Newspaper Page Text
J TO lAY ANDTO MORROW. Hon'l ltl nio of M-iiMirrow! (iive me ilf i" " who'll av, Tnn when a j'lMiJ deed's in l doner, li'd 'he deed .-il t v . We may " f0'" ,n'"l ,,,H l'r''!"'iu II we ct and newer wan, Hut reiwiitrcnee t iln plmmm U h p' t'ia' c es tu ft ' ! Duii'i tell in- of I" morrow ! 'I'lif re' iiri'-h l do tn diiVt Tli can m-v-t I"- c,Mn,i!i'H- I i we iIiumv li- hour away j Ev-tv 11 " " I''IS '"' In ll-f lot'.IC "'HI lotetell 1 Til-" I v I"'1 "'' 1,11 '-'i"'i.v i ut today can ti mi r t I ! K II in" l t.i-mnrrnw t l" we 1 i Vt u;.ll lii"' i!. much H. it we have tell to do Wr rnm.'l do a' l i-t ! To tiny! 'i "s , l,!v """" Fur nil on this l'"1 a'th i II lak-s ii .'' i" f""" n A momei.i iv.m H i r 1 1 1 . cukk mis kuiuwiativu. Tho following are n-iid tu I r pil lotions for the evil of ihcu'iiatism.--As thev nro iinpl' llicv can ic l;irlv tried iv those atllicicit with those evil. Inflammatory. llnlf tin ounrc of lum, Imll nn ounco of pulverized suit prtnvput in Imlf n pint of swcrl oil. ts.itlie the MM.s siiiccic.u Common lJm m.tim. like pint of the spirit-i ol lurjcnlii e, to which ailil hall an mince ol ranmlior. When dissolve.!. ni! it on t!ie rnrt nlli;cteil. and it will never tiii of rc tnovin" tho complaint. Kl.'.nnrl vhnuM applied nficr tin part is wHI fomented wiili turpentine. Ke peat the upplicMlinn iiinmin, ami eve n"'g- Hoiisi:s. Julio Whife in lliu Southern Culiiv.itur, (jives the following plan of r.ufinjj hoisc ol the swinncy : I take ftliont a qnnrl of water. Iil it. oiul add s.i't as lon as it will dit olve anv ; then '.iikc a pit of blan ket and din it in the watrr while hot, bathe the horse' shoulder well for nine niornimis in nurcssion, then miss n few niorninii-; il the cure in not ef fected, bathe nj-ain for nine days. I have cured a .-rcat many horses in this way. Another: Apply common alt (alum salt would he preferable) to the part aflecic I, anil rub up knd down the shoulder with a tiricR as hard as the horse can bear it. Lien on (Vrri.K. Mr. I.iniey, in the Uciif-sre says the most efl'er.lual icnv dv which ho has found, on repeated tiial, is l' sprink'e sand copious! s' over every part of the bod ies of hi'J calviM, tu be repoaled omre n week. The exper'uirrU ai sug pasted by the remarV that bui!s, which diKt tlieiiuelvos by pawir.j, arc iifv cr louv. To ("i m: tiii; Clio If. A K.i) I' llrc'ipr. Tal e to ounce. ol hu'i milk, put in a b-i'.'' Imrn, and hit it no with a cat's Ic.iilier ; th n iiivide the mass into pill a bi as a piece o' chalk, about a u as a M :k. and wallow tl cin crowise. I'iciuriil.'i. Cvnr. ion tiik I'm I . 'I iie follow ing simple npplicaiinii w ill ccrluinl) cure th:3 io'il iliIiciiiiu' eoinplaini. It has bociitiicd by many and found successful : Take three ounr.iM of pulverized al um, and place it in .t belt made ol cotton dn!:iir. loicchs in width, and wear the bell around ihe body bove tholoiiiii. It thoidd be worn next the skin. 1 1 sf operation 13 tlmv but certain. S,il,nn t)U. A amimiiii; i.Mii.uii'ANCK.-Jiiilire Jones, in the Couit ol Cnonnou I'le.u of .Norihampton cminiy, (IV) has set usiile th'S will ol I'ctcf Muler, a weal, rliv old liuclir'oi , w ho died lately ai I'astnn, which w.m allinoed by the Supreme Court, Tho entire eMatc, therefore, amounting to nearly S5 !!(. IM)(, with the exi 'piion of a few trill io!X legacies, v. Inch lire valid under wdl. ot' to l'der Milier, of Oiiio, the lephciv nod only heir at law of the Seocascil. The J'.aston iYhig miya: 'The fortunate individual who comes into possession ol so lar'e an estate is abnul sixty yearn ol ace, and resides 111 Mora.i county, Ohio, where he has worked a farm a tenant for a longtime lie has a large family a full baker's do.en of children, all jioor." A f'e rman paper mentions the death of a police sergeant Irom tetanus, projuced hy a bil' on ihe l.'iumh bom a drunkard wham lit was ink'tii; i n in custody. 'Ihe wound hjle( npparenlly , in neveu or eiclil days, and o i the third day afleruards ihe con- ulnins bewail. i'.Mt. Ccccnui.NCK. Wc learn thai i.nj y. iiir.lay nihi lusi, in r Dmricl, Mi,; . Ashly Culclou-li win LilleJ, an.l hi hi..-', er severely wounded, by a man hut. I'd D.i Marshall. -('oliiiiiliiu I'auili-iiau. V . i.iir or y Sun. A mun named Selim .'V .tely irlerr.-il a claim aaamsi the Cr iy i iiunetl ol ( "ii n-.ij., lor ilamuces by I In lis- n' bin sou, w ,i.i j, .liowne.l Inn, i ii (,i ij0 heloiiguijf to ilia city. The Coun ci jluwcJ him twenty live dullard rii. .- ill! IIIIIII..M ,i:r .:':. fl,v a i'oiiii.f!i-iil no J rl u-u-iil iiisin.i?lnr, p.ttl!llllMim""'fe V j u-iiliiii the la.i titter n ears. The Trus- ttf-M " l in 1 -i 1 4r -.? MSvr-tV ',t JL...,.u tut m imi n . l.t r Hi Hill 1)1 IIOSm0 33r. Vownscnd s COMl'OLWJt EXTIUCT Of S.I 11 S.ilUliLL.l. TIIS MOST l.X rilAOIU-IN IIV MF.I'ICISC IN Til '. IV OKI. II ! ! T.m t rlvncl i ml ' t' (J'i'o f llulih : it is m'.r Ihnrt riniHT, jilt itsttiilrr, mid ir ncr.iii' ' mi)i ri'nr t nnj mil. It c iif J tliifuse tfiithi'iil eimiitii'gt nirL'i.'ijf , nVAriiiiiirnr ic i.'iiii'iii! Ihr pntknh. -t Jll!' co m L'i-Hiiiv ouil ;i 'i mi il v 'f lid" i- S irs-ipoilU I'ViT all iillnT im-il ic 1 ti.-s wiiih- 11 fi-clicm. iliMnse, 11 invii'drni.-.s iii.. I" tly. Ii is mi" id ilu- vitv ln-si Sprint: 01. 1 suiiiiiirr rnnlii uifi vir known, it not 1111K ptir itifn llif wliul nyMeni sad sirrnaili n iht ppmon, liJt it erPBtes nfv, purr STli'li IouihI; I'lttUfffoinHiifil Lv lT'J oilier iiiiMlioinn. Ami 1 11 tins lies I lie grand ii'Pr"! of 111 wontlerliil sui'res. It lm pr Kiriiifl wiihin llm lisl iwo years, more ihiin fill.OOU enrK "I spr casi'. ol ili ",ii'; lit livisl o.l lOO ivfr r'.nisiili'ird inril ra'ilii. Ii avll ilir lives ol' morr limn ."i,iliO rlolilren li e luu pi?l si-ssmis ulone. More la 01 .",000 ra-in of -iroiiic rlieiima. 1 i-Di ; iJ.OOO rases ol Dyspepsia; .1,001) ca se, ot c. ilel.lliu' mill Riilol niPiify; 7.IMKI i o"s ol Hie Jid'ereni 1-Vmnle Cmn pLniiis; a .1 li 'It ol S. rolii'ii: I ,.ri00 cases of ihe J.ivei C'linplniiu; . )U cases vf ills cne ol Ihe Ivi.lneis aiul DropsVJ 'J, ('DO ciii"- ol Criin l; I.OlM) cases lieail.iclie; l..rMMl eaM-nof Hie lnipsvi S .(' eas ol' roiisuiiipiinii; mnl of ca-es of di.ra,-s nl Hip hlooit. vi : L'ler?. lVyvp'" h, S-i!l IJlii-inn. I'liiiples on Hie Face, Si j .I Ueail, Teller, Neuraljlin. Is.c.. &.R , intifilier wi.h maiiei.'iis cases of SicL llea.lm-lie. Pain in l it- fiile and Chtsi, Si.ii'al A H 'l li 'ii". .'. i : 111:. IT ;jc.-7.v:.s?. We have put up ai our iiiaa'.ilacl.iry the pisl na"ii I C'Oi) bullies of ipariila per dfiv or 121 000 p-r weel.oral it. ri'e ol oyi: nro lir.ynniii) .l.YI) FOUTY-HmilT TI1UUS.LY1) I'M VI-:. III. Ami ev?n this enormous (iiianiiiv not sud'v ihe demand. We euniantiy keep runnir.j two Napier Ph-nru 1'reMeii, moi of the lime, nicht and ilav. We primed of our Almanac, 181, '-!,fl00, -(SKI, which com ol'- "!,l cash. I' '"ploy ed ovr fiO ri'is m inonihs lo fold ae.d stncli ihei.i. The present edition will be m'ich larger. The motl extensive m.nifr.c lory in Kurope or Amend, cannot make asure-o a number of holder! as we require. ft' . i .... - 1 .... r-tf inPtl ti hdVS ,re.. ..,.-...... ;. - employ eu ruiirriin; icen, ... - i number of bands that e employ direct. y and indiiettly, ii luskin:. Cass. pap'T. corks, eali:i ..ix, pnekin'j lioH'S, prmi :r2, and prepann-r 'he insredienl, &.0 , u.miI.I apnrar in i'dible. The wonderful iicre. ol liiis me.licme has induced soma twenty or more i.ieii in put up ftarmpsnlln in Ihe --in- sin; e.l hollies, and imitate il in every pus-il manner. Mm ihe tri umphal su .-. of I'us medicine nv I nil, is i!ie most liiiieinh iiil piu.,f c.l lis ineMima. l ie v. ue. Tl.esc ir.a md their iinpruici pl. d a.enis h ue published Ihe mo-i oul r.i.'e.HM t,1-. i.of l i res Tiinr IV. To'.vn .eri.l'i Sar-.ip .n'. i. an I have pulled thsir o n wu'i cijiino r:'n cert, Ilea: and even ei.iue.l our :vertiseni"iit. Vel Ihr -d- lijllleneil I'll' I '- Il IV' apprei iiK'il the value til l'ie nie.'.ic.iie a l.icli ti a by Us ."insular en-iu'l in eoiiiii'.:ii', dceice, r.nd ill Ih.iu j ii.N olc.-.-f s w l'i almost mirceuluiis power produced reputation mil cliaracler tbal In broken dn n prejudice nti.l Iri umpl.ed over f v rv obstacle, and l;i'i:ome on ol Ibe ptaud ud nrnc'es ol ci nerce. So crest lias hern l'ie demand thai we are unable lo t uppiy -n'n'l we have had ll.e .aus'actio know-in? tht " inaiiii'ac lure mine in one week tban ail of our op poneiit bav in a year. Prnu-pil Olliee, IJi Fullnn Pun Ilu.ldm.". N. V.: Sniiiii I'eaii st., Albany. and l.o raie by all ii' principal Dru-'tst Miid Merchant ceneriMv ibroushoul the l." inted Vsin tf , West Indies and tlie (Jaiu-.1.-.,. ISAAC E. IIAI1KV, ( ! n-- il A cent for E. Tenn.. ( nr. if .'oil mid I'l inreit , k'noxville. And l r sib. by G. W. ItOSS & Co., AOienv; J.ilui Si ui'icM, I'hihulelpliia; Mol leis,,New M.nk"i; W.S.J. Kurd, Sevier villej II. Jtmlwell, Dandiidu'e; Jas. Itoss, llil-snlle; 1 1 . T. t '.ox , Eouisville; Ka"8&. I.ove, M i v villi-; J. Ilu'iper, Walnut Hill, Va ; Itrown Ci Dimean, Kin;sioii: C, Ausun, I-nloitiville: W. W. Walker, Clin ton. Dr. J. II a vi Iv, Kuii.'ilgc. sepi, r, i s in r.o . i 1 UiH KIitl S r; si. tele of Silver, W I oil.: Mola-'i f , A .'. -on hand mnl for (hie ty s. iv. i;i;:;i).'-;u. Athem, April 27, VM If J n MI. . fine lot of Miiekerel lul rr. riv U' ed iimt for sale hv S. K. ItKKDKR. Alliens, April 'J7, Itf PI If 31 Wanted, in ono AiS-1 A,-iour which I djWUU ,lP 1,.1, rSi price wiil be giv en at my store, in Dalum, J.i. Jll. ANDERSON. Dallon. Jan. I J. If P.) tf 10 KIMJ'S SAI.T-Jut re- ' cei ed nml lor sale nt 711 rts.per bn.hel by lbe blil., by S. K. Kl'.KUFK. Athens Am,-. :t, If I') If 5 XEGHOES WAXTED. JR. Ml'RDOCK. Ct.iuracior on the R iilioiid, at I'leveUtnl, wishes lo hire Villi Ni jjru laborers, lo work on the Rail road. He inll pa twelve dollars per loooth lor ,".md able bodied hands. Ap-iiy lo hint at Cleveland. Sep'l. 7, IM'.l il ",() -...... LOOh' THIS 11 Al H Urulh and Ihitlrnrlinn In llnli, .Vi'cr, Jhn? mid llotuhe! BfF.NUV IHHK IIIMI.Ifs Prepnrlion for the Flleriliitiatmu of It. It, Mice, lei. 'i- and I oi kr.mel.t , w ith inn elinm lor me, l or .ale nt the A 1 III.N S IK I 1,-tS l OKt;. Price relitl per box. Kept 7, Irs ij tf WM, II UK N. 3. ; Forest Hill Academy. rsMlK t'-F.SSlON or iliin In- s iiiuiioti will coiniiienee i.n ihe First Monday in S.,in nilier, under the superin leiideiice of Mr. CllAULI.s l'. .S l V t: I., S-si-ieil by his Ludy, and close ihe last ,ol Jaici.irv. Mi. Sj'iiiioI's ability an I f-iiilifulprj-i ns have il.sire ll.iir f.oin ;i il J lla Ji'Lli'l.-i 10 li laiil.t. I'tiiMs, irr Session of 'ire .Mnulht, rJ uLlc nt Hie i nil if '.(' .ii'.sm'II . Spilliuu', lieailin, Wimiis ami? A 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 c , J 65,00 F.nnlisii Craimnar, Geography, ' mnl Ihe nbuve. Laun mil French I.-iiiL'iiajeF.T Matheinaties, Natural I'liiloM)- nliv. Moral Science, Astruno- ( 10,00 inV, . J One of won.l or 7 rls. lo rjich bdiolar will b tupiireil during ibis sosmoii. l'.y oidi r of ihe Ilmird. C!IA;:. MKTCAI.FF.. Sic. An'. 10, It '!'.) il L-vnvvii ii: l,,T"'"T T 1" KISOXMLLI'j i Ij -t1 AIjL SEMI HA !i V. ..-w-44 rBlIlR next seSFion ol tins Insuuoion win iinin rin .Monday, the lOih of ."'( liiem- her next, in Ihe new lm in a recenily neei ed in ihe ed;!e of city, f iiiiuli il in a beautiful t mnl has a sane of s. v Wile:!. IS CO iPet I'V ?' I 'In is building is rove of two :itre9, . .i rooms: one ol i et. The Muck of C!i"-nnc:iU nnJ ! 'Iieinirnl ami I'linosopliioal Appaiiilus ii nlieady (u:le large nml will be increased d .irmi; I'.ii c m I urr sessina There ihree Pi anos insti ad of one ;:s id usual, and ii'. arraii:'i i:ii'iu fur Mouern Lanijayrs are also cjii . Ih nt. Pupils will be x- reived at any l;:ii, an I clinr'.'il only fro.n lbs time of enleruiir in tlie r'.i.-f o1' I Ii f se.isinn. .111 ymtnv; laities tr.'n iri'l gii't: !--'ii-iinr: r Unit t!ir:i will liuili. nt bunt Iwo iirms, wi'l if instructed trulw- Himsli! in tlie Lilcrar'i and Scientific lie- pttrli.icnts. Tlie prices ij luilivn are ihe d.T licrttiifnrc. W hil I'uti'peti nl judeg think of the Semmr.ry may b- learned from Ihe I'.dhnv in; card pr-s-uied by ibe lie v, II, Stars, llv. Thus, W. Humes, Rev, J. H. Myers, II n. W. 15. R.ese, James Park, J, ,. Kin'.'. W. Swan. J. W. Campbell aud W. S. Kennedy, Enja, A CARD. The eTan-.inat'.on of .he Senior Class of the ICm'. vilie h'r mi!- t'.'iniiisry fur young l.nli , w iii.-h we h i I Ihe pleasure of als lendina on 'I loir '.lav -f last week, was such as luily to realie Hie expcclalions ul a 1 1 .re.en!, suliicicntly ihorough on llif p.-.rt ol l;;e i.-.icliirs a.-.d well suslained liirfi" -flioot mi Hi pari ol ihe pupils. We are able u prak of l in terms of unq'iali tied appr i-.i'i. n. Tlie lab-ill's imlumry ami cclnvj'iiui shown by lbs class wire hi.ihlv creilitable lo h',:h lliemselves am! ,., i?!it.nmn. nr. ricoly entitle them to its gra.lua::i.T I omo. The exhibition ol iiitiriiiu'icai skill and knowledge was tasie lul, ami pr:.v-d them in have nll.-.ined n hieh point ol accomplishment in lliia iiiosl drhhllul ul all ihe arts. Wc are truly gratified at tlie incro-S'ig evidence of the bish pojition "BS-n school urxler ils prctenl uusp'.cps will iti eviiably "iime. lis happy nieihodscf in s'ruclion and refining tn'iuence upon the rharacier cl us pupil.; cr.n not fail to be ap preciate.! hv a discernm.! comtnunny H. Sl.AKS. Wm, '.i'IM, W. II :1;:kse. I.s.W. ('a::i'io:i i., W.m. C Ki.MM.llV, Thus. W. Humus, Jis. Park. Wh., Jos. I,. K, J. II.Mvkks, Vi July 10. 1P-IH. Tlie niesent corn-; nf las'riiclor' runs. sis uf iive. 11 I!. McMULLEN, Pris t. Au'. 17. lIO-if 47 hast Ti:x?mssr:r: female ixivrmrrn, 7 t li n o x .11 1 r, 'I t n n. rrHEUE are now I3U pcpils in this, llmi nli i o? In'iiiutiiiii. I.i i:s piesent or;;ani:.ition, tli lus'iinle ollei every nd vaniaae and facility necessary lo a it nr. oujh education of Vouucf l.ulirn. 'i'iie Facility of the I'is.iliile cmlsiiUc'' D. I!. McAnai.i.v. A. M.. l'nnciprl and Pre!', i.-iir .! Moral W. F. HAKIMS, A. ;u".-es. A. Uyr.Nr. A. ?.1 malic.; and , I I ;;ie.(.ciual .:: ".irp. i'n.U ..-or ol t.nn riofer-nnr cf M ithe- I .ll'l.'ilip.lV, i Mi'. M. A. P. McA N..t.t.y, (' jve-ness and Teacher jn Pt.iwi;:; i::i,l Paintine. i Miss t. M. Mut.scuLK, Tach-r of Music on ihe Piano. ' Miss E. o. Murtr.ii.i., Principal of the Preparaiorv Department. Ttnlion fees b.r live munths are; Primary Dcpariuient, ?.r Holier " from 10 to f.'i Music J'isno, 520 I " iailar or Accordeon, 10 j " Harp, 40 i Vocal Mu?c, ir.ujbl td l'.i Si wuli-i out xir.i rharse. There nrs connected n ull the I nstiiution. Maps, Charts, Globes, ' Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, a i '.inlu'Iical Collection, various sperijiciy of! Minerals, Fossils, iv.c, to illustrate and im press upon the miml permanently, the prin ciples iniight in Ihe il liferent snenne?. (real attention is piven hv Ihe Faculty lo see that pupils employ their lime in study- j iinr. and parents may fee assured thai pu- j pils cannot remain tu tins institution, unless they discharge faithfully all their clinics. Hoard in pnvaie l.imilies from !$ 1 ,50 lo s'J.IIOper week. The Principal I,, -is a large dwelling near the Inliluie, and is prepared lo Bceommodaie 20 younir ladies wnh boardian. A young lady havini.' passed throng-h the course ol study prescribed, in a creditable manlier, is entitled lo a Di plum a. N. II. Application forrnirance into ih Inslittite should be addressed lo the Princi pal, Knoxviile, Trim. April 27. 10-lf Tl i;oai:dic; ieounijJ MRS. MA RY A. HOUSTON havinat Ihe soliciiaiion of some of the lri'iids of Forest Hill Academy, consented to open a Roarilin-hotimi a nii, would lespeciiul ly jolieit a shar. of palronage. Her resi lience is in a pleasant pari ol the town. .and cmi venienl In ih" Aca.lemv, and no pains w .11 be spared lo render all cninlorlaulo who may liivor her with iheir pairuiiac. Her terms) will be very moderate. Athens, An;. 13, lSI'J-if 40 list of Lirrrnns TTF.1AIM.G in th I "5' Uill':e 01 ens on ihe 1 si o! -!. ,1a iVuslin, I". D John, AnJtew Jiihn, Ii Ij Iissaier. Wyley I .mi;, G A l.auson, David Me.Mitin. t; W Martin, Win I'sl Meadows. James McCray, Cliailci T Muiiloe, U'jht iHean, Win H lliiaiii, I'.'ishri lliadshavv, l-aac ll.iKiT, Wilson May less, Hand l nr.idlcv. W I'aibi n, A t Coap'in, ( 'hnrlrs J Cauilic!!, William Coiivers. Helmet II Morris, banc Chambers, M'CuiiU'-I M.lowen, i .m. n-'." Chri-l;an. Jam's Moore, Jam Mra ( amtrell, Niiiuod Mmiie, U'charJ rom.inf.baiii. WvW Mnrmw, Alexander -... iu..i.,n lii illicit. Iiartoa or ('bi:mber. Horace Addi-un Kefrir ( 'levrs. in I'eiviiian, A M livens, Thomas I'crk.NS I're.Mwiind, Josiall I'atton, Jane A buiUon, Cairol Day. Hiram Dnuelass, Win Flourncv, Thomas ( ....... i,.l,n !t Newman, Win Gamble. Louisa cr II122S, Mimuel I'ltzabeth J Cliook llussel, W 111 J Gufl'ev, .'.mi' s lteclor, Il.iiiultna llemlerson, Saml M Pinch. Morris M Hays, James SianMd. John Lsq I iivrnes 1 iomns i. euo, i.imii ,,?.,':,.. ,.,,, Wilson. J K anunrv.JohlfotWm Williams; James i. jjiji o, i . Oc 18)031 il A Til HNS DSTTS-SEOSsa. f g VIE subscriber, ctatelul lor pasi favors, J solicits a continuance of public pat ronage. He has mi hand, nl his Drug store in Alliens, n supply of nearly orquiie all ihe Medicines called lor in ibis market Also, nil Paints and Dve Slufl's, and n fei loslriiuit nis Syrui'.'es, Tru-ses, Tooth Keys and F.irceps. Mortars an I I'lil Tiles Spatulas Medical Scales mid Wi cjlus, rrf.,eiars, ic. Cicrs Cm m! Dry Smokina Tobacco, D( Ipli, Scotch and Mac- i ca'iB'J Snull'. CO.YFi:CTl O.Y.I 111 IIS. f'aiidy. llii-ins, E.J-S Almonds, French llia.idy and Wiie. W.M. LUllNS. June r. 1 a 10 if 97 Til lY L A T lTs'f'Alill 1 VJ1L. llcvj Firm. IiUFGIixT& DODSON ? ': insoeinted lliennelvci in the Mcr 1i eniilile business, anil wmihl iulor.n Ibeir triciu! unit the public sen-Tally, Hint tbey heir receiyeil and oiler lor mile, lit the old Hand ol J . F. Keuiler, n bo-u ami beautiful 7r)ll X G A KD S U M M E ii which tbey w ill ilipnse of on lis eood lernif Hi tlie) run be Innnd nny wliern in Ibe State ol' Ti i;.... i'P, It u uselefi tu i nuiiii rnle nr liclcf, in lliey have every tliiinj unally broiiuht tu this uuirket. Their stocU was se lected by mi experienced hiuul, mid persnio- (iciiruiis ol peiuni; goon i prices, will find it Id ibeir tiilviintao lo give them u c.i'l i.ebire piircbasim; (I ewhee. The !..n!ies particularly are invited lo cull, lis their stuck of Dress Goods is very coin;dete. Q3-Feathers, lieeswnx , Tullow, .Vc ., ta ken in exchange for Goods. May I f, ISU-lf CILLYCE.ll V COUll T A TA TULA'S. AluI'st Ti:n-.-,s'i:. Attachmknt Cii.l. J .urn a l'.irk tind Joseph t'obb, i. John N. 'iiinihle. 5 ' ibis rant.! the ilealh of Jim. M. fintnble, the recjion.lent, beiiiff liliri;r sled by coin pbiiiiaitU fobeili.r, mnl itiilsu nppenriiig to Ihe satisfaction of the rhiincellor Hint Wil liani (Jamlile i one of the heirs nml iliftribu-tee- of the said John N. t'.au.ble, nnd thai his re'uli m e is uiiluunvn it is therefore onleied hv ll.e t'baiicellor Hint puhpeiiiion be ninile h.r four succestivu week in Ihu Albins Pus!, ii neii fpnprr prii. led ill Alliens, that the fin I Wm. Ibiinlile. ii. alee l.i per-oiuil nppearaiic at the next tirin "I said laiuit, In be bolden ul Alliens, in .MeMuio e.omil v, 'I'eimessee , on the Dd Motidav in February next, nml show cni.w, if anv be has, why this cause should lijt be revived iit-uinM hini. ' yM. l,nwnv,C &. M. Oe! :.. 'Kl!) !t I'r's lee .M Cl f "" -M 3n:Tn:.T si miAASi'ii:, .nilA.MH'UI. lor Ihe lib'-ral patronage , ereloli.n extended lolliem, bi ? In inform ill. if lr;ciils and customers thai ihey I hfive J. I epetiru t'U'ir - .. - an Will be in II pieaseu in nave , wi Ipc io pnicl.asi! lo Ibeir sl'.ek. call and examine I fl-J Fealhers. Reesw.-iX, Tallow and I every ik Rcriptiun ..r 1.,,.,,,.. m i, ,. ( h.tns laiieu 111 exchange lor conns, BiAlliriiS, Ainl 7, IS 10 if !1 W? A ION LOXES. En-ilish Wason linxes, the very best aiticle, just re ceived and fur sale by S. K. REEDER. June 8, IS 10 o7 E.4ST TLJWYLSSLL VLMALL L ST1TUTL. 'IIIE next Session of this Institution will I JL commence on Friday Ihe 5tli day ol October next. Terms ol Tuition nnd Hoarding aic the sa,ne HS heretofore. The cliaracler of the Institute is loo ex tensively, nnd loo well known lo need fur ther remarks. D. II. McANALLY, Principal. Knoxville. Sept.JJ, ISI'.l-3t M WiicatWaiitGd. rTTsdlK bi-hest Cash market price will be civ il en fur nil the .V lAiCI I.LYT.I ULR It' I IK. i7' Ihat may bo delivered lit the Depot ill Daltun. 1 recpiesl nil who brine Wheat here to rail on me lit Ihn Store of t'ol. .'. N. Cnie, or at the Depot, and nil information will be civen, mnl the cah paid. t;. W. sKI.VIDfiK, ' .lrntfor C'onjier i: ll'ilrij. Aug 17, 1813 :iui 17 sJALT! SALT!!! A supply of Salt, prune article, jul received and for sale by ' , , (J. W. ROSS & CO. Sept. 11.1 Sl'.l-lf 51 PARRELS Virginia Salt, jus V l"iercivrd and lor sale, bv MO W & JACKSON. Athns, Nov. 17, lSlS-tf H SPI11N-G A.YD SUMMJ'Kl , ,p (:,. ,,n, have co.n O O Zt'il ImencediheSADULERVatid IIARM'.SS ., I . . I. .1 ,.r. 1 m a tr I Xl i i.. ,.,;.. id in A III, -lis . Tt-nil . in NO TICK. VAX IIYKK & CAMTIIKM-. ril MXON VAN DVKK ami TIIOS. J. -- r M I' l'.i:t.l-, Jr.. Iiaviint cm red into partm Hiip in the practice ol the law, one or both of them may nt nil iimet be ..i.n.l nt tbiir oirice, in Alliin-, next (b.or to ll.e ttore of John MoU.iuhy, nulesi ubient utUiKiii Ibc lailirt. , Alliens, Jan. 13. 16 1!) tf gho7 x?7n l 1 D G 12 JTTOli.VKV .IT LAW, Atiikn-i, East 'i'i:nxksh-:i, tiU ("l'I."r.S ill I be ilillerciit enmities com Ef" pii-iti' Ibe Tbir.l Jn.licial Circuit -v. il utten'l to the rollectms nml secnruii; ofi'luiui nuil will cive bis iiinluiileil nlUiition to ul ! biinnes? enlriisiteil In bis cure. I L. .1 lJ..lf :ti,ircii, i.j... .. , D21. SARVh K. JORDAN, 1'ilACTI I IOMUI OF JIKUlC'lNIi, Athens, Tknn. ) RESIDENCE in ihe viciniiy of .i il,,. s;,,n..(T iii the bouse I lltr I" 'j'i ... -, loiiiieilv occupied by ihe Hon. Spencer Jarnaiim, where lie ma) i all miles be found, cxcepi when professionally absent. Dec. 8. lt4f If (I . aTkDJ OA L N Of ICE. M. R. Mir, M. V. WM. O. KICK, M. tl. ir.lS. MAY A: NICK OAVINti iifsoiiiatcil Ibeiii-rlvs toi:etber, ri .(.peutfully temler Ibeir pmlensioiiitl ei r vii ie I i Ibe public. In critical ease?, w hen reeaireil, botb will be in uticiiilancu without iiilililioiml expellee. Athens, Tenn., June l.'i, 1 -S I II 1 1 MEDICAL NOTICE. DH. W. II. IIEAnr.RU'!!. I lin.S.L. MM'.SIIAI.I.. DOCTORS EI AVlN't! nssoci.'.led lhellielve together A in the or icti.'cul .ile'l.i ine, r. pccl.ii:i lbr llieir p. illusion. il services In ll.e CII Zi liS ul tin n mnl comity . Pariu iilarnlli iilimi " ill be raid to Surgery, i)isi:.isi:s or tiii: Li l, nnd Oh-tetrio .Mi ilii me. Oilicu the same ns ben lolore oecupieii by Dr. 4Maifhall, at I'fip (,. V. ala i o's llulel . An:. I7,"i-vl:)--.'!ui '17 d) mtii i sunt n ii t i t. a ti. G. .rr t pi 'it. n . . yf i.ww-sa'i-" v 3 co.v m i ss io ,v .v ; cu a y ts, AlllKNS, Tl.NNKSSI.K, V ii.l. aitend promplly lo any l.u.-imss commiiled io ibeir charge. Mavl, I8)'.iif .12 TA I L o'u TnG. JHO. r. G Ij O V R , TAJ l.Oll, A l he nt, Tenn cute, tJllOP nt tho Old .SlamljSuUlh side Public 1-5 Sipiare. Prieeg riiodernte. Qrj- ("nttim; nnd llepniriiii; .Inr.c on the beat terms mnl at Ire shortest nonce. Jan. IriW-tf I-S " ITliN TSST It Y . m F. M. GREE N, D E N ' IS T, Located m Athens, Tknn., PERFORMS all operatiuus connected with ihe Denial bcience, aecor.luin In the latessl and must approved plans. Teeth extracted, cleansed, pliuueil, and in. currupiible Porcelain Teeth inserted, in a manner that insuics saiisfaclmn. C3 Work warraiiird in all cases. Room at 'be Alliens lluul. Dec. 15. ISIS if 12 MliT.SSI & ST K (.', Wholesale ami Itetall Drnj-l-ils, ANII I1KAI.KKS in Vahitn. tiln, linen, II 'Imtnir Ulnn,, ilnitli.H. ffilumeri, i-'iiury .Illicit , AY,, K-soxvu.i F., Tknn. FJIIYSJCIANS nnd Merclialils will liod it to ilteir iiii'-n si io examine our stuck of (iomls, ns we are determined in sell al such prices ns iiiu-T please, and every nrli cleul Medicine sent is W A RRA V1T.I lo hr ol the best fiialltv. Mil. it S. Knoxville, Dec. ISIS If II sTipS) Ij"i3.e: y. . .... i.i, .. f " I I I'a V I IS ' II IS W I ll vl' ' I I llll V I It - ... .u . , ... ............ the urn k shop mi im it r.n sine m Public Suunre, formerly occupi- d by Jaiueii Mayo, where ihe will Keep cnn-ianny mi li mil an assnrtineiil ui Dau.ues, nun From lonj exi erience in the business ihey II. liter themselves Mial Ihey can furnish ihe people uf Ihia seclioii with better articles in their line than ihey have been in the habit of purchasins for llie same money. They use pone but the best materials, and all jobs will be executed in a workman like manner, and those who purchase from them may calculate on grtiint- the worth ol j ibeir money. liy manubiclurin;-; -iouiI wrrk ai low prices, nnd constant ailention 0 business, they hope In merit and receive a liberal share of public palrnnpcre. RICHA RC HALEY & Co. t;-j Feathers, Lees WR X, Tallow, Col n, L'eel Hides, Poik. L.lColl, Linsey, Flax and Tow Linen. &.C., laken in exchange for work al market prices. Alliens. Feb. 2, ISI't-tf 10 ciJaIyclii y coun, A I Cil'ST Tl.ll.M , 1S PJ. Albert G. Kice, Administrator of Wm. IT. Thornton, dee'd, fj. The Heir and Creditors of Win. II. Thorn ton. IN this cause ihe complainant, Albert O. Rice, Administrator, &.C., bavin:; filed Ihe books and papers pertaining lo said es tate, wnh ihe Clerk arid Master of said Court, preparatory lo a final settlement of the same. Il is ordered by Ihe Chancellor that publication be made in Ihe Allien, Post, a newspaper primed in Alliens, lor six successive weeks lo nil those having on l st .i n il m ? claims against wild (State lo present them to lite Clerk & Master of said Court for seiileinent and RiljudicHiioti in due time and propeily authenticated. WM. LO WRY, C. Sept. I I, 1S1J C.l Cl LAW TO" ALL WHOM IT MA Y Cd CE1LX. rjTIIF; mulersiu-neil, luivim; n moved from Viriiiuin to..M cM inn county, mi., seven miles South-v.1'1 oV Atl.rcs, nn.r John .Mat bii k'?, prctnls liiin'cli to the c ilizens of Ihu mid Ibe Htrr.niiiditif: countii ns n 3 L - ri f md ISV A . b b who having serieil a refiibir iipprcnl ii ihip am! hail ninny ) cars' rxp rici:re in hi- line of busmen, logi ther ith Ibe rei'uceil prin s at which be propises to wink, be llatlers him self be shall receive n libi ral patronage nl ll! bands of nn imlii-lriou community- lie pledges himself to fni.-h on bis work m ii fljle of licatness ii-id durability iiunl if not superi or til ii ti v w irk in (lust Tennessee. For reference, npply I" O. V. Mabry, Knox ro. j A. It. Armstron, I! . I'. Cmnii.iriB mnl J. Jariiimiti, Anilersiin i o. , J. Kinkaid and I. ('. I'etre, I'ampbell co., J. IJamsey nml Ucv. T. Urown, Monroe ro., Henry Kicc, M . Ij. Philips mid .M. t". Hawk, .Mc.Minn co. Any person uisbiii); tu employ him, ran roiiiiiiiinicute by mail nml direc t to Athens, Tennessee. I!. H. IJKOW'N. Wantf.ii. Two ni()rentices to the above business. Young men desiring to learn the traiide can meet wilh a rood op portunity hv applying lo the subscriber. Roys nl o'.il 17 years ol arje, of good moral character, would be preferred. 13.I1.D. March 2. le'l'.l tf 523 Attend to This, . A.YD A'O .VISTA XL. LL persons in drilled io the late firm of JOHN F. HEEDER, either by note or otherwise, will call and make pay ment iniini (liali ly, as longer indulgenca ciinnol nor will noi be given. 1 say ihia once lor all. And ihose who are indebteJ io James F. Rradlord alone will call and srllle llieir accounts ruber by linie or other wise. K not i.iiiuedialely settled op, you may Imik f..r your noies and accounts in ihe I nnils of an i iiicrr. fur money I tnufl have. J A M I'.S F. PR A DFORD. July 13. IS i - it 42 NO W VOn BARGAINS! 1 . HE Si'P.-'CIMRI'.R rrlur Ins sin- teie ibanks to ihe public generally fur ihe very libetal support be has heretofore received, lie informs his friends and all niln-r who wch to purchase articles in hia line ol business, that he still continues lo manulHCluie nt his old stand, in Alliens, Sddle. Siiddlelni'ss, Iti iillcs, I'orlnuinleiiui, Trnrellinir Trunks, Conch, fiit;7j .( ITii'-u,!"! J limit s of every dc s'l iii'oii; for duraliiliiy and nealness, rannot he sur passed by any in East Tennssee, and 00 ihe most iiccoiiiiiind.'Uinn terms. ALSO, In rnnnrciimi wilh his hroiher, enntin ties io make to older, Cuaehce, Jlnroiicliet. IJnt:!fics, Ciniyiills. and every other arti cle in ihat line ol business, Cnrriapes of every description repaiied. He hopes by strict a l ' n ' i i r i in business, and a deiermin alinn to ph ase, to si cure the patronage of ihe public, t 'o; ie on wiiji your RHLNOE fii-uilt, and I will iii'uie eoud bara-ains. Corn, lit if, I'nrli, 1 'cut Iters, Beeswax, (Until, is.c. will b" laken in rxehaiifp lor wm k. EDWIN A. ATI. EE. Oct. 27, ISl-tf 5 27CTSCET. WAS coiiimilleil lo the Jail of Rrnil ley county, Ti riuessee, on the I!l'h nl this triftatil, n M.tJ KO HOY, of a Bilark color,, about fuc feet eight iiitdus hij;h, and nboiil twrnty-richt years old, says bis name is TOM, fiTii '"'d l)eloni;s In a man in the State of Virginia, by Ihe miinp of I.eorKC lupbenrt. Had on w hen committed, Uj; tit colored colti.n clolhes. 'l l.e oivner of said sliuc is hereby rcipiesled In rori'i' b rnard, prove property, pay rhares nml lake him away, or be will be dealt with lis the law directs . TIII IS. ,. UATT.S, Sheriff, nml Jailor of liradley county . Cleveland Jan. l.s.:) tf 18 AILS. 20 ker.s b,..t E.tsii-rn Nails, as sorted, and fur sale by CLE AGE & Co. Allien. Oct. 13, ISIS-tf 3 Winding Up. rE,I! n snhsri iberK have clelermineil la 'wind up llieir old business, and would mns't lesp. cifiilly rr ijuesi (hose oyvinp ihem d' bis thai iii ii' due on or before the 1st of Jaiiuaiv, lo call and pay by the first of January next. Those bavin-; Recounts with us will please call and close tlieni at their cailiest convenience. MU&S & JACKSON. Dec. S, ISIS tf II ir.LYTLU TO Hi UK, A NEGRO WOMAN, who understand ('uokitiiinnd Wnshin!. Liberal waes will be rriven if niplicatioti be made lin ni .'.I i:. r.-1 v . Enquire at the oflice of the "Posl." ' Alliens, I).'C 22. IP13. tf. 13 FKV)MA('Ct). No. I Chewing Tobacco, JL lor sab' by. CLEAGE & Co. Allien. Oi:i 13, ISIS il 3 rAsllli,SU ! 7 A LAIttlF, lot of s-uprrior Castings, on - hand and for sale by July 27, ISl'J. CLEAGE & CO. JMM)TN AM) SHOES. RADFORD & DODSON have jutt received ihe besl lot of Roots and Shoes . ever brought lo Ibis market, and which iltev oiler al prices thai cannot lail io please. May 18, If -li) if 31 IICARS. A superior lot of Cnsadores. Ri'i-aiia, kc. iusi received an.l for sale hv CLEAGE & CO. April 27, Y-AO if 31 Duniiam & Blcaklcy, AUGUSTA, GA., I'uprr anil IllanJt lionk .Vtmufacturtrs, 4 UK now receiving direct from Manufae tunr. nnd Jobbers in New York nnd Itosiiii', a liirL-n nml rrrnernl Tombs, liuttom, Pin,, Needles, Smpendcrs, Piirse'dtiizors.'l hiinblrs, Pocket Uooks, Spool and Max Tbrind of nil descriptions, together with n Rreni variety of cither Funny (Joods iiirluilili-; School, f.nwiinil Mediciilltooks, of the hist nuihors, nil of which we pledge our, i Ives to sell in low as nny bourn in Charles, ton. Merchants from Tenneiei: will heal lowed the usual time, in payment. N. II. Orders can bo promptly supplied nt nil times. Auk 17. 18l.1r)in 47 TV AILS AND HRAD.S.-75 Ke?8 Nailg x 1 and Drads. on hand and for sale hy McEWEN Sc GILLESPIE, Alliens, Sept. 11, Ma If. CJ y