OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, July 16, 1886, Image 3

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And Ihe Hope Expressed That the
Dismliged Profmors Will Be
Restored to Their Places.
To the Editora of tho Appeal:
Hud3onviix, Miss., July 12 The
article (f Mr. 8. F. lljmpt'JD, of Da
goto coiicty, Miss., in the Wikkly
Appkal of July 7th, censoricg the
truces and vindxsting the he pro
fts ore dismltsad by the trustees at
their recent annual lestion, will aires:
the attention of every able student
and alumnii", and is en'itled U tbe
earnest consnleta'.ion of the friends
and pairoosof the university through
out the 8 a e. It comes from an old
student, lung eoouiih separated from
the icflae nces cf. a student's life, to do
impartial jufctice to bis old profeisors,
an i to fully appreciate the many and
perplexing difficulties and the grave,
ever txittioa teiponsibilitiea of tbeir
po itions. He evidently feels tr bo
declaies tbat the trustees have com
mitted a great, inexcumble, lulnom
mistake seemingly withoat Buflicient
cause that the university will seri
omly sufler from the less of , the five
. ableit aod mort experienced of ita
prolcssois, and he pleads for their
reinttatement wilh great force and
earnestness, springing from a personal
knowledge of an efficient and faithful
dischatge of all their duties during
the lour years of his collrge life.
Indeed, what be claims for each and
11 of their eminent ptofetsOrs would
be cheerfully conceded by every wof-
, ehtf n n.l.tit of'lK-irs in cast years, and
their hearts 'swell' "with becoming
pride on leading the glowing.elcquent
friin.'o n( n bih4 h bestows in bis
brief sketch of each. Such being the
acknowledged diameter and reputa
tion of tbeir pro e Bars, recognized
v. (1ia tnim eg through
Inno leries of veais, why
were they removed? I do not
knnw: bnt 1 do know thet tie
linitrtrnit.v Willi undsr a cioud reuard
ed by a most universal consent to be
in abad, ai-pio.aD e touiuuuu. oi
.l:-L i iwliral1 IT wn
IUIUI,M Kim g! ."; "--
awakening popu'ar displeasure, if not
l A! OLa n'em ainYr daniMV.
ously sick, demanding bold, heroic
trPdtmnit. The auefctioD, perhaps,
was: Must the university languish and
die, or these professors, however emi
nent atd useful in the past, be re
moved? TheBoaidof Trusieef, com-
noHfd Uruelv of the Duie t, ablest and
most patriotic cit zds of the State,
. nnma of whom have watched and nor
turerl it from its very bnh with almost
a father's love, determined afier thor
nuoh invrst'iratirn and losg and
aarnp.st duliberitii'D. tbBt the belt
intrft. il cot the salvation
- nf the university, demanded the
the removal of thesa professor. And
like trne patriots, faithful to tbeir
tiusK did tbeir duty. Tney deserve
and thev will receive theuuivenal
thanks of tho neoDle. whose repre
eentatives they were, acting alone for
their best Interests, the future welfare
of the grand old univer. ity. It was
anoihir crisis in the history of the
university, and I am proud of the
trustee tor their action, satisfied notb
inn bat an inexorable sense of duty
(tirnnlnd and controlled their mi ode.
I rfiordt the necesiity of their action,
and would be gratified (o know tbat
the removed professors aunerea no
rriBt, inconvenience, but easily se-
" cured desirable positions in other in
stitutions of leiirning. I hope I feel
the university will survive thie, as
she has survive 1 and prospered after
mnnh c renter calamities. Her able
Board of Trustee j will soon fill the
vacant chairs with men at least the
equals of their predecessor, thereby
securing onte more the good will, con
fidence and enttiusies ic support of all
our people. Fully equi ped with a
faculty imbued with the spit it and
nrncrrm of the time?, with a system
of diicipline suitable to coeducation
the socceselul mfnagemem oi Dnyi-,
vonrc ladies and young men, a difii-
cnlt issk-sbe will go meeting the
inHt expectation of her fouodere, pre
turino the ioiib of our gallant State t)
nobly meet the grave lesponsibi ities
Of life. JOHN L. HUDSO!!,
Answer to A Baptist la Regard
Is tbe Uulversllj.
To the Editor) of tbe Appeal :
TnpKLO. Miss. July 14. "A Bap
fist," wiiting in tbe Appeal of July
13ih, under toe caption of "Mttsissippi
Universiiy; tbe In'eraet of B'p islsin
lr," ttc., tomplains because there are
not more meuiDers oi an cnurun on
the Board of Trost?e3 and in tbe Fac
nlty of the university. He says "the
Baptists in this Stale number 63,000
and have one trustee, ihe Methodists
60.000 and have five trustees, tbePiea
byteriacs 10,C00 t 20,000 and have
lour trosteeB, ana bbbs me question
"1 it a mere ac cident tbat toe Bap
tis's are left t ut in tbe cold when
favors are ec' t red ?" and concludei
by eayinit: "These are unfortunate ac
cidentslof the Bi-ptiuV I think
can answer tb question, and show
fmther tint if these are "acci
denta" they era tot unfottuna.e
lor the public (which is truly the only
queslioa that ought ti be considered
in Ihe matter) evtn U tney are nnlor
tuna'.e for the Bapt!sis. I nave known
the trustees and faculty of the nnive r-
ity for several years and 1 don t be
have a eine'e mem bar ot eitner was
ever r.hos-n with referente to his re
ligious eentiraonts. "A. B." can find
very few, if any good men in the State
who know what I hey are talking about.
who ill siy that th:s is true. But
for the sake of argument admit thtt
it is true, end there is neceebity for
change. Then, as "A. B." sagetts,
Bhcu d the different religioui denoaii
nations be rnre?ented accord
ing to numbers? Of conrfe not
the criterion for election, on
the contrary, should bo education
and intelligence. It is an institution
of learning, and how could it be any
thing elee r Any lair minded man
will admit this. If this is true the
Baptist are not left out in the cold,
About one-tenth of the trustees and
one-tenth of the faculty ire Bintist
Now "A. B." will find by investigat on
that there about fifteen of the other
denominat ons he mentions, who are
irraduatd and capacitated to nil pro
fessprthips in co leges to where there
is one Baptif t oi me eamo Kina. in
nitinr wnrtisihe relationship thev bur.
tain o each other from an educatioanl
s-sndpoint, Is tbe same as one to fit
teen. Thev ar represented in the
trusto's and faiu'ty according
to the relationship of one to
to fifteen now. So accordin
to this criteiion Ihe Baptists
have suflerect to injustice; in lact.
thev have more than they dtsre
An inetita'ioo of this kind is for the
general enlightenmeat of tbe youth of
the country on all subjects, and not
for the purpose of cramming the doc
t incs of any particular church down
them. If "A. B." waota the young
men of the cotiotry maJe Baptist, he
Lai better advie them to go to Clin
ton, for I den't think the doctrines of
his church or any ether hav ever
been taught at Oxiord, or evr will ba.
A Ward rr tbe Siadteti mmd Traa
taes. To the Bdltori of the Appeal:
MiMPHis, July 15. Nearly every
day, for the last three weeks, your
columns huve been giving news from
the commot ons at oat scLool, so mat
ImnorinB vour reader ara bfcnmng
to Bay, "Ot, Lord, ho lnt? Many
tf tbe au nors ti tneae onnereri aru
cles f eem to imagine t ai the s'.ndHiita
are responsible for tt wbole affa'r,
and they seem to thi k that the sin
dents are a wild stt wl o should not be
allowed to expren-th ir opiniors in
public, lsnipo ethe gjcntbeinea
that "litte children s oald De ..seen
and not heard." Bu al bough e
aie guilty of tbe "atn lous criire of
being young men," we are babies
no longer; this is a L- a conot'yi od
we have as much rgt to Ulk as those
who ihiuk they kno a cr.at aeai
more than we do. B auee tbe Ttus
tees have declared ne of ths teats
open for competition a which they
have a perfect right t, take, they are
denounced, and me 1 jjs are growled
at becaused they are nppcs3d to have
iofluenced tbe truBte a in the matter.
Let it be known in ti beiiinDiogtnat
I aay nothing against these profeesois.
Some of them are arm friends of
minx and I have do desire to eay a
word aeiinst any of them : these eon
timents are those of near.y all the stu
dents I know. In jy loom during
last commencemen , peti ions were
written to the ttuHt :s r questing the
reHtn-Ation of all ihne five centiemen.
I, myself, took one i f thes petitions
arouac, ana every t uajni i mn, e'
p.Fnt two. lieota t wi h pleasure,
Other petitions wei t tnrougn me same
way. I pluced m petitkn in the
hands of B st-on ( illoway, with the
request that it ba t teed, at once be
for the board. 1'ies tbat show
eoirit of rebellion and discontent?
Ninoe my connfCtlon wl 11 Hie sc-nco
I have not been leq itsted to Bigu but
one petiiion again t any one. I re
fused; so did nearl every one else,
end I helieve the ma tr fell throngli
The students did co nplaio bittsrly cf
raanv thinsa which to )k place at on-
ferent times. Amoig these was the
action of the facult, ep ci'yirg who
Sliou a speaa lor ils rucicvt wcuain,
when the members of the society paid
out of tbeir own pouke's every cettoi
tbe expenses for an dais, mus e, pro-
trimmfs and eveivtbing e'ss. An
other was the eivici of zros for every
absence, whether w th or without an
excuse, tnereoy n aaing b ckdbjb u
mime, the result of which was that
abriflncen increassd as never ue
fore. Then host of boys
were summoned before the grand
iurv to stve evidem ete minors sgunet
minois in every little t flense, no mat
ter how trilling, ami to act ss general'
informers aeutistceM plsving, whisky
sellins end "ett'ng -olng on in towncr
t the university. Oi course tne coys
took to tne wuods, thereby demoral
iz'ng tbe whole scl wl, breaking up
all disciDliue. destr vine scholarship
end making anarctiy supreme. One
young gm.t'eman was chised over
townby a deputy three times because
one of those summoned testified be
bad been euiltv of tbe atrosicus ciime
of playirg an innocent game of euchre
for amusement. But the grand jury
found out nothing; the tow boys wno
"irot reliirion" at the Metnoaul re
vival a few weeks befoie, lost it in the
woods during tbe reign r f terror. Nv
hnilv wm reformed, and so ended tbe
grand farce. The citiz ii s of Oxford
were almott all in sympathy with the
students. All that i ta sei witn were
warmly in our favor. The boys bitter
ly complained, and they have no apol
odes to mako. But I do not think I
tingle student has written to your pa
p:r about these matters. All your
communications were horn others
We kect eilence in neace and for peace,
We submitted to all our superiors. We
did cot charge these things on
the gentlemen whom tbe trustees
have removed, and we complained
nubliclv of no ooe in partic
ular. But I do say tbat the students
have a liaht to petition tbe trus'ees
whenever they please and tbe trustees
have a right to do as they please In
thema'tur. The s udenti have been
with thsir inetructors every day, many
of them for three, four and five yeais
or mnre. They are kindly disposed
toward these Instructors, and I have
caid. and still sav. tbat tboir com'
msnda'ion is wortu tan times as much
ss tbat of tboae outsiders who have
never been ttudenti and know nothing
of the matter. I regret very mu h
tbat the people find fault with the
tmstees. An abler and better body of
men could not be found in tbe S.ate.
At their head ih Gov. Lowry. Among
them are tbe Hon. H. M Sullivan, the
Hon. O. B Howrv. Juuae It. A. Hill
Judee H. F. Simrall. Oal.T. W.White,
the Hon. H. L. Muldrow, Gen. Yates
Freeman. Biehoo Galloway and mar
others, whoss purity, faithfulnt si and
sterling in'egrtiy command the high
est estaem of all. Whoever denies
their ability makes himself ridiculous
These men cannot be frightened at a
few squibs in the r ewapapers. They
will do jus ice to all ; fiey will put in
or retain men ol atiiiiiy aua mweriiy
without any re card to wbat thy thin
abcut infant b pt sm, predestination
or any other quiras of theological jr
gon; they will bo guided by men
nlone, es they ebouli be. I have
heaid many rumors here abcut
the charantHr of the boys
Oxford. They are all unfounded. We
do net care a straw lor tnesa empty
rumors of th street. If there ara on
fifty students at our tchool next yoai
on account of these unkind expreS'
sione, we will be contented with qual
ity if not quantity.
I never knew more warm benrte
and irererous boys in my life. Never
cn 1 lomet the many bappy days
spent amorif them, and it is wth bitter
regret toat I rememoerinai i biu coju
to rait with the tru, noblo boys of the
L'ui' rsity of Mifsis-ipoi. If all the
p.'ople of the Sure loved tbe grand old
university es tbe students love it,
there would b9 no e hadow npon it, no
cloud on its sky. No one would ever
grumble at paying the dobt which tie
State is honor b"una to leiuuu 10 ner.
Tnthn Board of T us ees we would ex
nress our entire corfiJouce in their
conduct of aOa rs. Ine old univernity
fcas eBemiwi enough without any com
plaints from the stti'lent j. mo matte
what course the trusses may decid
upon, we w 11 be loyal and eay, it
right." WALTKB M AlXlNU
A Huuiuuiu lor Vucnut C'IihI
of tonlleh.
To the Editor! of the Appeal :
Mr. T. D. Marshall, a young lawye
of Jankeon. Miss . is a candidate for
t.hn vamnt chair of Kniilish at tt
Siat Univeisitv. He is ono of tho
mint brilliant, ami scholarly men i
Mintiiuinni. He was poet of the
Alumni Aseoc'a'ion of the S'ats Uni
iTura tv in is.sii. and th:s veer was an
mini oratir there. He is a noted
lec urer, a talented poet and an accom
n mhed 1 nirnis'. lie is one ui iu
best literary scholars in ther-'outh,an
his election would be a gooa move,
Sabacrihe lor tlie MAppeL"
THIXO OYER $70,000.
Nebraska Bank President Skips to
Canada With the Funds The
De Rivera Failure.
St. Louis, Mo., July 15. Mr. Carles
Greeley, the largtst stockholder of
the P.ovident Savings Bank, nhich
failed yesterday, mak. s tbe following
Btemtnt as to now mat even as
rouuht about : "When the Board of
Directors counted tbe cashier's reserve
fund, two weeks ai;o, preparatory to
derlring their dividend, ibey found
$40,000 in the bank vault. The night
atchman informed me last evening
that Mr. Thomson entered the bank
builcing on Sa urday evening at about
10;30 o'clock, and it wae tnen un
doubtedly tbat the f ashier jalted $15 -000
of the fund in bis pockets, end the
n ate t iurpr.se to me is that lie aid
not appropriate toe rett of it. ine
fint discovery of this shortage was
made last Friday by me, and ic cime
about like this: Mr. Strain, the acting
nreaident of tho bank, on that cay
came to my place of business and in
formed me tnat tne aireciors nau just,
loaned Thomson $8500 on 100 shares
of the Crystal Plats Glass Company's
stock, wnich he hsd deposited as a
collateral. Now I am a direc'or of
that corporation, and bed assisted in
tbe disbursement oi dividends, anu i
was in a position to know tbat Tbom-
eon did not bo d 100 shares cf stock.
Going immedia ely to our treisurer,
Mr. Birnes, 1 taJ him lurmsn me a
list of the s ockhoklerB. In tbii list
found tbat on October 0, 18bf. a cer
ficate numbered 378, calling for one
share of tbe camtal rto k, bad been
asued to Almond U Ibomson. l
called tbe attention of the Board of
Directors lotbp, but Ibomeon ex
plained that th9 ctber ninety-nine
shares had been transferred to turn
but not yet delivered. He sml il trie
board wished it he would return tbe
nmount of the loan on Monday. When
he did not show up Monday my lears
received a eubstii-tiai actnowioag-
ment of his crookedness, i wer.t to
tbe bank and by means of amiiro
rcope detecied very plainly that the
cerutita e had been raissa irom one
share to 100 shares, and that tbe date
had alto bsen altered. A lurtber ex
amination of his books showed tbat
bis rtsctlity had been going on sirce
18H1. since tnat time ne oau carneu
fraudulent en ry on the foreign ex
ehanira account, involviog $20,000
His totil shortage win aououees
amount to $70,000. I agree w'th the
receiver, however, tbat the depositors
will be paid in fail, even at the ex
Dense of tbe it ckholdere. The bank
wilt never resume operations.
Ihe De Blvera rallnre.
Naw Yobk. July 15. J. de Itivera,
former v head ol tho suear nrm oi J
deKivera&Co. which recsntly iiw
pended, and fattier of H. C. deKivera,
tne preeeni senior meuiuur ui moumi
haa wri'ten Ihe followinz letter to Mr,
Oicott, formerly a torney for bis son
The letter is dated :
Nkw York, July 13.h.
I am to stricken down by the events
connected with tbe lailuie ot tne nrm
established by me and so many years
a pait ot my daily life, that I do not
leel equal to a longer eiay uure, uu i
will return to my home in South Bass
Is and, O.. near the vil ago of l'ut-in-Bay,
and hence I write my message to
tbe creditors of my son's firm, who
hold notes to which I hava put my
name, ti help my son and as sn ac
commodaiion to his firm. I have no
other claims against me except for
fnw trillion sums. My property con
sists of lands in Ohio and Florida, ths
former under my own personal
Buneriatendence. and consisting of
TinpvarJs. orcnaraa ana wooaianas,
I ' have aleo some uncollected
claims. All that I now own and pos
sess, you on assure those holding
notes with my name on, is at their
disDosal. to be div'dod amorg them
dio rata, as io tne reauz n oi mu
nronertv in Ohio, the creator value, in
my op'nion, will be obtained by nurs-
leg li careiuuy, ana not vy swung n
outricht. which would be disastrous
Should the first plan be earned out.)
is my beiiet tbat the do ire si nope icu
to me in life tbat my property will fully
and amolv suffice to eover tbo claims of
every person nolding a scrap of paper
with my promise to pay. Bs kind
enougi to deliver this message iu ray
name and. thanking yon in advance.
I remain very tiuly yours,
J. HE, IV1V f.lVA
Mr. Oicott lavs io relation to the ab
retceof II. C.de Rivera: "I can only
HCC iuntfor bis departure oysuppoeing
lie is insane, eriniiiiv vuoiu in
othrr reaeon that I caa think of. His
assets are amply sulli jient to cover all
)ls indobtednes", and lis lamer i
both able and wiliina to pay all th
cotes that he his indorsed for tho
Heavj Failure In Tcmne.
Gai.vihtos. Tex . July 15
eiietial to tbe Newt says: II. Spohn &
t ., mercbants and rancners, oi r.n
c nal, Tex., have made an assign
rrunt. LiabiiitiBS, a 73,000 ; asset?.
$.70,0 0.
(il. Ipped to Canada With I lie Itnnlt'i
1- iiniiR.
Chicago. III.. July 15. A soecia
fri m Oroaba save : The D.imly Conn
tv Bank, of Benkleman, Neb., failed
t",itdav. lielzsr. ths president,
sVipped to Canada and took with him
about tlOO.000 in funds and eeuurities.
B isiness men and farmers feel the
bus greatly, es many have lott the labt
dollar thy had on earth. Several
homesteaders had their li'.t'e all in the
hank and were to prove up today,
Many will have t) abandon thei
t'sims. The areatcst ex ;itament pre
vails. Be'z-r had trans'orred all his
e vailablc property to his wile beforn
leaving. Many ,istera can as an
firms ks9 heavi v.
LakT. The Dundy County Baak a
jicnklcman. whr.se president, Bel."r
lied to Canada, was a privnte bank, the
lirm bema McCiity uizr. iuis
lirna was quoted in liradrfrfrt't at from
lifiOOO to $40,000. and their-credit
v as very good. Benklem in is a town
cf about 300 Deonle. It io claime
tliat Bs'zer took with him $100,000
ficdi and socuritios. It is quite
1 kely that a large portion ol tlr
a nount was introsted to him by Eav
c n Dariies to loan. The details as t
ii dividual lo.-a and the amounts have
p it yet been received here. Tbe bank
o ly claimed a capital of $10,OUO, and
it is not believed by Omaha bankeis
that Bolzsr could have taken $100,000
unless be had some Eastern money
Uaneis' f anils
The t hlrago Newa I.lhl Hnlt.
Chicaoo, July 15. Tho jury in the
f L'0,000 libel s'lit of Misi Minnie 1'apen
against the Chic?go Daily News Com
pany returned into Judge Rogers's
tourt at 10 o'clock this mo.-ning and
announced that they were nnubleti
agree upon a verdict.' The jury were
ihen discharged. One of them states
that they Btood clven to one in favor
f i:nrnlnL' a vet diet lioldins the de-
fendaota no. guilty of libelbuttbat the
twelfth man stood out for a verdict of
one cent for toe plaintifl. To this the
others c.ntd nit be induced to agree.
The Tanas Imperor of Cblan Pre-
paring to Tnha ( nitrge
Foreign Xulo.
Lima. Tkuu. via Gai.vkjtos. July 15.
In orseqiunce of tin d-'preciatiou
and tluctdiitions cf the silver currercy
n c'rca'atinn in this K public, it lias
n(n Dioiiosed to use tne Atueucan
gold do'lr as the ba-U of all mone
tary tram actions, eniurr uscji ur pri
vate, using tne t liver aouar ai vaiue
80 centi, gold, for all lractions
under a qna'tr of an eagle, ft is
thr.ueht that the government will ask
Congress to jive the ma tor its con
sideration. Elections In Mexico.
City op Mexico, via Galvbstoh,
July 15. The Congrsssiocal elections
have resulted in a large majority for
tbe government. Tbey passed of!
quietly In all paris of the Kepublic.
Ths Frenth ftt s heie yesterday In
commemoration of the fall of the Baa-
tile were very brilliant and succetatul.
Thev concluded with a grand ball at
the National Thea ei.
An F.OKlth Bank In Mndnaaioar.
London. July 15 Madeeawar has
granted an Eogllsh company a charter
toeetiblish a royal bank a ith power
to c. in money and to issue bRnknot?s.
The bank will have a capiUl of
The Preeltlentorilajll.
Havana, July If). Advices from
Poito au Triple eny that General
Lonu lidenns telicite Nilcmon was,
nnihn 30ih u.tinio. re-elected Trtsi
dent of Havti. for another trm ol
seven years, dtting tr im May 18th.
The Veens F.mprror Hwanv Pre,
London, July 15. Advices from
Prtkin stats that ordo s have been
given to tbo Ministers and tho Board
of A tronomv to select an auspicious
dav in the brat monui ot tne nexi
Chineie year for the asmmption of
the government of China by the young
Emperor K.wang fcu.
Estendlna lbs Vablce.
Montkbal. July 15. Mr, Sanford
i?lminir. o. E . who is now in fcng
land.will.it h reported, confer with
tlin ImnBiial Government ana aus
tialian aeen's in connection with the
establishment of c hie communication
between Canada, Japan and A us
New Meamehlp I.lua Between Uer
any ami Aanmia,
Bkrlin, July 15. Ths steamship
Salier, cf the North German-L'oyd
Lne, haa lott Krenien tor Australia on
tbe initial trip ot tne new tine do
tween Germany and Aurtralla.
Quiet at Bvlfaet.
Bklfst, July 15 AVith tbe excep
tion of tbe occasional occurrence of
isolated lows, the city is politically
Memorial Chapel to the Late Klu
Monicb, July 15. The Queen Pow
sger Marie has otdered the conBtiuc
tion. fl. her own expenso. of a me'
morial chapel on the bank of Lake
Sternberg, at the place where the
bodies of her eon, King Ludwtg, snd
Dr. von Guden were found.
Nboollac for the leea"e Prlae.
Ionpon, Julv 15. A babbling wind
interfeiei with the efloita cf the
marksmen at Wimbledon yesterday
in tho shooting for the Queen's prize
at 200 and 500 yards. Tbe Canadian
competitors, out of a posjiblo teventy
, . 1 I -11 Dall III.
Armstrong, 60; Bell, 58. The h'ghest
score was 00. In the shooting with
revolvers, each man firing six shots at
twenty vards. ttlair and wnson, tana
dians. Bcored respectively 34 and 32
noints. Glendownv. a member of
Welsh regiment, scored 3 points,
Tim (lanailinns were fa'rlv niccjestol
wlncio. minor money prizes, and
they aio improving daily.
Will Vlelt Ihe Edinburgh Eapoxl
TunoN. Jnly 15 The Queen will
visit the Eiiubsigh Exposition Augnst
The London Cues Tonrnanaent
London, July 15. The third round
of the cheFS congress was won by
Burn from Schlopp. McKenz e beat
Hanham, Laubenhaua beat Blackburn
Gunsbfrir beat Mortimer ana Ziuaer
tort beat Pollock. The game between
Bird and Mason was drawn, up
Bchwutz did not play. So far in tho
nresent tournament McKen.ie and
Gimsber- have 2J Barnes each to the
credit. Schl nn. Burn and Liuhen
haus2eacb, Pollock 1. Lipschwulz,
ltlnnkhiirn. Mtoa end Zukortort
each, and B ti, Silti, Mortimer and
Hanham none.
r m v
rrr.arrl wltli upcilnt riyanl to lioalUi.
No Aiumoula, Llntu or Alum.
rmCACQ. bv. i niiio
prriMiua Mkinir OoTitrament Kin
1'loyment io any ol ,.n dirtmnU
WnhlDKtnn. or any other poittorn under
the'-l'iternmeFit.l will unnd lull inflrooiicn
ai io bow to prol to obtnln the fane
and Hlaak rermii oi a I' I
r,.ii:t nl On Dollnr. Ailil
ft miiiiuu. Iu.1,.1,.. ohm
Nw I'rln. 1 1 1 ul rl'd (;ii.il"i IU
Ift. .i, o V.Pv tlnsMt fr prlnliMl, nw rwMlr.
L,..i.'L9, M rMi.rMu.fiUnvHrHIVI NttW.Orlul.
I- ' ' ' ' - v mil Ht.lMof llSlne I.llirr
Seiki, Tabiei, cnaira,
Book Cases, Lounsea,
letter Preaaea, Cabinets
Ladiei' Fancy Deiki, ka
lrlMrini.rHi,tfMl. Oftlnloif
UfAMTm AttKNTS.Meri and Women
W All I til to tall "TUB CIIILU i
BIBLR " Tntrodaetion by Kt-.3 11 . Vin
mi. n n. iin kMnt hkAioldS 9ln Ato
oi 074 Winnie: ooe 7.1 Is tvlllAce, ol VM nu
new went Si in iu uayi; one i j ooi
lirewerku one 40 In 3 dr a1 two difr.reBt
timei. Kxperieno notne'-n'iiir. AJSreii
0At.iiBH.aC0. ih't'd.)
lUbaarboin itrett Chi"so.
JULY 16. 1886.
ANDREW 8TKWABT, Nsw Orleans.
PTniFiiDT ninvi n
G Liillil . mu
holesaleGrocers, CotFactors
SO. 896 AND 85S FKO.VT (STItHfrT, JMEMriilS, TENS,
KI.!Wra. TOIHWI4K4.'
Iron and
Bnclnoa, jfZ.
Orlet- Hllle'l
M onset I
rranf s
Bnllllnt. .
atepalra. rSsXJX
RON & RAILWAY SUPrLY BELT, 22G and 228 Second St.
(SnoMiion la thli lepartment to JOHN MANOQUE.)
awWrttenii for information on ANY TH1NU tn ellherllne.
0. 0. tlKIS.
Wholesale Grocers
SSC Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Cotton eonilgned to ns will hara our careful attention. W oarry at all tlmi a wall-
seleoted itook ot -
Staple & Fancy Groceries, Winss, Llquorsjobaccc & Cigar
And will wcH
N. M
JONES, President.
(Hnoeosaors lo Plrrs!l Sawrle,)
30, 3S and 40 Jeflcrtioii Ntrcet.
33 1 UHOTCm a I
KaccMBora to 70RTEB, TAYLUll A CO.,
330 iSeooiul Street, Meiiiplil
Materiel. Pdmin, l)rie Wei la. Iron.
U. aaawln.
lana .nlllvaa.
Wholesale Oroeera, Cotton Factor
And Commission Merchants,
232 and 234 Front St., rJempIiis, Tena
Mr. I. N. RAINEY dtroUi Ml who! Mm to th wijhln and eel of all Oottoa antrBiUd
lonnrnhnm. flolten Wrehnniie, Ho Woehlnnton etreet.
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Molding, Lumber,
Lath and Shingles, Flooring, CeiU? and Cedur Posts.
8LEI)EDflOS.,of Como.Mltiii.
v aw-m m. ws. mn f IM flh, Rfi, m R fM fOB
Nos. 356 and 358 Front Street Mem p hit. Tenn.
Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocers,
PTo. 300 Front alreet, I Memphis, Teasa
is II L
Bar Iron,
Bailor Iron,
Hoop, Basel
ashool Iran
f vfc Washeta
jf WIMln4Cr-l.
E. L. W00D809
& Golton Factor
law in i.ow,
I. F. PETKRS, Vloe-Prmldaat.
D. V. 8AWR.lt
0. K. WITT.
trfied and Hon Pipe, la Flttufee, Qlobee. Km
rnos. lOlar.
M. J. Clain
F. M. NORFLEET, Eculdent Partner.
.. ,saaVariaal
lara Conway Institute
Monday, October 4, 1886.
Enrollment Last Term, 822.'
A SCHOOL for th development of rtror
oui. thoufhlD. noble womenhood.
Tbii renult i reaobed bj breadth and
thuronthneie of instruction end the awaken
ini of patient, earnest ecdearor. A new
and ronimodioua boarding deiiartment has
Ju.t ben f.impleued.
i ne iir.irtiueni or aree mnams aim mil
linery in n'Wod for tb Brut time.
In too Blimnc of the rrircipai. wno m
Kurnne f r Lha aumniar. oatililKael will bo
furni-hed on application to Aire. K. P. Mor
ton, dHiu etreet. or they will b found
atnnyof th1 city book itoioE.
uTliruTllv va
Openi let September, 1S8S. Clmiei June, 1W.
Uneurpatned loniiin, ouiiinnMi rrounm,
appointment!. Full corpi tnachere; unri
raled advanUeee in Mu.ic, Laniuueri, Elo
cution, Art, Book-keeptni, I'byical Cul
ture. Board, etc., wilh full Kimli.h Count
$400 per entire fen ion. For full partioa-
rn a"tiiy to principal lor cwinoguo.
Ko lfe (3 nun mar School.
100 MMmtaall itrunt.
1 ber ot iiuoile limited. There are lew
vaoanoiei, und thono desirinf loenter pupil
dhould make arli applioation. either to ths
" Advieorj Couiinittoo," or to R. M. KOLFB.
Principal. Luke W. Kinley, Dr. l. D.
Seumlore, lion. E. 8. llaoiiuond, AdtUory
Oommittee. .
eventli seei'ion begin Wednemlar, He.
tenihor 1, A ilonirable eohool lor yo
dauvhteri in all Hmmrlin nln ol Kemale K.
uentioD. Hiipnlieil w Ih new InilruinenUi
fine Al'i'ar.iliii", n ml a lull haoullr- cniuaes
reaeonanle. Kor ni'ii'oiii and trmi. appl
to A. 11 JdN Kri, U i.. i-reiiieni.
Ths 911 tennnl Nnalnn Opsns Hrp
Irinurr in, lann.
For rtlmue or epocl! Information, ap
ply to NWIn ns t. Vi.
W. K. ABIIOT, I'rtnrlpal.
St Mary's School.
Na. Slta Poplar Nlrt,
MENPIIl". , i i t TKWNKm:B
AltOtKDlNO and DarSohoel for Tonne
LeillM aud Childron, uuilor th ohm .
of th Hutere ol St. Mary, of th Xusrliatt.
Church, Nuniber of puiuli limited to . 100.
Neit lohool terra bevlni Nrpmuiber (h
Naehrllle, To tin Real Ponthern
Horn for Ulrlt. i'o (tlr la this year. A non
leoUrian nohuol. 1'atronUsd by men of Ut
ral mindi in all cBurohoi. l'niuriaeed in
Mu.le. Art and Lanruaifee. For Oatjlosusj
ddreei K-
of MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WO R t D " H InMnKUn. m Muilcnl. I'd T
oiun InMrurtlunlu Vor.lftnti lii.lrum.'lal Mil.ll
... II,
rutn..,,lal Mu.ic. nano.ni
Vrtin Tuning, rin. Artt,Or.ltirf. I.u.nuti
rio. Artt.Oi.liri, l.u.ruiiro.l roiioll, 1
'nr., .,y,nH
fci. TulHroi,
Nlr.nl II. ft! MH
.n.i.t .ia,.. .r.H i.hi,. anil T.rmw
, an tO . I DO.MI .lie rwmi w n,u ii'-"""
board eutl
i, B.T01I1UKK, l)lr.,rran.Mli Bq., IKWlW, Mia
CiVI.. MM'tl ANH'Al.anit tllNINCI
K.JIJ;kKla at tns Kenwtilaor
tal j technic Inatllnlo, Troy, B. T.
Th eldent snilneerinc lohool In America.
Next ieraa hetiae heplemlior l.Mh. The He
leter for lHWi oontnini a lltt ol the iraduata
for th pait 61 yara, with their. position. t
alio, ooun or aimiy, reiuirernnie, ii
neneei.ota. Uandliluloi Irom a dietano, or
thoie llvini In dintanl HtaUe. by epeoial x
aminatlnne at their homei, or at luoti fohooli
at they may b attenillm, tnaydeUrm n
th iiuention ol admlMlon without Tiiltini
Troy. For reaiiter and full information, ad
Hrem 1)AVI1 M. HKKKNK. Dlreetor
So. 17 JelfttiMa SlrteU
(Between Main and Front.) MEMPHIS. '
IKXehllihed In 18O0.I .
DR.J0UNHON laaoknowledredbyallpar.
tlei Intareeted ai by far th moil tas
eeeeful phyilolau lo thetrealioeBU) prirats
or eeorei dlieaiea. Dulok, permanent oures
foaranteed In rry oae. tnaia or nine.
Recent oaiea of (ionorrhe and Syphilis
of 1
r aayi
eured In s few dayi withoat th ne of
n of diet or nindrano rrora
builnem. tieooudary Hynbilla, thelait Tee
dee eradicated wiLhoutth uie of meroary.
Involuntary lot of temen itoppcd Is thort a
Urn. Bofierert from ImpoUnoy or loee
extal pewert retor to free ricof Is a few
Victim OI a -aoui aou eioeeeir
e-abuia and eioeWs
ulfertnc from niermatarrhM snd
loeiof phyaioal and mental power, epeedily
snd irinanntly cured. Fartimilar atun
tlos paid to tlie Dineatu of Women, and
euret auaranteed. Pilee and old aorea cured
without th ui of oauatleor ths knlf. All
ooniultatione strictly oonndential. Medi
einea sent by sipreea to all parts of ths
""s-w'orklnrmoi cured at half ths aaasl
raUs. UlSo hours from 8 o'olock a.m. to I
o'clock p.m. I. H. JOHNHON. M.D.
817 and 81!)
M. Second SI,
V- f,
nurrriOTCiitBS or
A Valuable Patent
nancy's (Horse) Cera and Pra Plan-
rl A VINO nerfented ui invention
I wth
IT : -.liioe it before the puhlio, peoially
mnulac.,:rere. Aa a Horn rianier, it is a
iierlect kloos oieu cne drill, distributed
ill seed acckratsly, uniniured, and ooreril
th nunie, thereby on man perforuilni th
work of throe. Tun hav beon used la
this aectiou lor over e doicn years with per
!ect siitinfactiiin. nan live roiuotaibl tsatl
monials. Address
H.vwood county. Ten'.
No. 6019. R. P. Chmiocry Court of Shelby
county. fctate of Teaneise. etc., va. bs-
1. A ...... r..ntf Mt ttl.
ru aii.. r . . ...
Ij aalt. entore.l in th abov cans on th
ol an interlocutory uvurw iw
4th day ft June, 1K8, M
T Ml ..It u, ha, Kill.
ill, pas 15A,
uction, to the bi(U'
... i.:.i.i.. in fVnnt c the Clerk and M
ter'a office, courthoua ot Bhclby county,
Memphia, Tenn., on
ttitlardnr, Angu.t 7, 18,
within lean hours, the foiiowtni aecrineij
nr.oertv. s tttutcd in felielby oounty, ien-,
neii.ee, to wit: A certain lot besinninf at aj
atake on the wt ime ol, pimtn itreet i.w
leet north of the north aide of larolin
atreeti tbence went and parallol with Caro
lina, troet lfl'. feet t a .lake: thence north,
2.-, fBet to an elieyi thene east 1SH4 feet to
west side of Niuih ilreel; theno soutb
P........I ku tin a cr dit ol six months
note with security reiiuirtd : lien retained I
rejeiiil'tion barred. Ihia Julr 3, 1S.
8. I. MoOOrt EI.L, Clerk and Mitstor. I
Pr 11. F. Wain i, lieputy Clerk and Mastert
i'll. A ti. llettkell and John Johs V
(ton, SoUi'ltotl.

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