italian and .Spanish and English pronounce it different, thev are all namesakes of tiie one whom we find on a coucli of straw, with her pale face against the soft cheek of Chribt in the night of the Natiwtj. Ilis Lowly Birthplace. Behold, in tne first place, on the first night of Christ's lire God honored tho brute creation. You can not get into that BUhlehein barn without going past the camels, the mules, the dogn, the oxen. The brutes or that stable heard the first cry ot the infant Lord Some of the old painteis represent the oxen and camels kneeling that night before the new-born babe And well might they kt eel! Hac jou ever thought that Chribt came, among other things, to alleviate the sufferings of the unite crea tion? Was it not appropriate that He should, duimg the first few dajs and nights ofHlshfeon eaith.lMJSunoi'ndedb'. tiie dumb beasts, whose moan and plaint and bellowing hae for ages been a prajer to God for the arresting of their tortures and the righting or their wrongs? It did not merelj "happen so" that the unintelligent creatures of God should li ive been tluit night in close neighbor hood. Not. t kennel m all the centuries, rot a bird's nest, not a worn out horse on tow -path, not a herd rree7mg in the poorlj built cowpen, not a freight car in sum ncr time bringing the beees to nmrk t with jut water through a thousand miles of agony, not a surgeon's loom w ltnessing the strug gles of fox or rabbit or pigeon or dog in the horrors of MMsc-ction, but lias an inter et in the fact that Christ was born in a stable, surrounded bj brutes. He remem bers that night, and the prajer He beard in their pitiful moan lie will answer in the pumshmeiitof those w ho maltreat the dumb brutes.. Their Suiionr, Too. Tliej surelv hae as much right in this world as we lmc. In the first chapter of Genesis jou ma see that Diet were placed on the earth beioroman was the fish and fow 1 created the fifth daj and the quadrupeds the moiiung of the sixth daj and man not until the afternoon of that daj. The whale, the eagl"; the lion, and all the lesser cieatures or their kind were pred ecessors of the human lamily. They ha-e the world bj right of pos session. Thoj hae also paid rent for the places tliej occupied. What an armj of de'lense all oer the land are the faithful watchdogs. And who can tell what the w o'ld owes to the horse and camel and ox for transposition? And robin and lark thecantatas with which thej'huve filled orchard and forest, more than paid for the few grains they hae picked up for their sustenance. When j ou abuse an j creature of God jou stnkeitsCieator.and jou insult Christ who, though He might hae been welcomed into lirebj princeHund taken His first infantile siumber amid plush and canopied couches and rippling waters from rojal aqueducts dripping into basins of n"orj and pearl, chose to be boin ontheIelwith a cow's horn, or a cainel'b hoof, or a dog's nostril that He might be the alIejaliou of animal suffering as well as the re deemer of man. Caie for Bird and Beu-t. Standing, then, as I imagine now I do in that Bethlehem night with an infant Christ on the one side and the spLtcliless creatures of God on the other, I crj, b ok out ho.v jou strike the rowel into that horse's side Take that curbed bit from that bleeding mouth Remo e that saddle from that raw back Snoot not for fun that bird thai is tf o small for food For get not to put water into the cage of that AMTJs.RMlsTS. KERNAN'S LYCEUM. THEATER MATINEE TODAI AT 2. A GALA NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION. Sam -D eve re's Own Company, INCLUDING SAM DEVERE, The inimitable Ethiopian Comedian. MiSS FLORENCE MILLER, The Vivacious Tcrpsichorcan Artiste. Next Week Tho Gaiety Extravaganza Co. BIJOU TAMILY THEATER. All ThU Week. Matiuees Dadj . GEORGE H. ADAMS and WILLIAM COCRTRIGHT In the latest success. A SPORTING CRAZE. NEXT WEEK DAN MCCARTHY A CIVIL ENGINEER Of the B. & O. R, R. Testifies for . .v . . Dr, Walker 14H Penn. Ave., Adj. WiHard Hotel. Mr r. L Pi ice, a civil uigineer bj profession, and a icsfdcntof Bowie, Md , wju "1 have hem in the emploj of the B A O R 11. for the past six j ears, and during that time I have been a suffeur from neivous exhaustion, headache, in-soi-nia, ami alwavs felt tired and wenk 1 tried dot toisnnd patent nu dicincs with out benefit Since placing mvself under Di. Walkei's (are m'. giminl health has improved, mj neives have again become ste.ulj", mj memorv good, 1 sleep and eat wi 11, and, in f.u t, fed like a new man " The liuiidreds of ttstimonials fiom wjl kiiowu cit'eiis publish! d bj J)r. Walkei should piove to the diseouiaged suffeicrs that He Cures When Otheis Fall. Tiie highest fie charged bj lb Walkei, whether vou have one oi moie diseases, is So a month Tliislncludesnll medicines DAILY 01 FR'E HOrUS 10 to 5. Sim ilavs, 10 to l .Voiulaj.Wednesdaj.Thiirs d.ij.and S.ituid.n evcnings.ti to b -e-CONhUL FATION FREE "a c.iimij Tlnow out some ciumbs to those birds c aught t o far north in the winters inclemencj Aru who ismak ing that one hor'-e diaw a load lic.nj enough for tin i ( Bush in uj on that scene w here boj s are tortui mg a eat.oi transHx ing butterflv and giasshoppcr Duve not off that old robin, loi henest is.i mothers ciadle, and nuclei hei w ing tin le maj be three oi fom pi una donnas of the skj in training Chiidhi od was to lie honored bj that ad vent He must' a child's lithe limbs, and a ca'ld's dimpled hand, and a child's beaming je, and a i hild's !J.iX( n hail, jii"l babvhcod was to lie honored foi all time to i ome, and a ciadle vv is to mean moi" thai a grave Mlglitj God' Mav theie riei Hon or one's child face be sioif in all infantile races The old shepherds with plaid and io k have foi the n ost pan vanislud, but we have gracing oi om Fintid State siKismm. fields and prafne about 15,000,000 sheep, and all their ketpns ought to fc.llo'v the sheplienis of mj t xt and .ill tlote who toil in I ie)ds,all v iiu di ssli s, all on hai (lists, all liusbipilinen Not onlj that Christmas night, but ail uj) and down the voild's histoi v.God had bcui honoiing the fields Nearlj all the Messiahs of leform aud Ilteratuie and eloquence and law and benevolence have come from tin fields ashiiile'ii from the fie Ids .Jelfcionfnin the fiilds The Presidential m utjrs, Gar field and Lincoln, from the fields Hi ifj Clav rrom thericlds Dinhl Wi bsti i Horn the fit h's Maitin Luthi l fi in the lie'ds Behold, also, that on th it riinstmas night God honored motherhood. Two angels on their winus might have brought an infant Saviour to Bet lib ham without Marv's being there at all. Win n the vil l.igers, on the moining of December 2b awoke, bv divine ariaugi mint and in some unexplained vvaj, the Child Jesus might have been fouid in Mime i omfortable cradle or the village. But no, no' Mother hood Tor all lime was to be cois crated, and one or tin Uinl(rct rel itions was to lie the matiriia! illation, and one or the sweetest voids, inolhT. ' CHRIST'S GIFT TO THE WORLD Hev. Hugh Mephen-on Talks, io Meinbeisof the Y. M. C. A. Rev Hugh Sti plieiisou. pastor of the Anaeostia Baptist Church, addn ssed the Siiiukn arti nu on meeting foi men held jesterdaj in the pulors of the Young Men's Christian Asuociaton The rooms were well filled with meinbt is and friends of the organization aud all e nte led lit art il into the eeniscs, the singing being an espe n! feature Mr s-tephenson's addiess was mniked bv dei p, religious feivor and had an if Tect upon hishepnrs "t e nine to jou todav," said be, -.villi these qiiesiions 'How did -oti like the gift v on ie( eived, the gift olt'hiistto th w orid"' A hat think j e of Chi isf" " He urged the net ( ssitj of a caieful stodj and apjirc latiou or the In u fits off led bv the divine gift andanenrlv accept uieo of his teachings The iiui ortance of icoi reci answer to his qui rj was cloquentlj setforth 'Uponthatanswerdi'iiciidsjour c haraetei "he 'aid, "and chaiactci detci mines di mil) "Christ's motive foi coming into the world was not foi persona! good, but tliiougu a svnipatheU' love foi mankind. He v as not apprci l.ited, the time was i.ot propitious foi the advent, for men weie 1 okmg foi the coming or a tiiiiuiphint Messiah lnraldidbv the blaie or trumpet and the clash of arms "His influence, however, has bien giow ing through the past ages and w ill cte .id its swav until everj km e shall bov to Hun as Lord and Mastei " FELL THHOFGII A SKY'LHJUI. Geoijie I'hlpiiinn In lined on Hoof of Keiuiedv'' Giocery stoie. George riiipinair, thirteen veais old, Jin plojed bj the Mutual Disinct Missfiuer Compinj, fell through the sUjlj-ht oi Kennedj's grocerv stole, No 1116 Con ncelicut .neniie, jesterdij, while plajmg onsnc roof of the building 'li-e boj receivtd a bid cut on tin left leg from broken glass He was taken toFmergencv Hospital, w here Di Lawrence found it neiess.irj to put six stitchts in the wound., companions went to the roof of the bui'ding occupied bv the Messenger Compinj, which is next door to the groceij store, to plaj a game of- tag Dining the game the bov ran across the siiijht and the glass gave waj beneath bis weight After bis hurts weie dressed .it the hos pital he was sent to his home, No 4G0 Riggs street. WA'ICn lllir.K CONFESSES. Miss Liz7ie Fej Identifies 'JLline Piece luheu Fiom LivinnMone. Alexander Livingstone, who was ar rested ou suspicion bj Poheeinan Bi'e man, while attempting to sell a valuable gold watch on the Avenue Christmas night, is still held at the New Jersej avenue station. Yesterday Miss Lizzie Fey called at the station and identified the vvateh taken from Livnigstone as her propertj. The joung Udy otated that she had loaned the timepiece to a man named Hartinan Klug, and that Livingstone had stolen it from him. Livingstone w ill have to answer a ilia. go f larcenv in the police court this moin ing. The man admits the theft Fond Recollections. Elder Singson, at Sing Sing Doesn't jour mind turn with sad regret to other Christmas dijs spent in other place ' iue i-rioouer wen, it ain't so pleasant j here as it was at Joliet last je ir, but its ocuer n ie was ae iimira iwo jeais ago, and, sij! Snake Hill ain't in it at all' Puck. Ilolidaj LvcuiNioii itutcs, to Points south. ThePeniibjlvania Railroad will sell, De cember 22, "23, 24, 2B, 30, 31, and Janu ary 1, good to return until Januarj 4, 4897, holidaj excursion tickets to Fred ericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Wel den, and other points South. del0,21,22, 23,26,28,20 ev, & 20,22,23,24,27 28 E9m. ' BUILDING OF A KINGDOM Rev. Hugh, Johnston Contrasts Those of Earth With He.iven. In Ono Truth and' Love -Make a Foundation Insteal-of Armies - , . nud Navies, The morning and evening services at- the Metropolitan M. E. Chinch jestcrdaj' weie attended bj unusually larg'e cdngre gations. Tbe sermon at both servici h is bj the pastor, Rev. Ilugb Johnston, D. H. ' The'stiHjtdt ot Uie"iHoinIiig'Uiscbur8e wits Chii. Tathec's Kingdom," ba,sed.on, t,!i,ek text taken from Ma.ttliew, 0 and 10, "Thj Kitlgdom Come"' - -- In. this pitition, Dr. Johnson aidaie. thiec muiked words, a noun, a "pronoun and a verb. First, the noun "Kingdom." (Thete am two setise in which God maj hi said to have a kingdom His mutual kingdom, His rufir'pver Hie cntirii t,iii veise, and His supern.itural kingdom, His dominion" over th'tT'inornl cieatioif, vhld-li is called in Stripltho the, klngdjm if hi aven, the kingdom of God. This nlsej fs twofold, slhes 'klngdoin of and the kipdeJijof glorj. Bj the kingdom of giacihis mean't the reign of God in the soul -li is n spiritual king dom, and men mifst tie born into it It Cometh not with observation, the pomp and displajs of an tarth)j kingdom. Theempcror of Russia, protesting against some court obseivUnce, said "It is-noilr ing but a ceremony. ' "Verj tiue," answered the prune min ister, "but jour majestj is notlimg but a ceiemony." It is a kingdom that has its root and beginning in Jesus Christ. We have Just celebrated another birlhdaj of our Lord. Whose birth was ever so glorious or to momentous? - He acquired a kingdom, not bj violeii-ie .will force'1, bTil bj right, grace and rilOry. Britain, Xiermanj, Russia and Fnince arepowi i fill at home andabroadbj reason or gigantic armiis. This repulilio is almost the onlj nation th.U does not depend on force, jet our Navj islncreis'ng and our battleships are on nil w. iters. But the King or Zion lides prob peumslj because of truth, rneekmss and righteousness. 1 hetwoklngdoinsarelnseparablj joined. At Athens were two temples, the temple of virtue and temple of honor, and there was no getting into the temple of honor but through the temple of virtue. So the king dom of gr ice leads to the kingdom of glorj. Theproi otin "Thj " It isthe Fathei we are add'essing Manj suppose this refers toChrist'a.Mossianic kingdom Thev dream of an I'trtli kingdom or splendor, vhm lirist if, to leign a thousand j ears on the earth. The Lord Jesus disdains such tinsel glorj. His leign js. punlv s-niirial The word of God alludes to this kingdom m its various -a s-pucts It had its beginning in and w lib Christ As a thing of time, if had its birth with the Babe ofBithlchcm 1 'tis kingdom is a giow'b, a piccesh it is social and dtrrusive It ib called the ' hiirch Ae reptat in the creed "I believe in the Hoi j Catholic Church," v. Inch means the universal ihuich, made up of cm rj name, deiiommatfon, form and ' usage throughout the woild m whose hearts have bee u planted grace divine. Never call tin Roman Catholic Church the catholic chinch, oi Horn. in Catholics, catholics The catholic church is the uni vet sat chinch or everj age, diuomlnation amlcJiu e This kingdom has its coubum inntiuti m the restiVut'on bf all things w hen the Son shall le,iwr J'P tJ'e kiugdQin to the Father that Hi maj Ik all in all Tho verb foirje;" This is a prajer. for the growth or Ins kingdom in our hearts anil its progress in Mil woriu Do we really desire this kingdom to come? It means a new; departure, a change of purpose and plans I,t means a, revolution in the world or comqierce and trade It means rail pl.ij on the pirt or the master and on the part of the man, no el. iss legis lation, but the principles of justice and rectitude I he prajer implies, that vve work to husten its coming. Are jou in hosiititj to this kingdom" Then jou are on t'le Iosng Side Vv hat vou do for Christ must be (lone quic klj We are in ihe last Sabbath of ihe closing j ear. We arc coming conilnaally to last things You will soon have no oppouunitj to show jour love for tins cause At tho evening service Dr Johnson dis cussed 'J he Meaning of Christnus." lis text being rrom Tiniothj iii 1G, 'Great isthe mvsterj or Godliness God was mani fest in the flesh " Nature, as well as religion, said Dr. Johnson, is full of mvsterj. Whj, then, should we rejecb if Should we do this we would be fcols,ror we live in a w oriel ot mvsteiv This statement, lie s ml, is alwavs forci blj brought to our attention bv the r.ict that none of om scientific men have ever been able to explain the mjsteries of an atom of matter or human life. The incarnation, he said is eniphaticallj the mjsteij of Clinstianitj It trail scenels lenson. but dees not contradict it Acknowledge the mvsterj , but never weld the fait, that ' God was manifest in the flesh." Cliristiaiiitv alone rises to the con el ption of the incarnation, which is not human nature deified, but God htmianued Foi all that we ca.i understand of God we have in Christ HUSSION AT SANTT1AGO. Rev. lin La Fetm Completes Ar rangements for the Coniiiijr Year. All the arrangements have beenaper feited for the coming jear lor the tonduet of the Methodist inisbion at Santiago, Chile Rev. Ira H. Le J?ctra, .who has charge of the lehgious and secular work at Santiago, one of the most important in the South American Methodist Church, has been in Washington for some time in the interest of this mission He is the biothcr of Mr. George La Fetra of this city Rev Mr La Tetra has. secured fiom the mission board an appropriation of $20,000, die property of the' church at Santiago being estimated at about Sl0tr,000. Or the eight new teachers selected Tor tho work next vear, two are from Wash ington, T F. Roberts or Metropolitan M E Chinch, and Emilj Scudder of Foundrj Church These will be loineel by six others in New York, where Mi La Fetra and the Wash ington teacher, will go today, sailing on Wednesday for Santiago 'IWO INQUi:Slh TODAY. Coioner to Investigate the Deaths of Leprenx and Faulkner. Two inquests which were begun on Sat urday will be held by the coroner todaj. Assisted bj Dr. Glnzebrook, Dr Hammett will inquire into the death of Chester R. Faulkner, who died at Providence Hospital from injuries received by being run over bj an Eckington street car. After a verdict is tendered in this case the jury will take up tint or Louis Li preux, also the victim of a street car ac cident. The inquests will be held at the rooms of Undcrtakei Barker. . Odd. It is rather strange that so many men spend the bestpart of their income on liquid to create the inmressioii ill it thev arc solid I men Exchanged MMEE SET IT Corner-stone of the New Grace Church Laid. IT SERVES A SECOND TIME Stone "Was the Same Used in tho Edifice Which "Was Horned New Building to He Elizabethan in Stjle anil an Ornament to Silver Springs Parish. The corner-stone of Grace Church of Sil ver Springs parish waR laid jestcrdaj aft ernoon with brief but imposing ceremonies, at which Bishop Henry Y. batterlee offi ciated. Despite the frostj air a goodly crowd assembleel about the hair completed ,cdifice and participated in the singing and prayer service. The bibhop wa assisted in the exertlsei by Rev. J. E. C. Smeedes, rector of the parish; Rev. Nellson Falls and Rev. H. Allen Griffith. Promptlj at 3.30 o'clock, the hour set Tor the beginning of the serv ices, the ministerial partj moved from tho parish house across the wav and Joined the crowd about the stone. It was the first corner-stone Iajmg In the new diocese at which Bishop Batterlee has officiated. Ihe bishop and clergj were clad in the long black and white robes of thur re spective rank and the scene, sit as it was on theedgeor a small forest, wasan impres sive one. There was the usual episcopal service of hjmn singing and prajer and d few appropriate expressions were deliveied bj Bishop Satterlee. He dwelt tineflj upon the connection of the event with St. John's daj-, and spoke seasonably of that prominent saint of the church. He urged the congregation to make the new house a plate of prajer, and said tliat the daj- should come when its doors would be open daj aud night for constant worship.- Through such means eternal blessing would come upon the parish. Historic Corner-Stone. Rev . Mr Smti des spoke briefly upon the history of the church. The corner-stone that was relaid jesterday, he said, was the same that was put in place for the old edifiie In 1800. Bishop Whittington of ficiited upon that occasion. The old church was destrojed by fire June o, last. On that daj a young l.adj- of the church accidentally knocked over a lamp and nearlj lost her life. The corner-stone went unsi tided through the conflagration. The stone for the present edifice has been rediessed, and upon its face is carved the date "189b." It is a plum, white sandstone, and lies at the northwest comer of the edifice. Mr. Smeedes also recounted the list of articles that were placed within the tin box that fitted into the receptacle of the stone. The. list included a Bible, the praver book ot the Episcopal Church, a copj of the "3pirit of Missions'' for De cember, the daily papers of Washington, a few coins and a full account of tiie ecrcies of the daj, including the names of the rector, the warden and the vestrj men of the parish. Bishop Satterlee ofrcred prajer as the capstone was put in pcsition, and a short service or song and piajer closed the exercises Mr Trank Fldler is the onlj warden of the parish at the present time. Thevestrj men are: E. W. Birgfeld, Blair Lee, C. P Jones, C H Lawrence, George G. Gettj, Arthur E Donnell.R T. Raj, and Enos C. Kejs Almost all ot these officials were present at the ceremonies. Its location. Grice Church is situated over a mile north or Silver Springs, and is in the midst of one of the prettiest bits of land scape in the vicinity of Washington The edifice vv ill probably be completed sometime before the spring months are readied. In spite ot the fact that the corner-stone was put In position jesterdaj the work on the house is well ttnderwaj. It will be a pretty frame chapel of Elizabethan and Gothic architecture. The dimensions of the house are 07x32 feet The exterior walls will be shingled, w hile a green slate rcof and stained windows will add to the general beautv. The base ment will be finished for a Sunday school room There will be a large audience room on the main floor with a small v estrv apartment in the rear ot the church A neat spire of modest height will crown the front of the eelifiee and harmonie with the general plan of ar ;lntecture. BELT PLANTING PROFITABLE. Coii'siil Moiinnhnn Thinks, it Should He Followed in This Cemntiy. The extent of the German beet sugar m dustrj is snown by Consul Monaghan, at Chemnitz, who, in a report to the State Department, sijs 958, 12S tons were ex ported in the past fiscal jear.and the home consumption wasestimatedat6G8,8G0toiiai the latter being an increase over the prev ious jear of 116,165 tons '1 ho consul sajs the industrv made huge strides in n dozen jears with intelligent governmental aid, but Its manufacturers were- energetic as well. He thinks particularly in Ohio and Nebraska beet planting should take tl e place in part of the raising of wheat ar.d grain where competition is sharper, and that the United States ought to supplj its own sugar This he thinks can be accom plished with governmental as well as popular encouragement. GET FLESH. Get Sti en Rth, Vigor, Clear Complex ion and Good Digestion, Not by Patent iledichie, Hut in Natute'-. Own Way. Any honest phjsician will tell jou that there is but one waj to get increased riesh; all the patent medicines and cod liver oils to the contrarj notwithstanding. Naturehas but one waj- to increase flesh, strength and vigor of mind and bodj, and is through the stomach by wholesome food well digested. There is no reason or common sense in any other method what ever. People are thin, run down, nervous, pale and sliakj in their nerves sunplj because their stomachs are weak. They muj-not think thej have dvspepsta, but the fact remains that thej do not eat enough food or what they eat is not quicklj andproperlj digested as it should be. Dr. Harlandson sajs the reason is be cause the stomach lacks certain digestive acids and peptones, and deficient secretion of gahtrlc Juice. N iture's remedy in such cases is to supplj vv hat the weak stomach lacks. There are sev era! good preparations which will do this, but none so readily as Stuart's Djspepsia 1 ablets, which are designed especiallj for all stomach troubles, and which cure all di gestive weakness on the common sense plan of ruriiibhing the digestiv e principles w hich the stomach lacks. Stuart's D j spepsia Tablets give pcrrect digestion. First effect is to increase the ap petite, abdincreased vigor, added flesh, pure blood and strength of nerve and muscle is Hieperfectlj natural result. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest tonic know nandwillcureany lormof stom ach trouble except cancer of the stomach. May be found at druggists at 50 cents for full sized package or direct bj mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Little book on stomach diseases mailed free. HELP TVAJfTED "FEMAX.8. WANTED A strong girl, to cook, wasn and iron; bring reference- 441 Mass ave. 1 1 WANTED Smalt singing and duncing soubrctte Tor raree comedy; must be able to Join company now on the road at once. Cull between 2i aud a p.m , today onlj. at 33 is st. se. It WAft'ii,D Cook; three chain lie rmaids; nurses; general housevvorkers; good homes. 411 G st. n w. de28-3t WANTED A nurse girl, to assist with chumber wjirk .Apjlj 1312 Pa. ave. It WANTED At once, feood cook and gen eral housew orker; bring re-re. 023 I st nvv. . It WANTED A Hrst-class cook at once. 523 10th st ii w. It WANTED Good reliable white woman, with no incumbrance, for cook;staj nights. can 7 a. m.. 737 13th st. nw. it It' A V TTII I lit. ts1' nrwl Ifllin. it a ru I? usb-i; -l-vj-u-p. m-c .... dress, two in family; 14. 614 13th st. n w. It WAM ED White waitress and parlor maid: S18 014 13th st. nw. It WAMJ-.D ladies to call at 402 9th bt. nw. for free samples of Falks' "Crlspettcb " Ue27-7t W A ft '1 & u Six colored aud 3 white women- MRS. MOURE, 30b G. st. nw. des -at WAN UED Cook; small family; good wages. 17USJ 1-UlOthst nw tieZ7-3C WAMLD A girt for light liouse-vork at tho tn st nw. eifiio tr W A V rP I 1. A t'riti pnuL nti.1 "hrl,ilin,- maid, with references. 318 E. Capitol. deJ0-3tem SAYS DANCING IS WRONG Rev. S. 31. Hartsock Condemns the Practice From His Pulpit. 'Iheie Is Nothing in the Hihle to Justify This Form of Amusement. "Shall Christians Dance?" was the sub ject of an interesting discourse last even ing at lev land M. E Church, by the pastor, Rev. S. M. Hartsock. The congregation was, in a miasure, prepared for the sermon by the rehg'ous ser vice which preceded. During the prajer by Rev. J. Lewis Hartsock, son of the pastor, the protection of the Almighty wasinvoked that the congregation might by made mind ful of His commands and ever follow in the path of the righteous, studiou-lj- avoid ing all things unclean. The music, too, was iu a way preparatory to the subject, for Just before the minister began his dis course tho choir sang with much eff ct, "Let wordlj- hearts its Joys persue, .t Pas no charms for me." The question, Dr. Hirtsock said, was a riostimportaut one. There are some who endeavor to Justifj their acts by con soling themselves that dancing is spoken of in the Bible, but these, he would say, of thev took the trouble to iuv educate, they would learn that thej- have wronglj con strued the meaning or the word. Others, i" said, justify dancmz on the pie i of lie dlhriilm-ss, claim it lb innocmt, a method of acquirinc gracefulness, .md is necessarj to the Hie and splrt of the social circle. These, he said, are not sufficient r'-isons to justifj- any one in indulging in dainng, even if thej- were true, winch thej are not. "I do not believe," he continued, "fiat grace of carriage is acquired in the d'i;e hall, or tluit it cannot be accomplish d bj otder means Tor I have known manj mn and women of gracerul carriage who .ave never taken a lesson " Dr. Hartsock maintained that da'i""tng lnckeel the true elements of recreatiou and health, because it was alwajs attended bv circumstances directlj- opposed to ihese conditions The dress of the dancers, ihe late hours, the over exertion, the heat and the cold, all go to make dancing a most dangerous pastime Everjbodj- knows the result of a night's dancing headach , depressed spirits and all else that goes to make life a burden while it lasts. Notice, the speaker said, .vhen jour rnends get dangerously ill Thej want some one to praj' with them, bur it is never the dancing, hopping church mem ber who Is sent for It is the praying, sincere Christian who is called . GEIDE 'IO RELIGION. Mr. Pechln lulks on Reason and Faith Before Secular League. The Secular League meeting in Tjikj graphical Temple jesterdaj afternoon was well attended. Dr. W. A Crorfut pre sided, and introduced Mr Maurice Pechin, who delivered an eloquent addre.s on "Reason and Faith." Mr. Pechin spoke in part as follows. Reason is the onlj- reliable guide, the onlj true test by which we can determine the truth or falsitj'of anj religion Every argument in favor of anj religion is an appeal to reason, and, if reason is the final arbiter, whj not acknowledge it as the highest factor in true religion? True faith is based on knowledge De lusions based on superstitions are the verj tneans bv which the producers are robbed. The confidence man and the swindler al wajs want confidence on the part of their vistuns. And the greater this confidence the great r the robberv thej can perpe trate. Blind, unreasoning faith is a curse to the human race. Religions are attempted explanations of the unknown. Science is sjstema tized knowledge It reasons from the known to the unknown, thus widening the eloinain of knowledge. Nature is dual. Lverj thing has its antithesis- Even religion is no exception to the rule- Matenahstic-lound religion has made images and idols to worship as the antithesis or the highest spiritual ideal. An animated and interesting discussion followed, in which Prof, nvland B. Kirk. Dr. E. W. Kirbj-, Dr. Joseph Steiner, Mr. M A. Clancej', and others participated. Rev. Alex Kent, who was present, ex pressed heart j- appreciation nfAlr. Peclun's address and Invited hlin to eleliver it from Ins pulpit next Stindaj-. Mr. Pechin ac cepted the invitation. Next Sundaj afternoon a distinguished speikcr from abroad will address the meeting. Fine for Expectoration. In Louisville an ordinance has been introduced providing that if any person shall spit or expectorate or c.ut. throw, or deiiosit upon anj public sidewalk for ped -s-trians, or in or upon anj- corridor, vesti bjle or stairway, or In any public room or in anv public building, in the cltj-of Louis ville, anj spittle, tobacco juice, ref.ioe tobacco, sputum, or a ny emanation of secre tion of the head, throat, lungs, or mouth, he shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $1 nor more tt an S5 ror each offense. Louisville Coj rier Journal. Hojnl Highnessi. They were spending a week in Lonelon on their bridal tour and were one daj-looking at a monument. "There is nothing else so high in this cltj ,is this, is theie love.' ' She askeei v. tin brldeltkc confidence. "Yes. darling." he repllid, "there is" "Wuv. love, I didn't know it. What isit? Take me to see It. won't JOU?" 'Tesf darling. It is the price of board and lodging, Hnd you mav see it when I get the bi'l 'New Vork Tribune. His Move. "My wife always boashts (hie) zat she moves in ze best circles (hie)," saj'h Jags by. as he executed a pirouette in lieu of killing time; "but shay, if she cud on'y shee ze circles her (hie) hubbj- moves In-Whoop!" Atul-liis wife, thinking it was the milk man, had a square set expression on her face when Jagsby entered. Exchange. JELP WAJ-tfTE D-MALB. WANTED 300 Boys with Bicycles to report to Manager of Sporting- Craze Co-, at the Bijou Familj Theater this morning-at 11.30. niV'Aj;TEniIen a"l bovs, any age. tiuu. iot . ,rau' We teach barber ,?n c,sVt Wcckt' ana Karantee a job BFP M?iffiJ?ntoo.F?IItUEI'pl"A BAR-de"a-dt St., Philadelphia. n fA-TU Men, not boys, to Introduce a new match and sell them rrom house to House; 51 or more per daj- can easily w ,UiSu,tfIUl "c invested. AMERICAN ""cii uu.. n-i 7th st. nvr. de27-3t KA.TPn.i . ...... .. trade ror matches. AMERICAN MATCH CO., mi ,th st. nw. de.i7-3t hTLDa man to make himself Tul.. ly ustll around restaurant and rVr i'?-r-rS"ni Apply NAVY VAIID EX CilA.,GE. Sth and L ata se. de26-2t,em "WAsNTED Iju iu wantSl'Opermo? ian jou tell subscription books.' If so "el-RANKC LAKIMOlifc.4'i7 7th st nw. delfa-lrno-em. HELf WANTED-MALS AND FEMALE. RELIABLE bERVANTb furnished Tree; scrd postal. CAPITAL BCREAU, 411 G st. uw. de28-3t WANTED IT you want servants; white or colored cooks, go to LADIES D. C EXCHANGE, bJl t St., Komu 4. WANTED Man and wire, white. Tor gardenerandlaundres-H. AddressDi CToK. this otricc. de27-3t WANTED Agents. 1702, M st. UW. de26-3t WAMhll-At City Intelligence ornce, cooks, general house-workers waiters, drivers, luundresses, nurses, chambermaids iiojs; places furiiissieU tut suited. Estab lished ldb5. SBACKLLFORD s. 427 J ltn st. nw. de20-7t SITUATIONS WAXTED-KEMALE. WAN1ED Dresses to make, by fash ionable dressmaker; suits. 4, evening dresses a specialty. No ION st. nw. derr-ac WAMbU-By reliable woman, rirst el iss rer., took or general housework: 170 1-2 loth st. nw. de27-3t SITUATIONS "WANTED AlAXE WANTED 1'ouiig man wishes situation at anj thing ARTHUR JACQUES, 312 12th st nw It WANTED Bj- a respectable colored man. place as driver or house man. best refer ences. Address 2J24 E st. nw. de27-3t V, AN11-.D tsy young man, situation ar anything; experienced m grocery, driving or waiter; :M a vv eek and ooant. Adelrss o. vv , ttns orrice ne2t.-at FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR KENT Furnished rooms on 1st and 2d floors; heated with steam; il-o hall-j aeated. 414 th st nw It i-UK RENi 0b oth st. nw ;nicertom fortahle furnish tit rooti s. with or withut Mwir.1 tritistfiiis Cf :i.inxi,itfii. lit run ic.:s il-i A st. se . unfurnished or furnished, two or three- rejoin third floor. de2b-3t LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Unfur rooms. '1 tUd st nw de27-3t rOR RENI 240G Pa ave, 2 unfur iitsu a ri .us eu second noor. oalli aujotft ing; smt ible Tor ligdt housekeepmrr terms reasonable de27-3t rOK RfcN 1 Unfurnished, three reoms n stc nd fion-v with neat. lo p. r rtioitttt. JU2 b, Capitol st de27-3t r vice cetA 1 .ev iv ruri.i.sltvu 1 itt room, .irei rioor, open rire". r?iu. nan ron. 2a Door, 5& , Dotn sunny, caterer ib housu; strvecl out. 23 lltn st nw. nest Jt 1 OK KENT 1 wo bright rooms Heat.ga3 and Utth 701 fth nw e!e-7-3C i.... t... , stools r,T- r. ctn s Vft .r.n'1 3d flcors, with board, for one or two gentlemen or man and wife, reasonable urices 040 Q st nw. e e27-3t t..M IrU VT- C i,o r rhct. ? it llfrtr With first-class heard suitable :or tw seRllt mcn. also hall 100m; refined family 1112 10th t nw. Ue27-3G rOK KENT Three unruriushcd rooms. communicating, on second nr. with heat, tor "sto At la30 14th st nw. de27 Jt FOR RENT In private family, 1 large and I sinall furnished room, souinern ex posure: all conveniences; central location; genllemtnonly. 724 0th st nw. le27 3c 1-OK KENT Three unrunusln.d rooms; entire floor, heat, bath. gas. adnlts only; rent reasonable- 712 North tapitol st. ele27-3C rOK RENT 151 M st. nw , one nice second stor j room, house heateil bj- fur nace; sb- de27 3C FOK RENT G15 Otb st nw , fur. rooms, $T eacd , also larger rooms. de26 3t,e?ri r OK KEN T 10a 3dsc. nw ,3 Tur. rooms; 1st and 2d floor front; gentlemen iref erred. deJO 3t,em FOK KENT 3 communicating, unfur, 2d floor rooms, to adults onlv.tmnt leouse ketpins: private bath. Applv OWNER. fc04 O st. nw. de26 3t,em FOR RENT One mcelv turn front room; gentlemen preferred. No. SOS Sth s&. nw . de2G 0r,em FOK RENT 1110-1112 Lonn ave Flat, second fllor; suitable for elector r dentist. Two stores, suitable for Indies ' tailor, confectioner or milliner Ke-nc re isonable to a good tenant h.e n premise Aeldress OWNER N. ttes otflce. de20 7tem rOK RENT 3 unfurnished r os. uiir 2d rb or. wite heat, tiatd and gas rrice, "510 per month No OO 1 st nw de20 Item FOK RENT Handsome lutll id mi warn and comfortable, caterer N.s- 922 14td st nw tL .item FOR BE"T r urnistieel. pKsat rront rooms, rrom r up witr neat ami sas; near ears 201 D st nw cle23-7t-m FOR PENT 430 U st nw . nicely rur r.isneel room, ait S1U. ue2J-bt FORRENT- rurnwheil rci ihs. -,!, &l 25 and 2 a week. No 17 E sr. nw ile23 Ot MISCELLANEOUS WEATHER sTKIPs Tor doors and win dows, drop us postal. HEAKDs .V CO , iHl D St. ne e.e27 1 It Flltsr-CLAbb work Cone at jour resi dence ir desired in upholstering, mattress making;drop postal. 11 K KEISEBhKG. 1107 24td st. de2ti-t em COAL AND WOOD at the dump. 3d and K sl- se and save-40c per ton; send postal GODFREY. ele20-3t 25c. lessons in English branches and music 505 Mass. ave. nw de22-7c CHEAPEST printer on earth Com-p-niumT emricd PARK.. U20 F. eleiy-imo SERE S A. XII For thirtv elays I will bind jour magazines in clotb for 50c, just to advertise mj- wors.; business cards 75c. ler 1,000. G. L WILLIAM. 615 7 th st. nw. del fa tf.env WjIlXjIj papers rurnlshea ana rooms papered at my usual popular price. CHARLES N. EVANS. 222 Uih st. sw. dei-lmo. WANTED -Furniture movesl-largeat2-horse load in the city. 52 50; 1 horse loads, $1 25rpiaios, S2;expenenced hand lers. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 323 4 1-2 st nw. 'Phone 150S. nol7-tr RO fOFING. guttering, anil spouting. W H. Q. bIMMONS.618 K st nw. no3-tf IF you want first class furnace, latrooe. stove, and range work done, go to W. n. Q. SIMMONS. 61S K at. nw. po3 tf TYPEWHITTEN circulars push bustnese; $2 50 per 1,000 up. ZEIG LER. iirlnter. 816 F st. nw oc2ii-cr TEETH extracted rre. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DENTAL INFIRM AR1. 1328 I st. nw. Teeth filled, plates made, ana all kinds ot crown and bridge wort as (mall charge to cover cost ot material. No charge for examination. Infirmary open trom 10 a. m. to o p. m aula tf FOIl SALE HOUSES. FOR SALE A bargain; have a ten-room, bay window brick; a m. i.; lot 20x71); rents for S22; price. $3,500. Call early. J. D. SULLIVAN. 1 3th andGnw. de25-bt ROOMS AND BOARD. A CHANCE FOR A GCOI) HOME Apply at 01U Fifteenth stu, Mc I'tieiaon square; most, tiesm-able pure of the city; second and tnlrel floors, single or en suite; table and all ap poiuttueuts first class. ao'-tMf; "V 4 ' Xw v