miKEMD (MMCE. K05ET 8 PES CEXTITEW TOBK EXCHANGE 14 PREMIUM. Ctitoa Quiet an J Unchanged Mid dling, 9e Sales Yesterday, 60 Bales. Money in good demand at 8 per cent. Local securities are s'eady and . tending upward, In the cotton market tbera is little doing. The clore yesterday was evy; middling, 9c ; ales, 60 bales. At New York yesterday epots closed steady, middling, 9 3-163. Futures steady; September, 9.119.12c. A leading New York cotton circular tajs: ' Pablio advices from Liverpool tended to con firm the chances of a flarry on Sep tember options, and our market re sponded with a firmer tone. Some 34 po'nts were gained and main nine a 10 in) cioie. uusiuesa was light, however, end did not appear t extend beyond roim traders settling np for thu wtek Dy goods of c-.m- ruies'oa bouse?, thero wee but a mod erate request s usuil to Saturcny, but the dtliverie", f f eedotu of pre vious reports: With jobbers there was more dome, an a very gooa at maod wis present." At New Orleans, spots were dull; miaming, tt&; Mturei eteady; Sep tember. 8 72(il8.73o. At Liverpool spots wre steady at full prices; middling. 61; futures tfad : Sro'ember. 5 8 (I4d. In tbe general market hog products sre firm and hivhtr; cVar rib sides bacon, 7J7ii; clear lib fides pork, " KsHi; la'd, ti-jrcs, 7J7ic; choice kettle, Hlcmttfte. . utner articles ao- chacged. IMPORTS. One hundred end cinnty Iris apple", 122 pkga hotter, 270 rls bagging. 115 pkg bacon, 691 pkgi boois and shone, 2500 bu corn, 263 pkjts ohefse, 775 tki coffee, 2 cars cotton eted, 31 ska cotton seed, 140 pkg dry goods, 23 pkss eggs ioo bru tiiur, 414 tuaa nav, 83 pkga hat", 28 hd rat le, 169 pkss lard. 36,000 ft lumber, 66 pkgs liquors, 10 brie molasses, 20 kes mi s, 6CO0 ba oats, 4 cats pork tides. 25 hrln pork, 191 brls sugar and 12 pks tub ic3c LEVATOB REPORTS. The following allows the amount of grain received, withdrawn and in store by regular elevators, as reported to the Merchants' Exchange jestwday: Whet received, non; withdrawn. 1250 bu ; in store, 6 '60 ba. Corn re- oeived, 597 bu; withdrawn, 702 bu; in store, 3743 bu. Oats received. 19,777 ba: withdrawn, 6123 bu; in tore, 138,083 hn. FINANCE. Honey in good demand at 8 per cent. ins Uiearlng Mouse report is as fol lows: CLBABINQS. Saturday, September 4th, S136,- -1351; to'al tia wek, $944,169 67; total las; watt, $shs,H75 76; corre sponding time in 1835, $815,403 94; coiTesponding time in lb&t, 62i,- BALANCES. Saturday, 8eptemHr4'b, $41,319 40; total this wek. $370,944 74; total last week, $:9n65314; correspond ing time in 1885, 240,884; corre sponding Urn in 1884, $165,424 33. KXCHANOB. New York sight on all points, par baying, t premium selling; New England demand, i discount bovine : New England sight, i discount; Now Orleans,!; discount buying, par selling. BANK STOCKS. Bank of Commerce .146 bid, 149 asked First National 150 bid. 155 asked German Bank 195 bid, 200 anked Wtate National 145 bid, 150 asked Union and Plantere..l50 bid, li3 BKked Mercantile Bank...l35 bid, 137 aaked IimURANCB STOCKS. Bluff City 100 bid, ... asked Herr.ando 100 bid, naked Home 75 bid, 80 asked Memphis Uity 1UL'4 uid, 10 1 aeked Peoples 80 bid. 83 anked . Phcenix 93 bid, 100 &ked Planters .107 hid, ... cuiked Vanderbilt. 25 bid, 26 asked Arlington 30 bid, ... asked Factors ...20 asked MISCELLANEOUS. H. and O. R.K.ehareen36 bid, ... aked M.A T. R.R. ehre 45 bid, 50 eeked M. & O. consols, 7... 119 bid, ... asked M. & L. R. 1st m. 8s...l05 bid, ... aeked Mise,&.T R.R. C3,A..... 11 1 bid, 113 aalied Mi88.&T.R.R.Cf,B10 i bid, 103 asked . Tenru wts.ser. )) 90 bid, 93 asked Tenn. wts. ser. E to J..83 bid, 85 asked Sholbv Co. 6s. 108 bid, 110 askod Tax. Diet. 4, 6?, .... 97 J bid, 98 J asked Tax. Dint. 0s 104ioid,105i asked Mem. Gfis bonds Iti4 bid, ... asked Mem. Watfr hondf...97 bid, ... aeked Hananer Oil Works bid. 65 asked Am.Oot. Oiltrnst', 46 hid, 47 wked Pioneer Cotton Milie....2' bid. 30 asked Mem.is(or.Com.Oo..lOJ bid, 103 asked Mem. Gas sto 'k 75 bid, 80 asked JOHN Ia. 9 Madison St., Memphis, Tenn., DEALER IN STOCKS A1VD BONDS BUY8 AhD6BLL8 AHEUICAW COrtOJf. Oil, TRUST CEItTlFK'ATES. New Yofk, Septsmber 4. Money cn cail asy, rniicg hoaa 6 per cent, t) 6 per cent., closing at 1 per c-nt asaeJ. Prime m-roaQtile pper 4 '&5 per cent. 8ia lirg exchange s'eaiy at 481J for sixty dy bills and 484 for demand. . - -t The shipments of legal tanders for the week from New Yo k banks were $l,M)f.OOO. The receipts at the banks ol 1 egal ten d ti s w ?re $6 15.0C0. Bank 6ta ement Toe weeklr ctite- ment of the apforfatid banks shows the following changes: Reserve, in rease, $13,276; iiaos, dfcrnase, $3, 226,600; specie.increase, $1,676,200; )e .gal tenders, decrease, $2,523,200; de poti's, decrease, $3,441,100; circula tion, inctease, $78,900. The banks now hold $6 920,425 in exoess of the 25 per cent rule. Government and Sta'e bonds were dull and tt'ady t;-day. Ra!lroad bonds were dull and generaliv s'ealr. Toe total sales today were $802 000. Snms' large blocks of West Biioie changed hands, tbe total business in thfss aggregating $168,010. Final prices show trrpgoUr cbariKer. A'lan ticand Pacific fii-fti ar up 1 1 et S! ; Lake Erie flrrt', 1, at 98, and tbe in comes 2 st 22. Indiana, Blooming ton and Western lirss lost 1 at 97; Louisville, New Albany and Cbirago fl'S's, 3 at 111 : North M asinri fire's, 2 at 114, end Toledo nud Ohio Cen tral firsts, 1 at 96. Stocks The stock market again re- taper d into Ihs doll and toilets atate in which it has been every day thii wm azcepi r no ay. mere wai no interest in the trading except in 8t. Paul and for a short time in New I Jeraey uentraL The earning of the Northwestern road reported today, were may up to me expectations, and ths, with tbe persistent balling of the granger stocks from Chicago, enabled them to hold the advance established yesterday. New Jeisey Central moved UP Charclv DDOn rumors nf a naar hull " 5? SKT There was an evident disposition as usual on Saturdays of late to wait for tbe back statemect, which on its ap pearance was somewhat disappointing, and a perceptible heaviness overspread the marker, but diatDDPared later. Firat prices showed irregular chances mig mcrning, put the tuflerer-cea were forama'l tractions only either way. There was considerable irregularity in the early dealings, bat the market was doll and fluctuations email, noon figures being not materially different from tbo of the opening. Friers then Bagged off percepiibly until about 12:30 o clock, When the movement in Jetsev Central was started and the remwinder of tbe lift leiponded slocrly. Highest prices were geneia'ly reached in the early pait of the last hour and were held until ihe ck sc. which wes dull bat firm. Closing piicss chow irregu lar changea, out they are for Iractiuns ony. Tne to!al sales of Hock? today were 110,122 shares, including Delaware, Lackawanna a id Western, 80C0; Erie, 4455; Mie-muri, Kansas and Texas. aioo ; Laae oncre, auo; r.orLh western, 7700; New Jersey Central, 6295 ; St. Paul, 26,155; 8t. Paul and Omaba, o; weet.rn union, 301?. SOVIKHVXXTS. IT. S. Si. 100M 4a. iin. lM Oil, coup, 109. Paoiflo 6i ol 1896, 125J4. anana. . r . . . ..- . - ...... Cent. Pas. lits, U4!. ben. A K.U.lata,i2). lieniRMW.Uta.8UVi.Kru second.. US. urn. stamps, as, ioxe. inissonn. OS. luuv M.K.AT.,aen.6a,H6. North. Pao. lsta.H4K. M,.h D.. 'M - Inl V ur , ijii; N.Weit. deb. 6a, 10.St.L.8.F.Gen.M, IW dl. r aui. aon.. l.-u. h. lara.!. i.r. tana granis.M'Vi.r. tt.u. excou Co, II. P. lata. 114U. W..I InlU Tenn.6, set'int,105',.Tenn. 6a, eet'wt, 100. stocks. Adami Express, 140. Morrlf E.,offd ,139. Allegheny Cen., , Naahrille A 0., 6. N.J. Central. 85!X. aiiuu at A u-i A AT. U.,pfd..85. American Ex., 1W. B.O.K.iN.,6). ai u. rti II on 3- a., Nor. A W., pfd.. 44. Northern Pao.. 275. Northern P. pfd.,654. CAN. W., 11. C. AN.Wplu.,142. N. Y. Central. 110. Canada Pao.,65S.. Canada Boa., 443 H Central Pacific, ii'i Chesapeake & 0 , 8 C. 0.,lipfd, 1574. 0. A0..2dpld.,. 0. k A., 141. C. A A Pld., 155. N. Y. C. A Bt. h.,Pi. N.Y. O.A8t.L.,p.,2lH unio central, . Ohio A Mias.. 2i'A. O. A Miss., pfd.. 9". U..1J. 130. Ontario A Wt.. WU. v., oi. u. a n. u., --. uregoa nn no",. C. St. L. A P.. 13. Oreron Trana.. XIU. v., nt. it. at r. P..M. urexon lmpm, 0. , 8. A 0. . 27. Paoiflo Mail, "!. nun Razz T .. Del.AHnd .,VXH Peoria, D. A H., 2S. Del., t,, A W., HVS. Pituburx. 151 H. Den. A Rio 0.. 31. Pullman P. O., 138V4 nrie, neaaina , zo4. Krie pf ., 74H. Rook lsand. 126. KaatTenn.. 6. 6t. L. A S. 9.. JUM East Tenn. nfd. UW. Ht. L. A S. V.. n.. SHU. ion wayne, ms. Bt.ii. o.r.,u r.ui nanninai x oi jo., u. m. a si. t H. A St. Jo., nfd.. CM. A St. P.n. 122 Harlem, 230. Bt. P., M.A If., 1)3. Roaaton A T.. t& Illinois Cen., 1M. Ind., B. A V7., Kansas A T., 31. Lake K. AW., II. Lake Shore, 87H Lou. A Naah., 46& Lou, AN. A., 64. H. AO. first Dl .-. di. r. a. umana, 7. rt.ranidtu.pra., liu. Ten. Coal A Iron.&i. Xexaa 1'aoillo, 144 Unlon Paetfle, 654. U. 8. Hxpreis. 63. W.. Bt. L. A P.. IK. W.,Bt. L. AP.,p.,34X M. AC.'pfd., -. W.U. Tel.,66W. mem. 4 Char., 36. Colorado Coal, St. JIIIUU. Will.. O. UUIUWMKVl ,V. Min. A St. L., 20. Iron SiWer, 189. Mill. A at. L.pfd,44. Ontario, 27. Missouri Paeile.luW.Quioksi War. 6. Mobile A Ohio. 14. QuieksiWtr.Dfd. 22. m. L. a. w 83. eouth raciuo, M. L.S.W.,pfd,87. Butro.7. London, September 4. 4 p m. Con sols 100 15-16 for money and 101 for the account. United states bonds, 4' 1299. There was withdrawn from the B.uk of Eog'and today 100,000 of bullion for BMpmint to America. Paris, 8ep'ember4. Three per cent. rontae, 831 'ilia for the account. BANK CLEARINGS. Baltimore-, Md September 4. Bank c earing9. $1,824,287: balances. Jjr3,U34. Philadblphia. Pa.. September 4. hum cieannfpi today, )8,319,4UJ; ba!- anis,iti, 143,43. New York, September 4 C earing Housa eluterneut: Exchancw. $75,- ia,oi6;; baanci,a.9j5,140. St. Louis, Mo., Septembsr 4. Bank rlearina, $2,750,085: for tb wek, $ : 8,449,3i'5 ; balance today, $704,601 ; ior the weeK, D,iy3,830. Boston, Mass., Septembt-r 4 Clear ing house statement, for today: Ex- cbanwe. $10,086,474 : balances. $1,188. 2i6; for the week. exchBnae.M.$01.8t'.- 313; balances, $7,957,609; foMhesame wees m i exchaukea. $37.9J.13: balances, ,&tt,irp. Chicago, 111., Sptmbfr 4. The asraciatnd baok cleatinei t dav were u,iL7D4ii; lor the wetk, ?U0,80:',6L'4 ; ior tne correeponmng wtek la-t vi $47,174,85S, an incrft'e of 88 8 per cent. For Aunet. 1886. tie clfcri.os wera $222 5C0.3G9. aciiuet $178,296.04'.! curing the mn mon'h In l8o. COTI ON MARKETS. The local cotton market opened eaiy, endclosel etey; middling, 9a. bales, ou bales to spinner). HX0HANGH QUOTATIONS. Yestor.lar. Fiidsv, Ordinary 7J 7 uoou urdinary.... 8 8 Low Middling 8 8 Middling 9 Good Middling.... 9J 9 Middling Fair....10 10 fair.. Morn. Horn. COTTON 8TATRMBMT. MaiiPHia, September 3, 1886. Stock Sept, 1, 1886.-... 4,009 xeceivea to-day 34 Received previously... 104 4,147 8hipped today Shipped previously. .. 294 Home consumption to date , 295 8tock running account 3,852 Imvortt. Thus far this week Thus far last week Since September 1st 22 138 M. and C. R. R M.&T. R. R L.andN.R. R C, O.A8. V7.R.R M., 8. 4 B. R. R Wagons and other sources.. Total Exportt. Thns far this week Thus far last week Since September 1st 1 e - 7 l n 34 10! 295 New Yorkepota opened steady, and cloed steady. Midd lng,93 16e. Salee, 630 ba'es. Quotations were as follows: Yes'.erdav. rdinary m 0 9 16 Good ordinary. 7 15-16 Low uiddiing. 8 Middling 9 3 18 Good middling 9 Middling fair..loJ Fair ,loi Friday. 0 9-16 7 16-16 8i 9 9 3 16 10 10J New York futures opened stt a iy and MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER elosed steady. 8ales, 51,000 bales. The closing quotations were as follows: Yesterday. September ...9 11(3 9.i2 October. 9.13 9.14 November...9.14 9.15 December ...9 16 9.17 January 9 25 February 9.33(5) 9.34 March....j....9.40 9 41 April 9 49 9.50 Mav ...9.56 9.57 June ....9.64 9.65 July 9 71 9 73 August., Friday. 9.09 4 9.11 9.12 9.14ft 9.15 9 22 9 23 9 SOlo, 9.31 9.38 9.39 9.47(a 9.48 Tha NewOr'eans spot market opened uuu, buu ciosa auu; middling, 8io, Hales, none, notations were as (ol io ws: Yesterday. Friday. vsruiuary.... 7 Good ordinary 7J "j -Low middUng. .,. 8 7-16 8 7-16 uiddiing ...8J 8 Good middling...9f 9f The New Orleans future market ortened steady and cloeed steady. Sales n , rs -TV . iouuu vaoiauons wre as loliows Yeeterday. September.. 8 72 8.73 October..... 8.68 8 69 November- 8.67 8.69 December . 8 70 8.71 January 8 80 8.81 February... 8.90 8 91 March 9.0UH 9 12 April; 9.11 9.13 May 9.22 9 24 Juoe 9 33 4) 9.34 July ,9 41 9 42 Fridav, 8 71 8.72 a et 8. tits 8 65 8 66 8 68 8.69 8.78 J 8 79 8.89 8.90 8 119 9 01 9 10(t 9 11 .1 9.23 9.31 9.32 a.... DAILY PORT AHD INTRBIOB If ARE1TA. Tone frices Kec Stock. Galveston quiet, dull. 8 1516, '4,122 13,043 14,993 2,690 7,369 4,718 N Orleans. Hi . Mobile.... Krvannab. Caarl'ston ilm'ton. Norfolk.... Daltimore New York Boston nom'i firm. 8J 21 1,3?7 dull. nom'i. 9 7 9 r 0 9310 5 202 quiet. 35 2,909 8,127 dull. steady 107,773 quut. dul. steady 91 Philad'a... St. Louie... AuKUsta... SI 4 8H9 9479 r- Receipts at porta this dav. 18S66 69 Receipts at ports, this day, 1885... 6,228 OONSOLIDATSD BTATBMBNT. 9 55 9.56 9 63 9.64 9.71 9.72 . 1686. 1885. 1884. R'ts V. 8. T. " n'rta lday d,669 6,228 3,704 Ex. Gr. Br ; Stock 168,7z0 139,813 111,893 R'ts Sept. 1 18,b74 28.976 18,795 For'gn Ex 9,249 7,037 I, crease in receipts this year,.. 10.4U2 IMTEBIOB MOVEMENT, SEPTKMBKR 4, 1886. Receipts this week.., 21.9J0 21,798 9,793 Same week in 1885 Same week in 1884 , Increase compared with 1885.., Increase compared with 1884.., 102 12,147 Shipments this week Same week in 1885 Same week in 1884 Increase compared with 1885... Increase compared with 1884... Stock this week Same week in 1885 Same week in 1884 Increase compared witi 1885... Increase compared with 1884... 24,237 24,663 9,271 426 14,966 4299 17,308 10.H64 27,901 28.435 PLANTATION MOVEMENT. J 886 .21 897 .27,142 188i 1884 1883 W.ORLD'8 VISIBLH SUPPLY. The New York Financial Chronicle of September 4th givts tbe follnwinir figures: Total visible supply, 1,097,297 bales, against 1,138.212 in 1885. These figures indicate a decrease of cotton n sight of 40,915 bales, ns compared with the same da e in 1885, and a decrease of 375,356 bales as compared with earae aate in iss. ai noon: xaveroool sooti were reported "full pr c-s aro paid." Sales, 8000 bales, of which American 760O balm. Kcceipts, nooe. Olosin? qui tatiooa were as follows: Ordinary, 4 316d;cood ordinary, 4 O-lftl; low middling, 4id; good mid dling 531; middling uplands, 6Jd; muuiiug urit-ans, 0 3 161. r The prices are given in venae and 64(Aa. thu$: 4 63 meant 4 63-64J; and 6 61 meant 5 1-6W. Ai noon: iiivernool tntures were steady; Septi-mbr, 5 08d ; Septtm- brfr-uctmer, 5 "03d: October-No vem- ber,4 63d; November-December, ; Ddcemuer-.Tanoary, ; fanuarv Feb ruary, ; Febrnary-Warch, 5J ; March- Aprn, oi'3j; April-Mar. . At 1 p.m. : Livernool future? were nrm; eepwniDJi, t 08i, buyers: Kep temher October, 5 08d, buyers j Oi'to- Dtr-i(ovemofr, 4 oiM. buyers; JNo-vera'ier-DeMmber. 4 633. ee!hr.4: Dt- cem'-er-jaoaary, 4 03d, te'luri: jAnu- ry-jbnnry, 4 OUd.buyeis; Fcbrua-y. March, 5 03d, va'u-; Mcrc'i-ADul, ouia, vaiue; April-May, 5 Ood, Imj er?. GENERAL TRADE. FCTITBe ItEALN. Th9 following isthsreeord of bids and oilers at, tha tall B, ard of tho Merchants' Exchange yeettrday : CORN. No. 2. white, spot, 43c B9kd : Spd- temrter. 4340 t.10. jno, 2 spot 42c bid; September, 42o bid; October, 43Jc atkjd; iNovimocr, 4Jc aakei. OATS. No. 2, white, October, 30c bid ; No. 2. soot, 29 j bid; September, 30c asked; uc.outr, sic 6sneo. wheat. No. 2, red winter, spok. 76c bid: Saptemritr, 753 bid; Ottob.-r, 76c bid; AJViinbtr, 77o bid. ' OBKHEAL. Spot, $2 25 askei; September. $2 25: ytar, luaaKea. , bran. Soot. $11 25 hid. $12aiked : ftfDtem. ber. $11 bid, $12 o r. asked: October. $11 50 bid; November, $11 60 bid, $12 50 asked ; year, $11 50 bid, $12 0. t asked. BKEADyiurrs. The following quotations ara the of ficial quotations of the Merchants' Exchange: GoBHifBAi (Standard. $2 35ra)2 40: pearl, $3 403 50; roller, $2 60. Hat tihoice, from store. 75fa80c! car load from leree or depot, $13 50 14; prime, from atore, 70(76c; car load from levee or depot, $13; ptalrie, from store, 50c; car load from levee or depot, 1 8 5t)9. Corn irom store, white,53o: mixed. 62j, from levee or depot; while, in bulk. 48c; in sacks. 52c: mixed, in bulk, 46c: in racks, 49j. Oats t rom store.white. 40c : mixed. 37c; from levee or depot, white, in bulk:, 35s; in aarks 37c mixed, in bulk,32i: in sacks, 35c. Up.au From stire, 75fi83c: from leree or depot, $13. Flour From strre, No. 3. $3 : fam- ilr. S3 50 : Choi e, $3 7ftfo)4 : fanev. Ufa 4 25: extra fancy, $4 304 60; palentf, t5fo!5 53. BBAJtsNary, $2; medium, $1 60 1 76: common, $2 85; German aiUet, 1 201 40.- Rica Louisiana, 4 5c; Otrollna, 56c f Oatmbal In half -barrels, '$3 25 from store. ; - 1 Cbacxibs Soda, extra, t ; soda, treble extra. 4 Jo; lemoa arackera, extra, 7c;f lemon cream crackers, treble extra, 7Jo ; ginarer si pa, extra, 5c:trinirer snaps, treble': a.6o: as sorted fumbles. 9o. Crackio Whxat la alf-barrels, $4 2i from store. Homixt i abd Gsrrs- '.''ram store, $3 153 2l Kansas Citt, Mo., fiptember 4. Whest lower; N. 2, red. cash. 621 bid. 63io asked ; uotoror, o. ic ; Nov ber. 651o bid. (vote asled. Corn auie 33ia asked; NovemVer, 34Jcbid, SJo asaeu. una numuw, uu mug, St Loms, Mo frptember 4. Four quiet; XXX, SOt?-! 40; fsmily, $2 55tf.2 65; cico, f3 ioJ 25 fancy, ff 45 55; extra fancy, $S 703 85; wtents, $4 204 50, Wheat fairly acive, but e.sier. The market oriened weait and lnw'. recovrf d, ruled unsettled to tbe clnee and Jniahed under yesterday: No 2. red. cseh,f7ia!' benteniber, 77J 77c, closed at 77c; O.tibe', 78J 79p, closed at 79Jo November, 8'j$ 8lc, c!oed)t 8lJ(!n. Corn qu t but firmer. f The rcsrket orient d h lower, Jmorvd f ji, i aed efl alln and cinredmfo nistur than vesier ("ay; No. t mixed cli, 3723(c Peptembe, Sijo bid: October, 38 onj -j e OMDg at doiwc; JNovemb-r, iyi(a3ajt, oioting Bcwjc Uita dull anu eaaur, c:osidk rn'tc lower tnan yeaterdsy; No. 2, mixed, easb, 25 L'ojc; tHpiemncr, iuje. ujtobfr, stijc November, 27. Rye itwu) , 5(io bid Barley neglected. Hit dull ; praii i, i-r tw; on; nrnoin.'. $.u:hjh 7, Flaxseed Uady.f I 06. ilrsn firm. 48 Cnra meal lower, $2i 05. Receipt Flour, 3000 brls"; wheat, 82,000 bu; com, t.a.uoo fiu; oat-, 5i,m)0 nii; rye, sum on; farny. m.ooa ba enipmearsj iour. ouwr.rU; wheat, 17,000 bu; roro, 27,000 lu; oat?, 2000 ou; rye, juuu ou; oaney none. Cuicago, III,. Septeriler 4. The market ruled dull all rounl today. The cable advises qui ted dul acd easy matKe's ana tte weatntrr , broad uu Bt-t1 lod. Tha indications iu wbeat poiated to a rather laren .ncreare i the visible supply and the eling wa tath-r easy. Prices fluctnatal witnia i sma'l range and c'osed about Ja lower loan yesteray. uorn open ad wea and c l'-wer,.but rlied jo on good buyii'g by sberU, eased oS and c osed io hioer tha yesterday. Cats were uns it fed and easy, clo-ina Jm! s lower, Flour dull and uncbanaed. VVneat dull and rkv. Sales ranged : S.-Hember 75ta7fVle1 cloed at 753 j; Octiiber, 77j(3i77i -,cloeed at779-IOc .'November, yjiujw -ioe, ciosa a-. U v-iw; May, 8B.87c, riosed et 87c; No 2 soring, (67iiic; No. 2 red, 77c, Corn opened I weak but rallitd and do ed steady and ic higher; oasb 40401c; fleDtember, 39,4l'n, cloiwi at 40c; October, 41 i'tc, cloeed at 4 in; woToratwr 42i(A434o. cloed a'. 43k; Mar. 405 4 1 (to, closed at w I0-luo.uats quiet aud ea'y; rash, 25o; Bepteuabcr, 25fr -coir, clceod at 2!jc; O.'tobe', wi(c& 2c, cosed at :6gc; ilay, 33 Jc, cioeea at L'USB. Kye skw; a. a. 4U Barley eteady; No, 2,581c. Flaxseed alow; No. 1, $1 09. Recipte Flour, u.utK) t.rs; wh'at. bu; corn 393,000 hu ; tat", 18a000 bu : rra, 9000 tn; barley, 84 0iObu. Ktilpmonn Four, 6,000 hrlr, wheat, 29,000 ba: corn. 132.000 ba: ca's. 192.000 ba; rye, 2,000 bui bar'ey, 23,000 bu PHUVUUONft BcTTiinButtrioe,12J(rtM:c : cream ery,22CniC't oairy, 1618j; coun'ry burter, lb(a)Ur. unBKHB r. imfl fla's. 8c. nominal New York fni-tory, 9i nuruinnl : full creim, 11; Youug Amerira, 13ffil4c Uoo Products Mes pork, flloft ll a; euirr cuied harrs, J3K)l4c breakfast ba'on, 83(S10c: clear rib e'dw b.tsoii. 7J37Jc; bacon Bh"uldi8, ' 4v78c; bulk poikclear sides. 71fl)7 i Clear rib side!, 7(?!7J-; sbouldeM, 6 c; longrieRrBifnWc. Lard -Tierces. 7i(o 74c : half-bnrrols and kegs, 77ic; choice keite, 8J' ,c. 1 rush Mb ats No. 1 beef, 7c; Mut ton, 7c; hind quarters of beef, 8c lambs, $2 503 50. St. I.ouis, Mo., Saptsmb r 4 Pro ns.ens nuift hut irareral v s'.pkiiv. Po'k, 10 75. Lord, nrm na Balk mea s ebont etea'ly; loose los linii clear, $J75;slinri ribe, $6 75; thut clear, $((95; boxed loti long e'ear, Jo uo; short nb, SO 6r); short clear. IbV). Bio n, fir, ii : ling clecr and hort ribs, $7 37fS7 45: Bhoit c'nr. eo(n7 70. liatns Arm, ifi;ijo, ISiitier, s'eidy; rremery, 2UfVJ.) dairy, 1018c. Egirs firm, ll12c. Chicago, III., Sptmber 4. Mes) po-k aclive, 2530n fculicr early, re roituH A 'ih? In nnil l ,dlJ .liadir $10 25 ; Oi to'iir r, $10 10 10 42' elod at $10 3i; Novornbor, $10(10 27, clrsd a' $10 1710 20. Lard steady, Z4oc lower; t'.sb and r-ememhKr, 7 6(l(7 52 ; October. $8 75fi)6 77. November, $0 0;KS,6 62. Short rib eids steady; cssh. $6 02JCrlB 65 Boxed mrats stuadi'r: dry sa'tod honir'erj, fij0c; shott (lHorsidon, $8 90'l 05. On the Piodnce Ex- rhanee bnite: ruld steady, creamery, 1(JZL'C; Dairy, 13(Wltt!. KgjJS, 13C. .4IKKIiN. Ooffeb Oominon.919c:orlln9rr 1010o; prime Rio, ll(12c; choice to tancy, l(i413n; old government, 2425s; Ooylon, 1822c. Soap Chapman's Hope soap, un- wrppod, 44a per ponnd. oalt $i h2t per barrel; eacKR, nnn. $1 451 60; coarse, $1 15 1 20; pock ete, bleached, 27c; car loads from levee or depot, 6o cheaper. t AwniiM etioKs, all sixes, in boxes, pails and barrels, 89c. Uandles Fall weight, vv&ws. Canned Goods, Etc. Prices per doz en: Pineapples, ti 40vt)l t0; peacbea, 2-1 b, etandard, $1 351 56; seconds, $1 101 15 ; tomttoes, 21b, etandard, fl 251 35; 31b, $1 151 30; straw berries, $1 351 40; raspberries, $1 15W1 25; blackberries. fir 1 15; greengages, $1 60(31 76; rears, S22 26; plums, Si 60 70; anparagus, $2 60(5)4 ; green corn, $11 35;green pens, $1 55 165; cove ysters. fall weight. Mb. $11 10: cove oysters, fall weight, 2-lb, $1 75 1 86; cove oysters, light weight, l-ib. 65c; cove oysters, light weight, 2-lh, tit condensed milk Crown, $5 50 5 75 ; Eagle,$7 61 7 75 ; D jlsy, $4 75. AloLASfiBO ljoniBiana, common to fair, 18 25c; prima to choice, 2835c ; syrup, 2440c ; common to fair, 20 25c ; prime to choice, 3033c; centrif ugal, (ancy, 3234c. Tobacco Common, 11-inch, ' 27 28c; other grades and styles, 358rc, Snuff Garrett's, 110 85 per case; Kalph's, 110 25 per case; ti. it., $9 60 10 25. Huoab P.ire white, oj(n)Hit: otj hito. 626Je; yellow clariH-.d, 6J 6Scopen kettle. 66e; refined A. 6J6Jc; arrenulated. 67c; pow dp'el, 7J7c;cnt loaf. 78c. Powder Kfgs, $4; ball keir. $2 25: quarter ke$a, $1 25. New Yobe, September 4. Coffee 1886. i pot fair Rio dull; options a shade lower aales, 43.250 ban: BeDtemker. 99.(c; October, 8.9fi9; November, ueceEioer anu January, s.bOfai c ; Febttary, 8 858 90c ; March, 8 f0 ot. ongar anu and ra'ber wtak; refined dull ; cabas, 6 3-166ic Rice stea'y. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES! Applbs Apples, $1 502 60, dried ariples, 23o per ponnd from store. If led peaches, 2;$3a from store. Vbobtablbs Onions. JS from Aore. Cabbage, $2 60; per head, 810c ; i io irom levee or depot par crate ; Garlic, 4060o per 10a Turnips, 60c per Dasnei. Fbdit Oranges, Loniaisco nami rial, $6. Lemons, $7 508 per, box. Bananas, $l2 per bunch. Cocoannts, $5 per 100. Peanuts Vir ginia, 7c; Tennessee, farmer's stock. 34c; roasted, 2o higher; shelled, lOfl. Almonds, 18 20c. . Raisins London layers, $3 40; lay ers, $2 75; California, ; Imperial, $3 604. . Pickles In jars, pints, 95c; qnarte, $1 60 ; balf-gaUons,$276 : gallons, $3 76 ; loose, barrels, $6 607 ; half-barrels, $3 754; mlxed,barrei(,$10 60; mixed, haU'ltarreiR, f. Potatoes New, $1 2E1 50; North, em .took, $1 752. Cideb New York, $6 6C7 por bar, re), and $3 76 I per half-barrel ; Yin egar, 10 per gallon. Pecans Texas, 810c for small to medium, 10 lie for large; Arkansas, 3 fie. Fish Mackerel, half-barrnls, No. 1, $4 755; No.2.i$3B03 75; No. 8, 33 25; 10-lb kit. No. 1, 9 Jo; No. 2, 75:; 15-lb, No, 8, 60c Dry herrings, family, 25o per box. Walndts French, 12o; Naples,15c ; Grenobles, 15c. Filberts, 12o. Poultry Chickens, $12 25; o'd hens, $23. Gamb Game fish, ll12c. Eoos-Firm at 1718i. COtTOSI HEEI PKODVCTJ. In car load lo's: Piime crude cotton seed oil, 26c; off crude oolton seed oil, 2223o; prime rummer yellow cotton aced oil, 3536o; oil sum mer yellow cotton seed oil, 3132c; miners' summers yel'ow cotton ned oil, 3235c; priutsaummer wh'te cot ton seed oil, 3'c; choice cookinu yel low eoltm r-end oil, 37; prime co: ton sed meal, $15 ; oil cotton seed meal, $1314. HIDES A It It TALLOW. Hides Dry flint, 1216c; dry salt, 1012c ; green salt,78c ; green, 56c; deer skins, 1517c. Beeswax dull at 2021c: tajlow, 33o. PETKOLEUM MARKET. Coal Oil Prime white, wholesale lots, Ho per gallon. Cleveland, O, September 4. Petroleum-, w., 110, 7c. Pittsbdrq, Pa., September 4. Petro leum dul but steady; opened at 01 So, advanced to 61 Jc, diclinedto 61 c, bat recovered at 1 o'clock this atlerioou to 61jc. WHINKT, WISES, LIQUORS, ET4I, Whiskt Straight Kentucky Bour bon, $1 60 5; redistillet goods iron 850 10160, acoording taproot; ryo, $1 766. St. LouisJMo., September 4. Whic- ky eteady, $1 10. Chicago, III., September 4. Whis ky steady, $1 15 Cincinnati, 0.,Septeraber 4 Whis ky Q'liut and firm: tales of 799 bai- rls of fin ehed goods on a bnsLi uf $110. BAflGINU AND TIEN. KTO. Bagging Jute. 2 lba, 8c; 1! lbs. 7Jd; llbs, 7c. Flax, 8 lbs, 7jc. riHs-$l nii 15. Naiis Common, $2 202 25; otoel $2 352 40. LIVE NTUCH. Cattls Choice to sattra corn fed. 9C0 to 1050 lbs. none received: g od. none received : choice grass cattle, 3 3c : good, 2u3ic ; fair to medium, f 2jc; seal nai'S, llo. Hoos Cholco,4i4o ; good,334c ; common, 3ojo, Sn ebp Choice. 31(io34c : medium, 25 :)c; common, tl! 60. Choice lambs, per pound, 45c. St. Louis, Mo , September 4. Ct'le Rccipt",170 bead ; shipment, none ; market ti mer cn ail gradts, hut aalua limiti'd for watt of supply. Hogs Ke cjipfc', 830 head : thipT.en'n. 3U0 head ; ma-k'-t II' m; butchers' aud 1jtt hesvv. $ 85(115 10; mixed pjekin ir, $14 4 80 ; light. $1 KK'04 70 SneeiH-Ke- coipt ', 3U0 head; shipmenls, none; inarkat scaly; p.'ices ranged from $2 25 to $1 SO. Kansas CiTY,Mo..Septmbcr 4. The Livetitock Indicator teporta: Catt'o Iteceipls, 024 headf shipments, none ou ci tie n org; common slow bik iinrd tisell; good t choice, $3 (III 4f0', c-imm')u to moJiuni, S3 80 i 8;); Blockers, $2 30(32 76: fneders. $2 8U3 3J; ciws,l 602 60; grss rar gi s o rs, a znw,i 26. llos lio ceipia, 25H5 head; shipments, none; market tteady; good to choice, 14 65 480jcom:i)onto medium, $ t 104 60; grcsiers and pig, rjOfVrjl. Sheep R:ceiits, 99 hral; shipment, none; good, fl-m s ock quit t; good to choice. $2 4l3; uommua to medium, $160 Chicago, III. Sentember 4. The uroven journal reports: Cattle Jo leipts, only throe car load, total f . i the week, 4,000 bead; market noml- rally rtronger; shinplng stefrs, 9 0 to 1500 lbs. $3 205 25: stockets and feders, $1 653 50: cows. bulls and mixed. $1 253 25: bulk. $2r2 41;th.-ouirh Texas cittle. nomi nal; to we. 60: steers. $3 6ft 10; Western tangert. none fold; n-tiv aaid half breeds, ti 75375; wintered irxens.ja 753 15. Hogs RtweiniH, 11,0'JO hood: ehinments. 2" 00 had; ma ket Blow, closing 15c lower; rouhaud mixed, $3 i)i4'0; acaing ana arippirg, $4 77(ii0r&; gbt. Ir3 75W4 75: "kins. 12 50(3)3 60. Sheep Receip s, 100 held; ship ments, none ; market slow and st'ady ; aives, lexsns. SHaVJCO: amhs. $4(ni5 CHANCERY SALT. OF ISEAXi ESTATE. No. 5"M, R. D. Chancery Court of Shalbf fonntr. hut ot lenDeiica Tf. barah Dl virtu of an InUrli-ontorr daora for Morrmoa at at j f iu cnioraa i lha abnva unii nn tha i day ot Deoambar, IRaS, M. 11. CO, pa . I will aall at Dublin anntion. to ttia klirh. at bidiiar. la troot of tho Clark and Ma ter'a offioa, enurtbonao ol bbolby oonnty, Mompbia, Taonanae, on Mslardny, Septtmber Sri, I8S6, within lotal hon'a, tha fnllnwlna daiorlbid property, airuaua la enalby oonnty, Tor win. to-wit i N. 'lil-'tM. frontina 24U faat nn iha at aidooi nhiokBW atrtbya dtpth of trat, taid lot boina 14 feat auuth of Win chanter atreat- Bo d at property of tbe nn- 11, wn I eira of J. A. U 'kett. Part of OOUIiti-T lot '.2S. frnntinr XT faat nn the n'Tlh lid j oi A action atrnat.liv H.nth of ItKH let. BjU ai property of barah Mor rison and others. Lot 17J, Irontint feet on the aaataide Main itreet. br lWi feet deep, 74! feet rih of Auction atraai. Terma ol Sale On a oredlt of six month. note bearing intereit( with aecority. ra il i red : lien retained! redemption barred. Xhiswth day of Aatut, IKtttt. .-. I. M10 WELL. Clerk and MaaUr. "r It. F. Coleman. Deputy 0. and U. F. U. A C, W. ileiakcil, lolioilon. 5, RIVERS MD STEAMBOATS itusku .eayisq THIS DAT. Vlfkibnrg ......Citt or Caiao, 10 a.m. Nw Orleans .Ani P. 8 t.vai, 10 a.m. Stf Lonls ,....... An iBia Citt, 12 m. I MONDAY. Friars Point.. Jiaas Lis, S p.m. Arkaasaa City JCati Adam, B p.m. Oiceola.. aetata Coahoma, 5 p.m. TUESDAY. Arkansaa RlverH. L. Coaa, 6 p.m. St.Franoia RlrerEo. Foana, 5 p.m. Vicksburt ..C'r or Virnaiiuua.lOa.m. WEDNKSDAY. Whit River ..Chu I4SAW, 5 p.m. MOVEMENTS AT Tit It LEVBK. Arrivali. Alberta No. 3,White tiver : D. R Powell. St. Louis; City ot Xatcbez, New Orleans. Jrporruws. D. R. Powell, Vicks bu'g; Ciiyof Natche, St Louis'; Al bert, No. 3, White river. Boat Due Dotm. Coahoma, City of Cairo and Anme P. Silver. Boatt Dm Up. Jamea Iie, Kate Adams, Atk lnsas City, Kd Foster and R.L. Oobh. Ke4elpts Tealerdax. A'bf rta No. 310 pkgs cundtie1. D. R. Towtrl! 00 tars merchandise. rCTUKE HOTCnKim. This rhtckasan, Cap. I). C. Postal, io the Wedutstlay packet for White rivor. Ts El Frst-sr, Capt. O. K. Joplin, oops out Tiuai'ny evuilug for St. Francis rivi r. TriBC ty t f Vickr-bur, Cpt. Pan Ab'e, is ihe Anchor L ne paiket Tues day morning fcr Vicksbor. Tub Cjalioina, Cap'. Henty Cooper, is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Osceola and tbe urper bends. Wm. Smither is in her olllce. Tuk Arkansas Oily, Cip'. II. W. ltrolaski, is the Anchor Lins vacktt today at 12 o' lock for Cairo and St. Louis. W, II. Pritcharit is ber clerk. Tim City of Cairo, Cap1. Sbon Ligbt ner, is Ihs Anchor Line pprkH this morning at 10 o'clct'k lor Vlcksburg and tbe bends. J. C. Kltou is htr clerk. Thh James Leo, Cp. Thomas Claa go", is the packet Mondy evening at 5 o'c'ock for Helena, Fiiars Point and alt way laidicgi, Wm. Darrtgh fshercltrk. Thh Anchrr Line steamer Annie P. Silver, Capt. Wm. Toompson, will pass down ibis morning at 10 o'clock fxr New Orleans and all way points. I. S. L-hruer is heroleik. Thb R. L. Cobb, Cap1. Kf B. Smith, is the packet Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock ior ail points on Araaosns river, going through to Pine It nfl. Charies,Mus9elrnan bas obarga of her ollice. Tns Ka'e Adms. Capt Mark R. Cheek, is the Unltod State! mail packet Monday evening at 6 o'clock for Helena, Arkansas City and all way landings. W. O. Blanker rai chvge of her ofBoe, sssis t-d by Lew Price atd B b Jamison. OEM Eat AL HEWS. BvawiHS qui-1 Wbathib clear and cooler. No cottom received by river ye:ter dsy. Capt. Lixyo Whitlow, of Louis ville, Ky., is in the city. Tub City of Na'rhri po sed np yes terday uiormrg for 8. Louie. Tub Enqulier vtill mnke hourly tiloath'B sftomoon for Island Uiove. Tub D. R. Towoll passed down yes- lerday morning f r Vieksbnrg. She d snbarged hern 00 tons of freight an added 25 t me. TnaGavoHt. fort, A. L. Cummins will enter the Memphis and Concordia trade, leaving iiere very tusday and Satuiday. I. O. Wtcofl' will have cliarge ot her cilice. Tub Alborta No 3 arrived yfsterday morning Irom White uvur with 10 pccka.es of lundncs. At Trrrece she r-'shipni'd 2 ntw bales of cotton for New Oiltans. She rtturnod lent even irg with a gioil trlrn Nlnlilng of Ibe I.lKbthoiiee Tender ly. Sr. Iiouis, Mo., September 4, The Uni'ed t-tates lighthouse tender Ivy, while making sounding at Turner's I-iland. ') miles above tins city, tester, day n'turr.o.in, (truck a snatt aud rank Iu 12 feetof water. The crew eacaptd andtavtdthe boats safeard papr.i, The biat wa valued at $:2,000. Toe rflloeis tMnk she can be raised with little d illcultv. Ntcamboat War on Teuncafiee atlver (Hole-Democrat, September 2d: A minor was cu rent la e yesttid,iy evening to tbe efluct that thirx wes to be another ml in rati a ti the rennet, see rlvt r country, tbia time to 2 j cents p r hnnurr). The ra os (o that nvor aro now lower than ever known be, fure. 6 cems per huod'ed. Gjod on tbrrity places Ihe 19 ilnte coit of transportation at from 2 to 3 cent) per bundled. Iho prints aro crnse, quontly very ema'l. Merchants are takirg due advantage of tbe reto war, and are urwaniing ail the g iouspoxst ble in the sb nt si time. Every intel liitent river man knows that those rates, with tbe very aciive competition now in force, most prove dtsattroua to Fomeove, end tbe question of what lino is (o first throw up tha "ipongo" will probihly be deeded by the cne who lias the, larger t finances and the groatir nnmu r ot friends. KIVKH AUU WEATHER. OrricB Hiowal Sbrviob, TJ. 8. A., Mshi'His, K; ptember 4, 1 p.m. The following observations are taken at oil stations named at lor meridian time, which is one hour faster than Ab'veLow . Water. Change. STATIONS. ' Rise Fall Feet. lOths lUtlis lOths Cairo 8 9 6 Chattanooga ... 3 2 1 Cincinnati 6 4 3 Davenport 2 8 - Dubuque 4 3 Fort Smith 2 9 2 Keokuk Helena. 9 1 ...it... 1 La Crosse - 3 7 - Leavenworth... 6 7 Little Rock 2- 4 1 Louisville 4 9 6 Memphis 8 i Nashville 8 1 1 New Orleans... 3 6 3 Omaha - Pittsburg 4 3 11 St. Lonis 1 St. Paul... 2 2 1 Shreveport 1 2 Vieksburg 8 1 1 Hauteur Max Feet and tenths ot a foot above soro or gauge t Cairo, 40 feet. Cincinnati, SO. Chattanooga, 83 toet. Davenport, 1.V Fort Smith, ti. Helena. . Leavenworth, 20 Louinvllle, 25. New Orleans, 13.3. Pittsburg, a. Nt. Paul. 7. Vioksburg, 41. Yankton. 24. Uulimiue, lo. Keokuk, It La tlroMe. 24' Little llucK. -a. Memphis. 3i. Naahvillo, 40. Omaha, IS. Ht. Louis, 32. Shreveport, 28, Cinciknati, S'plember 3. Noon Rivei 6 feet 6 inches on the gauge and 9 falliag. Weather clear; thermometer 77. . Evahbtillb, September . Noo n River stationary. PiTTHBcaa, September 4. Noo it River 2 feet 8 inches on tbe gangs and falling. Weather clear and pleasant. Whbbuno, W. Va.. September 4. Noon River 2 feet 3 inches on the gauge and rising. Weather clear and warm. LotrisviLLB, September 4 Noon River falling, with 4 feet 10 inches in the canal and 2 feet 8 inches on tha falls. Business booming. Weather clear and warm. Cairo, September 4. Noon River 0 feet on the gauge and falling Weather clear and warm. Arrived: Annie P. Silver, 8t. Lottis, 10 p.m. ; Ohio, Mem phis, 3 a.m. ; City of Cairo, St. Lonis, 11pm. Departed: Ohio, Cincinnati, 4 a.m. STEAMBOATS. FOR CONCORDIA. erf-hnnm and Plan it re' Packet. Str.UAlOSU, A. L. Cummin master. La aye a every THKnDAY and CATUKDAY at 8 p.m., tor Uvlena, Friars Point, bun flower, Malonca, Knowl'on, Australia, La. oonia, Conoordia, and all way landing). i'or freight or p-rnana applp to T, It KIMn A- CO.. S2 Front St. FOR YICKSRITRM. HI. l.onla anil w Orleans Anrhnv l.lue-t'. . MhII.-FOK VICKSBURU. City of Vicksburg.sw l Able mastor, fiS!iMJI Will leave the Klovator TUKlllAY, bept. 7th, at 10 a.m. For freitht or pa'sace appl 1 0. L. 11ai.l, Pass. Aat. AD b'lUHM, Snp't Bt. Irftnlai and Mew Orlfiana Anrhor I.lne I'.ft. Jlall-FOll VICKSBU Kit. Ity of Cairo, rfflL Iilahtnor matter, atKMarCbia Will leave the Klevator Sl'NUAi, ,Sei,t. Rth. at 10 a.m. For freight or pamnge apply li. ,. H A 1,1. . Pans. Art. All SIl'UM. 8u,'t. FOR NEW ORLEANS. u. I The elerant stoauier Ann e P. Silver, Wm. H. Thompson matora!Jtitf'ia Will leave the Klevntor tiUNUAV, reiL 6th, at 10a.m. 1'or freiiht or "iage apply 0 li. II il l,. I'aaa. A t. A li S C'Ht M . Air't. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. M. latnln anil New Oi-Ichiim anchor I.ln-lt.N. Wnll-OAIKO 4 61. LUUIB. Arkansas City, tn. ilrolaakl... toaster. Ma3 Will leave tho Klevator SUNDAY, Kept. Mh, at 11 tn. For ireigbt ur ihiikm apply u. I., rt a i,i,. vnn t. AiiMinm. "5, FOR TIPTONVILI.E. For Osoeoln. Ilnles Point, Carmhersrtlla, Uayoao and Tliitonville The new steamer W. P. Hall master I B. 0. Miolieil...olerk( Will leave as above, and all way points, KVKItf MONK AY and TUUHSuAY ati pjnJPoreahJijnrjiMSM LEE LINE. kauu.iiula, raara, -um aauaaaua,aai and Spsiooala taeh)t Couiiianj. For Helena, ttlendale. Friara Point and all Way Landings Wuamef JameM JLec, rri J. H. Cooper, master.... J. W. fimltaers.olejjl Will leave as aoeya on every MyMOAY, WKDMlfSPAY aalFRIlAy, at 5 t'olock. For Bandolph, Fulton, Oioaoli and ft a Laadlata Steamer Coahoma, JudSn E. T. 01anett...maater I Piatt Rlio.liui... clerk Leaves livery MONDAY, WKUNUHDAl and a KIUAY at 6 p.m. The boats ot thU line reserve tho right to pass all landings the eiptain may ooem unsale. Ofnoe, No. 4 mliaon at. JAMUS LKK, Jit. , Hnp't Tho St. Francis River Transnortatio Oo.'s Fine Blde-W heal U. 6. Mall Hteamer lid Foster, nKT' O. K. Joplin master, WllLI. LLAVK HKMFUIll KVMP TVENUAT, at S o'elook, for Marianne, the Cut-Off. t . intermediate landings on tit. Franoia rh The Aaptain rwaerves the right to pass landings he deems nnsafe. JAS. LKH, Jj , Hwnn-lr-wilAnt Offlee. No. 4 Maillaon at. Memphis and Vicksburg Pocket Com pany U.S. Mail Line. For Holena, (lonoordla, Xerrene and Arkaa saa City Tha elosaot passenger iteaiuer KATE ADAMS. jjaiSS M. R. Cheak... master I W. 0. DUuaar...oierk Leaves Momihli EVERY MONDAY and TUUHEDAY, at 8 r.fci.,resorving the right to pass all landing! he oltDtain maviiaain nnaaM. For aanaral information apply at offioe, No.4 Madisoa treat, hi. WALWUKT1I, Agent. ,1'IIINT fiaUR, Pnaa'r Arent. t'ele),nn . Arkansas Klrer PIt't Co sJr;Ru-.kc0BB, Leaves Momi his Kvery TilKSDA Y, at 6 p.aa II. O.LOWK. Atf.nt. Offtea, No. S Madison aN Toletihono No. St.' SIcmi)hl8& White liiver l'Kt.Co For (ilaremlon, Isevalla III nil,, Ile Aro, Augusta, benroy, Mewp. rt, Jaokson port, llatoaville nnd all Way Landings NIK, 4 Salt 14AnlW. rt - F. O. Postal maler,.CilOTU Will leave EVKRY WEUNttiAY at 6 p.m. ST It. AMIKRTA S. Albert II. Btnltli maeterM Will leave itVKKY UA1UKUAY at & p.m. Through rates given to all points. Freight "onalgned to the Memphis and While Kiver Packet Co., at Memphis or Terrene, will be forwurdeit iironintlv For general inlorina- lion apply at olllce, nn. 9 iladlaon St. i . ort Call Telephone ft2. II O. LOW K, Ag't. Electric Belt Freo TO Introdnne It and obtain agentjwawll for the next sixty days give away, free of charge, in eaob oounty In the 11. S. a lim . Ited number ot our Ji-riiiHin Klvwlra Wl Vanlo aiiannHirv Holla). Prlee trt a positive and unfailing cure for Nervous De bility, Varicocele, Kinitslocf, Impotenoy. ate. tvio.oo lUnard paid if every twit we mnauiaotare dees aot rinarata a rnulne siontrlo carreDt, Aiti-ess at oaoe ELKU n ) 1KIU BULT AUEfi CHCY, P.:o.boaCin. Brooklyn. N. T. 15 ytirt 37 Court rlaf, ao & woat luootHrill, U QM Dnouon wuj foruia.of; PRIVAXIr stail si (7Ali PO- fthcrMlltt flfMirftbUM 10 ?.lfe, WXM. UBMIrw tm cw lurr rcaire, of olhvr d prnliwlaU mm).' Jaav Kiwing twf Nerfouao, bent ml Kmiuioa tJotii br drtanu). UlnnrM ? tbt. DcrccUv tJm ". ?tif -tl(OMy, KllUllrWOO I'M. AvrMl44MtMT learnt Onft'ko of 'dots, I.om f 4tiuil Pnt, Av.. reesl-Ttaf mnUfe imianntr or nnhtnnf, ftrv Uiorakt arv ienilT curt. BVDUlf.IV omIUvt itvttt ttaO m IC'! TtVl1 tnm iL jutfot. Gonorrhw GLEET. RuUrturo, OrobliU. rtu tfit Hsuv; r.nt.a and nthtr piitata) diaamaeB quleklr mr-L H la otf-4iTtdtnt Uut a phj totia w ho py lap?! sUmtnm o k earrvjtin elaM of d !. n1 tnatirt lotaudi 40 lf, aiuirM grnlBkiU Pbrstsiaai knowing ttob it MHa rtmnnwtiri ptTtooi to tf w. Wrt ati to'' ml "a at the ellt r trwauueni, vediHoM -m HMfl fmMlif Ad wuwi; auP aw nifMi aarwkr. aS.f..l.,w ,HtA :trtn rrwntc aac orrsjarponiioai tirecv,! iqAii0m Tail BELT or K. fnertor li nivd M atEEVLHX' degeneration ol z. - .j j w . V I the aenarativa nr. , itobsIj lor tu cart gans. There ia ao j-l' FOR' mlsukeabon ttniin- i. .. , .y .strnment tne eon ....rKM .ttlnnous stream ot tbrougn tn r.ttorw them to healthv aof. o Ihi. wlrh Klaotrle Baits a ail Ills from head to toe. It li for the ON 8 pecins purpose. For circulars giving tall nformatllon. au areas uneever bleotnc uelt Co., 103 Washlsgtoa street, Chtoag", 111.