OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, March 13, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024448/1886-03-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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Memphis. Tin n.
M. C. Aim
J. M. KiAtu
SA1IEPAT, ! I MARCH 18, 1880
A non-partisan adminiitration in an
tlflctir rnyernment is an utter I in
ability. No President of the
Unite r'ata can carry out wise
measures who fails to consult with
his party Weed?, and especially the
Congreeeional leaders on whom he
will be fotred to lean in the hour of
debate and part'mn conflict Presi
dent Tyler undertook to adopt a
policy o! bis own, and was forced to
threw himself in the arms of the
Democratic paity, bich had no eyin
pathy with him, as it had not been
fontmlted as to the polity of the ipsues
bich had been nnerpettedly pre
cipitated. The result was, President
Tjlerforbnr yeais ttod between
two fire J and received the kicks and
enreee of roth parties. I'reeident
Johnson, acted on his own htok,
sdopted "my policy" without con
sultation, and his adminietra
tion was a failure, barely escap
ing im peachmcnt. President Cleveland
has been true to his party and the
plallorm on whkh he was elected
Still believing "public office a public
trust" h has labored with matchless
aaalto inaugurate administrative re
form and to tarry out his pledges to
the people. The first year of his ad
ministration has been pure, almost
fatuities!. H Is to be regrtt'ed, how
ever, tbat any dintrui t or want of con
donee should subsiBt between the
President and his party leaders. Demo
cratic members of Congress charge
that he hps not shown them that re
spect and confidence due his party
friends-that he has developed a per
sonal policy, never takes them into
bis councils and forces them tj shoul
dor responsibilities they bad no voice
in creating. It is alleged that the
President sent his K'ceLt message to
the Benate without consulting his
party friondi, cr even giving Senators
time to prepare lor his deldnse. But
It seems this distrust between the
President and the Democratic mem
bers of Cmcrcas is about to be re
moved so as to biiog Mr. Cleveland
and his party in coord for the fatuio.
The President inaugurated the move
ment for ieconciliation by sending for
Senator Kiutls of Louisiana, who had
been most prouonnued in his con
damnation of the President's personal
policy. The meeting was moit bar
monions, and in bringing it about the
President showed the grandeur of bis
character, for he lilted himself above
petty consldeiatlona and his desire to
serve bis country, when he said
"Why does not Senator Eustis come
to see me? I have not the (lightest
ill-will against him, nor can I suppose
that he has any against me. My du
ties here take me out of myself. They
leave me no time even if I had the in
clination to harbor personal resent
roenti I am trying to give the peo
pie a clean and honest and able gov
eminent, and to this end I want the
co-opeiatien of all clean and able and
honest Democrats. You may tell
Kenalw Kustis that I shall be
glad to see and con far with him, and
hear his views." The Interview be
tween the Preside nt and Senator E cist ia
was root I plea.' iint and agreeable, and
the utterances of Mr. Cleveland were
nioit lolty and patriotic. In respond
ing to something paid by Senate Eus
tis, the President ijuickly and firmly
used ttieee words: "II it be true that
anyol my appoint irn is unworthy I
hopu he will be rejected. It is the
Senate's function to see to this. The
Senators are my coadjutitors and ad
visers; they cannot be to ezact'ug
In? inv taste. I want no improper
rr.ee in cilice." These are remarkable
words to be uttered while Mr. Cleve
land was under fire In the Senate, and
in conversation with a Democratic
Sen&tor dissatisfied with his policy.
Indeed the President seems to rise
with every new occasion, and is always
equal to his oppoitunitiee. Now tbat
he is tiking some (ains to remove the
cu3se for any distrust between himself
and Democratic members of Congress,
for the future they will no doubt act
it perfect harmony. Mr. Cleveland
hat maintained himself firmly in the
confidence d the people. Us has not
X roved fali-o to a single Demooiatlc
principle, and with harmonious rela
tions between the President and his
patty friends in Congress, the Demo
crat c paity will preseuta united front
in tl.e work of reform.
tu:y u.iu iJ iu
partially deprived of a commodity eo
important in the people's consump
tion, and io valuable a contributor to
the pronperity of levies, in order that
an extravagant tribute may be ptid to
the Louisiana plaiterT Kvery pound
of augar the citiasn buys pays over
to n-5ti tribute to the Louisiana in-
temt. That ir,tsrest is now opposing
before a committee of Congress the
rednctioaof the susar duty, and, not
satisfied mith mere opposition.it de
manda an intuit of tribute from the
people aud the commerce cf the coun
try, from the present rate to three
cents a pound. Are the people wil
ling to have their augar made a cent a
pound dearer? Are thote iitereated
in various trades, and the country
producer, deairoua of being weighted
down with a laa that restricts their
prosperity in order tbat the augar
lords of Louisiana may selfishly collect
fr im them tribute that ia derogatory
to their sel f-reapect aa well aa injurious
to their welfare? Aa a celebrated pa
triot during the war was raid to be
public-spirited enough to urge bis
uncle, Us brothers, and bis cousins to
join in the fight for the Union, while
csrefnl'y ketpicg from the battlefield
himself, so the advocate in Congress
of the sugar tribute calls for a removal
of . the tix upon clt thing, shoes,
n x i If, and blankets in crier that the
sugar tribute may be not only levied
but increased. More than this, the
sugar lows ootratiu tuai iuihi.u
treaty thall be abutted, and tbe
Mexican treaty, which wont 1 benent
seveial bianchea of our mnnufaUurcn,
remain inoperative, so that their petty
interet t may triumph and dominate.
Once more they make tbe utterly falsa
assertion that this country can pro
duce augar enough for the entire con
sumption. For lonu ycara that pre
tense has been kept up, but Jieavy as
the tribute ia tbat ia paid to i timulate
their efforts, they have given no prats
t'cal proof of the soundness of the
cla'm they make, nor can they. If no
augar could Lit grown in the country,
and therefore no tribute exacted by iti
cultivatord, the advantage to the farm
er aud the manufacturer would be im
mense, and eveiy family table in tbe
republic would escape heavy burdens.
It would pay the country well to buy
up every sugar plantation and sell the
whole in forty-acre lots, and ao save
the country the immense tribute it is
made to pay every yer to maintain
plantations that do not pay for the
woik tbat Ib done upon them.
Resolutions Adopted Speeches Made
by Mr. Calila F. Vance and
Mr. 8. II. toward.
A meeting of the Memphis Bar wis
held at 9;30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing at the Chancery Court-room to
take action in regard to the death and
burial of Judge James E. Temple, a
member of tbat bar. C. F. Vance waa
elected chairman and K. M. Heath
nee re la ry of said meeting. On taking
the chair Mr. Vance made tbe follow
ing remarks in regard to the lite and
character of Judge Temple :
the Uitu.oenj nt tha bar who were
present at the funeral of Jtulge Tem
ple, tbe on 8 ho should at taspsll
bearerr, the chairman himself being
one of aaid pall-bearera.
Ad J v wee were then mtde by Mr.
W. H. Flippin and other members ot
tbe bar preeont complimentary to the
character of Judpe Temple, after
which tbe meeting adjourned.
Death) r Wcll-Kaawa Traveling
ae cf the best points in Mr. Mor
gan's bill for moderating excessive and
miachievons tta'ures in the tariff, is
that requiring a reduction of the sugar
duties. Ae was expected, the sugar
Pinters of Louisiana strongly object
to this valuable provision of the bill.
The advantage it would confer would
be kit at the table of every family in
the United States. Every fruit grower
wo'ild be benefited by it, us cheaper
sugar would extend the preserving of
fertile. The confectionary and other
trda would find it to their advantage,
lot ia many waya sugar esters into
the prpartion or accompaniej the
cmeuuij tion cf food. The amount of
ungar produced in this country is but
h onu'.l proportion of the whole
Aiuonnt the country consumes. Aro
Attn I'KosFiei
The visit ot De Leaeeps to the Fan
ama cacal, and reports from cone
fpoudenls present on the occasion,
have naturally drawn much attention
just now to the subject. The visit is
a sort of crisis in the history ot the
woik. Application is made to the
French government to permit large
amount ol money to be raised for the
prosecution ot the work by means of
a lottery. The report made by exam
iners present among the visitors will
determine whether tbe government
of France will permit the pioposed
lottery. Khoald it do so, then the
canal becomes a government work, a
fact that will give trouble if the cat al
ever be completed, for the United
states . cannot permit a European
power to dominate ita access to its
own coast on the Pacific. The report
that will be made to the French gov
ernment is, therefare, waited for with
profound interest. In the meantime,
ethers present on the occasion of De
Leeeepa's visit are publishing the re
sults of their observations. Tbe re
sult, so far, according to their state
ments. Is that the amount ot direct
work upon the canal performed up to
this time Is very small in proportion
to the money expended. But it also
appears that much of the money went
or machinery, the building of houses
and hoRpitals for the workmen
and for other preliminary expenses
that will not occur aj?ain. There are
some parts ot the work conducted in
a mastutly manner, especially lome of
the heavy rock work. The main work
has yet to be entered upon ; the rock
work becomes heavier as the mirface
soil is removed ; the Chagres river is
an obstacle as yet nnattacked. The
workmen die off by hundreds in tbe
pestiferous climate, but are generally
well paid and attended to, except in
cajee where some heartless contractors
act ill toward the laborers they hire.
Iba general management and over
sight appears to be creditable to French
method and attention to sanitary de
tiils. The pay of labor is good, but
the couutry cannot produce the food
wanted and b?ard Is high. The board
ia supplied by Chinese, who are mak
ing money. On the whole, spite ot
just such monetary difficulties aa oc
curred more than once when the S lez
canal was constructing, there are ex
perienced men who expect to
tos the project sncceeaiui in va
Lesaeps's hands. But if the time
of completion be deferred, it De Les
sens should die and the French de
spair of their projact, what then?
Then, Bay some ot those who look
ahead and foresee, then the United
States will Agree with the French gov
ernment and make tbe whole affair an
American one American machinery,
American methods, and the Mit of
American speed in accomplishing
work that waa shown when, in the
work of tbe first railrcad to the Pacific,
miles cf road were completed in a day,
The Americans, starting where the
Fiench left off, clear of the preliml-
pecBi r ChaJraua .
B hot ii lit or thi Bab We are met
here for the purpose of adopting pro
ceedings in regard to tbe death and
burial of Brother James E. Temple,
wbo died on the 10th instant at his
residence in Chelsea. lie waa the latt
surviving member of tbe old bar of
Memohis. He studied in the office
and under the instruction of Gran
ville u. Searcy. Eq . and commenced
practice about the year 1814, and was
born in Tipton county June 0, 1821.
In his long career aa a lawyer t ot only
were nia garments aept ires iroo
stain, bat not even tbe snauow oi
criticism passed over any ot his pro
fessional at I. tie was a pure, up
right mat, and his peitonal qualities
entered into and distinguished his
professional career.
On account of physical inSrinitiea
and dependence of bertaved relatives
on bis earnings for support, he bad to
travel in life tbe hard and thorny
pilhway of comparative poverty, ins
last words when dying, addressed to
his widowed sister, seemed to De a
retrospect of tbe pecuniary embarrass
ments of his past life.
"Sister," siys he, "we have had a
hard life of it, and thia is tbe end of it
tor me."
But poor aa he was his poverty never
t'mpted or pressed him outside of the
life cf an honest man and high-toned
gentleman. Amidat its vicissitudes he
preserved bis integrity. Noshedow ot
reproach rests upon any act of bis
long life, either as a lawyer, chris
tian or a gentleman, lie was sedulous
in the performance cf all the dutiea
enjoined on him by a Christian con
science. It waa said two thousand years ago
that the noblest spot tide of life waa
"a good man struggling with adver
sity." The trjth of this saying is
well illustrated by the life if our
dead friend. He waa never prosper
ous; pecuniary straits) encompassed
his life from earliett boyhood. Yet
be met them with manly fortitude,
with patience, and witn a pure, up
right conscience, lie was indefatiga
ble in his efforts to retrieve his comii
tion, and although tome down with
physical irfirmities, and his duties ti
dependent relatives, be died compara
tively freecf debt.
Knowing his ability and persever
ance, whenever 1 had a hard case in
litisu'ion, which required attention
and pertinacity I often gave Mr. Tem
ple an interest in it, and he never
failed to do his duty to the business
however difficult and troublesome it
might be.
lie was studious of books, and kept
up with the decisions of coutts.
He was ever at work in his office,
and when not engaaed in the work of
his lawsuits, he kept himself busy in
storing his mind with tbe elementary
nrincinlea of his profession. On ac
count of defective evesight and the
shrinking modeety ot his character,
be was not overuuruenea witn pro
fession nl business, but what he got
was well and intelligently attended to,
and crava satisfaction to his clients.
...T . . . . . i ... I
When ne once got a cueni nereiumeu
him In all hia subsequent business,
lor he inspired confidence and respect
in every one wno nau transact. one
mith htm.
His character waa dialinguisnea ior
its quiet, unobtrusive virtues, ana
won tbe respect and affection of all
hia associates. No envy, malice or
hatred ever entered into bis Dean,
fnr It vu soft and amiable as a child'a
heart, and he died without a single
enemy. How was it possible tor any
one to feel inimical to one of such pub-
Ki'MimnHcitv of character and manners,
Hia latter years were made nappy dv
tbe devoted affection ot a child, born
to him in his old age. She was the
liulit, of his life, and in ber presence
be ljrgot tne magpies ne nmranmo
for a livelihood. This bright, winnime
little girl made him forget the carp-
na carea of life, and scattered sun
shine over its latter days. It is tnid
that every life is made up with tut
ferings and compensations; and this
gift of Ood to our brother we can hope
was a comnentation ior tne irouuies
he bad to encounter.
IsriciAi, to Tia irriiL.I
Hkliba, Abk , March 12. The aad
news was wired to thia city thia morn
ing from Brook land Station, on tbe
Iron Mountain railroad, that Mr. F.
B. Kaugle of Helena had died there
last night Mr. Kaugle was ra'lve
of Okoloca, Miss., and baa been a res
ident of Arkansas for some years.
About eighteen months ago he Ac
cepted the position of traveling sales
man for the drug house of Jacks,
Fitzpatrick & Co., in whose interest
he waa traveling when he died. Hia
remains will be brought to thia city,
and his family in Miwiasippi have
been notified. His firm did not know
that he was ill, or bad been, until tbe
telegram announcing hia death waa
Cabinet Crisis In Italy Terrible Dis
aster In Germaay 1 he Muate
Carlo Accideat.
aa zvxaaciisaou.
Till New Orleans Ficayuiie, with a
degree cf enterprise tbat cannot be
tio highly commended, produced on
Tuesday latt two illustrated editions
of the ttreft pageant one a Proteoua
book and the other a Proteous paper,
the latter sold at 12 cents and the
former at 25 cents. Tbe be ok ia in
every sense a handsome and presenta
ble souvenir of Mardi Graa.
Tua naval duel between the K ear
Barge and the Alabama will be the
war feature of tbe April Century.
There will be three papers, profusely
illustrated -the tint, "Life on the
Alabama," writ'en by one of tbe crew
of that famous cruiser, contiiniug tbe
anthor'a opinion of hia officers and
shipmates, an account of the two
years' craise, etc. ; another paper ia by
the first officer ot the Alabama, Lieut.
Ktll, aul a third ia contributed by tbe
Burgeon of the Kearearge, Dr. Biowne.
The story.of tbe Monitor and Merri
mac fight, written by participants,
was one of the mott popular war
features of Tht CcH'ury, and it is
thought tbat these narratives will be
found fully as interestir g.
Tua "Voice" is unique among pub
Ucations for its close confinement to
the purposes f )r which it wss estab
lished tbe cultivation of the human
voice in all ita phases according to
the declamatory system of Delsaite
and vocalization according to the best
ascertained methods to which tne
talian masters cave reached after
many centuries ot training and school
ing, tne newspaper ior marcu is an
except'oaal exemplification of this
purpose. It ought to be In the hands
cf pupils as well as teachers as a
stimulus to all who believa in advanc
ing, according to rules that insure a
steady step, and ultimately reaching
the solid foundation without wniuu
fter progresi is impossible, l'ab-
lished bv EJirar S. Werner, 48 Uni
versity Place, New York.
W. E. Chandler publishes in The
I'nibd Servict Magazine a paper on the
Restoration to tbe Army and Navy
of ex-Olliceis." He denies that Uon
grees has power under the constitution
to obluo or advise the President to ap
point a pamcuiar inaiviuuai to a spe
cially creatsd office ; and he thinks it is
time ti return to tne lunuamemai
principles of the constitution ; tbat it
s time los tne executive Drancn oi tne
government to- resist Legislative en
croachments in this direction an en
croachment which, as be points out,
baa grown np because both orancnea
have happened hitherto to be in accord
concerning the special result accom
plished through the encroacnmeni.
Mr. Chandler holds that wnatever re
paration or restitution can be afforded
bv leoiB anon aione ise j.eiri,iuuru
may undoubtedly give; but where
such cannot be given without an ap
pointment to cilice, the .Legislature
must stop short.
BK8LIS, March 12. The committee
of the Keichttaj to which waa referred
the spirit monopo'y bill to-day re
jected tbe first two claueea of tbe
measnre. Aa the clauses contain tbe
erseuce of the bill the action cf the
committee virtually defeata the meas
ure. Tbe first clause was rejected by
a vote of 19 to 6, and the second by a
vote of 20 to 5. Tbe committee will
resume consideration of tbe other
clauses on Tuesday next.
Moelalfata atiiia4.
Amhtkbdam, March 12. Tbe police
this afternoon charged with swords
and truncheons upon a large crowd of
Socialists who had assembled in a
menacing way in tbe aristocratic
qnaittt cf the city and dispersed
A deputation of Socialists waited
upon the mayor to-day, and nrged
him to begin the construction of pub
lic works in order ti afford employ
meiit to workingmen now idle. Tbe
mayor refused to recognize the repre
sentative character .of the depntation.
He aaid tbe municipal authorities
were taking initiatory steps toward re
lieving those d sensed, aid he de
clined to undertake the i inatructii n
cf useless wo ks. He advised the
depntation to abstain from a'licg
meeting', nod dscmred that th sii
tboritits were determined to niaintiin
CoH':,lly InfJir, an imw-tion f b Law, Fre.h and rrll MjlSI I
M ai;i. Ml ti ul Knl (b. re-h nl Mrm.an V ortedi. ''.
and tuitiEgi.acmi ri.luf Iba Laten . I' nd iinilxli in OenUa
nin Haar.
-Eaiple and Price. a application to tboM mho bar left maaiura.."
SLEDGE BBOS of Como, BJss. t. M. KOKFLEET, Resident Partner.
....MftTnTjrtisfl Tonmwa
No- 35 Tvovit 8rt
ItllHARU A. McCTKDY. ; ; t I : President.
ASSETS, :::::: 109,000,000
Murreader Values Indorsed oa PolirlM.
la tbe World.
No Forfeiture.
EnsKiNE, M.ao.
33 a, xxx i rx r.
Keaolailona Adopted.
On motion of Mr. L. W. Finlay the
following resolution waa unanimously
adowted by the meeting:
Betolvcd, By the members cf the bar
of Memphis, tnat tne eminently tram
(nl aititrem of our chairman be ao-
ranbil anil ailnnted as the voice and
nenti merit of our bar in testimony of
the life and character ol our late
hrnthnr. Jamea E. TemDle.
Mr. B. M. Kates then made a few
feeling remarks, and moved that the
members of the Memphis bar should
attend the funeral of Judge lempie,
whlnh mntlnn waa BdODted.
Mr. 8. H. Coward, wno seconded tne
above resolution of Mr. . M. hstes,
made the following address:
. ol air. . H. Coward
Ml Chaibmam I cannot let this
oppottunity pass without adding my
test'mony to the high character and
purity ol uie ot air. jan.es a. lempio.
Vat thirty veara I have known him, a
portion of which time quite intimate
ly, occupying tne same oiuto, auuiu
Inff amo a opportunity oi inaxu'
ins hia true worth, and 1 mutt say
. - . ii i. .
that l never anew a more mitu-iuueu.
mnarisntiona Christian gentleman.
certainly none more inoffensive and
harmless, Aa a man he was above re-nn-ncht
an a husband and father he
waa kind and tender; as a lawyer he
was careful and painstaking. But not
In the court-house did he shine to the
greatest advantage, it waa in nia
office that he was most perfectly at
home. In the preparation of court pa
perswriting chancery bills, deeds,
etc., he scarcely had an equal within
my knowledge. But hia lite waa a
struggle, Toor in purse, he was proud
in spirit, and was constantly striving
to better his fortune in order to better
enable him to care for those de
namitnnt nnnn him. And ia it not
creditable to any man for it to be said
Serlona Railway Dlmiler.
Mkthoit. M it'll., March 12. A npucinl
to the Fret 1'rei from MarHhull nays
Tim rear coach of a iwwsonuer train on
the Michigan and Ohio mil mini jump
ed the track near Eckford, seven miles
from Marshall. The train waa iiioviiijj
rapidly ami the coach won rimgKi'il
Homo instance on lis sine, ami uirnii
liitcen feet How the truck before tip-
tiintf over the embankment. The Bents
were hrnken iooho ami niinuieu io
ircther promiscuously. It was a mira
cle that the injuries wore not ureater.
Two passengers are thought to have
been fatally injured, nml six or eight
others more or less seriously hurt
Fred Shaver, aged nine, of Allegheny,
Midi., hail Iiih skill fracture,!, one
niece UeiiiL' driven into the brain. Mr.
EiMtein of Toledo w as badly bruised,
bi'siiles dangerous injuries to his
skull. John Hurd of Bridgeport,
Conn., proprietor of the Hurd mills in
this eitv, had both wrists fractured
anil other injuries. Three unknown
ladies received rcalp wounds, vhilo
two others wen slightly bruised. The
lirakcman was also hurt, but not se
The Monte Carlo ltUaater.
Month Cajilo, March 12. 1'he offi
cial repoit of the collision on the rail
way between Monte Carlo and Man
tone on Wednesday, places the num
ber ot killed at four and the injured at
Tne Monte uano atat on-raaeier,
whose neglect to secure a clear track
before sending out bis train, which
contributed to Wednesday's railway
accident, was arrested at Koquebruo,
near Nice, whither he bni flad. He
committed suicide after being taken
Into cos'.o J.
The lKlravaaTi.il Prlacena.
London, March 12. The liabilities
cf Princesa Helena of Ypsilanti
amount to 800,030. Her failure ia
due to the extravagance of herself and
ber late husband. They spent 15,000,
OO'J in ten years.
Cotloa Burned la England.
London, March 12. Fire broke out
this morning among a large quantity
of cotton in the railway station at Old
ham, and destroyed $250,000 worth J
before the flames were extinguished.
One of the firemen engaged in Bubdu
ing the fire was ki led.
Had Doa; Hcare la Enaland.
London, March 12. Bradford, York
county, has a msd dog ecare cf a very
serious kind. In January a dog ran
mad through the streets and bit tweniy
persons. One of these died to day in
trribla .agony with all the symptums
tf hydrophobia The other nineteen
have consequently been thrown into a
s'ate ot fearful apprehension lest they
may too be attacked by the disease.
A Terrible Ulanaler.
ItBRLiN, March 12. The orphanage
for boys in the town of Voerde,
Province of Arnsberg, baa been de
stroyed by fire. Five inmates per
ished in tne names anu tniny owners
were injured
MlnlMterlal Crisis lu Italy.
Bomb, March 12. A cnns in the
coorl ct between tbe Italian ministry
and tbe opposition in the Chambers is
Imminent, ine ministers nave re
solved to present a united front in eup-
nnit of tne covernment a nnanciai
measures and the opposition have de
termined to renew their resistance to
the government s fiscal policy.
Politic at Birmingham.
BiBMiNOHAst. March 12. The Con
servatives of Birmingham have already
held caucuses for ihe next general
election. They have decided to again
contest all of tbe seven districts of tbe
city. Every one of these is now repre
sented Dy a lilDerai, anu tne mierence
is that the Conservatives calculate
that the Libeia's will not be as strong
in Birmingham at the ntxt election as
they were last autumn. t,ord .uan-
do'.pn onurcuiu nas orrangeu io un
vote an entire week next Miy to poli
tical campaignirg in ttirmiiigtiam.
TVo. 2 Col ton Fv Hi mitre Ilnildtng. Tf fniptilw.
SAI'OLEOX II ILL, President. Vf. N. WlLKEBSOit.Yice-Pregldenl
11. J. LYSS, Casitlei .
OfHce IO lHasiiHon Street.
W. D,
lrXeitiilii. Tenn
264 Front St.. cer. Court. Mempliiw, Tenn
W. A. GA&E & CO.
Cotton Factors,
Wo. SOO Front Street, : M emuiJfN, Tei
Diseases arc
all over the
An Elltor on a 111 Kprfc-i Kalhrr
Herloua AflTitlr,
Tbe New Hrnaawlck Bank Fallnre
Nhw liiinNswifK. N. J., March 12.
The exnininittion of the accounts of
tin, oVfnnct hank shows that the fol
lowing HcettritieH are mining: Newark
eitv. boncln. S2fK : Middlesex county
boiids, $1:1,000 ; New Brunswick water
lM)nds. .318: demand loans eolluto-
mlH, 2(l,tKK); cosh, t WW. H is thought
thnt dciwiHitors will realize ohout. 50
iHMit.i on the dollar.
nary difficulties, will bring the work I ol him that aftr a lite of forty years
spent in any comuiuunj wi r ,
could be found ti say a single nnkind
word of him? tor I verily believe
judge Temple bad not a single enemy
on earth, and ue uieu ai ne uveu, a
to a triumphant termination in satis
factory time, and no difficulty will
exist as to what government shall pro
tect it if the C'ayton-Bulwer treaty
can be managed succest fully. Such
are the ideas that are arising among
speculative observers of current
eventi, and among speculators calcu
lfltlng on a fut'ire call ijr their func's.
- -. . .. T 1 1. ln
Ubrttuan gentleman, dui ho is kj",
and the oldeBt practicing attorney of
the Memphis Bar is dead. Peace to
hia anhM.
On motion of Mr. B. M. Estee it
Nralt'a Emnlolaa mt Pnio
Cod Liver Oil, with HypophoTphitee,
In Vnlmfimirv A flections and Scrofu-
lnna. I)iaiuFB. Dr. Ira M. Lang, New
York, says: "I have prescribed Hcott's
Emulsion and used it in my family
and am greatly pleased with it. Have
found tt very sei viceable in Sctolulous
diseaees aud ruimonary auectionB.
Weary of Lire.
Tnv Ynnir. March 12. Henry J.
Ilalli Hcventy two yenrs old, committed
Biiiciile to-diivat the Fifth Avenue
lldii.l He was. hv nrofession. a min
ing engineer, nnd is aaid to have sunk
the first Hhat in Colorado, nt the time
the gold discoveries began. Hebecamo
interested in several paying mines and
lived handsomely. Mr. Hall had been
uIV.,r!niT from liviT trOllblO HA
.ivuiu.twm in !in nirirravated form. Hia
lininiiiL' room when
Hall killed himself by shootingthrough
lie is Kiiid to have bein
a millionaire.
Was so well pleased with the action
of Tongallno in a case of neuralgia of
had baitUxl previoua
treatment, that I recommended it to a
number of physicians, all ot wnom ex-
W. A. COOK, M.D., Oloba, Aril.
i -
IsptciAi. roTH ArrKiL I
Pise Blukk, Ark., March 12. Night,
before last at 11 o'clock f t,. 1 read-
well, editor of the Kingslanil av.t,
Ktrikcs being in order, made a physical
literal strike, not at, tlio uoum system,
but the ofliee tixtures of the depot at
Iieason, on the Texas and M. ixiuis
road. 1 ie also smashed window panes
into fragments and demolished tilings
around generally. Miss Mattie Stew
art, a modest young lady, in charge of
tlio telegraim omce, neu uum-ij
from the building, frightened out of
her witn. Treadwell got noiu oi some
tangle-leg w hisky at tlio village, and
to this ho ascribes his troubles, which
ho and hw friends regret, ne was
before United States Commissioner F.
J. Wise to-day, charged with trespass
ing on the property ot tne texas anu
Ht. Louis railroad, wiucn, oeiiig in mo
i..,rU of llece ver r ordure, appointea
by the United States Court, the offense,
if .,t.i.i,liul.,l will I m reiranleil as con-
erupt of the Federal MMin, to wnirn
... l.niin,l over lv the Commis-
sioner to apiu-ar, on a noun oi r-,..
Lundborg's perfume, Marchal Niel
Koee. , .
r nur.nniH-.'a r.rinme. rienia.
Lundborr b perfume, Alpine Violet.
1 nnithnr-r'a nerfume. Lily ot tne
BnrnMl Drain.
WlLKKSBARHE. Pa., MllR'h 12. TllO
residence of Joseph (ialo, near lltts-
,n. wan destroved DV lire miBuiwi"-
!n7 tialo'a two children, one aj
j nvir torn veara. were in
the house at tlie time. The yonngeBt
child was r.Rcued alive, but is fatally
lrn.l The other was burned to
I am a nativa of Knuland. and while I
wm In tbat country I contracted a terrible
blood poiton, and for two ycara was under
treatment aa an out-door patient at Notting
ham Ilofoiul, England, but waa not cured.
I in (Tore d the moet ngoniiint paina n my
bones, and was covered with lores all over
my b"dy and limbi 1 bad vrtlgo and deaf
nets, with partial loss oi linht, severe paint
in my head and eyes, etc., which nearly ran
me crazy I lest all hop in that eountry.
and tailed for America, and was treated at
Koesevelt in thit city, as well at by a prom-
lnenipnyfiioiao in isew lurauavmsuw w
neotion with the hospital!. ,
1 taw the advertisement of Bwift'i SpeoiDc,
and I determined to live it a trial as a last
resort. 1 had airen np all hop. of being
cared, as 1 had gone through the hands ot
the bent medical men in Nottingham and
New York. I took six bottles of 8. 8. 8.,
and lean say with great joy that they have
cured me entirely. I am as sound and aell
"I "to VKEDnAIFom
New York City, June 12, liv3.
Is the life, and he is wise who remeuiliers it.
But in March of lint jear I1SH4), I contracted
blood poison, and being in SaTannah, Oa.,
at ihe time, 1 went into the hospital there
fur treatment. I luffored vry much Iroin
rheumatism at the same time. I did not
fet wen unaer ine irouiiucm, lucm, i
cured by any of the usitnl means. I have
now taken seven bolt tt of hwift's Sr-eciQo
nd am sound and wer. iiaroveme po.soo
at through bolls on the SKin.
Jersey City, N. J., August 7, 1S;'.
Two years ago I contracted blood po'son.
ft r .....n.i I,,., Irnm rhn hAAf.
physicians here and at Dallas, I concluded
. vi.;, 11.,, Ki.rimrfl. flndon THohinff fpxar-
kana adoctor recommended me to try Swift's
Kpecific, assuring ire that tt would benent
me more taan uoi epring iuuuuku ,u.
had prodntd great holes in my bickand
caest, and hsd remoed all ihe hair off my
bead, jet 1 bori.n to improve in a weak I
time, and the sores began to heal, and were
en'iroly gono insde ot' ei)rht weeks.
VTlLb JKjyiiBi I'Orwr union rui. us,,.,.
Cisco. Texas, July 13. 188.5.
Treatifo on Blood and Skin Diseasee'malled
free. Thc Swift Briotrto uo
Irawer 3. Atlanta Qa..N. Y.. 15T W. 2Sd St.
4? -ps
ltalavlll Cm.
rnn.i.tini mllar walla and build
Dfi subject to overflow should be con
structed with Louisvuie wmeiii. io
the standard.
Aerldeaiallr Milled.
KmYc.it Mureh 12. Firo Chit1
Vranein Mahadv was kiueti to-tay
to a lire. An vn
VI Va a.au I,,
V1I1U lull aiiT urn --r-r-. ' , ,
nn.ler tho wheels of the engine, cruah.
iug his shotilder aud arm.
For flfteenyean they bay steadily gained
in lavor, and with saiei oonstantly In creat
ing have become tha most popular Corset
throughout the United Stales.
The tt quality Is waeeaiitrd to wkae twics
as loho aa ordinary 0irts. hava
lately introduced the tt and at II grades
with Extra Loso Waist, and ean lurniih
them when preferred.
Highest awards from all the World I
rreat Fairs. The last medal received is tor
First D lob Kit iif Mrrit, from ihe late Expo
sition held at New Orlenns. While scores of
patents have been li nnd worthless, the prin
ciples of the Ulove-Filting hav proved in
valuable. Hetnilers are anthorired to refund money,
if, on examination, these Corsets do not
prove aa represented, for anle every
('alalotinen Tro en ntipllration.
Thiinison, Lani)on & Co., Mew York
T Mill?
f ft in IN.SI,l. ILL.
Jr JCvnm la I
f f TO U1TR.J
6nalNl en Ml
I i MMlVUVft "
I I Mr mlrky On
wt onrqi.ity TtftmmenA
jrnufU.thebl tta4f
knufla in u. kx uau, rtr
and t".let.
We hire aold umitoM
ai'lr, inltai cvefT cue
Ilm gi van utisfcutca
Aim Uak.
Hadask.lt t.
Said by
Chancery Saile.
1 "H KSUANT to a decree remleroa ny ine
Chancery Court at Naihvll'a, st Its Oc
tober t'm. 188.'., in the case of tne
Stat or Tenaesra enu h
n ..k ..r T.t,..MA mil nlhan
(which said deoree is ente."ed of record at
nago ! ot minate book 2J), notice is hereHy
,h.i I .ill mil at public auction, tor
cash, at the Coort-Uouie door, in Memphis
Tenn., on
at 12 o'clock m.. th lollowlnt aesorioea
-r2,?lf-i- h. clt,af M.mrh l
Tenn., situated at th eornerot Third and
Washington streets, on me aouiu "."'
i . l : . .tmit .ml .ut .tile orinira
itroet. Irooting W tect on aid Third street
.nTrnnniiig back 18, feet to in alley. it
i K . ,. ti rYiiri.w narrjuiiurii rnjira las
th above entitled caul en June 26, 1S83, to
W8oVDd Book No. 99. pp. 589, 500 and 591.
Et.g liter's oltice oneioi wumj.
Terms of ljl-CaB, and fte from re
demptlon. TH0MAS W. WBKNN.
fr tlerk and Mister.
Pannvroval Pills.
- j -
...i.-ln.l and Ol
Sate and always Reliable. Beware . t
i, lmitationi. IndisMnsable
A- your irost lor "CUlit.r a
fbbI- . 'and tak no other, or inclos 4e
(.tamps) to us for pwtfoulars ) rrri by
iriun mm. .
hMttr hemlcal C a.,
TKAUiSanpplied by GEO. C GOODWIN
L Wholsale Acta, IteattiaaaM
817 and 819
N. Second St,
KAircyAcyrBXBS or
SolJ JefferHon IStrfcet,
(Between M un and Front.) MEMPHIS.
I Kstsbhsbed in 1WJ.
D K.JOHNSON iiaokncwledgedbyall pn
tiesintorested a by far the most sno
cestful tiyician in iDeireaimenioi invM.
or secret diseases. Quiet, permanent cure
guaranteed in every eve. male or iemaie.
Heceot cases of tionorrhea and byphili
cured In a t w anys wunoui me use oi mer
cury, - change of dit or hindrance frona
businnss. (secondary 6yt hilis, the last ve
tigo eradicated without the as of mercury.
Involunsary loss oi remeu siopieu in a bum
tiate. Sufferers from imyotency or lost of
aaxual p -wer, restored to Ire vit r in a few
weeks. Victims f self-ahns aud exoessiva
venery, sulferina from spermatorrhea and
loss of phjuieal and mental power, spoedily
and permanently cured. Particular atten
tion paid to the Diseases of Women, und
cures guaranteed. Hies aad old seres eured
without the us of eaa-tioor the knife. -All
consultation strictly oenfidential. Medi
cines sent by express to all parts of th
aerWorUingmen cured t hilf the usual
rates. Ultoe hoars from 8 o'clock a.m. to
o'clock p.m. T). S. JonXaOS. M.D.
Manhood Restored
C anting Pr mature Leciy, Nenronn Dbilitr, Losfc
LavDbood. 4c.,bvinff tnod in TaMii every known
Tmpd7,U'MiiiivoYfr$ii BimDiennnof rlf-ur
vhifh h w.l! r-! KKKLS to hie feUow-aiuflftreriv
,lUvAr,aM.JtLVttJllrUlv.hU.tw XwlS

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