OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, March 26, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024448/1886-03-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 25.
28, 27, Saturday matinee Th. talented
yoans; Americas actress,
Id Her Oreat New York Success,
Supported by J. hn T. Sullivan and a power
ful cast, under the wan rementof
Monday, March 2a-B-ntt of Mr. Frank
With 5etr Attractions, and better
than ever. Hew Management.
Will be kept on fa's at CLAPPA TAYLOR'S
BOOK STORE throat houl the season for tba
beneSt of those who wish to avoid tba rush
at the c ft! re at the va'e.
BLACK SHAWL- At Elmwocd Cemetery,
or between south sate and the eurva.
Finder will be rowarded bj returninr to
I'o-nran Hotel on re
SETTER White and bl.ck letter bitch
botheara black. Return to I. D. b, S
Madiaon atret, and ir--t $.' reward.
OTOKE HilUSK. ETC At Shel by Station
O Miss., stare houae. saloon, stanles and
oth. (iadt pcbnisiud. tor further par
ticulars apply to J. H. STAFFORD,
Concordia, Mias.
i()4h Al HO A Kb.
ROuM Desirahle furnished room,
board, at 72 Madison aire t.
BOARD With excellent room,
' NICE Roomi, furnished or unfurnished,
1 wilti or witnont ooarq, at IM aiauison sr.,
rpWO lam unfurnished roomi, with or
J. witheut board, at ft Madison itreet, oor
er Third.
. JAMES HOUSK-Cor. Second and Ad-
arris sts. Room and board to per weekt
day hoard, S3 VI.
C10TTAGKS Several net cottages.
J Apply to A. CORPUS, 17 Talbot t.
OTORE-No. 322 Front street.
Apply to
TWO elegant front room, furnished or
nnfurmahed. Apply at Btf Adama it.
C10TTAGE8 Two new cottages, Nos. 30
J and 30S Iladlen avenue, half iquar.
outb of Beale atreet. Apply to
J. D. MONTKIONH-O, 270 Second at.
COTTAGE Of three me ma at the terml
nua of Elmwood itreet oar line. Apply
at 36 Union itreet.
ROOMS Furniahed or nnfurniahed, at 118
Second itreet. Woferenoe required.
ROOMS Stil'e of two rooma, unfurnished,
or one furniahed room; will board par
tial if deaired. Location beat In the oity.
Family private. Addreaa, with reference,
B. 0.. Appeal office.
f Oeornia itreet.
rooma, oiatern. at 257
Arply next room.
CTOTTAOK-No. 414 Lau lerdale, 7 room!
J in food repair, food oiatern; $26 per
month. Apply to No. 394 Main itreet.
I ROOMS En mite, Lee Block, third floor
i front. Apply at No. 4 Madison at.
At 72 Madiaon itreet.
SITU ATION-Aa cook and housework.
M. L., thii office.
"POSITION As Book-keeper in hardware
X oreommiaiion home. L. 1, thii office.
eity to loan a Chriitian man ifty dol
larii for thirty dan, on a pledge worth iev-enty-five
dollar! (jeweler's estimate), to ena
ble him to send his wife away for bar health)
by her physieiaa's advice. Address
INVALID, this office.
SITUATION By a Scotchman who has had
several years experience on a farm as
farmer, rardner or to attend stock i wife
can assists oan furniah best of references.
J. P., Appeal office.
A 852 Vance itreet.
house servant; whits
VJ preferred ;
must come well recom
mended. Call at 325 Main street.
HIOHK-Teasb prices paid for old and new
FEATHERS at 148 Main itreet.
rpo ADVANCK MONEY On household
J- property withoat removal. Addreai
P. 0. BOX 18.
EVERY ONE In need of a hard, imooth,
durable and waterproof pavement or
floor, examine, WAT SON 8 BITUMEN CON
CRETK. Telephone 938.
ALL THOSE having damp, unwholesome
cellars to teleph ne 9.1H.
WHITE UIRL-For housework; refer-
ences reuuired, at 378 Adams atreet.
SITUATION To attend horses, etc. : I un
derstand the bnaineas; can giv" good rel
erencea. J. B., this office.
TjlVERYBODY-To call and see the cele-
I'J l.rut.l llvlttllai,..val a, ir7 ThiA
street, near Poplar.
GARDENER A good aloidy man who un-
deratunds gtrdening. Apply 8.1 Madison.
-y. al
O grnph School, cor. Main and Poplftrsts
J" Atonee. Apply to EO. W. LEAIt-
NAHO. Arkansai City, Ark.
T ADY A G K N'TS For Mrs. Cunpbell's
u new Tiller ' a filter, bustle, boop
akirt and underskirt comb ned. Uoopa can
be removed and skirt laundried. Adjusta
ble to any site. Very faahionable. and sella
for 12 to every wdl-dressfd lady ai soon as
shown. Agents doable their money. Alao
a lull line of cew furnishing goods for ladies
and children. Address, with stamp, E H.
VAiurDai.il a uu , well ilandolpb
street, vnioago, 111.
tOOK-WhIU or colored
or colored. Apply to
D. QUIGLET, 23 Front st.
XPIRST-CLA84 MILKER Who is willing
X' to assist with other farm work. Best
reference required. Addreas
MVERS A WALTER. Lola 6tatlon. Mis'
8ITUATI0N-Bya young man as salesman
or accoantant. Book keeDer of 5 years'
xperienoa in general mdse. business, 1 year
waoiesaie 0001 ana shoe bunneaa. Helcrenc.
given. Addreai J. Appeal orllce.
-lui spondents for new business. Positions
permanent. Salary or eommission. Writ.
le-nay. Address
ply this morning at Gaston's Hotel,
room 30, between 9 and 10 o'clock.
BOARDERS At 140 Madison 1 nioe roomi,
good fare; transients aoco m m od a ted .
AGENTS In every aectlott.of the country
for two New Books, Just ready. Sracui.
Tesmb to men of experience capable of fill
ing a large territory. "State, experience, age
u winwrj wanicu. iA3b&l,li ar UU,
(limited), a BroadiVat, V., and 40 Dear
bcrn street, Chicaad. r3?r
.1 .sBuTTTrtT- rr : ..
v'".u.i-utnrrsi!i in me 11. ion
ao 1 A01.1aa.v1 ix having several
BrtcIALTlas that re popular and easy sell
ing. Can ee bandied alone or in connection
TI JTfEV Address 'I IIS WM. B.
X can hear of something to his advantage
by 00 responding with his brwthcr.
NKLson wii.r.tnn
Preacott, Ontario, Canada.
Rothroe. chal-
KJ ienge;
1 earpet-makar of the United States.
want! a situation. JJo objection to leaving
uiv oiijrj n pfjiy i inis omce.
manent posit oa. with an old .atabliahed
Arm, as their repreaentive, in his own State.
Salary to begin, 170 rer month. References
14 Barclay street. N. Y.
A GENTS For th. best article ever 1
J- duced; eostly outfit free;
no rjedilllnv
ana no saoney reenirea nniu sates are made
and goods delivered. For particular! and
termi addreai N. M. Friedman A Co., Mar
tinsburg. Mo. M
1 1 II If I ns ioung ana old, to bring
LKJKJKJ their Old Clothes to Roienatein A
Bro. and have them
bd 16 Jefferson.
renovated. 248 Main
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vurles. A marvel ol
purity strength and whotcrtmenose. More
economical than the ordina.; kinds, and
Mnnnt be sola in eeu,petiti.n wi.h the
multitude ol low toJt, abort aeijrht tiluir or
phosphate powders. old mly trcan. Koial
)Ul-lvn P.iwn.w iVi.. llrt M'.n r MnwVrrk.
IWS On. with rnne arjnnd
LI heed.
15 reward for t" ir return to K.
RAHTON. nrr Carve. Hrri anrlo rosl.
TTORSES I will pay a liberal reward for
11 t be return or one Drown hrse. o ear
old, heavy ti il ; and on lisjht dun uorae, 7
years old, with a brand on rwht .high, at my
livery stable, of Monro, atreet.
RESIDENCE Two-itory frame, 303 Pon
totocat., eixroenia, bath and servants'
room) lane ihady yard and fruit trees,
Terms easy. Call at offise of Dr. Lipacomb,
250 Second at. .or at hirea'dence,3H2 Miaa av.
TjA RMS Several In. farmi in Arkanaas
X1 and Miiaiarippt o. vary easy terms and
low prices.
J. MAHTTN. Memphla, Tcnn.
CISTEKNS-Iiullt and repaired and war
ranted. Inventor o the Sanitary Port'
land Cement Pump. Contractor and brirk-
layer. Telephone 88. THOB. CUHU1NS
1VX. LAW, .Varine andt;ommeroial Notary
Public, Commiaiioner oi Deeda and U. S.
Coiumiagiouer. at the old office. No. 3 Madi
aon atreet. IWLLKCTIONHA M'Kl'l A L T Y
'jn ACRES od land at Nationa' Cem..
Ov tery. Inquire at 32 Madiaon itreot.
(SO Kff Will buy flOO acres of aood
1Z0JJ land, euht miles southeast ef
Brownsvl le. lenn.. under aor.d lence. has
several tenant houses, fine auriniraof water:
la well adapted to stock farm, and will be
old on long time. Api irto
JUXMXKH r Anlvr.K,
or A. J. MARTIN. 289 Main It.
1 1TATCUES Jole Jursrenaen item-wind,
W 18 k, $125; hockford stem-wind, 18 k,
t75: Schneider stem-wind, 14 k, ffiO; Klirin
and Waltbam stem-wind, aoiid mid. $20 to
hn ;
Lad es'bolid Mold Watcliei at SH, 111 .
r-3totui. Unts Solid Silver American
chea at H to (15. Above watches are all
ood aa new. A larare lino of Diamonds at
era than coat of iinnortation. and every ar
ticle sold under a'tarantee, at
M&HP11IS LOAN tlrrlCK,
74 and 76 Bcale street.
C'OW-A fine, frerh, half-Jersey eow with
calf sixteen days old.
W. S. JONErt. 131 Hernando it.
RATUS Fountains, ceierator, etc.. at
HArtl'MANN ft UKO.'S, Main it.
cheap. Apply at No 183 Conrt atreet.
W. R. LARKIN, Larkiniville, Ala.
A. B. C. Appeal oftioe.
KA OPCfi wl" purobaae a new, hand
W: 0J aome, two-itory Queen Ann.
houae, ro'ms, with 'ront, aide and back
porches; cistern, stable, wood and coal
shedi, corner lot, 146xlti8 feet, nicely traded
and fenced, 20-foot alley in rear, adjoining
But. Femal. Coll... Termi-(2UO0 cash,
balance 1.15 per month. Will be completed
about April lit. Addreai 1. A. iiAUli or J.
11. BARTON. 10 Madison itreet. Office
hours, 2 to 4 p.m.
TjlURNItU RE Complete set of household
X1 furniture, almost new, at a bargain to
cash purchaser i muat be sold at once. Apply
to J. R. BALDWIN. 284 Main at.
nated in one of the livrst towns in th.
Booth. Does a buaioeas of over tlOOO per
month. Bar can be added to the business,
if desired. For terms, addreas
J. d. jri ., Box un, aieridia-'. wt.
A T N8WP0RT NEWS, VA.-100U lou, 500
XI feet water fro . t, ti tet deep, ror lull
information addreas WM. A. DEAN,
47 Lexington itreet, Baltimore, Md.
ZiO oaah, or payable September 15, 1886,
with good lecurity.
HORSE A sale, reliable family buggy
hoiae one well known to the citisena
of Meinpbia. Apply t the livery atable of
'pHK OLD HKN ISLAND In light of
X Memphis; 1500 acres, of which about 300
cleared and Tory rich lund. A bargain can
be secured by application to
i n. B. BRYAN ACQ.
''piittWJtsbM, Si'AXh ChH'imuA'l bh
' It. eely'! n and all due. to th.
er. iivhstom ommVk'NnH,
W. H. BITE1.
h. u. Toor,
Blank Book Manufacturers,
No. 272 Second Street,
(Ami Block).
Kerr and Latest Styles Stock.
Tjpc, Sew machinery.
J. F. HOLST &BR0.,
Funeral Director?,
A FULL and complete stock of Wood s1
Metallic Caaai and Cask.u, Cloth-Covered
Caskets and Burial Robes always on
hand, war Order! by Ulasrraph promptly
lrastee's Sale.
PURSUANT to a trust deed executed to
me as trustee, by J. R. f lippin and M.
A. Flippin, of date Aucuat 10, 1683. and re
cord ed in the Recister'i office of Shelby
eonnty. Tennessee, in hnrk Kn IV. . . v-
303, 1 will, on
ealnrvlay. April 10, 1 ,
dnrina lecal hours, sell, in front of th.
court house door of laid county, at public
outcry, for cash, the proierty thereby con
veyed, vis. : Lot No. two Oi) in the division
of the property sold to F I.i in, ,a in.
ease of the Tennessee Marine and Fire In
surance Company vs. Cbas. Potter et al.
Chancery Court ef Shelby County, Tennes
see, said lot frontini M feet 7 inches on wes
line of Shelby street by a lUmh aaiw.rdli
of 140 feett reCcreno. beini; here made Ion
niore particular description to decree vest
ina title ia F. Lavifrne. mmifH.H in ..in
Rc. inter's office, hook &), pae n!9, etc.
Reiiemntion. dower and knmuidil waived.
Title believed rood.
v, 11. rUSTOJi, Trustee.
The Story of the Killing an Told by
tlie WitneesThe Jarj's
The Crimiaal Court wsb crowded
yesterday wheti the case cf Via O'Ojc-
nell lor killing Alonasco on the day cf
Justice Biittenberg a election was taken
up at o clock in the atternoon.
waa to the effect that he run (or Mag
istrate and bad fome words with
O Donni lt, bad no intention ol eboot
ing O'Donuell, bat Ibe latter knocked
him down. Ho Kent to bis ealoon
bnt bad been aimed alt day. lie did
not know Mole to bad l illowed Liin
down to the corner. That be drank a
good deal that day and that be did not
care paiticuliily what was the recult
o! the election, lie aaid Modusco did
not bit O'Donnell and that be never
attempted to shoot bim end did not
diaw a pistol on bim.
testillid tba be eaw a (use wiva brew
log ecd followed McMabcn to his
ealoon; nuked Mr. Harrinutnu not to
let bim have a pis ol, atd asked Mc
Million not to com i back to where
O'Donnf.ll wae and have a fuss: Mo
niuco said be would either kill or pet
even with the s n of a b b tba. bit
McMahon; MoMahon went to Algco'a
cigar nt jre and into the back room, as
it icokinR lor u Uonnell, and Uannon
followed bim in. lie then crisp ent
and went tooth toward Poplar street,
and found O'Donnell Btanding on the
corner, near uoodyfiirs drug store;
Monaaco was with McMabon. When
McMahon found O'Donnell fce ac
costed bim and words parsed them;
about this time Monasco jumped in,
remarkirg tbat "You are the man
that struck McMabon, atriking O'Don
nell several blows in the face, appar
ently as bard as he could bit bim.
caugbt Monasco by the coat and jerked
Mm back to the edge of the Bidewalk.
Then seeing McMahon move toward
O'Donnell, I releaeed Monasco uod
Etarted toward him, wrecchtug a pittol
fiom bis hands, which brought, my
back to O'Donnell and Monaeco. While
taking the pittol from McMahon I
boaid the fho", and heard Mouasco
say be was shot.
Raid he waa on his way home, ab ut
u:.su p.m. Mi en a (Jannon met bim
and to'.d bim be thought I had better
etny with him, as he expected trouble.
So I remained. Sheriff Cannon and
mvHjlf fjllowed Monasco and Mc
Mahon around the corLer, where they
fonnd O'Donnell. Monasco hit O'Don
nell, knocking him against tbo drug
store, anu as u ucuniUteil he tired.
O'Donnell was standing pei f ectly q uiet.
with bis bands behind him, and ee.med
to be perfectly peaceable. I saw Sheriff
uannon take a pistol from McMahon
about the time of the shootiog,
testified tbat he waa in store; tbat he
walked to the glaee window and saw
some one strike 0,'Donnell, who wan
standing out tide with bis baad behind
colored, testified "I saw Monasco shnt
np hisealom and saw McMahon come
out of it. The sheriff and McMahon
were together. McMahon stopped
and Cannon started to talk t) O'Don
nell. McMabon seemed to be very
angry and I ihink told O'Donnell be
would meet him the next dav. O'Don
nell told him he would meet him any
time. Monaeco ran in and struck
O'Donnell two or three times. lie
staggered back and shot.
ttifled: "I saw O'Donnell, McMahon,
Cannon and Toomey standing in front
of the Court-Housi), and McMahon
told O'Donnell he thonsbt be wai his
friend nntil that day. O'Donnell re
plied that he waa still hia friend, and
McMahon called him a d d liar.
Then O'Donnell struck McMahon and
knocked bim down. Then McMahon
went t) Harrington's saloon, and I
grabbed bim just as he started behind
the bar, I thiuk to get a pistol. I said
to him that be and O'Donnell both
had families, and they had better let
the matter drop, ai there was no use
in their filling out over this little elec
tion. Then Mack came out and met
Monaeco, whom we all call "Bull
Kun," in front of his (McMahon's) sa
loon. B'llt Run opened the d,;or, and
he aud Mack wont inside, and thev
c:oica it. in tbo mnant.nn t;,ipt.
Cannon tried to get in, but could not.
In about a minute Muck and "Bull
Kan" ctme out and came down toward
the Court-House. "Bull Kun" lorkinsr
the door after him. "Bull Run"
made nome remark about O'Donnell,
but I don't kuow what he did suv
about him. O'Donnell claimed I had
obrtructed the polli, aud was a little
mad with me. I had Dulled a vote
out cf a man's hand, and was at rested
and fined $100. That's what the elec
tion cost me."
testified: "I saw the difficulty. I
was standing in fiontof the court
house and heard O'Donnell and Mc
Mabon bave some woida. O'Donnell
struck McMahon and knocked him
down. Afterward I saw O'Donnell
standing on the corner of Poplar and
Main, and heard Monasco say. 'You
are the man who struck McMahon,'
and then struck O'Donnell or tried to
etrick him. I raw McMahon and
Monaeco come together down the
street from tbe direction of McMahon's
saloon, and Monasco sai J, 'I want to
see the man who knocked McMahon
down.' I was pretty full myself, and
don't think I was in a position to know
exactly what did occur. I heard
Monasco ask O'Donnell if he bit Mc
Mahon and rush at O'Donnell, who
then shot bim."
JIM cabs
aid: "I witnessed the difficulty; I
stopped on the corner to find out who
lal been elected; McMabon and
O'Donnell were talking, and McMabon
t ild Donnell he would see him the
neat dny; O'Donnell told him he could
s-.e him t'.i'n, then Mooaxo jumped
in and Mrtick O'Donnell, when toe
ltUr rhot him,"
said: "Tne difficulty took place near
the south door of my drugstore; I did
not r-e the shooting; when I heard
the r.iie 0"tide I went to the east
door; j i! no I did so I heard the shot
tired nt the rO'i'h door; I then looked
ami saw McMahon standing near
O'Jiu ne 1 on the sidewalk with a pis
tol i.-i li Ka: d in the attitnde of draw
ing it to a Kht npon O'Donnell, at
which ii;t mt Sheriff Cannon grabbed
him and took it away from 1dm."
When the evidence waa finished
Gen. Luke Wright, for defendant, said
if there ever was a case of self-defense
this was one, and he thought ita waste
of time to bosr a rnow testimony.
Ti.t Jt'oii-)-jenMal sa'.d he would
be obl'ired, la view of tie evulVvMV
tt rentier a verdlot of not tiniitr,
though all the evidence night bi
heard. The j try, therefore, acquitted
O'lounll without leaving the box.
TO HE llll.lt IK MKvirill n
Ituproterarnte ihr Lllllei Horfc
Hemel Chanel lie -sjpllsrn
anal s arlta.
Col. Barney Ilughet 01 the Mi'inphin
and CliHrli'Ktou railr ad rt'tiirncd
from Ixiuisville ye.Htt ii. iy nftcrnoon,
and at once made t. iigt'incnta for
the nveption bore on t' e 'Mih insUnt
of tweiity-hvv general n-ilit agente,
who will liiiiil tlioir in
(iayoeo lIoU-1. lln
iiitH'ting in not sUiU.l
lieved it will 1h one
itiiKrUince to the city.
i'tiniw at the
ibjci't of the
but it is U'
coimiilerablo Sir. Itnatolish i ink.
The traveling public ml others are
liiiul in their praiacs of Mr. Rudolph
Kink, the ivrviver of th .Menipliihitixl
Little Rock road. He had nudea perfect
road-bed the entire dint; ice, put down
Hteel rails und had fom i the I'lillninn
Ciiinpany to put on tlie 'tin one of the
fluent Hlecpera a hlch (nu out of Mem
phis. I'rrpnrlnig let'bsliige bang.
Kvcry road in the South which is to
change gaugo on June 1st iH busy pn'
paring for the great Mork. Many of
the linert have iticreaetsl the force nt
their shops in order to push the work.
Few persona have any conception of
the magnitude ol the work, hach car
must be hoisted, the trucks taken
apart and then placed in a hydraulic
press where the wheels arc forced on
the axle tbo necessary distance. The
driving and truck wheels of every en
gine must go through the same pro
cess. '
Vuuilwi alb.
C. ,S. Whcaton, lirand Chief Con
ductor of the Order of Itnilwav Con
ductors, it is announced, will visit the
South in April. His visit will be made
the occasion of a grand reunion of all
the smaller orders of this section, ami
the event is looked lorward to with
much pleasure by the conductors.
'omtulaslawr Ogilrn.
Commissioner Ogden of the South
ern pool is having smooth sai iii nt
the verv outset of his administration.
When he entered upon the discharge
of h r duties rates in the territory of
the Southern lines were decided y
shaky and unsettled, v illi every pros
pect of becoming more so. Wliile tbo
new commissioner has not received
any great proportion f credit for
diplomatic ability he is known to be a
thorough, practical and experienced
railroad man, pooled in every detail of
the freight business, and it is an (indis
putable fact that good fortune has nt
least followed bim into the Southern
Low Rate, to (be Noafb.
OtiirAon, lu... March 22. The low
rates to California are divcrtinirairrent
ileal ol travel In that direction wlncl
usually goes South at this season of
tho year, and to meet the low rates
the Southern roads are about to make
substantial cuts) in their rates.
Hbopn nursed al New Orlenne.
Skw Orleans, La.. March 25. The
coal-house, blacksmith and machine'
shops and coach-house of the Ixmis-
ville and Ptnsliville railroad. Itetwoen
Julia and Notre Dame streets, were
burned last night, as were also several
freight cars. The i'tillman Company
store-room was also destroyed, but not
until im content nail been removed.
At 1 :1" this morninir the Are was still
burning. The loss at that time was
roughly estimated at $20,000.
Litti.k Hix K Gazette: The necessi
ties of commerce point to the erection
of a bridge for railroad and general
purposes opposite Memnliis nt. An
early period.
Litti.k Ruck Dmitrrat : Then) is a
good deal of "Old Hickory" in the
composition of President 'Cleveland
and his present re;olute demeanor
strongly brings it to mind.
Van Bcrkn (Ark.) Araiit: It is high
time for Democrats to stop furnishing
clubs which will bo used upon their
own backs, and stand between the
people mid the plunderers of the
"Litti.k Rih-k Ikmniritl: The politi
cal wires are being laid with unusual
care this year, prcpanttory lo thy
State cunviiKH. One reason for this is
because so many aro praying for the
lightning's stroke.
Litti.k Rbck Dumxrat: It is worse
than folly it, is madness to trifle
with the Mormon cjuestion. Year
after year the malady is growing, like
a deadly cancer, upon the body politic,
and still we refrain from action.
Ok Alabama's invitation to the Mor
mons to quit that State, the Little
Itock Demwral siivs: Alabama is an
old-fashioned people, and it is not un
likely they moy be served! with ft auit
of tarand feathers -a favorite old-time
dress in that section.
Dks Arc (Ark.) Citheiu The Demo
cratic party of Arkansas is the people's
party of the State. A very large ma
jority of the people, are Identified with
and vote with that party, and uo other
party for years to come can do any
good for tho peiplo of this State.
These art) the solid facta as they now
exist, s
Tint Batesvillo (Ark) Pilot gays:
"To avoid nU conflict between convict
labor and honest labor, the only solu
tion is idleness within the walls; and
this method has few, if any, advo
cates." It therefore favor j manufact
uring within the walls. I letter put
the roads in the State in good condi
tion by convict labor.
- i
Searcy (Ark.) liranm: Year by
year the conflict between capital and
lalwr grows stronger and stronger;
year by year tho fact grows plainer
that some means are necessary to reg
ulate and render morn amicable the
relations between the two. This,
above everything else, is the great
question which our law-making pow
ers will be forced to meet.
Little; Rock Drmorral: No Wend of
pure government will admit that Mr.
Cleveland's administration is a failure
in any sense. It is a success. :lt is
growing in strength Wause it is
worthy the confidence of the people.
The mugwump hope that he would
ignore and disown his own people is
the only actual failure so far in Mr.
Cleveland's Presidential career.
Bkntunville i Ark.) Drwocrut: The
press of tho land should be united in
an earnest endeavor to preveut Con
gress from ruthlessly squandering so
many millions of tlie people's money
in building im moments lor our illus
trious dead, and in pensioning their
rich willows, and in pensioning thou
sands of worthless vagabonds with
money taken from the pockets of the
hard-working, honest lalHiring classes.
A tiood Fielding Team Hill (id All to
T.ece I'nlm r niclentl, Snpjtort
J la the ritrlict's Box.
Mere worils ar powerless to de
scribe yesterday's game Figures tell
the story much mon graphically -20
to 5 iii favor of Nashville wiw the
score. That tells the tale wiMi sutti
cient minnteness. It wim the worst
drubbing Memphis ever rtreived at
the hands of a visiting nine. But
nobody is greatly surprised. Such a
result was discerned lung ago. It is
even a matter of iimgratulation that
it came at a time when it cost so lit
tle. It wits only an exhibition game,
and a most painful exhibition it was,
too, not to say niortii'vimr. Tlie man
ner in w hich Nashville kept the home
nine running after the ball was exas
perating. It was a defeat of w hich mi
amateur nine might be ashamed,
but it was a wholesome defeat.
It will probably teach Memphis
that when Nashville turns a pitcher
loose it is hardly good policy for Mem
phis to engage hi in. As a general
principle that was as true a mouth
ago as it is now, but it took probably
such a dose as the home nine got yes
terday to enforce the principle upon
tho minds of certain persons with suf.
Ucient emphasis to make it acknow l
edged. That remit having been ac
complished it is perhaps reasonable to
1iom that a pitcher will be employed
to take the place of Voss, off" whom it
will not be jxissiblo for any club in
the Southern league to moke twenty
five base hits in one game.
The game hardly merits detailed
description. A few, sample innings,
selected at random, will serve to show
what kind of a game it was. Marr
(Nashville) was first at but. lie sent
a foul rly over third base, which
Whitehead mulled; he then bit safe
to center Held for two bases, (ioldsby
tried Fusselbach with a fly over
short, but the latter muH'eil, and
tioldsby was safe at lirst. Then ilil
lery stepped up ami knocked the ball
somewhere into left Held for three
bases, bringing in Marr und tioldsby.
Sowdors hit safe for two bases and
brought in llillery. Then Beard
came along und cut off a slice of the
pie for one huso, but was put
out trying to steal second. Sowiiers
ambled leisurely in on a passed ball,
and O'Brien look the stick und bad no
trouble in making a base hit. Hill man
then grabbed tlie ash, O'llrien going
to second on a passed bull; llittimin
hit to short una was intercepted at
first ; Maker took base on balls, Schcll
base bit to second, ami I'hclan mulled,
O'Hrien coming in, and linker third.
Marr then took another w hack, hit to
third huso, Whitehead fumbled, bnt
delivered the ball to I'helan, who
dropped it ; Schellhose made for sec
ond, and wus caught in a chose und
lint nut, but not before Haker
had scored. That made six runs
for Nashville, und an audible
grin begun to disseminate itself in the
audience. Black miuUt base on balls,
but fell a victim to Maker's (Incasing
and was caught in a chase between
first and second. lAvin took base on
balls, Andrews hit to second and
made first base, although I-iivni was
put out at second. Speed bit to
pitcher and was retired at lirst. The
second inning was not quite ho disas
trous, but tlie home nine seemed
badly demoralized. ioldsby hit safe
to second for one bag, stole second and
third on Colgan's bad throws,
llillery hit safe to left Held
for one bag, (ioldsby scoring.
Sowders hit to right field for
one base. Beard hit to pitcher, who
delivered the ball to third, retiring
llillery. O'Brien went out on a foul,
Bittmun out nt lirst on quickly fielded
ball from right field. Fusselbach hit
to short und failed to make first.
I'helan out on fly to left field. White
head, already tbo surest, best batter
in the nine, stmt a clean two-bagger to
left field. Colgan sent the ball safely
past first. Whitehead scoring. Voss bit
to second and expired at lirst. No moro
runs were made until the fifth inning,
when by bunching hits Nashville
scored 5 runs and Memphis!. The only
inning that excited any enthusiasm
was the seventh. Memphis bad threa
rren on bases, Voss, Colgan and
Whitehead, and nobody out. f thick
came up to do fir die, but elected I ho
latter, l-uvin then stepped in tlie
breach, or rather the diamond, ami
Rent a beauty to ccntwr-licld, landing
himself at first, und bringing White-
beail ami I olgan borne. The crowd
yelled with delight. It was the lirst
opportunity they had, and they im
proved it. 1 hey bad no chance after
that. Andrews Went out on a foul,
and Sneed failed to make first. In
the eighth inning Nashville made
four, and in the ninth four, Memphis
getting goose eggs. It must not be
forgotten also that Andrews made a
fine three-bagger in the sixth inning
which made bim very solid with the
she ftaore.
mrhphis. s.a. a. a, as. r.e, a. a.
Black, I. f 4 U 0 0 10 0
Larln.o. f. 3 Oil 100
Andrews, lat b.... 4 1 1 0 13 0 1
Sneed. r. f. 4 0 0 0 2 1 0
Fuaaelbach, s. I... 4 0 0 0 0 6 1
Phelan,2db 4 0 0 0 5 3 2
Whitehead, 8d b- 8 3 2 0 2 4 2
Colgan e 4 1 3 0 2 3 2
Von, p 4 0 11 1 4 0
Total .34 5 B 2 27 20 S
Ni'Rru.i.i. s.i. a. a. a.s. r.o. a. I.
Marr, e. f. 6 4 4 2 0 0 0
tioldsby, I. f...... S 3 6 8 2 0 0
llillery, 3d b 2 3 0 0 2 0
Sowden, r. f. ( 1 5 0 0 0 0
Heard, s. 1 5 2 2 1 2 a 0
O'Brien, lat b 6 3 2 0 11 1 1
Bittman.Jdb ft 1 2 0 4 2 0
Baker, p....... ft 1 1 0 0 11 0
tchnllhase c ... (310 1 0 0
Total- il 20 55 6 27 24 1
Passed balla-Schellhase, 2; Colnaa, 2.
cstru kou Voss, 1 Dakar, 0.
Voss will be released to-day.
0'Iary latches the first game
against Louisville next Monday, and
Knouff will pitch in Tuesday's game.
He left Philadelphia for this point last
Macon, Ga., March '24. Pittsburg,
14; Macon, 4.
Tba Trial af tfeaea lis Tbat TrlfcaaM
On taking his seat in the Police
Court yesterday morning President
liadden aaid : 'T notice tbat there ia
a good deal of sanitary work going on
in the city, which I am glad to see.
and I think if we keep on we shall
have a clean city after awhile. I want
the police to keep a sbarp eye on these
stock-yards op here in North Mem
phis and see that they are thoroughly
cleaned and limed."
Th following cases were then dis
poned of: L. 8. Grant, violating house
number otdioance, waa ditcharged;
L. D. Grant, same, continued until to
morrow; F. L. Warner, violating
Sui f fS) "t?3 s n
With t eir-Measurln Csrda. sent by mail on application. You can hva a row set ef ShlrU
madebysendii.(usanoldunetoni.auretiy. W KUK FOR OUH PRICKd.
r. ('AWiMiri.i..
JI'Las KUXis K,
Memphis Steam Laundry,
We have th. Latest Irui roved Troy Laundry Company's Machinery.
OM. illV, TFFN nnd SIIIHTS l.niimlrleil Fqnnl (o w.
health ordinance, bis case wi.s con
tinued for tive days; tieorga Fields,
Mre. Tritg, Mre. W'ebb and Mrs. A.
Lane, for violating house number or
dinance, coptnued until to-morrow;
Robert Urove.'.obttrueting street with
cnttin, was discharged; Mrs. M. J.
McCuller, violating bouse number or
dinance, dischargno; W. A. Williams,
violating health ordinance, was dis
charged; Fiank Buell and Chas. Cm
nnn, on a charge of trespass, wt re die
charged with ordrrj to go lo work ;
Theodore l-angston, a plain drunk,
waa given the usual does cf f'.' and
costs; Miss Annie McDonald, keeping
a hone of ill-fame, was fined !"; M ae
Rota C. Bright, inmate of house cf ill
fame, discharged; Lee Miller, fre
quenting house of ill-fame.ilifcha'-geil ;
Will Brown, ass-mlt and battery ami
vagrancy, fined fit); Grant Cumpbtll,
disorderly conduct and abusive Ian-
f:uage, discharged; Mrs. Wlsh, vio
atiiig health ordinance, continued five
days; W. A. Whnt ey, vlo!a ing fire
ordinance, continued ten days; Rose
Yancey, assault and battery, continued
ten days; W. B. Dunavut.t A Co,
violating fire ordinance, continued t n
days; C. W. Brown, violating bonie
number ordinance, continuid two
days; Mrs. Chut,', violating heabh
ordinance, dif charged: Amelia Shaw.
disturbing public worship, fined $10,
10 ot it t ) bo held up during good be
Tilt II A UII'J It.
Letter. Receive! From Repriaenla.
live). I ouiirraa.
The following letters, which were
received by tbo secretary of the C U-
ton Exchange, make It appear that
everything: is belnir done that is noeel
ble for the benefit of the Memphis
Mr. Henry Hotter, Secretary Cotton Ex
change, Memphis, Tenn. :
Dkar Sib The roll of copiea of the
memonal sent me was received, and
one copy wis given to each member
of the Committee oa Rivers aud Har
bora. I thiak the committee lsveiy
favoia'ily Impressed, and will allow
us the f 75,000, but there is some doubt
about the additional 125,000 asked f ir;
though 1 may be able to get them to
let na have that also, aa wa have some
very warm friends on the committee,
I presented the copy inclosed by lit
ter o tha llouie. Yours, respectfully,
WasHiauTim, D. C, March 22, 1HWI.
Henry Hotter, Esq. i
Dsua Hia-Your favor of the 10th
Instant, Incloilng memorial of cltirni
and tha Cotton and Merchants' Ex
changes Is before ma. I will prefect
the memorial to-day, and will go be
fore the River aud harbor Committee
and urge the appropriation, etc.
Yours truly, p. t. glass.
WAsmsonm, D. O.Msrch 22, 18S6.
Abstract or Imparls of Health O fil
er r and OtflfllBl CorrreadBla
lo lb. Nlstte Board of lleallk.
Tennessee during the month of Feb
ruary enjoyed unusual good health,
several of the county health clU wra
reporting it to bave been the healthi
est February for yeaia. Acute pn u
monia, bronchitis1, catarrhal fever and
tonsillitis were uih disiaa'S which
caused the gre:it't amount of Mckoe's
in the Siale for the month. Typhoid
fever is reported in t.ie loutilh i nf
Giangor, Jrckeon, Putnam, Ruther
ford and Wilsm. Whooning cough
in Crockott, GiLson and S'ewct
Mumps in JtUWon, McMiun ard
Polk. Typh i-uialariiil fever in Crock
ett, CcU'ee. Hardin and Shelby. Dyi
entery in Oofltteaud Haywood. Variu
lob', one case repirtel in the comity
ol Shelby, Also a lew cases ol diph
theria, scarlet lever and meailea iu
Memphis and sahnrbe.
klrel-4'ara tu Be Knualac Tber.
Neat Ibaradar.
An Immense force of men is at work
on Marshall avenue. A force of ro
less than IM) is busy grading, rolling;,
scraping, track-laying and puttiig
water and gas pipue in position. The
city, on account of the conclusion f
the Citizen)' Railway Company to lay
bnt one track, has decided to use its
paying fund on Madison street fx
tended. A good deal of grading will
also bave to lie done, and there tr.)
several property owner who will havM
to build retaining walla in front to
keep their real estate from tumbl n
out into the street. St'eet-cars will be
running out Marshall avenue next
ortba Aanalear A tbletle Aaaarlaliaa,
The Amateur Atbletio Ascociation
f ave one of ite usual delightful mont',
y entertainments last night, opening
with a mnsical aud concluding with a
bop. The musical piogramme, carried
out under the direction of Prof
Emile Levy, waa as fo'lows:
Ch.rua from Mikado.
Vooal sole. "Aaawer" ...Clark Knnwltnn
Solo LUdie Miss Kldrida.
Bole Pof Bell James V. R-aa
Sale Bridal M iro ..ldiaa Jeani. Jor
Bole-Inthe P leasee t Bumraar Time.
N. B. Pleasa.ts
ReciUtloa ....Miia Urace Lewe-vn
Solo "You" Mra. Levi J..y
Solo-Bid . (Jood By. Charles C.Webu
Dyeing and Clean lu a;.
Ladies' aud gnta' clothes cleat ed
or dyed in any color, alao kid glove,
ostrich feathers and lace curtains by
Louis Reigel, i8 Jefferson street, Men
phis, Tenn. Go'sdn recaivad by expre
fet.-tion of the throat from childhood,
caused by diphtheria, and have used
various remedies, but never found
anything equal to Browm's BitoNCHi.tL
Tkooiks." Tier. !. F. Hampton, Fkc
hm, Ay. Sold only iu boxes.
Cciiarnlnliilory Mms(i liver
Krvs Tclrsjraph l-lne.
The Bnllimore and Ohio Ttl'graph
Company yes erday comi 1 tsd Its cir
cu t, oponing up a new channel of
communication between Memehis and
the outside world. The laying nf the
ca1 l-i arr'iw the river sai a difficult
and costly job, and the work of stretch
ing the wires through the swamps
wis no child's play. The Western
Ui ion and the railrotdi working in
the interest ol that company threw
every obstacle In ita way by fl lb g np
poet holes until atoppi d by an injunc
tion and declining to hsnl ita polee
and wire, except to regular ata ions.
The line is built Just on's de the rail
iod right ol way. The following
c mgia ulatcry messages wereseut and
received ycBter'ay, but the nfflue,
which Is at the old stand of the West
ern Colon, will not bit open fir busi
ness until rext Monday:
M annus, TtKX , March 25, lHHo.
To I). II. Ba'ea. I'rasldant, and J. B. lou
lilin, Uencral Superintendent:
M err phis sends greitig to the
wuld tint she is now on a footing of
equably with the great commeicial
cities of the country In having crni
pitting telegraphy, as the has a 'ready
oenn in ber commerce by competing
river and rallio id 'rnrortaton lines.
W. P. DUN AV AN T, President.
Caioauo, 111., Maroktf, last).
To W. P. Dunavant, Praablenl, Memphis,
Please accept sincere congratula
tions. I trust (he tt bg'aph a ions of
your fivorhe city will indicate by
their pstronsge their hearty apprecia
tion of tha enterprise aud capital
wl ich bave final'y given them im
proved facilities, low ta.es and perma
nent fompetl'lnn.
J. E ZEUBLIN, Superi. Undent.
Niw Yoik. V.rohi 1AH6.
P. Dunavant, Preildcnt. Mamptils,
isnn. :
Yo'ir telegram received amount ing
theiO'npletion ol your line to Mem
phis, thus giving to yonr O'tiS'inc, in
(Muueciiin with tha Ba'iluiore and
O'lio Teletraph O impany, the benetita
i f tslegraphio competition fir the first
time in tbabl-t iry l1. your city. Wa
e ngritulattf jot npon the 'epsedy
bui ding of the line iu spite of the ob
I'acles tbrperr In your path by tha
agents of the hen t jfora monnnijy.
D. H. BAT,
Pr.ild.nt and General Maaaer.
J astlc J. M. AwI fas a is al lb. Rat via
af lb. rablla.
A representative- nt tha Apfbal yes
terday called upon; Justice J. M. Cola
man to aaoertaln i.oiitivt lr whether
or not he would ester the lint for tha
01 -e of Oomaer.ti ba fi led by tha
0 ui,ty Onnrt at ita meeting the first
Mondsy in next month. The ofBoe ia
a i impar a it oneitof on account of
tha inquet-ta whichvttlut efB icr is sup
posed to hold but which are In rca Ity
held by all the maitieiratf alike, but
becsuse of tiie fact .t$ t'ie Coroner
e'eitd wx n onth must hold the
geueritl cleitlou in Mra A. 8'ier:ff
C mnnn is Incompetent. an he is a can-
db'ate for re elt-cu'oii. . :
... ....
aio vou a canuulate rcr unror.e',
Vqu r, ?'' t'ie r.iuorter jkd. as soon
s his eyes became StifTVe ' 1" a 'curv
ioincd to the diirkutsi'f ttpeenbtr
raue in which that il'i.n'ta.-y dwells to
enable him to dist naisU bis firm.
"'o, 1 urn na a tau-iidate," wai the
"Hut will you refuse o serve if
ttleetml?' v . .
"No. On the contrary I Itt'e
yielded to the colicit'itions hi my
friends in and out ol t'ie pr y ag ilmt
uiv on private wii h"s, r a 'aiog aue
y-o-ry and nnuoyaic-i that thx riuMea
cf the tifllite wilt siii me:... I sliall
make no canvHse, but if I a n eitd
by the court will aerye, and will 'do
iny duty by tha public faitbful'y and
impartially." '
This from Justice Colema i will ba
received with a general expreasion of
fra id.a'lon. No man stands higher
in the estimation of the business com
munity and none could mora thor
oughly enjoy the confidence of tba
people of all clataea and political
creeds. Ha baa a wide personal ao
q lainlanee In every ward and d strict
lu tha county, knows men by their
bads and his i t'll) and influence in
so important a position will give tha
canvass and tha election, a tone a id
dignity which wi:t do a great deal
toward preventing these acenea of
violence which are too oltrn prevalent
at the poila.
Tba Praaraaa H.iele by tba Taaag
ca. i'brlatlaai Aaaeaaiailasi.
There has been a boom in the work
of the Young Men's Cbrlutian As o la
t;ou throigbout the South the pist
year, the lrinrlpal feature being tha
number cf fine bulldtpo will ba
e-ect-d tlie present eeanon, Atlanta
lends with a fund of thVI.COO, Naehvi le
folbwa with f.i9,000 and rtichmond
131', 000, and the reeult will be t aud-
ime a id convenient building in ea.-h
of theen cil et, devoted to the u of
yonng men and supplied with rwuiina
rcouie, libraries, eyoinaaiunis, etc. A
movement is on 1 ot in this cily to
piovide a bnilihn stiitsble foe
our loinl awci'ttion. Mre. Na
peleon Hill la ebeirn an of a cemtuit
tea who ar looking lor a sut'ahla
building that will ant, A." forac:
tion purp-wes. Several s:tes hsva
b-en i fl r and one eepeciil'y arista
si h ibe f.ivor cf the comnt't'ee.
Nome "f the niemhers aro a'r.t In ra
li ct. tut o.i tlit'r r.yurn imme
e it o.aid t he", and it tha
. gv is i pen s'i iff rwwi.l be utt-de et
, . i-e mi prov de tne )"U' k mn ot
v-iii i- a I in! tog cotuuiprxiii
a 1 1 tuw neede ui l! ? Ci y

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