Newspaper Page Text
vK-)V"VjS v-vvtcv 'J&p? i--"?' THE MORNING TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1890. -s, svss!j--g- jr' r AUCTION SA.X.ES. THOMAS DOWLLNut CO. .Auctioneers, 012 E st. nw. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE! MM PROVED LOTS AND BUILD1NO SI PES ON THE CONDUIT ROAD, IN THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. . . By virtue of a certain deed m"-&1,car Ing date or Uie od lay or July. l i90 and recorded ii liber No. 1547. folio 424. et seq.. of the land records or me w't'"ul on F. M., ill front of the premises, sell me fol lowing uesci iued pieces, or parcels, vi i.wu. situated in the Count v .or Washington, and District of Columbia, as rollows, to wit: All of blocks numbered two (2) and three 3),an.l lots numbered one. two. three, four, five, eight and nine, in block numbered four (4 the subdivision made by Jacob P. Clark and Edward 11. Cottrell. trustees, of lot tlnee (3). and part or lot two (2) or purt or White Haven, as the same is re corded in the Surveyor' i Orrice of the Dis trict of Columbia, in County Book 7. page 93. The property will Ins hold Tree and clear from all incumbrances. TERHS OF SAL12 One-third of the pur chase money to be paid in cash, and the balance in one and two years, the deferred payments to be secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, with interest at the rate or six per cent per annum, payable semi-nnuuallv; or, all cash, at the option or the purchaser. A deposit ofSlOO at the lime ol" sale will be required upon blocks .No. 2and No. 3, anda deposit of i?25upon each lotinbloeknumuercd 4. Conveyancing at the cost "f the purchaser, and the terms of sale to be fully complied witli within ten days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the properly at the risk and vet-of defaulting purchaser or purchasers, after five days' advertisement in some newspaper published in the city or Washington, D. C. EDWARD T. FLETCHER and EDWIN C. CUTTER. Trustees. de24-d-tds-em si'kcial. n otic is. THE txip; rtuerstlip heretofore existing between .1. i. Hilton and W. U. Cunning lHm, doing a dairy luikiness under the rinn name r Hilton ic Cunningham, is th;S day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owed to said rinn can be paid to either member or -aiii rinn, and ad debts owed iy said rinn ivill be paid upon prcv cntntion at our office. J. P. HILTON, W. O CUNNINGHAM. Washington. I). C, Dec. 20, 1H9G. It LEGAL. NOTICES. "ESTATE OF Margaret Shields late of the Dis-mqi. urVoliimbiu: No. 7520. docket 23; iHhU5irex'inber 24. 1 890. -Applies -1 i..n ii r3 ,.,.,, tiinili-10 me Sunrrme court of the lTVn'orO;)IiiiiiliIa. hoIdingOrphans' I alt' 11. , III l 4I1IJIIIIIIII. ...Ft,..,., uow iiri. r. . iTY.iwito if ;i last will dated Oct, tolMT - lfc0, and February 13, 1S91, and for Id lers testamentary '' "-aid estate bv bv.r.11 ii. ironm, 1 Herein natiieu as executrix, this is to give notice to all ottuoerncd ti appear in said court on FRI DAY, the 22d day of JANTARY, A. D. 1897, i 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause wltv Sinn applic.tti((Ush(.ihiiiot be gran' d. Attew: .1. N0.TA M'GILL, Register or Wills. D. C. W1ND'M S. WO0DW0RTH, Proctor for Applicant. de28,ja4,l l-3t PHOPOSAT. PEOPOSALS lor supplies Tor the Aavvlard. VTashington. D. C. Decem ber 12. !(;. Sealed proposals, endorsed "'Ppftimsals Tor Snniilies for tlK- Navy Yard, Washington. D. C, to ! opened Decern- V iui ;, 10:10. viu lie ii'ieiki-ii i nv Hureau ol Supjiln-s an.1 Accounts. Navy Dopurtiiienl. Washington. 1'. C. until 12 octook iiuun, DECEMBER 20. 1S0G, and pubiiclv oetnd linmcdiaivly thereafter, 10 1'uroif.a at i..e Navy V.-ird, Washington. 1. C, a quantity of haroware and lumber. The anu-Ies must conform ti the Navy standard and pass the usual ijival inspec tion, .blank proposals will be rurmslied upon application to the Navv Yard, Wash ington, D. C. The attention or manu facturers and dealers is invited. Tie bids, all other things In-mg equal, decided by lot. The Department reserves the right tr. waive defects or to reject any or all lnds not deemed advantageous to the Gov ermiHJit KDVIN STEWART ''avuaKter General, U. S. K. del7-21-24-28 PERSONALS. TOE JIAHVELOrs niITE KTKIKICKLVCT. TeU- vout name, age, occupation and your verv thoughts, and just wi nt you want to know; tells about business deals, law buiu, love affalrn, courtship, marriage, lost or stolen property, ramlly troubles, IiieiidsMnd enemies, reunites separated hus bands and wives, sweetnearts, etc.; brings troublesand quarrelsall tight.causesspeedy marriage with the one you love, removes Fimlls, causes good luck, cures drunkenness tud ther Taults. I'ror. Halet; i acknowl edged by press and people as the greatest lu Uie profession. lie has hundreds of let ters testirving to his great and marvelous jKJwer. sb call at once and be convinced, ana aon't waste time and money in visit lug so-calied mediums that are in the town at present. Oa'ice hours.O a. m. to Oil. m. dMlv. Tees: lard reading, 25 cents; palm iKrv, o0 cents; clairvoyant, SI. Satis l'acuon guaranteed. 1'arlors, 025 II st. nw. ue22-lm NARCISSUS, Baltimore's favorite me dium, cao be consulted dailv from V to 5 M 038 East Capitol street. Readings. saMfitMal. isychoiiietric asinmomlcal, and piN'ctM rfi glcah It AOii;. 'I'll fcil. -Mi.mi ii. ficicnUtk jialmis' and card reader; know vh fau- and fjftu'e; open daily German MKikcn. 25c, and 50c 920 II St. uw. de2r-7' JTUS'-T urived in this city: visa aiadame Lorn and have your lorttine lold; you wiil lie surprised! 50c. 21001 st. uw. delO-ed- Ira 31M-K. FRANCIS will not tax you wan a long lingo or impossibilities that cannot be done, but all m trouble call aiKl be iM'lped at once by one that can guarantee satisfaction; life from cradle to grave: cards, 25 cents; trance. 50 cents; Hours, 10 to 0. 302 E. Cap. de22-7t DON'T delay the game; II yoh wish to ue..d to this matter you had better come at onoe for a good suit of clothes or ovetMHi that has been worn some, at the skinnier kind or prices. JUSTH'S OLD STAND. 010 D St. nw. dc22-7t IKOECJLtA.Y.,Mcdium,iclltiUslt!Css. love art'airs, lobses.etc, cradle to grave rorf0 reunltesseparatedl 'isbands, wives' sweetheart' or friends: causes speedy mar- IlHges; ri-iuovesspeiis, iwuiuut. Ull trouble; 30 tolodaily. fiCiTll OU OIV, del2-lino !TfeK3 $? E3Z3 A LSt. SAat.Ztri. zr 1 NO CUltE, NO l'AY, No. G10 I'a. Ave, N.W., fruslitiistaii, l. C Specialist in chronic anil private iliseassj. Piles, Stricture, Hydrocele. Gout. Catarrh. Dyspepsia, iiioou roison cured, vitality ro nore J. Consultatiou irto and coulidcntlat to toth tcx-s. Daily. 1) to li 3 to (i. OUR greatest medium a nd fplntiia fm oth cr. ml MARY GORDON, tells vou aU things and prescrdicsa proper remedy for vour troubles; consult this girted lady before it is too late- Now at 52e 13th Bt. nw. ao7-tf Dr. Leatherman, Specialist In all forms or private diseases Hydrocele. Varicocele and Stricture cured OonstHtntion free. Every day. y to 12, 2 to 5; Ti" s., Thurs..and Saturdav evenings 7 to S. C02 F fit. nw Closed Sunday DR. TAYLOB. n6 et. nw.. makes tuli sets of teeth for 5; eatlffactloa cuarauteed: teeth extraotod without pain; gold Tilling, SI, amalgam. 50c; extracting free wi)-- 'i plates are made. Jel S-tt LvDIlSS needing confidential treat ment, a. sure and tate icUef in all woman complaints and lrrcgularitlcB Gold modal awarded for the science of obstet rics from the University or Munich, Ha varla. Strictly confidential. MRS. OR JIENNER. No. 6 Seventh et. ne.. near E Cap- st.. Washington. D. O. WANTED- ltOOMS. WANTED Two looms bv lounircouple; nohtidren; first to be funushed and have gas, heat, and use of bath; -second unrur., excepting plain table, for storeroom and k.tohn purposes: possession Jan. 1 to Jan. in; state price per mo. and location. V. F. JANKEr, this office. It WANTED By a young couple rooms; farnlMiod complete for light housekeeping; state price, auvantages, aim locti dress I'OLICEMAN , this office. state price, au vantages, an u location. Aii- uenT-at WANTEU Two communicating fur nished rooms, with privilege of light house keeping; no children; in vicinity or 9th and II stu nw.; trms roust be reasonable; references exchanged. Address Y. M., this office. de27-3t FOR RENT SUBURBAN. F( FOR RENT Twelve acres; eight rooms; ult; 10.50; near boundary. Call fruit: 26 1 st. ne. de27-3t 3L &CiJi &iiflafiJdLi&S n Cliirvfiyait. I'-QK SA1.K Uiydl'i!;; , REAL ESTATE BULLETIN THOMAS 13. WAGGAMAN,917 FST.MV. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY FOR SALE. Lots 20,21 and 22, square b 1 7, be., !i,roo. i'er root. Lot U, square 090, ew "lJ.0.i,, Lot l!, square 035, hw d Cor. llth and 11 sis. ne 2-5 Dei. ave., B and 0 sts. sw 2 00 Mil. ave., Del. ota and lUiu sts. no., i u North side or 11 st., bet. 4th and 5th ne 1 50 Cor. Oth and 11 sis. sw 1 25 12th St.. beL A and B sts. ne 105 South side ol K, bet. 3ro and 4lh sts. ue I st., bet. 4 1-2 and Oth sts. sw 17th st., bet. ECu p. and A sts. se.. Patterson St., bet. N. Cap. and 1st.. Part lots 3 and 5, square 959 ne.. Fairview. Ivv Citv 1 00 ao 75 00 45 25 FOUR-STORY BRICK. AND FRAME HOUSES FOR- SALE. 1113 Mass. ave. uw.,b.h.,16 rms.. $35,000. i-i-u si.nw., o. it. is mis.... iv"" j 0,000 HOUSES FOR SALE. 415 WlSKinsiii ave. iiw., 17 nus....S2;i,700 1313 1) lit. uw u. lu, 1- rms 1300 20th st. iiw., in h.. mis 1310 Vt. ave.nw.,b.h.,13 rms 1310 L et. nw..b. h., 13 mis 53 1 st. nw.,U. h., 14 rms 1707-9 and 11 fath st. nw., and 3 houses rear 1714 13th st.nw.,o. u.,iu nu-i 1133 1 lth si. uw., o. h., S rins.... 44 M st. uw., b. It., 10 rms FOR RENT. 5.000 22,500 15,500 12,000 11,000 10,500 10,000 9,000 a, 500 HOUSES. 000 14th st. nw., 14 rms 101 llth st. ue. trtir.), 15 rms . 200 00 ..1,500 00 80 00 005 it st. uw., 10 rms 1730, 1742 and 1748 F st. nw 10 rms 211 A st. se., 11 rms 317 13th st. mv.. 11 rms 200 1) St. uw., U rms 401 E st. ne.', 7 rms j&O lth st. ne.. 0 rms 50 00 40 00 30 00 30 50 20 00 13 30 8 30 725 2d st.ww.t 3 rms STORES, JzC Store, 1 room anU cellar, 43a llth st. uw S75 00 Store and dwg., 1024 E St. and 430 20th st. nw., 10 rms 50 00 Stable rear 334 C st. uw 30 00 2d lioor, 90s F st. nw 30 00 Store and 1 room, 1st floor;2 rms. 2d noor, 00b La. ave 25 00 Store and dwg., U37 Fla. ave. nw., b rms 25 00 Stable rear 1417 It si. nw 10 00 Store and dwg., 1301 1st sw 20 00 Stable, rear -105 C st. sw 10 00 Shop, rear 1233 Blagdeu'salley 3 15 The above is only a iKtrfioii or the property on my books. For lull list call at oriii Tor bulletin issued on the 1st and 15th. THOMAS E. WAUUAMAN.017FST. NW. BUSINESSCIIANCES. A partner to enter in a pay ing tiusiiie.v, with a small capital. For particulars address BUSINESS, 1000 20ih nt. II W UC27-31 LADl or genlleinau cjm be a partner; sinall amount ol money. Call at 031 F, Room 4. Ue27-3t FOR SALE -Coal and wood in nw.; no reasonable otfer refused; be sold by January 1, best reasons. Aodress COAT., IhisoffiCC. de27 3t l'Ull bALL-Cate and lunchroom; well equipped; doing a lair business; low rent; .y owner im .uier.uusmes.-; price b 10. aii- CAl'K. this orrice. de20-3t-em HAVE cash bujer'j for sahwins, gro ceries, lunch rooms, cigar stores, coal ai.. ori.g stores, p nj n.ety ca bles, barber simps, etc; no publicity. Bl'S j.. E.vCHANGli, 01M F St. ce2i-3t-ein F'llt ALU s-50. barber shop, near Gov. I'rmtimr orrn-e: bl50, cigar store in railiiac oriii-c; i-OO". grocery 111 central uw.; 5-t.iiOi. salumi, 7th st nw., paying well; l,."oo. milk business. 23 tows .1 ... route. atbiMiSS L.vL :i..i.h. ulfs f st itc2M-3t-em LADJES desiring to make investments or .-., ulate without publicity; where there is protection from absolute loss; can secure the address or a lady broitcr bv ad ureaslngl'. O. Box, 472. delO-30C PARTIES navlng mriuence in the ditrerent departments can secure an income or at least S50 per month, with out interfering with their present duties. Particulars given only at a personal Inter view. 50 Atlantic orfico open until tip. in. dcG-lmo JOB PRIKTIKG. newspaper and book composition at lowest cash rates, new material. R0BT. F. SIMMS, Job Printer. 303 7th st. sw. no2G-tf FOn SALE ilXSCELLANEOUS. 1-0't SALI- C'l.eajj. i.nieis. v.; i.e. m-s, mirrors, stoves and fixttnes at 437 llth st. nw. cU27-3t FOR bALE Bicycle; Ziimiiy make; been used three montiis. S50 casti. Ad- dress J . A. MARCERON, care Metropolitan uanrouii tompany. (ie2b-3t,ein l'CS SjrVUfi or inn. Horses, wagons, buggies, carnages, Inmcss ana sleighs at panie prices; also 3 coupe rocKav.uys, 2 coupes, 2 broughams, 1 tandem, lot, belonging to other parlies, that we are ordered to sell at once;no reasonable orrer relused. 02 l) st. nw. Phone 201. e22-tr-ein ITOIl SALE-A !ot or line shot guns, guitars, banjos, mandolins, violins, and accordeotis; will be closed out at hair or the original price; nothing better for a holiday present. JULIUS COHEN, 1104 7th st- nw. del2-tf MONEY TV ANTED AND TO LOAN. SSO.OOO to loan on real estate at 5 per cent: no commission. Address Lock lios. 333, city. de2i-rt-ein SSO.OOO-At FIVE rER CENT to loan on unproved properly, prompt at tention given to appliL-tions. TIMES REJiL ESTATE BL'KEAI". 10th and Pu ave. nw. WE want 1,000 borrowers, wno danlra from S50 to each on stocks, bonds, trusts, loan assoc itlon certiricates. warehouse receipts and life or tontine poli cies In ohl-linc companies: 110 de..iy; 110 chat tel mortgages taken. YERKEP Ac BAKER. 40 to 46 Metzerott Bld., 1110 F st. nff. MONET XO LOAN-Large surm at 5 and 5 12 per cent on D. C. real estate; S250, 500, S750, eta. at 6 per cent; all transactions conducted "with eco nomical consideration fo borrowers. WM n.SAUKDERS&CO..l-i07 F et nw. mrS EDtTCATIONAL. VOCAL, VIOLIN, PIANO iessons.Tinly 25c each; in order to seMiv a good pat ronage at once by a professor whose methods, ability and experience is in no way second to those comni.tndkig SI and up per lesion. Address ARTISTIC I'Eli FORMANcE, this orrice. d;27-3t AT THE MINIMI 31 COST. PIANO. GUITAR, PAINTING and DRAW ING lessons by a succes.rul teacher of 12 vears experience. MISS DABNEY, 1012 13th st. nw. dc21-lmcm THOBALD JERICHAU.Ph.B.. Royal University of Copenhagen, will receive pupils on piano, organ, theory and composition; studio, Droop's Music Store. Apply Droops or Ellis Music Uouses, 025 end 37 Pennsylvania ave. se28-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To purchase j-Ood-horso and harness; will make payment when pur- iL'ued: balance by wtck or moii'ii. Applj SMITH, 1204 E. It WANTED Horse, for liK -Keeping; light work: responsible party. Address 442 N st. nw. ue27-3t WANTED bicycle, in exchange for a two-horse Victoria; in a first-class condi-tu-n. Pi '-. 5B,ltilsofrice. dc20-em,3C ROOFING, guttering, and Wyoming, W B. G. SIMMONS. 61 S K st. nw. no3-tI IF you want Hrst-class furnace, latrobo, stove, and range work done, ao to W H O. SIMMONS. 018 K tx. nw. no3-tf VA.N1'JS1-Dressnuktng: clieap and perfect sausraction guaraateed in fit. dog and prices At 227 , at no. so23-t ron nrna. FOR KIRE-Fine rull dresa suits, Si onlj. JULIUS COHEN, 1104. 7th st. nw. de24-tr IT OR EIRE To drummers and business men, horse and buggy or Dayton, S1.D0 and $2 per day. Apply to the REX STA BLES, rear of G15E st. nw.; telephone call, 109 mylO-tf WANTED-HOUSES. WE have a number or applicants for liouEes renting from S20 to $35 per month; send us description of your vacant house and you will be surprised how quick we will rent it TIMES REAL ESTATE BUREAU. tf Ti'ANTED-POSTAGB 8TAM.PS. WANTED-For cash, all kinds of old United State8 postage aud department itamps. Collections also bought. H. F. DHMuiOUBi, iuuu ivx st. nw. 69-tf FOR BENT HOUSES. A. a 0AYW00D, W33 StUbt N. W. FOR RENT. 2i4l I? Bt uw, ml,- Cr $20.50 2iil0 7th st nw, m i, Cr. 1K0O. C2llstne,ini,(ir 10.30 1518 3d uw. Or... 15.50 C03 Lincoln st nw. Cr 11.C0 711 Sheridan st, nw. Cr 1L00 2510 Oth stmv, or 11.00 015 Md, avo sw. mi. Ur EOOsthstnw. Hr. 2''.f0 iO.50 1G.30 10.00 11.00 1LH0 1I.S0 J 0.50 10.00 10.0) 0.00 8.50 8.10 aoo lOillth'so; Of... 10 Warnor et nw. rs! 431'i.tiic, 5r.... 7 Seott avo nw, Cr 533 Oth st no. .. 03-jLstsc, ur... 2-311 Mstuw. Or. 2113 Oth nw, 4r.. 1722 Hayes ct. nw. 5rs, Ivy City, 7r 71 O st, nw, or.. 110 Corcoran st, Ivy City. Irs.. 7S0 Blowers' ct 11 e, lr 108 Rover' s alloy 11 w. 4 rs Real 2113 Oth st nw, -lr Rear 1527 Morris stiiw. lr 200'J Soat'nstno 5r 1217, hot. M AN, U, and 1st sw,. r '.17 F st sw. 3r. . wi ri. avo, ne, Gr. 10.00 Hartlord st. a Brook!and.tJri 1510 Fribtoo Cc, nw, fir 2.1S Oth nw, r. 413 Bland alley nw, i:rs -17 Reeves st n w. A rs... 727 Wallach sr, nw. 4r. 1221 C ar 1 1 n's alloy sw i it. 20J2 " Columbia Terrace nw. it 230 J. 1 ear 230D 7th st, 11 w. IT.. 35i L st sw. 3r.. 022 Liberty st sw. 3 rs Rear 1019 12th st uw, 3r 10.00 9.30 S.50 8.60 S.00 7.30 7.50 7.00 G.G0 5.10 4.00 0.00 7.50 7.30 7.30 7.00 5.00 3.00 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Cor. Sth i Grant I 213 Hi st nw, 2r. .. .J0.00 avnw. it 15.00 I 39l)th'st nw. in "Riley Building." STORES. 311-313 G st uw. store and dwelling, 5r....28.C0 STABLES. Rear 319 C st nw 810.00 Rear 215 X nw. S.OO Largo stable, hot. 4th and 5th, K and L sts nw $18.00 ic'i-'St FOR ltENT Oeslrablu 7 -room bricK house, ojiposite l'ension ortice;001 1-2 4th St.; 111. 1.; kcv at i;i4 ard st. nw. de27-t FOR BEAT uy owner, 3 sr.iiares nw. oIU. 1'. O., houte 20 reel wide; 7 rooms; wide hall, bath and cellar: hot and cold water, etc. Apply to OWNER, 1115 S st. nw. do27-Ut FOR RENT -1013 Oth St., Lo Droit Park, six rooms; attic, cedar, pantry, bath and gas; rent $22. T. .1. W. KOBRitTRON, OOfi 7th st. ;e25-7t FOK RENT-Seven-room rramu cot tage in Brooklund; two blocks from cars; modern improvements; terniB low. In quire 1. S. II0LL1DUE, care Saks & Co. tf LOST. LUSTOR STRAYED 0 11 Christmas Day, near Mount Pleasant, l'ox terrier bltcn, with lteatl markings and bald spot over eye. Return to DR. FRENCH. 714 12th st. nw., $5 reward. dc20-3l.ciii MISLAID or lost from the editorial 01 nee oi tins paper, an old hymn book called the "Lyre," with one leaf olf; any one that has the same please re turn to this orrice. deO-tfem rOSTOFFlCE NOTICE. Should be read daily bv all interested, as changes may occur nt iiiiv time. Foreign mallsrorthe week endingJanunry 2 wm close promptly at this oifice as follows: Trnns-Atlniitic Mnilss. MONDAY lb)At 0:20 p. m., for Europe, per s. s. Havel, rrom New Vork, via Sotithampt in and uremen. Lvttersfor Ire land must lye directed "per Havel." dAt 10:r.r p. in., for Netherlands direct, jier s. s. Werkenoam, from New Vork, via Rot terdam. Letters must be directed "per Werkcndam." .TLESDAl-(b)At 0:20 p.m., Tor Europe, per s. s. New Vork, from New York, via Southampton. Letters fur Ireland must be directed -per New York." lc)At 10:55 p. in., for Genoa, ner s s Fuhla. from New Voru. Letter in isi. be directed "per 1-ulda.' icJAl 10-55 p. in., tor Europe, per s. s. leuioiucMromAew lork, via'ueenstown. ic)At lO:tr p in., ror ueigiuiii tliicct, per s. s- Kensington, from New Virk, via Ant werp. Letters must be directed "per Ken sington." WEDNESDAY (c)At 10.55 p. m., for Nethirlandsdircct.per h. s. Zuandam, from New York, via Amsterdam. Letters must be directed "per Zaandani." FRIDAY biA l ttotj p. m., tor France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkev, Egypt, and tiritish India, per s. s. La Bretague," rrom New York, via Havre. Letters ror other parts of Europe must be directed "per La Bretague." (OAt 10:55 p. in., ror Netherlands direct, per s. s. Vccudam.rrom New York, via Rotterdam. Letters must be directed "per Veendain." c)Al 10:55 p. in., for Scotland direct, per s. s. Ethiopia, irom New York, via Glas gow. Letters must be directed "per Ethiopia." (c)At 10:55 p. 11:., for Europe, per s. s. Campania, from New York, via tiucenstowii. "Printed matter, etc. German steamers sailing from cv York on Tuesdars, Thurs days, and Saturdays, take printed matter, elc, for Germanv and specially addressed printed matter, etc., Tor other parts of Europe. - White Star steamers sailing rrom New lork on Wedncsdavs, take specially ad dressed primed matter, etc., for Euro) e. The American, Canard, and French hue steamers sailing rrom New York, ta&e printed matter, etc., ror all countries lor which they are advertised to carry mail. Malls; for South mid Central Amer ica, West Indies, Etc. MONDA Y unAt3:20 p.m., for Jamaica, per steamer rrom Boston. . ic)At 10:05 p. m.. lor Belize, Puerto Coite., and Gua temala, per steamer rrom New Orleans. iciAt 10:55 p. m.. Tor St. Thomas, St. Croix, Leeward and Windward Islands, Martinlotie, and Barbados, per s. s. Carril)- bee, Irom Mew York. Letters ror Gren ada, Trinidad, and Tobago, must bo directed "per Canbbee." TUESDAY id lAt 0:25 a. in. lor Port Antonio, per steamei from Baltimore. (diAt 0:25 a. in. for Porto Rico direct, per s. s. Arkadia, rrom New York. (ciAt 10:05 p. m. for Costa Rica, per steamer from New Orleans. (ciAtlO:55p. m. Tor Bermuda, per s. s. Trinidad, from New York. (CtAtlO:55 p. m. for Central America (except Costa Rica 1 and South Faeirio ports, per s. s. Advance, from New York, via Colon. Let ters ror Guatemala must be directed "per Advance." iciAt 10:55 p. i-i. ror Santiago de Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia, per s. s. Panama, from New York. Letters must be directed "per Panama." ic-iAt 10:55 p. m. Tor Grenada. Trinidad and Tobago, per s. h. Grenada, rrom New York. WEDNESDAY (clAt 10:55 p. in., for North Brazil, per s. s. Dimstan. from New lork, via Para, Maranham and Ceara. (OAt 10:55 p. in., for Nassau. N. P., per 8. s. Antilia. from Nw York. Letters must be directed "per Antilia." (c)At 10:55 p. m., for Nassau " . P., and Santiago de Cuba, per s. s. Niagara, from New York. FRIDAl-(c) At 10:55 p. m., lor Jamaica, Savanllla, and Carthagena, per s. s. Adirondack, from New York. (e)Al 10:55 p. m.. for Jeremle and Greytown, per s. s. Ardandhu, from New York. Letters for Costa Kicamustbedirected"perArdandhti." (OAt 10:55 p. 111., lor Campeche, Chiapas, tabasco, and iucatan, per s. s. ignan cia. from New York. Letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per Vigilancia." Mails ror Newroundland, by rail to Hal rax and thence bv steamer, cloFehere daily at 12:05 p. m.(d) Mails tor Mitpielon, by rail to Boston and thence via steamer, close hero dailv at 3:2ii p. m.(a) .Mails ror Cuba (except those ror San tiago de Cuba, which will be Torwarded to New York up to 10:55 p. 111. Wednesday) close here d.dly at 3 p. m. ror dispatch via slenmer sailing Mondays and Thurs days from Port Tampa, Fla.(e) iiaus ior .Mexico overiunii (except inose ror Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco and Yu catan, which are forwarded to New York ror dispatch by steamer sailing Saturday artcr the Wednesday overland closing) close here daily at 7:10 a. m.(d) Trnns-Pneifle Mails. Mails ror China and Japan, specially ad dressed only, per s. s. Empress of India, rrom Vaucouver. close here daily up to 0:30 p. m December 2.(d) Mails ror China, Japan, and Hawaii, per s. s. Peru, rrom San F'rancisco, close here daily up to o:30 p. m., January l.(d) Mails ror Australia (except West Aus tralia), Hawaii and Fiji Islands, specially addressed only, per s. s. Miowera, rrom Vancouver, close here dally up to 0:30 p. m., January Mans ror Australia (except those for west Australia, which are forwarded via Europei, New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji and Samoan islands, per s. s. Mariposa, from San Francisco, close here daily up to 0:30 p. m.," January 3.(d) Mails ror China and Japan, per s. s. Tacoma, from Tacoma, close here daily up to 0:30 p. in., January o.(d) Mans ror Hawaii, per s. s. Australia, from san Francisco, close here daily up to o:ao p. in., January 20.1a) Alans ror the society ismnds, per ship City or l'apeiti, rrom San Francisco, close here daily up to 0:30 p. m., Jau.tary 25. id) Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port o sailing dally, and the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. (a )Registeredmail clocs at 10 a. m. tamo day. (b) Registered mail closes at l p. m. Bame day. (c)Registered mall closes at 0 p. m, same day. (d)Reglstered mail closes at 0 p. m. previous day. (e)Registered mail closes at 1 p. m. Tues days and Saturdays. JAMES P . WILLETT, Postmaster. A m .BAILIIOADS. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AND B STREETS. In Effect November 15, 1800. 7.GO .A.. M, week-days, -PITTSBURG EXl'RKSS Parlor and Dining Cars, Har risburgtQ l'lUsburg, PENNSYLVANIA LIM. 1TED Pullman Sleeping, Dining. Smok ing and Observation Cars, IlarrTsburg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Clevelanu and Toledo. Buffet Par lor Car to Harrisbunr. 10.50 -A.. M. FAST LINE-PuUman Burfet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Car, Harrisburg to Pittsburg. 3.4 O P. M. CHICAGO AND BT. LOUIS EXPRESS-Fuilninn Barret Par lor Car. to Harrisburg. Sleeping and Dining Cars Harrisburg to St. Louis, Cin cinnati. Louisville and Chicago. 7.10 P. BI. WESTERN EXPRESS. Pullman Sleeping car to Pittsburg, Chi cago, and Harrisburg to Cleveland, Din ing Car to Chlcacn- T.3.0 I. ai. SOUTHWESTERN EX PRESS. Pullman Sleeping Cars Wash ington to Pittsburg and Harrisburg to St Louis and Cincinnati. Dining Car. XQ.4LO I..M. PACIFIC EXPRESS. Pullman Sleeping Oar to Pittsburg. 7.BO .A., ai. for Jiane. Canandaigua, Rochester, and Niagara F'alla daily, ex cept Sunday. ( 10.50 .&.. ai. fotElmlra nnd Renovo daily, except Sunday.. For Lock Haven week days and Wflllamsport Sundays, 3.40 P.M. 7.10 P. M. for Wllllamsport, Roches ter, Buffalo, nnd Niagara Falls dally, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Wash ington to Suspension Bridge vis Buffalo. 10:40 I.. a for Erie, Canandaigua. Rochester, Burfalo, and Niagara Fnlls daily. Sleeping Car 'Washington to El- mira. Fwk I'niLATlELrTIIA. NrAVJOIlK AND TIIE EAST. 4:00 1. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIM ITED," daily, all Parlor Cars, with Din ing Car Trom Baltimore. Regular at7.00 (Dining Car), 8.00. 0.00, 10.00 (Dining Car), and 11.00 (Dining Car rrom Wil mington) A. M., 12.45, 3.15. 4.20, 0,50, 10.00 anrl 1 1 .HK V M. On Knnclav. 7.00 (Dining Car), 8.00, 9.00, 11.00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A. M., 12.15,3.15, 4 20, 650. 10.00 and 11.35 P. Mi For Philadelphia onlv. Fast Express. 7.50 A. M. week-days. Express. 12.15 P. M. week-days, 2.01 and 5.40 P. M. dally. For Boston, without change. TX,0 A. M. tveek-dttyB. and 3.15 P. M. daily; For Atlantio CiCy ma Delaware River Bridge, ull-rail route). 3:15 p. in. daily. iFor. Baltimore, 0.25, 7.00. 7iS0. 8.00, 9. 00, 10.00. 10.50, 11.00 and 11.50 a. ra., 12.15, 12.45. 2.01, 3.15. 3.40 (4.00 lim ited). 4.20, 4.36, 5.40. 6.15. 6.50, 7.10, 10.00, 10.40, 11.15. and 11.35" n. m. On Sunday, 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. 9.05, 10.50. 11.00 a m... 12.15. 1.15. 201, 3.15, a. 40; (4.00 'limited); 4.20. 5.40. 6.15. 6.50. 7.10, 10.00. 10.10 and 11.30 p. in. For Pope's Creek Line. 7.50 a. in. and 4.33 p. m. dally, except Sunday. For Annapolis, 7 00. 9.00 A. M 12.1B and 4.20 P. M, dully, except Sunday. Sundays. 9.00 A. M. and 4.20 P. M. Atlantio Coast Line Express. 4.30 A. M 8.46 P. M. daily; Richmond only. 10.57 A M. week days: Atlanta Special, via Richmond and Seaboard Air Line, 8.40 I. M dally. Accommodation for Qunn tico. 7.45 A. M. daily, and 4.25. P. M. week days. Ticket offices, corner Firteenth and G streets, and at the station, Sixth and B Ftreets. where orders can be left Tor check ing or baggage to destination rrom hotela nnd residences. T. R WOOD. General Passenger Agent- 5 M. PREVOST. General Manager ALTIMORE AND OHI RAILROAD. Schedule 11. ,.,.e December 7, l.c0G, Leave Washington from station corner ot New Jersey avenue and C street. For Chicago and Nprthwest. Vestibuled Limited trains, 10.00 a. in., S.05 p. m. Ff.r Cincinnati, St. Louis and Indianapolis. Vestibuled' Limited, 3.40 p. m.; express, 1L30 p m. For Pittsburg nnd Cleveland, express Gaily. 10:00 a. in. and 8:50 p. m. For Winchester and way stations, 10 a. in, 16.30 p. m. For New Orleans, Memphis. Birmingham, ChattBiiocgo, Knoxvllle, Bristol and Roanoke, 0.00 p. m. dally: Bleeping Cars through. lor Luray, 3.40 p. m. dally. For Baltimore, week days, 5.00, 0.30, X7.05, X7.10, xb.00, 8.80. X9.30. xlO.00, X12.00a. m.,xl2.00. r2.10,xl2.35,x3.00, 8.25, X4.30, 4.40, X5.05, x5.15. X5.30, XG.20, 0.30, XH.00. 8.15, X9.20, 11.15, xll.fJUp. m. and al2.01. night. Sundays, X7.0u.x7-.10, 8.30, xK.OO a. m.,xl2,05, X12.30, 1.00, X3.00, 3.K5, 4.40, X5.00. X5.15, 0 30, xKOO, X9.2P, 11.15, Xll.60 p. m., X12.01 night. For Annapolis, 7 .10 and'8.30 a. ra., 12.10 and 4.86 p. m, Suuduys, 8.30 a. m., 4.40 p. m. For Frederick, week days, 7.35 a, m., 12.00 noon, 4:30, G.30 p. in. Sundays, 1:15 p. in. i . For liageistown, 11000 a. m. and t5:30 p. m. For Boyd nnd way points, week days, 7.35 a. in., 4.30, 5.30, 7.05 p. in. Sun days, 1.15, 7.05 p. in, For Galthersburg and 'wav points, wcelf days, 7.35. 9.00 a. m.. 12.50, 3.15, 4:30, 4.33, 5.30, 7.05, 11.40.jj. m. Sundays. U.OO a. m., 1.15, 4.50, 7.05, 10.15 p. m. For Washington .Tunction and way points, 7.35 a. m., 4.30, 5.30 p. m. week dayn. 1.15 p. m. Sundays. For Cape May, 10 a. m.. 12 noon. ROYAL BLUB LINE1 FOR NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. All trains iliinuiu..ied with 1 imsch light. For rhliadelpnia, M-w lorK. uosiou, aim the Et. week days, 8.00, U0.00 a. m. DinlugCar), 12.00.(12.35 DlnlngCar), 3.00, (5.05 Dining Car), (12.01 night; Sleeping Car open at 10.00 o'clock), Sundays, (9.00 n. m Dining Car), ( 1 2.35 Dining Car), 3.00, 1505 Dining Car), 12.01 night, sleeping ear open ten o'clock. Additional trains ror. Philadelphia, week days, 7.05 a. m., daily. 8.00 p. m. nutlet Parlor Cars on all day trains. For Atlantio City, 10-00 a. m., 12.00 noon, and 12-35 p. m. week days. 12.35 p. m. Sundays. tExcept Sunday. "Dally. xExpresa trains. J3aggaKe called fur and checked rrom hotels and residences by Union Transfer Co on orders lert at ticket offices, 619 Pennsylvania avenue n- w., New York nvcnuu ami Firteenth street, and at depot TO. M. G RE EN. CH AS. 0. SCULL, Gen- Manager. Gen. Pas3. Agt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (Piedmont Air Line.) (Schedule in effect December 1,1890.) AU trains arrive and leave Pennsylvania Passenger Station. 8 a. in. Dally, local for Danville, Char lotte and way stations, connects at Manas sas ror Strasburg, Harrisonburg -and way stations, daily, except Sunday, and at Lynchhu'rg with the Aortoikand West ern, dailv, and with the Chesapeake and Ohio, daily, for the Natuial Bridge, and Lexington. 11-15 a.m. Dally, the UNITED STATES FAST MAIL. carrlesPullniun BuffetSleep ers New York and Washington to Jackson ville, uniting at Salisbury with Pullman Sleeper for Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C. Knoxvllle and Chattanooga, Tenn., and at L,narou. ,iun uuiium uncuci iur Kuw Oriel Sleeper, isew iuiK iu au.uiui. duuu irain Washington to New Orleans without change. Sunset conducted tour lBt excursion throtfgu sleeper on this train every Saturday to San Francisco, without cliun6 4-01 p.m. Local for Front Royal, Stras burg aud Harrisonburg, daily, except Sun- 4:51 p. m. Dally, local for Charlottes- lO-'-lS p. m.-Dally, WASHINGTON AND SOUTHWESTERN, VESTIBULED, LIM ITED, composed of Pullman Vestibuled sleepers, dining cars and day coaches. Pullman Sleepers New York to Asheville and Hot Springs, N. 0.; New York to Tampa, via Charlotte, Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville, and New York to Mem phis via Birmingham, New York to New Orleans.via Atlanta andMontgomery. Ves tibuled dav coach Washington to Atlanta, Southern 'Railway dining car, Greensboro to Montgomery. TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO DIVISION leave Washington 9:01 a. m. dally and 4:45 p. m.- dally.- except Sun day, and 0:5 V- m- Sunday only, for Hound Hill: 4:32 p. m, -daily, except Sun day, ror Leesburg, and 0:'2o p. m. daily for Herndon. .Returning, ..arrive tt , Washing ton 8-20 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. daily, from .Round Hill, and 7:00 a', m. daily, except Sunday, from Herndon, and 8:34 a. m. dailv except Sunday, rrom Leesburg. Tlirough tfalnsrrourtiie South arrive ntf Washington 0:42 a. m.,2r2() p. in., and 9:40 p. in. daily, Manassas division; 12:40 p. ru. daily, except Sunday, and 8:30 a.m., daily, rrom Charlottesville. Tickets, sleeping car reservation and in formation furnished at offices, 511 and 1300 Pennsylvania avenue and at Pennsyl vania Railroad Passenger Station. W. 11. CrKKEN, Uen. ttupt. U. M. OUJL.F, Traffic Manager. V. A. TURK.,, Gen. iJass. Agent. L. S. .Brown, uen.rAgt. lJass. Dept. WANTED FUBNlSHED HOUSES WANTED-Furniabua houses'. We have many. applIcatlonMor furnlahod house IB all locations oJ the city. THB TIMEJ) KEAL ESTATE BUREAU- TIMES Real Estate Bureau. HOUSES FOK SALE. NORTHWEST. $27,500-F7HST.NW.,NEAUQ 1-2 squure rrom car line; brick; Tour stories and basement; 25 rooms and 3 baths; under rent of S12G per month; a. m. 1.; terms easy. (85) S20.000-L ST. NW., BET. 14TU AND 15TH Brick; 3 stories and base ment; 18 rooms and 3 baths; steam heat; lot 25x,139; under rent of S100 per month. 180) S20.000-0 ST.NEAR21ST ST.NW. 16 rooms; bath, etc.; hot water heat; an ldeul home. (53 ) SlS.OOO-COLDMllln. ST., MOUNT PLEASANT Brown stone; 3 stories; 12 rooms; 2 baths; hot water heat; a. m.i. (454) JS1S.OOO-COR. 8Tn AND I STS.NW. Brick and frame dwelling; 3 stories and basemcut, containing 22 rooms and 2 baths; furnace heat; a. m.i.; rents Tor $150 per month; terms easy: a bargain. (106) SIS.OQO-U ST.. BET. N. CAP. AND 1ST. NW. 3-story brick, 12 rooms and store; 2-htory frame in rear containing 4 rooms; rents for $100 per month; u. m. U terniB easy (204) $15.000-OST.NEAR21ST ST.NW. AlagnirTcent house ot 11 rooms and bath; hot water heat. (530) SXS.OOO-10TIIBT.NW.,NEARTST. 10 rooms and bath; hot water heat. laavi $13.000-S ST., NEAR 17TB" NW. 10 rooms, two baths; magnificent home. (510) S12.500-H ST. NW.. BET. OTH AND 10TH Brick, 10 rooms and bath; Eng lish basement; lot, 18x132 to 30-foot al ley; large yurd and stable. (71) $12,000- 17TH AND R STS. NW. 11 rooms and bath; teiuis can be ar ranged. (-192) SIO.GOO-RIGGS BT. NW.. NEAR 17TH Brick and stone dwelling, con truing 10 rooms aud tiled bath; a. m. 1. S10.500-3024 Q BT. NW.-0 rooms nnd bath; cellar; furnace. The lost Is 35X150. - (268) SIO.OOO-35TII ST. NW. White mar ble and red stone; 11 rooms and rcllar: a. m. i.; terms easy. (199) SIO.OOO-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS -White stone fronts; 10 rooms and bath. (471) SIO.OOO 18TH ST. The fashionable section, brick, with brown stone trim mings: 11 rooms aud bath; furnace. The Brsi floor Is trimmed with California red wood. We can make the terms satisfac tory. (S00) SIO.OOQ-NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE k 11 rooms and bath; cellar, furnace and latrobe heat. Only Sl.000 cash reauired. (34i) S0.5O0 Facing Iowa Circle; bricK and stone dwelling, containing 10 rooms and bath, furnace. There is no better loca tion for a residence, and to make it more interesting we will say that this house must be sold, and..wc are going to sell it. The lolls 20 feet rront. Submit offer. t33o) SS.GOO-M ST.. NEAR 1ST. M-- Hnck and stouc; 10 rooms and bath; a. m. I. (69) $8.COO-G, NEAR 21ST ST. NW.-10 rooms and bath; lot 20x133 lo alley: stable; will trade. tCOl) S8.000- U ST.. NEAR 14th 9 rooms aiitlballi. (518) ST.GOO-REDUCED FROM S8.0TO- Nlnili street northwest, west side, be tween Westminster and T streets: 10 rooms bath and cellar; heated lu- furnace. (101) ST.SOO-CORCORAN ST..NEAR 17TH ST. NW. 12 rooms uud bath, furnace. (75) $T.SOO-GTH ST.NW., NEAR M ST-- 9 rooms aud bath; cellar: furnace. (858) ST.SOO-CORCORAN ST. .NEAR 13TH BT NW.-1 1 rooms aud bath; lot is 20x 00 to 15-foot alley. 329 $T,000-SIXTH STREET, NEAR M NW. y rooms and bath;lotl8xll0;con venient location. (513) ST.OOO-K ST.. NEAR N. CAPITOL ST. 9 rooms and bath; saloon parlors; furnace heat. Will exchange for house near 9th and O sts- nw. (155) $7". OOO NEAR COR. 1STH AND Q STS. NW. 8 rooms, bath, cellar; rents for S40. (455) ST.OOO-COR. 26TB AND F STS. NW. Bricli. 6 rooms, bath, and store: 3 small irames Included; lu good condition; a.m. I- -05) S8.6OO-T ST. NW Pressed brick; 3 stories; 9 rooms and bath; hot water heat; cabinet mantels; a. m-1. 1390.) S6.500-" Cost 7,500 N street, near New Jersey avenue north weat, S rooms, bath aud cellar; lot 20x100. (543) S6.5OO-C0R.0TIIANDP STS.NW a rooms and batn; bubuut offer. (5341 2B SOO-I' ST..NEAR 27TII ST. NW. 9 rooms; bath; cellar; nearly new; will exchange lor house in city or in near suburbs. (158) S6.400-6TH ST.BET- L AND M.STS. NW. 10 rooms aud bath; new. This is "dire cneap." (ojoj S8.200-1' ST., NEAR Oth ST. NW. unck; 8 rooms, bath, and cellar: NW. 4 ZTKims on a tloor; modern in every detail;. lot, 18X100. (547 S6.000-9TII ST., NEAR T NW.-10 rooms and bath (olo) $6.000 l53 u pT. NW. 8 rooms and bath; large brick stable. (391) S6.OOO-30TU ST.. NEAR T NW. 3-story brick; 7 rooms, batli, and cel lar: a. m. I-; rented at S32 per month. (175) S6.O0O-GE0RGET0WN; 23 ROOMS, divided into rials; good investment. 14721 SS.TSO-FLA. .LYE. NW., BET. 1ST AND 2D 8-room brick; bath and cel lar; a. in. I.; terms easy. (229) SG.600 r aT-. NEAR N. CAP. ST. 13 rooms and bath: convenient 10 Gov ernment Printing Office. (265) ftlS.SOO-R ST. NW.. ..1ET. 6TH AND 7TI1 Brick; 7 rooms and bath; a. m. i.; terms, 1-2 cash, balance easy. (164) S5.SOO Cannot he duplicated; 8 rooms und hath; cellar; Sth st. nw., between N and 0 sts.; 3 lines or cars within one square; markets; the most convenient place to live in the city. (251) SS.400-M ST. NW.. BET. 23D AND 24T11 Brick; 3 btones; 10 rooms and bath ; a. m.i.; terms, 1-3 cash, balance to suit. (153) $5.0 OO -U ST. .NEAR 15TH ST.NW.- 7 rooms and bath: nice home. (109i SG.OOO H-is very seldom you can get a house for this figure in au unusually good neighborhood northwest; better look at it now; the house has 0 rooms aud bath; cellar; two-story brick stable; lot is lOx 100 to 10-foot allev. (359) $5,OOQ-ii ST., BET. 12TH AND 13T-11 NW. 3-story brick, containing 9 rooms and bath; under rent at 30 per mo. - (211) SS.OOO-6TH ST. NW.. BET. P AND Q 0 rooms and bath; stable in rear. (359) $4.9 OO -H AND 1ST bath; a. m. 1. ST. NW.. BET. N. CaP Press brick: 9 rooms and (62) 1E4.800-N ST. NW., NEAR.28TH; unck and stono dwelling, containing G roomB, bath aud reception hall; a. m. I.; terms to suit. (203) S4.750-NORTH CAP. ST. Bay Win dow urlck of 0 rooms, bath, and collar; stone trimmings. (1&7) $4.500 7TU ST. EXTENDED-Store aud 7 rooms. (014) $4.500-9T" AND 0 STS. NW.-Fine brick ot 8 rooms: bath and cellar. (400 1 S4.S50-S'-D AND I STS. NW. 10 rooms aud bath, In good condition. (388) S4.200- TWENTY-SECONDSTREET, NEAR D STREET N W. Brick, 0 rooms nnd bath: submit terms. (511) S4.SOO-9TU ST.. NEAR O ST. NW.-. 0 rooms; lot Is 20x95. to 10-ft allev. S4.30Q-R ST. NW., NEAR 1ST.; bay-window hnck, containing 7 rooim and bath; in rirst-class condition; terms to suit. (60) S4.000 Q B'P. NW. 7 rooms audi oath; we can trade this for u house near center of city- (299) $4.0 OO -T ST. NW., NEAR 6TH. press brick; 7 rooms and bath; lot 17 ft. front; a. m. 1.; a bargain. (340) S4.000-H ST. NW.; BRICK; TWO stories; 7 rooms; lot 10x100; stable on rear. t (261) S4.O00-4TH ST. NW., BET. P. AND q; brick; 6 rooms and bath; under rent, $22.50, a. m. i.; terms to suit purchaser. I CO I S3.T60-FLA' AVE. NW., EAST OF 7TH ST. 6 rooms, bath, and cellar; S2G0 cash, balance monthly. Do not miss this. (474) S4.000-L ST. NW., NEAR 7TH ST. 30-ft. rront, brick, containing 6 rooms, bath. a. m. 1. (887) $3,850-1208 N. CAP. ST., 6 ROOMS. both? and cellar. (409) S3.750-N. J. AVE. NW., NEAR R ST. Cosy 6-room house; the lot is 16x113, to 10-foot alley; see ua about Una. (426J $3T50-VST.,BET.13THAND 14TU NW. Brick. 6 rooms and Oath: lot l5x I 80; a. m.i. (227 J IS Real Estate Bureau. HOUSES FOR SAXE. NORTHEAST. Wo Imvc one house northeast that we can sell on monthly iu.ynieiit.s of 15. It is a nice brick of roo um und bath. Several other houses of (J rooms and bath on our books wo can sell for $50 to $200 cash, balance $25 per month. Better see us if 3-011 are thinking of bnylujf. $9.000 HST.NE.,NEAR7TH:BRICK 10 rooms and store; terms easy (240) S3.500-100 MASS. AVE. NE.-12 rooms; Hath and cellar; corner house. , I486) opposite Stanton Park;'.) rooms, two o.itiiH: cellar; rurnace heat; rtnest house on the 11:11. 1502) S8.50O-UTH STNE.-A rcw steps trom E. Cap. St.; 8 rooms and oath", cel lar; handsomely ritiished; orrcr wanted. t3&2 $0,50011 st., near 3rd st. ne.; hntk, 13 rooms and bath; lot 20x100 to 15 root alley. (5d) $5.200 A ST., NEAR 3D ST. NE. Oroomsandi)ath;moderiiiiiiprovements: this is a bargain; rents ror S30; letur .00k at this. (549) $5. 500-OPPOSITE STANTON PARK NE. store aud 8-room dwelling: con venient to 2 car lines. (305) $5,000710 12TU ST. NE. 0 rooms and Mori-, will include stock, fixtures and good will; a good chance Tor some one. ' (4SVJ $4. 600 Unusually line- corner house; Oth st. neLuear rapiotrattsit; 7 rooms; hath; cellar. (278) $4.500 TENNESSEE AVE., NEAR LINCOLN PARK Brick and stone; 1 roomsandbatii; good condition; terms easy. (54) S4.GOO-yUlNCJL S'l.NE.-O rooms, batn and cellar; lot is 18X90 to 20-it. alley. (450) $4.150-TI1 ST. NE.. BET. E AND F Bay-window brick, 0 roomsandbath; side and rear alleys; terms easy. 2 13) $4.000--'OU. 21) AND L STS. NE.; brick: 8 rooms and bath; a. m. i.: lot 38x90. (392) S4.000-1TH ST. NE.,NEAHII ST.- Sven rooms and .bath; to good tenant $500 cash; balance S2G per month. ( 302) S4. OOO Corner brick resident!' of 8 room.-, ami Lath; 16x90, including ad joining lf.t; 20x90; all for price quoted; corner; ne.; near car line. (392) $4,000 S'i H AND L STS. NE. -Brii-k 3 bay windows; 2 stories; 8 rooms: a.m. 1. (387) $4.000-7Tlt ST. NE., BET. E AND F; m.w brick; 2 .-tories and basement; S rooms; a. m. i.; terms to suit. (89) S4.000-QUINCY ST. NE.; PRESS brick: 0 rooms and nath:'lot 1x90, to 20-root alliv; heated by rurnace; a. in. i. (280) $3.SOO-9TII ST. NE.; BAY-WIN Dl W brick: 7 rooms and bath: lot loxiooto 10-r.iotalIey; a. m. i. U75) S3.SOO-D ST. NE..NEAR 1ST: NEW brick; containing 0 rooms and ba'h. a m. 1. ; terms, easy. (70) $3,700-1' ST. NE..NEAR 1 1TH ST. - b rooms, atli and cellar; very fine house; submit terms. (370) 5i3-600-lTIl ST. NE. NEAR II ST. - 7 rooms aud bath: submit terms. (441) SS.QOO-TH ST. NE..NEAR B ST.; nruk and Trame dwelling, containin- rooms; lol 29x117 to S-foot alley. (201) $3,500-1300 N. CAROLINA AVE. NE.-Bri(k: 7 rooms and bath; a m 1;. terms easy. ta2l $3.SOO-L(iCATED WITHIN ONE SQUARE OF II ST. CABLECARS Nt. Douhle house; 35 feet rront: press-brick 'runt: 7 roou.s and' hath: rront and hake yard:eay terms. l'7i $3,100 - l ITU AND FLA. AVE NE. - bay window brick, 7 rooms and bath; i.; term' easy. (228) $3.100 D ST. NE.. BET. STH AND 9TI1 Brick. 6 rooms and bath: in first class Condition; can be liought on monthly payments. (309) $3,000-1 ST NE..NEAR12TH ST-- brick. 7 rooms, bath and cellar; lot 18x100 to 12-root alley; good rent: a. m. 1-; terms easy. (22S) $3.000-B 5T.NE..NEAR1ST: BRICK; 0 rooms; lot 14x00; in goou lomittion. (244) $3,000-1 ST. NE..NEAR STH SV-- 5 rooms; bath and cellar; will entertain tin offer. (298) $3.0CO-LOCATED ON 31 ST. NE. BET. 12TII AND 13TH STS. -0-room and bath: brick: lot i 25x140, with stable for 10 horses; would suit a contractor or any one tie having a number of Itun-i's. 1433) $3. OCO MORRIS PLACE NE. -several new bricks, 0 roorrs. bath and cellar; a. m. i.; S500 cash; balance monthly. i277 $S.SOO-Fine corner: reduced, new house-. Elone tritnnilngs; 6 rooms and lath: within 2 squares or II st. cable lint-, t Us is a beautiful home. 19Si SS.SOO l-TH ST.NE.:PRESS BRICK 2 stories, 7 rooms and bath; let. IG.6 95; a. m.i. (273) S BRICK. Rx SSSOO-E ST.. BET. 4TH AND 5TH NE Brick, 3 stories, 7 rooms and bath; a. m. 1. (81) SS-TOO DELAWARE AVE; BRICK, 7 rooms: terms to suit. (2-18) SS.700-11 ST. NE., BET. JTH AND FIFTH Brick and stone: 0 rooo.s and bath; a. in. i. (169) $25. .TOO 1433 ST. NE. - Pros brick. bav window. 0 rooms, bath, and cellar. (458) $t.eOO-l'-2TII ST. NEAR Q NE: frame. 0 rooms. bath andcellar:in g"od condition; terms easy. G7i SS.5O0-1-TH ST. NE.. HET. D AND E Brick. 0 rooms and liath: a. m. L; terms, S10O cash, balance 20 per month. (92) S'?..'-,0 -TENN. AVE. NE. -0 roi-nis. bah and cellar. (3) S2-r-00 1 1TII ST. NE.. BETWEEN E AND F Brick; G rooms and tmth, larpe concrete cellar; a. in. t. terms to (324) Sa.POO-lOTII AND EMERSON STS. Several brick houses: 0 rooms and bath: submit terms. (33) $S.AO O-N EAR H ST.C ABLE. NORTH EAST R rooms and bath:S2O0 c.ih. balance S25 per month- (276) SJl.noo-12TH ST.NE. -AUivcFh n-'-. ave.; 0 rooms and bath; .?300 rash; balance monthly. (150) $21.200-1 5T1T ST. NE.. NEAR F: brick; 0 rooms and bath; a. m. i. (103) SS.OOO-Tll ST. NE., BETWEEN G AND 11 STS. 4 rooms: only one-hair square rrom cable line. (313) $2!. 30O PARK PLACE NE. -G rooms and bath: lot is 10x100 to wide alley: steadllv rented at -ao per month; a good investment. (341) $S.OOO-12TH. NEAR P ST. NE.-6 rooms and nati.: only 300 cash re quired. (151) $1,950- 13TH ST., NEAR F ST. - Near O-room and bath .brick; 22 feet front This Is a bargain for -someone. We can bv special arrangement sell this to colored people. (423) Si, 800 13th st. ne., near 3 St., brick, u rooms and bath. (503) $3 .SOO 1-22 LINDEN ST. NE. -Brick 0 rooms; a. m. I.; terms easy. (78) Sl.ROO--n ST. NE., BETWEEN G AND n STS. o-room house; IS reet front; routed at SI 4 per month; a good investment; easy terms. (288) Sl.SOC-60 G ST. NE. Five room frame, in good condition; will make the termsto suit you. (334) $1.500-1216 I ST. NE. -'-room bnek; lot, 20x110; investment. (5 IS) S1.5O0-1-TH ST. NE..BET. 0 AND R Ms.: 3 frames; 2 stories: 8 rooms; lots 10x98 to 12-footalleyr staMe n each lot: can be bought on monthly payments. (296) HOUSES FOR SALE. SOUTHWEST AND SOUTUEAST. BIG INVESTMENT-" houses; all modern bricks; renting ror Si 58.50 per month: enn he bought ror $20,000; on Est. so., not far from Pa. ave. $9.000-E. CAPITOL ST..NEAR5TH ST. Press brick, with marble trim mings; containing 11 rooms and bath; fur nace heat; stationary wash tubs: the rront is 21 root. (303) $9.000 Fine brick residence, near the Capitol; 11 rooms and bath; furnace hc.nt; terms easy. (200) S7.000-STH ST.SE..BET.G ANDH -Brick store and dwelling, containing 7 rooms; under rent of S45; terms to suit. 157) SS.500 Beautirur corner residence at Bin and u sts. se.; 11 rooms mm oath: this is well worth the price. (422) S8.500-New brick dwelllngand store; 12 rooms and bath; Sth, near M sr. wc can maKe easy terms on this property. , (114) $5,500 Corner lot, 3rd and E sts. se., 59x75; improved by two good Trame dwellings; terms to" suit. 15GG) TIME. TIMES Real Estate PKOPJEKTY FOR RENT. ; $100-223 NEWERSEYVVE.E" .,, " rooms; 2 baths; butler's pantry! Kitchen; storeroom; servants' slttins-room. and numerous large closets. Key at this orrice. Just the house for a member ot Congress- REAL ESTATE BUREAU $05.002020 R 8T. NW. Brick: 3 stories: 10 rooms and bath- (417) $80 EACH-1350, 1352 COLUM- BIA ST.. SlT. PLEASANT Broivo atone: 3 stories; 12 rooms and 2 baths: a. a- . (45i) $55 Store and 20 rooms on New Jeriwy ave. nw.,neor B. & O. depot (480) SSO.T5-724. 13TH ST. NW.-Brlck: 11 rooma and baihr good conciitlou 0. m. . 1113J SG..r.633,Q 8T NW.-Brick: thrau jiorie: 16 rooms and two baths: a m. 1. ta20i S50-18TH AND RIGG3 NW.-Brlc:::3 stories and basement: 10 rooms aud oath; a. m. t 1404J SGO,309 7Tn ST NW. 11 rooms, ga. and water included la rent. i3Gbi S50 03O O ST. NW. u large rooms; can aU used as a stabls or itorage rooms. $45-1108 8TH ST. SE.-Brlck stora and dwelling: 12 rooms: a- m. 1. (114J - S45-110G 8TH ST. SE Brick store wita 1 2 rooms and batn- (1141 S40.5o-.VO. 1830 flTH ST. NW. Modern 10 rooms and bath; cellar. . (181) "40.00-1347 PA J.VE-NW.-6 large .'loins and batn. (415) S36.50-4ti B ST. SW. Brick. 12 room ano bath: new house. 179) $GS.5O-2705 P ST. NW. 10 rooms ana bain; la perfect condition: larga yard. $3C.OO713 am st SE. Largu uouoie store; keys, 709 Sth se. 1502) $35.00 1927 FIFTEENTH ST. N. W.: 9 rooms and bath. (503) S30.50-5T1I ST NW., BET. O AND l SXS. 9 rooms and tain. (5271 $30.50123 A ST. NE.-9 rooms and bath- (4d6) SS5 17TH ST. EXTENDED -Desirable frame; 7 rooms andbath; a. ra.i. (528) $fS3.40-339 FIRST ST- NE.-Brlck: 7 rooms and bath: a. m. L; stable la rear. 1380k $52.5O-803EASTCAP.ST. 7 .rooma auu Oath; key t 805, next door. (560) S22.3O-70 D BT- NE 6 iooms and bath; concrete cellar; a. m. l. (77 S2S.30-"2 D ST. NE- 6 rooms and bath; concrete cellar: a. m- L 11 16) $Sl.SO-l33l v st aNW.-2 fitory Dncu; ti rooms and bath. Key at thu orriee. (Co-1) $212358 6TH ST. NW. 6 rooms and uaia. (215) $20.50527 F ST. NE. Brlckr.6 rooma auu -natn, i5i;j S20.5O-213 E BT. NW Brick: 3 rooms and bath: a. m-. (267) S20.00-4HE BT-NE. -Brick. 7 roomj and bath. (an S18.30-516EST 6E.-EricS: 6 rooma and bath, a m- . (aai) SIT. 30 2506 1-2 P ST. NW. Brick. 6 rooms and bath; a. ns. 1- ilbO) $1T.30 2502 P ST-NW -Brick; 0 rooms and bath: a. m. 1. 1348; $lT.OO-13H3 F ST. NE. New Brick: 2 fttories; 6 rooma (400) $16.35141 WASHINGTON ST. NW. 6 rooma. 14.991 $10.001810 20THST.NW. 7 rooms; key next door. (463) $15.50 1212 2ND ST- NW. Brick. O rooms and bath; key ac corner. 1-114) $15.301238 DUNCAN ST. NE new trick; 7 rooms and bath; a. m. L 1501) $15,3 O HOS D ST. SE. Frame. 7 room?; a. m.l.;the lot U 100xl00;gwxl place for a gardes- (443) S15 iwlo -till ST. Brick: 8 rooms. h.eya at this orrice. (412) $13.50424 3RD SE. Erick;6 rooms; blame in rear. (308) S13.30 703 24TH ST. NW. -Brick. 6 room- t3a2i 5113422 3RD SE.-Brick; 5 rooms; stable in rear. (507) SX2.30-6H 12TH ST- NE- Brick: 6 rooms; watensewenkerOlO. (124) $12.00-Jmj 1'OiIEuOi T NW. 0 rooms, stable for two IiorMxj; well water. lot 13 35x150 feet lo alley. (550) $10.50-1211 WXLIB 8T- NE.-Five- touni brick. (392) SlG-1 luTH SW. Frame; 0 rooms; tan t e rented to colored tenant- (509) SIO.OO 1231 GEORGIA AVE- SE. &-rooin brick; key 1233. (ill) S3 O Large shop in rear 1443 P ST. jW.. size 20x60 U00 $9.30-0. 23 DECATUR ST. Five rooms; near N . Cap. ana P sw. ne. (4sG SO. OO I1 FRANKLIN ST. NW..NEAR 6TH AND R STS. 4-roora anck. (241) SS.SO -1&17 LINCOLN AVE. NE.-2- story frame; 5 rooms. (181) $S.50 l13 LINCOLN AVE. NE. Frame; 2 stories; 5 rooms (181) P.A CH- 1633-163nCrE3ENTST. iienuian ilill. 2 frames, t reexna each. (290) ST 1333 FIRST ST BE. Three storj: 9 room frame; lot lfcxl75 (239) SR 2r 1514 ilASS. AVE. NE Brick; 4 rooms. dbo (FUUNISUED.) Sl"5.0O-IST- NW.. NEAR 1 STH isT. Brick; 3 stories; 0 rooms, and battr. completely furnished. (367) s- "3- P ST . N'air. DUPONT CIltCLB Urick; 4 stories; li rooma and bain; heated by furnace- (342) SlOO N H. A YE.. NEAR El ST.NW. Houhle brick; 10 roomsand bath;heated trr furnace; completely furnished; a m. l (453) SlOO 1GTH ST. NW. Brick; 16 rooma auu &ath; completely furiiisncd; a. in. 1. (510) S90-P ST., BET 30TH AND 31ST STS. NW- 3-story brick; 17 rooma and liatn; completely furnished; a. n. t (oil) so; 113 B ST. SE. Opposite new li brary: 9 rooms emu oata: elegantly furnished. USD Ktr-oN RHODE ISLAND AV.. BET 9TH AND 1 OTH Brick. 10 rooms and bath; completely furnished. (4131 tfi).00 1927 Fit 1LENTH ST. N. W.; 9 rooms and bath (503) crn-1209 TJ ST. NW. Brick: 6 rooms and bath: completely furnished; a, m. s. WOO) 25-3 rooms and bath; nicely fur- mshed; near the new Library; owner retaina ope room. (540) feUBUIil'AN U031C3. $75.00 PER SlONTH one-hair ruths westor overlook tnn; 12 rooms ;saiEaie ror a road house; liquor licence (-191) STS.OO PER MONTH -One-halt mila westof Overlooklnn; i2 rooms; suitable for a road house; lupior license. 1491) cok-EAST FALLS CHURCH -15-room ""frame; 7 acres of ground; convenient, to cars. 5ao r- r; -CONDUIT ROAD 7 rooma ami bath: hot and cold water. (4S0J S15-LAMOND STATION Frame cot- iage;9 rooms; newly puiHjred. 1372 ck-CALUVX ST- NE. Two-story brfk stable. (D09) iJS OO-dENNIN't ROAD I'roomrraitw: large lot. (373i) S3-50 BENNINUROAD 4-roomfraiiie: large lot- (373) FOR RENT FLATS. SxfTNwC NEAR 1 lTJI Vntnr- mshed riats; 2 rooms; heat and ea in cluded. lW 54,0-COR.PA. AVE. AND 6TH ST. NW. -4 roomsand bsuh; rorgtIei:enonlr voniil suit an M. C. Furnished. i52 S40-ONI ST. NW., NEAR ARLINGTON HOTEL Handximelv furnished Hua or 3 communicating rooms on 2d floor. (507) S35.00-ill? F 8T- NVT. i rooms: light included !n rent: a. m.i. 411i 030II0 D ST. SE. Opposite now H- brary; 3 rooms furnished. (431) S20 EACH-I"" riats, one of two rooms and reception hall, on 1st floor; 3 rooms and bath on 2d Door; handsomely furnished and within 2 squares or Capi tol and New Library. (553) c-ro G3i Q ST. NW.; five rooms and &-bSth, (525-) S20.00-0"e square rrom Capitol and New Library, 4 rooms and bath: a. m.t- S15.OO-1403 P ST. SW.-.". rooms, light housekeeping; heat and gas. '5301 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. '2O-603 D ST NW. Two rooms cu, 1st floor; 1 room on 2d floor, S10; wiU rent whole building for SlOO pjr montn. W88)