Newspaper Page Text
skswj SBTfaiWSi"" rP--f gSjcSV' r --. rawTs "- '. THE MOBNIKG' TMESV TUESDAY DECEMBER 29, 1898. 8 r4 The Busy Corner, 8th and Market Space. a$r -ar , tf - '; --a rryjs:-?- WE HAVE j Tr vrywx rmr. . -t V . $TR7u5ETfrrccaTNciy3 -Xong- had the reputation of selling- finer, better tailored and better .fitting DRESS SUITS than most of the custom folks can produce. This season they are better than ever, are correct in. every detail of fabric, fashion and fit, and during this DISSO LUTION SALE are sold at ONE-THIRD OFF of regular prices. Were $25 to ,50.00. Now"' $16.66 to $33.33.! The pioper Hats, correct. Shoes, proper Shirts. Collars,, Cuff-, Ties, Gloves and other full-dress requisites,- too, are. ;-fcere; and at ONE-THIRD less, than their real value. Robinson, Chery & Go.- 12.1l and F Streets N. W. These are good days to buy nouscfur.iithings. g for we're in a position to of- g fcr big values at very low q prices. g- This is the only complete llouscfurnishing establish- & ment berc. jg Carpets made, laid, and lineJ free. "Your Credit is Good." ? HOUSE & HERRMANN g Liberal Furnishers, I Cor. 7th and I Sts. GXESSS)GliX203S5SSSSSSXiS(XDSa insure your Property with the 708 14th St. K. W. MAYER & PETTIT, 0 Reliable Outfitters. (3 You're Invited To inspect our great Hoars of lie slrnlile furniture ajl to compare the qualities ami the prices you'll tec tiiere villi an others in town. Wc don't fejr comparison. Oprn an account wltn us tins JNew l cat's. rOKKlTURK ITI'MS. J Majniillcent 10-jucce TJe lroom Suite, solid nn, ric'ilv raived bedstead, ivahtand,di ef-sms; case, chairs, rocker and COO Cf1 towel racl 4ZO.0U Richly carved solid oak Sideboard. lieavj plate t irroi. ca pacious cupbjard and il rawer h, only $12.50 C-dravrer solid oalt 'Uiffonier b&,(jj Sol d oalv Chiffonier, plate- (TQ Cf) glass mirror, 0 drawers 433U riiii6-ft- Kxtension Table, o richly cued leg, solid oak, "only $3.50 I Comfortable Couch, uphois- tero t in n tapestrr, Iicjm y Q . ft S , only M.48 g fringed CAlH'KTS AND UPUOLSTERY. Fino quality Wool Ingrain Carpet Heavy Ingrain Carpet, good qualitv. Excellent Tapestry Ilruscls Carpet SGir 30c 65c t; $1.19 85c $2.75 74c Cf Japanese Rug, 33x7.2. only. Laigc Double Blankets Beautiful Chenille Portieres tier pair. (3 Ksd Coinfoits. only All carpets made, laid, and lined Tree. -8 xi-uiiuMJiiii; j. unci x uiii.iiij;- voil framed in oak, Eiilnccis (f nr fi l"ni't, lish, and canic, each. r g flayer & Rett it, g J Kellable Outfitters, Ci g 415-417 7th St. N. W. OUR anti-svrcar but tonholes save time and .- jour finprer-nails. Our puio white shirt-froats ,ciro perfect satisfac- If! cuffs are nicely match r ed in whiteness. Postal brings our wagon promptly. A trial so licited. TOLMAN JSkS&r, SIXTH and C Sis. Arbnckle's Package Coffee 16Jc Best Granulated bngar 4c Besticent Buttcrine 14c Beut Sugar-cured Shoulders 6JXc Johnstons, ?29 rth St. 0r , s jbftSL icy& i .,- , v BONAflDEXIBCULATlON.: The cirenlaiictit of The TIiiips for the week ended December -5, 181)0, was ns lullowi?: Saturduy, December 10... 37,5!J5 Sunday, December ill) 114,072: Monday, December. 21.. 37,330 Tuesday, lleeeinuer 22...:. 3,175 "Wednesday, December -3... 37,101 Xliur.sday, Deeemne"r 24... 37,130 Friday, December 25..' 35,212 Total copies -jrinted.,. 245,585 Iess damaged eoj)fe-.eopieH unsold In office and conies returned from news stands and branch officer. 22,764 Total ., 222,821 1 beretiy certify that tlie above Is a correct htntemeiit of circula tion for the week ended December 25, 1800. WILLIAM P. LIZECET, "jfnnnKer of Circulation. Advertisers re cordially Invited to visit our prefts and mailing rooms at all times and verify the above statement.- City brevities Eighth streeJ northwest, tvtween I anil K street, Is uudarguing repairs. Stoam enjrinct r' licenso of tlie thinl cla lias been ih.Mtul to Jolm Collins. A steam engineer's lie eii.-c of tlie thinl .clafcs lias lteen isMiiri to E. L Snutmcyer Messrs Lewis L Lynch ana M. G. Rush, or Montgomery, Ala., are visiting friends here Messrs. Harry Shook and George Er Tay lor returned to lbilliinore yesterday after a short stay in this city. Mrs. Berry, Avife or Senator Berry, from Arkansas,, anjJ her son, arc at tlie Metro politan Hotel fer a few days. Miss MaygiOuMcConncll, who formerly resided auTor 318 11 btrecfc northeast, died at Providence Hospital yesterday. Mr. Enos 'Walke, a. well-knwn Pliila delphta wheelman, is in attendance on the blfcycfS ratios tilstveek at Convention Hall Tlie asphalt paving along the north side of M trect, Georgetown, is being rapidly laid, and in a few dajs will be completed. Work on the Union Depot in Georgetown has been completed, and the building is being washed down as tlie hcaf folding is removed. Mihs EdnaWcscot of Xo. 918 Twi'nty thiid meet, who is a freshman at the Woman's College of Hultinioie, is home for the holidays. The annual Christinas entert.iinineiit or tlie Tenth sStrect M E Mission Sunday school will. bev hold this eeniug in the mission rooms. Hairy Swain, colored, was fined 5 in Judge Kimball's court jesterdaj for uslnu jirorane language to the Kev. Mr. Patterson, alto colored Mr. C A Maidens, manager or tlie Work ingman's Library and Labor Bureau, yes tordaj leceiM'd the news of the death of his father, in Bristol, Eiig. Reprc-entalivt: Rusell, of tlie Tliird Con necticut dKtrict, has returned to the city to attend the meeting of tlie Ways and Means Committee of the House this week President C F Huntington of the South ern Pacific Railway passed through the ity laM night en route to San Praniisco over the Southern Railway in 'Ills 'petial car Millard r. Wells has-been appointed an additional private on tin inetiopolltan po lice force foiduU betweon Virginia avenue, Maine aiexiuc and Third and Sixtli streets southwest. An order was served by the Coinmib sioncrs yest-rda on the BaltimoiF and Ohio Bail i o.ul Company to lun eit k crossing at E street noitheast put in tliiouj.'h le- pair tit once There is yet sufficient snow on some of the hills in the .submit lo make excellent coasting, and scores of scho i children were seen yesterdaj enjojing their holiday in that manner. Tlie specifications for the Western High Pclu ol coJist'riirtion will be ready b tin last of the week A descript ion of t he 1 1 o posed building has been heretofore printed in The Timty. Tlie Sunday school children of the Met ropolitan M. E Church will participate In a Christmas entertainment tonight. A snow .house will be one ot the elder feature of the settings. Mrs. C B Baly, jr., or Pittsburg; Miss Annie U. Davidson of Baltimore, and Miss Trances Bertwell of Boston, arc gueft, of the Misses, Baly, No. 133:1 Eloventli -treet northwest. A reception was tendered Mr- and Mrs. W. E Broker last evening, at the residence or Mr. A. C. Qulseiiburry, So. 737 Sixth btrcel norUieast. Mr Broker was for merly editor of the Single Tax Courier, of St. Livul'f.jlMJv Mr E-.W: Williams, a graduate of the Columbian Law School, now practicing la 2"ew Yrfftr ritj returned to his studies yes terday arter spending a few das with Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. B V. Williams, No. 633 Q street northwest. The superintendent of the street and al ley cleaning liepartinetit wab empowered jesterdOj ti Mi.pend woik r.n the cleaning: of uninijirovca meets during the months of January and Kcbiuarj, as may In his judgment be udvible. ?.ii Ethel Camp of Xo. 21 IS L street gave a cycling party t o some friends j ester day After u run to Fort Myer and Arling ton a dinner wa. givMito theonrigpofpiC by lirs. Camp at hei home. Among thoe invited were MiMaribn Canfeld. Miv i:thcl Camp, ilr Aithur ffcfbold and ilr. J). G. Smith. "" " -- Mr. Tjewis Beitler and wire arc at the Metropolitan Hotel. Mr. Beitler is the private- secretary of Gov. Hastings, of Pennsylvania, md since his arrival lias received many courtesies nt the hands of the delegate Tn Congress from tho Keyttonc Stute' The Commlioners ycsteidaj appointed Drs. Jesse Slump and A. "V Losv'ell as physicians to the 1 ooj, the appointments of each, to date back to June 1 last. The resignation oX Dr. GeorgTT-W. Wood as physician .to- the 1 oor was accepted jes terday and Dr. Francis P. Morgan was ap pointed to succeed him, to serve a proba tionary term of three months. rKKSEXTS FOH LITTLK ONES. Christmas Entertainment Given St. Mark's Church Children. Tho Christmas entertainment-for the Sunday-school childrenof St. Mark'schurch, southeast, was held last night. Among the principal features was tlie singing ot MIeb Florence McXelly, -who rendered "The Holy City." She lias a fine contralto voice. Bishop Satteriee was called upon for an address. He responded In his usual happy manner, speaking chiefly on the origin and significance of Christmas customs. The tree Avas then stripped of its wealth of good things for the little ones, who were al! made happy. JANUARY BOO We have tfomhienced'aeafreducthm of stock sale-with extraordinary bargains. All previous efforts will be eciipsed',irth-eshee-seirmgbusiness,f and values can be looked for-and bargains gathered in from the top shfelfto-thexbfjttomthroughout'8io." Every size every style every material all , at Sale Prices. Men's Shoes, . $5 Valuefj Winter Weights. Heavy enamel leather, tlifco",'feole&"e.:x-1J'' tended, the correct tiling in winter Shoes. ' v All the new and fashionable Bliaped toes. Fine Patent Leather Laco Shoes, super fine cloth tops and extra, quality ldd"top. IletaiiatS3.00. Oar sale price. ' S2.98 - J. Russia Calf "Winter Shoesydark shades, of tan and russet, extended soles. A more serviceable Shoo couldn't bev-.had. Out- e Bale price, , $2.98 Pino Box Calf Shoes, extended soles, fashionable English shapes. Extremely duiable and liandaome. Our sale price, $2.98 STOLL'S "810" SEVENTH, FIRST PROTEST ON RECORD Donald McPlierson Objects to tbe Metropolitan Line Extension. ' Totally Iiuuleqiiiite and "Wholly Un- Mit factory .for Furninhlns Ildilwny Facilitien. Chaiiman McSlUlan has a letter from Mr. Donald McPlier.on in regard to tin; proposed oMonhlon or the Metropolitan street car line from the Boundary ' Out Columbia road i Eighteenth street. He is the rust to object to the project as set out in the bill, and liN objection is that not nearly enough improvement is pro Mded for. He :Hys: I wrote for the purpose of showing it is totally inadequate and wholly un satisfactory for furnishing railway fa cilities Tor a very large community and territory, and which should be included in this bill and at this time unninifllon ably. The bill, far as it goes if Merid ian Hill is to le disregarded and neglected may be all right in furnishing facilltes for ""Washington Heights Hut the charter should be much more extensive. "Beginning at the road's intersection at Columbia road or Connecticut avenue with' riorida avenue the line should go due north ward on Columbia road to Eighteenth street to be extended as shown by the new map of the Commissioners; thence due northward on Eighteenth street to noward avenue In Mount Pleasant, and thence in the di rection and to the extent that may be agreed upon by the Commissioners, pro vided it i- deemed aliable to go beyond Howard avenue at this time, to terminal facilities. "ThN extension is decidedly important in furnishing proper and needed facilities to all Lanier Heights, a 1 arge part or Met id ian Hill, the "Walbridge subdivision or Ingl -side, Brown's subdivision of Ingleside and Mount Pleasant; and also the Denison and Leighton subdivision of-Eslire. This will cover properly t,he -whole locality be tween the Park and Fourteenth street not adequately supplied by the Fourteenth street line without encroaching on Its Tair or legitimate domain. "Second, This extension would give direct and easy access to the Zoological Park at Kcncsaw avenue intersection for all the patrons of the whole Metropolitan linos one "or the great arguments for an extended charter. The distance of said intersection or Eighteenth street with Ken csaw aenue from the park is only about 1100 feet. Tins would be as accessible as any railroad entrance can be made without a disagreeable and expensive loop. Tor tho present it would answer every pur pose. "All persoiis go by Connecticut ave nue afoot, of course, on leaving tlie car. Heretofore no railway fhaiter has been been consideied extending failed to reach the park and Mount ant. "The whole right of way excepn 350 or .T75 feet is already opened, or will be dedicated, and to obtain so valuable a charter of about a mile and a, halt ought to require tlie company to condemn so .small an ajnouiit. otherwise, the clamor urging the 6ale of such j all way stocks becomes invalid. "Besides tills requirement wllU contrib ute to the carrying out of the plan of street extension. This street should be projected regardless of the condition or fate of tlie street extension law. It needs to go through in order to open up direct and impoitant north und south communication to all northern territory. "" "If proper facilities for this locality were furnished as valuable an extension and extensiveimprovements would be made here as in Columbia or Washington Ileiglits. A railway charter in Eighteenth sireet ex tended to Mount Pleasantshould be granted to the Metropolitan or the Traction Com pany. One should be required to extend at once." ,-, Remains. Sent to Philadelphia. The remains of "William Hawkins, col ored, who came here last week from Philadelrfliia and died of blood poisoning at tlie Emergency Hospital on Saturday, have been sent to that city for burial. Hawkins was an inmate of a Philadel phia hospital, but left the institution too soon and blood poisoning set in. Williams May Recover. James "Williams, colored, who shot his wife and then himself several days ago on Washington street, Is reported to be im proving at the Emergency Hospital. His wife is out of danger. If tiie liusband recovers lie will have -to face two charges of assault to kill. The King of Pills is Beechara'aBEECH-AMB. XT'-S. CXCsT Fine Calf 'Shoes, liand-weli. extended-, treble soles, calf lined, globe and'bulldog , toes. o value every whore. Our sale price, $2.98 jfeJtC- il sil iron's SkatiiiK Shoes, fine box calf,proper width soles, ankle support for skating. The best in town and worth at least, ?5. Our sale price, $2.98 Women Should : Flock to Reap These Bargains. "Women's Tailor-made, Columbia, Fine Box Calf Shoes, invisible cork soles, patent leather tips, laco and button, value every where $4.00. Our sale price, - r M T I 1TV " $2.48 - TeU the Conductor to 4iO, S?? POLICEMEN' HEEDED' Superintendent Stevens .Wants, Tlieiiu at i& Beach. 'Officer Keeessiiryt fovt Protectiihi o &port Lovers "WeutiXhrongh. tlio Ice Saturday. "Mr "VVv 'Xj Stevens, superintendent iof the bathing beach, preferred a request to tlie Commissioners today for the de tail of at least two police officers for duty at tho 'tidal reservoir to protect skaters Who frequent tho pool frpm the dangerous points along thttskRllng,s,urfaeo; Mr. gtcvens filed a .written report stat Ing"thtit on Saturday -tlx poisons went through the ice there, and one was ho nearly drowned that 1m; yas carried to the Emergency TTpspital ror'tijatnient- It seems to be urgently necessary, hc says, that police officers be assigned there at once.-Twith instructions to make their headquarter "tn tlie beach office. One of -these, he suld, should serve from 8 o'clock a. 111. till 4 p. m., and the other from -1 o'clock until the ice and promises are cleared of patrons and tramps for the night- Mr. Stevens also suggested that the po lice should be inuructed to arrest any one who persists In throwing stones, sticks-, balls or other missiles dangeious to per sons scattered over the skating space. Also, they should arrest any one: for disorderly, conduct, and for the use of profane or unscenu language;. or for burning or other wise injuring the beach property- - GATE TEOJ "WHOXG N.V11E. "Jack ..tlie Ilngcer" Impersonated a Reputable Citizen. Judge Samuel C .Mills appeared in the police court yesterday and presented the petition of Thomas j. T3rasheais asking that his name be stricken from the records of Judge Kimball's: court, where it tcjs entered on the list of prisoners several days ago. It appears that a young man named Ed mund Kackel was arrested on Seventh street for playing "Jack the Hugger" while uisdertlie influence of liquor. - At tho. police station Sackel gave his name as Thomas J. Brashears. Tlie cognomen 71s' given was carried on tlie police and court recoids. Mr. Brashears, who is piopiietor of a prin tingestahhshnicnton Louisiana avenue, states in the petition tiled by Judge Mills thatJie was born and inised here and has. always borne a tood reputation and is anxious to retain the same. Sackel joined in the petition and said he was son yhe had assumed Mr. Brashears" name. Judge Kimball ordered that Sacktl's name be substituted for that of Biashcars' on the court lecord books. CAUSE OF X.E PRKUX'S DEATH. Coroner's Unry "Will -Investigate the Mutter Today. A coroner's jury will today investigate the ciupes which led to the deatli or Louis LePreux, the aged Frenchman who received fatal injuries several days ago, by being struck by a Metropolitan electric car at Third and L) streets nortiiwest. Dr. Hnmmett has ordered an inquest to be held at noon in Lieut. Kelly's police station, ..on Xew Jersey avenue The jury of six men was impanivlled Saturday and sworn over Le Preux's body in Barker's undertaking roornb on Eleventh street. The funeral of Louis Lc Preux, at one time captain of the Franklin Fire Com pany, took place at the chapel at Bar ker's,, -tho undertaker, yesterday after noon. Mr. Le Prcux was seventy-five years old. Jleleaves a widow and four-sons He was a well-known and estemable citizen, and a report that he was in destitute "cir cumstances waa-Jinfoundod. COT.. BRAlDY'S REMAINS. Taken tXast -iNisht to" LateiHo'iie at Cantonsvllle,-Md. A certificate of death fromnatuial causes, heart disease being specified? was issued by Coronec Hamniett last evening in tlie case ofiCol. James W. Brady, the aged clerk, in the sixth auditor' suffice, who died suddenly in a Pennsylvania acnuo cable can yesterday morning, as told in The Evening Times. The. rejnains' were thereupon-turned over to relatives and friends and taken to his late home,iCatonsrllle, Md.1," where they w,ilLbe. bums! with. Masonic and mil itary honors. , 25TO-W1 SALE SHOES let you off at STOLL'S" HEWS FROM ALEXANDRIA Marriage of a Washington Couple in That Citv. Samuel Fnlmnn Buried In Grave He Had Cansied to Be Iug Kiglit Years Ago. The Sunday schools of the Baptist Mis sion and Grace Church held their Christmas celebrations last night. Interesting musical programs were rendered, after which can dies, cakes and nuts were distributed to the children. In the corporation court yesterday in the suitof B. Wheatley vs. Mary v. Wimsatt.a decree was entered confirming the report of Commissioner Callahan and ordering the sale of real estate. In the case of At wood Violett vs. E. L. Violett Mr. L. Marbury was appointed guardian o Infant defendant and the case wa.s. referred to commissioner for report. R'athbone Division, Uniform Hank K. of P., will hold a special meeting tonight to consider the proposed visit to Richmond. Gen. Tucker of the Virginia brigade is making an effort to have the entire brigade asscmblein Richmond in which time the annual meeting of the grand lodge will take place. Mana Henderson, colored, was round dead at her liomuon North Pitt street. 'Coroner Purvis viewed the body yesterdaj- and gave a certificate of death from pneumonia. The old woman lived alone. Mr. Christian Sprtescr and Miss Mamie Lamar, both ot Washington, were mar ried at the parsonage or the Baptist Church lu this city yesterdaj. The ceremony was perrormed by Rev. J. H. Butler, after which Mr. and Mrs. Sproesser left for their home. Mr. J. B Hail, of Westmoreland county, and MIs Addie A. Ferrall, of this city, were married Sunday evening at the Baptist Church parsonage by Rev. J. II. Butier. Capt. K. Kemper yesterday received from his brother, Col. Delaware Kemper, United States cons'ilar agent at Amoy, China, a silver-mounted walking stick. It Is ot Molaca wood, and is handsomely carved with flowers and Chinese characters. Miss Susie Wimsatt, of Washington, who has been the guest of Miss Rettie Agnew, on South Pitt street, has returned home. The grave in which the remains of the late Samuel Pulman were interred, at Sharon Chapel, on Sunday, was dug under his supervision eight years ago- Mr Pul man decided that he and his wife should be buried in the same grave. Acting up in this desire he purchased a lot in the little cemetery adjoining Sharon Chapel and after the excavation had been made ac cording to his directions he walled up the grave and placed a slab over it, only to be removed. on his death or that of his wife. The grave is two feet deeper than is usually dug, so as to permit cf two caskets being deposited in the one opening. In the county court jesteiday a nolle prosequi was entered in the case of the commonwealth against Charles L. Will iams under indictment for highway 10b bery. Williams was charged with assault ing and robbing John Piatte, a peddler, atthe south end of the Long Bridge several months a0. John Pratte, the onlj wit ness for the commonwealth, is confined in jail in Richmond for an offense committed in thatcity, and the commonwealth had no evidence on which to prcsccute Williams. Judge Chichester appointed A. D. Toiry son a special 1 ohecmau for Arlington dis trict and Fied Hager and Fied Shellhoiu for Washington district. The matter of opening a new road in the county to connect with the proposed ex tension of Prince street in this city occu pied considerable time of tlie court. Col. F. L. Smith and A. W. Armstrong ap peared for thepTetltJoners for the new road and Mr. John M. Johnson. for those who opposed the road. The order entered at the last term of court directing that tlie road be opened was, upon motion o f counsel, set aside, and the case was again opened for argument. A decision is expected to-daj-. . Mr. O. S. Davis, a well-known merchant of Hoadley, Prince William county, dropped dcjid at his home yesterday evening. The contract for the mail sen ice by wagon in this city has been awarded to J. A. Croft, of Louisville, Ky., for $874. The Christmascelebrationsof the Sunday schools of the Second Presbyterian, the Baptist, tlie Southern Methodist and the Methodist Protestant Churches will take place tonight. Petroleum Holds German Market. In spite ot the very favorable conces sions made to .Russian petroleum in the German-Russian commercial treaty, of 189 1 , the signing of which was one ot the tirbt official acts of Caprivi, and, not- STOLL'S "8io" OF "Women's Eine Cloth Top Vici Kid Shoes, fashionable weights, lace style only, all tho proper shapes. Ilegular valuo $3,09. Our sale price, $1.98 Women's Tailor-mado Fino Vici- Kid Shoes, lace and button, patent tips beauti fully' lined, several fashionable styles of too. Hegular value ?3.00. Our sale PJfice, u $1.98 7 ' "Women's good quality lace anjLJjutton Vici Kid Shoes, kfa tops only, patent- tips; t Eegular value, S2.25. The bestrVahie w6 v have ever ofiered at $1.48 "Women's Skating Shoes, box calf, lace or button, heavy soles, ankle support lor skat ing. Worth !. Our salft price, $2.48. Serviceable and durable Skating Shoes, full of common-sense and wear. Tlieso would bo the cheapest Skating IShoes in "Washington at ?3.00. Our sale price. $1.98 VtVV n4 WHITE, WHOLESOflE BREAD -is assured when vou use PILLSBURY'Si BEST XXXX Jr0LO0U0tv. is made from the best -vhcat the earth produces. Sec that your grocer gives you L. H. WTEMAK. Aeent. 216 loth Street. PILLSBURY'S This cold weather calls for A good warm storm coat at a needful price during thesehard times. We sell a beauty for $5.00. NewYorkClotMngHouse 311 7th St. N. W. :gssssxss3 Stores, Saloons and gj Cafes Lighted by g Electricity j are more lnitins than thoo S S lishted by gas Only have to g gs loolc at the mo3t successful g S ones to prove this they are all -a lighted by electricity Sieo us S C) about supplying the current for S g jour place of business. g U.S. Electric Lighting Go. B 213 Hth St. X. W. 'Phono 77. 0 QT tekaaJ55ivv.."iy.ayjZi The Result j3 of the astonishingly low prices j has caused bii; inroads on the big ? stock of U!lman clothing-. It'll gl pay you to loolc 'om over. Men's Suits. Made in the most serviceable Scotch goods, in btylisli plaids a uit that cannot be duxdieatcd fli'J Cfj for less thansG or b.. &4 a JJ Children's Suits. g Mothers, bring in the little chapa ? uo orniK iu me nine cnaps- we 11 surprise you with our suit for 83c. Men's Overcoats. In handsome Oxford gray meltons, nicely and warmly lined witti cassimere. They're O ff worth $5 and$G 9&a JJ 1 H. Friedlander & Bro. m Corner 9 th and E Sts. N. W. &2iSrS withstanding recent reductions of rail way freight? iu the same Interest, Consul Sawter, at Glanchau, reports to Jhe State Department that American petroleum con tinues to hold the German market, due to the energy with which the American product is pushed by its agents. It la declared that similarly organized qfforts in behalf otother American products abroad wound produce like results. Holiday Exctirslon Rates to Polutt Sort til. The Pennsylvania Railroad will sell, De cember 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, and Janu ary IS good to return until January 4, 1897, holiday excursion ticket&to Fred ericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Wel den, and other pointb TSouth. dely.21,22. 23,26,28,29 ev, & 20,22,23,24,27,28, J 29m- 5. Kill, KM - There's, an end To all former-markiugs on ojir goods. Half and in some cases third of- valua is all ye ask indeed, so small have we made prices 0 that for each item there'll be two pair of hands ready to grasp it. Dress Gooas. 200 pieces of different kinds of dress goods in Checks, Desirable Boucle Effects, Brocades and Silk Stripe Plaids. Every piece is double width. They'll aver ag-e from 12 Y 'and 25c a yard in. worth 4-day Price, 8c. 100 full pieces of Imported. Novelty Cloth and Boucles Wool Cloth exactly 50 Inches wide Roug-h effects in stylish, novelties, Figured Mohairs and quite a few other different styles Their average value is 49 to 59c a yard. 4-day Price, 29c. 50 pieces of firie All-wool Plaids with silk stripe the handsomest of these handsome goods. Those soldelsewhere at 59c to 69c a yard can offer no comparison to them. 4-day Price, 39c. Now for our king pin. Come here tomorrow and you'll find an immense assortment of the best fancy woolens ever brought to Washington. There are over ten thousand yards in all. No shade but what is represented. No effect but what It Includes. Some sold at $1.25, others at prices up to S2 a yard. 4-day Price, 69c. MliC0, 8th and Harket Space. Not until Friday next. The old year is lnakinca grand record. It last days aro it best day It is Kc? oot hi blaze ot Clorv! I.etnshope jor a continuation of tlie "b Busings which its last days have showered upon us. Tho people of this country have ;:rown Weary of Sowing for Others to Reap." They want to reap the fruits of their oim lahor. They "Have Grown Weary and Decay." of Dust resulting from enforced ideness. They want VORK. and plenty of lr. at re munerative waes And SOMEHODY hail better sec that they pet ir. We started out to write iomethhif; e tirely different, but the pressure was hish. and the escapo alve only did its duty which we are do in s -when wc quote Overcoats, $10 value, for Overcoats, S15 value, for , Overcoats, S20 valuer for Men's Suits, all wool, from Boys' Suits, 14 to 19 years, from - Boys' Suits, 5 to 15 yrs. , from Boys' Reefers, 3 to 8 Yrs., from $4".98 $7.50 $10.00 $3.98 $2.00 $1.T5 $1.48 Underwear, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Sus penders, Dress Shirts, Shirts with Fancy Bosoms, Cardigan Jackets, D. B. Jersey Jackets. Hats, Caps, and Umbrellas At prices in Keeping: with the above quotas tioiw. ICTOR E. AOLE0 Outfitter to Men, 8 Seventh St N.W.SS- Gssssstsas Yes, Sir. We've got a warm, stylish suit here that will HI yon, and the price needn't tz more than $10, if you sa j so. Overcoats in Melton and Kersey at the same price. If you are going: "calling-" next Friday, you'll need a full dress suit. "We've got your size $20 and up. 1 M. Dyrenforth & Co., 621 Pa. Ave. N. W. i Under Metropolitan Hotel. 8 Dress Suits Garner & Co. IFOR HIRE. for 7h And H '.:?. W. p .wrf,- , -ae.-f jljg-feij