OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, October 03, 1886, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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Cotton Qaiet Middllssr, 9
Sales Yesterday, 1100
1 id
Money rnlei ia active demand at 8
fir cent. Local securities continue
The cotton market cloeed qniet y
terday. The sales avRr?gud 1100
ba'es, on a baits of 9J:lr middling.
At New To-k spots closed qaiet;
middling-, Ojc;faturs easy; October,
9 189.l7c.
A leadirg New York cot'on cir
ca ar sajs of the "futures" market:
Trading was I'ght geneia'ly, and the
market barren of any striking features.
The full run of receipts a' the port for
the week, with pretty free offerings
sgtinst Viem, tended to check demand
aoinc wba', but nther firmer Liverpool
and a few desultory frost reporls from
the South hod a su tanir g inQuecce
to ki ep vhl'it-a ct about last evening's
figure, and closed the market fairly
At Nc?w Orlears yesterday sfots
ware qniet, and l-10c lower; arid
din?, 9 310c; faturrs steady; Oco
ber, 8 9.?8.9:',.
At Iverpr.ol spots were dull snd
in bu;es' favor; middling, 5 7-10d;
futures were firm; October, 6 14-64d.
Ia U e gi ncral market hog products
wr.e ray and lower. Mtss pork,
$10 25'. $ 0 CO; clwar lib fides pork,
7J ?. Lard, choice ke'.tle in tierc;p, 7c.
Egis tra scarce nt 1718j.
imp rts.
Sixty-nine brls uppUe, 30 eks bran,
IB br s b; ans and pe?s, 3-5 tkga bat
tt r, 14 rl taggirg, 22 tkg-i bacon,
130 pkgs boots and (hots, 5000 bu
c trn, 24 1 pkiis hBie, 7 ska cofle", 7
cars cotton seed, VMM c k ottin seed,
EOd b't's cottin tii-, 103 pkijs drv
goods, 44 fkes rpg', 775 br's fliur, 75
pkgs ha s, 88 bd units, 133 hd sheep,
41 hri cattle, 1 mule, 22.) pkgs larl,
UG.C00 f. lumber, 41 pkits'liqu m,2 brls
tjioUmhs, 2 brls on ors, 7 brls pota
toes, 5 cara pork sides, 90 brls pork,
91 Ma snear, 484 pks to?acco, 1500
bu wheat, 30 brls rice.
The following shows the amount of
grain received, withdrawn and in
stord by reanlar elevator', ps reported
to the Merchants' Exchange yter
day: Wheat received, none; with
drawn, none; in itore, 1015 1 u.
CtrD received, 82" bu; withdrawn, 912
bu ; in st ire, 019 bu. O its received,
1821 bn; withdrawn, 800 bu; io store,
172,052 tn.
M-Dftlly Qnotnlious f Cotton
Oil Trusta and Kew York Ex
clinnico Htuvlta nre open to Itntaa
Interested, at my olllee.
9 Miidisou St., Memphis', Tenn.
Mopev in acive demand at8pT
cent. Tfin Cleaning Horrid repjit ia
as follows:
Saturday, October 2d. $183,041 70:
total thia we k. $1.147,219 01. total
lest welc,$8.'0 379 35; eame week in
1885, f 1.159,447 07; tame week in 18S4,
$802,807 3J. '
Satnrd.ey, OtoW 2d, $29,713 f58; to
til this week, J.'Gj 968 17; tota' )at
wek. 3211,802 03 same w k in 18"-'5
J217.239 01 ; same we3k in 1884, 4217,
388 29.
New Yo-k sight on all p itiffi,
discount buying, iwrsiilinif : Nw F,ii
laud demand, dUoui.t buying; New
England fght, J itiscoutit; New Or
leans, di-.couot b'iy;ng, par selling.
Bank of 0 :mmerce..l4fl bi'', 1 D ariim)
First Naiioi.at ItiO h''i . 105 eslted
German Bank 19) i , () Ri-ite-it
Hia'e Ns tarial 14' d, h0 asu d
Union and Planters ..tr" ud, 153 a kei
Mercaoti e Bank 1 '')id,'37Ja keJ
Bluff Cty 1 ibid, ... asked
Ho-najdo lift bid, ... csied
Home 75 b d, 80 askfd
Memphis Ci y 102 bid, 105a ked
Peonies 80 i)id, 83 listed
Phoeaix 98 bi t.lOOts.fd
Planters 107 bi', ... asked
Vandcrbilt 25 r;d, 20 as ted
Arlineton 35 bid, ... atked
Fac'.ors 20 a;ktd
M. & O. R R. shares... 3t oid, ... askd
M. & T R. R. shfue?.. bi I, 50 Hektd
M. & C,coii..o s,7- 119 bid, ... aked
M. & L. R. Is . m. 8-..105 b ... a ked
Miss. & T. R R. cs.A... 1 1 1 bid, 1 1 3 asked
Miss.& T. R.K.(R.H..10! hiu, 103 nsked
Tena. wt?. s r. 1) 9 1 bid,H3asked
Tenn. wt, B r E to J..83 b d. 8 asked
Shelby Co.Os MSbi 1, 110 arkvd
Tax. lr.'. 4, 0j 97 bid, 9SJ aeke i
Tax Dint. Oh Iu4h'd,1(5i asked
Mem. G sbmil 104 bid, ... a'k-d
Mem. Water b mln 97 bid, ... asked
Hinauar Oil Wo:ks b d (j5 gnked
Am. VA.O l tiu-t'. Mi bid, 55 asksd
Pioneer Oorton .Vill...2i bi i, ;-M rsiced
Mem. Stor.Coai. O0...I1 ti bid. 110 akf d
Hem. Ciai sto;ik 75 t.id, 80 a k?d
New York, O tober 2. Vloney r,n
call quiet at 2(7 par cent. Prinui
merra itili- piper 4(i65 r.er coot. Ster
ling esot iing-! quiet but lir a at 4S2 f t
00 il'.y bdls and 4X4 for the demand.
The weekly fct.iti'meut i f th Sfso
cialed banlti shows the fohwing
changes: Iteserv,-, dece.vo, J3,115,
950; !oa' s, inor-'HM", 2,710,(00; 6peoie,
decrease, 42,559,91)0; leeal tenders, de
rreae, J(i40,80U; de;,oit'', denrea?e,
$339,4"0; eirci'.la'.ior, inc eafe, 42"),
700. Tbe banks now hold 45,953,8J5
in excen of the 25 per cent. rule.
Bonds Government bom's were
qniet end stea Jy. Stat) bi.dawere
ou'l arit f-teai'y
8 01k S.ocfcs 01 end wiihamjch
f trog' r tone, anl tue ioipn s-i n l!;at
the trunk line mutters wilt be ami
csblv arranged at th presidents'
meeting nrxt we k (ftiufd grnund.
The do.il in N-w York end New Eng
land m Aile a further progress and, not
withstand ng tie fait th it feveral ma
terial reactions occurred, that stock is
higher tor isht, bei-g alone in clo
lngnring. ids murmnx Ir ura t&v
a nat'ial iaprofeniel.t ov r ire
whole li t, but after tue issue of the
bank Btjtimetit les rorfidence wt
d'SDliyed and vricis became teavv
There wsb no f-aturein the afternoon
tru ng beyond ttio t tn h in Nw
tnglund. weetern Union was active
and remained corni.arat vely it ady
trrougmui ine cay. Vanrier-
b lte. eepccimly New Yoik t.'entia
were s'ro.ia in ir e erly mo ni g and
reiaiLed moi-t of ihe udvantugH u- til
the cli'f. The rpenin was firm t)
strong, first piices ge semlly shoeing
advn-18 rf tri m I to j alove 1- et
evecine's nail nnres Wot tern Unian.
bowdVtr, wa up j, and Jrrsy Ceut'ai
con ). inere was some lii'SitHiion ia
the general list in the enly fading,
but tHe ixfaoidcarv streug-li iu
New E 'g'ard and Western Union
soon rallied the a arket, and the up
ward movemeot was no: cLeiktd an'
til after eop, when fie nuly ad
vatces were genera ly to '. There was
sime itile 'inproverren'. in the latt
hour; but the market c'.ised harely
etady. Trie tu inessof the day was
34 1 'J scares; JNew r.ng:ami lur
nisbed 651W0, St Paul 41,125 and Lake
Saord 30,08). Closing prices ehow ir
r gular cbangfs, b it the alvances a e
nioie cume' ous anil lnnvniant. ISew
Egl'Jiil is up 5J, New York Central
li, Michigan ( eut a! 1 anl oiherj
fci nl. H Paul is ri' wn i The
sa!i s to' the week nre 2 (i'.(i,lS2 stiares
stfiinst 3,323,027 for t!n pus ions week.
In :cs are generally loer, Isew Eng
lnd l eing a conpinuous exception.
itailroa'l houds wcrelis aitive. ira es
2 092,000. Erie sec nds furnished
$98000 of th s am; un- m:d Attaatiu
and l'.cific ii.comes $!90,n.i0. Pecs
followed the CJinse of the Htura mar
k-t, ar.il wer.i u m 111 t'e in annua
and heavy iu tLe aft-iroo:i, tinl
pr cea showing irregu'a-1-1- ng s. E'ie
s C3' iii weie the f t.tuiv, an l r
vulaian of ftelit k f cra :he scare of
yateid:-y pdvan.ed hs t rice lrom99j
lait eveLiug to 101J, tli' u;h l h y
hnally closed J ; 1 ver, witn a n: t
pain of 2 tci ciiit. C-:i.tral Ia
fjist, coupon oir, li st 2, al 104; Da
troi, Man nut: ami ma quo to in-
ermH 3, at 30 . Miureaii'ii a'ld Sr
Louis fir. U ya ne d 4. at 13i. ba'es fur
tUM week, illt,9i)4,0l.0 Sf!a::i.t 59,473
000 la.t week.
The tatai s ilea of B'O'iks t idav were
3."4,179 shhris, iicuding Canada
Southern '12,8:5; D''awarJ,L!ickai!-
na and Western, 23,300; Er e, 18,841 ;
l ade buor -, iSi),Ul; L,;uitvil!e and
Na hville, 7405; Michigan Central,
10,17-j; Miaou i, Kansas anl Texaa,
9150; Mis-onu I'ai Hi !. 3258; JNorth
wbtiiiD, 3050; rew Jeis y Central,
nsiu; JNew York uiirrai, 11,220;
Paiiiic Mail,10,4!0; R adiiisr, '.'5,020 ;
Sr. Paul, 41,125; S . Paul snd Oiiml.a,
5175; Un on Paoitic, 5010; Wt stern
L mon, 30,3D5 Glo.-ing aotalions :
17. S. 3s. 101. to, ooup. l$.
i; coup, Wi. l'ttCihcOsut l-j,127.
L. ltmi), 4it, 73'4. Minsnuri 1
Cent. Phc lsi. llli. Den. A R.M.ltK. 122.
Hen A K W.I.Ik, Ml. Krie f ecci .ds, 116
M K AT.Gtn.6j, W7. Noith.Pac lsw, 115T4.
"North. Puc.2iU, 1(10. N.Womcrn cod. ,142.
N.Wcst deb.5-. 108. fi ts F l.cn.M, 110
M Paul ood., 130. 8t P..C kV.UU,-iiVa
T.P. land grant!, 6iii.T. P., K.U.cxenu.Gl.
U. P. lsl, 115)4. Wett Khoro. 1U15.
Tean.Ui.tet'uil, 106. Tonn Si, net'iut, 100.
Xenn. is, eet'mt, 7;',.
Adami Exprei, 111. Morris A E.,o6d,H0.
Allegbeny Onn.i .
Nashville A C. i;5.
AltoD A 1. 11., S).
A. AX. II. ltd.,0.
Anierioin Ex.. lu
B. C. K.AM, 55
Canndn l-o , 67'4
Canada fou . 67,'.
Ceotral Pacific, 4H!i.
Cheenp-ake A 0., ajg
C. A 0. 1 t pi J, Hi.
C. A U. 2d i!d., 11.
U. A A , 142.
C. A A. ntd , 100.
C B A Q.. 137!.
(!., H I. .0., .
C.St.L A P..lii
C.St LAP.pI'd, a.
C. 8 A 0.. 8 .
O. A C, !',.
C All. Vmley 32.
Del. A ll'id . mU.
Del., Ij. A W , m'4.
Don. AHioG , 3:1.
E-io, 'ii'i.
Erie Ltd. IV..
N.J. fcutrnl 01!.
Nur. A W. pld, 4!-,.
Northern Pao.,2.11.
Northern P. p il. t)l,
C. A N. V lltij;.
C. A N. W. pld. 142.
N. V. Central, 112.
NY.O. A8t.L.,8?,.
N V,C ASi,L.,p,21,
Ohio Contra', .
Ohio A .Mi!.V.8.
O. A p d, W
Ontario A Wet., 21"'a
"rcgon .Mit., 04'-4.
Ore. on Thiis., :!.(,.
Oreinn Imp ,
Pacific Miifl.St,-.
Panama, US
Peoriu, i. A E., 2);.
Pitttburif, 152.
Puihn n P C, 143.
heading, 3174.
Knck Island,
St L. AS. V..3YX.
New Uit Todd., 12.
til L A 8.F. pfd, ii."i
New K. Tenn. ofi.ilK. St.L.A S.F. 1,in. 112
Fort Wayuo, 146 C. M. A t P., 94.
Hannibal A St Jo ,r.. M.A St.P p, 121.
II A St Jo . pfd, -. &'. P., MAM., 117.
Harlem, 2i0. Ht PaulAO uaha. 50 14
Hounton 1 T., 35!: St. Paul A O. pld, 112,
i 1 lion is Central, 131'i.Tonn.CnalA Iron 07.
Ind , B. A W..HI Texan Pacifi . 17.
Kanfa A T., SVt, Union Pacific, lil'i.
Lake E. A V , III. U. tj. Exp ei. M
Lake Shore, i. W., St.L A P., l.
l,ou. A Nneh . S()V4. W ,Bt.h A P. p.. 30.
Lou. A N. A., 52
W. A ft Kx .12-5.
M. A i . 1st pfd.-.
M. A C. rceocdn.
Me-". A Char . 40
Mich. Ccn.,tl!.a.
Min. A !-t. L . 20!4
. U. Tel., 74.
'olnra lo Ooal, 2s;i;.
H-Mue Stake. IK
Iron Silver, 200.
Untari i. 2).
Aim. A St. b. pid.invi ya'ckuLlnr.
Misnou' Vacilio 11. yuiok.fcer pld., 21.
Mobile A Ohio, Wi. f-outh Pacific. .
M. L. S A W.. ftP-I. Sutru.Y.
M L S.A W. rl'd,H2!i.
L-indon, O itober 2-U ite l ft. tea
I o jds, 4s, 13;'. ToeMintof bullion
CO" in'o the B nk of England in
ua uj today is .5 00J.
Paris, Oi t)bor 2. Three per cect.
;e .tie, 82f. 80o for tbe account.
Nrw York, October 2. Exchnngis,
$1 9,413,199; ba'ances, $7,541,953
Baltimore, Md., Oj.ober 2. Clear
ings, $2,090,301 ; balances, $ 59,405.
Sr. Liuib, Mo., Oc ober 2.-i-Faok
cleiiinua, 4,i3il,873; bn'auifs, J03H,
758. Fjr tbe we-n C'-arinjjs, $17,
382,b'5S; bilances, i3 580,748,
Puiladslphia, Pa., O :t( her ?
Clerings, 112,807,161; ba'unues, $!,
063,205. Fr the week -Claiiug',
$j0,002.820; ba'ancea, $3,214,343.
Boston, Mass., Ocober 2. Ei
ciian s, f 18,44 i,0:7; l aUiices, 2,209
'.94. For the wee't Exclian-, 181),
809 729; balance?, 19,975 8J8 For the
co.mpond n e week in 18S5 Ex
crinnaiHP, 08,;0!',618; balances, 9,
514,932. Mou-y 45 per cent.
Chicago, III .October 2. The Ask,
cia'ed Bni cl.iaiings to liy we e $i2,
714,000. F.r the weik, Sol,"04.tH)0.
For th same wtek las y-'ar. $49,988,
000. For the miLtli of iSipt.'inrw,
1880, $?30 019 01)0; ireptembor, 1885,
il92,897.i 00. Tue pro,onioa ol in
crease ih s wce t vir Ips; is 9 1 per
cent, snd f ir the mou h of Sttptra
her, 1880,' Vcr the same month ia 1885,
ia 14.0 per cent.
The heal cott n market opened
quiet, and closed qu el; middling,
9J.:. Si es, 1150 bahs, 4C0 to exporters
and 750 to spii nere.
No in.
Good Ordinm.,
Ixiw Middling...,
(toimI Middling.,
Middling Fa'i...
.Mkuthio, Ociooor 2, ISriO.
Stock S. pt. 1, i880 4 009
K'ceweil tod y 2,279
R.ceivjJ piev.oii.-.ly... 13,040
Shipped toihy l,'3f
Shh ped previous y .. 6135
Home consiimpuon to
Stock rnnDios: account
Thus far this week
Thus far la-t week
S nee September 1st
M. and O. R. R
M.AT. R. R.
L. and N. R. R
M & L. R. R. R
C, O.A8. W.R.R
L., N. O. & T. R. R.
Wagjus and o.her gjurcis ,
Thus far this week
Thus far lat week
Since September lit
M. AC. It. R
M. A T. R. R
L. A N. R. R
M. fc A B. R. R.
Total J, 136
New York pits opened easy, and
rWd qu et. Middling, 9e. ales,
iuonea. ynottttiorsn ere as follows
Ordinary f J
Good orditary. 8J
Ltw ra ddling 9 1-36
Middling 9
Goo i middling 9J
Middling fair.10 910
Fair ..ll 3-lfl
9 1-10
10 9 10
11 3 10
New York fu u-esopr.ed st a ly rd
cli sed easy. tSatts, 44,800 b des. The
chsiug quotations weio as follows:
9.10! 9.17
9 27(1 9.28
fl.lO-Tt 9.17
9.22(3) 9.23
9 27,t
9 34(.i 3 )
9 43 a, 9 44
9.5ir;i) 9 52
9.00(a) 9 01
9 0!); 9.70
9.77 9.78
9 85(i 9 80
9.91 9.92
fr.ct ma'kft
O tober
January ..
.33() 9,34
Febr mry. .. 9.42(?j .43
Marc 9.50( ) 9.51
April 9 59 .0 9.00
Mar 9.08f 9.(10
June 9 77 9.78
July 9 81',i, 5
August 9.91Ci) 9 92
Hi ptember
The New Orleans
opened essy, snd cofoi! quiet and
1 -1 tic lower. M'ddiing, 9 3-102. Ka'es,
500 ba ea. Quota vons wore as f iilowa:
Yesterday. Frldav.
Ordinary 7 1-16 7,
Gcod Ordiuarv 7 3 10 7j
l ow Middling 811-10 8ij
Middlinu 9 3-10 9t
Good Middling 9 7-10 9
The New Orleans future market
ceiled eteidy a d closed itaadv.
bales, 10,300 bales,
Quotations were
as follows:
October 8.92 9.93
November.. 8 8l(at 8 82
December 8.83 8.K4
January .... 8 92 8.93
February ... 9 03 9.04
Mrch 9.13 9.14
April 9.24(0 9.25
Ma;.. 9.35 9.30
June 9 45 9.46
uly 9 54 9.55
Augusr. OH
8 91 8 93
8 81 8.82
8 82.',i 8 83
8 91 8 92
9 0' 9.03
913(dJ 914
9.23 9.24
9.33 9.34
9.4t 9.45
9.52 9.54
I Tone
s eady
qui t.
6,917 s;
5 739
Norfolk ...
Biltim- r
e w York
PhiUd'a ..
St. Loui-.
Auenna ..J
24 9J
1,(91 9 3-16
fl m.
1,9671811 10,
Receipt at ports, thin day, 18S6..V 7.196
Receipts a , poits, this day, 1885..23,(I39
R'ts U. S
ti rts 1 dav
Ex. Gr. Br
R'tsfSept 1
FnrVn Ex.
Dtcreaae in teieipti tuis yiar ...42.0.0
Raceip'.s this week.
99 329
13 097
8n.e week in 1885
Suue week in 1884
Increase comp .red with 1885.,
Increase toa.pireu with 1884..
Shipment! this week
Sjme week ia 1885 ,
Same week in 1881
Inoease conipa ed with 1885..
Iucreass compared with 1884..
Ptock thisweok 72 64
Pa ne week in 1885 71,883
Satna week in 1884 49,497
Incrsese compared witu 1885... 772
Increase compared with 1884... 23 157
1886 170.084
1885 178.551
1884 Is0,554
The New York Financial Chronicle
nf October 2d gives the followinir
6ures: Total visibln snpply, 1,203,357
t-a'es, against 1,206 885 in 18S5. These
figures indicate a decrease of cotton in
sight of 3528 bales, as compared with
the same da'e in 1885, and a decrea se
of 288,344 bales as compared with same
date in 1884.
At noon: Liverpool snots were
dull, in buyer' favor, a'es, 7000
bales, of which Ameiii an 6000 bales.
Kc.Mipts, 8U00 ot wfiich Anu'ruar),
4801 balis.
Clcsini! ouotntiors wers ai follows:
Ordinery, 4 "d; goad ordinry,4jd ; low
muiiiji ng, ou i gooa mniaiiu",5ll-l6a;
midaline uplands, o 7-10J: middline
Orlean, 5jd.
The pricet are given inpencennd Gltht
Ola:- 4 G3 vumu 4 03-04d; and 5 01
mMn 5 1 61d.l
A', noon: Liverpool fnlures wsre
r'uil; O.tibr, 5 125 13d; Oitoher
November, 5 055 OOd; November-
L cember, 5 (;4t; UiCtimber-Janua-y.
5 04; Januiry-Febrnaiy, 5 Old; l'Vb-rua'y-Mjnb,
5 06d; March-April,
Odl; Apri!-.May, ; May-June,.
Atlp.tu.: Lve rool futures wera
firm; Ootob'r, 5 14d, selhis; Oc-tober-Noveinb
r, 5 081, eelhr.i; No-vember-DeceuiOir,
5 COd, sellers ; !) -
cember-Jjiiuary, 5 OOd, sellers: Jaa-
uary-heb uarr, h I'O J, s.lttr; Febru-ary-Manh,
5 07d, huyers; Mach-
AOII, 5 091, riuyars; Anr.l-Jlav.
5 lid, bujerBj May-June, 5 14d, buy
Cornmeal -Stsndfrd, $2 20(2 25:
peerl, J3 25(a 3 35; roller, $2 4:,,
Hay Choica, from etore, 75c: car
loaj from levee or depot, $12; prime,
f.om store, 70 .; cer loa frmi levee
or diqot, fllC" 11 60; prairie, from
str.re, 50c; tar lojd from levee or
depot, S7 60.
Corn From ptore,whlte,51c '.mixed,
48n, from levee or depot; white, in
bulk, 46c; in sacks, 49 j; dikiI, ia
bulk, 44c; in (aik, 47 c.
Oats From 8toie,white,30c; mixed, L
35c; irom levee or depot, white, in
bn k, 31 c; in sacks, 35c; mixed, in
bulk, 30c; in eacks, 33c
Bbak From store. 70(3; 75s; from
levee or depot, $12.
Flour Fiom mere, No. 3, $33 25;
family, $3 60 3 75; ctoi e, J3 754;
fancy, 44 25; extra fancy, f 4 i5
4 50; patents, 1 55 50.
Bkanb Navy. $2; medium, fl 50
1 75; common, $J 25; Gfinuu uiillc,
f I 201 4 .
Rick Louisuta, 45':; Cnro'ira
Oatmkal In half-b rrels, $3J3 25
iruiu Hiuro.
unAfmiu-oaa, ex-rw, 4c; sotia,
trebla extra, 4j; Irmon trackers, ex.
tra, 7c; lerui'ii c eam crackers, treb e
extia, (Jc; ginger snapp, extra, fie;
ginger s.ihi s, treDieex ra, tic; assorted
jumbles, 9c.
Crackkd Whbat In haif-barrels,
H zo irom siore.
Homint ano Gbits Fiom store,
13 153 ?5.
Kansas Citt. Mo, Oitobtr 2.
W'heet lower; No. 2 led, cexh, 61o
bid; November, 63"rt bd; May. 72c
bid. Cora weaker; No. 2, cash, 30c;
Novembar 31c bid; December, 3'jc
bid. Oa'a nominal; cath, 24c bid.
Ft. Locis, Mo., October 2. Fbnr
qniet and steady; XXX, $2 352 45;
fain ly, $2 002 75; chcioe, S3 h ;!);
fancy, i'3 40 3 50; extra Jan y,'$ i 60
8 J ; patents. $44 35. V tu tit ac
liva, t ut weak aLd hiwer. A Insist
from the very cpeoiug 'he tei deucy
was downward; tbe lfl ;es wers few
and inei)miticant,and ihi iidk t c'need
llja lower than yesterday ; Nii 2r. d,
cash, 7474c; Octolr,' 74741o,
closing at 74c, seminal; N.iveratur,
75J'a!70s, cl isicg At75c; D-ceiuber,
7878ijc, fleeing at 78c ask d; Alav,
8ti87Jc, ciceing at Wi;(As7o. Coin
w ate suit lower; th9 nui ket opened
woaS arid rulrd faiv during tl.o en
ti'e sspion, cloiing J He. Invier than
vpsterday: Ni. 2 mixcil, c kIi. 34c;
Octtber, 33Jc ti.l; November, 34 j -il
:)io, clos ug at 313c; Uecember. 35
fe3oc, closii gaf. 35c; h'ay.SitjfaMO?,
c:oiing at 39c Hsked. O.i's easy; Nn. 2
mixed, cosh, 2(i(a203c; Uc oliur,20go;
November, 271c; Dicmter. 28j;
May, 31 1 1. Rye firm t 49c. B.ir:ev.
00(i67c, fcjorjing to quilitv. Hny
qu'et and s'eady; praiiie, f9Tll0 50;
timothy, $1113 50. Flaxeeed vry
weakat98c. Uran easy eti'Jc. Corn
meal weak e t ! 90. Roci ints Flour.
400') brls; wheat, 19,000 bu; corn. i0.-
000 bu; oats. 21.100 nu; rye, 1000 bu;
tarley, 23,01.0 bu. Shipments Flour,
5000 brls; wh at, 12 000 bu: c-rn,
3000 bu; oat', 20UO bu; rye, ICOObu;
be. r ley, OJtO bu.
Chicago, III., October 2. The mar
kets all rultd weaker t xlsy. There
was free se ling in all the pits and the
closing fiiiures were the lowest in al
most every instance. In wr.eit there
was a denial of the report tnat pur-
th tees f. r expirt had been male yes
terday, and with a subsidence of tbe
war feeli'jg tf yeetirday the oflerirgj
of "long" properly btcims very fne,
pre '8 coding up about c under yes
unlay, lue leieipta couiinue fairly
hrgd and expo:t clearings very light.
Est males as to the visib e vaiied from
2,01 0,010 to 2 250,000 bushe s incrsaie.
Corn ruled weik and lower iu sym
pathy wi h wheat, snd owirg'o estim-
atsd la'gs receipts for next week.
Pricts declined ljdl'o and cioeed at
near y inside figures. Ia oats the de
cline for the day was jc, many of
tbe holdo'S throwing Urge quantities
n the market, llie lollowinir exhibits
the closing pr c;s for cash pronerties:
No. 2 whe.t, 72'72ji:; N.). 3
nheit, 08 jc; No. 2 red wheat,
4 Hi', 2 corn, 3 (035ic:
jn.i. a crri;, ;J3; no. Joals, XHto: JNo.
2 r,e, 48Ci48"c; No. 2 barley. 55jn:
Nj. 1 flaxseed, $1 03; prime timothy
Beed, $1 761 77. Tne following shows
urn r,,nirn it pticas I r on' ions:
Whea' October opener! at73c,rangrd
72l73c, iloiing at 72Jc; November
cpened at 75jc, ranged 7437ro,
ciosi c at 743c; December npaned at
771 a. ranged 70')771c, c'oslng at7(Uc;
May opened at 831c, ranged 83831u,
closing et 82Jc. Ocru Oct iber
opened tt 3tic, rang d 3536(c,
closirg et 35c; Novemb.r opened at
3Sc, ranged 37JS38c, closing at37n;
Deremb r opened at 39c, laoged 37
"9 ', closing Kt 37 jc ; May cpsned at
43 c, )ang"id 4243Jc, clewing at. 42 J?.
Oa'8-Oct bir opened et 24it, rangad
21124b, closing at 24c; Nnvemner
opened av. 2tilrt. rasged 153.0)261?,
closirg at 253.'; De ember opened at
27,-, rtnired26j27e, clo ini! at2(i'c;
M. y oiiereil st3IJ'-, tanged 3C231jc,
cl-'s cg at 303. IiHceipts Flour, 13,
000 brls; wheat, 74,000 1 u; corn, 194,
000 bu: cats, 132,000 bu; rje, 1000
bu ; barley, 101,000 bu. riiinmonts
FiLur. 12,000 brla; wbest. 42,01)0 bu;
enrn, 291 ,000 bu; oit, 103,000 bu; rye,
1000 bi, barley, 44,01)0 bu.
BrTTKR Bntterine,! 2 1 3c ; cream
ery, 22(a26n; dairy, 1018c; cciuatry
butter, 1516c.
Hoo Pkouucts Mei8 pork. $10 25
10 50; sunar cuted hams, 12i12c;
brnakfast ba"on. 8"9c; clear rib
fl'd-w Hajon, 7J(a7Jc; tiacon shoulders,
77'o; bulk pork clear sides, 7jjc;
clear ribside,7J7ja; sbouldera, 6jc;
long clear, 07c.
Labd tierces, 6c; hil'-barrels and
kests, 6Jc; choiie kettle, 74c.
Fbehu Meats No. 1 beet, 7c; mut
ton, 7c; hind quartets of hief, 8c;
lambs, 2 503 50.
Poultby Chickeos, $2(3;3
CHsmi Prime flts, 8c, nominal;
fnc'orv, 89,?, noniina' ; full cream,
1313c; young America, 1313e.
Pias Fbkt. Barrels, ft) 5010; half
t arred, $t 755; keg,$l 75.
St. Louis, Mo., ' OjtoVr 2 Pro
visions dull and eeaenllv 1 iwer. Pork
a ii u; steady, i9 75. Lud tay, $0 75.
Bilk m"atri we k 'oori lis: lnj
lnr and short rib', JO 75; s'io t e'ear,
$7 05 ; boxed !o s : iong elear and shs-t
ril e, $'180; short clear, Si 9J. Bacon
msy ion clear and slrrt r b',
$7 25; s'inrt, clear, $7 5). Ilann
et 'Bity, $1213 50. Bu t-ret aly aid
on handed ; creamery, 2 '(S25 i; cia-j ,
1020 Egs strong, J3j(" l5".
( iiica .", Ill, October 2. Pr -vi
i i:s wer veiy weak, mesi jiork
ee l n II 4045c on the wiioln rn(!e,
ra lied 7i' 10c ond cheed ijnii t, 1 limi
111 t r,g nut ly the last vtsftfO of tne
bn.un fiom ti" market. Ollerirgs 0!
lard were v ry f re a id price? declined
15 i2''c. Tha cl sing in all thon'tt
was dull an lea iv. Mchh nork, $8 87
9 pe: br'. Lud, S) 90(i per 100 l'le.
Dry Silt d sh )u:dms, b ixm!, S0
atioit clear side, bjxed, i7 057 10
l'he fo!loing shows ho ring- of
prices for op:ijns: M su pork Oa
t ber opeue! a', SO 25. rrgid
J8 809 2.", tlos;d tt :i8 87; No
vcmber 1 p.med nt St) '.2, tanged
$8 8!'9 2 , cl s"d at 8 87 ; Janna-y
nni-n.d at $10 27, inng-id S3
9 (
10 271, c'oBfrt at ?:) 97.1. l-ard Ot-1
tober opened at5 9', rn'mei $ 72
5 '.)'), cl vei tt $5 75; November
iipeutd at $3 92, rancid ,5 75'";5 92,
clo e t at $1 77 ; J innarv o, ened at
$6 H2, mined 16 870 02, closed at
e5 90. Shnrt rihs-Oc ob' r cpent-d at
$6 62, rargrd $6 62 a.0 (i ), closed at
116 65; Janua'V opened at i5 25,
tanged 35 10't' 2 closnd at $5 12.
Copras Common. 10c; ordinary,
10llc; prime Rio, 12l3a; choice
to fancy, 1314c; old government
H.iAP 3raw per pennd
8ait-$I Sk1 P(r barrel; Backs, fine,
fl 361 45; tt "?e l 10CI 15; pock.
eta, bleached, 1. t7c; car-loads from
levee or depot, 5c cneaper.
Cakdius Sticks, " siiap, in boxes.
pails and I arr.jls. 8(4 Jl -Oanoles
Fall weiw'bt, 99c.
jan sed .ioods, t.t 1 . iTices per
doin: I'uieapplfs, i .'.Kail 60;
peacbes, 2-lb, s'andard, $1 a 5 1 25 ; sre-
onl, Il(il 19; tomatoes, i- b stand
ard, 90 fl: 31t),$ll 15: .'trawbet
ries. $1 10 1 25; rasi berrie'S, J 10
120; b'ackberries, fl(a.l 10; green
gases, $1 r0l 75; pears, $2
a 25; plums, $1 60 1 70; epparsgu',
j tHKif i; green corn, JlOfll 3o; green
pea, f 1 65 1 65; cove oysters, full
weight, 1-lb, 8595c; cove oysters,
mil weignt, z-m. si BO(l 80; cove
oysters, light welgbt, 1-ib, 60j; cove
oyeters, light we'ght, 2lb, fl; con
rieneed milk Crown, $ MX-ilS 75;
r-aa e, 11 ow?' ya; Daisy, $ 7o.
Molasjas Lonieana, common to
far, 18((i)2ic; prime to choiie, 3040c ;
svrup, 2040c; common t fair.'20W
25!; prime to choice, 3035o; centrif
ugal, fancy, 3233i.
Tobm?co Ctimmon, 11-inch, 27
28c; ctber grades and B'vles, 3)(J85i;.
Snuff ('arre't's, $10 85 pr i-n8;
Ralph's, fit) 25 per tnie; R. R , $9 25
10; Gail A Ax's, $8 75.
Si-cur Pura white. 05fVi'6i; eff
white, 6j(V6i!; yellnw clar,ftod, 6
(l"i?; open, kelt'ei 661c; refined A,
is; iiritniilet d. 6"c; powdired, 7
7t; cut loaf, 78.
Nkw York, Onteber 2 CifTee spot
fa r R.o quitt; optioi s 10(iiM5c pniu's
lower and fairly aotve; su'es, 22,000
bajn : 0.t.,bwr, 9 55 ; November, 9 40c ;
December, 9.30c; January, P'Cn. 9 30c;
Febrnary, 9Ji; March, !49.30a;
April, 3'V; May, 930935c. Kngr
duo and nominal ; ri fined quiet. Mo
lusseB quiet snd nutnlnal.
Apples A np'es, fl 502 50; dried
anples, lj:lu pound from store.
Drid peaihe, 2J3a fnm stnre,
Vkoktadlks Onions, J3 from
s ori. Cahb.'ge,$250;rierlie.ul,910;
$1 75 from levee or depot per cat.
Kraut, brls, $8; half brl, $;!3 25.
Garlic, 4060d per 100. Turnips, 60o
per bushel.
Fbpit Omane8, per box, 5; per
barrel, 9. Ietnnns, 6 5',)(iu7 per box.
Bunanap, fl 602 60 per bunch.
Cccoanntu, J5 pr 100. Peanu'e Vir
ginia, 7c; Tennessee, farmor's etock,
34c; roasted, 2n higher; tbelled
10c. Almindi, 1820'
Raimns London layeis, f.3 40; lay-
er, f2 75; Caiitorais, ; Imperial,
S3 50 4.
Pii'KlHs In jars, pints, 05b; quatts,
$1 60 ; half-gallons, $2 75 ; tallons,$3 75;
lcoe, barrels, $0 507; ha:f-barrals,
$i 75 4 ; mixed, barrels, f 10 50 ; mixed,
naif-barrels, $0.
PoTATois-New, $1 25l 50; North
ern et-ck, $1 752.
Pkcans Texs, 810s f jr small to
rnodiun, 1014e for large: Aikaaeas.
Jiimii Mackerel, half-barrels. No. 1.
$5 25 75; No. 2,$4 755; No. 3,f4 25
475; 10-)b kit, No. 1,90c; No. 2, 75c;
151b, No. 3, 65c. Dry herrings, fam
ily, 25c per box.
Walnuti trench, 12c; Naples,15c:
Grenoble, 15c. Filberts, 12c.
Game Game fnh, ll12c.
Euqs Scatce, 1718i;.
In cur lonl lots: Piime crude
cotton seed oil, new, 2830c; off
cmde cottrn saed oil, old, 24
26a; prime summer yellow cot
ton seed oil, 3ii37c; off summer
yellow cotton teed oil, 31JJc; miu
ert,' sumnur yellow cotton eeed oil,
3335n; prime tummer while cotton
seed oil, 35c; cludce cooking yellow
cottonseed oil, 37J'ii 40e; piitue cotton
said meal, S14 50 15; oil' cotton teed
meal, f 13 I .
Bahoino Jute. 2 lbs. 8c: 1 lbp,
7jn; 1 Us, 7u. Flax, 8 lbj, 9i.
Tins-Si 051 10.
Nail Common, $2 202 2"; steel,
$2 35" 2 5 ).
Powdkr -K gi. f 4 ; bnlf kegs, $2 25 ;
quarter kegs $1 25
Clear tub washed, 31303; greaie
w -ol, 2326c; butry wool, 1318c.
St. Ixuis, Mo., October 2 Wcol
active and firm, but nut quolaby
rr.TBoi.Eiin hiruet.
Coal Oil Prime white, wholtsale
lot", 11c per gal on.
Clbvkland, O. October 2. Petro
leum 3. W. 110, 7!
PiTTHiniBO, Pa, Ocober 2. Pet-oleum
dull ; National Transit cert) fl a'es
opened at 62"c; clos'd at 62'c; high
eet, 63jc; lowest, 62Sc.
Whisky Straight Kentucky Boar
bin, $1 505; redistilled goods from
85ctifl50, according to proof; rye,
f 1 760.
Chicaoo, III,, October 2. Whisky
steady, $1 17.
St. Lews, mo., wctonar "5. wnmiiy
stronger, $t 13.
Cincinnati, O , Octibsr 2. WhiBky
steady and firm; sales of 017 barrels
of finished good on a bsnis of $1 13.
Cho'ce to extra corn fed cattle, none
received ; pood, none received.
Grass Oattl Choice, 3J3e;
(food, 23c; fair to medium, 2
2c; scllawflgs, lle.
1 Ions - Otioice,4l4c ; good,3J4c ;
common, 331a-
Shkki' Choice, 313c: medium, 2J
'lc; common, flfml 50. Choice
lambs, per pound, 4l4jc.
Kansas City, Mo., Octobsr 2.
The Live S'eck Indicator repoits: Cattle
recei pts,1206 head ; e hipments, none ;
market bettur. but not quotably high
er; good to cho'ce, f 4 4 60; comm: n
to medium, $3 3('(ii390; stockers, $2 25
02 75; fuedMi. $2 8il360; cnwa.f 1 50
(i'i 60; grar-s rang.t st. ea, $2 253 JO.
II gs recoip's, 3264 bend; ehipinen's,
ln4 head; n-arket etrong snd a shale
holier; gor.dt i choice, $4 20f 4 35;
com iron to medium, 4W4 15 ; graseri
and p'gi, $3 60 3 95. Sheep leuuints,
rone ; shipnaetts, nore; markot quitt;
go id to ct.oic, $2 503; ctiinmcn to
medium, $1 t02 25
Chicago, In.., O.itober 2. The
Diovert' Journal repoit-t: Cattle re
ce'uts. 20) head;' ehinnnnts, (1!)0
Lea I; mark"t slow rn1 etcady; ship
ping steo'8, 950 to 1500 lb. 43 40
5; sockets cnl feeder", f?'l 0;
cows, hulls end mixed, $1 25(iV15;
bnU, f2 4i'2 65, throng 1 Tixs
(ate etroni; r: cows. f2 252 63;
steers, $2 7'3 30; Western ranger
nutives arl lia t I r' e.l'i, tw.4 ;
'cows, 2 40 .t'3 90; wintered Texns,
52 9i) 3 50 ; Montana lisx uri, U 10
3 30; VVvrninit lxaos, $3 25; D. k 'a
Ti xans, $2 80C")3 20 Htgi-te e p'e,
10,100 be d; shipmentt, 50:'0 lual;
matket 1 trorg'r, 5(10c higher; rough
and mixed. $1 H0f4 25; packing and
shipping, f4 054 60: liiiht we'ght',
$3 604 50; shin, 12 303 50. S leep
receiipt", 2600 hi a 1 ; shipment, 800
bend; ma'ke' strins; natives, $2ia4;
Western, $3 40 A3 0 ); Texans, $2 40
3 10; lambs, $3 60 4 53.
Vlcktborg .C'T sir Vicasmas, It t.t
FrlrPolnt......Jtiu8 Lai, 5 p.m.
ArkininuCitT........KiTi Adams, 5 p.m.
Oteeola. ..Cnino. S p.m.
Tiptoiville CiiKuriiH, $ p.m.
ArkkBuai Hirer. ...Jul PrtiRn, 5 p.m.
8t. FrrjclRiver....Rn FnarKtt, ip.m.
Vlokaburs I1kll MnvraiH, 10 m.
St. Lonii D. tt. P0W111.L. ID A.m.
White Hirer -..Chihiasaw, 5 D.m.
rni(i. Alberta No. 3 Whita
river: mil Aran ur. LoBHvilla: Ciiv
of Cairo, Ht. Lin is.
2Viorrtrt Phil Armonr. Vint..
bnrg;Citrof Cairo, Vicktbuig; Al
berta No. 3, White river.
Iloat in Fort Ed Foster.
ISoat Due Down. Coahoma. Chnt.
peake and City of Vickebutg.
- Kerrlpla Trulrrdny.
Alberta No. 3212 baies cotton. 2-tR
ski eeed and 6 pkgs sundries.
r.nqturer 31 bales cotton. 31 1jm
seed cotton and 60 eks teed.
Phil Armour 48 di 1 ulneim. 359
baH s straw and 25 brls vinegar.
City of Cairo-00 bales cnttrn. lomi
ekj eeed and 2' 85 pkgs snruli ita.
i his Ci irkainw. ( not. V. (1.
U the Weduesday ptuket f jr Wliite
Tub E I Foster. Cant. O. K. Jm'in
is the Tuetday patket for St. Francis
riror. ,
Tub Anchor Lino picke's Tuesday
tuo the Belle Mumphm for V ck:lmrg
am 11. n. i-owell lur Mt. Louis.
Tub Coahoma, Capt, Hniry Coper.
is the packet Moih1.iv evenimr at 6
otWk for O eno'a and the unner
bamls. Wm. Smittier is in her ollice.
Tim City of Viik hurir. Cat t Dm
Able, is the Anchor Lina pat kot this
1110:11 ng at 10 u'c oi k for Vickahnrir
and f e beuiiB. Geo. Walton is her
c erk.
Tub James L-e. ( apt Thomas Clno-
gett. is th picket Monday evening at
6 o'clock for Helena, Fii.ua Point and
all wav landings. Will Ashfotd is in
be' ollics.
Tub Joo Peters. Cnnt. K. B. Smith.
Is the picket TucbiIav evenimr at 6
o'click fir al poit.ti 011 Arkansns
nver, going through ti Pine BluU.
Chas. MiiiBu'tnau ii in her ollice.
Tub Chesapeake. Cant W. P. Hall.
Mthe packet. Monday evening at 6
o'll ck for llale-s Point, Tiptonville
and all way landing. Col. J. D. Fill
er has charge ot her ollice. a staled bv
Saba Fields and B, O. Michell.
Tub Kate Adams. Cant. Mark It
Cheek, is the Uuiicd Mites mail
iaeiTHt Monday evenit g at 6 o clock
'or Helena, AtkinaiCnv and all wav
landing. W. C. Blanker bai charge
of her of Hue, sssieted by Lew Price and
morris uans.
BiHiKMS fair.
Wbatbbb clesr and cool.
Tub river here is on a ttand. with 5
and 4 tenths feet on tho gauge.
Rbihipts by river vestsrdav: 303
bales of cotton, 31 biigst f Bred cotton
and 1235 sacks ol sead.
Tub Gayoso er.tuis ths Memphis
and Concordia trade, leaving bete
Tuesdays and Saturdayp.
Tub rial Armonr and bat ores twsod
down yeatenlav momina lor Vicks-
burg. Siie pu', off her,! 427 packages
01 lreignt. Tbe Armour was lomcrly
the T. 1). Fits.
Tub City rf Cairo pss'o.l down last
evenirg for Vicksburjr. (Shed sclmrged
here 60 hsles cut'on, 101)0 B.tcka feed,
2600 taikagea sumiii e, and added 40
tons fur points down below.
Thb Allieria No. 3 a' rived yoiterdav
mrroing from White river with 212
bales cott.in, 235 fai ki sood. bit sun
drits She rshlppod at Terrane 36
baltB cotton for New O leans and re
turned to White river last evening
with a good trip.
Orncs SiiiNAl HkhVicb, U. 8. A., 1
Mkmi'hi?, October 2, 1 p.m.
The fuItnwingobFervatirmsaie taken
at a I s'ations named at 75s meridian
1 1110, which is one heiir fa ter ttian
Meinph'H tinim
Ab've L iw
Fort f-iiiilh
L Crotss
Little Rock
New Orleans...
Kt. Louie
St. Paul
Innar l.lno-Keet and tontba of foot
ad ve lero of (huko:
Cairo, 40 feet.
finrlnnRti, dS.
Puhuue, lti.
Keokuk, 14.
I,Hiroie, 21.
Little Kn.k, tl.
Metnphin, 31.
Nanhrille, 41.
OiiiHha, 18.
R Louit. 32.
Hlireveport, 2.
rhntlnnenRt, S3 foot.
IlAvenport, ir.
llolnnm, .
LoHvenwnrth, 2t.
l,iiul-vil, 'i6.
Mr Or!i.un, 13,2.
fUf'tiarir, ti.
t-t. Haul, 7.
Viekiilturir. 41.
Ymiktun. 114.
Pitthbchm, l'A .Octo'ior 2. Noon
River 5 frit 5 ii chrs on the iraugs and
falling. WeMther clear snd ccol.
Cincinnati, O.,.0i:toher 2. Noon
River 5 feei 10 inches on the gunge and
filling. Wiather clear; thermrmetcr
. Wubuuno, W. Va., October 2.
Noon River 5 feet lOinctei on the
gatigij and falling. Weather cleitr aud
Louihv!Li.r. Ky () tiber 2. Noon
River 4 feet 1 1 ini'hi s in lt.ti cmu.1 and
2 ,'ee' 9 inches on the lal'n and rihirg.
Business dull Weather clear and cold.
Cairo, Ii.i..,()i tcbnr 2. Noon Ri v, r
ft feet 3 itichesoti tie vauneand lisicg.
We.' tber clear and cool. No arrival of
regular pick'!-'. liiirtd: Future
City and Vrisre.New Or iane, ft a.m.;
(Hvnf Viek it' l'U.Vi, ltf.!.nrif. 4 e.tn.
Insiilrei.l Ignite Administrator's
Offlio Publie AHiuinietratiir, Shelby County
durtliou:e, MomeiUiii, leao., tioplember
S, ixi.
niUK underniir.eit hny m been appointed
L and iiinliliu I k I n. i n ie i rut' r of the aKtata
of W. 1'. Prynr, dero uod. Dntioe 1 hereby
giren to all perflnus inilehted to laid efltHta
to noma forward and etle; and tt thoae
to whom raid estate la Indebted to S tbatr
elalnn with the O erk and Mnater ol the
Chanoery Court, duly probated, within tb
time preaerihed by law, or the tame will b
Xirbrr.d. J01iN LOAUUU.
Pmbllo AdtaiB Itraror.
HI. l.onla and New Orl-au A arbor
l.lno-D.N. Mnll-POR VICKbBLltU.
City of Yicksbura, K"r,
! A bio maater. -J52T
Will leave tbe Kler.itor 8UNDA1, Oot.
3d, at 10a.m. lor freight or piunnce apply
C. h. IU'.i.. l-aaa. Art. AT) 8T0HM. Snp''.
B. I.ODla and New Orlrnna Anrhnr
l.tul. ai. MmII.-FOR VICKBDOKU.
Belle Memphis,
eo. l)ker. ma.ter.-S
Will le'iro the Kloyator TUtsDAY, Oot.
. in, ni jo a.m. ror trenrnr or paraffe pop y
' ).. Hit,-. Pa.. A't. AT) Kl
e i ii . ,
For Hiokman, Cairo, fit. Lonla and all Wav
l.uh,lin.-Tl,. . . . -.
. ........ .uoi gii,Lt,wiusr
ViW... ...
Will ,1,. 1.1 .' mri m . ,. . I
6trj, at 10 B.nj. For freight or paaiat apply
C. L. IUi.i , Pan.. Art. A 1 RloHM. Snp't.
For Oaoaola, llalei Point, Oaratherrytlla,
"' iipionrine am new iidw
wheel paiRenger iteaver
S:,P',llft" maater. J. I). Fuller oltrk
will tore aa above, and all war point!.
v&ni AtUiiiJAt and TUUKhDAY at
p or i reign t or ininn apply nn hoard .
M niinU,l-'rlitra I'uint nncl Mfmptau
at'l I'licktl llDainaar.
for Helena. Ulendale, Friara Point and al
nay L.aii,iinge Dtaanar
elaitus S,ee,
Will leivo anab. veon HVKRY MONDAY.
WKU-NliSUAV and Kll)AV atSo'oiock.
for Kandolph, Fallon, Oroeoln an
ivnouia ouaioer
J. II. OOOPKR .Mter.
and FRIDAY at 6 p.m. The boat! ol thl
line rosorva the right to pnni all Unilingi
the ntptain may dcrin ntaiila. nfllce, No. 6
AUili-on t. .IAiMS I.KK, .la , "iin't.
Arkansas Itlvcr Plt't Co.
. K. II. Hmith matter, JmifW
Leave! Memi hi! Kvery TOKSllA Y, at IS p.ia
, . U. C. LOWK, Agent,
OStre, No 1 ViHon t Tele'ibone No j.
Meir.plils and Vlckstinrg 1'achrtCon
imuy U. S..lufl Line.
For Helena, donoordia, Terrene and Arkan
A9 ititv The etrgnt pixsiinger itenir-ai
M. R. Cheek. ..mailer I W. O. Blanker...rlerk
l,eveii Matuphi!
MONDAY AND iltVltm.lf AT 5 P.M.
For Coneordia and all wiy landing!.
Tbe Mrntuer
A. L. CtimminF, Maii'r I Lew Prire O ark
LeitvealX'K-lUY and 8A I'll RDAY atS p.B
For general Iniortiifciion apply at
Nu. 4 lUuUiion .tree'.
1Q11T (AH. P...V l,.nt . TelMnhona ,tS.
Tim St. Frauds Rlvor Transportnttoi
Co.'i Fine Blde-W heel U. ij. Mull Hteani
Md Foster, r.-"
O. K. Joplln.. nii.rter, '
at 8 o'clock, for . V.arlantia, the Cnt-0!f.ai4
Intermediate landing on tit. Franoli river.
The naptain renerve? the right to y vii al
landing! ha deem! uniiafo. J AS. LkU, Jr.,
MempliiH& White Hirer 1'kt.Co
for 4'lnrendnn, Dttynlla Rlnlt,, na
Are, Augaata, ejearoy, Newport, Jaoklon
port. Uatn.ville "iiJ all Way Landing!,
R. O. Fontal m an ter,
Will leave IS VERY WKDNKHDAY at' p.m.
Albert It. Hmith rea-ter. 1
Will leave KVivRY HAllJRDAY at R p.m.
Through rate! given to all point". Freight
rnnaigned to the iMe i nhl! and While River
Packet Co., at Meiupbiii or Terrene, will be
forwarded promptly. For general inform
tlnn apply at olhYe, No 3 Mailixin at., ort
dull Telephone II. O. I.OVVK!, Ag't.
Copartnership Notice.
TIIIC undersigned In re formed a eopart
nerKhip, dating from the i'h Inntant,
under tbe Drin name and atyla of DKAN A
LlliLY, for tbe purporo ol eondutiting a
WholoKale tofloe. Tea and Cpire baninem at
2ift Main atreet, l.ee ltlork, Meiiiphii, Tenn.
The burlne! will be conducted at P.ll Poplar
street until the mao .tnery and Ixtartiat
the new stand are ooinplMed.
W 11,1,1AM
. . :mw . -
.lfl,i!M l.ll.l.T
aiiMi'Uio. Beptember ML WHi.
Wlt.t.tAU DltK.
W.ltS Lll.LT.
Coffee Roasters,
and ancles,
205 Main St. (Lee Block)
91 KM I'll IP, TF.N1V.
WE, the undersigned, having bought th
entire bueini-aa f inaniifnoturing
Farniture, Mattresses, Awnlng, Tenta, etc.
Irom Henry Uuttenberg, would respectfully
ask a share of your patronage, knowing full
well that, ' rom long rgpnrienoe, we can and
wlllwive entire satisfaction to all work en
trusted to us. We will be ready at all tinea
to furnish Awnings, Tents, Paulina and all
kind! of eanval work ; make all kinds of Brit
elasi Mattresses i repnir, varnixh and make
all kinds of Furniture: reapholster Parlor
(Sulls, and dellrer genila free of eha'ge. Car
pets renorated io tbe true Persian tyle. All
work done promptly and at living pnoeg.
H. Hllltfiib' rit ., al srrsiill,
Itookhridue Co., Va. High up in the
Virginia inountu ins. Pintaresiiuesurroand
ings, extensive and beautifully shaded lawn.
(Ins, eleotrin belli, and all modern Improve
ment!. Two daily mulls, post, telegraph and
egprera offioes on the premises. Table the
very best. Luxuriously turtiished roomit
lui erh band of mixlo. Kend for illustrated
pamphlet. Charge' moderate. Open fur vis
itors, June 15th. Vufor.: Af'tm, C'Aafgoeule
and .frtflHw. R.T. W H.lvl alHON.Man'r.
Among the Northern Lakec
of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, are ban.
dreds of delightful place whore oue can past
the suinmnr months in quiet ret and enjoy,
merit, and return home at tbe end of the
heated tortu complrtjiy rojnvenated. Eack
recurring stoinon bririgs to tloonomowoo,
Waukesha, Heaver Diiin, Krontenan, Oko
boli, jViinnctonka, While Hear, and inna
merahlo oihrr charming Inonlitiea with ro
mantic natnt'S, tuoiisiinit of our best people,
whose wiiner homes are on either side ot Ma
sn and Dixon's One. Elegance anil com
fort, at a uiodere'e coat, cun be readily ob
tained. A list of summer bouies, with all
necessary inform ion porta! ping thereto, ii
hoing distributed by the Uuicaiio, Milwio
(l and Wt. 1'aui. IvAitwiT, and will beien
free upon applicant n by letter to A. V.
Oartenter, llunernl Passer ger Agent, Ml
ws.nk.e. ivi. t
iiii.ltNiiliif Police.
No.tW.i, R. D. In the Chancery Court of
r-ni.'iny vouniy. iu,i. - .,
gunrdinn. etc., vs. Mry Mcl iirlhy.
!. . fr.., Kin .worn to in thlseaus
u .. ... .i. ...... i,.-, Vi.rv .McL'nrihv. ia a
resident of Franalln cunty. nre ol Ohio,
anil a uon-rosiueni oi m
"li ia Iherefoie ordered. That she make
her appearance hrnin, at the ei.urthousj
oi Sholby county, in Mo . m.I.is. renn., on or
bofore t'.e fir.t Slotiday in October, H'll, and
plena, answer "r .. ;
ant hi I. or mo .nmo w"' "
?,?nlfe..ed a. br -nd fa.t heanng
parte; ami mat a ru,,j 7'.tiM
ished nee a w e, f t lour ii-.'ce!siva
weeks, in the Mempt.il Appeal. Toll 4th
dM of Serteo,ber, ItWi. A copy attest
B. i. McDOWkLU C erk and Muter.
B. H. F. Walsh, Deputy C.
Byrot PaU. Bolt, for empl at. tua.

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