Newspaper Page Text
,,Hftwlsfi;", - -r THE SIOUNISrGr TEN-CBS, TukSDtt:9'c JJUCWLBmi 29, lSbtf. " V fSWr $4&gfi TREATY SENT TOEiLP Draft of the Venezuelan Conven tion Left Ilere Saturday. BOUNDARY INCIDENT ENDED JjoiA Salisbury's Final Instructions, to the BiitiBli AuilMis-ndor Are IJxpeeted "Within Ten Mays Plaei' of Tribunal's fleeting: Tet to lie Determined. TJie completed draft ot tin Venezuelan 'treaty -went to Lord Salisbury by last Saturday's mail, and His final liMra-.tlons to the British ambassador are expected -within a week or ten days. Thy only im portant point still open is the place of "" meeting of the tribunal. This will be left to Sir Jehu Fauucefotc and Air. Andnide to settle. The last little point of difference in the Anglo-American general arbitratoii protocol has also been settled, and the treaty will probably be ready to be tent to the Senate in about two weeks. The international incident of the Vene zuelan boundary dispute is considered tlosed as far as the United States is - concerned, and all further negotiations Tor its adjudication lie -wholly "with the two parties to the controversy, Venezuela und Great Britain. This explanation comes from the State Department, where it is further stated that -with th acceptance of the Venezuelan executive, three weeks ago, of the heads lor the proposed treaty or arbitration, as signed by Sir Julian Panncerote and Mr. Diney, on November 12, the friendly in lervenuon of the United States had been completed. The onlv additional acts of the United States in the matter will be the publication of the evidence and reportseollected by the Venezuelan high commission and the even tual refeioncetothe United States Supreme Court of the concurrent request of the two countries for the appointment or two ju rists a r. members of the tribunal as provid id by the treaty. As the Venezuelan congress, which must pass upon this treaty, has boon called to meet in extra session on February 1 in gtead of waiting until its constitutional meeting day, February 20, it was pre sumed, as they have done, it appears, that llr Andrade and the British ambassador would complete the details of the conven tion directly in order that it may reach Caracas witliiu a month. Aleetlnu of Diplomats. Senor Andrade mot Sir Julian Pauncefote nttlieUrn.sli Embassy yesterday afternoon tod discussed the few remaining details re lating to the tieaty. The Venezuelan governmentis very deslr- -f ous thai h citizen of tliat country should be placed on the board of ai nitration, and It is' "well known that Senor Andrade cherishes the hope that this may be done, though Jiis wishes are not likely to be gratified It was the belief m Caracas that this consideration -would not be shown to Venezuela, and this formed the basis of wmeof tiie opposition to its approval. The treaty itself simply provides that two justices of theUnlted States. Supreme Court Mid two members ot the British supreme court shall select the board, and that in the event of their failure to agree King Oscar, of Sweden, shall nominate the fifth umpire. The tim? and place of the mating haw been Icfi a blank in the treaty, to be agreed upon by Sir Jlulan and Senor Andrade It may n stated that these meetings will not be held either in Venezuela, the United f States, or in British Territory. Neutral ground, satisfactory to both countries, will be selected, and it is not improbable that - For a variety of reasons Paris or Brussells may be chosen. The Protocol. It may be ten or twelve days before the protocol will be signed. The treaty provides that Sir Julian and Senor An drade may sign for their respective gov ernments, but Sir Julian cannot do this until he receives his formal instructions trom Great Britain, and it is understood thai theM have not yet been mailed. Senor Andrade, on the ether hand, is said to have brought this authority with him to Washington, but he will defer acting until Sir Julian can act eo-joi.itly with him. Private letters, -wliifh arrived on the steamer that brought Mr. Andrade to this country, disprove the correctness of thedispntch printed several weeks ago, that when the Vrms of the treaty became Known in arOHs great indignation existed among the people, and that strong in fluence, were excited to preent its ratificaih n. All tin- information is to the contrary. It is staled in these letters that w'ule Mr. Miehclniii, the fonncr minister to England, objected particularly to the fifty-year clause of the treaty, his pro test "was, contained in a single letter published in a Caracas newspaper. It was immediately followed by a suc cession of otter letters from former secre taries of state, former Venezuelan minister.-, at "Washington and Lonuon, and oilier pioiuinent persons declaring that the treaty was precisely what Venezuela desired and -what she had asked Great Britain a score of years ago to make- it is argur" from this and from other information which bas been current in diplomatic circles for some weeks that the t rente is acceptable to the Venezuelan people generally, and it is not doubted that it will be promptly signed by Senor Andrade and Sir Julian Pauncefote, rop- resentisig.rospectlvely, Venezuela and Great Britain. At noon yesterday Secretary Gluey drove to the British embassy and had a long 4 conference with Sir Julian, picsumibly -witli reference to the treaty. SUMMOXED TO COURT. Receiver Fries to Appear Ri'forc .Indue Siiiiouton at YTUminirtoii. Winston, X. C, Dec 28. Judge Simon ton, f the United States encuit court, has notified Mr. J. W. Fries, receiver of the Xorth State Improvement Company and his attorneys, Watson and Tlaxton, of this city. to appear before hint in Wilmington on January 1 4 next, ivlieii he will is.sue a de cree regarding the sale o" the Cape Fear and YttdUin Valley Railroad. It is understood that the Judge's order -will be fr a fale of the road as a whole, and not by sections, as some of the inter ested parlies asked for. VAX ('OUT FOR POSTMASTER. Gibbs J-cft for Canton to File the Application. Xew York, Dec. 2&. Coi nelius Van Colt, who was postmasterof this city under Presi dent Harrison, is a candidate for the place and has been indorsed by the regular Kc publlcan organization. Xational Committee man Frederic!: Gibbs will go to Canton to morrovr or next day to file with Major ilcKinlcytl'.o application of Mr. Van Cott and his indorsements. He will also file tiie application of George R. Bidwell for .p pointment as collector of the port. Ijyncliers to Jlo Indicted. Owensboro. Ky., Dec. 28. Judge Owens of the circuit, court this morning ordered tlie grand Jury to lay aside all other busL iices until they had indicted the lynchers o Alfred Holt, colored. DR. WALKER WltosBtRrittitnlion l liUrtublUIied by llv Years of HC:esstiil l'rnc- llco at 1411 PciniBylvmil't Ave. A Guarantee of Skill and Ability. Five years of phenomenal success in the treauiientotohstinate ami obscure diseases have stamped him as the master or medi cine and surgery. Medical institutes have risen and lallen. Specialists have come and gone. Others "Will come and go, leav ing tnelr patients poorer and uncured, but Dr. Walker, through the confidence of an appreciative people, through the great demands rnitn the sick ami arflicted for his professional services, and through ills -unparalleled success m curing disease, has built up a practice -which has per manently establisned him in this city. CDAUASTEED I" All-Ca... of N ERYOUS DEBILITY. LIVER COM- i'LAl.M'S, BLADDER TROUBLE, ivllj NEY COMPLAINTS. PEA RT TROUBLES FEMALE "WEAK: ESS. LOST YITALr 1TY . W'EAKNFSsUFAl EN.BLOO DD1 bj EASE. RHEUMATISM, VAKlLUV-iJiii, ENLARGED GLANDS. CYSTITIS.OLEET AM) STRICTURE. RUPTURE. PILES, AM) LLUERS, FISTULA ,FjlLI&i. Sl7iTASESTKCZEMI:oTENi HYDROCELE, CATARRH. ASTHMA, His X-Ray Machine Is the turgest nud .Most Perfect Made. The highest fee charged by Dr Walker, whether you have one or more diseases, is $5 a month. Thlslnclude.sall medicines. DAILY OFFICE HOURS 10 to 5: Sun days, 1(1 to 12. Alondaj, Wednesday, Thurs day, and Saturday evenings, 0 to 8. 3-C0NSULTATI0N FREE -& MAIL ROBBERY UNSOLVED It Is Believed the Thieves Are Postoflice Employes. - UUie Womnn Discovered the Water Soaked JMail Hugs Hit? Booty hec tired. New York, Dec. 28. No arrests have yet ben made by the postof flee inspectors hav ing in charge the investigation of the mall robbery committed on Tuesday night. The mail stolen came from the West and was for delivery in this city. It is suspected, although the postoffice inspectors aie reticent about their discov eries, that the thieves are postoffice em ployes, who operated in Jersey City or Hoboken That a robbery had been committed was first made known to the postof lice author ities on Wednrsday, when a woman de heied at the post office two bags of mail matter, which, she said, she had found in the bay near Coney Island. The letters were badly soaked and nearly all of them had been opened. Several of the letters weie delivered to merchants who expected remittances of money from their correspondents in Chicago, St. Louis and cities further West Finding that the lat ters had been opened and their contents ex tracted, the merchants made the robbery known. The officers of the Postoffice Department are reticent regarding everything but the bare fact that the letters had been found down the bay. It i believed that the thieves secured booty amounting to thousands of dollars, and that no knowledge of it reached the postoffice until the woman who found the mall bagsinthebnyreportcd the matter. MORK 31 KX TIIAX POS1TIOX: Tlie West End Street Railway Re sumes Operation. Boston. Dec. 28 All this morning there was a swarm of applicants for positions in the employ of the West End Street Rail--way". Siipt. Laffin .says he has about all the men he needs and recruiting will stop this afternoon. Among the men -who ap plied this morning were several of the old hands, -who were re-engaged as extra men. The cars were running regu larly today. The street car men are looking forward with much anxiety to the mass meeting, to be held in Faneuil Hall, this evening. Norepll has been received from President Little to the invitation sent h:m to be present, and there is not the slightest expectation that he will attend. An elfort is to be made to interest the members of the governments of all the cities, including Boston, through the streets of which the cars of the compnay run. In the board of aldermen this evening 1 derman W. T. Donovan introduced an order for the purchase by the city of Boston of a controlling interest In the WestJiEd Street Railway. The order goes over one week under the rules. Al'STIX CORRIX'S KSTATI2. Collateral T.uuus Secured by Pledge of loiik Island stocks. New York. Dec. 28. It is learned that at a meeting of the creditors of Austin Cor lim's estate, held on Saturday, it was de cided to syndicate the collateral loans, which arechii'flysecured by pledge of Long Island stocl: and aggregate $1,000,000. It is understood that the syndicate, which includes about thirty creditors, is guar anteed against loss by Mrs. Corbin, who has pluced several hundred thousand dol lars' worth of real estate in trust for the protection of the syndicate pending the liquidation o.f the loans. The action of the creditors and of Mrs. Corbin was made necessary by the steady nnd serious shrinkage in Long Island stock, resulting, it is Believed, chiefly from the unconccrted liquidation of Mr. Cnrbi n's obli gations. It isassnnicd that in consequence of the arrangement mentioned very little more Long Island stock will come upon the market. It is understood that tlie Union Trust Company will act as trustee for the syndicate. AIV.STERIOr.S DISAl'PEARAXCK. Miss Anna Darner, Recently From T2H rope, Xof to Re Found. - Saginaw. AHeii., Dec. 23. Much ox.'he ment i.s occasioned here- at the mjstcrnus disappearance ot Miss Anna Darner, of Buffalo, X. Y. She had recently returned from Europe with Mrs. Inez Hanlcy, whom sue had accompanied as companion and guarlian, and in whose terviceshe had been for nine ycar3. Miss Darner left the home of Alfred W. Newton at 11 o'clock Thursday morning, since which time nothing has been heard ot her. Her mother and rriends at Buffalo are frantic over the" news of her disap pcaranccf Miss Darner is about thirty five years old. Bubonic Plamie Ramntr. Ttnmlnv "Pro 2fi Tim lmnftli nitltllnc BOmbaj, LCC Zb. the health Statistics show thatyup'to today there have been 2,094- cases and 1,494 deaths from ,tiie bubonic plague, which is epidemic in this city. People are still fleeing from the city, but tlio plague continues fo increase. Martial law is threatened tipoii the natives failing to obey the ear'tary regulations to the letter. f6r rent booms. FOR HEM- B st- sw., furnished .lo' rooms; S3 and SO. FOR RENT A pleasant, comfortable home: with or -without board. IGiJo loth st. nw. deiO-ac, " FOR RENT Two communicating iur nished front rooms; sultablu for light housekeeping; water and gas, 1 203 II sc. n w 1 mix iikkt nirniv furnished back room in private family; heat and gas; rent So per month. 922 8th St. nw. It FOR RENT 500 2d sb. nw. -I unfur. rooms on i st, floor; every convenience lor housekeeping. It FOR RENT Furnished room; Trout or back; Tor one or two persons. 415 G st. nw. de20-3t FOR RENT 1102 N. Y.avc.- Nicely fur. rooms; light housekeeping; mou'ri fe rules . dc29-3t FOR RENT 2d floor; 3 rooms, 2 clos ets; hot water; hath; heat in 2 looms; half Mock from cars; south front; light housekeeping. OWNER, 629 T st. nw. de29-3t FOR RENT One hall room with large closets; S4.50. 723 3d st. nw. du20-3t FOR RENT 3 unfurnlMicd roomsat 1 219 7th st. nw., for $0 a mouth. Inquire at 1134 7th st. nw. de2S-3t-em FOR RENT 2 rooms fur. complete for housekeeping; also, 1 fur. bedroom. 507 2d st. nw. de28-3t,em FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished rooms, at the Hamburg, 7th and I sts.nw.; steam heat; low rates to parties begin ning new year: light housekeeping permit ted. de28-3t-em run. UEJM tsoa out st. nw.; nice, com fortable rurnished rooms; with or without board: transients accommodated. ie28-3t FOR KEN'l a 14 A st. se.; unfurnished or rurnisned; two or three rooms: third floor. de28-3t LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Unfur. rooms. 717 uth st. nw. de27-3t FOR ItENT 2400 Pa. ave., 2 unfur iiiMieu rooms on second rioor; uuih adjoin ing: suitable for light housekeeping: terms reasonable. . dc27-3t i-oic KENT Unfurnished; three rooms on second rioor, with heat; 10 per month. 30 E. Capitol st. de27-3t t ok ivEis l iSewly rurnished l rout room, am rioor; open rire; sit); hall room, za rioor, :0 ; ootn sunny; cateier in house; meals .served out. in nth st. nw derr-ot FOR RENT Two brightiooms; heat. gas and bath 70ibthnw. Ue27-3t run RENT Nicelj lur uoms, 2d and 3d floors-, with board, for one or two gentlemen or man and wife; reafonable prices 040 Q st nw. 3c27-3t FOR RENT Large u om, 2d floor. With first-class board, suitable lor two gentle men, also hall room; refined family 1112 10th st. nw. de27-3t FOR RENT Three unrurnished rooms, communicating, on second rioor, with heat, tor $10. At 1830 14th St. nw. ' de27-3t FOR RENT In private family, 1 largo and 1 small furnished room; Southern ex posure; all conveniences; central location; gentlemen only. 724 Otl i st. nw. de27-3t FOR RENT Three unrurnished rooms", entire floor; heat, bath, gas; adults only; rent reasonable. 712 North Capitol st. de27-3t FOR RENT 131 M st. nw.; one nice second-storv room; house heated by fur nace; SS. de27-3t FOR RENT 013 Oth st. nw., fur. rooms, S3 each ; also larger rooms. de2C-3t,em FOR RENT 403 3dst. n w., 3 fur. rooms; 1st and 2d floor front; gentlemen preferred. dc20-3i,cm FOR RENT 3 communicating, unfur., 2d-floor rooms, to adults onl ; light house keeping; private bath. Apply OWNER, 804 O st. nw dc2C-3t,ein FOR RENT One nicely turn front room; gentlemen preferred. No. 803 bth st. nw. de20-0t,em FOR RENT 1110-1 112 Conn ave. Flat, second fllor; suitable for doctor or dentist. Two stores, suitable for ladies' tailor, confectioner or milliner Rent reasonable to a good tenant. Key on premises Address OWNER X, this office. de20 -7tem ton REftT 3 unfurnished uoms. on 2d floor, with heat, bath and gas. Price, $10 per month. No 00 1 st. nw. de2U -4tem FOR RENT Handsome hall room, warm and comfortable: caterer In house. 922 14th st. nw. U--0-3tem FOR RENT Furnished, pleasant: trout rooms, rrom $5 up; with neat and gas; near cars. 201 D st. nw. de23-7t-em ROOMS A XT) BOARD. FOR RENT 101 4th st. nw., with board, 1 large corner room on 2d floor, for 2, $30: for l, $33: also, 2 front rooms on 3d floor, for 2, $10; for 1, $28; also, good table lward, all rooms facing Judiciary square. lt.em A CilAXCE FOR A GOOII HUME Apply at 012 Fifteenth st., Mo llierou square; iiionl desirable part of tiie city; second and till id floors, single or en suite; table and all ap pointments first elnss. no2u"-tf WANTED-nOOJIS. WANTED Lady wants one floor, fur nished or unfurnished, In house with single ladv where there are no gentlemen room ers" or boarders PRIVATE, this office. de2fe-3t-em law! wants rur. or unrur. rial of 2 or 3 rooms, situated nw.: rent must be very reasonable. Box 310, this office. dc2S-3t-em WANTED A lady wants a furnished room, with heat and gas, between 12th and 22d. and L and I sts.: not over $7 a month. Address II. W., 3200 O st. nw. 1 tern WANTED Uy a young couple, rooms; furiiisiied complete Tor light housekeeping; state price, advantages, and location. Ad dress POLICEMAN, this office de27-3t WANTEi Two communicating fur nished rooms, with privilege or light house keeping", no children; in vicinity jf 9th and H st. nw.: terms must be reasonable; relerences exchanged. Address Y.. m., this office. dc27-3t FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT A beautirul 2f-story fiat of five rooms and bath; very cheap. No. 7 2d st- ne. Applv 20-L East Capitol st. ile29-3t W'AM !: 1 1 ) .HOAR 1 KltS. WANTED 2 nicely fur. heated r omsfor single gentlemen and first-class board; $10 per month each 41(5 II ne. 0e29-7t VAXJTlIMlSCKLT.AX'KOl S. U' ANTED A good, strong one horse wagon; suitable for wood and coal business; must be cheap. E. A. HROWN ic CO., 519 i$ st. sw. ue9-3t """WANTED Party with capital of a t least S500 to take an interest in a first class spectacular dramatic attraction now on the road. Address CAPITAL, this of fice. de29-3t A. liio vule dealer wishes to exchange a hign-grade machine (ladies or gents) to a responsible tailor for equivalent in cloth ing: will make discount. Address BICYCLE EXCHANGE, this office. de29-3t WANTED A second-hand typewriter of standard make; in good condition; state nuiKo ami lowest casn price Box 25, this orrice. lt-em WANTED To rent or purchase cheap, bedroom suits, chairs, tallies, and bed cloth ing. Apply at oneo to STEVENS & CO., 1429 Pa. ave., over Acker's drug store. de28-3t-em WANTED To buy a i-econd-hand coffee urn for cash at once. PROPRIETOR, 1727 I'a. ave. nw. de2S-3t-em WANTED Horse, ror his Keeping; light work; responsible party. Addiess 442 N st. nw. deii7-:st WANTED Bicycle, in exchange for a two-horse Victoria: in a fiist-class condi tio n LBox58tbisoffmeilo2(5 - c i n , 3 1 ROOFING, guttering and spouting, W. 11. G. SIA1MONS, 01S K st. nw. no3-tf if iol want nrst-class in rnacc, latrobe, stove and range work done go to W. H. G. S1A1MUNS. 018 K st. nw. no3-tf WANTED llressmakiug; cheap and per fect satisfaction guaranteed m litting and prices. At 2l!7 E st. ne se23-tf KDTJCATIOXAL. SOUTHEAST School of Expression; elo cution, rhetoric, physical culture; new term, Jan. d; send for announcement. 155 D st. se. dc2-3t-em THORALD JER1CHAU. Ph. U., Royal University of Copenhagen, will receive pu pils on piarAi, organ, theojy and composi tion; stuCio, Droop's Music Store. Apply DroonV or Ellis' Alusic Houses. 925 and 1 937 Viv. ave. se28-tf i OTJALi VIOLIN, PIANO lessons, only ,Rn pop!,, t,. nrdfr to sw!,m n p-rwvl nntl 25c each; tu order to secure a good pat ronage at once by a professor -whose methods, ability and experience is in no way second to those commanding $1 and np per lesson. Address AUTISTIC PER FORMANCE, this office. de27-3t AT THE MINIMUM COST. PIANO, GUITAR, PAINTING andDBAW ING lessons by a successful teacher of 12 vears experience. MISS DABNEY, 1012 13th at. nw- Ce21-lmem ' ?.. yHffyi? fif'u,' '- P-'.'-'-i '- THOMAS BOWLINGS CO. .Auctioneers, til "J is si. n w. TRUSTEES' SALEOF VALUABLE UNIM PROVED LOTS AND BUILDING SITEB ON TH'KGONDUITROAI;1N'THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA. By virtue ot a certain deed of trust, bear ing date of the 3d day of July, 1890. nnd recorded In liber No. 1547, folio 424. et scu., of the land records of the District or Columbia, and at the written request of the aolder of the note secured thereby, we will, on SATURDAY' the SECOND DAY OFv JANUARY, J 897, AT THREE O'CLOCK P. M., in froht of the premises, sell the fol lowing described pieces, or parcels, of land, situated in the County of washlngton.rnd nistii'ct.'oT Columbia, as follows, to wit: All of blocks numbered two (21 and three, (3), ami lots numbered one. two, three, fqur, five, eight and nine, in"fblock numbered four (4), in the subdivision made by Jacob P. Clark and Edward B: Cottrell. trustees, of lot thiee (-3), nnd pa,r,t of lot two (2) ot part of White ilaven, as the same is re corded in the Surveyor' Office of the Dis trict of Columbia, in County Book 7. page 93. The property will be sold Tree und clear rrom all incumbrances. , TERMS OF SALE Qni&thlrd of the pur chase money to he paid in cash, and the balance in one nnd two years, the deferred payments to be secured by deed of truBt upon the property sold, with interest at the rato of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually; or, all cuMi, at the option ot the purchaser. A deposit of $100 at the time of sale will be required upon blocks No. 2 and No. 3, and a deposit of S25 upon each lotln block nuinbcrud'4. Conveyancing at the cost of the purchaser, and the terms of sale to be fully coinplied with within ten days from day of sale, ttherwist the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cos of defaulting purchaser or purehaserH.,,alter five days' advertisementin some newspaper published In the city or Washington. D. Q. EDWARD T, .FLETCHER aud EDIN C. CUTTER. Trustees. dc24-d-tds-em SPKULYI, NOTICE. SONS OF ST. GEORGE "Attention." Members or Columbia Lodge, 397, please attend meeting tonight; special business. ALFRED B. WELCH. W. Sec. It 'J HE eoporincrsiilp heretofore existing between J. P. Hilton nnd U. G. Cunning hum, doing a dairy business under the firm name of Hilton & Cunninghum, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owed to said firm can be paid to either member or said firm, and ail debts owed by said firm will be paid upon pres entation at our office. J. P. HILTON, U. G. CUNNINGHAM. Washington, I). 0.. Dec, 2ii. 1890. It THE parties who -witnessed accident to lady railing fr6m electric car, 9th" and O sts., 9th street line, about 3:45 p. in., De cember 23, will confer great.favor by send ing their address to J. L. COX, 1413 8th st. nw. T PERSONALS. PROF. HALEE, Clairvoyant. Tells your name, age, occupation and your very thoughts, and just what you want to know; tells about business deals, law suits, love affatrs, courtship, marriage, lost or stolen property, family troubles, friends and enemies, reunites sepurated hus bands and wives, sweethearts, etc.; brings troubles tind quarrel-jail right, causesspeedy marriage with the one you love, removes spells, causes good luck, cures drunkenness 'and other faults-. Prof. Halee ii acknowl edged by press and people as the greatest In the profession. lie has hundreds of let ters testifying to his great and marvelous power. So call at once and bo convinced, and don't waste time and money in visit ing so-called mediums, that are in the town at present. Office hours, 9 a.-m. to 9p. m . daily. Fees- Card reading, 23 cents; palm istry, 50 cents; clairvoyant, $1. Satis faction guurauteed. Parlors, 925 H st. nw. ile22-lm NARCISSUS, Baltimore's favorite med ium, who predicted the lire at Tlie RinK. can be consulted dally at U3S East Capi tol st. it MME. FRANCIS will not tax you with a long lingo or impossibilities that cannot be done, but all In trouble call and be helped at once by one that can guarantee t att raction: life from cradle to grave; cards. 25 cents; trance, 50 cents; hours, 10 to 9. 302 E. Cap. aew-7t iOU got leit ror Christmas; well, that comes from not reading oon"adds" about the fine custom-made suits and overcoats very little -worn, at the lowest figures: wo have a few left Tor' New Year's? will pay you 10 Investigate. JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 019 D bt. uw. r de29-7t 31311'.. ULl-AJ, ill$im 31. Scientific palmist and card reader, know vour fate and fortune: dpen dail -. German spoken. 25c. and 50c. 929 Hst. nw de2H-7 1 . . DON'T delay tlie gauieir jou wish to attend to this matter you had better come at once for a good suit of clothes or oercont that has been worn.somp. at the 6kinniesc kind or prices., m JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 019 D st. nw dc22-7t PROF CLAY., Medium, tells business, love aTfairs, losses, etc . cradle to grave, ror 50a: reunites separated husbands, wives, sweethearts or rriends; causes speedy marriages; removes spells: bad luck; all trouble; 1 0 to 10 dally 489 11 st. sw. del2-lmo OR. CZARRA'S, NO Cl KK, XO PAY. No. 019 l'o. Ave. N". W., ji-.1i titlon. I. C. Specialist la clironic and private diseased, Piles, Stricture, Hydrocele. Uout, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Dlood Polsion cured, Vitality re stored Consultation free and confidential to both sexes Daily, 9 to 12, 3 to 0. OUR greatest medium and spiritual moth er, DR MAR GORDON, tells you all things and prescribes a proper remedy ror your troubles; consult this gifted lady be fore it i.s too late. Now at 529 13th st.nw. no7-tr Dr. Leatherman, Specialist in all forms of private diseases. Ilvdrocele, Varicocele and Stricture" cured. Consultation free. Everv dav, 9 to 12, 2 to 5; Tues., Thurs. and Saturday evenings, 7 to S. 002 1' st.nw. Closed Sunday. DR. TAYLOR, 900 F st nw., makes rull sets of teeth for $5; satisfaction guar anteed; teeth1 extracted without pain; gold filling, $1 ; amalgam. 50c; extracting free when plates are made. jelS-tf LADIES needing confidential treatment, a sure and safe relief in all woman's com plaints and irregularities. Gold medal awarded Tor the science of obstetrics from the University or Alunich, Bavaria. Strict ly confidential. AIRS. DR. REN'N'ER, No. 8 Seventh st. ne., near E. Cap. st., Wash ington, D. C. TjOST. LOST Saturday night, on F St., near lOth.or 10th, north or F, oblong diamond ring, three stones, black enameled, lte turn to 1129 10th st. nw., and receive re ward. It LOST Cape. Sundav night. If found, re turn to A1YRTLE AIOORE, 321 13th St.; reward. It Loai a siiepiierd puppy; answers to the name of "Shep." color white, with dun spots; reward if returned to 214 B st. nw. It LOST Sunday evening, m the neighbor hood 4 1-2 st. and Pa. ave., lady's gold, hunting-case watch, hcavilv chained, with scalloped edge. Return to ST. JAMES HOTEL. It-em LOST Saturday evening, between ad dress belowand 429 G st-. pasteboard box, containing wild rose, embroidered center piece, and card, "To Lottie from Ida." Re ward if returned to 710 llth st. nw. It-cm LOST OR STRA YED O n Christmas Day, near Mount Pleasant, fox terrier bitch, with head markings and bald spot over eye. Return to DR. FRENCH, 714, 12th st. nw.; $5 reward. de20-3t,ein 31IST-.A.IE) or lose rrom the editorial orrice ot this paper, an old hymn book called the-"Lyre," with one leaf off; any one that has the same please re turn to this office deH-tfem FOR HIRE. FOR HIRE Fine dross.sutts, .$1 ..onlv .1 1 LUIS COHEN, 110471 St. tl W. ile24-tf jf'un. uutL To drummers and business men, horse and buggy or Dayton. $1.50 and $2 per -day. Apply to theREXSTA ULES, rear 015 E st. nw. ; telephone call, 109. myio-tr FOR SALK llORSES. f'Ok sa le Light bav inare;good mover; buggy and harness. 715 10th nc. di29-7t ,. 1 WASTED- BICYCLES. WANTED To buy lgtr-grade bicycle; '96; must. bechoap. WC? this office. It 'bR'UvE-.aTJSEg: ";-- FOR -SALE A bargains navira ten-room bay -window brick; I.; lot 20x79; rents for $22: price, $3,500. Call early. .7. D. SULLIVAN, 13thandGnw. de25-6t FOR SALE ORHENT. REAL ESTATE BULLETIN' BX THOMAS E. WAUGA.MAN, 917 F ST. NW. UNIM PRO VEI) PROPERTY -FOR. SALE. Lots 20,21 ahd22-,aquare 877, be., 1,500. icr loot. Lot U. smiarn 590, sw f o uu ZOO 2 25 .2 00 1 00 Lot 19, square 035, sw...- Cor. 1 lth and 41 sis. ne Dei. ave., B and U sts. sw MU. ave., bef. sun aim lOiu sts. ne.. North side or 11 st.. bet. 4th and 5th ne Cor. oth and II sts. mv.. 12th st., bet. A and B ets. ne South side or iv, uet. orii aud 4th sts. no 1 St., bet. 41-2 and Oth suv&-.v....r.. 17th St., bet. E Cup. and A sts. se.. l'utterson St., bet. N. Cap. and 1st.. Part lots 3 and 5, square 9C9 ne.. Fnlrvioiv. lvv Cltv 1 50 1 25 105 100 BO' 75 50 45 25 FOUR-STORX BRICK AND FRAME I10UBES FOR SALE. 1113 Mass. ave. nw.,b.h., 10 rms.. $35,000 142020th st. nw., b. h.,12 rms.... 1 .! 1733 R st. uv.., b. h., 12 rms I5.'0.?.0. 17:il It Si .. nw.. Ii. h.. 12 rms 10.000 407 Mlssourlave, nw.,b:h., 13" rms. 1O.00O - THREE-STOR'x BRICK AND FRAME HOUSES FOR SALE. 41 5 Wisconsin ave. uv:., 17 tins $29,700 1313 D st. nw., b. u., 12 mis...'... 5,000 1309 20th .i, nw.,"b. n., y rms.... 2J.500 1319 Vt. ave.uw.,U.h.,l3rms.... lB.poo 1319 L st. nw.b. h., 13 rms I?'00.!! 53 1 st. nw., b. h., 14 rms il.OOO 1707-9 and 11 bth st. nw., and 3 houses rear 10,500 1714 loth st. nw.,b. h., lo rms lO.uOO 1133 llth si. uW., b. h, a rms.... 9,000 44M st.nw.,b. h-jiorms 8,500 FOR RENT. HOUSES. 009 14th st. nw.. 14 rms $200 00 101 llth st. ue. (rur.), 16 rms....i,ouu uu 905 K st. nw., 10 rms., - 85 00 1730, 1742 and 1748 F st. nw., 10 rms 00 uu 211 A st. se., II rms 40 00 317 13th st. aw., 11 rms 30 00 200 D st. nw., "u rms 50 401 tl st. ne., 7 rms 2U 00 08O lth st. ne.-, o rms .- 1H 725 2U st. sw.. 3 rms 30 STORES, 4c c. Store, 1 room and cellar, 433 Uth st. mv $75 00 Store and dwg.. 1924 E St. and 439 j- 20th sc. nw., 10 rms - ou uu stable rear MU st. uw ."," M,. 2d iloor. 9U& !' sc. nw 3U uu Store aud 1 room, lstrioor;2 rms.2d rinor. ua Ijsi. :ivo 25 00 25 00 Hi 00 li) 00 10 00 3 15 Store and dwg., 937 Flu. a'e. n w., b rms Stable rear 1417 K st. nw Store and dwg., 13U1 1st sw Stable, rear 495 U st. sw bhop, rear iz;i3 uiaguen sauey Tin nlwivi is onlv :l Dortion or the TiWmorLv on mv books. For rull list call at orrho ror bulletin issued on the 1st and 15th. THOMAS K. WAUUAMANVJ17F.ST.NW. de3-t Hr.SIXF.SS CIIAXCKS. FOR SALE-The nicest cigar store in the city; good trade; cueap rem, in.-u , reasons for selling; a great bargain to some one. C. T. YODER, No. CIS Est, nw It rUit HALE Grocery store, doing a flr&t cl.iss business; excejient loraiiou. purty desires U leave city. Address HO.V -00, tins umee. dc J-3t FOR SALE Small grocery and confec tionery, near school. 509 I ne. de2S 7t-em wais'tfiii A oartner 10 enter in a pay- ing business wmi a small capital. ror I life ijuoiiilivI) nun ,-.-- particulars address DUS1NESS, 1000 20th ;,i. n w (iKJH-6t LADl or gentleman can be a partner; small amount or money. Call at 031 . r . Room 4. ilei-3t FOR SALE -Coal aud wood ,ardin nw., no reasonable offer refused; ust be sold by January 1 , best reasons. Acdresi COAL, this orficc. ile27 3t roll Aib-Cairi ana lunchroom, well equipped; doing a fair business; low rent; owner has oth:r business; price $125. Ad dress CAKE, tills office. de2i;-3t-ein HAVE cash bujers ror saloons, gro ceries, lunch rooms, cigar stores, coal yards, drug stores, pool rooms, livery sta Dios, barber shops, etc; no publicity. BUS lislos. K.VCHANiiE. lri F su de2U-3t-em FOR SALE Sob, barbershop, near Gov. Pnnting orrice; $150, cigar store in railroad orrice; OOU, grocery In central nw.; $l,0Oi, saloon, 7th st. nw., paying wclU $1,800, milk business, 23 tows i lid route. BUSINESS 1-..VCHANUE. 918 r- gr. de20-3t-em LADIES desirtng to make investments or speculate without publicity; where there is protection from absolute loss; can se cure the address or a lady broker by ad dressing P. O liox 47a de!0-30t i'a irri km havimr influence in the dif ferent departments can secure an income of at least $50 per month, without inter fering with their present duties. Particu lars given only nt a personal interview. 59 Atlantic Building. Officeopen until 8 p. m. deli-lino JOB FiUN'llNG, newspaper and book composition at lowest cash rates: new ma terial. ROBT F SI AIMS, Job Printer. 305 7th st. sw no20-tf MTSCKLLAX EOTJS. """"RIVER VIEW HOTEL, on'the Conduit Road, t 1-2 miles from Washington; first class mealsat all hours; Great Falls Electric cars pass the door. C. H. BEAVER, Prop. de28-7t-em nn.iiiifcii ssiun.a jor uoors and win dows; drop us postal, ulakhs lu, 900 D st ne. de27-14t FIRST-CLASS work done at your resi dence ir desired in upholstering, mattress making; drop postal. H. R. RE1SEBERG, 1107 4th sr,. de2-''t-em CHEAPEST printer on earth. Compe petition defied. l'ARK, 920 F st. dclli-lmo HERE'S A Til' -For thirty days 1 will bind vour magazines in cloth for oUc, just se mv work; business cards. i5c. . G."E. WILLIAA1S. 015 7th sL to advertise tier 1.000. nv delb-tf,em WALL PAPERS furnished and rooms pa pered at mv usual popular price. CIIAS. x EVANS, "222 Kith st. sw. del-lino WANTED Furniture moved; largest 2 horse load in the city, $2.50; 1 -horse loads, SI. 25: pianos. $2; experienced handlers. COLU21BIA TRANSFER CO., 323 4U st. nw. 'Phone, 1500. no!7-tf TYPEWRITTEN circulars push business; S2.50 per 51,000 up. ZEIGLER, printer, 810 F st. nw. oc25-tf TEETH extracted free NATIONAL UNI VERSITY DENTAL INFIRMARY, 1328 I st. nw. Teeth filled, plates made, and all kinds ot crown and bridge work at small charge to covercostofmaterial. No charge for examination. Infirmary open rrom 10 a. in. to 5 p. in. aul8-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Light delivery wagon and harness, good as new; also jump-seat sur rey and phaeton. 1105 llth st. nw. dc29-3t FOK SALE Davton and harness. 3314 IV tn st., Mt. Pleasant. de29-3t FOK S-iLE A thoroughbred French tan terrier; two months old; male. Call or ad dress, INEZ Do MOV.A.-102 3rd st. nw. it FOR SALE A new rirst-class buggy, chean. S15 Oth st. nw. tIe2S-6l-cm for SALT. Cheap. hore. wagon and harness. Apply 71 1 Oth st. ne. lt-em l'OR bALt Cheap, counters, wallcaseS mirrors, stoves and fixtures at 437 llth st. nw. -- de27-3t FOR SALE Bicycle; "Zimmy" makt; been used three months: S50 cash. Ad dress J. A. AIARCERON, care Aletropolitan Railroad Company. de2ti-3t,cm roil SALE OK II iKli Horses, wagons, buggies, carnages, harness and sleighs at panic prices: also 3 coupe rockaways, 2 coupes, 2 broughams, l tandem, lot sleighs, belonging to other parties, that we are or dered to sell at once: no reasonable offer rcrused. 927 D st.nw. 'Photic 201. de22-tr-uiii FOR SALE A lot or fine shotguns, gui tars, banjos, mandolins, violins, and ac cordeons; will be closed out at hair of the original price: nothing better ror a holiday present. JULIUS COHEN, 1104 7th st. nw. del2-tr MONKY WAA'TKUAiVP TO LOAN. $30,000 to loan on real estate at 5 per cent; no commission. Address Lock Box 333, city.. de2i-'tem $20,000 At 5 per cent, to loan on im proved property; promptattentlon given to applications. TIAIES REAL ESTATE Bit Rl.AU, 10th and I'a. ave. nw. Wb want 1,000 borrowers who desire from $50 to $10,000 each on stocks, bonds, trusts, loan association certificates, ware house receipts and life or tontine policies in old-line companies; no delay: no chattel mortgages taken. YERKES & BAKER, 40 to 40 Aletzerott Bldg.. 1110 F st. nw. MoNLl" TO LOAN Large sums at 5 and 5 1-2 per cent on D. C. real estate: $250, $500, $750, etc.. at ts per cent; all trans actions conducted with economical con sideration ror" borrowers. WM. II. SAUN DERS & CO., 1407 F st.nw. mc8 FOR SALE-Milk business, ?l,800;one hoir cash; 3 covs, horses, wagons, t-tc.; TiO-gallou route; Avill sell cows separate. BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 918 Fst. It FOR SALE Meat market; nw., .800, weekly sales, $175 to $200". rent, Sl;, no reasonable offer refused; must be sold this week BUSINESS EXCHANGE ,91S k- it FOR RKXT HOUSES. A..&-CAYWOOD. 833 ataSt. N. W. ' FOR RENT. 2i41Fstnw.ini. 6r S20.5O 51 (! 7th st nw. ni. i. 6r....rt iy.00 0itl8tue..mi,Ur 1C.S0 rt)l5 Md, avo sw. mi. lr. J25.C0 L0.50 10.30 115.00 11 to 1LS0 J0.S0 10 CO 10.0 an 8.3 SUO ECO-Uhstnw. 8r. tOillth se. Or... Wj Warner at ,nw. 7rs.. ....... 43 P stm?, 5r 7 Scott ave nw, Cr .- u33 9thstne. -Ir.. CJiLstse, tir... 2511 Mstnw. Cr. 21 I3Jtli nw. -Ir.. 1722 Hayes ct. nw. Srs., Ivy City. 7r 71 O at n w, or.. 110 Corcoran st, iTyCIty. Irs.. 70I!i ewers ctn e, ir 10SRoversaIley mv. 4 r Rear 2143 9th st Rear 1527 Morrii strnw. 4r 00) SeaL'ustuo Sr 1217. her. M SX, "Kandlstsw. r 1X7 F at aw. 3r.. 15183d nw ir iaco 1I.C0 COS Lincoln st; nw. 6r 711 Sheridan st, nw. 6r 2.510 Oth stuw. or CO" Flu. ave, ne, Cr Hartford st. a BrooklaniLG r l"lp Fristoe Cr, nwflx 251S titlT nw, r. U3 Uland alley nw, irs "217 Reeves st n vr. -Irs...,,. 727 Wallach sr, nw. -Ir. 1221 C a r 1 1 n's alloy sw ts. 20J2 Columbia Tcrraco nw. -ir 11.C0 11.00 10.30 10.00 9.30 &50 &&0 S.00 7.50 7.00 7.30 k220I, rear 2WJ 7th st, nw. ir.. 355 L stsw. .Ir.. J22 Liberty st sw.3 rs Rear 13..9 12th st nw, 3r 7.00 aco 10 5.00 3.00 05 TJXFURNISHED ROOMS. Cor. 8th & Graat I 213 i& stnw,2r. JO.OO av nw, ir $13.00 139 9th st nw. hi "Riley Building." STORES. 311-313 G st nw. store "and dwelling, or S23.C0 . STABLES... , Rear 319 C st nw 510.00 t Rear 213 VA nw. S.00 Largo stable, bet. ith aud 5th, K and L sts nw j. 51F.0O de7-3t FOR JtE NT From Jan.l, 113 D. St. se.; neat G room and bath b. w. brick in good order. A ppl v dl 6 N.J. ave. se. de29-3t FOR RENT 1711 N. Y. ave., opposite new Corcoran Art Gallery;all mod. imps.; S25 jier month in advance. Kevnext door. de28'3t,em FOR iik.nt Desirable 7 -room DricK house, oppasiLe Pension Office; GUI 1-2 4th k si.; m. i.. Key at Old 3rd st. nw. uezv-oc FOR RENT by owner, 3 tuares uw. or U. P. O., house 20 feet wide. 7 icowS wide hall, bath and cellar: hot and cold water, etc. Apply to OWNER, 1115 S st. nw. de27-3t FOR RENT 1913 Oth St., Le Droit Park. six rooms; attic, cellar, paiurv. bath nnd gas: rent $22. T. J. W. ROBERTSON, 005 7th st. rtrte25-7t FOR KENT Seven-room frame cot tage in Brookland: two' clocks from cars; modern improvements; tcrmB low. In quire I. S. HOLLIDGE. care Saks & Co. tf FOR RF.XT-SUBUHHAX". FOR RENT Twelve acres; "eight rooms: rnnt; $1(jj0; near boundarv. Call 20 1 st. ne. d"e27-3t WANTED 11QLSKS. WANTED A small house nc&r-Boundary nw. or ne., near car line; must be cheap for cash. Address CHEAl HOUSE, this oificc. de28-3t-eui l, iiii.c u niiiiiuer or applicants ror houses renting from $20 to S35 per month: send us description of your vacant house, and you will be surprised how quick we will rcut it. T131ES RLAL ESTATE BUREAU tt POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should be read daily by all interested, as changes may occur at anv time Foreign mailsror the week ending January - will close promptly at this office as roiiows: Trans-Atlantic Malls. TUESDA Y-(b)AtU:20 p. m ,for Europe, per s. s. New York, rrom New York, via Southampton. Letters for Ireland mast be directed "per New York." (c)xVt 10-55 p. in., Tor Genoa, per s. a Fulda. from New York. Letters mast be directed -per Fulda." (c)At 10:55 p m-. Tor Europe, per s. s. Teutonic. TromNew York, vlaQueenstown. (cjAt 10.55 p m.. ror Belgium direct, per s. s- Kensington, rrom New York, via Ant werp. Letters must be directed -per Ken sington." WEDNESDAY (c)At 10:55 p. in., for Netherlands direct, per s.s. Zaaiidam, irom New York, via Amsterdam. Letters must bedirected"per Zaandam." FRIDAY iblAt 0:00 p. in., for France. Switzerland. Italy, Spain. Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, aud British India, per s. s. La Bretagne," from New York, via Havre. Letters ror other parts or Europe must be directed "per La Bretagne-" (OAt 10:55 p. in., for Netherlands direct, per s. s. Veendam, from New York, via Rotterdam. Letters must be directed "per Veeiidam." cJAt 10:55 p. in., ror Scotland direct, per s. s. Ethiopia, rrom New York, via Ulas gow. Letters must be directed "per Ethiopia." (c)At 10:55 p. in., for Europe, per s. s. Campania, " from New York, via Quecnstown. "Printed matter, etc. German steamers saillngrroin New York on Tuesdays. Thurs days, and Saturdays, take printed matter, etc, for German v and specially addressed printed matter, etc., Tor other parts of Europe. White Star steamers sailing from New York jtn Wednesdays, take specially ad dressed printed matter, etc, Tor Europe. The American, Cunard. and French line steamers sailing rrom New York, take printed matter, etc., for all countries for which they arc advertised to carry mail. Alnils for Soutb and Central Amer ica, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY (d)At 0:25 a. m. Tor Port Antonio, persteamerfrom Baltimore. (diAt 0 25 a. m. for Porto Rico direct, per s. s. Arkadia, from New York. (ciAt 1005 p. m. for Costa Rica, per steamer rrom New Orleans. (CiAtlO:55p. in. for Bermuda, per s. s. Trinidad, from New Y'ork. (ciAt 10.55 p. m. Tor Central America (except Costa Rjcal and South Pacific ports, per s s. Advance, from New York, via Colon. Let ters for Guatemala must be directed "per Advance." (OAt 10:55 p. m. for Santiago de Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia, per s. s. Panama, rrom New York--Letters mut be directed "per Panama." (OAt 10 55 p. m. for Grenada. Trinidad and Tobago, per s. s. Grenada, from New York. WEDNESDAY (d) At 6:25 a in., f Pernambuco and Santos, per s. .. Grecian Prince, rrom New lurK. Letters? tor otner parts or Brazil muit be directed "per Gre cian Prince." (c) At 10:55 p. m., for North Urail.per s. s. Dunstan. from New York, via Para, Alaranhatn and Ceara. (c)At 10:55 p. in.. Tor Nassau. N. 1 . per s. s. Autilia, from New York. Letters must he directed "per Antilia." (c)At 10:55 p. m., for Nassau, N. P .and Santiago de Cuba, per s. s. Niagara, from New York. THURSDAY (d) At 10:20 a. in., for Cape Haiti. Jerenue and Greytown, per s. s. Ardiuitlhu. from Xew York. Letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Ardandhu-"" FRIDAY (c) At 10:55 p.m. .ror Jamaica, Savanllla- and Carthagena, per s. s. Adirondack, rrom New York. (c)At 10:55 p. in., for Jeremie and Urevtowii.per s. . Adirondack, rrom Nevv nine- icj av 10:55 p- in., for Campcche, Chiapas, tabasco, aud Yucatan, pec . s. Vigiian cia. rrom New York. Letters for other parts of Alexlco must be directed "per Vigilancia." .Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to Hal rax and thence by steamer, closehere dally at 12:05 p. tn.(d) Alalls tor Mtquelon, by rail to Boston and thence via steamer, close here daily at :2U p. tn.(a) .Mails for Cuba (except tiiase ror San tiago de Cuba, which wi'I be forwarded to New York up to 10:55 p. m. Wednesday) close here dally at :t p. t.t. for dispatch via steamer sailing Alomlavs and Thurs days rrom Port Tampa, Fla.(e) Malls Tor Alexlco overland t except tin.s ror Campcche, Chiapas, Tabasco and Yn catan, which are forwarded to New York lor disnatch by steamer sailing Saturday after the Wednesday overland cUVing) close here daily at 7:10 a. m.(d) Trans-Pacific Mails.. Mans ror China and Japan, specially. 'Hi dressed only, per s. s. Empress of India, rrom Vancouver, close here daily up to u:30 p. m., December 26.1d Mans for China, Japan, and Hawaii, per s. s. Peru, rrom San ! raticisco. close here daily up to o:30 p. m., January l.(d) Alails Tor Australia (except West Aus tralia), llawair and Fiji Islands. seLially addressed onlv, per s. s Aiiowcrn, from Vancouver, close nere dally up to 0.30 p. in., January l.UD Mans ror Australia iczccpt those for west Australia, which are forwarded via Europe i. Now Zealand, Hawaii. Fiji and Satnoan islands, per s. s. Alanposa, from San Francisco, close, here daily up to 0.30 p. m.. January Alans ror China and Japan, per s. s. Tacoma, rrom Tacoma. close here daily up to 0:30 p. m., January Alans ror Hawaii, per s. s. Australia, rrom San Francisco, close here dallv up to 0:30 p. m., January Mans lyr the Society lsiands. per ship city or Pnpeiti, rrom San Francisco, close here dally up to 0:30 p. rr... Janiary 25.(0) . Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port or sailing dally, and the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. (a)RegisteredmailcloesatlOa. m.satno day. (u) Registered mail closcsat 1 p. in. same day. (c)Registercd mall closes at l p.m. same day. (d) Registered mall closes at 0 p. in. previous 'day. (e)Registered mail clnsesrat 1 p. to. Tues days and Saturdays. JAMES F . "V ILLETT, Postniastcr. BATLROAD3. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AXD B STREETS. In Effect X"ovember lif, 1800. 7,30 A. m. week oays. PITTSBl'RU EX 1 KES I'anor auu Dining Cars, Harris burg to Wttsburg. 10.5U A. AI. PJi.SYLVAXIA LIMITED Pullman Sleeping. Dining. Smoking and Obsei--atlon Cars, Harrisburg to Chicago, Liiicirniuci, inuiunaponsv ai. uoui. i.leve land ana 'ioiedo. linnet Parlor Car to Harrnmurg. 10.50 A. 21. FAST LINE Pullman Rurfet 1 arlor Car to Harnsburg. buf let-Parlor ., c,"r'I,iIarri8,n,r to Pittsburg. 3.40 P. 21. CHICAGO AND ST LQET3 I'res Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Sleeping and Dining Cars Harrisburg to St. Louis. Cincinnati, Louisville and Chicago. - .10 P.- 21. WESTERN EXPRESS Pull man Sleeping Car to Pittsburg, Chicago and narrLsburg to Cleveland. Dining; Car to Chicago. 7'1. .? ir-SOUTIIWESTERXEXPRESS I iillman Sleeping Cars Washington to Pittsburg and Harrisburg to St. Louis.- , and Unclnnati. Diaiag Car. 10.40 P. 21. PACIFIC EXPRESS Pull- man Sleeping- Car to Pittsburg. :oO A. 31 lor ivane. Cananuaigua, Roches tjr.atidN'iiigara Falls daily, except Sun- 10.5u A. 21. for Elmlra and Renovo daily. ' except Sunday. For Lock Haven -week day and Williamsport Sundays, 3:40 ""i0. M- for "WUIIiatnsport, Rochester. Burra!o.and Niagara Falls dally, except-, saturdaj , with Sleepiuje Car .Washington tO StlSTK'IlSlffiTl Rnilcu. vln TLiff..!,. 10;4) P. M. ror Erie, Canandaigua, Roches ter, Burralo, and Niagara Falls daily, Sleeping Car AVashington to Elrnira. EOR PHILADELPHIA, .NEWYORKAND THE EAST. ; M "CONGRESSIOXAL LI.U 11ED," daily, all Parlor Cars, with Din ing Cur from Baltimore Regularat 7.00 (Dining Car. a.00, 9.00, 10.00 tDining Carl, and 11.00 I Dining Car from Wil- mington) A AI ., 6:30, 10.00 and 11.35 p. in On Sunday. 7.00 (Dining Car) 8.00, 9.00. 11.00 (Dining ''f irum Wilmington) A il.., 4.20, G.50. 10.00 and 11.35 P M For Philadelphia only. Fast Expresi.7.50 A. M -week-days. Express, 12.15 r. AI. -week-days. 2.01 and 5.40 P. M. daily. For Boston, without change. 7 50 A. Afl .week-days, and 3.15 P M. dady For Atlantic City (via Delaware Rivera Bridge, all-rail route). 3 15 p m. daily F'or Baltimore, G 25. 7 00. 7 50. 8.00. 9.00r lO.OO, 10.50, 11.00.. and 11 50 a. mi, 12 15. 12 45. 2 Ol. 3.15. 3.40 (4.00 lini-' ited), 4 20, 4.30. 5.40. fi 15. 6.50; 7.10., lo.oo, io 40, 11 15. and 11 33' p. m.-" On Sunday. 7 00, 8.00.9 00, 9.05. 10.50; 11 OOa. m.. 12.15. 1.15. 2.01,; (4.00 limited), 4.2l, 5.40. G.15, 6.50. 7 10, lo.oo, io 40, and 11.35 p. m. F'or Pope's Creek Line. 7 50 a m and 4.36 p m dally, except Sunday. F'or Annapolis, 7 00, 9 00 A AI.. 12.15 and 4 20 P AI daily, except Sunday. Sundays. 9 00 A. AI. awl 4.20 P. AI. Atlantic Coast Line Express, 4.30 A. 2L, 3.40 P. M. daily-- Richmond onlv. 10.57 A AI week day; Atlanta Special, via Richmond and Sea!o3rd Air Line. 8.40 P AI daily Accoa.n odation for Ouan- tico. 7.45 A AI. daily, and 4.25 P. 21. week days. Tu ket orrices corner Fifteenth and G streets, and at the station. Sixth and B streets, where orders can l.elett lor check ing of b.iggage to destination from hotels and residences. J R TAOOD. General Passenger Agent. S AI PREVOST. General Alanagir. B ALTIMORE AND OH1 o RAILROAD. Schedule i- effet pKember 7, 1696 Leave Washington from station corner ot xsew Jersey avenue and C street. F'or Chicago and Northwest. Vestlbuled Limited trains. 10.00 a. m.. 8.05 p. m. Fcr Cincinnati. St Louis and Indianapolis, Vestlbuled Limited. 3.40 p. m.; express, 11 30 p m- For Pittsburg and Ci6velaod. express dallj. 10.00 a.m. and S 50 p. m. For Winchester and way stations. 10 a m. t5.30 p. m. For New Orleans, Alemphis. Birmingham, Chattanora Knoxvilie. Bristol and Roanoke, 6 CO p. ni. daily. Sleeping Cars througn. .for Luray, 3.40 p. m. dally. For Baltimore, week days. 5.oo. 6.30. X7.05, X7.10. XB.OO. b.30.x9.3O.xl0.00. X12 OO a. m.,xl2.X5;iH.l 0. Xl'JiZ j.3,00, 3.25, X4.3B. 4.40, X5.05, X5.15, X5.30-, iu.ju. xo.oo, x9.-o. xiao. X5.15, 6 30, xfc.00. X9.20. 11.15, Xll.SO p. m., X12.01 night. For Annapolis, 7 10 and8.30 a. m.. 12.10 and 4.36 p. m, Sundays. S.30 a.m., 4.40 p. m. For Frederick, week days, 7.35 a, nw 12.00 noon, 4:30, 5.30 p. in. Sundays 1:15 p. m. ForBagerstown, HO 00 a m. and t5:3C p. m. - For Bovd and way points, wee'if daya 7.35 a. m., 4.30, 5.30, 7.05 p. m. Sun days, l.iu. i.uj p m. For days, 4. 9 J For Washington Junction and way points 7.35 a. m., 4.30,-5.30 p. m. Week days. 1.15 p. m. Sundays. For Cape Alay, 10 a. m.. ROYAL BLUE LINE FOR NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. All innm ih..miii..itu. -. uu t ii.tsi i tight. For I hliadelphla. New York. Boston, and the East, week days, i 00, tIO.00 a. m. DinmgCar).I2 00.(12.35 DiningCar,3 00. iDUi) uimng cjr', i ux uim., cictiuuj, Car open at 10.00 o'clock), Sundays. (9.00 a.m Dining Cur). 112.35 Dining Car), 3.00, 15.05 Dining Car). 12.01 night, sleeping car open ten o'clock. Additional trains rot Phlladelplua. week days. 7 Oo a. m., daily. S.00 p. m. Buffet Parlor Cars on all day trains For Atlantic City, 10-00 a. m. 12.0 noon, and 12 35 p. m. week days. 12.32 n. m. Sundays. tExcept Sunday Daily xExpress trains. Ba age called for and checked from note's and residences by Union Transfer Co- on orders left at ticket offices. 61S Pennsylvania avenue n- w., Xew Yori avenue and Fifteenth street, and At lpot WM 21. GREEN. CHAS.O SCULL. Gen- Alanager. Gen. Pass. Agt. "southern railway." (Piedmont Air Line.) (Schedulelnerfcct December l.Ib96. All trains arrive and leave Pennsylvania I'assenger Station. b a. in. Daily, local Tor Danville. Char lotte and way stations, connects atAIanas sas for Straaburg. Harrisonburg and war stations, dally, except Sunday, and at LiVncnuuri n.ii ....... .,U ncair ern clallv, and with the Lhe.-ipeake and Ohio, daify. Tor- the Natural Bridge, and Lexincton. 11 15 a. n.. Dally. the UNITED STATES FAST AIAIL-carrlesPullmaa Burfet Sleep ers. New Yorkarcd Washington to Jackson ville uniting at Salisbury with Pullman Sleener for Ashevilleand Hot Springs, X. C Knoxvilie and Chattancoga. Tenn., and at Charlotte with Pnllman Sleeper for Aucusta: Pullman BuffetSleeper. Washing ton to Galveston. Tex. via Montgomery. Vew Orleans and Houston, aud Pullman Kieeoer New York to Atlanta Solid train Washlngtcn to New Orleans without ch'ince- Sunset personally conducted tour ist excursion through sleeper r,n this train ever j Saturday to San Francisco, without Ct4 DlCt m- Local ror Front ICoyal. Stras Uirg and Harrisonburg, daily, except Sun- a4Tsi p- m. Dally, local ror Charlotte-j-viHe- . ,rlI!,,. . . 10-13 p. m.-1'aiiy, Aom.,u iw.s to . uit an.XJ. T-imiui ia i'U.iri(itle.ColuP-.hia. Savannah and JncksoavUle, azutNew York to Alem nhl.s via I'irmiiiirlu.m. New lork to New Orleans vlaAtlantaandAIontgomery. Ves tlbuled dav o.nb Washington to Atlanta. Southern Railway dining car. Greousboro RA1N ONASIIINGTOX ANI OHIO DIVISION leave Washington. 901 a. m. daily and 4 45 m. dally, except Sun day; and C 25 p. m., Simdav only ror Ruund Hill"- 4 32 p. m daily, except Sun day, for Lcesburg, and o dailj fot Herndon. Returning, arrive at Washing ton . s a. ni and 3:00 n, in. daily, from Round Hill, and 7 06 a. m. daily, except Sunday, from Ilemdon. anjl S 34 a. m. ' daily, except Sundaj. from I.eesburg. Through trains rrom the South arrive , I wnviutiMnni;:42 a.m..2.2t n. m..andft-.! p.m. daily, .Manassas ui.-iun, i-tu p. ru. daily.exccptSuiMlay.and ST30 a.m.. daily, rrom Charlottesville TipVeia. sleeulmrcac reservation ami in. 1 formation furnished at off.ccs, 511 and ' 1300 Pennsylvania avenue and at Pennsyl i vania Railroad Passenger Station. ! v. U. GKKEN, Ueu. t.npt. J. Ai. uii . rauic ianag;er. W. A. TtllK,, Oen. J'asss. Auont. L. S. uroxvii, llcn.Ast. 1'a.sts. jtpr OFFICE IIOOMS FOR KISXT. SSO-G03 D ST NW. Two rooms oa Ibc -floor; 1 room on UU floor. ?10; wlU rent whole building ror $10l gcr taoxMi. (488J soi'T vi;sir.n.., iii ITED composed or Pullman Vestibuled sleepers dining e:irs and day coaches. Pullman Sleepers New York to Asheville -...i tir,t. Snr.mrs. N. C: New York to "feVb . V.? . jv -v- - . r- , f'.-'i- -r- "Z?xi- '.i: ts..'Sc kr,