OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, May 12, 1886, Image 2

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IT tni(l(.U (.HEX IP AS X
The furniture Workers the Oaj
Ones lluIJInfOnt -The SUnutlon
at St. LoiU.
Chicago, 111, May 11. Tbere wis
no ttm(i to rtsuuie oreia'.ions io
the Weet Sid lumber district thli
BorniDg.and the WXO (o 10,000 men
em ploy t J in tbe yrr, and planing
milii are atill idle. Tbe lumbermen
claim that the great majority of tbe
men are ore rmed by tiie Bohemian
Social eta wbo infett tbe region. A
large force of police continue to be
stationed in the district to guard
against any outbreak. Tbe yaila in
the noitb aid south divisions of tbe
city and about Chicago tbe yards and
planiog-mills bave all fully resumed
on tbe old basis of ten boors' woik
and ton hours' pay, so that tbe lum
ber luaiaf8 of ttie city la in reality
only lightly aflected.
Tee metal working r s'.ablitihmf nts
opened stain tbia morning wit!
largtr forcfi than yesterday, and the
pioprielora expect to fee all tbe men
on duty again within a few dys.
Aa a claRP, the furniture workers
ronttitute the only oco which is bold
ing out for tight hours.
The boot and shoe mannftcturers
who tried the eight hour day aa an
eiperinent. are considering th. ad
visability of returning to ten boors.
Tti evidetcei of tbe presence of the
great atiikes, tbtrefore, are rapidly
diHippeiring in every pinion of the
The B.onjwick-Balke-Collender Billiard-Table
Company tbii morning
claimed that tbey bad between 100
and 150 men a", work. This number
waa not nearly snllicient to run tbe
Juctiry. A great croud of itrikers
stooi about the factory on Market
street, and Mr. Bensioger, at 9::i0
o'clock, telephoned for tbe police. A
aqaad was immediately sent down
from the East Chicago avenut satii n.
The strikers rapidly disappeared on
tbe arrival of the police.
The police reserves sra atill on duty
at the respective stations. The police
re devotir g their eneigies to procur
ing evidence against tbe Anarchists,
and it ia claimed that on tbe trial of
the ccnnplratora the evidence will be
ample for a conviction of runnier
gainat August cpies, Bchwab, l'ar
com and Fischer.
A. LI. Aadrewa A Co , furniture f ic
tory on tbe West bide, baa resumed
operations on tbe eight hours' work
and eight hours' pay plan.
. 1 he local olliciala on the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad bow state that tbe
Striking freight handlers of that road
weie taken back on the bails of ten
hoaiV work f jr ten hoars' pay. All
the Chicago roads, therefore, ate work
irg on the old basia of ten hours' work
and ten hours' pay.
The Lak.r Mltaaiioa DliritHt by
the Maaitr jsalMera.
St. Louis, Mo., May 11. At a meet
ing of the Master Builders' Associa
tion last Bight there were present sll
prominent master bnildeia of the city.
The labor question wss discuia.d at
oru. lengtn, and the matting adopted
a aet ot resolutions d at 1 wing the right
ot the contractor to employ whatever
men he may see fit, wllnout reference
to sny trades arnsmbly, and to pur
chaee material fiom whom they choose.
After stating tbst the matter builders
will, at all timer, hear the grievance
of their employts, atd accede to all
reasonable domandji, the resolu ioni
pledge ttioro wbo have tinned them to
at onte ceaaa work upon any building
upon which they may lis employed
whenever any other nieinlmr ot their
arooiatlrn Wl be foroed to craie
work upou hie c ntitvH by any trades
unijn, and that aucU cessation shall
continue until their brother rneuiber
aball sgnin be able to resume his woi k.
AT m.SltlKU.
Troabla Imui taa Mtrlklag
taavoa Itvtvera,
ritTHBDKo, May 11. The striking
ice wagon drivers and helpera are
forcing the non-union men to quit
work. One man waa assaulted on
Liberty street this morning and com
pelled to ltavu bis wagon on tbe
street. Ths companies bave applied
to lbs authorities f )r protection, and
a squal of police hai brn dtt liled to
arreat the disirderiy ttrikcrs.
The C'aaadlasa Vre. the Melius-
r Ih. Aencrlraa Vrsael.
ToaoaTO, Ont., May 11. The liMx.
in an editorial article on the seizure nt
the American fishing vMaeCDavid J.
Adams, rays : "There seems to be no
room lor doubt that the master of
thia vessel at ted illegally and that the
aelxare wai piopeily made. The peo
ple oi the Uuited Slates did not know
what tbey were doing when they ab
lozated the clauses in the Washington
treaty. Ibey find sow that tbe fish
ermen cannot pnrtue their business
profitably nnleas they are permitted
to take or purchase bait onourahcra,
For tbe sue of Canada, for the sake
of the empi e, wa hope that it the lm
perial Government iaterferea In thia
business, openly or secretly, it will be
to help ns to maintain onr righta and
not to thwart, hamper or restrain ui
in enforring the terma ot the treaty."
The MM lays: "An American ve
rel baa just bien seized at Digby, N.
J8, Lt treepaastng. and we presume
that a test crse will be made. If, as
the London Timr$ asserts, the English
peorla har no inUreat in seeing that
their Canadian lei low eutijfc'a ate not
robbed, be it io. A thorough under
standing of that lac if it be a fact,
might, perh Bps, set aomeof usthink
. ing very aeikmly about the draw
backs of a colonial existence, but it
would not frighten us into surrender
ing our property to Americans. Our
plain doty tJ ourselves, if the Amer
icans wi I agree to no reasonable set
tlement, it to protect ouiselvee aa beat
we can. Thirty thonaand Cantd ana
are dependent apon the fishing indus
try, but even ii our fisheries were not
worth one poor farthing, we should
still be inclined to defend them to tbe
bett of our ability, for, to tell tbe
trn'h. w have grown weaiy of being
Taraada la t oaasy Ivaala.
rii.AiBaviu.1, Pa., May 1 1. A heavy
hail storm parsed over this city about
6 o clock hurt evening, and was lol
lowed by a fierce toroado.whieh swept
from Bulina along the valley of tlie
Conncmaugh river to t.'oketown, cut
ting down.trees and destroying i u
ineroiis small out-houws and barns.
I, caused tlie water in the riv. r to ric
toahi'lit of seventy-tivo fe-t, froiu
an inverted water-spout which rfs
vtilvcd about a moving center, travel
ii:g across rnd up strcjin until it
rcid e l the new Cotetown bridge, an
nm bircetore 60 fee' long. The
triage was lifted botli'y frvni tLe
abutments) and, togwl alKiut like a
abiittlecork, finally depreing I'aek to
its place, badly twisti-4 and ilainaged
to the extent of $"00. Tlie tornado
left the river at this point, and con
tinue d acrons the country, blowing
down telegraph pole, trees, coke
ovens, smoke stacks and tniniH. The
loen cannot be approximated. No cas
ultiea reported.
Ihe Exprrtearw ar a Planter Wba
Ha. Ma eel la Ike Bottom
far Yeara.
looaassroiDiRcs o tss afmal.I
Tybonka P. O., Cboss County, Abk.,
May 9. Heading diy after day tbe
many and numerous letters pertaining
ti the Miatiwipii river and leveea,
you will, I trust, pardon non In at
tempting to explain to tbe wild theo
rists the suicidil policy they are pur
suing, lt is on'y a few days ago that
nne of this c'aia suggested that Col.
Miles and 100 representative men of
Ihe Mi-sisiippi Valley should be tent
nn to Washington to tell the United
Hia ei Government what ti do with
the river. Hope, when they go, they
will remain there forever. Another
from livar wants lateral levees. In
stead of having too many levees, we
have not got enough, as evidenced by
the he. that tne unusual bight of the
llod at Helena is annually cau el by
the rapid discharge of water through
ttie 8:. Francis basin. It emanates
fiom the wtter escaping from the
channel of the liver below Cairo,
through the sunken lands of 8t.
Francis, whose outlet is about eight
miles north of Helena.
When the river reaches forty-five
feet at Cairo it then paeses into Wap
pinocky bayou, and horn thence into
Waipinocky lake; from thsnce into
the Tyrorti river, and from thence
into tbe Ht. Francis river, twenty-five
mi'es north of the point where Crow
ley's Kidgs comes to the river. That
is how the first of ths Mississippi river
gets into that basin. In the mean
time ths water comiog through Nigger
Wool swamp la ast tilling up the ba
sin, and when the sunken lands and
all the low lands become tilled, and
the tit. Francia basin one vast sea, it
parses out with increased velocity,
gained by i's shortt nd course a dis
tance of 100 miles, and gilnlng an in
creased fall nt twenty fnet in this dis
tance.' Compute the distance by river
from Cairo to lit lena, and allow the
minimum dec inttir u of tbe Missis
sippi river, which is about three
tenths of a foot to the mile. Then
take tbe distance between thote same
poiota, but a toss the basin, aa the
Mississippi river finds its may duiirg
a fl.oJ, and jou will then readily see
why the man at Helena and its vicin
ity wbo itands behind a levee that is
one in name only cries out: 'The
levees area failure; abolish them."
Instead of abolishing them let the
filan of the Kiver Commission be fob
owed; close tbe St. Francis basin
np; do not let the water accumu
late in these and then at
tlie last moment ponr ita flood
out on a river already fail. Bend this
vast volume around by ita natural
course, and then it will have time to
carry cfl the water as it does in other
portions of the rivir. Why this an
nual bowl from the vicinity of Hel
ena? It ia caused by the vast re
st l voir stored at their doors ready to
ponr down on them at the last mo
ment. Close the Francis ba in and
yon wdl get clear ot this annual howl
about the abolition of levers. The
men that howl moat about tearing
down levels are the very onea that
would sit idly by whiltllnn a nine
stick and see anybody in the world
mum iiieir iivees as Jong aa it cost
them no hing. Tlut Uteral levee
builder from Bolivar County in an
other of that class of theorst?. Wbv
that man lives amoagrt thestrongett
levee men in the world, and how tbey
ever let htm get loose from them with
hislateial levee ideis ieamjsteryto
mo. The man who is writing this
his lived almost conttmtly on those
levees in Bolivar County for years,
ml vkuia 'tOH ona l I... I ... ...
ptseed by lateral levees' is wotth
Mat. ' .J V Hbllfl vi miiu nutjui-
r.'l.OOO, ia .a point I would like
to see.'I "bave walked frcm
tlie northern! of liolivarcounty, known
as the Ciewa place to the south end
an the Port Anderson place nnd 1
know of hi such EldoiaJo as he talka
of. Would like to a-e taeasseeament
roll. If you want to keep vour land
dry build your levels high enough
aud etrorg enough. Go down to Boli
var coumy and they will show vou
how to do it. Nona of jour red "dig
communistic ideas among thtm. It ia
all build up; no tear down. TheJlood
of l.HSti m pi st, and w here is the break
in their Hue? Hot one acre ot land
wet, Toat shows wherein their
strec gth lies. Their motto is : "Unity
is strength." Some one will probably
aik what bight ought a levee to be and
how strnng ought it to be? Four feet
abeve ths highest flood known and
slopes of seven to one, with a ten-foot
crow a. Then protect it ss a tailrcad
company does Its road. It you want
advice on tb at aubject take a tiip on
ths Kansas City latlrcad through tbe
St, Fiaccla batia, and then gj thou
boms and do likewise, and wnen the
floods come you will not have to bie
you to the woods end build vou
a dug-out, bnt, like some of 'the
men in the Yazoo delta, you
will be l'e to rn'ss nil
that yon need at home, and tho more
ou risa ihe batter able you will be
to buili levees of a ro id and substan
tial cha acttr. This Bolivar County
) t ' r: 1 lees niai says that levees
were bo lt only 'o pac ify tbe daikUs.
tUttcr expensive, I mu t adnt t. Ask
Hen. Alcorn now many levees he built
before the aar'o par' ft anybody. In
Bolivar Coun y an aud look tit the
levtea built by Col. McOheo, I'aac
Hod on. Gen. Ciark and niny o hers
that I could mention. The Icceta
built by theas men are now atanding
i mi the fine t plantations in ihe val
ley ate now behind I hem, where im
proved agiicul u al machinery and
ll odfd stock are to be found.
Could this be done with 'a'erul
lev e? Fancy the annual washing,
awty ot :ences, tne ditches tilled,
draxage aiopptd, houses built on
it it, watting u decsile ct years for a
sufficient Mdiroentary deiioeit to ar
cumulats ai that you could dirpoie of
a step-ladder 1 1 get into your bouse.
Kancv the wi'dntss of such theories.
Take my advica; go on building and
strenUhtn'iig jour lewes. You have
rrised it v ur protection, and when a
more faanrle plan presents itself 1
know you will take advantage oi it,
miioineof t'le'-e dava the United
S gt's Goverrmiijut in iis m'ght sees
fr to prevent v ur binks !r mcav;ne.
I know you will prtvent it from going
ovtr the t l.
W. R. II
Brl at Mew Tork.
Naw Yokk. May 11. Tlie exports
from this jort lor the week c ding
May 11" were valued at $:,8!::IU,'2, ex
clusive of aiKOie,
The Advantage 'Jreatly With tbe
Democrats Enibarrasxment of
the Kepuhllcans Oat of Ofltce.
Washington special to the I'Li'iidi!
phia Timea: Both Congresiional com
mittet s for tbe campaign of 1H8I are
now organ:z.d and will sion be pie
pared to commence operations. The
Democrsta bsve the prest'ge of euc
cees in the cam pa a of IHHi. While
there may be tome diaagreementa aa
methecs they do not propose t) lote
tbeir vantage gronnd by qnarreli"r
with the admin at a 'on on technic! 1
iti'S. They propjse to held on to
what they have and take tli chances
for 1SH8. Ths Kepublican Commi tee,
which have always had the office
holders to draw upon, find themselves
cut off from tlitt source of revenue
and are tomewhst perplexed is to
where to get their funds, particularly
in the face of an off yerr atd doubtful
rriepects of any substantial g ia from
a luge outlay.
Ttie Dcinotra'ic Committee, the first
in the field, bave m de a very careful
canvats ot I h sanation, and claim
i hat tbeir chaucis if holding the next
House by as large or even larger ma
jority aie infini'ely betier than tbe
chances of the K'publicans making
substantial puns over thiir present
numbers. Tbe nnsant Democratic
insjerity in the House is f jity-three.
Tbe Republicans will be compelled
not enly to hold all they now bave.
but to cairy twenty-two additional
districts in order to overcome the
present majority against them. This
the Democrats claim they cannot do,
for the following reasons: In tbe
present Congress there are twenty
three Kepublion districts, held by
majorities rang ug from 60 to 1000
There are also twenty-live dittricta
held by tbe Democra's bv mtjorities
ranging from 64 to 071. There
fore, if such an improbable thing ns
laving all ct the twenty-three tmai:
mi.jjrity Republican districts and car
rying all ot tbe twenty-five imall-ma-jority
Democratic districts wera possi
b'e, the Republicans would come out
ahead; but as the chances of holding
their own are just aa goo.i for tne
Democrats as the Republicans, tbe
former bave a margin of forty-tbree
din ricta to draw from.
The Democratic committee bave no
fear of d i h snsion i f r jwing out of local
issues and claim that their forces are
in excellent order for campaign work,
on the issue of protection tbey claim
that in their strongest districts they
find the most s aunch sunporters of
the protective pricc ple and therefore
they fear no lueses in tbe industrial
diairlctf. Tbey also claim that the
nil ra free trade views of Frank Hnrd
has lost them ths Toledo district; that
tbe action of the Demncra'lc Commit
tee on Flections and cf tbe Democratic
House in making no compromise with
Uurd, but rejecting Lim completely,
was ample not Oration to the voteis of
the Tenth Ohio that the voice ot the
people would ba respectnd, Frank
Hurd to the contrary notwithstanding.
Tbe Democratic nominee this year, it
is understood, will be made with
referer.ee to the inteiests of the dis
trict and the party, which will insure
the election of a Democrat by the
usual majority.
There are a number of other districts
held by Republicans by a somewhat
similar tsnor, which are being looked
after in the way of (electing candi
dntea with a view to success on general
iisues, and which will be so much
gain to the Democrats. There will be
some gains, doubt'ess, by the Repub
licans, which would preserve the
present re!n'!on of parties, but whjch
would not change the aggregate leiuit
in the House.
Bepnbllenn a
Illnlue S um-
Waihington d spatch t)the Balti
mare Sim : It is repotted that the elec
tioneer chairman and secretary of the
Republican Conine s onal Crinpnitn
Committee, which o: ur ulonjlonday
niiiht last, w js tbo occasion f. r a meas
uring of s'length between the Blaine
and anti- Itlaine eleuieuta. The newly
elected chairman uod eccrAtary, Rep
resentative uolt ot West Virginia and
Mr. Mcl'htrjon of Pennsvlvuira, ara
leveled adherent! of Mr. lilaine, while
the two other guitlnnen who wera
prominently rriwed lor th ro itiors,
Kepretentativ Binjba'n of Pennsyl
vania, and ex-C uumiisioner of Pen-
sons Duuifv oi inaiaus, ore tutteriv
hostile to Mr. Blaine at.d are in full
aixord with what ia known as the Stul-
wnit wing of the Republican party.
Mr. Binchsin w as foi nierlv ens ot the
closest iriends of Bit. inc. but he split
off prior to the e'eotion of delegatei to
the Republican nattcnii convention ct
1SS4, and in that c invention made the
most effective aneech in favcr of the
nomination of Mr. Arthur.
Tbe linea in tbe election of chair
man and secretary were not drawn as
between Blaine and anti-B!aine. No
ullus'ons to any such idea were made,
and several of the members, it is said,
voted without the least impression
that considerations of such character
entered into the contest. Oil. Dudley
was urged as secretary on the ostensi
ble ground that he was one of tbe best
managers and wire-workers in the
whole party, and his c induct of the
Indiana campaign in 13S0 and the
Ohio campaign in 1884 waa pointed to
aa proof cf what he could do in manlp
ula ing election michicery and influ
encing voiere. But according to tbe
reports the Blaine adherents, who
wera in the majority on the commit
tee, were not uisro-ed to take any
chances, and, without making much
fuss about it, pat ia two men that they
knew could ba depended upon. Aa
understood now, whatever intluence
can ba exercised ia tbe direction of
the sffaira ot the committee will he
used to put up Tdaine met! tor Con
ertsi and work for the Blaine eemi
meot in the vaiioua Conereasicnal dis
tricts, lt is also reported that affairs
bavs been so managed i list the policy
of the impending Congressional cam
paign will be controlled by those mem
bers of tbe tommittee who are friend
ly to Mr. Blaine.
Ultra Vp tor Loat,
IUitimokk, Mn, May 11. The
steamship Acadia of Baltimore, be
longing to J. 1.. Bell dr. Co., tropical.
t'Uit importers, lias been given upas
lost. She sidled from Tort Antonio,
Jamaica, April 10th, with n cargo of
bananas, and1 up to tho present 'time
haa inst been heard from. Ordinarily
she made the parage in eight days,
nnd never longer than eleven, A few
days no a vessel arriving in Boston
reported passing the house oi a
steamer at sen, the description of
which waa much like that of the
Acadia. Shortly niter the Acadia
sailed n cyclone prevailed in the vi
cinity of the West 1 tidies, nnd it is
presumed she was caught in it.
tin anif i--a.i
At)a wtntM 941 rm ti
,.r'.l I armt.' iW Ail
Sore Eyes
Tin eyea are ulivay in yinpi:liij- wl;n
tlii- body, snd a:lird an rxi't llt nt index
of Il condition. V In n tlieejes boeoine
wi uk, ninl tin- liili IiiiI.iiik tl mul sore, it is
mi c iili'iii-e that the Motrin )i ax heroine
iliiprili ril by Scrofula, fur which Ayer's
Siti ':iparilla is the best kimuii remedy.
Scrofula, which prodm-i-d a painful In
" :i;n itl'Hi hi niv in.,, ,: u-id mi- iniieii
Miili i liiU fur a liuiiilier of year. Hy the
mil ice uf a phyitieiiiii I coiiiinenced taking
Ajcr' SiirKai'iinilla. After uiiiif thia
iiiiilkiiie a bliurt lime I wai completely
My eve are now in a -plemlid condition,
mid i am as well mid -Iiimil' a ever.
Mr. William tlae, C'oiicnrd, N. If. '
For a liuiiilier of ye:ns I wa Iroutiled
w ith a liiiiiuir in my ec-. iiml w.i nnulile
In olitain any relief mitrl 1 coiiiinenced
ii-in-' AyeiS Mii:ii:inllu. Tliii medicine
Inc. ell'i I'ted ll eouipletc cure, mul 1 believe
it r he the het of hlmid puriUern.
'. K. I'pttm, Nashua, N. II.
Kpuii childhood, nnd milil within n few
mniitli-. 1 have bi-eu iilllieted with AVcuk
ii IK 1 Sure Kye. I Imve u-ed fur thene
e"inil:iill1, W illi benelii lnl roiilts, Avcr'
Sin :iiuiilhi. iiml ciiiimiI'T it a trrcul blood
purilier.--Mm. C. Phillip, tiluver, Vl.
I MifTcred for a year "ilh inflainnia
t loll ill my left eye. "Three ulcern fninieil
oil till' ball, dril'i ill,' me uf siullt , and
caii-iii'i ureat pain. After trying many
other remedies to no purpose, I wu filially
iiiilueed Io u-e Ayer'a Sar-apai'illa, anil,
By Taking
three hotlli s of this medicine, have been
entirely cured. My firlit has been re.
stored, and there is no si'-ii of Inflamma
tion, wire, or ulcer in mv eye. Kendal
T. Unwell, Sugar Tree lii'lgc.'nliio.
My d.iiixlili'i'. ten years old, w as nfflieted
Willi SeroliiloiiH Sore Kyex. During tlie
last two years she never saw light of any
kind, rhviicians of Hie highest standing
exer:ed tlielr skill, hut with no permanent
miei'i'ss. On I ho rrcoiiiutf mlation of a
friend I purchased u botllc of Ayer's Sar
sapai'illa, whieli niv ilaughlcr coiiimeiieed
takiuir. Itefore she had used the third
but lie her sight was restored, and shecau
nuw look steadily at a brilliant light w It li
on! pain. Hit cure is complete. W. K.
Sutherland, tvangeliet, Shelby City, Ky.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepaml by Pr. J. C. Ayrr k Co., Lowell, Mam.
buM by all I)ruKlili. I'rlcc tl ; six bottlca, (6.
B- IB-
Forty fears a Snfferer from
"FOR FOrtTY YEARS I bavabwin a vic
tim to CAXAKKU-thrM-rourths nf the Mm
TRILS. Tha diiehsrges were io offensive
that I heaitate to mention it.sxcept lor tha
fond It may do lome other lufferer. 1 have
pent a young fortune lYiioi my eirninrf
during my forty yean of uttering to obtain
relief from the doctor. I have tried patent
medicines every one I could learn of from
the four corners of the earth, wits no relief.
And AT LAST (57 yean of age) have net
with a remedy that has cured uie entirely
made me a new man. I weighed YDt I'Oundu,
and now weigh 14. I used thirteen bottloa
of the medicine,, nnd the only regret I have
In, Unit being in the humble walks of lile I
may not have influence to iirevuil on all ca
tarrh aud'erera to ue what baa cured me
(iuiua's Pioneer Blood Itcuower.
" No. 07 Second street, Mai-on, Ua."
"Mr. Henry Chcvej. the writer of tho
nove, formerly of Crawford county, now of
Macon, ia., uiorits the confidence of all in
terested in cuturrh. W. A. 1I"FF,
" Ex-Mayor of Maoon.
Gulnn's rioneer Blood Reuewer.
Curd all Stood nnd Skin Disemc. Rheuma
tiam, Ncrolula, Old Sorea. A perfect Spring
If not in your market, it will be forwarded
on receipt uf price. SSmuU bottlea, tl, large,
11 75.
Essay on Blood and Skin Diseiuei mailed
Macon, Weirla.
The Great Southern Remedy for all
There nn vitv lew w ho do not know of thia
lillli hush grim ing nluiiKiiile nf our mountain
mill titlW: hut Yvrv Trw rnlle the fKCI, !li:v4
Hit- llulo ifiipl iM-rrv, wliirh B lo"y of ua
hiivt' i-Hti'ii in nuwt I'Vi'rv iOihm Ihcro Ih a piin
'iilt III it liiiNlng u w iiiKU'rOil clltH't on Uve
howrln. llr. liitii r'B llm kli'lHT'y Conllal I
llii-i.liliT fOl riiMiv iikmhiy lliat rrstorwi
th lutif one iMiiiin7, nnd cure llarrhua
lIVM'iUt'rv itlnl I'riitlip l ollt.
Vhinii o.iii'.i.iin .i iiml at thia wonof
Ihe x ,Mr MHlilm nitit ilaiik't'iiHtii attoi'ki of Ihe
Ihiwi-1 an Iriiiiii-nt, hiiu we heer of no many
fJoHlh iK-ciirrlng h, Infii iiliyvU'lnn mil oe
rnlh'it In. It I Initioi ttuil tliut rwry hiMmr
tiolil shouiil pro ule lliefnelve wllh Minte
sm-,1v ri-lh't'. a iln-,' nf which vv!ll rHii've the
I mill ttil mii'o rvni'li aiixfel1'. t'r- Ulaaer
liirKlehrrrx I nnllil I. n m'ile reiuiilj tn.-h
IIIV ,-lll i, liMNOl In tttkl'.
irh-e. :l ceiit' h li-.ule. Manuflirtiiroil by
w.Vi.mt A. r.tYi.ni' .tthioia. I-"
1 :i lor'n lieruhfv Itt inctv nl Hwet-i h
nil Mullein will cm,' i uugim. t ronp u.m tun.
iioiiiii'i.hi. I'ltce 'm-Is. mul l a boltliv
Non.Iteslrlont Wo! Ice.
No.oWl. R. D. Ia Ihe Chancery Court ol
t-helby County, Tenn. Henrietta C.
Omubert va. John C. Ilnugber y.
It anpearing from lull which i awnrn to in
thia cause lht the ilelendnnt, J,jhn 0.
lloughrrti. is a Bun resident ot tbe Mate of
It ia therefore orlcred, That he make
hie appearance hen in, at 'the eourthouse
oi bhelby county, in Meirphi', Tenn., on or
before tue first Mnmhiy in June, lSia, and
pleed, answer or neinur to comi l tin
aat'e bill, or the nine will ha Ulicn for
confessed as ti him smt set for hca-mg en
piu-te; and tbut a copy of this order be pub
lished i nee a w e, f. r tour au-oes-ive
weeks. In the Vemnhn Appeal- Thia 4tu
day of May, issfi A copy attest :
S. I. MrDOWEU,. Ciork nd ",ler-
P J, M. ltmJIey. Deputy O. and M.
T. A. Kya, Sol. for eompl'ut. wa
And Commission .Merchants,
2GtHtd 2G2 Front Nt.. TTIrinnlils. Tn.
Harness, Saddles, Agricultural Implements and Machinery.
333 Second NtretA, Jtf euipliin. Tenn.
Old Stand, No. 9 Union St., Memphis.
Cotton Factors and Vholesale Grocer:
S0G-20S Front St., JSemphia, Tenn.
Cotton Factors, Commission Llerchants
STo. 11G South Main St.. St. ILonla.
. srks s 1 1 1 xxfTi?
Indlsputed In the BROAD CLAIM of being fia
Most Perfect Cooking Stove
H. WETTER & CO., Agentf,
Hfnsphla, T.maa.
Electric Belt Free
TO Introduce it and ebtain agenta wa will
for the next sixty daye give away, Ire.
of charge, in each county in the V. . a lim
ited number ol rnirtwrmaa VArvm
yanie riii'nry Hrlta. Price V: a
Kositlv. nnd unfnilinr cure for Nervona D
illty, Varicocele, Emissions, Imnotency,
ate. i'Al.liO He ward paid if every Belt wa
nana aoiura doea not generate a genuine
eleotrio current. AiHrcsa at once KLKC
Brooklyn. S V.
Do you want a pure, bloom
ing Complexion t If so, a
few applications of Hagan'8
MAGNOLIA. BALM, will grat
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It does away with Sal
lowness, Kedness, rimples.
lilokhes, and all diseases ana
Imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes tho flushed appcar
onco of heat, fatisuo and ex
citement, It makes a lady of
TIUHIT appear but TWEN
TY; and so natural, gradual,
nnd perfect are its effects!
i hat it is impossible to detect
its application.
W. C. 6W00PE.
Chickasaw Ironworks
98 Second St. Memphla. Tev-r
ngines, Hollers, Sawiullls,
Brndford Cora and Wheat Millr,
Cotton PretM, Cotton tiins,
ShafnttiiK, Pnlley., ;-.
BPr.riAL Nori('R-We are pr pared to til ordera,
nn ... notice, for the cele rued mvlrt Falnf
Hronghi . fnllc). Wa carry io atook orar
Twn Hundred Assorted - ix a.
aHend for Catalogue and Prie-Mst.
BAY bTALLION, alar, left hind ankle
and right hind heel white, fouled May
6, 18H1, by Cny'er (sire of Algath, three-jear
old record. 2:25'-,). First dam Mnroia 8., by
Will anis'a MambrlDO (sire of tbe dam of
8antn-Clnaa,2:lTii); aecond dam Ned (dam
of Clcminie H.. rero d 1:W Poal liny
2:23!, Alice Sloner !2:24!4, b Berkley's Kd
win Correal); third dura by Mambrino Cbiof
(sire of Lady Thorn, 2:184): fourth dam by
Orer Kncle: fllthdam by Bolivar: sixth dam
by Blnckbnrn'a Whip ; seventh dam hv Comet
CUTuBKKT is a mahogany bay(lfi! hands
high, and mngnificently proportioned. He
haa never been handled tor speed, but ran
show a 2:40 gait with iwo men in a buggy.
Waa bred nnd raised by J. C. McKerran &
Co.. Ulenvicw, neur Louisville, Ky., end
sold at a two-year old for ti' (1). Cuthbert
will be allowed to serve 2o approved mares
thia aeasoa. Services, twenty-five (25) do -luracash.
Can be aeen at our a'nhle.
F. A. JUXKrt CO.
Manhood Restored
KcMkur uee. A. victim of youthful impmdeuo
MusiDtx fromfttnr Ltcay, jNervout jjeDini,
Manhood, o.. baring trtM in vain every known
reintHl7,taaidi9eret1 a simple reeaniof MlfHsaat,
ith'i'h hakW.Pua.r : V It V U Ui hlB I a I lrm-n lTifwm
Probate Court Sale Keal Estate.
No. 5.T5, R.D In the Probote Court of Shel
by County, Tenn. T. J. O'Neil, adminis
trator, va. Calh. Ellen O'Neil.
BV virtue of a decree for sale, entered in
thii cause oa April 27, ltWti, minute book
4o, panes 4!4, etc., I will sell to the highest
bidder, at pnblio auction, in front of the
eourt-houae door, on Main atreet, on
Hatnrdnr, Slny tl. 1H,
within legal hours, the lollowing described
real estate, to-wit : A certain l ien or par
eel of land, situated in Memphis, Tenn ,
commencing oo the west aiile of Main street,
and running thence north 37' A feet; thence
west Wi feet to Center alley; thence south
along said alley 37l- feet to a atake, and
thence east 14MH feet to the beginning. The
raid l"t ia tbe south half of lot Mo. 1-3, and
ia situated at the intellection o' the north
aide of tha first alley south of and parallel
with Overton street with Main atreet. Tha
aid sale will be subject tn right of honie
atead ot Cath. tllen O'Keil in aaid real aa-
Te'rma of Sale On a ersdit of teven (7)
months; tha purchaser to execute note with
surety, and a lien will ba retained to secure
unpaid purchase money. Equity of redemp
tion barred. This fpr 1127 186.
U 3. CI LLEN Clerk.
Bv Q. L. McDonald, Deputy Cleik.
Wro M. B"dnlni. Solicitor.
Rons yomtjT Cu'l now it
-SS Lmusilte,K5
v .uirtT nxmt d "J sn'
o.r..'nifia. kH tU". wui
Cnrwi all
fbrtua nt PRIVATE.
Suermctorrke Jad Impotnoy,
thilt f vtf-b-- la twitV xaai wnm m
im tNn, rtt cug, aud prwluciat '
mwiriK i)rTti VwrToaa.-M 8tiail fmioieoa. - s-1
ittus. hv Xrt-,ay). DimoxMi f i-i$ku Lni Wr. " ri
w-lJItivav fitn,toa Arn u-xtnj sf
;Mifulua f VhiU rW, ..
ti".rod SYPHILIS P-'r-r w V"
HrclT fr1!-tfi from tbo tMa: OOBOrrbfte
GLEET) t.iir, Orvtutt lamiia. kfiW.
'.-Ui od jiBt prtrt dim gjutckW eufud.
" H t flf-riitaat ttBl ipfcy WtawbopTiirelta
is . MrAia rU of d'fam, tol Imlinc Ui'od aaa
all , Mt)utr frvat rtial FtiTAdxat Itwrntatifci
.W-ijwtt-iM pnuu U ar bf U b LnrxTTBMat a
Ti,ii thf tite to" iRtinrat, wlHn tma bt 1
.ad a.-wly by ar prB ujviMn.
31tilSuiji'paati tr b mtav tV. Biti
'haicM rrmjeTjfab a ("prrwoon-fcro rjVU nauaVJti M
ef 3orj putt, iftfa f ot rnmr'y in)i tt isarn
v'itM awrt rwi a a. n. p. v. 4 .1 oajm, i w a r'j
INT TtTWlW HKli, yonnr or old,
ry cure every stnge ol
Wenknets of th. Kid
r.e s, Sexual System,
V sricocele and lost or
i - Mn. hnt to imvrlwia I.n I Tft..
Ir , 736 itraaliay. Srw l'orh, as
all cur Western offioeg arc ejlaeouiiaaieaf.
k ' - "sr v .; t?iicelled powers.
I?ha - V -l!ltf ,,"ey refunded if
FHlK -mll"n " represented.
V .'f 1 V
No. 17 Je? rson fclrt-ot,
(Between Mnin nnd Fmnt.) MEMPHIS.
IK-tublitbcd in lbGO.I
I R. JOHNSON is acknowledged by all par
XJ ties interested nt by fur tha most sue
ceis!ul physiciun in tbetreauuentof private -or
secret dise'ues. Uuiek, permanent cureo
guaranteod iu every cae, aiale or "en iile.
Recent caes nf Oonnrrhea and Syphilis -cured
in a f w days without the use uf mer
cury, change of diet or hindrance Irom
business. Secondary 6?1 hilm, the lu.'t ves
tigeeradicated without toe use of mercury.
Involunsary loss of semen stopped in short a
time. Sufferers from impoteucy or loss of
sexual p-.wers restor eU Iree vigr in a few
weeks. Victims of a e-abu.e and excessive
venery, suffering from spermatorrhea and
loss of physical nnd nientul Kwer, speedily
and permanently cured. Particular atten
tion paid to the Diseases o( Women, and
cures guaranteed. Piles and old sores cured
withoutthe use of caustic or tbe knife. All
consultations strictly confidential. Medi
cines sent by express to nil parts of the -country.
KarVVorkingmen cared dI half the usual
rates. Office hours from 8 o'clock a.m. to tt
o'clock p.m. D. H. JOHNSON. M.U.
In the Tow d or Colltervlllr, Tenia.
Ko. S12, R.D. John Loague, Public Admin
istratorof Shelby couniy. niid a.i such Ad
ministrator of Mra. E M. lilecklcr, da
ce used. vs. Mggie A. Brennan et al.
BY virtue of decree for tile entered hero
in, April 27, ISto, I will Oder for tulc,
at pnblio auction, at tULLlERVlLLK,
Nntarday. Hny 21), lSnd.
within legal hours, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
I. A eertain lot conta'niofr three ar d one
half acres in the Tenth vil District
of Shelby county, Tenn., in th. neighbor
hood of Bray's Station I - Bounded on tba
nortn by the Mate-line road; on tho south
by the M. and C. Huilroad; on the east by
trie lands ol P, M. Ward, nnd tn the west by
Ihe lands of K. Head.
And tbe following lots in the town of Col
liervil'e, Shelby county, Twin. :
II. A vacant let irontmg on the west side
nt the public park, south ol t ho lot owned by.
T.J" Morris, and being one hundred (Km)
fet by a depth oi one buudred aud twenty
(1201 teet.
III. A vacant lot on the south side ol Front
atreet, beginning about one hundred and
forty (Ml) leot wojt of the inttrs.ction ot
Front atreet with tba opening west of tha
public square, having a front ol one hun
dred and seventy-four fret by a depth of
about two bundr-d and twenty (231) Iret.
IV. A vacant lot on ihe raat aide of Main
trtet, thilty by sixty (iklxoO) tee . lyicg be
tween the property of Geo. tl. Blair and P.
L. tiray.
V. A vacant lot on the vreft side of Main
treet, beginning about one hundred end
City-eight 116H ; teet north of the inte-section
of Front and Main streets; thence north
twenty (20) leet, with a depth of ont hun
dred and sixty (IfrU feet, running south at
right angles with tha aoulh line of laid lot
from a point ont hundred and twenty (120)
feet weat of the beginning point, adistane
of filtr-eight feet, until it joini with lot
2in four U). fronting on Front atreet.
VI. A certain lot commencing on tbt
notthweat corner of J. W, and W. D. Koen't
lot, in the town of Colliei ville, deeued to
them by Leake and Irby; running thenoa
north 'birty (W) feet to a stake; thence eaat
aixly (60) feet to a stake; thenct south thir
ty (30i leet to a stake to the northwest lor
ner ol laid lot of Koen'a ; Ibenca we.t sixty
(6tli feet to the beginniag point.
Book 3", paieUr.
VII. A lot known as the Orchard lot, de
scribed aa: Beginning at the northeast cor
nerot lot No o. on a range of Iota north of
puMic square and ogposilo the M. and C.
K.K.t thence north two hundred and (even
feet aix (Wi inches to a n'nke; tt ence west
two hundred and twenty (220) feet in J. K.
Wadding'a east boundary; thence south
twbhundrei and seven leet aix (2U7)li inches
to a suae, whioh is l Lie northwest corner of
John Lynch's lot No. 11; tbenco et two
hundred and twenty (iai) lost to the begin
ning, containing, by animation, a little over
one acre. Book 72, page 642.
VIU l ot So. one (I), forty (10) f.e'by
one hundred (l'XI) (net, in a range ol lota
Mos. 1 to 11, on the nrtli side of ihe pu: lio
square or park, purohnncd from V. 1eake
September 21, H'l , nnd recorded in Regis
ter's office ot Shelby county, in oook ti2,
liiges 2ui, St 4.
IX. Lot No. 2, forty HO) by one hundred
(KM) feet, in a range of lots Nos. 1 to 11 on
the north side of tho public ("inure or park,
purchased from V. Lonko, December, i7t
nnd recorded in the rgistr'a otiice of Shel
by county, in book No. ii, page t7i,
X Lot So. 4 (nnd part of lot3, forty (40)
by ono hundred U'KI) feot, and piwt of lot 3,
eight (SI by ono bundled CU0) leet, west of
and adjoining lot No. 2, in a range cf lota
No. 1 tj 11, on the nartb hide o' the public
pnrk or SMUire, On tliia lot, 4SjKHI fet, are
two brick stoiehouaea, on which the- is a
trust deed uf record. (Sale aubje ji t the
rights of the mortgagee.)
XI. Lt No. 5, forty (40) by one hm.drad
(KO) leet, westol and a joining lot No 4,
above described, and fcurteon (14 f tt six
(0) inches of lot No. u. vrnst of atd adi"ining
lot No. 5. (This is tho lot on which .ur. K.
M. llleckloy res dod at the time ol ber death,
being tif;y-fonr (.4.'1 toct aix inches by one
hundred (K) teet i Onn-story Ir .me and
Improvements, tlrok Kl, page 2.'d.
XII. Lot No. !), forty (4(0 by one hundred
(llW) fet. ia a range of lota on the north ide
of tne ubl ic tiark or founre, record book
No. 60, part 2, pncs 4fi7-rt. A lot fronting
the west ride of the public pnrk, beginning
torty-eigbt t4H) feet fcouih of Front street,
lying between the lot of J. K. Waddy on tho
north and T. J. Morrii. on the south, being
forti-eight by one hundred and twenty I48x
120) feet, having two (2) twn-slory brick im
provements and al.,o ono (1) small tenement
of wood. Upon thia lot there is a trust deed
ol record. Sa'e subject to the rights of ths
As per said decree, I will first sell raid un
improved property, or ao much thereof aa
may be necessary for tho payment of the
debts and cha ges, nnd Male, county and
municipal t.txes agninst said e.'tnte: and in
the event did unimproved property does
nit realize sufBcint, Dion 1 will offer said
improved property tor h.la lor ihe i a merit
ot the remainder uf f&id debla, coata,
charges .nd taxes. This decree is made
without prejudice to Iho claims of creditors
secured by mortgage or trust deed, and the
rightofthe e-tatein property embraced in
auib mortgage or trnat deeds thall be last
sold In ca-e a sals theroot becomes pecaa
sary tn pay the debts ei'owrd.
At the time f the fale the guardian, M.
Oavan, may direct the order in which th
difiereo lota or tract may be anld, excei't
that the moraantcd proirty is to be last sold
a4 above sFiereti.
Terras of Sa e-Ono-f iurth C4) caab, ene
fonrth (V,) on Deeii bur 27, ISM, ai d one
half (S) on DecemW?. ltV7; purchuser to
e nee ut. notes with approwd personal aecu
rity for the unpaid iurchate money, and a
lien retained on tha property o secore the
deferred payment?. TliLi April 2t. I-!.
By I). L. McDonald, Deputy Clerk.
Jehu Loague. W. D. Wilkersi.n, H. C.
Wamnerand lath.rt Putrrrs, soliciTor".
817 and
N. Second
ajAinrrMncnxu at
Atlinlnlsiralor'n Aolico.
Offi-e Pub'ic A iminiHrstor. Shelby cr'inty
Onnrth'U'e, Memph?, Tenn., Muy .. l!vi.
Till? undersigned having been appointed
and qualified administrate of the ?uto
ol J. U. ciuttall. deceacd, nctice is bereliy
given to all person inde1 ted to said estate
to conce fcrward and tHttle; and to thne to
whom said e.-tate is ladibtrd, to file tber
claims with me. duly probaud, witb'n tbt
time presciljed by iaw, or the rir will e
forever barred. JOHN LOAtil'E.
Publia AdminislrapTr

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