OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, January 31, 1886, Image 8

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...... .v
Tares ts to Blow Up the Turner'
Hall-rrotectloa of ihe l'
lice Asked.
Cuicaoo, III., January 30. Ths fol
lowing b.jd-t hirst y circular, printed
in the Polish UnKoage, tu transVd
thia morning. According to (be bail)
J'twt, similar onee have been scattered
anion the members ol the Hoeialist
clnba throughout the city, end a de
cided attempt it being nude to carry
it into effect, it is eald. ltaeemt that
at a masquerade bill, to be held thia
evening, the Bohemian! are to display
igns which are aaid to reflect on An
archists and Socialists, 'ibis loaked
out, and the circular Immediately fol
lowed. It if understood that npon the
atembling of the Socialists at their
meeting place resolutions will be Im
mediately adopted to blow ap the
hall in case the Bohemian! refuse to
retreat. The circular rays:
Workmen, arise! Free pass to the
Turner Hall. Workmen, the Bohe
mian Turners of Taylor street will
give a masquerade ball for the pur
pose, of entertaining their friends.
The programme states that there will
be a grand display of "arielclrn," and
in the programme the Turners Lave
insulted the workmen of the entire
continent, reviling them in the most
contempt ioui and viilifyirg terms.
Now, then, workmen, allow them and
their truer! the tirtvileee of assem
bling, and then, show them genuine
'ariel(itru.". We therefore request all
workmen In poor circumstances to
ahow op in full force to night at the
baA and there demand that they shall
recall their insults. Fine clothes and
kid gloves are not necessary. Kough
bands and dynamite are all the re
quirements. The Sixth ward men
will assemble at Eighteenth street,
and those of the Eighth ward on De
Koven street ' 1
aent a committee to Chief Ebertold t
as protection, and Oact, Simon O'Don
nell of the Twelfth Street Police Sta
tion has been assigned to look after
the1 matter. The word "arielotru" is
aaid to mean "thief,,' or "robber," or
'Socialist." . , : ,
! ( what anas iati.
A reno tjr Lr another evening pa
per ca lid on August Boles regarding
the proposed display, lie said it wai
rut routniplatcd by the Anarchists
originally to take, possession of the
' ball. They oaly desired to protest
openly against the action of the Turn
ers. ''Now, however," he said, "since
the Bohemians hare ttken the cow
ardly etep of summoning the aid of
the police, there is do surmising what
will be the result, and if the police be-
fin to use their clubs or overstep the
imit of tlielr authority, the An
archists will no', to say the least,
eubmit timely to it. Two can
Jilay at , that game." The terror
sta, he said, had no lave for
the police, anyway. They looked
upon them as a park tf "thieves and
rogues," and never lost an oppo t inity
to give them a rap. The Bohemians
are determined fighters, Mr. Spies says,'
and will, no doubt, be fully armed on
, the ocoaxion. Neither will the Anarch
isligo empty-handed. The Bohemian
Turners are reported lo be an ofldhoot
from Bacialltm, and not 1 two years
ago, were la eMord with that organi
sation. There la a bitter feeling extit
ing between the two societies, und it
was feared a aerlous affray would re
enlt to-niglU "Yes, the Bohemians
'have asked protention fiom the An
archists," laid Chief ' Ebersold this
itornoon. "We shall have three cfll
cere detailed there to prevent, the
threatened violence; but, if necessary,
the entire department can be on the
5rmind at a moment's notice. I don't
link there Is any 'danger cf serious
trouble," the superintendent aided;
the Anarchists are not to lioltah, I
think, as to Imagine they can drf r the
entire police force of the city," sad the
chief laughed at the idea that there
would be serious (rouble. ,
The , Loalavlli T.fcaeeo Garaer
. Eadedj.
Lotiiviu.B, Kv., January 20. The
recebt'y attempted corner in certain
grades ol tobacco bai ended, and lo
bacroi included in the Spanish con
tract have broken (1 25 to $1 60 per
100 poouds. The decline was caused
by a supposed treaty between the
tipanish contractor and a New York
ayndicate, represented here by Pilar
' 7ri Wallace A Co. The syndicate
waa f jrmtd to bny up all this tobacco,
ao as to be able t eull to the Spanish
contractors. A cost at ensued, and
tobacco went op from tl to $1 75, from
Which price it has fallen again by the
(tore agreement. ,; ; .
ttlealaa fader ftBlrlea. Clream
aeea. LoctsviLLS, Ky., January 30. Jakei
Kee', colored, who recently received
aeveral thousand - dollars peus'oi
money,' Is nitmlng fiom ' Bowling
Ureen, Ky. When !att seen he a
being chased by. Frank Caldwell, col
ored, with a drawn pistol and knife
toward the river. The two bad fought
about, a woman. Caldwall is under
aurveillance. - . .
"Tbe Dyaprplle'a Relate).""
"Jam thirty-five years old,"writba
Mr. Charles H. Watts of West Somen,
rutnam county, N. Y., "andjiad suf
fered from "ys eeia for Qlleen years.
The current treatment did me no good.
Llstles'ly, and without hope, I gave
Tarker's Tonic a trial. I can give the
reenlt in three words it eurtd me." It
will o ire yon."
1- ' The Mallory Boycott.
3ALV?Toif, Tax., January 30 The
aituaiion o! auairs in toe Mallory
boyco t reinairs uochniged. The
KolgOts ol i.torsay lbs edict win go
intq active effect next week, and that
the precent inactivity is for the pur
pose of giving the publio due noJce
of what oexpmt.,
Tbe Ohl TriMtes Aemfcly.
, Columiiui, O., January 30. The
(Stue Trades Aeaembly, betoie ad
touuing, adapted a naolution f ivor
iag the enuttnent ol an eight-hour
Law to be observe 1 by corporate ton
panies. It did not indorse the action
t 1 1 Na I mul Fdderatioa cf Trades.
be d a . ('(licHgo, preparing a strike
Ma; 14 ! ttie eiLt hour system,
but re Oil tended legialation on the
! j ret
youndHiiimi, cellar wHs and build
ings subjea to overflow hould be con
etrected with Louisville Cement. It is
the atandard. '
r(rie tif ibt liwe Hextrau
rcaiG3, CU)., January 30 The
mail CJtrr er f o n Farmlngtoo,, N.' M.,
ie o.-'.s thtt a protracted light recrntly
oocarred between Carlisle's cowboys
and tome Mexican sheep-herders on
the lower San Juan river, near tbe
Navajo reservation. The trouble grew
out of an effort of both parties to occu
py the same range. The sheep-herders
drove their florKS where the cattle
were feeding:, and tbe cowboys at
tempted to drive them oS. The Mex
icans proved tM strong for their at
railants, and forced them to take refuge
in a cabin. They then burned all the
other buildings belonging to the cow
men and held the fatter a prironers
in the cabin for two days, during
which time they drove their eheep
a way and then life One Mexican
wat killed during the affray.
Whet 0 Cob temporaries Have to
Stay Aheai Owr t'booge of Form.
Memphis Jlfeorcb "On Wednesday
hut the Appeal banished its old blank
et form br appearing as a seven-col
umn quarto. We are pleased to see
this evidence of enterprise and pros
perity on the part rf the Old Reliable
for two reasons: We want to see it
continue advancing tiward the front
rank of journalism, and we are glad to
be relieved cf the necessity of climbing
upon the roof to secure enoagn elbow
room and hiring a small boy to help
turn tbe paper, which the old blanktt
form reonired."
Little Bock Gait He: Having aban
doned its 'blanket sheet,' to the ntter
discomfiture of the old-timers whoee
memory ruoi tack to tbe birth of tbat
Jouroal in 1840, the Memphis Appbai,
now reaches us a lu-ge, handtome,
eight-paged sheet, cut and pasted like
the Gaitttt. The change adds much
to tbe attractiveness of our able con
temporary, which long ago earned its
right to a place among the fjremost of
Southern journals."
', Ths I bland Abcuitict and Builueb
is one of the handsome publhatlons
that the pie&s of the United Hints can
ooaet. The matter is always fall of
technical interest and the drawings
prove the capacity for adaptttioa and
aittstio taste in selecting or preparing
or making designs. Architecture is
t'klng its place In thia country as one
rf the floe arts, and has awakened in
tbe people every where an tppreclat o i
that is the true artlel's beat recom
pense. Dod btlbhs many of our readers have
read Uen. W. 8, Lytle's fine poem,
"Cleopatra," written the night before
the bat.le in which he was killed. The
Pittsburg Leader relates tbe romantio
circumstances under which it was
written. They were told by tbe late
Col. Ki ulf tin gentleman. He spoke
of ' the night before the battle at
which Gen. VT. 8. Lytle fell. The two
(Beulf and Lytle) lay together in the
general's tent. Tbey were both given
to writing po try at such times, and
each bai an unfinished poem on
band, and they read and criticised
eu'm other's efforts humorously for
some time, when Lytle said : "Bealf .
I shall never live to finish that poem.
"Nonsense," said I, "you will live to
write volumes of such stuff." "a
feeling has suddenly some over me,"
continued tbe general solemnly,
"which is more startling than a
prophecy, that I shall be killed in to
morrow's ilht. A I spoke to you, I
saw the green hills rf the Ohio as I
Blood among them. They began to re
cede from me in a weird way, and as
they disappeared the conviction
flashed through me like tbe light
ning's shock that I should never see
them again." I rallied him for his
superstition, but the belUf had be
come (trsngely linpreawd upon his
mind, ad he succeeded in so far
tbriiitng me with his own unnatural
fear that I begged him to fluiih his
poem before he slept, that such floe
work should ntt be lost to ths world.
In the small hours the general awak
ened me from a slumber into which I
had fallen to read to me the beautiful
poem, which must live as long ai out
utwii'.ure survives, beginning:
"I am dying. Kiypt. drinsl ,
Kbt til oritur
mot) Ulu-blooifMt "
lie was killed in battle the next day.
ortaarj Report.
Mortality report for the week end
ing Saturday, January 80, 1885, at
8 o'clock p.m.: 1 ';
Cause Deata.
L J Varoitro...
oh II ghtuwo.
A Huur.ip.A...
f in ale
whlterera. birth,
white erytipolaa.
whiteiouoi. lan.
white minniiniplioo .
white. burned. , ,
J Mofitihn..,..'
J N'linu4.
J IMoCuno.
whil ep mure.
J V Daw. .in
wnueio.iDi. orain.
white bronchitle.
A Palmar
ch w Hraar
W William....:
oh I. Jacknon
F Johmtoa ..
K Ra
H K Whaally.
W Ti.
A HomUraim
eh K Williauu
11 0 Hart
col 'ed I in al .hem aturla
lottl'eit LbronntiHia.
ou eit liability.
eiil'eii dtoper. .
lul -1 iiaaa ptloa
Imil'eil Hnirht a ili.
ooi'ed ifam. birth, i
cfll eit ararlet lerar.
M Hperman
tDlod in hoMikUl. Muqueat.
Distribution 'by-Wards-First, 2;
Reoond, 2; Third, 2; Fourth. 1;
Filth, 1; Sixth, 2; Seventh, 3; Eighth,
3; Ninth, 2 j Tenth, 1. City Hospital,
0. Still born, a. White, 0 Colored.
10. , Toal. 19. .
0. 8. QfcAVKS. M.D.t teoretary.
: A Hy.t.rr: 1 '
How the human intern erer to -ri from
the bad effeeU ot the aaaieoai' itediclnei
oftoa llurallr poured late it lor the larpoil-'
live relief of djapepsla, liver somplatnt,
onitipation, rheematUm and other all-..
Bteati, U a myatery. The mliohiet done kr
bad medialnea l icaroatr laai lhaa that
oaueed by o eeae. Ii they whe are weak,
biliont, dyfixip io, eaaetipaied or rhewra" tio,
would otten.r b aubied by te eipertenoe
ot ioTalide who hav- thorouahly taeied Hoe
tettar'e Stomach Bittere.thay woajd 1 in eery
IneUnee obuin the epeeaieat a d derivable
itoaa rational medioalinn. luti meaiCineia
aeaKhisi and at the eariia time a Ihor
ounhlf sale remedy, derived from vegetable
eourcef, and poeae.:nr, to eoneouu.iMie or
u baii ol pu e epirlu. properiiee ; a me
dicinal i-lmulMit uot to be tound In the flery
local brtlora and ilioiulantl often reiorted
to by the debilllaua.ariipepxo leaauiu.
, ' ' '' i t
rive Oals Over.
' New Yoa:, January 30. Th count
of tie to n in the sub-treasury, here
by experts of the Treasury Department
has been completed, and shows that
the vaults contain 5 cents more tbaa
the t ooks call for
Rupture radically cured,
a'so pile tamors and flstahe. Pamphlet
Of particulars 10 cent in stamps.
Woi Id's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, Buffalo, N. .
eorlet reverie WIeoala.
' r.., rtt.ipe Januarv 30. All
.h..,i. in the neiutiboring towns of
Pieioa eoI.Aieany aoa uiiouguout
that or tirt ectiou are closed in cou
of tbe iatrl-y with which
scarlet fever is prevailing.
' LcureoKo's rerfame, K-lenis. .
. Luudborg's perfumo, MirchalRiel
Lu'ndborn's perfume, Alpine Violet.
Lundborg's erfuuie, Lily of the
Valley. '
The Treaty Between France and
Madagascar Aa Infamous
Traffic la Girls.
Londox, January SO. The Timet' t
Athens correspondent telegraphs that
the King of Greece has become tired
of the politics of Athenians, and es
pecially of their present bellicose atti
tude respecting the Bulgarian Question
and that his majesty will likely roan
abdicate and return tj Copenhagen.
The B title lo Karat.
Caib-, January 81 The British au
thorities are endeavoring to raise a
number of native battalions to garri
son Hnakim and replace the British
and Indian troops now etetioned there..
Aa lofotaoae Trallle.
Toronto, 0t., January 80. The
special correspondent of tbe Mail in
the Blackfield .country writes from
Fort McLeod and makes serious
charges against Indian agents and ( on
tractors of systematic plundering and
fraud, while the settlers are charged
with smuggling wnlaky Into tns ftortti
west Territories and with carrying on
a tretlloki Indian gitU, who are bought
for from f 10 to $20 each and sent to
frontier towns for Immoral purposes,
Tbe Deeaaevllla Klelera.
Pa his, January 30. Twetty if the
iron-workers of l)tonvi)le, who re
cently went on a itnke and murdered
the manager (f the wo-ks, have been
arrested, but Ihe authorities to far
have been unable lo obtain any direct
evidence against them.
Failure nl Montreal.
Montrkal, Janmtry 30. The follow
Ing firms made assignments to-day t
Edward Jette, dry oods aid mantles,
liabilities I12.U0U: 1'oierer ft uo., dry
good, liabilities 110,000 ; Miuh. D.
Uurine, milliner, liabilities $11,000;
J. B. Kotmonde A to , hatters, liabilt
ties between $:I000 and $4000. All tbe
a'love firms allege that their eruhat
rassment arose from dullness in trade
during the sraal'pox epidemia. -
Clow oa aa America's fehlp.
Lou no, Januarv 30. A dispatch to
tbe VaUy Newt t-oru Madeira Huwot
that a German vessel which arrived
there fiom Ht Helena repo t) tba. a
terrible niutioy took p'aue oa toird
te American shin Frank N. Thayer,
t'apt. Clark, from Manil u, Otiiober
Sir, lor tit York, wulcb, as belore
reported, waa burned at eta The mu
tineer are said to have murdered
aome of the ctlloers and then to have
set fire to the snip.
DeAelt la tbe aaoieh Badget.
Madbid, Januaiy 30 The tfpanlih
budget shows a deflo:t of more than
22.000,000 peeetae. Buoer Cmnacbo,
Minister of Finance, proposer the in
auguration ol reforms throughout the
country, lie is confident that a finan
cial equilibrium will be established if
bis proposals are adopted.
FreoenteU lo the Kmperor.
Vienna, January 30 Mr. Janes F.
Lee, Kecreta-y ol the American Lega
tion and Oliarge de Affaires, wsi pre
sented to Emperor Francis Joseph
and tbe Empreee last eveuing at tae
imperial court hall.
fraaeennd Meatoa-aaear,
Paris, January ,30. The terms ol
the treaty el peace between France
and Mtfdagxscar have been agreed
upon. Two million dollars lor a re
bate, which is to cover till foreign
e'rt'.trs asaintt "i1km r, bo h ti me
aatedating the recent war and thoje
growing out o' it, France to occipy
Tumstave until the moaey is paid.
Tbe treaty also empoweis France to
elation a French reeideut in the coun
try until they are cleat ly defined, aid
In the meantime to occuoy a 1-sgue
limit around Diego and Sauvriea bay.
i ww v w r a-
Bloek law Heedftd Vlallors
empkla The Voarta-'
j looaaiaroauiNoa o tbb Arrsit.l
IIollv Spbinor, Mi&i., January 29
One of Marshall county's oldett and
most valued citixsns, Mr. Anderson
Arnold, recommends the passage of a
"otock law." Mr. Arnold is an intel
ligent and practical firmer, and in u
recent letter t the Byhaliu Journal lie
makes a strong and practical argument
in its bekalt. He re (era to fie bitter
opposition a simiUr Ut met with
in North and South Carolina, "but
after its succeesfnl operation the peo
ple became a unit in it i favor," and he
is o te opinion that the same resulte
will fo 1 w here if it is o ice tried we
will never dispense with it.
Cbsncery Court convened Monday.
Judge B. T. Klmbrough presltied over
it In his usual court jous and dignified
manner, and diet; a'ched the business
of the court with such promptness tW
hetdismissed his law class this after,
noon, aid returned to his home in
Visitors to Memphis this wek: Gen.
W. 8. Featherston, J'apt Geo. M. Bu
chanan, Mr. John Burton. Mr. and
Mrs. John L.1 McGowno, J. M.Crump,
J E. Aaderson,; Hen Baer and Misses
Dena and Mil ie Bter and H.KDancy
andwife. rV'-.'
i Mrs. Dun up ana aaugnier ivtim,
ho hate been spending a few daya
With friends here, will return to Mem
phis in the morning aocompanied by
Misses Anna MciCie and Bessie Leake,
t Mrs. Ovllins of Nashville is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Nunnally.
. Miss Em C. Polk goes to Memphis
in the niomiog on a abort visit to
'''Mrs? B. H. Williamson and Miss
Fannie Scruggs have returned from
Jackson, Mies.
Miss Jennie Paneyleat homaega n.
Mies Fannie McMuriayof Carroll
ton is the guest of her uncle, Judge
W. 8. Feathert.t;me. .
We regret to hear of the illness ol
the Kv. Mr. Rankin, and trust he
will soon be well igain.
Dr. liver bes returned from Gulf
View and New Orleans.
Miss Noiflset of Virginia Is tbe
guest ol M'. A.T. Noiflett.
Mr. andMrs.R.G. McNamee have
been visiting friends at Lagrange,
Tenn. . . ... ' .
Miss Llirie Robinson of .Kentucky
is here oa a vi6tt tj her lisler, Mrs. J.
H. Watson. .
The Legislature Ini appointed a
committee to Inveetlgat the S ae
Normal School at this place. We hope
it will do its voik thoroughly.
Mte. Handle, sister fi it. rarrn-r-son
of this county, d exf at R;ply,
Tenn., and was hurled to dy at Syl-
vettr'a, near Hndeonvillo.
Mrs. H. W. Waller and family and
II. O. Mvera and family have gone to
tiie "b ttom" to live..
Waltsr D. Uiut acd Frank Ca
rot here cf Memphis were in town tUU
E. Benton's Silver Fpnr Comedy
Company played at ths ball Wednes
day night.
We are glad to see indications of the
roatinned prosperity ol tbe Apfbal in
its new drees and make up. xeitu.
Care of Aaimals la M Inter.
The American Ilumano Associa
tion offers the following suggestions
relative to fowls, horses and cattle to
persons having these in charge, in
the northern latitudes, during the
winter months. Do not compel do
mestic fowls to roost in trees. Asido
from danger ot being captured by
owls and other enemies, the ey
ing of the branches upon which
they are sitting will prevent
them from getting rest; while
in the severely cold weather,
thus exposed, feet and combs are
froien and the bird is so benumbed
aa to make it impossible for it to be
of much profit on the farm. Secure
ly sheltered from wind and storm,
and allowed to sit on a broad roost,
feet are thus kept warm, refreshing
rest is obtained and tbe fowl is much
stronger, healthier and moro profita
ble to its owner.
Do not dip horses during the win
ter months. With the same propriety
wo might out the hair from a dog or
shear a shceD at this season of the
year. The argument in bohalf of the
practice is that the horse in perspira
tion will dry -more quickly it the
hair is short. If the aaimal is thor
oughly blanketed and kept in a shel
tered or warm place, after being
driven, no danger results from per
spiration, whatever the length of
hair; wliilo the horse that has been
deprived of its coat in the winter
time suffers perpetually while being
exposed to the cold.
It is a cruelty inflicted upon beau
tiful carriage horses for the purpose
of i-tyle. Blessed is the ordinary
work-horse, m the winter time, for,
however much it may perspire, it is
allowed to carry its full growth ot
hair during the cold weather.
Do not leave cattle to staud shiv
ering, while extremities olten freeze,
in tbe snow-storms and severe winds
of winter, when a little time would
suffice to construct oi boards, rails
or pol- s, a support upon and around
which may bo placed hay, straw or
weeds, thus making a shelter that
may protect tbem. Cattlekept in
fairly warm condition throughout
the winter will, as milkers, give a
larger and better yield of milk, and
as beove will lake on flesh mach
more rapidly than if left exposed to
inclement weather.
Asido from a question of humani
ty, tho more attention and care- that
is bestowed upon animals, with a
view is their comfort, the inr-re will
they be ot servioe and a souroe oi
profit to their owners.
A Washington htreet Seme.
Cleveland Leader: Some of the
street-ear scenes of Washington are
worth as muoh as the theaters ot an
other eity. The greatest of the great
men ride in the street-oars, and it is
not am uncommon thing to find your
self wadded in between a Senator
whoHe presence- would bring thou
haiulu to hear him gpenk. and a gen
eral whose deeds will live in his
tory a long as time lasts.
To-day your companion may be
a notod lawyer, to-morrow you may
sit beside a distinguished literateur,
and on tho next day you may hob
nob and chat, if you will, with a
Cabinet minister. I rodo homo from
the Capitol lust night in a car in
which there wero hall a dozou justices-
of the Supremo t'ouit, and
when otT the beuch I can tell you
you will not hud a jollier set ot
fellows anywhere. They hid left
thoir gowns in the dining-room,
and catno into the car in over
ooata and maulers. Stanley Matthews
led the procession, and he took his
seat way up ucar the fare box, whore,
during the whole trip ha bobbed up
and down puttiug iu fares and get
ting change for the poople behind
him. Just opposite him sat Judgo
Miller, and at the side ol Mathews
was the Chief-Justice. After tho
car had gono a blook or two, a Httlo
ruddv-fuoed boy of perhaps six yotrs
got in tho ear but, failed to find
a seat.. Chief Justice Waite
took hi.n by the hand, and
said : " How do you do, my littlo man ;
let me havo your fare, and I will piss
it up " Stanley Matthews put the
boy's faro i, and Justice Miller got
hold of the boy's hand, and drawing
him in botarecn his big, fat legs, gave
hint a pent on the edge ot the bench,
aud made muoh of him during the
wholo ride.' Strangers who came into
the car asked questions of the great
judges, whom they did not know, aud
wore kindly answered, without con
descension. Poorly-dressed women
came iu.and these $10,000 a-ycar J us
tico sqoecied themselves into un
comfortable positions to give tbem
rnititt. Irf short, their whole manner
was so democrat 10 and simple that it
would have dolighted the heart ot a
klin. I find this to be the
case with all of those who are really
great. Suoh men are not ostenta
tious, aad they feel their failings
moro than their virtues. They do
not forget that they were all babies
onoe, and that thoy will all be corpses
by and by.
4f lotereat to Athletes.
Janes R ibinson, trainer cf athletes
at Harvard and rrtucettm uoiieg,
wri'es from rrincetwi, January 24,
isfuv. "Vnr cnti bruiies. strains,
rbau.iiut:em and oMb, I always use
Allcoek's Piroas Plasters f jr myself
nnnile. Never have known then
to fail in over 100 cases. They
strenir hen the muscles and give in-
etnnt relii f. They are the only exter
nl remedv need ly enr athletes.
I'rubate Court Sale Keal Estate
So. Ml. R P .-la the Trobate Court of Shel
by County. TetiB.-Marrct hrb, jdmin-.
iatratrix, the unknown hotra of Jacob
K h. deceased. . , . . . .
T ) Y Virtue of a decree for le. entered in
5 thii oao.. January 12. 18.S0. minute book
w, I will off.r for le .t public auc
ttud, in fr. nl ot ihe coutt-houe door, on
Main ire-t, Momphi. Tenn ,on
Mmrans, brstatr I. 18
within leaal br. be following deeoriUd
rreUate,to-wit: Situated In the e Ay of
M?mia. county or 6h lT and 8ut. of
Tenneaaee. and more peiticularly deaoribed
!5 TbV .outheaat corner ef Roaa
.venue and Hewley street In aaiti t. of
M.mi.hui being a part ol the old. Kembert
&a. .nd,bcrtneloi ealnt.n the
?o "n aide it "iV,,7V,Utd-.r.ii
ortheaet corner of Watt t. liraotord a re.i -
Tl.lZ Ut and adjoin n the tei thence
el with aW atreet one hu.Jr.d and In
feet Tnd nTincheato aK..Bt.. th. t.ou.h
oi: S& ..d f.nty feet . b. Poi.t of
bS.'innrna at the inU-r... l.oa ?
etroet, beina tbe ea'e preperty purchaaed by
tJroV.0-oh:tr.TO.a .......
i.rh r 10 aecut.nota wita pwao.a i ae
Vfuy, aaia lien rWio.d toMcur. parch...
maucy. T n ia J rJi jj '"j gjj LLKN , Clerk.
Ity Iuli KMtmann, Deputy Clerk.
X. B. ldsit3, -)Uoitut.
Of Facts for the Public
to Consider.
Atlanta, Ga., January 21, 188S.
Emerging from a severe and long
spell of typhoid fever, I discovered
that tho fever had settled in my right
leg, which oauscd it to swell to an
enormous, sice, remaining so quite
three years, resisting all treatment
A small ulcer finally made its appear
ance a little above the ankle, which
refused to heal to any and all ex-ter-nal
application and the nse of the
most noted blood poison remedies.
The nloer continued to enlarge,
frequently discharging, perhaps, as
much as a cupful of pus or. matter
per day. The size of the ulcer was
about two inches in diameter, ex
tending to a depth near the bone.
At one time it appeared that the
flesh in all contiguous parts would
surely become a running sore, as its
peculiarly flabby, spotted and un
healthy condition clearly indicated,
and it was intimated that I might
lose my leg. My condition becoming
so critical, and the ulcer enlarging
ro rapidly, we soot for Dr. J. P.
Dromgoolc, who made a thorough
oxaininatioo, aad said that the flesh
on vty leg for six inches around the
sore would soon slough off if not
remedied ; that I must have my leg
bandaged daily and commence the
use ot B. B. B.
I acted according to his instruc
tions, and after using the second bot
tle the ulcer looked fresh and healthy
and commenced healing. I continued
the ueeot B. B. B.,aod to the great
astonishment and satisfaction ot my
self and friends, the ulcer continued
to heal rapidly and ie now entirely
woll, and I am attending to my busi
ness at W. II. Brolberton'a store. I
do not hesitate to recommend B.B.B.
as a wonderful, speed and effectual
blood puriGer.far superior to anything
else 1 ever ueed.
I refer to W. H. lirotherton, W.
B. Cone, Mail. D. A. Cook, Dr. Park,
Dr. J. L. Pinson and ethers of At
lanta. W. M. CHESHIRE.
;fta w '.rry'.i.
OS Bfadleon Street. Jfnmnhte, Teen.
A FULL etootr of Wooden a! MotaUio
Cattf and Caelrati, Burial Hobee, etc.,
alwaye on uand. Ordern by Telegraph or Xel-
itltnna Pmnm'ly ttoitit to.
No. B5S, R Chaneery Court of Shelby eonn-
va.Jnhn ll.Tiirhe CiattJ.
BY Tlrtua of ao Interlosntory decree for
tale entered in the above oanee os the
n- . V. j V.. ... I, . 1.. U 1L Rl
6 M II U Wl il " I ' " w, ".
2J&, I will lell, at publio motion, to the bitb
est bidder, in front ot tbe Clerk and Master'!
offloe, Conrtbouae of (Shelby county, Mem-
W 1 III III lal UUUlit Mi. n. . . u " . n . - - .....
prorerty, tituated in bholbyoountp, lean.,
L. ,k. Altnln u.IKa(1
Lota It and 13 VolIenUne subdlTiiioa,aorth
and adloloinr Htahl and MoFarlami; lot 11
k.tn. mi k. iWU fnet. Lot 11 beina- hy
V'i leet Bold aa property of Jean U.
Lou 7, 8. 11, 12, 13, 17 and 27, nortt lide of
. . . . . i . i ... . , a
voueniine iivnuv, uwi.i wui.mnn -
U,u 7. S. 13 ane17 beiua la br
BXi iooi eacn. ...... ,
A oertHin iract no itio.nertnire... ownur ui
Voilontine ana vveiKuie evenuee-z xeatu
niDi at a (take on the aoeth bouodaiy lice
i . r . u . I U iiu ....l.n .fin -tk i. f .nr.
ner of the Vollentme -tract : thenee nearly
north wl'B ne aiviutng. line or . . rnr
rane and Volientine traot 18 haio60 Jinka
to a ttake in aaid liaei thenee went 7
1 . V. llL.i KsnA ...ii In .nil Ar.l1nl
with raid dividlns line U ohaini H7 link to
a itaae in latu "
thenoe eaut with laid: line t tee bettin
nina, eonUining 9 57-.190- aotoe. Jiold aa
. ' . t a vi w.. .n.1 U H Ri...i,n
Lot 11 Crockett teub.iiviiHon. DeKinnins' at
nortbeaet Ooroer of the lUlotub iilankrond
lUlelib road I'd leet i thenoe aonh435 7-10
feet to the nortbeaatcornenof lot Hi thenee
115 feet wen ie ine earn une oi wfimuoii.
tnence aouin ei' v
treat to the beiianlna;. BoW aa rropeny of
bitnon ana looiaa on ana iu. ni.wvnor.
i ... .j. ut. .ml .SA. W.bl.v'. .nhiliTtKion.
north aide of an avenoe lit leet wide, load
ing from the went eide of Second ftreet to
waterworaa on inw i """."'"I
DflRIDUiui m I"" " - ' , . , , ,
one-acre lot eold by Fiturikbon to Margaret
aid one-aore loil thenoe etwt to the louth
weat corner of another one-aore lot hereto
fore eold to paid, Mar-re Ban nont thence
nonhweetwardly with the weat line of eatd
. . . . . , .... ... Ha. 1... tn rh. .ntith lina
.... . Ill 11. In... II.NU .M.tW.FrllW
with Bicktord'i line to the northeant eorner
of lot 2; theaoe aoumwaruiT wiin i
line of ald lot tolhe north line of the are-
nua Brat menuenea,. tuience "i
the beainnin. oenteinint 1 77-ltO acree.
Hold aa the property ef Wary and Francu
plrt of lot 10, Crookett'a fnbdlvllnn.o5i
425 feet, on the north aide ni the Raleial
road, eaat and .dioiD lot 11. boll aa Um
properly of Maw T. Blahl.
Terma ol Sale Oe. e -edit of ill months.
. v ', ku.i. intm rm. t lm..
note wo i"."1 i , . --.
date. rco.uiredt nea retained, redempUea
Tbia Jannarylffj MSB. ....
8. 1. MciDOWULL, Clerk and Maitea.
By J. M. Brviley, Deputy C. and M.
jf, U. 4 t) W. HeWkell. tolicitor.
Trustee's Sale.
. . . 1 .
BY Tlrtu.or.aeea oitruatcxenuua wmm,
aitrulM, by Michael J. Keating ana
u v.;. utMl.il In knnlr Nn. Uvl.
pae Soi', ol the rteiUr'. Offloe of Bbelby
county, lenn., to aecure. the paymenk of
cerium tndebtadnear therein ntenuoDeu, -
. . . 1 : I. mAm In ..ill .Inntf af trtait.
will, at toe request of the benefloiary, on
TbnuiMlaT, Jftn.nrT It, lMMOv
. , 11 .1. 19.1'Alnnk m.. at
the Court-WWeae door in the city of ateia
1 .ir..i....i. ...Iw! . t nvhlle naterT
or cvk ro the hiaheit bidder, the pmyerty
deeocibed ia aaid deed, in tbe oily of Mein
phia (no the Taxing Diatriot), oounty of
Hhelby and State of Tennenie, to-wit: Be
ing that part 01 aaia ouyoi bihwimi...i
! " hj u .k u..t.1. k.u lot No. .S. in
block 11. of Batler'e ditisma or addition.
billon aareei, " i". " "i i
thenoe eouthwardly para-Bel with Arery
.. . l. .1 1 m-A lH.nl. tut aix
litre.. nun.vM m -r . ,
Inchea 120-U)to the nerthweet corner of
lot Ke.; thence eeet web. the nnh llneof
lot Ne. aixty 160) feeti thenee northwardly
parallel with Awytueet one hundred and
twenty feet lix inchea tU o-tt) to LllioU
.. .v...u ,ik KlllnU atraet lixty
lt.11 i.t id the baineiax Ibeina the lame lot
eoavered to Bdward keati.g by Bui B.
Mw, and Miidre. W. Uarrell and th
kaibanda a htlre a4 law of Cornell, u. rat
her, deceaaad), taayethef wilh all the In
proremenu theteea .ad appurtenaacea
theret. belonginc. . .
The equity ei redemption mired. Title
believed tobeteebut 1 will (ell aad con
e at truttaeealy. .
J.T. LOAQUS, Traatee.
uaw-e.le ptmm4 enatH eteiely,
the Cln y ri-yv,V!?i .
1. T. WAflUB. Xruatea.
Estes Doan & Oo
7Mesal2 Grocers and Cotton Factors
IS Union utreeU
I.lbcr.1 Aelvaaeca
Cotton SeedMeat
We will pay tWBigheat Market Price in Ch fee
And are prepared to put out, on Jwrorablo term, at gtm and on plantation!, the
KiikiuM rTTO.si:i:i iiCLiiElcs.
And make contract for all the product, whereby the bulla will be left en the plantation.
for Terma and Parttonlari, aridresa
PrAWTATIO)V IIPIXER 1.. ia Wet Court Irfenntlilw.
rocers &. Cotton Factors,
Ttn. 2 Main Nirei. Owytwio Ultwk.
Wlwleenle Dealer
80U Aienti for the tollowlng
Write for Oarlonii. K mm. B33 m nd
A. B. GOOBtiaa, Letf Ooodbar k Co.,
1, MX. e wuiaruaM 01 woouoar li., inominin. mvuu.
W. K. LttVK, Late of W arren. Love 4 Co.. bt. Lonli, Mo.
v. ej. C'Aa.t.lcwXT, Lataref Coldwater, ad let
Wholesale Boots & Shoes,
3G7 & 3G9 Main .118 Oayoso, Slemplils, Tenn.
. IIoHtoei Ofllce i Xo. 21 Illih telreef
KB-W. are nowmelThnT.l.arfeaiHl ENTIRELY "t-W atOTK erEaKfrin
... fnalom-aiiiilei Html. ln lor Ihe Nirin( Trauc or !, which we
. KX K IMtTltiaf mil'KM avu liberal teruie u cam l inaMla by
a.y cen.liMp market
We hare EXCLUSIVE control In thli
Market of tbe lollowina line, of CUSTOM-
MADE (lootln, all of which we warrant to
give perfect atifaction 1
George llocker'a oelebrated Men I Calf
Bnou. Brady A 6horteli'o-.B6yi', Youtto',
Mine.' and Children' oolar Tin Mioea.
T. M. Harria A Uo.'a Philadelphia made
Children's -hoe.
Also, L. W. Unte k Co.'a Kip Brogant and
Plow choet the beat Brogant made in the
United tit Ut ...
W ... Ik. nnl linii.a In ttiia market hnnn.
ringfthe oelebrated Krippandort, Diet man
A Co. line of Ladies' and Mio' Kid, Doat
asd Calf CUSTOM Good EXCLUblVEl,
nitoer the rtictnry hraiirt..
y LDUtu(r
m9 ci aa w a w ti i?,
264 Front St., cr. Court. Mempli!n, Tenn
KAP0LE0N HILL, President.
tl. 4. Jjtnf VUDU1BI.
eg' 1-1
Monnihid rmmro I'pii
Liiuiuuiiii) uuimu auuii
Office li MndaWtn Street. MeraplilHe Tenn
. Presl(JBt
Pilsener Beer in Kegs and Boltlea.
01 ?re Chrjstnl Wsll Water Used; for Brewing Pnrrees.
ti. W. Corner Butler and Tennesaee Htzk
imiBiiilBiiUacie Co.
16ft to 171 Adn Street, MempliLs, Ternu.
.vi inrmiD 1HS AQKSCT I0R
Cotton Presses, Horse Powers, Gin Gearing
rUnUttoa Wrk, InclBdlnr OTtriamllBg Alitpalrtng Erjgtnw ft Xac.iaeri
fempblsj. Tenn.
J. M. f ARBI58T0N.
and Pablisbera,
Flnt-Clast Inttramentit
t AVSt, t3ABI,EK, O. B. PEASK 4 Oe,
Memphis, Tenn. ' .
We alrn control the 'following Specialties
under our own brands, namely :
(looiihur. Love A fo.'t Men'i drained
Calf CUtil'OM-MADfl Hula, Button and Uii.-
"(VooHbar, Levo A Co ' Mfcn N. K. Coir
CUSTOM-MADS Dais, Button and Congreu.
Ooodhar, T.ovs A Co.'l Ladies' Kid and
Goat CUSTOM-MADE flenble- Polith and
lunot 13 Shoos.
Our Ladies' ft Shoes am mido from th.
beat fleeted Curacoa Kid und Tampico
Wout block, und havo Solid Sole Leather
ConnUrs an 1 Flexible Inner Solos, and we
warrant them to fit aud giva perfect latielao
ttnn in every TQ.peft.
Ciiickasaw Ironworks
98 Second St., Momphia, Tenn
v nein?Hs liiulvrs, NtiwtuillH,
BraaUortl oru aud iVheat Mill",
Co(tu 1'reHs, Cotton aUint.
Shafting, Pnlleyte, i
SPKCIAE. HoriCR-We are prepared to 111 order",
nn ..,. notice, for the eele rated atoflairt falenit
Wronghi .- fnlley. We oarry in stock over
Two Hundred Assorted Mvi.
we-8 n d for fatalerne ard PHee-llet.
W. Ji. W lLKEKSUJi, Vlce-Presiaeni.
Secj aad Trews
nfwiirrnn vh"a
IBS. Co..

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