MEMPHIS DAILY APPEALSAT U RD AY FEBIUTAKY C, 1SSG. fimte am ttMiERC MONEY 8 ITU I L.NT., 5F.VF YOKK EXLU4H.E 1-4 PREUICrl. Cottoa (Jaii t, MU .lii-ff H 11 Id-; huli s, 300 CiJig PiuvUi.ins a tn.iiR I g-jn hence. Money in good demand at 8 per cent Local Be; unties continued to advance, esp-caliy Taxing District sixes, which fi id r.-ady purchasers tt par. The cottoa market yesterday was quit t. Sd !f, 3'JO bales; receipt?, 8C9 bides; do-k, 140,037 bales. At New York snoteclo-ed quiet, middling 9 315c; futures quiet and steady and 2 to 6 (.tints lower. February 9 085 9 03c. At New Orleans spotB tbsed dull and iiregular, ndddling, 8 11-lGo; futures s'eady and 3 to ( points lower. February, 8.7l5i S.72:. Liverprol spots were duil in buyers' favor, middling 4 15-1 A 1 ; f lturts quiet and stuily and 1-611 lower, February 4 68-641. Ke ceiptsat all United Sacs ports yett:r day, 20,603. IMPORTS. Thirty pka baroi, 5 plrpa cheese, 826 kks cotton-peed, 4r0 brls ctt un seed oil, 2 50 brl fljiir, 12 hd hogs, 4(1 bd sheep, 30!) pkgs iard, 45 brls mo lasses, Kit) brls potatoes, 1 car pork Bides and 17 b-l sugar. 9 Madison St , .Keinidiis, Teiin., DEALER IS STOCKS AND BONDS jy-rorrepnnl'nrc solicited. Infor uxtlon i hrrrfullr famished. -&a . FINANCE. Money in good .demand at 8 per cent, 'i he Clearing House report in as follows: Clearings. Balances. Fr lav, F'h'yo J 2I1.''.1h "9 8!(,!". f! Thus fur this aiu k l.ti i2,50 14 4il,5.50 J7 Same time 'an wetk ..l,3JI.27u 03 481,585 15 Cor. time Is5 .'. i.M 5 0 45 2lo,!r..4 91 tor. tuna 184 1 .;v4i.;;76 80 U-jS.41.-i tit liXOUANUE. liuvina. Sellina. New York siuht on all point..' dis pieia New England demand .. Jiidia New Kugland siytit. ilis' Mew Orleans '. i dis par BANK S10CK8. In the first column we rive the lirire kid, and in tho aecoud the price assed. Bank of Commerce...- ......... ..147',i 1:0 Ural Naiiniod 135 S140 Oertnan Dank ViV,wM State Natiotiu.1 "133 11:15 Union c Planters 17 Mercantile 130 INSUHASCB STOCKS. Bome .. & 60 'i ... m H5 &m ( 19 ... t:.i ... 3 25 BluB City Peoples. ... Planters , Phoenix. jAeuiphis City Vanderbilt Hornando . , Ki !!0 lm 98 1(12 )H ItKI JU Arlington - Factors ... MISCELLANKOfiS. certificates. Dnd E.... 7S; Tonne-Si-e warwn s, buries C 90 ( 98 hlielli.v Oi.uiiiy 1(4 fcili ii Sh. lv Coui.ty warninU 98 s 99 'J .'iiaiiiK-D.a'riet 4, o's .. 91 19! TAX-oe.-Distr'n HO fcW-i Tdcuii.ii:-torjige Comproci i'o 107 ylhi yr.,,,,. i. Cnui'iiiy to..k.. .. 83 t 85!i Moio4;i Oas Company hood ... lu'Vi'l ... M"-r. " etVaterC... bonds 90 .' ... lln n, r Oil Works (ft 51 Cit. '! -Vorks (9 45 Pioru" C'.ltoii-Mi'la X Ami- i un Ci'tton tlil trusts '20 4 21 M9B..-U.. v.i? K.iilway ISondJ ... l'ju (tflitf Ni.w Vokk, FVbniary 5 Money on call a y nt pr cent. Prime mercix'tilepuper, 4 . 5 per Ct-nt, Sler lini! txchni p dull but stca ly at 487 Wr 6!1 dayH and 4 SO for demand. Eonds GovHrnujent bonds were dull and nrm. Mo bonds were neglected. There was n gwd business in railroad bonds, wilh modorate activity in Erie fecond concols, Est Tenties'ee issues, South Carolina income, and some of the Texa Pacific lusuet, and a well d'stributed busiuees in the ren tiinder r f the litt Prices are generally higher, but the gu ns in moot cases are cny IractionnJ. Amoig the exceptions !S . Paul flrtts. o d bonds, show an d vnnce of 2 and the Iowa aad Dukcta division 7a 2 our ceLt. &ioik 't'no etock mrrket was prnerally very strong ut the oi.eniup, first priieH hor,illg gains rannirg from to over 1 per cant., tie litter in Un oa Pac lb. Daring the litst hour theie whs continue i Urenftt and de cided activi'y in the dealings, during which a Ivances ot fractions to over 1 per cm t. were made. The highest prices of the day were made about 11 o'clock, unit after midday there wai a very decided drcrease in the amount rf business doiog. Paces moved irregularly in a narrow range until late in tie day, when there wa a decline of 1 tj 1 per cent This was checked just, before t le close and slight ad vances were mad-) in naiy ccs, the market fin 11 v closing only mo lera'ely active aid firm. The same stocks that have been active for some tima pa it monopolized a large per cent cf the day's buinet,p, La:kawanna had ing with 8 ,000 satires, tif emulation binges to a very large extent upon the piooabil ties of an early seit'ement i the railnal and anthracite toil troubles. Ia the a.'t-sruoon decline the coal stocks were conspicuous for their losses, Lackawanna selling from 131 down to 129 and closing wi n a net loss of J, while Del aware and Hudson is higher at the lowest price of toe day. .Heading suf fered most, blosiDg with a decline of 1J. Toe weakneua in this stock is it tributed to the reporta thtt the Penn sylvania railroad wi.l secure control o't the company. Except a decline of J in Oregon Navigation cverjtVdng on the active list is higher, the advances ranging from emrfl fratt ons to I the latter Canada bouthem and Oaaha, both of which are nearest the highest qnotations of the dav. There vwmiu nsnal activity in Erie, which i-ioted with a gain of 1. The o'.her grettjst advances were Northwestern j, West ern Union J. Lake tshore, Nw York Central, Pacifl i Mail and Union Pa cific each . The total sales of stocks to-day were 443.23) sharps, incinding Canada fcjjuthern, 6700; Deliware, Lacka wanca and Weetern, S0,8!i; Dataware and Hud?oD, 10,068; Erie, 49,490; Kansas and Testis 6760;. Like Shore, 50,318; Louisville nud Nashville, 4925; Northwestern. 29.805; New Jer sey Central, 0690; New York Central, 9S41; Pacific Mail, 8190; Reading, '89U0.Su Paul, 411,433; tit. Panl and Omaha, 1212; UnionPacific, 17,280; Western Union 2351; Northern Pa cific preferred, 14,707 . Oregon Trans continental, 6 2. Clttinx qucttlons: OTIBKMIXTS. U. 8. Ss, 100';. New 4,s. 112;-.. New 4s, 121.1,. Pkcifioosot 1495, lo',. iohds. C. P. 6rta. 114W. T. P. land grants,4i;4'. Erie seconds, y.l'-v T. P., Kio (4. dir.,5i. La'h A Wilkes. ,lo7. U. P. firsts, ll"s. Louisiana eons, M. V. P. land f . IMJ.. Missnari lrm. U. P. . fund. 12!. St. Joni'b, ll'l. Virginia a. 43. M.P. at a.t.lti.V6S rn.,-in-e.,52. Tean. t. olu. ".'V. Va. con. dcf., llg. iUD. m, new. &'.'. ! Adams "pre. lk. .Nii-hvi'.Ie iC, 47. AileKueiiy Lniri, . J. ' ooirni, 4. Alton Jc i. 11.. 44 Normlk A V, . pf.i -7. A. k 1. U. pld. s. Korthuin la., 27'.,. An.ericau Ki., 1' '.!' Northtru 1'. pl l, i U., C. h. & H.. Hi X. Y., C St. L.. H-'i Canada ,'ae., f l'i. X.V .C.tSt.l, ,i,, lv;,. ('auada5outn,44 . C. & N. '..l '' leiiiral 1'aino, 4 '. ' . C. X. W ., pin. ll ii'i- Lhrrapealt & J. .11. N. V. Central, liti,4. C. at O. lm ptd. l'i. Ohio Central, l7,. C. atu.2d iM, 1J. ua.oA Wif..ij ;. chl.raao Jt All.-n.14l. . k Mi, pld, fe-1-. C. 4 A. pfa, 14'.' Onur'u A n et., l;i. C, 11. X (J , l.'-j. Oraion NaT., 1" t. C, St. I, , X.u. Oie-on 'Irans.. :U. ('., L. i P , II Oregon Imp.. 2 C, bt. L. 4 '. p. 32 Panino luail, Cva C, 6. & C. Si. Panama, 98. C. atC.,f,7. Peoria, 1). Jt E., 22. Del. Jt Uud.,951.;. Pituburg, 1,9. D1. L. A W.. tsMi Pullman P c, 133!,. uta. k Itia O., 16. Keadiny, 1'.".,. brie, .6. Koog Isiaaa, 12 . Kr o,d. U. Bt. L. S. V , a.-1- tift Tenn., S. Ht. L. 4 H. F. p. KaitTenn. pta. 7S St.L.4 H.F.lnt p.ln". Port Wayne, 147. C. M. 4 6t. P., Vfii Hannibal ht. Jo, C. M. 4 bt. P. p. K4'i. 11. A bt. Jo pfd, . Ht. P., M. 4 V., 115V Uarlem, 213. bt. P. A Omaha, 41' HcuaUin it T.. n. St. P. 4 O. tod. 1"3 Illinois Cen, 141 Teias PxmCc, V2: Ind. 11. Jt W., Vi":f5. Union Paivhe, to'i. Kansas a T., biv a U. t. Kxrrrnj 62 Luke B. 4 W .. 12!4. H ., bt. L. 4 P., in Lake Shore, tiS'i W., Kt. L. 4 P i, l'J'. Luu. 4X'ash..41U. W If t, IX Lou. X. A..3V W. I'. Tel, ,V-A. M. 0.,lt ptd, . Colorado Coal. 24. M. ,li C. 2d pta, . Homaoska, 21 . Mem. A Char., 3"). Iron Silver, 23i. Minii. Ceutfal, 74V. Ontario, 29. Mm. A St. 1... 9. Ouiuliailver.7. M. A bt. L. I'f'l J8. Uui.'knilver ptd. 1. Missouri fan. 112. South I'-'iuo, Vbte A 0..1.5 buuu. 17. Morris A E..ond.l35. Chicw, III., February 5 The rnt ney rnxrket is wihout change in any respecU There is only a modHtaie aba rpt ion off unHs by tue packers, and the saaU movement tf grain re duces the demand fion dealers in cereals t a minimum. Merchants and manufajMirers sre m-d.rati borrow ers, but from ro class is the demand urgent or large, anil the market is couii n atively easy a' 4(n (! per cent, for codateral loan? or cal1, o(i5J per cent, being the ruling rate. Time pa per is taken nt 6($7 per cent, being tho ruling rate for g..ol business names. Aitual rates' htre were 4S9 for bankera' short, 4S7 for long sterling and shippers' s:xty days documenta y t 48 j.J for f ireign exchange. New York exchange wm firm at par bo twenn baiika. London, February 5. Un:t'd H:t s bonds I, 1-J6J; 4J-i, 114. li.treilver, 4i 9 Kid per ounce. Tahis, Febrnary5 Throe per cent, rentes, fclf 57Jo fur the account. CLKAltlNGS AND BALANll.S. CmcAcn, Ii.i, , Februarv clit'inps, 7,34ti,000. Nav Orleans, La., Febrnsrv 5. Ci arius of the bauks, $1,703,022. 8t. Louis. Mo., Febnary 5. Bank clearings, $2,693,586; balances, 331. Baltimore Md , February 5. P.ank oWringi, f 1,662,750; balances, $195, Cti'J. Nkw Yokk, Februarv 5. Kx c'nnges, fl26,717,0t0j ta'acccs, $1, 664,139. Philadklphia, Pa., February 5. P.ank clearings, J7.415.709 12; bal ances, 922,070 43. Boston, Maps, Februaiy 5. Ex changes, $14, lf'8.224; balances, $1,718,- 012. Money 1J per cert. COTTON 3IAliKETS. The local markrt, ui-x-riod quiet, and closed quiet ; raiddimir. 8 1 1- l ie. Sale?, 300 bales, all to 8ii tito. EXCHANGE Qt'OTATlONS. Yesterday. Day before. Ordinary ' 1 Good Ordinary 7' Vt Low Middling 8 5-16 Middling - 11-16 H 11 16 Hood Mitliiing 9!, 9:'S Middlint' Fair 9;j hair iNiMn. .'Nom Dustv V.j&y IMt'VVi buuns and tinges i a tt COTTON STATEMENT. Mkvphis. February 5, 1 $36. Htock, Bpfembor 1, 18S5... 1,392 Heceived to-day K-!9 hoeeived previously 4.57,277 459,.ViS Stiipped to-diy bhipped previously 319.601 liurnl, etc UoLue eonsuuptioii to date .... Stock, running ac.-onnl Imvortt, That far this week Thus far lust week....:. Since September 1st 3!fl,r.oi 14i',d:l7 7.W7 7,119 . 457,146 Memphis and Charleston Railroad M'l Mi.'sif'ppi and Tennessee Railroad. lii'.l Me" el. if and Little Kock Railroad... iiS f.,0. andS. W. H. H. 22 L..N.I). and kailrmd 51 K iwii City, S. & M K. U 14 Memphis, boluia and lirucsw'k U.K. 3' Steamers : 119 Wagons aud other sources 2 Total - Export. Thus far this week Tuns far last week binco boptoiuber 1st 869 1:1,519 319 51,1 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF UKCEIPT-i. WKItK FND1NO IMINCK HKI-Ig-I'Kll.6, 1886. HRK 1st. WHItKCK RKUCIVED. This Last Last This Yonr. lear Year. Year. Mem.AChar. Miss. A Tenn L. AN. U.S. 1,133 79il 499! 1,771 1,311 61,790 49,088 69,519 40,40 41,21.1 64,26a 21,9 9 19,708 17,276 rX'm 2,754 3,901 30,72". 729 9-' 421 1 . 823 aw 3o,32H Mom. ALit.K 956 ll 4lt 2')S 174 1,170 68,415 C, O A 8.W. L..X.O.AT. K. C. S.AM. M. B. A A... Miss. River.. White River. St. Francis R. 211.824 31.826! 15 ,662 1 14,058 l,4:o in, l'4'l 144 211 3H 16,!li. 0.401 81 Ark R., (total rivers, 24iU) Wagons and 913 221 8,199 50,520 oth. sources 17.1 1.50 8,4391 458. H0j 375,020 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF SHIPMENTS. wit nit en niNQ aiMca skptkm Fek. 5, 1880. BKg 1st. BOOT!. This Last This Last Year. Year. Year. Year. Mem.AChar. 2,566 1,127 56,465 39,391 Mix A Tenn 1,221 840 15.M1 3,4.'8 L. A N.O. S. 423 2.438 60,KI M,M C.,0. AS. W 1,410, 9 M.4: 48,108 L.,X'.O.AT. 913 4. 36,6tr. 17,377 Mein.,U. A A .".88 lO.hH'i Steam, north 1,1)90! 2 781 61,767 42.479 131 18,347 25,610 Tota..... 8,301; 7,637 :;lU,5nl 272,697 New Y'ork spots onened quiet, and clc&ed quieU Sales, 264 bale. (Quota tions were as follows: Yesterd-T. Day before. Ordinary 6 9-16 6 9 16 Oood ordinary 7 15-16 7 15-16 Low middling - 8' 8', Middling 9 3-16 9 3-16 Oood nildilliog 9 9-16 9 9-'6 Middling fair... -I" 3-16 , 10 3-16 Fair 10 13-16 10 13-16 New York fn'nres opened very dull, and closed qu et and steady. tSales, 61,200 bales. The closing qur.tatiots were as follows, as compared with yes terday : Yestordar. Day before. February 9.e-8 9 i9 9.11m 9.11 March 9.14 9.1ii. 9.17 April .. 9.23 9.24 9.26 4 May 9.31 .S4 s..'4 9.37 June ; 9.434 9.44 9 46'4 9.47 July 9.51 9 52 9.554 9.50 August 9.58. . 59 9.614 9.64 September 9.31'f 9.35 9.3 4 9.11 October 15(4 9.10 9.20 4 9.21 Novacuber 9.12J 9.13 9. 154 y.17 The following la the cotton com parative statement for the week end ing Friday, February 5, 1886: Net re ceipts at all United States porta dur ing the week, 119.5IS bales ; same week last year, 89,859 bales. Total receipts to date, 4,205.759 bales; same date last year, 4,162,795 bales. Exports for the week, 102,485 bales; same week last year, 93,113 h-do. T exmHs t'l this date, 2 Vi'.'.TiVl bales; Vnio date la-t year, 270,l0 La'.es. at all United Kut.-i ports, l,(li.U!i bulm; enne ime 't tar, 8:i9,i-;fi baiea. f?;ock at interior towns, 2:l,43(i balfs; samo time lat yeir, 15::,.M2 bales. fc.t--ck at. Liverpool, ri36,tHKj baits; same time lait year, S'i'i.OOO b-t'ej. (stock of Ameri an i tl at for (Jreat Britain. 2i'8 0J0 bales; eattie tixe year, 270,100. TheNewOrleansspot market opened qiir, and riohed duil and trregnla. il.'t-, 2,5110 ualej. Y' Day before Ordinary 7 3 16 7 3-16 Good ordinary ............ 7 13-16 7 l.l-iti Low mid lliug . 8 S-lil 8 3- 6 Middling 8 11 16 8 1.-16 Oood middling 9 7-16 9 7-16 The New Orleans future roarkt opened dnll b't itady, and elored steady tnd 3 to 6 points lower. Sales, 17,900 bales.' The oirwit.g quotations were as follows, as compared with yesterdav : TesteYda February 8.714 6 72 March . 8.71 - 8 72 April 8.M. 8 M .May 8 97 4 8 98 June 9 10 t 9. II Jaly 9.214 9 21 AuatUkt 25 4 9 J6 bepteniber 8 91,4 8 W October h 78 8 ni Xovcmber. . 8.7l'4 8 72 liecember 8 724 8.73 Div hetor'. 8.77 8.78 8 7m4 6.76 8 H.Kll 8 9 9.(0 9 124 9 23 4 9 21 9 L7 4 9. '.9 8 -7 8 98 N :!. 8 HI 8.71 4 8.7i 8 75.4 H.76 DA I LY P'RTA N J 1 X ? KK1HR MARK ETS. Tono. lUtsc ts.l Price. irttocH (lalvestoi. N Orleans Mobile.... Sttvannah Char'ston Wilm'ton Norfolk ... llalttmore New York Dull. timet. tfuiet. Steals. Quint. Dull. tluiet. (jmet. Ouiet. Hun. l liet. Dull. 1.24 tj 8 13-16 8, ml: 8 11-J6 173 8 11-10 2 .519 8 1.926 i !7! 8- 65.5'9 37rf. 39 55 12 9031 75,6'.i li.46:l 4''..19- 31770 279,779 6 3 0 20.213 1 Ki 700 9 3-16 IWton .... 1.921! 457; 3d1 397i Phi ad' St. Louis.. llOl.SU I 4 Mi l Augusta Total receipts at ports, this day, lti ...20.653 Total recoipts at porta, this d.y. 1.88.) .. 21,70: CQN.SOLlD TED H TATKM KNT. 1880. 18H5. 89,8.59, 18M. R'tsatU.S. ports, 7 days Exports to Urea llritain Stock Koc'tg since Sept. Ut Foreign expo-ts.. 119,518 01,355 101.577 87,219 59.291 l.fslt.ltVl1 869,140 1,049,972 4,i!o7,K2:1.17il,Slo;4,Ui4,48i 2,614.762!2.f9,3l7 2617,965 ... 27,262 Increase in recciMs this year Liverpool epo's a; to rn were quoted dull, in bnyeib' favor. Salee, 8)00 bile-1, cf wbifth 690) wre Ameticin. KicetplP, 10,1)00 t ales, t f which C40I were Amerit ai. At noon: Ordinary, 4 3-161; g-ol ordinary, 4 9 161 ; b middling, 4!jd; gmd luiddling. 5 3 16 J; mtilu'liiig uplands, 4 15-161; O ba m, 5 1-161. At noon: Liverpool futures were firm; Fo'iruarv. ; Februarv- March, 4 57 611 58 64 J; Marcii April, 4 58 64f.4 59 64l; April-May, 4 60 M( i 61 64d ; Mav-Junc, 4 62 t!4f) 4 e3-6U ; June-July, 6 l-6tfi5 2 Old ; Ju .y-Angutt, ; Augu:t-Septem- bsr, 5 7-6 Id. At 2 p.m.: Liverpool fnl ires were steady; February, 4 69 61.1 seliers; Febtuary-Murcli, 4 59 64d sellerft; March-April, 4 69 64d buyers; At ril May, 4 61 641 buyers: May-June, 4 03-64d hnyors; June-July, 6 2 611 veliie; JulyAugtiat, 5 5 641 value; Ausunt-Septembi.r, 5 8-61d buyers. At 5 pin.: Liverpool futures were q'liet and steedy; February, 4 58-611 skIIo's; Ft hrtiary-March, 4 f.8C4d sellers; March-April, 4 59 611 seller; Ap'iMav, 4 61-641 sulirs; May-June, 4 f3 641 sellers; June-July, 5 l-64d buyers; July-Angiiat, 5 4-6ld Belters; Atiust-.Septtoiber, 5 7 Old siilers. Liverpool weekly stittement for tie wek ended F.-rtiHrv 5. 18s(i: 18-W. 18.V,. 1K.SI 51,000 41,000 01,0 "(I 45,Ot;o 29.IKKI 48.00)1 4,8(41 3,300 4.100 4,li 3.H0O 5,100 15,f(Ki St.WX) 21.001 6,)6,0I 8.1;i,ut;i .W,0. 479,000 6ir,,l)fi 61800 82,000 115,0,0 116,000 f4,000 95,1X10 116,000 Veekly cales Of which Auiiri- e:ni Inoiud. for export lnriud. lor f PeCU lation Forwarded from ship's sido Total st.n'k Of which. Ameri can Week's rcceints... Of which Auiori-: enn Total roe'pti. since p.ept -mbcr 1st ... Of which Auior. can Actual week's ex port ; Stock ntl at I Of which Ameri can .1 132,100 l,lS9,7.o' 1,8.',6,900 1,767,5(0 1,436,400 1,313,700 4,000i 2.5IM1 297,OOOj 4111,000 270.OIM1 3-'6.c(l0 3.30.) 210,000 Sit.noo GENER AL.Tlt ADE. fLTlIlF. DEAIJt The fol'oing if t'ie record of the bids and offers nl tie Call Hoard of tae MercLant i' Exct.aii;Q yett ;rday : CORS. No. 2, white, snot, 40c bid ; Va ch, 4V ashed; April, 45o 0 t , 4'!jl ! Rrked; May, 463 asked; No. 2; spot. 37u 0. t. bid; February, 7c o. t. ; April, 4Uo. t. bid, 42c asked. OATS. No. 2, spot, 32c bid ; March, S'Jt bid. IRAN. May, f 14 50 bid, $15 25 asked. CORMMKAL. Ppot, $195 bid; February, $195 bid; March, J2 bid; April, $2 12J bid, $2 25 asked; May, $2 20 bid, $2 30 aiked. IlREAItltrit-KM. Cork White, 47c; mixed, 46c, from store; from levee or depot, white, 44c; mixed, 42c. II a v Choice, from store,S5c ; prime, 75(80c; prairie, 60c; round lots from levee or depot, choice, $15; prime, $13 50; prairie, $S. Oats White, 38c; mixed, 37c, from store. Round lota from levee on track white, sacked, 351c; mixed, sacked. 34 Je. Oatukal In half barrels, $3 50 from store. CuttMMKAi, Standard, $2 102 0; pearl. f3a3 25 from store; 6o cheaper from mill, levee or track. Flour From store, double extrs, ; triple cxtr, ; family, 4 4 25; choice, $4 25(34 50; fancy, $1 76 (5; extra fancy, $5 255 75 ; patents, i66 25; round lots from levee or track, lOts cheaper; ear lots choice, $3 85 4 05; family, $3 60 4.3 75; fancy, f t 30f4 50; extra fancy, $1 755; patents, $5 255 00. Bban From store, 85a per cwt; round lots from levee, $15 per ton. Bkans Navv,$2 25; medium, $2. Kick Louisiana, 45c; Carolina, 67c. Hominy asd Grits From store, $2 76(t3. Crackkd Wiibat In half-barrels, $i from i tore. Crack krs Soda, extra, 4Jc; soda, treble extra, 5c ; lemon cream crack ers, extra, 7c ; lemon cream crackers, treble extra, 7jc; ginger snaps, extra, 5c; ginger snaps, tieble extra, 6c; as sorted j ambles', 9c. New Orleans, La., February 5. Flonr steady and firm. Corn tcarcj and hi . her, 40(v47c. Oats ate ady. Kansas City, Mo., February 5. Wheat lower; cash, 6H(5;6SJc; March, 70c; April, 72s bid,-74)c asked; May, 7 Die. Corn quiet; cash, 27Jc bid, 27Jc asked; March, 28e bid. ZJe asked; May, 31 c. Oats nominal; 287 asked. Liverpool, February 5. A leading weekly (rain circular tays: Extreme dullness prevaih in the wheat trade. Prices are giadually declining, and are now at a nominally low level. A ! j reaction might natn'Hy be expected in view tf the deoreaati'g quantity on p'8i-ge, espr;a'ly of la nan hntt. Some cargna otTcnatt were o'l at 6 1 !?. line. Tlil re w s a fair bujiness lor shipment at afitni'n re iu. i on. At taday' mark'-t there was a r,iod at tendance. A fiiir bnsinesa vadnne in wbet at the late prite. Flonr wa quiet and unchanged. There woe a di-a; poit.t nn detuaud for u.ra at tLe late rates. 8t. Txinta, Mo., February 5 Flour dull; XXX J3 ltt;il3 2.1: tanvlr, $3 30 (1 40; txt-a, 13 705 50. Wtie t dull but higher than yieterdny. The market declined Iceaily in tiie day, but later rtllied and closed (j)e higher than yesterday ; No. 2 red, rRBh, 902 bid; February, 90j bid; March, 9(lJfS9ii l. oloMng at H e bid; My, 9-';'.9i,(?;911c, closing at OlJ'. 94c. Corn very quiet aid earner, rlosing a shale under ves'e day; No. 2 ni'X-d, ( a lb. 33533 ; February, 33 J .cloning at 33jj bid; March, 31jc; May,3'i;3. Otsuouiina Ivun hanged; No. 2 uiix-d, canh, 27,j-'J8a bid; Frbrna'y, 27 Jt bid ; May, 3 in bid. Kye no" f alwa. Barley i-xlmtut 1 dtlll ant unchargsd. Flax-eed it'ady, il 00 Br.iu aieady 61c at mill ; t2?.i en east track. Corn meal linn, tl S5(.i) 1 90. Hay In gmd d 'mtid and Ann ; timothy, ill 5013 50; pride, $0 25 (,'i.S 50 Keceip.a Flour, :M0i) br.a; wheat, 13,0ik) bu ; corn, 09,000 bn ; oats, O. OObu; rye. nonsjnarley, 7i0l) bu. Shipments Flour, ,iiC0 brls; wheat, cone; corn, 15 000 bu. o.its, liXH) bu; rye. i.oue ; barloy. 10 Kl bu. Afttrnimn Jiwrd Wheat etty and a stiade low jr. Corn sta ly and I'lji Libber. Ojw advinte 1 1;. Chicago, III., February 5. The tone was bearish at the opening in wlit a, to-day, May starting u 84uaud selliij off ij additional, lnu lair buy ing caused a rally to HIJ.i, f l oe.l l y a quick decline to 83 J , at which p j n tie fueling waa very heavy and 'he ollVnugs large. The rep'irt f a ha ter export demand at the seaboaid began to tie circulated, followed by a two of better buying, and before 1 oM ck there was quite ill exotol null hy the shorts t ) cover, nnder which the price rallied to 85 5 10 !, and do ed on fie resuUf board tt 83 16. The bt'Stt iilirjg th e afternoon was at these tijuree. Co. n and oat4 rulod a ot : e lmuHr. but deve'opod no new fe tl tires. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat opene i eaay j ' l;wer, det lined 1 : a.'dii oi-.l, rail ed J , br.ike oil f :, rallied 11'.', closing J i Higher than y.o--t-rday. Hales ranged : F. bruary, 7-j (t''.ie, tlosed nt 79 11-16'; Ma-cli, 7lia80'c( closed at 8 1 110t; May, 84 c, closed at 85 3 Itic; No. 2 spring, 79(52 Curn quiet but firm and a MihIm higher; ('unhand February, 36jo March, 36 5 I6j; May, 4040Jj, clo a-d at 40.!. Oata tt"ady ml firm; caah, fSJ ; February, "85 10 1; March, 2.8Jc; May, 31,!. Kve dnll; No. 2, 58Jj. Barley quiet; No. 2, 60c. Flaxseed ea-v: No. 1, $t 12. Receipts-Flour, (-000 brls; wheat. It. 000 bu; corn, UJ.OiObtt; oars, 97 0110 tin; rye, 3000 bu ; bmloy, 40,000 bu. Ship ments Flour, 9900 brls; wlwat, 7000 bu; corn, 49,000 bu; oatfl, 85,000 bn; rye, none; bar.'ey. 19,01K) bu. Afternoon Hoard Wheat steady, 84 U-IOj. Corn Jo higher. On s, Jo higher. fKOTIiioaa. ISuttkr Creamery, 185$ 10s ; dairy, 17(.)2e; bmterine, 1 4(ji 1 45 ; country, 124'"1 8.', according to condi iou. CtmiiHK Prime (Ida, 78r; New Yotk le(!toty, 8?; fu.lcrjam, 11 Y. A., ll-JfttH2c. M Pork -Old, $10 75QU ppr barrel; new, $11 7!'12 per barrel; Ugaj-cured bams, pa. ked, 9Jf.i)10ij; breakfast bacou 8.9c; clear rib ba con, OjfjfGJu. Bolk PoIik Clear sides, 66 Jr; clear rib sides, 6 1 tal'.i t : lonj clear, b'i 5J; shoulders, Lard Tiero s,(l J(fl)6 )c ; half-!iarrel4, 6c; kegs. 6Jo: buckets, 7ft7ic; half biiekets, 7r'i'7c; 50 1b tins, 6l(Sy(ic; iO-lb tiiis,68fi,tisc; 10-lb tins, jr7 ftt; ; 5-lb tins, 7("ic; 3-16 line, 7 j(ry7gc ; choice ket'le. tierc, 7(7J.!. . Fresh Meats Beef (rood Kaunas City Btiiers, heavy, 8o; light, 70j)7j2; cows and heifers, 6j i; mutton, 7c; lambs, 8Jc; pork, 6c. J'lr.s Fun! Brie, 83PP CO; half brls, 13()3 25. Cinc'isn ati, O , Febrtisrv 5. Pork quitt, $11 25. Lard firm, 6.15 i. Bum meats in light demand ;Hhoulders,4c: Bhort rib, 6.60 a 5 7tkt. Ji4i;on quiet and firm-. Bhonlders, 6 Jo; short rib, 6Jc; S' ort clear, 6 Je. Butler quint ; Nortn weotirn extra creainerv. 3 (.)33j; good ti prime creamery, 20(A:iOi; choice dairy, roll, 1:.'15( K(!9 ttrong and higher, 2102ii!. Cheese quitt; clioico cured Ohio factory, OJfelOo. St. Louis, Mo., February 5. Pro visions quitt aid prices generally loer. Porkeatier, $11 40. Lrd steady, (i(.i)0 05c. Bulk meals, looso lotp, I hi a clear, 5 63o; slmrt rib, 5.70o; short clear. 5 Sic; boxed lots long clear, fi 9l!C'; (I ; short ri lis, 06 J 3 ; short clear, 6,o. Bacon ling clear, 6c; short ribs, 0 lOi.eJc; short cloar, 6.20i6Jo. Hams steady and unchanged. Butter steady; CHaiiery, 25(3,300; dairy, 16(5 24c Eggs firmer, 18!318Jj. Chicaoo, Iil., February fi. Mess pork opened 2J(o5n liwer, rallied 10() 2c. closing quiet; cash, $11 2(1(3) II 22 ; March and February, $11 I0(0 11 i6. closed at $1120U22J; Mav. $11 30U 42, closed at $11 40 11 42J. Lardsteady; cash and Febru ary, 6jn; March, 8.171c; Mav, 6.27J 6 3nc..Boxed meats ttady; dry salted shoulders, 3.954c; short rib sidaa, 5 57J5 60j; short clear sides, 6 80 5.85c. On the Produce Exchange Bu'ter cteamerv, 2(Xa31c; dairy, 14 (223-. Edge, 18j(a)19t!- Afternoon Boar J. Po.'k 2Jc lower. Lard ucclaiged. eMWSSIlRttflM. Roa p -$2 103 50 per ran. CoKKbK Common, SjSJc; ordi nary, 99Jc; primo Kio, 10llc; choice to fancy, llj12jc; old kov ernment, 23(4)25c; Ceylon, 20c. &UQAB Eastern yeliow, 6j7c; pnre w. c. white, 6J7c; off white, 6"6jc; yellow clarified, GJtgOJ;; open kettle, 5i6ic, refined A, 7i 71 c; grannlated, 7io; piwdercd, 8jc; cut loaf, 8J c. - Salt tl 201 30 per barrel; sacks, floe, $1 50; coarse, $1 10; pickets, bleached, 2.7c; car-loada from levee or depot. 6c cheaper. Molaphk Louisiana, common to fair, 2327c; prime to choice, 4655c; syrup, 25(u)40c; common to fair, 26(5) 33c ; prime to choice, 35(5) 10c. Casdiks Sticks, ail sises, in boxes, pails and barrels. 7(581;. Candles Fnll weight, lGllc. Tobacco Common, 11-inch, 27(3) 30c; other grades and styles, 258oc. SoufI Garrett's, $10 85 per case; Balpb's, $10 2.5 per ease; R- R., $9 60. Canned Goods, etc. Prices per doiert Pineapples $1 351 65;peaches, 2-ltj, standard, $1 35(5)1 50; seconds, il 15(5)1 2"; tomatoes, (Mb, standard, 90c(5il ; 31b, $1 10(5)1 20;strawberries, $130(3)1 40; raspberries, $1 15(5)1 25; blackberries, $1(5)1 15; greengages, $100r54 75; pears, $22 25; plums, $1 60(5)1 70; asparagus, 1 60 J4; green corn, $1(5)1 35; green peas, $1 (5)225; cove oysters, fu'l weight, 1-lb, $1 1001 15; cove oysters, full weight, 2-lb, $1 90:5,1 95; cove oysters, light weight, l-'b, 65-; cove oys'er', light weight, 21 . tl 10: cor.'nse. milk Ciown, 5 90; F.ii;le, i7 75; Siaa $6. Baltimore, Vu, February, 5. Cil-f.-e quiet; Kio crg:ife, oidinary to fair, 7'i Sjc. New York, Frbniary 5 Ccflee Spot f.tir Kt (tealy, tijc; op iona higher an, I in.i.letat -ly aciive; N. 7 Km spot, 6 70; aales. 1(1,250 baga: Feb ruarv, 6 R-V.j!0.7iV; March. ti tKHa ii a5c; Apr I, 6 (if,-; May and June, (i.TOc; July. 6j a6 80c; Angitut, OSOdSc; Septemoer, 6 85c; Decemlier, 6 95c. ngar quiet and steady ; extra C, 5J(5) Sjc; veilow, 4j(55c; til', f Jc ; etitnlard A, 6Jj; granulattd, 6Jc. Mohsscs sua iy and qnmt. H4l.'NKMUt. slIaTI'I.IKN. Apples -Apples, $2 25(3:2 60 from store; I22 25 per car-load from levee or depot. Dritfd anples, Zt$n per pound from store. D.ied peaches, 3(5) 4c from store. Yeuetaiu.ks Onions, $2 753 25 per car-load, from levee or depot. Po-taloes-lr'sh, norLhern. "J2 25(T,2 50, packed ; car-loada iron) levee or depot, $252 25 per barrel. Cabbage, 9(1 lc per bead. Kront, brN, $5(n'l; half brl $2 75W3. Uarlic, 44X5-01: per 100. Fki'it Ora'ip"s, Louiaiana. none; Florida, $3;5j3 50 per box. Lemons, 3 hKYaA per box. B-tuauas, 50.'(.t) 10) p-r hunch. Coonanuty, ii per $1 00. Peanuta Virginia, 6(j) 7c; Tenneaseie, farmer's stock, 2 jo; recleanod, 3 Jt.n4 Jc ; roanted, 2 Jc higher ; shelled, 10c. Almond., 18;.ii6c. Chest nut green, 12j(5)15e; dry, none. KaistNs-lmd.iu layers, $3 50; lay ers, $2 75; California,; Imperial, $3 6(K'M. PicKLRS In jtr, pinte, 90.-; quarta, lf.O; It .1 r gtliona, $2 50; gallons, $3 75; loose, barrela, $0; balf-harrels, $3 50; mixed, barrels, $10 50; mix ed. 36 Pecans Texas, 5(5SJo for small to medium, 10(5)l4u for largo; Arkansas, 3;5)5f. Walncm French, 12c; Naples, 15c; Grenobles, 15c. Filberts, 12c. Cider Missouri, $77 f 0 per harrel and $1(5)1 25 per haX-harre! ; Kentucky barrels, 6 60(5;.7; Kentucky half-bar-rel", $1. Vinegar, UoolOi) per gallon. Poultry Tnrke s, per dcmii, $S(5) 12; gee-e, $1(5)(; dncka, $3; t hicken", good demand, $ !(Ji 3; dreaaed tutkeys, scarce, 13 5')5c per pound. Fi-h Mackerel half-barrels. No. 1 $4 3i(5t 75; No. 2, $3 50(5,3 75; No. 3, $2 75(5VI; 10 lb kit. No. 1, 80c; No. 2, 70o; 15-lb, No. 3, (tt)c. Dry her riugii. family, 30c per box. Gamu Venlwin, whole, 3 ii5c; sad dleH, (iySc; bear, (liSc; wild tnrkeya, fi()('i75'; duck, l 50(5)2 50, squirrels, 7- c7; quails 75e(iof I ; prairie chickeiiB, i5: game flab, 6(5 Sc. Eoos -Scarce 2 It. cutiox-8tt:it, on-, r.te. Skkd Delivered at depot and wharf, $8 pr ton; on bank of river (f. o. b. bo !),$; wngon at mills $S. Meal Prime f. o. b, $'5 per toil. Lesa than ctr load loti, $ 5 60. From store, 90c suck. Cake Nominal ; $16 per ton. Oil-Iii car-lund lots, prime, crude O. S. oil, 22(5j2'c; prime sumtiH'r yellow, 255;i!7o; ell' summer yellow, 2)C'i20j; uiiners',27(.'VI0j : choice cook ing stimmur yellow, 28(5)30o. New Orleans, La., February 5. Cj' ton-seed prodiu ti firmer. iiou: Amis Jil l.l.8. IIorE' (j'atl driving, $I25(5,2)0; good sitildle, JMO'SiK); p.Ugs, J35(o)80; good mures. S 85 1 40. Mi i.k-UJ to 1'. $110130; 15 to 151, $125li0; 15J to 1(1, $140(5)175., Sui'ply small ; demand moderate. l'K t IKM.r.t U MAItliKT. Coal-Oil Prime white, wboleaalo lots, 15a par gallon. Clrveland, O , Febrnary 5. Petro leum steady; a w., 110, Sjc. PiTT...niiRO, Pa., February 5. Petro cum dud butateatiy; Na'ioual transit cert, licates opuned at 831c and closed at 83Jo; highest piice, 84c; lowett, 83c. WIIIHKT, WINfcN, 1.M14J4MIS, KT4'. Whisky Straight Kentucky Bour bon, St. Louis, Mo , February 5. Whieky stcfdy, $1 10. Chicmoo. Ill,, February 5. Whisky rtuiy,$l 10. Cincinnati, O, February fi. Whitikyflrm, $1 10; tales f 1122 tit' re la of finished goods on t'lis basis. n(444INia Al I IKS. BAOdiNti-Jute, 9,011c; flax, 100 10t:, according to weight. Ties, $1 20 (4i 25. NAii.8-f2jiO02r.. I.I VK NlOt'H. Cincinnati, O.; February 5. Hogs steady; common and light, $3 20 4 10; packing and butchers', $104 40. Koceip'.s, 1H35 head; shipments, 696 head. Kansas Ciiv, Mo., February f. The Live Stock Indiratur reports: Cat tle receipts, 1034 head; shipments. 301 bead; shipping grades slow aud weak, butchers' aciivo and a ohade higher; ex portors, $.05 10; good to choice shipping. $4 00ii4 90; common to medium, $3 900 4 50; stockers aid feeders, $2 600 3 76 ; cows, $203 20. Hogs receipts, 4814 head ; shipments, 2522 bead; choice weak; common, 50 10c lower; good to choice, $404 10; light and mixed, $3 0:03 90. Sheep receipts, 1025 head; shipments, tone; active; good to i-hoice, $3(5 3 ( 0; common to medium, $2 2502 90. Chicaoo, III., February 6. The Droxtri Journal reporta: Cattle re ceipts, 5560 bend; shipment, 2900 bead ; market stronger and ino-e active; shipping steers, 9"0 t 1500 poundH, $3 6005 7a; stockers and feeders, $2 5004; cowp, bolls and mixad, $1 6003 75; bulk, $2 5002 75. Shipments of cattle Thursday were 48'X) beatl, the larger t for inaDy weeks. Hogs receipts, 22,600 head ; ship ments, 8000 had; market slow and a shade Wf a'xer ; rouh and mixed, $3 70 04 10; packing mid shipping, $4 100 4 60; light, $3 6004 15; skips, $2 60 03 60. Sheep receipts, 40J0 head ; shipment, 1000 bead; market strong ; natives, $205 10; -Texane,$2 250 3 80; lambs, $400. NEW TOIIIi DKIHUOON MAKHKT. Nkw York, February 5. Heavy woolens and worsted a-e receiving more attention and otders have heen pi iced for large qr.ii The t ilia of the cotton g tods market ia firmer and stocks of desirable goods are very light, while many are cleaned up. Agents have advanced B acketine XXX bleached to 8c; IVpperell K brown to 61 o and Constitution C tf in bmwn to Me. A Valuable Paten Danay' (Horae) l einsnd Pea Plan let. HAVING perfected my invention, I wirh o place it before the public, especially m-irofacturo". As a rorn Planter, it is a pertsot u. eels opens tb drill, diitribates the teed a.-e.rau., uuiuiered, and eovers the same, thereby one man performing the work of three. Th have been used in this section for over doton years with per fect satisfaction. Can live respuLiibl testi monials. address JOHN U. DANCY, Dsncyvllle, Bay wood county , lenn. RIVERS AD STEA3IR0ATS. 81 KASIK8 I.I.AVI.VU THIS I) AY. X'ew Orleans.. ..C.i. P. Canfrtav. 5 p.ui. Whit River .....DaSiiKT, 5 p.m. Cincinnati JtMK W. Ui e, 5 p.m. Cincinn;.ti......Ni w Maav lloi uriiN, lOa.ui MONDAY, friars roint.-..CAKOaU, 5 p.m. Arkansas City..KaTi An tut, i p.m. Orreola ..Dgag Adams, 5 p.m. Tiptoaville - (lavoao, S .ui. MOVENtlKls) AT TIIK LKV:C Arriraii. H 'tie, St. Fran cis river; Joe Peters, Arkansas river. fjCiJ in t of. Dean Adam?, Joj Tetors and Reno Macready. Bonn ihtt Down. Charles Morgan and Jaues W. GlT. A'wiU Dxit (.p. C.bas. P. Choiittau, DcSmet and New Mary Iloutt ju. Kerelple Vraierly. Joe Peteis (brought out of Arkansas rivet) 031 1 a'ea to'tuii, 1205 ska seed and lot eutidrie. mi I'kk novKsirKr. The Joj Peters, C.tpt in K. B.Smiib, is the next packet for Arkansas river. The Leu Liue packet Monday are tie Coahorra for Friars l'oiut, aud Dean Adams (or Oscet l.t. The Giiyoso, Capt. W. P. Hal, ii the packet Monday eveniug at 5 o'clock fir Hales Point, Tipionville and all way poiuta. J. P. Walt is in her cilice. Till Kate Adams, C.ipt. Mark li Cheek, is lilt) United States mail pai k et Monday evening t i o'clo.-k for Iltileua, Atkani-aa G ty ami nil way landings. W. U. Blunk.r is in her ol'.lce. The O. line steamer New Mary Ho iston, Capt. I.ew Kates, wil! pass up this morning a' 10 o'clock for Cin cinnati and a I inieruiediale po'.iitann the Ohio river. James Aluxu ider is in her cfllce. The elesatit passenger steamer Cluu. Morgan, Cupt. G. Wash Thompson, ia the O Line packet ti-dy for Vicks burg, Na'chta, New Oi leans ami a I iiitirinediale landings). CIibh. Church lirta cliit'ge cf her ctll.'p, assisted by Huriy M Her. Tub DeSmet, I' Milt K. Harry, Is tl.e packet this evouing it', 5 o'clock fir all 'point.-! on While river, going through t Newport and making con nections with pucketo for upper White and I'.lnck rivers. Albert MeUhre is in hnr olllce, a aisled hy Hugh Smith. Tub James W. Gall', dipt. John S. June, is the pxeket thia evcnintr at 6 o'clcck for Ouiro, Louisville, Cincin nt ti aud all way landing ou the Ohio river. H. O. Bruce and Lew llrggi sro her clerk. The Gatl will give cheap ni'eo to all points North aud Kat Tu great iron stenmny Charles P. Cl o itm i, CVpt. Win. H. Thorwegan, will do ibtlfs bo found in p.rt this mo'niug and leaves Again this even ing at 5 o'c'o k for Helena, Arkansas City, Greenville, Now Orleans and all way 1 Hidings. Geo. Miltenbergi.r is in charge of her olllce, Bash-ted by Clotn Nolte. UKNtIIAI. fttMS. 1'liJ. INK-IS dllll. W i;tiikk warmer, Si.oi'i'v and til I on foot. KiVKnfullof (bating Ice yeslerdny. Tub I), an Aihuii lnya over on au coulI ol Ice. Kkckiiti liy rivor yesterday 137 bale:) cotton and J205 Backs seed. Ins river here stands 18 feet 8 tent lis on the gaug, a fall of 4 to.illiB the last 24 hours. The Chsrlei P. Chouteau, Do Smtt and New Mary HoiiHton, due up, will doubtless be found in port this nioru i K- Tub James W. Gall and Gay oho are dun down for this place and the Charles Morgan for New Orleans is likoiy ti be in port ibis morning. TiinK ne Macready returned yes terday morning. She found lots of Ice in St. Francis river and bad to turn buck wilhoit .computing her trip. A tkhoram received yetterday from the steamer E. W. Cole repo.ts ice running very htuvy in Ailmnsaa river, bailee tho steamer Jon Peter will not leave for Pine Bliill thi. rf ternoou. BJCincinnati Timn Star, 4'h : "Tlie ice in the river Is aUuuthi'.t and hr.". ,'y, a id prevel. tl any movement' on the part cf the packet. H is Hf to predic1 that navigation will bs tulally sus pended tiuriiig Ilia la'aice of the week, barring, perhaps, the depiut ire of a boat for nlcuipliid and one lo: New Orlians." Sr. L'.uh A'7)t(Wi'f(iii, 4th : "Things remain about as thsy hnvo been since the fr.HZ) up in the harbor here, aud tho day o( deliverance is apparently as far diatant as it was last week. Speculation continues rife as to the prol.uMe outcome tl the ice gorge, and every stoamboa'man bos a theory of his own concerning It." Tub cotton-seed, some 30,000 (it :ks, which belonged to the Greeuville Oil Company, and saved at the time of the recent fire which consumed the mill, will be shipped t Euioe. Mr. Bil lingnlea 1 in contracted with the Hig bee A. Jackson Transportation Compa ny to take them to New Orleans. The Btf timer Arthur Lambert and barges are en route to Greenville to load the seed. Marine Journal: "The Biard of Supervising Inspectors rf Steam Yes eels bitve been in session a week. They have familiar with the datiei before them and are getting through with their work rapidly. Sev eral amendments to the rules have been made and a few device for use on steam vessels have been approved. Kule 11. section 2, relating to the loca tion of fusible plug in boilers, has been amended by striking out the fol lowing wonls where they occur; 'And at lea t twelve diameters of the tube above lower crown sheet, and said plug roti be placed in the upper bead sheet when deemed adviaab.e by the local inspct t irs.' "Section 20 of rulo 3, rela'irgto the loca'ion of bBrgi ligh's when in tow of steam vesee s, has been repealed, so as to cor f -rm to a recent decision of the Uhiled Sttit'sDistrictCoiirt.which d"t iiies that it is beyoid the compe tent authority a' the board of super vising inspectors to establ'sh such light. Kule 5, section 3, ha been ro amended that river engineers on bigh presQure stunners will hereafter be classed as chief and assistant high pressure engineers, instead of first and second engineer, rj heret fore. Sec tion 11 of rule 14, relating to vertical tubular boilers, has been stricken out. It rt a Is as follows: " ' Vertical tubular boilers ( built after September 1, 1885), shall not be used on steamers (upon any navigable wti'.crs of the United S.atfS) uuless the water line is at least two inches above the upper end of the tubes and fire line.' The llazlton boiler of New York, md the Shipman bo ler of Kochester, N. Y., are before the boud for approval; also a steam-recording gauge, which, it is claimed, will record the steam pressure correctly without I interference f r a ye.-.r or morn. If th'S can be proved, the board ramot d. otlirwipfl than adopt the gauge, a a law uf Ccngres requires it." W PATH t R ASD KIVER. Oieirg Sii.xai. SxRvtCg, 0. S. A., ) Mtm-His, Ts., Febraary 5. 1 p.m.) The loll wing nts). v tioi.s ye taken at all stations name 1 at 75 J meridian tits, which ia one hour bister than Memphis time. I Changes. Above r low watei Kissi. Fall. TITI.ISS. as S g S a 3 a S cr c a" r w " c m Cai-o I 21 .5 1 1 Chattanooga 7 9 1 Cincinnati ... 22 6 1 Dtvenport. . Pubu'iue 9 ...... Kurt Mi.itn. . 5 1 1 Kookuk Ueletia 27 4 8 La Crso .... Leavenw'ih . Litil Rock . ... - l.o.lirville. ... 9 4 4 Heuil.lll. . IS H 41 Nashville ...,i 12 . 3 1 3 New OrU'ns.. 8 9 ...... 1 Omaha ' 1'ittaburg .... 3 8 1 b St. Lou i I 17 8 1 St. Paul I Shreveport ...1 13 3 Vi,' ...' 27 7 3 hr..leu. EvANsvms, Febrnary 5. Noon Kiver failing, and lull of ice. Naviga tion suspended. PiTTsHPim, February 5. Noon Kiver 4 feet 3 inches onth" go"ieand ( tiling. either clear and cold. Cincinnati, February 5. Noon Biver falling, wilh 22 feet 8 inches on tlu gauge. Weather clear and cold; thermometer 16". Heavy ice running. Cairo, February 5. Noon Kiver 23 feet 8 inches on the gauge and fall ing. Weather clear and cold. Arrived: John A. Wood and tow, O.iio river, K a.m. Departed: John A. Wood aud tow, New Orleans, 11 a.m. LoriHVii.LE, February1 5. Noon Kiver stationary, wi'h 9 feet 5 incline in the canal and 7 feet 3 it.cne ou the lalle. Business dull. Wea'ber cold and severe. Arrived: Go'den Cro n, Cnciiinati. KvMrv thin; l.ia up uaiil the ico runs out. Movement rirnnn Nlsamsrs. New York, February 6. Arrived: Wit'sland, Antwerp. SI'KAMItll I N. FOR NKW ORLEANS. TOIL NEW ORLEANS. For llolcni, Terrene, Ark insas Oily, Clraen V i I le. New Orleans and prinnlp-tl way landings I he ureal Iron Steamer u iti.i:s i. 'iiki ri:ii, 'l'Oorw-sen mastor. Will leave SATIUIUAY, Feb. 6th. at p wi. For (reightor passage spplyat 3 Madison St., or to II C. LOW!.. Ageut. ('.ill Telephone No 52 M )RJ .OU1SV1LLE fi CINCINNATI Meinitils and Clncltinntl I'm ket Co. rU IMVll.l.r A CINriNMATI. Jam cm We WulIxSJgH John F. .Lines. ..master. Will leave THIS DAY, Feb. 6th, at J p.oi. For .reightor oass.ea to O. U. HUH SKL1 . A.ent. No. 12 Madison st. Telephone Xo. 227.J0I1 N CA It II, Passenaer Agent. Soitlliera Transportation Co. O. Line -For Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati Sir. New Mary Houston. - Lew Kate" .... master. Will leave SATURDAY, Ke 6th, at 10 a m. For freight or parsaa apply to C. 11 Ht I 4 SELL, A.ent. 12 Vlniliantl at, Tele..hoe 'm. LEE LINK STEAMERS. " amtiitsi.'iM.e rinrp Pih tsusi gs null t)hfHl t'nelis! i:ostn,iy. trar'talena. tllendnle, Friars Point and all M a Landings Steamnr Coahoma, jSSfe K. T, Chyfett . -nsjiUr I Piatt UUou....g vol leave as above on every MONilAY. WEUXKHUAY and FRIDAY, at 6 o'cloak.j Fir Randolph. Fulton. Oseaola and Way Lanuin, s-Steamer I) KAN ADAMS, J. n. Cooper, master... J. W.fmithert.olerk Leaves as every MONDAY, W KIM fclc.UA K and FIllDAY at f p.m. The boats uf this Hue re.erve the riant to paai all anding the 'aotaln may deem unsafe, Ofloe, No, 4 Me,n.s .1 A M KH I.Wh!. ,T., '- 'I'1)" Sf.FranclH Ulver TrunHuertuUoi Co.'s vine Hi le-W heel tl. 8. Mail Re e Macready, r.T 0. K. Joplln .."ler, WILL LKAVft. IMKyit'lllN KVKH1 T I' .:;, A V, at 5 o'elnok, for Marlanna. the Cat-Off. and Intermediate landings on Ht. Francis river. The caption resorves the right to pas all landing he deems unsafe. JAH. LKK, Ja., ofll.. Ma. 4 Mtd.-on s. MemplilV Wliilc Hirer 1'kt.Co KJ. H. MAI Fa L1XE. ST?. CHICKASAW, r t. C. Pci'al . mat tar : C. .V. .' Kal....oii i mi Ii.irenoion, Oeivati. IllnfT, Den Arf, , Av,,-iiat)s. .V ! eiriprl nml saeatrey. LIVL'.l MKMI'UIH Very WKDNKDaV, attip m. Ihronth rain to all point. Fro gh oonslgned le " Memphis and W lilt rt mr Packet Ctmpany ''.It baforwarded protupUv li. u I.OWR. A tent. N s Vrtlann st Teleohoae No. M.. FOR TIPTON VILLE. C r Osoaoia, Hales foint Carutnersvnlt. Osy.iso -d Tinti.nvllle The new stswurr W. P. Hall muUr I J. D. Fuller oletk, will leave as above, and all way nolfls. KVKHV MONDAY and THURSDAY at 6 .Pneffelpoenasjrennlvnn MeuiplilH and VIckHharg Packet C'oui pany U. H. Hall Line. KATE ADAMS, M. K. Cheek. ..master W. V. Blanker.TelarK For Helena, l oncordia, Terrene and Arkan sas City The elegant passenger steamer Leave Memphis EVERY MONDAY and TUUKSDAY, at ft, reserving the right to pas all landings thecaptain may deem unsafe. For general information apply at oftce. No, 4 Madison street. K. WALWORTH. Agent. .KillV CARTt. Paaa'r Arent.Telei.hona It. FOIt WHITE ItlVElt. MILT llAHKT'N Mcuiidil9,VhlteJt Black Klrer Packet For Ileiena, Indian Bay, Bt. Charles, Clar endon, DeVails Uluff. ties Are, Augusta, Jacksonport, Ilatesville, Powbattan and Pocahontas. The new and elegant side wheel paaaenser steamer OcNifiis'JV &dS Milt Harrv - master. Will leave KVKKY SATURDAY at 6 o'elock p.m. Through rates to all point. Fraight eoniigned to Milt Uarry Line, Memphis, will be promotly lorwar.led. C. B. HUSSKLL, Agent. Telephone 227. Offiee li Mad iaoa si. Jksb Tl Kit.i. Passenger As-enC ws rrataov ei tseaaiiaS Jcaii4ia, Ui.t.1 rawnSS m,w. k uaalaMMMfSavs. an.l LlMt W. lux aolxl com!,. St'le, ami la . rr aag..aa oVa. Aleett J laa. t. Non-Kesldont Notice. No. Anno. R.D. In the Chaneery Court ef eh Ihy cou -ty, Tenu.-Alary iey vs. M. H. Crugeretal. It ap. .earing from Sheriff's retnm in this eiuae that the defendant, M. R. Crager. i not to be found in hi count v : It is therefor ordered. That he make Bir appearanca herein, at tbe courthouse l county, n Memphis, Tenn., on ortw. fore the first Monday in March, IHyl. ( plead, answer or demur to eomplainanVl (ill., or he same will be taken for eonlesMv as to him and sat for hearing ex parietal) that a copyofthi order be pub ishedni, a week, for four sureessive weeks, ln;t( Memphis Appeal. Thi19ia day of Jaaaai 18oo. A copy attest : S. I. ta.'DOWKLL, CTerk aid Master. By II. F. Walsh, Deputy Clerk and Master. Tiylur Jk Carroll, Sols, for eompl'at. rut-. IOeMl M' J nt. i pvs.j t Yaaaraat Bt Ui , f Ml)ir!eU.f. t 1 Wrdoai; kf Oia a Jvw... o.wImI rt. laoaa.t VVVasj 8alirrtaiwa