! I n J I.' - V DAILYISD UEEKLYA1TE1L nun of mi RiPTios DAILY 0a twar " jx momAt - Iil-M Mllkl 110 on .... 5(0 2M 1 uo I 2 00 . 1 w I 1 00 HO rarraaaoaa- Oaa mamth ... M s BIT. 0 y' D eacnaraa... Ok war...... Ta Caalrlfcutara at. written ene aiaeoi in. uuy .u,., with til other nttun connected with the editorial department, ihoald be addressed : T'i tsi Kditob or til ArriaL, Memphis, TeB We cat tot, u a rule.indertax to retura axticiea ot found suitable fir publication. Oar mail booka ar kept by poatoBoM, ana sot by iBdtviduaJ aaaee. Wa aolirit lettara aad eoMBBloetloBa ipo sub acta of fanarai Intereat, but luck awl el wars M MMmpuW b thBeeaend address of th writer, aa a f.aaraataa of hia cood faith and rpoBaibility. Wo aotlo eaabaUkaaol antayaoua eemmaBloa tlons. , - . fa ordoriBf paperi changed from ,011 poat office to aaotbar, tha aaoiaa of both poat omcea thoald ba ilrta. Specimen copies aaat free of charge. R alias! lattara ahonld ba addreaeed I OALLAWAT A KEATING, M. f. Gn.LiviY J. M. KrT:i. Second etree', MamrhiN. Twin. MEMPHIS APPEAL. Tl'ESIMV, : : MAKCII 9, lHStt Til K Bt'll1 MTl'ATIOM. TLe returns of thirty clearing-house-a published in detail on our thiid page still 'how gains over last year. The week's total increase over the corresponding time in-1885 was 29.5 per cent.; outside ol New York, 25.4 per cent., an amount that tells well (or general tiade, as the New York returns include Wall street spec ulations. Upon the increase list were Chicago, I' ll per cent.; St. Louis, S3.2; Cincinnati, 43.(1; Louisville, 25.1; Kansas CUy, S3 9; New Orleans, 5 9. and Memphis, OH per cent. There were six cases of decrease, one of which down 19 14 4; none of the others was 7.7 per cent. ; one was a low aa 0.i. Such a showing is an en cauraging contrast to the weekly re ports of a large part of lait season, especially when we remember the Im mense sdowj that have impeded busi ness beyond the ordinary winter's in flictions; the obstructions from strikes, the dragging wheat market and the extremely low price of cotton. If un der these and other obstacles trade can show as good a front as the clear ings indicate, we may take courage and go on with confidence, not forget ting to have caution also in the train. In many instances the strong and de termined attitude of strikers, and especially the application of the "boy cott," are producing effects so power ful as to indicate an approaching crisis, so often anticipated between capital and lubor. The anxiety en gendered by this has a checking effect, weakening confidence in the immedi ate future. There is a movement on hand to introduce a series of ttrikes on a large scale in May, with a view to reducing working hours to eight each day. when difficulties are ex pected to increase. The strikes exist ing are all over the country from San San Francisco to Maine, and the bold ness and firm policy with which most of them are conducted renders prop erty men thoughtful. Railroad build ing proepec's are much beyond those of last spring; projects and surveys are numeious. The building trade opens up well in most places. In miniag districts an active year la confldontly looked for. Inside the cotton belt the very low price of the staple has lobbed the season of Its brightness, and the planting season approaches amid much discouragement, but whether the result will be some departure, at least, from the course of "all cotton," remains to be seen. Hopes to that ef fect are below par, Our Memphis clearings the last month have shown the effect of low priced colon upon business. New York reports money easy lit 2 with oilers at 2 per cent, a rate that will check the tendency to invest in Kumao. Still some go'd is going over eveiy week, but the Bank of England rate is only 2 per cont. On Thursday the Treasury received 1385, 000 hr redemption. The silver ques tion still dnvjs on with an apparently hopeless prospect cf deliverance, which is a check on our opening pros, pects. In business the politician is a ditliulty incorrigible. The House Bank ing Committee has decided to investi gate financial and banking interests, it is hoped with a view to reforms and the introduction of sound improve ments. Liit Wednesday $1,118,800 in gold was. shipped to Europe; up to $1,555,000 was engaged to go during the week. The Bank of Eogland bai its rate down us low as it can put it, and it la expected to stay.'there for some time to come. The Little Rock Ga-.'Me repoits money there at 10 per per cent, to bank customers, with an euiy money market. The Nashville turiVnn repoitibnnk business rather quiet, collections improved; loan ac count reduced to the lowest point, and accumulations seeding investment east The New Orleans Thaimc repoits a continuance of bank monotony, but financial conditions are healthful and prices generally low, which raises ex pectation or a reaction; losal money abundant and cheap. As spring be gins to approach there is a peiceptible movement toward a higher plane, and expectations are assuming a decidedly more cheerful aspect. KOaU: Illl.L III RPIIONF. TROI. KLK. The Bell Telephone Company has used its powers in a way that has brought upon it the accusation ot ex tortion. It is statsd that the cost of a complete telephone instrument is J:; 42, and that the total average ex psnd tire for "plant" lor each tub ecriber is about $11. In Indiana the Legit la . ura pa;se J an act requiring that tbe monthly rent ol ea;h tele phone should not exceed $3, instead ofthef " that l ai been charaed. A auil was instituted by the company, in the Supreme Court of the State, when that court decided that telephone com panies, like tt legraph companies, are c. mmon arriers, and as smb. eome under KttU j jrisdirtion, and alsi that the 'aw reducing the charge for the ose cf instruments is constitutional. Ia consequence cf this decision, the com; any has announced its intention to withdraw from doing bnsiness in Indiana. They allege ai the reason for this step that the expense of the instruments and tervice is such that $30 year for ttizh user of the telephone w 11 not pay tbem to continue the businees where they are limiUid to that amount They also state that they hall appeal to the United State Su preme Court againat the decision of the Indiana com t, The notice comes from tha local company, but its con nection with the main company de stroys any more than a formal differ ence between the two. The Investiga tion which such a suit will insure, and the investigation into the validity of the Bell patent which the general gov ernment is about to make, show tt at the power of the Bell monopoly to extort is probably appro ictiing Its term. At all eventf, should the Su preme Court confirm the Indiana de cision, as is very confidently expected, other f-tiles will, in the same way, re duce extortionate charges. In Ne York a rut mm re lor such a purpose is already before the L?KiUture. The action of the company in threatening to close its cilices in Indiana is re garded a) taken for the purpose of compelling the acceptance of its terms, but the general effect will be to excite and increase the opposition which already exists to etravRunt charges. qUADltlTLK MURDER. 0K Ol TIIK MWNT HOIllllHl.t: CHIMIN 0 III.IOKD. AaEatlro raaally Killed by at Boy, IbtSonaad Bralhrr of the Ylrllina. Onaiik Mikhion, Kan., March S. Onu of the! most horrible nnmier ever know n in this county hum perpetrated tliix morning near this place. Mr. Mendel, living thirteen miles north west of town, wan awakened about 1 o'clock thin morning by a ncrcani. lie went to the door inul wiih met lv Willie ScIIh, the mm of a neighbor, J. M.KcIIh. TIio boy cried out: "Mr. Mendel, a man in at our lioune w ith a hatchet and ban hurt father Hiid mother, I don't know how badly." Mr. Mendel went with tho bov, aroiiHing ,1. I. liiie, another neighbor, on the way. I'iioii reaching ScIIh'm Iioiimo u iniiht horrible wight met their even. In tin-bed in the north room lay Walter, Willie's oldest brother and bed fellow, aged nineteen, bin throat cut and the entire top of bin head chopped oil', exposing the brain ami bis left eye hanging upon Imn check. Taming into the Mouth and main room, where a light wan burn ing, they Htumbled over the proHtruUi form of Mr. ScIIh, bin head crushed and almost ncvered from bin body. Near by lay Mrs. Sells, a lady of forty three veins, her head mushed ami u fearful gash in her throat. On the bed in the southeast corner of thin room lay on W Illie's sister, aged fourteen, killed in the same niannerastheother three. Lying near Mr. Sells's head was a bloody butcher knife ami on a chair a hatchet, matted with hair and blood. The hoy said that he had heel) awakened by something ami looking ii saw n low, heavy-set man with dark hair, cut close, standing in the door. The man stepped in and reach ing over Willie, struck Watty, who lay in the back of the bed. Willie jumped out ami dressed w bile the man was still in the room. The ninn rushed out of one door w hile Willie ran out of the other, and started up the road on a run, Willie after him. A short distance off stood n mall on horseback, holding another horse, upon which the man vaulted and both made oil'. Willie then went into Mendel's. Alter the bodies had been discovered Kice took line lioine with him, where he slept soundly till morning. A coroner's jury was im paneled, and the subsequent investi gation brought forth much tiom the boy. Suspicion rested upon him ami he was put upon the stand. Me swore that lie bad not washed his hands since .the murder, but inspection showed that while his hands and wrists were (lean there was a water mark about which Ins lorearms were iteeplv en crusted with blood, which appears to have spurted up his sleeves. A round his linger nails, too, was blood. Upon removing Ins pants Ins drawers were seen to be saturated with spattered blood, and bis bare feet were covered with the same sanguine thiid. His (ret lilted nil the bloody footmarks to be found. The bov stoutlv denied being the murderer, and main taiued a bold front throughout. Th, eonc'Uiion of the inquest was VostiHined until to-morrow. The bov was smuggled into a buggy by Toliee Judge ' I'ainbern and leplltv-Sberiff , i i . - .1 . f.ii':.. i..'. i.ocKe ami unveil 10 nie jau in r.ne for (ear of I vnching, which appeared imminent. On the wav to Krie he said to Mr. Oambern: "Those fellows tried to get me to say that 1 did it, but I thought it would be In-st not to admit it." There is bin dlv a doubt but that the Ihiv committed the dreadful crime though no motive is known. Mr. Sells Inul in bis pocket-book JHH) in gold nndilTOin bills, which were not dis turbed. besides three watches. John Hall of Krie lias been appointed guardian ot the hoy. Mali) ot Murrtfr la Ibo Ural De- ajr. laraoML to the rrL.I Nasiivii.i.k, Tknn., March 8. Bun ltrown. one of the murderers of Frank Arnold, known as tho headless horror, was to-day found guilty of murder in the first degree. Profeaaloaal Ktlqnetle Prevents some doctors from advertis ing their skill, but we are bound by ro such convention! rules, and think that if ws make a discovery that is of benefit to our fellows we ought to snread the fact to the whole lend Then fo'e we cause to -be published throughout the land the fact that Or. I.. Pierces "Uolden Medical l;s eorcry" is the bott krown remedy for cent-umntion ('cnfula of the lungs) and lindred d nases. Send 10 centi in ntsnips f jr Dr. Pierce's complete htatiseon consumption, witSi unsur prised means of If-trea'ment. Ad dress Weill's Ilfpeneaiy Medical Aa-nciation, fiti3 Main street, Buffalo, N.Y MEIHPIIIS DAILY EMPLOYER AM OHM. THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CAPI TAL AND LABOR. Interview With Grand Macter Work man Powderly or the Knights of Labor. Tb i la Dtxrn l , PA.,March 8. G rand Master Workman Powderlv.the bead of the Kolifbts of Labor organization, wno is in this city attending a meet ing of the General Executive Board, said lo-night to a representative of the Associated x'reas that be had receivea no summons to 8l Louis to settle the difficulties between the striken and the Gould system c f roads ; that there is no significance in the fact that ao many striken are now in pi ogress in the United States by assemblies of the Koigbtaof Labor. "It ia coinci dence, merely," said he, "and there is no concerted action contemplated by the order, as has been suggested, the strikes being incidental, and. I think, chiefly owing to the fact that this is just the beginning of tha spring trad and the opening of a period of prosperity in business." MB. POWDKIlLir Ucon being asked whether be did not think that the increase in the number of strikes just now was owing to the knowledge of an increased power by the organlzitlons of labor, said: "I doubt it, aid I think that I cn speak for tbe General Executive 15c a rd. 1 do not thine that it is wise to inaugurate to many strikes unless it can he shown there is an extreme necesity for them. If many of the men who are striking would display a little more common tense and use a little more patience, they would get all they are striking for and save their time and money in tbe bargain. If they would exercise proper modera tion in their negotiations with their employers and submit their claims, firmly made and properly represented to arbitration, I am free to lay that I am sure trat nine out of ten ciues which end in a strike could be a satis factorily arranged without resorting to such an extreme and generally doubt ful expedient. Indeed, in the nine cases there would be no necessity for a ttrike. There is a feeling now that labor mutt be recognised by the em p'oyer; that tbe employer must listen to the employes, and tha lime tut come when the shopman, the mill owner, tbe manufacturer in every de partment of trade, is ready to listen to the demands of the men, and to yield to them when those demands are reasonable. Organltation, discipline and realization of the right and the might in the case has brought about tbiB change, and these advances on the part of tbe employers should not be repulsed by hasty and inconsiderate action on tbe rart cf the working men." ARBITRATION TBI KEMKDY. "Arbitration, then, and not strikes ia the theory of the order?" said the reporter. " x es, arbitration always when it is rowible; strike only as a last retort. But when that point is reached strike hard, strike in earnest acd never sur render, except to just concessions. Why, this board I pointing to the mem bers who were listening) has, since the lit ot January, settled by arbitra tion ibO cases, which would otherwise have resulted in strikes without tbe gaining ot a single point by the strik ers. Tbe Knight of Labor and the other labor organizations in sympathy with its plans constitute, at the pres ent time, the most powerful organiza tion ot woiktngmen ever Known tu the history ot the woili. Its strength is increasing every day, and its intluence is felt every day in every branch ot trade in this country, it is dangerous to abuse this power. It can always inslet upon just demands care fully considered and thoughtfully sug- feeted. It cannot afford to fritter (self away upon every little pretense ot wrong, hastily formulated and pig- headedly insisted upon. The growth of tbe power ol labor should be an occasion for calm deliberation and moderation. Tbe workingmen should be careful to see to it that they do not sap and undermine their Hrengtn by extreme demands and unreasonable araumDtion ol ImDOitance and power. It is. as some one has said before me, a good thing to have the power of a giant, but it is an evil thing to use it like a giant, it was tbe disposition on the part of the employer to refuse to treat with his w orkingmen that made the labor organizations a necessity to them. Now that we have tbe power which comes from organization, we must use thBt power wisely and moderately, and be careful that we do not change position with the em- nlover and refuse to treat with him, except it the point of tbe pistol or the ttrike, which is about the same thing. A stnke should be the last re sort, when everything else has tailed, and net an every-day expedient, which, used a) such, loses its power aa it increases in frequency. In the old assemblies, which are familiar with our plana and purnojea, strikes were infrequent. It is the new, and as yet not fully informed organiza tions, which, upon sometimes insulli cient and frequently trivial causes, makes the final and desperate appeal. As oar organization grows there will then be less strikes, because there will be lees necessity for them. Our power will be, in time, greater than men now think. It will last so long as we use it wisely. (And it will be CO used). No power la lees lm pertant than the constituent itself. STRIKES THI LAST RESORT. "Is the strike the last resort of the Knights of Labor?" asked the re porter. The Master Workman smiled. "I see," said be. "what you are driving at. A strike is a bad thing. Boycott is immense in its results. A strike stops production merely; a boycott kills it A strike for a week is only tbe loss of a week's business, trade and wages. A boycott tor a week can be tbe utter ruin of the business it self. We have never failed in a boy cott which has been ordered by the General Committee. Its effectiveness is undoubted, but it is an extreme power which we use with caution." "Is there not danges" said the re porter, "that your organization may become engaged in political move ments and thus lose its power?" ' I hive no fear of that. The mat ter involved in the existence and work ot the Knights of Labor are nearer to its members than matters of partisan politics. We have here as you see on this committee members of the two old parties, a Greenbarker, and (with a smile) other cranks like myself. We are net politicians here. We have a method of dealing with those who, as tome have, entered our ranks t) serve political ends; we turn them out. We have bad no part in ro!lt ice. It is bread and butter.the riirhta of the emrloved. the matsrtal and conceit, things of every day life, tfct constitute the elements which do now and always will bold us together, APPEAL TUESDAY, and thef e are stronger than pait.f an r.oliiiral t;es. That is why I do not fcarthe intrusion of colitirs when people talk, as sometime they do, about using the Knights cf Labor as a political engine; tbey ;oter fie most arrart nonsense. It is not worth while to disenrs the matter with such s nun. He is i-i'her a iiar or an empty-headed fool. In conclusion Mr. Powderly raid that the Knights ot I aTor as an or ganization had nothing ti do with tbe strike in tbe bitumens coal region. as tbe miners were nnder a serarate organization, but he was -atiffied the day was very near when all the labor organizttions of the country would be united nnder one general supervis ion and central. He will remain in Philadelphia with tbe General Com mittee several days, unless called away, aa he thinks poeeble, to the Weet to arrange the difficulties there. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. MR ULADNTOSiE'M LANDLOBDM' APPROPRIATION M HE.If K. Tha Praaalar Herlaaaly ladlaaaaed (BLtraaaaa Iba Itl.b l.laada- aroaaaa riasaaeea. London. March 8. Mr. Gladstone has so far progressed with the land lords' anoronriat on scheme as to re quire the cervices of. Sir Henry Turing. Parliamentary Uonnsel to tbe govern men t, to draft the details of the bill. lie proposes an ascending scale of rates of purchase on tbe ratio of the extent and value of tenants' hold ings. GLADHTON SERIOUSLY ILL. It has been sicertained by tbe press that t lactone is counned to bis room and has spent the time since Saturday in bed. Ministeis required by the ex igencies of State business to call npon him have been received in his bed- loam. He attends to necessary corre spondence by dictation. WORK M KM DISCHARGED. The London and Noithweatern Rail way Company bai issued an order dis charging 1000 navvies. The nien thrown out of work are nearly all Irishmen. The company says the present depression in trade in Great Britain made the present act on neces sary. JOHN UOHLEY, the Chief ecrcUry for Ireland, re plying to questions in the House of Commons, this afternoon, stated that Mr. Tuke started for the islands on the Western coast of Ireland with a little money and a quantity of seed potaloss. He added, the mother gov ernment would take other measures to relieve the distress, which he said aasterribh. EUROPEAN MONK I MIRK EPS. Tha Flaanrlal Nltnalloa at LeadlaK - riDBoelnl C'enlrra. London, March 8 Discount was llrm at 1 for three months and 1 for short. Business on the Stock Ex change was active and the tone im proved, but prices were without ncti ble variation. American railway se curities were firm and dealings were brisk. Tbe fears of pool difficulties have subsided, and tbe prospects of tbe Reading reorganized are restoring confidence. All issues show a marked gain, prices c'oiicg the highest of the week. Louisville and Nashville rose 1. The aniina'ion in the cotton mar ket favors trullic prospects. Tneaay and Irr ftnlar at Paris. Paris, March 8. The Bourse was uneuiy and irregular, being disturbed by rumors of a bad budget balance, causing adverse financial prospects by the ministry. Buying was confined to foreign stock". Three per cent, rent as are down 20c. Steady aud Quiet at Kerllu. Berlin, March 8. The Bourse wa steady and quiet and changes were trifling. So 1'baaga at Fraakfort. Frankfort, March 8. There wai no change of importance on the Bourse. International securities were easier. The dividends declared by thirty-five German and Aus'rian banks for the past year are lower in one instance, higher in foutteen instances and the same in ten instances as the dividends last year. CABLEGRAMS. Lonoos, March 8. Mr. Malcolm Wcod, now chief conetabla of Man chester, will succeed Sir Edmund Hen derson as chief commissioner of the' Metropolitan police force. Loniijs, March 8. The boiler on the tug R fhmen exploded in Cardiff harbor this morning. The vessel and crew, consisting of six perton?, were blown t atoms. The cvlinder of the ergine s'ruck a passing Italian ship, a quarter it a mile distant, and killed the pilU, (JRAIJi IS MUllf. fttMeiiK'Ut or the t'talraao and Tark Bxrbansta. new Oiicaoo, March 8. The number of bushels of grain in store in the United States and Canada and the in crease or decrease compared with last week will be posted on Uiange to morrow as follows: - Wheat, 61.1!7:i,ia0; decrease, 8 .,-'!). Corn, 12,010,40:!; increase, l,r4;j,iwt. Oats, 2,02:i,5W; decrease, 224,.rHi2. Rye 707,4:t4; increase, 17S1. Barley, 14.'v 1179; decrease, .1)1,4 is. lhe amount. in the I'hieago elevators was: Wheat, 14,2id,2:!li; corn, a,L':W,423; oats, 420, 74:; rye, 264,707; barley, 14:l,."xit. latemeat af tbe Aw Tark If caaair, Nkw York, March 8. The Produce Exchange reports the following visible supplv of grain in the United States and Canada at this date, in compari son with one week ago: heat, 51,- 277,r77 bushels: decrease', Si2,lli. bushels. Corn, 12,!X!,0.")7 bushels; in crease, 4(i5,147 bushels. Oats, 2,02:1, 214 bushels; decrease, 224,(145 bushels. Rye, t74,iSri bushels; decrease, 51,5;!1. Itaiiev, 1,255,5e0 bushels; decrease, l2K,7li2 bushels. A Wlanar ar Tboaaaada Jlended a 'oal. Mr. IzidoM Schwerla is a German tailor residing at "34 Cherry street, Kansas City, afo. The filth of a Lou isiana I.nttnrv ticket had been pur chased bv Schwartz' wife as a birthday present to ber husband. On the 12th lost, the ticket drew a prize, but, as ner husband's birthday did not occur until tbe ISth inet., she decided to keep it a secret until then. Thursday night, however, unable longer to hold be secret, she told her husband of the luck that had be fallen him. He went tt his shop, sf'er sending his ticket away through the Bank of Commerce, and finifhcd a era', on which he was working. Besides the f;i0,0C0 drawn by Schwarls and Benson, Mr. Jciin W. Barnes, proprietor of the Diamond sa loon, held a whole ticket which drew $000. Altogether, it was a rretty po.)d n'ontb for Kansas City. fvaiia City Shi.) TVmc.t, Jan. 10. MARCH 9, 18SG. THE MIOM' CAPITOL DEATH OF SENATOR 3III.LEK OF CALIFORNIA. Report of the House Committee Com. on the Interstate merce Bill. Washington, March 8. Senator John F. Miller ol California died at his reeidence on Connecticut avenue, in this city, at 1 :20 o'clock this after noon, afoer a piolonged illneM. While his ondiiion has been regarded as precarious for mat.. ' weeks past, his death to-day was sudden and unex pected. At no time since his arrival in this city to attend the sessions c f this Congress bai he been regarded as entirely ont of danger, bnt he showed such wonderful recuperative powers, and rallied co often from attacks which were regarded at the time as neceerarily fa'a', that his friends have been encouraged and even looked for his ultimate recovery. His death was the resnlt of a complication of disor der arising primarily from a severe wound in the eye received during tbe war, twenty-three years ago. Tbe ballet remaided in bis bead for about twelve years be f jre it could be ex tracted, and tbe wound capped his strength and rendered him an easy victim to disease. Loss ol sleep de bilitated bis aytt'in, and attbinatia symptoms kept him in almost constant paiu. B right's disease subsequent ly began its insidious woik, and then DnOP.K'AL DIS0RDKB8 WEBB DEVELOPED. But tbiough all his illness the Sena tor showed such nerve and wi'l power that bis physicians were encouraged to hope that be might possibly re cover. Several operations were per formed, and seemed 13 give much re lief. When tbe storm pe siedover the city last night the Secator complained ol feeling mncn worse and wa troubled with asthma. His physicians were promp ly summoned and their attentions seemed to cave ouut mm np again. This morning the attend ing physician, Dr. Pope, made a careful examination of the pa tient and reported his condition as more favorable tbaa it had been for several days past. Mies Miller re minded her father that she had made an engagement with ber cousin, Mai O. C. Miller, to go to the Capitol, but she did not think she ought to go under the circumstances. Her father said it was wrong for her t) think of etaving home on Lis account. Tbe doctor said he wai better, aad in fact he did KEEL MUCH STRONGER. He nrged her so strongly that at last she consented, aud thus it happened bv her father s own con sent she was away from his bedside when he breathed bis last. Tbe news of her father's death unnerved her completely. The Senator remained auiet ud to about 1:20 o'ebek. when be became restless and asked for the doctor. A messenger was sent for Dr. Pope, but before he an vied Mr, Miller had pes.ed away, lie was conscious to the last, and took a sad farewell of bis wife, wno had been at his bedside all day. Mr. and Mrs. John Divis had c-lied a fdw minutes before and were also present wben he died. Tbe Senator leaves a w; id and one daughter. fc&jj There is no Legislature in exist ence in Caliiornia. A new one, to be elected in the autumn, will meet next January. Gov. Sionemao, who has tie appointmer.t cf Gen. Miilei'a suc cessor, is a Democrat. The remains will be taken to Cali fornia for buiial. BIOGRAPHICAL. John F. Miller cf San Francisco was born in Indiana in 1831. of parents be longing to the State of Virginia. He attended a classical academy at South Bend, and afterward pursued his stud ies in Chicago, with a view to enter college. Subsequently he altered this intention, and in 1849 began the study of the law. He was a graduate of the New York SUte Law School with the class of 1852, and scon after re turned Wes; and opened an effice at South Bend, Ind. Be forM long be packed up' for California, where he practiced as a law yer for three years. He then returned to Indiana and resumed piofessional work in that State. Mr. Miller was a member of the IndianaSenaUinlSoO He resigned to enter the army as col onel of the Twenty-sixth Indiana Volunteers. As commander of a bri gade be served under Gens. Sherman, Buell, Rowcraos and Thomas. He waa severely wounded in the battles of Stone River and Liberty Gap. Sub sequent to his promotion to the rank of Brigadier General he commanded the Itf; division of 8000 men in the batt'e of Nashville, and was brevetted a MBjor General for con epicuous courage. At the chice of the war Uen. Miller was cfl'died a high commiesion in toe tegular army. This he declined, and returned to Califor nia, where he was Collector of tho Port of San Francisco four years. He declined it appointment to that ctliae. In 1872, 1876 and 18S0 Mr. Miller was a Republican candidate lor Presiden tial elector. He was a member of tbe California State Constitutional Con vention in 1870. Senator Miller's tsrm began March 4. 1881, and exeired March 3, 18S7. He sat on tbe Repub lican Bide of the Senate. Senator Mil ler was oaeof the wealthiest members of the Senat?, his fortune being ee t matad at from $4,000,000 to ft,000,000, and was a great favorite at the capi-ah his house being one of the most notsd in W ashington for tu elegant enter tainments. WASHl.NHiOX S0TES. 1 he Virginia Boa t'aara. Washington, Mjirch. 8. The Su preme Court of the United States to day denied the niotiou. of W. N. Royal to give preference over all cases to suits coming from theSlateor Federal ( 'ourts of Virginia, involving tlieoues tion of the constitutionality of tbe coupon laws. airport be lrat t'ouinierea Bill. WisiiixoTo.N, March 8. The reisift of the Committee on Commerce upon, the interstate commerce bill was pre sented to tho House to-day. Alter explaining the details of the meanre, itsavs: It is believed that the cisict luen't and enforcement of such law would provide for the just and i-ees-jwvrv abridgement of the monopoly powers of these corporation ami pro tect the people against unreasonable charges and extortionate Actions, and will at the same time not interfere with or embarrass tbe nmnarnient of milrond corporations in anything which is reasonable and just. The committee believe it wiser ami bet ter to provide for the enforcement of such a law through the. instrumental ity of the ordinary courts of just ice iw the imlires aiid juries of tbe country than bv th; orders of a com mission. Tho machinery of the courts is already in existence and will re quire no additional expeuso, and it is within convenient reach of the people KieCzUOR TO HI TAILOR, DRAPER and IMPORTER, 88 3VEcliou. Bti'eot, fnrdmllr inrltea an intr-aMion of hta Large, Fre'h and Varic-il KFari5CO aad Mia.Wt.i HlwC K ol Knarl h, Krenrh ud llrruin Wortieda, !aMimrea and Euitinrl. romritinc the Lateit lrini and r inaJt 2'ealarea ia Uentla men'a V ear. earSampIea aad Prirei on api'lieuion to thoac who hava left iseuurta." everywhere and as fully ablo to adju dicate all eases arising under this bill, and by methods w ith w hich the people are fumiliar,w Idle no plan ofacom-uii -sioii w hich has been proposed could lie conveniently accessible to ail the people, and if a plan should be pre sented which would provide a juris diction convenient to all the peoplo it would be necessarily cumbrous and very expensive. In this viewacommis- mou is unnecessary unless it is the purpose of Congress to enter upon the detailed regulation of freight rates. Goumss 1 Tl 1 WS TO New Orleans and the Great American exposition, ON WEDNESDAY, March 17, 1S86, Via tha Old and Mailable HUaola 4airnl,uibe Model Railroad of I ha a'oaito" One or tbe I'neapeat and Meal attractive Trlpa on Kecord. Just think "f the Rates (or tha Round Trip To New Orleana and Return: From Fulton (Ky.) Martin, etc.. unl.7 5 From Milan, Jackson, etc., only 6 10 From Orand Junction, elo.. only -.. o ta From Holly Springs, Oxlora, etconly a tlO From Grenada, Winona, tlu., only 4 ie From Uurnnt,etc., only .- HBO And even thee low rates Include tickota of admission to the great Exposition, which of It elf alone ia worth the oos'. ot the trip. Tickets good tn return at pleasure on all regular trains lor Dmju. On Wednesday, March 17,1880, A Special Train, with ample and first-class accommodations in every respect, including rullraan Paluce Sleeper', wi I leave Fulton for Iew Orleans, via tha Illinois Oentr I Railroaa. at W o'clock a... .: oill leave Milan at 10:55 a.m. ; Jackson at 12:10 p m.; (I rand Junction at 3 p.m.- Ilolly Spring! at 4: In p.m. llreasda at 7:30 p.m. : Purant at 9:45 p.m., thus iving a DAYLIGHT ARRIVAL in the Croscon: City at about 8 a.m. on tha 18th. Thi. la Iniln.d n rare And llrat nlaf s nnnor- Unity for everybody, and the attention of the adies in particular is called to this ivx curaion, as it will certainly provo a charm ing and delight lul trip lor them. Niipiil fLrraneements have been made with the Hotel i in New Orleans for th bane- fit of this Kxcurstoo. Buy your tickets at once, aecuro sleeping car bertha or sectiona it' wanted, and avail v.,nr.Air nf thi. vrv cheno and deliKU'.ttll opportunity to visit t e great Expisition and ttie boautitul "Croscent Oity," ai this ia the mo t attractive .eason of the year. Ticketa for sa'e at the above and other sta tions or me regular iRKei agenu oi too Illi nois Central Kailroid. For further information, address U. li. CULLIXe, General Manager Eicursion, Milan. Tenn. II G.IIOLLENBERG HAS determine:! to give to Pupils and Htutlenta of Music, on and after March 1, V.m, the eatnu discount cluimtu tiy xeaon l.'iolinrt Ktark'a Piano Method. Books ' ml s ntjiil nrine. R3: Teachers' price. S2. Richardson 'a a cw Method for Pianof rte Retail pries, S3 25; I eachors' price,! 25. Peters'a Kclectio Piano Method Retail price, IS25; Toaohere' price, 82i5. Crsmcr'a Piano Studies, edited by liana von Bulow Retail price, tl 60; loaohera' Ne Plus I'ilra Retail price, $1: Toachera' price, 60c. Ca tollU Vocalises, Hook 1 Retail price, $150: Teachers' p-ice, 75c. All Foreign Editions at ONE-THIRD OFF "a"! "hee'teMutie ONE-HALF OFF marked PFi "li. 1. HOLIiEXBERG, 2MMalnst..Mompbit,Tcnn.. And 317 Main st., Little Rock. Ark. Ti) Gas Consumers OF THE CUT OF MEAPHIS. JT10R nil gas consumed on and after the 1st . cf Apr I, proximo, by cttomers of this fompany, the p'i will be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per thousand cubic feet, but where the bills are paid within the first five business days of each month a Discount ol Filtv Corns per Ihousand leet will ho made, making a net pnoe ol TWO DOLLAlth per thousand cubic foot. Me.MI'Hia ttthLItilir CO. By K. EXSLEY. President. .Ins. Chaig. Secretary. Memphis, tenn.. Mifi-h 4, 1H8. Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion I If so, a few applications of Hagan'S MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's eon tent. It does away with Sal lowness, ltedness, rimplCSj. Blotches, and all diseases and Imperfections of the skin.. It overcomes the flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of T1IIBTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. DISSOLUTIOli Mkmi mi, Tisx., March 4, 1881. milE firm of MURRAY RIDUELY, I -..... ..I r a MI KHAY end tf. h RIDUELY, cing business at 38 Mndisun street, is th'S day dissolved by mutual con sent, A. MliRRAV having sold Ms entire interest to S. K. RIDUEL. in laid concern 8. E. KlOO r LY afsumes the linKilitiea of the late concern, and will continue mo TallurlDz fliirl linnoitin? Bnslntss at the rid stand in his own nimo. A. HI KRAVv S. E. RIDUKLY. In retiring from ouainesa I beg to return thanka for tbe liberal patronage extended to Ml'hRAY HIDOKUY lhe past twenty years, and bespeak for my late partner and successor a continual, ot anf:,.T, . , A. SU RKAt RBA.T A BIUfiELi) flewMusicBooks "Impraaa of Song ," oonUralnf S3 vocal piaaa. See, by mall 66e. "Soac 8iBaair. 'oontainini S&Toaal placaa. 60s, br mail 65o. "Piaao SoaTanir," eoatainina 60 inatra martal bieoae. OOe. bv mail 6hm. 'Folia of Muaie," containing 80 ioi ) iBetramaat" al pieeaa, duo, dj mail oac. 'Eaoalaior Method lor tha Orraa. eon- taiainf complete laatruotiona. beaides orer 100 vocal and Inttrumental pieoee. boaad ia boardi. Price II, postpaid. Coe'a Method for the Violin," rtio lateat ana moat protrreaaive Inatrootor pub liehed, bavins all oaoeaaarv inatiotiona, and 100 aelectiona, aneh aa "When the Robin Neat Afain," "I'll Await Mr Lore." 'Daneini in tha Barn." "Little llarlinr Dream nf Me." "Peek-e-Boo," "Some IT." Price 75c, postpaid. Complete ttoek of Moaie Rolla, Casea, Wrap- era, orrinK-iaca roiioa, iu ib aigna of Leather and Pluah; MUSIC BOXES.: ALL STYLUI ABIae 1KI1 EM. 0.K.H0UCK&C0. :IS Main M., HcniphlM. Sola Ageota for Chlckerina, Hardman and Ham bniiana rianos. TniMtoo's Sale. HA VINO been appointed trustee under the rowers contained in tbe trust deed made I y Surah L. l)ent nd George U. Dent, aecuring the payment of a note for f lf00 by them made September 14, 1883, due one year alter aate, oeiauit navmr oeeu diiqb in iuv payment thereof, at the request of the bidder ot said no e, 1 will, on IHoBday, April 5. lfsi. at 12 o'o'ock in., at the southwest eorner nf Main and Mudisoa streets, in the Taxing District of Shelby county, Teen., sell the -following described trseU of land; The first brg'nning at Carr and McLemore'e corner on Greer line; thenee east 11.40 chains te -Greer's SB corner: thenee north 10 chains te -Ureer'a NE corner: thence eaat 8 chains to Kradshaw'a SB corner; thenee ouh 8.7H ' chains to MoLemore and Carr'a 8 W corner of i:i-aore entry; thence east 13 chains; thence north 10 chains to Wm. and Gideon Pillow's line; thenceeaal 18.60; th.net south 50 chain": tnence west 47 W chains to Carr and McLemore'a line; thence north 13.79 cbaina o the beginning, containing 1W acres, more or less, it being trie aame tract of land conveyed to Dtniel Hughes by James E. Felts by deed of August 12, 1830, recorded ia book 20, page 35. ..... Also, lot 111 ol tbe Borland subdivision of lots, fronting 00 leet on the east side of Bor land avenue, and running bark between psrallol lines 170 loot In an allev. Also, part of lot V nf same subdivision, on the souta boundary line ol lot 10, eighty feet iroui the southwest rornor of earn, and run ning south at right unites wtn said bound ary line nine feet and sixinehes; th'nce at right angles east sixteen 'eet so as to run di rect ly over the center tf the mouth of the ciatern ; thence at right angles nine leet and six inches tn the south boundary Lne of said properta, wiih all inn rovemen'a tbereon, and being the same property conveyed to J. E. DillarJ, trustee, by S. L and I, (i. Dent, recorded in book 145, page 222, of tbe recorda of Shrlhy courty. . Terma of Sule Cash. Title believed to be good, but I Bell oriy as tru'tee. L. II. KSTEd.Js., Trustee. - R.G.CRAIG '3Sb! CO. FARM IN GiTVO LS ari3 SEEDDEALERS Trnta?cj Sale. UNDER and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed October 6. 1874, by T, H, Magee and Mary K- Mama, of record ia lhe Reiister's office of Shelbyeounty, Tenn . in Book So. mi, on page oi ana an oruer of the Chancery Court of Fhelby county. Jenn., entered vcteoer if, i.iez int. x. oo. page 312). in eause of Geo. K Duncan va. T. II. Maaoe et al., No 4463, R. D., do feu t havin. li.en mufle in the iiayment of the in debtedness secured thereunder, and at the request oi me oenuucmr;, a nm, uu TbnrtKlar, lSih clay of) Marels, ISM, at 12 ro., sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry, in front of n y office. No. 12Madion s reet, Meoiph'S, Tenn. , the fol lowina described real estate situated in Shel by i-flunly, Tenn . to-wit : Being part of lot No. 4, of the subdivif ion of the lands of the estatetof Beniamin Duncan, deceased. and bounded as follows: JJeginnvng at a stake in the south line of the original tract 63 cbaina 4t linka east from toe southwest corner of said tract; thence ea.t lft chains 3 links to a stake; thenc north 33.20 v'uaina to a stake; thence west 15 01 chains to a stake; thence south 33.29 chains to the beginning, contain ing fifty (SO) acres, except about i8 acres of tl,. ulw.vn troi't oonveved by Duncan to llenrv Will-ams by deed dated June l. 1874, to which reftrence is made for full d.acrip- . tion by metes and bounds , leaving aoout i -acres to be sold. The equity of rederrption and right of repurchase waived. The title to said land is supposed to be good, but I shall I sell and convey only aa trustee without war ranty. Th.a February 2k lti86. J. M-. COLEMAN Trustee. Taylor k Carroll. Attoraeya. Trustee's Sale. UNDER and by virtue ef two trust deeds,, executed byDi L. Ferguron and I1..C. Hampsnn to the tmdersigaed aa trustees, on January 4. 18M, and. May 11. 1S85, restect ive'y. and duly recorded in the office the.. ciera oi me irnuii v.iar. vi wiwiB.iri'1 county. Ark., ia Reoord Book 12, pages 4;t2, etc., ana Record Book, of Trust Deeds, vol. A, pages iit, etc., ao'auu in tne payment ui the indebtedness thereby secured having., been made, al thereuutrtof thebeneluianas. therein, we will, as tueu trusieea, WtlaU March 10, 18S at the storehouse upon the plantation knowi as "Nodena,"in IVI'ssiSMppi coun Ark... and being on tha Mrsai'sipoi river, proceed, to sell to the highest bidder, tor cash, the lollowlng perionw propony, io-wn; iuuc 4-horse wagons, eiK.ht two-norso. wagons,. seventy-one mules, aix aets wagoj. names. seven sets harae.8. one 40-horse power en- I ginc and boiler, two fco-saw Milbiwn double- roller gins and gin stands, two feeder, and, condensers, one Coalman oottoa pross, ono. , grist-mill Wlia appurienaucea, ueiiio, shaftin and pulleys, three horses, t.i:k colts, one mule colt, fi ur mares, four sots of gear; also, all plows, scrape-, hoes, axe and all other forming utensils and imple-. ments; and also, all cattle, stocg nons anou other mules aud stock, and all crepsor oorn. cotton, cotton-seed, hay, fodder and other uoducta now un or belooginxt tbe plsnta lions known aa "Nodenu the "Ellis place" and the "Lanier place" In saij, county, nan and cperuted ay said Vorgusoa h Uampson during the year 1U&. AaJ under said deed, on Sarataralajr, M arc it ao, laHO,. in front ef tbe court-house door in 0ceta, Mississippi county. Ark., we will foil to i ae highest Bidder, tor cash, the following I le acribed real estate, nainely, all Being ia aaid county and State: The plantation known as the "Ellis place ' ul Fergc son i liui np son s Landing in Rend 4.r, Mississippi ri'er, and desrriben as follow; W S, see. Ill, 'SiS acres eut of K se. 24. ani part W ieo. 24, E H of sec. 2, and li W J, aec. Li, in township It north, rarae 10 ea t Alao, N E H sec. 2, liiO acres, W NE lea. 11, 7lt acres.in township 11 north, range 10 e.'ist; and the S fr ' oi NW fr W so. 3t (south of Little river) in township 13 Borth. railing east, containing acros. Al: o, E Ir y, of SE fr M ieo. iil.teast of.hayou). township 15 north, rango 10 east, A.Vi acres. A.'so, lhe N fr S of sea HI (we t .if liny LakelcoUa-n-ing 20-103 in an acre: and the SE of iV H of sec. 15, both in township 11 north, range lu jit, the last described coaWining 40 aores. Said tales will begin at the lime, and place stated, and will continuo from, day 19 day unta completed. Ail rishta r, reaemrtlou an.d axempii-oni ar waived. Sale abnlute. T.iTiu easn, D. V4. POiTON. f r. rosTo4N, Truiteei.