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OF THE rosr." .
mr - Nashville, Oct. I. MO.
Tiear Sir: The Legislature met this dav,
5 hy the Constitution il is required lo do,
All tile members present bul Mr. Searcy,
of Shelby, and Mr. McRee, or Hamilton,
holb Whigs, confined al home by sickness".
TT.e Democrats have had it all their own
Mr, Tlaynes was elected Speaker of the
House on the first ballot by a strict party
Tote the Whigs voting far Col. Allen, of
Mr.E. G. Eastman, of iIip Union, was
elected principal Clerk of the House by the
entire vote of bis parly while the undi
vided Whig vote was given to Mr. A. M.
Roseborough, of the Whig.
First Assistant Clerk Col. Jacob Miller,
of Hawkins and at the last session n Dem
ocratic member 'of the House, was elected
without regard to politics, having received
42 votes.
, The House then entered upon the elnc
tion of 2d Assistant Clerk, and progressed
to (fy 2J ballot, when an adjournment took
-on tjie first ballot re;eived the entire vote
Of the'Wbig party lor Speaker, and of
course was elected the opposite party di
vided upon other individuals.
For principal Clerk of the Senate, Dr.
Morrow, formerly of Eisl Tennessee, hut
now o( the Western District, receive. 15
votes 8 Whigs and 7 Democnts, Sioke.'y
D. Mitchell, ol tliuvkiils, the former Clerk
of the House received 3 votej 2 Whigs
and I Democrat. The other votes were
thrown upon persons not now before me.
. Thirty one b.illots were had in the Sen
ate for engtosin? Clerk for different indi
viduals, and resulted in no election, when
an adjournment took place.
There is yet no development' of opinion
in relation to any general system of Inter
nal Improvement but a general wish ex
pressed that they shall co on. The mode
mostly talked of is by the endorsement of
Uonds on the part of the State.
Yours, H.
Nbw-Orleans, Oet. 4. The Cotton
tnarket has been rather heavy since the
ilmnica't accounts were received, anil pri
ces considered railier more favotuhle lo
buyers. .:
; Yesterday, news was received from Yu
calnn, giving the information that a battle
had taken place between the Indians and
the whites al.ValadoliJ on the Otli ult., and
after two hours hard fighting, the Indians
were driven bnck nnd dispersed. Indians
were still at Bacalar, in fortified positions.
There was a reported disagreemnnt between
th Indian Chiefs, which would result un
favorably in obtaining a peace.
f . ' - - '
' A negro man named AlpU, who murJer
J Mr. James Anderson, of Crawford coun
ty Arkansas, lately, was captured and taken
to Denlonville, where by a vole of the per
sons present it was resolved to hang him
without trial; and the unrortunate man was
executed on the 20th. lie confessed his
guill on the scaflold, but pointed out a white
man in. the crowd who had instigated
him to the crime."
The IIopkinBville (Ky.) Press says that
lie tanners have got their tobacco crop cut
nd housed, and that it is far better than
that of last year,
' The fi. York Journal of Commerce says:
"Boots and tdioes are in pood demand,
with, a fair inquiry for the South and Cali
fornia! Prices have advanced : about ten
,per cent., owinj to the rise of sole and up
iper leather. Thick wotk is srarce, and
holders are looking forward for an advance
in thia description. The slock generally
of all kinds is not large,". . '.
,li'G. Agreeably to previous notice, a portion
of the citizens of McMinn county friendly
to the cause of Internal Improvements, as
sembled at the Court-house in Athens on
Saturday last. On motion, Wm. II. Dal
lgw, Esq., was called to the Chair, and
L. R. IJurst appointed Secretary,
On motion. A. D. Keyes, G W. Mayo,
and Win. F. Keith were appointed a Com
mittee to draft a preamble and resolutions
expressive of the se of the meeting.
The Comniittij, suty.5 retired, for a
short time, teiiiy j;lV ptpsented the fol
lowing: .te jrover'n
11 li)j-'Jyr99iiM.tSS.'.'. li'eaSJivi
the citizens composing tins meeting iiave
witnessed the recent evidences of popular
sentiment throughout the country, more
paiticularly in inositol the Southern arid
youth Western Sliites, in favor of the con
struction of great rnd leading lines of Rail
roads, designed to run through, connect and
link together, as with bands of iron, in so
c.ial oneness and commercial interest nnd
prosperity, sections of our common coun
try, dissimilar in population and in many
other respects, Rt.d States of this Union,
now distat.l from each other and estranged
by sentiments and feelings which wotllJ be
modified or entirely eradicated by the ex
tensive and diffusive intercourse which
would he secured by the completion of the
various roads or system of roads now con
structing or in contemplation.
It is uiih unfeigned delight we see the
moving' of ihe people in favor of works of
Interna! Improvement in our own Slate;
and we desire now to raise our voices in
unison with many of our fellow citizens
who have already spoken out on this sub
ject. '
The ppople ofTenncssee cannot, if they
were so disposed, longer remain silent and
indifferent spectators of the rspitlly im
proving condition of some of our sister
Slates, nnd of mir whtde country taken as
tin agatejaie. Tennessee must unite in the
common cause and put forth her energies,
or consent to remain tributary lo others.
Georgia is pushing h r Slate road a no
ble monument of her wisdom not only to
our border, but within our territory, and
lapping the navigation of our noblest river,
at Chnllnnoiiga. .Virginia, though the had
Ting s1i7mlreiToverTicr 15e?f Interests, is
now amused, nnd ta putting: forth her ener
gies to reach our Northern border. What
ha- Tenne-see done, nnd what is she do
inn? Much has been judiciously projected,
but little is yet executed. Our Middle Ten
nessee friends have taken up the Georgia
line at iis Western terminus, and are run
ning West with it to the Cumberland, an
other of our navigable rivers, at Nashville,
and we do not doubt ol their success at no
distant day. The East Tennessee and
Georgia Road, commencing on the Slate
Road of Georgia, at Dalton, ami terminat
ing at Knoxville, is now in course of con
struction; and the East Tennessee and Vir
ginia Road, to commence al Knoxville rnd
connect with the Virginia Road af the
State line, is chartered, and a part of the
Stock subscribed. We htipo and believe
our Wesl Tennessee friends will ask for
and ohiain from the Legislature now in
session,' a chatter for a Railroad from Nash
ville to Memphis. These several roads will
form a continuous line from one extreme of
the Stale to t ho other, and their connection
with the roads of other States will give us
ready access to the whole Atlantic seaboard,
nnd to the extensive territory and boundless
resources ol the great Valley of itie Missis
sippi, v
It is hoped by ihis meeting, li nt the de
liberations of the Convention to assemble at
Memphis on the 23d of this month, will
result in some jihm rnd so fix public senti
ment throughout the Union, that our great
system of Railroads will, at no distant pe
riod of time, be perfected by the construc
tion of a great iVoii'-ieni from the Missis
sippi river, at Memphis, to 'the Bay of
San Francisco on the Pacific ocean,
For the speedy construction of our Ten
nessee section of th,!s magnificent system
of Railroads, individual enterprise and cap
ital, as it can be enlisted in the chartered
companies,-Is not sufficient without incur
ring delays and embarrassments: and we
confidently look to ;the wise-counsels, pat
riotic devotion and liberal legislation of our
present Legislature for such aid as each ol
the Companies may need to secure the
successful nnd early completion and equip
menl of ihtir respective sections. This is
not asking ton much of ,4 lie Legislature of
our State. The system is a great, a bene
ficent one. Each and all the citizens ol
the Slate nro .directly and deeply interested
in its completion. y- Prompt and .vigorous
legislation now will, in alj probability, fix
til once nnd forevef our Tennessee roads as
links in the great chain of railway destined
to cross our continent from the Atlantic to
the Pacific, nnd to ie the greatest thorough
fare known 10 the world. Delays; or stint
ed and nia"rJ'r&rant tf aid. may prove
ATHENS, TKNN.," FRIDAY, -'00 JOB EH 12, 1&49
fatal to our cherished hopes. Tennessee
has the abiliiy, and' no one of her enlight
ened sons doubts the propriety or neiessity
of her pledging and exeiting her ability for
the purpose designated.
.Enlerlaining these sentiments we resolve
as follows, viz:
1. Resolved, That the Legislature of
Tennessee, now in session, ought, in the
opinion of this meeting, to grant liberal
aid, either by subscript!-: ns of Stock, or by
some other efficient and available method,
so as to secure the certain and early con
struction nnd rquipment of the Nashville
and Chattanooga road, the East Tennessee
and Georgia road, Ihe East Tennessee and
X i ttu-'iia -ras .i, aL JVIisil,Iweivs-s.
ville to Memphis; and that in our opinibn
the State has the credit and ability to do so
without imposing burthens upon the citi
zens of the Stale they are unable pr unwill
ing 10 bear.
2. R'.foh'cd, That our Senators nnd Rep
resentatives in Ihe Legislature are earnest
ly requested lo use their exertions to carry
out these our view.
3. Resolved, That having a deep and
lating interest in the deliberations of (he
Convention to assemble at Memphis on the
23J of this month, pnd desiring to be rep
resented in said Convention, we nominate
and appoint, ns delegates to said Conven
lion the lullowing gentlemen, viz: lion. S.
Jarnngin, Col. Wm. Ileiskell, Col. Vm,
M. Riggs, Maj. James Walker, Russell
Lane, Esq., Col. J. C. Tipton, 1. T. Lenoir,
E-q., Jas. 15. Cooke, Esq., D. W. Rallew,
Esq , Geo. V. Bridges. Eq., W. F. Keiih
Esq , T. N. Vandjke. Esq., A. D. Keyes,
F.eq., Gen. James II. Reagan, Samuel A.
Smith, Esqy, M. P. Jarnagin, Esq., Wm.
H.Ballew, Esq., nnd G. W. Mayo, Esq
The foregoing preamble and resolutions
having been read, were unanimously adop
ted. The following resolution was then pre
sented'and adopted:
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the CliRinnsn and
Secretary 'hat the proprietors f.f the pa
pers in Athens and other newspapers in this
Slate ore requested to publish ihem; and
that printed copies be forwarded lo our
Senators and Representatives in the heg
islature, and to each of our delegates to the
Memphis Convention.
Da motion," the ffieeling then aojoijfueiT.
Lk.wis R. IIcrst, Sfc't.
A Great Man. The highest, noblest
conception we have of a groat man, is one
who understands the power of his own
soul, nnd is continually exerting that pow
er for the promotion of good; is one who
cherishes a deep and solemn sense of the
sacreduess ol duty, and tievti hesitates to
discharge that ditty, be the consequences
ever so injurious to his interests; is one who
in matters ol religion lends nought but a
deaf ear to the loud voice ofsects, nought
hut a blind eye to all party creeds, but scans
the works of nature, the revelations in
scripture, the deep yenning of the hu
man soul; is one who gives all truth a wel
come how iiiuuh soever it may conflict
with pride; is one who is ever ready lo ex
ecute inflexible justice, how much soever
it may effect his interests; is one whp re
bukes all evil however high the transgres
sor stands; is one whose sympathies always
espoused the cause of the oppressed, the
down-trodden and injured.
A Lick Back. The following is a high
ly satisfactory solution of a problem which
has long perplexed us :
"A revivalist at the west recently paid
this compliment 10 womankind in gener
al: 'I wish lo police a lillle objection I
heard to-day concerning our meeting.
Some persons have said that this is not re
ally the work of ihe Lord, because nearly
all the 'seekers' aie females, they moreov
er challenge us to tell why there is so
large a portion uf the weaker sex engaged.
N'ow I will not nrtswer; this directly; but
see here : two years ago I had occasion to
preach to the prisoners in your penitentia
ry. Now how did it happen that there
were there more than four hundred males,
and but about half-n-dozen of the weaker
sex?' He Was generally supposed by Ihe I
objectors, about thai time and place, lo
have 'got c'm,' leastways so the narrator
A man who is very rich now, was very
poor when he was a boy. When asked
how begot his riches he replied: "My
father taught me never to play till my work
was finished, and neTer to spend my'mon
ey till I had earned it. If I had hut one
half hour's work to do in a day, I musf
do ihatthe first th ing, nnd in half an. hour,
and afier I was allowed to play; and I
could then play with much more pleasure
than if I had the thought of an unfinished
task before my mind. I early formed the
habit of doing everything in its time, and
it soon became perfectly easy to do so. It
is to this habit I owe my prosperity."
Tf i-iipi" "rn
- , south.V;.-,
The JIynfev We Mxoc(iie, n a'very able,
article on Bpl Roads, illustrates its' argu
ment in vieji 0! their advantages by n re
view of thei I. eneficinl effects in Genrgh
snd TeniiVpl i, We copy a portion of the
article: " v '
"In .GeeV-ia, the farmers understand
matters nows As the Georgia roads, ad
vanced intoi e counirv.'lands rose, towns
sprang 'ur, irade increased, population
ceased to I'i v on( hut ihe tide turned iu.
The farmeraj igan to take stock in the
toads thiyjegan to build ihem.v They
found their jL-ds increased in value more
many milesf'Knd taking the stock and
working thei'i subscriptions nut with their
hands, and afjer tb;e road yras done' have
found themselves richer than at first, nnd
the stock tlirnwn in Ihe rise in their lands
more 'than equalling their work on the
road.' Ptey a still building other rands,
funning into nd concentrating other places
with iheir main road. The laraiers con
struct most oftthem too a county builds a
roadthrongh its limits, ihe next does the
8ame,"flnd soion. We recollect seeing a
statementnn.r many months ago from an
engineer of. an of the Georgia Roads the
Muscogee rtje we think that (he farmers
in the regiorl or Columbus were makiri"
about $300 it) the hand by subscribing for
the Roil Iloatl siock and then working out
their subscriptions. Is it any wonder thul
Georgia i prosperous that her lands are
rising that Factories, Foundties, See, are
dotting the Sute over that her citizens are
no! hunting homes in new regions that
her citizens are growing in wealth, trade
and population her towns and villages
multiplying and flourishing ? Look at Sa
vannah, how he is spending millions lor
roads, canals lines of steamships,
drawing wealih from all quarters by fieely
giving it mil at Gist t Look at Augusta,
with her canal for manufacturing purposes!
And Columhlls, the Lowell of the South !
A noble rivalship for good for the lasting
welfare of th State exists between Ihe
country ami the cities ihe farmers and
traders they are mutually enriching, are
bracing and sustaining earh other.
"Tennessee ' has commenced following
the laudable fxamulf t.'f .Ibe "model. S"i'e
or the SoiJ She is building Rail-Roads
lier citieilind her-'f inters have united
together We put iheii shoulders 10 th
wheel, endjtwo great works are under
headway.! 11 Tennessee, as elsewhere.
i wherever j!e R,ii-Road touches, land has
risen veryj jpreaily in 'value. Along ihe
whole lint Troiu Nashville to Chaitanoog,!,
real estaleji.ns gone up. Eren while the
Road is inbrocess of construction, the dif
ference inj ie value of land on the route
now and vi at it was beore is far more than
e enlirehtl qjf the roadl Mr. Stephen
son csiimnlis the rise in the value of real
estate on h' route and in the inwns on the
line at abou- eleven millions, while the cost
of ihe roattii put down at three millions.
In the North, the Middle States, the AV'est
and the Sgjj;h, experience has ever shown
results of i similar nature flowing (torn
Rail-Roadf. They create nnd impart wealth
they aro fertilizing streams, rivalling the
wonders of ihi Nile. Truly, meat truly
may it be-iaid, that the farmers are mosi
interested & and more benefitted hy Rail
Roads than ill others besides. While others
are incidentally benefitted, the fanner is at
once benrff. inlly acted upon by them."''
.The Ejr:cuTiO!f op Jacobi. Tlcnn
llECKEit, tjhe German Rf.puui.ican. A
Manheim p per, said, in a recent number,
"Nobody hn been chot this week," the tri
als before the court martial resulting in the
secondary punishment of ten years' im
prisonment Since Ihe above reports how
ever, another prisoner, an artilleryman in
the Baden service, named Jacob;', has ft
,lried,.peoMrrr'l., and executed. He was
implicated in Jhe insurrection of Struve and
Beckers-last jyear, was taken, trisd, and
imprisoned,' lie was released by Ihe lute
Pfovisionary Government, forthwith join
ed the-movement, and was one of the most
active ol the military leaders; he comman-
ded ijoti A, in Ihe citadel of Rasladt, dur
ing me siege. Js me. court lount mm
guilty 'unanimously, the sentence was ear
rieif'oul on the following morning at seven
o'clock. Jacobi walked to the place of ex
ecution smoking a cigar, repulsed the priest
who offered to attend him, saying, "I am a
Saduieej I have no religion ;" refused to
have his eyes' bound, and gave the word 10
ihe soldiers present and tire himself. This
is ihe'sineenth military execution in Baden.
The coott i' nm;h "occupied with minor
ofTenees.Vie.k ns wearing free corps hats,
selling pipa heads with prohibited purtraits
on them, and stng't'g the Jleckerlicd, or
'Song of tlecCer.".
"s- A mode! young man recently fainted
a'wny at Jhe dinner table, upon being asked
to try a bit of a spare-rib.' ..
A Clunker, of most exemplary character, 1
was disturbed one night by footsteps around
his dwelling; and he arose from his bed and
cjutiously opened a back door to reconnoi
tre. Close hy was an out-house, and under
it a cellar, near a win Jow of which was a
man busily engaged in receiving ihe con
tents of'his pork barrel from another within
the cellar. THie old man approached and
the man outside fled. He stepped .up to.
the cellar window and received the piece
of pork from lite thiel within, whef, alter a
lillle while, asked his supposed aceomDjiee.
ti 11 ipjjri 1 oiiiiii lie lan-BM- -
all," nnd llie'thief industriously handed lip
the balance through the window, and then
came up hiniseif. Imagine his consterna
tion when, instead of his compan
ion in crime, he was confronted by Ihe
Quaker. Both were astonished, for the
thiel proved to be a near neighbor, of whom
none would have suspected such conduct.
He plead for mercy, begged him not 10 ex
pose him, spoke of ihe necessities or pover
ty, and promised faithfully never to steal
"If thou hadst asked me for meat," said
Ihe old man, "it would have been given
thee. I pity (hy poverty and thy weakness,
and esteem thy family. Thou nrt forgiven."
The ihiel was greatly rejoiced, and was
about to depart, when the old man said,
"Take the pork, neighbor."
"No, no," said the thief, "I don't want
the pork."
"Thy hecessfty was so great that it lead
the 10 steal. One-half of the pork thou
must lake with thee."
The thief insisted he could never eat a
morsel oNi. The thoughts of the crime
would make it choke him. He begged ihe
privilege of letting it alone. But the old
man was incorrigible, mid, furnishing the
thief with a bag, had half Ihe pork pul there
in, and, laying t upon his back, sent him
home with it. He met his neighbor for many
years afterwards, and their families visited
together, hut the mailer was kepi a secret ;
and though in after tunes the circumstances
was mentioned, the name of the delinquent
was never made known. The punishment
was severe nnd effectual. It was probably
his first it vajcerj .ajnjy. hjsjosj. RUemi't to 1
. Had the man been arraignei before a
court ol justice and imprisoned (or the pet
ty theft, how different might have been ihe
result, His family disgraced, their peace
destroyed, the man's character ruined, and
his Spirit broken down. Revenge, not of
the worlj would have swayed his heart,
the scorn of the world would have blacken
ed his future, and in all probability he would
have entered upon a course of crime al
which, when the first offence was commit
ted, his sou! would have shuddered. And
what would the owner of the pork have
gained! Absolutely nothing. Kindness
was thn best punishment, for it saved while
it punished. (Young People's Mirror.
Desperate Bravery.- Trappers' Fight
with a Siutiz War party. The Jackton
couiuy (Iowa) Democrat gives the follow
ing account of a desperate Indian fight :
Three trappers VaU, Cass and Young
1 while looking for heaver in the vicinity
ofMercou river, discovered a large trail,
rightly supposing' that ihey were in the vi
cinity of n strong band of Indians. They
selected a suitable spot, and built of logs
and pu'es a small hut, in which ihey gave
1 lie name of a fori. Before it was finished
the. Indians made their appearance. They
showed that they were determined to have
iheir scalps. Vale nnd his companions
prepared for a desperate resistance. At the
first (ire of the Indians Young was shot
through the head. Vale nnd Cass returned
the fire, and three Indians fell, at which
they raised the war whoop. The unequal
contest lasted several hours. Cass loading
the gn, while Vale, with unerring aim,
thinned their ranks. Cass impiudenily ex
posed his face and received n bill in . the
eye. Vale was now left alone lo contend
ngainst the Indians. He made the best of
it, loaded and fired in such rapid succession
that the Indians were on the point of retir
ing, when he fell mortally wounded. The
Indians lament his death; ihey buried him
without senlpihg him, nnd honor .him
with the name of Eagle Brave. Twenty
eight Indians wer3 killed in the action.
Vale's relatives reside in Mdwaukis..
Methodist Church Properly Rv'ds
H. B. Bascom, A.L. P. Greene, and C. B.
Parsons, formally give notice in the Chris
lian Advocate, oil behalf of the Melhodisl
Chutch South, that under the arrangement
of able counsel, suits have been brought in
the Untied States Citcuit Courts, for New
York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, in viow of
a fair and. final adjustment of (he ptopcrty
question, so long in controversy between
ihe Northern and Southern Methodist
rnmriii mm nm 1 11 1 1 m, immn
There is one point, my daughter, whictr ''
fs lo' imporiant lo be omitted; I refer to
the deportment which it becomes you tit -maintain
toward Ihe other sex. The im
portance of this, both as it respects yourself,
and others, you can scarcely estimate loff
highly. On one hand, it has much lo do
in iWming your own character; and I need
notjy that any lick of prudence in this
repct even for a single hour, may expose
yo.ulo evils which no subsequent eautiorr
coild nsble you effectually to repair. Oil
thf biher hand, trie conduct of every fv
who is ol any consideration, may be
t. yTTTJT ' lawB'H-l'JLe cflM-
Lrr 01 evcvyvgenileniftM Win wi.fc.,, rnc" "-53-
associates; and that influence will be lor
good or evil, as the exhibits or fails to ex
hibit, s de pwlvnenlVhich becomes her.
So commanding is this influence, that it is
safe ro'eaTculaie upon ihe characier of any
community, from knowing the prevailing
standard of female character, anil that can
SCircly he regarded asan exaggerated max
im, which declares that "women rule the
Let me counsel you, then, never to ut
ter an expression, or do an act, which ev
en looks like soliciting any gentleman's at
tention. Remember that every expresiion
of civility, lo be of any value, muV be per.
I'ecMy voluntary; and any wish on your
part, whether directly or indirectly expres
sed, to make yourself a favorite, will be
certain to awaken the disgust ol all who
know it. I would not recommend lo you
any thing like a prudish or a.ToJ'eJ reserve,
but even this is not so unfortunate an ex.
trenie, as an excessive forwardness. While
you niodes:ly accept any attentions which
propriety warrants, let there be no attempt
at ariful insinuation on one hand, or at ta
king a man's heart by storm on the ot'ier.
Be not ambitious to be considered a
belle. Indeed, I had rather you would h a'
most any thing elie, which does nit in
volve gross moral obliquity, than this. It
is :!ie fate of most belies that (hey become
foolishly vain, think of nothing, and care
for nothing, beyond personal display, and
nut unfrequently sacrafice themselves in a
mad bargain, which involves their desti
nies for life. The more of solid and en
during esteem you enjoy, the better; and
jmt r.'jgHx to gairrwhatever ofilrhr7ou'cfi "
by honorable mean; but lo be admired,
caressed and flattered, for mere accidental
qualities, which involve nothing of inteN
leetunl or moral worth, ought lo render any
girl, who is the subject of it, an object of
pity. You are at liberty to desire the good
opinion of every gentleman of your acquain
tance; but it would be worse than folly In
yod to be ambitious of a blind admiration.
I will only add, you ought to he on your
guard agrinst the influence of flnitery.
Rely on ii, me man who fla'ier you,
whatever he may protess, is not your
friend. It were a much kinder ofli -e, and
a real mark of friendship, to admonish you
tenderlv, yei honestly, of your faults. If
you yield a little lo flattery, you have
placed yourself on dangerous ground; if
you continue to yield, you are not improb
ably undone.
Men with Tails. A French scientific"
commission has discovered a race or men
in Alh'ca,-with tails, and no mistake. A
report was lately made to Ihe Academy of
Sciences thereon. They are one remove
from the baboon, scarcely so handsome or
human as ihe nurang-outang, but can lalk
lika negroes. Thev are terrible savages,
and one of iheir peculiarities is a fondness
lor raw flesh, especially human flesh.
When they are kept as slaves, il not stuffed
with raw meat occasionally, they are ait
dangerous as a beast of prey. The slave
traders, on this account, refuse to buy lliem,
ns they do not wunt their stock 10 eat each
other up.
The descriptions of them say that th
prolongation of ihe vertebral column gives
lo each individual male or female a tail
of two or three inches long. They are Call
ed Ghilanes, and are rarely more than five:
feet higbj bodies lean and seem weak; arms "
long and slim; forehead lo.w and receding
ears long and deformed; mouill wide, and
furnished with teeth very sharp. '
A jockey thus advertises a horse "For
sale, a brown horse, with a Roman nose j
he is in good healih, and very fond of trav
elling having run away lour times withitt
a week. '
"I'll lake two children if I can bav 'rri
cheap," said a tall Yankee, on entering an
oyster cellar in Caual street the other day.
"Two children? what two children?"
" Why, I hain't sot any mvself, and your
sign reads 'Families Supplied, don't it?
I want ydu to supply me with one."
"A woman's affections are hoi hei owo,
Mr-Sniiiheis." "I am well aware of that
madam, they ere unyhodys that lakes ihe
trouble to ask for them." Mrs. Smitttt
koied daggers. '