H i , . , ' , ESTABLISHED 1840. MEMPHIS TENN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1886. FOL. XL VI NO. SOS Tbi right thing to da with tha con vict labor of the Stats U to employ it in making pab'io highways Jhat will assist in the ip'd eettlement cl the Etate and teciliUte iU internal trade tad commerce. Tennessee hfs to legal or fast r?ght to leate the con- ticte to any man for any purpose, and when efee does it it is on the principle ol the robber Might, who jattifies any tnfasy to himself. We want to slaves or masters in Tennessee, -nor anything that fci lint i in either dh'eslon. Let TiBave dare with convict leaeaa. Tn Canard St. amah'p Company, of ILiverpDol and New York, propose puttina on a line of Tery fast eteamer j 'between London arOer Yoik, eash of theve.-Be'e of tio'fljetto be tap plied with double screws, and barn ga for fuel Instead t)f coal. Tfce gis is to be aopplied from gas meters iu London, and is tote made by a new American patent from craJe petro learn. It is ptcposed in this way greatly to lessen the expense for f set, for firemen and 'the space now oc cupied by cod, measuring on the present Canaders 3510 tons. This will be a revo'c'.lon, indeed. Tin people a! Charleston are stand' ing in their own light when tby at tempt by le&ifl'ation to pr vont the ne groes from -organiilcg labor assenv blie. Already, tit one reeson or another, thousands of them are lear ing that State for the Sjathweat, and this sort of slave -code legislation will have a tendency to increase thbir numbers nd accelerate the speed of thtir departure. Brides this wrong, there iaio'f illow to the whole South the i fleet of the cy that will be set np that thd Democrats are determined to re-eneiave tne negro, auey are free, and elioalJ not be interfered with in aoy of thtir orgatf e itions so long as they do not infract the peace of the fctate. Thc 3a?t Tennessee Democrats, led by the 'Knoxville yribtine, propoajd ' last fall to bold a caucus for the pur pose of selecting a nominee for Gov ernor, the other grand division) of the . BUte having conceded the candidate to them. Jus' before the convention met the caucus was held at Na hville, aod Col. McCcnnell, of Oiiat'anooga, was se lected as' East Tennessee's choke for Governor. Bat the coevsntiAi ro fu?ed to endorse the caucus in any way, and after a few ballote nominated Bob Taylor, who refused (o go into caucus, thus efl'aciually repudiation it in the name of the Democracy of the Elate. Tea defeat of Mr. Morrison tot the third time proves that the free trade Democrats in the Houss cannot cope with 'the minority protectionists, bacbod by the Republican member?, and that if the tariff reform is to come, which nearly ail parties admit is csterrtiol, it must be throngh a com promise measure that -will meet the views of both extremes on the tariff question. To effict this Mr. Randall and ir. Morrison should hold a con foronce at an early day and rgrae upono Dill tna', will secure taO lull voted the Democratic side of the ' Uooae. The people are anxious and clainorons for tariff ref-rai, and the Democratic party moat, acting cp , , ... . , r I to the pledges of the Chicuzo rd.it- form, secure it fur tbsm. m 1 1 - . .. 1 unoenying canso 01 tna parse- cutlon ot tue liov. Dr. McCHrnn, p.e the Italian correspondent of the New York rtmMputn it, is the jaalouty of the preBent Archbishop-of New York. who regards him as altogether too large a man for the Archdiocese to hold with hlmfi!f. Thss nonnnt,nn of the good Doctor with Esnry George is merely made the pretartfor hissns- nonktm. r : M. a .,;nnp i.;n 1 1 : 1 1 , u'vimaio uveimrir.v. we caoieas we cannot I credit this statement. Archbishop Corrlgan could not Stoop U) persecute hrothsir nilpat ond If ,..(!,! mA u I -s " w on iiutqu abviuv wuuiu UO.prUlIipi J I prevent the unlawful fierciee of the I power it has lodged in him. . . .. mmm lmmmt I Evbbt now and then paper, north 01 na taste up "tne servant airl nues, I ..,.,.,. , . I linn " n r rt HaI.i1 n. an .maah A fiA I . ,' . I fault, and DonrontDolltaanathflmaa- I then Ihey subside, and the evil goes on unchecked. The New York Tribune I is heading such a crusade just new. T4 at.i. 1... siuua uoTvuub Bir.o w vs n iiiueoas lot, and among their Other faults they are too highly paid. This lSt Com- piaim comes wun an ill grace from a I paper that is si prominent in itac:aim I to be a benevo'ert supporter and pic- tecUr of American lahnr. Th TA. points out how ill the labor of sewing girls and others 1a paid, and asks why thev do not arcnt cronH w.noa an A I . 1 . 1 .1 v i. . , , , plentiful food by becoming household servant. Our American girls are not tZ- "nJlL t!)n8ti0I,al common tense, and with it they com- bine some degree of personal pride. xneir sense wouia induce tnem to ac- names, capt Ihs better pay and living, "Love your enemy, bless your haters," said bnt their self respect cannot en- rh,"i.,t,.Uirete,t o( the.iJrett: , . , , rinra ska k , j Christian love among the churohes looked ante tne arrogance, the cold, the twin of heathen hate. " measured tones and icy etare accorded p,m ., ..,, the servant. Too often the work of Fro,Be.,0,ffis,.ifn.,c0ur"!n,r B,SB Ud the servant is never done.foften tha Bone of Caesar. nme 01 Peter wkioh was servant's table is most coarsely pr crueler, whioh was worstt vided and their room accommodations Franc, had shown a light to all men, miserably deficiett, while their liberty cuiutmri f Ai0TJ ' wm'f'. . , isnngeneroaalyraetricted. Thetearo .gSCT,!,' witTbfoot,ek,d nd good and kind mUtre.ices, but there ire nnr,.w....e h. m..n(.i. . n too many who are the 'reverse, who DopTirtr."a0ynbeh,un,,nou,,t',ln wtohln'5 make the kitchen a sheol, and the Crowned with sunlight over darkness from servant's Lfe a bitter portion. If the the stiiiunrison sun. JVi'fcune ctn jierruade harsh and over- IIllv T',,"0"? VTl be)rord the paiom bearing mistresses to treat th air de- Kill your enemy.'' for y7 hatohlm? Still penaenU as f show creatures, the po.4- r"' enemy war a man. tion of hou-e servant will erase to be Have we aunk bo'ow them? Peasants maim the ha'e'nl botbear to the trirlfi ttiat it r theholpieaahorasanJdriv. iano wui.uer w tue guia mat H Innocent caitle under fhutch and bura the 13 B0' kindlier brutes alive. LORD THHSOJ'S LiST GREAT POEM, BT CABLE AXD mas. The Literary Senoatioo of the Closla? DarsOof the Eventful Tear, 1SSC. Ljnook. Dicember 21. The follow 'pr ia tie camp)et textof L rd A'fred Teanyson's pnt-m, jnt now tho literary lenfa ion lo MipiHrin. LOt'KSLEY IS al l. SIXTY TEARS 1II1H. Lite, my r'andson; half the morning hard Sitoed thts sands trusts, ad twain the hollow ridges roajlng into aiamcts ; Waisrd back to living- boyhood while I h-ard ih. curlew's end : I, aynlr, so olose on death, asd death Itself in lAokalei nail. S yrur happy suit was blasted sh the faultieaa. tbe divine And 70a liken boyish babble this boy-love oi your, w.io mine, I, myself, hare often babbled, donbtleis, of a loolish part; Bibb'e, babble our old England may go town la Dibble at lait. Curse him, curse yonr fellow-victim oall him dotard in your ram; Eyes hat Jured a dotinic bohood well might lool a dotards .get Jiltsd for a wealthier, wealthlari ret per haps ahe wai no wise, I remember ho.yjn kissed the minatore wiih those sweet eyes. In the hall there hangs a painting, Amy's arnia aooui my dock, Bappy children in , sunbeam sitting on the iids 01 wreca. In my 11 'e there was a pioture she that eia-pea my neon Da 1 How u ; I was left within the shadow, sitting on the wreca. auoue. Yours has beea a slighter ailment! will you You? not you. your modern amourist is of eas er, earitn.r make. Amvloredm. Atnv vu & tlmM i.htM . But yoor Judith, but your worldliag,sbe had never unreu uio wiiu , Ehe that holds the diamond necklaee dearer than the golden ring. She that finds a wiuier sunset fairer than a morn o: spring, She that In her heart Is brooding on his briefer loa'ecf life. While (he vows "Till Deth Shall Part" she the would-be widow wile; She the worldling born of worldlings father, mother, b. content; Even the bnmely fivra can teach us thore is something in descent. Yonder In that chirel, (lowly sinking now inui the ground, Lies the warrior, my lore father, with his feet upon the houod. Crossed for once, he sailed the sea, to crush the Moslem in his pride ; Dead the warrior, do nil his glory, dead the cause in which ho died. Yet how often I and Amy in the mouldering aisle have stood, Qaitns for one pensive moment on Lhat lo J oiler of our blood. There again I stood today and where of old we knelt in prayer. Close heneith the easement crimson, with the shield of Leckjley there. All in white Italian marble, looking still as if she smiled, Lies my Amy. ded in childbirth, aoad the mother, dead the child. Bead, and sixty Tears ago; and dead her aged hnsoand now. I, this old, white-headed dreamer, stoopod ana kissou ner murine brow. Clone the tree of youth, the follies, furies, curses, iiasslonate tears. Gone like fires and floods and earthquakes of sue pianes aawaing roars ; Fires that shook me ones, bat now to silent asbes fallen away, -Cold upon tbedead roletno sleeps the gleam oiayingaay; Oone the tyrant of my youth, and mute bo low tho chancel stones. All "his virtues" I forgive them, bliok in white above his bones. Gone thecorarados of my bivouac some in finht airainst tli. fi. Some throutu asre and alow diseases gone, as an oa cana win ku. Gone, with whom for forty years my Ilfo in sroldon aeiiuttnu. tun. Ehe, with all ihe chutm ot woman, she with an 1 no ureatun oi man. E'ron in will, and rich la wisdom, Ki Kdlth Feminine t. her inmost lieart, and feminln VeTJ7nTu a? Jd mind' uurse r ""' 61la that linked main th broken chain that , , Ilore today was Amy wiih me while I wan riorrd down t.h .t. iiotr u uuiid i amy iuuuijiffliiiD at Uio ouijiiuir gaust. QoH oar sailor son, thy father Leonard Thou alone, my boy. of Amy's kin and mine enriy 10BIUT sea. 10 mo- Oone thy tontlsr-nntured mother, wearyin Tining lor the stronger heart that once had Truth - for truth is truth-he worshipt, bein Good lor good is good -h. followed, yetb look'd b3yond ,he 'v- WliJSnteT0srftu.t" b" D,om.lbi,i.or?!:'iraf'0 raua' closing eur- Bcaitiful was death In him who saw the ueatn out aein mo ueca. '"wUh'th.Sinkin'g'w" "d ,ink"" Gone forever-ever? No I Forainoeour dy ingraos began. Bver, ever, and torever was the loading light Ul UJBU. Thothat in birbarian burlalj kllleJ tb Mt ;i?hinTemv..e th.V.cr.d passion o; the seoond liio. Indi7d,,T.,do"dThe0nig,h0t?,er huntl,,, n" austraimo, uymg, hopes ha shall return awhi e. Truth for truth and good for good? I rood? Tha trim. th n,if .v-;... Tak,cru,mor.rintf"du'trom th,ai "d th, Gone the cry of "Forward! forward!" lost r " roin aioom, Lost.oronly heard in eilence fromthesi- leuce 01 a tomo ; Half the marvels of my morning triumphs St.l.dTy' 'fru'.'n'oJr.unk byn.ageinto vuuiui.ui cuunnonpiace. "forward!" rang He voices then, and of tha us hu-h this ory of "Wwardl" till ten tuoueanu years nave gone Far,K?nn.VwoVdnii.h;1 ra0M M A,"tiatt p BertS0Wetori the' while la Asla.he that led the wild Moguls. Tta"iiou!lindnuV.V.k,Slit,0.w" of ,iih" Then and her. In Edward's time, .a age of noblest English names, ' 0 w 01 Christian conouerora took and flung tha Brute 1 The brutrs are not your wroagers buret at snidnicht. found at mora. Twisted hard in mortal agony, with their onsprmg born unborn. Clinglag to the sll.nt mother. Are we devils? are w wear Bweetbt Ftanoit f Assist wants) that were here again, He that to his Catholic holiness uied to call the v.ry flowers Sisters, brothers, and the beasts whose pains Are baraiy less than oute. Chaos, cosmos I Cosmos, rhaost Who i t.ll how all will .ml? Bead h. wide world's annals, yu, and take Hope the best, but hold the present fatal uaugm.r 01 in. past ; Shape your heait to lnLt tbi hour, but aream not mat lae Hour will last. Aye, if dynamite and revolver leave you courage 10 oe wise. When was a.e so crammed with menace inai ntss written, spoken Ue. 7 Envy wears the ma-k ollcve; and, laughis Sjbsr fot to soorn. Cries to weakest as to strongest: "Year diaais, equal bora. Equal born? Oh, yes, if yonder hill be level with the Hat, Charm us, or at or till the lion look no larger loan tne cat. Till the eat, throuth that mirage of over neaiea language, looca; Larger than the ion. Demos end in work log us own doom. Russia bursts onr Indian barrier. Shall we fUbther? Shall we yle'dT Pause before you sound the trump)' I Hear tue voices irom tne noia 1 Those three hundred millions under one Ira penal soepter now. Shall we ho d them? bhell we lose the: Take the suSrage ot the plow. Nay, but these would feel and follow truth If flnlv vnn and wit., Whlcn of realm ruining (?) party whea you speua were wnouy true. Plowmen, shepherds hsve I found, and more nan once ami sun could find, Sons of God and kings of men, utter aoblesa vi mina. Truthful, trustful, look upward to the rrac Used hustinv'a liar; So the higher weilds the lower, while the lower is tne miiuer. Here and there a cotter's babe is royal born by 'ight divine; Here and there my lord is lower than hia oxen or mi sw.ne Chaos, cosmos I Cosmos, chaos I Once again the sickening game. croeuom iree to slay berseir, and dying while thsy shont ber name. Step by step we gains d a freedom known to Europe, Known to all ; btepbyetepoo roae to greatness; through iitusueswrs we may tail. Vou that woo tha voices tell thsn old Es-pa-rienc. la afnnt. Teaeh your fiaitored Kings that only those ass caunui reau can rule, Pluok the mighty from their seat, hut set no meak ones in their place; i-iiior wieuoui in your markr':, pelt your ofTalatherf.ee; Tumble natore heels o'or head and yelling wniriuo jaiuut? airotl, Sot the feet above the brain, and swear the brain is in the feet; Bring the old. dark ages back without the aim, wiiiiuuui ine ntpe; Breuk the state, toe church, the throne, aod tun ifieir rums aown ine slope. Author, atheist, essayist, novelist, realist, rhvmstar li'av vnnr nart . Paint the mortal shame of nature with the living hues ot arts; Rip your brother's vices open, strip your own iuui i.ajsionB oare; Down with reticnce, di wn with reverenoe, "rorwardl" nalri let them stare. Feed the budd ng rose of boyhood With the drainage of your rewcr; Send the deain into the fountain lest the stream snomu issue pure; Set the maicUn fanoioa wallowing ia the troughs of Zoluism; Forwaid, forwaid aye. and Ibackwari. downward, too, into the abysm ; Do your best lo charm the worst, to lower the riainr race of men; Have we ri-en from out the beast? Then back into the beast again. Only dust to dust for me that sicken at your ismesi uin ; Dust iu wholesome Old-World dust before .us t.owcr t, vnu uegiiit Heated am I? you wonder. Woll, It scarce herimns tninaav Patience! Let tue dying actor mouth his last upoo ue suige. Cries of unprogreasive dotage ere the gray beard fall aal.cp, Noitee of a current narrowing, not the musio of a doop. Ayl for doubtless I am old, and think gray thoughts, for I am gray ; After a:l thn etonoy chaogos shall we find a changeless May? After madness, alter inussacrtj, Jacobinism nuu uncqtierie, Some diviner force to guide us thronsh the days 1 shall notsoe? Whon the schemes and all tho system King doms aud Ke:iub.i-3 full. Something kindlier, higher, holier, all for eaob aod each for all? All the full-brain, half-brain moss led by ormi'tioe. love mid trnti, All the millions (?) at length, with all the visions ol my youth? All diseases quonohed by sclcnoi-no man, halt, or dnaf or blind. Stronger ever born of weaker, lustier body, larger mind? Earth nt Inst a wnrloss world, a single race, a single tongue? I have seen her f ir away, for is not Earth as yet so young? Every tiger-madness muoled, every sen ent blision Killitd. Every grim ravine garden, every blazing Robed in universal harvest, up to either pole Unlvers il ocean softly washing all her war less islos. Warless when her ters of thousands, and All her barvosts all too narrow who can fanry warless men? Warless war will die out late, tlen will it usr luuuBMnui mit'iiina u.n. ever. iai. or soon I Can iU till this outworn earth be dead at yon ueau norm, uiu UIOLU, Dead, the new auronomy oils ber. On this day and at this hour. In this gap between the sandhills, whence yuu pee me liocusiey lower. Here we met our latest meeting, Amy, sixty Bhe and I. The moon was falling greenish luruugn a rosy glow Just above the gateway tower, and even where you see her now. Here we stood and clasped each other, swore ius aeeuing aoaiuiess vow. Bead? But how her living glory lights the nan, in. aun, in. grass Y.t th. moonlight is the moonlight, and the sua nimseu win pass Ventii, near her, smiling downward at this eartnner eartn nt ours. Closer on the sun, perhaps, a world of never lauing nowers. Hespcr. whom the poet callod bringer home VI nil guilt! lUingS All good things may move In Hesper, psr- ivut jjuuii.va, peijoos Kings. Hesper, Venus, were we native to thatsplen- dor, or in Mars We should see the globe we groan In fairest vi inoir ereinog stars. Could we dream of wars and carnage, craft and madness, lust an ri !, Rearing London, raring Paris, in that point v, ffcauviui aigaii Might w not In glanolng heavenward on a star se silver fair. Yearn and clasp Ihe hands and murmur. noma to Uod that we were there? Forward, backward; backward, forward. In Bway.it by raster ebbs and flows than ean ue aoowo 10 you or me. All the suns-are these but symbols of in numerable man? Man or mint Ih.n sees a shadow of the Plan ner or in. piau i Is there evil but on earth? Or pain in every peopled sphere? Well, be trra'efu' f ir Ihe sounding watch- nwii uiviuuvu, uero ; Evolution ever climbing aftor somo ideal iiniu . nd Reversion, ever dragclnir Evolution In ibe mud. What are mea that Ho should heed us?" . crlerl Ilia Kina nf ..n,..! Insects of an hour that hourly work tboir bruther insect wiong. While th si'e t h.arans r jll. and luns alons; their fiery way, All their planets whirling roand them, flash a million miles a day. Many an sron moulded earth before htr highest man waa born 1 Many aa seon, too, may pass wbca earth la - manless and fo.loru. Earth ro huge and yet so bout ded, pools ef salt and p ts of land. Shallow skin of green au-, chains of mountains, grains of saod Only that which mad. 0.1 nee ait us to be mignuer ny ana oy, Set the siiher. of all th. boundless heaven wi bin the human eye, - Sent the shadow ot himself, the Boundless, through the human soaU. Boundless inward in the atom, Boundless outward ia the Whole. Her. ts IWkslcy Hall, my g-xudson, her the liou-iruardetl gate; Not tonight in Locksley uall, tomorrow yen, you come 10 lute; Wrecked your train, or all bet wrecked a shattori-a wheel, a ticio boy. Good this "Forward? V ou '.hat preach it, is 11 well to wisn yon jorr Is it well that while we rant with science, g orying the time. City childron soak aud blaekon aoul asd sense in city shiner There among tb glooming alleys Frogiess kalts tin pals ed leel, Crime and Hunger cast our aaidens by th thousand oa the street; There the master icriuips his haggard seam' stress of htr daily bread. There th. single sordid attic hold the loving and the 1 uad. There the smou'dering fore ef fever ertepi across ire roueo noor, And the crowded couch of inesst in the war reus of the poor. Nay, your pardon. Cry your "Forward?" yours are hope and youth; but I Eighty winters leave the dog too lame to fol low wun tne cry. Lame and old and pist his time and passing now iuto th. night; Y.t 1 would the ri-ing raf. were half as eager lor in light. Light, tha fading gleam of eren', light, the glimmer oi the dawn I Aged .yea may tak. th. grewlng glimmer ior in. gleam wun-dewn Far away, beyond her myriad osnilng enanges eartn will u Something other thiin tb wild.st modern guess ol you and m Earth may reach her earthly worst; or, if an gain nor eartuiy nest. Would 1 lie find her human offspring, this lu.ai man at rest: Forward, then ; but et'll remember how th course of time will swerve, Ciook, and turn upon itaelf in many a baok- waru siream lug ourv. Not the Hall ton'ght, my grandson; death - and silence hold their owo. Leave the master in the first dirk hour of nis last sleep alone WortViers ul was he than I am ; sound and ll iliest ruMici si lire, Kindly landlord, boon companion. Youth ful jealousy is a liar. Cast the poison from your bosom; oust the maaness lroni your brain ; Let the tangled aernent ahow you that you nave not lived in vain. Youthful youth and age are scholars yet but in the lower echi ol : Not is the wise-t man who never proved him self a fuol. Yonder lies our young seavlllajo; art and grace era less and lea. i Science grows and beauty dwindles, roofs 01 siateu aiueocxness. There is one old hoatel left us where they svlsv the l.nrhxl.v shlnlil. Tilltbo peasant cow shall bait the lion pas- aam irom uis neiu. Poor 0 d Heraldry, poor old History, poor old Poetry passing hence, In common deluge urownlax old politleal common sens. Poor old voice or e:gbty orytng after voices that have fled, All I loved are vanished vtjioss) all my steps are on ine aeaa. All the world Is ghost to me, and at the phantom disappears ' , Forward far and Ur from her ia all tb nupe 01 eiguiy years.4 In this hnstel 1 remember I repent It o'er his grave Like a oiown hy chnnc h mat me I re- lureu tne nana ue gave. From that ciisoment where tha traitor man tles all tha uiouliiarinff brinks. I was then in early boy hoc j, Edith but a cunaoisix. While I sheltered in this archway from a day of driving showers, rasscn tne winsome nee ot auith, like a uouer among ine uoweis. Here tonttrht. the pall tomorrow. Whea tney toil tnecnapti bell Shall I hear in one dark room a walling, 1 novo lovau moo wour Then n peal that shakes the portal? On has come to claim hia briJu. She t!iit shrank and put me from her iiirieaed aud auirteu irom my aide r Silent e'hoo4, Vou, my Leonard, use an not abuse Tnurnir. Move a non .- y iur 110 plo, kann them, fol tow uiu. wuo lea n way. Strove for sixty wi lowed yeustohelp his homelier brr.thnr men. Served the poor and built the cottage, raised 1:10 scuooi and drained Uio lou. Hears he now tho voioo that wrnngod bimT Wboshall swear it canuot ho? Enrth would nevor touch her worst were one innity sucn as lis, tre she guin her heavenly rest a (Jed most mine , wun tnoiriL!nA, Nay, there uay be those about us whom we neitnor see nor name. Felt within ns as ourselves, the powors of goou, tun powers oi ill, Strowing balm or shielding poison in tb louniains oi me win. Follow you tha star that lights the desert patnway, your sand mine I Follow till ou sea the highest; human naiur. is divine. Follow light and do the right, for man ean half control bis doom, Till you find tho deathless angel seated in uio vacant louiOrf , Forward! Let th. stormy moment fly ant mingle with th. past! I that have loathed have come to love hint Love will oonquer at the latt. Gone at eighty! mina own age, ana land you will be at the null I Then I leave thee, lord and master, latest liora 01 liooksicy uall. Alfred, Lord TtnnyioH, The Delightful Liquid l.aiallT. Syrup of Fit's isamott agreeable nd valuable family remedy, as it is easily taken by oii and yono, and Is prompt and effective in carina? habitual constipation and the many il's dependioK on a weak or inactive condition ol the Kidoeya, liver and Bowels. It acts ewtlv. sirens hens the organs on Tblch it acts, and awakens them to healthy ac'ivity. For sole by II. J. Hpffter and all lundi'ig droguMs; Van Vleet A Co , G. W. Jones A Co., W. N. Wllkersnn &, Co., and 8. Ma infield & Co. bave been ap pointed wholesale mrent at Memphis. Ha hai not s1?tt for tvorjtv-fonr hornv, ecnzhiDK all the time. A doe of 1)'. Bali's Coaiih Byrtip broke hia congb, and be slent quintlf all night. Ark&ksas City Journal: Ctpt. R R. Kice, BheriU of Lincoln conntr. passed throngh Wednesday, Memphis bound. RHitTafavrisM, nearaleia and font are speedily enred bv Salvation Oil. the great pain onre. ME It CHANT TAIL.UJI, Clestsslssir, DyelsscA Brpalrlaia, No. 17 W. Coca? Stsikt. .CsV90X-b;s) m. ZCrioiL3l. WkiM VI isslrtA fjnA I5 HHs Kerurvcd isliv?, in Iron -- 40 mlnu'estol bnnra. rrlth ten'! oi, in pl.ta. or do ctiurii. No Fa tins; roiuirrl; no Dols .nnua meilimnes. te t.kn with ease by child fr srl'i". OpII or send for oir ulrs. DU. M. HbX SMITH. Nueoialist, . iU iia'Jison street. DIED. WALL At the residence of Msjor J.W. Cbeatbam. near vs ileon Blaiion. .a th. at, in T D 1 1 I 01 1 ..A Ul..ln... 11 u v. '..', m . 1111', 1 a 1 , . l . tntmm " - vi m Lis A. Wall, aired 45 years, lliolly Springs paoeri plea, copy. 1 Remains will bo (hipped to Holly Springe this (WEDNESDAY) .veiling for Interment fAYLOR-AtSammeUN. J., at : 15 p.m., Bee. 11, 188(1, Mrs. J asms Tivlos. daughter e( the lat. A. 8. McN.tr. rf tM etty. la order to seeommoaVt tha vast ibrcnga tuat erowd.d our (tor Monday, w. will eoa- tiour the Monday sal IN ALL DEPARTMENT Our Or eat Sale TOD AY in Drew. Ooodts, Fancy UocxIh, llaudkerrlaiefi. Glove as, Hats Foatlirr, 1 lower. Trimmed Hati. This sale Inelud.a the SPBOTAL S.LRibe taeen Vand 11 Bk.aa.aad t and 4 .an. WE nVS JUST OPEN St) New Holiday Goods In various departments. 01) .1 ENORMOUS SALE OF OIjOAIXB, 8UITH, WRAP8, WILL B RErKATED TODAY. BMrSoivenirs Distributed to All Piuehaesrs. NEW ATTS A.CTI OSS IN ALL DRFARTMKNT8 TOIiY AT lilt EMEU'S. HPCtJIAL. nRUN UOOI NmLK- Ustween 9 and 10 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. Between 10 and It a.m. and i and i p.sa. FEA I'll Kit atLl'.- Between 10 and 11 a.m. and 2 anal p.m. TOilAY AT OOLS MHDAI., PARIS, Mil BAKER'S ci. tit . .i3W ...,. say is hsiisiik i( aa irm i asn wii j f is I ts Cooon, from whtrh the tit'! of OHlLa bon romoTd. lthuHfArv timet the ttrrngthoi Onruamliirtl wHhPlunrh, Arrovmotor Butrir, Hid it llieioforo fur moro oconoin. ItTtl, coating than one etnt a v;. Jt In drlluloua, miurJfMntr, ptroiiKllioiiinn, tWnUy (JlffrMtoit, iHimnJinirably adapted fur tnvat a wnll im for pcrmin 1 h.iaK h. afl till hf tllriViata-d awtfMsaYMltaTtrsl ' F BAKER & CO., Borclicstcr, Mass. AND Most Elcsraut Selection -or. (DIRECT) And Amtricuu l'rodnt'tlon of lor Our selection eoniprlHC Elesant tVtjlcH (of tue Latent) and 1JKST Makers, Foreign and DoniCHlic 6yOnr tioodatare Imported MKECT, through OVH Vu torn Honse. INFANTS'NVALIDS Th oaij porrnot eub.tltut. tot Mothar milk, Jn!ubi. ia chol.rn Inlnntum ana Taathlna. A prMtlnntd food for Dysj Ppt,u.. vonsumeTins, convaioni. rft fcutrt.nt in mil Waetlnc Dlssnsss. Kqulr no oouklnsr. Our BixiS, Th Ours) Sina F.fldlnr Off Inffnnta. lUAllod fe. llOUBBH, OJODALB s CO., Boatoss, Umm. BANANAS! mr Wo hard A ear-lonsl of nonttnrata Unssntaa, nat rces-lsed, Its rxerllsitil alslpitlna; order. Csi Park to irrs tct from trout, 11.00 to Pr ltanelt. Earlom luoorf aut;rOer tor Hollslnja, Telptioni 9SSJ. JUK.VMH IJI1NH', BSH Front Nt. Ucaasx Gtna or Mshphir, I Mrmiihis. Torn.. L'acflmhor 111. IKM. f TUB Ilia sKinliliolilnrs nf this bank are herrlir Diit'GeJ Urn th aniiu.U cloetiun or iirooinrs to snrrelha ennln( xnr will ia hnl'i at tha b mk on Tli KSI1 A V. Jsnnsrs 11, liil, belr-n tho h ur- nf 111 a m. anil 1 .m, titT. uubu.uiiu. Vitaior. KIEIEB'S 1 le kmi mPORTED ill LEI I Oi HATTERS. Vron aq iVHV'THEY'ARENOTPII Tho nbaoltito purity ef llio Koyal Ilalcing Powder is ft fact not questioned ty anyono; but tho (juestions aro fre ijnenUy nslvctl: Why Vo not otlior innnufucturers, nl.so, put bj,i jno baking jvowtlerH, Jn from lime, ;ilum, nnd othor adul terants? Is it t frt,t;t ft th Itoyal is tlie only puro baking powder miulo? llici-o arc tlireo eiifwen f thono artiolcs: Cream of litrtar s balking powders, made from cream of tartar and bi-carbonuto of ftoda; phoKiluto baking powders, in whieh jiliosphatic acid is nued as' a Biibstitnto for ercam oC tartar; and alum baking powilorn, mmlo front turiit ulttm nnd soda. Burnt alum baking powders aro of tho cheapest class. They cost Iosh Hkiii four .rents a ponnd, are coneededly poi Donous, and beuau.so of their well-known inferiority are never nold under their lino colors. Making powders sold with a prize or gift are of this tlivw. Tho phosphate baking powders contain from 8 to 12 per cent, of lime, which is an ingredient of (lie phosphate used in them as a substitute for cream of tartar. It is impossible to eradicate tho lima, from this class of powders. This baking powder is next to tho nluni baking powders in cost. Tho cream of tartar baking powders, to which class the Royal belongs, to bu pure must bo lnudtt from absolutely pure ercatn of tartar. The Royal linking Powder is niadu from cream of tartar specially refined and prepared for its use by patent processes by which the tartrate of lime is tV.ally clUtiiiuiloJ. Tlioni im no ollior jumoos- liy wliii'h trenni of turtur unit lo fn-ml from liinu tumlo 100 jur ct'iit. jairo in (itaiUitioH practicul fur (.uiiiiiumvuiI luii'iio.-fs. CHIiit halving powiW hiiiIvim-m, not bt inj; uMi' to obtuin tlicsa clu'tn ionlly puro gootls (wliii'.lt aro ust'J cxclusivi'l.v in tliu Iloyul) iiro uVpi'iiiUnit upon iw tnriim of tartar of tho nuiiki't, rliiiiitl hy tho tihl-fiisliioiu'il iuctlioln, for tlit'ir suitply, ami liy tlioso metliocli" it is imii'sil)li! to cliniinuto tlic lime uml ollior iu purities. Tlioso air tlio ro.iMOiis why tlio Uoyal is absolutely pure, wbilo nil otlior buKing powilors contain oitlici limo or uliun. The vital iinport.iin'0 of ubsolute purity in tho artioles we cat tws proniolivo of povfoi-t health is daily moro ginorully being foiiHiiloieil. How largo.u slutro in producing impure and tuiwliolosomo food tho limn and alum baking powder have hml in tho past, is boooming fully reeognized. Tlio nbsoluti; purity if tho Koyal Huking Powder not ovily remlors jf mortj porfeetly wholesome, but its freedom front all extraneous (uili.shinccs inul.es it of higher etrcngtli and cffectivencris ns a leavening agent, and therefore moro economi cal for use. It iu aooordingly certified by the U, S. Govern--ment Chemists as tho motit 'wliolcsomc, effective, aud pet feet baking powder nmH). mmj ymi t liii V? 1 Ullli illl il 0 11UUU11U 1885. Tntal Now KiiHineiNfl (Iroatnr than ilia foful now iiuRlnoa nt All Other Lilo CompanIe now roprosontod in Itloniphiti Combined. Jn.croii.so In HurpliiM moro than twieo tho total increase oi snrplus ot all other Lllo Companies now rcpiTHonted In Memphis GI1BEHT R'AINEf TGElsEEfiL AGEK?. J. F.'WALKER, : : SPECIAL AGENT. ITftom No, 1. Cotton Ktchaiiarft Untitling, Mo rit nh KTen n ossitvfl iiiill AT COST, FOR THIRTY DlYH, to iiiako room Tor prlna Stock. One lot Open IliisruicH. uiiM for coiiulry uk. OFIl nWN BkLXUk" AVl'V UK, nnd fully Kuarnuioc(l. Lilly Carriage ', 325 Kecond Srcfit. OlMEIIIIIlifo ft 'M.r-loals Htcel Mnlls, :i iar-luiln Nnull uml hod, 1 Cur-loiMl I,artf, Hum imai rVHiisiit;e. 2 fi'ur-lssiafli Aiiierlcuti Nurdiiio. 1 1ur-l'tasl ."Mew ICuInIiim, 1 (!iurloal Mew Nalinoii. 1 f'iarIoal I 'all Torn I a tiiniioil I'rull, 10 l)MsliMlai TomatofH m4Iich. Cum, Kie.t a uar-iiNiii AiiaorsvM ,Tiiiifr .neai. 3 far-load York ItiicMwhcaf. a C'ardoatli 1IkII. lirant aiul Karrrtl rit klosv. '4 flrload)i Miner NIoou t r-ain 'h';Ne, X Car-load Virginia I'eauuiia, X 'ar-loaI Tire OravUer antl riroworka, H Car-load. JXnU au UnrraiitH, 3 ar-louilH Fln llMinnaM, 5 sallola lt3 liH JavlM ApitlON, a f'ar-loaslsi I'rtxili Fancy (,'aiislif st, 1 G'atMoad Oatuifal. rakcd H'lienl. Klo, And a Hinplelo amortiucut of Ma1 and Faury Groccr!a . lor tli npwlal n Couailry tttn-cuan. ? taaTMcnd lor I'rlc Iiit."rtfa mi a n n i'.Jt i "ansa u f 2iw aw a Andldommlssion Kcrchnls, a9 m Rurnuii Womplit Thih. m 9, m- :i n k, mm si k m m aaxiA li&w ?jwt IK