OCR Interpretation

The Memphis appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1886-1890, April 13, 1889, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024448/1889-04-13/ed-1/seq-9/

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Discriminates to Their Injury Cor negle
Points Out How Monopoly Was
Beoured for the Pennsylvania Rail
read Putchissof tho Vanderbllts.
From tho I.anonitor (Pa.) IntelllptencOT.
Andrew Carnegie delivered an address
in the hall of tho House of Representa
tives on Monday night Gov. Bcavor in
troduced tho Pittsburg steel runnufucturnr
amid groat applause. He said that tho
"Industries ol Pennsylvania" the title of
tho lecture was a very fruitful thowe.
No man had done more to develop thorn
than Mr. Cnrnepio, whom he referred to
as "one of the kings of Industry." Mr.
Gmiufie was met by more applause as ho
adjusted lils glnnscs and smoothed out a
formidable roll of manuscript.
Mr. Curneglo reviowed the history of
the railroad management in Pennsylvania,'
and Bhowed that tho Puunsylvauia Kail
road and other Pennsylvania railroad cor
porations have persistently discriminated
against Pennsylvania industries; have
driven some of her Industries to other
States, and have crippled tho agricultural
industries of the fcstato. Iln showed that
these corporations compelled Pennsylva
nia to pay losses by reason of couiiH'tition
and cheap rates out of the State, and that
the State liu paid its dividends and fllli d
the treasury surplus of the road while it
lias carried f relent from the coast at rates
which have almost compelled the Pennsyl
vania iron and steel industries to close
their shafts.
Mr. Carnegie then told tho story of the
South Pennsylvania deal and it's subse
quent history, saving: "When referring
-trK.'cntral Pennsylvania it is impossible
not to express the doep regret which we
must all feel that tho bout hern counties of
the central and Western Districts are with
out the railway facilities which they should
this duy have. had. My connection with
the South Pennsylvania ltailroad enter
prise has been such that you will rightly
expect a statement fruiu mo concerning it
t me give you a short history of that un
fortunate enterprise. When Mr; Vunder
bilt consulted me I said: 'Mr. Vunder
liilt, if you resolve to build a railroad
through' Southern Pennsylvania to Pitts
burg I will furnish one-half the amount of
capital that you do.' Then he said: 'My
euWription is J.I.OHO.OOO.' 'Mine then is
$2,60ll,lkaV I replied. My partners and
myself, with Messrs. Jones, CiiaWant and
Wutson, of Pittsburg, furnished our share,
and the work went on. The Southern
counties of lYiincylvunia seemed euro
of a railroad and Pittsburg of a
competing lino. When 1 was in
Europe Mr. Yanderbilt, airk in
mind and body, was cxiercod into wiling
out to the Pennsylvania ltailroad Com
pany. 1 cabled at once, advising mv friends
to sell also. Gentlemen, to uV'hi the
Peunsylvsniu liailro.nl Company wiih
Vauderbill'a lini belli ml you lu.-iins vic
tory; to flhl without theso means defeat.
1 never light unit I see the cud clearly
and know that victory can tie won, just as
I now know that it is itnosihlo (or any
corporation to stand which 1 can show the
pronto of Pennsylvania is not tnntin;j
Petinsylvunia Justly. Yit lory here is cer
tain. I returned from Lumpe to lind that
one ol the notilest tye ol man a pure,
roiirnifootia judge; a small, modest gentle'
man sitting hero in llairisburg, had
tauuht the Pelinsvlvnnia Huilro:id nio-
noiioly a lesson they never had leurnt bo-
fore. Judgo tiniontoii called their atten
tion lo the (act that tho Hlnte of Pennsyl
vania had a constitution. Tho transfer wai
forbidden; but the South Pennsylvania
l.'ailroad beinj I'lfis-llvely slopiied, this
wai all the niunoxjly desired, and it en
"-jsivcd the situation.
"1 spent conridernole time and rflort
trving lo suvu somrlliing from tho wreck
but linully concluded that our next move
Khould bo to go straight to Messrs. Vauder
Lilt and tell them that their duty mas lodo
their art ss sons ol tlie man we had lol
lowed. They agreed loa scheme ol organ
tattiiMi, and promised that if the signatures
of the other suliM-nbcr wereobUiued lliey
would Mien. We obtained these, and
railed the Vauderbiltsto make their prom
lues good. Wn met to hear from them
that lliey rould not sin, but would pay
us CO per cent, of our capital without in
terest. This was to all of us a surprise;
but, os belore. I advised all parties to save
wiiat they could. 1 look tlie 00 per cent
at oneo.
"Altlioi.ch the withdrawal of the Van
derbilis whs a itiriir.se, I had been lull v
advised of the ominous fart that the olll-
tials of tho Petuisylvuiiiit ltailroad Com
psny were pressing them again. Tho truth
is mni inn rvffiiriu sun uiih viiiivni
dent of the monopoly coerced tho young
andcrbilta and tliieaten. il destruction to
their varied interests if they djre.1 to in
tcrfero with the moootiolv of transpurtii'
tiou in Pennsylvania which the Pennsyl
vania liailroud Company asKiniieU as lU
right Tliua this railroad monoiioly has
done Indirectly whst tho courts prevented
them Iroui doing directly. 1 hey matlo a
bargain or come lo sn understanding with
the Vsuderbilts. The money panl to the
South Puunsylvauia peoplo is nut Vender-
lii. i s monev; It was or is to oe taken noin
thosuriilus of tho Pennsylvania lUilrond
Company in aonio loim or other, so that
" tho Pennsylvania ltailroad Company has
a-ed the millions extracted utiiiistiy Iroin
. tho Stato of Pennsylvania lo prevent tho
southern counties uoiu obtaining railroad
"It is our Pennsylvania money Hint pre'
vftnts Iho developineiii of Pennsylvania,
Yon w ill notice in tho annual report of tho
Pennsylvania Ibnlruiil Company that l.
(MI.CXW ii handed over to Iho Pelinsylva
Dia company that is, the couipsny who
CiernU'a Iho lines of tho Pennsylvania
ltailroad Company west of Pittsburg that
is not charged to that company, but to tho
Pennsylvania Ihiilroad Company. Well,
legislators of Pennsylvania, I do not know
that this is the find j 1,1 kl.OOOol tin money
to bo pu id the Yainlei hilts, but 1 do know
that In sonio underhand way tho money or
lot equivalent will b paid. 1 have Iwen
informed by lawyers that tho Pennsylva
nia Puilrnad Company ran bo inudo re-
aponaihlc for tho lists incurred by stock-
hol.leis In the Soulli Pfiiiisytvanin liuil
road Company, and that if ati act bit is
broii&ht that Judirn Simontou may bold
the ollirers of the Pennsylvania Puilroud
Company guilty ol contempt; but I do not
think the issiio prcauiteJ is ono lor iuii
"It is tho constitution of Pennsylvania
that hus been violated in spirit; theoiders
ol your courts that Inn uioiniiioly linsinaila
a mockery of. l'mhmyou may believo
that an invrstigating committee is Impera
tive. If you so deride there will bo no
ilillie ultv in Letting si tho truth if you will
allow mo lo con. I ml tho cnw examine,-
lion of l'le-id. nt Kohcils and Yire-l'resi
dent Thomwin and one or two others. 1
(taxed at Iho l.ea lies piers lu your river
today and S i d: 'The lir.it bl w Iho Soulli
I'eniisylvHina linilioiitl received was tho
1 blow ol an opponent that openly sought
lis piiilure, '1 he fatal blow wui tho act
of an avmtasin, who stuliiied secretly from
behind and in Iho dark.' 1 lie t'eiiaayl
vnnla ltailroad Coiiit.sny lias killed the
South Pennsylvania K.iilmuil, vour courts
ami yourrorstitu ion t the ontr.try not
withstanding. Suili ta tho tueUiivhuly
story of tlie effort to develop still further
the resources of our State. :Uuder no.
management that I have ever knows
would the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany Lave dared to occupy such a posi
tion before the Slate. Undor Thomson
or under Bcott it might, indeed, have cap
tured tlie South Pennsylvania, but it
certainly would have completed it and
developed thut portion of the SUito. It
would never have played dog-in-the-manger.
That waa not iu stylo then."
In the course of his remarks on discrim
ination by tho Pennsylvania ltailroad
Company against the peoplo of the West
ern part of the State, especially Pittsburg,
Air. Lurncgte gnve notice to that corpora
tion in the following significant language:
"Pitbiburg citizens once lined the streets
to prevent guns being taken from the ar
senal and shipped to the South during
the rebellion. That was in tho interest ol
tho Union. Will they bo forced to do for
the interest of the State the same thing?
When I next see you, Gov. Bcavor, I Jo
not know but wliat'l shall be under arrest
for trying to bring about this afl'uir. If I
am a subject of your clemency 1 shall not
be afraid of the discussion that a . man
makes who fought for the Union and who
was called upon to protect tho interest of
his State."
As soon as Mr. Carnegie finished the
House went into seasion, and uiemljers
sought to get special orders for tho consid
eration of bills, which there is no hopo of
reii'ming in their regular order on tho cal
endar The most important of these efforts
was Mr. Wherry's resolution to make spe
cial orders for his anti-discrimination bill
for second reading Tuesduy evening, and
third reading and final passage Wednes
day morning. Mr. Wherry referred to Mr.
Carnegie's address as an argument why
this resolution should lie adopted. Tho
Constitution and provUionsrelalivetocoiu
moil carriers had not been enforced. The
Legislature had never attempted tociitorco
them. The industries of the Mate w ere con
sequently Null'ering greatly, particularly
the interest which Air. Wherry repre
sented, agriculture. As a result ol tho dis
crimination, hinds were sold by tho Sheriff
for lows than the cost of the improvements
thereon, lie asserted that ho could give
hundreds of instances to prove w hui ho
The passage of the resolution required
the supjHjrt of two-thirds of Iho ineiuliers
voting. Mr. Wherry won by a vote of 8.S
to 41, having just two votes to spare. Tho
ljuicaWriaus voted as loiiow lor the
resolution liuldwin; against Franklin,
ltunck. Smith; absent or not voting
Kautluiun, tialchcll.
friends among the Ivdics than,
any other class. p. effect is
wonderful on those who &re
broken down in hlalth.
Swift's Rpcdflc hitscnred mo of a msllrnant tirmk
Inn ubc my lf, which rnuwd Intolerable pain. It
wns cainsi Jfrn-ma by tlio d.ictoni four of whom
treated ma with no relief. I candidly confwa that I
owe my present pond health lo 8. 8 .8., w hlctt lu my
estimation la Invuluabls aa a blood rcin.il?
llia Jitij DsWitt,
tT,j!' f'jtf-, W7 N. l(Ha St., Ht. LouU, lU
I ws the ytctlm ft tha wnrrt Catarrh thnt I ver
heard of. I waa entirely deaf Id one our, and all tha
tnlilo of my nam, Including part of tlia liono,
l..nj;hcd off. K ' t. ahnent tH'nt'Qfled me, and phr
alclans iwl.l I wo- V ixvr lie any holier. 1 took 8.
H. 8. as a lu.t n'nrt, and it has cntlrrljr carrd me. I
hnve been well f.sir year, and no slen of retuin of
tUa druulful (liauuo. Mam. Joasruisa I'oi.hilu
Due Wuat, ti. 0.
I tvth U proelalm to th World tut . S. 8. tuta
done for mo. Kor Ilia Pt ten Jreara 1 hnvo been
troubled . I h dreadful aruptlouaoa siy fixe, caiwd
br lvr polaoa. I was una. the trentmetit of a
number of phritctaiis, but obtained no relief. 1
tried tha best "blood pnrllleni" lu the market, but
without avail. 1 had given up In d.palr, tlilukliiK
I could not ha cured: but luppcmax to n-xl Ilia
pi'tnitt Journal, I noticed B. B. 8. advertll and
d Mra. llradlejr's toatlmonlU. I lliouKbt 1 would
try this remedy. I have tuken l.:lit Wtlea, and
Vur Unnta $itot on my font. It bus aUo cured ma
ol chronlo calarrh. I bava never enjoyed belter
liealili limn at present. I foci like a new ls-rwrn.
1 cannot find word torxpre-a nyappreclationef Ita
muriu, and the gratitude 1 foal for Its) iiIh.I ll.linm
that came to me Ihroui-h ttisrraduui uf lliatadvur
tiaement. Wlhlng yon SWT auco w, 1 am
Voura Inily, Joaia Owss, Muutpdlcr, O,
Swift's Specific is entirely a vogctablo remedy, and is tho only med
icino which permnncDtly cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Cancer and Con
tagious Elood Poison. Send for book on Wood and Skin Diseases, mailed
Drawer 3, ATLANTA, OA.
Floyd & Go
i i
I will not lake any other Dresslnr.
My friends use
and pralsa Its merits j and If you can't
sell cn what I want, and not what you
think I ought to Lv, I'll go eleewhtrs
and get it."
Ladin, da btmut I
WOLFF ft RAMDCLP'ri, Pbiladetphla.
Ta Bast Blaoku lor Urn. Woomo and Obudrw.
810 Main BL, Memphis.
We havo purchased tha entire bualneaa and ffood will of J. A.
FORREST St OCX, who have been at the head of the Sale, Com
mission and Feed business in Memphis for the past twonty-flve
years. The business mon of Memphis and vincinlty, and planters
from the surrounding oountry, will find it to their interest to pat
ronize our Arm.
6i to 73 Monroe Street, Memphis.
consignments or Block, and
N. B. Liberal advances made on
shipping business solicited.
1 11 'O'
ITThs Finest Malt Bcvsrage and
Toni: tor Invalids, Convalescents and
Nursing Mothers.
J. A. Daiutr.
0. K. TTitt.
tali o nowi. j
Plumlors' Goods, Fino Gas Fixture?
Timing Too!,
O. CRAIO a CO . Miiarws, Tinm. '.
VT?TrnTT3 tVMIUT. Snrminrrh.a. aml
ItLIvVUVJci umi. Mem fciuains
loaaol VIUI mwera. fHvp :, umvnn Mnnr,
Ixwe f Memorr. r.int.l..o ul l lmi. Imiiiioi,
tllaomlocaa.. Ujiimliia f Splnia, Anrna M
fcxVIV. tsillr rutrourare-l, lrk nf I ouA.i'D'V,
Vi.ll. I Uue. lieu un Mnaj or iiiiMnrM. oi
flu!, ill- a Mif'i.n, rr.Li, ri.na.uiLi
tnA fHlVATaLTtt'Kr.l'
TIT rvrvTt A tin aVT3 Mvnaaa. MrttlitlK
DIAJVU fLlU Clklll a.ii.r.t.m.1 hrf
t.hk. In lla reeulfm. romuk'tplr arvtlcMtiMl ftllhoUt
tlie rue mewirT. a-irofuta. Krymlp-laa. trrrt
Kirea. l!litrTw. I'ltnwea. nirrra, I'nuie in iit
ll-e4 ao.l Uunra, fcjl.allllln ror Tlir.U Mculh
an.l loi'ina Cmrrli. elr , PI KM ANtMLT
ITOtMADV KlrtneT at4 Ulart.lar TrmiDiaa.
UXViriiliVl Wk liuk. Il.miloa I niM.
rmiiir'-T af I'Huaurur. I nns bleb rulnrr.1 or
with mMk willmeal .l.n'tlnic. noaarrtinea,
t.lcct. 7lllia. .in, iiivsipUr so4 Smtelj euratL
t Iwife rauo table.
ACnPl? rTTUT? The awful ol
CUifcCi tUUi Var'f Vm. wlUrS Mnrs
oraanlp mnh. dwtiirlni both inin.l an4 bwlr.
mi all W dr.ll.il Hi., nribieuamly rurr.1.
rinC .PtTTra A..ln-.ia.eho bareln
I) IXO. Dili 1 10 inl Ibrmlrra hf lm
ttmtwf In.tiilt.'ncea anj ai.l.Ury l.abll. tthlrn ruin
ImmIi btrl? ani BilDl, ubbltlos tben lor buatiNae.
atu'lr or mrn
M AMKIKO aik.N,or tXMaralrnn nn mar nippy
Uie, aware of liil'l Oebllllr, quM S'y aaalatrO.
ll b4 nnntl larta. fMatfra'tlrai rtperlpnoa.
lwiiiit Kirry raM at .pui .in.lu. thua
at.rti'.a arlrlit 1 Hint Hisliem an- pn aorra In
nnr Ulmu-r eaanlr toealt aaub taas, Ibuasi'acV
UK aunt wuuoul lniir.
mud a rents i-fl-Mf for aUratr4 worla no
Oimnlr. Neroi.f anil lirlb-ata lWaw Ibnii-
a..nd onmt. axr A Itl.n'lir letier ur enll mar Ma
you fulan auffvring an4 ahama, aus adl aei'laS
team lo ill". aVarNa lettrrs auarr4 unirn
roannaillMl b lm IwauoiEM. AdStraanr eill oo
M-rrn k nut a: sAM.Tosr.it.
btMAai S A.M. TOI P al.
Ko. 6,090 R. Tn tlie Chnnrery Court of Shelby
orniuiy. stato of Taiioi.iive va Mary K. llorrua
vi al.
lit virtue of an luU'rliviitory c1hti lor rale, en
teri'il in iln-at.ivocuii-1. on tlitf Ikt.lay of February,
Kv.i, al. it. M. I7's I l.: n-'il, at niilillc aim.
tlnu lit Ilia IiIkHwi biiiiliT, In front or the Clerk
an. I Mmucr'a i.Hi.e. al il.e M.ilu ln.'l enlniiii'v ul
lliu iwuri liouui ul bliclby ccuuly, lumplua, lau
uvurr, ou
Bnttinlnr, 1:1th rt.iy of April, IH8S,
srltliln lrv.nl lifmra. the tnllowln; iliwrllH'il pMp
eily, kUimU'U iu Mo upliU, bbclby cuunty, Tuiiiu
to w.t:
l.ni 1.17. hetitnnlna at Hie mutlieaal corner of TI.
tun At NoImiii r lot on tho ii'i-fl .ul-. ul Mulii tlr.'..!
alnit :'4' (ret onili o( l'..'hnni;e ainvi; thon.'O
ai.uin Willi M.iib MixM il Mi l.'.-l. Ilirni'i) w.'nl 71',
l.i't. Ihrnrr u.Tih 24 7-ii Uol; tlirnoe n. 71 ft'i'l
to Hie br;luuiiig; lulil the (iroi'iiy ol J. I'.
I 'art lut IN, ll.Milhid 71 t.vl on th. weatalileof
frivoiitl txwrl tiy I lv', i'.tI .hi I'u' oulh ii.tr ol Kx
filling alnrt tmrli l.i till (illrv; moII til'' plTporly
ol i.illvrl KiiIiii.', Millie Wt.o.lnar.tauu' Wui. U.kmI
iirl. '
iim an.l thror-Io uth (IV a. i on the south
ai.l.'ol .il.in.K Nliii't. a.lj.'iniiii; la tir.M.k'. ami
N'tnii tin !.Miiia IkiuI IImimI ii W. W.N.iliiur.l In InTi,
lK7.lH.nl Ia.4 itilil Ut 11. T. Iliilll.li.y In ix, olil a.
tho ( i''criv of M ni, M. Fun iiikI 'II, . J Miilih
an.l V. ..o.iv;irl.
I'iiiI ul lot Jll. b.;liinlna at I lie oiilhwrnt corner
of aui.l lot ;'ll un llu- im.i miU ol Minn aiu.'l;
llicu.e ni.t V it.'ktn-H M miiiiIi litli the koiuli
tMill1l.lily ihlu ol K.il.l lot Jll. 7J firl 111 ml
alley V.. 'lif t wl'to: lhrun imrih ! oVii.i'i Ifi'd.!
pMial.i-l mill Mian .ir.vl l' l.v. I '4 iiirlu; tln'ii.-o
hM li.t.'arrra :' n.irtli 7.' f.i-i lo rni.1 al.le ol Muln
mriTl: tli.'l.w mnilll ! ilrns1. .r uisl null lu.lil
l.l.'i.l Mm In Kliivl .'7 (. I l'; . Iiii'Imv lo llir bcrfiu
utiia; a.il.1 a lliiM.r.Kr:v of K.liv.ir.l UuMi.
Loin 7 anil h In l.l.M k 4..'', Im'kiihiIiim at ttir .lillll
c.ul I'oim-r of .Ihiih iH'rtrH'n Mnl Imi.h iihi'ie It
loilrbiv Malkrl muvl; llirll. ll.illll Willi mI.I
li iiiv ui Kvt lu Im.iiih, lli. ii.'a ntiii llm in.'nii.l.'iv
f.f il.e t.otiioa H.liit uln-rj a line ili.iunp.ir
all.'l l.i an I : (vi Iron. n.i.I l. u.v riMir tly.
I.iiii-Iiih .1.1 1hii.hi: tin. i.v mi. lib in M'irk. .Ii.hii
Ii lr( rek wurilly liuui iIh'Ihiiiuiiik hiiu; Hh'ii. e
we. I wtiti ilio inirili lliu ..I Markri m ixn-t to t lie ue
Klii.iliir; kol.l iik uie pr..Nri of John WtiUb.
1 411 So 10 In I I.M'k 41.1. Ih'ii.iii.iii al lliu mmiIY
rirtii'ri.rrol nai.t b .na. llt.ti. .mh! with north
llnr nl Maiki-t .uivl about lii Irri, mote or Ir, to
a Hillit wlli'ltf llHInll l.iiy.HMi Illlrlk.'t'tM Mrtrket
klnv; Ihrn. -s i.onli wllli b.iyon to wlnra a lii.a
ilr.iwn iiillci with Jtiiiic. nrvii'll lliu h'lirv. anj
Ml Ivel rti.lw.mllv llirteholll lo.H hr Mtlir. Illi'll.-e
south, paitiilrl with an.l :U l.-el hilw.u.lv ii.iui
ksi.i M-w.'ii irnii. in uie ii..nn iir oi .ii.iii.'t
eiriTi: thriirr l.i l lie briaulii aolil as Ilia prop
city of Mai) WhMi.
A I. .1 b.nliiuiui al a Miike on ins norm .. n
Ailuiitaaiuvl al uiv ...iiibrHti t-oturr ul a l..l oiine.1
I Win. I'Mrk lu 14; In ll.il vi. I With A.laill
kinvt KPy liil. to the iMiiilhwral iiiriirr ol lol fi. ai
lal.l uli and HiilMtiit.liil b) iln-nv. ol kiI.I lol rou
vrynt tn i be. k ai (iirrluii, lu (lie on' nl ll II.
I.oi. Inn va. hlij.s'i I hwk rl al., liamvrr I mill.
Iliriuw in .rib w nil the w.il nnr ol aiii riiiii i.ihi
.t Mo Il.e ti iiii r ol au alley, ruiiulua In'twivn
Ailuin. ami Wm-blliatiill .tni'le. Ih.'ii.r i. iHtml-
Irl Willi A.laiiiHtnrl I0S lerL lliruiv K.aiiiiw.itii
to the tN'alniiina: miIiI a. Ihr proM'rly ol the Mrc
I'haiila' 4 ..lion I'rrm. an.l Miir.ur i umtiny.
Lot 14. lie.'liiiilin on Uie uoilliwii niriirr in
hi'liiH krra lot In llupprrt aliwu Ihrurr imrili 1
imi; in.'ii.'c eaai i.v un iiirii.n euniu i. itTi,
tlirnre ar.l I ai lm tn Uie l-eyiuuili(. aol.l a lbs
i.roiH'Nv ul Meianvl lan.biH'ii
lo au.l thrrr-riiiliili. U .1 aim, Irlm the
north ball ol lot :.. un Ibe avniur runuliia Iruiu
I l.r Male Una r.w.l lo llie lair r.iin l ami a purl
olihelatula imriitioiiiil l.r J l . M. Iiiionv Hie
whole.. I ail.l tola iMiilaiiiliia 4 3 .4.MU.1M) im
aul.l aa the ir.ip.rl ut J. .1. tl.rouib.
I'.irlol in ll'-ei ua.L la-aiiuiiiia hi mo niuiii'
wiH.i.i.i'ir ol Wal lr.u ami III. atnila, Ihrn.D
r.i wlib llir ainih lineol lln ka :ni 17.' Irrl lo
ac.iiirriil toil line: llirins) a.uin with rua
line al l.i'l. thrill's ruiaui'llr sii.l par:!..'! with
the lint Hue I7i Irri lo Hal.tmn alni'l: Ihrura
uullh Willi the wot Hiiro! Ual lnill aln-el :al l.-rt
to tlie bialnuinii' m.1.1 as th piuia-ny ul the
llllkll.lMIl b.'lla oi Win. lloitltl
Part of I..I ol Miauk.a ..illlvt.on. lyint
ol ami a.lj. .1 ii luar Kim i .iiiIUI-i. u, imiiiinii 4.'
I unt ulon avruue. tr a u. t.ili ol i.-! l.i i: hoi
aa the .M-rtv ol W.J. buiilu. i.m'pb L 111 au.l
uarv a. i in.
Wcl hall of tot '.7, Miank. a eutMllvMon, tronlliia
ni14Hi Irrl xiulhaarllv un hi. I liarlra alm-l
M.I.I aa the pro riy ot Un. M. k louwajr, (i. W
Hallalana 1DI Jsmra hlmiMon.
Iru arm ItluialHiut Ino-e mlh-a eal nl Menv
phla.bollll.kil 1.11 Il.e ll.illil b tha .rrill.llli.xil
ni.ul. on the r.l hr I'rlil. airline, on llir aouili
a l.'.ai te lot, a.. 1. 1 by AikIiii t.i hlli knry, ami ou
lhei-i by a lot oin-r la-b uainii to W. a WaliF
rrtii. aolit the i.miirrlr of mihIi I a:nl.
Ix... I .ami 14 ol Hh.iiik i ..il-li.l.l..n. Nn. U
fn nl n wnl4-'4 (.i t ami No. II liu.iiliia 7 nil1.
Irrt ou llir atmin ttue oi i I Hani's ii.i'i, ue.-a io
an all-. II'. k-vt wt.lsi sold aa Uie propirlv ul kV-i-
wnl.l !lirlloli.
A lot ol litwl. bralniilni on the ant able nf
iHiivuu.la.ir.1 tin liin avruua at llie uoritiewU
tiiittrr ol a 174. srir inu-t: tit.'ii.-S) auuin Willi Ilia
wral ai.lo ol mI.I aeuiir. k auat . SI ', Irrt llienra
al r.awt aoales with shIi! avi'ioir ant :i ln't, totbe
bouu.biry litis 1-riwr. n ml'l 17V, e.-rwa au.l lbs
Ijikc plans thru.) nnrtb aliU wi4 Una In lbs
Mnllh platxi: tbruiira. a lib Ibraniitb line of llie
ru.ltn I'laoa lo lite iM-ciDllltia iirin i.ir .au.r lau.j
iitair)r. to In lai.nrr by IV il rau l wile. Kir in.
iH-a.llr. itiiitrtltilna J a-rr: m.I.I a. Il.e po.p. riy ui
F W. Itot.irr. II. I. n M. Il.u.irr. Km rue rulllvsn,
hnr i.l I l. roillliau, .I.-.U- I. li. MIibUiI
l-i.tia 1.1 ami hrr h.i.lniiil, M. I' ul l
A 1.4 bt-a-liiultia al llie llilrririilon ol llrtnhlrv
arriiua ami llii'ka ait.i'l. tliiii.n ra.t wlib lll.-ka
Invt, or aienu.'. 7 Irrt ll.rnrr .ultl ;M bvl.
Ilii ii.r ar.t ft lui: tl.rn.i- ihhiii M, lln'ins
Wiit I7i hit l.i llrliiklrv an 'me. II.. '1 -r 11"" ll 14
(.-. I to Il.e hrtluiuui, auld aa llir pioiarrlv ul U ti
Moiin half of lot . Imnlliif r' li ?-l fert on
Ihr l'a"l "l'l" "I lllllllap alM-i l, aul.l a. llir IH 'l- nv
i.l A. F. N l.ul'.rr. H' ra l n).-., only bi n ol F. U
hrhalrr fliir.M'il, allil -. ll.r kltltlll.
A lol ti; nw l.i hit loun Io.mtI alrrrlon
anall. i al Mmbi lliipi i' lot- ih.-u.i' r,iai ami
amllr! Ith I I nli. ) un llir lioiih -I I" l.i 'v.plile
lo.i l-.i P !. lli.-n'T n.uib wiih W.PI Utioii t.i Ilia
ImrrvHon nl l.roryf Wble'i. a'l-rii i l."rt;
Ibry.-s w t ail.1 palallrl WUH tt bin a lot I n't,
b et ib'ii.- mil al l, . l lo lb Lr-atliiuliiat. aobl sa
the pfoi .'rly ..I Ihrrmi IVllr.
A V.I l.rl.llll'l itu tbr wi.ilN stile l.t the alley al
ThriHb.p Ua).r a lol. Ibrlliw ao.im 'Jl.l lirtl.itbe
ba.o.i, thrn.-e woi-irl wiih thr twioii lii an allrv,
tb'nif r. i ai tri tn tne biciuiiliia. aiiiilaalba
pi..riol l l.riri peiiy
W.'.i half ol a lot tivlnulnf nn I he wr.tlli.rol
the Hill lol oil nM Ma.ltMin ..rrrt al the ii'tttrrof
lb l.ll. k wall now un aaul I..I. Ihrli Willi aedl
.r-et al.n.it 4 Ic I, tiiame wiuth i ilrai.is r.l
l, . I lo nrw Ma li..l rrrl. Ihrn'i rut Willi
l.a- Mxlli.n ti.i'l '.'4 I-! lo J. II lull, a line,
taa).' wtiu aal.l line alnut lb ri'n'rr ol miI.I l.ri. k
aaj'. aa In l to the bnliiniii. wild as lb propviiy
oi AiisU'iltic enonl.
I", iroiiiini van 11 'ret nn the eit .I t' of
Main .IniH. rii.l War.; aoiil aa tbo pioriy ol
l'l. 1 1 1 1 Ijiu.I ami Jobs MiN.MihiM y
1-rina ol Halo -4iii a rmlil of .Is motittii note
tatlli InlrirA Wllh eii'iiilty rv.jUllr.l, lint rw
Uil.r.1. C-lrmptlon oaflr-l
Una L .U i f Mar. h ls
F. M M IIKNIiY.i Ins and Ma.trt
P. II. A C W. Ilri.kell, anil, llo.a
Tlicse ill ft i will bnrllatribtitrJ among those wlioaulia.'ribe for Tue Mr.uriua Wkpki.t Arn.v
siil'w'niiciit to UxemUer 1, 1KM, mid prior to May 1, li'li. All ol.l autiacriben will
be Hiitilli'tl Uhiii rrucwnl for Ono Vtur to iiartiVipata and havo tune, rxtcniled
(ur oii ymr from tlute of expirutii'ii. The l.iit of i f I is ia VNFAHAM.kM.kU
In VAl'tTY ash Vai.i K. ami rimaials of llie) fullowinn uitii'los:
A CO.,
Cotton Factors "t Commission Merchants
Hiohard IT. A11rn ft, Co.,
ll aa4 U BrosS BlrMi haw Tsrk.
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,
No. a5o Front Street, Up-Stairs, MEMPHIS, TENN
'nVAM'KH fA7i T r.ir
s a fr)psn,,,"' ''T hlrh Its
Inlurl'iH ellrrtj ara remoTrd. WUH tl.s
sslual'lw rwidlrlnal pmt.ertirs ara rwtainsil.
It iwaaia all tba atilitli. anmlvna. and
aiill.iia-mnilie powers of Opium, tint pro-
dnrra no alrkneas oi tne aintna. n. no rum
in anna
tVSDQt BROS., of Ooms, ICas.
9. L BOEaWI.
Mim noro-IU. nr. no ImsiI
BVYVUJ Uli"P'rs It Is an inraiuatiia r"
siy. ami Is isoommguiieil tj Us Ut 1'bjr
372 r.arl St., N.w TTark. I ... s-ji VWST ETIlEfT. . . MJCJiTUl ti.A
SVSk 9V9
Cluincery Sulo
Kn a 1.11 B-ln lh rbalirrrr rmirt nl hlollir
I miuly elala ol lauu.'aaiw . A.ln-'l Al.m.
liy tlrtiienf an lutrrlortiinrr d.-rrre fur uil. en
. nil In the ntNiteraii.. on llie I 'b il.itr of I .11-
I rr, lm;, 'I. It IA I l;r l,aili n lirwnl .lb .1.1 nf
Mar. h. In-i. M K P-". 411. I will riui p.il.11..
e.Hin, la lb bilir.t bi... 1. 111 liu.it 01 iba
I Irr a't'l Mairr a ofh.i', al Ihr Main .irirtru.
Ham ill the inurt buuas ol hbt'iby loiiuiy, Mem
phis, l.i.n . nn
Mlwnlay, I7lh lay -t April, isan,
within b-sal boors, lb followlnr ilrriir profile
ly,.lliisul In Mcwpbla, bhrlby cuiiiily, luiiiicea
I nl I bl.r k I. ?l l.r 71 f.-rt en the ra.t il.ls nl
Wall! .Irrrl. Ki.n '. keill.s K.l I a ll.r n.i .ly
ul I. W. rruon a 11 'I ll.ei 1 1 ol M.-mphlt.
1 br sat pari ol tbr mulli ball ol 1.4 In blork
IS. r. IV h.nilb a hiIIIm.iiii. . by j: lui 011 lb
weal aide ot slb-y ra.t '.I Ullralia alr.-rl. rol.l aa
tbr 1 r.. rt) nl ll. W. I lirl.lle
Lm as. b.-H-k pi. en.t ailr i.l fn-on.l .trri-t. Tort
I'b k una, Imlh WariL S-.l.l aa iba iuiuily wl
t an.lu.r llasr".
I ot 17. bl.n a ra.t tt nl Tlilnl ilm l, T' tilll
Wat l '4 bj ll:;. Ktl. isj.il as tha pi.-iMl; ol A.
A. Mill.
lm . Tate's niM;l.bin. M by IW ln't. nn rat
l.lr ol tiilruo air.l L eulil aa Ibe plop, ny ul
Ijnirrnra A. Mpl rr
lil 1 ., J.ibu liiuwn'a nhillvblon. ai h " Uv
nn noritien.t 1 urnrr of .nlt.ir sii'l tin.rau im la.
r'oli sa ttie prr.,N-ir ul ll.r iinki.nwii t..-.r. ol
i null r. Welt, ilcukM I, Vi. C. Jol.r. so I t;.v l ily
nf ktrn. pl.l
Irima ol rlr-ln a inillt nl all mou'ln ii' ia
brsr.t.f lutrint, wiih M-.uiliy, r.iilivl. l.i u tw
Ulunt. riwlrlfipllrn Iwlt1"t. '
lblsS'.b ilr vf A 1 nl I-1
K. II l. llh.M'V.CVrll Willi Jl.f'.rr.
F. H A l W Hrl.knl. enllrllur.
Ttnnwse Tnt and Avtrmnf Co
T si .
Wmmm fasSwss s4 Asrwtajs, Tsala, TaMiaasj
ass, Bana wn4 STasTww Owrsara, (Ml4
Ctarsst, Vwt KSs.
TlsbaiH. its. 99 Poplar f V
-ntLXD rott r.UC Ual.
Oito Gonta' Pm.I.Ho
Ono l'oublo Hi 'iVxiut l-u.Ulo
Ono Iupliiit Horn Ut.lius' Nul.llo
One lire w hut curing1 leuthr Ton Huusy
OtlO Nit iMt'kel iMoiintiHl lillffv 1 1 ill ne..
Ono Sri Nii kol Mcuinte.l liuy Harness..
Ouo l,t Uno IUip;rjr liarnosH
On Kubibition nt W. 0. Urine it Co.'a, 37 ami 'M Monroe htrrvt.
$ 13 00
12 ISO
17 50
81 00
12 60
12 00
20 00
CO 00
22 00
Ono AVlnt'licsti'r IJopostins Sliotmin
i ...1.. 1 ii.... 1.....1.L. 11......1...1 ci. .........
vim imiia 11- i.oiiii 'uiiiiiuiiii ii'ii'.i .ii.pikuii ..
Uu Kxhibilion at J. U. Bt liniidt .t Soi M) Main Htrecu
Otio Hiituln.l Copies of Olinrlea IltTinu n Cotton Mun's Ilan.iliook, f 1 Each 100 00
Ilia Ileal Labor Nit er Kvur Mini for Mrn lmnt nn.l Karnirr, llivinj
Ihr Coat of Aliv llali' nf loll in from He to Ue. With fraction,
liirliiilina Ki).'litlis. On Kilubtliuu ut thus. lKrioa it Urus.',
DuU Mum til reel.
Eitli'v Hoxos of Fifty lutch of Samelson's ' Mi-iniiliia Appeal" Cigars,
J.2. K u li
On Kxliibitiuii all. tiuiiii'l.iiiu it Co.'a, 310 Main blieuL
Tliroo rrift'lil.oiii!lnu SliolLMina. lit) lun-h.
On r.IUiliUi'iii t 11. Kiil'Irrai litniilt a. i Muin Mrvet
Fifty Puperlor All-F'.nol Aies, $1 FjuIi
Fitly 1 4i. lies' !Vurl llatt.l'.a Tot-art Kiilvra, f I '.'.'i lUtili
Filly tipiits' ImiKirtcl 1'tM'knt Kuivea, tl.'.'u Ka.-li u
Ihiw Alee and Knives am Main.U. turr.l f.irpiul (iuaraulrrii by
1 atrJurdiiiw. Miller A llankina, Wliulvialu Uvulvrs iu llarJwaio,
Kit., 314 Main HlrveL
broo Ms Foli.l Walnut Toilrl Furniture, $. Fjirh m
A Oreul Harbin. On Kilnbiliou st V. II. Hilcv's, 21 Muin HtresU
One 2J lneh r-turlel.aker Wnirnn, Ftrinu Seut
Two No. W Soutli lh'ii.1 (iruli I'lowa, 0 m-U.
One Net No. 22 Double tMgo IlarniiM..
One Cartliaira Curl -
On Inhibition at Woods A Wood', 3:1 t-econd Ktreel.
.. ... .. ....M ....M
.... ... .. ....M M
One Lsdlrn' Ooltl Wntt h.
Onetiniita' (lol I Watch..
Five Mudents' Alarm Clocks, J l I jirh..
. . . . ....M
. .... .. ...... ...... . ....M
180 00
00 03
60 00
02 fiQ
(12 60
103 00
M 00
18 00
2!S 00
20 00
40 00
:o oo
On Klliihitiun at J. N. Mullurd s, TM Maui HtrviU
One Meiliiiin Ci.lor Mill
(Hie No. II A. Jton 1 er.l Cutler i
One Nn. 2 Handar.l l'ntrut Cbuiu
One lAuna Trile Harrow
On liiliiliitiun nt U. U. Craig A Co.'a, 'M I u.on bUiiuk
.. ... .m
..... ....M
One No. 10 White Prwina alaelilno..
Una) u. 10 Itito N'Wiiitf MHt'liiue, ol lliiniianan u
il'bis lt IVinK line ul (lie MihiI 1 1 an. lm. tne Wa. l.iura Ma.le
KaliiUiliun at J. W. Ogles A I o.'a, 44 North Court HlriwU
SO 00
:: do
u no
18 oo
50 03
Ot) 00
a .
Ono Music Hoi - -
One Music Box
One HiiinlrrtU (Whet Omlta,
Ou Kxliibitiuu at l liu J. 8. Mriikrii l o.'i, ST1 lo 37U Main Klrri L
Ten Poliil r!iler IVUrhni l4vi'r Ptom-Witulinir Wnli bpa, $1.1 FjicIi.
On Kibibitiou at I. 1L lirr Jul l'ula.f, 9U1 .Mmu Mnel.
Fiflylrlab Unon Table Clolha. I..V1 IWIt .
Filly Une llillf lKiM-na lllistt lieil Itumuak Tuwela, i'-i H lloM-ll
Turvliaaod ol U. Uiwntrt 'in .W llios.', 'J17 and 'Jt'J Main htrrut.
Twentr Ave Onellslt IVrnens AUl.inen Tow "la. M a IWm.
Kilty t'lrnte' r-illi llatiilktirvliivla, awirtei, (1 I juIi
l ive I learl It liupi, j,i pen n.
Five I lour I h Kuua, ljirim, JO Km-ii
Ten liulla lr.f lll.-ai-li.vl linuieiiit', ." Isfli
I'unliaisd vl it. I. Jluntur, W Main Mr.i t.
22 50
l.i Ut)
. 100 00
V0 00
75 00
ssawo MeN
Ono Ifumlrml Copies of "Our Family I'livaii inn," S2 i:aeh...
Ou tllilhiliun al Tim Apl Ollu e, rHfeund bUavU
Ono lunlies' Put k Trunk m
Onn IjuIics' I'm k Trunk.
Otio lonliea' Puck Trunk
Two Tourints' N-al rl.in utrliela, I'.n li.
Ouetit'iils' lil-lm U liruiu le ather Kitrliel
tin r.tliiii.lioii st b. Uvy a, Ih-aler III Trunks, 311 Mam blrvuL,
Two No, 7 Fern Cixikliin Ktovew, Compli te, f 12 Fji.1i
Two No. 117 llnklunii Cotikintf htovm, Coiiii'lote, 4l 4 Fuell.
Two No. I'-" I leswr Cooking Moves, i'oinpli'le, Meb
Ou Inhibition al lUmera' Kuuuilry Co , Muntilw. turari ul Stoves,
17 Union r-tr.i t
One Dinner Set, 111 Pleeea Demratioii, I'ink and Mine Mowers anrl Gilt.,
One 1 'inner Kel. liaO 1'ieeea Uororntlon, I rinte.l Hate ( olor...
Oue 1'. liner Set, 102 I'letesr Peroration, linil.ilion D-ilil Han. I
One Cliina Tea S'l. W 1'ietea PeeorMtioli, Yellcw Flowers ami liilt...
Ono China Tea Het, M 1'ieeisi-lkmsirr.ihin, Yullow Klowera and tiill.,
On tlliibilion at S liliam Jatk H..a, Zil Main BlroiU
t 37 50
60 00
2 . 00
iH) 00
M 0J
200 00
10 0)
12 00
14 00
10 00
7 bO
aessw asset
2 00
2H Oi
ii oJ
20 00
ID 00
18 04
' W IN)
7S 00
7.1 00
70 uo
tsa Hill, IMIN NIM) ssiin IM
100 03
22 W
22 bO
One Ilrewster WJe Par Top Unary..
One liinpkm hulo lUr Top Jtiiitgy M .
Ouo lliewater Top Uuftcy -
Ou fcibibiilon al JIsm k A l.ar.lnrr's. Whole. ila prstlura Only in
lluylcs, Cstrriafrrs and W utu, lib Maui buret.
Ono Hun.lreil lanterns, fl 1'jK'h
One No. 7-18 (ai pi tola UavkiiiK Move, Coin pie to
tlnw Nu. 7-lM ( anilnla Owkiiui Move. C.iiiiiileie
Ou fcalilUiUon at A. Ko.'illiry U). a, J jhuid rirscb
Ono Ilitfh Arm 8tn.lanJ Pewln Mnrhine - 00 00
Ou kaliibiUou at lim AldruU bi wiiuf Mai Inns Co., Si Nbllh Court
n... ru aolif.il and Maaiilve R. I nf lu it Kooiu Furtiittire. 3 rioers MI,
Vary At'raeliva. On Kiliilnlioti nt tlie Armlnin; Kuiait'ire Co,
Ki2 hecond tUi-eU Mint lie hreii to be AiprsxialsX
Bis Handsome IUItan Kot klng Clmlrw. fD t-ai-li
tiua Ij.vi. Ituiton Hole and tvwiiiu Mm lime.
Tli Hie. b-t Marvel of lliu Aiie. Msklnif I'.ullnii Holes, Otfrr Seam
Inn Twu Nsslls Kaiua, Ijoiu. lUauiiiul Zt i4 OrusuituuU
Olio No. 2 l-ovn rk'wlnif Mneliine...
came as Alois, r.s.i'pltli llultmi I loir a ul f.nlirol.lrry Alia, h men I.
'Jbeae Mjt bluest an brhwn al Tliv Aj p al Olll. a, siHreuud MrwsU
Two Fnliali m-itiraletl GulJ Itantl ami liul l Fioaer Tea Hcta, IW I'iocoe
Fjii Ii, 7 1U Is 14 00
One Mum Co anil ioU laiifliali Pin nate Tea Nrl, 41 Fieces 8 IX)
Two I rem b Cbiua KitiruteU 'JVa sU, Ml I'leres, Our llan.lsouieet tiooJa,
10 Ui. li .... .... W 00
Onn r.iiulikli Punier K-l, l i'letvs lieenratioas, I'riinl anil (iol.l n 11 (X)
One Piauer Nil, I'Jsi I'lm, Llue, Chsnlilly and (iold PauJ ....m IS 19
One piunrrKel, 12H Fns-ea, I lolly Ueeorutinti n - - 20 l9
Ouo 1'uio Wlule Suurn hha ( liiim pinner N-l, .s 1'ier.a. . 10 U0
On Llbib.t.oa al fluyd A Cj a, Whulnala auJ KeUil L'rul.'H in
t'b uawair, Etc., S.'l Mu.n blrcsl.
'lOl'Al,, Klin OIl'TM, AMUtl.NTINll 'J't .t.:l:4.CiO.
130 00
60 00
60 00
crx- SUND ONU 1)01
Aud ir.iiina a aubw ril er In Tus Mmrwia
one year. ICvrry oidr uiiisi be anou. p.
a WsraiT Arrrit Kr I J I
jinsdwlllithrta.il. J-
AS EXTtUonniNAnY OrTKIl-Ii a.:dlil..n U tha abasa lrp l..t of Y'aluab's O fls,
the luausfrinrtit of Tus A n a m. bn .Irtrnninril tn oiT.'r to Ib'.-a who will und nats
l.sisaf nrw s.il.atril.er for INK WLKk.LV Al'lLAL CaiU 1'nsra iu tb Mlu.u
aiiioiiut to ba a aided May I,
For the I jrta Llal ef New Siihserlbera. 41W0
i'nr the hrti.nd l.irr"r ' Nsw Buk-
at fibers 78
For ibi Tuiid Uirt List of Nsw tub-
s librn 80
Fur (lie ktfurtk Larte I l.il u( Naw Hub-
nr.W.i 2s
lur lbs I'lilli Urput l.litol Niw Buo-
arriUra - 20
For lbs bltlh Urgrsl I.l. I of New Hub-si-ribers.
For lbs Beteolh U yril l.i-luf Nsw Mub
s rihe s 10
Fur lbs K silli I.nr-t l.ialif Nsw Hub
7uti CaJih Preiulilinl.
IN AUDITION to the abuve Cash premiums to Ant Tie .'o 1 r.neli I' ano aud
Orr,su (e.wii"aie and Kriail Musie iia er, mi. m.t auiu nmnimwim
parfy aeraritnr ll e larseal numlvr nf new subs r.b rs larlweeu llie aioe dales one
i.i s .Mian Ab Hot. valued at Vi, anil lo the srronit lurrt .1 I one t. k. Hout k
Vi. rsnsimiasak Utajo, Vslued al iV lo be aicn al tliv al-ovr ouhlieliiasiiL
sy--Viul f.r .mpls Copies of TMK WK.FKI.Y AI'I'KAU (ii nl.rs pspI Hubrrln
Hon itlonkis and l u Hi work ef relllnil snl..rrl eis lii.oill'.llr. I.iery.ma e-.mpe'ig
for t ie ( A.-ll i'rises Mi;r H PLsltJ.N XIC O.N H.VlU Lis o( sbWunbsu-a aeul, wit
wui aanub ks'iJ wUl be ka.it,

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