OCR Interpretation

The Athens post. [volume] (Athens, Tenn.) 1848-1917, October 12, 1849, Image 2

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I;' '
S. I'. lVINS, i:litor and Proprietor.
TKHMS. $i a year, payable u ithin three
monlitt from, the time of suhtcribing: $!,.r0 in
6 months, or $3 at fif expiration of the year.
fj A paper discontinuid until all arrear
ages are paid, except al lite option of the Pub
lisher. For announcing the nanus of candidates for
office $3, Cash.
BC?" K. C. F.DWAitDS 'I'" asent fir
ihe "Posi" for Anderson county. II is resi
dence is Ross' Post-office.
ley Our thanks are due to Col. William
Ileiskell.ol the House of Representatives,
nd Dr. J. W. Gillespie, of the Senile, for
copies of ilie Governor's Message.
CP The. communication signed 'Black
Hawk will appear next week.
The following are the oflieers elected at
the organization of the Leii.I,iture.
.Senate. Maj. John F. Henry, Speaker.
Pr. W.I. I, Morrow, of M'Nairy, Rria
cipal Clerk. , - - -
Alex. Matthews, of Madison. Doorkeep
House op Representatives. Col.
- Landnn C. Haynes, Speaker.
E. G. Eastman, Principal Clerk.
Jacob Miller, of Hawkins, 1st Asistani
Win. CtCarr, of Shelby, 2d Assistant
John Wallace, Principal Doorkeeper.
Elijah Butler, ol Sumner,Assistant Door
The Message of Gov. Brown will be
found in our pappr today. It is an able
document, and we bespeak for it a careful
and attentive perusal.espectally of those por
tions which relate to the Bank of Tennes
see and Internal Improvements. In regard
to the Bank, tiov. Brown takes Hie ground
that it should either be discontinued or re
lieved from some ol ihe burthens now im
posed upon it, and goes on to show thai
$800,000 of the capital slock has already
been lost. If the present system u con
tinued, it will not be long until the whole
capital will be absnrhed and loM.
On the subject ol'Internnl Improvements
.the Governor takes the true ground. He
thinks that due encouragement should be
given to all measures calculated to prove
of lasting advantage to the people, but ex.
presses a hope and desire that no extrava
gant scheme may be indulged in, and that
the credit of the State may be maintained
We are confident that the reader will
92 roe with us that the Governor's views on
matters pertaining to Stale policy are cor
rect and patriotic, and thai his suggestions
in regard to the Bank of Tennessee and
the measures of Internal Improvement al
luded to, are such as to entnle them to the
prompt and speedy action of the Legisla
ture. Georgia Election. Towns majority
is about 3000, and the Legislature Demo
cratic. So say our exchanges. Well, re
sults depending on popular sentiment are a
little uncertain now-a-days, and Democra
cy is evidently looking up again.
Macon, G.i., Oct 8.
We have heard from all the counties in
the Siate. The Senate will stand 25 Dem
ocrats and 22 Whiasjthe House of Repre
sentatives G7 Democrats and G3 Whigs.
The majority for Towns, Ihe Democratic
candidate for Governor, will be about 3500.
Knoxvii.le. Times appear to be im
proving about Knoxville. We notice in
the last Register that the house Maj Win.
Swan was robbed of 2000 on Monday
night last; on Sunday night preceding an
attempt wag made to rob the Bank. An
attempt was also made to commit a rob
bery at the City Hotel. Where's the Cny
The proceedings of the "meeting of
the waters of Coco Creek" next week.
Persons sending communications for pub
lication should'nl forget to pay the postage.
We are a mighty liberal little fellow, n
everybody knows, but then the times in
our settlement are somewhat spurious a
bout now, at least in regard to money mat
EniTimiAi. Convention. A Conven
tion composed of Editors and Publishers
of the Slate of Tennessee, assembled at
Nashville on the 3d inst. Object, to ele
vate the lone of Ihe press and promote the
interests of publishers generally. The
whole affair is represented (o have gone ofT
in fine style. We have not room for the
proceedings this week, but will publish
(hem in our next.
Cottok. The cotton market on Satur
day wasj quiet, the transactions having
been limited lo 280 hales. Prices ranged
Irom 101 to lOIc Char. Cou. Oih.
Ladv's Book. We neglected to notice
last weel: the receipt of this periodical for
Oct. It is decidedly the richest No. of
Godey we have seen for a long time. The
Fashion plate is superb. The only won
der is that there are not more copies of the
work taken in this region.
The following is the result of the recent
election in Maryland as far as heard from,
which we . ropy fioin the Charleston Cou
rier of the Cili in':
The entire Democratic ticket lias hpen
elected in the ciiy -f Baltimore by 2130
majority. McLane, Democrat, has heen
chosen from the fourth Concessional Dis
trict by a majority ol PoO voles.
Bowie, Whip, has been eluded to Con
gress horn the lir.-l District. Hamilton,
Democrat, from ihe second, by about 50
majority. There has been a Democratic
pain in ihe third District, Hammond lm v
ing been elected by some 2()00 majority.
Evans, Whij, has been elected by a lame
majority in Hie flili District. From ihe Glii
District, Kaver, Whig, elecieii. Seven
cou Miles have elected 13 Whiirs and 20
Democrats to the Leisllure. The Whigs
probably have a majority. A United Stales
Senator is to he elected at the nxl session
Washington, Oct. 6.
The Maryland election has resulted, as
I suggested that it probably would, in the
.ejection of three Whigs and three Demo.
.TJ.nOu tin.
i.i (I nun' 'sauceu
ti i i
-1 niiilorily or one in the next Mouse as
mailer now stands. But the Democrats
expect very ronh'dentlya gain of one mem
ber Irom Mississippi, and have some hopes
of gaining another in Louisiana. Thus,
we shall scarcely know till Congress meei,
which party will hive the nominal ma
jority for it will be but nominal on either
side. If a portion of the Free Soilers
xhould, as they probably will, stand aloof,
it will be extremely doubtful which parly
will prevail in Ihe organization of ihe
Some of the Wliias, I notice, afTect an
indifference which Gen. Taylor himself
really feels lo the political character and
organization ol the House. But it is no
small thing ton parly lo have ihe Speaker
ship and the Committees. The Democrats
f they gel ii will know how to turn it
to account for the purposes of the next
campaign. Lhar. Conr.
New Orleans. Oct. 7.
Daily accounts are received of the cav
ing in ol ihe Levees on the coast. The
Levee fronting- ihe fiisl Municipality from
Si. Louis slreet to Beef Market sunk a foot '
or two, and making encroachments towards
New Levee street. No danger is feared lo
the city. The wealh-r is quile cold ibis
morning. The political canvass, in view
of ihe approaching Slate Elections, is wax
ing warm. Whig and Democratic dem
onstrations every night. Boih parlies equal
ly confident.
Cheap Goods. Cleage St Co. are sell
ing off tiii-ir entire stock of Goods at cost
anil carriage. If you want bargains thai
are bargains give diem a call. See adver
tisement in another column.
More of Em. McEwen &. Gillespie
are receiving iheir supply of Fall and Win
ter Goods. They always sell good Goods
and cheap Goods over there. See adver
tisement. The truth is, the houses that ad
vertise are the places to go to get bargains,
and the places where tbey do the business.
The man who fills his house with Goods
and puis up no sign, is he anxious lo sell?
Ii is presumable not. And if he is nol anx
ious to sell, will he be likely to give bar
gains? Of course he wont. Anarverlise
ment in a newspaper is a sign that meets
lie eye ol thousands every week. Is'ot it
sensible then lo alverlise?
One thing about McEwen &. Gillespie's.
The Clerks over lliere are exceedingly at
tentive and accommodating. Good looking
young men, too with faces rather on the
ortamenlal order than otherwise. Call by
and see them.
I CP" As usual the Nashville papers due
yesterday failed to come lo hand.
CO The article in reply to "the oilier
one" was received alter our paper for
today was made up. Next week wiih plea
For the Poit.
Benton, Sept. 29, 1819.
Jlr. Editor: Believing thai you feel a
deep interest in the cause ol education, 1
taxe tuts opportunity ol stating that the
examinations at ihe Academy in this place,
and Cane Creek (McMinn county) closed
yesterday. Having been an attentive ot
serverof the exercises at both places, I feel
bound to say for Ihe students of Benton,
that they did honor to themselves. The
readiness wiih which they answered ques
tions, the spirit manifested in the original
speeches of P. B. Mayfield, S. Camp, J.
Piece, Widows, and J. Johnson, as
well as ihe high-toned sentiments express
ed in the compositions of the females, did
honor lo the cause of education.
The great order and dexterity displayed
at l,ane Lreek exhibition by L. C. Wells.
L. C. Hoyl, II. Cook, and other students,
as tragedians, manifested no small share of
labor on ihe part of Mr. Coghill, their
lencher, and assiduity of themselves. The
citizens of McMinn and adjacent counties
should nol be ignorant of tbe blessings to
be derived from ihe labors of Prof. Coghill
in educating iheir children. P. T.
Among the recent arrivals at New Vork
Irom Europe, i Gen. Armstrong, late Con
8ul of the United States at Liverpool. 1
Charlk.ston, S. C, Oct. 3, IS49.
Dear Sir. Having heard that reports
were in circulation prejudicial to the health
of this place, I deem it but a duty to disa
buse the public rnind."' tmce the 12ih Sep
tember, at which lime the Stranger's Fever
was repurted its existing here, till to-day our
bills ol mortality, prepared by our Board
of Health from reliable sources, yfcws an
aagregate of deaths for the space of 21
days ol 77deaihs, of which 29 were from
.Stranger's Fever; this would average about
26 dealhs per week, and about 10 Irom
Siranger's fever a very small average
con; pared with the exient of our popula
lion. But it is not known with you that it
exists almost exclusively among the lower
classes of the Irish; a few Germans have
also fallen victiniB, and but one case of an
American lha' has come lo my knowledge.
Intelligent and successful physicians have
pronounced it endymiu and not epidemic
lonfiied lo low and moist localities, where
the water, from the heavy falls of rain this
Summer, has been suffered to lie, producing
miasma, which, with Ihe welLknowu care-
.tfTll tlTOT-ClOSS Ol
p (iff reV"SHemig
six, seven and sometimes ten in a room,
nol properly ventilated or kept clean, is
suflic.enl to account lor ihe presence amona
us of a disease which generally causes to
much alarm abroad. In this instance no
ftlarm nerd be fell by any wishing to visit
this place for business purposes. None of
Ihe localities where the fever exists are in
the neighborhood of our business places,
and wilh proper care and precautions none
need fear any danger let Ihem he caieful
to avoid exposure lo the night air. Our
Hotels, the American, Merchants, Pa vili p ,
Charleston, and Victoria, are all situated
on high and dry land and all in ihe imme
diate neighborhood of our wholesale and
retail trade. We of Charleston regret the
appearance of this Fever as our Wholesale
Merchants had opened, doing a heavy busi
ness, and it miy tend lo throw tlie trade
into another section of country. Our
friends of Savannah are doubtless rejoiced
al ih is as il may help Ihem some but I do
trust thai our ciiy aulhoriliei will act wiih
promptness in future, and if owners of lots
will nol fill up ar.d drain ihem, compel
ihem to do so, f: r why should the health
and prosperity of our ciiy be allowed lo suf
fer because a few landlords are averse to
going to a little expense in filling up and
draining. The general healih of our ci'y
has gone on improving for the last ten
years, and now that we are in a fair way
lo reap the benefit, il is to be hoped that
ihe cup will not be snatches' from our lips
to be given to another. LetSavannah rival
Charleston , but let it be done in a fair spir
it of rivalry let the facilities that each can
nfToid award the palm to that one who can
olfer most. 7
The steamship Republic, fcapt. Geo.
Hobbs, (ihe new line between this place
and Baltimore,) is coming up, having been
detained by strong head winds and a heavy
sea. The Northerner arrived ,thi morn
ing, a day behind her lime, oving to i tie
same causes. M.
The steamship Canada has arrived at
Halifax. The followins are ike principal
items of news which she bring-:
Since the commencement of t!ie Cholera
in London, it is reported that upwards of
13,000 persons have died with Ihe disease.
The Potato disease is prevailing in Ire
land, and doing serious injury to this escu
lent. ;
With the exception of the iege of Co
morn, military operations have censed
throughout all Europe. ;, "
Spain. Some trouble has occurred In
Spain. Mores is exnected in
tack on Manilla, hnving alr'Dd.v cut off
supplies intended for thai place. The Span
ish Ministry w eie assembling at Madrid,
but no notice was taken ol events relative
lo Cuba. I
Turkkv. The Sultan has refused to de
liver up l he Hungarian refuae(, and the
Russian Minister attempted in bully the
Sultan into compliance wiih Aus,m'j dp.
mands. A Council was held, and the Tur
kish Government posiiivtly refused lo sur
render ihe refusees either lo the Romans
or Ausliians. Kossuth and his compan
ions have been furnished with jiassports by
the British Minister.
Pelerwarden surrendered lo the Impe
rialist army on the 9ih uliimo.. A portion
ol the Magyars were opposed to the sur
render, but they were overruled.
Preparations are making to besiege Co
morn. The officers are said to have had a
meeting, and agreed lo surrender on the
terms offered the Magyars. The whole
gairison is desirous of leaving the coi ntry.
The bombardment is said to have already
It was rumored that Bern was captured
by the Russians at Wallachia, ' "
Many Hungarian officers hare been put
to death by banging, &c.
The insurrection is progressing in Copenhagen.-
Maru'al lawis in full force,
and a number of insurgents have been put
to death.
The Printers of Home are famishing.
The Cardinal Triumvirate have told them
that a few hundred had better starve than
the minds of the whole populace be poison
ed by their productions
Executive Office,
Nashville, October Ut, 1810. J
Genlhmcn of the Senate,
and llouse of Jttprcsentativts:
You have assembled al ihe seal of Gev.
eminent to discharge 1 lie trusts with which
you have been invested, under the Consli
tuiion and Laws of the Slate. And it is
"ratifying on such an occasion to be assur
ed of the general health and prosperity
which .v.'v mark Ihe condition of our nom
innni.y. For these hlessinsjs wearejlatdj
under a new tribute of gratitude to the
Great Disposer ot all human events.
The reports Irom the different Depart
ments of ihe Slate, and Irom the institu
tions under us control, will acquaint you
with their condition respectively, and the
rhanner in wbicli they have heen adminis
tered. I am bappv to believe they have
all been managed Willi fidelity, and thai
their operations have all been reasonably
The Bank of Tennessee lias at nil limes,
since its erection, formed a subject of deep
inieiett to ihe Slate. Much depends upon
it. It is ihe frent paymaster lor all ihe
public obligations. So far, it has certainly
met all demands r.gainsl it has in the
main, been well conducted; and its profits
liHve been equal to those of most other
Banking institutions of the day. But 1
tWnli i-nn b domnnoirAteil l.l ili.-r. tine
been a loss ol the capital of me B.mk to
Ihe amount of near eight hundred ihoj
sanl dollars, if not more. I mean it ha
lasen that much, together wnh us neil
I nrofils. In discharge the oh ialions thai
have, Irom lime to tune, been imposed up
on it. If litis be so, the result sooner or
later, and at no distant day, cannot be mis
taken it must end di.i;i.struus!y.
To determine whether lliere ha been
this loss of capital we need only refer to
ihe history of its operations, and tlie re
ports made fr.,iii time lo time. Whether
the amount of loss upon ihe capilai of ihe
Bank is correctly staled or not, it is certain
here has been a loss, and that on Hie 1st ol
January, 1818, it amounted lo 7?7,o(30 G'J
according lo ihe report of tbe joint seieel
committee ol the lasl session ol tlie Gener
al Assembly. This is a stale ol things thai
oujlil nol lo be permitted In continue. Tlie
evil arises from ihe fact ilial tlie IS. ink hus
been required to do impossibilities. It has
made an average profit of about seven per
cent., taking the whole term of years
since it was organized; but to meet ail the
liabilities imposed upon it, would require a
profit of about ten or eleven per cent.
This it cannot, and ought not to be expect
ed lo accomplish. If ihe present lute ol
policy is continued, we mu-t look lorward
to the lime when ihe whole capital of the
Bmk shall have been expended. Tne
capital, as is known, embraces the Common
School Fund, and I lie surplus revenue fund
deposited with Ihe-St-tte by the General
Government. If Ihe latter should ever be
called for it would present to us a melan
choly alternative while there is but little
probability that the former would ever be
supplied, however solemnly il has been
pledged hy the Constitution, and however
ardenlly it has been chcri-hed hy ihe lnemls
of education. The real capital ol ih 1'aiiK
al present, does nol exceed 82.500,000; and
if we assume that the nelt prolix will here
after amount lo seven per cent, per annum,
we would realize an aggregate profit of
175,000 per annum. Willi this sum. ac
cording lo ihe staled liabilities in 1317, we
would have to meei 271,712 87, which
shows n deficit at thai dale of $90,71 2 87.
This calculation allows nMhmg for I lie
increased liabilities ol the Bfink lor the last
two yeats, nor fu.r tlie reduction of the cap
ital by ihe current drain. The Bank be.
gan its operations on the 1st of July, 1833.
with a capital of ft3.226.976 82, and hy
th Ni of July, 1819, has lost the sum ol
8800,000, as is believed. Now, a1, this rate
nl luss, it can be demonstrated lhat in six
teen years the hole capital will h ive been
expended. No man who wishes well lo
the prosperity ol Hie State, desires such
result. And yei il ts to me most mauiiesi,
if the Bank is continued wnh the present
encumbrances upon il, The policy ol grad
ual liquidation has heretofore been tested
by your predecessors and w.s zealously
advocated by many. Oihers there were,
while they conceded the evils connected
with the institution, were deterred from
fixing a period to its duration, by the 'ear
nf what they deemed greater evils. The
Bank then, as now, wi'h its n nneious
Branches, furnishes a larje portion ol the
circulating medium of Ihe country, and is
coiiveni-nt for many purposes both toil)
Slate mid lo (he peuplp. The public mind
v.n nol ihen prepared for its withdrawal.
Whether il is now, you will determine. A
more intimate acquaintance in Ihe la-l two
years, with the hisioty and operations of
tin' li-mk, lias Silt l.-fi.-d me, thai the pubbc
interest requites lhat II should either be
discontinued, or that il should be so far re
lieved Irom i's obligations as to save its
capital from further reduction.
Indisposed nt all liases to l.ivor a radical
change upon questions of mere domestic
policy, while any reasonable grounds of
success remains, i wouiu oe wining io see
the Bank continued for ihe present, il lh"
reliel indicated, is extended lo it. This 1
think can be accomplished by making the
Treasury chargeable with all ihe liabilities
which now rest on the Bank; and respon
sible lor any deficit in Ihe means of pay
ment. In this way, whatever profits the
Bank may realize, will go into the Treasu
ry, and upon accounting with ilie Treasurv
for its profits, let the Bank be 'Uncharged
Irom further obligation. Under iTie pres
ent system, if the profits of the Bank are
inadequate, as they have been, the capital
is made to supply the deficit; nnd ihus we'
are presented wiih a policy, which, in the I
case ot an individual in private life, would
be universally condemned, and lead inevi
tably to poverty and bankruptcy. This pol
icy is also recommended by its simplicity,
irrespective of the condition of the Bank.
It would render the slate of our resouices
less complex, and mantfiest at all times,
without dispute.or cavil, the precise amount
of'available means. And what objection
can be taken lo this course of policy?
Let us not be startled at Ihe idea of an in
crease of taxation lo make up any delicti.
I believe no such necessity will arise. But
if'll does, we ought to know it in due time,
nnd cot wail until the whole capital of the
Bank is expended until necessities multi
ply on us to an 'extent beyond our ability lo
If the Bank is put in a state of liquida
tion, it should of course be so gradual as
not lo impair Ihe business of ihe country,
or lessen the circulation. As the vacuum
is formed it would be supplied from other
Banks now in existence, or such as you
may choose lo create.
I am, then, prepared, and do earnestly
recommend, that the Bank be either discon
tinued or disencumbered. Either policy is
decidedly preferable lo Ihe present. Either
would be safe lo the best interests of the
Siate, while ihe present is destined, ill my
judtrnient. to be disastrous.
The subject of Common Schools, will, of
course, encase your considerate attention.
It is evident to every one that Ihe present
system is far from being salislaciory to Ihe
people. And in many places, either Irom
its defects, or from improper management,
it has become odious. Doubtless many
improvements could be made on the pres
ent plan, without reference to Ihe increase
luml, by which (lie administration of the
whole could be rendered more eaiiy and
certain. But it is an increase of the fund
which is most desired,, and without which
no innovation or improvement would be of
any great priciicnl until y. Bui how is this
to be attained? I'pon this subject there is
a variety ol opinions. I iliuiK our pieseni
revenue system will be fojind to furnish a
surplus over and above ihe ordinary wants
ol the Slate, and priAuhly beyond -all con
tingencies. If so . Veould it be better
applied, than loCl School purposes?
If this addition to"t7rr.r-t fund he insuf
fi 3 it-nt, I kn
nu v fL oi eniarsio
m J i m 1 i f i :
ii , nut dv iixatton.
fllis should
r,-" .cst.rird' lu li jrtrr" Jfl"i;
w no-rep-.
leeenl the immediate interests and wishes
ol the people, will determine. I beg leave,
however, lo stale, lhat 1 do not b-lieve a
system of direct taxes expedient or proper.
Some counties are unable to bear additional
burdens while others are indisposed lo do
so. And experience has shown that a vol
untary lax is much more conducive to ihe
success ol Common Schools, than one lo
he enforced by a "en-ral law of the State.
By a voluntaiy tax, I mean, to confer, by
law, die power upon the county courts ol
Ihe different cmi n i t-s , lo levy an amount
v i i Ii in certain limits, for Common School
purposes provided, that before such lax
c.i n lie laid, the voice of the voters of the
county shall be taken, anil the exrcise of
the power be under the control of n p pu
In r majority. And whatever su'ii may be
rii-eii in this way, wiil be added to Hie pro
portion of Ihe Stale fund annually received
by the co Inly, nnd expended fur school
purposes within the county. In l li i 4 way
each count y will control 'Hie mailer for il
sell, am the people w ill or will not lax
themselves, as they please. I iliink this
plan is practicable, mid so far as 1 have
been able lo perceive, it will be acceptable
to th" people. Something ought to be done
tindvance a subject of so much impor
tance. We owe il lo the character of the
Siale, Hnd we owe il as an act o! justice lo
the children of the Slate, i need not en
large on the inestimable benefits ol a gen
eral and diil'usive system of educn ion. Il
lies at the lonndalion of our form of gov
ernment giving slrenglll bolh to Ihe b;il
lot box and lo ihe cartridge box and lur
nishing guarantees lor the maintenance of
law ami order not to be found in pains and
penalties. And Irom it we are lo expect
the origin and support of all great enter
prises, lhat lend l-j develope our country
and elevale nor people. I sincerely Irusi
you t ay find it in your power nl the pres
ent session to advance this gresl cause, so
Ihiil every child in the Siale. within the
scliolaslic ajes, may be eqahled to le.irn the
elements of education Ire of expense.
The subject of Internal Improvement is
one which is exciting more inieres1 al pres
ent, than any perhaps which will enter in
to your deliberations. And it is grattlying
to witness Ihe spirit which now pervades
the diireri-ni sections of ihe Si jte with re
gard lo it. The Nishville and Challoonaga
raiiroad and the East Tennessee and Geor
gia railroad are in a stale of vigorous pro
gress, and furnish assurances of their com
pletion al no d is tii n t day. Much interest is
also fell in Upper East Tennessee, in f.ivor
of a ro id Irom Knoxville lo the Vir
LMiii'i line, chartered at your lasl session.
These enterprises are all rendered more ini
portiinl by Ihe policy f the Stale o. Vir
ginia, which promises the construction uf
it riintp from the Tennessee li le tu Lynch
burg, liius presenting the prospect of a line
of railroad, nlmosl unbroken, from Nash
vi le in the Eastern A'l'i'ic. While, by
the enlightened policy and liberal enter
priue uf the people and State of Georgia,
a continuous line is opening lo us, to the
Southern Atlantic, The vast advantages
presented by these works, appeal lo your
enlightened policy for nil ihe aid in your
lobstnw.lo ensure llitii completion. Al
liiough the Siate debt is now considerable,
yet it is not such in my opinion, consider
ing the amount ol our means, as lo th-ler
us from still further appropriations ol (he
public cri'iln in aid ol speeitic objects. I
sav in aid of specific o'jecis, for I hope
never again to see Ihe indiscriminate p ili
ry of the nc f I8.'J7-S resorted lo by ill"
State. Such a policy, if persevered m,
would bankrupt any State in the world.
The tendency was to construct any and
every sort of road, without relerence to its
nnporUnce or value, I he Upper I'.asl
.rpnnesiiee roll,P viewed both in its local
bearing upon the interests of lhat section ol
the Slate, nnd as a part of lite great chain
connecting us with ihe Eastern Atlantic,
becomes an enterprise of the highest val
ue. Indttbd, it is iudispfiioable, and I have
no hesiia'ion in recommending a as de
serving a liberal patronage at ihe hands of
ihe State. How much may be needed re.
mains to he seen; and how much should
he granted, you will determine. It is not
lo be expected that private enlerprise alone
can build the road it is a work of loo
much magnitude. The advantages of this
branch of improvement lo IviM Tennessee
are apparrnt. No mm can contemp'iiie
her condition and naturd resources, with
out being impressed with it. But these
works, though directly connected with
East and a portion ol Middle Tennessee,
are important to ihe whole Slate. They
form the basis of other and similar enter
prises already in agitation, and destined at
no distant day, I trust, lo he carried out.
Looking nt the spirit of the day upon such
subjects, and the necessity of multiplying
outlets lo market, no one can believe for a
moment dial ihe Nashyille and Chaiianoo
ga railroad will be limned to i is present
terminus. And to all, who indulge an en
larged view of the interests of tire whole
Slale.il must he adesirable object to see4his
toad extended from Nashville, or some in
lermeduie point, west to Memphis. The
Western portion of the Slate is interested
in such a communication lo Hie East anil
South east. - And so are Ihe oilier sections
of the Sin'e, in a speedy approach to the
Mississippi and the South-west. ' The
extension of ibis route West, woulJ com
plete thecnain Irom one end of lue Stale In
ihe other. And besides the commercial ad
vantages to ll'iw from it, it wmiM
brit) into constant and close coimnu
nicnTion, the people of all portion of
the State; a result greatly to be 'lesir
eil, in every view of our social ami
domestic wcll-beincr. I trust you may
concur wilh me in the importance ami
practicability of the route from Nash
ville to Memphis, anil grant a charter
with such pledges of aid from the
.State as you may deem safe. 1 do
not doubt but the greater portion of
the stock, at least, would be taken, ns
the line would pass through many
counties of grcit wealth and resour
ces, and deeply interested by their loi
cality in the attainment of such a road.
I need not employ arguments or facts
i to enforce the incalculable benefit! of
! such a line ol railroad to the people
1 of Tennessee. Uemole from the ocean
ami lakes, and limited, and, to a great
extent, cxcludcdjrom water commu
nication, this State, wiih all its vast
resources, has been kept in the rear
of improvements which now mark
the a''e. Our growth in numbers and
wealth, tl:ouli :insureraule, has been
slow, compared lo our capabilities.
This is a question which addresses
the interest of every farmer and me
chanic in the land, more especially,
they bein; ptoducets, nnd directly
conr.enieJ in the enjoyment of a spee
dy and 'certain market. The interest
of nil others compared to theirs is but
secondary Hut there is another in
ducement, winch appeals alike to all.
The consti uct oti of such a road
throughout the length of tho Slate,
would conduce to the growth of man
ufactures in nil their variety, besides
its influence in enticing the capital of
our own people into that department
of industry, it would not fail to bring
into our midst the capital nnd enter
prise of other States. Our natural
resouices, agricultural, mineral and
manufacturing, arc well known and
appreciated. Development ought to
be the order of tlie day, at least in the
polities of Tennessee. The property
holder and the non-property. holder
arc equally interested; the former in
the increased value of what he has,
and the latter in the acquisition of
means for the attainment ol property. .
And if we need the stimulus of ex
ample upon this subject, we have il in
the policy of our sister State of Geor
gia. That Slate has tho honor of
being foremost, among all the South
ern Slates, iu this great branch of en
terprise. Though bounded on her
Southern limits by the Arlai.tic shore,
and enjoying many navigable rivers,
yet, not content with these natural
advantages, far superior to ours, her
public undet takings for railroads nl- -ready
amount to about six millions,
while privaio enlerprise has incurred
an equal su n, on the same account.-
The results so far, have been propi
tious, and piomisc. the certainty ol a
new era in the wealth and commerce
uf tint: Slate.
One ddlieulty, always encountered
in any specifii: work ol" this kind, is
the opposition of those sections not
directly addressed by it. This ought
not to lii All portions cannot at once
be supplied with these facilities. It
must be done in detail, and with a
steady and cautious calculation of the
public and general, ns well as local
advantage to arise.
IJul there is still another reason
that ought of itself to enforce the ex
tension of this railroad lo somo point
on tho Mississippi river and that is
the probable construction of a route
to the Pacific lo be built by the Gen
eral (Jovct nment out of the public
lands. This latter. enterprise, if car-
t ied on, may c intiect itself with somo
point on our Western border if so,
it would form but the continuation of
the line above recommended. Ind
why may we rot expect tho route
Irom Tennessee to be selected ? It is
recommended by the very enterprises
I have been ur;hg now in progress
and in contemplation and tho char
acter and resources of the countries
through which they will pass form
ing altogether nn inducement in favor
of litis point. And Irom cverv obser
vation that has been made it will be
shorter, cheaper in its construction
than any other yet indicated, and will
not encounter the impassable snows,
lhat are (o be found, nt least in winter,
on the other routes. This great na
tional project, so important to the na
tion nt l.iroe, nnd especially to tho
Mississippi valley, will, doubtless, re
ccivc your earnest countenance and
favor, as it is now receiving much at
tcntion and regard hy tho people of
the Southern and I Western States.
To have the Atlantic and Pacific con
nected by one great highway, nnd
Tennessee enjoying an intermediate
portion of it within her own Territory,
is well worthy of a vigorous demon
stration on your part at tho present
session, independent of nil other local
considerations and interests.
Tho Mobilo and Ohio Itailroad, will
no doubt be pressed upon your con
sideration, either in its main route
across tho Sutc, or in one or more
diverging branches. It is destined,
if completed, to be of i.nmenso value
to a large and growing portion ol our
State, and proposes to add to other

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