OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, October 02, 1886, Image 7

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Cotton 0,8 let and lower -Middling,
9 1 Ss-Sale Yesterday,
830 Bales.
Money roles in active demand at 8
per eent. Local securities continue
The cotton market closed weak yet
terdayaud tending downward. Un
favorable foreign advices had a de
pressing effect, and buyers were re
laxant to take bold. Tha salts ag
gregated 850 ba'ea, o a batia of t Jo
for middling, but even theaa figures
were shaded in many iobtinces. At
New Yoik spots closed essy; middling,
lc; futures quiet; October, 916
A ledire New York cotion cir
ca'areajs ol the "futures" mtrket:
"Tin market male a decided brtak
af G points on near acd 010 pjints
n late rxuLtbs, with only a partial ra
ts )ery aid a quiet feilitg at the close.
Adeclire at Live'paol, bui more par
tica'a'ly the sudden addition to stock
in tbetcity, wathe principal f;ctor cf
the deprrsdoo."
At N'w Orleans yesterday spot"!
ware irregular an 1 ea-y and c lower;
middling, 9Jc; futures quut and
steady; Oc oW, 8 9:8.93
At Liverpool sod's were dull and
in buje s' favrr; m dd'.ioe, 5 7-16i;
futures ware eaiy atid l-16d locr;
0ctjber,5 lK-e4d.
In U e gmeral market hog product?
were eaiy and lower. Mtss potk,
$10 fiOJSIO 75; clear rib sides pork,
7i7J.?. Lard, choice kaltle in tiercsp,
Egas ore scarce atl618j. Other
articles mchanneJ.
Thirty-nlue bih app'es, 99.1 rls
bagging, 2 pkgi bicjn, 7 pkgs boots
and Flioe', 5000 bu corn, 1 pkgs
cheise, 113 ks c if o. 2 cars cot ou
seed, 3131 ski cotton seed, 1 pkg
egg', 250 brla flinr, 7 bd hogs, lis bd
caule, 4 hd horses and muks, 1 pkg
liquors, 22 brls molatsss, 39 brla po k
toee, 2 cara pork sides and 45 brls
The following; shows the amount ot
grain received, withdrawn and in
'Store by resular eU vator', as reported
' to tbe Merchant' Eacbange yester
day: Wheat received, none; with
drawn, note; in itore, 1015 bu.
C.:rn received, tionei withdrawn, 45
bu; instjre, 7974 bu. Oi'areceved,
13,220 bi; withdrawn, 9011 bu; in
store, 176,001 bu.
a Dally Quatallona f C'ottoa
Oil Tr-nla and New T-r Ik
rbauer-, Htoeha are apea la thaaa
latea-eated, at my affior.
9 Madison St., Memphis Tcna.
Modpv in ac ive demand at 8 per
cent The Olcaiing Uovua repsit U
as (olio w.i :
Friday, October M $166,993 40;
thus far this we -k, S'HS 1,177 VI ; fan
time lost wk,$7l5,554 18: same time
in 1835, $962,43452; tame tiros in 1834,
$022,005 11.
Friday, October M, f 83,821 68; thns
far this w ek. 1330 254 59 ; SJme time
at week, $171,59162; same; t; me in
1885, 169,606 71; same time 'in 1884,
$170,186 S3.
New York s!ght on all p ita, w.r
buying, tremium soling: Nhw Eng
land demand, i di'conrt buying; New
England sight, I discoutt; New Or
leans, dk count bnymg, parsellinj.
Bank of C :muiercc.l46 bi t, 149 asked
First NaMor al .,160 bid, 165 naked
Gcrmao. Bmk 195 bi, 20 t arked
Sia'a Na' i nal 145 bid, 150 aski d
Union and Ptanter.150 bid, 153 a ked
Mercautiie Bank 135bid,l37Ja knl
Blufl Cty 100 1. ... asked
Hernando 10" i sued
Home b d, 8' sated
Memphis Cny . Jbid,105aked
Peonies "W, 83 asktd
Pbmaix i8idl,l00tsktd
Plan'fM '? bid, ... asked
Vand rbilt bid, 26 assed
Arlington 5 bid, ... atkl
Fscia 'i0 ask.d
M. & O. R B. shares. ..36 aid, ... atked
M. & T. R. R. share...4i bid, 50 aeked
M. & C couho!b, 7t' 119 bid, ... aked
M. & L. R. 1st m. 8i..l05 bid, ... asked
Miss. &T.R R.C8.A... Ill bid, 113 asked
Miss.&t. R.B rs.B..10i J bit, 103 asked
Tenu. wts. B r. D 90 bi(l,3aeked
Tnn. wts. 8-r. E to J-83 b d, 85 asked
Sbelby Co. 6s ....lOHbid, HO ark-d
Tax. Vf'. 4, di 97 bid, 9SJ atked
Tax Dist. 6c 104 bid, U6J asked
Mom. Q 8 bond IU4 bid, ... fkii
Mem. Water b mds 97 bid, ... asked
Hanaimr Oil Woiks b d 65 Bskeri
Am. Out. O.l trust. .64 bid, 651 skd
Pioneer Oolton Millu...25 bid, 3H isked
Mem. Stor. Coin. O0...IC6 bid, 110 a"d
Mem. Oai Btock 75 bid, 80 a krd
Nrw York, O toWr 1. Money cn
call lownod at 7 ptr cent, closing
at 5 pcr rent, esked. Prim mercantile
piper 4iW5 er cut 8le'lir, ex
uhaug; dull at 4S2 f .r 60 dy b.lls acd
484J i ,ne demand.
Bonds Government bonds ware
dull, bat s rong. Stat) bocds were
ne glee tot.
(stocks The confidence ex'stitg in
higher price fflr stock lat evening
was shaken thii mori-ing by sn indus
troasly cl'cnLt.d ttory that tha
Penrsyltania load bai withdrawn
from trie trunk, line pool. Anotaer
rumor stated rhkt Commiss'onor Fink
hid res gned hU pesiton as ommis
sioner r,t tin pool, but it wis aftarwrd
learned that be had ras if. cd rs a b
trat r nnly. The rumors and news,
such as it was, c.nwti a rrtssnre to
sell, tha Srnii.uent on the board hav
ing undig no a sudden chrngo and
the room t adersssld everything, thui
bplpng the downward movemsnt.
Willi tha exception cf a s ight rally
toward 11 o'clock, tbe decifne wai
almost rontinuius until a'ter
nosn, when a batter uader
stindicg ci tbe a'tuation caused a
revercal of the general sentiment end
a movement was made to buy btck
part ol the stocks thrown over in the
er'y excitement, and the general ten
dency of vrieta (or the remainder if
the day wta n ward. Tne trnnk
line stocks natui a ly were the largest
ruffarers, tiiougti New York and New
England were spec: all wf ak in the
morning, but regained iti loss in the
afternoon. Prives at the openins were
irregular, but generally bigber, ad
vances ranging lrom jaj. N-w Eng
land, however, was up J and Michigan
Central 1. A few further slight ad
vance were made in the er.y deal
ings, but the whole market B'.oa weak
ened and declines ranging np to H
were established in tbe first bour. a
slight rtl y was followed by another
decline, which was cbe"ked after 12
o'cloik and tbe market became gen
erally firm, slignt fract.ons being r
f;ained. It cosed firm, close tithe
owest of tbe day. Kales, 445,338
Lake Shore furnished - 55,220 and
Reading 59,260, fol'owed by St.
Paul, Erie and Western Union
in tbe order named. Almost every
thing is lower, Lackawanna leading
with 18 per ceut. Manitoba lest 1 per
cent. Other dclires are f r fraction
al amount. New England is excep
tional in thowing a net gain of per
cent. 'J he trunk line exprcBi d fa
culties caused heavy unloading of sec
onds toriay, the sd-s rf th. sa b '.nds
amonntice to 1.091.000 out of a total
dij'a busmiss of 2,524,000. They
opened at 101 1 and sold down btead'ly
to 99, s eidied at that price, but later
fill t) 81, fli ally reiuvering to and
closing ai 99. There wai no ether
fea uie and prces eympnthizid with
thetnidicg in it:ckF, b iog weak in
tue f irenojn and e tcadv for the re
mtim'e' of thu day. Fical prices gen
crat'y show d'dims.
Tr e tjtai s dee of s o ks tidav were
445 330 sh:rrs, iuc'uding Cinada
Southern, 1',3'J0; Cmrai Pacitic,
3991; Dr'awara, Lackwnns and
Wes ern. 25,620; line, 3t,G85: I-abe
Shor , 55,20; Ljuisville and Na-h-ville,
9770; Mb-iouri. Kanns and
Texas, 20,785; Michigan Central,
0910; ilanlia;tan con o.idKt?d, 87ii0,
North wpstor ', 9(513; New Jersey C-n-tffll,
12,500; Niw York Cmirat, 12,368;
Pntitlo MhiI, 12,590; 11 adiog, 50,260;
St. laii, 43,170; Sr. Paul imd Ojuba,
6S2i; Union Panifli, 7350; Western
Union, 33,418; N.rthern P.ciflo pre
ftrrcd, 5SU5. Clo ing qaotiiioae.:
U. 8. S3, 'Mi. 4, roup, lXfii.
i'A, ooup, 1I21. Pacifiuliaol l6'Jo,126.
La. tnmvs.49, 7S. Miraoarl 61, VQ.
Cent. Paa. Isu. 116. Den. A lt.tt.Ut, 122.
DenA A W.lt,t0. Krie lecondo, 116
M K 4T.a. n.6a, 7. Noith.Pao. 1M, 115.
"Nnrth.Pucdi.lOO'w; N Weatorn oon., Wt.
N.Weat deb.5.1084. St L.S F en.M, lOieJi
et Paul oon., 130. bt P.,C AP.l.ts, VM.
T. P. land granU.MH-T P .K.U.ei cou.OJ.
U. P. lau, -. West Shore, 101.
Teun.6), tet'mt, Tonn 5a. aet'wt, 1(K).
Xenn. 3s, tet'mt, 76.
Adama Ezpreia, 141. Morria k E.,offJ,110.
Allegniiny tion., .
Allegniiny tion.,
Alton k X. U.. 33.
Naahville A C. 65.
N. J. Central. 61.
Nur. 4 W. pJ, "4'v
Northern Pao.,2,.
Northern P. p d,
C. AN. W.,117.
C. A N. W. ptd, U.
N. Y. Central, III.
N.Y.C. ASt.L.,87..
N.Y.C ASt.L.,p,2l4.
Ohio Central, .
A.aT.lI. ptd.,K.
Ameriom Ki., 1U5
1). O. R. ifc N.55.
CaDada Pno , 68
Canada Hon.. 56W.
Central Paoifio, 48 'i.
Che-i.ptake 4 0.,4
C.AO.lt pfd, 164.
C. k V. 2d ptd il.
o. a A , myt.
G. A A. pfd , lfiO.
).,fit L. AN.O., .
C. St.LAP..li1X.
C.bt.LA P.pfd, 32.
O. 8. AC. 3).
ft. ACSIH.
Del. A Uudj 1(KM.
Del.,L. A W-. 13.
Den. A Rio U , 3tS.
Erie, 3i.
Krie nfd. WM.
uuio ac Aiiaa.,
O. A Mia, pld. W.
OnUrio A WeB... 2.
oreiton rav., mv4.
Oreon Tnana., 33.
Orenon Imp , 29.
Paoifio Mail,
Panama, U3.
Peoria, o. A E., 29.
Pittaburir. 152.
Pullman P Ci 144.
KeadinK, 35.
ltook laland, 126.
u 1 k a 1
New KnatTenn., 12
NcwB.Tenn. pf 1,72. St L A S.F. pfd,
Frt Wn. US ht.L.AS.F.Ltn. 112.
Hannibal A St. Jo .C. M. A M P.. 95.
U A St Jo , pfd, -. M.A St.P,, p, VMV,.
Harlem, 230. Sr. P., M AM.. 117.
tjouilon a x., JO'-S et rauia uusann, ouy.
Illionii C.ntr.l, 1:Ui-St Pul o. old, 1W
Ind , a. 4 W., wyi, lonn.ijoal.t inm.bo.
Kana x I .. "4.
Lake E. A W , 13.
Lake bhnre, W i.
Lou. Naah , VP.
Lou- A N. A., 52.
M. A". 1st ptd..
M. A O. aeoonda, ,
Me"1, A Char ,
Mm. A St. L , V.
lezaa raciiio, 11.
Union Paoifio, 60.
U. H. Exp -eaa, fH
W., St.L AP.,1TS.
W , St. L AP. p.. 30.
W. AF. Ex.. 125.
W. U.Tel., 73.
Colorado Ooal, 23.
Home Stake. l'J.
Iron (Silver, 200.
Ontario. 25.
Min. AHt.L. pld.45.
Miaanu-i Paoifio Ui. Uuiokailver. 6.
Mobile A Obio, WA. Uulckailror pfd., 21.
M. L. 8 A W , 61. bouth Paoifio, .
M L S.A W. pfd,l,. Sutro, 7.
L jndon, October 1. Consols 101 15
16 for nnDeyaod 100 1-16 for ihe ar
count UuiteJ fc'tot s loads, 4s, 131;
United 8 a es bonds, 4J 1151 Bar
ti ver 44 1.6' ounce. Tun amount of
bul i .n withd an from the B nk of
England on balai ci tod y is 45,003.
Pabis, October 1. Three per cent,
letitee, b2f, OOj for tbe account.
New York, October 1. ExchEnges,
$1;4,360,828; ba ances, t3,2,328.
Baltimorb, Md., October 1. Clear
ings, $.,570 942 ; balances, $20 J.128.
Sr. L uis, Mn., Oc oher 1. Bank
nlewiniis, j 3,441,538; Data iccs, $1,458,-
Boston, Mass., Oc'ober 1. Ex
change s, $13,635,994; balances, $1,433,
b59. Chicago. Ili, , October 1. Asio"
c:ao liiuk cleaiiDgs today were $9,
Pbiladilphia, Pa., Ostober 1
Btr k cletriDgs, $9,863,726; balances,
The l-ral' ottin market opened
S'eadv, aud closed qu'et and olnwer;
middling 9?;. Sales, 850 baKs, 300 to
exportero aud ooO to spioners.
Yesterday. Ttinrsdsy
Ordinary Nom.
Good Ordinary.... nom.
Low Middling 81
Middling 9$
Good Middling.... fi
Middling Fa." I....- i
Fair Nom.
MiMPHia. October 1,1
Stock S pt. 1,1 886 4,009
1! r.iiul Ifld.V 2.2S4
k iiiiv.i di ev. oiisly... 11,362 17,655
Shipped todiy 1,100
Shipped previous y .... 5.029
Unmw fnnsnmD:ion to
rial,, 6,135
R;nrk rimiihiirBCConnt 11,520
Thus far tbh wek
Thus far la t week
S.nee Sep embor 1st
, 9,549
, 2,543
M. and C. R. R - 2fj"
M.&T. K K 473
L. a-d N. It. B 209
M&L.R.R.K '
C, O.&S. VV.R.K 104
I. ScN.fi. R 83
K. C , S. & M. R R 109
tteaaers -
VVsgnns aud oiher sources - 100
T,tal '. 3,284
Thus far this week 3,493
Thuo fr U t week 1,127
Since S.-ptember Ut 6,135
M. k O R. R 331
M. & T. K. R 200
L. & N. R. R 516
Total 1,106
New York ipota opened easy, and
closed easy. Middling, 9Jc Sales,
1028 bales. Quotations were as follows:
Yesterday. Thursday.
Ordinary - tl 61
Good ordinary. 8f J
Low middling 9 1-16 9 1-16
MiddlinK- 9 91
Good middling 9 9J
Middling 'air.. 10 9 16 10 9 16
Fair... 11 8-16 11 3 16
New York fu'ures oner.ed easy nnd
closed quiet. Sains, 87,300 biles. The
closing quotations were as follows:
9 22 9.23
9 30(
36 9 37
9.43 9.44
9.52W 8.53
961(4 9.62
9.69 9.70
9 78 9.79
9.87o 9 r-8
9 95 9 96
10.00 1 0.02
October 9 16 9.17
NoTember..9.22(3 9.23
lecenitsr..V 27(4
January -...9 34135
February. 9 43 u 8 44
March 9.51 9 62
April 9.60 0 61
May 9 69 9.70
June 9 77 9 78
July 9 85 9 86
August 9.91 9.92
September. ..
New York cotton statement for the
week ending Friday, October 1, 1886:
Net receipts at all United Bale.
States nnrts for the week... 156.164
Total receipts to date 889 014
Kx ports lor tbe week 67,9i0
Total exports to date 157,315
stock: at u. o. ports 324, two
Stock at 10 interior towns... 3t 8S0
Stock at Liverpool 377, 0l0
Stock of American afloat for
Great Britain 52,000
Tbe New Orleans spot market
opened oiisv, and c oted irrepu ar snd
eiisy and 1-lOc lowir. Mild.ing, 9c.
sa es.1200 baits. Uuoiat oas Were as
f I.'owj: .
Yisterfay. Thursday
Ordinary 7J 7 316
4rod Ordinarv "i 7 15 111
Low Middling 8j 8 13-16
Middlintr 91 9 5-16
Good Middling j 9 9-16
Tha New Orleans future n arket
oveied eteidy at decl'ne, a'd c OFed
quiet and ttsudy. Sale?, 20,100 balej.
Q lotalions were as follows:
8.tH b'd.
8 87ia1 8.88
8.90 8.91
8 9!)
9.10 9 11
9.21 9.22
9.31 9.33
9 41 9.43
9 52 9.53
9 60 9.62
October 8 91 8 93
November ..8 81 8.82
December .8 82 8 83
January ....8 91 8 92
February ...9 0 9 03
Mirch 913 914
April.. 0.2,1 9.24
Mar -'w 934
June 9.41 9.45
jnly 9.52 9.54
AUKUS', (!)
Kec. Prices Stock.
5,118 Qi 60,692
5,97b 9 C-16 44 912
394 9 4,451
6,981516 61,865
4 863 8Jbil 38 496
2.40H9 6-16 11,067
1,672 91; 9,849
225 1) 5,8 5
9 6,687
91 -
9J 9,8 7
622 01 8,461
1,545 8 9,808
Mobile .
Norfolk ...
s eady
New York
St. Louie.
AugURta ..
Receipt? at ports, this day, 1886.30,093
Keceipts at poits, tbis day, lH85..2(i,407
R'tl U. 8
156,104 159,121 167,2 2
Ex. Gr. Br
St ck
41,6'7 i9,0O7 47,520
324,1,89 323,621 302 312
R'tsSept 1
389 054 4'4,327 423,264
l?or ff n h.x,
157,815' 122.10.' 151,305
Dt'Crejtie in receipt! tbis year. ...45,273
At noon: Liverpool spo's w?re
du!). in buvers' favor, t-a'es. 8000
bales, of which American 5400 bales.
K"feipts, none.
UloBinu qnoUtioBS wera ai follows:
Ordinpry, 4jd;goador.iinnry, 4jd; low
miuulirjg.o jd ; good n.n1-Jliny,o 1 l-10d ;
middlinr uplBuus. 6 7-10J: laiullinir
Orif an, 5jd. .
Mencbeter: Yarrs and fabrics,
higher prices checking business.
The price are given in pens and 64A
thut: 4 63 meant 4 63-64d; and 5 01
meant 5 1 61d.
A', noon: L.verocot m ures wie
dull Tat de lin; Otob'r. 515d: Oc
tober-November, 6 031; Novembar-D.-ce
ruber, 5 07 5 Odd; D.c amber-Jan.
na'y. ; January-tebrnaiy, B 06d;
Fcbruay-Minh, 5 08507d; Mreh
Aprit, 6 C9J; April-May, 5 lid; May
June, .
At 2 p.m. : L'verpool futures were
dull; Octobrr, 5 14d, buyers; Oc-tober-Novembtr,
6 081, eoll rj; No-yember-Decamber,
5 06d, buyers; Da-cembor-January,
6 06d, sellers: Jan-unry-Febiua'v,
5 00d, va'ua; February-March,
5 07d, buyers; March
Ap'ii, 5 091, boyars; April-May,
6 lid, bu)ers; May-June, 6 14d, sell
erj. At 4pm.: Liverpool futur.s were
etady; O.tber, 5 13d, buyers; Oc'x-ber-November,
6 07d, bay era; November-December,
5 OOd, sellers; Decern-bar-Jniiary.
5 05d, buyers; January
Ftbruaty, 5 05d, buyers; FeVirnarV'
March, 5 06d, buyers; Marcb-Apnl,
5 08d, buyera; April-May, 6 iOd, buy
ers; May-Jute, 5 13J, sdlerr.
Livcrpoil weekly sta'ement fjr the
week ended October 1, 188 1:
1880. 1885.
Weekly sales 63,000 65 000
Ot which Amr!can 4f,000 45,000
Iocluainn for export 8.30H 3 000
Incl'p for spec'iation 8.700 3,600
Foiw'd fin ship side 6,000 2,200
Total stock 377,000 430,000
Of which Am rican. 205,000 279 000
Week's receipts 32,000 9.00J
Of which American. 21,000 8,000
Tot'lrefl.nnceSp.l. 13,000 59,100
Of which Ame.i-an. 62,800 44,700
Act'ia! we-k'sexp't, 4,200 6 4:'0
Stick afloat 88,000 57,000
Of wh eh Amer.c tn. 62,000 47,000
Week end
ing Ocs. Since Sep
1, 1886. tember 1st.
ceivkd. This Ijist This Last
Year Year Year Year
M&CRR.... 850 816 1161 1375
M&TRR... 16 l 1415 2411 2S93
L&NRR... 8 561 1047 812
M&LRRR 2351 2215 3256 4088
C.O&SWKIi 611 419 765 023
L.NO&TRR 23S 451 SOU 794
KC.S&MRR Sii 331 48" 687
M.B&ARR 16 2r)6 214 390
Miss, river ... 12")3 2823 1930 073
White river. 42a 8 4 606 1421
St.Fran river 203 2 420
Ark'sasrivcr 106 198 254 284
Wagons, etc 675 1200 1125 2935
Total 9540'll721 13646 23030
MACK R... 847 150 1110 163
M&TRK... 200 1 200 1
L&NRR... 215-' 294 i 4221 5727
C.OASWRR 223 120i 290 1470
L.NO&TRR 208
M.B&ARR 7J 84 97 123
Steam's n'rth 1149 2602
Steam's s'uth 144 160
Total 3493 5871 6135 10245
Snbicrifee for tb 'Appeal."
CoBNMiAL-Standard, $2 202 25;
pearl, $3 253 36; roller, $2 45.
Ht Cho cs, from store, 75c; car
load from levee or depot, $12; prime,
from store, 70 ; csr loa i from levee
or depot, $llll 60; piairie, from
store, 60c.: ear loud from levea or
depot, $7 50.
Corn From etore.w hi'e,51c :mixed,
48", from levee or d-pot; white, in
bulk, 46c; in sacks, 4t)c; mixed, in
bulk, 44 jc; in saik, 47 jc
Oats From stoie,hue,36c; mixed,
3-5c: from levee or depot, white, in
bulk, 31Jc; in saok, 35c; mixed, in
bulk, 30c; in sacks, 33c
Bbak From store 7075j; from
levee or depot, $12.
Floub From 8t re, No. 3, $3 ; fam
ily. $3 60; ckoi e, $3 7A4 ; fancy, $4
4 25; extra fancy, $4 304 50; patents,
$56 50.
Beass Navy. $2; medium, $1 60
1 76; rximmon, $1 25; German miller,
$1 201 4 ).
Rick Louisiana, 4J5Jc; Caro'ioa,
Uatmial In half-barrels, $33 25
from store.
Ohackbrs Sods, extrs, 4c; soda,
treble extra, 4Je; lemon crackers, ex
tra, 7c; lemon cream crackarB, treb'e
extia, 7Jc; ginger snaps, extra, he;
einr s ips, trableex ra, 6c; assortad
jurablts, 9c.
Cracksd Whsat Io haif-barrels,
$4 25 from store.
Hominy and Grits -From e'ore.
$3 153 25.
Pt. Louis, Mo.. Ontoler 1. Flour
quiet; XXX, $2 3o2 45; fain iy,
$2 602 75; ch ice, $3 103 2il;
larcy, 13 40 i3 5i); ex ra lancy, $100
(; 8 8J; rstenta, f44 35. Wheat act
ivo end highur; the maiket opened Jc
hiubpr on foreign war news, but eaeed
oil" JJc, but advanced asain, ruled
a eady and firm, aad cloied J j high
er than yoH'erday; No, 2 nd, cusii,
74J75c; October, 74J75c. elosin? et
76o, ncm nal; Novemoer, 70'a(77Jri,
cbsing at77Jc; Decamhpr, 7s79c,
doting at79c;May, H7J(a)i!,s;o, cks
ing st 8bjc. Corn dull, but firm,
xnd J'(i Jo Higher than ysterday ; No.
2 mixed, cash, 34jc; October, 34
31ic, clos'Cg at 34 bid; November,
351c; Decaiuber, 30c; May, 40J41c,
closit g at 41c. Oats very duil, but
firm at yeBtirday's prices; No. 2
mixed, cash. 20jo; Oc!ober,2CJc; No
vember, 27js: iv-ay, 3ic bid. Rye
firm t 49c. B.T.ey dud, but steady,
tr.css raog nftfrom 60(i07Jt'i tcoord
ing to quality. Hay active and s eady ;
piairie, ft) 10 50; timothy, $11
13 60. Flaxseed easy at $1. Bran
8'eady at 4'J5l)c. Comment easy ft
$1 901 95. Receipts Flour, 30(H)
brls; whear, 14,000 bu; corn, 22,000
bu; oats, 37 C00 bu: rye, 2000 bu;
barley, 20.0CO bo. I Shipments Flour,
90'0 brls; wheat, 22 000 bu; crrn,
158,000 bu; oati, 5000 bu; rye, 1000
bu; barley, none,'
Jflrrnoon Board. Whrat weak and
JoluWtr. Corn eBsy and Jo lower.
Oats a shade lower.
Chicaqs.Iil., October 1. Ths cib'e
advices predicting a p ssib e rupture
between Russia snd Aui'ria, tcgutber
wi h a decline in B.iti3b coneols,
served to mike a. strong ma kut in
wheat at times today. November
wheat on the "curb" was selling at
76,o, but tbe starting jrlcn i.i ths pit
wss 70;. Under free ofl'.rinus tie
price bioke ci! to 75jjc, but rallitd
UDder a wave of go id baying to 76 jc,
aud at 1 o'clock closed at nearly out
side figure-. In the afternoou ttie
fueling became somewhat heavy again
and tbe I a' est figures wsie oaly a
st.ade higher than yesterday. One of
the fdtturLS of tt.ength curing tbe
sets on was ihe announcement that
he etJcVa of flour and wheat in the
United King :om was estimated to be
8,000,000 bu-hels less than lost year.
tin. 2, fprtt'g, 74j748c; iN,3, Bpnng,
67Jc; No. 'I, red, 74je. Corn ruled
etuady and firm, though speculative
tr.uliDg wai linh The hits: p ices
wereabout ths same as on est diy ;
No. 2, casb, Stije; No. 3, 35135io;
No. 2, yellow, 37c Oats were siendy,
with very slight fluctuations and clo
ii,g p ics were about the same fs
yesterday to a stai-de eaeier; No. 2,
ca-h, add at 24J(al25c; No. 2 rye was
qui t st 48 jc; No. 2 barley, 56c;
Mo. 3, 4aobc; iNo.i.uaxieeu, ti ujj;
prime to choice timothy seed, $1 8.
1 83 r lonr remains stca ly at u i-
cl anged price'. Ttre following wjs tbe
riUKe cf quo'ations f r options on the
regular session : v neat u.itoner
opened at 73io, rang-d 73874Jc,
closing at 74c; November opened at
76c, ranged 7iij76jc, clnaing at Trite ;
December epsned at 77 i ranged 771
(ai78Jf,c'08iiig t 78Ji; May opened ai
8tjc, ranged 83j34s, closing at 8lc
Corn Oct ber opened st 36Jc, ranged
36136Js, closing st 3(1(1 ;; 'ovomb--r
opened at 381c, ranged 3Sj((i38Jc,
closing at38Jo; De tmbcr opened at
39tc, langed 39J39J ', closing ai
89c ; May cp9Ded t 43Ja, iaged 43 J
43jr, cloKing at 431c. Oats-Octobai
opned ft 24 , rangjd 21824i, clog,
ins at 243c. Novemoer opeued at 2ISJ 3,
ranged i6;26ii, closing at 2bi;
l)e ember opened at ili , Tingeat
27 Jo, do ing at 27jc; May opened
Ht3lf', raaged 31831jc, cicsing ai
3li3. Receipts Flour, 15,000 brls;
wheat, 68,000 tu; corn. 107.UIW du;
cats. 123.000 bu: rve. 3000 bat bar
ley, 73.U00 bu. Shipments-Flour, 16,-
000 brls ; wheat, 10,0(10 bu ; corn, zoi,
000 bu: oti, 77,000 bu; rye none,
barley, 30,0)0 bu.
Afternoon Hoard. Tha rnaraeu ai
ruled weaker. The following wore
the dofinnflimeu at 2:30 o'cock p.
m : Wheat October. 7h: Novem
ber, 75gc; December, 77 7-16c; May,
841c. Uorn Oct ibtr. 361c: Hovem-
hor. 3HiT. Ueoemher.JOib: iviay.s.no.
0ts - O ilober, 248c; November, 26ic;
May, 3I.
Bi-n'BB-Buttarine,12j ioc ; crenm.
ery, '. WM;:; dairy, io(ioc, uuum y
lloo S'HODCCTS Ne8 pora.fiiioi 'i
10 75; eu:,ir cmed liams, J-'i,ii!,i
brea'sf -.: ba"on, 8J(.9Jc; wear rm
dm Him, 71:5 81c; bacon sh miners,
77o; bulk po-k clear sides, 7c;
clear rib, e.772't; shoulders, 6c;
long clear,' 77o. ,
Lard 'Mr.:-.,7i71c; hilf-barrels
B'id kegs, 7J7Je; choke kett.e, 8J
8J.C ,
Fnssn Mbats -No. 1 beet, 7c rnnt-
Dn, 7c; hind quartcisof baei, 8c;
laraks, 42 503 50.
PooLTay Chickens, $23.
Cubk'K Prime flats, 8c, nominal ;
fuctory, 7J8c, nomiia'; full cream,
rir.s Ffkt. Barrels, f0 5O10; half
tarreli,'$1755;keg',$l 75.
St. Louis, Mo., October 1 Pro
visions dcill and generally lower,
rork weak, S9 87). Lard easy. $5 92).
B ilk meats o.kloSJ lots: lonitler
and short rib', $0 90; sho t c ear
7 9n-hnrd Io'k: Innir dear and shoit
nh 'i HhoitdHer.S77 05. Bacon
ma.k Innir i:inr unit Hhort r.b,
87 371? 'iort dear. f7 621. Hams
i9ra,i!t.(. Un tar ttady ai'd
fi m: rreamery. 2225b: diary, 10
20i Kgs in gcod demand ana firm,
CnicAao, III., October
visioDB were only moderately active
cud the feeling w a unsettled. Meas
pork declined imgu'.srly 15C0c,
rallied 2(Ht25, and closed in the
latest Iradine at medium figures; ca-h
lots sold at $9 30. There was a strong
feeling in lard early in the mvnion.
but before the session c!o?ed a reduc
tion of 67c occu'red: caeh Io's so'd
at J6 056 10. Short rib sides, loose,
wera easier at $6 62J for rah lot.
Dry salUd shnnldeis. boxed. $5 90f.ii
6 ; short clear a;de', boxed, $7 207 V5
M. ss pork Oct ber opened at $9 27J
rrgJd $9 10-! 32J, closed at $9 30;
November opened at 9 30, ranged
$9 171(g9 35. ch sed at $9 35; Janua-y
opened at $10 32, ranged $10 30
10 4 closed at $10 37). Lard O
tober opened at t5 97), raored $5 87
5 97,cloed at $5 92); November
opened at $" 00, ranged j5 9 e5 95,
closed at $.i 95; January opened st
$6, ranged f66 05, closed at 16 06.
Short ribs October opened st $6 70,
ranged $6 666 70, closed at $6 62):
January opened at 15 27), ranged
5 27 5 3, closed at $5 32)
O.i the Produce Exchange but'er
ruled firmer; creamery, 1627c; dairy,
15 18c; packing stock, 78)c. Kggs
were steady at 17)c,
Afternoon Board. Pork October
and November, $9 25; January,
$10 32). Lard October, $5 90; No
yember, $5 92); Jannaiy. $0 02.
6hrrt rib s des Octobtr, 6 72); Jan
nary, $5 3- .
CorrsB Common. 9110c: ordi
nary, 101103c; prime R o, lUl2An;
choics to fancy, 1213s; old govern
ment, 2425c; Cevlon, 1822c.
bOAf uliapniaa s Hons soup, un
wrapped, 4)'a41c per pnnud.
ALT-I 20 per rarrel; sirkH. fine.
$1 351 45 ; roar-e, $1 101 15 ; pock
ets, bleached, 2''7c; car-louds from
levee or depot, 6c cheaper.
iJandibs (suckr. all e, s in bcxes.
paiis nod larrels. 8(.?9.
Handles Vail weight, 9J10c.
Canned Goods, Etc. Prices per
doz-n: Pineapplrs, Jl 40l 60;
pesches, 2-ib, standard, $1 35l 65 ; se c--ODd',
$! 10l 15; tomhtoes, 2-ib
Btondard, $4 25 1 35; 3-1", $1 15i 30;
strawberiies, $1 35140; rasnberries,
$116125; hiackherriej, $l00('ill 15;
grenngaqej, $1 60l 75: pears, $2
plum?, $1 bW'Ol 70; asparrgua.
$2 60()t; sreu coin, $ll 35; gieen
iea, l on(.i)i to; cove oysters, full
weight, 1-lb, 90c($l; cove oyeteri,
full weifiht, 2-1 1), $1 651 80; cove
oyeters, light weight, 1-lb, 65o; cove
oyiters, light we'gbt, 2lb, $1; con
dened milk Crown, $ 606 75;
EKg'e, 17 507 76; Daisy, $1 75.
Molas'as Lotiieara, common to
fa!r, 180i2rc; prims to choice, 3040c;
syrup, 2040c; common to fair, 20
25n; prime to rhoioe, 3035o; centrif
ugal, fancy, 3233;-.
Tobacco Common, 11-lncb," 7)
28c; ether grades and s'vles, 3i85c.
Snuff Barrett's, $10 85 pr rase;
Ralph's, $10 25 per ram; R. R , $9 CO
10 25; Gail & Ax's, $3 75.
Bca.vR Pure white, 6j(58Jo; off
white, 66j(i; yellow clarified, 6
6Ji; open kett e, 66)c; refined A,
6j6Jc; eranulat'd. 6J7Jc; pow
dered, 7173 cut loaf, 718f.
New York, Octobor 1 Coffee
spot fa'r Rio firm ; options a shade
lower and mnderatoly act've: sales,
25.750 hags ; O, tobsr, 9 65s ; November,
459.56c; December, 9.300.4c;
January, Febrnary and March, 9 30
9.40:; Aoril, .40c; May, 9.35c. Su
gr stoidy and more active; refined
Bt;ody and quiet. Molassoa dull and
nominal. It ce steady.
BUlIltKlIOLU stirruis
Appi.es A rp'es, $1' 602 60; dried
anpler ll3o pr pound fiom stora.
Drid peaclie, 2J.HJl from stnie.
VgciRTABLKS Onions, J3 from
a 0'. Cjbb 'ge. $2 50; per bold, 910o ;
$1 75 lrom levee or depot per crat.
Krjut, brla, $8; helf brK $33 25.
Garlic. 4060o per 100. Turnips, 60o
per bu9),el.
Fbiiit Organes, I.ouisians, nomi
nal, $6. Lemrns, $77 50 per box.
Bana;ia, $1 602 60 per birch.
Oocoannt", l5 p r 100. ream's Vir
ginia, 7 jc ; Teunosrije, farmer's rtock,
34c; rovsted, 2o higher; shelled
10c Alm-ind. 1820.r.
RAt ins London layers, $3 40; lay
er', $2 75; California, ; Imperial,
til 5tKi4.
Pickles In tors, pin's, 95c; onarta
$1 50; half-giiilona,$275;gallons,$3 75;
loo'P, barrels, $0 b07; na l-bairela
$3 75 ji 4 ; m ixed, barrels. $10 50 ; mixed
balf baire's, $6.
Potatoes New, $1 251 60; North
ern itock. $1 752.
Cider-Nsw Ycrk, 10 607 per bar
rel, and $3 7o4 per ball-barrel; vine
g r, 10a prr gallon.
Pecans TfX as, 810c for small to
medium, 1014c for large; Atkantas,
Fish Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1,
$')5 50; No. 2. $l4 25; No. 3, $3 50
4; 10-lb kit. No. 1, 90c; No. 2, 75c;
15 lb, Nu. 3, 65ii. Dry herrings, fam
ily. 25c per box.
Walnut French, 12c ; Naples, 16c ;
Grenobloi, 15c. Filberts, 12c.
Game Game fiih, ll12c.
Euos Scarce, 1618a.
Ia car load lota: Prima crude
ccr.ton seed oil, new, 2830c; off
crne cotton ssed oil, old, 24
26a; prime summer yellow cot
ton sd nil, 8637c; off summer
yellow ntton seed oil, 3132o; min
ers' suoannr yellow cotton teed oil,
3335o; n-Jme rummerr white cotto
seed oil, 35oc, chrice cooking yel'ow
cottonseed 37.40o; piime rolton
seed meal, $14so15; off cotton teed
msal, $1314. r
BAUtiiAu am riKM, gt
Baoqino Jute. 2 Jbi. 8c: 1J lbs,
7c;lls, 7c. F.ar,8lbj,9
Ties $1 101 15. i
Nail Common, $2 t2 30; steel,
$2 40a2 63.
Clour tub wsahed, 3Yi)3,?. grcaie
w-ol, 2326c ; burry wtbf, lS18c.
Sr. Ijovib, Mo., Octobtr 1 Wool in
gwd d mnd and firm; tiedium cloth
ing, 22.6)c; ornb1nir.tl2C.lrs; Ion
nul c arse, 14 1 22c; fi e linh', 20
25 ; heavy, 16i;ic; bl.tk, 17(A2.Sr.
PuiLArsLPuiA, Pa., ttitober 1.
Wolfirm at qucttors; New York,
Michigan, Ind ana aud Wistem, me
dium, 3738.i; do. C03rs, 87:i8c(
bright unwashed clothing medium,
3031c. '.- y
Borto. Mass., Oc'obsr1 1. The
demand fur wool m acilve a'd pr'ccs
fl meriOoioand fieecei, 34 ''34 i for
X and XX arnl si) ive, 3j(4o M -v
and above: No 1 Ohio, IH'3Mc;
Mirhican extrs. 32,'a 3.'lo; 0!ih comb
ing ad dela ne, t840;; Michigan
fin.. 37ffi,3'Je: fine do a'ne. 34A3!c 'or
Michigan; Ohio do., 3737).pulled
wools, 3044
riTB.ot.avn market,
Coal Oil Prime white, whit sale
lots, 11c p r gal on.
Cleveland, O , October 1. letro-
eum quiet; 8. W. 110, 71?.
Pjtthiiubo, Pa , Oc ober 1. rt:o
lenm dull ; National Transit certiflrttea
opened at 62Jc;clcs d at 62 Jo; hiih
est, 62c; lowest, 62jc.
WhiAt Straight Kentucky Ifctu-
bon, $1505; rediatilled giods from
&5cti$150, occord.Dg to prcof;rie.
Sr. Louis, Mo.. Octobsr 1. Whiakv
firm, $t 12.
UnirAOO, ii.u, October 1. Whisky
h!gher,$l 18.
Cincinnati, O . Octibir 1. WhtHVv
active, firm, h:gher; sales of 950 bar
r'B nf fiaiaatd goods on a basis o!
$1 13.
Choics to extra crrn fed cattle, none
received; good, nore rereived.
Grass Cattlb Chocx. 31S:
good, 23j:; fair to medium, 21 a
2n: eeallawaga, ll)c.
Jtooa Uboine.41(Hic : goo J.3I(S4c :
common, 33i,
SBr Choice, ai3ic: medium. 21
3o; common, l(al 60. Choice
lambs, per pound, 414c.
Kansas City, Mo.. October 1.
The Lin Stock Indicator reports : Cattle
receipts, 1162 head ; shipments, 902;
cows and butchers' staff strorger;
others slow and Weak; good to choice,
$4 304 60; common to medium,
$3 303 90; stoekers, $2 252 75;
f Aiders. $2 803 60 : cows, $1 502 60 ;
grias range steers, $2 253 20. Hogg
receipts, 44J7 head; shipments. lOtd)
head; market demoralized, irregular
snd i020o lower; good ti choice,
ft 301 50; common to medium, $4
4 25 ; gra sen and p'g, $3 f03 95.
Shsep le.'.eipta, 197 lieaijsliip uentJ,
none; market steady ; go id to rtio'c.
$2 503;ccnimonto medium, $1 L0
2 25
Chicaoo, Iil., Octobor 1. Tbe
Drovert' Journal rerorts: Cattle le-
ceiU, 70t() head; thiprr.ebts, 20(30
head; mark' t etoa.ly ; shipping hteeis.
050 to 15110 lbs. 3 M)6 15; s ockets
and feeder.', $2 2"i3 60; cows, hnlts
and mixed, $1 4 a 15; lu.U, $2 40
(.")'.' 60; throug'i Tiim i a't'e a alia te
S'rong'r; cows. $lH.'i2 60: s'oers,
$2 6'J3 25; Western rangrt linn;
natives and ba f-brtedn, $:t4 05;
rows, 2 403 90; wintered Texana,
$20'.3 50; Montana Texans, $3 10(
3 30; Wyoming Texans, $3 25; D.ik ra
Texans, $2 803 20 llgi re e p'p,
23,i (H)beud; shipninnti, 80J0 li ad;
maiket rluw at 10c lower, closed
steady ; rough ai d mixod, $3 604 20;
rackirg anil ahipping, $44 60; light,
$3 404 40; rhi a, $2 603 25. Sheep
reoelLtf. 2d00 hi ad : shipment, 1000
herd; market steady; natives, $i 25
4 2: Western, $3 40V3 60; Texans,
$2 403 15; Ismfcs, $1 764 75.
New York, October 1 The msrket
was more quiet in a general way. et
a good bnsinisi is lenortrd. Agents
have advanced Amneke.ig and t'eari
River t c kings and deniins )c, Amog
kejg ttaple ginghame la aud An-
droecrggin 3(t-inch bleached cottons
2) per cent.
hi. lrfnla mmil New Orlnana Aarksi
l.ma-U.H. Mnll-rOR VICKSCUKd.
City of Vicksburg, ts
'a' Abl. maatar. -J2&i
Will laav tba Kl.ritor 6UNDA). Oct.
M, at lUa.cn. tot fraiibt or uaaaatta apiil
0. ti. II i,i e-aaa. At. Alt HTOKM. Hni'i.
For Oisaola, Ilalu Point, faratheriTll'a,
Oayoio and Tiptonvlllo Tha dw liila-'
wheel PMnr atoa rr
W. P. 1UI1 maatar. I J. D. Fuller ol.rk
Will Imi aa .bore, nd all war DninK,
p.m. For trwtrht or paanga ai'ply on board.
Itnitls,lrrlnra I'olaia aaSBenpup
nud 0cool frnf Uit t'oiupauy,
Fcr llolana. aiandtla, Frlra Pohrt and at
Way Laatitnga Bwaajar
Tameii Isec, &dSm&
K. T. CLiQURTT Mnat.r.
Will laavo aajbuvaon EVERY MONDAY,
WKDNKSDAl nU SB1DAY atoo'alook.
For Randolph, tmton, taoaola aa
Landima Suamar
CoaliouaA, &dSai
J. II. 000PKR V .,..rw7i7rT
Laarea Krarr M0NUA, WKDN KHDAY
and FRIDAY at 5 p.mATba bnata ol tbl
linaraaarra tha right to tuat all landlnm
the explain may deeui nnniV (iffioa, No, t
martl.nn at. jfliKr( i.e.n, J . nop t.
Arkansas Hiver F
inr pptfrc
VB n ai til. . . Jmt.i ,
Luvef Hvmihil IfiTery TUKRDAY. at v.
II. Ue liUVVH, Aff.ni,
Oflt-w, No. Murtliinn $,. T.lfiT Nn f2.
Memphis and Ylcksnnrr Packet Cob
puny U.S. Mali Line.
For Ilelena, Ooaoordta, T-rraneand Arkan-
ar iity The eiecant aeaaer ateamer
M. R.Cheek..maatat 0. Blankor
tame Memnhia
For Conoordta ad all w ir landlnja. '
l'ia 8tamer
For genera laformatioa apply at
.TOTtly flAT l. Pa'r Ant. Tolennnna aS.
The Ht! rands River TraBsportatloi
Co.'l Plio BMo-W heal U. 6. Mali fltoama)
JCd Foster, r.vf
r IZ TM,lln
,.... mvr.
""" wKiiuLY.
at S o'sloek, for Martaona, tha 0nt-0ff, a
iniarmealal laaamtaon nt. iranoia mn
The fuvtaln rnrorvea tbe rUbt to pmi a)
landlnra I'e deoma onaafe. JA3, LEM, Jr.,
q--.lne-.u- rmwf. Vn. 4 MuH'aon at
HoinphU& White Ulrer rktCo
tor I'lnreoduu, Deyalla BlatT,, !
Art, Aaaaata, Kearoy, Newport, Jaokaoa
port, IJ.Ut.ville and all Way LanJinn,
K. 0. Poatal maator, T
Will leave tVERY WEDNKbDAY at5p.ni.
htr. ALI.EKTA NO. .!
Albert B.Hmiih maator. . "".
Will leava KVhRY BAlURDAY at 5 p.m.
Throuah ratoa lren to all polnta. Freight
oonaiitne.i to the Me iiihia and WhIU Rivet
Packet Co., at Memphia or Terrene, will be
forwarded promntly. For aeneral intorma
tioa aiily at ofll'-B, No 3 MaHaon it., ort
Call 'reUphnne. II. ft. VlWK. Aa't.
WJt, tha undaraicned, harinf boaaht tba
ntir buaineaa of manur(urini
Fgrnitui,, Mattreaaea, Awninsa, Tenia, eto.
Iron Hear, Butteubera, would rmipentfully
eak a abare 4 lour patroiiae, knowing full
well that, '"' lolia xp rieooe, we ean and
will iio entire .ptia'aotlon to all work an
truated to ua. W "will be ready at all lime,
to lurniah Awnino, Tauta, Paulina and all
klndaof canvaawork I niakeall alndaof firat
elnal Mattra.aaai realr, varnlrh i d n.ke
All kinda of FurDi'ore: epholater Parlor
buita, and deliver aouila frof cba Car
noU renovated in the true Perala. tyle. AU
wrrk done promp'ly and atliving i-a.
N. HiHU-mIvtk M..aai Nr.Md.
I ii Valuable Patent.
Xtnaiey'B (Home) awrii ana iroa l'liua-
HAVING perfaotod my Invention, I wiafc
, :o pl;ioe it bolore tba pubilo, Oiixoinlli
miul!!lureri. At a Corn Planter, It ia a
perieetancoera-openi the drill, diatribowd
the lead accvratoly, nuiainred, and oovjrd
tha aanie, thoroi.y one man perforailng tha
.r tli. Then bare been need la
thialeotion forever adoieu yaara with per
hot fctlafactlon. vaa give rwpor tibia Ut
(0BN B- PASOT.Daaayytllji
Bavwooa asaatr. leoau
Vt Co.
Whit Rirar ALiaaTA K. S, 8 p.m.
Vickabarg ...C'y or Vickhbcko, It a.m.
FrlaraPolnt.... -Jab Las, 6 a.m.
ArkanaaaCitr.....KiTa Aaaira, t p.m.
OaoIa.............CoAHoA, 5 p.m.
Tiptoarilla Cnaariaaa, S p.m.
Arkanaai Rlrer.... Joa Piraaa, S p.m.
St. Franoil Rirr..K Fosvit, 5 p.m.
otementh at ths levkc.
Arrival. Arkans(sCity,Vickshnrg;
Ooahorra, 0caola; Janes Lee, Filara
Point; Kd Foa'er, 8t. Francis riyer.
iepartHrM. Arkansas Ci'y, St.
Lonis; Chesapeake, Tiptonyille; Coa
homa, Osceola; James Lee. Fria-a
Boat in Port. Ed Foeter.
Boat Due Dovm. City ol Cairo.
BtatDut Ti.-Alberia No. 8.
Kefita TaaSawatay.
Arkansas City 5 bales cotton.
Coahoma 101 bales cotton, 54 bags
seed cittcn, 1565 tks eeed and lot
K 1 Fostsr 8 bales cotton, 41 bare
seed cot on and 110 sks seed.
James Le 144 bales cottoa, 41t
iks ssed and 27 pkgs sundries.
Trig City of Cain, 0pt 8!ier Light
nar, is due down f.ir VickBbiirg.
Tub El Foster, Capt. O. K. Joplin,
goes cut Ttiesd-iy evening lor 8t.
Francis river.
Tub l ee Line packe's Monday eyen
ing ate Jaims Lee for Fair's Point
and Ccalioma for 0:ceo!a.
Tub Alberla No. 3, Cipt. A. B.
Pmi h. is the packet th'S evening a. 5
o'clock for Whits liver. II. O, Wi sen
is in her cilice.
Tub Oily ol Vicksburg, Capt. Dan
Able, is the Anchor Line packet to
mono w morning t 10 o'c'ock for
Vicksburg aud ttie binds. Gto. Wal
ton is her clerk.
Tub Ot csapenke, Capt. W. P. Uall,
is Ihe packet Moijilxy evening at 5
o'clock for Halrt's P. int, Tiptontille
snd all way landing'. Col. J. D. Fuller
has charge ol her tillcs.
TnE Jos Tet t, Capt. K. B. Rmlth,
is the packet l ues lay evenirg at 5
o'clcck lor atl point on Araaneai
river, going through to Pine Bluff.
Chas. Muscelmen has charge ot hor
Tub Kale Adams, Capt. Mark R.
Cheek, is the United states mail
fiaiket Monday evei.irg at 5 o'riotik
or Holonp, Aikansas City and all way
landing. VV. C. Blanker has charge
ot ber ollicf .
Wbathib dear and cool.
John O'Neal has returned from
trip to Pittsburg. '
Thb Rne Macready ia duo diwn
tomorrrw from Paducah.
Tub river here fs on a et.md, with 5
feet 4 tenths on the gauge.
Tna ' Lee Line packets were In and
out yesterday with good tiips.
Receipts by river yesterdsy, 258
kalis of cotton, 07 bags of seed cot on
and 2004 sacks of seed.
Tna Chesapeake departed yesterday
afternoon f r Tiptonville with a fnr
trip. She will be back in time to leave
aain Mond y evening.
Tbb Ed Foeter arrived yestsrdsy
morning f am 1 1. Francis river with 8
t a'es ( f cotton, 41 haw of seed CJtton,
110 tacks of seed and returns again
Tuesday evening.
Tub Cincinnati Timet Star of Tharj
day trys: Commodore Wiseronclnd
ed that tbe water wis insufiiiisnt to
send cut a brae for Memphis Satur
day, consequently the Desoto's card
hps been withdrawn.
The Vicksnnig Herald tl the 1st
says: The United Biates ftnapbont,
J. ft. Macomb, arrived fr m Ht. Louis
at 10 o'clock yeaterrtay morning, five
weake out frcm Ht. Louts, Capt. Frank
Cajtm in command. Dur ng the trip
she has removed 01(0 tnaga,. all, willi
but few txcepiions, from the channel
of the river. Ths landing and shore
snags will b taken oat on ber return
tiip. She left this port at 5 o'clock
yeaterday evening snd will so twenty
five miles below to Glasscock's Iiland,
turnlrg back from that point.
OmcB Sionai Bbbticb, U. 8. A.,
Mem ran, OHober 1, 1 p.m. J
Tha fol 'owing ohaervationa aie taken
at a I stations named at 75 timridian
t me, which ia one hour M'.ter than
Memphis tim:
Ab ve iiuwi
Chattanooga ....
Furt bmith
La Crotse. ,
L tt'e Rock
Nn Orlnana...
St. liuis
fir. Paul
Danger l.le Foet and tentha of a foot
ab ve aero of gauge:
rVirn. 40 faat.
rbattanooga. tU foet.
Cincinnati, 50.
Ilubuque, Id.
Kookuk, 14.
,acroa.e, 24.
Little H..ck, 23.
Memphis, 34.
Nuhville, 40.
Omaha, 18.
Kt l.nllil V
Davenport, la.
FortHmith, 22.
Leavenworth, 20.
LoaUville, .
Kaw Orlaana, 15.2.
Pitt-burg, 2.
f-t. Paul, 7.
Viekaburg. 41.
Yankton. 24.
River 6 feet 11 iicheg on the gange and
falling. Weather cloudy and cold.
Evansville, Ind., October 1. Noon
Kiv'i 3 leet 8 inches ou the gang
ami rising slowly. Weather clear and
Wm-Twa W. Va.. October 1.
Noon Kiver 6 feet 8 incbe on the
gtnge ad sUtionary. weamerciouuy
aud cold.
Cincinnati, O , October 1. Noon--R
ver 6 feet 1 inch on the nange and
fflijiiR slowly. Weatner clear; mer
mouHtet 62.
t T v IV tober 1. Noon
River 4 lee inches in the canal and
2 'ee', 4 IncUam on tbs laila ana aooui
eatona y. BOvineaa fair. Weather
clear and cold.
Cairo, lLL.,OcUb.if 1,-Noon-Riyei
t leet 3 inches on the iivge aud falling.
Weather clear and eco'. A.rived:Fut
ore City and barges. 8U Lowjh, 9 a.m.
No departurea ol regular packky,

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