OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, April 06, 1886, Image 1

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Paktiob write to Dr. Mott t)f New
"York that he la now quite satisfied
with the b'jcccm of inoculation for the
prevention and cure oi fcydrophobia.
The number of cases he haa treated
makes him confident and sure that
the once most dreaded of diseases can
be successfully cored if taken in time
say before the tenth day after being
.lUea. ' mmmmm'
Sam JoNrs and Sam Small have each
received 13000 for their revival work
at Chicago. Tc is for four weeks ti do
ingvery well, and is pluin proof, as a
venerable friend at our elbow says,
that the business has improved since
Jesus Christ was on earth. As itin
erancy evidently pays letter than
stated gospel preaching, all the best
preachers will soon be afoot
Oh the second page, among the news
of ihe strikes, there will be found an
editorial from the New York Indicator
on some recent efforts to whitewash
Jay Gould, in which it is plainly
proven that his talk withPowderly was
only a cover under which he made a
few profitable deals in Wall street
He is the concentrated essence of
heartlPBS, fiendish speculation. He is
the ghoul of Wall street.
Thh flood news this morning ia not
reassuring. In the twenty-four hours
preceding 1 o'clock p.m. yosterday.the
Ohio had risen 9 inches at Pittsburg,
19 at LouiHvillc and 10 at Cairo; the
Mississippi 1 inch at Dubuque, 10 at
this point, 13 at Vicksburg ami 1 ut
New Orleans. At Cincinnati and
Evansville the Ohio was also reported
rising, but at what rate w. s not stated.
Tlio weather at all points above is re
ported cloudy and cold.
Mr. Hoxiev, the scientist, who has
always been a Liberal of Liberals, is
reported as predicting the success of
Mr. Parnell, for whom he has a wa-m
admiration and respect, but he also
predict "that his success will destroy
English politicians who Dcrmit them
selves to be his instruments as soon as
a bitter experience of the conse
quences has brought Englishman and
Scotchman, and I will add, Irishmen,
to their senses." Let us hope that
this last prediction will not be real
ised. Engl -nd has stood a great many
strains of injuf tico and wrong. Surely
she and her public men can stand one
f justice and rijrlit.
Ws agree with tlio New York Herald
that tho recent slaughter of colored
men In a court-room at Carrollton,
Miss., was a crime wh'ch nothing can
extenuate. "Neveithelesss," as the
Herald says, "we warn our Republican
contemporaries that an attempt to
make political capital of it may lead
to awkward results " The Philadel
phia" Prat asks Ihut it "be not forgot
ten that it occurred in a Democratic
community, in a Democratic State,
against an undemocratic race." Upon
which the Boston Herald says :
SunDoe the ru'e be mtdo to work the other
way, ait will.il it be a good one. Let it
not be foraetun thot te rcoent b u'al mas
sacre of Co net. in Wyoming ooeurred in a
republican coram tin ty, in a republican Ter
ritory id. ava'uni an unreiuuiiunii r.uv. x
partita cita tal ie ta be made out ot one
timet wfcy not rut of the ctberT
This is a reasonable question. Will
' the Prm be kind enough to answerit?
Col. Ahmhtrono of the Leaven worth
Timr ought to recall "OsterfV He
is either an unmitigated idiot, who
believes all he hears, or "a liar from
taw." His letter of the 13th of March
from this city was a tissue of unmatch-
able falsehoods, plainly so to any one
in the least degree acquainted with
Memphis and the South. We have a
public school system of which we have
reason to be proud, as wo pay as heavy
a tax in Buppport of it as Massachu
setts does, and thousands of whites as
well as negro children are the bene
ficiaries of it "Osterfe" is unworthy
the paper he represents. He is an ig
norant, prejudiced an1 purposed mis-
. chief-ma'-er and a stupidly malignant
liar. When he cannot escape the
truth he exaggerates -it to serve his
purpose of wholesale traduction of the
people of the South.
To-morrow will be a momentous
day in the history of the British Em
pire. Mr. Gladstone is then to intro
duce his bill providing for home rule
for Ireland, and is to bo tested as a
statesman, parliamentary leader and
, orator more severely than ever before
in his life. Already, in the resigna
tion of Messrs. Chamberlain and Tre
Vtyan he has had a foretaste of the
.opposition he is to encounter
in the house of his friends.
Bnt even his bitterest enemies
.declare that lie is prep red and is like
ly to come 6ff victor. Much of the
reported discontent will disappear
when his measure is thoroughly un
derstood and his voice ie again heard
in the House appealing for jus
tice for Ireland as no other man living
.can appeal. As 'to Mr. Ghamlerlain
it is known that before- resigning
from the ministry he offered some
important concessions to Mr. Glad-
' stone, but the latter declined to accept
them, and he had to go. Mr. James
O'Kelly, member of Parliament, says
that in theN expected debate "the
Irish . leaders will in all probability
give the full history of Chamberlain's
secret negotiations with them. It will
then be known that he offered homt
rule, tnd even declared his readiness
to accept an Irish republic, on the
condition that the Irish party would
help him overthrow Gladstone, Ilart
ington and the House of Lords. The
Irish party, with one or two excep
tions, always mistrusted him, and pre
ferred to look to Mr. Gladstone for '
carryirjg home rule through Parlia
ment Gladstone has justified the
soundness of their judgment If he
tnaot carry it, no man can."
UJIcatlons of a Flood at PltUbn-r
The Situation at Louisville
ad Cliclanatl.
Contlnof d Reports of Loss of Life and
Destruction to Property
In .Alabama.
AVasitinoton, April 6, 1 a.in.-Be-tween
Cairo and Vicksburg on the
Mississippi the lowland districts will
be submerged. There will be a sl:ght
rise in the rivers of South Carolina,
Georgia and Alabama, after which a
decided fall.
The Klver rail In Bapldly at that,
fsritCUL TO TH1 ArrtiL.l
Chattanooga. Tenn., April 6. The
river has been falling all day at the
rate of two and one-half inches per
hour, and to night at midnight stands
at thirty-one and one-half feet and is
till falling. New s from above created
great excitement. Dispntehes show
that nearly three inches of rain fell in
East Tennessee last night and to-day,
and all the upper tributaries of the
Tennessee were rising very rapidly.
Tho impression was prevalent that
the river would take a second start
upward and pass the last maximum,
but these fears were groundless as the
fall continued, and it is now thought
it will reach banks before the second
rise gets here. To day the first mails
in eight days arrived. Western mails
were transferred by boat at Boyee's
and brought here at. noon. The
only mail was that of the
30th, but all delayed Western
mails will reach here to-morrow.
Eastern ina Is came by boat from
Charles on at 5 p.m. To-night the
Cincinnati Southern sent out the first
train that has left the city since Mon
day last. It is thought that trains will
arrive and depart on all the roads ex
cept the East Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia by noon to
morrow. The work of clean in a up
has commenced, and 250 men will bo
put upon the streets to-inorrow.
About 500 families moved back to
their homes to-day, and the balance
will get back in t he morning. The
Louisiana Lottery Company sent 1200
to-day for the sufferers, but it was de
clined, as no outside assistance will
be accepted.
absocutid miss ripuht.
Chattanooga, Temn., April 6. The
river is falling rapidly. Heavy ruins
throughout East Tennessee have again
raised the river above, and will prob
ably have the elleet of keeping up tho
river here at its present hight - forty
tix feet for two or three days. Boats
are running regularly now in connec
tion with the East Tennessee, Virginia
and Georgia railroad and with the
Cincinnati Southern. The first mail
for several days will arrive at 3 o'clock
The heaviest losses in this city are
Fayerweather 5i Lodew, tannery, $20,
000. Oilier losses, while aggregating
about 100,000, are smaller in each in
dividual case. It is estimated that
about 150.) houses were inundated.
The citizens are liberally providing
for the helpless.
The Flood In tbe Cooia.
Birmingham, Ala., April 5. A
gentleman resident here who has
been to Florida, reached home this
morning, having crossed tho Alabama
river from Montgomery to the neigh
borhood of Coosa in askiff yesterday
afternoon The water is nine miles
wide and the current is reported to
be frightfully swift. No other delayed
traveler was impatient enough to risk
a trip. Reports from Gadsden repre
Bents the situation there as more dis
tressing than ever. Rain all Sunday
night and to-day gave impetus to the
already destructive freshet. This river
is five feet and a half higher than ever
known before, and is still rising.
Many peoplo living in town and out
on the river banks are rendered home
less. In Coosa furnace the water is
eight feet high. Many thousand feet
of lumber have been swept away.
The water-works are drowned out,
and a large broom handle factory
swept entirely away. Col. K. B. Kyle
lost $2500 in lumber alone.
lmmla"ratliB ta Florida from the
'Inundated DUIricie In Alabama,
Dk Funiak Springs, Fla., April 5.
Tho recent heavy rains which causod
such disaster in Alabama and Tennes
see have in no way injured the West
Honda high lands. .Numbers ot in
undated suflerers from tho above
States will remove here. The tobacco,
sugar, cotton, rice, fruit and root crops
are dome well.
The naval drill, which opened to
day at fensacola, is a novel and inter
eating spectacle which fow living
Americans have witnessed.
XIII Rlatitar at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, O., April 6 The river
rear tied 53 feet inches this mornine,
and is now receding at the rate of half
an inch an hour. It was 53 feet 8
inches at 10 o'clock. The weather re
mains cloudy and cool, but no rain
fall. There is a swell coming from the
Big Sandy and Kanawha rivers, but it
is not thought it will make the river
higher iiere than it as now. The rail
roads are but slightly embarrassed by
the high waser.
Later. Tho river has failed to re
cede, as was expected. It has stood for
several hour at f 3 feet 8 inches. It is
rising slowly at Portsicouth and also
at Point P easant. This is from the
swell in Big Handy and Kanawha riv
ers, both of which are still rising.
River men here are again in doubt
whether the water will not yet rise
above 53 feet inches. 1
9 P. M Biver 64 feet rising an
inch an hour. Six inches of snow
and still fa ling.
fill Blaine at LonUvllla.
Louisville, Ky April 5. Last
evening the river checked to a rise of
half an inch per hour, but later took
a renewe start and is now coming
steadily at the rate of an inch an hour.
The Kentucky and the Big Sandy
have both received an impetus from
the rains and are pouring in at a fear
ful rate. Along the river front many
have moved out and others are in ,
readiness. The indications here are
for clearer and wanner weather.
AioR-The river is risine slowly,
three-quarters of an inch an hour.and
the tanal gauge registers thirty-one
feet The Big Sandy is reported re
ceding above Catlettsburg, but
heavy snow has been falling in that
rejrion since noon and there will le
another rise.
Laaa or Lira la Alabama.
Selma, Ala., April 5. Reports of
large loss of life and damage to plan
tations continue to come in. The re
lief committees ask that contributions
be sent to the Mayor.
lextteatlaaa af a riaod at PlltaaarK.
PrrTSBUBO, Pa., April 5. The indi
cations to-night are for high stage of
water, and possibly a fliod. It has
been r lining since nooc, and the riv
eis are repoitsd rising at all points
Dletraaa la Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala., April 5. The
Board of Ik' venue of this county, in
communication to Gov. O'Neil, stated
that largo numbers of people, victims
of the flexxL, would have to lie main
tained for an indefinite period, and at
public expense, and suggested that he
memorialize Congress for such relief
as may be needed, The Governor has
replied that he thought tho local relief
would meet the issue, and did not
think the State should ask alms of tho
government If he though the emer
gency sufficiently great to require it
he would convene the legislature ana
let the State succor its needy citizens,
but he docs not believe such necessity
exists. Trains from Montgomery to
Atlanta were resumed to-day.
Floods In Won! Virginia
Chahi.kston, W. Va.. April 5.- Dur
ing the past forty-eight liotrs steady
ruin has fallen, swelling all small
streams, resulting in a rise of the Kan
awha and Elk rivers, which will, it is
feared, place the stage of water .hove
tho late rise. Government reports
from Ganley and New rivers show a
rise coming which will inundate tho
greater portion of the city. The resi
dents of the lower part of the city are
busy removing their effects to places
of safety.
April Term tff the SiiDrrmo fnnrl
Hra. Klrhardaon'a Fnnrrnl,
IsncuL to ths arriiL.I
Jackson, Mm., April 5. The April
term of the Supreme Court bigtn to
day with a foil bench. Tbe docket
of the First District was taken up
and one or two cases argued
and several informal orders made.
The Third District, by order of
tbe Court wiil be taken np
on tbe fourth Mondav in April, in
stant, and 8 scon d District on ths
third Monday in May next.
The fnneial of Mre. W. B. Richard
son took place btr to-day from the
Presbyterian church. Tbe Rv. John
Hunt r c flic fcpiL
Tbe Helena Lumber Company's mill
De.troyrd by Flrr.
sracuL to thi ArpiAi..l
Helena, Ark.. April 5. -To-night at
7:45 o'clock afire broke out in the
mill of tho Helena Lumber Company,
and getting beyond control, soon bad
the same reduced to ashes. The mill
was one of the most extensive lum
bering establishments in the State
nnd was owned by Muj J. T. Watson,
George W alker and A N. Sutherland.
The loss on mill and lumber is 130,000.
No insurance.
Don't forget the drummers' tax
meeting at the Merchants' Etchango
There will be no session of the Chi
cago I oard of Trade to-duy munici
pal election day.
Closino prices of May options at
Chicago yesterday: Pork, $9 52 J ; lard,
5.Wjc; clear rib sides, 5.4.'Jc; corn,
37 Jo; wheat, 79 Jc; oats, !2t)tc.
Mr. Bobt. WoolkK!id!, the well
known cotton buyer, has returned
from Galveston, and will remain here
during the remainder of the season.
The Baltimore and Ohio has opened
a telegraph bureau in the Merchants'
Exchange rooms, and W. G. Maxwell
is the operator in charge. 'I his is a
good move, and will greutly facilitate
the business of members.
Visitors on 'Changu yesterday:
Julius Lesser, Mariunna, Ark.; 15.
Burger, New York; P. B. Winston,
Brownsville, Tenn. ; W. B. Edrington,
Osceola, Ark. ; A. C. Kirby, Welling
ton, Tenn.; L. T. Pride, Pride's, Ala.;
E. B. ljicey, Kansas City.
The following is the visible supply of
grain in the United Stutes snd Cnd,
as compiled by the New York Produce
Exchange : Wheat, 48,972,918 hu, do
crease 8n1.a82bu: corn, 10 294,7fi8 bo,
decrease 5'i2,30' bu ; oats, 2,409,802 bn,
decrease 111,127 ba; rye, 527,690 hn,
decrease 18,0!fl bn; barley, 930,437
bu, decreas j 109,207 bn.
The statement, from .insurance
sources, that one-fourth of the tires in
the United States during tho past
yeur were of incendiary origin, wiiilo
somewhat startling, is suggestive of
two things: First, tho percentage of
persona who are willing to risk the
penitentiary for a few dollars must be
greater than is generally supposed ;
and, secondly, as most of the incendi
ary cases wore prompted by a desire to
realize on an overinsurance, the prac
tice of overinsuring property must be
prevalent among the companies. The
insurance companies ougfit, for their
own protection, to see to it that thoy
do not issue policies for larger amounts
than are at hazard.
"I have thee on tho hip," cried
rheumatism seizing his victim and
i na.i n iw Y, i ,n sn a aiitfV.rtnar 1uH "Nnt
o, ' he cried, "not sol Wait, my an
citmt foe, just five minutes, until the
boy brings a bottle of Salvation Oil,
then we'll see who wius the day."
Bitrlag Stable Burned.
New York, April 5. The stables of
Win. McMahon, at Parkville. L I,
were burned yoeterday. Out ot the
stable consisting of llena, Charley
Kempland, Chiocha, Spartaeus, Coun
terfeit and Perilous, all owned by
Wm. McMahon, Chiocha and Perilous
were alone uninjured. They escaped
with a few slight burns. Kena per
ished in the flames, and Charley
Kempland had to bo killed. Counter
feit was terribly burned about the
head and shoulders, and will lose
the sight of one eye. hpartacus was
terribly burned on his back, the
blanket having been almost immedi
ately consumed before being removed.
The loss on the racers is at least f 20,-
LcuPBORo'g perfume, EJenia.
LuDdbo'g's perfume, A'pine Violet
Lniidboig's perjame, Lily of the
Lundborg's perfume, Marehal Kiel
He Saji No Promise Was Mace to
Take Back ill tbe
New York, April 5.-Secretary Tur
ner of the Execut've Committee of
the Knights of 1-abor, having stated
yesterday in St Ixmiathut Mr. lloxie
was not acting in conformity with the
terms enteredinto at the New York
conference, Mr. Gould was to day in
terviewed upon jthe subject and said:
"The stenographer's notes of the New
York conference show that there was
no agreement, direct or implied, that
the company 'would take all men
back with some comparatively few ex
ceptions.' ' On the contrary they show
that not one of the committee expect
ed tho company to tako back any
men not needed or any who had
had anything to do w ith damage to the
property of the company or obstruc
tion to the running of its trains. Pow
derlv said if the company would sup
ply fiini with the names of those law
breakers thev would be expelled from
the order, the whole committee was
very positive that its orders to return
to work would bo general! v oboved,
and asserted most positively that tfioso
who refused to obey the orders
would bo put out of tho order,
I Mid, to uso tho words, of one
1 of tho committee, 'kent out of it for
ever.' A messuge from Mr. Hoxie
was read to the committee, in which
he stated that onlv a portion of the
incu formerly employed would be re
quired by the company, on uecount of
u reduction in business caused by the
strike, and because a large number of
men had been employed to take the
places of strikers, who would not be
the situation at fort worth.
The following dispatch was received
this afternoon at the office of the
Missouri Pacilic Railroad Company:
St. I.nui, April 5, 1HMG
There is nothing in the rumor from
Fort Worth as to strinr tearing up
railway tracks The following has
just been received frouk Fort Worth:
At this ho' r (1 p.m.) everything is
quiet. Two trains have gone south
this morning, well guarded. No
interference. Some one crippled
engine No. 27 last night at
Waco whilo the trainmen were eating
supper. AlKHit 11:30 this morning a
box of dynamite was found in an out
house near tho Union depot, whore it
had been secreted. Governor Ireland
is now in the city. All saloons and
drinking-place have 1 den closed nnd
n largo police force patjrol tho city at
night. More freight trains will move
south to-day. Nothing authoritative
has been heard from the strikers who
were shot last Saturday.
No Chanae at at1, J.nnla.
Sr. Loci.', Mo., Aprii Tui situa
tion up to a I ub h"iir tff-night is pra'!
ticclly nrchfivtKt'd. Vhe Gmser.d
Executive 1 Jam m'" lee. has hold to
formal eHoi t-dt-.?, nor has the
local joint ci-.tnm t'e d'm auylhu g
that they will uinka fir.Elie, bryonu
the fact t ' they have febv
prBphed to m1 poiu:s o,i thn Goull
Bittern tbe s'i'riierit which was
"smed last r.iijl.t b.v the General Com
mittee. To t'lese the committee say
they have received replies from most
of tin? principal pou ts t) the etl'eit
that the ec'ion of the General Eotrd
is emmended and indort-ed, and that
generally the mea who have returned
to work have ai'sin gone out,
and that he strike is pra -J ti
dily as active and strong as
it has - been at any prt vions
time. Secretary Turmr left to night
for Fort Worth, Tex , ai.d will muse a
tonr cf the south' r.-i nrr of the Gould
s stem before his return, ami lenrn f r
himsdf the exa?t mi d i ot of nfl"ii'r.
8pecta sfr..ni For. Wi rth sav that
Dpputy-8her.ff Townsiud and Franc
Puree, a siriker, wh.i wire wounded
in Uu fight on Saturday, died to-day.
A Hnaalan' to iai fall Smart Snow
Storm Two .Warders.
IsriciAL to tbi irriit.l
Birmingham, Ala., Aprils. E. Les
ser, a Kussian restaurant keeper here,
has received word from tho old coun
try that a legacy of 30,000 roubles has
been left him there, tie says he will
go across to get it, but by so doing will
run tho risk of being arrested and
sent to Siberia. Ho tells that he had
to leave the country Bcvoral years ago
because of the charge of complicity
in some Nihilistic conspiracy.
Snow fell smartly here for about an
hour this morning, hut the ground
was so wet it melted as fast as it fell.
The Daily Age received to-day a tele
gram of two murders between here
and Montgomery several days ago,
A negro was killea in Verbena Chilton
county, and a negro killed a peddler
near Helena, Shelby county. No par
ticulars are given of either case.
Ciraud MaaqunrMila . Ball by the
Hebrew Ladle' Aid Society.
rcoRaaaroHDiNcs or rut rrAi..l
Pine Plcff, Abe , Apiii 5. There
was a gMi;d masquerade ball given
Thnrsday night by the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Hehrew church. The
chambers were wt-ll personated and
every incident cf the ccrauon paswd
eff happily. We preset t few of the
nuny characters represented: "Yam
Yam," Mi Blle Simon; Tbrae
Peasant Girls," Mrs. Rosa Schwarts
and Misses Teresa and Nettie Wal-
s'einj '"Two Little Innocent"," Misses
Sophie Rhine and Sutta Pl jora ; "Pop
Corn Girls," Mrs. Jo Berlin Rosa and
Teresa Asscbatfenberg; "Qiaker
Girls," Miss Ophelia Rhine and
Julia Solmonson; "Darkies from
the Cotton Patch," Mrs. Charlie We I,
Mrs. S. Freed man and Will Halt;
"Tamborine Girl," Miss B. Samuels of
St Louis; "Nan, Good for Norhirg,"
Beatrice Wrtheimr; "Fiw," Miss
Mar el Weil; "Baeb illls," Mn'. L E.
Goldsmith; "Gipsv," Mi Ry Sol
monson ;"Pine Bluff fK" Jo Mayer;
"Spanish Cava!ier,'"L 0 Koox; "Boot
black," 8. L Wa'ermannf report rial
ftaff Memohis Sunday Timet; "Blue
Kniuht," Robert Lee.
.Miss Sophi Rhine wis voled as tbe
most popu'ar young lady and received
tbe dk s. f.
Have used Tongaline in a case of
chronic rheumatism with very satis
factory results, in fact it has done
what other remedies have failed to
do : am well pleased with it and con
sider tho preparation a very reliable
one. r. a. slauouteh, m. d.,
ilulw, Tex.O
BURKK At S:15 o'clock, MonJa mom
ma, April O. I, ai rMidenct, !Vo Yi Mail
treat. Jobs num. acta il'.j-loi.r Marl
Fanaral tbia (TUESDAY) moraine at 10
o'clock. Frienda of tha fanllr and M. Ma-
Cuna art lBTltad toattaod h:fh matt at St.
Brlild'i church.
Warrant, absolutely par
Coeoa, from wbl. li the iomm of
ha been ivmovM. Il haafArM
m$tkt $trngth of Coco mixed
iih Htatvh, Arrowrtoiur Sugar,
1 Iheivf ore far moro roooora
i, cottina let. than m
. It ia dt'licloa, nouriahmc,
DKthrnli.g, wwHy dlgosUtl,
admirably frUptod lor mm
a wull a for rwraona In health.
Sold by Urtwra t rfwbr
. BASER & CO., Darcttestcr, Mass.
Novelties of tlio Season
at Greatly Reduced
It In
. certain t'i.it
2 "tha Kaiian" atiua
O will prorva aatiifootorr U
CO arary gentleman who want a
4 parfkot arttcla, ..JUT puttlns Into
nanuraotara at thaaa aboaa. Ilia reculia of 00
Z yoara aapcrlonca and atudy, of what will
plaaaa, arva comfort nud woux
Z faithfully. Try thorn.
" Evary fl-.-Bt-oliuia
X ' dMaar haa
Commercial Travelers.
rpiIE nndnralanvil having been appointed
I h Ik. "Iil.ir.,1 Kl.f.. T U 1 .
a mertiot of tha commercial tourln') for tnc
rurpne of oraimiaina a Hteta Trttvelara1
Pi o active AraocUtinn, h reby notiflee the
trave ins lalemnnn that the; are re iu o l
to meet in tha ftereantHtiven' Hall at 10
o o ork a.m , on Hie tilth ot thii month a'
Jtrkri, Min., to a'liet In furuiinff taid
S'aie l r. A. ar jic-tnon.
I alo reuue-t ftl firm'renreien'el by trar
elns fl'leinnn to Dotifv their r. renentit-
tivea ol the line and plaa "I lata lueetinf,
and to lollolt their attendance
1. 1. COCK.
Jackion, Mine., April 3, WM.
I'Ltysicinn, Surgeon anil Accuucher,
313 Mali Nlrect, Near Union.
Telephone No.KH.
Dlranl train Factory la Porrhaa
rs, aavlnic as Sar eaat. Writ
Monte PlcWenw & Co., IWimphln
Money to Loan
On Improved plantation In
MlMMlnNlppI and ArUaiiHUM.
Inatalluient plan 3, 5 or 10
arw. Aniind Intercnt, nel
In advance. o coinuiUKloiiH.
!Vo'ot(on b!puientn. 'IioiiH
ohI loan oflered.
Francis Smith Caldwell & Co.
256 Second St. Memphis.
We have no airontx.
Non-Ifeblf nt Notice.
No. 329 (130), W. D.-In tha rhancerv Court
ol bh Iby connlj, lenn. Btata el lennee-
fee, ete . va. W. K. I: trier
It appearinr from affidavit in hie eauaa
tht the dtfendante, 0. 0. CUy. W. H to
vH. Hue. A. Uenry. R. T. Wilnn. John IS.
Leech, Hp'a-oa roui. k r., W. 11. Hie-
paen", M- n. meriin ana via ceuna m ou
vi u, Eiecutiirof B. McUavItt, are non-retl-dent
of th.Fitata of Tennexee:
It ia therefore ordered, Tout (hey m ke
their appearance herein, at tha o .urlhome
of Bhelbr county, in Memphi, T on
or before iheAret Monday in May, 1886. and
pie d, aniwer or dtmnr to eomplalnant'a
anrnded bill or the i.ma will bt taken for
oon feared aa to them and mt lor rearing .1
r une; and that a copy of tbia order be mb
ifxed onea a week, fur lour ancre-eive
week.. In the Memphie App.iI. Ihii 2tHh
day of Mare' , H 8. A oopy-atteet:
8. I. MotOW KLL, C'-' and M.eta'r.
Byll.F Walfb. Utpuly Cle'k and Haeter.
. iSm'th k Collier and L. Lamb. Son. ler
eomplainant. taea
Non-Realdent Notice.
No. i'f R. D In tha Chancery Court nf
Shelby eonnty, Tenn, btata el Teataiaa
vt. . V. Jon., at al.
It pre iring Irom the iworn amended pe
tition in thia otan that tbe defondanu,
Fannie J. (irccol.w. W. B. Ureeniaw, 6a lie
J. Iinrn. V. M. Uavii, Anna Urfenlaiv and
Katie Bell U eeol.wrare reiidenta of iha
Ma e o l eiae:
It ia tberelora ordered. That tbey make
th.ir pcerooe herein, a t' c o uithciu e
ot heiby co inty. n M-mnh:R, T nn . n or
b-f.ro t' e rtrat Mondt ia Mv, IfWft, aod
plead, aniaer or femur to onroplaini'it'a
t ill, or ih rauia aill be taken f r o 'nfrti d
m ih.m and t lor herina ez ntrte: ad
that c p of thi' order be pubii'hed once a
w ek: tnr lour fOccenMV week., in the
M mpbi Apnea', i on ia n aiy ol maron,
1886 A .. attct:
Py II F. W.I-h.D.puty lark and MaetT.
Metcall k Walker and h. Ub, Bo a. 'or
omplaioaat. W
r4A Oil
I j 1 E
We ojkmi the 8prin(j and Summer Seaon in this Depart int Dt is!i :he
grandent display o( lloxiery ever olTored outside of New York .City.
White dark, nolid color are still desirable, there is, this aeavura. an
almoHt univereal domand for Panoy Styles. We were ncvor better abte to
supply this dcmnt.d than at present. Our assortment oi styles is alts t be
wilderinK. Tbe rery newest and most unique designs in F.njdh and
French High Nov . liics, such as Urge and small Checks, l'lain and Tancj
Vertical Stripes, Variegated and Diagonal Patterns, Mikado rtyltn, .to., we
have in cndlotis profusion. Tbe entire line is OUR SPECIAL OW N IM
l'OKTATlON, and tbe mot careful judgment and exiu rit iioe baribeen
brought to bear in its (election. The designs are ALL peculiarly OUR
OW'H and cannot be found outsido this Department.
For street and bouse wear wo give below a few of our spooial .!riv. s.
Lot I
Lot 2-
Lot 3
Lot 1-
Lot 5-
Lot 0
Lot 7-
Ladies' Unbleached Ralbricgun Hose, full regular made, entra
'leDKih aud Silk Clocked, 5o por pair, worth 'Klo.
Ladies' Unblenubed Dulbria;iin floso, full regular msde.eatra
"lonnth and ruperGuo Silk Clocked, .'l.'io or ;J pair for $1, worth
5(ln a pair.
Iadies' Cotton IIoki in D.irk, Solid Colors, and Blaok, 'ull
"rcgulur made, Oil Colors, UTio, worth 10c.
Ladies' Cotton Hoso in D.irk, Solid Colors, and Clack, with
"all white feat (something new), .'STm a pair or .'t pairs for tl,
worth ,'rtlo a pair.
Miscellaneous Lidos' Stripud Cotton Hose, New Kprinc
"Styles, 'o, :tTo, 5o, ti.'io a pjir. All lull regular nuda ana
fust colors.
An assortment of Cliildren's School Hose, all sines, ia pUin
"and French Kiblwd, Dark, Solid Colors, 25o a pair.
Infants' J and 3 Hose in White, Korti, Lace and Kmbr.iU -reJ,
"Striped and Solid Colors, in Cotton, Lisle and Silk, Si, 'Jfto,
4Uo, 50o, Uoo, Too a pair.
Mercantile M if
Capital, $200,000.
1. K. OIWt., I'n-'t. J. M. till
nuard ot
P. T. PORTHll.
W. 8. BKUCK.
J VI. d'MllHIAR,
M. (iAViX
T. It. SIMrt,
a-A Denmllnr; af tha Nlala or Tannaaaaa. Traaaaala a neawirul Banking
ll...mmlrHMi.wll analw la e'ollartli--.-taa
Try Zcllner's
avdend roar orderi or come and eem'ne their rrand ai'ortmeat ol FtNB BU0IM.
bllOKd AM SLII'PKItct.-a
a-piuitraied ratt"ane. Pen1 Kree on AnpUotinn.-a
L1I101 il Sill,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Nos. 326 and 328 Main St., Memphis, Tonn! "
! im, wl'oh we offer to the Trude ni.on the nioit farorabla tnrme. Our prtoef
will compart farorabir wlththoieof anr market In tha United btatai. Wa ar AecU tor
lennettre flaunrwtnrln? Co.'b riald, Drills, .Sheeting, bb Iritng-. Etc
mm k i
u. i. uuuuiiii w
Cotton Za?"oc5it02rs
And Commission Merchants,
No. 34 h'mI 3G W nil I hoii Nlreet, Slomjil.l
r, acuauan. W.r.VIIIAVAIIT. alAatTla MJSia.. J. B. MASK.
IVo. 368 Front Ntreet, 3Iemp!iI, Tena.
WB hat admitud JOHN E. MASK aa a menber oi our Inn, to qqq
-J0ar MR.:M ASK will fir hit ipeolal atuotlon to all Cottoa oonili oed to at J '
HI Slaea,
H.tllO WOOD.
7 to $10.
ick cjTests.
fUD h flH5.
Ice Cream Froeiom,
Fly I'ans and Tra
Water Cooler!,
StoTeP, Tinware, Etc
St CO.,
257 MaInHt,31t)niphIi
Surplus, $25,000.
ui, Vlee.preVI. ('. tl. ItAIMf, CanJi'e
J. H. rtOUWIN. .
i. W. j-aLlb,
English Walklngfast Shoos
ahara. In all itjlei, are tha bait In the oitr.
aiiaaa, in all nhapei and ttyles, are tue ab
fca . aa ., r . ij
bie-tana Devlin mi uuueuowwi
ZKLLNKH'S Doit' Ntioew era tha belt thai are Bad.,.
ZKLLNKK'H lilldrrn'a Nboaa will eara rou monef.
7.KLLNI' R'H l.mltxa' ahoea anil Mlei'fra are Hie handi
iom.it, ihapelleitanit molt ityltnh, anil are ohaair than any
utiior. i bijiiim il...
ZF.I.LNKR'r! t l.aillaa' aaltl llallaa a.h,
with ailk wonted butt n holet, are tha rrettant bar
tuln rou hare aver leen.

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