Newspaper Page Text
TOE STRIKE AT ST. LOUS. BUSINESS HEX MOVING TO EF FECT A SETTLEMENT. Proposition fur a Conference bj tbe Strikers 'o Change in the ticncttl Situation. St. Loitis, Mo., March 11. Martin Irons, chuirman of the Executive JViar.1 of District Assembly No. 101, knights of Lalxr, lias prenartnl a BtMU-mt'iit of grievances and (teniiuuls of the HtnkiiiK employes' of the Gould Southwest system, and has sent it to Col. Hoxie, first vice-president ami general manager ot tlie Mitwoun l'a- citic railroad. Mr. Irons denounces the statement made in Col. Hoxic'g circular issued a few days ago as wholly false, and considers it too insignificant to reply to in detail, and expresses his surprise that railroad magnates who have so long insulted the people by applying to them the phrase "he ; damned" will fall upon their knees and cater to them for sympathy. The statement proceeds by setting forth that it is the belief of every Knight of l-alior upon Uie uould system that the roails it embraces have inautru' rated a systematic method of breaking t up ineir orpuiixauon, to cnecg wiiicn .action the strike was commenced, in order to bring about a speedy adjust t ment of the didiculties now existing between these roads and the former employes. Mr. Irons makes the proiv osition that a conference be arranged , between the magnates of the Gould Southwest Companies and the District Executive 15oard of Assembly Jo. 101 of the Knights of Labor to agree to the toiiowmg propositions : First That all unskilled liibor. in eluding section laborers, truckmen and crossing watehnien, be paid 3 1 .r0 per uay. Seconl The abolishment of convict labor. Third That all hridgcnien be paid at the rate 01 5-', ' , oil, n o, ac cording to the nature of the work per- lornieu by them. Fourth Ail house repair gangs be rated as bridgemen. Fifth -That all boarding bosses for bridge eanirs shall be entitled to half- rates of freight on all supplies for ukc of bridge outlits. Nxth Hint when outfit care are moved at night or on Sunday bridge men shall be allowed one and one-half time while being so moved. Seventh That while bridgemen are compelled to work in water at wash outs, etc., they shall be allowed double time while so engaged. Eighth liridgemen be allowed one ami one-hall time for extra services. Ninth Bridgemen be allowed pass es to their homes, from place of em ployment, twice a month. lenth A better regulation of the apprentice system. Eleventh In view of the fact that considerable dissatisfaction and trou ble have arisen on account of the dis charge of employes without cause iH'ing first made known, therefore we demand that when any employes who are Knights of Labor cannot give sat isfaction in the capacity in which they are engaged, it shall be made known to them in writing that they may de fend themselves in the following man ner: The accused party to select two persons to' assist in conducting the defense, and the olhcer of the compa ny in immediate charge of the de partment in which the accused is employed bo allowed to select two persons to assist in conducting the prosecution, and that the accused be tried before three disinterested parties to be selected in the tollowing man ner: The parties assisting 'in the defense to select one and the parties assisting in the prosecution one and the two thus selected choose a third. The accused must be allowed to re main at work until the charges are either disproved or substantiated. Twelfth That all men be paid same wages lor same work. Thirteenth That all men unjustly discharged be reinstated at t lie con elusion of the strike. Respectfully submitted, MARTIN IRON. Chairman Executive Board, District A. aem bly 101, KuighU of Labor. THE TRADES ASSEMBLY of tiiis city, which is composed of regularly appointed delegates from all the trades unions, have held a meeting and adopted resolutions recognizing the railroad strike as a struggle for the rights of workingmen to organize; that the position taken by the railroad managers is inmical to' the rights of workingmen and the pub lic good and should be denounced, and expressing hearty sympathy with the strikers. Freliminary steps have been taken by various business men. with a view to holding public meetings of the Merchants' and Mechanics' Ex change and other organizations, to de vise some means to bring about a set tlement of the strike and restore busi ness to its normal condition. NO ATTEMPT TO MOV TUAINS. No attempt np to this hour (2:45 p. m.), as far as can be ascertained, has been made to start freight trains from the Missouri Pacific yards. A conference was held this morning be tween the freight engineers and Gen eral Superintendent Kerrigan and Master Mechanic llartlett, at which the engineers stated that they would stand at their posts when it was decided to run the trains: that when the engines are prepared in a proper man ner for work, they would run the trains according to orders, but further than this they will do nothing. The engineers are holding a meeting this afternoon, at which they will take formal action in regard to the strike. STOLE A MAKCIl ON THE 8TBIKEKS. A freight train quietly made up in this city this morning, started in the direction of Carondelet on the Iron Mountain road with engine under full head of steam, and passed through that city at express train speed. This action by the railway company seemed to take the strikers unawares, for no opposition was attempted at any point until the train reached Desito, Mo., where a delegation of Knights of La bor boarded the train, side-tracked it, and afterwards killed the engine. No opposition was offered by the crew to the action of the Knights, and no con flict occurred. Everything there is now quiet, and no further attempt, so far as known, has been made to start freight trains. THE SITUATION AT PACIKlr. A special from Pacific, Mo., to the Fort-lh.'piilfh says: There are no new developments at this point. Every thing is quiet here. One freight train on the 'Frisco road passed here this morning. No violence is anticipated. A special from Atchison, Kax., to the same paper, says: officials at this point are employing good men as they apply. A train went out on the Central branch last evening ami another will po out to-day. No re sistance ' has been made. The men have left the - hops and grounds in obedience to the company's orders. The merchants are becoming restless and impatient for the resumption of tmmc. - Tne Ml nation ni Isallaa. Galveston, Tkx., March 11. A spe- ciai 10 uie .x irom iMua, says : l lin ed States Marshal Jaikman telegraphs to lleceiver llrown from Pig Springs that everything is quiet there and that traltic is open. Twenty-five mechanics who were brought from New Orleans were sent to Pig Springs last night to take the place of strikers, freight trains are now moving. IJeeeiver Brown received a telegram last night from the engineers on the "T. C." di vision of the Texas Pacific road stating mat tney desired to correct the reixrt that they had refused to go out on their engines, and declaring that they held themselves in readiness to respond to the orders of the receivers and were not supporting the strikers. To this welcome message Receiver Brow n re plied, saving: i was prepared to re ceive just such a manly, frank tele gram for I have regarded you all the time as entirely faithful to your duties to the railway, iou will not be com pelled to relinquish your posts. You shall have ample protection from the United States Court through its mar shals and deputies and through more potent influence if it becomes neces sary. On Freight Train Moved at LI Ida s mk. Littli Rock, Abk., March 11. The toremanot tbe iron Mountain Kail road Company succeeded this morn ing in sending out one freight train with perishable local freight bound south. A large crowd of strikers as sembled and on the first attempt took possession of the engine, ran it into a side-track three miles south of this city and "killed" it. But another en- tine was found which took the train out protected by Sheriff Worthen ami a posse, and accompanied bv nuperin tendent Whedonand Master Mec hanic Richardson. No personal violence was offered, and at I s'clock all is quiet. A Niicnllicaut Hint. Uhicaoo, ill., March II. A morn ing paper says a significant hint of the possibilities of the Gould line strike was brought home to the Chicago So cialists lust night. Old Dr. Tavlorwas haranguing a small crowd of tfie faith ful at the rendezvous, No. 51 West Late street. "What I expect within four days," he saiJ during his speech, "is a regiment of United States troops running over the Missouri Pacific in charge of Jay Gould's property." "Well, if they do," shouted a young Texan, who was visiting the meeting, "Jay Gould will have to build new bridges nnd culverts. There won't be any of the old road left." The senti ment was applauded to the echo as having the proper ring in it. IheST.wYo fc'Poal" on the "tribe. New Yokk, March 11. The follow ing editorial from the Evening Past on the Southwestern strike is said by business men of this city to represent their opinions: The statements pub lished by Receiver Brown of the Texas Pacific, and Vice President Hoxie of the M issouri Pacific, show ing the na ture of the demands made uion them by the Knights of liibor are very sig nificant, because symptomatic of the condition of industry and society everywhere. There are very few em ployers of labor, whether individual or corporate, who are not lying awake o' nights thin king out what is going on in Texas and Missouri. There are no intelligent persons whether em- plovers or employed, who are not looking with anxiety for the news from that quarter nud trying to form some idea what the end will be. There ore those who believe that a Socialist revolution is impending, and has been for a long time impending. Although the avowed Socialists are an extreme ly small part of even the most densely populated cities the belief is enter tained by careful observation that their ideas are spreading among the trade unions, which have been for the most part their avowed opponents hitherto, nnd that if some great strike or convulsion ot industry should result disastrously to the strikers, the main body would adopt the creed of Socialism for better or for worse. Socialism has a great many queer fancies, but division of property is at the bottom of them all. This signifies the overturn of law ond the temporary stoppage of civiliza tion. We say temporary, because after any possible social disturbance the worst conceivable -society must right itself somehow. In the first two years of the French revolution, those who called themselves ' the people" em ployed themselves in butchering the aristocrats and the next six years in butchering each other. But the re sult proved that anarchy could not last forever. If there is such a com ing evil it is quite useless to run away from it. The support of law and order, whether capitalists or non-capitalists, ought to and must put themselves in readiness to meet it, and instead of compromising the law anil yielding here a point and there a point of its authority and majesty, they should make a firm stand on the first well- lefined issue that presents itself. The Texas Pacific case appears to be such an issue. The statement of Receiver Brown is to be taken as a true one un til proved otherwise by something better entitled to credence than the outgivings of a secret society. The Texas Pacific road is a bankrupt cor poration. It was built in advance of any real need for it. By a real need is meant such a need as would enable its operation in the country adjacent and tributary to it to pay running ex penses and a fair rate of interest on the capital employed. The indispen sable condition of successful industry was wanting. It wasaecordingly taken possession of by the officers of the law. of whom Receiver Brown is one (an inferior one), to be madcltho mofit of in the interest of its creditors. Its creditors, in the order of preference are: First, its employes; second, those who furnish its needed supplies : and, third, those who have loaned money to build it. Of the seven proi- ositions submitted by the Knights of Labor to the receiver for his signature, all but one are of a kind which he hail no authority to sign or agree to, be cause his position was that of a subor dinate officer of the law. Ho refused to sign and the Knights of Labor struck. In order to mako their strike more effective, they struck on the Mis souri Pacific and its leased lines also. This was the larg st boycott that the country bus yet seen. It boycotts not only the Missouri Pacificbut to a large extent, the States of Texas, Arkansas and Missouri. There are probably more workingmen in the city of St. Louis alone than the whole number of boycotters in the "Gould Southwestern System." The question now is whether Receiver Brown and Vice President Hoxie will stand firm until public opinion is aroused by the oncoming of misery to assert' the majesty and authority of law. A telegram from Fort Worth, Tex., suvs that the Farmers' Alliance is in sym pathy with the strikers, and will join them in political steps to control the State. This is not at all unlikely. The farmer has been so accustomed to look upon corporations as his enemy, that MEMPHISrDAILY he will naturally join forces with any other enemy who comes in sight Yet the alliance will lie of sh rt duration, because the funnels' interests require sjieedy and uninterrupted railway transiortation. Moreover, in the long run, he will find that to whatever ex tent the artisan class get more than a fair share of the aggregate earnings of the nation - more than the share which five competition would yield it must come out of agriculture. There is no other source from which it can come. Still the farmer will probably side with the "organized lalior" in the !egin ning. If Receiver Brown yields to the de mands presented to him, he must Iwgin by asking the court, whose otliirr he is, for permission to sign a paper which is a virtual abdication of his office. If Vice-President Hoxie's statement s true and it must be true unless there has lcen some recent change in the practice of law no yielding on his part would affect the status of the Texas Pacific in any de gree. It would seem, therefore, that no case could be imagined upon which the supporters of law and order could take a firmer stand, or where the necessity of their doing so could be more imperative, let the conse-quencc-s be what they may. LABORiOTES. A Voluntary Advance. PiTTsnrKo. Pa., March U.-The 250 employes of Mcintosh, Hemphill & Co., extensive foundrymen, have been notified of an advance in their wages of from 5 to 15 per cent., to take effect April oth. The action of the lirm was a surprise to tho men. No demands for an increase had been made. It is expected that the other foundrynien in tins city will follow the example ot Mcintosh, Hemphill & Co. The foundry trade is in a better condition than for years. THE ILVILIMUI) STRIKES. HOW TIIKY MAY IIK IKfc DM KD I I I Ti lls:. 11 the Oovrrnmeiit Taklnic Pn.aes- Ion or all the I.lnea, and Wilts ' 'I hem I be Telegraph Line. To the Editor, of th. A lipoid: No matter what may lie the result of the present railroad strike, one thing becomes daily ifiore und more evident ; and that is that the Federal Government should take possession of the railroads and telegraph lines, and operate them as it does the postal system of the country. Far better that than to permit one-third of the popu lation of the country, and millions of dollars in all sorts of commerce, to be daily interfered with at the will of flOOO, 8000 or 10,000 railroad employes, whose chief grievance seems to be that the superintendent of one of the linos thought proper to discharge a man whom he did not choose to em ploy any longer. Just think of the clerks at Menken's, or Lowenstein's, or both, taking the position that neither of those linns should send any goods out of their stores unt il Lowen- stcin should tuko back a certain clerk whom he had discharged. Has it come to this, that a merchant or foundryman S' all be compelled by his employes to retain in his employment any clerk or w orker whom the other employes shall say must be retained? N ho wou.d consent to do business of unv kind under such dictation .' Would the Ari'SAL? There is but one remedy for this. I urged it in your columns in December, 18H4, and Jan uary, 1S85; and the reasons for its adoption daily grow more seri ous and imperative, ixa the gov ernment take possession of the railroads. That would end all strikes so directly damaging the commerce of the country. One significant fact is evident that the strikers never inter fere with the mail trains, and it is be cause Undo Sam is on board. This discontent must soon end, or ruin to thousands of merchants will soon fol low. If it should be adjusted in any other way it will break out again un der the stimulus of passion. The condition of matters about the iridge at St. Louis proves that it should belong to tho government. Who w ould put millions of dollars in a bridge across the river here if it may be seized by a mob and held at its will? And beyond all this lies a still more serious matter yet. Congress is spend ing millions to improve this great river of ours. For what? For the mud and sand and water in it? No, no. But it is to protect the commerce which floats upon its bosom ; a com merce in which millions of our farm ers, manufacturers, merchants are deeply interested. Will you tell mo that Congress can and should do this, and yet say that it lias no right to protect the far great er and more valuable commerce oft our railroads? Has Congress the con stitutional right to protect this river commerce against the devastations of heaven's angry floods? Yes, yes. Then has it no power to protect the railroad commerce against the destruction of man s angry passions ; Who can see where all this must end? Who cannot see that the end ing may soon be in the btnoke of mus ketry? ' RRADI.VF.NN, Wht car. I. why should I cars, When my call comes, or where? Be it at morn or noon r eventide. Or in tbe watches of the night. When glows the pale moon, Cloud curtains bel l .aide. Whether it find me here Or otherwhere, Lighthearted or fall of cure, No matter where or bow or when The roersate shall appear. All that I ak la that it may find me then. Whether at my appointed task Or vring a they who only stand and wait, Farly and late. Heady and willing, joyfully To (to. Even so. Lord, let it be I Wm. B- Wall, in Nat York Obrrvtr. Capitol 'Land in the Texas Fan Handle. Acstis, Tkx., March 11. Col. Ab ncr Taylor, of the Chicago syndicate and Capitol Contractor, who is here has mado some interesting statements concerning the capitol lands in the Pan-Handle of Texas. He said that the syndicate now has inclosed with wire fences 800,000 acres of these lands, all lying North of the Canadian river, and during the coining year will in close the entire three million acres given for the erection of the Htate cap itol. The syndicate now has upon its inclosed lands 30,000 head of cattle, and during the coming year will in crease the number largely. They are spending f 40,000 per month improving lands and are having flowing wells six miles apart placed upon whatisknown as the dry lands. Unlike other cathartics, Dr. Pierce's "PeTieta" do n: t render the bowels costive after optrttion, but, on the contrary, estiolieh a permanently healthy action. Eeing entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using them. By druggists. APPEAL FRIDAY, MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATOR THE EDUCATIONAL 151 I.I. TOST I'OXElt BY THE SEX ATE. Date Fixed for the Election of Kail road Commit! intra Bills Passed Both Boost s. IsrscuL to thi irrnL.l Jaksojc, 31 iss., March 1 1.-Smite. Ihlls lutssed: 'lo amend the charts of the town of Yaiden; House resolu lion nxtng tlie tune for the election juiunuiu commissioners, with an amendment tUiig Friday, the lL'th instant, at i :m p. in. for tlie election which amentimeni has iKM-ncmieurrei in py me; House bill t. insure tlie iM'tter working of roads m Amite Senate bill amending the charter o Water Valley; House bills relating to the township map in Pike; for the re lief of C. A. MeUod and T. T. Hamil ton ; to authorize Leflore county to settle with J. K. Allen, former treas urer; to authorize Bolivar comity to appoint a civil engineer. The general education bill was dis cussed until adjournment. The Senate to-duv resumed the con sideration of the education bill. After sundry amendments being adopted, it was luueiiniieiy iMistponeil. in us passed: j.0 authorize the con solidation of the Louisville, New Or leans and Texas Kailroad Coniimiiv with the Memphis and New Orleans Railroad and U-vee Company. House bins: Ainetidinjr the charter of llay St. Ix)tiis. with amendments: uiitlmr. izing the Suiiervisors of Siintloweraiid the State Auditor to make certain compromises; tv-naie lull .iicorii couni v in settle certain claims. The House resolution as to the final sojournment oi ttie Legislature was concurred in. with an amendment. which amendment fixes Thursday.the i-.iii iiiniiuii, iwi umiMiriiiiicui. 10 provide for the support of the public schools in Aberdeen, Vicksbtirg, Wi nona and Columbus; to amend tlie charter of Meridian. Confli nmtionsbv the Senate :Asmed- li al directoriind superintendent of tin Statu Lunatic Asvlniuat Jackson, lr 1 homos J. Mitchell ; as trustee of the Agricultural and Mechanical College ut nuirKvwp, the lbui. H Itrown of Enterprise; lr. J. H. Perts of Woodville and Mai. A. M.West. I lol'KE. The Senate bill providing for hold ing a Constitutional Convent mi was lost on third reading in tho House. Ihlls passed: To amend the code in relation to tho apjiointmcnt of con stitutional olhcers; reserving State lands for homestead puroses ; for the relief of the Walthall Greys of Gre nada; in relation to keepers of livery stables; to provide for the cure ami custody of the records of the Supreme Lonrt; to equalize and adjust taxation in Carroll : amending the law relative to compromising claims duo estates of decedents; in relation to the standards of weights and measures in the oflice of the Secretary of State; to procure the assessment, ot lands purchased from the United States; in relation to the duties of tho Clerk of Harrison; to amend the law relative to receivers; to enlarge the powers of the Super visors of Noxubee. YELLOW-FEVER On Hoard the Wuvernment Nlenme r Ualena, al Hrjr Weal. Chicago, 111., March 11. A special irom rvev i est, r la., says in connec tion with the arrival there of the United States steamer Galena and tlie the supposed filibuster, the City of Mexico: l here are several cases of yellow-fever on board the Galena. Tho commander of the Galena, C. W. Chester, was approached to-day by your correspondent, with reference to tho fever on shipboard and the lili bustering expedition. Tho com mander displayed the following ropnrt, which was submitted to the health otlicer of Key West: 'My attention has been called to a statement in New York that there were tifteen cases of yelloujfevor on lhe United States steamer Galena. 1 beg leave to deny, emphatically, this statement. On ar rival here w:e had but one case of that disease, and he had been convalescent since the lTith ultimo, having taken sick on the fit li ultimo. Tlie captain refused, 'ay any thing about the filibuster or tlie prison ers on board the City of Mexico." The special says the public opinion is pretty evenly divided as to whether the City of Mexico could be classed as a filibuster. Interviews with her passengers are of a tenor w hich would indicate that the vessel had no fire arms on board, and that tlie few pas sengers on board were simply bound for Nicuraugtia to obtain a peaceable residence. Politic Too M neb for Him. A lady on Fifth avenuo, New YorV, quickly summoned a doctor: "Oh, doctor, my husband is nearly kead. He attended a caucus lost night. He made four speeches, and promised to be with his (ellow-citizoiis again to-day. Hut oh, doctor, he looks nearly dead." "Has he been in politics long?" "No, only last year. He worked hard for James McCaulay's election." "Ho will get well, madam! He has a stomach for any disease, if he worked for him!" Political life, of thort or long dura tion, is very exhausting, as is evident from the greut mortality which pre vails among public men. Ex-United States Senator 11. K. Bruce, who has been long in public life, says: "The other day, when stepping into a car at a crossing, I found Dr. within, who eyed me up and down in a surprised way, remarking: Why, Senator, how well you look!' Well, I feel pretty well,' I an- Bwered The doctor uttered an incredulous reply, when the Senator frankly told him, in answer to an inquiry, that it was Warner's safe cure which nrcom- f dished for him what the profession lad failed to do. Senator Hruce says his friends are very much astonished at this revelation of power. The (llvlif. Orerwbelmintly defeated. Aatl-l'nlneae Convention at Sacra mento. Sackamk.nto, Cal., March 11. At the Anti-Chinese Convention last night Ex-Senator Sargent, in a long speech, approved of the resolution fa voring a peaceable removal of the Chinese and the prevention of further im nigration, but strongly Iiscoun temmceri boycotting the Chinese or the whites who dealt with them. He urged that the whole question be left with Congress to pass such a bill as would meet the desired end. Killed at a Itanre. . Louisville, Ky., Msrch 11. James Bird shot arid family wounded Tom Martin at a danc? in Aiul.'oa coun ty, Ky , Wednesday night. An o'd grudge was the caate. Both are farmers. MARCH 12, 188G. - W I kWinki EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purvtt and tOoogrrt Natural Fmft Flavor. Vanilla, Lemno, Onuin, Almomi. Koh, cc flavor u oiacaieiy vnu naiuraiiy a tnt UuU PRICS BAKING POWDER CO., CHICACO. ST. LOUISj A SUPERB Flesh Producer & Tonic ! Hear tho WilarMci! ito roiiHoai A Man or BlatyEltbt Winter. I am 68 rears of aaa. and ranrd Onlnn'a Pioneer a One looie for the feehle. Br Its me bj itremth has been restored and my weight IncreaAcd ten peunds. a r.u. uami'ukll, Cotton uia Maker. Macon, tia., i'ebruarr 14, 1886. A Crippled ronfeelorata Hafai I on'r welshed 128 nonnds when I in. neneed Qulnn's Pion r, and now weiah 117 pounds. I eould hard If walk with a stick to support me and can now walk lom diatanoes without hel. Jts benefit to me is boyond calnulatlon. It. KUt Ud BOSTK'K, Macon, (la. Cotton Hum. Mr. A. II Bramblell, Hardware. Her- rhant, or foray th, Ua , Wrlloat It acted like aoharmoa mTffeneral haattti. I consider it a fine tonic. I weigh more than 1 have tor s yeais. HeiiiecttuIlT, A. 11. liHAAlUliKir. Mr. W. f, Jon, Macon, Nay at My wife has retained heratrensth and In- oresel ton pouuda in weight, n'e reevm- nd Uuinn t Pioneer as the best tonic. W. V. JUNKS. Ir. . W. lhrldK, of Atlanta, Cla., Hrltaa or Unlnu'a Ploncari Ouinn'a Pioneer Blood Renewerhas bean used for years aith unpiecedented success. It is entirely reretable and duos the syHem no harm. It improves the appetite, diites tion und blood-uiakina. alimulalintf. invt. orating and toning up all the functions and tissues of the system, and thus beoomes the great blood renewer and health restorer. PIOHEEK BLOUD RENKWEB cures all Blood and Fkin Diseases, Rheuma tism, b-rolnla, Did Sores. A perieot tlprinf a-eulclne. 11 not in your market it will forwarded on receipt on prioa. bmall bottles, ll.uOi large bottles, 11.75. ikasuT on Blood and ekin Dlaeaaea mailed free. MACON M8D1Q1KB CO., Macon. Ha. J. P. U0LST &BR0., (SCCCnfKORS TO O. B. HOLAT A BB0.) Funeral Directors, SSOHAIIV ST., MEMPHIS. AVtTLL and complete itook of Wood and Mstallie Cases and Cukete, 0loth-0oT-ered Caskets and Burial Kobet always on hand, ear Order! by telerrauh promptly Me STANLEY, f-.f ..-nnrf"! a " an FUNERAL DIRECTOR, an Madlnon Btrt. Memphis), Ten a A FULL stock of Wooden and Metalllo Casts and Caskets, liurlal Robes, etc, Iwayton Band. Orders by Telegraph or Tel phona Promptly attnnditd to. MEMPHIS fEITILIZEf g -rVJEES 4a 3C-a - R.G.CRAIG 2EE C0. FA RMIN G TOOLS aitf SEED'DEALERS I Tmntea Sale. HAVING been appointed trustee under the itnweri contained in tba trust deed made by Harsh L. Dent and Ueorge U. Dent, securing the payment of a not for 115(10 by them made September 14, lHftt, due one year after date, delault having been made in tba payment thereof, at tba lequest of the holder I sata no e, i will, on Monday. April B. ISSfl. t 12 n'clnrk m.. at the southwest comer of Main and Madinon streets, in the Taxing District of Kbelby county, Tenn., sell the following described tracts of land: The first beginning at Uarr and Mnbemore s corner on Oreer sline; thence sail 11.40 chains to reer s 8K earner ; thence north 10 chains, to ranr's N R corner: thanoa east 8 chains to Bradshaw's KK oorner: thence rnuih 3.7D hams to McLemore and Carr I BW oorner f 13-acra entrv: thence eaat 13 chains! hence north 10 chains to Wui. and Gideon I 1 1 I ' . W 1 1 11 D . 1UDU I V U " . 1 l.l.l . . 1 .!..- W . I' U . 11 &0cbaini tbence west 47 W chains to Csrr and McLemore's line) thenos north 13.79 chains to the beginning, containing 10" acres, more or le"s, it being tbe same tract of land conveyed to Dmiel Uughea by James K. 1.111 11 . I . .. . lu H. . . ...... . V. Kelts by deed or August 12, INio, recorded in book 26, page3n. Also, lot 10 of the Borland subdivision of lots, fronting 60 feet on the east side of nor land avenue, and running back between parallel lines 170 Icet to an allev. Also, part of lot U of same subdivision, on the soutn boundary line ot lot 10, eighty feet from the southwest eorcer of same, and run ning south at right angles with said bound ary line nine feel and sil inches; thnoe at right angles east siiteen leet so as to run di reolly over the center of the mouth of the stern ; thence at right angles nine leet end is inches to the south bonndary line of said broperir. with all improvements tbereon. and being the same property conveyed to J. E. Dillard, trustee, by B. L and U. (1. Dent, recorded in book 14S, page Ul, of the records r nnemy county. Terms of baleCash. Title believed to be ood, but I tell only as trnlee. li. a., jr. . trustee. DEMOCRATS TO TUB FRONT To at' preoa seeking Government Em loyment in any oi the departments i Washington, or any other poritions on da tbe Movernraent, I will send full Instruction as to how to pvoeed to obtain the same, and Blnnk rsrmssf Aipllcuallen on receipt ot On Dollar. AUnrcws JOHN Newspaper ? A book of 100 pages. the host book for native, tiser to con- ERTisiNe"cidho'h.;5:ri: r ' It contains lists of salt, be be e peri- newr paper and estimates o the cost of ad vertising. The advertiser wbowani impend one dollar, finds in it ttie information tie re uires. while for blra wbo will invest on ui drvd thousand dollars In advertising, a .ka m im iniiiftml which will meet hia every requirement, or can be made to do so by slignt obango- easily arrives, ai 07 oorre apondenee. Una hundred and fiftr-three editions have been issued. Sent, postpaid, to any address lor ten 6n.j. nrpiy wucn, P. HOW bLb vt. n nworArup tu VKRTtflfMJ BURBAU.10 'prune t. iPrUit- rMci "aT nr m- a-n, 1 -V B' rea m jr lBUouMo,ara.iew I oi I. "i"1'!!- fc"1" "TT" "a"' a reandy known to tbegsernMprnfaankalle .nn..thiaw.M. n-li-io .an. .(- fnm.n .. mm as alteadanl lawiiannaair Jtaaif erAat an tmtntnt pawsiVfan ana la n. L pwHvwnr erwiTivej nam the eaaa of a lads of rheemasie emrfiuom. and a elawenoineweof loaannr a-r sanakalr ngannn iu aetina ba Wa aMee aeslataatuiT bar promptly, end tt aow paaa the oaea dreaded pan.ida me, but liul li..,l,.i I iu other laeuaoie of a aaular eharaelw, bat thle la a fc.V A. A. MELL1EB, I9-U1II pay Good Irlrt for MOTKN, GIST FALLS ami TKAS1IY OITOA ol all deaorlptlon. Kend for Clxcalar and Prlpcg raid. 3XT-. W. SPEERS, Jr. ?5 Vance Street, Memphis. Tenn. DiLLARD & COFFIN, COTTON FACTORS, Me in phi n, Tenn. Cah Adrwnoen o ltrohna and PlanOr. L. D. MULLIN8, ol late J. R. Godwin A Oo. JA8. Y0NGB, late ol J. W. Caldwell k 0 MTJLLINS & YONGE, Cotton Factors &Commission Herchants No. 1 Howard's Row, Cor. Kront anil Union,' Memphis. Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers SftG-SOS Front St., JleniphU, Tenn. Cotton Factors, Commission erchants, TVo. IIO Month Sfaln St.. Nt. Xtoula. Ornci or JOHN MAN0GUK, Msnrsn, Tang., February 16, lHHo. I have this day agreed with THE MVEH9IOUE FOIIIVDHY A MACHINE COMPANY for the sale of my entire stock of Wrought Iron, Nuts, Washers and Heavy Hardware, the same to take effect March 1, lHrirJ. In retiring from the business in this city. I desire to re turn thanks to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage during a period of twenty years.iand also to assure them that the business will be turned over totrelrable and responsible parties whom I have known intimately for many years. I can safely aasura my friends and customers that their orders, under the new management, will have the best ear and attention, and I ask lor your continued patronage. J011N MAN0UUK. Referring to abova varv flattering notice, wa jeniiatlou and management for this additional A. H. IvtHHOHK, frmldrnt. The Livermore Foundry & Machine Co. 220 and 88S Mcoond Dealer! in BAR, BAND AMD HOOP IROM, Boiler, Plrebod and Sheet Iron, Natl, Washers, Hlvets, Nails, Heavy Hardware and lEtcLilroaEfcci Supplies In connection with our Fonndrjr and Manilla. Dsaarlmral, 110 to 174 Adams street, we believe we are in the best position to supply any and all demands (or every oharaeter of Wrought or Cast Ironwork, Machinery, Heavy Hardware and Hallway Supplies. Your orders scUcited, and we promise our best atcntion. MANHATTAN and must Company. o i- BOAHD OF Tt3STB E3. NAPOLEON HfLL, I.01IIS IIANAUKK. H. II. UXOOKS. ANUKKW RKNKKRT. JAMKrJ 8. K0U1NSON, ar Deposits reoolved In sums of II and upward, and interest allowed on lame Semi annually. ear We buy and sell local Investment Bonds and Securities generally, pay tales, aotag trusUes, anil, in general, execute any financial business requiring a safe and responsible agent. oar He Issue drnftg, In suras to suit purchasers, on all parts of Knrope. OerWt have a commodious Vault for the deposit ol valuablos, which is at the servloe of our customers, of t'taartfe. 1). V. UADDEN, rrcsident. EH I). GOLDSMITU, Tloe-Pronlilont. JAMRS NATHAN. Caxlllor. Fulmerlhors Cotton Factors. Wholesale Grocers. No. 300 Front wlrect. x Wemphlw, 'jTciiii. IiTTKIBEII YARD ! BrinMey Car Wortss Mannfact'i Co Jlrlnkloy, Ark., YELLOW PINE AND OAK LUMBER, AID BEAI.ERM IH I)oorr, 8anh, lallniy, llrpmed Floorlnr, Oiling-, Weather-Boardlug, L'ypretiM fShlnjtk'K, LntbH, Etc, nerOur facilities are unsurpassed by any sawmill in the South for filling order promptly, flooring, Ceiling, Hiding, btep Lumber and Cypress Shingles a tpeoialtr : also, Framing Lumber of all dimensions. We make tbe Wholesale Uusinesaa tpeoial feature. Orders olioited and promptly filled. GEO. nAYJIILLEIl, No. 124 JetTeriaon Street Memphla. Tetanewa, at. avln. John a.sjnlllwan. Wholesale Grocers, Cotton factors And Commission Merchants, 232 and 234 Front St., Memphis, Teiuj. UTWIII ADAHM ABID JKFFKBMOS, Mr.X N. RAINEY devotes hlt'whole time to the weighing and sale of all Cotton entrusted to our churge Potion WrHn,ic, Wehlntnn stree BBTALIHIIHD 1064. Sternberg & Son, (StTCCEHHORfl TO RIBRBZBS at III) wixoxjiriaA.ijB TOBACCO, CIGARS H PIPES, 336 Front St,, Cor. Union, Memplilfl, Tenn. rraea we nan of T'vwaltne In mm , hi. ... "T".!" nmaraable t " m m rutuu M n Solo Prop'r,7"" VltX. T FONTAINE & CO, o lake rtlaaanre ta announcing tha fnllnwtn m. ilepartment the same, to take effect March II. A. TATVM, Sro'jr and Troaa, Nlreei, Meiunhlta, Tenn. MICH ARL 0AVIN, J. 0. II ANDWKRKKR, T110MAH HOYI K, I" DAVID P. HAHUKN, T. II. MII.IIDKN, ; J AME8 A. OMDKHti, HHi CilLKMAN. ' KWD. OOLDHMITH, WM. KATZKNIlKRdER. UAKDWIti PKUUtj. ton & Co MRiuifaofurorti of Ihoa. Viark. ti. I. cuaa 1 1 V V