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Aiken Friday, Oct. 10, 1 80S. Publio Meeting. In reponse to the call published last week, a large number of the citiwns of McMinn county, assembled at the Court house, Athens, on MonJay. The meeting was organised by calling Jas. C. Carlock, Esq,, to the Choir, and appointing Sam. F, Ivins Secretary. The object of the mee! irifl being briefly stated, Hon. T. N. Van Dvm offered the preamble and resolu tions below, prefacing them with a speech of unusual strength and force. When Judge Van Dyke had concluded, Major Tuos. J. Campbell, who wns present as a spectator, was called upon and addessed the .meeting at some length with elo queues and ability. Capt. Carmack, the Deputy Provost Marshal for this District, was called up, but declined to speak un til action should be had upon the reso lutiona presented for the consideration of the meeting. The question was then ta ken, and the preamble and resolutions unanimously adopted, as follows; Whereas, our ancestors in vrithdratvinir and separating themselves from the gov ernment of Great Britain, decided that nil men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that to secure those rights governments ore in stituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government beoomes destructive of those ends, it is the riitht of the people to alter or abolUh it, and to institute a new government. And whereas the history of the govern ment of the United States for some time past is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the Confederate States and evincing a design to reduce our people under an absolute despotism ; And whereas, the people of the Confederate States, in the exercise of the unalienable right thus de clared by our ancestors, have withdrawn and separated themselves from the gov ernment of the United States, and have restituted a government deriving its pow ers from the consent of the governed; And, whereas, the government of the United States is now, in violation of every tirincinle of a government for a free nen- pie as declared by their and our ances tors, waging a most savage and cruel war fare against the Uonfeaerate States, even to the extreme of instigating a servile in surrection among us; Therefore, ' Retrtved, That it is the duty of all the citizens of the slaveholding States to en courage tho most determined and perse vering resistance aauinst the tyrants and usurpers of the United States Govern - tnent, and to uphold and sustain the gov , ernment of the Confederate States by eve ry means in their power, in the present war. Resolved, That the citizens of McMinn county be requested to affix their signa tures to the proceedings of this meeting ns a pledge to each otiier and to the gov ernment of their loyalty to the Confede rate States, and as a means of restoring private and public confidence and frater nal feeling among us. After the adoption of the preamble and resolutions, Capt. Carmack was again call ed, and responded in a short, but pointed and appropriate speech. The following resolutions were subse quently adopted: Resolved, That ft copy of the above preamble and resolutions be furnished to " eacn mvn-qiau mil ot--ini county, wr tna signatures and approval of the citizens tnereor. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Athens Post, and that the Cleveland Banner and other papers of East Tennessee be requested to copy. On motion, the meeting then adjourn ed. .IAS. C. CAULOCK, Cntn'u. Sam. P. Ivins, Sec'y. For want of room, and that the lists may all be published together, we omit this week tho long array of signatures af fixed to the proceedings at the close of the meeting. Tribute of Rospeot. We, the Board of Directors of the Branch Bank of Tennessee at Athens, are called upon to record the removal by ' death of our late Cashier, Wm. C. Witt, who was elected Feb. 7th, 1860, and de parted this life Sept. 3d, 18G2. In view of this sad event, be it by this Board Resolved, That while we bow sub missively to the will of Almighty God, the Sovereign Disposer of all events, wo do deplore the death of Mr. Witt as a great loss to the institution of whioh ho was a laborious and faithful agent, to the business community, to a large circle of attached friends, and especially to an in teresting and deeply bereaved family. - Resolved, That we do hero record our exalted estimation of the many noble qualities of the deceased; his manly de portment, his gentle manners, and his in tegrity of conduct. And we rejoice in the hope that his removal from his labors here, was a translation to a more exalted service and better rewards on high. Resolved, That we do extend sincere as surances of earnest sympathy to the sor rowing family of our departed friend, and commend them to the oompassion - ate care of Him who Is the orphan's fa ther and the widow's friend. Wm. S. Callaway, E. H. Dunn, -. .... ... . .-. Jos. McCoiLEr, ' r. J. W, Blackwcll, . . CommiUeg. What It Costa. From tba New York Tribune. Putting down the slaveholders' rebel, lion is a very expensive as well as bloody business. Congress, at its recent session, passed bills, which, in the aggregate, ap propriated out of the Treasury the bum ' of $913,078,527.63. . At the extra session, last summer. Congress appropriated $205, 103,296.00. The total amount, therefore, for the two sessions, reaches the. enor mous sum of $1,178,181,824.62. Nearly .all of this vast outlay was rendered nec essary by the rebellion. At the recent eession, the army bill alone appropriated within a fraction of $559,000,000 an amount larger, no doubt,, than was ever before embraced in one law or decree 6f any government on earth. . Look at the - aggregate of the two sessions eleven hundred aad seventy-eight million, one hundred and eighty one thousand and .' eight hundred and twenty-four dollar and sixty-two cents and tell us if the work of crushing out thu "irregular op position" to the National Government, which "our misguided Southern breth ren" have organized wJIlnot only make . tliem exnensivo mIs.tivAA li1i nntnm. . porarles, but cause their memories to be very dear to posterity! ... ' ' The Military Exemption Aot. We present below the military Ex emption Act, which was passed by Con gress on Saturday, the 4th of October in stants "A Bill to exempt certain persons from military service, and to repeal the act entitled "an act to exempt certain per " sons from enrollment for service in the atmy of the Confederate States," ap proved 21st April, 1802. 'The Congress of the Confederate 'Stales of America, do enact, mat nil persons who shall be held unfit for military service in the field, by reason of bodily infirmity or mental incapacity or imbecility, under rules to le prescribed by the Secretary of War. the Vice-President of the Confed- erate States, the officers, judicial and ex ecutive, of the Confederate and State Governments, inoluding Postmasters ap pointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and such clerks in their offices as are allowed by the Postmaster General, and now employed, and exclud dinff nil other postmasters, their assis tants and clerks; and except such Stile officers as the several States have declar ed, or hereafter mny declare by law to be liable to militia duty, the members of both houses of Congress of the Con fed erate States, and of the Legislature of the several states, and their respective oln cers; nil clerks now in the offices of the Confederate and State Governments au thorized by law, receiving salaries or fees. "All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any State since the passage of the act entitled "an act further to provide for the public defence," approved April ICtli, 1862, while such troops shall be in active service under State authority; Provided that this exemption shall not apply to tnny person who was llnble to be called in1 to service by virtue oi saia act or April 10th. 1802. "All pilots and persons engaged in the merchant marine service; the president, superietendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to each section of eight miles, and mechanics in the active service and em ployment of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers, porters and messen gers; the president, general superinten dent and operators or telegraph compa nies, the local superintendent and opera tors of said companies, not exceeding four in number at any one locality but that at the seat of government of the Confederate States: the president, super intendents, captains, engineers, chief clork and mechanics in the aotive service and employment of all companies en gaged on river and canal navigation, and all captains of boats and engineers there on employed.- "une editor ol each newspaper now being published, and such employees as the editor or proprietor may certify, on outh, to be indispensable for conducting the publication; tbo public printer, and those employed to perform the publio printing tor the (Jonledernte and state Governments; every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his sect and in the regular dis charge of ministerial duties. "All persons who have been and now are members of the society ol Friends, and the association of Dunkards, Naza- renes, and Mennonists, in regular mem bership in their respective denomina tions, provided members of the society of friends, rnuzannes, Mennonists and dun kards shall furnish substitutes, or pay a tax of $500 each into the publio treasury. "All physicians who now are, and for tho last five years have been in actual practice of their profession. "All shoemukes, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon makers, millers and their engi neers, millwrights, skilled and actually employed as their regular vocation in the said trades, habitually engaged in worn tmr i4W pwtilio nn'1 11. employed; provided said persons shall make oaths in writing that they are so skilled and actually employed at the time as his regular vocation in one of the above trades, which affidavit shall only be prima facie evidence ol the tacts therein stated. "Provided further, that the exemptions herein granted to persons by reason of thorr peculiar mechanical or other occu pation or employment not connected with the public service, shall be subject to the condition that the products ot la bor of such exempts, or of the oompanies and establishments with which they are connected, shull be sold and disposed of by the proprietors at prices not exceeding seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production, or within a maximum to be fixed by the Secretary of Warunder such regulations ns he may prescribe; and it is further provided, that if the proprietors of any such manufacturing establish ments shall be shown, upon evidence, to be submitted to and judged ot by the Secretary of War to have violated, or in any manner evaded the true intent fend spirit f the foregoing proviso, the exemp tions tlierin granted shall no longer be extended to their superintendents and operatives in said establishments, but they and every one of them Bhall be forthwith enrolled under the provisions ol this act, and ordered into the confed erate army, and shall in noeventbe again exempted therefrom by reason of suid manufacturing establishments or employ ments then in. "All superintendents of publio hospit als, lunatic asylums and the regular phy sicians, nurses and attendants therein, and the teachers employed in the insti tutions for the deaf, dumb and blind; in each opotbtecary store, now established and doing business, one apothecary in good standing, who is a praciioal apotne carv. ' '"Superintendents in wool and cotton factories, paper mills, and superintend ents and managers ot wool carding -machines. '- who mav be exempted by the .Secretary of War; provided the profits of Bitch establishments shall not exceed seventy-five pet centum upon the oost of production, to be determined' upon oath ot the parties, subject to the same penal ties for violation of the provisions herein contuir.ed as are Hereinbefore provided in case of otjier manufacturing and mechan ical employments.- 'All presidentsand teachers of colleges, academies, schools, and theological semi naries who have been regularly engaged aa such for two years preceding the pas sage of. this act. '.'All artisans, mechanics and employees in the establishment of tho Government for the manufacture of arms, ordnance and ordnance stores and other munitions of war, who may be certified by the offi cer. In charge thereof ns necessary for such establishments also, all artisans, mechanics, and employees in the estab lishments of such persons as are or .may btj. .engaged under contracts with the Government in furnishing arms, ord nonce, ordnance stores and other muni tions of war. saddles, harness and army supplies, provided thai the chief of the ordnanoe bureau, or some ordnance offi cer authorised by him for the purpose, ball approve of the number of 0pera- tive required In such establishment; all persons employed in tbo insmtfaoture of arms, or ordnance of any kmd by tho leyerttl States, or by icon'tractorf to furn ish the same to the several Stat govern ments, whom the governor or secretary of fitatt thereof may certify to be neeee-1 sary to the same; all persons engaged in the construction of ships, gunboats, en gines, sails or other articles necessary to the public defence, and with direction of the Secretary of the- Inavy; all superin tendents, manngcia, mechanics, land" mi ners employed' in the production and manufacture of salt to the extent or 20 bushels per day, and of lead nnd iron, and all persons engaged in making char coal for making pig or bar irTjn, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wagon ers, and servants, unless employed at works conducted under the autboritynnd by tho officers or agents of State, or in works employed in the production of iron for the Confederate 8tates. One male citizen for every GOO head of cattle, for every 200 head of horses or mules, and one shepherd for every ouu head of sheep, of such persons ns are en gaged exclusively in raising Block,' provi ded there is no white male adult not lia ble to do military duty engaged with suoh person in raising block. . "To secure the proper police of the country, one person either an agent own er, or overseer on each plantation,, on which one white person is required to bo kept by the laws or ordinances of any Stute, and on which there is no white male adult liable to military service, and in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner, or overseer, on each plan tation of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to military service; and furthermore for ad ditional police for every twenty negroes, on two or more plantations within five miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes on which there is no white mule adult notliableto military du ty, one person, being the oldest of the owners or overseers on such plantations, "Also. a reciment raised under, and k1 the nuthoritv of the Slate of Texas fori . . - ' - . the frontier defence, now in the service of said Stai ' n ?UQn 8ervico; bud ! such Ci'.ic? persons as tho President shall be satisfied on account of justice or equi ty, or necessity, ought to be exempted are hereby exempted from military er, vice in the armies of the Confederate Sta tes; provided, that the exemptions herein above enumerated shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective 'pursuits or occupations. "Sf.c. 2. That the act 'entitled an act to exempt certain persons from enrollment for service in the armies of the Confede rate States,' approved the 21st April, ibuz, is nereby repealed." The Chicago 111. Times on Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. The following are the strictures of the Chicago Times, which has been for some time praising Lincoln for supposed con servatism: The President has at last weakly yielded to the "pressure" upon him about which he has so bitterly complained, and issued his proclamation of negro emancipation. It is not yet a month since he announc ed his purpose to "save the Union in the shortest way under the Constitution." He now announces his purpose to save it by overriding the Constitution. For he has no constitutional power to issue this proclamation of emancipation none whatever. The Constitution for bids it by its spirit from beginning to end. And the President has no author ity not derived from the Constitution none whatever. He is himself the crea ture of the Constitution. Nobody need argue with us that he has the power under the military law. Military law does not destroy the funda mental civil law. In warns in peace, the Constitution is "the supreme law of the land." The Government, then, by the act of the President, is in rebellion, and the war is reduced to, a contest for subjugation. : l fuuo wuuuim. J Ah-tnTncter The, abatHivriK ism has designed from the outset it should assume. W hen the war shall be finished, whether the South shall be subjugated or not, the character ol the government will have to be determined, if indeed the mil itary power shall not have already de termined it. The President has himself furnished .some of the most unanswerable argu ments ngaingt the expediency of such a proclamation, and this even so late as at the interview the other day with the committee of religious fanatics from this city. He has all the while maintained that until the rebel armies should be dis persed, sush a proclamation would be brutumfulmen harmless thunder. If he was right in this, what other ground can the present proclamation be made to stand upon except that it i4 an act of prospective vengeance. We trust it will serve to shorten the war. It is the instrumentality, bv which abolitionism hag undertaken tfiat the war sho.ld be closed in thirty days at the furthest. Indeed, we have been" told that under it the President would be able to stamp armies out of the earth. ' Let them stamp at once, for we are anxious to see the flaming giants of abolitionism thowing themselves into the fight and driving rebellion in dismay before .them, as promised. We are anxious to behold the stupendous and magnificient results which were to flow, like a mighty stream, from the proclamation. Surely, we shall not be utterly and tbtally deceived as to the results, (For the Post.) To the Divided Christendom. As it is enjoined upon us to be examples of believers (1. Tim. 12.) the salt of the earth, the light of the world, (Mattli. 5, 12, 13,) how can we complain of our wars, when our own divisions and lack of one ness has caused them, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, has to be accomplished by the spirit of Christ, whioh is readily claimed by all, but if we. have, for our disobedience, to cry as Joi nah ont of the belly of hell, at bur oa-sl- flu, ,, no oiltuiu ;ihdu:ii lu ' J uu, w for well do oil know that salvation and deliveranoe are from the Lord. But .first to the divided Baptists, as the Sweetwater Association has ceased correspondence with the General Association, which stole and divided the hearts of the Baptists, (2. Sam. 15, 4, 5,) Who will be the last to bring up this subject of Union again! (2, Sam. 10lI2.) Wbo of us will not pluck, the beam from his own eye, and leavethe. mote in.: his brother's. Matth. 7; 3.. . . Jouf Douglas. Hemp Burnt.. The Federals at Lexington, Mo., lately burhed up $175,000 worth of hemp, to keep the rebels from using It as breaoU works. HSr-Tho St. Louis Republican' of the 12th says that QuantrelL, the Confeder ate partisan had captured and sacked the town of Olotlie, Johnson county, kill ed or captured about fifty Federal re cruits, demolished two printing offices and carried away a large amunt of propr4 ty. tuantreil said he would not rett until be laid the border- in ruins," US' The Costa ;.Ri can - Minister. in Washington pvotol against the settle. merit of a negro colony in ContWl Amer- ica, s Lincoln contemplate'." . '.'.. Another Outrage Threatened. The Federal commander at Memphis, , as will be seen by the following, Is de termined to punish the women and chil dren of that city for the act of our forc es on the river: Special Ordtr Vo. 254. ' IIiadq'rs 5th Division, Armv or Ttss., I Memphis, Sept. 27, 1862. ) WitSREAS, Many families of known reb els and Umtederates in arms against us have been permitted to reside- in peace and comfort in Memphis; and whereas, the Confederate authorities either sanc tion or permit the firing on unarmed boats enrrying passengers and goods for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Memphis; it is ordered that for every boat so fired on ten families must be expelled irom fliempnis. The Provost Marshal will extend the list, already prepared, so as to have on it at least thirty names; and on every occa sion when a boat is fired on, will draw by lor, icn names, who will be lorthwith no tified, nnd allowed three days to remove a distance of 25 miles from Memphis. By order of Mujor-Gon'I W. T. Sherman. L..M. Davto.v, A. A. Gen. Ominous Stato of Affairs in Wash ington. Amona the exchanged prisoners who arrived liere yesterday, was Lieut. M. Newman, Adjutant of the 42d Georgia regiment. We are indebted to his court esy for late Northern papers. Lieut. N. states that it was rumored in the prison that great excitement had been caused by the Presidents emancipation nroc- clnmation, and it "was further suid that sever-M edeml officers 1 T' had been - eent ni-ioAn fY. otAU I pble remarks about not ?8bt for tho ."niggef." 'J I A' ,. I intending io The iito-lit be. fore our exchanged prisoners left, the prison doors were ell locked, something which had not been done before, and (which betokened some unusual enmmo- , tion outside. Itich Dispatch, 2C(i. j Camp of Instruction at Kpoxville, State of Tennessee. f Enrolling Offihlrfor. I. Tho following extraets from the Laws pass ed by Congress, and approved by tbo President, -with the Regulations in reference thereto, are ,puoiiBiie:i tor toe Uilormation or Enrolling Ota ert umlor the Conscript Aot. ExtracU from an Act to further provide for tkt ( I nunc srfence. I' "In view of the exigencies of tho eonntrv. and the absolute necessity of keeping in tbo service ear gallant army, and ol placing In the fields large additionnl force, to moot the advancing columns of tho enemy now invading our soil : There tore, "Sue. 1. The Cimgrcn of the Cvnfmhratt Statm of Amrrica do enact. That the President he and he is hereby authnrited to call out. and place In the military service of the Confederate States, for three years, unless the war shall have been soon er ended, all white men who are roeidents of the Confederate State, between the ages of 18 and 35 yours at the time the call or calls may be made, who are not legally exempted from military ser vice." e e "Sec. 3. Be it further enaetrd, That for the en- rollmont of all persons comprehended within the provisions or tnis act, wbo are not already in ser viee in the armies of the Confederate 6ta es, it shall bo lnwful for the President, with the consent of the Governors of the respective States, to em ploy Stnte officers; and on failure to obtain such consont, he shall employ Confederate officers, ebargod with the duty of making suoh enrollment In accordance with the rules and regulations to be prescribed by bim." . e e "Sec. S. Be it further enacted, That all sea men and ordinary eeanicn in tho land forces of the Confederate Slates, enrolled under the pro visions of this act, niny, on application to the Secretary of the Navy, ho transferred from the land forces to the naval service." - e "Bsc. 8. lie it further enacted, That eaoh man wbo may hereafter be mastered into the service, rod who ebell arm himself with a market, shot- gnn, rifle or carbine accepted as an efficiont woap on. shall bo paid the value thereof to be ascer tained by the mustering officer, under such regu lations as may he prescribed by the Secretary of War, if he is willing to sell the same; and if he is not, thon be shall be entitled to receive one dollar a month for the use of laid rooelved and approved Wi:!, i'iti, ?hii-nan or carbine. "Src. 0. Be it further enacted. That persons not liable for duty may he received as substitutes fortriose who are, under such regulations as mny be prescrilted by the Secretary of War. "Sue. 13. Be it further 'enacted, That all per sons subject to enrollment, who nre not now in the service, undor the provisions of this act, shall be' permitted, piovious to such enrollment, to vol tmteer in companies now in tho service. Ap proved April 16th, 1862. An Act to exempt certain pereone from Enrollment in the Ai miet of the Confederate Statt. "Bsc. 2. The Conor--.; of the Confederate St'itei of Amtriea. 'io enact, That all persons who shall be bold to be unlit for military service under rules to be proscribed by the Secretnry of War: all in the service or employ of the Confederate States; all judicialnd executive officers of the Confed erate or Stato Qovornmenta; the members of both houses of Congress, and of the Legislatures of the several Statos, and their respective officers, all clerks of the officers of the State moT Confed erate governments, allowed by law; all engaged In carrying the mails; all ferrymen on post routes; all pilots and persons engaged in the marine ser vice, and in aotual service on river and railroad routes of transportation telegraph io operators and ministers of religion in the regular discharge of ministerial duties; all engaged in working iron mines, furnaces and foundries; all journeymen printers actually employed in printing newspa pers; all presidents and professors of colleges, and all teachers having as many as twenty schol ars; superintendents of publio hospitals, lunatio asylums, and the regular nurses and attendants therein and the teachers employed in the institu tion for the deaf and dumb and blind; in each apothecary store now established and doing busi ness, one apothecary in good standing, who is a praotioal druggist; superintendents and opera tives in wool and ootton faotories, who may be exempted by the Secretary of. War, shall be and are hereby exompted from'military service in the armies of the Confederate States. Approved April 21st, 1 802." - II. By the above aet of Congress, the follow ing classes of persons are exempt from enrollment for military sen-ice: Justices of the peace; sheriffs and deputy sher lffr clorlti and deputy olbrks allowed- by law;-tjif-Bters and commissioners in obaneery; district and state attorneys; attorneys general; postmas. ters and deputy postmasters and slerks, allowed by law; eommissioners of revenue, and foreigners who aoquired domioil in the Confederate States. III. The following arejiot exempt! Militia officers not in aotual service; persons exempted by State laws, but not by the above- aot; mreignors wbo nave acquired aomioii in tue Confederate States. ' IV. No person otber than those expressly nam ed or properly iinplied in the . above aet, can be exempted, except by furnishing a substitute, ex empt from military service,'; in'' oo'nfoi-mify with regulation; and suoh exemption is valid only so long as the said substitute is legally exempt. ,X,- Substitutes. , 18. When any person liable to military duty under this aot, but not yet mustered into sorriee ia. any company, .desires, to furnish a substitute, be shall report himself with the substitute to tbe oomtnandant of a eamp of instrnotion; and if the Substitute be lawfully exempt front -military duty, and on examination by a Snrgeon or AselsU ant Burgoonbe prononnoed sound and In all re spools fU for military servioe, be mav be accept ed and enrolled: and the person- furolsbina suotl substitute may. be discharged by the oomtnandant or tneoamp. nut no snosuiute snail no enutlea ffftransportation or otber allowance at tbe ex pense of the Government, until so aooepted and enrolled. '.'".. At, ExsnrnoKS. , it. Person s olatmlng exemption ,frni mllitarr dittv under this aot, shall be rwinlred by the en. rollina offleer to make oath that thev are lawful. Jy exompi, aad shell be fnrnlsjieol by bin) with a oertlDeate sr saea Memptioa. , Bupanntenaoau ana operatives in. wool' and eottoo factories wig aged in manufacturing inch Sloth at may be used by the army for clothing, or material of any kind ased In the service of th Confederate and Bute Governments, ei mt, not exceeding, howirvot. In snv on estab lishmont tbe number accessary to Its efficient : operation. ,. ! Enrolling officer! will report weekly lo Lieut. Colonel K. D. Blake, at Knoxville. . ) - 1 All enrollments will be mad upon blanks (fur- j nlthed lue enrolling officers) (a duplicate. 1- 1 plicate roue or an persons betwren the oges of 18 and I will be forwarded to this offlee. Rolhr-efj those between the ages of Si and bi to be for- warded to the Adjutant General of tbe State.-' A roll will be made by the. enrolling officers, and forwarded to this office, of all persons within their districts between the ages of 18 and 31 who may be exempt under the first section of the act of Congress, "to exempt certain persons from en rollment for service in the armies of the Confed erate States." Accompanying this roll will be the affidavit of the person that he Is exempted by law. Tbo affidavits will be numbered and refer red to by numbers in the column of remarks, op posite the name of tbe porson exompted. - No enrolling officer can exempt any person on the giound of physical disability, but snch person, If able to travel, most proceed to Knoxvllle, and be examined by the Surgeon expressly appointed for that purpose. In case the person la confined to his bed, or bis life mis-lit be endangered by traveling, a physician must make affidavit to that efleot and present it to the enrolling offloer, and the person must make a written affidavit that be will present himself to tbe enrolling officer si soon as he nbnll be well enough. Persons discharged from the service are not exempt, except by reason ol having furnished a substitute, and their discharge (signed by tbe commanding officer of tbe regiment, or com mandant of a camp of instruction) must state that they were discharged by reason of having furnlshod a substitute. As soon as a person shall bo enrolled, the en rolling offleer will furnish him with a transcript from tbe muster roll, giving bis description and enrollment, and order him to report at the eamp of Instruction at Knoxvllle. ' This transcript presented to any Quartermaster wilt" enable the person to got his transportation. , . ., Persons enrolled, who fail to . resort a a Vea- sonaule time will be treated as deserters, unless satisfactory excuse be "Iven for tho delay, Rhoui,i nv ,,.. ,rMt oor.,c,B,0n refuse to be enrolled, or shall refuse to furnish his name, age, Ac., the enrolling officer will eall upon the sberifl to arrest suen person or persons, wno will, when it becomes necessary, apply to the com manding officer of the deportment for suoh mili tary force as he may roquire. should tne snerttr fail in the execntion of this duty, the enrolling officer will report the fact immediately to the su perintendent of recruiting service, or command ant of camp of instmetionvat Knoxvllle E. D. BLAKE, Lieut. Col. C. S. A.. Sup't Rec't'g Sorv. A Com'd't Camp of Inst. Oct. 10, 1862 To Enrolling Officers in East Tennessee. ltEcnorriNO Ornca East TKNitEssna, ) Knoxville. The Major General commanding the Depart ment of East Tennessee directs that all compa nies and regiments being raised within hiSHepart ment will retain their present organisationsbut are not to be mustored into service) until furthor orders; and that no person liable to conscription will be allowed to volunteer for these corps after the 6th day of October. You will, therefore, en roll as conscripts all persons subject to conscrip tion under the laws, who mny be found to have volunteered in these corps after tbe 6th of Octo ber. 1862. Should Congress determine not to receive these new corps, all who have enrolled themselves in them, prior to the 6th October, will be received in the servico us volunteers, with the privilege of selecting their companies among those already in the sorvice. E. D. BLAKE, Lieut. Col., Sup't Rect'g Service. Ootl2,182 r Chattanooua, Oct. 1st, 1862. ' Chairmen of the County Courts of the counties South of Knoxvllle can procure blnnks by making requisitions on mo at this place. Those North of Knoxville will get them of Col. E. D. Blake, at Knoxville. Four blanks are required for each Civil Dis trict. On three of thorn are enrolled persons be tween the ages of eighteen and thirty-fire, on the others those between thirty-fire and fifty-five. Thev are all given by tbe enrolling officer to the Chairman of bis Connty Court, who sends two of tne nrst class to Col, K. D. Hlnke, at Knoxville, and the other two to the Adiulnnt General of the Stole. JNO. L. HOPKINS, A. A. 0. Oct 10, 1S62 It . Conscription. 1 The following poisons, appointed as Enrolling Officers for MoMinp eonnty, wilL as-soim as they receive the proper blanks, proceed to the dis cbarge of thoir duties at once, and send up their reports as directad as early as possible : let unmet .1 nmet M. isrowder,- 2d S. M. Boggess, .tamet Oregorv. ' W: II. Rothw'ell, W.L. Burn, ' James Denton, Daniel llortnn, Joseph A. Zoigler, I. B. Haney, Joseph McCulley, Charles Staples. James C. Csrlocfc,.' John Jack, 3d 4th 6 th Ath Tth 8th 0th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 16tb 16th . 17th J. F. Benton, Warner Trew, Sam Workman, L. B. Umphrey. Tbe officers for the Sth, 10th, 1Mb, 16th and 17th Districts will rcceivo their blanks at Oal nonn the other Dittricts at Athens County Court Clek't office, TIIOS. ROGERS, Chairman County Court. Oct 10", 1862 JThe Obituary notices will be found on the fourth page. OFFICE POST QUARTERMASTER, 1 Knoxrilto, Aug. 1862. I Mr. II. F.. Smith, of Sweetwater, has been fur nishing Clothing for tbo Government the past year, in considerable amounts, and has arranged with me to eontinue to furnish Clothing at my office this year. He has permission to purchase Jeans, Linseys and Socks, in any eounty in East Tennessee that be may wish. The appointment of Agents for certain districts was not designed to prevent Contractors from purchasing. Mr. Smith It at liberty to purchase wherever he may find the goods. JAMES OLQVER, Major and Quartermaster. . I deslro all the Jeans that can be spared, to make into Clothes for the toldiers, for which I will pay liberally. H. F. SMITH. Sweetwater, Sept. 26, 1862-41-731 - ' Saltpetre...!,'. Orrfoa C, 8, ffrrnij MmiKii BunaAv, ) . Knoxville, Tenn. J . Persons engaged in tho 'manufacture of Salt petre for the. ase of Jho Confederate States Gov ernment are exempt by law from military . duty. The Government is uow paying 74' feents per pound for nitre, redactions being mule, for all im-purities-over 10 per cent., delivered tit a KnJIroad station, the shipper-drawing the money upon pre sentation of the Railroad or Express agent's re ceipt. ' - . :.., . . . Those'wtnhlng to engage la the business will address the undersigned at this p!aee,. who will enter into contracts and- furnish any information desired. R. H. TEMPLE. Capt. A Supt 7th N. A M. District. ' Sept 26; 1862 ia . ': Salt. ; ;v- 8AirviM,c, Va., Sept. 13, 1862. We have not tlmo to answer the numerous let- ters received in veforonee to tbe snpply of Salt, nor the tnumsraofs questions of Individuals ap plying in person hence, we puhllsh this card. -. For want of Kettles to supply Furnaces already, erected, we will have no Salt ready for shipment before the middle of October. After that- time: should there .be a full-supply of brine, we, will. msKe.tpven uumirou pusneit-or Bolt per day. Persons .'from .Tennessee .-who. visit . the Works expecting to got Salt; only subject thcmselxst to dlsappoHMmerit'i trouble and expense, and us to annoyance.-. .'So toah as we baveali for eintri buttonr the- community will be advised, and ar. rangemeiU axade for Its delivery at eonven'ent points on the line of tbe Kail Roads.) i . o - , . .... McCLUNd, JAQIJES A CO. ;' Sept 10-lnT C ' ,-- ' . " . jiAJtBIBO. - On the 38tb alt., at the retldeoceof the brlde't mother. In" Calhoun, Tenn,. by Rev. J. M. Miller, jr. M. Liana to Miss Ltnre LtPE, allo.MaMtna eonnty.; ?' " - ' : :" " ! ttnoenwre. ";'' ' JUST RECEIVED AND" FOR SAXE .' J oed let of. Caeejumttrs.fcy - Htinit'Ri 2n Battalia Tin. Cavalry1, I ' Camps oer Cumberland Oap, Sept 1861. j' Two CVa&y CofnpmnLei Wanted, - To entitle the 2d Battalion Tennessee Cavalry fo a Reaimestel oganketlon. Captains wbo bare Companies made Up can get Into a, good regiment bv applvtng tmnmilstely. Also, vol- , untem? wanted to ) tke etisHng Companies tv the maiimnm allowed by law Berne on, keys, and avoid lb coneerlp. . , " :, r" O. W. McKKNSlK. M. r;eionei. - ' J. u. Jn. BLVn AuUJsaM , oiej. 0ct 1902 - - - ' -'. .. . , SOMETHING NEW. A NO. 1 iKT OF BLACKSMITH TOOL, and a small lot of GOOD IRON, can be had by calling on me, 2) miles Senth of Athens. The tools are all as good as new. Call soon. B. W. FOSTBIl. Oct 10, 1862-01 738 .. . NOTICE. ALL TERPOSS INDEBTED TO ME, KI Iher by Note or Acconnt, a"e reqaested te come forward and make Immediate 'payment or their accounts and notes will be fonnd in the bands of .1. J. Bronder, collecting officer. I have sold out lock. Hock and barrel and am going to more off. Therefore, every ere will see the ne cessity of paying np. J. A. WKIOHT. Sweetwater, Oct. 10, 1862 2m ? SCRAP IRON WANTED. I WISH TO PURCHASE ALL THE CAST Scrap Iron that may be In tbo country, dellx ered at my Foundry in Knoxville, or at any De pot on tbe F. T. Vs., or E. T. & Gs. Itailroads. Will pay three cer.ts per pound ror an aonverea at depots, and three and a half for all delivered at my foundry, cash. This offer to continue for two months. Farmers, bring on all your old plows, points, pots, kettles, stoves, mill gear, and old castings of every kind. A. L. MAXWELL, Jr. OollO, 1862 lm T33 ' JEANS V ANTED! IWAKT 70 BIT A LOT OP JEANS TO Ttiake-crotfles for-rke eel Jlesa, . tot xtltivli I will pay a fair prtr In Cash. " ' Oct 10, 1862 8. K. UEEDEIt. LANDS AND NEGROES FOR SALE. IN OREDIENCE TOA DECRETAL ORDER of the County Court of McMinn county, made at the October term, 1862, I will, on Friday, the 81st day of October, 1862, offer for tale, to tbe highest bidder, on the premises, on a credit or 13 and 18 months, witb the exception of tan per cent, of the parefcase money to be paid down, tbe LANDS of which Thomas Trew died seised and possessed, amounting to about 400 acres, ia Me Minn connty, and 1Mb. district. Also, at the tame time and on same terms, the following named NEGROES, vii: Rody, aged about 84 years, Jerome, aged about 1 0 years; Jo seph, a; cd about 14 years. Bond and approved tocurity will be requited, bearing Interest from date, nnd a lien retained upon the same until the purchase money It paid. WM. GEORGE, Clerk. Oct 10, 1862-3t-prs fee 16-738 NEGRO FOR SALE. IN OBEDIENCE TO A DECRETAL ORDER of the County Court of McMinn county, made at the October term, 1862, 1 will, on Thursday, the 30lh day of October, 1862, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court-bouse door in Athens, on a credit of ten months, with tbe ex ception of one hundred and twentv-fire dollars, which must be paid down, the NEGRO GIRL Kate, aaed 20 years, of which William Moore died seisod and possessed. - Note, bearing inter est from date nnd approved security, will be re quired and a lien retained upon said Negro until the purchase money is paid. - WM. GEORGE, Cle-.fc. October 10, 1862 3t prs fee $6733 Circuit Court, McMinn Connty, Tenn. ftritim to Sell Land. . W. IT. Howard and others, heirs of James Steed, "' . deceased, , J. C. Steed and others. I N THIS CAUSE IT APPEARING FROM J. tba pleadings that Henry Steed, and D. A. Lotrry and wife, and John M. Clememson and wife, are non-residents of the State of Tennessee, it is ordered that publication ko made for four successive weeks in tbe Athens Post, a newspa per published in tho town of Athens, Tennessee, requiring said non-residents to be and appear at the next term of the Circuit Court, to be hold for McMinn. county, on tbe first Monday of Novem ber next, th.en and there to'plead, answer or de mur to complainant's petition, or the same will be taken as confessed ami set for bearing ex pane. JOHN F. 8 LOVER, CVr. Sept 26. 1 862 4t -prs fee 15731 STRAYED COLT. STRAYED FROM THE PREMI sos of tbe subscriber, near Athens, last Friday night, a large well grown one year old CPLT last Spring, gray or roan color. Any given will be thankfully received, and all trouble paid for. J. M. ALEXANDER, tf 732 Athens, Oct. 3, 1862 STRAYED. STRAYED FROM MY house, in Athena, 30th August last, a large Bark Bed and While Spotted Milch Cow, with a large boll on. I think that she is trying to find her way back to Roane uounty, by way of Loudon, from whence she was brought last January. Any in formation concerning her will be liberally reward ed by the owner. J. W. MANN. Athens, Oct 3, 1862-2t-732 FINE FARM AND MILLS I0R SALE, IN McMINN COUNTY, TENN., 4 miles East of Calhoun, 4 miles South of Rireville, and 11 miles South-west of Athens, on Eastanalleo Creek.iontaining ONE THOUSAND ACRES, moro orMess between two and three hundred aores oumred, and a quantity of good Land to clear; well watered, conveyed In iron pipes con venient to the Dwelling, which is large and well arranged for conveniences; good Barn and out buildings; six good Springs on tbe Farm; Creek running through several of the fields; good stone dam, good Grist Mill, three rim of atones, two for wheat and one for corn; good Saw Mill for sawing timber and one for sawing marble) Card ing Machine; and as good a Mill Seat as any ia the Confederacy. For particulars, address me at' Calhoun, Tenn., or call on me on the place. I will divide the place or sell all together. W. J. Mt CLATCHEY. OotS, 1882-1 m-732 A Lot of Good Mulei for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR SALE A lot of Good Young Mules. Ap.T one wish ing to purchase would do woli to apply to bim Immediately,-at the mouth of Ocorn river. Polk county. , , J. ALEXANDER.. Hept. 20, 1863.- -NOTICE. TlfE WILL PAY A HIGH PRICE FOR V OLD PLOW and MACHINERY CAST INGS, at tho Athens Foundry. - - ZIMMERMAN & KI1G0RE.. Sept 26, 1802 . ... -. , - SALT! ShlTl SALT! WE WILL GIVE IN, EXCHANGE SALT for Corn, Hoy, Wheal, Flour, Bacon and Beef, delivered a. Va, In y quenn.y. ' Seltvlll, Va., Sept 26, 1861-lm 7-U . - Alminitr.ator'i Notice."- . A. LL PERSONS INDEBTED-TO THE KS Y Ute of Jane E. MoDermottj deceased, are hereby notified to oomo -forward and settle at onto, and all 'having claims -against said estate will present them properly authentlcatad, that the business may be wound-up. .8. A. McUERMOTT.Adm'r, Sept2, 1862-StrT'af. A SMALL QUANTITT.. FJNHi.'BROWN 6UGAR just received and forsslby Aug 32, 1862 ,. -t . k. K.. HKEDKR, -Bl&i StOMi -r V JUST- RECEIVED -AND - FOR 6VALE, A good lot of No. 1 Blue Stone, by . Sept l; 1862 ' fl. K. BOEDER. '7' : "' Wv -.Holaiwetv':"- V ' irnsT RECjivED an-d Tor,, sale, a J small lot'of prime. SloUteet, at a' high prloe. by li e2J & K, KEEPER.. information